#Eh bee
temporary-tats · 14 days
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Mon Loup
Please send help, Wenclair has taken over my brain.
Per usual, do not reupload without credit/permission. Thanks folks!
(My ko-fi, should you wish!)
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bakawitch · 3 months
Victory! I had to dig a little deep, but I finally found a screen cap! And with it some memories came back!
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I think this is from the first episode where Lady and Kat leave home for a beehive looking place called the Golden Queendom or something like that. The girl on the left is Princess Honey ( @wisteriasymphony was right! ) the one on the right is Princess Vespa, and the woman in the middle was called Queen Ambrosia.
I don't remember how Lady and Kat ended up in the throne room, but I do recall that they were arguing with the queen because she didn't want to knight them. This picture also reminded me that the bee people (or at least the royals) had the ability to change their size, and they usually appeared taller than the other characters.
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 10 months
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Yes, why?
The Librarians S02E01 And the Drowned Book.
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0ne-shot · 1 month
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when the really scary cool guy actually turns out to be kinda chill and protective
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fernsensei · 1 year
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i'm finally feeling better!!! here's victory v1
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cafecitoeddie · 5 months
Inspired ENTIRELY by @suavecitodiaz and her big brained hooking up at the bachelor party / getting married without knowing it response to her nonny here.
"Okay, that showed me absolutely nothing new, Chris," Eddie says, staring down at the YouTube screen queuing up to play the next video. "The fridge doesn't need to have any kind of extra applications, it's a fridge."
Eddie leans forward to press the space bar as the video starts up of a happy jingle playing over a series of emoji's displayed on a massive screen on the front panel of another "smart fridge." Can it make him breakfast, lunch and dinner for the price their asking for? Unlikely. He shakes his head ruefully, wondering what the hell this world is coming to.
Chris grumbles in the way only an exhausted, long-suffering thirteen year old can. He falls back against the couch cushions with a long sigh.
"Dad," he groans. "Buck has explained it to you so many times already." He fumbles with the blanket hanging over the arm rest.
"The Hildy SmarTech Fridge can help you buy things you don't know you need, like the coconut ice cream bars Buck likes."
"Buck likes? Or you like?" Eddie purses his lips, giving Chris a side-long glance. "I'm not letting Buck program anything on that thing, or else we'll be eating arugula for weeks."
Chris' bright burst of laughter is enough to make Eddie wonder if getting The Hildy Smartypants Fridge 5000, or whatever, would be worth it.
He turns back to his laptop ready to shut it down, when he notices a notification for an email come through across the top right corner. He rarely gets anything, save for the occasional PTA announcements but that says--
“Are you ready to embark on the rest of your life?”
What in the world? It has to be spam.
The email is short and sweet, direct and to the point.
“Congratulations Mr. and Mr. Diaz! Attached is a printable pdf download of your marriage license. Please review and confirm all names of both parties are accurate within 72 hours of receipt. Contact your local country clerk for any further assistance. Thank you!”
The familiar prickling of dread starts at the top of his head, slowly making it's way all over his body.
Oh god. Oh no, oh god, oh no.
Flashes of sweat and skin and hands roaming all over and new sensations coupled with alcohol and--
Sure, he and Buck had woken up together in a destroyed hotel room but neither remembered anything as dramatic as a marriage!
Right there across the top in bold, fancy lettering is "State of California Certification of Vital Records: MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE of Edmundo and Evan Diaz."
It all suddenly comes flooding back.
"Dad?" Chris leans forward to look over his shoulder as Eddie scrambles to close the laptop. "Are you okay?"
Eddie doesn't know what he feels. That night was-- It meant--
Oh god.
If he received the email, surely Buck must have gotten it, too.
He hears Chris asking once again if he's okay.
He picks up his phone with a trembling hand just as it starts to buzz with an incoming call.
Buck's goofy smile fills up the whole screen. He took that picture the night they--
Oh god.
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therollypollyrolli · 9 months
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@kamilyflyswatter34 @moxxie3 @welcome-to-the-fairground @a-random-mooshroom @plinktastic @s1llyjn @star-cristal-cec
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onomatopiya · 10 months
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madhamākhi sutra (transcript below the cut)
when i was in high school a bee died next to my prayer mat
i didn't have the heart to pick it up so i left it there
and i prayed by its corpse while it rotted into the carpet
my dad got it eventually though
he laid its little bee body in the trash can by the mandir
it's funny
i still look for dead bees when i'm supposed to be praying
i think i'm supposed to be the bee.
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7official7moose7 · 1 year
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As promised! Tontu's nose is too small 💀
I have more art of him and Johanna playing dragon panic but I didn't post it because it's not finished yet hsgsjsfkgkk
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so question for y'all. when icarus y'know, escapes the labyrinth - what do the wings look like? because in my head, i have been picturing wings, with y'know wax feathers. HOWEVer, my father apparently has been picturing a fuckin paraglider. the obvious way to settle this is through this (beloved) hellsite so:
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blossom-blur · 1 year
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I made this meme like a year ago on Instagram 🤣 Hope you enjoy. Plz do.
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banmitbandit · 1 year
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thankyou so much for asking!
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Instead of running a Detective Agency, Vector, Espio and Charmy are in a band together called Chaotix! It's mostly for fun, because none of them are very good at it. The three of them are pretty much a family, each other's ride or dies. Thick as thieves.
