#Ed Cure Houston
deatherella · 1 year
Dark Days for Delilah
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Things were going somewhat well in the Poppycock household. With all the new found simoleans some home improvements went on.
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Delilah invited over Count Jake Huerta for a night of funsies. They had some funsies.
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Looks like Jake is leaving before dawn as a vampire should . . .
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He gets to the sidewalk, turns around, comes back in and does this! The slimeball!!!
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Houston, we have a problem.
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This dude's getting unfriended and blocked.
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While Delilah was being bleh-ed in the nursery, along comes Jay Lee seeing nothing. I have no idea why Attila's buddy was even still around this late. I guess feeding babies bottles at the fridge with Attila is tons of fun.
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On a happier note, Gidget turned toddler at 6 the next day. She may look the most like her day of all the children. There's now a cure-all painting added to the collection on the wall. I'm a little worried about what that bun in the oven will be.
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Dieci mesi fa Eleonora Giorgi ha scoperto di avere un cancro al pancreas
Eleonora Giorgi ha subito un difficilissimo percorso per cercare di sconfiggere il tumore al pancreas: prima la chemioterapia, poi un intervento chirurgico. Ora Eleonora ha raccontato che le metastasi attorno al pancreas si sono allargate, ma che lei non smette di combattere e di sperare: «La chemioterapia ha permesso di rimuovere il tumore principale, ma il cancro al pancreas crea una sorta di guaina che respinge le cure, e così il tumore si è allargato. Sono arrivate delle “sorpresine”, per tre mesi abbiamo cercato di abbatterle ma ha funzionato parzialmente. Le metastasi si sono ingrandite, farò domani e dopodomani esami importanti. Manderanno i campioni all’estero, in America. A Houston è stata trovata una chiave d’accesso per il 14 per cento dei malati. Stiamo lottando con tutte le forze». Eleonora parlando con Silvia Toffanin si è detta «lucida, razionale e fatalista»: «Andrà tutto bene, ma se non dovesse andare bene saluto tutti… La vita è così, è un poker, ed è pazzesco. Ma mi sento inondata di bene e non ho rancori. C’è una follia che devo dire: questo è stato l'anno più bello della mia vita, sono stata amata come mai prima e ho persino pensato: “Se guarisco, come torno alla vita di prima?”. È stato un anno meraviglioso, sono una persona fortunata». L'attrice ha poi voluto mandare un messaggio di incoraggiamento a tutte le donne che, come lei, stanno vivendo un periodo così difficile: «Dobbiamo trovare il coraggio di essere sempre noi stesse, senza vergognarci. Siamo fighe lo stesso, anche con la nostra testina pelata». Eleonora ha poi tolto il foulard nero che aveva sul capo, mostrando come i capelli le siano ormai caduti e spiegando che ciononostante non vuole portare parrucche. Quindi ha detto scherzando: «Ora non devo più perdere tempo a lavare i capelli e ad andare dal parrucchiere». D'altronde Giorgi, in questi dieci mesi, ha sempre mostrato tutta la sua forza. Lo scorso marzo, quando era apparsa in video coi figli Paolo Ciavarro e Andrea Rizzoli, quest'ultimo aveva detto: «Mamma è riuscita a renderci questo periodo non dico sopportabile ma quasi bello. Abbiamo vissuto dei momenti privati che altrimenti sarebbero stati impossibili. Non so se io in quella situazione sarei stato così forte». Mentre Paolo aveva definito la madre «una forza della natura». Ora l'attrice è tornata a parlare in tv, da casa sua, per raccontare che la battaglia è più dura di quanto pensasse ma che non ha alcuna intenzione di arrendersi. E parlando con Silvia Toffanin ha rivolto un pensiero anche all'adorato nipotino di due anni e mezzo Gabriele, avuto dal figlio Paolo Ciavarro e da sua moglie Clizia Incorvaia: «Spero di non andarmene troppo presto, sono la sua più grande complice». Read the full article
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
Tom Sandoval can't escape the 'Vanderpump Rules' drama at Houston show
Tom Sandoval brought his 'Vanderpump Rules' baggage to Houston for a free show just ahead of the Bravo reunion.
Joey Guerra, Staff Writer
Updated: May 16, 2023 10:53 a.m.
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'Vanderpump Rules' star Tom Sandoval performed Friday at Party on the Plaza' in Houston.Joey Guerra/Staff
Summer doesn't officially start for another month. But Houston's music calendar was in full swing this weekend.
MUCH BETTER: Ed Sheeran brings his biggest show yet to NRG Stadium in Houston
Ed Sheeran brought his biggest show yet to NRG Stadium. The Cure led a goth throwback. The Killers finally performed. Fans flocked to Buzzfest at the Woodlands Pavilion and to see "Pose" star Billy Porter and Puerto Rican rapper Eladio Carrion.
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'Vanderpump Rules' star Tom Sandoval performed Friday at Party on the Plaza' in Houston.Joey Guerra/Staff
Sandoval and his cover band, The Most Extras, performed Friday at Party on the Plaza. But the show started long before Sandoval took the stage. Roughly 200-300 hundred fans showed up, several loudly voicing their opinions on the "Vanderpump Rules" cheating drama.
The Earth's axis seemed to shift when Sandoval's months-long affair with "Pump Rules" co-star Raquel Leviss, dubbed "Scandoval," was revealed. The Season 10 finale airs this week, followed by a three-part reunion. In a brilliantly edited teaser, Sandoval's ex-girlfriend Ariana Madix says she "can't think of two worse people" and calls them "rats."
