#Elena Tatto
neutron669 · 4 months
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elena blue
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errantepagina69 · 5 months
Isabel Allende (Afrodita) Racconti, ricette ed altri afrodisiaci
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Nonostante la mole di libri di cucina pubblicati annualmente, c'è poco di scritto sul gusto, perché definire un sapore è difficile quasi quanto descrivere un odore. Entrambi sono spiriti dotati di vita propria che appaiono senza essere stati invocati per aprire una finestra nella memoria e portarci attraverso il tempo a un episodio dimenticato. Altre volte li invochiamo con ansia cercando un effetto erotico dal passato e loro invece ci mettono di fronte alla nostra nuda innocenza. Siamo onnivori, possiamo mangiare qualsiasi cosa, amiamo la varietà e passiamo la vita a sperimentare diversi sapori, quasi tutti acquisiti, perché nell'infanzia tolleriamo solamente quelli neutri o dolci. Nessun bambino apprezza la senape, anche se adora la Coca-Cola, e conosco molti adulti che non hanno imparato a mangiare il caviale. Meglio così, ne resta di più per noi. La scienza dice che possiamo differenziare solo quattro sapori: dolce, salato, amaro e acido; tutti gli altri sono una di questi con un'infinità di odori diversi. Mi attanaglia un dubbio... Come classificare allora il sapore metallico della paura, quello sabbioso dell'invidia o quello spumeggiante del primo bacio? Non importa, mi atterrò alle opinioni dei saggi visto che le mie mancano di riscontri autorevoli. Il piacere di un sapore si concentra nella lingua e nel palato, anche se spesso non nasce da lì, ma dal ricordo. E componenti essenziali di questo piacere risiedono negli altri sensi, la vista, l'olfatto, il tatto e persino l'udito. Nel cerimoniale del tè, in Giappone, il gusto della bevanda è la cosa meno importante - in realtà il tè è amaro - ; ma la serena intimità delle pareti nude, le linee semplici degli strumenti, l'eleganza del rituale, la profonda armonia dei gesti di chi lo offre, la quieta gratitudine di chi lo riceve, l'odore delicato di legno e di carbone, il suono del mestolo quando si versa l'acqua nel silenzio della stanza contribuiscono a costituire una festa per l'anima e per i sensi.
Prima uscita 31 Dicembre 1996 Editore Feltrinelli Traduttore Elena Liverani - Simona Geroldi Illustratore Robert Shekter Pagine 328
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ulisesbarreiro · 4 years
La selección femenina uruguaya fue campeona del sudamericano de Bochas de Paraguay en el año 1988
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Foto: Vemos al plantel uruguayo femenino campeón de la copa
  Las mujeres deportistas uruguayas se adjudicaron la “Copa Taisa” de manera brillante en el año 1988 en la ciudad de Asunción.
En 1989 se realiza en la República de Paraguay, la “copa Taisa”,  torneo femenino sudamericano de Bochas. Donde intervinieron las selecciones femeninas de los siguientes países: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay.
El torneo se disputó en la ciudad de Asunción, y tuvo como ganador al equipo de damas de la República Oriental del Uruguay. Las jugadores campeonas fueron: Elena Tatto (Actual presidenta del Club Recreativo El Matrero), Isabel Costa de Expósito, Gabriela Orrico, Elena Rocca, Esther Fernánez, Gladys Nandez, Laura Gancio, y Mónica (Falta apellido). El D.T. fue José Santiago Garcia. 
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Los partidos se disputaron en las canchas; “Club Sol de América”, y “Club Presidente Hayes”. Sin duda es un hermoso recuerdo para las jugadoras bochófilas uruguayas. Los directivos de la Federación Uruguaya de Bochas tienen que realizar cambios en materia de organización femenina en los torneos existentes en el Uruguay. Como además darle más participación femenina a las mujeres dentro del consejo directivo de la Federación Uruguaya. Pues hay una camada de mujeres deportistas muy activas que abogan por dar un cambio positivo en la organización del deporte, y con una perspectiva de género. De todas formas asumieron nuevas autoridades dentro de la Federación Uruguaya de Bochas, y hay que darles tiempo a que se puedan organizar, e impulsar los cambios necesarios que la modernidad está demandando tanto en políticas igualitarias de género como estructurales tecnológicas. Los bochófilos acompañamos a los nuevos directivos y esperamos los mejores de los éxitos en sus funciones dentro de la F.U.B. 
                                            Ulises Barreiro
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 Foto: Medalla entregada a cada una de las jugadoras uruguayas que salieron campeonas.
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inkvillains · 4 years
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Scady Elena
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Antonia Elena
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outelena · 5 years
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Eli y Alejandro 💕 She @eli.hiddles He @alexmoralejo5 Dressed by @agapi_mu.bridal Make up and hair by @mybloodycake #weddingphotography #inspirationwedding #destinationwedding #lovestoriesbyelena #madridwedding  #tattobride #madrid #cityancolour
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musicaintesta · 3 years
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“Nonna, come si fa a superare un ostacolo?”
“Con i piedi, bambina mia. Ad ogni passo tu bussi alla porta della terra e le chiedi di farti arrivare intuizioni, pensieri nuovi, vie da esplorare.”
“Come possono aiutarmi i piedi?”
“Quando hai un problema o ti senti persa, tu inizia a muoverli. Cammina, corri, balla. Muovendoli suoni un tamburo antichissimo che inizia a vibrare dalle radici e giunge fino al ritmo del tuo cuore. E come per magia, qualcosa accade. Si manifesta l’indizio che ti apre la porta della chiarezza.”