Espio, taking Amy's place, is actually pretty important!
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As an aspiring ninja, he finds himself on Little Planet in hopes of training there over the month, only to find that it has been taken over and chained to the mountain by Robotnik. Despite his skill, he is captured by Robotnik, and eventually saved by Shadow. It's at this point that he's inspired to improve, not just to become a strong ninja, but also to pay back Shadow for saving him. He reckons he has lots to learn from the hedgehog- his affinity for wielding Chaos energy is impressive, after all.
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At a later date, Espio meets a blue flicky with a green locket and, as good at names as he is at poetry, calls it Birdie. Recognizing that the flicky is in trouble with Eggman, decides to protect it. Shadow doesn't have time to look after lost flickies, after all.
(Eventually, the two break onto the Egg Fortress, and are able to escape. Espio does help destroy Gamma, but is careful with the flicky inside it, freeing it, and helping it free the rest of its family.)
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As both Espio and Shadow take their freedom-fighting seriously, his talk with Sonic aboard the Ark goes very differently. Sonic may feel guilty for his involvement in helping Eggman, who Sonic considered family, fulfill his goals to collect the Chaos Emeralds, that doesn't mean he can just mope around and let everyone else fix his mistakes. He may have been betrayed by the only blood family he had left, but the family he's found, particularly Tails, need him to help save the day.
Espio is kind of one of the only people who will tell it to Sonic straight. Shadow doesn't have the patience Sonic's theatrics on a good day and Tails is a little too lenient with him. Surprisingly, Sonic appreciates Espio a lot.
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As for Team Rose, technically they're Team Big! Big runs the Big Detective Agency with Amy Rose and their protege Cream the Rabbit. With Big and Vanilla being close friends, Big is somewhat of an uncle to her.
(Somewhat irrelevant, but Cheese is swapped with Chocola, if only because brown chao cute. Froggy is Froggy but with a detective hat! because he deserves it!)
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Sonic thinks they're neat.
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jack-crow-lantern · 2 months
Silly Game Time: Who are the protagonists of two of your favorite stories? (could be from any media: movies, shows, novels, games, comics, etc.)
AND, in a breakdancing contest, which of them would win?
Bee from Bee and Puppycat
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Mike Schmidt from FNAF
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I feel like this would be a pretty close battle. (I’m a liar.)
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
Grian is not dreaming of falling.
He should know - he dreams of falling a lot. He's so used to falling already that he thinks he's always falling a little when he's on the ground. It carries over into the night.
Sometimes, it's a nice dream. Falling is, after all, rather like flying, and ever since he got his elytra after joining Hermitcraft, he's loved flying. Sometimes, the dreams are basically just that: he is falling, except he is in control, so perhaps he is flying as the ground rushes towards him. At the last minute, he adjusts his wings and he lights a rocket and he can feel blades of grass brush his stomach as he takes off. Because it's a dream, he doesn't burn himself on it.
Sometimes, it's a bad dream. A nightmare, perhaps. He's standing on a ledge, and he steps off of it. He's standing at the top of the world, and he's pushed off of it. He's at the top of a cliff, and he closes his eyes, and he falls backwards.
In those dreams, he hits the ground, and it hurts. Sometimes the dream ends there. Sometimes it hurts a while longer instead. Probably better not to think about that too much.
Sometimes, lately, it's even been neutral. He's not flying, and he couldn't control his fall if he wanted to. He's not about to hit the ground, either. He simply falls, and has to deal with that. Those are particularly odd dreams. They're almost distressing in how little he cares for the fact he's falling, while dreaming, and how much he realizes he ought to care when he wakes up. The thing is, were Grian falling endlessly -
Well, here's the thing.
Grian is not dreaming of falling.
It feels like he is. If he lets himself drift, it's that third sort of dream. He can feel wind resistance in his elytra, but it's not enough to get proper lift on his wings. He can feel that he's definitely dropping, and there's nothing under him, and perhaps at some point he will hit the ground, but he can't see the ground, and he's beginning to wonder if there really is such a thing as 'ground' at all, and if it matters. Is it worse to keep falling? Frankly, it's hard to think so.
It's hard to think much of anything after you've been falling a while, he realizes. That's why it feels like perhaps he ought to be dreaming. Like it's that third dream, the one he's had so many times because he thinks that his brain just got used to dropping to the ground, between failed elytra tricks and dramatic ends in the desert and everything in-between.
If he closes his eyes and falls asleep, he even thinks he might dream of falling again. Maybe it will be the first kind, the ones he likes the most, the ones where he flies with such power that no force can hold him back as he drops through the air.
He shouldn't sleep. It's almost distressing, how much he isn't distressed, given that he hasn't stopped falling since he hit that button and the world fell out from under him, but -
The problem with falling only happens when you stop, and the Rift, as best Grian could tell - there was no place to stop, there.
So he just...
Reminds himself he's not dreaming.
Grian is not dreaming of falling. He is. He is falling. And at some point, he should figure out how to panic about that.
Any minute now.
Any minute.
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suusoh · 2 months
I have this johan thought but i don't think like...... some people are ready for it yet.......
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jalapenobee · 6 months
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happy anthem day woohooooo
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