#Earthling press
softhoagierolls · 3 months
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p1nkshield · 7 months
Chapter 10
Hi! Its been a while! But I'm about to take a break from school so I'm finally allowed enough time for hobbies :) I hope you enjoy!
J'onn had not drawn from his experience as a school teacher in quite a while so when approaching this meeting he felt some semblance of reminiscence and slight rustiness.
"Have been informed that you are in need of guidance on your phasing abilities."
Jason looked at his old teacher pointedly.
"Yes, I don't do well with vague instructions."
Danny was far too engrossed in tinkering with whatever gadgets he had found around the bat cave to really be insulted.
"Its not my fault you don't understand my weathered, ancient advice."
"'Try not to fall' is not good advice man!"
"Not if you're a genius like me!"
"You still haven't caught on that Alfred leaves old tech around the cave for you to find!"
J'onn's face remained neutral as they bickered but those who truly knew him would be able to catch the slight tinge of amusement in his voice.
"May I resume?"
Jason straightened his posture at the question and turned his attention to Martian Manhunter.
"From what I have been able to observe your intangibility occurs involuntarily at random intervals throughout the day." J'onn began.
Jason cringed at the apt description before catching himself as he nearly phased through his seat.
"My intangibility differs because it is a voluntary process. My practice was initiation of the ability and subsequent control. Yours will be on cessation and then control."
Jason nodded along with this lesson.
"Sometimes involuntary use of powers has a subconscious aspect to them. If one truly believes in their own abilities it can become second nature to use them."
Jason's receptiveness receded a bit. Subconscious aspects?
"I know that there is a certain discomfort surrounding allowing another to peer into your mind in earthen cultures but it may be helpful to be able find the reason why you are struggling with control over your intangibility."
Jason did not like this idea. Introspection is already uncomfortable enough he did not want someone else to witness it. Jason was at his wits end though, and he couldn't stand this lack of control much longer. He was tired.
"Thank you for trusting me. I will try to remain as close to your surface thoughts as possible."
J'onn began to approach.
Jason looked into the eyes of the hero.
"Please don't tell anyone what you find."
J'onn nodded.
Jason gripped J'onn's wrist hard enough that his fingertips left pastel green imprints in his skin.
"Please don't tell Batman what you find."
J'onn paused and then assured him.
"Your thoughts will remain confidential I promise."
Jason truly did not like vulnerability. It very rarely ended well for him. But his life has changed so much in the past few weeks that maybe that streak of luck might have changed too? Maybe.
Jason let go.
So perhaps Dick had inherited some of his adoptive father's intense vigilance. Was there really a problem with that? He was better than his father. He communicated with others and allowed his teammates to participate in planning. He clued people in. His contingency plans were known of by his teammates so there was no drama, no betrayal. He learned from Bruce's mistakes. So when he saw a considerable increase in temperature in the cave he did so not because he was secretly monitoring the lesson out of worry but out of routine. He sprinted, very calmly mind you, to the nearest cave entrance. What he found was outside his expectations and expertise.
A Martian writhing on the floor in immense pain.
A Ghost boy looking rather sallow as he attempted to keep the room cool with his ice powers.
And his brother lying on one of the examination tables whilst ON FIRE!
At some point Dick heard a plea for help from the only conscious person in the room.
"I can't keep this up for much longer! I also can't wake up Mr. J'onzz!"
Dick's communications skills may have taken a significant blow but he was able to communicate everything that came to mind.
@boo-ghosties @skulld3mort-1fan @addie-lover-of-stories @isaactheautobot @krzys2000 @ectoradiation @worthlesswall @mewzaque @mnemovoid @phantom-dc @justwannabecat @kitty-page @cutelittlebeanie @meira-3919 @amyheart19 @scarlette-foxx @thegatorsgoose @farmercale
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earththings · 2 years
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iidsch · 2 months
I don't understand how some songs in project mirai have an 8 in hard mode but are doable if you practice and focus but others have a 6 or 7 and are borderline impossible
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hvlplvss · 10 months
colby brock x singer!reader
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summary: in which, colby brock is watching the opening show of his girlfriends tour, PORTALS, and he comes to realise a song is dedicated purely to him.
warnings: pure fluff. that’s all i have to say at this point. small mention of previous bad relationships
authors note: inspired by the song LIGHT SHOWER by melanie martinez. ur baso melanie martinez in this lmao. absolutely love her so i had to. but please just search on tiktok or smth ‘melanie martinez portals’ so you have an idea!!!
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y/n has released her fourth album ever this year. PORTALS. something completely different from the rest of her albums.
a new era, most would call it. after creating the K-12 film, it took deep consideration and thought of the next steps in her career. which is when she came up with the idea of the fairy/nymph creature her music persona would become.
exploring this route, changed her entire aesthetic and when she disappeared off of social media for ages people began to speculate.
she’d even stopped appearing in her boyfriends youtube videos. y/n use to frequently take part in sam and colby’s ghost hunting videos, but after finishing her K-12 tour, she disappeared.
there was rare occurrences where colby would post her on instagram, only because y/n had agreed. but other than that, no one knew what was going on.
but here she was now with her fairy outfit on. the mask with four eyes, and the big fairy ears that stopped near her neck. the wig and the costume which were all purely based on the aesthetic of the album.
denver, colorado. the first show of the PORTALS tour. no one knew what to expect.
even colby didn’t know what to expect. he wasn’t even allowed to listen to the songs yet. y/n wanted to surprise him with all the music when he first watched the tour.
so he had no clue what to expect either. but to say he was excited was an understatement.
the boy was in awe of what his girlfriend had created. her imagination being the biggest ever. and no one seemed to be able to surpass her alternative, yet insanely creative ways.
sam and colby had agreed on taking a small break, while y/n made this huge leap. sam would of course go to the first concert with colby, accompanying his best friend, and supporting his other close friend.
the boys had brought a camcorder, so they could capture little things from y/n’s show on a cute little vhs film, which colby knew y/n would adore. and he was right.
colby and y/n walked slightly in front of sam backstage, holding hands, while sam secretly recorded the couple on the vhs.
the two swung their hands back and forth, colby being careful of the gloves which y/n wore to add to the look.
“it’s crazy, y’know?” colby said.
y/n looked up at him, “what’d you mean?”
“just, you. like i remember watching you at the last shows of crybaby and now you’re here. and i get to experience all of this with you. i just feel so lucky to have someone as smart and creative as you,” he explained.
y/n smiled, squeezing colby’s hand as they approached the wings of the stage, “you gonna go stand in front of the barricade?” y/n asked. colby nodded, “try to not to get taken down by crazy people,” y/n joked.
colby laughed, looking down at his girlfriend. “i am so so lucky,” he repeated. he gently pressed a kiss to her hair, careful of the mask, which was hand-painted to perfection. “i love you y/n, truly,”
y/n smiled, “i love you colby,” she was handed her microphone, as he began walking away, sending her a little cute wave as he disappeared.
now this song just meant even more for her to be able to perform.
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sam had stuck in the wings, while colby had disappeared in front of the stage, waving at the few fans who managed to secure spaces at barricade. he held the camcorder in one hand, getting ready to record the first snippet as soon as he could.
“hello earthlings. it’s me, crybaby. i know you can’t see me. but i’m still here. wanna know a secret? there’s still a piece of me trying to become an angel. look into the light and repeat after me. our energy can’t be destroyed, we find our light within the void. we’ve been here before, we can do it again. the evolution will never end. we are protected, we are immortal. and tonight, we step into the portal,”
a note began and y/n stepped onto stage in her fairy form. “death is life, is death, is life, is death, is life, is,” drum beats.
colby picked up the camcorder as his girlfriend stepped forward, closer to the edge of the stage.
he looked in awe of the girl, taking in every little bit about her and how far she had come. the people she was able to bring together.
she was nearing the end of the fourth song on the album, ‘faerie soiree’. quite an upbeat song, which then faded into a slow ending, so far colby’s favourite song out the four he had heard.
watching his girlfriend dance across the stage, feeling her music so dearly. as the song ended, y/n’s four dancers walked off of the stage, leaving her alone.
new music started, the intro beginning to play. the girl walked forward to the edge of the stage, going down to her knees, sitting on her feet.
she sat in the centre of the stage, reaching out for colby’s hand, who gladly held on. y/n moved the microphone updward towards her lips. she looked at the boy in front of her.
“you are the light I've been searchin' for forever. feels like, man, i’ve really never felt the rain. buried in the desert, didn't think i’d push through the dirt. you just cleansed me like a waterfall, you came”
colby had then realised, there was a song written for him. y/n never fully wrote songs for someone. she always wrote them based on a broader subject.
however colby, didn’t want to jump to conclusions immediately, so he just continued to stare directly at his girlfriend, who didn’t take her eyes off of him.
“i’m screamin' like a kettle on a stove. you cranked the heat up, i was cold. my past grew mold around my heart. and all my anger, sadness, regret disappeared. it’s madness, i’m not used to all this water, love, it's true,”
this was what confirmed it for colby. as cocky as it sounds. y/n was singing for him. she was singing to him and only him.
he knew all about her past and how she was treated previously. and he’d promised to give her everything he could, treat her with the upmost respect and love. and that’s what he did.
“but you made me want to. plan out my last days on earth, eating you. ooh-ooh-ooh. the tips of your teeth fit perfect in me. you’re a shower of light i’d devour, anyday of the week. baby, cleanse me,”
the song had finished, and if colby was lying, he’d say he didn’t cry. but that boy had tears in his eyes and people who were standing off to the side behind him, could tell.
y/n let go off his hand, blew a kiss and ran off stage, preparing for her next song. colby wiped his left eye, to stop the tear that was so close to running down his face.
as the dancers came back on, dancing while y/n prepared to come on for her next song, colby picked up the camcorder and pretend like he didn’t just fall further in love with the girl.
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colby assumed it was nearing the end of the show, as y/n was now finishing her 15th song, so he left from the barricade and walked back to the wings of the stage, meeting sam, who stood with his phone out, recording her from the sides.
sam noticed colby’s oncoming presence, “you alright there, colby?” sam asked, putting his phone down and turning to his friend.
“yeah, just you know, taking everything in,” he nodded.
“saw you shed a couple of tears down there, bro,” sam patted colby on the back, but he shoved his arm off.
“shut up,” he said in embarrassment.
sam rolled his eyes, “it’s fine colby. when y/n came off stage, she was crying. not in a bad way or anything. i think she just can’t believe everything, and having you here after everything she went through,” sam explained.
colby smiled slightly, looking down to the ground, “i really love her you know,” colby spoke, his eyes darting to the stage watching y/n finish her final song.
“and she loves you, so much,” sam replied, “she called you her light shower or whatever,”
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faulty-writes · 6 months
Can I request a “Mr. Villain’s day off” fic..
The General x Human fem reader, who makes and sells stuffed animals in a little shop near the Zoo..
And maybe The General grew suspicious of her when he Sees “Red Ranger” practically abused her on her walk home one night, asking Reader to join the Rangers, because her family has a reputation for incredible combat skills.. and her flatly refusing, Reader even saying in a calm no shits given voice, and with a completely unbothered smile on her face.
“Well most humans are Asswholes anyway, we’ve been destroying our own planet for generations.. why is it so bad if the Evil League takes over the Earth?? They’d clearly treat the planet better than we have… I won’t fight for humanity, it’s shity.”
And then she just casually walks home..
Our lovable Mr. Villain is very interested curious about the Cute strange human woman..
So he goes to the shop she works at the next day to learn more about her.. and she’s in the middle of making the biggest.. Fluffiest.. CUTEST… stuffed Panda teddy-bear.. he’s ever seen… in that moment… he’s an absolute goner.
He’s smitten, lovestruck, infatuated.. She looks like an angel to him…. Also, he will make sure nobody but him will buy that huge stuffed Panda.. made by the loving hands of his “soon to be” beloved..
[ This is awesome, my first Mr. Villain request featuring the main man himself. Please let me know how I did, I tried to make the story interesting. I used the name "Warumono-san" because that's what I've seen other posts do. Not sure if that's correct or not. Regardless this was about 12 pages in Word, so I hope you enjoy it! As stated in the request this is a FEMALE READER INSERT. ]
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You sighed before clenching your jaw and curling your hands into fists, practically feeling the steam seeping from your nostrils. This was getting old, and you were sick of Red Ranger constantly bothering you with his useless nonsense. “Aw, come on!” He whined.
“Will you shut up!?” You snapped, baring your teeth like a cornered animal. How could one human being be this damn annoying? How could he not take the thousands of hints you’ve given him!? No matter what you said or did to him, he only continued to pester.
Warumono-san smiled and looked at the plastic bag in his hand, the contents of which contained the goods he just purchased from the convenience store. Oh yes, he was eager to try the newest flavor of ice cream recommended to him by the convenience store worker.
It pained him to think that when he finally conquered Earth in the name of his mother planet and annihilated the Earthlings she would, unfortunately, perish. However, until then, he would enjoy her insights and the warmth her smile brought him whenever he walked past those double doors.
However, he stopped short when he heard yelling and turned to see two individuals standing on the opposite side of the street. His eyes widened when he recognized one of them was Red Ranger and his body tensed up. No doubt an embedded reaction because of his complicated past with the Rangers.
A sense of anger filled him, making his stomach twist. If there was one thing he hated, it was those damn Rangers who attempted to stop him at every turn from accomplishing his goal. ‘Yes…damn you Rangers!’ He frantically thought, ‘You will not stop our efforts to take over Earth!’