“Mi posso fidare dei miei piedi?”
“Se non ti fidi della tua base non hai fiducia nella vita. Ci hanno fatto credere che i piedi sono le parti del corpo meno importanti e meno dignitose. Si dice che le cose fatte male sono state fatte con i piedi. Per sviarti dal loro potere. Che è immenso. E’ proprio in essi che risiede la nostra parte più selvaggia, la nostra forza, il nostro equilibrio. I piedi sono solitamente l’ultima parte del corpo ad uscire dal grembo materno perché rimangono collegati al divino il più possibile. E questo collegamento persiste anche una volta nati. Quando lavi i tuoi piedi purifichi tutta la tua essenza. E se li massaggi stai massaggiando la tua anima.”
“I miei piedi, nonna… non ho mai dato loro la giusta importanza!”
“Inizia ora, bambina mia. I tuoi piedi sono sacri. Quando puoi liberali da calze e scarpe, non imprigionarli! E cerca di sentire la loro saggia voce che si esprime silenziosamente attraverso la potenza del tatto. Prenditi cura di essi, falli muovere e divertirsi, ed inchinati a tutte le impronte che ti doneranno: sono i passi che la tua anima ha scelto per te!”
(di Elena Bernabè Scrittrice)
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HIWow! It was hard choosing a first topic to talk about. I felt like I needed to talk about something big and glamorous to blow the brains out of… of someone. But alas, this is my best, for now..
So, I chose the first one that I had listed on the top of my head ever since I first started reading.
<ta da!>
This is a list of MEN or BOYS who tickle the romantic bone just right! (I had dreamed that there was such an organ in the human body, just near the stomach)
I selected these FICTIONAL BOYFRIENDS as potential members of my harem If I ever defy normal Filipino conceptions of marriage and take up polyandry.
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The criteria I used is simple.
  Choose the fictional partners that I can imagine existing in real life  (not too much of an alpha and rich or good looking that borders on unbelievable). The type of characters that I can imagine talking to, who I find fascinating and can be a potential long-time partner, casual hook up or best friend.
 I originally wanted to stick to 10. But as I wrote, a lot of names popped up and I can’t not put them in the list but still, I am sure after I have this article published (Char! Haha) there will be a lot of “Shoot! Why did I not put him on the list???” exclamations. So, maybe I will eventually make another continuation list???
This list is based on the BOOKS I READ so if  you have a bet that I didn’t list, please don’t hesitate to give a recom. A new book to swoon over is always welcome.
 Most Importantly: READ THE BOOKS WHERE THESE AMAZING CHARACTERS CAME FROM. I liked them because of their wit, their personality, how they interacted with other people, their dreams and how their love for their other half made them better people or vice versa. MEANING: THE BOOK WAS WICKED AWESOME AND THE AUTHOR WAS A GOOD STORYTELLER.
(I must apologize for the lack of female to female romantic partner mentions given my current lack of FF Romance reads, which is something I will rectify soon. But if you have recommendations, feel free to comment below and maybe add some MM ones too!)
Anyway, meet…
1. Clayton Danvers and Lucas Cortez
Kelley Armstrong’s  Women of the Underworld Series
Genre: Horror fiction, Paranormal romance, Urban fantasy 
This series is adapted on screen called ‘Bitten’ which is available on Netflix.
Clayton Danvers is the strong, silent, and smart type. He is a professor in a university where he met Elena(his student) and a werewolf! His devotion to Elena was sweet, passionate and faithful to the point that bordered on obsessive but not off putting. The best thing about him was how un-Alpha he was. Although he was strong , his relationship with Elena was a partnership.
This is what romance needs today guys! A PARTNER not a rich and condescending daddy!
Lucas Cortez, on the other hand, is a lawyer/sorcerer, young master of a Cabal Group, who informally separates from his family's company to pursue a life as a lawyer protecting the rights of other magical beings against abusive Cabals(including his family's). Unlike Clayton, he was slender with brown eyes behind glasses. So basically, a cute, smart nerd who is the 'good' black sheep of the family.
(they are in separate books with different female romantic partners)
2. Quinn Sullivan
Penny Reid’s Neanderthal Meets Human
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Quin…*sighs*... So awesome! He was quiet, mysterious,unsmiling, rich and had an almost perfect handsome face. I love that the author imagined small flaws like almost unnoticeable  crooked bottom front teeth and differing sizes of his ears with one prominent feature -his hawk-like stare. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, he took Janie's quirkiness in stride. Asking questions, debating, protecting, annoying, kissing…. You know the drill..😉
3. Beau Winston
Penny Reid’s Beard in Mind
Genre: Contemporary Romance
On first read, Beau was a good looking, charming good boy who is looking for his path after his twin, Duane left to pursue his own.
What I loved about him was how he dealt with Shelley's(Quinn's Sister) clinically diagnosed mental illness(OCD). He researched about it and made efforts to make it easier for her and was just overall supportive. 
It was awesome how much the author has put an effort in researching OCD facts to make details perfectly accurate and how it was NOT at all a hastily placed plot device to get the story going. 
4.Ted Beaudine
Susan Elizabeth Phillips’ Call Me Irresistible
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Hello to my favorite romance book of all time!
 I think I have read this many times already and have to put off re-reading it again for next year(2021)  to give my brain some time to forget some of the plot. We need to keep the mystery going! amiright??
