yellowmanula Β· 2 months
Playing with fucking napalm Playing with doll parts
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hexsreality Β· 3 months
πŸ“œ for jimmy or lorna (or both lol)
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Send in πŸ“œ and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. β€· Accepting!!
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Wanda : So what’s for dinner?
Jimmy, staring at the food they just burnt: Regret.
Wanda: *holding a bottle* Is this whiskey or perfume? Jimmy: *chugs entire bottle* Jimmy: It’s perfume.
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Wanda : I made tea.
Lorna : I don’t want tea.
Wanda : I did not make tea for you. This is my tea.
Lorna : Then why are you telling me?
Wanda : It is a conversation starter.
Lorna : That’s a lousy conversation starter.
Wanda : Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
Wanda : How petty can you get?
Lorna : I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
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emeraldbuilt Β· 3 months
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"You seem surprised. Is kindness around here so odd?"
@edgymuses hit the heart for a starter ( for lorna )
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eclipsecrowned Β· 1 month
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what’s one thing the rpc has to realize? // @edgymuses
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This is a collaborative hobby.
No shit, I hear you say, we're all here to write as part of a community. And I hear you. Then I look at the changes the community has undergone in about the last 4 years, and I really wonder if some people grasp that.
This is a collaborative hobby. You are being invited into someone else's creative endeavors to work together and make something that is, hopefully, fun and rewarding for both parties. Roleplay is a partnership among followers, however few or many. It's about approaching another person and communicating, plotting, sharing a little of your free time.
And that's the thing.
Of late I see a lot of people who don't have the patience for partners, the simple ability to understand that other people have different lives and free time. People who are frankly rude about other people having lives outside of the hobby. If others want to run this like a job, that's fine, but I have lost several writing partnerships because people preferred to berate me for not being 'on their level' rather than try and problem solve what wasn't clicking. The expectation that I existed simply to write with them, should prioritize them, and not take into account what I might have going on IRL or how my muse might be low. Because why would they? It's their hobby, and I should have been on their time table.
It's an entitlement I've been made more and more aware of -- and it does become entitlement when the onus is always on one person to interact, as if there isn't a two way street in terms of communication. If something is bothering you, and you do not communicate that to me, I cannot fix it. I've just noticed a lot of courtesies being dropped to the point a lot of people even my age treat this hobby as some end all be all with esoteric rules and timetables that no one can realistically live up to 24/7. Shit happens. IRL takes precedence. Your mutuals are not mind readers.
I also feel like more recently, there's been a lot of... How do I phrase this without sounding weird. It's existed before then but I feel like it's had a huge resurgence and treated as almost acceptable now where in the past people would rightfully call it out. You're writing with another person in this hobby. Your partners responses are not a word doc you can edit and shape to your specifications. The thread is not an AI chatbot that just shoots out whatever you want to service your muse. The other person has a story to tell as well, and sometimes it won't be a perfect 1:1 of your own desires.
I always thought that was part of the beauty of the RPC. You get pushed into ideas and concepts you never would have thought of on your own. You grow as you go by examining things from a different perspective or storyline than what you anticipated. But recently that seems to have become somehow offensive to a number of players. I have had a few too many broken mutuals recently who have reached across the playmat and snatched my barbie out of my hand to 'correct' their behavior or gotten genuinely heated that I'm not developing things on the railroad track they've been building in their head -- in unplotted threads of all things.
Like by all means say if a thread is not working, but I've seen way too many friends and mutuals dealing with people who treat this like a fic they're authoring solo and we're just the NPCs written to serve it. Not being treated as equals. Just content generators for them to then twist around to best serve them instead of a shared storyline. It's weird and I don't like it. I think it ties back to a maxim I have that no community or server can have a main character, it will kill a group faster than anything. If everyone sees their muse as a main character who is unequivocally more 'worthy' next to everyone else in the comm rather than a tool of the narrative then nothing gets done for mun egos getting in the way. Your muse is special to you -- just like your partner's muse is special to them.