He was tempted, oh so tempted, to close his eyes and transform into his supervillain alias. The one with a menacing glare, cold-hearted aura, and dark clothing. ‘But tomorrow is the start of my day off,’ all at once that tension seemed to melt, and his shoulders relaxed.
As of now, it seemed that neither Red Ranger nor you noticed his presence, and so he remained spectating on the sidewalk. There was a slight concern that his ice cream would melt, but he assumed he had a couple of minutes to spare.
Red Ranger frowned, and the usual happy sparkle in his eyes all but faded. “B-but…tch…” pressing his teeth together, he couldn’t help but feel the tiniest bit frustrated. He didn’t understand! Why wouldn’t you consider being part of the Rangers!?
Your family had an honorable and well-respected reputation for protecting others through perfected combat skills passed on from generation to generation. Yes, maybe you didn’t have the power the Rangers possessed, and couldn’t see the dark aura surrounding the enemy.
But it would be useful to have someone who could teach the Rangers the way of combat. His eyes moistened over causing the faint moonlight to reflect off them and a soft breeze came, ruffling his hair before he stepped forward. ‘I need to convince them to join us, whatever it takes!’ He thought before locking eyes with you.
“Why won’t you join the Rangers!?” He demanded, pressing a hand to his chest. Warumono-san’s eyes widened. ‘He wishes to recruit more Rangers!?’ The present number of Rangers was enough to deal with, how dare he try to recruit more.
‘Damn you again Rangers!’ His shoulders grew tense and his grip tightened around the plastic strap of the bag he held. ‘You and the rest of the Earthlings truly want to die!’ A growl rumbled in his throat, and he was prepared to intervene, even at the cost of allowing his precious after-work treats to melt.
He’d teach that damned Red Ranger and you a lesson. However, he paused when he heard your response, and it was so strange that it caused his lips to part and his mind to be rendered blank. What you said was unlike any response he would expect from an Earthling.
You knew that it may be unconventional and that not many would think or even say such a negative thing about their own species. But it was the truth, and it was a truth you learned the hard way. Through all the pain, suffering, and heartbreak you went through in this so-called, ‘life.’
From being forced to do things you did not wish to do, to feeling as if you had to do certain things out of guilt. It wasn’t fair! But that was the punchline of the joke. Life was not fair, and it didn’t care who it stepped on to get its way, and because of that you and everyone else unlucky enough had to suffer.
Red Ranger knit his eyebrows when he saw a smirk across your face. Placing your hands on your hips, you said, “Humanity is awful,” in a cold tone, “most of us that inhabit this planet are only killing it, and we can’t even show kindness to each other.”
His jaw dropped and his eyes widened, his pupils shaking with disbelief. “H-how can you say that Y/n?!” He demanded, curling his hands into fists. “The people here aren-” he stopped short when you held up your hand. Your eyes narrowed, and he shivered at the hateful glance now directed at him.
“What would be so bad if that Evil League you’re always talking about takes over Earth?” You demanded, taking a step toward him. “W-well, I…that’s-” he tried to come up with a reason, but you continued forward causing him to stumble back.
“They’d treat the planet better than we have. They’d probably even reverse most of the damage humans have caused!” You snapped, stomping your foot against the ground. “Ah!” Red Ranger cried out when you roughly grabbed the collar of his hoodie, forcefully pulling him down to your face.
“So, for the last fucking time,” you growled, tightening your grip. “I won’t fight for humanity. I won’t fight alongside the Rangers. Not for such a shitty planet,” you could hear him audibly swallow before he made the bold choice to wrap his fingers around your wrist.
“Don’t even think about it!” You repositioned your stance, separating your legs, and firmly pressing your feet against the ground. You already had a secure grip on his collar, and while his hand grasping your wrist may be a problem, your skills far outweighed the consequences of whatever he could do.
In one fluid motion, you pivoted and used the momentum to swing him off balance. As expected, he was caught off guard by this and the sensation of his feet lifting off the ground as he was propelled forward and over your shoulder.
Warumono-san watched the spectacle with his jaw dropped, he had never seen an Earthling cause harm to another Earthling using aggressive domination and force. He felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him when Red Ranger hit the ground and let out a painful grunt.
Silence filled the air seconds later before you towered over the man on the ground. “Idiot,” you mumbled walking past him, your steps a little heavier than normal. It was too late to be dealing with such stupidity, you needed to get home and prepare yourself for tomorrow.
After all, you had a business to run, and you couldn’t function without a proper night’s rest. “Heh,” Warumono-san clasped his chin, revealing his pointy teeth in a happy smirk. “I need to know who that Earthling is,” he concluded before his attention shifted back to Red Ranger who grunted again as he sat up.
His face twisted, and his hand rested over his stomach as if he had been punched. “W-wait…” he faintly squeaked out, reaching toward you with his other hand but you only got further and further away. However, because you were such a distance away, his attention was refocused as he suddenly sensed something nearby.
He turned, gasping when he noticed Warumono-san, and immediately panicked. He looked back at you. ‘No, I have to warn Y/n before-’ he went to get on his feet, ready to sprint down the sidewalk after you but Warumono-san cut him off.
Placing his bag of frozen treats down, a black whirlwind surrounded him as he transformed into his villainous persona. His hair now standing on end, and a menacing shadow cast over his face. A large dark cape now draped over his shoulders, weighed down by two claw-like hands.
The cape ran down his back and concealed part of a large black tail. His chest was exposed, and the strange blue-like markings that colored his waist and part of his pecs were visible. The bottom of his outfit remained the same.
He grinned and was quick to move, leaving behind a strong gust of wind that raffled the few trees embedded into the sidewalk. Their leaves rustled violently in response, and some even fell to the ground in the wake of the sudden shock of what occurred.
He grinned, amused by Red Ranger’s shocked expression. That innocence of wishing to protect another shining in his eyes, and yet regret overtook that hope. “Ah!” He cried out when Warumono-san’s hand grasped his throat and the ground underneath his feet disappeared again.
The twisted smirk on the other’s face was something he wouldn’t soon forget, and he desperately grasped onto the hand wrapped around his throat. Warumono-san realized he could have used the provided tail on his cape to render the Ranger useless.
However, there was something much more satisfying about holding the Ranger up with his bare hand. Being able to control his flow of oxygen and hear him choke as he begged for air sent a delightful tingle through his body. Yet, there was a more pressing matter at hand.
“Now Red Ranger…” he grimaced, allowing smoke to seep from his mouth as he pulled the boy closer. “Who was that Earthling?” He demanded, only to receive silence in response. Red Ranger clenched his jaw, opting to glare at Warumono-san instead of answering him.
When he picked up on this hostility, he tightened his hand around the other’s throat, momentarily cutting off his oxygen supply. Red Ranger’s grip on his wrist grew desperate, and despite feeling those nails digging into his flesh, he smirked yet again.
Yes, he enjoyed seeing his enemy struggling for oxygen. “It is clear she is not willing to side with you Rangers.” His eyes widened at Warumono-san’s words, and his jaw clenched, revealing his teeth which remained pressed together.
Was it true? Did you have no interest in protecting the Earth? Did you really want humanity to perish? No…he refused to believe it. He wanted to know what made you think that way, had you faced such unkindness that it rendered you to decide that Earth was not worth saving?
In his opinion, you weren’t a horrible person. You just needed a friend. Someone to make you believe in humanity again, and he wanted to be that person. His eyes focused on Warumono-san, taking in his happy but twisted expression. The man currently choking him wasn’t a horrible person either, although most wouldn’t believe that.
Yes, Warumono-san and the evil organization he was a part of were the Ranger’s sworn enemies, but he had seen and experienced firsthand how kind the villain could be. And if that were true…then could he not return that kindness?
Was protecting you the wrong thing to do if Warumono-san wouldn’t do harm to you? His eyes burned slightly, filling with tears that reflected the light provided by the streetlamps. When he noticed Red Ranger’s eyes moisten, a sign that he would soon cry, his grip on his throat loosened.
Red Ranger sharply inhaled, coughing slightly before he noticed himself being lowered back to the ground. “Huh?” He looked around, pressing his feet against the sidewalk a few times before looking back at Warumono-san who sighed and transformed into his civil form.
He leered at the Ranger who was now massaging his throat, a few tears slowly dripped down his cheeks as he attempted to regain his steady breathing. “Well,” Warumono-san stated, making the red-haired boy pause and look at him. He tilted his head to the side, exposing his sharp teeth, “What is that Earthling’s name?”
Red Ranger’s hands curled into fists, and once again, he debated telling the other what he knew. The internal struggle was clear on his face given his slanted eyebrows and tense posture and while Warumono-san noticed this, he didn’t care about how the Ranger felt.
An angry Earthling meant nothing to him. This, however, didn’t stop him from being caught off guard by the next set of words that left the Ranger’s mouth. “I-if I tell you…” he hesitated, and his lip quivered but he needed to say this!
“You...you have to promise not to hurt her!” He demanded, and part of him grew surprised to see the hint of humanity shine in the villain’s eyes. Silence lingered in the air, apart from the rumbling of distant traffic and the chirping of crickets and other insects.
He grasped his chin. He was uncertain why Red Ranger wished him to promise such a thing. Yes, his goal was to annihilate humanity and yes, he would feel bad for killing off certain people he had come to know. But you…well, you had struck a fancy in him.
Perhaps you’d be the first Earthling he’d spare from such a devastating fate. Pulling the corner of his lip up, he grimaced down at the Ranger. His stomach twisted with unease knowing he was about to bend to the other’s will, but if it got him the information, he so desired, it was a worthy sacrifice.
“Fine,” he replied, lowering his hand with the intent to shake Red Ranger’s. “It’s a deal,” he stated, and while he suspected the Ranger to be hesitant for him to keep his word, that suspicious stare of his didn’t lessen the feeling of annoyance. 
Earthlings were indeed strange, even when you gave them your word, there was still so clearly doubt. This was unlike the people back on his home planet who would keep their word and keep themselves in good standing with others.
While his hand trembled, he managed a steady handshake with Warumono-san. However, he was struck with panic when he felt the pressure of nails against the top of his hand. “Now what is her name?” He demanded, having grown too impatient for Red Ranger’s nonsense.
“Mm,” even if he was still uncomfortable with this, he couldn’t back down now. “Her name is…Y/n,” his eyes lit up. “Y/n,” he repeated, although he wasn’t partial to complimenting or even caring about Earthling names, yours sounded so sweet on his tongue.
Red Ranger nodded. “Yes and…” he paused again, wondering if he should say any more. However, he had the other’s attention, and that grim stare only convinced him to continue speaking. “She…has a shop near the Uenono Zoo,” he stated, watching the other’s eyes light up.
He knew that Warumono-san favored the zoo, particularly the panda exhibit which explained why his eyes beamed with happiness at his words. Although he hadn’t informed the other that you made and sold stuffed animals, he assumed that would be self-explanatory. “Heh,” Warumono-san smirked, “I see.”
He planned to visit your precious little shop at his earliest convenience. He turned, his eyes settling on his bag of frozen treats that remained on the sidewalk across the street. He couldn’t help but frown knowing that they were likely melted as he wasted more time than he had anticipated dealing with Red Ranger.
“Thank you for the information,” he stated, walking across the street with his hand held up. “Huh!?” He stiffened and drew his bottom lip into his mouth, watching the villain grab his plastic bag filled with who knows what before walking down the sidewalk.
He continued to watch until Warumono-san disappeared around the corner of a building, more than likely headed home. He let out the breath he was holding but his relaxation was short-lived when he heard two distinct voices behind him.
“Wow, he’s lost again, isn’t he?” A high-pitched voice said. “Still can’t find your way around the block, Red?” He blinked and slowly turned to see Sora and Mugi. As usual they were standing close together, their hands interlocked as they looked at him with unamused expressions.
“Sora, Mugi!” He shouted, alarmed that the two were by themselves, and dropped to his knees, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. “What happened!? Why are you out here at night!?” He demanded, his eyes wavering with fear.
“We’re not alone,” Sora replied, her tone somewhat snarky. “Yeah, Blue is following us,” Mugi stated, pointing behind him. “Huh?” Red shifted his gaze to see a tall boy with bright blue hair, and equally blue eyes running up to them.
He was wearing an oversized dark-colored hoodie, with jeans and black shoes. As soon as he approached, he leaned over, placing his hands on his knees. His soft pants filled the air before he swallowed thickly and glared at the twins.
“Don’t run off like that again!” He scolded before a sigh passed his lips and he pressed his hand against his forehead. “Black would kill me if anything happened to you guys,” he stated, lowering his hand to resume glaring at the pair who responded with a pout.
Blue’s eyebrow twitched, even if he tried, he would be unable to explain just how irritated Sora and Mugi made him sometimes. He sighed again, trying to push his anger back before grabbing Sora’s hand. “Come on,” he urged, “we need to get back before Black gets mad.”
The last thing he needed was a lecture about how it was past Sora and Mugi’s bedtime. Red watched the interaction before looking in the direction Warumono-san went. ‘I hope Y/n will be okay,’ even if you continued to reject the idea of being part of the Rangers, he didn’t want you to be harmed by anyone.
“You too, Red!” Blue shouted, snapping the other out of his paranoid thoughts. “Huh!?” He turned his head back, looking at the three ahead of him. “Oh, r-right!” He replied, running to catch up to them. Maybe a good night’s sleep would suit him well and take his mind off you and Warumono-san.
