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dfeed · 2 years ago
elimination of violence against women
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collegesakha · 2 years ago
IGNOU University - Courses, MBA Fees Structure, Placements, Admission, Syllabus.
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Since its establishment by an Act of Parliament in 1985, the Indira Gandhi National Open University IGNOU University has worked tirelessly to create an inclusive knowledge society through inclusive education. By providing top-notch instruction via the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode, it has attempted to raise the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER).
With 4,528 students, the University started out by providing two academic programmes in 1987: a diploma in management and a diploma in distance learning.
Today, it supports the educational aspirations of over 3 million students in India and other countries through a network of 67 Regional Centers, 2,000+ Learner Support Centers, and 20 international institutions, as well as 21 Schools of Studies. Over 35,000 academic counsellors from traditional institutions of higher learning, professional organisations, and industry, among others, make up the University’s staff of nearly 250 faculty members and 230 academic staff at the headquarters and regional centres, which offers about 200 certificates, diploma, degree, and doctoral programmes.
The University’s mission is to:
provide all societal segments with access to higher education;
Offer all those in need of them high-quality, cutting-edge, and need-based programmes at various levels;
Reach out to the underprivileged by providing affordable programmes across the nation, and the educational standards of the nation’s open and distance learning programmes are promoted, coordinated, and controlled.
The University uses a range of media and the most recent technology to deliver education in order to accomplish the twin goals of increasing access for all societal groups and offering ongoing professional development and training to all economic sectors. This is reflected in the IGNOU’s developed vision, which states the following while keeping its goals in mind:
By utilising cutting-edge technologies and methodologies and ensuring the convergence of existing systems for large-scale human resource development, the Indira Gandhi National Open University, the National Resource Center for Open All people will have easy access to quality education, skill development, and training that is sustainable and learner-centric thanks to distance learning, which has gained international recognition and presence.
The University has had a big impact on community education, higher education, and ongoing professional development. For the purpose of enhancing the educational opportunities it provides, the University has formed partnerships with reputable public institutions and private businesses. It has received awards for excellence from the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada, a global leader in distance education.
The university is dedicated to providing high-quality instruction, research, training, and extension services, and it serves as a national hub for ODL system infrastructure and expertise. To concentrate on particular learner groups and improve the distance learning system, the university established the National Centre for Disability Studies and the National Centre for Innovation in Distance Education.
The University has ushered in a new era of technology-enabled education in the nation with the launch of EduSat (a satellite exclusively for education) on September 20, 2004, and the creation of the Inter-University Consortium. Active two-way video conferencing network connectivity has been made available to all regional centres and high enrollment Learners Support, enabling the exchange of interactive digital content.
Within the framework of integrated distance and online learning, emphasis is now placed on developing interactive multimedia and online learning and enhancing the traditional distance education delivery mode with contemporary technology-enabled education.
IGNOU Admissions
IGNOU also provides a graduate-level online Master of Business Administration (Online MBA) program. Both recent graduates and working professionals who want to continue their education online can use the program.
After successfully completing a three-year UG degree with a minimum score of 50%, applicants can apply for admission to the IGNOU Online MBA two-year management degree program. No entrance exam will be required for admission to the online program.
The application process for the MBA program is organized through the IGNOU Online official website. The first and second semesters of the IGNOU MBA online program cost INR 14,000 each. The cost for the third and fourth semesters is INR 16,000, however.
A bachelor’s degree is the bare minimum requirement for enrollment in an online MBA program. A minimum grade of 50% was required to receive the UG degree. There are numerous specializations available, including
Human Resource Administration
Financial Administration
marketing administration
Operations Administration
Services Administration
The students will be able to learn and obtain the degree of such a highly required program without attending an offline class by choosing the online MBA course in the July 2022 session. Aspirants who had given up on pursuing this professional degree were given the chance to do so thanks to the online degree MBA program.
Every eligible person now has the opportunity to continue their education without changing their current financial situation thanks to the addition of an MBA as an online course. Multiple digital self-learning options, including self-study materials, e-lectures, and IGNOU E-Content, will be made available to students. The deadline for IGNOU Online MBA Admission 2022–23 is August 12, 2022.
Eligibility for IGNOU University
Below are the requirements for admission to the online, two-year MBA graduate program:
BBA degree with a minimum grade point average of 50% (or 45% for sc/st students) from an accredited institution
A 50 percent score on other UGs or equivalent degrees will be accepted.
