#CEC Edusat
dfeed · 2 years
elimination of violence against women
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Meaning of Sole Proprietorship - Sole Trading / Proprietorship
Meaning of Sole Proprietorship – Sole Trading / Proprietorship
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Meaning of Sole Proprietorship
Meaning of Sole Proprietorship
‘Sole’ means single and ‘proprietorship’ means ownership. It means only one person or an individual becomes the owner of the business. Thus, the business organisation in which a single person owns, manages and controls all the activities of the business is known as sole proprietorship form of business organisation.
The individual who…
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buzzcrowd · 7 years
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Integrated Marketing Communication This Lecture talks about Integrated Marketing Communication. source
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buzzcrowd · 7 years
Marketing Management : Consumer Behaviour
Marketing Management : Consumer Behaviour
This is the second lecture on consumer behaviour in the series Marketing Management.. Here Role of Advertising, Marketing and Family in consumer behaviour are discussed in detail.As well as status Consumption and its importance for Marketers of premium goods is discussed.
Learning Objectives :
1.To know factors affecting consumer behaviour.
2. To get knowledge on what constitute consumer…
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buzzcrowd · 7 years
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Marketing Management : Principles and Practices This lecture talks about marketing management : principles and practices. source
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Limitations of Sole Proprietorship - Sole Trading / Proprietorship
Limitations of Sole Proprietorship – Sole Trading / Proprietorship
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Limitations of Sole Proprietorship 
Limitations of Sole Proprietorship
One-man business is the best form of business ogranisation because of the above-discussed advantages. Still there are certain disadvantages too. Let us learn those limitations.
Limited Capital: In sole proprietorship business, it is the owner who arranges the required capital of the business. It is often difficult for a…
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Advantages of Sole Proprietorship - Sole Trading / Proprietorship
Advantages of Sole Proprietorship – Sole Trading / Proprietorship
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Advantages of Sole Proprietorship
Advantages of Sole Proprietorship
The sole proprietorship form of business is the most simple and common in our country. It has the following advantages:
Easy to Form and Wind up: A sole proprietorship form of business is very easy to form. With a very small amount of capital you can start the business. There is no need to comply with any legal formalities…
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Characteristics of Sole Proprietorship - Sole Trading / Proprietorship
Characteristics of Sole Proprietorship – Sole Trading / Proprietorship
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Characteristics of Sole Proprietorship 
Characteristics of Sole Proprietorship
Sole proprietorship form of business organisations have the following characteristics.
Single Ownership
No sharing of Profit and Loss
One-man’s Capital
One-man Control
Unlimited Liability
Less legal formalities
  Now we shall discuss each of the characteristics in details.
Single Ownership: A single individual always…
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Sole Proprietorship Business - Forms of Business Organisation
Sole Proprietorship Business – Forms of Business Organisation
Sole Proprietorship Business
Sole Proprietorship
We go to the market to buy items of our daily needs. In the market we find a variety of shops- some of them small and some of them big.
We may find some persons selling vegetables, peanuts, newspapers etc. on the roadside. We may also find cobbler repairing shoes on the footpath.
Everyday you come across such types of shops in your locality.
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