However, that didn’t change what he had said before. If anything happened to you at the hands of that villain, he’d make sure he paid the price. ‘A shop near the zoo, a shop near the zoo…’ he thought as he walked past the Uenono Zoo.
His desire to see his precious pandas was high, but he had a mission to complete. ‘Yes!’ he thought, ‘Pandas must wait! Locating the Earthling, Y/n comes first!’ His eyes scanned the area. ‘A shop near the zoo, a shop near the zoo…’ he repeated before resuming walking.
Several small shops lined the street near the zoo and made him come to a halt. He tilted his head, grasping his chin in contemplation, and ignored the strange looks he got from passersby. Yet another odd set of behaviors he noticed Earthlings engage in.
What was so fascinating about his appearance that their stares remained fixated on him even as they walked away? Well, it mattered very little. He would not miss those stares when the Earth was overtaken in the name of his mother planet. A sigh passed his lips as he lowered his hand and yet again glanced along the row of shops.
There was only one logical thing to do now. “Yes!” He declared, making the Earthlings around him stop and look. ‘That is it! I must visit each shop to determine if it’s Y/n’s!’ He thought frantically, bending his knees, and raising his hands above his head, ignoring the fact he was indeed a spectacle.
‘Now,’ he straightened his posture, leering at the spectators who seemed to shudder and quickly walk away. “Heh…” he tried not to let his pride distract him as he, once again, looked at the shops. He lightly tapped his lips, ‘Which one do I start with?’
He quickly concluded that it didn’t matter and walked to the first little shop on the left. His eyes immediately catch the delightful display of fluffy creatures, primarily teddy bears that lined the display window. His hand fisted into the front of his shirt, his heart pounding with excitement at the uniquely crafted plush companions.
‘W-what is this!?’ He pressed his palms against the smooth glass as he observed each teddy bear. There were varieties of colors and sizes, and each one was placed in a playful pose that beckoned him to take them home. He noticed the craftsmanship of them and the intricate stitching and embroidery that truly brought them to life.
Some were even wearing tiny outfits, with miniature hats and scarves while others had delightful ribbons around their necks. Like a present you would give away on the Earthling holiday, Christmas. He was at a loss for words as he contemplated which ones he wanted to purchase.
However, they were quickly forgotten when he gazed up and his breath hitched. ‘It’s Y/n!’ He grinned, his heart now swelling with pride. ‘I found her.’ He was prepared to walk into your shop when something else caught his eye.
“Hm!?” He watched you threading a needle before leaning over to pierce it through something, but not just any old something. ‘WHAT!?’ his jaw dropped, and his eyes widened as he watched you sew two pieces of fabric together.
One was colored white, and the other black. He knit his eyebrows, noticing that the fabric looked incredibly fluffy and almost defied gravity, standing out in all directions like a cloud of softness. Its dark button eyes shimmered in the light of the shop, and its silly freshly stitched together tongue hung out amidst its black-yarned smile.
“P-panda?!” Not just any panda, but the biggest, fluffiest, and cutest stuffed panda teddy bear he had ever seen or imagined. He was in awe as he continued to watch you create the stuffed companion, and his fingers curled against the glass.
You seemed unaware of his presence, and while that would normally work to his advantage, he wanted your attention. He also wanted that panda bear you were creating. He clenched his jaw, feeling a soft ache course through his teeth.
‘Yes…’ he thought, his hands now trembling. “I must make sure nobody gets the panda bear!” He pushed off the display window, stumbling as he ran to the door. He grasped the handle desperately and felt the weight of the door give way and a bell ring as he barged in.
The change in atmosphere was astounding, there was a certain warmth that surrounded him. The soft lighting that cast a gentle glow over the plush companions that lined every corner only added to the already inviting surroundings. The aroma of fabric with the faint undertone of sawdust filled his nostrils.
However, there was another scent that caught his attention. Something like a hint of lavender and cedarwood. “Hm?” You turned your head, the needle and thread still securely placed between your thumb and forefinger.
“Oh…” your eyes lingered on the strange man who entered your shop, noticing his black shirt, trench coat, and curly mess of hair that hid a portion of his face. Not to mention his long, elf-shaped ears. ‘Well…that’s some look,’ you thought, deciding to shrug it off and greet him.
“Heh,” you forced a smile and tried to muster the sweetest tone, “Hi, welcome to my shop!” His heart accelerated at the sound of your voice, and he straightened his posture. The odd feeling of warmth rushing through his cheeks almost made him think something was wrong.
For a moment, he wondered if this was a trap or if he had contracted some strange new Earthling disease. Had the Earthlings made some new weapon that weakened his kind!? Despite his internal dismay, he hummed in response to your words.
No, this reaction couldn’t have been caused by any Earthling disease. Rather, he suspected that perhaps unlike the rest of the Earthlings on this miserable planet, he had unintentionally selected you as the sole survivor when the Earth was taken over.
And the reason was that…you had caught his interest, or uh, curiosity but what would he do now that he was so close to you!? What could he say? Surely you didn’t wish to talk about the incident with Red Ranger, although that was the incident that triggered this situation.
Given that you didn’t know he had a connection with the Rangers or that he was present when you were interacting with Red Ranger, it would be unwise to mention it. In addition, he did not wish to lose something he had yet to obtain.
His eyes lingered on the stuffed panda you were currently constructing, and his shoulders stiffened. ‘Yes…the panda!’ he reached into his trench coat, pulling out his wallet. ‘I must make sure no Earthling purchases it!’ his steps echoed through the empty shop as he approached you.
“There, at least that section is finished,’ you thought, quickly cutting the remaining thread on the needle before noticing the strange man had approached you. “Uh…” glancing at him up close, you noticed just how tall he was and the slightly intimidating aura that surrounded him.
Although since you were trained in combat, you had very little to worry about. If he tried anything, he’d get his ass kicked the same way Red Ranger did. However, despite your assumptions about him, he caught you by surprise when he pointed at the panda and asked, “How much?!”
You were slightly alarmed by the panic in his voice, as if he were afraid that the stuffed panda you were working on was going to disappear out of thin air. In addition, it struck you as odd that a grown man would want such a stuffed companion. Then again, maybe you shouldn’t judge.
The man could have a family or knew someone who had children who might appreciate your craft. Of course, you knew your customers well and realized you hadn’t seen this man before. “Uh…what’s your name?” you asked, turning briefly to stick the needle you held back into the pin cushion next to the stuffed panda.
“Huh?” Warumono-san frowned. ‘What is this? Is she attempting to distract me away from the panda?’ He irrationally thought, gazing at the inanimate object before looking back at you. His eyes carefully scan you from head to toe, noting that your posture gave away your attitude.
Your hands were on your hips, and that ever-so-interesting hint of a pout on your lips, yet your furrowed brows indicated your annoyance. However, this only reminded him of what an intriguing Earthling you were, and a certain feeling overwhelmed him as he continued to stare at you.
Like a flutter of a hummingbird’s wings, his heart, no…his whole body felt light. “Heh,” he smiled. ‘Yes…well played Y/n…trying to distract me away from the panda!’ He thought, resisting the urge to frantically move his body as he normally would when consumed by his thoughts.
‘Very well, I shall play your game! But know this, the panda is mine!’ He swallowed, his grip tightening around his wallet. “Warumono-san,” he replied, his tone deep and authoritative. Given his position as General of an evil organization that set out to destroy Earth, he was used to speaking with certain tones.
Said tones were normally reserved for putting others in their place. Not that he was ruthless or unjust, no. But he wasn’t foolish enough to dismiss the idea that he deserved a certain level of respect, and even in cases where he did not receive such respect, from Trigger for example, he remained calm and collected.
Respect was earned yes, but you could not expect everyone to respect you. Yet, this ideology was quite amusing considering he found himself respecting you more than any other Earthling simply because of the way you treated Red Ranger and your opinion of the Earthlings. You blinked, tilting your head to the side.
Your hands moved from your hips and rested against your inner elbows when you crossed your arms. “Warumono-san?” You repeated, finding his name or what he liked to be addressed by rather strange. But this world was full of strange, stupid people. So, you shrugged, deciding to go along with the charade.
“Okay?” you replied, taking a breath. “My name is Y/n, I own this shop,” there was a certain bittersweet tone to your voice that made him concerned. Yet, something else took precedence at that moment. “How much for the panda?” He asked again, pointing to it, and noting your eyebrows furrowing again.
“This…” you sighed only being reminded that his behavior was odd. But he hadn’t done anything harmful, and he didn’t smell of booze, so it was safe to assume he wasn’t intoxicated. “This isn’t for sale yet an-” you stumbled back when he shoved a handful of yen into your face.
‘I must make sure nobody else gets the panda!’ His jaw clenched as he intensely stared at you. His eyes held an almost predatory glance. ‘I will not tolerate any other Earthling purchasing what was made by this Earthling!’ And when he spared your life, you could make more stuffed animals.
A stuffed animal for each of his comrades on his mother planet, oh yes! Your body stiffened, and you resisted the urge to grab his wrist and flip him over your shoulder and onto the floor. Pressing your fingertips together, you took a deep breath and felt your stomach sink and your body heat up with the slightest bit of anger.
Like a small match, ready to cause destruction if used correctly. Yet, you tried to remind yourself of the purpose of this shop. The stuffed animals that lined the walls and shelves were the legacy of what your grandparents left behind, as they believed you deserved an easier life than the one your parents tried to force you to have.
‘Right…’ you let out the breath you were holding and returned your gaze to the man who still held out a handful of money. ‘They wouldn’t have approved of me denying this man...’ your eyes lingered on his stone-cold face, ‘As strange as he is.’ Another sigh passed your lips.
“Fine,” you replied, taking the money from him, and quickly counting it. You glanced at the panda, knowing you could always make another one. It would be easy, like clockwork considering you’ve done it your whole life. “I guess this will do,” you said, folding the cash in half before tucking it into your pocket.
“But this particular panda isn’t going to be done for a couple of days,” you informed, casting a soft glare his way. But his reaction was not what you expected, it was almost like he hadn’t heard you. He remained standing there, with the strangest smile on his face.
Although you couldn’t see his eyes because his hair obstructed them, you could feel his stare and it was beginning to make you feel a little self-conscious. “Um…” you crossed your arms. “Hello?” You said, unaware that Warumono-san was simply beaming with happiness.
Not only did you agree to give him the precious panda but knowing that it was made by you made his heart even lighter. He had not felt this way since he was a young one before the crushing weight of the workforce pulled him down.
As he continued to stare at you, he noticed something about you, and it made him grasp his chin in thought. Some form of radiance surrounded you, like a golden hue. Was there not an Earthly term for that? ‘Oh yes,’ it suddenly came to him, he had read about them in one of the religious books certain Earthlings seemed to abide by.
You looked like what they depicted as an angel. Unfortunately, your angelic reign on Earth would soon be over. Yes, he had promised not to harm you, but nothing was said about capturing you. “Thank you,” he said and watched with some amusement as your eyebrows raised as if you hadn’t expected him to speak.
“Yeah well,” you huffed and glanced away from him. “I make and sell these things,” you said, motioning to the in-progress stuffed panda. “So, I guess it’s not a big deal if someone wants one before it’s finished being made,” you concluded.
“Hm?” Warumono-san sensed a heavy tension filling the air, and the frown on your face indicated you weren’t exactly the happiest now. But he remained quiet, allowing you to speak as you wished. Your throat tightened, forming a lump that made you swallow heavily.
“You know, I never really envisioned myself doing this,” you confessed, although you weren’t sure why you were revealing this to a stranger. Maybe it was because he wouldn’t judge you, not that you would care if he did. Maybe it was because you hoped you wouldn’t see him again after this.
Maybe still, there was something about him that made you feel like you could be truthful or vent a little. Beating up Red Ranger only helped so-so. “It just started off as one of my grandparent’s hobbies, and then it turned into this,” you explained, waving your hand through the air.
“Spent most of my childhood helping them with the shop, and learning how to make stuffed animals even if my parents didn’t approve,” you chuckled slightly. “All they cared about was fighting and training in the name of the family reputation.”
Yes, you were grateful that you had learned how to defend yourself, but they pushed you beyond your limits. They acted as though fighting and training were the only qualities that equaled someone being worthy. Because of that, they forced you into that lifestyle or at least it felt like they did.
It was like you never had a choice, and there was constant tension between them and your grandparents over what was best for you. The only time you seemed to get peace away from your parents, and the weight of responsibility lifted from your shoulders was when you were with your grandparents.
They showed you that there was something else you could do with your life and that you had the right to choose what you wanted to do. Of course, this was before you had learned that they left their business to you. Sometimes you think you made the choice to keep their shop alive because you felt like you owed them.
Still, it was the first choice that you had made in your otherwise suffocating life, and because of it, you were disowned by your family which only added salt to the wound. Yes...life was not fair, and the unlucky suffered because of those who thought it right to step all over others.
‘Humanity is awful,’ you thought before looking at Warumono-san. ‘But...at least I can show kindness when I wish to.’ Your chuckle didn’t fool him. It was evident there was a bittersweet sadness you were attempting to cover. “I...” he noticed your hesitance and the subtle pain that shined in your eyes.
“When they died, they passed the shop onto me. Guess I’m just trying my best to keep it alive for their sake,” you concluded with a shrug. “Mm…” perhaps this was another reason why he felt so…infatuated by you. That strong front you put up, that wall that separated your true feelings was much like his.
