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altrbody · 3 months ago
Experiments in Supine Possibilities
"...Inspired by the Black radical tradition, Black surrealist aesthetics and the work we do together in Church, this lab asks participants to physically and spiritually reorient themselves to the political mandates of our radical black feminist demands for a new world. What happens if instead of facing each crisis ‘head on,’ we bear witness to it belly up? The body supine is a vulnerable thing, an open thing, an invitation for rest and the risk of invasion. We see Black bodies supine in death and in spectacle performances of protest like die-ins, but what of our most intimate acts of laying down? Informed by the intersection of Black feminism and Disability Justice, ‘Experiments in Supine Possibilities’ is an attempt to think and create from the Black disabled bodymind experience of the world in crisis. How many of us have been laid out by depression, fatigue, apathy, chronic pain in the face of these converging crises? How many of us are scared to lay down for fear we might not get back up? What happens when Abolitionist Strategy emanates from this place as opposed to from militant postures of self denial?"
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animystsoul · 1 year ago
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๛Do you feel into the space of touch between you & the Earth?
⚬ If you try you will find no dividing line between your body & the Earth, you & the Earth, are one continuous being.
“Without the emotive sacrifices from the people (work on the land with love), the land will take the blood of the bodies through war in stead.”
⚬ We are not really “on” the Earth, but “in” the Earth.
⚬ If you shift perspective from perceiving things from the “outside in” & looking at the outer surfaces of things; but rather sink your attention into your body, you may “perceive” through your “felt-perception” & “inner sight”, rather than through “outer sight”; and from within, you can feel your deep energetic connectedness with the Earth, electrons & magnetism passing through your feet & the soil of the Earth.
⚬ Through modern eyes we cannot think there once was a time of a “vibrational-resonance” science that used body & Earth sacred practices that used terrestrial forces (magnetism, land electricity) in such way to facilitate the growth of crops.
⚬ The currents that pass naturally through the land were felt to flow through the body, & so the body & the land is energetically felt to pulse as one being.
⚬ Ecstasy & joy, the bliss of being & aliveness flows in a circuit between the body & the Earth, circulating & transducing energy between planetary bodies & the people sustaining deeper energetic wellbeing & the feeling of belonging to the Earth, & belonging within the order of the Cosmos.
⚬ Severance of the bond with Nature, deprives the people of the energetic nourishment of the Mother (Nature & Earth) & deprives the land of the energetic input of love, through work as worship, from the people.
⚬ Breaking the circuit, weakens the land & the people, there is waste & there is loss, the balance is disturbed because it is not understood (indigenously, animistically), understanding with the mind is only a partial understanding of the complex relationship between people & the land.
⚬ Without the balance & sacrifices as work required, the land will take the blood of the bodies through war in stead, blood as the outer form of life-force currents.
#magic #ecospirituality
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magdalene-spirit · 1 year ago
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We could do nothing so subversive
We could do nothing so healing
Than to fan the primal and chthonic
into long curving tongues of flame licking at the edges of human
seducing the humans back home to Earth.”
"A Witch's Eco-Erotica" by Morion
#witch #lifeforce #chthonic #morionwebster #ecoerotic #ecosomatics
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disdancetune · 1 month ago
The demon and the daemonic in DHL
Apparently relate to creative writing and physical authenticity and the demon has been linked to the repressed
And I feel like this reading can be easily subverted through the focus on geopolitical conditioning,
An ecocrip reading
Which links selfhood to privilege
And btw the modern self --
I guess the impetus to form it is seen in a critical light in how Henry is depicted, trying to impose, desperately one must add, the marriage containment prosthesis engulfment scheme
I feel with March, who engages in creative pursuits as much as she can ...