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'Vanderpump Rules' star Tom Sandoval performed Friday at Party on the Plaza' in Houston.Joey Guerra/Staff
Before Sandoval took the stage, an emcee asked the crowd for "love, respect. kindness." After a brief band intro, he took the stage in his best Mick Jagger/Harry Styles cosplay: sunglasses, sequined pants and his dark hair flopping over his eyes. He eventually removed a black jacket and shirt that said "Tom Tom" to expose his bare torso. (For accuracy's sake, the mustache was gone.) Cheers intermingled with occasional boos and shouts of "Ariana!"
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'Vanderpump Rules' star Tom Sandoval performed Friday at Party on the Plaza' in Houston.Joey Guerra/Staff
The Queen classic "Somebody to Love" was far out of Sandoval's range, beefed up considerably by the band and a backup singer. That was the case for all of the more vocally demanding songs. The best moment, in fact, was singer Maddi Fraser doing The Jackson 5's "I Want You Back," accompanied by Sandoval on silent drum.
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'Vanderpump Rules' star Tom Sandoval performed Friday at Party on the Plaza' in Houston.Joey Guerra/Staff
The 90-minute show included one original song, "Superstars," a post-disco amalgamation of pop-culture jargon. "Armageddon!" "Hollywood!" "Bitcoin!" What's supposed to be the hook — "Superstars, fly" — was cringe-inducing every time Sandoval said it.
And someone please, please tell him to stop covering Outkast's "Hey Ya!" It's a crime against hip-hop and music in general.
Sent from my iPhone
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your-dietician · 2 years
Normani recalls feeling ‘helpless’ while supporting her mom through breast cancer
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/normani-recalls-feeling-helpless-while-supporting-her-mom-through-breast-cancer/
Normani recalls feeling ‘helpless’ while supporting her mom through breast cancer
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Normani knows what it feels like to have a family member be diagnosed with breast cancer.
When the singer was five years old, her mother, Andrea Hamilton, received her first diagnosis. After being cancer-free for 19 years, in 2020, Andrea found another lump. In an op-ed for Elle magazine, the singer recalled feeling “helpless” after her mom was diagnosed for a second time.
“I was in Los Angeles when I found out my mom had been diagnosed with breast cancer again. My family was back in Houston. Three weeks earlier, when I was visiting my mom at home, she’d fallen into my arms expressing how scared she was,” Normani, who is an American Cancer Society ambassador, wrote. “She had a gut feeling about the results. I felt incredibly helpless because I wasn’t able to cure her.”
While Andrea is now in remission, Normani, 26, said she “struggled across the board” not knowing how to change her mom’s circumstances.
“At the same time, I was working on my debut album, and completing it seemed very unrealistic. Aside from my mom, I wasn’t concerned about anything, including music,” she wrote. “It was such a challenge to stay in my groove creatively while also allowing myself to feel everything that I needed to with my mom.”
Her mom promised that she would “still be here” once her album was released, which gave her a sense of purpose. “Every session and record that I did carried weight because my art was her escape during treatment,” she wrote. “I felt conflicted because on one hand, I needed to be home with my family, but on the other, she needed me to stay on track.”
The “Motivation” singer noted that there are two experiences people go through when someone is diagnosed with breast cancer: “The one who is enduring and the one who is doing their best to support.”
Normani described her mom as “incredibly independent and self-sufficient,” adding that “seeing her break down and not be able to function was really painful.” However, having her mother find her own lumps taught Normani the “importance of looking out for changes in your breasts and educated me on what mammograms were at an early age.”
According to the American Cancer Society, Black women are 40% more likely to die from breast cancer than white women. Black women are also more likely to be diagnosed at a later stage or younger age.
Additionally a 2021 report from American Society of Clinical Oncologists drops in cancer screenings, delays in care and other aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic have worsened the health disparities that Black women with breast cancer face.
“I also encourage anyone who has a family member with cancer to see that your family talks to a doctor about genetic testing,” the former Fifth Harmony member wrote. “We have taken these measures as a family. Knowledge is power, so whatever you don’t know, don’t be afraid to ask.”
Her experience has also taught her to “maximize every single moment and prioritize actually living instead of just existing.”
“I’ve had some of the most memorable moments of my life following my mother’s diagnoses,” she concluded. “I know for a fact that I have already experienced the scariest time in my life with the thought of having to exist here without my mom. The things that scared me before no longer do.”
As for her long awaited solo album, Normani spoke with TODAY in April and shared that she doesn’t plan on releasing it until she’s ready.
“I needed to figure out what I wanted to talk about and what was important to me,” Normani continued. “And I’ve had the time to do that. So this will really be an introduction to who I really am.”
This story appeared first on TODAY.com.
Follow NBC BLK on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.
Read the full article here
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facts-bella · 5 years
HUNGOVER [the cullens]
Note: After 2 Years, 2000 notes, here’s part two. Thank you so so much for the notes on INTOXICATED!! I hope it lives up to expectations :)
Summary: (Y/N)’s hungover, but the Cullen’s are ready to party.
Pairing: none
Characters: The Cullen's + You
Warnings: Alcohol use, The OG recipe to Bloody Marys (Blood).
Waking up the next morning was horrible; (Y/N) felt like she had been hit by a bus and the teasing from Emmett about things she couldn't even remember only made it worse.
"Emmett there is no way that I did that! I don't believe you." She croaked, sitting in the kitchen to eat her breakfast that Rosalie had prepared for her.
"Well, a picture doesn't lie." Emmett smirked, showing (Y/N) the photos he had of the event the night before. Her eyes widened as she realised he was telling the truth. (Y/N)’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
"Oh god." She groaned, hiding her face from the chuckling vampire.
“It’s fine, (Y/N). Emmett’s exaggerating, as always.” Rosalie reassured, from her position by the breakfast bar. Having warmed up to (Y/N) much faster than she did Bella, she had fixed her a breakfast fit for a goddess in Esme’s place.