Yes, everyone looked up to and feared him, but was he truly as evil as everyone depicted? The answer was quite obvious. Yet, there was a tenderness underneath that front that longed to be set free but could only do so seldom. Yes, perhaps you two were more alike than he realized.
He glanced at you, the sadness that enveloped your features was something he detested, perhaps even more than the Rangers. ‘So, the business was passed down to Y/n. Earthlings are known for performing such acts for their offspring or relatives,’ although he didn’t have a solid opinion on how he felt about such things.
There was still so much to learn and comprehend when it came to Earthlings, but this didn’t change the knowledge that once something important was handed to you, it was your job to protect and let it prosper. Things he was going to do with you, very soon.
“I see,” he replied after a moment, daring to step closer to you. “We have similar exchanges on my mother planet,” he confessed before realizing his words. You knit your eyebrows. “What?” You replied, and he shook his head, deciding to choose the strategy of silence.
Although he wanted to reply and make some phony explanation as to why he said what he did, he found himself unable to think rationally. The pounding of his heart echoed in his ears and his simmering hot cheeks only added to this inability.
Yet, one question screamed out in the back of his mind. How could he reveal such confidential information without a second thought!? “Uh…” you blinked, noticing the way he was positioned. He was hunched over, his knees bent and practically pressed against his chest.
His hands were tangled in his messy crop of hair, and his lips were pulled up, revealing his unusual pointy teeth. ‘Is he having some internal crisis?’ You wondered, but just as you stepped forward, he snapped out of his daze, and you saw the faintest hint of his golden orbs peering at you from behind those chocolate-colored strands.
Your eyes widened at the sight of them. Yes, you had seen some unusual things in your time, and the stories Red Ranger told you were extremely difficult to believe, let alone picture. Somehow, Warumono-san’s eyes had you frozen. But not with fear, rather something else. Something…unearthly.
‘Wait a minute...’ it slowly dawned on you. ‘Is this...one of the members of the evil organization?’ A small hint of panic consumed you, but you tried to keep your thoughts straight. That was...ridiculous. If this man was part of that organization, shouldn’t he have done something horrible to you by now?
He stood up, his posture now stiff and his hands loosely curled by his sides. He looked at you, his lips pressed out in a thin line. He could feel the tightness growing in his throat and made the choice to play ignorant, although this was his least favored tactic.
“Thank you very much,” he stated, bowing slightly before he turned to the door and the ends of his tailcoat drifted through the air as he walked away. He wrapped his hand around the metal bar across the door, and once again the bell gave a soft ring, signaling his departure.
However, he paused and looked at you from over his shoulder. His gaze lingers and makes you feel that same strange sensation as if he was from another planet. “Little plushie maker,” he purred, finding some amusement at your wide-eyed expression before walking out of the shop.
He planned to return in a few days to bring the desired plushie panda bear and possibly you home. Once again, his heart fluttered at the thought, and he smiled as he slipped his hands into his pockets, heading back toward the Uenono Zoo.
His steps echoed against the paved grooves that made up the street, and as he looked up at the sky he thought, ‘I must privately report this.’ His eyes focused on a cloud passing by, ‘The day I decided to take an Earthling as my soon to be…beloved.’
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fanfiction4sooya · 1 year
Double Trouble (G!P Yujin x G!P Gaeul X Fem!R)
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To the anon who had this amazing idea, thank you and hope you like it sweet thing! 💖
Warnings are on the following request.
R: Can you write a jealousy fic kinda like the eunbi one but with yujin and gaeul where they get jealous and take it out on reader with rough dp,handcuffs,deep throating, anal and vaginal sex dp and mommy kink;
It wasn't very often that you felt naughty enough to push your luck with your girlfriends. That totally out of ordinary day was fun, pushing past the boys on the MC Countdown show, doing dance challenges, looking way too intensely to Felix, fake blushing whenever he looked at you.
Gaeul and Yujin followed your every move, jealousy dripping in the way they looked at you. They were opposites in everything, perfectly fitting into you in every way possible. (Yes, pun intended)
Whilst Yujin's anger was like a fire that destroyed everything in sight with one touch, Gaeul's felt more like one of those cloudy days with a promising storm in the end.
"She is doing too much" Yunjin said, shaking with that seething jealousy, completely blinded by it.
"Let her have her fun" Gaeul held her hand, pulling her back as she was about to literally snatch you from stage. "She'll forget about this and then we'll have ours" She darkly said, smiling at the tall girl.
You completely forgot about your little sketch a few days prior, peacefully sleeping in Gaeul's bed as she and Yujin were already up, just waiting for you in the kitchen. You woke up, did your morning routine as usual and went down to eat.
"Greetings, earthlings" You said happy as usual, pecking both of them on their lips. They greeted back and your started eating, noticing they were a little too giggly. "What?" You said swallowing a strawberry toast.
"We just planned a surprise for you, baby" Gaeul said ever so lovingly. That took you by surprise and you happily squeaked, you loved surprises!
"Wait, seriously? What is it?" You said, getting up.
"Sure, sweetie" Yujin licked her lips, her eyes lingering on your tits inside your pajamas. "Close your eyes and give me your hands" You instantly did as she said, hearing the small "click", opening your eyes to a pair of handcuffs on both your wrists.
"What's this?" You looked a little bit lost, but still smiled.
"This is your surprise, baby" Gaeul said hugging you from behind, her hard dick pressing against your butt.
"What?" You gulped as Yujin stood in front of you, holding your chin with her big hand.
"Did you really thought we were going to let that little show of yours slide, sweetie?" You gulped, remembering what you did. 'Shit, shit, shit' you thought to yourself. "Answer me" She pulled your face to hers, harshly kissing your lips.
"N-no" You said. "I'm sorry, I was just playing" You said, earning a slap from Yujin, the loud sound scared you more than the slap itself.
"Well, we didn't like your little game" Gaeul came out of nowhere with a pair of scissors, scaring you. "You are ours" She said and Yujin held you still, her bulge very clear on her sweatpants.
"You are going to regret acting like a little slut for everyone to see" Yujin growled as Gaeul cut your pajama's top off of you, the cold air hitting your tits and making you hiss.
Yujin immediately started sucking your nipples, squeezing them harshly, her cock throbbing with need. Gaeul pulled your shorts down, leaving you naked for them. The taller girl pushed you down to your knees.
You knew you were in for a long day, fuck.
"The g-girls..." You tried to reason with them, you were in the kitchen for christ's sake.
"Oh I know you would love for them to see you on your knees for us" Gaeul said, both of the now standing in front of you. She took off her own pants, her cock erect and the tip leaking precum. You gulped, feeling your wetness oozing out of you. "But they are not coming, baby" She jerked herself in front of your face, your tongue immediately going out for you to start sucking her.
"Oh, you are needy now?" Yujin said, lowering herself to get on your eye level, lightly slapping your face. "You are not going to suck anything, baby" She said, going around you and pulling your ass up, your cuffed hands on the floor supporting your weight. You felt her push her cock inside in literally one go and you squealed in surprise. "We are going to fuck your throat, sweetie" She growled on your ear as Gaeul entered your mouth, pushing deep into the back of your throat.
"Fuck" They both said.
They took off, Yujin holding your hips and fully slamming her cock inside of you, not really caring if you were wet or not as if you were just a toy; Gaeul wasn't different, her thick cock hitting the back of your throat as she held your head, pulling you to her. Every time you gagged your pussy clenched on Yujin's lengthy dick.
"You feel so tight, fuck" She said, slamming into you as her eyes closed in pleasure. "Unnie -Fuck- you should feel this" She said, pulling you flush to her. Gaeul was moaning loudly as she saw tears falling from your eyes.
Your jaw hurt, but that was the best feeling ever. You were being taken by them so deliciously you didn't matter getting hurt if it was for their pleasure. You fucked up after all, so it was up to you to fix it.
"Our little fucktoy" Gaeul carressed your face, your hair was a mess already.
"We are going to use both of your holes today, baby" Yujin said on your ear as Gaeul pulled her dick from your mouth so you would breathe. "At the same time" She whispered and you shivered, your pretty cunt holding her dick hard.
"N-no, mommy" You cried out, trying to push them off of you. You never had both of them at the same time, they were both thick and big, how could you?
"No?" Gaeul pouted, lifting your body as she stood behind you. She bent you enough for Yujin to facefuck you as she slapped your ass hard, slamming her dick in you as well.
"Now we are your mommies?" Yujin sped up her pace, you could feel her all the way in your throat. You closed your eyes, cuffed hands placed on her thighs trying to hold her back to no avail, choking on her.
You were shaking, drooling, gagging. A mess as they had their way with your body, groping your tits, pulling your hair. They had been rough before, but never like that.
"I'm gonna cum" Yujin said, closing her eyes as she let her seed on your throat, pulling your head away so it would also fall on your tits, painting your body with her cum. "Mine" She panted as Gaeul kept roughly fucking you from behind, biting your shoulder.
Yujin kissed you marking your neck, being careful not to swipe away her cum from your tits.
"Mommy, please" You looked up at her, doe eyes and all. A saint, for those who didn't actually knew you. "I'm gonna c-cum" You sobbed, holding Yujin's waist so you wouldn't fall face down to the floor, drooling as you started to shake.
"No cumming for you, angel" Gaeul pulled out, slapping her raw cock on your ass as Yunjin made you properly stand. "You'll cum when we say" She kissed you, pulling your hair so you would also kiss the taller woman as she did the same. "Look at her" She pointed your face to Yujin's crotch. "She's hard again, baby" She licked your earlobe. "She's mad at you angel, you made her jealous that day. What do you say to mommy now?"
Your legs were shaking so violently you could barely stand, Gaeul's voice was as hypnotizing as Yujin's dark gaze on your face. Hell and heaven, sun and moon.
"Use me, mommy" You said, dropping to your knees again. "Until you forgive me, please" Pleading, you stroked her cock with your cuffed hands and she closed her eyes, kissing the other woman. "Fill me with your cum, mommies" You did the same for Gaeul, circling your hot tongue on the tip of her length.
"Aren't you cute?" Yujin smiled as she saw you trying to suck both of them at the same time. She pulled her phone from over the table, her camera ready to capture that moment. "I'll make sure to show this to whoever try to fuck you" She said, hissing as Gaeul kissed her neck while you sucked her hard.
"Our little cum dumpster" The other woman said and you whimpered, you loved being degraded by them. "Nothing but a hole for us" She smiled sweetly for you.
They stopped recording, sharing that amused look. You shivered, knowing exactly what to expect next. Yujin dragged you by the hair to the living room, Gaeul already sitting on the couch just waiting.
"Straddle her" She commanded and you whimpered, scared and too excited. "Don't you hear me?" She pushed you to Gaeul's lap, gripping the older's dick and pointing it to your wet slit. The older woman just observed as she pushed your body down, making her fully enter you.
Gaeul was throbbing, her eyes closed as Yujin jerked off at the sight of you split open on your girlfriend's big cock. You were all sensitive as Yunjin already came once and you and Gaeul were being edged, with her holding your orgasm from happening.
"Mommy, fuck" You kissed her, biting her lips as she held your waist to properly slam you on her cock, your clit bruhsing on her abdomen.
You were full on riding her dick as the other went to her bedroom to get lube, coming back jerking herself with it.
"Fuck, you two are hot" She said, her dick twitching in her hand as she poured lube onto your asshole. You shivered, closing your eyes.
"Keep kissing me, baby" Gaeul kissed you, holding your butt cheeks open for the other woman.
Yujin slowly entered you, grunting when little by little she felt you envelope her. You whined on gaeul's lips.
"Oh, god" You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt your ass and pussy filled with them. That was actually insanely good, after the first discomfort has passed. "Please mommies, use both my holes" You moaned, trying to move your hips. "Cum in me, please"
You didn't had to tell them twice, as both started to move inside you, groaning and moaning when they felt each other's dicks brush against each other. They were being rough, as yujin fucked down and gaeul upwards, a delicious friction on your g-spot and on your ass.
Gaeul pinched your nipples as Yujin bit your shoulder, the eye contact between them getting you absolutely crazy as you wanted to cum so bad with them. The older one felt by the way you clenched your orgasm wash over you, triggering her to do the same.
"Yujin-a, gonna cum, fuck, fuck" She warned, her eyebrows tightly knit as you were a shaking mess on her dick, milking her dry.
"Me too unnie, oh my gosh" She panted, fucking fast into you.
Yujin was the first one to take her cock from you, too overstimulated already as it was her second round. She panted as you and gaeul became whimpering messes, her cock still inside of you as the puppy started recording again as she slowly took it off.
"Shit, so fucking beautiful" She said as both of your holes leaked with their cum, clenching around nothing.
"You are mine and Yujin's, did you got it?" Gaeul pulled your face towards her, staring intensely into your eyes. Fucking jealous and beautiful.
"Y-yes, mommy" You said, whimpering. "I'm sorry" You kissed her neck and Yujin pulled your face so you would look at her.
"Sorry?" She laughed. "Sorry you will be when we are done with you, angel" She smiled.
"You are not done with me?" You innocently said, fake pouting.
They shared that fucking shady look between them again, as if they shared the same brain.
Oh boy, you were going to regret so much playing with their jealousy...