The passing degree cannot be obtained in less than three years.
IGNOU Online MBA Fees
Fees for the Ignou MBA program are as follows for both domestic and foreign applicants:
The student who is an Indian national must pay 14,000 INR per semester (1st, 2nd, & 4th)
The third semester’s tuition is 16,000 rupees.
There will be no additional fees for SAARC students compared to Indian citizens.
Non-SAARC candidates will need to pay 81,306 INR as a deposit for each semester (1st, 2nd, and 4th)
Entry into the third semester will be contingent on a deposit of 10,7176 rupees.
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kuldipsir · 4 years ago
व्यक्तिगत अथवा वैयक्तिक विक्रय | Personal Selling in Hindi | ADVERTISING...
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paranoidandreaoid · 4 years ago
Yo creo que la neta la gente tiene que darse cuenta, que no es una actividad intelectual ni nada radical pensar en todo lo que implica el vivir aquí.
Es decir, suena exagerado de primera si digo que mi depresión es respuesta de un modelo político, social, cultural, osea no es coincidencia que todos estemos deprimidos.
Y creo que comprender eso hace que le quitemos la etiqueta de partidismo a la política, la política es eso, son las normas también inherentes del control social. Más bien, diría que es ingenuo creer que actualmente, con el nivel de precisión con que todos los datos pueden ser medidos actualmente, creamos que lo que nos preocupa, a dónde volteando nuestra atención, de los UE hablamos, cómo nos percibimos a nosotros míos, lo que nos obsesiona, las conductas que repetimos,...vienen totalmente de nuestra propia voluntad, que somos nosotros esos que pensamos.
Y está muy evidente hasta cierto punto, no solo por las evidencias como tal, jaja digo hubo un montón de estadounidenses que no tuvieron ni puta idea del segundo en que flachazos publicitarios los bombardearon a elegir a su pasado presidente, y bueno, exactamente lo mismo con éste.
Entonces a pesar de tales evidencias de las finas estrategias en masa que poseen, por qué creemos que somos más listos. Desde que llegamos al mundo traemos por default insertados los algoritmos propios de la especie. Sobrevivir: dormir, comer, procrear, posteriormente los introducidos por la cultura, la historia, la nación, la sociedad global, etc. Luego los algoritmos diseñados por tus padres mucho tiempo antes de que si quiera existieras. Ellos ya sabían cómo te ibas a llamar, a qué le ibas a rezar, qué ocasiones iban a celebrar, qué educación es la mejor, y eso sólo son las decisiones visibles, las que son de juicio práctico... Hablar a detalle de los patrones emocionales que nos traspasan sería no acabar nunca (manipulación, manipulación, manipulación).
Tus daddy/mommy isues son la punta del iceberg y ya la vista pero no la quieres ver. Qué va de lo que hay debajo, de todo lo que te necesitas quitar de encima para poder deshacer el fokin algoritmo jodido de los padres.
No creo que nos demos cuenta del sentido crucial de esto. Es que si a tu mente llega todas las noches esas ganas de morirte unos días....ay pero luego volver....no está chilo, porque no eres tú pensando eso, es una cultura de sentirnos tristes, de acabar con nuestras expectativas disasociadas de la realidad.
Vaya, creo que ni nuestra tristeza es realmente nuestra. Creo que ya es un discurso.
Hay algo muy vergonzoso cuando lo piensa uno bien, en sentirse miserable. Habla de pereza, de holgazanería, de falta de creatividad, de exceso de talento desperdiciado en un ego tirano que en el fondo inseguro se tira a llorar por cada pendejada que le llena el hueco.
Y ese ego se infla con la sobre exposición de nuestras vidas que provoca la vida de las redes sociales, esta vida paralela vitual en la que se nos hace creer que hay que llevar ahí constancia de lo que sucede como en la vida misma.
Entonces esa insatisfacción que siento con todo, es porque hay un modelo diseñado para que tenga ese vacío constantemente y viva miserable buscando cosas, objetos, gratificaciones inmediatas, sustancias instantáneas, sentimientos efímeros, que llenen ese hueco que cada vez se hace más grande?
Claro que todos hemos pensado en ello, y lo sabemos, pero luego nos gana de nuevo la pereza, la pereza que juramos viene de la depresión y miserabilidad, pero observé en mí que venía de la misma voz de siempre, en mí encontré que era como siempre el ego. No es baja autoestima, es el ego insatisfecho.