(Y/N) accepted the breakfast, “Thanks Rose, this is just the hangover cure I need.”
Emmett and Rosalie shared a look (Y/N) missed as she ate, thinking about the discovery she had made last night.
“So, (Y/N),” Emmett began, catching the attention of the chewing girl. “Do you remember running into the woods last night?”
The human frowned, vague memories flashing through her mind as she recalled wandering through the woods, carrying a... Jack Daniels?
She swallowed, “Was I coaxing a dear to drink last night?”
The vampire couple before her laughed, “Yes, yes you were - do you remember why?”
Just as (Y/N) was about to answer, the doorbell rang. It’s high pitched tones seemed to pierce her eardrums and she moaned in pain, covering them. This caused the couple to laugh at the human once more.
Emmett left to answer the door, and Rosalie swiftly grabbed some painkillers from the cupboards and a glass of water.
(Y/N) thanked her, again, for taking care of her.
Emmett walked back into the room, with Edward and Bella in his stead. The two were still living separately from the other cullens, even after they’d moved out of Forks 10 years ago, and to (Y/N)’s hometown 2 years prior.
The additions exchanged pleasantries and took jabs at (Y/N)’s fragile state, but she continued to eat, only wincing when conversation got to loud for her sensitive ears.
“Are Alice and Jasper not back yet?” Bella asked, alerting (Y/N) of their absence.
“Where’d they go?”
“Well that’s just what we were trying to remind you of.” Rosalie informed her, “They’re getting bagged animal blood from a guy Jasper knows.”
“Bagged animal blood... they do that?” (Y/N) was momentarily distracted, “Wait - why do we need that?”
“You seriously don’t remember the momentous discovery you made?” Edward asked, frowning in (Y/N)’s direction.
“I was drunk! Leave me alone Eddie!” She winced at her own volume, making the others laugh.
Bella looked excited, “Well, I hope you know the recipe to Bloody Marys, cause tonight we’re gonna test your theory.”
“Tonight?” (Y/N) asked, warily.
Emmett responded by lifting (Y/N) out of her seat and leaving the room in a blur, depositing her in her room. “Yup! Rest up puny human cause tonight we’re joining the party!”
“I think I’m gonna throw up.”
Carlisle, Esme, and Ren were set to arrive that night. Which meant that they would walk in on a scene that included Alice and Rosalie dancing on a table, Jasper and Emmett taking turns riding a mechanical bull (which no one was sure where they’d gotten it from), Edward and Bella making out in the corner in a way no one wanted to look at, and (Y/N), watching at the sidelines... wondering what the hell she had created. But let’s go back to the beginning of the night...
“Alice, are you sure about this? This is 100% Ethanol, I feel like I’m doing science not making cocktails.”
(Y/N) was already regretting everything, getting dizzy from the mere fumes this stuff was giving off. This was definitely going to go wrong and there were no responsible adults around to advise Alice away from this. (Y/N) certainly wasn’t going do it.
“It’s the only way the effect will last long enough to be worth it!” Alice returned with, Practically vibrating with excitement. (Y/N) was still unsure, but smiled and poured a little more than a shots worth of Ethanol in each glass.
Mixing it with the animal blood made her gag, Jasper kindly taking the responsibility from her once she’d demonstrated the right ratio. She remembered to pour one normal cocktail for herself, after that.
She passed out the elegant glasses to each member of the Cullen family, ominous red liquid much darker than she was comfortable with, but at least it would be easy to tell whether the drink was hers or not.
Edward, having caught that thought, chuckled “Yes, I don’t think any of us will be in a state to take you to the emergency room.”
(Y/N) laughed, “Well, you’re only 17 Ed, you don’t wanna get arrested for underage drinking.”
Emmett burst into laughter, making the others smile, but Edward just rolled his eyes and didn’t even dignify (Y/N)’s point with a response.
(Y/N) picked up her own drink, the others waiting, nervous with excitement for her lead, and held it up in toast, “Cheers everyone, to vampire science!”
They all clinked their glasses together, which marked to beginning of the chaos.
Dignified Bloody Mary’s soon turned into shots of pure Ethanol with blood chasers. (Y/N) checked out after 2 drinks, feeling delicate from the night before still.
She was now nursing a water, watching the night unfold from the safety of the armchair in the living room. It was hours later, and the vampires were still going strong, for the first time since she’d known them, the Cullens looked like the teenagers they were pretending to be.
Dumb teenagers, but teenagers nonetheless.
It made (Y/N) smile to remember that this was most likely the first time any of them had experienced a drunk party, maybe Emmett had had a drink in his human life, but it’s not like he remembered that. She hoped they felt less isolated tonight.
Speaking of Emmett, he and Jasper seemed to be having a hard time slowing down. Every so often they would just appear in a different location of the house with a brisk breeze following behind.
Rosalie and Alice were having the opposite trouble, as they danced they moved slower and far less gracefully than (Y/N) had ever seen them.
Photos! She should be taking photos!
As fast as she humanly could, she ran to grab her camera to capture the night, if anyone noticed her momentary absence, they didn’t make it obvious as none had moved from their previous spots when they came back down.
The next morning, or when ever the effect would wear off for these guys, (Y/N) would laugh at them as they had done at her;
Blurry pictures of Jasper riding the mechanical bull, wearing a... cowboy hat? When did he get that?
Alice and Rosalie hanging off of each-other singing along to a Whitney Houston song that was playing; (Y/N) made sure to video that, “I wanna dance with somebody!”
Emmett posed for many photos, some (all) making fun of Edward and Bella (neither one came up for air though... (Y/N) was a little concerned but she supposed they didn’t need to breathe.)
And finally, photos of Carlisle, Esme, and Ren’s reactions when they walked in to see the carnage.
