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news-of-news · 6 months ago
Historic First for Jammu & Kashmir: Voting as a Union Territory Amidst Potential Hung Assembly
This is the first time Jammu & Kashmir has voted as a Union Territory after the removal of Article 370, which gave it special status. Other important parties in this election include the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), the People's Conference, the Democratic Progressive Azad Party, and the Apni Party. Exit polls indicate that the results could lead to a hung assembly.
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ibctamilnadu · 3 years ago
Tamil Nadu urban local body elections 2022 LIVE is streaming on IBC Tamilnadu.              
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worldnewsinpictures · 4 years ago
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US Election Live: Trump administration urged to 'begin transition process'; US President yet to concede. Loser bye bye. You dont concede when you win.... Got an opinion about this? See what others are saying.... See MORE -> https://worldnewsinpictures.com/us-election-live-trump-administration-urged #Election #ElectionLive #ElectionLiveTrump #Loser #LoserYou #LoserYouGot #SeeMORE #administration
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americanmysticom · 4 years ago
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LIVE: Protest outside Republican National Committee Headquarters in D.C.
[G-d is healing our country, and we need to add our elbow-grease]
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freepressindia · 4 years ago
बिहार निवडणुकीसाठी भाजपाकडून उमेदवारांच्या नावांची घोषणा करण्यात आली. इच्छुक नेत्यांचे पत्ते कापल्यामुळे त्यांनी बंडखोरी केली. बंडखोरांची हकालपट्टी केली.
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savedfromsalvation · 3 years ago
I was very skeptical when I stumbled across his speech in progress, thinking he was propigating more gun lies, because he was a Trumper during the last electionl Boy was I wrong!
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news-of-news · 6 months ago
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2024 Election Results: Key Trends from Haryana and Historic Vote Count in Jammu & Kashmir
Vote counting is happening for the assembly elections in Haryana and Jammu & Kashmir. In Haryana, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is hoping to win a third term. So far, the BJP is leading in 46 out of 90 seats, while Congress is ahead in 38. Exit polls suggest that Congress might win a clear majority.
In Jammu & Kashmir, this is the first assembly election in 10 years. The Congress and National Conference (NC) alliance is currently leading in 52 seats, which is more than the 46 needed for a majority. The BJP is leading in 22 seats.
This is the first time Jammu & Kashmir has voted as a Union Territory after the removal of Article 370, which gave it special status. Other important parties in this election include the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), the People's Conference, the Democratic Progressive Azad Party, and the Apni Party. Exit polls indicate that the results could lead to a hung assembly.
#ElectionCommission #ECI #HaryanaElection #ElectionResults2024 #LiveResults #VoteCounting #JammuKashmirElection #ElectionUpdates #HaryanaResults #LiveNews #VoteCountingLive #Election2024 #BJP #Congress #ElectionLive #ElectionNews #VotingResults #HaryanaElections #HaryanaElectionLive #HaryanaVoteCounting #Elections2024 #ElectionCommissionOfIndia #LiveElectionResults #HaryanaResultLive #HaryanaElectionResultsLive #NOFN #NEWS_OF_NEWS #BREAKING_NEWS
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ibctamilnadu · 3 years ago
This is about live streaming of Tamil Nadu local body election 2021 in IBC Tamilnadu. This election is going in nine districts of Tamil Nadu. In this video, some important events and situations in various election booths are discussed. Don't miss the latest updates and results of TN Election 2021.
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worldnewsinpictures · 4 years ago
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US Election Live: Trump says he's being cheated in US election - with no evidence. Circumstantial evidence enough to take to the Supreme Court.... Do you have an opinion on this? Share it! HERE -> https://worldnewsinpictures.com/us-election-live-trump-says-cheated-us #Election #ElectionLive #ElectionLiveTrump #Supreme #SupremeCourt #SupremeCourtShare #cheated
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srseattlestreetnews · 8 years ago
Seattle Street News 44, Crying For Freedom
City News:
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Rally for SINless Recognition Marred by Police Violence
This Saturday the SINless and their allies gathered in Westlake Park for a rally and protest. The event brought together numerous community organizers, spoken word poets, VR artists, musicians, and even Redmond Mayor Sonya Scholl spoke briefly about the need for SINless protection and recognition. It wasn’t just a general desire for recognition that brought the SINless together this day, however. It was the crisis surrounding the kidnapping of SINless children and Knight Errant’s Law Enforcement’s lack of response paired with hope that the new administration might change things for the better of all that brought everyone together. There was an estimated three thousand protesters and rally-goers. There were young children and senior citizens. The crowd were at times outraged, at times anguished, at times inspired and full of hope. They spoke of what they hoped to accomplish.
