#Edward nygma imagine
howl-fantasies · 3 years
if requests are still open, i would love to ask for some jealous gotham villains headcanons :)) maybe gn!readers ex or cowoker they had tension with comes back looking for them. Would love to see my villains reactions lol 🥰tysm for reading!
I love the ideas so much! I focused on the villains meeting gender neutral reader’s ex. Your ex and you separated on pretty bad terms, I don’t dwelled on details but you could imagine they weren’t very nice with you or did bad things, you chose. The meeting would shake our dear villains cause they have to process what they are feeling deep inside and how much they care for the reader. It’s a bit dark, most of the time, with blood too, but it’s Gotham after all.
I hope you’ll like it! Enjoy! (Y/N is your name and Y/E/N is your ex name)
- Mini note just in case some people started to fuss about how writing about villains and non healthy relationship is bad and blah and blah and we-already-know-thank-you-very-much-have-a-wonderful-day : Of course all of this is purely fictional and having a twisted and dysfunctional relationship is not good. Find yourself a good, respectful, attentive and sane partner IRL. That’s important and you deserve the best for yourself. Take care dear. 
GOTHAM Villains when they are jealous
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Poor little cinnamon roll was the one who opened your door when your ex decided to show at your flat. 
“Excuse me, does Y/N still lives here?” The person would ask Nygma who would frown a bit and ask coldly “Who are you?” “I’m Y/E/N, Y/N’s ex...partner... I’m back in town and wanted to... look, it’s a bit personal, are they here? It’s important dude.” 
Oh dear, Ed would freeze on the spot and his genius brain would go wild. Your ex? Of course you had a life before him but... why didn’t you tell him about that person... And why are they here in front of him today?
You’re his aren’t you? You told him that you love him, so no logical reason to panic isn’t it? So WHY is he panicking and shaking from rage?!
“Y/N doesn’t want to see you ever again. Leave and never show your face here ever again”, He would say, then slam the door at their face. 
When alone he would be shaking in absolute rage, against your ex, you, and him. 
Well it’s Riddler who is boiling and insulting his self and Ed for trusting you. Of course you’d dump Ed and him for some plain and boring simpleton, like Kristine did, like Lee did... He should have known. He’s an idiot. 
Super cold with you when you came back and talk to him about your day. He would be mumbling and rambling, making cynical remarks. “You love me uh? Well not that much since you never told me about that Y/E/N” 
Would be on his side of the bed, showing you his back. 
“What is it Ed?” “Oh you don’t know? See it as a riddle then, Y/N, try to solve it on your own and prove me that you’re not THAT dumb”. Ouch don’t lose patience or you might risk a good old stabbing or a chocking. 
What have you done today? Try to remember until “ding ding ding” bingo, you remembered the footsteps in front of the door, not Ed’s or yours you were certain. Someone came and was responsible of his foul mood.  
“Ed?.” Persevere cause he’ll not even try to be an adult, you’ll have to do the entire job. “My love?” Ok maybe a little tilt of his head in your direction, you’re getting somewhere. 
“I saw the footsteps, who came here?” you asked. “...Your ex, wanted to talk to you”, he grumbled. 
When you tensed he immediately turns and look at you warily. “Y/N?” “Tell me you didn’t let them in, please tell me you told them to leave!” Your distress managed to calm his anxiety but a new one was now bubbling in his stomach. “Of course I did. Why? Why are you so tensed Y/N?”. You would tell him, completely or not is up to you, but he would get the main information: that person was persona non grata in your life now. 
He feels relived to hear that, sorry for you and also incredibly mad at your ex.
After that he would want to know about all your exes, in order to protect you in case one decided to pop in front of your door again. (And also because he wants you to reaffirm your absolute love for him, flatter his ego he needs it badly now). 
Don’t be too surprised when the person literally evaporated. Don’t try to ask, you don’t wanna know, or maybe just that human body can endure a 50kg pressure before its ribs start to crack, when put under a hydraulic press. 
Oswald Cobblepot
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Oh boy, bring Oxford Dictionary and replace tantrum’s definition by Oswald Cobblepot. 
You were in Oswald’s house during one of his parties when your ex came, started to threaten you and demanded you follow him outside.  
As soon as Penguin saw your arm being gripped by a stranger, he would feel his blood starting to boil in his veins. 
Would approach the two of you with a crisped smile and politely introduce himself, his boyfriend status, and DEMAND the person to let you go THIS INSTANT. 
“You’re into cripples now Y/N?! Look at that face and nose, what are you man? A bird?” Uh-oh.
 Oswald would grab the first bottle he sees / crystal glass, break it and jump on your ex, shoving the broken glass on the side of their neck and finished them with an umbrella down their throat. 
If Oswald managed to keep his calm and only dreamed about the scene before because he has an audience, just a glance at his face would tell you everything you need to know, from his tight lips, gritting teeth, to his shaking hands. You’re in trouble, and your ex would never see the sun again. 
Would 100% pull you behind him in an empty room to yell at you so much you would wish being deaf. If you are, you would see him sign so quickly and sloppily from rage you might have to ask him to repeat. Or don’t, you understood the main problem anyways. 
Would 100% accuse you to plot against him, will hurt you by questioning  your feelings, were even genuine? And probably would accuse you to work with Ed all this time to make him suffer. (Don’t ask what Ed has to do with all of this, Oswald isn’t rational right now, his paranoia drives him).
Let him vent, don’t even try to interrupt him, the key with Oswald is to stay calm. Always. 
Seeing you so peaceful but with a sad glint in your eyes will convinced him to hush and finally let a room for you to explain. 
“Oswald, remember when I told you about that ex I never wanted to see again because of what he did to me? Well it was him. And I didn’t want to go with him, you interrupted us just in time...” Oh. Crud. Well... Uh... Ok give him a sec to collect his self. 
Would feel totally awful after that, but also a selfish relief. God he was so scared, he loves you so much you know. So he did the right thing slaughtering that fool (NO! Call the police or punch him hard in the face/nuts but no kill Oswald!) 
If he already killed your ex : “I-...I swear the floor will be spotless tomorrow my sweet Y/N, let’s call Olga and move in another room. Would you like some tea to ease your nerves? Mother had a secret recipe with honey and a bit of milk, would you like to try?” 
Super polite and well behaved with you after that, will buy you flowers and jewels to try to make amend for all the atrocious things he told you. 
Victor Zsasz 
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Victor is a simple man. Another person is threatening your conjugal bliss? They’re dead and without a warning. 
Joke aside, Victor was just passing by (aka having fun breaking in your flat AGAIN, not like you cared anymore at this point)... when he heard someone knocking at your door. 
“Hum... Sorry... Did Y/N changed their address?” Would ask your very pale ex seeing the intimidating hitman who just opened the door.
Zsasz wouldn’t even have to ask who, he already know about ALL your exes, names addresses, why you broke... So he would stay here, silent, deadly silent, and watch the person sweating bullets in front of him. 
“Hum... Look, I used to date Y/N and I wanted to tal-...!” “Out.” Would cut Victor then slam the door so hard the doorframe would be shaking. 
 Now alone, he would clench and unclench is jaw and fist so hard they might break.
Why is he so angry? Yes he’s 99,9% sure you love him, after all he’s a master at spotting liars, but the 0,01% still bothers him greatly. You didn’t contact your ex, he was 99,9% sure of that too...stupid 0,01%!
You would find him in on your armchair in the dark, in an imitation of the Thinker. “Vic?” 
He cares for you and what happened today enraged him beyond measure. Feelings were dangerous, but he wouldn’t kill you though, he was debating about trapping you forever in his basement or let you be. 
“Hi sweetness, you missed your ex earlier.” Ok time to be a master monk poker player. DON’T PANIC, take a seat, a deep breath and start a civil chat with your best blank face. 
“Oh. Good news then, I didn’t want to see them. Want a Pepperoni?” Sounds stupid uh? Well not that much since you show him it doesn’t phase you and you want to do domestic things WITH HIM instead. You’re doing good, he relaxed a bit. 
“Sure ask for a milkshake too. Care if I play with them a bit before killing them Y/N?” He would try again, just to be sure you really don’t care about your ex anymore (100% yandere material here). “Have fun Victor.” <- Magic formula here, he would grin like an idiot. You saved your ass, congrats... for now. (Being in a twisted relationship with this fellow is literally living on a knife-edge...)