Anyway, Ted was the perfect genius, good boy and people pleasing guy. He is perfectly polite, straight laced  and has basically carried the whole town in his muscled shoulders for years. (Did I tell you he was the Mayor?) 
Meg's carefree life and struggles basically tickled his good boy bone the wrong way.
Read this novel to witness how a perfect boy and wastrel girl turned out in the end. Seriously Please Read!
5.  Patrick Jason 'Pick' Ryan
Linda Kage' Be My Hero
Genre: Contemporary Romance
  He was the tattoed, orphan softie on the wrong side of town who thankfully did not grow up a thug because of a vision he got when he was young from a moled witch.
One day, his tinkerbell, the star of his visions, enters the bar he works at, but PREGNANT!
Gosh! I loved this so much. This was part of the Forbidden Men Series but can read as a stand alone. Although, I advise you to read the other books also, they were all awesome!
6. Colin Bridgerton
 Julia Quin’s Bridgerton Series
Genre: Historical Fiction/ Romance
Charming, green eyed and younger son, Colin was considered a catch of the ton.
He had a case of wanderlust and couldn't stay at one place without getting an itch. I can't say more without giving a major spoiler, but I loved that the author made him major insecurities.
Because secretly,too perfect is boring, right??
7. Sean Cassidy
Penny Reid and L.H Cosway's  The Player and the Pixie
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Wewowewowewo. *sexy flames* 
Imagine a gorgeous jerk of a jock with sexual inexperience and a rainbow haired goody goody shoes girl (whose brother is his ultimate enemy) who is willing to be the TEACHER!
But it was more than that, I liked how the authors highlighted the perils of kleptomania, the privilege of the rich and how gorgeous jerks are set straight by their women who would not suffer in a relationship with a class A insensitive jerk just because he was good looking and rich.
This was a ride! I lost count how many times I re-read this book.
8. Elend Venture
Branson Sanderson’s Mistborn Trilogy
Genre: High Fantasy
Elend was the angsty boy part of the elite class who is disgusted by his privilege and looks for ways to make the government better by reading outlawed books that spark rebellious and forward ideas. In short, he was a closet revolutionary.
Throughout the series there were some major changes in his life from a closet reader to a person who pursues ideas he just once read in books?
How do they say it? Walk the talk or in his case, Walk the read? (talking about it would mean death)
9.Archer Devereux
April White’s The Immortal Descendants Series
Genre: Time Travel Romance/ Historical Fantasy
Dumdumdumdum. Imagine a conservative college boy from the past your future self time traveled in, spends time with you, helps you in your quest, likes you secretly and is shy about it and becomes a vampire stuck in immortality waiting to meet the 'present' you.
Talk about love lasting through time! This was a great book if you love time travel stories with historically accurate and interesting facts injected heavily into the story! 
10. Rupert Carsington
Loretta Chase’ Mr. Impossible
Genre: Historical Fiction/Romance
A hellion younger son of an earl who loves an adventurous carefree life who is without inhibition, just goes along the ride and has a set of surprisingly caring and dependable muscled shoulders.
Meets a beautiful tempered scholar who needs his help finding his kidnapped brother in the sands of Egypt.
This is perfect for those who love adventure romances, and topics on the papyrus, mummies and the french and British looting conflict in the African colonies.
11. Sebastian Ballister
Loretta Chase’ Lord of Scoundrels
Genre: Historical Fiction/Romance
My favorite Historical Romance book ever!! Like Ted Beaudine's book, I try to read this at least once or twice a year to forget some of the plot and keep the mystery going.
He was called the Marquess of Dain and has been raising hell since childhood and in the present day France where he meets the blue stocking Jessica. The author throughout the book continually refers to them as the Beauty and the Beast.
What makes this book SPECIAL is how intelligent, witty and funny most of their conversations were. It's funny how many books are under many sexy, funny and witty lists on goodreads but only some of those on the list are actually true! THIS BOOK IS ONE OF THEM!
Jess was not annoying or shy or too much of a fighter and Dain was not too obnoxious. It was perfect.
And if you have not read this book or others from this author or genre, I command you to start reading after you finish this article.Break some cherries!
12.  Hardy Cates
Liza Kleypas’ Blue Eyed Devil
Genre: Contemporary Romance
A blue neck Town boy chasing dreams outside of town to leave the shithole of a living. He has white knight complexes but leaves the damsel in distress after the case is solved. Also, muscular and has the blunt and bluest  eyes on Texas 
This book I have also reread many times because it talks about dealing with domestic abuse and moving on after an abusive relationship, dealing with people who have narcissistic disorder and the life of the privileged.
13. Connor ‘Mad’ Rogan
Illona Andrews’ Hidden Legacy Series
Genre: Paranormal Romance (PNR)
Wootwootwoot. Imagine a former military but now head of the House 'Mad' Rogan successfully publicly kidnapping you in broad daylight using only wads of cloth. Talk about a powerful telekinetic! 
I loved that he was once again, A partner in the relationship and not an overprotective ape despite him being awfully more powerful than Nevada.
14.Phil Tucker
Jennifer Crusie Welcome to Temptation
Genre: Contemporary Romance
This is written by an author whose ALL BOOKS WRITTEN i have read and loved.
 Phil is part of a long line of male Mayors in the family and meets almost fugitive-like Sophie. 
Read as they deal with each other, try to take down a production of town porn video, deal with an enemy, try to dirty Phil down to win the next election and spend time reading a romance classic.