Entonces te frustras por todo y no sabes por qué, dices. Pero es porque sabes todo esto y no encuentra uno la iniciativa para empezar a hacer algo.
Entonces compras cosas, buscas qué descargar, cuál serie ver, a quién empezarte a coger.
Entre más fuerza va cobrando la virtualidad, me parece que es obvio que la percepción que tenemos del otro se irá desvirtuando cada vez más, como hoy.
A veces pienso que los feminicidios se intensifican a pesar de toda la información que ya hay, por la misma hiper exposición de la imágen, de la nota, es decir, creo que ahora ya hay hombres quiénes ven a las mujeres como las que aparecen en esas notas que te aparecen en tu facebook y que se ponen a apoyar las marchas, y esa imagen te caga, eso te caga. Te dió risa verlas desnudas en esa foto que te pasaron burlándose de la manifestación tus amigos, y te parecieron todavía más ridículas en esa nota donde están pegándole a una piñata de feto.
La imagen virtual desvirtua el encuentro con el otro.
Y esto no, no es coincidencia.
Cuando estaba en la secundaria ví un documental en el EduSat que no manches, estaba muy padre, y era de la globalización pero osea fue en los 2003 que lo ví y ya era de esos documentales viejitos, quiero decir, desde entonces ya era caos la globalización, en qué momento de llamó neoliberalismo y se le dió por terminado al tema?
Mientras aparecían imágenes de una comunidad de Sudáfrica y dentro de una de las chozas, se rentaba línea telefónica y tarjetas para conectarse a internet desde la computadora satelital que tenían ahí, el narrador dijo una línea que ya nunca olvidé: será que la globalización está convirtiendo al mundo en una pequeña aldea?
Y yo traje mucho en la mente esa duda, pensaba: qué quiere decir con eso? Cómo una pequeña aldea y cómo sería de malo eso?
Me fue quedando clara y considero que actualmente es al futuro al que refería esa frase, el mundo está convertido en una pequeña aldea, dónde siquiera el discurso de todos somos el mundo y la diversidad e Inclusión, se sostienen de discurso porque a la vez la globalización homogeniza los estereotipos sociales, la normalidad, y pone siempre en la punta del triángulo de valores, lo redituable, lo productivo.
Nunca las minorías son redituables, es contra los números, y si quieres hacerlos redituables, entonces tomas la tendencia de las minorías y lo masificas, que se convierta en mayoría, que compren a 160 dlls esos tenis de esa marca que apoya al planeta y a la diversidad, o esa playera totalmente RAD que dice fuck the system a 135 dlls en pull & bear.
Y en el vacío último, nos agarramos de lo único que se siente bien. Cuando todo se pone peor, siempre terminamos agarrandonos de otro, nada remplaza en el vacío hondo, el contacto humano.
Y agarramos a la gente como salvavidas, y vivimos con ellos el fenómeno dele espejo, como con todo en todo momento, pero en el vacío buscamos rescate, y queremos ver en la persona desesperadamente el ser bueno que queremos volver a ser.
Happiness only real when shared. Curioso que a pesar de lo que corrompe el control de las redes sociales y la masificación de las culturas dominantes, como el riesgo que todos estos factores representan para las sociedades, la respuesta siempre está en el encuentro con el otro.
Está muy padre estar solos, pero ahí no se aprende nada.
No niego todo el aprendizaje que se obtiene en la experiencia a solas, pero la mente después de mucho tiempo escuchándose a si misma se empieza a creer sus propias mentiras. Se cuenta las cosas como le suenan mejor. A solas no se crece, se reflexiona, se piensa, pero muy pronto se pierde la objetividad.
Ojalá todos podamos pensarnos desde fuera y pensar a los demás desde dentro.
