#Edric x Sansa
haveyoureadthisfanfic · 3 months
Summary: Lyanna survives the Tower of Joy and marries Robert. Jon is raised as Ned Stark's bastard, wanting for nothing. The realm knows only peace, until a red priestess of R'hllor comes to Lyanna, singing songs of the prince that was promised and a night without end.
Author: @ladyfenring
Note from submitter: Thee asoiaf fic of all time
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alleyskywalker · 1 month
NEW FIC(S): Love Songs (Sansa/Various)
Title: Love Songs Part I & II Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire Characters/Pairings: Sansa/Alys Karstark, Sansa/Brienne, Cersei/Sansa, Sansa/Dany, Sansa/Eleyna Westerling, Sansa/Frynne, Sansa/Gwin Goodbrother, Sanas/Harry, Sansa/Irri, Sansa/Jeyne P, Sansa/Loras, Sansa/Myrcella, Ned Dayne/Sansa, Sansa/Olyvar, Podrick/Sansa, Sansa/Quentyn, Sansa/Rhaenys, Sandor/Sansa, Sansa/Tris Botley, Val/Sansa, Sansa/Willas, Sansa/Young Griff, Sansa/Zia Frey, Sansa/OFCs Word Count: 11,397 Summary: An assortment of ficlets for various Sansa pairings, one for each letter of the alphabet.
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blissfulphilospher · 1 year
“I am not giving up on you Sansa. I will never do.”
She jerked her head towards him, her lips were quivering “Liar. You! You… stood like an unhatched dragon egg! You said nothing to grandfather and now are stealing my inheritance. Go back Jonnel, be the Lord, rule the North. You will be happy that way.”
Jon scowled and jumped from his horse “A dragon egg? And what should I have said?!” he shouted.
“That Winterfell belongs to Sansa! And why would you? You probably tried to kill me!” She accused once again.
Jon clenched his fist and walked into the river as far as he can “It wasn’t me, I didn’t tried to kill you, whatever pretty stories you have in your head Sansa, I love you! I do and I will. Even when I am rotting in the crypts, it will be you, forever in my heart.” He declared half way into the cold water.
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gendryafics · 1 year
After Arya Stark returns to Winterfell, she is prepared to fight like hell to save her family from the Army of the Dead. And then Jon comes back, and he marries her off to her childhood acquaintance Ned Dayne for Dorne's army. But Starfall holds secrets within its walls; contempt for the new Lady, untrustworthy servants, and a young blacksmith from times past. As Dorne delays in sending their army and the White Walkers creep ever closer to the Wall, Arya will have to rely on old friends and her new skills in order to save her pack.
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themockingpoint · 2 years
For ao3 wrapped, 8, 9 and 19 please :)
For 8 it was Jon/Margaery. I have five stories with them in it and two more that have something implied between them.
For 9 I think it’s a tie between Jon/Val and Sansa/Ned Dayne.
For 19 I’m thinking Shoto Todoroki/Momo Yaoyorozu. I def plan on doing a MHA story at some point or another and this is one I wish to explore.
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myladysapphire · 2 months
The Dragon and the Wolf
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You had been betrothed to Cregan stark at the start of the war. He was the noble and honourable stark that he was he supported your mother claim without restraint. So much so your mother saw it fit to betroth the two of you. So when disaster strikes and you and your younger brother are the only two survivors, you a shipped of north in your grief, leaving only Cregan to heal your wounds.
word count: 2,212
CW: MDI, 18+, refrences to pregenacy, miscariges stillbirths and death, happy ending! lots of fluff (all the bad tags where small and lead to a very fluff, not proofread!
Cregan Strak x Veleryon(strong)!reader
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part |
dividers by @zaldritzosrose
authors note: this epilouge is largely based of cregan starks wiki page, thats why they have a hell of a lot of kids. find it here.