15.  Ansel Guillaume
Christina Lauren’s Sweet Filthy Boy
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Known for the many explicit sexy times that can be read throughout the book. So, if you want to stay green in the ears, skip this one till you're legal.
Ansel is a sweet, full of life French Lawyer celebrating with friends in LA and Mia with her friends also, celebrating their newly graduated from college selves.
Ansel is soft, a daydreamer, magnificent bringer of orgasms and game with all things Mia is willing to do.
They married through Elvis and decided to not divorce yet to explore the beautiful France and a  possibility of a good relationship.
I actually have a lot more but these are for now.
Topic for my next blog entry:
How to Find the Next Good Book to Read:
A Guide to Good Sources of Book Recommendations
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slvtbible · 5 years
his two girls
your one year old baby is the most precious and adorable little creature harry and you have ever encountered and you are the most precious and beautiful woman Harry has ever laid his eyes on
[this is really short but I haven’t write anything in a while so i hope this dad!harry piece will make it up to you:)]
Harry peers his eyes off from the laptop to the empty hallway, hearing his baby’s little footsteps running towards his office. A small smile appears on his face, shutting his laptop close as he waits his baby to approaches him.
This normally doesn’t happen to Harry. Before Elora, Harry would never ever abandon his work or emails, even for you and the two of you often argued about that. Reassuring you with kisses and dinner date as an attempt to make it up to you making your heart melt and gave in.
But now after Elora was born, there is nothing in this world that Harry wouldn’t do for her. Nothing. She has him wrapped around her tiny finger, the pout and squishy chubby cheeks that Harry has completely smitten over won his heart multiple times and he hates how whipped he is. You often remind him to not spoil her too much or else she’ll grow up to be a spoilt daddy’s girl that always have to get what she wants.
Yet, Harry doesn’t mind,
“What is it pumpkin?” He asks, rising up from the seat as his small baby making an appearance in the doorway. A baby pink bodysuit clads her chubby figure with two tiny ponytails. He sometimes calls her ‘Boo’ from Monster. Inc because she looks so much like her.
“Dada” she repeats, giving him a toothy grin as she spreads her arms, wanting him to carry her. “Up up”
Harry looks down at his babygirl, chuckling to himself as he shakes his head. “Is tha’ wha’ you want little booger? For me to carry you? A little menace you are” he grabs her under her armpits and huddle her close,
“Where’s mommy, baby? Hm? Have you seen her?” He questions, walking out of the office and struts downstairs. He catches a feminine figure standing in the kitchen, cooking one of his favorite dish. But you haven’t realized he’s here yet,
“Momma” your baby squeaks out, chubby hand holding on his shoulder but her eyes looks over at your figure,
“Mommy is busy cooking at the moment bub. Let’s do something fun, yeah?” He suggests, walking over to the living room and set her down on the floor,
He grabs a few of her toys. My Little Pony figures and tiny cars for her to play. He sets himself down in front of his baby who’s busying herself with the pink unicorn toy.
“Wanna watch something too, bub? What do you want to watch? Elena of the Avalor? Dibo? Moana? Barney?”
Her big brown eyes looks up to him as soon the name Barney falls from his mouth. His lips twitches into a smile in a realization that his baby wanted to watch the purple dinosaur and sing along with her daddy.
“Okay baby, let me search it for you.” Grabbing the remote, he goes to the Internet searcher and types few of barney episodes. Soon the familiar intro rings through, making Elle snaps her head towards the screen.
“Who’s that baby? Who is it?” He prompts his baby cutely who has a big smile on her face,
Clapping her hands, her tiny butt rises from the floor repeatedly in attempt to dance making harry laugh. “ ‘arney!” She yelps cutely, continuously to clap her chubby hands,
His tattoed arm makes it’s way to gently brush the hair on her head, careful not to ruin the hairdo. “That’s right baby, that’s barney!”
Elora continues to let out adorable baby voices and nonsense words that Harry cannot understand but who does? He’s just happy that his baby is happy. The last time he has seen her was a long time ago and he feels like a bad father who keeps missing out on his own baby’s life.
Even you. God, words cannot properly describe how much he misses you. Nights consisted only him sleeping alone in different hotel rooms that doesn’t smell either of his two girls. They smell strange and unfamiliar. Like any hotel rooms should have smelled. It didn’t feel right.
Harry sometimes wonder how could you survive the chaos throughout being with him. Six years you two have been together. Facing through the storm and heavy rain alongside eachother. The beginning of your relationship with him was not easy. Some of his fans— who he doesn’t even wanna call them that— are constantly up in your ass about the ‘Larry’ theories. It disgusted him in so many ways but he knew that they won’t stop no matter what he would have done. That wasn’t even the worst part.
He knew about the fans who compared you to his past flings. Kendall, Nadine, Camille, Taylor have always been the most beautiful creatures in their eyes. Telling Harry behind the screen that he made a mistake by choosing a path with you. But the thing is, he didn’t. He didn’t make a mistake by starting a family with you. If only they knew the horrible things his exes had done in the past— and now— but he finds that necessary to talk about it now.
They are beautiful, yes. He wouldn’t lie about that. But you? God have mercy, you are fucking gorgeous. Your figure, your features, your mind, your soul, your smile, your laugh, your ability to make people laugh, he can go on and on what he finds gorgeous about you but they’re too many.
And then, he has this baby. This smart, adorable, multi-tasking baby that can anything she wants from her dad just by giving him the ‘look’. He still can’t believe that you and he had made baby elora. He still can’t.