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satyakosh · 5 years ago
Teaching of students through television in Haryana, four channels of Edusat are broadcast daily for seven hours. | हरियाणा में टीवी के जरिए हो रही स्टूडेंट्स की पढ़ाई, रोजाना सात घंटे प्रसारित होते है एडुसेट के चार चैनल
Teaching of students through television in Haryana, four channels of Edusat are broadcast daily for seven hours. | हरियाणा में टीवी के जरिए हो रही स्टूडेंट्स की पढ़ाई, रोजाना सात घंटे प्रसारित होते है एडुसेट के चार चैनल
राज्य के केबल ऑपरेटर क्लास-वाइस और सब्जेक्ट-वाइज रोजाना कुल सात घंटे हरियाणा एडुसेट के चार चैनल प्रसारित कर रहे
पहले से आठवीं तक के बच्चों को बि��ा परीक्षा के प्रमोट किया, 11वीं के स्टूडेंट्स बाकी विषयों के अंकों के आधार पर हुए प्रमोट 
दैनिक भास्कर
May 10, 2020, 02:35 PM IST
पूरे देश में कई दिनों से लगातार लॉकडाउन जारी है, जिसके चलते सभी स्कूल-कॉलेज बंद हैं। ऐसे में अब हरियाणा ने टीवी के जरिए…
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jecgroup · 2 years ago
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IRS Outreach Programme focusses on strengthening the Academia and User Segments in Space Technology & Its Applications using Online Learning Platforms. Under this programme the two mode of content delivery system is developed using online learning platform (i.e) Live & Interactive mode (known as EDUSAT) and e-Learning mode. JEC always says "we act and associate only with the best. This is not just a slogan but an ideological action that takes us in a right path". The College has functional Interaction Committee (IC) to improve the relationship with institutions and industries. The committee takes up following activities to enhance the scope of interaction: Regular industrial visits by students and faculty Arranging lectures by industry / institute experts Conduction of short-term courses and workshops on advanced topics involving experts. #students #technology #onlinelearning #learning #content #mode #education #career #engineering #research #technology #experience #opportunities #help #employment #economy #quality #admissionopen #admission #education #admissions #college #admissionsopen #students #study #learning #student #career #cbse #india #engineering #university #bestschool #science #applynow #teacher #motivation #success #collegeadmissions #enrollnow #qualityeducation #highereducation #collegelife #bestcollege #open #btech #placement #jaipur #management #exams #instagram #admissionguidance #knowledge #degree #educatingeverystudent #schools #diploma #admissions2022 #ask #jec #jeckukas #engineeringthefuture #adviceforjee #jeemains #enquirenow #mtech #lateraladmissions #D2Dengineeringadmissions #computerscienceengineering #cse #mechanicalengineering #electricalengineering #civilengineering #IT #ai #aids #datascience #electronicsengineering #communicationengineering #training #internships #job #jobs
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aradhya21 · 2 years ago
India can have its own 'SpaceX-like ventures' shortly: Sood
Trying to additional increment private support, the public authority will before long disclose another space strategy that could see the ascent of India's own "SpaceX-like endeavors", Principal Scientific Advisor Ajay Kumar Sood has said.
In a meeting to PTI, the public authority's top science guide said discussions have occurred and the last rendition of the space strategy would before long be alluded to the Empowered Technology Group for additional assessment.
"Space strategy is underway. We have not been utilizing it much, however the new innovation of low earth circle (LEO) satellites that is a minimal expense game.
"There are countless satellites in LEO. That will change the space area," said Sood, who expected office on April 25.
He said the public authority will support assembling of satellites in the confidential area for a scope of utilizations from medical services, farming to metropolitan turn of events and local charge assessment.
"We have not tapped the maximum capacity of this area. In 2022, the space area is seeing what the data innovation area experienced during the 1990s. We will have our own SpaceX in the following two years," Sood said.
SpaceX, established by Elon Musk in 2002, is a confidential space transportation organization that plans, produces and dispatches progressed rockets and space apparatus.
He said there were gigantic open doors for utilization of room innovation to serve humanity yet there were constraints on what Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) could do.
"New send off vehicles are being grown, new energizes for shuttle are being created. This will interface the detached. That is the subject associate the detached that will happen when we open up the space area," Sood said.
With the opening up of the space area, there could be committed satellites for different areas, for example, horticulture, schooling, fiasco the board, web based business applications, he said.
"Edusat was sent off in 2004. The subsequent variant has not been sent off yet. All in all, why not let the confidential area come into the business? That will occur. For the farming area, we can have satellites that can give data about environment, soil conditions. It tends to be called. E-Krishi, The manner of thinking is as of now on. What is missing are the satellites," Sood said.
As per industry gauges, the worldwide space economy is fixed at 423 billion bucks with India comprising a few percent.
Morgan Stanley appraises that the worldwide space industry will grow as much as one trillion bucks by 2040.
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kcgcollegeacin · 3 years ago
Engineering Colleges In India: All you neeed to know
Well said that the 'contemporary society is nothing but a technology juggernaut' and the phenomena is driven and shouldered by engineers. The relation has turned to become so symbiotic in nature that here we stand to understand the significance of engineering and the profession that will never be out dated. Also that globalisation is at its acme and India being the cynosure of technological upbeat, demand for Indian engineers is on the upward incline both nationally and internationally.