Likewise, there's a dozen different things I could get into -- from the weird dual-sided purity politics a lot of people take in that their comfort level is everyone else's problem so their approval or dislike of a subject or fandom is now a moral judgment on everyone who disagrees, to a budding over-reliance on fandom tropes/characterization that treats any attempt to branch out into something different or adhere to canon as inherently inferior. It's just a lot of weird insular self-centeredness I see cropping up in the community more and more that has really changed the landscape of the hobby in certain fandoms.
There's just. I honestly feel like fandom is in a weird place where there's a lot of people that would be infinitely happier writing fic on their own time at their own comfort level instead of demanding absolute obedience and adherence to their ideas and timetables from a community.
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hubrisdescent Β· 1 month
❦ (June and Bruce are such kindred spirits but love to ship with your other muses too 🫢🏼😌)
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I know you haven't really had the chance to write June and Bruce, but they absolutely match each other's freak right down to color schemes. I like your idea of Bruce having had a stint of time on The Suicide Squad, so maybe that's how they met?
As for potentially shipping our other muses, I'm very interested in that πŸ‘€
Send a ❦ if you'd consider shipping our muses. / Accepting!
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emmatriarchy Β· 8 days
β€œ hold stillβ€” you’ve got blood on your face. ” (from dani to rahne)
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Rahne peered at her bonded soulmate, holding still as requested so that Dani could clean her face off the blood. "Thank you," she murmured, a bit flustered. "I lost it..." She had lost control of her temper when she saw the enemy they just apprehended hurt some mutant children, and she bit harder than she intended to. The asshole would live, he wasn't bleeding that much, but she still felt a bit of guilt over letting her instincts take over so much.
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unbrydledfury Β· 1 month
sender rolls their eyes at receiver . (from lei lol)
send these
Β  Β  "FURY!"
Β  Β  Wulong is prepared for any reaction out of the cyborg, but an instant's shock that fades into dull surprise just as quickly still gives him pause. Where's the anger, the bloodlust? Did he spend it all already on the city that burns around them?
Β  Β  "Coming back from the dead was cool when I did it," Bryan grumbles, walking beneath the smouldering awning of what once had been a hotel, "Everyone else are low-life poseurs. Tell me -- how did you goose-step yourself out of a collapsed building?"
Β  Β  In spite of it all, Lei can't help but roll his eyes. "Crane stance. And I--"
Β  Β  Fury pries a steel column out of the awning and launches it at Lei with missile speed. Wulong dives out of the way, pivots on his knees with fists poised to strike.Β 
Β  Β  Business as usual.
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icecoldwilliams Β· 2 months
i thought you told me everything. (from lei yeah he's hurt lol)
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π‹πˆπ„π’, πƒπ„π‚π„πˆπ“ & π•πˆπ‹π‹π€πˆππ˜ | ( π‘¨π’„π’„π’†π’‘π’•π’Šπ’π’ˆ ) | βœ²γƒ»*:ο½₯゚
Impressive. Crossed arms, cocked head. After hours of penetrative silence on her end, the bumbling detective's words finally managed to etch a trace of confusion and spurious curiosity atop the otherwise apathetic ice.
❝Are you assuming I haven't...?❞
Lei was the one who intercepted her much needed vacation, he was the one who strapped the gaudy silver bracelet to her wrist. She was the one sitting here quietly with her legs crossed, letting him run his annoying little monologue through her ears. Trailing her attention off to dismal interrogation fit dΓ©cor, before targeting far more beautiful violet painted nails.
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❝Detective Wulong, let me remind you, biased judgement like that is terrible for any case..❞ And with her affiliations, a high profile one was bound. The headlines practically printed themselves: "Mishima Zaibatsu and G-Corporations De-Facto Leader, Free on Cops Poor Judgement."
If it weren't for her preference for shadows over limelight, the thought may have even pulled on the cold woman's lips.
But for now, it would just be another arm in her arsenal, like the one left free.
❝I'd watch what you say, if I were you.❞
| @edgymuses | βœ²γƒ»*:βœ²γƒ»*:ο½₯゚
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blizzardrush Β· 2 months
βˆ— o2οΉ• sender offers receiver a bite from their fork . (from lei lets see where this goes 🍡)
send these
Β  Β  "So...hamster, huh?"
