#Eco Solutions
defensenow · 3 months
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tinyshe · 7 months
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ausetkmt · 1 year
BBC News: Can ‘enhanced rock weathering’ help combat climate change?
6–7 minutes
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Jim Mann calls the rocks that could help cool our planet his "magic dust"
In a quarry surrounded by the din of heavy machinery Jim Mann crouches down and picks up a handful of tiny black rocks.
"This is my magic dust," he says with a smile, gently rubbing them between his fingers.
He's holding pieces of basalt. It's a hard volcanic rock that is neither rare nor particularly remarkable.
But through a process known as 'enhanced rock weathering' it could help to cool our overheating planet.
UN scientists are now clear that reducing greenhouse gas emissions alone won't be enough to stop dangerous levels of warming. They say there will need to be some carbon dioxide removal - actively taking it out of the atmosphere.
Planting trees is the most natural way of doing this but has its limitations; the CO2 that's captured is released when the wood rots or burns and there are limits to how widely trees can be planted.
Direct Air Capture (DAC), meanwhile, mechanically sucks CO2 out of the atmosphere and stores it underground; it's permanent - but does it make sense to build such an energy intensive process when we're trying to wean ourselves off fossil fuels?
Enhanced rock weathering lies somewhere in between the natural and the man-made. It takes the naturally occurring but very gradual weathering process and turbo-charges it to remove the carbon faster.
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Orrock quarry in Scotland does not look like the source of a green solution
I've come to a quarry just across the Firth of Forth from Edinburgh to see Jim, whose enhanced rock weathering company UNDO has just secured £12m of new investment and is looking to scale up operations.
Around us the black hillside is being steadily eaten away, scraped by enormous diggers to make concrete and asphalt for roads. The vibe is more post-nuclear apocalypse than saving the planet.
But the tiny pieces of basalt rock that are left over are prized by Jim's company. They have a useful property - when they weather in the rain they remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
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The basalt rock of the quarry, has a useful property - when it weathers in the rain it removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
For millennia volcanic rocks and cliffs have been removing carbon slowly while weathering in the rain. Enhanced rock weathering uses tiny pieces to increase the amount of contact between the rain and rock and hence the amount of weathering and carbon removal.
As a cliff, or piled up in the quarry, the basalt weathers very slowly. To maximise the carbon removal it needs to be spread across a greater area.
And that's where local farmers come in, helping the planet while getting free fertilizer in return. As well as locking away carbon, the basalt has been shown in trials to improve both crop yields and the quality of grazing.
Half an hour's drive from the quarry I watch it being scattered on a field.
It requires no specialist equipment. A trailer is loaded with 20 tonnes of basalt before a tractor drags it up and down, a rotating wheel at the back scattering the tiny rocks.
"It's free of charge which is quite important to a farmer," John Logan tells me with a chuckle as the basalt is put on his field. He'd seen UNDO's trials on a neighbouring farm.
"It looks like it's going to make the grass better, so that can only be good for the cattle because they're eating better grass."
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UNDO says one 20 tonne trailer load of basalt absorbs about 5 tonnes of CO2.
Some experts worry that carbon removal techniques like this might distract people from the more urgent priority of cutting emissions and even be used as justification to continue living our carbon intensive lives.
"CO2 reduction has to come first," Jim tells me as we watch the tractor move up and down guided by GPS, "but we also need to be developing these technologies that can do removal at scale. And the nice thing about what we're doing with enhanced rock weathering is it's permanent."
The maths, it must be said, are daunting. UNDO's scientists calculate that four tonnes of basalt rocks are needed to capture one tonne of CO2.
With a typical Brit's CO2 emissions estimated at about 7 tonnes a year that means each of us needs about thirty tonnes, or one and half trailer loads of basalt to be scattered annually just to break even.
UNDO has plans to rapidly scale up over the next few years and has attracted some serious supporters. Microsoft has agreed to pay for 25,000 tonnes of basalt to be scattered on UK fields. As part of the deal Microsoft will also help audit the project and verify that it is working as intended.
"The essential chemistry of it makes sense," Dr Steve Smith, an expert in carbon removal from Oxford University, told me.
"Measuring how much CO2 would be taken out and where that ultimately goes, is one of the key challenges, and there's no standardized system at the moment."
Ultimately Dr Smith thinks the idea could end up just a standard part of the way land is farmed.
"It's something that can be folded into the way we use land at the moment and deliver a carbon removal benefit alongside other benefits in terms of the way we use land for food and crops," he says.
