#Eleanor Hull
thefugitivesaint · 3 months
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Stephen Reid (1873-1948), ''Cuchulain: The Hound of Ulster'' by Eleanor Hull, 1911 Source
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illustratus · 1 year
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Alfred the Great at the Battle of Ashdown, 871
by Morris Meredith Williams (1913)
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demac9 · 1 year
Lindisfarne - Lady Eleanor ( Lyrics On Screen )
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redgoldsparks · 5 months
Hi, I just read your book gender queer and wanted to tell you that i have never felt more seen by a book in my life (or any media for that matter). Im also genderqueer and somewhere on the aro/ace spectrum and your book put into words alot of things I’ve never known how to express. Thank you for putting yourself out there!
(also do you have any other comic book recommendations?)
Hello anon! Thank you for this kind message! I very much do have comic book recs. In no particular order, here are some favorites. Not all of these are books are queer, but many are. If you want queer specific recs, here are some other asks I've previously answered- books about nonbinary identities, nonbinary mostly fiction
Fun Home by Alison Bechdel
Relish: My Life in the Kitchen by Lucy Knisley 
March Trilogy by Senator John Lewis, Nate Powell and Andrew Aydin
The Best We Could Do by Thi Bui
Fetch: How a Bad Dog Brought Me Home by Nicole Georges 
You & a Bike & a Road by Eleanor Davis 
Tetris: The Games People Play by Box Brown
The Called Us Enemy by George Takei, Justin Eisinger, Steven Scott and Harmony Becker
Feeding Ghosts by Tessa Hulls 
Hey Kiddo by Jarrett Krosoczka 
Almost American Girl by Robin Ha 
Dragon Hoops by Gene Luen Yang 
Dancing at the Pity Party: A Dead Mom Graphic Memoir by Tyler Feder 
Banned Book Club by Kim Hyun Sook, Ryan Estrada and Ko Hyung-Ju 
Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands by Kate Beaton 
Homebody by Theo Parrish 
The High Desert by James Spooner 
Prince of Cats by Ronald Wimberly 
This One Summer by Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki
Skim by Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki
Seconds by Bryan Lee O’Malley 
Nimona by ND Stevenson 
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang 
The Hard Tomorrow by Eleanor Davis
On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden
This Was Our Pact by Ryan Andrews
Grease Bats by Archie Bongiovanni
The Chromatic Fantasy by H.A. 
Salt Magic by Hope Larson and Rebecca Mock
Beetle and the Hollowbones by Aliza Layne
Kiss Number 8 by Colleen F Venable and Ellen Crenshaw 
Finder Library Vols 1 & 2 by Carla Speed McNeil
Castle Waiting: The Lucky Road by Linda Medley
The Deep and Dark Blue by Niki Smith
Across a Field of Starlight by Blue Delliquanti 
O Human Star by Blue Delliquanti 
Snapdragon by Kay Leyh
Cyclopedia Exotica by Aminder Dhaliwal 
Woman World by Aminder Dhaliwal
The Magic Fish by Trung Le Nguyen 
A Frog in Fall by Lisa Sterte 
Thieves by Lucie Bryon 
The Great Beyond by Lea Murawiec
Short Stories
The Amazing Screw-On Head and Other Curious Objects by Mike Mignola 
Other Ever Afters: New Queer Fairy Tales by Melanie Gillman
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derangedrhythms · 2 years
do you take requests? any quotes about the harshness of being truthful to oneself, about sharp realizations about oneself’s or another’s interiority?
"Nothing is so difficult as not deceiving oneself."
— Ludwig Wittgenstein, Culture and Value, tr. Peter Winch
"The intensity of the inner resistance against full self-knowledge is unfathomable."
— Brian Masters, from ‘The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer’
“In self-deception I am maneuvering to escape a truth about myself. I am a self divided against itself. This is the meaning of Kierkegaard's term “double-mindedness”. The opposite of self-deception, of willing obscurity about oneself, is to be transparent to oneself. It is to will one thing. To be transparent to oneself requires insight and courage. Not to will transparency is to be a fool and a coward.”
— John Mullen, from 'Kierkegaard's Philosophy: Self Deception and Cowardice in the Present Age'
"I look down into myself and shudder."
— Nikos Kazantzakis, from ‘Report to Greco’, tr. P. A. Bien
"And though he knows the mirror he so desperately needs to look into exists, the thought of looking into it fills him with mortal dread."