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Cregan Stark had been many things, the lord of Winterfell, warden of the north, hand of the king. But most importantly he had been your husband. Married for 66 years before your death in 200 AC,
Your marriage with filled with tragedy and triumphs, but most importantly love.
A love that inspired songs, poems and stories.
Though you and he had your ups and downs, he stayed by your side during your worst and your best times.
And even after years of struggling, years of sadness and tears as your moons blood came, you and he ended with ten children to call your own.
First there had been Rickon, followed by Saera, Alys and Rhaeya, then Mariah, Jacearys, Edric, Lyanna, Lucerys and finally Brandon.
The birth of each of your children had filled your halls and your heart, the ache you had felt after the war had finally been filled, and you had felt whole once more.
You had found the happiness you had been chasing and felt contentment and happiness more and more each and every day.
Your love for each other continued to bloom and grow, love so deep that Cregan himself passed only moons after you, your son Jaceaerys, know as Jace ‘one eye’, becoming the lord of Winterfell after his death, though it was your youngest son Brandon that the stark line continued from.
Your legacy was one that would be remembered even a hundred years after your death, songs were still sung in your honour, halls and castle erected in your name, there was even a castle built in your honour on the wall, after your help in the victory against Sylas the grim.
But where your legacy blossomed still was within the walls of Winterfell, where your kin ruled to this day.
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“we have Targaryen ancestry, or one ancestor to be precise” Ned Stark spoke to his children, as he walked them down the crypts of Winterfell.
He speak your name, bowing in respect as he approached your statue, your stood beside your husband Cregan Stark, your hands adjoined in a symbol of your love, a love that had become famous amongst the pages of history.
“she was the daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Veleryon, the last rider of Silverwing and the last dragon rider in history. “
Sansa seemed giddy as she looked at her, her ancestor a Targaryen princess.
“did she fight in the dance of the dragons?” Jon asked, looking at his ancestors, noting the similarity in your features with his.
“aye, though she played the role of a diplomat more than a fighter, but she is too thank for several victories, even after the war she helped defend the north against wildings”
His children gasped in surprise, eagerly listening to their father recount the tales of you and your legacy.
“did any of her children have dragons?” Jon asked eagerly.
“aye, each child was given an egg, though only two hatched” he looked to the left towards were your children statues stood, “the ones belonging to Lord Jacearys and Lucerys, named after her brothers” he looked down to Jon, the most egar to here of his ancestors, “though it was said they died and grew no larger than cats“
A sound of disappointment left Jon at the news.
“is it true they were so in love that he died of a broken heart after her death?” Sansa asked.
Ned chuckled, “it was said he did, aye”
Sansa let out a small squealed, “imagine being so in love you can’t bare to live in a world without them” she gushed.
“aye, there love is famous” he said looking up at his ancestors.
“can any of you tell me about their children?
Robb raised his hand enthusiastically, “they had ten in total, though it was their second son Jaceaerys, named after her brother who died in the dance who succeeded Cregan…he then died with no children and was succeeded by Lucerys also named after one of her brothers whose death started the dance of dragons”
“very good Robb…but who succeeded Lucerys?”
“there youngest child, Brandon, who we are descended from” Arya spoke up, as she gazed at the sword at your hip. “was she trained with a sword?” she asked eagerly.
“most likely, she was a fighter, a warrior though most accounts was due to her fighting on the back of silver wing, it was said she killed several men who insulted her brother, King Aegon III and was known to have fought several who questioned her mother, Rhaenyra being a legitimate queen.”
Arya seemed very please with this response, as did Robb and Jon as they admired their 4x great grandmother.
At the feet of their statues laid 3 dragon eggs, long turned to stone, and though neither of them noticed at first, as Ned light the lights surrounding their statues, behind them sat the skull of Silverwing.     
A reminder of house Targaryen, and their power even now years after they had been defeated and banished.
And though you had become a stark you were forever remembered in house Targaryen, with your named reused countless times, a holdfast in the red keep named after you, and gardens throughout Westeros grew a rose named after you.