 Would accompany you everywhere when he can after that, sticking to you like glue, instead of stalking from afar... May also strongly suggest carving a ‘VZ’ somewhere visible, “just to be clear” with everyone you know or used to. Hum... good luck with that one... (Ask for his hand, maybe changing your last name for Zsasz would be clearer, even outside the city or in another country where he’s not already famous?)
Jonathan Crane
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Jonathan saw your ex run to you and start arguing.
What where you doing outside for starters?!
Groceries, sounds fair...ok... He stalked you just to be sure you wouldn’t be abducted by some lunatics, Gotham is a dangerous place you know Y/N (tell us about it dude!)
He did well seeing that one gradually starting to yell about how you were an awful partner all this time and blah and blah and blah. 
Oh god, so you already have some romantic experience before meeting him... you were his first everything, love, friend, confident... but he was not yours. He would feel pretty insecure suddenly and angry and utterly terrified. 
Since he was so weird, maybe you would prefer toss him to the side and go back to a normal life with normal people like this person who was now gripping your arms. WHAT? BACK OFF NOW. 
A blur, that’s all you would see before hearing your ex yelling in absolute terror on the floor and seeing Jonathan standing next to you and looking at you warily. “You never told me about this person, Y/N”, his voice was a shaking a bit but cold. “Are you going to leave me? To abandon me?” 
Now there is an edge in it and all his body was shaking. He didn’t know what to do : let you go if you wish to? Gas you to make you lose your mind as a punishment, since you kept your precedent love life secret? Abducting you and hiding you in his basement? Cry at your feet and beg you to love him as much as he loves you?... He was lost. 
He didn’t anticipated you would throw yourself at him in his costume and cry while muttering “Oh god thank you, you free me from that creep!” Uh? Explain him why you didn’t want to talk about your ex, he would understand, he knows one thing or two about being abused you know?
Talk to him and make him talk to you about his insecurities (knowing them may save your life one day you know), tell the cinnamon roll you love him and isn’t about to toss him aside he’s too precious. 
Would be super clingy (more than usual I mean since he’s the clingiest villain here), never let you live the house without him heavily armed with his toxin. 
Jervis Tetch
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Oh boy no.2. Jervis would lose it here.
When your ex had the good (no) idea to show their face in front of your door, Tetch was the one greeting them. 
Like Victor, he already knows about all your exes and the life you had before starting a romantic relationship with him. So right now he’s internally fuming. What was this scum doing here? 
One of the rare times he doesn’t have is psycho smile, he’s awfully neutral right now and super dangerous. “Why hello here my dear, what can I do for you on this beautiful day?” Gentleman killer, always polite remember? 
You ex would be a bit taken aback, “Uh... Who are you dude? I came to see Y/N, where are they?” Terrible manners, Jervis lips would be tightening in a thin line, also indicating your ex they were on thin ice. 
“I, my friend, am their actual boyfriend. Y/N and I were having a nice afternoon tea when you decided to ruin our intimacy with your unannounced and unwanted visit.” Ouch he was harsh. 
Doesn’t care that much though, he would be a bit lost in his thoughts. The person in front of him was is total opposite, they look like rude and he jolted a bit when they yelled your name and tried to force their way inside. 
Immediately draws his pocket watch and hypnotized them. “Look at me in the eyes my dear, can you hear the tick-tock? Good.” 
“Y/N my love, we have an uninvited guest today!” Oh no. “Would you please be a dear and serve them a cup of tea, honey?” Double oh no. 
Your very hypnotized ex was now sit between Tetch and you, siping absentmindedly at their tea. 
“Well? Do you know what they are doing here my sweet?” Would ask Jervis with an edge in his tone. “Of course not! And trust me please I didn’t want to see their face ever again.” “Hm... Well I’m no red queen, but for you my Alice, I can do something to grant your wish” But first explain him how someone as amazing as you could have been in a relationship with this hideous frog? 
More important, if you fell once for this stupid kind of person, how can he be so sure you wouldn’t abandon him one day for another one? “I would never give you to one of those worms my lovely Alice. You know I would turn Wonderland upside down for you, don’t you? You wouldn’t dare to run like a panicked cute white rabbit far away from me?” 
Would 100% consider hypnotizing you. You’ll have to convince him to not do so. 
If you managed to, congrats, you can now enjoy your tea and the vision of your ex opening his veins and his blood being put in jam pots by your actual lover. 
Jerome Valeska
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Well crap. For your ex I mean. And probably for your stomach too, put that sandwich down you’ll be glad you did. 
Jerome absolutely wanted you to accompany him to wreak havoc at Gotham fairground. “Oh come on Y/N, it’ll be FUN!” 
It was, until you heard one of Jerome hostages call your name and push people aside to come just in front of you. “Do you know how long I was looking for you?! You stupid-bloody-little...-” “My, my, my who’s that Y/N?!” Jerome voice resonated next to you, interrupting your ex. “Who am I? I was Y/N’s partner! Who ARE YOU fucking clown?! Can’t you see we are talking here, go away!” Yelled your ex before grabbing your arm. 
Jerome smile would froze and his eyes opened slightly but just enough to be terrifying. What does the person next to you was doing? How dare them touch you and IN FRONT of him at that. Why where you looking so distressed even when you knew you where perfectly capable of killing that scum? Or if not, HE was totally able to. 
Seeing another person having this much power on you made his blood boil. God he wasn’t that angry for a long time : since he savagely killed his mother in fact. Do something or he’s going to rip your ex arm off you. Or don’t, even better. Just sit and watch what happens when you dare being the one having the upper hand on his feelings. 
100% would grab a saber somewhere and cut said arm clean. “Ah... that’s better. Look, you’re spoiling the fun here and Y/N isn’t smiling anymore, I cannot have that when I promised they would have the time of their life, uh? You’ll help me fix that” and he would grab them by the collar.
First stop, roller coaster, would tie your ex in front of the train and sit next to you in a wagon. “Never knew you had so plain and boring tastes, Y/N. Fortunately I came here and save you from a dull life.” Let the narcissist rants about how he was your saviour, deep down he also try to ease the little insecurity which popped up in his stomach. You were too fun to leave him, too devoted too, too in love with him. 
“Say you love me, Y/N, say it loud and clear for all people to hear above that dull person’s screams”. 
Jeremiah Valeska 
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Frankly, he was expecting many things when he looked at his security system but absolutely not to see a perfect stranger standing in front of his bunker? Did they came here to volunteer? (get out Victor)
“Hum... Excuse me? Is that Y/N new address?” Asked the voice into the microphone. Y/N? Why would you give this address? Only GCPD knew about it, he was certain. Did you met that person and let this piece of information escaped involuntarily? You weren’t that stupid. 
So it was intentional? Why? When? “Hello? Y/N! I really need to talk to you, you have to listen! The discussion isn’t finished because you decided to!” Said the person losing its patience.
Oh? “Good morning there, security, could you please give us your name, and tell us how you knew about this place?” Yeah Jeremiah has to understand what the hell was happening, even if it means playing security guard. 
“Hum, I’m Y/E/N, I’m a good friend of Y/N and have to talk to her, it’s really important dude, can you open, she knows me don’t worry.” 
Jeremiah was ready to talk again but heard a huge shocked gasp behind him and turned to look at you, well more the absolute terror on you face. “What are they doing here”, he heard you muttered. 
“Why are they here, YN? Did you told them?” Demanded Jeremiah in the coldest tone you ever heard him use. He was fuming, you betrayed him by giving a stranger his address. “Are you cheating on me, YN?” He would ask again in his lowest tone and feeling his stomach twists in rage and betrayal.
“Wha-No! I don’t know how he found me here, he’s my ex! Don’t let them in please, make them go away!” Your frightened voice, and non verbal made him relax a bit. “Oh. Sit, Y/N.” He demanded while patting the seat next to him. 
“Excuse me, but my employer said they didn’t want to talk. Also told they never gave you their address”, he would press a button and dozen of gun would surrounded your ex. “How did you know?” 
Poor ex would sweat bullets, “I-...I went to the GCPD, saw a file with Y/N name and this address, don’t shot!”
Oh he wouldn’t. He would abduct them though, put them in a torture room and demand you to torture them to death to prove him your ABSOLUTE devotion and love. Good luck dear. 
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moonlit-imagines · 2 years
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requested by anonymous
You shuffled through your mail in front of your mailbox: bill, bill, junk mail, coupons…unstamped letter? It was hand delivered, but by who? You peeled the envelope open and found a handwritten message, It is priceless, but it comes to you for free. You stood there a minute, a bit uncomfortable by the mystique behind the situation, but the answer came to you quite soon. Love.
