#Edward Etheridge
monochromemedic · 6 years
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The Odd Disappearance of Edward Etheridge 
I might have made a fake screenshot for Buzzfeed Unsolved and how one of my OC’s is basically a missing person who disappeared in a very, very strange way
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todaysdocument · 3 years
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Roll Call Tally on the Expulsion of Preston Brooks, 7/14/1856
After Preston Brooks beat Charles Sumner nearly to death with a cane in the Senate chamber, the House voted on whether to expel him from Congress. They failed to reach the two-thirds majority needed. 
Series: General Records, 1791 - 2010
Record Group 233: Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, 1789 - 2015
July 14. 1856
On LD Campbells 1st Resn from Sel Com
[column one]
|William Aiken...S.C. | 1
1 | Charles J. Albright...Ohio. |
| James C. Allen...Ill. | 2
2| John Allison...Penn. |
3 | Edward Ball...Ohio |
4 | Lucian Barbour...Ind. |
|David Barclay [struck through] |
| William Barksdale...Miss. | 3
| P.H. Bell...Texas. | 4
5 | Henry Bennett...N.Y. |
| Hendley S. Bennett...Miss. | 5
6 | Samuel P. Benson...Me. |
7 | Charles Billinghurst...Wis |
8 | John A. Bingham...Ohio |
9 | James Bishop...N.J. |
10 | Philemon Bliss...Ohio |
| Thomas S. Bocock...Va. | 6
| Thomas F. Bowie...Md. | 7
| William W. Boyce...S.C. | 8
11 | Samuel C. Bradshaw...Penn. |
| Lawrence O'B. Braneh...N.C. | 9
12 | Samuel Brenton...Ind. |
| Preston S. Brooks [struck through]...S.C. |
13 | Jacob Broom...Penn. |
14 | James Buffinton...Mass. |
15 | Anson Burlingame...Mass. |
| Henry C. Burnett...Ky. | 10
| John Cadwalader...Penn. | 11
16 | James H. Campbell...Penn. |
|John P. Campbell [struck through]...Ky. |
17 | Lewis D. Campbell...Ohio |
| John S. Carlile...Va. | 12
| Samuel Caruthers [struck through]...Mo. |
| John S. Caskie...Va. | 13
18 | Calvin C. Chaffee...Mass. |
| Thomas Child, jr [struck through] ...N.Y. |
19 | Bayard Clarke...N.Y. |
20 | Ezra Clark, jr...Conn. |
21 | Isaiah D. Clawson...N.J. |
| Thomas L. Clingman...N.C. | 14
| Howell Cobb...Ga. | 15
| Williamson R.W. Cobb...Ala. | 16
22 | Schuyler Colfax...Ind. |
23 | Linus B. Comins...Mass. |
24 | John Covode...Penn. |
| Leander M. Cox...Ky. | 17
25 | Aaron H. Cragin...N.H. |
| Burton Craige...N.C. | 18
| Martin J. Crawford...Ga. | 19
| Elisha D. Cullen [struck through]...Del. |
26 | William Cumback...Ind. |
27 | William S. Damrell...Mass. |
| Thomas G. Davidson...La. | 20
| H. Winter Davis...Md. | 21
28 | Timothy Davis...Mass. |
29 | Timothy C. Day...Ohio. |
30 | Sidney Dean...Conn. |
| James W. Denver...Cal. | 22
31| Ale["xander" struck through] De Witt...Mass. |
[Column Two]
32 | John Dick...Penn. |
33 | Samuel Dickson...N.Y. |
34 | Edward Dodd...N.Y. |
| James F. Dowdell...Ala. | 23
35 | George G. Dunn...Ind. |
36 | Nathaniel B. Durfee...R.I. |
37 | John R. Edie...Penn. |
| Henry A. Edmundson [struck through] ...Va. | 1
38 | Francis S. Edwards...N.Y. |
| John M. Elliott...Ky. | 24
39 | J Reece Emrie...Ohio. |
| William H. English...Ind. | 25
| Emerson Etheridge...Tenn. | 26
| George Eustis, jr...La. | 27
| Lemuel D. Evans...Texas. | 28
| Charles J. Faulkner...Va. | 29
| Thomas T. Flagler [struck through]...N.Y. |
| Thomas B. Florence...Penn. | 30
| Nathaniel G. Foster...Ga. | - 31
| Henry M. Fuller [struck through] ...Penn. |
| Thomas J. D. Fuller [struck through] ...Me. |
40 | Samuel Galloway...Ohio. |
41 | Joshua R. Giddings...Ohio. |
42 | William A. Gilbert...N.Y. |
| William O. Goode...Va. | 32
43 | Amos P. Granger...N.Y. |
| Alfred B. Greenwood...Ark. | 33
44 | Galusha A. Grow...Penn. |
| Augustus Hall...Iowa. | 34
45 | Robert B. Hall...Mass |
46 | Aaron Harlan...Ohio. |
| J. Morrison Harris...Md. | 35
| Sampson W. Harris...Ala. | 36
| Thomas L. Harris...Ill. | 37
| John Scott Harrison...Ohio. | 38
47 | Solomon G. Haven...N.Y. |
| Philemon T. Herbert...Cal. |
48 | John Hickman...Penn. |
49 | Henry W. Hoffman...Md. |
50 | David P. Holloway...Ind. |
51 | Thomas R. Horton...N.Y. |
52 | Valentine B. Horton...Ohio. |
| George S. Houston...Ala. | 39
53 | William A. Howard...Mich. |
54 | Jonas A. Hughston...N.Y. |
| Joshua H. Jewett...Ky. | 40
| George W. Jones...Tenn. | 41
| J. Glancy Jones...Penn. | 42
| Lawrence M. Keitt...S.C. | 43
| John Kelly...N.Y. | 44
55 | William H. Kelsey...N.Y. |
| Luther M. Kennett...Mo. | 45
| Zedekiah Kidwell...Va. | 46
56 | Rufus H. King...N.Y. |
57 | Chauncey L. Knapp...Mass. |
58 | Jonathan Knight...Penn. |
59 | Ebenezer Knowlton...Me. |
60 | James Knox...Ill. |
61 | John C. Kunkel...Penn. |
[Column Three]
| William A. Lake...Miss. | 47
62 | Benjamin F. Leiter...Ohio. |
| John Letcher...Va. | 48
| James J. Lindley...Mo. | 49
| John H. Lumpkin...Ga. | 50
| Daniel Mace [struck through] ...Ind. |
| Alexander K. Marshall...Ky. | 51
| Humphrey Marshall...Ky. | 52
| Samuel S Marshall...Ill. | 53
63 | Orsamus B. Matteson...N.Y. |
| Augustus E. Maxwell...Fla. | 54
64 | Andrew Z. McCarty...N.Y. |
| Fayette McMullin...Va. | 55
| John McQueen...S.C. | 56
65 | James Meacham...Vt. |
66 | Killian Miller...N.Y. |
| Smith Miller...Ind. | 57
| John S. Millson...Va. | 58
67 | William Millward...Penn. |
68 | Oscar F. Moore...Ohio. |
69 | Edwin B. Morgan...N.Y. |
70 | Justin S. Morrill...Vt. |
71 | Richard Mott...i o |
72 | Ambrose S. Murray...N.Y. |
73 | Matthias H. Nichols...Ohio |
74 | Jesse O. Norton...Ill. |
75 | Andrew Oliver...N.Y. |
| Mordecai Oliver...Mo. | 59
| James L. Orr...S.C. | 60
76 | Asa Packer...Penn. |
| Robert T. Paine [struck through] ...N.C. |
77 | John M. Parker...N.Y. |
78 | John J. Pearce...Penn. |
79 | George W. Peek...Mich. |
80 | Guy R. Pelton...N.Y. |
81 | Alexander C.M. Pennington. N.J. |
82 | John J. Perry...Me. |
83 | John U. Pettit...Ind. |
| John S. Phelps...Mo. | 61
84 | James Pike...N.H. |
| Gilchrist Porter...Mo. | 62
| Paulus Powell...Va. | 63
85 | Benjamin Pringle...N.Y. |
86 | Samuel A. Purviance...Penn. |
| Richard C. Puryear...N.C. | 64
| John A. Quitman...Miss. | 65
| Edwin G. Reade...N.C. | 66
| Charles Ready...Tenn. | 67
| James B. Ricaud...Md. | 68
| William A. Richardson [struck through] ...Ill. |
87 | David Ritchie...Penn. |
| Thomas Rivers...Tenn. | 69
88 | George R. Robbins...N.J. |
89 | Anthony E. Roberts...Penn |
90 | David F. Robison...Penn. |
| Thomas Ruffin...N.C. | 70
| Albert Rust...Ark. | 71
[Column Four]
91 | Alvah Sabin...Vt. |
92 | Russell Sage...N.Y. |
| John M. Sandidge...La. | 72
93 | William R. Sapp...Ohio. |
| John H. Savage...Tenn. | 73
94 | Harvey D. Scott...Ind. |
| James L. Seward...Ga. | 74
95 | John Sherman...Ohio. |
| Eli S Shorter...Ala. | 75
96 | George A. Simmons...N.Y. |
| Samuel A. Smith...Tenn. | 76
| William Smith...Va. | 77
| William R. Smith...Ala. | 78
| William H. Sneed...Tenn. | 79
97 | Francis E. Spinner...N.Y. |
98 | Benjamin Stanton...Ohio. |
| Alexander H. Stephens...Ga. | 80
| James A. Stewart...Md. | 81
99 | James S.T. Stranahan...N.Y. |
| Samuel F. Swope...Ky. | 82
| Albert G. TAlbott...Ky. | 83
100 | Mason W. Tappan...N.H. |
| Miles Taylor...La. | 84
101 | James Thorington...Iowa. |
102 | Benjamin B. Thurston...R.I. |
103 | Lemuel Todd...Penn. |
104 | Mark Trafton...Mass |
| Robert P. Trippe...Ga. | 85
105 | Job R. Tyson...Penn. |
| Warner L. Underwood...Ky. | 86
106 | George Vail...N.J. |
| William W. Valk [struck through] ...N.Y. |
107 | Edward Wade...Ohio. |
108 | Abram Wakeman...N.Y.
109 | David S. Walbridge...Mich. |
110 | Henry Waldron...Mich |
| Percy Walker...Ala. | 87
| Hiram Warner...Ga. | 88
111 | Cadwalader C. Washburne, Wis. |
112 | Ellihu B. Washburne...Ill. |
113 | Israel Washburn, jr...Me. |
| Albert G. Watkins...Tenn. | 89
114 | Cooper K. Watson...Ohio.|
115 | William W. Welch...Conn. |
116 | Daniel Wells, jr...Wis. |
| John Wheeler...N.Y. | 90
117 | Thomas R. Whitney...N.Y. |
118 | John Williams...N.Y. |
| Warren Winslow...N.C. | 91
119 | John M. Wood...Me. |
120 | John Woodruff...Conn. |
121 | James H. Woodworth...Ill. |
| Daniel B. Wright...Miss. | 92
| John V. Wright...Tenn. | 93
| Felix K. Zollicoffer...Tenn. | 94
[end columns]
MAY 21, 1856
NATHANIEL P. BANKS, JR., of Massachusetts, Speaker.
ex [sideways]
Y 121
N 95
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eternallytwilight · 6 years
tag 9 people you want to get to know better. answer the questions below.
tagged by: @thevolturi-fad thank you so much for thinking of me!
tagging: @cullen-trash @bellasredchevy @breakingisabella @alicemcullen @beauswanistrans @howlonghaveyoubeenseventeen @lesbellaswan @irrevocablyinlovewithrosalie @twihardtrash (sorry if you have already been tagged, I appreciate and admire all of your accounts.)
relationship status: I have been dating my wonderful nonbinary partner @oceanboundnonbinary for almost 5 years now 🏳️‍🌈
favorite color: I wear a whole lot of pink but I also love rainbows 🌈
top three ships: Alice + Bella, Angela + Leah & Edward + Bella are so strong.
lipstick or chapstick: Matte Lipstick only ok I hate that liquid shit.
last song: Im A Cukoo by Belle & Sebastian
last movie: Captain Marvel but im not gonna talk about that.
spell out your name with music: so many letters! but here we go.
L : Little Cream Soda by The White Stripes
I : I’ve Loved You Before by Melissa Etheridge
Z : Look I dont think I know any songs that have a Z so lets ignore this ok.