Finding India to be at the forefront of the global race, Engineering Colleges with Good Infrastructure in Chennai have germinated manifold. And in this exhaustive list Sharda Group of Institutions (SGI) have carved an indelible mark with its set of engineering centres and courses in the realm of technical education. SGI has devoted four campuses for engineering studies. Hindustan College of science and technology, Mathura is their first venture in 1996, with Anand Engineering College, 1998, BMAS Engineering College, Agra in 1999 and Hindustan Institute of Technology /HAERT Academy, G. Noida in 2005 to follow.
All the campuses offer B.Tech courses and incorporate subjects like Automobile engineering, Mechanical engineering, Electronics and communication engineering, Electronics and instrumentation engineering, Computer science and engineering, Information technology, Chemical engineering, Electrical & electronics engineering, Environmental engineering and Bio Technology. M.Tech is conducted only at HCST and HIT in Mechanical, Electronics and communication and Computer science. All the set-ups are approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, and are among UPTU Affiliated Colleges, with NBA accreditation for some of the B. Tech disciplines.
All these colleges possess a fantabulous infrastructural facility that focus on the student's all round development and enhancement of personality. Provision of computer labs with adept number of desktops supported with leased line, ISDN backup and wi-fi, library with a comprehensive collection of books, journals, research papers as well as audio-visual portfolio to access extensive information is present. Separate hostel for boys and girls, sports & indoor games, medical facilities, communication by DOT telephone lines, wire less phones, EPABX, separate "pay-phone" makes the life in campus comfortable.
Edusat linkage & video conferencing, virtual class room facilities through satellite linkage under the Edusat Scheme coupled with co-curricular & extra-curricular activities like Electronics Students Association (ESA), Mechanical Students Association (MESA), Civil & Environmental Students Association (CESA) as well as value-addition courses for augmenting employment like cad/cam (Pro-Engineer / Auto CAD) workshops poise their skills.
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brightpunjabexpress · 3 years ago
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generaltalepolice · 3 years ago
Looking for Top B.E Computer Science Engineering Colleges in Chennai?
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Very much said that the 'contemporary society is nothing yet an innovation juggernaut' and the peculiarities are driven and carried by engineers. The connection has gone to turn out to be so harmonious in nature that here we remain to comprehend the meaning of engineering and the calling that won't ever be outdated. Additionally, that globalization is at its zenith and India being the cynosure of mechanical perky, interest for Indian engineers is on the vertical incline both broadly and internationally. 
 Finding India to be at the front line of the worldwide race, Top B.E Computer Science Engineering Colleges in Chennai have germinated complexes. What's more, in this thorough rundown Sharda Group of Institutions (SGI) have cut an indelible imprint with its arrangement of engineering focuses and courses in the domain of specialized schooling. SGI has dedicated four grounds for engineering studies. Hindustan College of science and innovation, Mathura is their first endeavor in 1996, with Anand Engineering College, 1998, BMAS Engineering College, Agra in 1999, and Hindustan Institute of Technology/HAERT Academy, G. Noida in 2005 to follow.  
All the grounds offer B.Tech courses and incorporate subjects like Automobile engineering, Mechanical engineering, Electronics and correspondence engineering, Electronics and instrumentation engineering, Computer science and engineering, Information innovation, Chemical engineering, Electrical and gadgets engineering, Environmental engineering, and Bio-Technology. M.Tech is directed distinctly at HCST and HIT in Mechanical, Electronics and correspondence, and Computer science. All the set-ups are supported by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, and are among UPTU Affiliated Colleges, with NBA accreditation for a portion of the B. Tech disciplines. 
 This multitude of colleges has a fantabulous infrastructural office that emphasizes the understudy's inside and out improvement and upgrade of character. Arrangement of PC labs with a skilled number of desktops upheld with the rented line, ISDN reinforcement and wi-fi, library with a far-reaching assortment of books, diaries, research papers just as general media portfolio to get to broad information is available. Separate lodging for young men and young ladies, sports and indoor games, clinical offices, correspondence by DOT phone lines, wireless telephones, EPABX, discrete "pay-telephone" makes the life on grounds agreeable. 