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iloveboysinred · 4 months
Miracle [Keith Kogane]
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18+ angst|Keith Kogane x reader
synopsis; During a battle with the Galra you and Keith are cornered, you give up your life to save Keith, and leave him a gift to remember you by.
cw; fem reader, angst, character death, sad Keith, mentions of blood, violence, strangulation, stabbing, heavy grief, survivors guilt.
this will probably be the last angst request I'll write given that I'm not the best at it and i hate putting out work I'm not proud of ;/. Hope you enjoy anon!
masterlist - ask
Adrenaline pulsed through your veins as you ran down the dark halls of a Galra ship. It was an endless labyrinth of walls and turns, the darkness suffocating. You'd swear you were running in circles; every time you thought you'd found another way, you were just met with another band of sentries, shooting at you, chasing you, hunting you down. You tried to keep up with Keith, his hand wrapped tightly around your wrist, but your legs were starting to get tired, and your mind was foggy and confused. You didn't know how much longer you could endure. "Lance? Pidge? C'mon guys, where are you?" you heard Keith shout, trying to reconnect his damaged helmet to the others, but to no avail.
Your mind flashed back to Earth for a second. To when you and Keith were garrison trainees. You were close, seeing through his cold exterior and becoming friends quite quickly. From then on, you have always been there for each other. Supporting each other in training and comforting each other through the good and the bad. So of course, when he had come to you for support after he caught wind of Shiro's re-appearance, you had gone with him. Never expecting to be where you are now, fighting a galactic war and constantly putting your lives at risk.
"Fuck!" Your heart dropped to your stomach when you stopped, staring up at the wall in front of you. It was a dead end. You glanced behind you; they were gaining. Keith pulled you behind him, activating his bayard. You stared in fear when the sentries parted, a large Galra soldier advancing towards you. "It appears the universe has granted me a gift," he sneered, stopping a few feet away from you and Keith. His ugly yellow teeth peeked out from under his lip in a menacing snarl, his glowing yellow eyes pinning you with unsettling malice. You felt Keith tense, his grip on your wrist falling, raising his bayard defensively. "Lord Zarkon will be pleased when I bring him the heads of the red lion's paladin and his co-pilot." He got into his own defensive stance. He was big, standing about 5 feet above you; his body was strong and muscular. His teeth shone in the dim lighting, sharp as blades. "This will be fun. I think I'll take you first, Paladin. Your death will be just the beginning of the end for Voltron. How will your pathetic band of earthlings form Voltron if they're one paladin short? It'll make it all the easier to take you out one by one." You narrowed your eyes, reaching into the band of your boot and gripping the concealed dagger you'd made sure to bring, just in case the situation got dire.
"Cmoooon Keith. Let me drive!" You whined, leaning over Keith's back, trying to reach for the controls of his cruiser. "No way, y/n. Knowing you, you'll drive us into a cliff. "Oh,  come on! You doubt my skills that much??" Keith gave you a blank look, shrugging you off. You grumbled, sitting down and wrapping your arms around his waist. He smirked, revving the engine and taking off. You flew through the desert, sand spraying in your wake. The air whipped your hair at the speed you were going exhilarating. You grinned, blood roaring in your ears. "Oh shit!" you cheered every time Keith dodged an obstacle. You gripped his waist tightly, pressing your chest against his back. 
"Keith? Keith!" You heard Lance's voice ring through his helmet, the connection glitching. "Lance! Where are you guys!? We're kind of in a situation here. The Galra have me and you cornered." "Don't worry, we know where you are. We're coming to get you in just a tick." The connection cut off once more, the radio chatter blocking out anything else being said. The Galra soldier ran towards you, swinging a large blade right towards you and Keith.
"Y/n.. I have something important to tell you." You and Keith sat in front of his house; the night sky was clear, and the moon was shining down on you. "yeah?" You looked up at him from your bowl of noodles, your cheeks full to the brim. Keith's eyes softened in adoration. "Well, I've been picking up a lot of chatter on my radar. A space vessel is approaching Earth, and I think it might be Shiro." Your eyes widened, and you swallowed your mouth full, leaning toward him intently. "Really? that's great! But... what do you think you should do?"" "Well, I was hoping we'd find the landing sight and go see for ourselves." Keith blushed at your close proximity, looking away from you, bashful of your eagerness. "Oh my gosh, we totally should! When do you think it'll land?" "My guess is that in two days, will you come with me?" You gaped at him in disbelief. "Of course I will! Are you kidding?" Keith smiled at you. You leaned forward, pressing a warm kiss on his cheek. "We're in this together, okay?" "Okay."
You flinched as Keith's body hit the floor, quickly blocking the Galra's attack with his bayard. He had him pinned to the ground, his face a few meters away from his. "I have to admit, you do put on a good fight. I wouldn't expect anything less from a Paladin of Voltron," he snarled, bearing his teeth in a sneer. His tail slapped the bayard from Keith's hands, the weapon clattering as it hit the ground a few feet away. The sentries aimed their weapons at you, stopping you as you tried to run towards them. You stood there, helpless, as you watched Keith struggle. Then, the ground shook as the wall behind you suddenly rumbled, the blue lion appearing from a newly made gap. "Cmon guys, we don't have much time. Galra fighter jets are coming quick!" Your eyes locked on Keith, and your heart raced as the blade inched closer and closer to his throat. Grabbing the dagger, you ran at the soldier, narrowly dodging a sentry blade. Using as much weight as you could to knock him off Keith, trying to give him time to escape. You slashed as much as you could, drawing blood from any skin you reached. "y/n!" Keith shouted, running to try and come to your aid, but a sentry slashed at him, causing him to fall back, holding his side where he had been hit. "K-Keith! Go! Get out of here!" you screamed, trying to hold the Galra soldier down as best you could. "No! Not without you!" he grunted, trying to stand up. You felt your body hit the ground as the soldier flipped you off of him. The air escaping your lungs from the impact. You couldn't catch your breath; the soldier was holding you down by the neck. All you could hear between Keith's shouts and the footsteps of more sentries crowding you was the fast beating of your heart. "KEITH! WE HAVE TO GO!" Lance's voice rang in your ears, but you couldn't move; your neck was starting to ache. You kicked and scratched at the galra, but the lack of oxygen was starting to weaken you. Mustering as much strength as possible, you clumsily gripped the dagger, driving it into the soldier's side, but it did little to penetrate the armor covering his body. "Even if I can't bring him the corpse of your little boyfriend, Lord Zarkon would be just as pleased knowing it's one paladin down. Ever closer to wiping out all of Voltron," the soldier purred, putting more weight down on your neck.
"You know I love you," you murmured, pressing your lips to his in a sweet kiss. Keith turned his head, pressing his lips harder, holding you close to him. You threaded your fingers through his hair, smiling as you pulled away. "I love you more," he whispered, gazing into your eyes with so much emotion that it made your heart flutter. "Pfft, big softy." He glared at you, pulling you to his chest and laying back on his bed with you.
"y/n! We can't leave her, Lance! we can't-" "Keith. We don't have time. You'll bleed out; we have to go!" You felt your vision begin to blur, and the grip on your neck felt heavier. You glanced over the Galra soldier, watching as Lance hauled Keith into the blue lion's mouth, shooting at any sentry he could. "Lance, let me go! Let me fucking go!" Keith shouted, struggling against his hold. But he was weakening; the blood streaming out of his wound was making him dizzy, and his movements were uncertain. As his vision became more and more unclear, his panic increased. Where were you? what's happening? The last glimpse he got of you was your unmoving body and the sentries crowding around you. His eyes teared as he struggled against Lance weakly, his fists clenching when Lance pulled him into a hug, constricting his arms. His vision blurred both from his tears and the blood loss. Sobs racked his body as the blue lion's mouth closed, flying out and away from the ship.
You glanced blankly at the ceiling, refusing to look the soldier in the eye as your life slowly faded. "I love you, Keith; don't worry, I'll see you again," you thought, your body going still when your breathing ceased, your heart's beating coming to a stop.
Keith might as well have been dead himself. At least that's how he felt. His heart was hollow, his mind swirling with thoughts of you and how you had passed—to save him. He couldn't even hurt anymore; he didn't feel anything most of the time. Most days where he was stuck in his head about you, he would feel pure, unbridled rage, lashing out in training sequences, pushing himself harder than he ever did before. On nights where he suffered your absence the most, he felt cold grief grip his heart so strongly that he struggled to breathe, becoming inconsolable. Tears fell heavily from his eyes when he cried. He would scream, gripping his chest through his shirt. Shiro would rush in, enveloping Keith in his arms, and he would thrash around in his hold, slightly settling down when he started to tire. Shiro comforted him, assuring him it was going to be okay. Keith couldn't hear him, zoning out and staring blankly at the ceiling with glistening eyes. Going on missions felt like torture. His attacks were uncoordinated, and the team had to make up for his lack of focus. The arguments that ensued between him and Lance almost broke into full-blown fights, Keith's heart only building more and more resentment for everyone in the castle.
Months later, here he stood, watching as Allura pressed a final kiss to Lance's lips, tears falling from their eyes, trying to savor whatever they could before they ran out of time. "Keith, look," Shiro whispered, placing his hand on Keith's shoulder. He paused for a second, the bitterness of the situation making it hard to care about what Shiro was saying. But he glanced up anyway, tears rising along his waterline. The Paladins of old—Allura's father and Zarkon's family—stand right in front of them. He felt his heart squeeze as you appeared from behind the crowd, smiling sweetly at him. You looked so beautiful. A sight for sore eyes to Keith. He ran towards you, his eyes shining with so much love and so much pain. You welcomed him into your embrace. Holding him close as he hugged you, burying his nose in your hair. You quickly pulled him into a kiss, savoring the feel of his lips one last time. "I miss you so much, Keith," you whispered, cupping his face in your hands. Keith felt his heart stop, drinking in every feature of your face, knowing he wouldn't see it for a while. "I miss you every day of my life. I love you, Y/N. So much," you smiled, pulling away from him and keeping his arms in your hold. "I love you more." "I wish you could come back to me. I should've been there with you. I'm so sorry." you shushed him. "We'll be together again. Hopefully not any time soon though!" Keith chuckled, the weight of his grief making his voice shaky. "But I've got to go, Keith. I have a gift for you. Please, heal, and forgive. I'll always have you in my heart." Keith's chest ached as you pulled away from him, taking your warmth and scent with you. "I love you." You smiled at him sweetly, Allura following you. Slowly,  you disappeared again, dissipating into the air and leaving everyone feeling bittersweet.
Keith was taken aback when he felt something shift in his arms, looking down to see a moving bundle of cloth. He heard muffled babbling, making him hurriedly unravel the bundle in shock. A pretty baby girl stared up at him; somehow she looked like you, having his dark hair and nose but your eyes, lips, and eyebrows. He gaped down at the baby, holding it close to his chest. "What ?? Where did that baby come from??" Pidge asked, coming up to peer down at the child. "Y/N left her; she's the gift." Keith whispered, his eyes crinkling in a bright smile, pressing a kiss to the baby's forehead. "She's mine. The baby's mine," he whispered, rocking the baby in his arms. The little girl glanced up at him with wide eyes, soft babbling and cooing coming from her as she happily laid in her father's arms. "How is that even possible?" Hunk whispered, glancing down at the baby, adoration in his heart. "It's a miracle." Lance whispered, standing next to Keith. Keith glanced at him for a second, mixed emotions coursing through him. He felt resentment and hatred for the man. Grief still swelling in his chest, but your words echoed in his mind: "Heal, forgive," and he gave Lance a ghost of a smile. "Yeah, she is."
The story of both you and Allura's sacrifices became sensational, with old allies of Voltron helping construct statues of you and the Altean princess standing side by side. Every once a year, the team would unite and visit the statue, sharing updates on each other's lives and recounting old missions. At every meeting, Keith would bring his daughter, making sure she was present for every story the team would share about you. "Y/N and Allura should be here. But it's because of them that we can all continue to keep peace in the universe. I can't imagine anyone braver than them." Coran sighed, glancing up at the statues with bittersweet love in his gaze. Everyone solemnly agreed, toasting to both you and Allura's legacy. Keith glanced down at his daughter, snuggled up next to him in her own chair, staring up at the statues with shining eyes and wonder. He smiled, knowing that as long as he had his miracle, he had something to live for, and some piece of you was still with him here on earth.
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marlynnofmany · 2 years
How I Became the Token Human
The sign said “Earthling Wanted” in large print, and I, a perfectly eligible Earthling, said “Heck yeah.” Busy space station life bustled around me as I stepped close to read the details on the holoboard. Other ads were for the usual range of odd jobs and social events, but this one was specific.
And it couldn’t have been more perfect for me. A courier ship was contracted to deliver someone’s pet cat to them in deep space (I guessed that a breakup had happened while the owner was away, or their temporary job had turned into a permanent one) and while the couriers were perfectly capable of getting the cat there, this was several days of travel, and they hadn’t the first idea of how to care for an Earth animal.
Well, I thought with no small amount of smugness, They just got themselves an expert. I copied the holo ad onto my phone, then found a vaguely-private corner of a public seating area and activated the call. I stood up straight and professional, as if I was meeting a wealthy new client with an ailing Samoyed. Would they want a detailed resume? A rundown of the places I’d worked and trained, my range of expertise on animals big and small? Or perhaps a description of what I would do in various unexpected scenarios?
Nope. The octopuslike alien who popped into view — deep green, harried, and female unless I missed my guess — only had two questions for me.
“Great, you look like an Earthling,” she said. “How experienced are you in caring for cats?”