(Y/N) lowered the camera from her face, with a feeling of foreboding and dread brewing in her gut.
She seemed to be the only one that had noticed their presence, and for a long time she just stared, scared.
Carlisle’s face morphed from one of indifference, to concern, to shock very quickly.
Esme matched his concern, but (Y/N) spotted the anger beginning to brew the more she saw.
Ren’s jaw was dropped, but her features twisted in disgust when she spotted her parents.
Oh god.
Alice gasped loudly, and (Y/N) thought that maybe she had noticed the Patriarch’s presence too, but when she looked over she wore the glazed over look she got when she was seeing something.
“Carlisle’s and Esme on their way home!” She called, sounding worried.
(Y/N) lowered her head into her hands, leaving the camera hanging around her neck.
At least they had the pictures to remember, this would definitely be a one night only event if Esme had anything to say about it.
(Y/N) smiled, so worth the hangover.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!
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aspiestvmusings · 4 years
This list started as a wish/suggestion list of songs that I thought would fit into the ZEP season 1 end storyline quite well. But these weren’t used. So they become part of my general wish list for future episodes/S2: 
"Accidentally in Love" (”Shrek” soundtrack) -  Counting Crows
“Adore You” - Harry Styles
“All of Me” - John Legend [by Max, to Zoey]...the rest of the song 
“Almost is Never Enough” - Ariana Grande & Nathan Sykes
“And So it Goes..” - Billy Joel  
“At the Beginning” - Donna Lewis & Richard Marx  
"At Your Side" - The Corrs 
"Baby Come Back" - Player
“Back at One” - Brian McKnight    
“Back To Life (However Do You Want Me)” - Soul II Soul 
"Bad Romance" - Lady Gaga [by Simon]
"Because You Live" - Jesse McCartney  
“Better Than Love” - Griffin House [duet]
“Better Together” - Jack Johnson [Zoey/Max] 
“Birthday” - The Bird and the Bee [Zoey/Max]  
“Blinding Lights” - The Weeknd
“But I Do Love You” - LeAnn Rimes   
“Can’t Fight the Moonlight” - LeAnn Rimes 
“Collide” - Howie Day
"Complicated” - Carolyn Dawn Johnson [by Zoey]
"Confusion" by  Electric Light Orchestra (ELO)
“Crazy Little Thing Called Love” - Queen   
“Creep” - Radiohead [slowed down version... PS. This is one of my all-time favourite songs. Its hauntingly beautiful. I would love if they found a way to use it on the show]  
"Dance Me to the End of Love" -  Leonard Cohen 
“Dancing in the Moonlight” - King Harvest 
"Dancing on My Own" - Calum Scott version [by Zoey, to Max]
“Diamonds” - Rihanna  
"Don't Look any Further" - M-People 
"Dream of Me" -  Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark 
“Everybody’s Changing” - Keane 
"Everyday" - Toby Lightman [by Zoey]
“Everything” - Michael Bublé 
"Fix You” - Coldplay  
“Flying Without Wings” - Westlife
“Follow Through” - Gavin DeGraw 
“Greatest Love of All” - Whitney Houston 
“Grenade”  - Bruno Mars    
"Happy" - Pharrell Williams
“Happy Together” - The Turtles  [Zoey/Max]
“Head Over Feet” -  Alanis Morissette 
“Honesty” - Billy Joel  
“I Don't Care” - Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber 
"I Don't Know" - Lisa Hannigan 
“I Don't Want to Miss a Thing” - Aerosmith [but a ‘lullaby' to the baby] 
“If I Ain’t Got You” - Alicia Keys [but for Mitch] 
“I’ll Be There for You” (”Friends Theme song) - The Rembrandts   [Zoey/Max]
“I’m Your Man” - Leonard Cohen  
“I Need You” - LeAnn Rimes 
“In These Arms” - Bon Jovi    
"If Today Was Your Last Day" - Nickelback
“It Had to be You” - Frank Sinatra/Harry Connick Jr  
“Just the Way You are” - Billy Joel 
“Lay Your Hands on Me” - Bon Jovi  
“Lean on Me” - Will Withers
“Love of My Life” - Queen [but somehow dedicted for/by Mitch]    
"Love Runs Out" - One Republic
“Lovesong” - The Cure 
“Lucky” - Jason Mraz Ft. Colbie Caillat [duet]
“Make You Feel My Love” - Adele [by Max, to Zoey]
“Mercy” - Duffy  
“My Best Friend” - Weezer  
“My Heart Will Go on” - Celine Dion [but from Mitch to Zoey/Zoey to Mitch] 
"Never Enough" - Loren Allred
“Never Tear Us Apart” - INXS  
"One Kiss" - Calvin Harris & Dua Lipa 
“[Extra] Ordinary People” - John Legend [by Max, to Zoey]
“Perfect Day” - Lou Reed 
"Pinch Me" - The Barenaked Ladies
“Price Tag” - Jessie J. Ft. B.o.B.