“Momma?” He hears his baby speaks, her eyes are now looking at you in the kitchen. “Momma!” She yells with a big smile,
Hearing a cute and familiar voice speaks out, you turn your head around. Grinning to yourself and turn the stove off before making your way towards your handsome husband and your adorable baby,
“Found little one running to my office. Thought something happened. Turns out she only wanted me to carry her” Harry jokes, tickling the side of her chubby belly a little causing her to let out the most adorable baby giggle ever making both of your hearts swell,
You sit down next to him, smiling over at your baby“Did she? Did you run and interrupted Daddy, baby? Hm?” You ask in a baby voice, smothering her cheeks with your kisses making her giggle uncontrollably
Pulling away, you grab her tiny hand giving it butterfly kisses. “I think she misses you. She’s glad you’re here.” You say without looking at him,
He smiles, kissing his baby head. Sighing soft to himself. Picking her up from the floor and place her on his lap, bouncing her to keep her distracted “I’m glad I’m here. Don’t wanna be away from the two of you anymore. Couldn’t bare it.”
The way he speaks like that feels like he’s in a pain. Or more like he’s guilty. Ever since he came home from tour and sees how big Elora have gotten while he’s away, he feels like a terrible father. Six months after Elora was born he went out on a tour for 8 months. The only way he could only see the two of you is through skype and it hurt him a lot. The band heard him cry in the dressing room each night before the show. They feel bad but there was nothing they can do about it. It’s his job, he had to do it regardless.
Before he had you and Elora, he believed that the fans are everything to him. He couldn’t live without them, because if it wasn’t for them then who was? They gave him everything.
But now that changed. He met you. Talked to you the first night the two of you had met and he fell hard. Like, really really fucking hard. He knew you were the one for him. His instincts were never wrong,
And now, here he is. Married to you and have a beautiful and adorable babygirl. His priorities changed drastically since then. No one could ever tell him differently.
“H..” you start, brows furrowed at how pain he looks at the moment. He’s not looking at you anymore instead setting his attention to his daughter who has her tiny mouth wrapped around his ring cladded finger, chewing and leaving a drool on his finger tip. But he doesn’t stop her,
“You are the best father, i and Elora could’ve ever asked for. You had done everything for the two of us, please don’t ever think you aren’t good enough. You have a job, darling and you must fullfill that. As your wife, you have my 100% support on this. I married you, remember? I knew all the consequences that came along. I knew all of it. I love you, baby. I will never stop.”
He pulls off a small smile after, looking over at you with his eyebrows raised in reassurance. Though knowing that you wouldn’t lie about something like that to him. He trusts you.
“Yeah? Still feels like i haven’t given the two of you enough. You girls are the loves of my life. Don’t know what i would do if i didn’t see you that night at the party.”
“I’m sure you’ll do just fine.” You say, half joking. Thumb rubbing small circles on your baby arm,
He frowns, shaking his head quickly. Pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “No. I wouldn’t. You are the most kindest, beautiful and sexy wife, God has ever given to me. I’m very thankful for that. I was glad to matched up to your standards.”
You laugh a little at his cheesy comment, six years of being together he still managed to get you to blush like a little schoolgirl. You love that feeling.
“How about this. You and i don’t have to go to work tomorrow? Let’s go to the Zoo. Elora has been whining about wanting to see the elephant and giraffes. Then we can go eat ice cream and watch a movie. How’s that sound?” You ask, running your hand through his short hair making him sigh in a bliss.
He smiles at you, eyes fulled with adoration and love he has for you and he doesn’t ever want to give someone else that look. Ever. “I’d like that baby. Finally, a full day with my two favorite girls.”
Smiling, you lean towards him and kiss him softly on the lips. You can feel him smile against your mouth as he mumbles the word, ‘i love you’.
Your smile gets even wider, and before you get the chance to say it back, you hear a small whimper coming from your baby. The two of you pull away and sees her mouth forms into a pout, wanting a kiss too.
Harry and you laugh at your cute baby, knowing just what to do to get her parents attention.
“Alright alright, baby. Come join the family kisses.”
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bongianimuseum · 3 years
Mostra Antologica di Paolo Gubinelli “Segni, graffi e colore” (Carte, ceramiche, vetri e progetti in plexiglass) Opere dal 1977- 2021 a cura di Sandro Bongiani 11 dicembre 2021 - 13 febbraio 2022 Via S. Calenda 105/D, 84126  SALERNO (Italy). http://www.collezionebongianiartmuseum.it
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Paolo Gubinelli
    Nato a Matelica (MC) nel 1945, vive e lavora a Firenze. Si diploma presso l’Istituto d’arte di Macerata, sezione pittura, continua gli studi a Milano, Roma e Firenze come grafico pubblicitario, designer e progettista in architettura. Giovanissimo scopre l’importanza del concetto spaziale di Lucio Fontana che determina un orientamento costante nella sua ricerca: conosce e stabilisce un’intesa di idee con gli artisti e architetti:  Giovanni Michelucci, Bruno Munari, Ugo La Pietra, Agostino Bonalumi, Alberto Burri, Enrico Castellani, Piero Dorazio, Emilio Isgrò, Umberto Peschi, Edgardo Mannucci, Mario Nigro, Emilio Scanavino, Sol Lewitt, Giuseppe Uncini, Zoren.
Partecipa a numerose mostre personali e collettive in Italia e all’estero.