— Hermann Hesse, from ‘Steppenwolf’, tr. David Horrocks
"For it is towards oneself that one has the strongest resistances."
— Carl Gustav Jung, The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 4: Freud & Psychoanalysis; from ‘The Analysis of Dreams’, tr. R. F. C. Hull
"People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls."
— Carl Gustav Jung, The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 12: Psychology & Alchemy; from ‘Individual Dream Symbolism in Relation to Alchemy’, tr. R. F. C. Hull
"—growing in and out of situations, gaining control of inner confusions or losing control, overcoming inner resistances or succumbing to them, exploring more of inner darkness and appropriating it as ‘personality’ or actually losing some personality to encroaching darkness."
— Ted Hughes, from 'Letters of Ted Hughes’ ⁠—Anne-Lorraine Bujon, 16th December 1992
"This was the dark cave of what she didn’t know about herself."
— Janet Fitch, from ‘Chimes of a Lost Cathedral’
"…as if the act of self-regarding was not as subtle, fraught and ever-changing as any bond between twin souls."
— Eleanor Catton, from ‘The Luminaries’
"There were days when you peered into yourself, into the secret places of your heart, and what you saw there made you faint with horror."
— Jean-Paul Sartre, from ‘No Exit’, tr. Stuart Gilbert
"No satisfaction based upon self-deception is solid, and, however unpleasant the truth may be, it is better to face it once and for all, to get used to it, and to proceed to build your life in accordance with it."
— Bertrand Russell, from 'The Conquest of Happiness'
"You say you live in pain. Let it be the pain of the death of the old false self, and the life-movement of the new real truthful self. We are all wrapped in silky layers of illusion which we instinctively feel to be necessary to our existence. Often these illusions are harmless, in the sense that we can still go on being reasonably good and reasonably happy. Sometimes, because of a catastrophe, a bereavement or some total loss of self-esteem, our falsehoods become pernicious, and we are forced to choose between some painful recognition of truth and an ever more frenzied and aggressive manufacturing of lies […] If you keep checking any lie and resisting the anger which deforms the world you will gradually realise that the poor old wounded self, with its furious whining and its hatred of itself and everything else, is not you at all. That self is dying, but another self is watching it die.”
— Iris Murdoch, from 'The Good Apprentice'
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doc-avalon · 1 year
The Morrigán
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Name: The Morrigan (Great Queen, Phantom Queen,) Mor Rioghain, Morgain, Mórrígu, mór rígain, Morgan La Fay, The Bean-Nighe or The Washer At The Ford, The Wife of the Green Man, the Wyrd Sisters.
Symbols: Raven or Crow, spear.
Goddess of: Battle, prophecy, fertility, and sovereignty
Usual Image: A shapeshifter, she appears in many forms, a beautiful maiden, a mature woman, an ancient hag, a crow, a bear, and others.
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Relatives: Ernmas (mother) Cailitin, a Druid or Delbaeth or Dagda (father) Anu, Badb, Macha or Badb the Crow, Nemain the Venomous, Fea the Hateful. (Sisters or other aspects of her or goddesses she presided over.) Eriu, Fotla, and Banba (other sisters and goddesses of the land, not other aspects of her) Mechi (Son, father unknown) had three hearts, which were three serpents. The serpents, it was foretold, would destroy Ireland, so MacCecht killed him and burnt the hearts, throwing the ash into the river Berba; even then, the ash of his hearts boiled the waters of the river away and killed all the fish in the river.
Holy Books: Book of Leinster, Book of Fermoy
Synodeities: Kali (Hinduism,) Cathbodva (Gaul.)
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(The Watcher of the Ford, illustration from Cuchulain, The Hound of Ulster, by Eleanor Hull 1904)
Details: Once you look into the myths about the Irish goddess Morrigan you begin to understand why the Celts developed the Celtic knot!
At her most basic, Morrigan was a goddess of battle, who did not take part in the battle itself, but instead stirred up strife, then flew over the battle in the form of a crow who picked who would die by casting confusion on them, afterward feasting on their remains.
Not your warm and affectionate sort of goddess, yet she was also a goddess of fertility and sovereignty, without whom the king would be powerless.
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Going deeper into Morrigan (or The Morrigan as this may have at some time been a title) we find that she is also a triple goddess, who, along with either her sisters Badb and Macha or, in some accounts, Nemain the Venomous and Fea the Hateful, play a shifting role in scores of myths and legends.