"Rose of My Heart" - Johnny Cash
“Say Goodbye“ - Dave Matthews Band
"Say You Won't Let Go" - James Arthur 
“Shake It Out” - Florence + The Machine 
"Some of Us" -  Starsailor
"Someone You Loved" - Lewis Capaldi [by Zoey, to dad. Not romantic]
“Some People” - LeAnn Rimes 
“[Let’s Give Them] Something to Talk about” - Bonnie Raitt  [Zoey/Max]
“Stand by Me” - Ben E. King  
“Starving” - Hailee Steinfeld & Grey Ft. Zedd  #emotionalEarthquake 
“Stay With Me” - Sam Smith
"Story of Your Smile" - Mike Comfort
“Temporary Love” - Ben Platt [by Max, to Zoey] 
"The Book of Love" - Peter Gabriel, but acoustic [for Mitch, somehow]
“(For) The Longest Time” - Billy Joel 
“The Reason" -  Hoobastank
“Thinking Out Loud” -  Ed Sheeran
"Titanium" - David Guetta Ft. Sia
“Treat You Better” - Shawn Mendes [by Max, to Zoey]
“True Colours” - Cyndi Lauper [by Max, to Zoey]
“Truly. Madly. Deeply” - Savage Garden  [by Max, to Zoey]
"Two Princes" - Spin Doctors
“Two Steps Behind” - Def Leppard  [by Max, to Zoey]
"Used to" - Daughtry [Max/Zoey friendship]
“Weak” - SWV  [Zoey, to Max]
“We are All Made of Stars” - Moby [by/for Zoey]
“We Don’t Talk Anymore” - Cliff Richard 
"What about Now" -  Westlife
“What a Girl Wants” - Christina Aguilera [by Zoey, to Max] 
“What a Man Gotta Do” - Jonas Brothers  [by Max, to Zoey] 
“When Can I See You (again) -  Babyface [Zoey...to Mitch/dad...not romantic]   
"When I'm 64" - The Beatles [David/Emily or Max/Zoey]
“When I See You Smile” - Bad English  [Zoey, to Max?]
"When You Say Nothing at All" - Ronan Keating
“You” - Ten Sharp  [Zoey, to Max]
“You Don’t Fool Me” - Queen  
"You Get Me" - Michelle Branch [Zoey/Max]
"You Gotta Be" - Des'Ree
"You Light Up My Life" - Debby Boone [but “lullaby” for the baby] 
“You Make My Dreams (Come True)” - Hall & Oates 
“You Raise Me Up” - Josh Groban [Zoey, to Max OR Zoey for dad/Mitch]
“You’re My Best Friend” - Queen  [Zoey, to Max] 
“Yours” - Jesse McCartney [by Max, to Zoey]... some parts/verses
“Dear Mr. Fantasy” - Traffic 
 “In the Arms of a Ghost” by Jacob Dylan
“[When I] See You Again” - Whiz Kalifa ft. Charlie Puth [by Zoey, to Mitch]
These aren’t necessarily my personal favourite songs, though some are. And many of my all-time favourite songs are not on this list simply because I cannot figure out how they’d fit into the show/storyline. Cause we know that song lyrics on this show have meaning for the characters. And lyrics are part of the storyline, not separate. 
ET: But I really want them to use (in some way, in some form) something from ABBA, Leonard Cohen, Queen, Hall & Oates, OMD, some power-voice female singer(s)... to name a few things... even if I have no idea how they’d incorporate those artists/songs... Like I want Mo to sing something Jessie J for example. 
Most of the songs are for Z/M and the “love triangle” because this is the one & only storyline we know for sure is happening, hence easy to name “fitting” songs. I find it harder to suggest other songs without knowing the stoylines. !
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Zane Donovan X Jo Lupo Playlist
Songs I will eventually Vid or Fic - now in alphabetical order as of 6/23/20
Hyperlinks attached to song titles will take you to said fic/vid
13 (There is A Light) - U2
Alone, Pt. II - Alan Walker, Ava Max
Bad Habit - Ben Platt
Better - Ben Platt
The Book of You & I - Alec Benjamin
Boy In The Bubble - Alec Benjamin
Cruel Summer - Taylor Swift
Dancing With Our Hands Tied - Taylor Swift
Dress - Taylor Swift
Ease My Mind - Ben Platt
Everything I Did to Get to You - Ben Platt
False God - Taylor Swift
Five More Minutes - Jonas Brothers
Grow As We Go - Ben Platt
Hero - Enrique Iglesias
Hoodie - Hey Violet
How Do I Live - LeAnn Rimes
How Not To - Dan + Shay
I’d Come For You - Nickelback
i dont wanna break - Christina Perri
If I Told You - Darius Rucker
If The World Was Ending - JP Saxe, Julia Michaels
In Case You Don’t Live Forever - Ben Platt
I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston
Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne
(Kissed You) Good Night - Gloriana
Kiss Me Slowly - Parachute
Leave Out All The Rest - Linkin Park
Listen To Your Heart - DHT, Edmee
Lovebug - Jonas Brothers
Lovesong - The Cure
Love Will Keep Us Alive - Eagles
Love You ‘Till the End - The Pogues
Lucky - Jason Mraz, Colbie Caillat
Match In The Rain - Alec Benjamin
My Love - Westlife
My Oh My - Camila Cabello, DaBaby
The Night We Met - Lord Huron
Oh My God - Alec Benjamin
The One - Kodaline
Only Us - Laura Dreyfuss, Ben Platt
Outnumbered - Dermot Kennedy
Picture - Kid Rock, Sheryl Crow
Problem Child - AC/DC
RAIN - Ben Platt
Rescue - Lauren Daigle
Run Away - Ben Platt
Sad Song - We The Kings, Elena Coats
Say You Won’t Let Go - James Arthur
See You Again - Miley Cyrus
See You Again - Carrie Underwood
Setting the World on Fire - Kenny Chesney, P!nk
Sh-Boom - The Chords
Should I Stay or Should I Go - The Clash
Slipped Away - Avril Lavigne
Slow Dance In A Parking Lot - Jordan Davis
Smile - Uncle Kracker
Someone To Stay - Vancouver Sleep Clinic
Someone To You - BANNERS
Someone You Loved - Lewis Capaldi
Somewhere With You - Kenny Chesney
Song For Someone - U2
So Will I - Ben Platt
Speechless - Dan + Shay
Stars - Skillet
Stay A Little Longer - Brothers Osborne
Stay With You - The Goo Goo Dolls
Storm - Lifehouse
Strangers - Jonas Brothers
Style - Taylor Swift
Swim - Alec Benjamin
Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer
Tell It to My Heart - Taylor Dayne
Temporary Love - Ben Platt
Tenerife Sea - Ed Sheeran
Then - Brad Paisley
This Girl - Hunter Hayes
Time for Miracles - Adam Lambert
The Time Has Come (Pikachu’s Goodbye) - Pokémon
Tonight I Wanna Cry - Keith Urban
Trouble - P!nk