You went upstairs to your apartment and opened the door only to find another letter on the floor. Same handwriting. It is mine, but you can only keep it. You sighed and threw your mail on the counter, bringing the letters to the couch as you analyzed them. You couldn’t exactly figure out who would have sent these—well, delivered these to you. For now, you’d carry on about your business.
And the next morning you went to work, almost forgetting those riddles on the coffee table. By the time you got to the diner, one of your regulars was already seated and waiting for you. “Hi there, Edward, I see you already got your coffee.” You greeted him kindly while walking behind the counter. “Need anything else?” You asked him and he shook his head.
“I’m all set, thank you.” He smiled and pulled a pen from his pocket, scribbling something on his napkin. He then left a $10 bill on the counter and exited without another word. You chuckled at his nervous demeanor and cleaned up his spot.
“Annette, he left you a tip!” You called to one of the waitresses and spotted the napkin. Same handwriting as the letters you received last night. I start with T and end with a T; without me, your love won’t last. “What the..?”
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @summersimmerus // @xoxobabydolls // @evilcr0ne // @wild-rose-35 // @alwaysananglophile // @ruvaakke // @more-multifandom-of-madness // @girlmythlegend // @mowisdvdspecial // @diansaprince // @v0idl1nq // @theseawakes // @sydknee624 // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @locke-writes //
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imagine--if · 2 years
Heya!! Could I request a headcanon for how Ed Nashton shows affection to his s/o when he’s in his Riddler getup? Thanks so much 💚💚
A/N: I enjoyed writing this so much, hope you like it 💕
Pairing: Dano!Riddler x reader (The Batman 2022)
Warnings: Mentions of violence, Riddler stuff and reader is kinda partner in crime to it, he's such a simp 😂😍
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• You think the cling wrap and mask is gonna stop this guy from loving you?? Yeah... no.
• Eddie will proudly show you off as his beautiful partner in chaos on his streams, calls to the GCPD and Batman, in everything he does
• He loves sharing every part of his life with you - after all, everything he does is for you
• So his livestreams consist of you pressed right up to his side as the Riddler has one arms around you tightly while he's rambling and asking questions gleefully, but the whole thing will be laced with sickly sweet affection
• Riddler likes kissing your hands and cheek audibly through the mask, he calls you his goddess and angel when interacting with his followers, and they're just as respectful and supportive to you as they are to the Riddler
• You're also on his lap a lot of the time, he just sits you there and cradles your head against his chest, runs his gloved fingers through your hair and stuff 🥰
• He just instinctively compliments and adores every little thing you do
• And if you help him kill a corrupt?? He'll swoon
• There's just the Batman that wants to get to the bottom of a fatal puzzle the Riddler's created, but he's got his arms around you from behind and is rocking you gently while he taunts him 🤣
• Edward gets a little agitated when he can't kiss you properly or touch you skin-on-skin through the suit and gloves and mask and all, so when you're done, he's clingy all over again 💚
• There was one time when some scum got a riddle about angels wrong by not answering by your name (or the name you use in crime) and the Riddler was so frustrated by it
• "What do you mean, you don't know?! There's an angel, right here, right in front of you, and you're too blinded by corruption to even see it. I've never seen anyone so beautiful in all my life~"
• I don't know what else to say... he's so deeply, obsessively in love, and God help anyone who tries to interfere with that 😍
@lilyevans1 @truecobblepot @kpopgirlbtssvt @tinyryder @ireadandream @mortem-muse @tianotfound
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uzubebe · 3 years
i just miss you
type: one shot
pairings: edward nygma x reader
summary: angst!! you had fallen for edward nygma, but now he was the riddler
mentioned song: round and round by heize, han suji
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there you were in the gcpd once again, solemnly making your way through the work day the best you could. things hadn’t been been the same, not since edward nygma had become the riddler.
you met him long ago, becoming attached to him on your first day of work there. you found a kindred spirit within him. someone too who was always on the outside, a little bit odd, and trying every failing attempt to just be accepted. you smiled softly as you reminisced about your first interaction.
“do you like riddles?” he asked matter of factly, refusing to make eyes contact as he pushed up his glasses and scrunched his nose. you smiled brightly at him.
“oh mr. nygma, i love riddles.” you spoke, his eyes lit up as he turned to you. smiling a smile so wide and bright, you knew you’d never see something quite like it.
“maybe we’ll get along just fine.” he continued, looking down on you in appreciation.
“oh we better, you are stuck with me after all, edward nygma.” you smirked nudging him slightly as he continued to walk you through the gcpd.
edward appreciated your arrival just as much. he was weary of you at first, not once had such a beautiful women been so kind to him, at least not without some gross ulterior motives to humiliate him.
overtime you had realized your romantic feelings for him. doing your best to drop off snacks or coffee for him each morning. spending your days off together solving riddles and trying your best to teach him how to play piano.
“ed cmon sweetie i know you’re better than this.” you laughed, watching him fumble the keys on the piano once again.
“y/n don’t patronize me. i can do this. i will not be beaten by this silly instrument.” he spat, but you could sense his humor behind it. you giggled softly.
“scoot over.” you instructed, he immediately obliged as you sat closely to him on the bench. turning to bring his attention to your face.
“i really want you to learn this song.” you giggled he smirked slightly and let out a sigh.
“i do too, i know this round and round song is one of your favorites. but it is a korean song, and it’s hard to play on the piano!” ed argued, feigning theatrical dramatics as he slammed his hands onto the piano. you laughed loudly at this.
“let me help.” you suggested, laying your hands softly over edwards to guide him through the notes. your cheeks turned red as you felt his unwavering gaze on you.
“not sure staring at me will help much for the piano lessons?” you joked, edwards shifted, coughing slightly.
“right, back to work!” he smiled brightly, allowing your hands to continue guiding him through the lesson.
it happened slowly and then all at once. you were in love with him, and you believed almost nothing would be able to change that irrevocable fact. that was until he became the riddler.
he was different, still ed but maniacal, condescending, and well, a murderer. you knew just about everyone in gotham was a villain in someway, you just never expected your edward to become someone you had to fear.
so now you sat in your office that sat directly across from his old one. the bags under your eyes prevalent as you hadn’t slept much since the loss of your best friend.
you had had a few interactions with the riddler, most unpleasant. although he seemed to avoid you altogether, as if he would crumble once he laid eyes on you. you were pulled from your thoughts by a soft knock on the door.
“hey” jim gordon whispered softly, edging into your office slowly as he sent you a closed mouth smile. you returned it the best you could and let out a sigh.
“i was just thinking your shift is over within the next hour, why don’t you go ahead and take off and try to get some rest?” jim suggested. you smiled softly to the man, one of the only people who seemed to noticed the physical strain ed’s absence had on you.
“thank you” you whispered softly, and slowly getting up from your desk, and gathering your things.
“really thank you.” you sighed out, giving the man a small hug and quickly making your way out of the precinct.
you drove home swiftly and tiredly, walking to your front door. after it creaked open, you stopped in your tracks. hearing a familiar tune playing on your piano, one you had been teaching ed.
“is this a cruel joke?” you snapped, slamming your belongings onto the ground and marching your way into the large living room. seeing none other than the riddler sitting at your piano, his back turned to you.
“you need to get the fuck out of here before i call the police.” you stated, he only ignored your request and continued to play.
“actually, better yet, i am the police.” you snapped, pulling out your gun and cocking it. he stopped, pulling his hands off the keys.
“are you going to shoot me, y/n?” ed asked, you expected his tone to be condescending. but it was the opposite, almost laced with betrayal. you scoffed at this.
“well when i walk into my home to find a criminal sat at my piano, i’m not quite sure what my reaction should be.” you spat, shoving the gun back into its holster.
“y/n, you know i’m not just some criminal. not to you.” he sighed, finally turning to you. he was disheveled. hair hanging on his forehead, white shirt slightly unbuttoned, and coming untucked from his green suit pants.
“this is so cruel. almost too cruel, even for you.” you cried, slamming your body on to the couch, and dramatically pulling off your jacket.
“i don’t mean to be cruel, i just-“ he began, trailing off as he shoved his glasses further up his nose.
“you just what? want me to be scared of you? want to torment me with this version of you? that is cruel ed! i’ve been in shambles since you left, a fucking shell of a person!” you actually screamed, tears rolling from your eyes. his expression softened as he watched you, he almost looked guilty.
“i’m sorry, i never meant for this to happen. i don’t mean to torment you. i just miss you” he stated, rushing from his place and to your side. you instinctively moved away, not trusting him, at least not the way you used to.