“Very,” I said, ready to add more.
“Good. Can you leave immediately?”
“Yes,” I decided, thinking quickly. “I just have to grab my things. Where’s your ship?”
“Meet us at the semiaquatic spaceport before the shadow covers it.” She glanced at something offscreen. “We leave before the solar sails have to fold. Be quick.” With that, the call ended.
I blinked once, then shoved the phone into my pocket and sprinted down the corridor. Passersby stepped aside and gave me disapproving looks, especially the group of red-pink bugfolk who chattered after me in their own language, but I dodged through the loose crowd without hitting anyone. Nearly tripped over a smaller-than-average Waterwill, which could have been disastrous given their “column of jello” consistency, but I hopped on by with a quick apology.
Are Waterwills really that fragile? I wondered as I ran. My biological studies had all been Earth-based. I knew the best way to hold a chameleon, pet a cat, and catch a chicken, but I hadn’t the foggiest idea how the friendly blobmonsters worked.
Well, maybe I’d find out.
I skidded into my small room and threw things into the suitcase. There wasn’t much to pack, since this was a temporary stop. Five minutes ago I’d been planning to trudge back to Earth and look for a new job. My old workplace was under new management and doing a reshuffling that made for a perfect time to take a quick lap around the galaxy, something I’d always wanted to do. It had been a great vacation. But there wasn’t much call for a veterinarian in space. Or so I’d thought.
One more jaunt, I told myself. It pays well enough to be worth it. And they clearly need my help. With a look about the room for anything I’d missed, I zipped the suitcase and shouldered my backpack, then cancelled the rest of my reservation at the control panel by the door.
A few more button presses, and the door wooshed open to let me dash off through the residential area, towing my suitcase on its repulsor plate behind me. That bag was much better than my old wheelie-case, which was always tipping over when I turned quickly. This one did have a tendency to slide around like a toddler on ice, but I was an old hand now at pulling the strap just right to keep it from taking anybody out at the knees. And honestly, I usually walked at a more reasonable pace than this. But time was short.
I glanced at a multiclock as I passed an elevator hub; sunset was coming for this side of the station. I wondered who had decided to make the station rotate in orbit instead of keeping one side facing the sun, but that was beyond my pay grade. Maybe it got too hot otherwise.
Long lines at the food court made me slow down, edging past a variety of body types before I reached a clear area and picked up speed again.
Success, I thought. Didn’t even bump into a scaly tail. This door? That door!
I found the dry-air-breather’s access port and hurried into the airlocks where steeply angled sunlight was streaming in. I only stopped once, to swipe my ID in exchange for a cheapo force-field exo suit. Just in case the separation of dry air, wet air, and water left anything to be desired. I’d made that mistake once. One experience of scrambling for the emergency cutoff switch in an airlock rapidly filling with water was enough.
Those octopeople breathe dry air, right? I fretted while I retrieved the exo disk. I think so. They just like more baths and moisturizers than I do. I’ll be fine on a ship made for them. Assuming the one I talked to doesn’t live in a scuba suit while onboard. But surely they would have said. Probably.
With my ID back in my pocket and the control disk stuck to my chest (using technology that was basically the inverse of my suitcase), I shoved out into the spaceport in a cloud of my own air. I was greeted by more air, rows of parked ships under a glittering force field between us and the stars, and an impatient-looking green tentacle alien waiting in view of the airlocks. She waved me toward her ship as soon as she saw me.
Strongarms, that’s what they’re called, I remembered. I guess I’ll get a name for this one once we’re on the way. With golden solar sails spread wide, the little round ship looked like a cartoon bat, or maybe a lemon that wanted to be a pirate ship when it grew up. The epitome of dignity either way. I made a note to say nothing about that either.
“Right this way; stand back while the door shuts; the animal is in the cargo bay with more food and junk than any sane creature could eat in the time we’ve got; I’ll introduce you after takeoff.” The green Strongarm didn’t give me a chance to do more than nod as she spoke. “For now, come grab a crash seat in the cabin. I’ll introduce you to the crew after takeoff too.” She sped down the narrow corridor with a quiet slapping of tentacles on the shiny blue floor.
I did my best to keep up, despite having to bend over as I walked. This ship was not designed for a tall species. At least the walls and ceiling were a clean white, not one of those squishy organic ships that made my skin crawl.
“Got the human,” she announced as the door to the cabin spiraled open. She waved several tentacles back at me, one pointing at a chair near the wall that had a fighting chance of fitting me. “Quick-quick.”
I ducked through the sphincter-door (also gross, but less so), waved at the dozen or so random aliens, then shoved my suitcase behind the chair and sat. The chair was cup-shaped and way too small, but at least the back was flexible. I could feel a localized gravity field in place of a seat belt.
These folks have a lot of faith in their ship’s power source, I thought as I lifted my backpack to where it would give me neck support. Here’s hoping we don’t crash. For lots of reasons.
The crew were mostly ignoring me, though in a polite way. Strongarms, Frillians, and a few Heatseekers. Octopeople, colorful fin-covered bipeds who looked like tropical fish that had learned to walk, and little lizardy folks. All air breathers, though two out of three had aquatic origins. As the engine hummed to life, I shut off my exo field.
Damp air caressed my face like someone breathing on me from uncomfortably close. Great. But it was breathable and wouldn’t damage my stuff, and we were already in space, judging by the viewscreen that had just registered some very quick movement. Only stars and a few distant ships were in front of us now.
“All right, introductions!” announced the green Strongarm. “You can call me Kamm. What’s your name, human?”
“Robin Bennett,” I said, sitting up straight. “Earth animal expert at your service.”
Kamm accepted that and rattled off the names of everyone else in the room, then gave a quick rundown of the journey we could expect. Three standard days, no wormholes planned, no asteroid showers or other hoo-ha expected.
And now that we were clear of the space station’s shipping lanes, we could make good time and move about the ship.
Kamm hopped out of her seat and hit the floor with a wet smack. “This way, animal expert. Let’s show you to your charge and your room.”
I grabbed my suitcase and followed, trying to be graceful while simultaneously ducking and high-stepping through the door. It was like walking around in a kids’ playhouse.
At least the cargo bay had a properly high ceiling. It also had many boxes of cargo, and one metal cage with a very distressed cat. The I-don’t-want-to-be-here yodel echoed off every wall.
“Well, there it is,” said Kamm with a wince. “It’s been this loud the whole time. I hope that’s not a cause for alarm?”
“Not the sound alone, no,” I said. “Let me take a quick look. Hey, kitty.” I approached with a gentle voice and quiet footsteps.
The tone of the cat’s yowling changed when it saw me, aiming for pity over volume. Poor little gray tabby sounded very lonely. A nameplate with paragraphs of contact information said “PICKLE” in all caps.
“Hello, Pickle. There there, kitty; it’s okay.” I greeted the cat with a soothing babble of syllables, letting it sniff my fingers through the bars, only noticing once it quieted that Kamm had stayed by the door.
“Oh good,” the alien said. “It likes you. Will you want the whole crate in your quarters, I hope? There’s enough room.”
“Yes, definitely,” I said, standing back up. The cat mewed in protest.
“Great. All the food and whatever should fit too. Grab a sled.”
At Kamm’s directions, I helped maneuver a hoversled under the cage, then down the hall. She led the way with a different sled full of airtight cases covered in labels. Her cart was the more rattletrap of the two, which I appreciated; the supplies wouldn’t be bothered by any jolts in height, but an anxious cat sure would.
Pickle yowled all the way to my quarters. Our quarters, rather. Kamm was eager to rush off once I said I had everything in hand, and I couldn’t blame her. But the noise stopped as soon as the door shut.
“All right, kitty,” I said as I took off my backpack. “That door seems solid, so you probably won’t run off and get stuck under the brake pedal, or however they fly this ship. Do you want to come out?”
Pickle didn’t, when I opened the door, but I made myself comfortable on the floor by the cage and read through the info packet that had popped up on my phone. Pickle was a girl cat, five years old, spayed, fond of cheese and toys that crinkled.
Eventually she crept out to accept some gentle scritches and a warm lap. I was considering moving to the giant squishy cushion that passed for a bed when the door chimed.
“Ow!” Those claws were sharp when Pickle launched off me to hide in the carrier. I got to my feet painfully, shut the small door, then opened the big one. The ceiling was low in here too.
A maroon-and-teal Frillian stood there, just barely short enough to stand normally in the hallway. “Did you bring food, or would you like to join us for a meal?”
I looked back at the quiet cat. “I do have some ration bars, but I wouldn’t mind meeting everyone properly. Let me dig out some food for my charge here, then I’ll be there. Which way…?”
The Frillian gave me directions, then scooted off. I turned to the multiple boxes labeled “food,” and checked the info packet. Pickle had preferences.
But of course she was too scared to eat. I left the tray of high-quality wet food inside the cage alongside a dish of water and a well-chewed toy mouse that promised to have familiar smells. Then I gave her some quiet time.
And I got some fun time! The crew turned out to be outgoing and friendly, with many a joke ready about the types of food that my species was known to eat. They were mostly a carnivorous set, of one kind or another (fish, bugs, rodents; not a T-bone steak among the lot). They weren’t phased by any kind of plant food, but the existence of dairy products as a whole was soundly denounced as vile weirdness.
“Honestly, it makes sense,” I laughed. “Milk is the first food we eat when we’re born, then we found ways to make it into a bunch of other fancy things.”
“Yes, but why?” asked a bright red Heatseeker, his lizardy face intent. “Organic drippings sound like the absolute last choice of edible foods.”
“Spoken by someone who has never tasted ice cream,” I told him. “Or pizza! Those are some of the best foods out there.”
“I’ve heard humans mention pizza before,” said a large gray Strongarm. He gestured with something that looked like an uncut sushi roll. “What actually is it?”
I happily explained, then had to go on a tangent about bread, since that was apparently a weird human thing too.
“Really? None of you folks have food made of processed grains?” I asked, to a row of blank stares. “Guess not, but okay: it’s crushed grain and water with yeast — those are little microscopic creatures that help turn it into proper food — as I understand it, the air bubbles in the finished bread are their farts — I’m not doing a good job of selling this, am I? I swear it tastes good!”
The big Strongarm laughed loudest. “No, but keep going! You were going to circle back to ‘cheese’ and why it’s not rotten.”
I did my best, eventually giving up while insisting that they would probably like at least some of my species’ barbaric dishes if they ever got a chance to try them. It was a fun conversation. And the food was all right too. A bit fishy, but I’d had worse.
I was sad to see the meal end, with everyone scattering off to their various tasks, some of which might have been fun to help with: untangling cords or organizing cases or deciphering random space messages. But my duty was with the cat.
Pickle was caterwauling loud enough to be heard from the end of the hallway. I hurried in and comforted her again, opening the cage and settling in to rest on the cushion-bed with her snuggled next to me.
With nothing else to do, I drifted off into a nap that was more restful than expected, given the alien bed. I woke, braved the alien bathroom, then went back to sleep. Even after the vacation I’d been taking, it was a bizarre luxury to have no demands on my time. I didn’t even know what kind of day/night cycle this ship was on.
And it didn’t matter. I slept as much as I needed to, ate a couple ration bars, fed and played with Pickle, and I read a book I’d been meaning to get around to. It was nice.
Crew members showed up occasionally to invite me to meals, but otherwise I spent the whole trip in my quarters. And as much as I enjoyed the camaraderie of dinnertime, the guilt I felt every time I returned to piteous meows kept me from staying out longer.
I really would have liked to, though. They even had a music night with instruments I’d never heard of. There were spares that I was welcome to try.
But Pickle had been scratching at the cage the last time I returned, and if she tore a claw because I wanted to know what an alien trumpet sounded like, then I would have failed in my duty.
So I stayed with the cat who purred like an outboard motor, and I did some more reading. It was still nice. Peaceful. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to take a turn at the radio station, listening for gossip and distress calls and triple-encoded secret messages.
The end of the trip caught me off guard. Kamm showed up with a ten-minute warning before the time we needed to have the crate stowed in the cargo bay, and me seated in the cabin.
“Already?” I blurted. “Right, I’ll be packed up in a jiff. Got the sleds?”
In the rush of gathering things, ushering Pickle back into the carrier, and hurrying to the cargo bay, I didn’t really have time to Feel Things about the trip ending.
But I felt them anyway. I’d miss my little snuggle buddy. I hoped she had a good life ahead of her.
The man waiting at the spaceport a few minutes later, as close to the landing pad as he was allowed, was a grizzled old space marine type. Stereotypes said he would have been more at home with some vicious beast as a pet, but I’d seen enough mismatched owners in my time to just smile at how eagerly he waited. And the way his face lit up at the sight of his cat was heartwarming.
Pickle’s distressed meows turned to welcoming mews when her human scritched her through the bars. I didn’t have to remind him that he owed money before he could take her away; he was on top of that. Though I’m sure Kamm would have made sure if necessary. The two of them handled the transaction with speed. Then to my surprise, he opened the cage there on the landing pad.
Pickle clawed her way up his thick jacket to settle purring onto his shoulders, like this was where she was meant to be. Maybe it was.
“Thanks so much for bringing her to me,” the man said to Kamm, with a nod to me as well. “Gonna introduce her to the new family; now everyone I love is in one place.”
Kamm said a polite goodbye while I gave him a warm smile and wiggled my fingers at Pickle. The cat gave me a slow blink, purring hard and nuzzling his chin. Then the pair of them walked off to the rest of their lives.