What brings this goddess back in so many forms and guises, and age after age, returns in another form, even if this means mixing aspects that are both grand and horrific?
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An answer might be found in the theory put forth by Ralph Abraham, mathematician, historian & Chaos theorist, in the book Chaos, Gaia, & Eros (1994, Harper Collins.)
To oversimplify it for this page, his theory is that three main forces have driven human consciousness through the ages, which he calls.
Gaia: The physical existence and living spirit of the created world.
Eros: The spiritual medium connecting Chaos & Gaia, the creative impulse and
Chaos: The creative void, the source of all forms.
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From the Paleolithic to the present, these three forces moved us forward, with at times one or more of them being suppressed only to resurface again and again.
Whoever the original goddess was who returned as the Morrigan, she was most likely first worshipped in a very different form sometime between 10,000 & 4,000 B.C.E. During what he called the Gaia span (agriculture/partnership.)
With the coming of the Eros span, 4,000 B.C.E. to +/- 1962 A.D. (the wheel, patriarchy & science), she was re-imagined by a new way of thinking that often feared Chaos and almost always had, as part of its dominant mythos, the conquest of Chaos by a hero or god representing Order.
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In this way, Morrigan changed from life-giver to carrion eater, and yet the three forces she is a part of continue to bring her back in multi-triad forms.
So that as the Eros span grew, she was not undone or put away but continued to shapeshift.
Changing from setting as a raven on the shoulder of dead Cú Chulainn to reappearing as Morgain La Fey in the tales of King Author, or as the wife of the Green Man and tempting Sir Gawain, to stirring the cauldron for Macbeth as the Wyrd sisters, and later as part of the Celtic Fairy faith, becoming the Bean-Nighe who is seen washing the bloody clothing of those who are about to die.
The thing is, in this theory, the Eros span has now begun to be overtaken by the now-developing Chaos span (Neo-Pagan, Post Modern, Chaos Theory, and meta-modern), which offers the hope of the end of the suppression of these three forces so they can be understood with positive effect.
No doubt the form that Morrigan takes in this era, if his theory is correct, will be most interesting indeed!
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blacksailspolls · 1 year
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IV. (1.04) — The Walrus suffers a disastrous undertaking when the crew takes on the mission of careening the ship's hull under the new quartermaster's orders. Meanwhile, Silver warns Flint about Billy's allegiance with Morley as the story of Mrs. Barlow comes to light. When Captain Bryson arrives in New Providence, Eleanor wants the 12 cannons aboard his supply ship, Andromache for protection in the search for the Urca de Lima. However, after he denies her, she turns to her father for help in persuading him despite betraying Mr. Scott's wishes. Also, Vane is surprised to see a figure from his past.
XX. (3.02) — The crew of the Walrus are forced to brace themselves against the elements. Teach disagrees with Rackham's plans for defending a united Nassau, and Rackham acquiesces to Max's contingency plan to exchange the gold for jewels and gems. Woodes Rogers and Eleanor begin to draft the terms that their partnership will be based upon. Anne begins to worry about the future, what it entails, and where her relationship with Max will go.
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maddyaddy · 3 months
Then a great shout went up from the men of Ulster, and their warrior spirit began to revive in them. And to each in turn the King applied, bidding him go forth and summon his clan and followers to meet him that day week upon the Hill of Slane in Meath, for he himself would call a muster there.
Gladly and eagerly the chiefs issued forth, for they heard the sounds of stirring men and the welcome bark of the hounds without.
As for the King himself, his mind was so confused with the magic sleep in which he had lain, that he remembered not the dead from the living, but stood, calling on the dead to come to his aid, as though they had been yet alive.
Throughout all the land he sent heralds to call together his men-at-arms ; and with one heart and mind the men of Ulster responded to his call. Troop on troop they flocked to Emain, from North and West and East, each mighty leader surrounded by his host clad in the kilt and colours of his clan. As for the clans that were south of Emain, they tarried not to assemble at the kingly fort, but made their way, each by his own route, straight forward to the Hill of Slane.
For after their long rest and weakness their hands itched to be upon their swords again. Hull, Eleanor. "Chapter XVI: Ulster, Awake!" The Boy's Cu Chulain, Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1910
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stairnaheireann · 2 years
#OTD in 1860 – Birth of Irish Celtic Scholar, Eleanor Hull, in England, of a Co Down family.