 Edusat linkage and video conferencing, virtual homeroom offices through satellite linkage under the Edusat Scheme combined with co-curricular and extra-curricular exercises like Electronics Students Association (ESA), Mechanical Students Association (MESA), Civil and Environmental Students Association (CESA) just as worth expansion courses for augmenting business like scoundrel/cam (Pro-Engineer/Autocad) studios balance their abilities. With top-notch training in-house and visiting personnel, these exercises are executed constantly making Sharda a bunch [https://kcgcollege.ac.in/] of engineering colleges among chief engineering colleges of India. For more information on Engineering Colleges in India and Engineering Colleges in Agra sign on to kcgcollege.ac.in
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jehlumjk · 3 years ago
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JK EDUSAT RECRUITMENT ADVERTISEMENT 2021 #job #jobs #jammu #kashmir #hiring #jehlum #vacancy #placement #recruitment #jobsinkashmir #jobsinjammu #srinagar #jobsinsrinagar #kashmirnews #srinagarupdates #Kashmiri #KashmirJobs #JammuJobs #jammuUpdates #SrinagarJobs #employment #jobsinjk #jobsearch #KashmirUpdates #recruiting #employability #jobpostings #jobvacancies #jobopportunities https://www.instagram.com/p/CWhcIPavKrK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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meghalayacareer · 3 years ago
EDUSAT Recruitment 2021: for the post of Assistant Technician
EDUSAT Recruitment 2021: for the post of Assistant Technician
EDUSAT Recruitment 2021: Applications in Standard form are hereby invited from interested candidates who are Indian citizens for Assistant Technician on a contractual basis under the Director of Educational Research and Training, Government of Meghalaya. The last date for submission of the application is 11th November 2021. Post Name: Assistant Technician No. of Post: 1 (one) Age limit: Not less…
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hindustanuniv · 3 years ago
Engineering Colleges In India
Well said that the 'contemporary society is nothing but a technology juggernaut' and the phenomena is driven and shouldered by engineers. The relation has turned to become so symbiotic in nature that here we stand to understand the significance of engineering and the profession that will never be out dated. Also that globalisation is at its acme and India being the cynosure of technological upbeat, demand for Indian engineers is on the upward incline both nationally and internationally.
Finding India to be at the forefront of the global race, Top Engineering Colleges in Chennai have germinated manifold. And in this exhaustive list Sharda Group of Institutions (SGI) have carved an indelible mark with its set of engineering centres and courses in the realm of technical education. SGI has devoted four campuses for engineering studies. Hindustan College of science and technology, Mathura is their first venture in 1996, with Anand Engineering College, 1998, BMAS Engineering College, Agra in 1999 and Hindustan Institute of Technology /HAERT Academy, G. Noida in 2005 to follow.
All the campuses offer B.Tech courses and incorporate subjects like Automobile engineering, Mechanical engineering, Electronics and communication engineering, Electronics and instrumentation engineering, Computer science and engineering, Information technology, Chemical engineering, Electrical & electronics engineering, Environmental engineering and Bio Technology. M.Tech is conducted only at HCST and HIT in Mechanical, Electronics and communication and Computer science. All the set-ups are approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, and are among UPTU Affiliated Colleges, with NBA accreditation for some of the B. Tech disciplines.
All these colleges possess a fantabulous infrastructural facility that focus on the student's all round development and enhancement of personality. Provision of computer labs with adept number of desktops supported with leased line, ISDN backup and wi-fi, library with a comprehensive collection of books, journals, research papers as well as audio-visual portfolio to access extensive information is present. Separate hostel for boys and girls, sports & indoor games, medical facilities, communication by DOT telephone lines, wire less phones, EPABX, separate "pay-phone" makes the life in campus comfortable.