There are still many questions about just how scaleable it is. UNDO's projects uses by-product from the local quarry - but if this is massively expanded the energy and emissions it takes both to grind up the basalt and then transport and scatter it will need to be factored in.
"At this point in time, there's no downside, It's a win win for everybody involved." Jim Mann tells me.
This year UNDO is planning to spread 185,000 tonnes of basalt and hopes by 2025 to have removed a million tonnes of CO2. It's still a drop in the ocean compared to emissions. In 2022 its thought the world discharged about 37 billion tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.
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Scientists say current levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are the highest in at least two million years
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uraniumsunglasses · 1 year
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tendie-defender · 2 years
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Does the HumVEE qualify for the tax credit?
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Nope it absolutely does not.
“Great American road trip is going to be electric”
It’s gunna be a long trip, and it costs about 70-90 bucks worth of electricity to fully charge its battery.
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Can an average income individual afford the cost of an electric vehicle?
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God. No.
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mensministry · 6 months
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Modular, transformable, multi-purpose, floating venue and will be made from eco-conscious materials and will implement sustainable practices. 
Conceptualised by Waterstudio.NL, leading engineers at MEYER Floating Solutions and Prospect Design International
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mugentakeda · 11 months
ok so i made these in like 15 min on my phone hence the quality and how weird everything looks but i was thinking ab a young adult croc before he lost his arm and tits and stuff. Crocodile teeth cowboy hat.
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polaksli · 10 months
Brief history of anti-LGBT legislations in Russia
Throughout 90s and 2000s there were no discriminatory laws in Russia. There were openly queer celebrities (whether they said they were for PR alone or not is a complicated subject. Nevertheless, there were people who gained popularity and presented queer)
In 2013 the first legislation passed. It was an "anti-propaganda" law to "protect children" from becoming gay. The way to work around it was putting +18 on any piece of media or an event that contained even a mention of the subject.
In 2022 anti-propaganda law stopped being for children only. LGBT was mentioned next to pedophilia, both in the same regard. The law was rushed (like many of the oppressive laws since the invasion in Ukraine) and it was not clear what exactly it meant. In practice it mostly affected movies, TV and internet publications.
Earlier this year, in june 2023, ban of transgender transitioning was put in place. Once again, very poorly worded. This one and the previous one had two main functions:
To censor opposition. Most of those, who disagree with the current state of politics in Russia, if not outright support LGBT, at least don't mind. This information can be dug up and used against said people.
To create an enemy. The war was supposed to be won quickly. They promoted their army to be the second greatest in the word, they promised to take Kyiv in 3 days. Nothing of that happened, but life for everyday people got worse. One of the ways to redirect that frustration is fight an enemy that doesn't exist.
The russian government does not care about queer people nor understands us. They preach to their electorate that they nurtured to hate any "other". They make russian believe that our neighbors are nazis, the whole world wants us dead and they take our children by making them gay. I believed this is where they would stop.
There is no "LGBT organisation" in Russia. Before that they tried to find any minute reason or make up a reason to silence the opposition. Now they don't even need the organisation to exist.
Once again, the words are very loose, so they can use the law in any way they see fit - a very popular practice. It is not yet active, the court decision does not specify that exactly. Some sources say it will be 10th of January, 2024.
Any display of "non traditional values" will be equated to terrorism.
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greenhorizonblog · 10 months
Join The GreenHorizon Movement!
For a more Solarpunk future
Hey everyone! This is an introduction to GreenHorizon, a movement of necessity for making our world beautiful, green, kind, safe and thriving for all of us.
You would be shocked how many people get extremely angry at me for even suggesting this as a possibility. In our current world, having hope is a radical thing.
The situation in the world now, is so dire there is no ignoring it anymore. Even for me; and I come from relative privilege, to be transparent with you. I'm feeling increasingly worried in very real terms. We have to do this now. I for one can't live with myself if I don't at least try. I want to be able to say I did everything I could to help save us. To save all life on this beautiful unique planet, that might be the only one of its kind.
Is this overconfident and a bit crazy? Maybe. Do we care? No lol. Someone has to try. Someone has to make a first real iteration of a possible and tangible solution. It might as well be us. I hope you'll join. We're going to need your help.
This is an amalgamation of several years of independent interest and study of many different subjects relating to sustainability, ecology, anthropology, history and social justice etc. The authors and creators whose work and content I have studied and been inspired by will be listed in the full guide, which will be out as soon as possible. I have also been inspired by many of you here on tumblr, in the solarpunk sphere.