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But whilst you had grown a legacy and left an indent on the history of Westeros, you had not lived to do so.
Your life had been one you had ended up devoting to your family, to love and happiness, no care if your section of the history books was a long one or not.
The first five years of your marriage where the one filled with the most hurdles to cross, with fertility issues and you suffering from depression, it truly tested your marriage but the day your eldest Rickon was born, was the day your life truly became filled with Joy.
Your pregnancy had been spent bed bound to nervous to venture out of it for fear of another miscarriage.
Cregan had moved his office to your shared chambers, insisting on spending every moment you would allow with him. His days spent with you, his meals shared with you in bed, he only left when necessary and even then, he was racing back to be with you.
The birth had scared him, his mind remembering the last birth, how you had laboured for hours knowing full well the babe was already dead.
But this time the babe was perfect, a healthy boy you named Rickon after his father.
You watched him grow and as the years passed more children followed, each and every one of them filling your life with more and more love.
You and Cregan grew inseparable, your duties becoming one as you both ruled Winterfell together.
And after fifteen years of marriage, and the birth of you first five children, Rickon, Saera and Alys, Rhaeya and Mariah, your brothers came to Winterfell on their tour of Westeros.
Aegon and Viserys both married with children of their own were more than happy to see you again, years of letters making up for little of how much you missed your brothers.
“Aegon, Viserys” you greeted as you they rode into Winterfell with the pride and fancy house Targaryen always brought.
“sister” they greeted, coming straight towards you, their boyish looks still in full effect despite being adults in their own right, “I have missed you”
“no more than I have missed you” you replied before introducing your family and household to your brothers.
Your sons and daughters presenting themselves proudly, with your daughter Saera pointing out the similarities between herself and her cousin Daena, they could practically be twins. In both looks and nature.
They caused many a problem during their time in Winterfell, with many pranks and havocked caused as they spent their days freeing horses or practicing with Sareas crossbow, shooting apples above servants heads.
Your eldest Rickon spent most of his time with Daeron, many time spent in the courtyard, sparring or exploring the dragon nest Silverwing had left upon her most recent return from Winterfell.
You watched as your children created bonds with their cousins, bonds that would stick even after the tour. Letters exchanged and your sons Jacearys and Lucerys being sent to ward in Kings Landing.
And whilst they were here your sons Jacearys and Lucerys eggs hatched, small dragons, the first dragons born in near ten years.
Jace’s dragon, a soft shade of white shade, easily blending into the snow. He had named the dragon sōna, the Valyrian word for snow. And though the history books would mark him to be as big as a small housecat, he in truth grew to be the size of a dire wolf, and though not big enough to take a rider on his back, he was known to fly the walls of Winterfell before his death, after falling victim to a stray arrow during one of house starks monthly hunts.
Lukes’s dragon had been named icefyre, he had claimed it was who he was, a merge of ice a fire and so was his dragon. With silver scales and a blue flame, similar to the blue flame of your uncle Daeron’s dragon Tesserion. He too grew to the size of a dire wolf, before accompany Luke south to Kingslanding, ending up on Dragonstone where she was killed by the now wild dragon, Sunfyre.
And though when the tour ended, after being extended moons, with neither side wanting to part from the other, the sadness and regret you felt before when leaving your brothers was no longer, as you where more than happy with the family you had in Winterfell. No longer did you dream of the ghosts of your family, wishing them alive, but now you saw them reborn as each of your children.
In Rickon you saw Jace, he was noble and kind, the perfect future lord. And you saw even more of Jace in him as he died fighting alongside his cousin Daeron, after he had been named king and set to conquer Dorne. Dying before his time, a hero’s death.
In Saera, you saw your mother, Rhaenyra. A fierce and defiant girl, egar and pride. She was smart and quick and though as time passed and you began to forget the faces of those you lost, however you looked at Sarea, you saw your mother.
In Alys you saw Joffrey, shy and kind but egar to prove herself. Going out of her way to prove her loyalty and her devotion to house Stark.