Edusat linkage & video conferencing, virtual class room facilities through satellite linkage under the Edusat Scheme coupled with co-curricular & extra-curricular activities like Electronics Students Association (ESA), Mechanical Students Association (MESA), Civil & Environmental Students Association (CESA) as well as value-addition courses for augmenting employment like cad/cam (Pro-Engineer / Auto CAD) workshops poise their skills. With world-class trained in-house and visiting faculty these activities are executed diligently making Sharda group [http://www.sgei.org] of engineering colleges among premier engineering colleges of India. For more information on Engineering Colleges in India and Engineering Colleges in Agra log on to sgei.org
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iloudlyclearbouquetworld · 4 years ago
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47 साल पहले बिली जीन किंग ने जीता था ‘बैटल ऑफ द सेक्सेस’, पुर��ष टेनिस खिलाड़ी बॉबी रिग्स को सीधे सेट्स में हराया था Hindi News National Today History For September 20th What Happened Today | 1973 Battle Of Sexes Billie Jean King Vs Bobby Riggs | East India Company Recpatured Delhi 1857| Dont Talk Dont Tell Policy Ends In America| Edusat Launched…
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years ago
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47 साल पहले बिली जीन किंग ने जीता था ‘बैटल ऑफ द सेक्सेस’, पुरुष टेनिस खिलाड़ी बॉबी रिग्स को सीधे सेट्स में हराया था Hindi News National Today History For September 20th What Happened Today | 1973 Battle Of Sexes Billie Jean King Vs Bobby Riggs | East India Company Recpatured Delhi 1857| Dont Talk Dont Tell Policy Ends In America| Edusat Launched…
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shaileshg · 4 years ago
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आज का दिन महिलाओं के लिए बहुत खास है। इससे जुड़ी घटना भले ही टेनिस की है, लेकिन इसने महिला अधिकारों, खास तौर पर खेलों में बराबरी की नींव रखी थी। 'बैटल ऑफ सेक्सेस' कहकर प्रचारित 1973 में खेले गए इस टेनिस मुकाबले में एक लाख डॉलर की पुरस्कार राशि थी। उस समय 29 साल की बिली जीन किंग ने 55 साल की पूर्व नंबर एक टेनिस खिलाड़ी बॉबी रिग्स की चुनौती स्वीकार की थी। दरअसल, रिग्स का दावा था कि महिलाओं के टेनिस में कोई दम नहीं है। वह इस उम्र में भी किसी भी महिला टेनिस खिलाड़ी को हरा सकते हैं। हालांकि, उनका दावा खोखला साबित हुआ। बिली किंग ने ह्यूस्टन एस्ट्रोडोम में खेले गए मैच में सीधे सेट्स में 6-4, 6-3, 6-3 से हराया था।
यह टेनिस मुकाबला काफी लोकप्रिय हुआ। 30 हजार दर्शकों ने ह्यूस्टन एस्ट्रोडोम में मैच को देखा जबकि करीब 5 करोड़ लोगों ने टीवी पर। किंग ने टेनिस कोर्ट पर क्लियोपाट्रा की स्टाइल में पुरुष गुलामों के साथ प��रवेश किया था। वहीं, रिग्स महिला मॉडल्स के साथ कोर्ट पहुंचे थे। किंग की जीत ने महिलाओं के प्रोफेशनल टेनिस को स्थापित करने में मदद की। साथ ही महिला एथलीट्स की क्षमता को भी साबित किया। इस जीत को महिलाओं के अधिकारों की जीत के तौर पर भी देखा गया।
1857 में दिल्ली पर कब्जे के साथ कमजोर हुआ पहला स्वतंत्रता संग्राम
ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी के खिलाफ 1857 के पहले स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में 20 सितंबर एक अहम पड़ाव साबित हुआ। तब भारतीय राजाओं ने बड़े भूभाग पर कब्जा जमाकर वहां से अंग्रेजों को भगा दिया था। लेकिन कंपनी ने पलटवार किया। इंग्लैंड से गोला-बारूद मंगवाया गया। पहला पड़ाव था दिल्ली। कंपनी की फौजों ने जुलाई से लेकर सितंबर तक दिल्ली की घेराबंदी कर रखी थी। जैसे ही अतिरिक्त गोला-बारूद दिल्ली के पास पहुंचा, कंपनी की जीत आसान हो गई। 20 सितंबर को अंग्रेज फौजों ने दिल्ली पर फिर कब्जा कर लिया था। अंतिम मुगल बादशाह बहादुर शाह जफर की आंखों के सामने उनके तीन बेटों को गोली मारी गई। बाद में उन पर मुकदमा चलाकर उम्रकैद की सजा दी गई। रंगून की जेल में ही उन्होंने अंतिम सांस ली।
2004 में इसरो ने पहला एजुकेशन सैटेलाइट एडुसेट लॉन्च किया
भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान केंद्र यानी इसरो ने 20 सितंबर 2004 को जीसैट-3 लॉन्च किया था, जिसे जिसे एडुसैट के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। यह भारत का ��हला डेडिकेटेड एजुकेशनल सैटेलाइट है। इससे सैटेलाइट-बेस्ड टू-वे कम्युनिकेशन स्थापित हुआ, जिससे क्लासरूम में एजुकेशनल कंटेंट डिलीवर किया जा रहा है। कोविड-19 के प्रसार को रोकने के लिए लगाए गए लॉकडाउन के दौरान एडुसैट का इस्तेमाल कई राज्यों में सरकारी स्कूलों तक एजुकेशनल कंटेंट पहुंचाने के लिए हुआ है।
2011 में अमेरिका में डोंट आस्क, डोंट टेल पॉलिसी खत्म
20 सितंबर 2011 को अमेरिकी मिलिट्री में डोंट आस्क, डोंट टेल पॉलिसी खत्म हुई। 1990 में क्लिंटन प्रशासन ने मिलिट्री में समलैंगिकों की इंट्री पर प्रतिबंध लगाया था। इसे ही बाद में डोंट आस्क, डोंट टेल पॉलिसी नाम दिया गया। इसके तहत समलैंगिकों को तब तक काम करने की इजाजत थी, जब तक कि उनकी पहचान साबित नहीं होती या जांच में सामने नहीं आ जाती। प्रेसिडेंट बराक ओबामा ने कांग्रेस में रिपब्लिकन पार्टी के विरोध के बाद भी इस पॉलिसी को खत्म किया था।
इतिहास में आज को इन घटनाओं के लिए भी याद किया जाता है...
1946: फ्रेंच रिविएरा की रिजॉर्ट सिटी में पहले कांस फिल्म फेस्टिवल की शुरुआत हुई।
1965: यूएन सिक्योरिटी काउंसिल ने सर्वसम्मति से भारत-पाकिस्तान के बीच युद्ध को रोकने के लिए प्रस्ताव पास किया। भारत ने इस प्रस्ताव को 21 सितंबर को और पाकिस्तान ने 22 सितंबर को स्वीकार किया था। 23 सितंबर को युद्ध खत्म हुआ था।
1970: रूसी प्रोब ने चांद की सतह से चट्टानों के टुकड़े इकट्ठा किए थे।
1984: लेबनान की राजधानी बेरूत में स्थित अमेरिकी एम्बेसी पर आत्मघाती हमला हुआ।
1996: बेनजीर भुट्टो के भाई मुर्तजा भुट्टो और उनके छह फॉलोवरों की कराची में पुलिस से भिड़ंत में मौत हो गई थी। मुर्तजा भुट्टो पाकिस्तान पीपुल्स पार्टी के शहीद भुट्टो धड़े का नेतृत्व करते थे।
2001: अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति जॉर्ज डब्ल्यू बुश ने 9/11 के आतंकी हमले के बाद वॉर ऑन टेरर की घोषणा की। इस शब्द का इस्तेमाल यूनाइटेड स्टेट्स कांग्रेस में बुश ने अपने भाषण में किया था।
2003ः संयुक्त राष्ट्र महासभा ने एक प्रस्ताव पारित कर इजरायल से फिलिस्तीनी नेता यासिर अराफात की सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करने को कहा।
2006ः ब्रिटेन के रॉयल बॉटेनिकल गार्डन्स में 200 वर्ष पुराने बीज उगाने में कामयाबी मिली।
2008: इस्लामाबाद के मैरियट होटल में कार बम हमला। चेक राजदूत और तीन अमेरिकियों समेत 54 लोग मारे गए थे। अल-कायदा से लिंक तालिबान आतंकियों ने इसकी जिम्मेदारी ली थी।
2009ः मराठी फिल्म 'हरिशचन्द्राची फैक्ट्री' को ऑस्क अवार्ड्स की विदेशी फिल्म कैटिगरी में भारत की एंट्री के तौर पर चुना गया।
2010: मध्य प्रदेश के शिवपुरी में रेल हादसे में 21 लोगों की मौत हो गई। बदरवास स्टेशन पर खड़ी यात्री ट्रेन से मालगाड़ी टकरा गई।
1899: लियो स्ट्रॉस (जर्मन-अमेरिकी राजनीतिक दार्शनिक)
1911: श्रीराम शर्मा आचार्य (ऑल वर्ल्ड गायत्री परिवार के संस्थापक)
1948: महेश भट्ट (फिल्म निर्देशक और निर्माता)
1946: मार्कंडेय काटजू (पूर्व सुप्रीम कोर्ट जज)
आज की ताज़ा ख़बरें पढ़ने के लिए दैनिक भास्कर ऍप डाउनलोड करें
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