Here's what the movement stands for:
Permaculture: We advocate for permaculture through food forests and chinampas etc. where nature's symbiotic relationships provide abundance as they always have. It's much more resilient, more productive and is a long term gift for future generations.
Human Rights: We stand firmly behind the advancement of women, children, LGBT+, neurodivergent and disabled people's etc rights. Recognising our integral roles in building a just and equitable society with accommodations to make our lives easier. Also, all healthcare, education, food, water and housing would be free. These are all necessary for human life and should never have been monetised to begin with.
Animal Rights: Protecting the rights of our fellow beings and promoting a world where animals and their habitats are respected and unviolated through rewilding, restoration and ranger drone patrols, as well as strongly scaling down, if not ending all industrial animal agriculture.
Mutual Aid: Embracing a mutual aid/gifting/volunteering based society/culture. We aim to dismantle the out dated notions of profit motive, commerce, currency and the stock market. Fostering a spirit of generosity, solidarity and cooperation instead. Living by the hippocratic oath in a sense.
Decentralized Governing: The government would be small, direct democratically elected and only in charge of defence of the nation from outside forces and representation on the world stage etc. The nation (UK in my case) would be a union of tribes where the majority of decisions would be based on local community consensus, the principles of this movement and doing minimum harm. You would belong to three tribes in a sense. Your local, your city and your national (country) tribe. All humans used to live in tribes, so this will feel like coming home. And no, it won't be like cults. There won't be any one leader of the tribes, they won't be competitive, and members can come and go as they please, and join another tribe should they wish etc.
Sustainable Transportation: We advocate for the gradual shift from car-culture to efficient and eco-friendly solutions such as walking, trains and bicycles, greatly reducing our environmental and noise pollution. Walking and biking for local, trains for longer distances. We would still have planes for international travel, which would be developed with time to be zero emission. Some cars would be used to transport things within cities, during night time where there are much fewer pedestrians and bikes. Also in the countryside while new train lines and bike highways are being built. There won't be trams and buses if it's up to me though, sorry. Because they require a lot of maintenance, materials, make a lot of noise, are virus spreading hotspots, and are a risk to bike and pedestrian safety. Disabled people can get around via electric special bikes, electric wheelchairs and passenger bike taxis.
Community Building: Creating completely walkable neighbourhoods with tribes/communities of about 100 people each. Houses built of durable, natural, sustainable materials suited to the given climate, surrounded by nature, with communal cooking and shared tasks, many of which we would be automated with time and development. All amenities within easy walking distance. Where people check in on and look out for each other, with the added help from mediators. We are not meant to live among strangers. You can also join a different tribe at any time if you wish, you are not tied down in any way. You can also be a member of multiple tribes, if you like to be more nomadic.
Secular spirituality: Reconnecting with our need for narrative and meaning in our lives but without the dogma. Creating culture, rituals, ceremonies and celebrations of gratitude to nature and each other. Open to anyone, including people of other faiths. I will be writing a separate work on this.
Healing Humanity: It is so clear that the meaning of a human life is to do all the things that make a human life unique and worth living ie. spending time with friends and loved ones, pursuing something you’re truly passionate about, creating art, crafting, making music, reading, writing and telling stories, travelling, swimming, spending time in nature witnessing and being one with the sublime, playing with your kids, playing with your pets, having picnics, laughing so hard your face hurts, gardening, drinking tea/coffee, dressing up nice, getting a little drunk, dancing, singing and celebrating, commemorating, making love, doing a sport, learning a new language, building something, stargazing, falling in love, studying something just for the love of the subject, being part of a caring group of people and simply resting as much as your body truly needs. To experience this uniquely beautiful and strange world as a human being is actually a big privilege. Let's make it feel like so again.
All of this and much more will be covered in more detail in the guide/manifesto that will be published soon.
Thanks to @andrew-ism for providing a lot of inspiration for this.
Hit follow, reblog, share and stay tuned for more plans, ideas, stories, creations and other cool things as we work together to make the world as beautiful and thriving as it was always meant to be.
We will be opening to volunteers in the new year. Send us a dm if you're interested.
With much love and much hope
GreenHorizon Hope is the seed of progress
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disabilityhorizons · 2 months
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20 Bamboo Drinking Straws Set with Carry Bag & Cleaning Brush
Introducing our 20cm Bamboo Straw Set, the perfect eco-friendly alternative to plastic straws. This set includes 20 reusable bamboo straws, a convenient carry bag, and a coconut husk cleaning brush. Say goodbye to single-use plastics and join the sustainable movement!