#OTD in 1860 – Birth of Irish Celtic Scholar, Eleanor Hull, in England, of a Co Down family.
Eleanor Henrietta Hull was a writer, journalist and scholar of Old Irish. She was educated at Alexandra College, Dublin and was a student of Irish Studies. On 26 April 1898 she was a co-founder of the Irish Texts Society for the publication of early manuscripts. Douglas Hyde was President and Frederick York Powell was chairperson and Norma Borthwick and Eleanor Hull were the secretaries. Hull was…
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ofcarnvge · 2 years
Pan’s worlds began, not to collide, but to meet. Seeing Molly shake hands with Amy was an image she had never been able to foresee in all of her talent with Weaving, neither traditional nor enhanced by the mysterious red stone. Ever since the bracelet, Pan felt only the need to reach in one particular direction.
The girls were nowhere to be found. Perhaps, she thought her mind was quieted by the bracelet’s absence. Maybe her focus on other things took precedence of all else. She didn’t know. But she knew that they would not be gone forever. And in 9 months time, they would no longer be a figment of her imagination.
The shifting Pan’s surroundings did not go unnoticed: she saw Molly leave with the bracelet, and Floss return to the hall. She saw Leslie and Go-Go, united in their joint puzzlement to revelations of another Viper. She saw a calm and collected Amy, and a supportive Eleanor by her side. But what she didn’t see was a single ounce of fear. There was none to be had.
“Delaying the vaccine only serves as a disservice to the two women awaiting it,” Pan replied. ”There are more than enough of us here to ensure that she doesn’t hurt herself in pursuit of a ghost that may or may not be coming here already. If there is anything in abundance in this room, its the overwhelming desire to confine a woman to her bedrest.”
The Shadows all looked to Pan, and before the guilt could register, Pan disarmed the room with a mocking smile. “I jest.” She said. “But, in all seriousness, I’m sure our remote associate will warn us if our suspect moves.”
Pan paused long enough for her phone to buzz; a text message with a single word: Yep.
“In the meantime, relax. As for O-Ren,” Pan continued “ she’s waited long enough. God forbid she spends the majority of her calm before the storm in a coma. Now…if you’ll excuse me,” she hoisted her travel bag over her shoulder, “this is beginning to feel very much like a work meeting. and I’d rather be smoothing things over with my fiancé. Also, I’d like a shower before dinner.” . ”Ms. Upton, if you could point me in the direction of a restroom, I’d be very appreciative.”
The Shadows shared looks with one another. The closest thing to a standing order from their director had been to simply take it easy. But to their relief, Pan was getting better at detangling the woman from the title.
in the end, Eleanor followed the suggestion from her friend, not the orders of a superior. “Floss, when you’re done, I’d like to see this cellar of yours. And prepare notes.”
Eventually the hallway would fan out and leave Leslie alone. But Go-Go’s words would stay with her and eventually drown out Eleanor’s. The echo of the bodyguard’s gratitude swam in her thoughts until they blended…and a particular idea took shape.
She stepped outside. The sun began to peak through the grey overcast and shine down in broken rays upon the Eboncry. She took long, hard steps across the lawn to the plane before she stopped and placed her hand on the hull.
“I’m going to miss you,”
Leslie didn’t know when. But she knew she eventually would.
Time contracts, expands, with perception. Curved around the gathering, it intensifies into a moment that - unknown to the participants will be the stuff of prophecy.
As best as can be defined, roughly three things are happening at once, how innocuous they seem...with the homely, utterly normal smell of cooking permeating the house.
The scientist gestured down the hall. “All the rooms have en-suites, yours is down the hall, toward the rear of the house, you’ll find it.” Her attention flicked to Eleanor. “I’ll show you the wine cellar when O-ren is back in the waking world, be a dear and don't murder me over what I’ve done to it.”
Inside the infirmary Go go was sat on a pulled up ottoman by O-ren’s hospital bed. Her forehead rested against her steepled fingers. Her attention jarred as Floss gently set down the cooler on the coffee table. 
“If you’re ready?” Go go all but sprang to her feet. 
“I am, yes.” She looked terrified. Something about that heartened Floss, in a person who reportedly couldnt experience such a human emotion as terror. She nodded. The vial was cold in her hands as she drew up the fluid into the syringe, approaching the bed.