 Le sue opere sono esposte in permanenza nei maggiori musei in Italia e all’estero.
Nel 2011 ospitato alla 54 Biennale di Venezia Padiglione Italia presso L’Arsenale invitato da Vittorio Sgarbi e scelto da Tonino Guerra, installazione di n. 28 carte cm. 102x72 accompagnate da un manoscritto inedito di Tonino Guerra.
 Sono stati pubblicati cataloghi e riviste specializzate, con testi di noti critici:
Giulio Carlo Argan, Giovanni Maria Accame, Cristina Acidini, Mariano Apa, Mirella Bandini, Carlo Belloli, Paolo Bolpagni, Mirella Branca, Vanni Bramanti, Anna Brancolini, Carmine Benincasa, Luciano Caramel, Ornella Casazza, Claudio Cerritelli, Bruno Corà, Roberto Cresti, Giorgio Cortenova, Enrico Crispolti, Fabrizio D’Amico, Roberto Daolio, Angelo Dragone, Luigi Paolo Finizio, Alberto Fiz, Paolo Fossati, Carlo Franza, Francesco Gallo, Roberto Luciani, Mario Luzi, Marco Marchi, Luciano Marziano, Lara Vinca Masini, Marco Meneguzzo, Fernando Miglietta, Bruno Munari, Antonio Paolucci, Sandro Parmiggiani, Elena Pontiggia, Pierre Restany, Davide Rondoni, Maria Luisa Spaziani, Carmelo Strano, Claudio Strinati, Toni Toniato, Tommaso Trini, Marcello Venturoli, Stefano Verdino, Cesare Vivaldi.
 Sono stati pubblicati cataloghi di poesie inedite dei maggiori poeti Italiani e stranieri:
 Adonis, Alberto Bertoni, Alberto Bevilacqua, Libero Bigiaretti, Franco Buffoni, Anna Buoninsegni, Enrico Capodaglio, Alberto Caramella, Roberto Carifi, Ennio Cavalli, Antonio Colinas, Giuseppe Conte, Vittorio Cozzoli, Maurizio Cucchi, Milo De Angelis, Eugenio De Signoribus, Gianni D’Elia, Luciano Erba, Giorgio Garufi, Tony Harrison, Tonino Guerra, Emilio Isgrò, Clara Janés, Ko Un, Vivian Lamarque, Franco Loi, Mario Luzi, Giancarlo Majorino, Alda Merini, Alessandro Moscè, Roberto Mussapi, Giampiero Neri, Nico Orengo, Alessandro Parronchi, Feliciano Paoli, Titos Patrikios, Umberto Piersanti, Antonio Riccardi, Davide Rondoni, Tiziano Rossi, Roberto Roversi, Paolo Ruffilli, Mario Santagostini, Antonio Santori, Frencesco Scarabicchi, Fabio Scotto, Michele Sovente, Maria Luisa Spaziani, Enrico Testa, Paolo Valesio, Cesare Vivaldi, Andrea Zanzotto.
 Stralci critici:
 Giulio Angelucci, Biancastella Antonino, Flavio Bellocchio, Goffredo Binni, Sandro Bongiani, Fabio Corvatta, Nevia Pizzul Capello, Claudio Di Benedetto, Debora Ferrari, Antonia Ida Fontana, Franco Foschi, Mario Giannella, Armando Ginesi, Claudia Giuliani, Vittorio Livi, Olivia Leopardi Di San Leopardo, Luciano Lepri, Caterina Mambrini, Elverio Maurizi, Carlo Melloni, Eugenio Miccini, Franco Neri, Franco Patruno, Roberto Pinto, Anton Carlo Ponti, Osvaldo Rossi, Giuliano Serafini, Patrizia Serra, Maria Luisa Spaziani, Maria Grazia Torri, Francesco Vincitorio.
 Nella sua attività artistica è andato molto presto maturando, dopo esperienze pittoriche su tela o con materiali e metodi di esecuzione non tradizionali, un vivo interesse per la “carta”, sentita come mezzo più congeniale di espressione artistica: in una prima fase opera su cartoncino bianco, morbido al tatto, con una particolare ricettività alla luce, lo incide con una lama, secondo strutture geometriche che sensibilizza al gioco della luce piegandola manualmente lungo le incisioni.
 In un secondo momento, sostituisce al cartoncino bianco, la carta trasparente, sempre incisa e piegata; o in fogli, che vengono disposti nell’ambiente in progressione ritmico-dinamica, o in rotoli che si svolgono come papiri su cui le lievissime incisioni ai limiti della percezione diventano i segni di una poesia non verbale.
 Nella più recente esperienza artistica, sempre su carta trasparente, il segno geometrico, con il rigore costruttivo, viene abbandonato per una espressione più libera che traduce, attraverso l’uso di pastelli colorati e incisioni appena avvertibili, il libero imprevedibile moto della coscienza, in una interpretazione tutta lirico musicale.  Oggi questo linguaggio si arricchisce sulla carta di toni e di gesti acquerellati acquistando una più intima densità di significati.
 Ha eseguito opere su carta, libri d’artista, su tela, ceramica, plexiglass, vetro con segni incisi e in rilievo in uno spazio lirico-poetico.
Paolo Gubinelli, biography.