In Rhaeya, you saw your grandmother, Rhaneys. Though she was named in honour of bother her mother and grandmother, her grandmothers laugh, and smile shined through in your girl. She was always riding, though a horse not a dragon, she was a warrior in her own right, fighting in the conquest of Dorne, though she eventually chooses to sheath her sword after she found love in the son of Benjicot Blackwood.
Then there was Mariah, sweet Mariah reminded you of Rhaena, though alive and well with six daughters of her own, she reminded you in every way of your sister. With a fierce heart, hidden behind a sweet temperament.
Jace, who had become Jace one eye at the age of six and ten after an arrow pierced his eye during the conquest of Dorne, he reminded you of you uncle Aemond, before the cruelty took over him. He was determined and fierce, though hidden behind a shy demeaner.
Edric, was the very image of Daemon. Though Stark in looks he was the rouge of her stepfather, careless and wanton, so much so he died before all of his siblings after fighting and loosing a duel against the man who would later marry his sister Lyanna, Lynol Tyrell.
Lyanna, Was you. You looked at her and saw yourself, a girl born out of love, a girl desiring love more than anything in the world. A girl who would fight for what she believed in, no matter the cost.
Lucerys, of cause reminded you of Luke in every way he was your sweet younger brother. In looks and nature he was Luke reborn.
The Brandon, your youngest child, a big age gap, born near ten years after Luke. He seemed to be the image of your husband, fierce and wise, a good lord. Though often driven my lust.
Your legacy was fierce, your blood spread through Westeros as you were remembered in the page of history books for all to read.
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“the dance of the dragons” Daenerys read, as she was gifted a book of the history of her family.
“not just the dance, Princess” spoke Ilyrio Mopatis. “this book tells the story of your Ancestor” he spoke your name, and printed out the portrait of you that covered the first page inside.
“A whole book dedicated to one ancestor?” Viserys scoffed, “what was she a conqueror?”
“in some ways” Ilyrio started, “she was a key player in the dance, without her diplomacy the war could have been much longer than it had been”
“Really?” Viserys asked sceptically.
“indeed, read for yourself My prince”
And so they read your tale, and you where once more brough back to life.
@aleemendoza2425-blog @apollonshootafar @zillahvathek @flrboyd @theanxietyqueen17 @leavesmealobe @dark-night-sky-99 @deeeeexx @valyriantargaryenblood-blog @winter-soldier-101 @bunbunblogsblog @clobobo @raynetargaryen2 @justbelljust @sukunassfinger
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to be added to taglist for my other works
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horizon-verizon · 5 months
List of Non-Targ Westerosi In*cest Marriages
Tywin Lannister x Joanna Lannister (1st cousins)
-- Issue: Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion
Rickard Stark x Lyarra Stark (1st cousins)
-- Issue: Brandon, Eddard "Ned", Lyanna, Benjen
Cregan Stark x Lynara Stark (just says "distant cousins")
-- Issue: Jonnel, Edric, Lyanna, Barthogan, Brandon
Serena Stark x Edric Stark (uncle-niece)
-- Issue: Cregard, Torrhen, Arrana, Aregelle
Sansa Stark x Jonnel Stark (uncle-niece)
-- Issue: NONE
Paxter Redwyne x Mina Tyrell (1st cousins)
-- Issue: Horas, Hobber, Desmera
Samantha Tarly x Lyonel Hightower (previously step mother-stepson)
-- Issue: 6 unknown children, all illegitimately born before their marriage
POSSIBLE CLOSE RELATIONS (exact degrees unknown)
Jon Arryn x Rowena Arryn
-- Issue: NONE
Shella Whent x Walter Whent
-- Issue: 4 unknown sons & 1 unknown daughter
Benfrey Frey x Jyanna Frey
-- Issue: Della & Osmund
Alys Frey x Jared Frey
-- Issue: Tytos & Kyra
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seventhwinterwolf · 2 years
If there had been no WotFK, who do you think the Stark children would have married?