Β  Β  There is only one reason Dragunov finds himself sitting next to Lei Wulong: the meal is free. He'd mentally prepared himself, as usual, before needing to be social with other fighters beyond punching faces. Dim sum was entirely new to him. There was even a chance it'd be pleasant.
Β  Β  But then the cop dropped into the adjacent chair, and three words later, Sergei's mood plummeted too.
Β  Β  "I'll be honest. I didn't expect you to be an adventurous eater," Wulong says, wiping his hands on a napkin. To Dragunov's distaste, he leaves gray stains on the fabric. "I dunno, just didn't strike me as the type. You're in the right place though! There's a delicacy on every street corner. Just have to be willing to try. Ooh, hey!"Β 
Β  Β  Lei flags down a waitress, who deposits a plate on the table. Sergei doesn't recognize its contents immediately. A root vegetable, covered in sticky sauce? It isn't until Wulong plucks one in his chopsticks does he realize they are--
Β  Β  "Chicken feet!" Grinning, Lei holds it out toes-first to Dragunov. "C'mon, it's good! Give it a--"
Β  Β  Sergei bites it clean out of Lei's grip, chews it briefly, then spits it on his own plate. The surprise on the cop's face is almost enough to make him feel better.Β 
Β  Β  Almost.
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magnetic-regent-magneto Β· 5 months
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β € β €-- || ... Library and Archive of Roleplays across the entire blog ... || -- updated: 12.08.2024β € β € A - I β € β €J - S β € β €T - Zβ € β €PLEASE NOTE THAT TUMBLR HAS HAD TROUBLE TAGGING-- Notify me if I owe a post or a reply has not been received.
Fathers Day
Pat head
something to say
Castle Conspiracy -- Continuation
Avengers Tower
Judge Jury Executioner
Giving up
Do right
Evil Empress Inquiries
Art of Savage Lands
Kiss to not say out loud
On my knees
Kiss me again
Owe Me
no giant mutant killing robots
Children afraid of the dark
Bullying Remy (Gambit)
Hope (Hope)
Alone (Bishop)
Handle Alone (Emma)
Talk (Polaris)
Unexpected (Rogue)
Returning Death (Rogue)
Terra X (Lorna)
What have you done? (Emma)
Do not bleed on the carpet. (Rahne)
Empty Heart
With everything I was
Damn this town
Crime Mystery
Big Mistake
Dead Fool
Turning monster
Intimidating as a butterfly
Can you read me a story?
Here is a plea from my heart to you.
Am I a monster or a person?
I accept your apology
Nightmares and heavy bones - Continuation
Do you want a Hug? - Continuation
The darkness does not bargain
What are you doing in the middle of the night?
Taking you out for your birthday
See What Lies Beyond - Chthon
Compassion is the Downfall
The Living Battery
They want to take you down
Lift up
Take me through darkness
Not this time
When I was a boy
What if it is pointless?
Call me Grandfather
Easy Continuation
All the answers I wanna know
Walk a different path
Love Family
Friend or Foe
Riddled Alliance
Human Condition
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edgymuses-a Β· 1 year
this blog is now achieved and will be moved here:
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hexsreality Β· 3 months
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@edgymuses inquired: "I don't dance. I've never danced." (Jimmy just picture him wearing his cowboy hat being so grumpy)
The Dead Zone Sentences, Vol. 2 β€· Accepting!
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"Then as your big sister, I have to show you how to dance, little brother." Wanda wasn't taking no for an answer from Jimmy. The blond Wolverine was just as stubborn as his father, but Wanda was just as stubborn as the boy. She tugged on his gloved hand, pulling him out towards the center of the room, where there was more space. She stood tall, but she was still just a few inches shorter than Jimmy. Every day, Wanda was so amazed and proud of the fine young man her brother had grown up to become.
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"Put your hand on my waist, and take your other hand in mine. I'll teach you how to waltz, and I'll take the lead. I wouldn't go too fast, we're going slow and easy." Wanda placed her right hand on Jimmy's shoulder, and her left hand took his.
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emeraldbuilt Β· 1 month
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Sent: @edgymuses Prompt: we can stay up late, swapping manly stories, and in the morning… i'm making waffles! (from lorna!)