Knight Errant presence was heavy, but local SINless community security force The Knights of Red were also on hand to keep the protesters safe. But it wasn’t enough. Someone in Knight Errant got mad and decided to start shooting at the protesters. It started with Knight Errant officer Augustus Ivan Polk, a man with a reputation for alcoholism and multiple citations for insubordination, who somehow still has a corporate badge, who shot Ork Pedro Tanaka in the belly. Pedro was doing nothing but protesting peacefully, but that didn’t matter to Officer Polk. Polk’s regular partner Patrick Oliver Mahon in “defense” of Polk also shot an unarmed peaceful protester.
The situation threatened to become a riot but the work of KE mages who cast a calming ritual alongside some moving words and song by Ork Underground activist Sarah Brown who led the crowd in a version of the song “Crying for Freedom in the Metroplex,” stopped any further escalation of violence.
Pedro Tanaka’s wife, human Aki Tanaka, well loved tattoo artist in the Barrens spoke passionately and with steely determination before the crowd in the wake of her husband’s shooting.
A Transcript of her speech:
"My husband is an Ork. So he never had a SIN. My parents didn't have SINs so I never had one either. We live in the Barrens. And we are honest people who work hard. I do tattoos and he works on a fishing boat. We have never hurt anyone in this city. We get up, trade for the things we need. We were excited for this last electionl. We couldn't vote, but we had friends in the Underground that finally could. We felt like the future might mean something good for us finally.
"We dreamt that maybe we might be able to walk in the streets outside of the Barrens without fear. That maybe we could go to one of those fancier places and get all the things we only dreamed about getting one day. Nicer food. Nicer clothes. "
"I work out of the burned out building where we live. And I babysit the building’s kids for their parents while they are out doing whatever they can do to survive. But lately some kids have gone missing. There was no one to turn to. Our babies are being kidnapped. And we don't know who's doing it.
“Is it some maniac serial killer cuttin' up us SINless because no one cares? Is it some corp kidnapping us for experiments...again? I don't know. But I've had moms and dads in my tattoo studio crying at night in pain over their missing kids and frustration that no one would listen.So that's why we came here. Because they don't think the lives of our babies matter. And then what happens?
"Some jack-booted corporate thug shoots my man. Sees him only as a SINless piece of trash that can be abused with no consequence. But we have a new governor now, there will be consequences. They took my husband off in a med wagon. But he has no SIN, so he has no medical records. I don't know if they'll actually treat him or if they'll dump him in an alley to die.
"His name is Pedro Tanaka, he is my husband and he is not trash to be dumped. He is SINless, but he is a person.
"This just can't go on anymore."
Although the police violence threatened to turn this protest into a tragedy, SSN is happy to report that, thanks to the work of some good Samaritans, Pedro Tanaka was able to get medical care and he is currently at home recovering. He isn’t able to work while recovering and so the Tanaka family could use help. Any help for the Tanaka family can be delivered to SSN, Sarah Brown, or the Knights of Red.
Despite this violence, the call for SINless recognition will not be silenced. Knight Errant, find out what is happening to our children. Governor Dzhugashvili, start a program to get the SINless recognition.
 Open Letter from Lt. Salazar Monroe Concerning the Recognition Rally Violence
Lt. Monroe was not assigned to the protest, had he been, I imagine it would have turned out differently. That said, Monroe is a man of honor and he has taken it on himself to make a statement about the Recognition Rally violence:
Dear citizens of the Seattle Metroplex,
I come to you, in one of our darkest moments, to condemn the actions of two fellow Knight Errant officers. From what I have heard from their sergeants and colleagues on the scene is that they’ve been dealt with and disciplined on-site, but my sources refuse to elaborate. I can only hope that our hands have not shed any more blood than what we have already done today. I trust that the officers who serve under me and were also present understand that we must hold ourselves to a higher standard of ethics. The city has placed a lot of trust in us and we must do everything we can to ensure that everyone in Seattle knows that it is not misplaced. They’ve been burned before, and they’re not eager to find out that they’ve made that mistake again.