E : Even Though by Norah Jones
T : Thousand Years by Christina Perri (Had to put something Twilight in here)
T : The Kingdom of Heaven by Melissa Etheridge (my gay god anthem)
E : Early Sunsets Over Monroeville by My Chemical Romance
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agron-rps · 7 years
Current Lip Sync Songs Masterlist
Listed in alphabetical order by song title.
Aaron’s Party - Aaron Carter   (Richard Harmon, Pink: Round 1)
Africa-Toto   (Camila Mendes, Pink: Round 1)
Ain’t My Fault- Zara Larsson  (Nina Dobrev, Green: Round 2)
Ain’t No Other Man- Christina Aguilera  (Tyler Seguin, Orange: Round 2)
Ain’t Your Mama- Jennifer Lopez   (Perrie Edwards, Gold: Round 2)
All Eyez On Me- 2Pac   (Stephen James Hendry, Red: Round 2)
All I Do Is Win- DJ Khaled  (Sophia Bush, Pink: Round 1)
All The Small Things- Blink 182  (KJ Apa, Blue: Round 1)
Alpha Omega- MGK   (Dylan O’Brien, Orange: Round 2)
American Girl- Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers  (Elizabeth Olsen, White: Round 1)
Applause- Lady Gaga   (Courtney Act, Gold: Round 1)
Auston Matthews- SVDVM  (Auston Matthews, Red: Round 2)
Baby One More Time- Britney Spears   (Ashley Benson, Purple: Round 2)
Back To Black- Amy Winehouse   (KJ Apa, Blue: Round 2)
Bad At Love- Halsey  (Hailey Baldwin, Red: Round 1)
Bad Blood- Taylor Swift  (Matt Daddario, Gold: Round 2)
Bad Medicine- Bon Jovi   (Sharon Needles, Blue: Round 2)
Barbie Girl- Aqua   (Alaska Thunderfuck 5000, Turquoise: Round 2)
Beauty and The Beat- Justin Bieber   (Sarah Drew, Blue: Round 1)
Believer - Imagine Dragons  (Lili Reinhart, Red: Round 2)
Best of Both Worlds- Hannah Montana   (Alfie Deyes, Pink: Round 2)
Bet On It- Zac Efron   (Zac Efron, Orange: Round 2)
Bitch- Meredith Brooks   (Lily James, Pink: Round 2)
Black Widow- Iggy Azalea feat. Rita Ora  (Jennifer Morrison Blue: Round 1)
Blow Your Mind (Mwah)- Dua Lipa   (Adelaide Kane, Yellow: Round 2)
Bohemian Rhapsody- Queen  (Taylor Swift, Green: Round 1)
Born To Run- Bruce Springsteen  (Troian Bellisario, Blue Round 1)
Bottoms Up - Trey Songz feat. Nicki Minaj  (Eliza Taylor, Green: Round 2)
Bye Bye Bye- NSYNC  (Darren Criss, White: Round 1)
Cake By The Ocean- DNCE   (Olivia Holt, Green: Round 1)
Can’t Stop The Feeling- Justin Timberlake   (Chris Wood, Blue: Round 2)
Careless Whisper - George Michael  (Karlie Kloss, Pink: Round 1)
Caught Up - Usher  (Richard Harmon, Pink: Round 2)
Celebrity Status- Mariana’s Trench  (Marie Avgeropoulos, Yellow: Round 1)
Chandelier- Sia   (Marzia Bigonin, Yellow: Round 2)
Chantaje- Shakira   (Paulo Dybala, Orange: Round 1)
Chunky - Bruno Mars  (Joe Jonas, Green: Round 1)
Come To My Window- Melissa Etheridge   (Elizabeth Olsen, White: Round 2)
Confident- Demi Lovato  (Nina Dobrev, Green: Round 1)
Cool Girl- Tove Lo   (Adelaide Kane, Yellow: Round 1)
Cruella De Vil- Selena Gomez   (Genevieve Gaunt, Gold: Round 2)
Daddy Lessons - Beyonce (Zendaya, Yellow: Round 1)
Dance Dance- Fall Out Boy  (Rose McIver, White: Round 1) 
Despacito-Luis Fonsi feat. Daddy Yankee  (Auston Matthews, Red: Round 1)
Dick In A Box- Justin Timberlake   (Katie Cassidy, White: Round 2)
Dirrty- Christina Aguilera  (Marie Avgeropoulos, Yellow: Round 2)
Diva- Beyonce   (Saoirse Ronan, Pink: Round 1)
Dog Days Are Over- Florence and The Machine   (Toby Regbo, Orange: Round 1)
Don’t Blame Me- Taylor Swift   (Keegan Allen, Red: Round 2)
Don’t Cry For Me Argentina- Madonna   (Bianca Del Rio, Gold: Round 2)
Drop It Like It’s Hot- Snoop feat. Pharrell  (Tom Holland, Gold: Round 1)
Dream On- Aerosmith   (Delta Goodrem, Orange: Round 1)
Drummer Boy - Misterwives (Sarah Hyland, Purple: Round 1)
Emperor’s New Clothes- Panic! At The Disco  (Charlie Heaton, Turquoise: Round 2)
Encore/Numb mashup- Jay Z and Linkin Park   (Katie Cassidy, White: Round 1)
Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)-Backstreet Boys   (Dominic Sherwood, Turquoise: Round 1)
Everybody Wants To Rule The World- Tears For Fears   (Danielle Panabaker, Green: Round 1)
Ex Factor- Lauryn Hill  (Tori Kelly, Orange: Round 1)
Express- Christina Aguilera from Burlesque   (Olivia Holt, Green: Round 2)
Eye To Eye- From The Goofy Movie   (Brendan Urie, Green: Round 2)
Felices Los 4- Maluma   (Paulo Dybala, Orange: Round 2)
Fight Song- Rachel Platten  (Madelaine Petsch, Pink: Round 1)
Filthy- Justin Timberlake   (Justin Bieber, Gold: Round 1)
Finesse- Bruno Mars feat. Cardi B.  (Dianna Agron, Blue: Round 2)
Flawless- Beyonce   (Amber Heard, White: Round 2)
Footloose- Kenny Loggins   (Jack Lowden, Turquoise: Round 2)
Forgot About Dre- Dr. Dre feat. Eminem  (Stephen Amell, Turquoise: Round 2)
Free Your Mind- En Vogue  (Tori Kelly, Orange: Round 2)
Fuck You- Lily Allen   (Selena Gomez, Purple: Round 1)
Galway Girl- Ed Sheeran  (Domhnall Gleeson, Yellow: Round 2)
Gangsta’s Paradise- Coolio feat L.V.   (Lily Collins, Blue: Round 1)
Gas Pedal (cover)- Mike Stud  (Tyler Seguin, Orange: Round 1)
Girl I Know- Avenged Sevenfold   (Hailey Baldwin, Red: Round 2)
Girl Next Door - Saving Jane  (Eliza Taylor, Green: Round 1)
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun- Cyndi Lauper  (Zac Efron, Orange: Round 1)
Give Your Heart A Break- Demi Lovato   (Adore Delano, Yellow: Round 1)
Gold Digger- Kanye West   (Phoebe Tonkin, Green: Round 2)
Gotta Tell You - Samantha Mumba  (Caity Lotz, Yellow: Round 1)
Green Light- Lorde   (Lily Collins, Blue: Round 2)
Gucci Gang- Lil Pump  (Henry Cavill, Orange: Round 1)
Gust Of Wind- Pharrell feat. Daft Punk  (Bill Skarsgard, White: Round 1)
Hallelujah- Rufus Weinwright  (Blake Lively, Turquoise: Round 1)
Happy- Pharrell   (Witney Carson, Yelllow: Round 1)
Harder To Breathe- Maroon 5.  (Chris Evans, White: Round 1)
Havana- Camila Cabello  (Bella Hadid, Yellow: Round 1)
Heartbreaker- Pat Benatar   (Willa Holland, Yellow: Round 1)
Hello-Adele   (Alaska Thunderfuck 5000, Turquoise: Round 1)
Here I Go Again- Whitesnake   (Skeet Ulrich, Purple: Round 2)
Hips Don’t Lie- Shakira  (Gal Gadot, Red: Round 2)
Holding Out For A Hero- Bonnie Tyler   (Benedict Cumberbatch, Red: Round 1)
Hold Me Tight Or Don’t - Fall Out Boy  
Hold On We’re Going Home-Drake feat. Majid Jordan  (Alycia Debnam-Carey, Blue: Round 1)
Home - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes. (Zoe Sugg, Orange: Round 1)
Honey, I’m Good - Andy Grammar  (Grant Gustin, Red: Round 1)
Hook-Blue’s Traveler   (Roman Josi, Green: Round 1)
Hopeless Wanderer- Mumford and Sons  (Alex Galchenyuk, Orange: Round 2)
Hound Dog- Elvis Presley   (Bob Morley, Blue: Round 1)
Hot In Herre- Nelly  (Bob Morley, Blue: Round 2)
Hotline Bling - Drake (Zendaya, Yellow: Round 2)
Hot ‘N Cold- Katy Perry  (Kendall Jenner, White: Round 1)
How Long - Charlie Puth
Humble- Kendrick Lamar   (Taylor Hill, Gold: Round 1)
I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing - Aerosmith   (Chris Wood, Blue: Round 1)
I Get Off-Halestorm   (Alexandra Park, Blue: Round 2)
I Just Had Sex-  The Lonely Island feat. Akon  (Sophia Bush, Pink: Round 2)
I Like it - Enrique Iglesias (Crystal Reed, Yellow: Round 1)
I’m Real- Jennifer Lopez feat. Ja Rule   (Emily Bett Rickards, Purple: Round 2)
I Wanna Dance With Somebody- Whitney Houston   (Ashleigh Murray, Blue: Round 1)
I Want It That Way-Backstreet Boys   (Taissa Farmiga, Turquoise: Round 1)
I Want To Break Free- Queen   (Adam Devine, Blue: Round 2)
I Was Made For Loving You- KISS  (Adam Devine, Blue: Round 1)
I Write Sins Not Tragedies- Panic! At The Disco  (Rose McIver, White: Round 2)
Ice, Ice, Baby - Vanilla Ice  (Melissa Benoist, Turquoise: Round 2)
Idiot Boyfriend- Jimmy Fallon   (Margot Robbie, Pink: Round 2)
IDGAF- Dua Lipa   (Harry Styles, Pink: Round 1)
If I Had You- Adam Lambert   (Bill Skarsgard, White: Round 2)
If U Seek Amy- Britney Spears  (Natalie Dormer, Orange: Round 1)
Instruction- Jax Jonest feat. Demi Lovato, Stefflon Don  (Kat McNamara, Orange: Round 2)
In The Navy- Village People   (Alexander Skarsgard, White: Round 2)
It Must Have Been Love- Roxette   (Emmy Rossum, Red: Round 1)
It’s All Coming Back To Me Now - Celine Dion (Aaron Rodgers, Purple: Round 2)
It’s Gonna Be Me- NSYNC   (Darce Montgomery, Purple: Round 2)
It’s My Life- Bon Jovi   (Darce Montgomery, Purple: Round 1)
It’s The End of The World- R.E.M.  (Stephen Amell, Turquoise: Round 1)
Just Like Fire- P!nk  (Jennifer Morrison Blue: Round 2)
Ladies Choice- Zac Efron   (Alexandra Daddario, Green: Round 1)
Let It Go- Idina Menzel from Frozen  (Blake Lively, Turquoise: Round 2)
Let You Go- Machine Gun Kelly   (Justin Bieber, Gold: Round 2)
Lights Down Low - MAX feat. gnash (Jordan Fisher, Blue: Round 1)
Like A Prayer- Madonna   (Danielle Panabaker, Green: Round 2)
Like A Virgin- Madonna  (Ashley Benson, Purple: Round 1)
Living La Vida Loca- Ricky Martin   (Delta Goodrem, Orange: Round 2)
Livin’ On A Prayer- Bon Jovi   (Skeet Ulrich, Purple: Round 1)
Look What You Made Me Do- Taylor Swift   (Domhnall Gleeson, Yellow: Round 1)
Lose Yourself- Eminem  (Daisy Ridley, Orange: Round 2)
Love Doesn’t Stand A Chance- From Once Upon A Time  (Zayn Malik, Green: Round 2)
Love on the Brain - Rihanna (Nick Jonas, Red: Round 1)
Love You To Death- Type O Negative  (Henrik Lundqvist, Pink: Round 1)
Mama Don’t Make Me Put On The Dress Again- Trixie Mattel   (Katya Zamaolodchikova, Purple: Round 2)
Mama Say- Betty Who   (Gigi Hadid, Gold: Round 1)
Mamma Mia-Abba  (Emilia Clarke, Turquoise: Round 2)
Man! I Feel Like A Woman- Shania Twain   (Harry Styles, Pink: Round 2)
Mi Gente - J Balvin, Willy William
Milkshake- Kelis  (Henry Cavill, Orange: Round 2)
Miss You - Louis Tomlinson (Natalia Dyer, Yellow: Round 2)
Monster- Nicki Minaj   (Vanessa Hudgens, Gold: Round 1)
My Heart Will Go On- Celine Dion   (Cole Sprouse, Green: Round 2)
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light ‘Em Up) - Fall Out Boy (Nick Jonas, Red: Round 2)
New Rules- Dua Lipa   (Bella Hadid, Yellow: Round 2)
Never Gonna Give You Up- Rick Astley   (Alfie Deyes, Pink: Round 1)
Nothing Compares To Uou - Sinead O'Connor  (Trixie Mattel, Turquoise: Round 2)
No Rain - One Blind Melon   (Stephen James Hendry, Red: Round 1)