Born in Matelica (province of Macerata) in 1945, lives and works in Florence. He received his diploma in painting from the Art Institute of Macerata and continued his studies in Milan, Rome and Florence as advertising graphic artist, planner and architectural designer. While still very young, he discovered the importance of Lucio Fontana’s concept of space which would become a constant in his development: he became friends with such artists as :
Giovanni Michelucci, Bruno Munari, Agostino Bonalumi, Alberto Burri, Enrico Castellani, Piero Dorazio, Emilio Isgrò, Ugo La Pietra, Umberto Peschi, Emilio Scanavino, Edgardo Mannucci, Mario Nigro, Sol Lewitt, Giuseppe Uncini, and Zoren, and established a communion of ideas and work.
His work has been discussed in various catalogues and specialized reviews by such prominent critics as:
Many others have also written about his work:
Giulio Carlo Argan, Giovanni Maria Accame, Cristina Acidini, Mariano Apa, Mirella Bandini, Carlo Belloli, Paolo Bolpagni, Mirella Branca, Vanni Bramanti, Anna Brancolini, Carmine Benincasa, Luciano Caramel, Ornella Casazza, Claudio Cerritelli, Bruno Corà, Roberto Cresti, Giorgio Cortenova, Enrico Crispolti, Fabrizio D’Amico, Roberto Daolio, Angelo Dragone, Luigi Paolo Finizio, Alberto Fiz, Paolo Fossati, Carlo Franza, Francesco Gallo, Roberto Luciani, Mario Luzi, Marco Marchi, Luciano Marziano, Lara Vinca Masini, Marco Meneguzzo, Fernando Miglietta, Bruno Munari, Antonio Paolucci, Sandro Parmiggiani, Elena Pontiggia, Pierre Restany, Davide Rondoni, Maria Luisa Spaziani, Carmelo Strano, Claudio Strinati, Toni Toniato, Tommaso Trini, Marcello Venturoli, Stefano Verdino, Cesare Vivaldi.
His works have also appeared as an integral part of books of previously unpublished poems by major Italian poets foreigners:
Adonis, Alberto Bertoni, Alberto Bevilacqua, Libero Bigiaretti, Franco Buffoni, Anna Buoninsegni, Enrico Capodoglio, Alberto Caramella, Ennio Cavalli, Antonio Colinas, Giuseppe Conte, Vittorio Cozzoli, Maurizio Cucchi, Milo De Angelis, Eugenio De Signoribus, Gianni D’Elia, Luciano Erba, Giorgio Garufi, Tony Harrison, Tonino Guerra, Emilio Isgrò, Clara Janés, Ko Un, Vivian Lamarque, Franco Loi,  Roberto Luciani, Mario Luzi, Giancarlo Majorino, Alda Merini, Alessandro Moscè, Roberto Mussapi, Giampiero Neri, Nico Orengo, Ko Un, Alessandro Parronchi, Feliciano Paoli, Titos Patrikios, Umberto Piersanti, Antonio Riccardi, Davide Rondoni, Tiziano Rossi, Roberto Roversi, Paolo Ruffilli, Mario Santagostini, Antonio Santori, Frencesco Scarabicchi, Fabio Scotto, Michele Sovente, Maria Luisa Spaziani, Enrico Testa, Paolo Valesio, Cesare Vivaldi, Andrea Zanzotto.
 Giulio Angelucci, Biancastella Antonino, Flavio Bellocchio, Goffredo Binni, Sandro Bongiani, Fabio Corvatta, Nevia Pizzul Capello, Claudio Di Benedetto, Debora Ferrari, Antonia Ida Fontana, Franco Foschi, Mario Giannella, Armando Ginesi, Claudia Giuliani, Vittorio Livi, Olivia Leopardi Di San Leopardo, Luciano Lepri, Caterina Mambrini, Elverio Maurizi, Carlo Melloni, Eugenio Miccini, Franco Neri, Franco Patruno, Roberto Pinto, Anton Carlo Ponti, Osvaldo Rossi, Giuliano Serafini, Patrizia Serra, Maria Luisa Spaziani, Maria Grazia Torri, Francesco Vincitorio.
 He participated in numerous personal and collective exhibitions in Italy and abroad. Following pictorial experiences on canvas or using untraditional materials and techniques, he soon matured a strong interest in “paper” which he felt the most congenial means of artistic expression. During this initial phase, he used a thin white cardboard, soft to the touch and particularly receptive to light, whose surface he cut with a blade according to geometric structures to accent the play of light and space, and then manually folded it along the cuts.
In his second phase, he substituted thin white cardboard with the transparent paper used by architects, still cutting and folding it, or with sheets arranged in a room in a rhythmic-dynamic progression, or with rolls unfurled like papyruses on which the very slight cuts challenging perception became the signs of non-verbal poetry.
In his most recent artistic experience, still on transparent paper, the geometric sign with its constructive rigor is abandoned for a freer expression which, through the use of colored pastels and barely perceptible cuts, translates the free, unpredictable motion of consciousness in a lyrical-musical interpretation.
Today, he expresses this language on paper with watercolor tones and gestures which lend it a greater and more significant intensity.
He made white and colour pottery where engraved and relief signs stand out in a lyrical-poetic space.
  -       Le opere su vetro realizzate per Fiam Italia Pesaro, esposte nella collezione a Villa Miralfiore
 -       Le opere su ceramica realizzate: Ceramiche Biagioli Gubbio, Ceramiche Bizzirri, Città di Castello
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ulisesbarreiro · 5 years
Etrevista a Elena Tatto Presidenta del Club Social y Recreativo El Matrero
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Giovedì, 25 novembre 2021, presso lo showroom di Jaquar Word a Milano si è svolta con successo la presentazione in anteprima del libro (e-book) di Matteo Marco Galiano dal titolo COLORI DEL GUSTO, edito da Ethicando Editore (dicembre 2021) (www.ethicandoeditore.com).