What these two officers have done has irrevocably shaken all of us to the core, surely, but please know that this isn’t the Knight Errant I enlisted in, the Knight Errant that trained me, shaped me, molded me into the man I am today. These bad apples must be culled swiftly and precisely before they spoil the rest of the barrel, and though it might already be too late, it’s better late than never.
I didn’t set out to change Knight Errant from the inside, nor did I set out to single-handedly save Baltimore or Seattle from themselves. I enlisted into Knight Errant because I was sick and tired of seeing criminals of all stripes getting away with their schemes while the common man suffered. I set out to ensure that everyone had their dues, from the SINless down in Dundalk to the hotshot corporate types Downtown. Everyone gets their day in court, as it was back in the Fifth World, and as it should be in the Sixth.
I’m on personal leave right now due to...excruciating circumstances that are regrettably beyond my control, but as soon as I come back into the office tomorrow, things are going to change for the better not just for the executives but for the SINless and everyone in-between, I can promise you that. And if you think I can’t live up to that boast? There are a few people in Baltimore who can vouch for me.
Sincerely, Lieutenant Salazar Timothy Monroe
 Stoking the Fires—(by Demmalition1)
Eustace Zhalang died the moment she put the revolver in her mouth and pulled the trigger.  She’s going to die for a second time in the press tonight after they get ahold of her financial records and skewer her fresh corpse over the burning coals of public opinion.  Molotov was after her, you see, and when he sets his sights on something, he won’t stop until it’s dead or close to it.  She chose the quick way out, as opposed to being burned alive at the hands of him and his henchmen.  Oh, you didn’t know?  Yes, he’s recruiting followers like the night of the Christmas tree burning a while back.  But back to Ms. Zhalang.
As a citizen of the venerable corporation of Wuxing and a prominent name in many a circle of high society, one would think she had it all.  Money and fame were synonymous with her name, and her presence was hard to escape from even when she wasn’t in the room.  But she will forever remain a black mark on the face of Wuxing, for she was not a good woman.  She destroyed the lives of countless people by running sham charities in the names of noble causes in order to rake in funds from a gullible public.  These stolen funds were then used to prop up a multitude of failing businesses, all under her name or the Wuxing banner.  When Wuxing found out they let her go and sent her home with a generous package to placate her duplicitous ways.  They killed any investigation into her dealings as well in order to quell any negativity against a high ranking executive of the board.  Better to hide your sins under the carpet than deal with them openly, I guess.  Shortly after her forced retirement she developed lung cancer, it progressed until she turned into a bedridden grey husk at 88 years old.
She was very good at tugging at the heartstrings you see, pulling in money for orphans, SINless, even disease research.  Therein lies the rub, the roaring spark that would turn into an inferno.  She syphoned research funding that was meant for whichever disease Molotov’s wife had.  A horrible woman’s greed and depravity lead to the indirect creation of a monster who seeks nothing but revenge at the crucible of the flame.  This money would not have cured his wife, she was too far along and the time too short, but it was enough to grab his attention.  She would be an easy hit.  After all, who would care about a little old woman who never left her estate?  She was going to die soon anyways, might as well finish the job before the reaper could drag her screaming soul down to Hell.
Molotov began the hit by driving in through the front gate with a few accomplices disguised as a catering crew.  Once near the front door their decker attacked the cameras and they burst out of the van guns ablaze. Their decker did not, however, destroy the cameras as they had thought.  Their actions were all caught on tape.  They killed three guards at the front door, one at the gatehouse, and another who came outside soon after.  Once inside, the first accomplice, Bai Zhao, is dropped by a drone.  Another, Choi Zhao and sibling of Bai, was killed by a guard with an antique spear from a display (bricked smartgun).  Nearing Eustace’s last redoubt, she shoots herself before they could get inside and do the deed themselves.  I guess that would rob Molotov of some of his satisfaction. Good.  When the door was smashed open, a third accomplice, Agnes Peterson, was killed by uzi fire from a guard rushing down the hall.  Molotov then burned Eustace’s corpse and killed all staff inside be they butler or cook.  He burned their bodies as well before looting the place and escaping with two other then unidentified accomplices. After that he  burned the van a mile away from the mansion.  A total of 16 people lost their lives that night. The identities of his two surviving Hellhound accomplices are known: one is a female decker by the handle 5t@1k3r (Maria Stoyanova) and another a brute named Charles Whiteman.  Investigators already found most of the fenced goods which had tracking RFIDs and were sold well below their street value.