“It’ll take a few minutes, and I suspect she’ll still be weak for a short while, so stop her trying to jump out of bed, alright?” Holding the needle she gave Go go a smile and the young woman nodded, some of the fear on her face dissipating.
The bodyguard took O-ren’s wrist. Floss’ thumb alighted deftly on the plunger of the syringe....
...O-ren got up from her seat in the hotel lobby, leaving Elle sat behind her.
“You cant run forever rabbit!” The statuesque blonde jabbed at her retreating back. 
O-ren paused, turned. The look of irritation and dread shifted to a smile of satisfaction. 
“I’m done running, from here on out, whatever finds me, finds me.”
O-ren’s eyes opened and Florence stood back. Her strategic mind did the rapid inventory - this wasn't a hospital, it wasn't Elle’s house. 
“Go-go?” Her voice creaked a little from lack of use.
The body guard clasped her step mom in her arms.
“It’s alright. We’re safe. I’m going to explain everything.” She pointed over to Floss. “This is Florence, she made you the antidote.”
O-ren looked at the other woman and her mouth fell open, stunned, she tried to think what to say as her faculties trickled back. Floss raised a a hand in a gentle gesture of pause. 
“I’ll let you two fill in the blanks, but if you need me, I’ll be down in the wine cellar.”
Floss retreated to give the two of them a moment to catch up, and to give a tour of the would-be dungeon. Go go held onto O-ren, who clasped her shoulder.
Mallory got up off the bed and snatched her bag. She’d managed to lay there another half hour. Her feet carried her out of the hotel, and a little way into town to a car hire place. She knew she was probably kicking up all kinds of a trail, but there was no helping it at this point. 
She rented an innocuous grey hatchback and climbed into it. 
The coordinates were on the other side of Cambridge city centre, it would take about two hours to get there, ditch the car, and proceed as stealthily as she could the last mile or two on foot.
It was barely a touch at all. The side of Molly’s fingertip skimmed the cool surface of the red stone as she brushed the fabric to one side to better see the bracelet. Her breath hitched in her throat - she didn't know what she had expected, but it would surely be something drastic. 
But no. It wasn't like that. 
The familiar cadence of Liss’ footsteps approaching made her turn to the doorway. Her expectant partner was there with a bag over one shoulder. And there were two young girls flanking her on either side. Both of them were ten. 
In an instant Molly knew this wasn't now, this was nearly eleven years away. 
A buttercup which sprouted from the cracked flagstones where Max Llewellyn had been standing when the missiles hit London quivered in the evening breeze.
Molly started laughing. It was just Liss now. The girls had departed for the moment. She stood there with her hands resting on the sides of the drawer.
Where to begin? Funny, because beginnings and endings were no longer quite so clear cut as previously imagined. She glowed when she spoke.
“You know, Lucky is going to fall off that scooter we get her when she’s eight? Remind me to tell her she cant have it if she doesn't wear her knee pads.”
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amrev250 · 9 months
The Boston Tea Party
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It can be argued that the first memorable action taken by the American colonists against the authority of the British crown in the Revolutionary period was the Boston Tea Party.  And that action set off a chain of events that eventually led to the creation of the United States of America.  That memorable event, forever burned into our national consciousness, occurred 250 years ago today.
In the years leading up to the Boston Tea Party, tensions between the American colonies and the British government had been escalating.*  The Tea Act of 1773, imposed by the British Parliament, granted the East India Company a monopoly on tea sales in the colonies and allowed them to sell surplus tea directly to the colonies through consignees at a reduced tax. This move was seen by the colonists as a ploy to undercut local merchants and smugglers. In response to these perceived injustices, colonial leaders organized Committees of Correspondence, a network that facilitated communication between the colonies and fostered a sense of unity. Figures like Samuel Adams played a crucial role in galvanizing public opinion against British policies, using newspapers and pamphlets to disseminate information about threats to colonial liberties.
Protesters throughout many of the colonies were able to force the tea consignees to resign or to return the tea to England. However, in Massachusetts (Boston in particular), Governor Thomas Hutchinson was determined enforce royal authority. He urged the tea consignees not to give in to the bully tactics of the patriots.  Actions of the British troops enforcing earlier laws and the Boston Massacre in 1770 only fueled the patriots resolve.  It was a standoff.  
