#Edolas arc
nagirambles · 8 months
Rambling about Fairies - Manga Chapter 200
Warning: generally negative.
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And so the decharacterisation of Juvia begins. Like, I get that Gray was the reason she broke out of her rain woman slump and all, but her new hairstyle and her friendships within the guild came from Lucy and Cana. Why does everything get reset all the way to Phantom era just because of Gray?
I feel like this could've been some kind of deep character building moment in the long term-- it could have been Juvia realizing she was being overdependent on Gray because the second he discards her (he wasn't holding on to her particularly to begin with) she dissolves back into being socially inept. It could've been her moment to go from focusing on Gray to focusing on herself and her own goals. Does she return to this form because it's the one that Gray saved? Did she want his attention again, so she reverted, so Gray could save her again? I wish it went in that direction, because then there would be something. But there wasn't. This was just Mashima's brand of humour, and it's what begins Fairy Tail's downward spiral.
Which is ridiculous! She spent so much time away from them in Nirvana and Edolas and was fine until Happy told her about Edolas Gruvia!
It's so unhealthy and I wish I could be joking right now, but I can't. It isn't even portrayed as negative unlike her usual stalker shenanigans. God forbid, when it happened in Avatar it was entirely stated that Gray was the one that needed to be brought back to their side because Juvia's not okay without him. Sure, Gray needed to be brought home, but no one mentions how Juvia is way too fucking dependent on her man that she's somehow completely unable to take care of herself once he's gone! She made herself sick and wandered about like a zombie without any meaning left in her!
What did she spend so many months in the guild for, if she somehow never experienced family enough to remember it after Gray left? Even Phantom Lord taught her the meaning of 'being accepted regardless of your flaws/baggage' and you're telling me Fairy Tail gave her nothing except crippling overdependence on Gray?
When did she become someone that only lived for Gray? Where is my strong and brutal, desperate to prove herself, confident, self-sacrificing shy girl? Where is the girl that just wanted Cana to accept her, where is the girl that hurt herself to save Gray from Meredy, where is the girl that brought Gajeel to Fairy Tail because she didn't want him to be alone after Phantom disbanded? Where is the girl that, when mind-controlled, cried because she didn't want to hurt Lucy anymore? Where is she?
I really feel like this moment and the later Avatar situation could've been a character building moment to enrich both her and Gruvia as a dynamic. Rather than Avatar completely tuning all the blame on Gray, it should've been a moment where Juvia herself went to save Gray and bring him home. She proves her place later on, during the Water Make moment--- but that's about her love for Gray. What about her pride as a member of Fairy Tail, as family, as Juvia Lockser, the strong and independent rain girl that now knows the sun? Where the fuck is she, Mashima? Why were we robbed of the moment where Juvia, after growing as a member of Fairy Tail, went and brought Gray home to a place that would accept him after he turned to the dark side? Where is Juvia bringing Gray into the sun to bring their development and relationship full circle? Why is Gruvia going up and down like a cheese grater?
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fairydares · 1 year
I was re-reading some of the Fairy Tail manga recently (as i am wont to do) and you know, while i personally wouldn't call the Edolas arc one of the stronger arcs, the writing decisions that went into it are sort of fascinating. Mashima even made a note about this in one chapter that he and the others creating the story decided to change direction right then and therefore factored in some of the stuff he'd come up with while brainstorming (remember the anime-only Daphne arc was right before this...they had to do a filler while Mashima figured out what he wanted to write) .
i think choosing to make Edolas an inversion of Earthland both in terms of the world-building and the personalities was a really interesting decision. Especially because, at heart, all the characters weren't really very dissimilar from their Earthland counterparts; they were all members of Fairy Tail, all cared deeply about their comrades, and all even had inversions of the same "things" our cast did (ex. with Natsu Dragion being a huge coward except in vehicles, his "things" still revolve around recklessness, bravery, and vehicles rather than something entirely unrelated to Earthland Natsu's "things.")
rather than being fundamentally different, they were all hardened and shaped by a world where the most precious resource was being hoarded by the nobility. that's as close as i think Fairy Tail comes to making a serious point about class inequality and exploitation, themes which are definitely a lot more prevalent in Eden's Zero.