Often-The Weeknd   (Selena Gomez, Purple: Round 2)
One Dance- Drake   (Amber Heard, White: Round 1)
Only Girl (In The World)- Rihanna   (Gigi Hadid, Gold: Round 2)
On Top of You - Enrique Iglesias  (Jordan Fisher, Blue: Round 2)
Oops... I Did It Again- Britney Spears  (Saoirse Ronan, Pink: Round 2)
Out of Your Mind - True Steppers, Dane Bowers feat. Victoria Beckham   (Willa Holland, Yellow: Round 2)
Paper Planes- M.I.A.   (Perrie Edwards, Gold: Round 1)
Paris in the Rain - LAUV
Part of Your World-  From the Little Mermaid   (Lindsay Arnold, Turquoise: Round 1)
Perfect-Ed Sheeran   (Emilia Clarke, Turquoise: Round 1)
Play That Funky Music- Wild Cherry   (Tom Hiddleston, Gold: Round 2)
Poker Face- Lady Gaga  (Natalie Dormer, Orange: Round 2)
Pony- Ginuwine  (Jason Momoa, White: Round 2)
Pour Some Sugar On Me- Def Leppard   (Danneel Harris, Yellow: Round 2)
Power- Little Mix   (Kat McNamara, Orange: Round 1)
Praying- Ke$ha  (Lea Michele, Yellow: Round 1)
Pretty Fly For A White Guy - Offspring  (Aaron Rodgers, Purple: Round 1)
Prince Ali- Robin Williams from Aladdin   (Camila Mendes, Pink: Round 2)
Purple Rain- Prince   (Toby Regbo, Orange: Round 2)
Rap God-Eminem  (Alex Galchenyuk, Orange: Round 1)
Rebel Yell- Billy Idol   (Andy Biersack, White: Round 1)
Redneck Woman- Gretchen Wilson   (Danneel Harris, Yellow: Round 1)
Reet Petite- Jackie Wilson   (Jack Lowden, Turquoise: Round 1)
Reggaeton Lento (Bailemos)- CNCO   (Emeraude Toubia, Purple: Round 1)
Repeat Stuff- Bo Burnham  (Dylan Sprouse, White: Round 1)
Replay- Zendaya   (Tom Holland, Gold: Round 2)
Rockin’ Robin- The Jackson 5   (Ian Harding, Gold: Round 1)
Rhythm Nation- Janet Jackson (Sarah Drew, Blue: Round 2)
River - Eminem feat. Ed Sheeran (Sarah Hyland, Purple: Round 2)
Roar- Katy Perry  (Marzia Bigonin, Yellow: Round 1)
Roses- Outkast   (Lindsey Morgan, Red: Round 1)
Run The World (Girls)- Beyonce  (Troian Bellisario, Blue Round 2)
S&M-Rihanna   (Alexandra Park, Blue: Round 1)
School’s Out- Alice Cooper  (Zayn Malik, Green: Round 1)
Sex Addiction- L.A Guns   (Henrik Lundqvist, Pink: Round 2)
Sex On Fire- Kings of Leon   (Zoey Deutch, Green: Round 2)
Sexy Back-Justin Timberlake   (Chris Evans, White: Round 2)
Shake It Off- Taylor Swift   (Lucy Hale, Purple: Round 2)
Shape Of You- Ed Sheeran (Madelaine Petsch, Pink: Round 2)
She’s Country- Jason Aldean   (Jensen Ackles, White: Round 1)
She’s In Love With The Boy- Trisha Yearwood  (Carrie Underwood, Red: Round 1)
She’s So High - Tal Bachman. (Zoe Sugg, Orange: Round 2)
She Thinks My Tractor Is Sexy- Kenny Chesney  (Roman Josi, Green: Round 2)
Should’ve Said No- Taylor Swift   (Lea Michele, Yellow: Round 2)
Shout- Lulu & the Luvvers   (Benedict Cumberbatch, Red: Round 2)
Sign of the Times - Harry Styles   (Louis Tomlinson, Pink: Round 2)
Sister Christian- Night Ranger  (Justin Baldoni, Pink: Round 1)
Sk8ter Boy - Avril Lavigne   (Trixie Mattel, Turquoise: Round 1)
Slow Hands - Niall Horan   (Louis Tomlinson, Pink: Round 1)
Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson  (Grant Gustin, Red: Round 2)
Somebody Told Me- The Killers  (Dianna Agron, Blue: Round 1)
Something Bad - Carrie Underwood and Miranda Lambert  (Natalia Dyer, Yellow: Round 1)
Somewhere Over the Rainbow- Israel “IZ” Kamakawiwoʻole  (Jason Momoa, White: Round 1)
Sorry- Justin Bieber   (Emeraude Toubia, Purple: Round 2)
Sorry Not Sorry- Demi Lovato   (Niall Horan, Orange: Round 2)
Spice Up Your Life- Spice Girls   (Courtney Act, Gold: Round 2)
Starman- David Bowie   (Daisy Ridley, Orange: Round 1)
Stacy's Mom - Fountains of Wayne  (Joe Jonas, Green: Round 2)
Stay The Night- James Blunt  (Keegan Allen, Red: Round 1)
Step In Time- Dick Van Dyke from Marry Poppins   (Emmy Rossum, Red: Round 2)
Stronger (What Doesn’t Make You Stronger)- Kelly Clarkson  (Carrie Underwood, Red: Round 2)
Sucker for Pain - Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons  (Cara Delevingne, Turquoise: Round 2)
Superbass- Nicki Minaj   (Kendall Jenner, White: Round 2)
Swalla - Jason Derulo feat. Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla $ign   (Sebastian Stan, Turquoise: Round 2)
Swish Swish- Katy Perry  (Matt Daddario, Gold: Round 1)
Talk Dirty- Jason Derulo feat. 2 Chainz  (Justin Baldoni, Pink: Round 2)
Talk that Talk by Rihanna feat. Jay Z (Alycia Debnam-Carey, Blue: Round 2)
Tear You Apart- She Wants Revenge  (Dylan O’Brien, Orange: Round 1)
Telephone- Lady Gaga feat. Beyonce  (Darren Criss, White: Round 2)
That’s My Girl- Fifth Harmony  (Lucy Hale, Purple: Round 1)
That’s What I Like- Bruno Mars   (Alberto Rosende, White: Round 1)
The Bare Necessities- Phil Harris   (Tom Hiddleston, Gold: Round 1)
The Best Damn Thing - Avril Lavinge  (Chyler Leigh, Green: Round 2)
The Boys (English Ver.) - Girls’ Generation  (Crystal Reed, Yellow: Round 2)
The Champion- Carrie Underwood   (Brie Bella, Pink: Round 2)
The Creep- The Lonely Island   (Dylan Sprouse, White: Round 2)
The Greatest- Sia   (Taylor Hill, Gold: Round 2)
The Look- Roxette   (Phoebe Tonkin, Green: Round 1)
This Ain’t A Scene It’s An Arm’s Race- Fall Out Boy   (Brendan Urie, Green: Round 1)
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things - Taylor Swift   (Karlie Kloss, Pink: Round 2)
Thong Song- Sisqo   (Sebastian Stan, Turquoise: Round 1)
Thrift Shop-Macklemore   (Taissa Farmiga, Turquoise: Round 2)
Tightrope - Janelle Monae  (Melissa Benoist, Turquoise: Round 1)
Tough Lover- Christina Aguilera from Burlesque   (Alexandra Daddario, Green: Round 2)
Under A Paper Moon- All Time Low  (Charlie Heaton, Turquoise: Round 1)
Unwritten -  Natasha Bedingfield (Chyler Leigh, Green: Round 1)
Uptown Funk- Mark Ronon feat. Bruno Mars.  (Lindsey Morgan, Red: Round 2)
Valentina- Alaska Thunderfuck 5000   (Sharon Needles, Blue: Round 1)
Violent Femmes - Blister in the Sun (Cole Sprouse, Green: Round 1)
Wait (The Whisper Song)- The Ying Yang Twins  (Margot Robbie, Pink: Round 1)
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go-Wham!   (Ashleigh Murray, Blue: Round 2)
Welcome To The Black Parade- My Chemical Romance  (Zoey Deutch, Green: Round 1)
What About Us- P!nk  (Gal Gadot, Red: Round 1)
What Dreams Are Made Of - Hilary Duff.  (Lili Reinhart, Red: Round 1)
What Lovers Do- Maroon 5 feat SZA   (Emily Bett Rickards, Purple: Round 1)
What Makes You Country- Luke Bryan  (Brie Bella, Pink: Round 1)
Whatever It Takes - Imagine Dragons  (Cara Delevingne, Turquoise: Round 1)
White and Nerdy- Weird Al Yankovic   (Ian Harding, Gold: Round 2)
Work It - Missy Elliott  (Caity Lotz, Yellow: Round 2)
Worth It - Fifth Harmony  (Lindsay Arnold, Turquoise: Round 2)
Wrecking Ball- Miley Cyrus  (Taylor Swift, Green: Round 2)
Yonce/Partition-Beyonce   (Vanessa Hudgens, Gold: Round 2)
You & I- One Direction   (Alberto Rosende, White: Round 2)
You Don’t Know Me- Jax Jones feat Ray-Z   (Genevieve Gaunt, Gold: Round 1)
You Gotta Be- Des’ree   (Lily James, Pink: Round 1)
You Got The Right Stuff- New Kids On The Block   (Alexander Skarsgard, White: Round 1)
Young, Dumb and Broke- Khalid   (Niall Horan, Orange: Round 1)
You’re The One That I Want- From Grease   (Witney Carson, Yelllow: Round 2)
You Shook Me All Night Long- AC/DC   (Andy Biersack, White: Round 2)
You’ll Be Back - Jonathan Groff from Hamilton   (Bianca Del Rio, Gold: Round 1)
Zombie- The Cranberries   (Adore Delano, Yellow: Round 2)
7th Element- Vitas   (Katya Zamaolodchikova, Purple: Round 1)
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debbiedoesbooks · 4 years
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Book review- 5 stars . I am now and have always been Twilight Trash. Unapologetically so. With that being said I thought I would devour this book. I shocked myself by taking my time with it and just enjoying being back in Forks. . In terms of plot, you aren't going to get anything new. If you're expecting that then you aren't paying attention. What you do get is to see Bella through Edward's eyes. His infatuated, stalkery eyes. With that being said he can crawl through my window whenever he wants (Alexa, play Come To My Window by Melissa Etheridge). He doesn't see her the way she sees herself, of course, so it's almost like you're getting a whole new Bella. You also get a lot more of the Cullens, which was absolutely missing from the original series. That would have made the books even better because I was interested in them all and their backstories. . Edward was always intense in the OG Twilight but from his POV he is INTENSE. Make no mistake I am #TeamEdward now and forever but sometimes I just wanted to tell him "You don't need air but breathe, baby. BREATHE." I'm sure living for eternity with your whole family of couples while being able to hear their every thought would get to us all, so no judgement here. I would probably also fall in love with someone whose thoughts I couldn't here because OMG WHAT A HORRIBLE POWER. EVERYONE SHUT UP TWICE. . This book is absolutely for die hard fans. And maybe the wait for a book that was never going to come out made it better but I'm happy with it. But I still hate that cover. Ew. #BookReview #MidnightSun #TwilightSeries #StephenieMeyer https://www.instagram.com/p/CFNUFELABrF/?igshid=h24vqm1w08u3
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the coldest winter ever by sista souljah
the essential etheridge knight
set the boy free by johnny marr
springfield, or bobby got a shadfly caught in his hair // sufjan stevens
alice // cocteau twins
keep on dancing // bobby fuller
movie: edward II (derek jarman, 1991)
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gregolry · 7 years
1 to 69 and also 70
thank u I made a playlist instead of working on my finals
1. A Song you’re ashamed of liking
None, all music is good and great2. Favourite lyrics
Constant Surprises (Little Dragon)3. Favourite band/artist
Probably Paramore or Janelle Monae based off of time listened/lyrics known etc.4. Top 5 Favourite songs at this moment
These aren’t really my favorite songs at all but they’re the ones I’ve been listening to this week.