“Come grab your stuff,” Kamm told me. “He left a big tip, which I’ll pass over to you. No way we could have done a thing to calm that creature ourselves.”
“Thank you,” I said. “It was my pleasure.” It really had been; going home seemed anticlimactic now. It was just a pity I hadn’t been able to socialize with the crew more. They were good people.
I followed Kamm back into the ship for the last time — or so I thought, until a pair of crew members called from the radio station about a message from their sister ship.
“They had a fuel leak, and only managed to coast into orbit of a moon four days out,” said the small Frillian. “They need fuel, repair supplies, and extra food for their cargo.” He looked from Kamm to me. “I don’t know what planet the cargo is from, but if you don’t have to be anywhere just yet…?”
I grinned. “I don’t, as a matter of fact. I’ll happily come along if you’ll have me.”
Kamm flipped a tentacle in what was probably a shrug. “Why not? It worked out well just now. And I want to see if you can play a flange horn.”
“Me too!” I said. “Let me just grab some provisions before we go. At least one of you folks has to try pizza.”
This was years ago now. I never did get a regular job back on Earth, and I don’t regret it one bit.
(A couple crewmates did regret the pizza, but at least it was funny.)
This is official backstory connecting these comics with this novel. Robin has had a lot of adventures, and is about to have more!
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friezaglasiencold · 3 months
So if we cant press you on your emotions; can we press you on how long your facade (impressed at your theatrics sire) with that earth boy will last? Like what's the plan, you do not care about others and think of him as a plaything as said before. Just adorning the earthling title of "boyfriend" its a cute pet name admittedly. Or is it he benefits you babysitting your son or something. the good ol' waiting till hes older to ditch em'. -sincerely a curious force worker
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cringe--is--dead · 1 year
Peaceful Paradise Interrupted
Type: One Shot
Gohan x Reader, Reader is the adopted daughter of Vegeta and Bulma
Summary: Your peace wasn't often challenged, but when someone came to earth to challenge your father and/or Goku, you end up more annoyed being in the middle of it than fearful.
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Your life had settled into a routine, though after most of your childhood and adolescence, you weren't complaining. The structure gave you a peace of mind, minus the occasional extraterrestrial being hell-bent on revenge against your father or challenging Goku.
Those spats, at this rate, lasted a day at the most, an hour at the least. You hardly ever knew of them until after the issues were resolved.
Safe to say you enjoyed your peace, you enjoyed your routine, you enjoyed everything your life had become. Minus this.
The barrel of some weird, foreign gun looking at you had become your new common view. The alien man who had broken into your home, looking for one of the several (like five) Saiyan life forms, only to find you lazing around in your pajamas while attempting to finish some paper due for some class you were beginning to hate.
You craned your neck to peer around at him, studying him as he spoke into whatever communicator his people used, before speaking up, more annoyed than anything, "You realize how stupid this is right?"
He blanched, taken aback by the calm demeanor in which you spoke. He barked some orders before turning his full attention towards you, "Excuse me?"
You shrugged, "This was dumb of you to do." Your legs were beginning to cramp up under you, and you were at least grateful you had worn longer pants, "Haven't you even heard of what happens to people who come to earth looking for a fight?"
He sneered, "They end up choosing life forms far beneath them, yes, little lady, I've heard the stories."
Rude. "I'm just saying - "
"You are not the one I'm after."
"I kind of figured," He narrowed his eyes at you, pressing the gun closer towards your face, "I can't imagine I did anything wrong enough to piss you off."
"Do you know of the Saiyans Vegeta and Kakarot?"
"Hard to not know them," Your voice was dry, and you knew that after the scolding your mother would unleash on you, she'd have some pride in how you were keeping your cool.
"My readings had indicated that they had been here, though upon arrival, I only found you. What is a weak, earthling like you doing around two of the most powerful beings on this planet?"
"Don't let them hear you say that, my father's ego is large enough already."
His eyebrow, or where you would assume an eyebrow would be, twitched, "Your- your father?"
You hummed, introducing yourself casually, before sending a sarcastic smile, "Vegeta's oldest."
"Your power levels are far too weak to be - "
"Adopted," You could feel the energy before anything else, the feeling of your hair standing up on end alerting you that your fiancé had gotten the emergency signal sent to his phone, "But, still."
You braced yourself, the door launching open with the sounds of splintered wood falling all around. Gohan was standing in the doorframe, hair still black, but eyes livid. You glanced at the shocked man before you, if Gohan didn't feel the need to power up than this guy was weak- what had he been hoping to do?
You watched as your fiancé smiled, something cold and dark, a look that was so foreign to see on him. It sent chills down even your spine, "Hi," The cheeriness was forced, "Honey you didn't tell me we had guests."
"Surprise visitors." You glanced sadly at the remnants of the front door as Gohan walked inside, you'd have to ask Goku to fix it again.
The energy coming off of your fiancé was beyond suffocating, and the blaster fell from where it had been pointed at you, trembling in the alien's hand.
"W- Who are you?"
"I should be the one asking you that considering you're in my house." Your fiancé's anger was getting harder to hide, the smile bordering bloodthirsty.
You flexed your hands from where they were bound, sighing, catching his attention, "Please don't destroy anymore of the house."
Gohan didn't look away from the man, who was frantically trying to contact some of his men. You assumed they had all scattered- and odds are some ended up coming across your father and Goku.
They might fare better than this man was about to.
"Of course," You blinked and he was across the room, grabbing the man by the front of his tunic, before lifting him up, the gun dropping to the floor.
"Let's take this outside, shall we?"
Just as quickly as he had gotten across the room, your fiancé had taken the offending man outside, the sounds of shouting growing muffled as they left your home.
You sighed to yourself, twisting further as you remembered the self-defense classes your mother made you take. It felt almost pointless at the time- who was stupid enough to do something to piss off your family? But as you managed to free your sore wrists, you were grateful.
By the time you moved on to untying your legs, Gohan strolled back in, not a hair out of place. He smiled at you, moving to crouch down in front of you, softly batting your hands away to undo the rest.
"Are you alright?"
He paused, laughing softly at the question.
"I should be asking you that," The rope fell, and he helped you stand, hands moving softly across you, feeling and searching for any indicators that he should go out and end that man.
"I'm alright," You smiled, "You got here just in time."
Gohan nodded, eyes falling shut, and he leaned down, forehead pressing against yours. You remained quiet, letting him process everything.
"I was so scared when you sent me that signal," He spoke quietly, eyebrows furrowing as if reliving the moment, "I wasn't sure what to expect. And dad and Vegeta were already dealing with their own stuff at the moment."
"He didn't hurt me," You reached forward, pulling your fiancé closer, allowing him to burrow into you as best he could, "I think he was more confused than anything to find a human here."
Gohan laughed, a wet sound from the back of his throat, "Right. Not the terrifying Saiyan legends he was expecting."
"Just a human college student who probably would have hit him with a frying pan had I been in the kitchen," You glanced at the dishes laying in the sink- had you been closer you definitely would have.
"I assume the others are taken care of?"
Gohan nodded, "Dad and Vegeta are on their way here - "
The sound of your name being shouted outside alerted you that more company had arrived, and the sounds of an engine being killed let you know your mother had arrived with them.
You watched as Goku made his way to the front entrance of your house, peering down curiously at the broken door, hand rubbing the back of his head, "Aw man, I feel like I just fixed - "
He was interrupted by your father barging by, snarling an, "Out of the way Kakarot", before he made his way inside. You saw your mother trailing close behind, eyes wide and worried, hand clutched to her chest. Goku had enough smarts to step out of the way, moving to stand where you saw your brother and Goten in the yard, the later of the two poking the unconscious assailant with a stick.
"Oh, my baby! Are you hurt?" Gohan stepped back, hands up in defense as you shot him a glare.
Your mothers arms wrapped around you tightly, your ribs wincing at the strength of her hold, "I'm fine mom, he didn't do - "
"And this is why I still think you and Gohan should have taken one of the homes near us!" She huffed as she let you go, arms resting on your shoulders as she glared at you, no malice behind her eyes, "My security would have ensured that that man never even looked at you - "
"She moves back in and Gohan can go home with Kakarot, everyone's happy," Your father snarked, arms crossed over his chest.
"Vegeta," Your mother turned to glare at him, arms never leaving their place around you, jerking you forward with her.
"To be fair dad he was the one who got here first," You rolled your eyes as your father pointedly ignored this remark.
"Still - with the damages done I think it's best if you two come stay at home for now!"
"Mom, it's literally just the front door - "
"Perfect!" She squeezed you tighter- a warning not to argue.
You glanced helplessly at your fiancé, who only shrugged in response. The man who more than likely stopped himself from killing moments ago, fell powerless in the face of your overprotective mother.
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Could you write a scenario for 2012! Commander Mozar with a mutant darling?
Some time ago, you said that you wanted to add more horror to your stories. Well, I hope this idea is horrific enough for you. It takes place in Annihilation: Earth! Part 2 of the 2012 TMNT show. But things happen differently in this different timeline. The turtles fail like in the show, but Fugitoid never shows up to save them, causing all four of them to be consumed by the black hole. But the worst thing is that the triceratons, specifically Mozar, decided to spare the reader, a mutant, by capturing and locking them in their ship. Why exactly? Humans were all over the planet, but a mutant is special. They could serve as an exotic souvenir from the planet they just annihilated. It is a desperate situation for the reader and there is no hope of escape. They saw Splinter getting stabbed in the back, all their friends dying, the planet getting destroyed and now they're just a prize/pet for an alien commander.
Sure! I watched both episodes to know what to write for this :) Here you go!
Survivor Syndrome
Yandere! Captain Mozar with Mutant! Darling Story
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Kidnapping, Isolation, Mind break implied (Darling), Mass death, Manipulation, Dark themes, Darling has Survivor's Guilt, Dehumanization (Technically), Darling is a pet, Forced companionship/relationship.
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You swore if your heart beat any harder you'd die of a heart attack. Your breathing was rapid as you look around your surroundings. You were in a cell... cuffed like an animal.
Perhaps you really were just an animal... you've been one since becoming a mutant.
The memories kept echoing in your mind. The black hole, Splinter dying, being kidnapped. You grit your teeth...
Everyone's dead... not just Splinter... far as you know everyone is.
Everyone except you.
Now look at you. Stuck in a cage like some exotic animal. It didn't matter what you looked like as a mutant... The Triceratons would still deem you unique. They didn't want to let you die like the rest.
Perhaps the fate of your companions was... better than this?
You aren't sure.
"Do you still cower in your cage, creature?" A deep voice greets you, heavy footsteps standing in front of your cell. "Pardon... Mutant is the term, no?"
Captain Mozar....
You hesitantly look up, eyes catching the blue eye of the commanding Triceraton. You grit your teeth and not answer. The captain merely chuckles softly.
"You really are interesting... Hard to believe something like you was once human." Mozar hums, looking at you as you press yourself against your cell with a smile.
"I wish I was still human! That way my fate would've been like the others!" You cry, Mozar tilting his head at your sudden defiance.
"Hm... your anger is understandable." Mozar comments, leaning down to get a better look at you. "But we have plans for you... Good plans."
The Triceraton chuckles, watching as you growl at him. You were such a strange creature... unique to Earth and now the only one of your kind. Oddly enough... He felt a bit drawn to you.
"I want nothing to do with your plans. Can't you just... Toss me out the airlock?" You ask, Mozar looking unimpressed at the suggestion.
"No. Where's the fun in that?" Mozar chuckles, tapping on the cell. "You have no choice but to stay here, pet."
"... What did you just call me?" You ask, staring up at the towering alien while he watches you with intrigue.
"Well, why do you think I decided to keep you?" Mozar grins under his metal plate. "A mutant like you is exotic... a pet... you'll grow used to your new role."
You push yourself away from the cell door cage when Mozar pulls out something from behind him. You make it out to be a chain... a leash. You really were just an animal now...
A pet for Captain Mozar to enjoy.
"Best you don't fight." Mozar warns, opening the cell door. "Besides... What else do you have to fight for, Earthling?"
You feel yourself yanked out by Mozar, cold metal clamping around your neck. You pull against the leash but ultimately end up choking yourself instead. So instead... you try to stay compliant.
"There's nothing for you... except for me." The Triceraton taunts, pulling you closer by the leash so he can stare you down. "I'm all you have now, aren't I? I'm your new master... your everything."
"What if I don't comply?" You hiss, Mozar harshly pulling the leash to choke you.
"Then you'll break." Mozar threats, chuckling as you pull at your new restraints. "I either gain your obedience now... or I break you to gain it later."
The Triceraton then walks you around the room, an attempt to get you used to the leash and your new role. It felt nice to be out of the cage... but you felt yourself crumbling. His words really got to you...
All because they were indeed true.
"What's it going to be?" Mozar hums, turning back to watch you. "Will you listen to me..."
He then yanks the chain down, making you collapse harshly to your knees with a whine.
"Or will I have to break you? Your choice, pet."
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sommerregenjuniluft · 11 months
@jegulus-microfic - october 31 - halloween - 745words
insp by @regscupid october 3rd microfic <3
“Say ‘I am going to abduct you, earthling.’”
“I look stupid.”
“You look properly scary.”
“I have wobbly eyes on my head.”
“Don’t see what one thing has to do with the other, love,” James grins cheekily from behind Regulus in the mirror and then gives him a loud smooch on his cheek.