Fil rouge dell’evento, promosso dalla piattaforma di comunicazione internazionale Betting On Italy, è stata la cromia degli articoli di design Jaquar e Artize, dei vini Rigoloccio e delle degustazioni culinarie preparate ad hoc (grazie al contributo di Eventx), che sono diventate argomento di dibattito da parte di Matteo Marco Galiano e del prof. Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico, critico d’arte e docente presso il Corso di Laurea Magistrale di Product Design dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera di Milano, autore del libro di successo L’ESTRO DEL GUSTO sul food come ottava arte.  
«Il colore è un indicatore importante, nel cibo come nel vino - afferma Claudio Sadler nella prefazione del libro - Nel vino i colori sono in linea di massima pochi, ma le sfumature molte e possono indicarci il valore del vino, l’origine, l’età e la provenienza. Il cibo ha più cromie, e molte sfumature, i colori dei cibi ci possono indicare la loro composizione chimica, i sapori si allacciano ai colori … Gli abbinamenti possono essere per monocromo giocando sulle variabili sfumature dello stesso ceppo di colore o per contrasto netto».
«Nel gustare un cibo o una qualsivoglia bevanda – commenta il critico d’arte Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico - sono coinvolti tutti i sensi corporei (vista, udito, olfatto, gusto, tatto) e tra questi la vista ha un ruolo non secondario, non solo in quanto collega il cibo e il vino a categorie esperienziali ben presenti nella nostra memoria, ma soprattutto in quanto agisce sulla leva motivazionale ad effettuare la nuova esperienza culinaria. Inoltre, come affermato dal compianto amico Gualtiero Marchesi, il design della tavola e degli ambienti hanno anch’essi un notevole peso, completando l’impatto estetico visivo e non solo. La luce e i colori sono i driver sensoriali, agiscono sulle percezioni corporee della vicenda enogastronomica, permettono la stigmatizzazione di immagini nella nostra memoria».
Matteo Marco Galiano, esperto e formatore nel campo del food&beverage, nel libro COLORI DEL GUSTO si addentra in maniera suggestiva nel mondo dei colori dei cibi e dei vini, suggerendo abbinamenti originali, dettati anche dalla propria esperienza sul campo come sommelier.
L’opera editoriale, che comprende varie prefazioni illustri (Claudio Sadler, Giuseppe Vaccarini, Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico) oltre che di alcune professionalità del mondo enogastronomico (Antonino La Lumia ed Elena Tieghi, consulenti di diritto agroalimentare, e Claudio Messina, esperto di marketing relazionale e autore del libro “Business a Tavola ovvero Referral Tasting”), è disponibile in e-booking a partire da dicembre 2021.
L’autore ha proposto, durante l’evento, un sapiente abbinamento dei vini Rigoloccio con cibi approntati ad hoc, instaurando un interessante dialogo tra sapori e colori, apprezzato dal pubblico intervenuto.
E’ possibile prenotare il libro in anteprima (https://www.ethicandoeditore.com/product-page/colori-del-gusto)
Per informazioni:
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Antonia Elena
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queerchoicesblog · 6 years
1 to 10
Hey Aryn ❤️ 
1. Full name
Elena Fantuzzi
2. Zodiac sign
3. 3 fears
- bees
- spiders
- needles
4. 3 things I love
- books ❤️
- chocolate
- my leather bracelets
5. My best friend.
Her name’s Lucia, we met first day of high school. Since I’m an only child and so is she, we just call each “the sister I never had”
6. Last song I listened to.
Sky Full of Song by Florence + The Machines ❤️
7. 4 turn ons 
- Shared interests & sense of humour 
- Kindness
- Inner strength 
- Toned shoulders and arms 
8. 4 turn offs
- Overconfidence
- Egocentricity
- Poor empathy
- Lack of curiosity
9. What colour underwear I’m wearing right now.
Purple, you nosy 😜
10. How many tattoos/piercings I have.
None. No tattoos, no piercings. I'm considering getting a tatto in the future though.
Thanks for asking sweetie! 😊
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through-thehurt · 6 years
Seguimi di notte che ti porto altrove,
Ti vesto con le labbra e tu non sai il mio nome,
Mi ripresento ancora ma con il cognome,
Non voglio confidenza ma sublimazione.
E seguo le tue linee come un tatuatore,
Fingo distacco e con il tatto cerco il tuo calore.
E ti prometto che sarò ciò che la pelle vuole,
Ma tu convinci la tua pelle ad esser la migliore!
Ora che restiamo soli, spogliati e poi balla in lacrime con me.
– Elena, The Jab
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eloenmaerdrym · 4 years
Mimosas in the sun
Mimosas in the sun
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Have fun shopping! ❤
[ session ] Candy FATPACK (Lelutka Evo BoM) @ Ebento ❤ poema – Sirena Eyeshadows @ Unik  ❤ [Heaux] Dolly Eyes DOUX – Dua hairstyle @ Equal10 ❤ [BB] Belzebubble – Bikini – Candy @ Ebento ❤ Be Happy – TaTTo Applier [CAROL G] ❤ BLAXIUM -Babe Nails- @ Ebento ❤ Mosquito’s Way – Elena [ MegaPack ] @ Unik  ❤
SAPA pose v10
dust bunny . tropical…
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