True Colors - Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake
True Love - P!nk, Lily Allen
Truly Madly Deeply - Savage Garden
Trust - Jonas Brothers
Trying Not to Love You - Nickelback
Two Is Better Than One - Boys Like Girls, Taylor Swift
U - Gareth Emery, Bo Bruce
Violet Hill - Coldplay
Walking The Wire - Imagine Dragons
War of Hearts - Ruelle
Was It A Dream? - Thirty Seconds To Mars
What About Now - Daughtry
What A Man Gotta Do - Jonas Brothers
What Am I - Why Don’t We
Whatever It Takes - Lifehouse
Whiskey Lullaby - Brad Paisley, Alison Krauss
Why - Shawn Mendes
Why Don’t We Just Dance - Josh Turner
Wildest Dreams - Taylor Swift
Wonderland - Taylor Swift
You And Me - Lifehouse
You Deserve Better - James Arthur
You Got Me - Gavin DeGraw
You Matter To Me - Sara Bareilles, Jason Mraz
You’re The One That I Want - John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John
Your Guardian Angel - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Yours - Russel Dickerson
Yours If You Want It - Rascal Flatts
You Shook Me All Night Long - AC/DC
You Won’t Feel A Thing - The Script
Updated as of 10/15
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nakedmonkey · 4 years
 Was tagged by @pynkhues and @sothischickshe :D
rules: hit shuffle on your media player and write down the first 20 songs, then tag 10 people. no skipping!
Excuse me while I flex
OJos Claros, Labios Rosas - Ely Guerra 
Disintegration - The Cure
I Wanna Be Your Lover - Prince
A Case Of You - Joni Mitchell
See Me Through - Ida Maria
The Widow - The Mars Volta
Right Around The Clock - Sorry
Acurrucar - Ed Maverick
Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand) -Irma Thomas
Someday - The Strokes
Ordinary World - Duran Duran
It’s Not Right But It’s Okay - Whitney Houston
Hawk Fly Tiger Run - Ofelia K
Name - The Goo Goo Dolls
We Won’t - Jaymes Young, Phoebe Ryan
Baby I’m A Fool - Melody Gardot
Something To Believe In - Tall Tales & The Silver Lining
Like Gold - Vance Joy
Too Young - Phoenix
Look At Where We Are - Hot Chip
Tagging (if you haven’t done this yet): @queenology @ubiquitousmixie @fricksandfrolicks @thevampireswife @nottonyharrison @foxmagpie @missmaxime @hypermania @niham87 @kimwexlerr
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Glioblastoma: The Weed of The Brain
Glioblastoma is the most aggressive brain tumour currently recognised within medical literature, but to this day has no cure (1.TedxTalks, 2016). This presents many questions as to why treatments have not resulted in a successful prognosis. Before understanding the process and function of this tumour, we must first consider the etymology.
The first medical description of Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) was documented by Hippocrates; however, it was Harvey Williams Cushing, the father of neurosurgery in America and Percival Bailey in the 1920s who identified this as a distinct tumour from other glioma tumours (Brem, S. and Abdullah, K. 2017). Glioma tumours form from glial cells that are responsible for supporting the brain and spinal cord (Cancer Research UK. d,u).  
There have been many treatments discovered for GBM, however they have only prolonged the life expectancy that is now only 12 to 18 months (Houston Methodist, 2019). Unlike the majority of brain tumours, Glioblastoma grows differently than any other tumour inside the body. The majority of tumours form at an epicentre, then slowly increase in scale (1.TedxTalks, 2016). GBM starts in the astrocyte cells and spread through white matter pathways within the brain (1.TedxTalks, 2016). Through the process of angiogenesis, blood vessels deliver oxygen to the tumour, which further increases its spread (Grisham, J. 2014). Other components that attests to the tumours’ relentlessness, is its inability to die like normal cells (2.TedxTalks, 2016). The tumours’ migratory mechanisms and multifocal ability means that they can occur in multiple places within the brain and spread so insidiously that they cannot be easily detected (1.TedxTalks, 2016).
The complex tumour environment, indicates the lack of awareness that we have and the constant battle to find a treatment. Within recent research, scientists and neurologists have been experimenting with the concept of immunotherapy, that aims to reprogram the immune system in order to identify the tumour as a foreign entity and subsequently attack the cancer cells (Penn Medicine. 2018).
Although the immunotherapy route seems very beneficial, we still have a way to go in preventing further resurgence of Glioblastoma in recovering patients.
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Image taken of Glioblastoma cells. Under creative comms licensing. 
Brem, S. and Abdullah, K. (2017) Glioblastoma. Elsevier. London [online]
Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9780323476607/glioblastoma#book-info
[Accessed: 10th September 2020]
News Article
Grisham, J. (2014) What is Angiogenesis? Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center [online] 13th March 2014
Available at: https://www.mskcc.org/news/what-angiogenesis
[Accessed: 22nd December 2020]
Penn Medicine. (2018) The Life of a Brain Tumour: How does Glioblastoma Grow? [online] 14th November 2018
Available at: https://www.pennmedicine.org/updates/blogs/neuroscience-blog/2018/november/the-life-of-a-brain-tumor-how-does-glioblastoma-grow
[Accessed: 20th December 2020]
Cancer Research UK (d,u) The Brain and Spinal Cord [online]
Available at: https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/brain-tumours/brain-and-spinal-cord
[Accessed: 12th September 2020]
Online Video
Houston Methodist (2019) Overcoming Grade 4 Glioblastoma: Ed’s Story [online video] 4th November 2019.