“you missed me ? you’ve had all this time, to come to me, try to explain? i cant say that it would’ve helped anything, but you couldn’t even call? despite my better judgment i still care for you, but how am i meant to react? when i don’t even recognize, the man i knew, the man i loved sitting right in front of me.” you sighed, sending him an incredulous look, trying to wipe the tears from your face.
“you…loved me?” he asked, looking up at you in confusion. you let out a sigh, realizing what you had just said.
“i did. i do. i don’t know. what did you think? i studied every riddle, i listened to every theory, i made your favorite foods, held your hand when you were upset, i did everything in my power to make you feel wanted. and you still left.” you sighed, defeated. he sat, dejected studying every feature on your tear stained face.
“could you still love me ? like this ?” he said, tears welling in his eyes. you reached for his hand, and he gripped it tightly immediately. meeting your sad gaze.
“ed, i don’t know if there’s anything that could keep me from loving you. i just don’t know if i can trust you.” you stated sadly, ed nodded softly.
“i wouldn’t hurt you. ever. i know that’s not much but it’s all i have to offer. i have truly loved you since the moment you walktzed into the precinct. i never thought for a second that you could return those feelings. i feel like such a fool.” he sighed, tears continuing to fall from his eyes. you gave his hand a small squeeze and let out a sad laugh.
“how unfortunate this is.” you sighed, shifting towards him slightly.
“hmm?” he inquired, shifting towards you and sending you a confused gaze.
“it is unfortunate isn’t it? someone turning their back on their morals, all for love ?” you asked, his eyes widened as you moved towards him, landing your lips on his. and for the first time you felt at peace, as he pulled you onto his lap. now able to wrap you into a deep, passionate kiss.
“nothing is going to happen to you. not now. not ever.” he whispered, running a hand through your hair and sending you a small smile.
“it better not, the riddlers girlfriend getting killed, can’t be good for the reputation?” you joked, trying you best to make light in the situation. you felt weary, but looking down at the man in front of you, nothing else seemed to matter. he chuckled deeply and pulled you into another kiss, try to make up for lost time. he pulled away and locked eyes with you, smirking slightly.
“i hurt the most when lost, yet also when not had at all. i’m sometimes the hardest to express, but the easiest to ignore. i can be given to many, or just one. what am I?” edward smiled, you sent him a goofy grin and scooted down into his lap, burying your head into his neck.
“love” you whispered, setting a soft kiss on his cheek, gripping his hand tightly. you looked to him with doe eyes, when he was with you, this was edward nygma. the riddler, long gone, at least when he was under your gaze.
“thank you, for loving me.” he smiled, as he looking at you, setting his hand softly on your cheek.
“no need to thank you me. it’s a pleasure mr.nygma”
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The Riddler sending a note for the newspaper in Gotham Knights Media Kit for DC Fandome
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Edward is pissed about the weekly riddles section.
I can't believe that all the headcanons that I read here on Tumblr became real.
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fangirl--writes · 3 years
⭐️Sad Headcanons: Gotham Boys.
RQ by Anon from Headcanon Meme
Sad Headcanon: Harvey Bullock⭐️
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He’d come home after a shift and find you aimlessly just staring at the television.
Reality tv of all things… you don’t watch reality television.
“Babe?” Harvey would put his stuff down and approach you carefully, his heavy hand coming to rest on your shoulder.
He’s not good with his own emotions and all that jazz- but that doesn’t mean he can’t read em’
You’d move sluggishly to meet his eyes- yours red from crying that you’d tried so hard to wipe away before he came home.
“Somthin’ eatin’ at cha’?”
You’d shake you head no, holding back a sniffle.
He knew better. With a soft sigh he’d lower himself onto the couch his hand falling on yours as he waited.
If you weren’t gonna talk, he’s not going to force it.
Be he will let you know that he is here for you.
 Sad Headcanon: Victor Zsasz⭐️
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He’d be all over you in seconds his dark eyes swimming with worry.
His brain immediately switching to the 5 W’s
Who What When Where Why?
If’ he’d be “working” and he received your call Victor would soothe you softly over the phone. *If he hears just the right tone in your voice he’d finish immediately and be on his way to you.
Bonus points if you hear the shot over the phone.
“Do you want me to pick something up?”
Victor would find you curled up on the couch, or on the bed and immediately just cuddle into you. The softness in his hands as he rubbed soothing circles in your back as he asked if you wanted to talk about it, or if you just needed him to listen.
His eyes never leaving your face as you speak, holding your hand or tracing patterns in your skin.
He is a fantastic listener.
Very insistent he will persuade the person who did you wrong to apologize before they
Head Canon: Edward Nygma⭐️
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He’ll hear sniffling in the records office-
Curled up against a filing cabinet rocking softly; you don’t notice him at first.
He Had half a mind to slip back out, but something pulls him toward you
Only do you notice when he’s slides down beside you with a worried brow-
He’s quiet at first- “Y/n…” his voice is so calm as he studies your form.
Emotions are not exactly his strong suit, he’s more logical and analytical.
His eyes light up as he taps you on the shoulder. “What fruit can never be cheered up?”
You look up from your hands, eyes red and watery; your breath hitching in your throat as you stare at the forensic scientist
“I-I d..don’t know.”
He smiles a toothy grin as he lets out a small chuckle. “A blueberry.”
You find yourself smiling at his silly riddle as he offers his hankie
Slowly wiping your tears, you rest back on the filing cabinet-
“Would you like to talk about it?” you shake your head no fiddling with the cloth in your hands.
So, you spend the better part of the hour staring at the ceiling listening to him talk-
If it helps you, he’s more than happy to fill the silence with his interests
And when you are ready, whenever that maybe he’ll be right there to listen.
Gremlin Taglist:  Wanna be added? Leave a comment down below  ⬇️
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You kiss your penguin with that mouth?
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quits-writing · 2 years
ed simp angst imagine
note: i thought of someone who would be insane enough to kill their love of their lives for the sake of their plan and it looks like enigma is the winner
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imagine being the mf simping over ed and your main wish is to die by ed himself so you’ll see or look at ed one last time before passing away as a joke (but bro doesn’t think its a joke anymore)
so when something happened and needs to be killed instead of being punished or sumn ed cuddles with said person ??? which they didn’t expect so they fell asleep
little did it know it was their last time living with ed before him killing them off, maybe ed is just a sadist for not granting their wish fully. or he, himself, just didn’t want to see that one last look before the light in their eyes fades away
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swanimagines · 3 years
Awww yay, I'm so glad you are feeling better and your inspiration is back! Never feel bad if you end up needing more time!
Okay, since you want requests, can I have E32. Having a deep conversation with Ed Nygma from Gotham? Thanks so much! Take care of yourself!
Fandom: Gotham
A/N: "Never feel bad if you end up needing more time" and you sent this on 9th of April. 😂 But I hope you like it Meredith!
Warnings: angst, talk about breakup, but hurt/comfort (because that's what Mer likes ^^). Also I'm still rusty with writing stuff for anyone else than Kaz and Pin but we'll get it rolling again, I hope 😅
Word count: 585
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He felt like he was losing his mind. His evil side was stepping up, laughing, taking control of him. It was making him do stuff he would never usually do.
But the most worried he was about you. The Riddler said that love is a weakness, and you were the one he loved. Were you a weakness? Would The Riddler get rid of you? Ed wouldn't be able to take it if he would.
So, he made a tough decision - he had to break up with you before The Riddler would take control. But he wouldn't be able to say it straight to your face - so he started avoiding you. He knew it wasn't the wisest way and he could feel the hurt on his back when he turned away from you when you tried to come hug him or give him a kiss at the precinct.
Ed should have expected it when you came to him and prevented him from leaving, telling him that he'll gonna have to talk to you, and that you can't take it anymore.
Ed stared at you, swallowing a few times before he sighed and sat down on the bench of the dress room, and you sat opposite him.
"He won't leave me alone. He tells me that you're a weakness," he muttered, and you frowned.
Ed took his head to his hands. "The monster inside me. It's going to kill you. I have to protect you, I can't be with you anymore."
You were puzzled - Ed had acted strangely for a few weeks before this behavior, but you didn't know he was this messed up. You took his hand on your own and squeezed. "Ed, you can talk to me about anything, you know that."
Ed looked up, suddenly a hint of darkness coated his eyes but it was gone as soon as it appeared. He ripped his hand off from yours. "He wants to kill you. He keeps saying you're a weakness."
You pressed your lips together before leaning back against the closet. "Who is 'he'?"