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β€œ Heh - you have some manly stories to swap? More excited about those than I am about the waffles. ”
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shrapnelphantom Β· 2 months
𝐆𝐄𝐓 π“πŽ πŠππŽπ– 𝐓𝐇𝐄 πŒπ”π.
Name: Jess. Nickname: Jees, Sunny, Beech, Juice Mun FC: I don't currently have one, but I used to use Pearl from Steven Universe because I too am a chaotic loyal lesbian. Height: 5β€²7" Relationship status: Single af. Birthday: September 23rd. Favourite colour: Blue. Favourite singer/band: Too many to name, but Missy Elliot and Kylie Minogue have been consistent old favs. I've also gotten mildly into KPOP and my favs are TWICE, MAMAMOO, and Dreamcatcher. Last song listened: Modjo - Lady (Hear Me Tonight) Last movie watched: Uhhhh.. I don't watch movies these days. :') Favourite book: Misery by Stephen King. Last book read: One of the A Song of Fire and Ice books, it's been ages tho. Either that or 50 Shades of Grey. Currently reading: Nothing at the moment, I take recommendations though. # of pets: I own a cat named Morrigan. I have roommates who have two more cats named Goose and Beerus and I adore them. Best school subject: French and Gym are tied. Mac or PC?: PC, nothing against Mac. Cell phone type: Samsung. Current shirt colour: Black with a rainbow. Gamer?: So many games being played rn. Day or night?: Early morning. Summer or winter?: Neither, I prefer autumn. Most-visited website?: Uhhh.. Tumblr and YouTube I guess. Celebrity crushes: Natalie Portman, Charlize Theron, Claudia Doumit, Megan Thee Stallion, Rico Nasty, Elvira, Sigourney Weaver, Gillian Anderson. Honestly so many.
tagged by: @edgymuses ty <3
tagging: you, the viewer.
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hexsrealityarchived2 Β· 2 years
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what's your role in a found family dynamic?
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the protective one
it does not require much for you to take someone under your wing. you have a knack for seeing the best in others and rooting for them, and they look up to you in turn. they feel that you are safe to go to in times of chaos or strife, and are calmed by your presence. you take extra measures to make sure everyone feels supported. things that others might not even consider, you have already likely accounted for. in most scenarios, you are "the leader." your struggles tend to come from your desire to provide things to others. you want to give, to see those you love happy, to make wherever you are a place of comfort. your failures hit you hard because you see this as your responsibility, and you hate to let people down. ...okay, yes, there's no avoiding it: this is the parent friend.
Tagged by: @spiderwcman & @svpe​ (thank you!! ❀️❀️)
Tagging:Β @hiredassault , @fasciinating , @breaksmen , @ppctts , @jensationals , @cosmicrayed , @bothsidesofaquestion , @untamedtempest , @edgymuses(for Jimmy), @rg4rz , @peacereflected (for Bucky) , @pistoiet , and you!!
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muse-stellium Β· 1 year
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π‘»π’‚π’ˆ 𝟏𝟎 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 π’šπ’π’– π’˜π’‚π’π’• 𝒕𝒐 π’Œπ’π’π’˜ 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓
Favorite color : πŸ–€πŸ’œπŸ’™β€οΈ
Song stuck in your head : The tune of "Shooting Stars" by Bag Raiders. All day. Everyday. Get it out lowkey lol.
Last song you listened to : ..If I said "Ballroom Blitz" off of my Halloween playlist already, would you judge me? Lol
3 favorite foods : Raspberries, cotton candy ice cream, cheesecake πŸ’•
Dream trip : I have a fear of flying so too many places lol. Atm tho Duluth is at the top of the list bc I was just there and I didn't stay anywhere near long enough πŸ˜”πŸ’•
Anything i want rn : Affordable Tekken merch. This gorgeous figure of the Assassin Queen tbh, but the price just keeps going uup gd whyyyy.... ;n;
Tagged by: the lovely @edgymuses welcome back bb!! We missed you!! ;o;πŸ’œ
Tagging: @ourladyoflight , @teslagravity , @utepliss , @blizzardrush / @unbrydledfury , @asteriskheart / @devilgene and anyone else who would like to do this~
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