Mystery of Love (Sufjan Stevens), Don’t Act Like A Stranger (Cathedrals), If It’s a Light (Mavis Staples), Dim All The Lights (Donna Summer), I Belong To You (Brandi Carlile)5. Latest song that made you smile
Psychic City – Classixx Remix(YACHT)6. An overrated band
Don’t @ me but Fall Out Boy7. An overrated song
Really most of the songs from the above band8. Latest song that made you cry
Send in the Clowns (Glynis Johns)9. Artist/band that saved your life
None but also let’s say Carole King, she got me through a time10. If you could see any band/artist live, who would it be
Paramore11. What song/album/band/artist always brings back memories for you
Katy Perry’s album One Of The Boys always puts me exactly where I was every time I ever listened to it.12. saddest song you know
Silver Springs (Fleetwood Mac)13. Favourite song to sing in the shower
Really anything by Fleetwood Mac but probably Dreams14. If you played an instrument in grade school, what was it
Piano~15. What song would you like to have your first dance to at your wedding
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? (Carole King)16. 5 Songs to have sex to
None but also it depends on the mood but probably something by Arctic Monkeys (Dangerous Animals comes to mind)17. One band you’d have get back together/bring back from the dead
This doesn’t really count I guess but PWR BTTM with different members who weren’t garbage? Like take that concept and that exact sound and give it to people who weren’t pieces of shit.18. You’re forced to listen to only one album for the rest of your life, what album is it
Carole King’s Tapestry or Paramore’s After Laughter19. A song that gets you through shit
Cry, Cry, Cry (Judith Hill)20. A song to shut everything out
Any song really 21. A song that’s a joke between you and your friends
Anything by Creed
22. A song to jam out to at 4am
Janglin (Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros)23. A song that punches you in the gut every single time
You Were Meant For Me (Jewel)24. A song that calms you down
Thunder Love (Little Dragon)25. A song that makes you feel alive
Q.U.E.E.N. (Janelle Monae)26. If you could get any lyrics tattooed, which would you choose
Tbh Something from the above song27. What band/artist would you get your children addicted to at an early age
You know good and well my children will be listening to Janelle Monae all day28. Can you play any instruments, if so, which
Piano and anything piano adjacent that follows the same rules29. If you could be a member of any band for one show, who would it be
That’s too much pressure30. CDs or Vinyls
Digital…31. 25 songs to play at your funeral
Just play What’s New Pussycat on repeat32. What are some song titles that you love
It Hurts Until It Doesn’t (Mothers) and their album title “When You Walk A Long Distance You Are Tired”33. If your life ended today, what song would you choose to represent it
See Above34. Can you give me a 10 song playlist on ____
No35. A heart wrenching song
Un-Break My Heart (Toni Braxton)36. A band/artist you’re proud of
Paramore because why not they’re doing a good job37. A song that has a lot of meaning to you
As You Are (Kimbra)38. A song that reminds you of school
Right As Rain (Adele) (not for any specific reason other than it played a lot on my way to class from high school to now)39. A song not sung in your native language
Palabra clasica (Florencia Nunez)40. An instrumental song
Whoacean (Yesway)41. A classical song
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 5 (Beethoven)42. A song with no percussion
Want My Love (Cathedrals)43. Something you’ve heard performed live
Mardy Bum (Arctic Monkeys)44. Something you’d give ANYTHING to hear performed live
I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Whitney Houston) (assuming this would involve dark magic rituals of some sort)45. A song from a band/artist that’s from your town/city/state/province
Keep Lying (Donna Missal)46. A song made suddenly precious because of a special someone
*shrug emoji* (that’s a lie but I can’t say)47. A song made suddenly painful because of someone special
*shrug emoji* (probably the same answer as above though)48. A song that demands lip syncing and a makeshift microphone
Real Love (Mary J. Blige)49. A song from a band/artist you met/know
*shrug emoji*50. A song that you would rock at karaoke
I’m The Only One (Melissa Etheridge)51. A song you can’t help but dance to
One Of The Boys (Katy Perry)52. A song that makes you want to dance on a table
Do My Thing (Estelle feat. Janelle Monae)53. Your 10 song striper playlist
Just What’s New Pussycat 10 times54. Favourite Disney song
Snuff Out the Light (Eartha Kitt) (It was never in the movie and that’s a damn shame)55. A song that starts with the first letter of your name
Change Of Coast (Neon Indian)56. A song from an artist still alive
400 Lux (Lorde)57. A song from an artist who’s dead
I’ll Be Seeing You (Billie Holiday)58. A song you love by an artist/band you hate
*shrug emoji* I guess anything by PWR BTTM because the band is garbo but their music was good59. A song you love with a colour in the title
Rose-Colored Boy (Paramore)60. A song you love with a number in the title
One For The Road (Arctic Monkeys)61. A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
Raja Vocative (The Mountain Goats)62. A song that needs to be played LOUD
Square Biz (Teena Marie)63. A song that makes you think about life
Oh My God (Ida Maria)64. 15 Songs that get suck in your head easily
What’s New Pussycat 15 times65. A song that you think everyone should listen to
That’s Alright (Laura Mvula)66. A song that makes you want to fall in love
As the World Falls Down (Girl In A Coma)67. A song that makes you think about ‘him/her’
They All Want You (Lissie) (tbh.. mood)68. A song that you remember from your childhood
Say You’ll Be There (Spice Girls)69. A song that reminds you of you
It Hurts Until It Doesn’t (Mothers)70. Okay what’s the real answer to number 1
Still true
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rocksbackpages · 5 years
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New for RBP subscribers this week
“When you heard shooting you’d go: ‘That’s a Thompson’ or ‘That’s an Armalite’. All bollocks, really. We didn’t know the difference…”
— Ex-Undertone Michael Bradley on the Troubles (The Observer, 1993)
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gaymusicchart · 7 years
Gay Music Chart Awards 2016 : the nominations
 Here are the nominees :
Adam Lambert - Another Lonely Night
Alvin Point - Il a dit
Eli Lieb, Steve Grand - Look Away
GAREK - Stray
LP - Lost On You
Markus Feehily - Sanctuary
Sia - The Greatest
Steve Grand - We are the Night (Dave Aude Remix)
Tegan & Sara - Boyfriend
Troye Sivan - Youth
Tyler Glenn - Trash
Years & Years - Meteorite
A Song For Orlando – Hands
Asbjørn - BOY PWR
Benny - Boys Will Be Boys
BP Major - Divine Cure
Daff - Glitterpojke
Danielle LoPresti - Holy
Erik Blood - Chase the Clouds
FLETCHER – Princess
Greg Gould - Run To You (#KeepRunning)
Immanuel Casto, Romina Falconi - Who is afraid of Gender?
K3 - Prinsesje en Superman
Pansy Division - Blame It On The Bible
Brendan Maclean
Eli Lieb
Ryan Cassata
Steve Grand
Tegan & Sara
Troye Sivan
Tyler Glenn
Years & Years
6 Pack Band feat. Sonu Nigam - Sab Rab De Bande
Alvin Point
Billy Gilman
Brian Justin Crum
Kevin Abstract
Oscar Zia
Ro Rowan
Saara Aalto
Alvin Point - Il a dit
Cristal Snow - Love is Blind
Eli Lieb, Steve Grand - Look Away
GAREK – Stray
Miike Snow - Genghis Khan
Markus Feehily - Sanctuary
Osvaldo Supino – Infinity
Patricio Arellano - Nuevo Sol
ROXETTE - Some other summer (fan video)
Tyler Glenn - Midnight
Dodie - Sick of Losing Soulmates
LP - Lost On You (1033 pts)
Mary Lambert - Hang Out With You
Matilda feat. OMVR – Apologize
Ria Mae – Gold
Rooms - Stars Beyond
SEE – Potions
Tegan and Sara – Boyfriend
The Veronicas - On Your Side
Zolita - Holy
Alicia Champion - Bi
Edward Barrow - Toi, elle et moi
Jarryd James feat. Broods - 1000x
Ricky Rebel - Boys & Sometimes Girls
Silva - Feliz e Ponto
6 Pack Band feat. Sonu Nigam - Sab Rab De Bande
CorsA - Hiding Love
Declan McKenna – Paracetamol
MaDame Düx - Say Goodbye
Pooh – Pierre
Ray BLK feat. SG Lewis - Chill Out
Ro Rowan – 1997
Ryan Cassata - Bedroom Eyes
Sunkee Angel - I Am Not a Label
The Parkinson - เพื่อนรัก (Dear Friend)
Autoheart - Oxford Blood
Brendan Maclean - Free to Love
Kiddy Smile - Let A B!tch Know
Madblush - Love Love Love
Mykki Blanco feat, Woodkid - High School Never Ends
Of Montreal - It's Different For Girls
Peaches – Vaginoplasty
PWR BTTM - I Wanna Boi
Tanzer - Johnny
Years & Years - Meteorite
Alaska Thunderfuck – Anus
Aretuza Lovi feat. Gloria Groove – Catuaba
Athena - Ses Etme
Bob The Drag Queen feat. DJ Mitch Ferrino - Purse First
Kika Lorace - Arriba, Maricón
Låpsley - Operator (DJ Koze Radio Edit)
Lorena Herrera - Karma
Manila Luzon & Alaska Thunderfuck - Working Holiday
RuPaul - The Realness
Sharon Needles - Hollywoodn't
Cors A - Hiding Love
Declan McKenna - Paracetamol
FLETCHER – Princess
Hampus Carlsson - Flera Meter Under Marken
Lontalius – Glow
Lost American - Put Me in a Spell
Pixie Geldof - Woman Go Wild
Tom Goss - Son of a Preacher Man
Troye Sivan – Youth
Yossarian - Talking Too Loud
Art Attack - Same Love
Betty Who - I Love You Always Forever
Emmanuel Moire - Le chanteur
GoodLuck - Thinking About You
J Sutta - Damn! (I Wish I Was Your Lover)
Marina & The Diamonds - True Colours
Michael von der Heide & Paola - Wo ist das Land
Pentatonix - Hallelujah
Pentatonix & Dolly Parton - Jolene
Prep School - Come As You Are
Samuel Forstved - Into You
Tom Goss - Son of a Preacher Man
Agata Vilchik / Агата Вильчик - Oy davno / "Ой, давно" - live @ The Voice Ukraine
Bagarre - La bête voit rouge (live @ Eurockéennes de Belfort 2016)
Billy Gilman - all acts @ The Voice 2016
Brian Justin Crum - all acts @ America's Got Talent 2016
Douwe Bob - Slow Down (live @ Eurovision Song Contest 2016)
Hovi Star - Made Of Stars (live @ Eurovision Song Contest 2016)
Jan Cina - Hung Up (cover) live @ Tvoje tvář má známý hlas 2016
Melissa Etheridge - Pulse (live @ Infinity Hall, New York, 2016)
Oscar Zia – Human (live @ Melodifestivalen 2016)
Troye Sivan - Blue Neighbourhood Tour
Gay Acrobats Create Stunning Visual Art - THE ARROW [Love. Pride. Truth.]