Ed fell silent for a moment, looking at his hands. Then he finally said, "The Riddler."
You blinked. Was Ed The Riddler? You were silent for a moment, and Ed shook his head.
"I can't risk it. We can't be together. I can't... you have to move out from Gotham," he babbled and looked up, flinching at something beside you. You looked to your side but saw nothing.
Maybe you were gambling with your life, or maybe you were just plain stupid, but you stubbornly crossed your arms. "Tell The Riddler that he doesn't scare me. I won't abandon my boyfriend, period."
Ed looked up again, glancing at the Riddler who was now seated beside you and looked at you with a small smirk. "I like them."
Ed blinked himself, and The Riddler was gone and he could look at you properly again. His breathing evened out as he gazed in your eyes and then reluctantly nodded.
You knew that you were committing a crime yourself, not turning your boyfriend in after things he had done, but you knew it wasn't Ed who did those things. It was The Riddler. But he would still be thrown to Arkham for life if he got caught. Fortunately you were a police officer - you could cover him up.
You knew it was a corrupted act, but you were too much in love to let Ed get caught. You'd stand by him, whatever it took.
Tags: @captainshazamerica​ @bookfrog242 @katherinepetrovawife // send me an ask to be added to any of my taglists or add yourself!
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cosmic-rainestorm · 2 years
Gotham Masterlist
You can request any character :)
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Edward Nygma:
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Riddle book
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howl-fantasies · 3 years
Gotham villains when you’re at the hospital
A/N - Let’s be honest here little fellow, being in a relationship with a villain means at least one hospital trip once in a while because you WILL be a collateral damage or a way to harm them. Now, with that being said, how do our dear antagonists would react when hearing you’re at Gotham General Hospital?
Warning : English mistakes, sorry about that, it’s not my first language, probably bad words and mention of blood/torture, I mean... it’s Gotham.  
I hope you’ll enjoy it! 🥰
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As soon as he heard about you being transported to the hospital he would panic. What happened? Did you have an accident? Another sabotage by Penguin maybe? God, where is your car?!
Would drop whatever he’s doing to rush to the hospital, he’s a genius, he would figured out a way to approach you without being arrested or putting you in danger. 
He would infiltrate your room as a doctor, since the surgical mask and cap would hide him. 
If you are conscious, he would rush to you and hug you like you’re gonna evaporate at any second, crushing you and probably make you cry in pain a bit. 
Would soothe you while muttering nonsense, keeping your face in his hands and scanning your body to look at your injuries, “Sweet dear, what happened to you? Are you ok? Did the GCPD already came to hear you? What did you tell them?” Calm him down or he’s gonna lose it, you can already see Riddler and him fighting to have control over is body. 
“Look, Y/N I NEED to know exactly WHAT happened”, asked the harsh voice of the Riddler. He would take care of any psychological shock AFTER you tell him the details. Now he needs to think and fast for your own security, so, take a deep breath and explain everything in chronological order with as much info you can to give him a perfect picture of the event. 
Would be silent after your explanation, don’t interrupt, he’s scheming. First : how to get you out as fast as possible with everything you’d need to recover properly, he’d be your doctor, nurse, he’d learn just for you. Second, he needs to plot against the low life responsible of your poor state and DESTROY them. 
If you’re unconscious, he would break just next to you, sweating bullets and hyperventilated until Riddler finally takes the upper hand and collect theirselves. Ok. Breathe. We need to act now. 
Would steal your file to know everything about your injuries, current treatment and find the best way to take you out without endangering your life. 
Brings you to one of his hideout in the Narrows and would probably contact Lee to take care of you until he’s confident enough to do it himself. 
Would scrutinize her every move just to be sure she doesn’t try something. “Ed, relax, I’d never hurt a civil, I’m a doctor remember? Not a sicko assassin”, She would try to tell him. “Nothing personal Lee, but I’m not leaving, can never be 100% sure in this city.” He would bark. “God you really like them, uh...” Would just said Lee, earning a blade under her throat. “Don’t talk about something you don’t understand doctor. Do your job, that’s just what I’m asking you”. 
She was right though, he wouldn’t eat or sleep until forced by Lee, only counting on coffee to keep his brain awake.
If he didn’t have your inputs about what happened, he would break inside of the GCPD and steal their files to see if they have any clue. If yes, the responsible is dead. If not, he wouldn’t hesitate to abduct Gordon or Penguin to force them to investigate and if they don’t managed to help him, they are DEAD. He would also hack CCTV just in case something was recorded. 
Don’t worry he would find the culprit, his brain would be focused on this goal EVERY second until he figures it out. Because he figures EVERYTHING OUT. 
Would suffocate you when awake, demand you to always stay where he can see you, even offer you to put a tracker device on you with an emergency button, just in case. 
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Oh dear, remember how he was when his mother was abducted? Yeah, he’d be exactly like that, multiply by ten. 
Since the murder of his mother, he was paranoid and the idea of you being a target was eating him alive. He asked 4 guards to ALWAYS be with you just to avoid reviving his terrible misery and distress. So WHAT in hell happened?! 
Would yell in his living room and probably kill the bringer of the new out of rage, then hyperventilate, then yell again while crying and throwing every and any item in the room. 
Probably would need one of his goons or Victor to calm him down. You were alive, just injured or badly injured, you needed him to take care of you, your safety and make the culprit PAY. 
Once calm, he would be terrifyingly cold. “Everybody with me, we’re going to the hospital, keep the GCPD and people out.” He would demand. 
In the hospital, he would rush to you and, like Ed, crush you against his chest muttering nonsense and crying. He would repeat non stop how everything is going to be ok, how he’d take care of you, how you don’t need to do anything, just recover, and how he is sorry you were mix in whatever happened. 
Cause he would be certain you were a way to make him suffer. Would ask you what happened, wipe your tears if needed, and keep your hands in his during all your explanations, to show you his support and love. 
Would do an amazing job to soothe you and look like a strong and collected partner just for your sake, while all his being is fuming. But you needed reassurance and he would give it to you. His pain was secondary when you were in this state. 
You wouldn’t be able to read his face, but do not fret, he’s scheming like never before. He learnt his lesson with his mother : no precipitation or impulsive move - as much as possible, we are talking about the king of tantrums here. “Victor, find them. Don’t have too much fun, I want to be the one playing with them.” He would order coldly. 
If you’re unconscious, he would freeze next to your hospital bed, gritting his teeth and clenching his cane so hard his fingers would threaten to break. He would grab one of your hands and kiss your knuckles before barking at his men “Take an ambulance, bring the better doctors and nurses of the hospital, we’re gonna install Y/N in my mansion and they’re gonna take care of her until she feels better. GO!” 
Back at the mansion, he would organize an exceptional meeting, any absent is a dead man or woman. “Someone targeted Y/N. I want all of you to investigate and find them. And if the culprit(s) is one of you, I’ll make an example and let Victor have all the fun he wants with their family.” 
Once awake, he would be the perfect nurse with you. Clearly suffocating but endearing. Say thank you and drink another of his sainted mother tea. That’ll ease his poor nerves and probably save a few lives, Gabe told you earlier that Oswald had blow a goon with a bazooka for a simple mistake. “Please be better soon Y/N, everybody miss you dearly”, he would plea then flee far away as soon as seeing Cobblepot coming with a tray in his hands. 
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Never in his life had he shot a mark that quick. As soon as one of the girls told him about you being at the hospital, the guy he was stalking brutally died in the middle of the street and some Gothamites saw a terrifying bald guy walking like he was going to stab someone to death, bring them back to life and kill them all over again. 
He would order the girls to guard your room and the hospital until he arrives, which would be pretty quick trust me, not like he cares about speed limits. 
As soon as he would be in your room, you will see his clench jaw and the angry vein popping on the side of his neck. As well as his furrowed eyebrows and his dark gaze. He was scared and didn’t like it, at all. Our sweet sweet maniac doesn’t deal vey well with the death of people he cares for, first his parents, next Falcone, now it could have been you. 
Would sit next to you and scan your body inch by inch in total silence to see the damages. “When. What. Who. And why? Now.” Don’t take offense, it’s his coping mechanism. Be concise and tell him everything you remember. 
Once you finished, he would nod then lift up and walk to the door. Stop a second then turn his head a bit indicating you to listen. “You don’t move from here. Stay with the girls, they’ll bring you home. Wait for me here.” Again, don’t take offense, right now he’s a man on a mission : finding the fucker who did that, and torture them for ages until they lose all humanity and just become a vegetable on a chair.” 