The Dartmouth arrived in late November with a hull full of tea prompting Samuel Adams to hold a mass meeting that drew thousands. The meeting passed a resolution urging the captain of the ship to turn around and go home.  But Governor Hutchinson refused to grant permission for the ship to depart. The captain legally had to unload his cargo by December 17 or disobey orders and leave. The Eleanor arrived with its cargo of tea and faced a similar dilemma. On December 15, Beaver arrived.  Three ships, full of tea, sat in Boston Harbor; their captains feeling like they were sitting on a powder keg.
On the evening of December 16, 1773, Samuel Adams held another mass meeting where approximately 6,000 people out of a population of 16,000 showed up.  They were informed that Governor Hutchinson still refused to allow the ships to depart. The tea was scheduled for offload in the morning. Samuel Adams said, “This meeting can do nothing further to save the country.”  Shortly after he said that, the meeting began to break up.  According to eyewitnesses, Adams tried to keep the meeting together, but failed.
A small group of colonists (reports vary between 30-130 men), most disguised as Mohawk natives to conceal their identities, boarded the three British ships anchored in Boston Harbor. They politely requested the keys to the holds and were given them. For three hours, the protesters “unloaded” 342 chests of tea (92,000 pounds) into the icy waters of Boston Harbor. They used their tomahawks to break open the locked chests to ensure that the tea was ruined by the salt water. However, they meticulously refused to do any other damage to the ships and did not harm the crews.  The damage done was entirely to the East India Company and the British government.  The cost of the evening was roughly $1.7 million in today's money.
*We’ll be looking at events in American history in the years before the Boston Tea Party in blog posts that will be called “Look Backs.” These posts will be made during periods on the calendar when there wasn’t much else going on.
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Fate Grand Order Servant Comparisons
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Left - FGO
Right - The Boys' Cuchulain by Eleanor Hull , illustration by Stephen Reid (1904-1910)
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finnlongman · 1 year
Eleanor Hull did a retelling (mainly about CC, but i found the digitized book on project Gutenberg and it does mention Laég) in 1910(?) titked Cuchulain: the Hound of Ulster
Yes, Hull is probably too close a retelling to be useful to me as she is not writing a new novel with the material, just reworking it directly. I may include her in passing though as she's likely to be a source for some of the others, as with Lady Gregory.
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christophe76460 · 1 year
Regardez "SOIS SEUL MA VISION - Pasteur&Compagnie (cover Eleanor H. Hull)" sur YouTube
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blacksailspolls · 1 year
winner from this poll will have a 1v1 battle the winner from the group 1 of losers. only one episode from the loser polls will go through Round 2. choose wisely!
II. (1.02) — After Captain Flint reveals Singleton as the thief in front of his crew, he has Gates convince Billy, who knows the truth about his captain, that this is for the good of the crew. Meanwhile, Silver and Max are forced to hide in the brothel when they put themselves in danger as Captain Vane and his partners, Jack Rackham and Anne Bonny, are determined to get a hold of the missing page in the hunt for the Spanish galleon, Urca de Lima. Also, Eleanor is given an ultimatum by Max and has to decide between wealth or love.
IV. (1.04) — The Walrus suffers a disastrous undertaking when the crew takes on the mission of careening the ship's hull under the new quartermaster's orders. Meanwhile, Silver warns Flint about Billy's allegiance with Morley as the story of Mrs. Barlow comes to light. When Captain Bryson arrives in New Providence, Eleanor wants the 12 cannons aboard his supply ship, Andromache for protection in the search for the Urca de Lima. However, after he denies her, she turns to her father for help in persuading him despite betraying Mr. Scott's wishes. Also, Vane is surprised to see a figure from his past.
VIII. (1.08) — The hunt for the Urca de Lima begins when Silver divulges the schedule to Flint, taking them to the ship's location. Rackham stops paying Ms. Mapleton, which causes her to threaten to blackmail Rackham. She threatens to tell the locals what really happened to Mr. Noonan. Meanwhile, Vane makes his way back to New Providence with his new crew. Eleanor's situation changes when a small band of men take over Hornigold's fort and start sinking supply ships in the bay. Gates threatens to call off the attack of the Ranger, so Flint kills him. The final scenes of the season show that the Walrus has beached itself upon the same isle as the Urca de Lima.