Here’s what we know:  all accomplices were members of the Hellhound gang, all were human, and all had a history of violence against the better angels of society.  I warned the police over 2 weeks ago of Molotov’s movements, but nothing was done because there was no concrete evidence.  13 innocents and 3 assailants died because of this.  The forces of Knight Errant did nothing, in fact they did less than nothing despite the heavily detailed but incomplete information I gave them.
I guess this is what Molotov wanted, to get Eustace’s story out there.  Well congratulations you monster, you won.  But here’s the thing, you don’t get away with the killing of someone so recklessly in both deed and message.  You are going down, Knight Errant has partnered with Wuxing to form a special task force sent out just for you, you special little firebug.  I got your home, your hideout in the Cedar Rim Apartments, and your current hideout in the Hellhound Den.  I’m watching you right now as I type this.  You will not escape The Truth, for it is a fire so pure that it will engulf you and incinerate you until not even ash is left.  You will go out dying in agony or in the deepest pit they can throw you in as a broken man.
I spoke to your sister-in-law, Rachael. She spoke of you in a spiteful fashion usually reserved for the tyrants of history.  She said you defiled Maki Adsida’s memory with your actions, and how she would be ashamed of you and what you have become.  Maki has died a second time.  She would kill herself again without hesitation had she known that the monster that she married bombs and burns innocents in her memory.  So I’ve decided to do something.  You know that picture of you and her that you had in your apartment?  The one on the mantle that I saw the night I went there, the one that was conspicuously missing?  I’ve burned it.  I’ve also destroyed the empty urn you left in her memory after you scattered her ashes.  I’m erasing anything that may associate her to you besides this article.  That will be her legacy with you: nothing.  You are a wretched man who will end up in the annals of history as a monster.  You will not make it out, you will not honor her memory, you will not win.
Come find me, I dare you.
The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry.
--  Ernest Hemingway, A Call to Arms  --
 Corp News:
Reflections on the Matrix Services Market
The article is one of a series looking at the current state of individual corporate subsidiaries in the Seattle Metroplex. This particular issue focuses on the Metroplex Matrix Services.
The Matrix Services market is the second largest Market of the Metroplex, right behind media with a value of 219.9¥B. Matrix Services are the life blood of modern society and this life blood is controlled by four megacorporations in Seattle: NeoNET (39.9%), Mitsuhama (36.0%), Horizon (16.7%), and Renraku (7.4%). Matrix Services, unlike Media, has historically been more volatile, with NeoNET viciously attacking Saeder-Krupp’s Matrix division, back in August (See Issue 24) when they still had one, and a flurry of anonymous, not as effective attacks against NeoNET’s Matrix Services two weeks later (See Issue 26). In the months since then, the Matrix Wars seem to have calmed down, but with such an important market sector one never knows what the future will bring.
SSN reached out to NeoNET, Renraku, Mitsuhama, and Horizon for comment on their view of the market, only NeoNET returned any commnent by the time of publication, though if you want a comment by anyone in Matrix Services, it is NeoNET. An executive in NeoNET responded:
Matrix services is a big, boring and, frankly, thankless business. Big, as everyone relies on it and it takes huge capital expenditures to become a significant player. Boring because it generates steady revenues with limited room to grow. Thankless, as customers only remember what company sends the Matrix bill when it stops working for them. Thankless, also, when a longtime customer such as the Seattle Metroplex unfairly terminates a contract. The current state of the market, with two leading companies and two comparatively minor players, reflects the characteristics on which it depends: reliability, to avoid a repeat of the two catastrophic crashes that took place in the last fifty years; resilience, with built-in redundancies; and fairness, as ensured by the monitoring of the recently created Grid Overwatch Division. As a whole, the Matrix services business is second only to Media, which relies heavily on it. Though remarkable for what is seen as just another utility, this fact points to the path for real growth: deliver compelling contents on the Matrix infrastructure. Which is exactly what NeoNET set out to do and why it sponsors events such as the Blast from the Past competition that spotlight the best of both worlds. Coming from the opposite direction, Horizon used the cash generated by its huge Media business to start its in-house Matrix division. Mitsuhama’s big share of the market points to Japan’s long tradition of self-reliance and defiance of foreign meddling. It is difficult to say whether there is more to it for them in the doldrums where they currently are.