Would demand an update of your situation EVERY 30min. If one girl miss to report, he’s here and if she doesn’t have a good excuse (there would be none) she dies. 
If you’re not conscious, oh boy. He would walk next to you and stare at your form beat to a pulp while breathing hard. Then would draw one of his gun, load it, and lean enough to kiss your forehead, brushing your hair out of your face before storming out of the room : the man is on a killing spree and not even a char would be enough to stop him. He doesn’t try and never stops, he’s hunting now and will bring you your assailant head once he would be finished with them.  
Would order the girls to bring you home with everything you need to recover, also brainwash doctors and nurses to be entirely focus on saving your life. 
Once you’re awake, he would already be there, sat on a chair and watching you without blinking. His face would be extremely tense and his eyes hollow. “Vic?” “You start training with me tomorrow. Now sleep Y/N”. He would raise, crash his lips hard on yours then leave.
Yeah, say thank you cause he reeeeally wanted to keep you in here until the world ends. But since risk 0 never exists, he decided to train you until he judges you able to take care of yourself. 
You’d never be too far from his sight though, know that, and he would DEMAND a text from you every hour saying you’re ok. You scared the shit out of him, now you have to deal with his obsessive paranoia dear. Btw, I hope you don’t mind the tracker he put under the skin of your right shoulder... 
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Jonathan would be utterly shocked when hearing you’re at the hospital, then he would panic, starting to walk around the room while muttering non stop “No, no, no, no, what happened, what happened...” and rubbing his hands in his hair, messing it up. 
Jonathan lost his mother in a fire, then his father was shot, he couldn’t imagine how his life would turn if you, his only light and only safe heaven happened to be killed. 
He would be at your side as soon as he can, crying while hugging you and swing the two of you back and forth in a soothing way, saying how much he’s glad you’re ok and sorry to not have been there to save you. 
He would rush you asking question after question, without sometimes letting you the time to answer. Be the collected and calm one cause he’s losing it and will need you to reassure him. You were ok and here’s what happened. 
As soon as he knows who did that to you, he would be unstoppable and hunt the person. No matters who it is, they would be his new guinea pig for a very special toxin, one very hard to product and with awful side effects. 
Even if Jonathan is not a very courageous person, he would be especially cold and harsh with the responsible of your injuries. 
If you’re not conscious, he would break in tears next to you while hugging you and swearing he’d find the culprit. “You hear me my love? I swear on my parent’s grave I’ll make him pay what he did to you. And I swear nobody else would dare touch one of your hair after that, they would be too terrified to even try. Please be strong, please come back. Don’t let me here alone, come back to me, I love you Y/N, I love you, I love you, I love you.” 
Nobody knows how but he managed to convinced (he threatened him with his toxin) Cobblepot to help him to find the person who attacked you and to transport you in his hideout with the best doctors and nurses. 
As soon as you opened your eyes, he’s here to hug you and thanks god, the providence, the stars, whatever you want for having you back with him. He would literally cover your face with kisses, then cling to you like his life is depending on it. 
He will make you follow him everywhere after that, no discussion it’s for your own security. 
Prepare for him to call you every two minutes if he can’t be with you, just to be sure you are ok. 
Jervis Tetch
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He’s called Mad Hatter for a good reason... When he heard about you being injured, he would first be stunned : absolutely silent with wide yes, then breathe once, then yelled “WHAT?!” wile doing the most impressive table flip ever recorded in Gotham. 
Who DARED to touch his Alice? Who was STUPID enough to harm you and think they would see the sun rise?! 
He would jumped in his best suit, with his best hat and silver pocket watch before rushing to the hospital, to you. 
“Y/N! Y/N! Here you are my beloved, are you ok? What did the doctor say? Who did those horrible thing to you my sweet flower, who was the brute who dared touch someone as pure and delicate? Tell me, tell me everything, I promise he wouldn’t bother you EVER again my love” 
Would caress your hair tenderly to soothe you while you explained what happened, stroking your cheeks carefully to not cause you any discomfort. A true gentleman, encouraging you to continue with lovely pet names but a dangerous glint in his eyes. 
“Don’t worry my beautiful love, your well being will be the absolute priority of the doctors and nurses here my sweet”, he would hypnotize EVERYONE from doctors, to patients, to security guards in order to make you the queen/king they have to protect with their own lives. 
If you are not conscious, he would sit next to you quietly with tears in his eyes while caressing your face reverently as if you were made of crystal. Would swear to find who did this to you and shove his entire tea set down their windpipe before torturing them properly.
He would hypnotize all the GCPD to make them investigate about who harmed you and kill any officer who dares to tell him they hadn’t find the culprit yet. 
Once awake, Jervis would jump on you too joyful to care about your poor ears and kissing you like there was no tomorrow. 
Would organize a giant tea party to celebrate, with a special guest at your table : the lowlife who dared to harm you. Do not fret, they’re harmless in their flamingo outfit, “Look at them, we would use their stupid head later to play cricket my sweet, it would be an amazing party trust me”. 
After that, he would always want to know where you are and with who. Will call you every hour to be sure you are fine and safe. “Don’t stay out too much my Alice, come back to our safe wonderland, where nobody can harm you”. 
Jerome Valeska
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Come again? You were WHAT?! At the hospital because some poor thug wanted to use you to make him suffer? What a terrible and lame joke. 
He’s not laughing. At all. In fact he’s pretty mad. 
Don’t even care to hide and go straight to the hospital, pushing any person who would stand between you and him, or simply killing them. 
“Hello there Y/N. Having some fun without me I can see”, he would mocked, but you know better judging by his tensed smile and sharp breathing. He’s furious but try to keep the act. 
“Care to tell me who painted your face so badly?” He would ask, while jumping carelessly on the end of your bed and sitting cross-legged with his elbows on his knees. 
He’s not over acting for once, just nods while listening everything and making some “hm” here and there. His calm demeanor is truly frightening and you can see his intelligent gaze watching your injured face intensely. 
As soon as you finished, he would jump out of the bed, put a hand behind your neck and peck your lips. “I’m going to make a show just for you my dear. Sit comfortably and enjoy it.” 
Then he’s out, already looking for the culprit with his goons while imagining the most extravagant way to entertain you from your hospital bed. “Why, a firework of course. Hey! hey! you! Go find all the fireworks you can, then bring it in the center of the city.” 
Would switch off ALL Gotham lights at midnight then start to light DOZEN of fireworks just for you to see from your room. Spoiler, the last one would be gigantic with your assailant tied to it, screaming in horror then exploding in a colossal heart shape with blood and human parts splashing everywhere. Who said vengeance couldn’t be romantic?! 
If you’re not conscious, he would be super silent next to you and super still. You in this state highly disturbed him. He was used to your babbling, your laughs and the glint of life in your eyes. Like this you were too fragile, too defenseless, too painted with blood and for once he didn’t like this last thing. He would make sure to cover you so you don’t feel cold, and kiss your cheek lightly before leaving the room silently to scare the shit out of the staff with one simple statement : she dies, everyone does.
Would wreak absolute havoc in Gotham, threatening to slaughter any Gothamites until the GCPD brings him the culprit. The result would be the same, a firework so you could watch the pictures in the journal when you would wake up. 
As soon as you opened your eyes, you would find yourself in the middle of balloons, plushes, and colorful “Feel better soon” letters pinned everywhere. Then you would see him with a bunch of flower plushes mimicking a reverence before kissing your knuckles. “My dear, what a pleasure to see you back in the game. Gotham was so dull without my sweet assistant.” He would say in a theatrical way. 
Would always be next to you with one of his arm around your shoulder after that. 
Jeremiah Valeska
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Excuse you? WHAT?! (He’s not Jerome twin for nothing you know) ECCO COME HERE IMMEDIATELY! 
First thing first, Jeremiah would yelled at her so much she would pray she was deaf. “WHY WEREN’T YOU WITH Y/N? WHAT DID I TELL YOU?” Poor woman would be playing Russian Roulette all over again because of her (probably intentional) mistake. 
Jeremiah would next go as quick as he could to the hospital to see you. No he was not panicking, no he was not tightening his jaw nor gritting his teeth nor playing nervously with his purple gloves. 
When in your room, he would also yell at you, because “WHAT WERE YOU DOING OUTSIDE WITHOUT TELLING ME OR TAKING ECCO WITH YOU?!” Hello to you too Jeremiah... Don’t be mad, it’s his absolute lame way of coping with the stress. 
Would take you by the shoulders carefully to take a good look at you and your injuries. Sighing slightly and clicking his tongue when one cut or bruise seemed bad in his eyes. 