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fangirlfortress · 9 months
Ngl he best trope is the one where, ok so there's like this people. Maybe it's a kingdom or a tribe or whatever, but it's a whole people and they're being deceived. They're generally a good people, they do what they can to survive and they love each other, and they are ruled by a good, albeit misguided person with understandable motives. Typically a queen, sometimes a mother, and she loves her people. She works, fights and shares with them - her people love her, trust her completely. But she is lying to them, maybe about a prophesy or about their own circumstances, but she is lying to them and she has been for decades, either out of the urge to protect her people or her child. Then this deception is revealed - she reveals it - and she begs for forgiveness, gives up her title and maybe tells them that she deserves to die for her crimes, that they have every right to kill her for breaking their trust and manipulating them for so long. She is crying, maybe this is on the verge of some crisis where they're all going to die because of she couldn't tell the truth, and her people are heartbroken, but forgive her immediately. They say, no, you cannot just die and be absolved of all responsibility. You have to stay and help us fix this, you have to fight. Because they love her and it is obvious that she loves them, that she did this because she didn't know any other way to protect what she cares for. And she is so beloved. Their trust is shaken, but she is their queen and she has, for so long, been one of them; someone who has sacrificed and cried and fought right alongside them, that they say no, we will not leave you. And if you die, then we will die right with you, because this is our home and you are our queen. You are one of us.
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I can’t stop thinking about “mystogan baby koala” and so I present
We backpack him to Acno
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Like no lie Acnologia would scruff him so fast and Mystogan is honestly okay with it. He's got honorary kid status for a reason.
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Watched the end of the Edolas arc with my dad the other day and cried-
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gruviasilversblog · 2 years
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This was so funny!!! 🤣🤣🤣.
Gray-Sama,Edo-Gray and Edo-Juvia 🤣🤣🤣.
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shima-draws · 11 months
Catching up on more recent FT stuff and um
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Also oh my FUCKING god look at him. He’s such a proud dad I’m going to throw up I love him so much
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And the fact that Natsu gets attached to her IMMEDIATELY and goes into overprotective Dad Mode when she’s not even his daughter, technically (and Gray too over his own Edo kid 🤧)
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Natsu: I’ve decided I’m taking her home with me. No objections
HOMIE DEADASS IS SIGNING THE ADOPTION PAPERS ALREADY. It was love at first sight. Natsu loves her so much he wants to kidnap her. Shut UP,
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misakarose · 2 years
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Gray Fullbuster in Fairy Tail ep. 88, "The Great River of Stars is for Pride"
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doctorkatmd · 5 months
Everyone rags in Fairy Tail for it's overuse of the "Enemy eventually becomes ally" trope. And they're right, as you watch the show it kinda gets exhausting. But I find an refreshing optimism in the idea that anyone you find yourself in conflict with, you could eventually see eye to eye with. There's just this feeling in the show that, even if our ideas, goals, or even personalities clash, we're all human. That eventually, if we hang on to hope, and act with love, we can find common ground, and maybe even change for the better in the process. Of course it's in an ideal world, where magic exists. But it's not trying to be anything else. The 3rd rule if you leave Fairy Tail is literally "Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might, you must never consider your own life to be something insignificant, and you must never forget about your friends for as long as you live." As far as jobs go, it's probably the kindest thing to leave someone you parting with. Like the idea is that they're abandoning the guild, abandoning their friends. And Fairytale's response is just, "as long as you love yourself and don't forget the kindness you experienced here, have peace." And that brings me joy.
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just-someone-online · 6 months
Okay, apparently I'm in an Edolas mood tonight.