So aside from two of my favorite pairings that did and did not quite come to fruition in the show (Bran x Meera, Arya x Gendry) I believe that most of the Stark children would have married Northerners and maybe one or two in the Riverlands and Vale. The honor of having a Stark enter their families is such a highly coveted value in the North and I firmly stand that Ned would seek to bestow every care on his bannerman without forcing his children into disagreeable arrangements or otherwise before they are ready.
Robb Stark
Myrcella Baratheon
Wynafryd Manderly
Dacey Mormont
Eddara Tallhart
Alys Karstark
As the heir of Winterfell and firstborn son of the Hand of the King, Robb would have every single young lady's eye. I would expect Robb to marry a Northerner, unless it was altered where King Robert wanted Myrcella married to honor Ned’s friendship and support over the many decades. This would then alleviate Sansa from Joffrey’s torment and Myrcella had developed a little crush on Robb during her time at Winterfell in AGOT. There are also unnamed daughters in House Umber that could be plausible for Robb’s consideration. Karstark and Tallhart seem on the sightly less likely side since Rickard Karstark had tried for several years to get Robb / Ned interested in his daughter but it never landed. Alys does end up being married to another northern lord.
Dacey and Robb become friends during the WOT5K, she is a bit older than him and might be too unladylike for Catelyn's approval. Dacey and Wynafryd are both the heirs to Bear Island and White Harbor, but since the two of them have younger sisters I can believe that their heiress title could be passed to a younger sister. Or one of the younger sons from Robb would become the heir to House Mormont or House Manderley. This isn't as much of an heiress big deal as Arianna Martell not marrying Willas Tyrell creating a double heir situation when Highgarden and Sunspear are much more comparable big game prizes for inheritance. Due to Wynafyrd's higher house standing and power I could see her being the forerunner for Robb to marry within the North.
While considering Robb and Margaery, it does not have as advantageous values for the Tyrells since Winterfell is so far removed geographically and politically, it seems on the more unlikely side that this pairing would happen. 
Sansa Stark
Joffrey Baratheon
Trystane Martell
Willas Tyrell (maybe Loras)
Edric Dayne
Jon Snow/Targaryen
Once free from being betrothed to Joffrey or not if Robert/Ned don't die early (or if Robb is with Myrcella), I could reasonably see Sansa having the whole of Westeros open for the opportunity from within King's Landing. I would expect her to marry outside of the North, Riverlands, and maybe even the Vale to consider one of the southernmost kingdoms. This would be one of the most to gain in political standing if it was from the Reach or Westernlands. As the firstborn daughter to the Hand of the King, Sansa would have the utmost attention and consideration for just about any great house's heir. I do see Dorne not being a forerunner though that could change if Prince Trystane Martell arrived In KL. The Baratheons outside of KL seem also not likely if she weren't involved with Joffrey. Eventually if Jon is a Targaryen and claims the throne I could see Sansa and Jon marrying to keep the North in the realm. If Sansa became a close companion to Margaery as Queen, she could easily be introduced to any lord within the Reach or in the stony mountains of Dorne nearby, which could open up House Dayne (special care for the Lady Ashara and Ned rumors) and I think that Sansa and Edric could be interesting.
Arya Stark
Beren Tallhart
Gawen Glover
Unnamed Umber Son
Gendry Waters
Maybe one of the younger Ryswells (Rickard or Roose) pending their unknown ages, I doubt Catelyn and Ned would approve of a large age gap. If Jojen Reed was not unfortunately doomed I could see Arya and him as a possible engagement. After Sansa, I find Arya to be the hardest Stark child to predict/guess a preplanned marriage for when not taking Gendry into factor.