“You’re going to tell me everything, from your stupid idea to get out alone to your arrival in the hospital do you hear me? And you better don’t miss a thing, understand?” Do as he asked. He’s playing mad but he’s listening intensely to you and even unconsciously rubs his thumb on the top your hand. Act like you didn’t noticed or he would stop, too embarrassed by it. (Tsundere here) 
When your explanations are finished, he would nod once, pat your head a little bit too fondly to his liking but it’s done (TSUNDERE HERE). “You stay here and try not putting yourself in troubles again, I’ll do the rest.” He would tell you with a demanding voice. 
Would hack CCTV and threaten every villain until he finds the culprit. 
He would then beat them to a pulp, and torture them in one of his personal labyrinth. Would make them think they outsmarted him by finding the exit only for them to rush out and fall into a giant acid tun. 
If you are not conscious, he would walk silently to you, put his hat, sunglasses and gloves on the small bedside table and sit next to you. 
He would look at all the wires connected to your body and the medical machines, close his eyes, listen to your difficult breathes and clench his jaw in anger. The person who put you in this state wouldn’t escape him and would learn the meaning of absolute pain. 
He would rearrange your hair tenderly, cover you properly and kiss your forehead then leave the hospital but not before telling the doctors the same thing as his brother : “she dies, everyone does.” 
When you would open your eyes, you would find a beautiful eternal rose next to your bed with a card saying with his writing “Feel better soon, J.” 
A limo will be waiting for you in front of the hospital, and when the guard would open the door, you’d find Jeremiah in his finest purple suit and a bunch of roses just for you. He’s still mad but too happy to see you awake to let you come back alone as he wanted to at first. 
You’re not going anywhere without goons and weapons after that and you have to tell him where you go and with who all the time. 
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
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warnings: death/injury mention, batman spoilers
a/n: gif created from this video
not requested
You sat down in front of the bulletproof glass and the shudders slowly rose, revealing the inmate opposite to you, the one who made an attempt on your life. You’d still had a few bandages and visible scrapes since your hospital visit, you’re lucky that’s all you came out with. “Y/N Wayne. What a pleasure.” Edward smiled. “Those look like they hurt.” You were not amused, not after all you’d been through. Then he gave you his little spiel about what it truly meant to be an orphan. How you and Bruce could simply not be orphans due to the environment you were raised in. How he was forgotten and your father’s empty promise made him who he is today.
“I thought you were supposed to be a genius, Mr. Nashton.” You leaned onto the ledge in front of you. “Your living arrangements sound unfortunate, but an orphan is, in fact, a person without parents. I’m sorry this city failed you, but I was only five when my parents were gunned down in front of me. I had no power over your situation.” You tried to reason, tried to make your way of his hit list. Freaks like this, they do not forgive or forget. Obviously.
“No, of course you didn’t. But your father, I can’t make him pay for his sins. That’s why you were my target. A shame we’re having this conversation.” He replied, shaking his head as you grew increasingly more agitated.
“I think he’s already paid by your definition. He never got the chance to fulfill his promises. Wouldn’t you rather go after his killer?” You felt your phone ring in your pocket and knew exactly who it was, Bruce didn’t want you here to begin with.
“Oh, how naïve. All will come in due time, y/n. You’ll see.”
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @summersimmerus // @xoxobabydolls // @evilcr0ne // @wild-rose-35 // @alwaysananglophile // @ruvaakke // @vee-simps-a-lot // @girlmythlegend // @mowisdvdspecial // @diansaprince // @v0idl1nq //
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imagine--if · 2 years
YOU'RE MY FAVOURITE RIDDLER WRITER!!!! So here I am with a request <3 could you do an imagine with an afab reader where Eddie's comforting her after some bitch at work was mean to her? So he's all being protective and loving and listing out all the horrible things he's gonna do to the person for hurting the love of his life 🥰🥰 thank youuuu
A/N: No, thank YOU, and everyone for the lovely comments and likes 💕 enjoy!! Requests are still open, getting through them 😅❤
Pairing: Dano!Riddler x reader (The Batman 2022)
Warnings: Edward being an overprotective simp, the reader doesn't mind his Riddler business 😉 Descriptions of violence, fluff 😍
Words: 716
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Edward knows that something's wrong as soon as he unlocks the door to his apartment, and you aren't there almost instantly to hug him happily, like you always did. His jaw clenched as he frowned, scanning the room as he stepped inside to see if anyone was stupid enough to break in. But just then, you appear after leaving the bedroom, and he relaxes in relief, though the frown still hasn't left his face.
"Hi," he murmurs, concern laced in his tone as he goes over to you, quickly pulling you into a tight hug. "Are you okay?"
You know better than to lie to him, and you shrug, wrapping your arms around him and burying your head in his neck.
"I missed you."
He smiles softly at that, pressing a kiss to your head, then pulling away to kiss you properly, his fingers carding through your hair.
"I missed you more. C'mere, let's sit down, okay?"
He leads you to the sofa, shrugging off his coat and kicking off his shoes before sitting down, inviting you to sit on his lap. You do, and his arms are around you again, cradling you to his chest as the backs of his fingers stroke your cheek delicately.
"What's wrong, angel? One of those days?"
"Well, it wasn't," you mutter, and his grip tightens, warm gaze hardening.
"Did someone hurt you?" he questions, his voice wavering as he tries to keep it steady rather than rising in newfound anger.
"Not really," you respond. "I don't know, I'm probably being stupid-"
"You aren't stupid," he contradicts, scoffing as if you'd made a bad joke. "You're the smartest person I know. But I need you to tell me what happened, darling. Please?"
"It was just some girl at work," you tell him. "She commented on my outfit. Apparently, if your skirt doesn't go past your knees, it looks 'slutty'."
Edward grits his teeth, taking a deep breath in through his nose to try and calm himself down.
"She... called you... a slut?!"
"Well, not outrightly," you answer in uncertainty. "She just said it randomly, but then, like, looked me up and down, so it was basically directed at me. It's whatever, she's a bitch to everyone-"
"No, it's not whatever," Eddie seethes, "it's completely disrespectful behaviour, and I won't stand for it."
"I mean..." you dither, "she might have been right. It's fingertip length, though."
"Don't make excuses for the scum of the city, my love. You look beautiful in anything you choose to wear, and you wear whatever you want to wear. Do you understand? You do whatever you like, and if anyone tries to stop you, tell me. I make examples out of vermin like these."
You smile lightly. "Alright, Eddie. Thank you."
"Don't thank me yet, sweetheart," he coos, lacing his fingers with yours with one hand, rubbing your side soothingly with the other. "I'm not done. I'll be done when I find this girl and teach her some manners. And let it be a lesson for all of Gotham. To all who are stupid enough to disrespect the Riddler's queen, they face execution. What's the custom for such insolence?"
You hold back a laugh, turning over to hug him properly. "You tell me."
"Mm, well, this classes as high treason," Edward says thoughtfully, his thumb rubbing against your cheek absentmindedly as he pulls you impossibly closer. "Hung, drawn and quartered? Or maybe beheading? Which do you prefer, angel?"
You can't help laughing then. "They're both very dramatic."
"Good," Ed says, a dark look in his eye, "then I have their attention."
He pauses suddenly, his gaze meeting yours attentively as his fingers gently lift your chin up a little.
"You do believe me, don't you? You know how ethereal you are, don't you? Don't believe that girl's idiotic comment over mine."
"I don't," you assure him with a smile. "Thanks, Eddie. I love you."
Adoration swirls in his eyes as it does every time he heard those words from you. "I love you too. So much... Never leave me."
You shake your head immediately. "Never."
"My sweet girl," he whispers adoringly, resting his forehead against yours as he looks into your eyes in a lovesick trance. "Anything you want... everything... it's already yours."
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lunaticsandidiots · 4 years
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the librarian
request: Submitting a Edward/Reader where he serves as an adjunct professor for “Gotham University” in Forensics and visits a reader getting her masters in ‘whatever’ but works in the University’s library. She (or they for gender neutral) thinks his puns are cute and he gets the courage to ask them out. Set before his darker side comes out. @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night
synopsis: Ed Nygma has a crush on the cute librarian at gotham university
warnings: pure, unadulterated fluff!