One sees how selfhood could be overcome (as in,captive genderedness) but it just doesn't work because of a lack of ecosomatic geopolitical agricultural privilege
The creative pursuits in themselves strike ne as not pidgeonholable
She makes curvilinear swans as well as furniture
She just cannot make the effort (or "act", Gilbert) of attention because of ecosomatic debilitation (through fox as linked to lack of resources, not for embellishing living but for survival - as in, focus must be split otherwise they have no food)
I feel like creative self realisation as in the case of March is steering towards rewriting the rules of what gender means
This or course could also be read as not quite living up to manhood, as in, she is too debile to capture the fox
Bit debility should not imply that one's being is to be invalidated
This survival discourse signals: too frail -} adjust selfhood to the hegrmonic
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performanceperform · 6 months ago
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towardsaspeculativenature · 4 years ago
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mysticnymph420 · 3 years ago
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queerbrownvegan · 2 years ago
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Ecosomatics: The Body And Earth As One
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alexborgen · 7 years ago
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Sometimes I collaborate with really great artists. Sometimes I capture movement. Wish I had documentation of the really good movement-focused rendering. // Sometimes we talk about #ecoart and #movement -- #bodypolitics and #space -- #ecosomatics and #landuse -- #comfort and privilege and #discomfort and #change // #meglouisedance #breakwall #creativerenderings
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animystsoul · 1 year ago
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The Sophia impulse
Plunged from on high
As she separated
From sky
She concretised
As materiality & Earth
Earth is her body,
the body of the Goddess
Called Wisdom
Between sky above
The source of heat & light energy
And Earth below
Where the green plants grow
Is the space filled with a bond of love,
the attractive force,
that holds everything in an inherent embrace
Down the light pours for the greens plants to make organic life,
glowing with auras of organic light…
The pull of the Earth for the light of the sky is a magnetic call
And so between sky & Earth,
Masculine & Feminine,
exists the imperishable bond
of filaments of spirited love
#gaia #animism
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disdancetune · 2 months ago
I wonder why Lawrence evokes the visual of bodyness so much
As in, does he resort to a pre-diagnostic framing of female same-s*x desire?
By depicting bodies in the process of impairment, leaving it up to negotiation whether the s*x does the impairing or the ecosomatic conditions of post war culture?
He never really positions himself too clearly, except I guess the ending is tantamount to sapphics being granted a proper consciousness (she is still a self-thinking judging gaging feeling being, unengulfed)
But including the pre-diagnostic (the pre-identity, the bodily change dimension) in framing bodies is interesting (this of course in conjunction with hystericising, which in a different way is linked to physical changes)
So I guess a juxtaposition of the uterine (physical movement) and the clitoral (also movements, but linked to regendering) is thrilling, as in how do they restory female bodyness
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performanceperform · 9 months ago
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queerbrownvegan · 3 years ago
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our bodies are technology ⚡ from my collaboration with my friend Kalpana, founder of Nowadays On Earth. Ecosomatics is the intersection between ecology, the environment, and the lived experience of the body. Studies from eco-psychologists show us that our human-nature relationship is multilayered. Ecosomatics connects us to an experiential understanding of the body where we are able to sense, feel and reorient towards our ecological identity, while more deeply understanding ourselves in the context of the environment & our evolution.
Ecosomatics is an interdisciplinary field that perceives the body through an ecological lens, drawing its framework from somatics and deep ecology. The term somatics, which refers to the living body and the body-mind system, was coined in the 1970s by Thomas Hanna, but draws its methodology from indigenous practices and knowledge of the human body as it relates to its environment. Ecosomatics considers the effects of the body on its environment and how the environment shapes and interacts with the experiences of the body. Central to its practice is a reclaiming of both body and land, restoring sovereignty of space and place to the Earth.
How can we begin to practice ecosomatics? Through the direct observation of the body and its relationship to the land.
Our bodies are one of our most immediate connections to the earth and to humanity as a whole. Every person on this planet lives within a body,  providing us with a shared experience of a sense of place on earth. The interconnectedness between ourselves/cells and the environment can be felt within the evolutionary genetics of the body and is itself expressed through our environments. When we develop a relationship with the body we are able to perceive this field of interconnectivity and interact with the world around us with more ecologically-based behaviours facilitating a positive impact on both individual and planetary health. design by @ecoinprogress ❤️ more on my instagram
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