Bran Stark
Meera Reed
Beth Cassel
Ysilla Royce
If he doesn't fall from the tower then I could see Bran going to the Vale since he has aspirations of being a knight and he could be fostered by Yohn Royce and become betrothed to his daughter Ysilla, before Mychel Redfort marries her in AFFC, or another unnamed Yohn Royce daughter. After some time in King's Landing if Robert were not to die early I could see him and Ned agreeing to send Bran and Tommen together to the Vale.
Rickon Stark
Lyanna Mormont
Wylla Manderly
I like the idea of Lyanna Mormont or Wylla Manderly to match Rickon's wild personality if Lyanna has more of her show presence rather than her minimal book appearances. With Wylla's green hair and Shaggydog's green eyes that could be potentially cute. If Robb married Dacey Mormont or Wynafyrd Manderley then I would see Rickon marrying into the other house.
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joanna-lannister · 6 months
Ship ranking looks fun! I don't have as many as the other anon tho
Cersei x Jaime (i have to ask even if i know they're #1 obvi)
Ned x Cat
Sansa x Jon
Jon x Ygritte
Jon x Turmond
Arya x Gendry
Arya x Edric
Bran x Meera
It is indeed fun! Thank you so much bestie, let's go! ❤️
Cersei x Jaime (as you said they are #1 obviously 😂)
Sansa x Jon
Arya x Gendry
Ned x Cat
Jon x Ygritte
Jon x Tormund
Bran x Meera
Arya x Edric
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sohereweare1 · 5 years
What to update?
Ok everyone... I have some free time tomorrow, so something will get an update... I don’t know what to work on. Update can be a WIP or a new One-Shot idea.... IDK!  So, if anyone has a preference, go ahead and inbox me. My asks have the Anon option open so you can do it anonymously if you want. Thanks! 
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madaboutasoiaf · 5 years
hey mate! Shadowcat here, sorry for the radio silence. hope you had a great birthday!! speaking of which, how do you think Sansa and Edric would celebrate each other's birthdays?
Hello Shadowcat, nice to hear from you! My birthday was fine. I just had a quiet one which is exactly what I wanted this year.
I took some time to think about this because I would have no idea how they would celebrate each other’s birthdays in canon Westeros (which is my default for fic and most of my thinking about ASOIAF) This time I’ll modern AU it.
Ned takes Sansa on a picnic for hers, somewhere pretty with flowers. I did read a baseball AU a while back that I liked and I could see Sansa sitting through a baseball game for Ned’s birthday. Afterwards she makes him taste-test lemoncakes until they find the best one for his birthday cake.
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sansagiggled · 6 years
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Close The Distance Before My Eyes 
 Chapter 3 Plan B? 
 by @sohereweare1
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asoiafrarepairs · 6 years
Prompt: Edric Dayne is fostered at Winterfell. He and Sansa fall in love.
Added to our prompt page!
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blissfulphilospher · 1 year
I posted the AI pictures of Jonnel and Sansa on Ao3 fic but it has seemed to be vanished in air. So here they are. 
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Lady Sansa Stark of Winterfell 
The one who was her father's heir and should have been the first reigning Lady Stark of Winterfell, Warden of North but instead has to become the consort of her half uncle. 
I am damn sure other Sansa, our Sansa would become the first reigning Lady Stark of Winterfell. 
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Lord Jonnel 'One Eye' Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Warden of North
He became his brothers heir. Just like Robb made Jon his heir passing over Sansa and Arya. And he married his half neice... Weren't First Men against incest? His actions gives Daemon Targaryen vibes... 
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onthesandsofdreams · 2 years
6SS: Sansa x Ned Dayne: Eyes
"I really like your eyes."
Ned startled, looking up from his book to find Sansa looking at him with a gentle smile, "Thank you, my lady."
Their marriage was still new, and they were still trying to know better one another, to his surprise, Sansa continued, "Every time I am reminded of terrible things, all I have to do is look at them and I find peace."
He swallowed the knot he felt on his throat, "I am honored, I strive to make sure you know peace."
"I know," Sansa smiled at him. "And I count myself fortunate for it."
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