At first, Ed wasn’t 100% sure on why he kept this side gig at Gotham University. He knew why he took it - at the time he was looking for a purpose, unsatisfied with his measly work at the GCPD. Guerra was constantly berating Ed and pushing him aside, leaving him with the crummy, crappy odd jobs that the M.E. was too lazy to do himself. Ed felt more like a personal assistant than a forensic scientist. So when the ad calling for an adjunct professor in Forensics at Gotham University popped up in the monday edition of the Gotham Gazette, Ed nearly spilled his coffee down the front of his crisp suit in excitement. He saw it as a calling, something meaningful to pour his energy and intelligence into, to share his knowledge, become a mentor. Maybe this was what he was destined to do!
This is not what I was destined to do, Ed thought, sifting through the countless essays that piled upon his desk, feeling the all-familiar crease in his brow. It had never been evident on his porcelain face until he started his job there, the ever growing stress creating new aches, pains, lines and wrinkles he had never known before. Why am I still here? he questioned, flipping through last week’s quiz results with a satisfying thworp. His feet answered long before his brain, feeling his legs carry him out of his classroom and towards the library at the centre of the campus. The library served as a safe haven for the man, the tall, long rows of books providing shelter and privacy in stressful times.
His first two visits to the library were initiated by a simple need for resources, he was easily able to find the textbooks and research he was looking for. The third time he visited, the research materials he needed were a little more elusive, missing from their allocated homes among the mahogany shelves. He spent a good 10 minutes anxiously wandering amongst the books, hoping it was much like a retail store where an employee would see his lost-ness and come to his rescue. This tactic worked to no avail. It also didn’t help that this was a library, stifling his ability to call out and grab the attention of the old librarian across the way. He huffed and puffed down the aisles for several minutes, pacing back and forth from A to O in non-fiction paperbacks.
“Can I help you sir?” he heard softly, spinning around to see you, several inches shorter than him clad in a yellow floral sundress, oversized glasses perched upon messy hair.
“I have lots to say but never speak, I open but you cannot walk through me, I have a spine but no bones.” he blurted out, his nervous instinct to riddle his way out of an awkward situation kicking in.
“A book,” you smiled, scrunching your nose into a smile. Ed fluttered his eyelashes in a gasping laugh, pleasantly surprised at the haste in which she answered his riddle.
“What kind? Maybe I can help” you laughed, wiggling the laminated name tag pinned to your chest.
“Forensics. It’s an old research paper from the professor before me, but it’s not where it’s supposed to be.” Ed replied with a nudge of his glasses, feeling the nervous sweat from his pores push them down his nose.
“For objects with no legs they sure do know how to get around” you quipped back, turning around to lead him back to the book’s supposed home, Ed taking a few moments to register the fact that he was meant to follow. He was too lost in thought, mentally pinching himself over and over at how a cute, logical bookworm could possibly be stood in front of him, answering his riddles, helping him. He’d only ever seen the old greying lady before, scowling behind the counter. You were a breath of daisy fresh air in a sea of disgruntled professors and greasy, sleep-deprived pupils. He knew, despite his crippling nerves, his anxiety, his self doubt, he could not let this opportunity slip. He must have you.
Ed will admit, the motivation for his subsequent visits to the library were purely self-centred. He found the search function for the library’s catalogue online, noting down titles of books he knew were checked out, just to find an excuse to talk to you, ask for your help, share a riddle or two as you confirmed what he secretly already knew;
“I’m sorry sir, it seems this book is checked out for the moment. It’s due back in next Thursday, would you like me to reserve it?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Uh… Nygma. Ed- I’m Edward Nygma” he stuck out a clammy hand, a tight smile plastered on his nervous face.
“Y/N Y/L/N. Pleasure, Edward Nygma” you smiled back, simply shaking his hand with nothing but genuine intrigue and good intentions, a rare experience for the man.
You caught on pretty soon to his tactic, you were the youngest employee in the building, therefore you were tasked with updating the online database. Edward would come in every Wednesday, 20 minutes after his last class, with a list of books, in the same order you had just compiled them in online, and request to borrow each one. Not that you minded one bit, spending time with the quizzical man made you feel giddy inside. One Wednesday your hands brushed against each other as you searched for a title under ‘L’ and you had to bite your lip to refrain from gasping. You held your hand closely to your chest that evening, and little to your knowledge, Ed cradled his the same as he dreamt of you. You got to learn about him; his job at the GCPD, the crazy misadventures his job threw him into, his penchant for riddles and logic. And he learnt about you, falling harder and harder with each new fact he uncovered about his favourite librarian. The sixth visit, and you assumed he didn’t really read into what he was ‘borrowing’, he inquired after a written history of wheat farms in the middle ages, and this ludicrousy was a blaring alarm calling to drop the charade.
“I know what you’re up to Mr Nygma” you smirked, twirling to face him as you lead him towards the historical non-fiction shelf nonetheless, confidence and anxiety climbing its way up your throat, fighting for the top spot.
“I’m not sure I’m following Miss Y/L/N” he replied nervously, feeling like a deer in headlights at both the allegation and how close the thin aisles pushed you together.
“Wheat farms? Renaissance art? Somehow, the books you’re looking for always happen to be the exact ones I just checked out”
Your accusation leaves Ed speechless, he can feel his shaky hands get clammier and clammier with each second as he stammers.
“I update the online database Ed, I know what you’re doing”
“I- Miss Y/L/N, I can expla-”
“You don’t have to find an excuse just to come see me, I always enjoy your visits. Truth be told, Mr Nygma, I look forward to them, it’s truly the highlight of my week, getting to see you” you confess, trying to quell your nerves by straightening your posture as you hide behind an honest smile.
Edward was dumbfounded. Stupefied. At first you were nervous, worried you had ruined your little rendezvous once and for all. Slowly though, a smile crept through his lips, pulling his bottom lip from between his teeth. Ed felt a surge of excitement, of confidence. But this wasn’t his dark reflection taking over for once, oh no. This was pure, unadulterated, nerdly, riddly Mr Nygma from GCPD forensic, getting something that he wanted.
“Miss Y/L/N, as it may be evident, I have admired you for quite some time. Your knowledge, your quick wit, your smile and your beauty have all captured my attention,” he started. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, feeling choked up with anticipation, silently begging him to ask you what he should have asked weeks ago.
“Would you like to accompany me to dinner this evening? I know it’s sudden, but I don’t think I can wait any longer than I already have. I-If you’re free, of course. Oh gosh, that’s not too sudden is it? That was quite assumptive of me, I do apo-”
You hastily grabbed him by the nape of the neck and smashed your lips agains his. They were slightly dry, yet still so soft, and you could feel his hands fly up in surprise. Edward eventually caught on, placing both hands firmly on your waist as he welcomed your kiss, one hand quickly drifting to the side of your face. You noted that he smelled of a clean, crisp cologne, and a little formaldehyde, and he felt you smile into the kiss. Ed felt his heart sink a little as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss, lurching forward as you pulled away.
“60 Westchester Street, I’ll be ready at 7”
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Imagine bumping into Edward Nygma while working a case at Arkham Asylum…
You heard the voice and glanced over at Gordon and Harvey, giving them permission to carry on the investigation until you caught up later. As the pair trailed off behind the warden, you approached the Riddler taking in his new look – the iconic green replaced with black and white stripes.
You knew his actions had landed himself in the asylum but he always held a soft spot in your heart. “Why did the man ask his wife for a map?” You asked.
Edward smiled at the sound of the riddle before his lips curved up in a delicate smile and his gaze locked onto yours.
“Because he got lost in their eyes.” Ed replied softly. “And boy, do I always.”
A small chuckle escaped when you shook your head, eyes glittering under the lights. “How do you look like that in asylum clothes Ed?”
“A combination of genetics and perception.” His response was so nonchalant it was effortlessly charming.
~ More imagines here ~
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gothamgangbanger · 3 years
(: masterlist :)
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beautiful frankenstein - putting the skin stolen from jerome's face back on
breakup with your boyfriend because i'm bored - based on the ariana grande song "break up with your girlfriend because i'm bored"
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hush - helping arthur through a laughing fit
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two of his worst nightmares - helping bruce through a really rough nightmare
dealing w/ s/o being a meta human - headcannons
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j-jeremiah - falling in love with pre-spray jeremiah
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being with billy batson/shazam - different scenarios that explain what it's like being w/ billy
long day - billy being a fantastic boyfriend after a long day
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being with freddy freeman - different scenarios that explain what it's like being w/ freddy
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gotham men & their babies names - incudes oswald cobblepot, edward nygma, victor zsasz, jerome valeska, johnathan crane, jervis tetch, james gordon, harvey bullock, alfred pennyworth, & bruce wayne
the new jokers and their type - includes jerome valeska, jared leto's joker, and arthur fleck
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