Lyon Hart - Falling For You
Sia - Cheap Thrills
Sia - The Greatest
X Ambassadors - UNSTEADY | Official Dance Video #LoveisLove
You & Me: coming out a passo di danza (Italia's Got Talent)
Anh Tú - Giấc Mơ Không Nhoà ("Thần Tiên Cũng Nỗi Điên" OST)
Dean Fujioka - History Maker ("Yuri On Ice" Opening OST)
J. Ralph & Anohni (F.K.A. Antony) - Manta Ray ("Racing Extinction" OST)
Nat Sakdatorn - ความหมายที่หายไป / Khwam hmay thi hay pi phelng (OST Fathers) (2016)
Years & Years - Meteorite ("Bridget Jones Baby" OST)
許魏洲 / Xu Weizhou - 慢慢走 / Walk Slowly (《上癮》 / “addiction” OST) (2016)
A Song for Orlando - Hands (Lyric Video)
Isaac Folch feat. Eyzzex - Howling (3D lyric video)
Mc Linn da Quebrada - Talento (Lyric Video)
Melissa Etheridge - Respect Yourself (Lyric Video)
Pet Shop Boys - The Pop Kids (Lyric Video)
Sia feat. Sean Paul - Cheap Thrills (Lyric Video)
Gray Pop - El es(c)eloso REMIX
Patricio Arellano - Nuevo Sol
Betty Who - I Love You Always Forever
Brendan Maclean - Free To Love
Greg Gould - Run To You (#KeepRunning)
Sia - The Greatest
The Veronicas - On Your Side
Troye Sivan - Youth
Andreas Gabalier - Hulapalu
Sankil Jones - One More Sound
Virginia Ernst - If Not Tonight
Els De Schepper - Kom uit de Kast
K3 - Prinsesje en Superman
LaDiva Live - Love Is On Its Way
Regi & Sem Thomasson feat. LX - The Party Is Over (DJ Antoine vs Mad Mark 2k16 Video Edit)
Selah Sue - Reason
The Magician feat. Brayton Bowman - Shy
Aretuza Lovi feat. Gloria Groove - Catuaba
Jaloo - Chuva
Madblush - Love Love Love
MC Queer - Fiscal
Pollo feat. Joey Mattos - Hoje Eu Acordei
Silva - Feliz e Ponto
AZIS - HABIBI (latino version) / Азис - Хабиби (латино версия).
Galena & TS. Yaneva feat. Azis - Pey Sartse / Галена и Цветелина Янева ft. Азис - Пей, сърце
Slavi, Gumzata & Ku-Ku Band - Byagay / Слави, Гъмзата и Ку-Ку Бенд - Бягай
Kaytranada - Lite Spots
Lucky Rose feat. Yan Etchevary - The Way You Want Me
Peaches - Vaginoplasty
Ria Mae - Gold
Scotty Dynamo - Not Like You
Tegan and Sara - Boyfriend
Alex Anwandter - Siempre es viernes en mi corazón
El Virgo - Malviaje Astral
Namuel - Maldita Ingenuidad
胡齡萌Hu Ling Meng - 從現在到以From Now To The Past
尚雯婕 Laure Shang - 单身男Single Boy
李嘉格Lee JiaGe - 淪陷 Degenerate
馬寧 Manning - 反正都是我 Fanzheng dou shi wo
柳妍熙 Liu Yan Xi - 谁记得 Who Remembered
許魏洲 Xu Weizhou - 慢慢走 Walk Slowly (Addiction OST)
Jan Bendig - Coming Out
Lipo feat. Debbi - Štěstí
Renato Salerno - Love Emergency
Asbjørn - BOY PWR
HEIÐRIK  - Change of Frame
HEIÐRIK  - Red Hair
Jonas Hedqvist - Survivors
Maia - Tordenkys
Martin Strecker - Hvis Du Kysser Min Hånd
Cristal Snow - Love Is Blind
Cristal Snow - Riding The Storm
Jari Sillanpää - Suurempaa
Saara Aalto - No Fear
Alvin Point - Il a dit
David Courtin - Main dans la main
Edward Barrow - Toi, elle et moi
Kiddy Smile - Let A B!tch Know
Les Funambules - Au début
Queen Mimosa 3 - Sexophone
Alexander Geist & Ming Wong with Bendik Giske - That Girl
BILLY - Not Over You
DJ Hell - I Want U
Jan Böhmermann - Be Deutsch! [Achtung! Germans on the rise!]
Maksim Reimer & Band - You Found Me
Matthew Wood - One Life
Giorgis Christodoulou Γιώργης Χριστοδούλου - To proí me xypnas me filia /  - Το πρωί με ξυπνάς με φιλιά
Nikos Karvelas /Νίκος Καρβέλας - O Skilos Mou Einai Gay / Ο σκύλος μου είναι Gay
Bjartmar Þórðarson - Við getum sameinast
Páll Óskar - Þá mætir þú til mín
Páll Óskar - Vinnum þetta fyrirfram
Sigur Rós - Óveður
6 Pack Band feat. Sonu Nigam - Sab Rab De Bande
Aman100 - Bapu Sada Kehnda
Friends of Linger - Miss You
Kapoor & Sons | Sidharth Malhotra | Alia Bhatt | Badshah | Amaal Mallik |Fazilpuria - Kar Gayi Chull
Nakash Aziz - India ke sare gay
Nanok feat. Ray Dee - Lay You Down
Jack O'Rourke - On The Downlow
Markus Feehily - Sanctuary
Nathan Carter - Temple Bar
Villagers - Wichita Lineman
Wallis Bird - Change
Eliad Makli - God / אליעד מלכי- שה
Hovi Star - Made of Stars
Offer Nissim feat. Dana International - We Can Make It
Pet Shop Boys - The Pop Kids (Offer Nissim Remix) Purim Tribute
Sean and John - Agada / Legend" (שון אנד ג׳ון עם אריסה - אגדה)
Tel Aviv Pride Parade 2016 / Omer Adam feat. Arisa - Tel Aviv / עומר אדם עם אריסה - תל אביב
Alex Palmieri - Save Me
Immanuel Casto, Romina Falconi - Who is Afraid of Gender?
Luna Palumbo - Casomai
Osvaldo Supino - Infinity
Pooh - Pierre
Simonetta Spiri, Greta Manuzi, Verdiana Zangaro, Roberta Pompa - L'amore merita
AKB48 - Kimi wa Melody / 君はメロディー
Dean Fujioka - History Makers
Enjoy Music Club - Summer Magic《 夏の魔法 》
Hikaru Utada 「宇多田ヒカル」- Tomodachi 「ともだち」
Secret Guys - Sky March
風男塾 (Fudanjuku) / もしも これが恋な ら (Moshimo korega koinara)
Daniela Calvario - Marchate
Kinky - Macho
Lorena Herrera - Karma
Luis Lauro - Adios (So Long)
Reik - Ya Me Enteré
Thiago Di Melo - Pra Sempre
Belinda Jose en Denise - Oya Lélé
Douwe Bob - Slow Down
Ivann - Ik geloof in jou
Koen Kardashian - Met je Prada’s in de modder
Vangelis Sopamena - Voor Ons
Vicetone - Hawt Stuff
Ladyhawke - A Love Song  
LarzRanda - Turtles
Lontalius - Glow
Mika Haka feat. Lavina Williams - Loved Me A Man
WCB - Overdone
Anna of the North - Us
Kygo feat. Maty Noyes - Stay
Master Mind - Electric
Matilda feat. OMVR- Apologize
Nils Bech - Please Stay
The Hungry Hearts - Laika
Bassilyo - Taxi Driver
Sebastian Castro - Feel the Bern
Jakub & Dawid VS ROXETTE - Some Other Summer (fan video)
Koy – Faces
Sexy Suicide - Never Forget
CorsA - Hiding in Love
Drift - I Fled The Horizon
Kevin2K - YA budu letet' / Я буду лететь
KGBears -Eksponat / Piece “Экспонат” (Eksponat / Piece)
Man-G / Менджи - Chocolate Boys / Мальчики-Шоколадки
Pussy Riot feat. Desi Mo & Leikeli47 - Straight Outta Vagina
Chris Chameleon - Hurt
Die Antwoord - Banana Brain
GoodLuck - Thinking About You
Nakhane Touré - Blackened and Bruised
The Kiffness feat. Tawanna Shaunte - You Say You Love Me
Toya Delazy - Nu High
Brave Girls (브레이브걸스) - High Heels (하이힐)
Gain, Minseo (가인, 민서) - Imi Oneun Sori (임이 오는 소리)
MERCURY - Don’t Stop
SISTAR (씨스타), Giorgio Moroder - One More Day
Sweet Revenge (스윗리벤지) - Silkeos uldaga bomyeon (실컷 울다가 보면)
Wonder Girls - Why So Lonely
Creadores de la Memoria - Álex
Kika Lorace - Arriba, Maricón
Loquillo - En el final de los días
Mateo Bocca - Quisiera Volar
Monica Moss - Woololeiu #ChicaFina
Yeyo - Invencible
Ängie - Smoke Weed Eat Pussy
Daff - Glitterpojke
Hampus Carlsson - Flera Meter Under Marken
Midnight Boy - When You’re Strange
Miike Snow - Genghis Khan
Oscar Zia - Human
Gu Xiaowei 古小偉- Be Brave 【一起勇敢】
Jeffrey Tung (董又霖) - Don’t Wanna Be a Stranger《不做陌生人》 [SWAP - OST ]
Kimberley Chen 陳芳語 - Control Your Embrace / 《管你的擁抱 fyf 》
Namewee  黃明志 - Cry Father 靠北
Wen J - Indifferent【無動於衷】
Zhan Ya man 詹雅雯  - Nobody Understood My Love 無人瞭解我的愛
Gun Achi, Amp - Kwahm Lub Nai Jai / กันอชิ,แอมป์ - ความลับในใจ (Ost. SOTUS The Series)
Happy Polla - Happy
Nat Sakdatorn - "Meaning Lost" ความหมายที่หายไป (OST Fathers)
OZMO Feat BangBangBang + Bsyde - Higher
The Parkinson - เพื่อนรัก (Dear Friend)
ปนัดดา เรืองวุฒิ / Panadda 「 รักไปเจ็บไปไม่เอา / Rak pi ceb pi mi xea / I Love to Go Out」
Athena - Ses Etme
Bambaşka Biri ft. Yasin Keleş - İrem Derici
Makyaj - Nuri Harun Ateş
Agatha Vilchik / Агата Вильчик – Hallelujah (Live @ The Voice Ukraine 2016)
AGHIAZMA - Zombie Dogs
Gaspar - Kings & Queens
Jamala - 1944
JeleZOO - I feel i’m taken away
Loboda - K Chertu Lyubov / Лобода - К Черту Любовь
ANOHNI - Drone Bomb Me
Blood Orange - Augustine
David Bowie - Lazarus
Shura - What’s It Gonna Be?
Vince Kidd - Almost Angels
Years & Years - Meteorite
A Great Big World - Won’t Stop Running
Adam Lambert - Another Lonely Night
Alex Newell & DJ Cassidy (with Nile Rodgers) - Kill The Lights
Brooke Candy - Happy Days
Coheed and Cambria - Island
Hayley Kiyoko - One Bad Night
LP - Lost On You (2016)
Tyler Glenn - Midnight (2016)
Tyler Glenn - Shameless
Wrabel - 11 Blocks
Brian Justin Crum - Name On You
Case / Lang / Veirs - Atomic Number
Catey Shaw - The Ransom
Kevin Abstract - Empty
Mykki Blanco Featuring Woodkid ‎– High School Never Ends
Prinze George - Wait Up
PWR BTTM - I Wanna Boi
Rostam - Gravity Don’t Pull Me
SEE - Potions
Sxip Shirey feat. Xavier - Cinnamon Stick
Benny - Boys Will Be Boys
Chester Lockhart - Kiss
Eli Lieb, Steve Grand - Look Away
Frank Ocean - Nikes
GAREK - Stray
Lyon Hart - Falling for You
Mary Lambert - Hang Out With You
Steve Grand - We Are The Night
Todrick Hall - Straight Outta Oz
Tom Goss - Son of a Preacher Man
Dani Umpi - La Yuta
Goro Gocher - No Podrás Salir
Jack Doorman - Wet
Kevin Royk - Ángel de Plata
Anh Tú - Giấc Mơ Không Nhoà
Đàm Vĩnh Hưng - Tan Vỡ
Hương Giang Idol - Mùa Để Yêu Thương
Hương Giang Idol feat. R.Tee - Em Không Hối Tiếc
Khắc Việt - Em Cứ Đi Đi
Phạm Chí Thành - Sợ Hãi
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sportsandsongs · 7 years
Canada 150 Playlist
I made my own #Canada150 playlist for the weekend. One song per artist, 150 different Canadian bands and singers. It’s missing some “classic” Canadian bands but that’s because I don’t like them. Sorry, Rush.