Finally, Renraku’s looming presence in Law Enforcement suggests its involvement in both Media and Matrix services may have more to do with surveillance than customer satisfaction. To conclude, NeoNET can be relied on to keep doing its share in preventing a new crash of the Matrix for the foreseeable future and to deliver the best contents on it.
Again, SSN was able to get insight and analysis from one of Seattle’s premier financial analysts, Saeder-Krupp executive Vorack. Gentle readers will be asked to remember the…complicated…relationship Saeder-Krupp and NeoNET have had in the past, especially surrounding Matrix Services:
Vorack: Oh man it’s Matrix time eh, guess its time to ask a simple question. What is the Matrix? The answer is out there, readers, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to. We at SK are no longer in Matrix at all but that is mainly because of one certain corp trying to push us out in particular, but we will talk about that later. First of all we should talk about matrix as a whole, it pretty much connects the entire world and if you don't use the matrix.... well you're a liar. Look at anything and you'll find a link to the matrix in some way. It might be a product that you bought off the matrix, and let’s say you got it physically, well the person you bought it from probably filled out an order and used the matrix to make that initial purchase, and even if they didn't do that, the person who first wanted the product to be made, oh they connected with the producer through it for sure. This little interview, that's able to happen because of the matrix, all the research I do on all the corps and subs, matrix. That advertising Horizon does, oh the matrix was involved in that. You could say we are all tapped into the matrix, even if we don't think about it. As someone who personally taps into it regularly, looking for information I find it kinda weird, since unfortunately, no one can be told what the matrix is. You'll have to see it for yourself, and its something special. [SSN editor: I thought the Matrix was a series of tubes, no?]
So let’s talk about our history in the matrix, about what’s happened to it and what looks like will continue to happen to it. It started off with four corps investing in it, Mitsuhama, NeoNET, Renraku and Horizon. Us here at SK joined in at one point but we were pretty much pushed out by some heavy opposition and completely bought out later on, I swear I’ll go into details about this later. All in all, Matrix has been a safe industry to be in, as profits continue to raise and the market value seems to be constantly rising with very little infighting, well except for what happened to us, but that's another story. The first big event in this industry happened to be SK dipping our toes into the segment, but mainly using it as a platform to show off what we had been working on, show off our products and maybe help recruitment in some way. And I just want it known that SK was the first corp to do this! Matrix had never been used to specifically promote an entire AAA Corporation up to that point, we were trend setters and other companies ended up copying us later on and maybe this is why we were so unjustly targeted, but anyways. Then before we knew it Renraku and Mitsuhama did something massive, something drastic. Clearly Mitsu wanted to be the big boys when it came to Matrix as they traded everything they had in Law and Heavy Industry to Renraku for 40B worth of their Matrix division. (I gotta say this seemed to end up being a good deal for Renraku, they are one of two Corps left in Heavy industry aside from ourselves, and in Law enforcement they are only beaten out by Ares and only by a small amount). All of a sudden it was a competition to see who would be the larger force, was it NeoNET or was it Mitsuhama? NeoNET always seemed to be a bit behind and even to this day they are still playing second to Mitsu. [SSN editor: Fact Check. NeoNET is the current market leader and have been consistently in the Matrix Services market segment.]
I guess this is where I should mention the act that I've been hinting at, the unjust and outrageous attack NeoNET did against our Matrix division. Where NeoNET tried to completely reduce and destroy 100% of our industry all because we defended ourselves from them and perhaps they were jealous. I am happy and proud to say that they were ineffective at doing so and in the end they just hurt themselves. They might have destroyed 67% of our entire Matrix segment but we were able to hold them off and the entire time this transpired, we had a secret going on with their own division. I’ll admit it here for the first time, SSN you are getting one hell of an exclusive in this, I am damn proud to say we had a team of SK workers inside NeoNET's entire matrix R&D crew for well over a month and easily learned their secrets, more than enough to pay for 116% of any damage they ever caused us. The real kicker here is that us at SK apparently traded our 5.7B matrix division (which was mainly valued that high because of the work NeoNET had done and we had taken) to NeoNET for their Robotics segment which was estimated to be worth over 15B. Though I was "occupied" at this time and can’t confirm this. Seems like we clearly pulled ahead as the winners at that one.