Made from natural bamboo, these straws offer a smooth sipping experience while being kind to the environment. With a length of 20cm, they fit various drinkware, ensuring you can enjoy your favourite beverages hassle-free.
The included carry bag makes it easy to take your bamboo straws with you wherever you go. Whether it's a picnic, a coffee shop, or a family gathering, you'll always have your eco-friendly straws on hand.
Cleaning the straws is a breeze with our coconut husk cleaning brush. It effortlessly removes any residue, ensuring your straws remain fresh and hygienic. These straws are reusable and can last up to a year with proper care.
When it's time to dispose of them, you can rest assured knowing that bamboo is a naturally biodegradable material. Simply compost them, and they will break down naturally, leaving no harmful traces behind.
Make a small change that has a big impact with our Bamboo Straw Set. Join the movement towards a greener future and enjoy guilt-free sipping.
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cleanearthfunfacts · 2 months
Clean Earth Fun Facts Post on Trash Pollution
🌍 Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts! 🌍
Did you know that trash pollution is a growing problem, with millions of tons of waste ending up in our environment each year? 🌱 Our latest video features hundreds of paper airplanes gliding through the air into a forest, symbolizing the impact of littering on our beautiful natural spaces.
By reducing waste, recycling, and supporting eco-friendly initiatives, we can help protect our planet. Let's work together for a cleaner, greener Earth! 🌍 Join us on this journey to learn more fun facts and take action towards a sustainable future. 🌱
#CleanEarth #GreenPlanet #FunFacts #EnvironmentalAwareness #SustainableLiving #EcoFriendlyTips #Conservation #ClimateChange #EarthDay #RenewableEnergy #CleanEarthFunFacts #GreenPlanetEntertainment #EcoFriendlyFacts #ConservationEducation #ClimateChangeAwareness #EarthDayCelebrations #RenewableEnergySolutions #EntertainingFactsAboutTheEnvironment
Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts, your ultimate source for entertaining and educational content about the environment, sustainable living, and renewable energy solutions. Join us as we explore fascinating facts, tips, and celebrations related to a clean and green planet.
🌍 Environmental Awareness Videos: Dive into our collection of thought-provoking videos that raise awareness about the importance of preserving our planet and inspire positive change.
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💚 Eco Friendly Facts: Uncover interesting and surprising facts about the environment, from unique ecosystems and endangered species to innovative eco-friendly technologies and initiatives.
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🎉 Earth Day Celebrations: Join us in celebrating Earth Day and learn about the history, significance, and various events held around the world. Get inspired to take part in activities that promote environmental consciousness.
☀️ Renewable Energy Solutions: Explore the exciting world of renewable energy and sustainable technologies. Learn about solar power, wind energy, and other innovative solutions that can help us transition to a greener future.
Sit back, relax, and let us entertain and educate you with fascinating facts and inspiring stories about our incredible planet. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our latest videos. Together, let's make a difference and create a cleaner, greener world!
🌍 Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts, where we bring you the most fun and entertaining facts about our planet and how to keep it clean and green! 🌱 Our goal is to spread awareness about environmental issues and inspire people to take action towards a sustainable future. 🌍 Join us on this journey to learn, laugh and make a difference! 🌍
I am an environmental enthusiast. I have a passion for creating a cleaner and greener environment, and I believe that we can make a significant impact with your help. As an advocate for a more sustainable future, I have created the "Go Green Clean Environment Initiative" to support our community's transition to a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
With your support, we can make a positive impact on the environment and reduce our carbon footprint. Our goal is to make our community a model of sustainability for others to follow.
I have created a Clean Earth Fun Facts Website where I share my knowledge and experiences with others, helping them understand the importance of a sustainable future. I also have a LinkedIn Profile where I discuss environmentally friendly investments and ways to make a difference through conscious investing.
Your contribution will help us further Clean Earth Fun Facts content creation. We believe that every little bit counts, and we appreciate any donation, no matter the size.
Together, we can make a difference and create a cleaner and greener future for our community and the world. Thank you for your support!
Welcome to Clean Earth Fun Facts, your ultimate destination for all things green, sustainable, and eco-friendly! Join us as we explore environmental awareness, conservation, renewable energy, and more. Our channel promotes green living, sustainable practices, and the importance of biodiversity. Dive into a world of eco-consciousness and discover green initiatives, reduce your carbon footprint, and become an eco-warrior. Learn about sustainable fashion, wildlife conservation, and the latest green technologies. Let's make a positive environmental impact through education and advocacy. Together, we can create a cleaner, greener future for our planet. Subscribe now and join the Clean Earth Fun Facts community!