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljKAcJULprg
[Accessed: 10th September 2020]
1.TedxTalks (2016) Fighting Glioblastoma Dr. Christopher Duma M.D. TedxCollegeoftheCanyons [online video] 3rd May 2016.
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hErXkeIadsY
[Accessed: 10th September 2020]
2.TedxTalks (2016) Brain| Tumour| Research |Michael Berens |TEDxArrowheadRanch [online video] 31st May 2016
Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UitX_kUS0Ik
[Accessed: 15th September 2020]
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thefabelmans2022 · 5 years
rules: spell out your url with song titles and tag ten people
tagged by @pensomolto (thank you 💕)
the river by bruce springsteen
higher love by kygo and whitney houston
elephant love medley from moulin rouge
o children by nick cave and the bad seeds
nightmare by halsey
emotion by carly rae jepsen
like or like like by miniature tigers
all too well by taylor swift
uptown girl by billy joel
road to nowhere by talking heads
you and i by queen
new romantics by taylor swift
headlong by queen
alone together by fall out boy
state of grace by taylor swift
almost (sweet music) by hozier
brown shoes by sing street
lovesong by the cure
one by ed sheeran
green light by lorde
jesus i have a long url. i tag @gobbluthlesbian @gobbluthbisexual @valenciaperez @foxglovefemme @foxmulldr @mikeshanlon @dittywitty @loonorblt and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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loveletterstodonald · 6 years
Oct 23, 2018
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,
How are you today? My cold is getting better. I attribute my rapid improvement to the honey that one of my student harvested from the bees in her yard. Have you tried local honey to cure your ills? It works wonders.
It looks like you had fun with the 18,000 people who joined you yesterday at the Toyota Center in Houston. It's too bad that you got mixed up and encouraged folks to vote for Ted Poe who is not running for anything. Oh well, who can keep track of all these races?
It looks like folks around the country are oblivious to the America Water Infrastructure Act you are signing today. Is it one of those pork belly bills? What's in it? All I know is that it's funding 100 water resource projects and will help maintain levees and dams. My garden water comes from a well and my drinking water comes from a new water treatment plant on the Sacramento River. I don't think either of those sources will be affected by this new act so I am not too excited about it. Senators Barasso and Carper had an op-ed piece in USA Today touting the bill as a bipartisan effort, which I AM excited about. Maybe you could say a few more words about the bill when you sign it so we can ALL get excited about it.
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I hope you have an enjoyable dinner with your generals tonight. According to CNN many will be retiring in the next few months so you will have to appoint a bunch of new folks for various positions. Army General Vincent Brooks looks like an excellent choice. He graduated from West Point, has a law degree and has led the troops in Korea. He's creative and effective as evidenced by his ability to bring the idea of "Pacific Pathways"to fruition. He's also a trailblazer, being the first African-American to do several things in the Army. I assume he'll be attending tonight's dinner. I'll be eager to hear your thoughts about him.
Please remember war is not the answer. I think those generals have learned that the hard way.
Be well,
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urbanstarzmedia · 4 years
The only cure for child molesters is DEATH- breaking the cycle of human sexual predators. (Lashaun Turner Editorial)
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“A typical pedophile will commit 117 sexual crimes in a lifetime" Two recent headlines made me want to write an op-ed about this subject:   Sex offender chased, fatally shot naked teenage boy in broad daylight: (Pennsylvania) Several witnesses told police they saw 16-year-old Kyan King running from the gunman Saturday afternoon and screaming for help, telling some of them he had been raped, according to an arrest affidavit. The suspect, convicted felon Orlando Duarte, tried fleeing the crime scene on foot, but he was eventually taken into custody and charged with criminal homicide and criminal possession of a firearm. Police described the pair as “acquaintances,” noting that Kyan left a message in Duarte’s apartment that read: “It’s K.K. If you’re reading this, I am dead.” Man accused of killing his 9 month old daughter who he sexually assaulted : Houston Tx -  A man is in custody, charged in the death of his 9-month-old daughter. Investigators say the child was sexually assaulted It happened early last week.  Harris County deputies were called to an apartment complex at 15035 Westpark shortly after midnight on Aug. 24 about an unresponsive infant. That infant was transported to an area hospital, where she was pronounced dead. An autopsy would show she had been sexually assaulted and died from asphyxiation during the assaultAn autopsy would show she had been sexually assaulted and died from asphyxiation during the assault. The Read the full article
0 notes
kriskonfesses · 7 years
Just a little change... 1/1
20 (give or take) years. That, my friends, is how long it takes for a bunch of scientists to discover the genetic issues that cause a disease and for a treatment of any kind for the disease to be released (other than just treating it symptomatically). Well, in my case. My entire life can be summed up in a similar number of years. My mom always told me that they had pinpointed the exact chromosome that was malfunctioning in people with SMA right before I was diagnosed.  Now, I finally get to do something about it. So, here I’ll keep my progress of the treatment I’ve been panicking/searching/drooling over for the past four months. A little more than a year ago Spinraza, the first ever gene therapy for SMA, was FDA approved and tomorrow I get my go at it. December 2016 I’m sitting on the bed in the guest room of my dad’s new house. It’s the day after Christmas and I have a sore throat (that eventually ended up in the ICU, save that for a later date). I’m flipping through posts on facebook when I came across a peculiar post on a rare piece of magic... well, sorta. It may be science but it seemed miraculously exciting. A drug called Spinraza which would stop the progression of my disease and was very expensive. That was of all I knew and all I wanted to know at the moment. I called each person in the house to the room one at a time and told them and none of them seemed very cheerful about it. I couldn’t understand why no one felt the way I thought I should feel. And they had a point. It wasn’t a cure. It’s almost a million dollar treatment. It’s done every four months for forever. There is no promise to gain strength. It’s a needle going into your spine. I could go on... And for us, we didn’t know much about the result, but I always held hope a little in the back