One other main event has happened in Matrix, and it happens to feature our good friends over at NeoNET yet again. Two weeks after they attacked us, it seems karma decided to show her fickle head and something happened to them. They were attacked, over and over again and it was glorious. To this day I don't know who did this, I don't know which of the corps decided to stand up against them and in doing so, defend SK in their own way, but I have to say thank you. Be it Renraku our long time allies and friends, Mitsuhama a generally unknown and quiet competitor or maybe even Horizon the Media powerhouse, I send my thanks personally to whoever took NeoNET down a peg and reduced their market value by a noticeable 28% or a large 24B Nuyen. I don't usually condone these sort of attacks, but for this one, you have my respect and my appreciation. So who knows what’s gonna happen with Matrix, which of the two corps, be it NeoNET or Mitsu, stays ahead. There could be more attacks as it seems to have been awhile since the last major event. I know I personally have no idea what will happen. As a whole, SK seems uninterested in rejoining the division, but I would be lying if I didn't say I use Renraku's services for my own needs and I hope they continue to do well.
Vorack broke some interesting news and my own research corroborates that indeed NeoNet’s Matrix Services had been plagued by espionage problems around the time that Vorack claims SK had been spying on NeoNET. As for Vorack’s claims that they had nothing to do with the flurry of attacks that NeoNET suffered two weeks after they attacked SK (it should be noted NeoNET claims that round of attacks were retaliatory for an ealier SK transgression)? Well, maybe they didn’t attack NeoNET or maybe they did. That is something that only the attackers know. That said, will Matrix Services remain quiet? Or might it become the next battleground in the Corporate Wars?
Once More 4--(by Breach)
On February 8th, 2029, computer systems around the world began to fail - sometimes spectacularly, actually burning out hardware in the process - as an unknown virus ravaged world networks.  Within months, the Internet - the precursor to our Matrix - lay in ruins, and distrust of communication and computers ran rampant.  Seattle’s Redmond district, once home to the greatest technological companies in the world, was especially ravaged by the virus and the subsequent riots against technology’s masters.  Now, over forty-five  years later, it still has not recovered; it’s hard to believe the Barrens were once one of the richest and most luxurious parts of the city.
The Crash Virus did more than destroy computers, as those computers ran systems that the world depended on. Safety protocols were breached globally, causing outbreaks of once-contained pathogens and experiments in population centers, as well as sabotaging the control systems of the many orbital platforms surrounding the Earth; the direct, immediate death toll of February 8th was in the tens of thousands, with the long-term death toll reaching the millions.  
The United States government organized a response to the virus; a team, dubbed “Echo Mirage”, was formed from leading computer scientists and military cybersecurity specialists.  The team utilized then-revolutionary cyberterminal technology to enter the Internet and computer systems to combat the virus directly in cyberspace.  
They failed completely.
A month later, Echo Mirage was reformed using less conventional expertise; fringe theorists, white-hat hackers, conspiracy nuts and wide-eyed dreamers were recruited instead.  Today, we’d recognize the attributes of most of the people, and it’s widely accepted that Echo Mirage was the first team of “Shadowrunners”.  
Cyberterminal technology continued to advance, and at the end of August, the new Echo Mirage team once again attempted to battle the Virus and save the Internet; and while not a complete failure, they were once again rebuffed by the destructive computer worm.  Four members of the team were killed by lethal biofeedback - destructive impulses sent to their bodies through the ASIST interfaces of their cyberterminals.  
By the end of the year, Echo Mirage has mastered their cyberterminals and discovered new ways to defend against the Virus’s biofeedback, and over the course of the next few years, they actually managed to isolate and contain the Crash Virus.  The Internet never truly recovered, but enough infrastructure was eventually saved to allow the creation of the first Matrix.  
The Corporate Court would spearhead this initiative in 2032, finishing the transition of our communication infrastructure from its government-sponsored beginning to our modern corporate-owned reality.
