mwg-drwg · 2 months
I've seen little about it so, Just an FYI what's been unfolding in England today. Far-right protestors are literally trying to kill asylum seekers in hotels.
In Rotherham, Yorkshire fascists have tried to set a hotel on fire with migrants staying there. Some signalling cut-throat gestures at the people staying in the rooms.
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In Tamworth, Staffordshire the very same thing is happening. Another hotel has been set on fire with asylum seekers still inside alongside racist graffiti.
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Other similar protests that are going uncountered are happening in Middlesbrough, Hartlepool, Stoke-on-Trent and many more areas, chances are there will be one somewhere by you if things keep going the way they are. Nazis are literally strolling about unchallenged and these people are marching happily with them. There are more sensitive videos online which I won't share here but there are groups of nazis chasing down and circling black people in cities and beating them up, indian and chinese takeaways being targetted, turkish barbers being set alight and there have been incidents of muslims being assaulted and even stabbed.
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BUT... There are success stories from UK cities where riots have failed due to no turnout or due to antifascists driving far-right pricks out of the city.
Cardiff, Wales - About 5 fascists turn up compared to 500 conuter-protestors. They failed to get anyone here despite trying two times.
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Liverpool, Merseyside - A significant EDL mob is marched out of the city and fought against. Counter-protestors form a ring around a mosque being targetted.
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Bristol, City of - antifascists block the entrance to a hotel that nazis are trying to get into as well as a fierce citywide push against the EDL and racism.
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Nottingham, East Midlands - A huge antifascist counter protest outnumbers EDL and the far-right, preventing a riot from occuring.
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There are many many more of these riots planned. If you're in the UK get organised and be prepared to fight alongside the people who make our communities stong and resiliant and make our country and cities a wonderful vibrant and friendly place to be. Help by whatever means you can. If you are not from the UK then please signal boost this because this needs to stop this nastiness from spreading and to make nazis afraid again.
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queer-geordie-nerd · 2 months
It’s actually truly frightening that we’ve gotten to so extreme a point that there are people who are genuinely and in all seriousness blaming the UK riots on “Zionists.” It’s like people’s brains switch off entirely when they get the chance to demonise Jews or Israel for something, anything. This is what happens after 10 months of constant, unchecked antisemitism and just plain ignorance about Zionism on the left - they’re the evil boogeymen behind literally everything, which is so obviously an antisemitic conspiracy theory as old as time that I can’t believe people are still uncritically perpetuating. Although, I really shouldn’t be surprised at this point.
The English Defense League are a bunch of uneducated, violent, far right white nationalists who believe that there’s some secret Muslim takeover going on and were whipped into their current frenzy by their (wrong as it turns out) belief that a Muslim immigrant was responsible for the deaths of the little girls in Southport. Rather than supporting the families and community affected, they decided that the best thing to do was to rampage through cities up and down the country, setting police cars and buildings on fire (including refugee accommodation), smashing windows, targeting literally anyone who isn’t white, “protesting” outside mosques and putting dozens of police officers in hospital.
These riots have less than fuck all to do with Zionists or Israel. I can guarantee you the EDL hates Jews as much as they hate Muslims and literally any individual who isn’t a white Brit and they would be appalled at the idea they were in league with them. Use some critical thinking skills, for fuck sake.
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lovelysakuryay · 2 months
EDIT: This post has been gaining traction, just wanted to state this post made for the riots which had been occurring starting 6th August.
To my fellow uk tumblr users, in particular my fellow POC and immigrant tumblr users, i know that there is a shit ton of riots going on simultaneously today. please be careful and try not to leave your house unless you absolutely have to.
this post isn’t intended to spread hate or fear but rather to emphasise how important your safety in all of this is.
and if you do happen to be outside in the time of these riots, please try doing so in groups.
Here’s first aid advice if you are hit by an acid attack.
If you’re a victim of an attack call the Police on 101 (to report a crime that has already happened i.e your car windows were smashed) or 999 if it’s an emergency/people are in danger.
If you’re on public transport and you’re a victim of an attack text the British Transport Police on 61016 with the train/underground you are in, what the next stop is and a brief description of the issue. Always call 999 if it’s an emergency.
If you or anyone you know needs health advice and it isn’t life threatening, call 111 or go on the 111 website.
I know some people are going out to defend their mosques, if you are take some form of head protection with you as at the past riot’s they have been throwing bricks.
If your mental health takes a turn for the worst you can call the Samaritans line on 116 123 and always call 999 if you feel you are unable to keep yourself from harm.
And finally, below is a list of charities you can contact if you feel you need further support or you would like to donate:
- Exit Hate: a charity set up to help people walk away from extremism. they also provide support for family members of extreme people.