of my head. I gave up and decided to wait. I heard insurance was hell to get through. Yet, my muscles have gotten weaker... My already painfull major depression just made everything suck, everything sucked. It had been sucking since my pneumonia. Nothing would change what has happened to me, but my mindset needed the change. That's when I realized I had stopped seeing my therapist since pneumonia and I really needed one. I called her back up and the results were amazing. My panic attacks have literally gone from twice a day to once a week. Then, I got the other important thing that helps with depression: Meds? No, sun. I took a cruise. I felt so relaxed and away from my troubles and it was great. I know I seem a little off track right now but stick with me here for a sec. Around this time I got an invite to a Facebook group about Spinraza. I started seeing all these wonderful stories about babies and toddlers. They were breathing without the need for support, crawling, sitting up, and walking on their own. The joy of knowing that these kids would never have to grow up going through the trials I had to was priceless. Nowhere near as many hospital visits, no missing learning important things in school like tying your shoes because you had PT, no difficult special ed bus drivers, no missing field trips or field days.The families would save some pain in the process, too. Maybe this would prevent some siblings from having to go to therapy. Maybe it would even save some marriages. I know having children with disabilities can be a heavy load for parents to carry. Although I know my own parents had their unrelated reasons for divorce, it still stung to think that my disease didn’t help the matter.  While reading and wading through emotional stories, I learned children weren’t the only ones noticing changes, even though these changes in adults were never promised. I heard stories of people who could lift a cup or open a lid. These things may seem minuscule to the vast majority of people, but they can be huge to those who have no way to care for themselves. You don’t ever understand fully until you have to ask others to do everything for you. I heard people were talking clearer. It has always been a fear of mine to lose the ability to speak clearly as it is the only form of control I really have. Just the thought of not having to lose my voice or my already weak ability to pick things up is exciting. And honestly, that right there is the reasoning behind getting this treatment. So I started. My very first step is to research as much as I possibly could. Learning about the procedure, the side effects, and the expectations is very important. I read thousands of comments and questions on the Facebook page and read as much on the official website as I could. I didn’t want to go in and be blinded by complications, so I tried to find a way out of all the problems before I even started the process. Unfortunately, for a person with panic disorder this severe, this caused a lot of stressing about things I never should have had to worry about, to begin with. I also learned every situation is vastly different. When I came across a person in the same state with the same insurance I have, who kept getting denied, I instantly thought I would be in the exact same situation. Turns out I was wrong and I spent a month worrying about it. I can always be counted on to overthink things. My next hurdle revolved around the location of the treatment. While Austin isn’t behind the times when it comes to medical facilities, it is nowhere near the largest or most medically advanced cities in Texas (Texas has 3 of the 10 largest cities in the country in it and Austin certainly isn’t one of them, even though it is the capital). Since at the time Spinraza hadn’t even been out for even a year and the cost was such a large risk, very few places were willing to administer the drug. I pretty much had two options, Dallas and Houston. I looked into Houston and found a place but they wouldn’t take my insurance (aka Government insurance) because of something called “Buy & Bill”, which pretty much means my insurance agrees to cover it as long as the hospital pays for it initially and then gets reimbursed. Obviously, it isn’t the ideal situation. Someone said that university hospitals tend to agree to “Buy & Bill” more often and one of the doctors I was told to look into was at the University of Texas Southwestern in Dallas. When I finally scheduled I had to wait about a month until my appointment. I brought the partially filled out Start form with me and was prepared to start with no idea what the wait time was. I had heard people waiting anywhere from seven months to a year. I got assigned my Family Access Manager about two weeks later. He came out for a meeting and went over everything. Most of this I had already known from my tedious research. He told me that it was my job to be proactive. Implanting myself like a thorn in the side of the doctor's office I fought for speedy results and proved myself a worthy self-advocate. After a couple of months, I received one of those annoying insurance calls where a machine says something to the effect of “blah blah blah your request for a nonformulary prescription has been approved blah blah blah.” I was having a lot of insurance issues at the time, but the call eventually said “if you’d like to know the name of the prescription press 1″ and that is how I found out I was approved for Spinraza. There were still things to do before I could schedule. I had heard something called a Hammersmith test was required to be done by a PT to get approved, but I had been approved without it. Similarly, a CT scan was required to find an opening. The procedure is called a Lumbar Puncture. It is a process of injecting a needle between the vertebrae of the spine to pierce the neural foramen, withdraw 5cc of spinal fluid, and inject 5cc of Nusinersen, or Spinraza. Commonly people with SMA suffer from Scoliosis and require rods to be put in to straighten the spine. When this is done bone grafts are put in to help keep the spinal rods in place. This is a problem because the spaces between the vertebrae are covered by bone grafts leaving no way to directly access the neural foramen. There are multiple ways around this. They can go into the cervical spine (the neck), which is above the rods, but that can be dangerous as there are many important nerves and it is dangerously close to the Spinal cord. They can add a window. This means they perform surgery and cut a small square of bone out of the way. But, all surgeries have risks like infection or respiratory issues related to the chronic lung problems associated with SMA. Choosing the correct fix truly depends on the patient. While I called multiple times to schedule a CT scan, I was finally told that all of that would be handled the day of the first injection. The last thing to do was schedule my first procedure and prepare to make the long journey to Dallas. I don’t know what my results will be and I certainly won’t stop until I try. To be continued... Written 1/10-1/13
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