🌍 Thank you for your interaction and support! I'm thrilled to have you here in the Clean Earth Fun Facts community. Together, we're making a positive impact on our planet with every step we take towards a greener future. 🌿✨
If you're looking for captivating videos on environmental awareness, sustainable living tips, and entertaining facts about the environment, you've come to the right place! 🎥🌱 Join me on https://michaelanthonyhoga6.wixsite.com/youtubecomcleanearth for an engaging journey towards a cleaner, greener planet.
Let's spread the word about the importance of conservation, climate change awareness, and the wonders of renewable energy solutions. Together, we can make Earth Day celebrations a year-round event!
Remember, every small action counts. Share the knowledge, embrace eco-friendly practices, and let's create a brighter future for generations to come. 🌎💚
Join the Clean Earth Fun Facts movement and be part of the solution for a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable planet! Our website is a hub of valuable information and resources dedicated to spreading awareness about environmental issues and promoting sustainable living practices. We provide engaging content, including informative articles, entertaining videos, and interactive quizzes, all aimed at educating and inspiring individuals to make a positive impact on our planet. If you are an advertiser who shares our vision for a better world, we invite you. By placing your brand on our platform, you can reach a passionate and environmentally-conscious audience eager to support businesses that align with their values. Leave your information below, and our team will get in touch with you to discuss exciting advertising opportunities. Together, let's create a sustainable future and make a real difference for generations to come.
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Stay tuned for entertaining facts about the environment, Earth Day celebrations, renewable energy solutions, and more!
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bahubalie-rickshaw · 4 months
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E Rickshaw Loader: Affordable and Efficient Solutions
Looking for an eco-friendly and cost-effective transportation solution? The e rickshaw loader is the answer. These versatile vehicles have revolutionized urban logistics with their affordability and efficiency. Understanding the e rickshaw loader price is crucial for businesses and individuals seeking to invest in this sustainable technology.
The e rickshaw loader price varies depending on several factors, including the features and battery capacity. Basic models are more affordable, while premium versions with extended battery life and advanced features might cost more. Despite the initial investment, the low running and maintenance costs make e rickshaw loaders a smart choice.
Additionally, government incentives and subsidies for electric vehicles can significantly reduce the e rickshaw loader price, making them even more accessible. These incentives aim to promote green transportation and reduce urban pollution, aligning with global sustainability goals.
Investing in an e rickshaw loader not only supports environmental conservation but also offers practical benefits like reduced fuel costs and lower maintenance expenses. As cities continue to embrace green technology, the demand for e rickshaw loaders is expected to rise, making now the perfect time to understand and leverage the best e rickshaw loader options.
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usproducttrader348 · 5 months
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Highly Effective Refrigerator Deodorizer Review: Say Goodbye to Fridge Odors!
Check Out Now:
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
As a diligent homemaker, I’m always on the lookout for products that simplify my kitchen maintenance routine. The Refrigerator Deodorizer has been a game-changer in my household, effortlessly tackling stubborn odors and keeping my fridge smelling fresh for up to 10 years!
Firstly, let’s talk about effectiveness. This little powerhouse of a deodorizer lives up to its promises. No more unpleasant smells lingering in my refrigerator! Whether it’s the remnants of last night’s seafood dinner or the forgotten leftovers, this deodorizer swiftly eliminates odors, leaving behind a clean and refreshing scent.
What sets this deodorizer apart from other solutions like baking soda and bamboo air purifying bags is its longevity. With a lifespan of 10 years, it offers unmatched value for money. Gone are the days of constantly replacing deodorizing agents or worrying about their effectiveness wearing off.
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techdriveplay · 7 months
Why I Made the Switch to Step One
I have recently had the pleasure of trying out Step One. This is why you might want to make the switch.
Whether you are a boxer, briefs, or “going free” type of guy, there is no doubt that many of us can do more to protect our bits. Thankfully, some innovations are coming out in the men’s underwear space, and they have truly changed the game. I have recently had the pleasure of trying out the frontrunner, Step One and they are right when they say that “once people try Step One they will want to…
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View On WordPress
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poisonandpages · 1 year
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flowercrowncrip · 2 years
Who’d have guessed that a post about limitations of public transport for some disabled people would be my most controversial so far.
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