- Stop Hate UK: 24 hour hate-crime reporting hotline
- Migrant Voice: a charity helping migrants advocate for themselves
- Refugee Action: helping refugees re-build their lives
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literatureaesthetic · 2 months
currently reading 1984 by george orwell, and the parallels to england right now (and rising facism in europe as a whole, honestly) is harrowing. the idea that people who are unable to think are easier to control. the destruction of literature to reduce free thought (brings to mind the english rioters who literally burned libraries down).
i mentioned in a previous post that a large percentage of working/lower class populations are uneducated. education is made inaccessible by the government through insane tuition fees and student loans that'll take a lifetime to repay. the lower class are also unable to spend the time acquiring a degree and pursuing education because they have bills to pay. work or study, you can't do both.
the government ensures the lower-class remains in poverty, and what does the lower-class do? they blame people of colour, refugees, and immigrants for the lack of jobs. it's not poc that makes it hard for you to get the job. it's the rich. it's the system working as it was designed to do. throw in the fact that white people have been voting tories into leadership for the past DECADE due to the tory government's racist and anti-migrant promises (which they never delivered on lmao), of course you're struggling to make ends meet. it's ouroboros: the serpent biting its own tail.
the way this anger and rage over the cost of living, the lack of jobs, and employability are very valid concerns, but rather than address those concerns productively, you're attacking poc?? aka, the people who are in the EXACT same boat as you. if not a worser boat because they're having to expend double, if not triple, the amount of energy to make a living in this country because they're black, asian, or a refugee.
people who say literature is unimportant, a literature degree is a "waste"......if the far-right racists who are rioting in england had access to literary studies, these riots wouldn't exist.
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thebloggingfox · 2 months
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I love Brighton.
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strwbrrysauce · 2 months
‼️‼️ !!!sign the petition to have the english defence league (scum) recognised as a terror¡st organisation!!!‼️‼️
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riotinyellow · 2 months
the government is more likely to call stop oil a terrorist organisation before they do the EDL
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skull-pun · 2 months
Clutching your pearls because of a few people causing traffic jams rather than speaking up against the actual terrorist group targeting innocent muslims is so depressingly British I actually hate this fucking country sometimes.
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asexplainedbyttoi · 2 months
Everyone where there’s a far right protest planned - please, stay safe. Don’t go outside. Don’t engage. If you’re part of a counter protest, stay even safer.
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crabscrabscrabs · 2 months
Fucking Nazis in this country same thing every time, get pissed, snort coke and turn up and fight.
While the rise of the Right in the UK is truly terrifying and we need a much stronger united front and support groups like SU2R and Hope Not Hate.
We can at least take some salve from the fact the English far right couldn't organise a serious movement if it came with free alcohol.
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kaatrina · 2 months
EDL be like "save our kids!!!" and think that'll happen by looting Gregg's
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queer-geordie-nerd · 2 months
The absolute irony of the far right EDL arseholes currently rioting their way through the country constantly bleating "them immigrants don't respect our country or our laws" while they're the ones destroying their own towns, setting police cars and buildings on fire, and putting officers in the hospital. Practice what you preach maybe, you absolute bell ends.
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good-old-gossip · 2 months
Tommy Robinson mocks British Army veterans murdered by Israel
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Far-right influencer, Tommy Robinson, tweeted that he believes “British people doing aid work in Gaza are cucks”, after two U.K.
army veterans doing aid work with the World Central Kitchen were murdered in a series of targeted drone strikes by Israel.
The campaigner who has made a career out of attacking Muslims and Asylum seekers online, leading hate protests and working to spread fake news, calls himself a patriot, yet mocks a foreign military killing British army veterans.
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As far-right riots have continued to wreak havoc across parts of the UK, fingers have pointed in many directions to apportion blame.
One name that has regularly featured in chants by the far-right agitators as they torch libraries, attack mosques and smash windows, however, has been “Tommy Robinson”.
The nom-de-guerre of former tanning salon owner Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, Robinson has over the past two decades built a violent street movement focused on intimidating the British Muslim community and stoking fears of an Islamic takeover of the UK.
Although his English Defence League no longer exists in official form, the hand of Robinson can still be felt across the British far-right, even after repeated jail sentences and spates in exile abroad.
Prior to founding the English Defence League in 2009, Robinson drifted in and out of other far-right groups, including the British National Party (BNP). But right from the beginning, Robinson attempted to distinguish his new movement by claiming they were focusing on “Islamic extremism” rather than non-white communities or even Muslims as a whole.
Another important pillar of EDL was staunch Zionism - Israel came to be seen by counter-jihadists as the vanguard of the fight against Muslim terrorism and a state which was uncompromising in its willingness to use force to suppress a largely Muslim population.
Even the EDL’s name resembles that of the Jewish Defence League, a much older far-right Zionist organisation based in the US and Europe that has hosted Robinson at a number of events.
“I’m not far-right…I’m just opposed to Islam. I believe it’s backward and it’s fascist,” he said in 2016.
✍️ by Alex MacDonald 
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moonlit-orchid · 2 months
To all my British followers, especially my Muslim and non-white followers, please please please be careful today, the EDL are having marches again today, and there's a lot of violence going on towards minorities, so please just be careful, stay at home, stay safe.
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nando161mando · 2 months
Fuck the EDL. You're watching 100's of antifascists taking control of the streets of Bolton right now. This is how we do it comrades. The only good fascism is dead fascism.
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kx-kwxx · 2 months
talk my shit by kx.kwx
my feelings on stuff im pissed about currently the EDL uk riots and people not trying to make anything new and just repeat the same boring and mediocre sound
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