Playlist here and alphabetical list below.
A Tribe Called Red - Sila Alanis Morissette - You Oughta Know Alexisonfire - Accidents Alvvays - Adult Diversion Andy Shauf - Quite Like You Anne Murray - Snowbird Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels) Arkells - Leather Jacket Austra - Future Politics Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending Bachman-Turner Overdrive - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet Bahamas - All The Time Barenaked Ladies - Light Up My Room Basia Bulat - Gold Rush Bif Naked - Moment Of Weakness Big Sugar - The Scene Big Wreck - That Song Billy Talent - This Is How It Goes Blue Peter - Don't Walk Past Blue Rodeo - Diamond Mine Born Ruffians - Badonkadonkey Braids - Taste Bran Van 3000 - Drinking in L.A. Broken Social Scene - Anthems for a Seventeen Year Old Girl BRONCHO - Señora Borealis Bruce Cockburn - Lovers In A Dangerous Time Bryan Adams - Run To You By Divine Right - Come for a Ride Caribou - Melody Day Carly Rae Jepsen - Cut To The Feeling Chad VanGaalen - Peace On The Rise Chantal Kreviazuk - In This Life Chromeo - Fancy Footwork City and Colour - The Girl Constantines - I Will Not Sing a Hateful Song Crystal Castles - Celestica Dan Mangan - Race To The Bottom Dear Rouge - Black To Gold Death From Above 1979 - Romantic Rights Destroyer - Dream Lover DILLY DALLY - Desire Doughboys - Shine Dragonette - I Get Around Drake - Hotline Bling Elliott Brood - Oh, Alberta Eric's Trip - Anytime You Want Evening Hymns - Oh Man You'll Walk Again and Again Fake Shark - Something Special Fast Romantics - Why We Fight Fefe Dobson - Ghost Feist - I Feel It All Fucked Up - The Other Shoe Gordon Lightfoot - The Circle Is Small Great Big Sea - When I'm Up Great Lake Swimmers - Your Rocky Spine Grimes - Flesh without Blood Half Moon Run - Consider Yourself Handsome Furs - What about Us Hey Rosetta - New Sum  - Nous Sommes Hollerado - Born Yesterday Holy Fuck - Red Lights Hot Hot Heat - Middle Of Nowhere I Mother Earth - Used To Be Alright Islands - Creeper Jann Arden - Could I Be Your Girl Japandroids - The House That Heaven Built Jason Collett - Lake Superior Jessy Lanza - Never Enough Joel Plaskett Emergency - Harbour Boys Joni Mitchell - Free Man In Paris July Talk - Strange Habit Junior Boys - Hazel Justin Bieber - Sorry Kathleen Edwards - Oil Man's War KAYTRANADA - WEIGHT OFF Killjoys - Dana K'NAAN - 15 Minutes Away K-OS - Sunday Morning Leonard Cohen - Famous Blue Raincoat Library Voices - Generation Handclap Limblifter - Tinfoil Mac Demarco - My Old Man Majical Cloudz - Downtown Malajube - Montréal  -40 Martha & The Muffins - Echo Beach Matthew Good Band - Hello Time Bomb Melissa Etheridge - Bring Me Some Water Men Without Hats - The Safety Dance Metric - Dead Disco Metz - Get Off Mother Mother - Monkey Tree Neil Young - Unknown Legend Nelly Furtado - Say It Right Odds - Someone Who's Cool Operators - Cold Light Ought - Habit Our Lady Peace - Starseed Owen Pallett - Lewis Takes Off His Shirt Plants and Animals - Bye Bye Bye Preoccupations - Silhouettes PUP - Sleep In The Heat Rah Rah - Prairie Girl Rheostatics - Claire Said The Whale - Out On the Shield Sam Roberts - The Gate Sarah Harmer - Escarpment Blues Sarah McLachlan - Possession Serena Ryder - What I Wouldn't Do Shad - Keep Shining Sloan - Penpals Spirit Of The West - Home For A Rest Spoons - Romantic Traffic Stars - Take Me To the Riot Strange Advance - We Run Sum 41 - In Too Deep Tegan and Sara - Where Does the Good Go The Band - It Makes No Difference The Besnard Lakes - Albatross The Courtneys - Minnesota The Darcys - Studio City The Dears - 5 Chords The Guess Who - No Sugar Tonight / New Mother Nature The Lowest of the Low - Salesmen, Cheats and Liars The New Pornographers - Bleeding Heart Show The Pack a.d. - Sirens The Payolas - Soldier The Rankin Family - You Feel The Same Way Too The Rural Alberta Advantage - Muscle Relaxants The Russian Futurists - Hoeing Weeds Sowing Seeds The Sadies - Oak Ridges The Stills - In The Beginning The Strumbellas - Lakes The Super Friendz - 10 Lbs. The Tragically Hip - Ahead By A Century The Unicorns - I Was Born (A Unicorn) The Weakerthans - Civil Twilight The Weeknd - High For This The Wooden Sky - Swimming in Strange Waters The Zolas - Get Dark Tobias Jesso Jr. - How Could You Babe Tokyo Police Club - Tessellate Treble Charger - Red Two Hours Traffic - Backseat Sweetheart White Lung - Face Down Whitehorse - Sweet Disaster Wintersleep - Drunk On Aluminum Wolf Parade - You Are A Runner And I Am My Father's Son You Say Party - Monster Young Galaxy - We Have Everything Yukon Blonde - Saturday Night
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The new generation of Guardians are beginning to rise up against the recently recruited Anti-Guardians. Immortals are becoming torn on whether to take sides or stay out of it. And mortals are finding their lives irrevocably changed for good. What side will you be on?_______________________________________________________________________
Shoutout to Carma for the amazing AMV video featuring all sorts of characters from the site!  Song: Believer by Imagine Dragons
Characters Featured (In order of appearance): Sophie Bennett Edward Delano Carter Delano Pippa McBride Jamie Bennett Jack Frost Odette Roth South West Etheridge Arden Aries Paigen Sagittar Niulang Altair Alhena Geminar Antares Meri Du’Bouvier Pippa (Grown) Asheton Hollins Jack Kelly Daniel Roth Koda Beaumont Artemis Aphrodite * Karyorrhexis * Sabellius Reinhard Volker Snow White Rowan Judica Micah  Deiter Reinhardt Leora Starling Hamilcar D’utica Neville Longbottom The Millennium Earl Cerberus Haley Helstrom Oisin Mac Fionn Souji Okita Ninianne Tamesis Anubis Robin Hood Loretta Averin Lucida Charles Eden Persephone Hera Borya Litvak Gregorio Pantaleon Pestilence Sir Kay
*- Same faceclaims were used in separate clips
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Back Again - Nashville tv show
Written by Jake Etheridge and Jillian Edwards
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downthetubes · 6 years
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Cadavers - World Gone to Hell, a post-apocalyptic anthology from Mad Robot Comics
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Cadavers – World Gone to Hell, a post-apocalyptic anthology from Mad Robot Comics
Inventive independent British comics publisher Mad Robot Comics have sailed past their crowdfunding target for their latest anthology project, Cadavers: World Gone to Hell – but there’s still time to back the title on Kickstarter. Created by Edward Bentley and Matt Hardy, the book includes stories from Ash Deadman, Luke Francis, Russell Mark Olson, Kieren Stevens and many more.
In Cadavers: World…
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newsfundastuff · 5 years
It’s pilot season — when broadcast networks decide which of dozens of prospective shows should become full-fledged series.TheWrap’s complete network pilot guide will keep you up to speed on the status of every project under consideration by ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC. In cases where they’ve already ordered a show to series, we’ll say so.Check back often for regular updates.ABC: Comedy / DramaCBS: Comedy / DramaThe CW: DramaFox: Comedy / DramaNBC: Comedy / Drama ABC COMEDYMY VILLAGE Writer(s): Kari Lizer Studio: Sony Pictures Television, ABC Studios Logline: An empty-nester mom wonders how she ended up alone while her children live their best lives thousands of miles away. She decides her place is with her family and as she reinserts herself into their lives, her kids realize they might actually need her more than they thought.(Multi-camera)PROSPECT Writer(s): Sherry Bilsing-Graham, Ellen Kreamer Director: Randall Einhorn Studio: ABC Studios Logline: A comedic western with a feminist twist: an idealistic young woman moves to the frontier to be a schoolteacher, but her ideals are quickly tested when she learns that her students are rowdy ranch hands, not children. (Single camera)Back to Top ABC DRAMATHE BIG SKY — Series Order Writer(s): David E. Kelley Producer(s): Ross Fineman, C.J. Box Studio: A+E Studios, 20th Century Fox Television Logline: In this procedural thriller, private detective Cassie Dewell partners with ex-cop Jenny Hoyt on a search for two sisters who have been kidnapped by a truck driver on a remote highway in Montana. But when they discover that these are not the only girls who have disappeared in the area, they must race against the clock to stop the killer before another woman is taken.THE BRIDES Writer(s): Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa Producer(s): Greg Berlanti, Sarah Schechter Director: Maggie Kiley Studio: ABC Studios, Warner Bros. Television, Berlanti Productions Logline: A sexy contemporary reimagining of “Dracula,” is a family drama with a trio of powerful female leads at its heart. With strong horror elements, “The Brides” is a vampire soap about empowered, immortal women and the things they do to maintain wealth, prestige, legacy — and their nontraditional family.HARLEM’S KITCHEN Writer(s): Zahir McGhee Producer(s): Marcus Samuelsson, David Hoberman, Todd Lieberman, Laurie Zaks Studio: ABC Studios Logline: An ensemble family drama set in a fine dining restaurant in Harlem. Ellis Rice, Executive Chef and patriarch, runs a successful restaurant with his wife and three daughters. But an unexpected death thrusts the family into turmoil and puts the restaurant’s future in jeopardy as long-buried secrets are revealed.REBEL Writer(s): Krista Vernoff Producer(s): Davis Entertainment, Alexandre Schmitt, Erin Brockovich Studio: ABC Studios/Sony Pictures Television Logline: “Rebel” is inspired by the life of Erin Brockovich today. Annie “Rebel” Bello is a blue collar legal advocate without a law degree. A funny, messy, brilliant and fearless woman who cares desperately about the causes she fights for and the people she loves. When Rebel applies herself to a fight she believes in, she will win at almost any cost. Cast: Katey SagalTHIRTYSOMETHING(ELSE) Writer(s): Marshall Herskovitz, Edward Zwick Director: Edward Zwick Studio: ABC Studios, MGM Television Logline: A sequel to the groundbreaking series “thirtysomething,” which follows an ensemble of new faces playing the grown-up, 30-something children of the original cast. Apparently, raising children (even grown children) never ends, but who could have known how hard it would be for them to raise their parents? Cast: Ken Olin, Mel Harris, Timothy Busfield, Patty WettigWRECKAGE Writer(s): Jacquie Walters Producer(s): Sarah Timberman, Carl Beverly, Mark Martin, Keith Samples Director: Marc Webb Studio: ABC Studios Logline: On the surface, Lillian Linden looks like a brave survivor of a plane crash. But she’s been lying to her family, her friends, and the whole world since rescue helicopters scooped her and her fellow survivor, Dave Hall, off a deserted island in the South Pacific. Missing for almost four years, the castaways are thrust into the spotlight after their rescue, becoming media darlings overnight. But they can’t tell the real story–so they lie.Back to Top CBS COMEDYB POSITIVE Writer(s): Marco Pennette Producer(s): Chuck Lorre Studio: Warner Bros. Television, Chuck Lorre Productions Logline: Faced with finding a kidney donor, newly divorced dad Drew is at the end of his rope when he runs into Gina, a rough-around-the edges woman from his past who volunteers her own. Together they form an unlikely bond and begin a journey that will change both of their lives. (Multi-camera)GHOSTS Writer(s): Joe Port, Joe Wiseman Producer(s): Mathew Baynton, Jim Howick, Simon Farnaby, Laurence Rickard, Ben Willbond, Martha Howe-Douglas, Alison Carpenter, Debra Hayward, Alison Owen, Angie Stephenson Studio: CBS Television Studios, Lionsgate Television, BBC Studios Logline: A struggling young couple’s dreams come true when they inherit a beautiful country house, only to find it’s both falling apart and inhabited by many of the deceased previous residents. (Single camera)THE THREE OF US Writer(s): Frank Pines Producer(s): Ben Winston, Jeff Grosvenor, James Corden Studio: CBS Television Studios, Fulwell 73 Logline: Adult siblings who are children of divorce must circle the wagons when their sister’s husband unexpectedly announces he wants to call it quits on their marriage. (Multi-camera)PLEASE HOLD FOR FRANKIE WOLFE Writer(s): Max Mutchnick, David Kohan Producer(s): Ben Winston, Jeff Grosvenor Studio: Universal Television Studios Logline: Frankie Wolfe is an unfiltered, irreverent, powerful businesswoman with no personal life. When Frankie’s impossibly fragile and neurotic sister, Tommie, abandons Quincy – an incredibly bright inner-city child who Tommie attempted to foster – Frankie is faced with the