Questions about history? Ask Breach! [email protected]
 Seattle Street News is an independent activist news source released weekly on Tuesdays or Wednesdays
[Watch CorporateSINs on every Wednesday, 6pm PST or on Youtube at, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h11c7BLFQtc&list=PLHKocVDXoWBtzze1SGGUnU6KB5UFrDLFo]
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twiningsandoolong · 5 years ago
1 day, 21 hours ago Barclay’s Premier League: Is football coming home after Brexit? Last season, for the first time in history, the finals of Europe’s top two club competitions were contested by teams from a single country—England, with the scorers including an Egyptian, a Spaniard, a Nigeri
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nigerianeye · 6 years ago
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Buhari’s re-election’ll translate to improved infrastructure, security, economy, others – Ambode https://nigerianeyez.blogspot.com/2018/12/buharis-re-electionll-translate-to.html
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news-of-news · 6 months ago
Vinesh Phogat's Eventful 2024: From Olympic Dreams to Haryana Politics
2024 has been a significant year for Vinesh Phogat. After missing out on an Olympic final, she has now stepped into the political arena, contesting in the Haryana assembly elections from Julana in Jind district. Early trends show her trailing behind BJP candidate Yogesh Bajrangi.
#ElectionCommission hashtag#ECI hashtag#HaryanaElection hashtag#ElectionResults2024 #vinesh_phogat hashtag#LiveResults hashtag#VoteCounting hashtag#JammuKashmirElection hashtag#ElectionUpdates hashtag#HaryanaResults hashtag#LiveNews hashtag#VoteCountingLive hashtag#Election2024 hashtag#BJP hashtag#Congress hashtag#ElectionLive hashtag#ElectionNews hashtag#VotingResults hashtag#HaryanaElections hashtag#HaryanaElectionLive hashtag#HaryanaVoteCounting hashtag#Elections2024 hashtag#ElectionCommissionOfIndia hashtag#LiveElectionResults hashtag#HaryanaResultLive hashtag#HaryanaElectionResultsLive hashtag#NOFN hashtag#NEWS_OF_NEWS hashtag#BREAKING_NEWS
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nigeriangossip · 6 years ago
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Buhari’s re-election’ll translate to improved infrastructure, security, economy, others – Ambode http://www.nigeriangossip.info/2018/12/buharis-re-electionll-translate-to.html
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ibctamilnadu · 3 years ago
This is about live streaming of Tamil Nadu local body election on 9 0ctober 2021 in IBC Tamilnadu. This election is going in nine districts of Tamil Nadu. Don't miss the latest updates and results of TN Election 2021.
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thisdaynews · 7 years ago
Breaking News: 2019 - No election’ll hold in South East – Pro-Biafra groups
New Post has been published on https://www.thisdaynews.net/2018/07/24/breaking-news-2019-no-electionll-hold-in-south-east-pro-biafra-groups/
Breaking News: 2019 - No election’ll hold in South East – Pro-Biafra groups
A coalition of pro-Biafra groups has warned political parties and their candidates against holding rallies in the former Eastern region prelude to 2019 polls, insisting there will be no election in the area.
The groups, Biafra Defence Council (BDC), All Youths For Biafra (AYB), among others said in the place of any election in 2019, what the region wants is the restoration of the Biafra Republic, which they said would liberate the people of the East from the oppressive tendencies of the Nigerian government.
The groups lamented that the Federal Government under President Muhammadu Buhari has failed to protect lives and property of Biafrans and urged the President to free Biafrans from oppression.
Speaking in Aba, Abia State, spokesmen for the groups, Sunny Okeh and Chidi Otah, said: “Politicians from the former Eastern region should not be deceived any longer, there will be no election anywhere in Biafra land in 2019.
“We are issuing this warning to our politicians, saying what should be paramount to them should be the restoration of Biafra. Election is not the solution to the problem of Biafra. We have been electing people to political offices, but, this has only brought untold suffering and hunger to the people.
“We are using this medium to warn political parties and aspirants to stop any form of campaign in Biafra land. We want to re-emphasise that there will be no election in Biafra land in 2019.The international community has been informed and Biafrans sensitised. No force can challenge out resolve. It is our determination to restore Biafra where her people will have greater freedom and accommodation.”
The groups added that they have mapped out strategies to ensure that no electoral activity is held in all the territories of the Eastern region.
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