XVI. (2.08) — Billy's trap to eliminate the traitors of the pirate crew succeeds, and Flint ends up winning against Hornigold in the election for the captaincy. After the election and its results against him, Hornigold departs from Nassau. Flint also leaves Nassau, but instead sails to Carolina to meet with the governor there in regards to his daughter; Carolina is a place where pirates are believed to be most evil and the attitude towards them is extremely hostile. John Silver discusses the plan for the retrieval of the unguarded Spanish gold with Jack Rackham and his crew. Mrs. Mapleton reveals to Eleanor the plan to retrieve the gold, and they both agree that the plan goes against the dream that they share for Nassau, to transform the pirate town into a legitimate community.
XXII. (3.04) — Flint and his crew are captured by islanders, marched to a hidden village and imprisoned; Flint identifies their captors as escaped slaves. Rogers tells Eleanor he wants her as his counsellor during his move onto Nassau. Jack blows up the fort so that Vane can escape to Teach's ship; on the ship, Teach shows Vane that Eleanor is aboard a British vessel, and later wonders where his loyalties lie. Rogers and his men believe they have trapped the remaining pirates until a single ship begins moving across the bay; when it is closer to the British fleet, Vane lights the ship on fire and jumps overboard. At the village, Flint tells Silver that the islanders will kill them because they cannot risk their secret being revealed. Under the cover of darkness, Mr. Scott approaches the slaves who escaped from the fort but is challenged by two British sailors and injured by the exchange of gunfire. The slaves load him into a boat and make for the open ocean.
XXIII. (3.05) — As Flint's crew begins to face certain death in captivity, Flint is spurred into action by Silver to save himself and the crew by appealing to the queen who, it's revealed, is secretly the wife of Mr. Scott. Teach helps Vane with his regrets over Eleanor and abandoning Nassau and tries to show him a better path forward without Nassau; Vane comes upon some valuable intelligence from a captured Spanish ship. Max takes issues into her own hands to make her own way forward. However, the surrender of her gems leads to a new threat from Spain for Eleanor and Woodes Rogers, putting their plans on hold. Rackham, unaware of Rogers' knowledge of the gems, leaves the remaining gems with Anne and returns to Nassau to secure a pardon for himself.
XXVII. (3.09) — Eleanor visits Vane in prison and redoubles her commitment to his execution. Later, she visits Rogers, who has fallen ill with fever and is bedridden; Rogers grants her emergency power to govern New Providence Island until he recovers. On the Walrus, Flint and Silver attempt a risky manoeuvre to shake Captain Hornigold's pursuit, while on the island, Billy plots a way to buy time before Vane's execution. Rogers becomes unresponsive; Eleanor orders an expedited trial to execute Vane the next day. Flint and Silver discuss leadership styles while Mr Scott passes from his injuries. Billy prepares to rescue Vane, but things don't go according to plan. Flint and Rackham plan how to best defend themselves with the marooned slaves, while Eleanor plans the British offensive with help from the plantation owners. Teach is informed of the outcome of Vane's execution.
XXIX. (4.01) — The war for Nassau is well under way, as Flint and Blackbeard's crews set to make landfall. The fort appears lightly armed but landfall still isn't as easy as they anticipated. Falling into a trap, Flint must recover and lead his crew to a successful retreat. Woodes Rogers and Eleanor Guthrie have married, but his divorce from his ex-wife is not without consequence. The pirate and slave forces have been severely decimated as 121 of them are captured and numerous others are dead.
XXXII. (4.04) — The pirates have taken over Nassau as news of Captain Berringer's death reaches Rogers who is en route back to Nassau. 42 captives from Teach's crew are being transported to Port Royal, but have plans of taking control over the ship. Billy and Silver have words as they discuss the plans for Nassau going forward. Madi tries to talk the former slaves of the Uphill plantation into joining the pirates, but they have reason to worry as a new threat to their success is born.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Eleanor Delores Francis-Josiah Dies in New Jersey
Eleanor Delores Francis-Josiah Dies in New Jersey
Eleanor Delores Francis-Josiah Eleanor Delores Francis-Josiah, affectionately known as “Ellie,” “Eppy,” “Annie,” “Auntie Jo” and “Aunty Eleanor,” died on Sept. 17 in New Jersey. She was 78 years old. Eleanor D. Francis-Josiah is survived by her Brothers: Milton Francis, Raymond Francis, Vincent Francis and Lyle Francis Sisters: Betsy Francis, Demaris Francis-Hull, LaVerne Francis, Lauren…
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