choice of taking him in or casting him back out. Can these two lonely, damaged people find the love and companionship that has eluded them their whole lives? (Multi-camera)THE UNITED STATES OF AL Writer(s): David Goetsch, Maria Ferrari Producer(s): Chuck Lorre, Reza Aslan, Mahyad Tousi Studio: Warner Bros. Television, Chuck Lorre Productions Logline: A comedy about the friendship between Riley, a Marine combat veteran struggling to readjust to civilian life in Ohio, and Awalmir (Al), the Afghan interpreter who served with his unit and has just arrived to start a new life in America. (Multi-camera)WE THE JURY Writer(s): Dana Klein and Stephanie Darrow Producer(s): James Acaster, Kenton Allen, Matthew Justice Studio: CBS Television Studios Logline: A group of jurors are sequestered together until they all agree on a verdict…and they can’t even agree on lunch. (Hybrid)UNTITLED KINGSBURY/DALEY/GOLDSTEIN PROJECT Writer(s): Corinne Kingsbury, John Francis Daley, Jonathan Goldstein Producer(s): Aaron Kaplan, Dana Honor, Wendi Trilling Studio: CBS Television Studios Logline: When Penelope’s career takes off at exactly the same time as her husband’s, they call on Penelope’s young single mom, Georgia, to help raise their son, but what they find is Georgia needs more raising than their kid. (Multi-camera)Back to Top CBS DRAMACLARICE — Series Commitment Writer(s): Alex Kurtzman, Jenny Lumet Producer(s): Heather Kadin, Aaron Baiers Studio: MGM Television, CBS Television Studios, Secret Hideout Logline: It’s 1993, a year after the events of “The Silence of the Lambs.” CLARICE is a deep dive into the untold personal story of Clarice Starling as she returns to the field to pursue serial murderers and sexual predators while navigating the high stakes political world of Washington, D.C.THE EQUALIZER Writer(s): Andrew Marlowe, Terri Miller Producer(s): Dana Owens (Queen Latifah), John Davis, John Fox , Debra Martin Chase, Richard Lindheim, Shakim Compere Studio: Universal Television Studios, CBS Television Studios, Davis Entertainment, Martin Chase Productions, Flavor Unit Logline: A reimagining of the classic series in which an enigmatic figure uses her extensive skills to help those with nowhere else to turn. Cast: Queen LatifahBack to Top CW DramaKUNG FU Writer(s): Christina M. Kim Producer(s): Martin Gero, Greg Berlanti, Sarah Schechter Studio: Warner Bros. Television, Quinn’s House, Berlanti Productions Logline: A quarter-life crisis causes a young Chinese-American woman to drop out of college and go on a life-changing journey to an isolated monastery in China. But when she returns to find her hometown overrun with crime and corruption, she uses her martial arts skills and Shaolin values to protect her community and bring criminals to justice…all while searching for the assassin who killed her Shaolin mentor and is now targeting her.THE LOST BOYS Writer(s): Heather Mitchell, Rob Thomas Producer(s): Dan Etheridge, Mike Karz, Bill Bindley, Rebecca Franko, Juliana Janes Director: Marcos Siega Studio: Warner Bros. Television Logline: When a mother and her gen z sons move to the seaside town where she grew up, they discover there’s a sinister reason the local cool kids sleep all day, party all night, never grow up and never get old. Family bonds are tested as the brothers find themselves on opposite sides of a mythological struggle. Based on the 1987 cult classic that revolutionized how we think about vampires.MAVERICK Writer(s): Merigan Mulhern Producer(s): Josh Schwartz, Stephanie Savage, Warren Hsu Leonard, Lis Rowinski Studio: CBS Television Studios, Fake Empire Logline: In a present day America that finds itself under authoritarian rule, the President’s daughter – raised to believe her father is moral and benevolent – has her worldview rocked on her first day at Georgetown. Challenged by her fellow students, and under the watchful eye of Secret Service agents, she’ll have to decide if her loyalties lie with her family or with a growing resistance as she navigates her freshman year.THE REPUBLIC OF SARAH Writer(s): Jeffrey Paul King Producer(s): Marc Webb, Mark Martin, Jeff Grosvenor, Leo Pearlman Studio: CBS Television Studios Logline: Faced with the destruction of her town at the hands of a greedy mining company, rebellious high school teacher Sarah Cooper utilizes an obscure cartographical loophole to declare independence. Now Sarah must lead a young group of misfits as they attempt to start their own country from scratch.SUPERMAN & LOIS — Series Order Writer(s): Todd Helbing Producer(s): Greg Berlanti, Sarah Schechter, Geoff Johns Studio: Berlanti Productions, Warner Bros. Television Logline: Follows the world’s most famous Super Hero and comic books’ most famous journalist as they deal with all the stress, pressures and complexities that come with being working parents in today’s society. Based on the characters from DC created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. Cast: Tyler Hoechlin, Elizabeth TullocWALKER — Series Order Writer(s): Anna Fricke Producer(s): Dan Lin, Lindsay Liberatore, Jared Padalecki Studio: CBS Television Studios, Rideback. Logline: A reimagining of the long-running series “Walker, Texas Ranger.” Centers on Cordell Walker, a widower and father of two with his own moral code, who returns home to Austin after being undercover for two years, only to discover there’s harder work to be done at home. He’ll attempt to reconnect with his children, navigate clashes with his family, and find unexpected common ground with his new partner (one of the first women in Texas Rangers’ history), while growing increasingly suspicious about the circumstances surrounding his wife’s death. Cast: Jared PadaleckiUNTITLED THE 100 PREQUEL — Backdoor Pilot Production Order Writer(s): Jason Rothenberg Producer(s): Leslie Morgenstein, Gina Girolamo Studio: Alloy Entertainment, Warner Bros. Television, CBS Television Studios Logline: Set 97 years before the events of the original series, this project — which is currently being developed as a planted spinoff and will air as an episode of THE 100’s final season — starts with the end of the world, a nuclear apocalypse that wipes out most of the human population on Earth. The epic adventure follows a band of survivors on the ground as they learn to cope in a dangerous world while fighting to create a new and better society from the ashes of what came before.UNTITLED ARROW SPINOFF — Backdoor Pilot Production Order Writer(s): Beth Schwartz, Mark Guggenheim, Jill Blankenship, Oscar Balderrama Producer(s): Greg Berlanti, Sarah Schechter Studio: Warner Bros. TV, DC Entertainment Logline: Spinoff following the women of Arrow. Cast: Katherine McNamara, Katie Cassidy, Juliana HarkavyBack to Top FOX COMEDYCARLA — Series Commitment Writer(s): Darlene Hunt Producer(s): Jim Parsons, Todd Spiewak, Angie Stephenson, Miranda Hart, Eric Norsoph, Mackenzie Gabriel-Vaught, Mayim Bialik Studio: Warner Bros. Television, FOX Entertainment, That’s Wonderful Productions, Sad Clown Productions, BBC Studios Logline: Carla is a 39-year-old woman who struggles every day against society and her mother to prove that you CANNOT have everything you want — and still be happy. Which is why she spent the money her parents set aside for her wedding to open a Cat Café in Louisville, KY. Based on the BBC UK original seriesMiranda, created by Miranda Hart. (Multi-camera) Cast: Mayim BialikHOUSEBROKEN — Series Order Writer(s): Clea DuVall, Jennifer Crittenden, Gabrielle Allan Producer(s): Sharon Horgan, Clelia Mountford, Aaron Kaplan, Dana Honor Studio: Fox Entertainment, Kapital Entertainment, Bento Box Logline: Explores human dysfunction and neurosis through a group of neighborhood animals who live in the suburbs. (Animated) Cast: Lisa Kudrow, Clea DuVall, Sharon Horgan, Nat Faxon, Will Forte, Tony Hale, Jason Mantzoukas, Sam Richardson, Bresha Webb, Greta LeeTHIS COUNTRY Writer(s): Jenny Bicks Producer(s): Angie Stephenson, Charlie Cooper, Daisy May Cooper, Dan Magnante, Cathy Mason, Rachel Mason Director: Paul Feig Studio: Lionsgate, BBC Studios, FOX Entertainment, Feigco Entertainment, Perkins Street Productions Logline: In this half-hour mockumentary inspired by the BBC format, a documentary crew goes to a small town to study young adults and their current concerns. Their focus is the daily lives of cousins Kelly and Shrub Mallet and their idiosyncratic surroundings. We follow the cousins as they pursue their dreams, confront challenges, and fight each other for frozen pizza. These two don’t have much, but they do have each other. (Single camera)Back to Top FOX DRAMATHE BIG LEAP Writer(s): Liz Heldens Producer(s): Sue Naegle Studio: 20th Century Fox Television, FOX Entertainment Logline: Inspired by a UK format, THE BIG LEAP is a funny and contemporary tale about second chances, chasing your dreams and taking back what’s yours. The show centers on a group of diverse underdogs from all different walks of life who compete to be part of a competition reality series that is putting on a modern, hip remake of “Swan Lake.” What they lack in the traditional dancer body type, they make up for with their edge, wit and desire to reimagine an iconic story to fit their own mold. THE BIG LEAP takes us on a journey of self-acceptance, body-positivity and empowerment at any age.THE CLEANING LADY Writer(s): Miranda Kwok Producer(s): Shay Mitchell, Melissa Carter Studio: Warner Bros Television, FOX Entertainment Logline: A darkly aspirational character drama about a whip-smart doctor who comes to the U.S. for a medical treatment to save her ailing son. But when the system fails and pushes her into hiding, she refuses to be beaten down and marginalized. Instead, she becomes a cleaning lady for the mob and starts playing the game by her own rules. Based on the original Argentine series.Back to Top NBC COMEDYAMERICAN AUTO Writer(s): Justin Spitzer Producer(s): Aaron Kaplan Studio: Universal Television, Kapital Entertainment Logline: Set at the headquarters of a major American automotive company in Detroit, where a floundering group of executives try to rediscover the company identity amidst a rapidly changing industry. (Single camera)CRAZY FOR YOU Writer(s): Rachele Lynn Producer(s): Lorne Michaels, Seth Meyers, Mike Shoemaker Studio(s): Universal Television, Broadway Video, Sethmaker Shoemeyers Productions Logline: Daisy, with her life stalling, re-enters the dating scene only to discover that while she was out of the game, the game sort of, totally, completely changed. Realizing she is a bit rusty at being “normal” and “appealing” on first dates, she’ll need the support of her friends as she strives to succeed while being her true self in today’s quick-to-dismiss dating culture. (Single camera)THE KENAN SHOW — Series Order Writer(s): Jackie Clarke Producer(s): Lorne Michaels, Andrew Singer Director: Chris Rock Studio: Universal Television, Broadway Video Logline: Kenan Thompson strives to be a super dad to his two adorable girls while simultaneously balancing his job and a father-in-law who “helps” in the most inappropriate ways. (Single camera) Cast: Kenan Thompson, Punam Patel, Dani Lockett, Dannah Lockett, Andy GarciaJEFFERIES Writer(s): Suzanne Martin Producer(s): Jim Jefferies, Sean Hayes, Todd Milliner, Tim Sarkes, Alex Murray Studio: Universal Television, Hazy Mills, Brillstein Entertainment Partners Logline: Jim Jefferies stars as a fictionalized version of himself – a comedian with a unique and often controversial take on modern life, relationships and co-parenting with his best friend. (Multi-camera) Cast: Jim JefferiesNIGHT SCHOOL Writer(s): Chris Moynihan Producer(s): Kevin Hart, Will Packer, Malcolm Lee Studio: Universal Television, Hartbeat Productions, Will Packer Productions, Bicycle Path Productions Logline: An adaptation of the 2018 film, “Night School” centers on a unique mix of adults at a night school GED prep class who unexpectedly bond over their shared experience and find themselves helping each other both inside and outside of the classroom. (Multi-camera)SOMEONE OUT THERE Writer(s): Matt Hubbard, Josh Siegal, Dylan Morgan Producer(s): Emiliano Calemzuk, Gonzalo Sagardia, Javier Veiga Studio: Universal Television Logline: A romantic comedy about two set-in-their-ways adults who are challenged by very unexpected strangers to become the best versions of themselves in order to find love and possibly each other. Based on the format “Pequeñas Coincidencias,” created by Javier Veiga. (Multi-camera)YOUNG ROCK — Series Order Writer(s): Nahnatchka Khan, Jeff Chiang Producer(s): Dwayne Johnson, Dany Garcia, Hiram Garcia, Brian Gewirtz, Jennifer Carreras Studio: Universal Television, Seven Bucks Productions, Fierce Baby Productions Logline: Inspired by the formative years of Dwayne Johnson. (Single camera) Cast: Dwayne JohnsonUNTITLED PHIL JACKSON/DAN GOOR Writer(s): Phil Jackson Producer(s): Dan Goor Studio: Universal Television Logline: Ensemble comedy about black people, dating and wine. (Single camera)UNTITLED TINA FEY/ROBERT CARLOCK — Series Order Writer(s): Tina Fey, Robert Carlock Producer(s): Jeff Richmond, David Miner, Eric Gurian Studio: Universal Television, 3 Arts Entertainment, Little Stranger Logline: A wealthy businessman runs for mayor of Los Angeles for all the wrong reasons. Once he wins he has to figure out what he stands for, gain the respect of his staff and connect with his teenage daughter, all while humanely controlling the coyote population. (Single camera) Cast: Ted Danson, Holly Hunter, Bobby MoynihanBack to Top NBC DRAMAAT THAT AGE Writer(s): Carla Banks-Waddles Producer(s): Malcolm D. Lee, Debra Martin Chase Studio: Universal Television, Blackmaled Productions Logline: An exploration of an African-American family’s legacy. After the Cooper family’s golden child suffers a catastrophic event, seven family members face a foundational shift, make life-altering decisions and deal with deep secrets coming to light.DEBRIS Writer(s): J.H. Wyman Producer(s): Jason Hoffs Studio: Legendary Television, Frequency Films Logline: Two agents from two different continents, and two different mindsets, must work together to investigate when wreckage from a destroyed alien spacecraft has mysterious effects on humankind.ECHO Writer(s): JJ Bailey Producer(s): John Davis, John Fox Studio: Universal Television, Davis Entertainment Logline: A high-concept, genre procedural revolving around a team of investigators who solve the highest-profile crimes by sending our heroes 36 hours into the past … in the body of the victim. They assume the victim’s identity and must race against time to prevent the crime before it happens.LA BREA Writer(s): David Appelbaum Producer(s): Avi Nir, Alon Shtruzman, Peter Traugott, Rachel Kaplan, Ken Woodruff Studio: Universal Television, Keshet Studios Logline: When a massive sinkhole mysteriously opens in Los Angeles, it tears a family in half, separating mother and son from father and daughter. When part of the family find themselves in an unexplainable primeval world, alongside a disparate group of strangers, they must work to survive and uncover the mystery of where they are and if there is a way back home.LANGDON Writer(s): Dan Dworkin, Jay Beattie Producer(s): Dan Brown, Ron Howard, Brian Grazer, Anna Culp, Samie Falvey Studio: CBS Television Studios, Universal Television, Imagine Television Logline: Based on Dan Brown’s international best-selling thriller “The Lost Symbol,” the series follows the early adventures of famed Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon, who must solve a series of deadly puzzles to save his kidnapped mentor and thwart a chilling global conspiracy.ORDINARY JOE Writer(s): Russel Friend, Garrett Lerner Producer(s): Matt Reeves, Adam Kassan, Rafi Crohn, Howard Klein Studio: 20th Century Fox Television, 6th & Idaho, 3Arts Entertainment Logline: Explores the three parallel lives of the show’s main character after he makes a pivotal choice at a crossroads in his life. The series asks the question of how different life might look if you made your decision based on love, loyalty or passion.Back to TopRead original story TV Pilot Season 2020: TheWrap’s Complete Guide At TheWrap
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federicodonati · 6 years
UN World Humanitarian Day 'Healthcare' from Kwok Fung Lam on Vimeo.
These 3 spots were made to promote the UN World Humanitarian Day. We feel so good about ourselves now.
Production Company: Mill+
Direction & Design: Kwok Fung Lam & Ivo Sousa
Executive Producer: Luke Colson
Producer: Alex Finch
2D Animation: Kwok Fung Lam, Ivo Sousa
2D Clean up: Roly Edwards, Alex Potts
3D Animation: Russell Etheridge, Sebastian Livingstone, Jessica Tan
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monochromemedic · 6 years
Writing exercise that’s probably not canon
Edward trailed along the pack of 3 boys as they searched the seemingly abandoned building much to their dismay. They were told that a clue to closing the rifts that had been appearing across the country was here and they really didn’t need their insane frienemy here. No matter how hard they yelled at him to leave Ed’s stride was firm behind them, his loafers echoing through out the hallways. “Listen I know we aren’t the best of friends here but I think something is very wrong. I can’t find Red!” Edward told them only to have Liam scoff. “Oh no what a tragedy that the biggest asshole has finally fucked off to ‘who gives a shit’ land.”  “Edward he might have just gone somewhere and not told you. He kinda seems like the kind of guy to do that you know.” Matt suggested only to have Ed run in front of him and stop. “No you don’t understand! Red doesn’t like to roam, he’s very methodical. If he’s never where I think he is he’s usually out at the park or in that one shop he likes with the dull colors and stupid music... “ Ed paused before looking up at Matt, hoping to get the sympathetic one of the group to understand. “He never runs around all willy nilly. I got the feeling something is wrong and... I know he isn’t... nice. But if something happened to him wouldn’t you want to know?” Matt paused as well, eyes darting off to the side as he thought only to have Liam push in front of both of them, a hiss coming from Cedric in the back for him to stop. “I don’t give a shit. Like a said, he was an asshole. I don’t care if he fucked off and died. I just think it’s another weight off our back. Besides we have better things to do then to watch your shitty friend. WE are trying to solve the damn problem YOU probably caused in the first place!” Liam growled, pointing a finger into Ed’s well dressed body. “And when that’s solved, I can finally go back to whatever normal life I can savage together now that i’m some body horror freak.” Liam began to walk off to a door at the end of the hallway, leaving Ed alone with Matt and Cedric. “Listen... Ed.” Cedric finally spoke up, his voice calm and stern, “We really are on to something here, and if closing those rifts can stop people from turning into monsters and getting hurt it’s gonna help. I want to help but even if we did find Red, it seems like he doesn’t want to be found even by you... and seeing us there would only make him even angrier. I don’t think we could help even if we wanted to.” Edward gave a small nod and looked to the floor, realizing that in a way Cedric was right. Even if they did find Red, he’d probably be absolutely pissed at seeing the group and try to hurt them on site, making Red even angrier. If Ed wanted to find Red he’d have to do it alone. Eddie began to open his mouth when he felt a strange pulling sensation coming from down the corridor, causing him to look at the room Liam had just opened. He wasn’t too far away from the room, and could see that it was almost entirely bare. Scraps of paper, broken furniture and an umbrella laid on the floor next to a newly opened tear to the other dimension. Ed only grew more nervous as he realized the umbrella was Red’s. “Jesus Christ! The hell is a rift doing inside of a building!” Liam yelled taking a step back. The others seemed just as alarmed, eyes widening as they gazed at the distorted rift in the room only to been drawn away from the sight as Ed began to be dragged towards it, slowly but surely. It was like an angry ghost was tugging at his shirt and suspenders, his heels skidding along the floor before they yanked harder, causing him to fall to the ground. He looked absolutely terrified, fingers scrapping at the old wooden floor for anything and everything to latch on to. “N-no wait! No I don’t want to go back wait!” He kept saying, bloody fingernails splintering at the boards before he couldn’t hold on any longer and was sucked into the rift. Before any of the other boys could react and try to jump in after him the rift closed suddenly leaving the boys stunned at what they just had saw. Ed felt as if he was falling through the rift only to be skidded across the familiar monochrome colored floor of the dimension. Only it wasn’t quite so familiar. This wasn’t dirt or grass, it was hard, like the inside of a building. Edward’s eyes slowly looked around the room, first landing on the girl in front of him. She was beautiful, curvy in all the right places, and with the face of an angel. A loose black dress hung on her body that seemed to meld with her pitch black hair. If it wasn’t for the fact that her long hair had teeth and moved she’d look perfectly human. The second thing Ed’s eyes saw however was Red, slumped against the wall of the building tied up and looking absolutely exhausted. “Phoebe... long time no see. What’s going on here? How did you find Red?” Edward asked as he slowly got to his feet, his eyes looking at the moan with no hint of malicious or suspicion. “I had the help of a friend. I decided I needed to have a long, long conversation with the two of you and how you got out of this place.” “I could has you how you got us back IN to this place. Did... you make that portal? Has it been you all this time? Do you know the way to close the portals and-”  Ed was interrupted a with a finger to the lips, Phoebe’s face a small annoyed frown. “Let me speak.” She warned before taking her finger away.  Edward was silent, confused over everything that was happening. The portals were random... weren’t they? That was the problem that they were trying to solve that more and more of these were popping up and they didn’t know how to stop them. His thoughts were interrupted by Phoebe’s voice, bringing him back to the problem at hand. “Eddie do you remember the first time we met? You had just fallen into this rift and met Red not long after. The two of you wondering around this desolate place, trying to survive... when you saw me.” Ed began to smile softly, his head nodding “Well of course. I wouldn’t forget meeting a friend like that so easily. I was so happy to see another human in here, that I-” “Talked to me nonstop, asking question after question, trying to figure everything out about me.” Phoebe finished, a small smile on her face as she began to walk around Edward. “At first... I thought it was cute. But when you said that you were a ‘romantic’ at heart... it hit me.”  Ed’s smile faded as he turned to face Phoebe, his eyebrows scrunching in confusion. “W-what hit you?”  “The fact that you were hitting on me. The second human you ever saw in this place, and of course it was a woman... and you couldn’t help but try to get some. When we’re out here trying to survive, your mind was on sex.” Ed turned pale and he quickly began to stutter. “That’s-That’s not true! I-I just... I was happy to see another person in this place that’s all! Of course I’d admire your beauty as a woman but-” “Really? It wasn’t true? Cause I could have sworn I saw a bulge in your pants the entire time you were talking to me. Don’t lie to yourself Edward... how long had you been in here? How long did it feel? A month? Two months? 4? 5? You were horny as all hell and the sight of a woman was driving you mad... I wouldn’t be surprised if you jacked off at the thought of me while we were traveling together.” Edward began to sweat, his cheeks going red. “I... I would never i’m a gentleman. I don’t need that sort of things. That’s not my concern my concern at the moment was meeting a new person, and surviving!” Phoebe nodded her head, looking at Ed with a sigh. “Yes... in that moment I could believe that. But that was just when you were in here for a little amount of time. You’ve been here for a long... long time now. I’d bet that this place has effected you in more ways then one, and that romantic side? I bet your just a horrible pervert now adays...” “That’s NOT TRUE” Edward yelled, a hand going to his head as he began to go into a panic. He prided himself on being respectful and a gentlemen, and the thought of him being so lewd and so monstrous only made his chest tense up. “Really now? I think you’re lying Eddie~” Phoebe giggled, a finger tracing along Ed’s chin, causing him to gasp and shutter. “I think your a monster in more ways then you might think you are. Imagine what you would be like if you spent more time here... what kind of creature would you become?” Ed was hyperventilating now, looking around the building for a rift that he could escape from, to get away from this dimension that was poisoning him. “G-Get me out of here! N-no! I don’t want to be like that! Get me out of here Phoebe I want to leave! PHOEBE!” Ed began to scream, his body shaking as he slumped to the ground, weak and scared. Just as Phoebe wanted him.
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