If I could add one thing, just one thing to the Edolas arc, I would absolutely have more Mystogan and Wendy interactions.
Like, I'm sorry, but you mean to tell me that after finally reuniting with her Jellal, the one she was so shaken up over during Nirvana, their only interaction basically amounts to him saying "Hey Wendy, sorry I ghosted you for seven years, but literally everybody is about to die and I can't stop it, so you should probably skip town."
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nagirambles · 10 months
Rambling about Fairies - Manga Chapter 200
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One thing that's similar between Fairy Tail and One Piece, and a big part about why these two manga do nakamaship so well, is probably the post-battle banquet. While in One Piece the trend is that it gets bigger and bigger, in Fairy Tail it's always similarly wild, and sometimes it's less "yay we made it through hell" and more "oh hey, welcome home". Both are good.
I love the spirit of "let's find any excuse to drink and dance and be idiots!" it's just the spirit of how we can always just forget everything and have fun celebrating the present.
Also, this Raijinshuu reintroduction. I wish we did more. I kinda wonder what would've happened if these three decided to adopt Lisanna into their tribe instead. Sure it's more story coherent that she formed a team with her siblings, but just for narrative advancements it'd be fun because these three are some of the ones we don't see any interactions of them with Lisanna, because they're not in the kid era. Wouldn't it be funny if Mirajane and Elfman, overprotective and all, were like 'how about you go on missions with the raijinshuu from now on? Safer that way. And that's just. A thing from now on. Gives the thunder legion development while giving Lisanna a fun new experience rather than just going off her experiences in Edolas.
Like, would it be funny if Laxus came back and Lisanna was like hah! they bodyguard me now! And laxus, who never really cared that the tribe were technically guards, would just be like didn't you die, and then he would be completely on board with the protect Lisanna agenda. It'd be funny
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I feel like this is kinda niche hehe but do you have any headcanons on what Edolas was like pre-arc??
Sorry this took so long! I'm rewatching the show so I wanted to wait till I got to the Edolas Arc for inspo
Natsu was the one who brought Lucy to the guild just like Earthland Nalu, but the roles were reversed. She saved his life and he wanted to repay her by bringing her to Fairy Tail
Lucy was not well liked when she first joined and it took a bit for them to warm up to her
Wendy joined as little girl just like most of the members. She was too young to remember where she came from. People assumed her parents were executed by the royal army
Juvia joined as a preteen. The same time Earthland Juvia joined Phantom Lord.
Since all the other guilds were destroyed, the surviving wizards go to Fairy Tail if they need work
That is if they still want to work. Lyon is a frequent flyer at Fairy Tail
Makarov was publicly executed, the King assumed that would end Fairy Tail
Laxus freaked out and tried to stop it causing Knightwalker to kill him right before the execution
The Raijinshuu also put up a fight, but were captured and never heard from again
Lucy is the most well known member of Fairy Tail. She's known for saving people from the abuse of the royal army
Lucy is the only person to ever fight Knightwalker and escape with her life. She was badly wounded but put up a good fight
Master Bob had a black market magic shop. He closed down after his old friends were killed off. He was the only survivor of that team
Gajeel helps Fairy Tail avoid the royal army. He knows where all the bases are and everything
His Fairy Tail contact is Juvia. She meets up with him every couple months for updated info
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jemmahazelnut · 1 year
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malewifehenrycooldown · 9 months
Anti-facism, anti-captialism, community action and class solidarity IN MY FAIRY TAIL?!Surprisingly much more likely than you think or remembered!
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pencilofawesomeness · 7 months
Will you actually explore the area the exceeds decided to live in your fic?
And I shall riddle you this in turn: how can one be sure that village the exceeds move to will exist as it did in canon? :3
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gatsu-nii · 27 days
I really went from loving fairy tail, to hating it bc of the end, to liking the start of the 100 years quest, to hating this goofy shit.
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