Regulus rolls his eyes and hopes the green-ish face paint over his nose covers his blush.
“Ready to go, Hazza?” James calls up the stairs.
There’s a giggle from the floor above, a few quiet steps and then Harry jumps down two at a time within sight of them with a loud Grawr.
James playfully jumps in place and clutches his chest with a gasp as Harry erupts into evil snickers.
The young boy comes bounding down the rest of the stairs in his skeleton onesie and black and white face paint that’s only minutely smudged (as of now) and holds up his sweets bucket that his father told him to get from his room. 
This one is distracted fighting to pull his spider legs shoulder straps over his thick coat so Regulus gives Harry a nod and a smirk and reaches his hand out to him, “C’mon. Shoes on and then off we go.”
“Yeah!” Harry yells with elation and passes his plastic pumpkin bucket off to Regulus.
It’s still light outside when they start their walk around the neighborhood.
James tells Harry to look out for the houses with Halloween decoration, anything creepy– candles, spiderwebs, carved pumpkins.
It only takes two houses down the sidewalk before Harry gasps and points at a prettily decorated front door.
James gives his son a warm smile, nodding, telling him to go on, as he snakes an arm around Regulus’ waist, pulling him closer into his side.
It’s not particularly cold but Regulus lets himself melt into James’ ridiculously puffy jacket with a sigh anyways. He’s warm and he smells good, like his cologne and their laundry detergent and the glass of mulled wine they shared before getting ready. 
He burrows further into James’ scarf around his neck as he watches Harry skip up the stairs, two pointy-toothed pumpkins out front, white cotton wool and black, little paper bats adorning the railing.
Harry rings the bell and then hastily presses himself against the outside wall next to the door, holding a finger to his lips as he looks wide-eyed and breathless back at them.
Regulus’ chest feels so full he might burst.
The door opens and a middle aged woman with a witch’s hat peeks around with a bowl of chocolates in her hand.
She has barely time to look confused at James and Regulus before little Harry jumps out of his hiding spot with a shrill, “Trick or treat!”
The woman yelps in a genuine fashion and throws an admonishing look over at him and James as Harry falls into a little giggle fit. “Well, thank goodness I’m no 60 something year old with poor blood pressure,” she says good-naturedly, crouching down in front of Harry with a smile to let him choose his pick. 
Regulus shifts his weight from one foot to the other a little uneasily at the thought of Harry actually giving one of the pensioners in their neighborhood a heart attack.
“As young and fresh as always, Miss Sinistra.” James says with a charming grin.
The woman grumbles a little and fixes James with a look when Harry turns his back to her to join the two of them again, “You fellas should dial it down a notch or two.”
When Regulus looks over again, James seems a little bashful as he smiles brightly, “Noted.”
Satisfied with that, apparently, she softens right up and gives them another pointed look, smug smile on her lips, “Happy Halloween to you.”
“Happy Halloween, dear neighbor,” James responds, squeezing Regulus’ waist knowingly.
Regulus curses quietly, giving Sinistra a wave, smiling strained.
“Happy Halloweeeen,” Harry shouts, racing past them and they quickly turn to follow.
Regulus gnaws on the inside of his lower lip while he feels James radiate with glee next to him, who waits until Harry is further down the sidewalk out of earshot before he leans down and rasps into Regulus ear, “Seems like she didn’t forget the way I fucked you against the window last year, after all.”
Regulus jams his elbow forcefully into James’ side.
The puffy-jacketed bastard doesn’t do much besides chuckle and pull Regulus into a kiss.
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sofiarainbowdream · 25 days
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“You Alteans are so sentimental.” “And you Earthlings are beautiful.” The girl turned to Keith and lightly kissed the corner of his mouth, shyly lowering her eyes. Keith's lashes fluttered like startled butterflies. The boy turned and slowly leaned forward and pressed his lips to the Princess's softly delicate lips. Roughly, awkwardly. Allura froze, holding her breath and opening her lips for the first kiss of her life. Keith's hot lips burned, gripping and releasing, unknowingly-sweetly teasing and flutteringly-innocently caressing, barely touching. He stopped and sharply pulled away from Allura, as if frightened of his daring. Keith looked down at the tips of his shoes and shifted his gaze to the Princess. “Are you going to finish your sandwich?” “Come on, Keeeith. Of course I do.” “Paladin!” The kitchen lit up. Keith squinted disgruntledly, and Allura burrowed her face into his shoulder. “And the Princess! At night! In the kitchen! Snacking.” Coran stood in a condemning posture, with his legs spread wide apart and his hands at his sides. “It's unhealthy. Go to your bedrooms. Romantic date? No, a night snack.” Coran's mustache twitched nervously. “Youngsters.” And the Paladin and the Princess ran out into the hallway past the disgruntled advisor.
© Voltron: Paladins of the Galaxy
— Какие вы, алтеане, сентиментальные. — А вы, земляне, красивые, — девушка повернулась к Киту и лёгким поцелуем застенчиво коснулась краешка его рта, смущённо опустив глаза. Ресницы Кита взмахнули испуганными бабочками. Парень обернулся, медленно подался вперёд и прижался губами к мягко-нежным губам принцессы. Грубо, неловко. Аллура замерла, затаив дыхание и приоткрыв губы для первого в её жизни поцелуя. Горячие губы Кита обжигали, захватывая и отпуская, неумело-сладко терзая и трепетно-невинно лаская, едва касаясь. Он остановился и резко отстранился от Аллуры, словно испугавшись своей дерзости. Кит потупился, разглядывая кончики своей обуви, и перевёл взгляд на принцессу: — Ты бутерброд доедать будешь? — Ну, Кииит. Конечно, буду. — Паладин! — кухня озарилась светом, Кит недовольно прищурился, а Аллура уткнулась ему в плечо. — И принцесса! Ночью! На кухне! Жрёмс, — Коран застыл в осуждающей позе, а именно широко расставив ноги и уперев руки в бока. — Это вредно. Бегом по своим спальням. Нет, чтобы романтическое свидание. Пожрать, — усы Корана нервно дёргались. — Молодёжь. И паладин с принцессой выскочили в коридор мимо недовольного советника.
© Вольтрон: Звёздные паладины
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letmelazer · 4 months
"Biker Mice From Mars: Toxic Earth". A comic book by Nacelle to be published by Oni Press.
Initially me: A comic book set in a post-apocalyptic landscape? Not really my thing. But ok, let's read the synopsis.
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Now, I don't care if it's just an alternate future. I really don't care if this story won't connect to the main series. Not even if they later tell me that actually Martians and Earthlings are incompatible. But you've dropped the bomb, you can't leave us like this, with too many questions. Charley and Vinnie with a daughter? Adoptive? Biological? Is she a mouse? Human? A mixture of the two? Does she have green eyes? Urg... Tell us now! [I never thought I could read such things outside of fanfictions. Wow!]
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vindictusoverlord · 1 year
Greetings, Earthlings! It’s a Tartaglia fic… Fontaine be hittin 🥰🥴
The word count in this one is: 7,023. Reposted bc Wattpad wildin, and I’m just tryna cook.
TW; Kink list including: CNC, daddy/mommy, breeding, slapping/biting, dirty talk, submissive!Reader, public(ish)
Thanks for tuning in.
--  ץдкรђค
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For the last three damn months, he had been playing this game with you.
In the beginning, your guard was high. Something about this uncomfortably friendly Snezhnayan man sent chills up your spine that didn't let up, even long after he had gone and left you to your devices. Being a foreign diplomat was a false cover and you knew that. The unfortunate business had it that your job was literally to assist him with whatever, wherever, and whenever he may need it, which often meant scrambling to complete paperwork he didn't want to do, or organize meetings with particularly difficult clientele he didn't want to deal with. Being in the business of legality left you with massive stacks of paperwork's following his Mora concerns, and the tax calculations along with them. Your boss fell beside himself whenever Childe entered the building, sprouting on and on about the Bank and Fatui's prominence, refusing to hear anything you had to say about the matter. Even if you understood why, the sad sack was nothing more than a Grade A ass kisser.
You wished you could print it on a name tag and sew it to his oversized forehead.
Truthfully, it wasn't just the way your boss behaved that upset you. The whole endeavor made you sick and nothing but loathing had emerged from your stomach towards the foreigner. It was a deep feeling, one that siphoned your will to be friendly and cordial and replaced it only with a senseless dread.
Hands placed on the edges of the sink, you sigh out, hunching your sore, overworked back. Much of your stress hung there, pressing angrily against strained nerves. In the mirror, you gaze at your reflection; water dripped from your hair to your skin, and then onto the cool tile with soft platplatplats to take up the silent air. It was cold today, and the atmosphere in your small apartment had been tense.
With a heavy heart, you raise a towel to your hair, wicking away the water, slowly working down to dry your body, before wrapping it finally within your (h/c) locks. It was going to be a long day, and you knew that, but nothing had prepared you for the next 17 hours of running around Liyue on behalf of Childe, your man-child of a boss, or the ever present dock merchants. By the time you got home again later that night, your feet ached and your body could barely hold itself up.
You collapse on your couch, flinging your shoes off back towards the door. The business uniform would have to do as sleep attire for now.
I'm so tired....
Your mind began to drift towards sleep. It was another night without dinner, but that hadn't seemed to bother you much the last few days. Carried softly to sleep by the soft sounds of the ocean, you—
Knock! Knock! Knock!
"(Y/N!)" The frantic barrage just a few feet away startled you awake. "(Y/N), please! Open up!"
You let out a hiss as you stand, feeling the soreness of your knees as you rise. "Okay, okay," you mutter, undoing the deadbolt, and opening the door slowly. "Do you know what fucking time it is? What is it?"
On the other side, your team's paper catcher stood straight as a board. His name was lost to your tongue most times, as he was nose deep in paperwork and served more as a scapegoat to the office than anything else. You believed it started with a T....
"(Y/N)! I'm so sorry to bother you this late; I know it's past the end of your shift and I'm sure you'd much rather be sleeping but—"
His voice prattled on and on;
"What does he want?" You pinch your brow. "Is it that ridiculous Shneznayan again? I already told you, man. I'm not running anymore errands for the fucking Fatui tonight, and sure as shit not for that Archon-forsaken Harbinger either."
The receptionists face went white as soon as the words left your mouth. He cleared his throat and forced a smile, stepping to the side. "The esteemed Childe requested to speak to you, (Y/N). I do apologize for the intrusion, but I um--" He looks back and forth, breath catching quickly in his throat. "If you'll please excuse me, I— I do wish you both a very pleasant evening." and with that, he scurried off. You open your door further to peer past, wondering where he could have gone so quickly.
And on the other side, the tall, red-headed man stands slides into view before you. His smile is sinister as he peers at you with a curious look in his eye. "Well, well! If it isn't the lovely Miss (Y/N). It truly is a pleasure to see you again."
You straighten, holding the door firmly in place. "Likewise. What can I assist you with at this time, Childe?" It was hard to hide the venom in your voice.
He shifts his weight, crossing his arms. "I did request your help with something, but it sounds like you don't like us very much. Maybe I could ask your boss instead—"
"No, that won't be necessary." You step forward from your door. "I'd be happy to help. Just need my shoes first."
The solemn grimace on your face seemed to serve as entertainment to deepen his sadistic smile. You swallow your pride, and prayed this assignment would be over soon.
He led you through the quiet streets of Liyue, not daring to disturb the peace of the calming city. Below you, a skeleton crew of dock workers bustled about, and a few business's lights began to go out. A cold breeze had settled over the sea, bringing in a fog that only served to make the air more frigid.
You shiver, holding tightly to your arms, and never letting your gaze leave the man that guided you along. He held himself high. Everything about him, from his head to his shoes, radiated something across from resembling dignified and laid back. His long, white coat fussed in the breeze, the heavy tails trailing behind him as he walked along. His pace was quick, and it took a lot out of you just to keep up.
Oh, to be a Fatui Harbinger. You wondered to yourself, absently thinking about the leisure they must enjoy. An endless supply of money, power, and political outreach; well, they all enticed you. Part of you wondered if it was possible to reach that level of comfort here in Liyue, as your bills were barely scraped by with what you did earn... which was quite a bit more than most. It was expensive in the city, and as much as you worked, you knew it would not be enough.
Eventually, the Golden House appeared before you. It's long elegant steps laid out the path Childe began to follow and you carried on directly behind him. Your fatigue had set in strongly now, mind becoming blank from the long days. You needn't ask the task, as you'd been here many times previous. It was paperwork. Always fucking paperwork.
With grace, he brandished a polished brass key and pushed open the large double doors. The building was empty, as to be expected, and the echoes of your footsteps brought clarity back to your mind even if for a split second. Beyond the massive corridor, a few hallways darted off and separated into smaller offices. He leads you down to an office near the back, the only barely lit door slightly ajar in the whole building.
You'd never seen anyone else at the Golden House. It had always just been the two of you, and maybe your boss or the Quixing, but rarely. Keqing herself could hardly spare the time.
He turns to you, gesturing to the desk. "Yep, you guessed it! Paperwork." He chuckles, trying to lighten the mood. "Oh, come on, you can't hate me that much, girlie! I just need a few signatures and you'll be on your way."
You suck air through your teeth. Girlie. Cringe.
Without much else to say, you take your seat and get to work. The Harbinger takes a spot across from you on the opposite side of the desk. He kicks his feet up, gingerly placing his shoes as far as he can decently manage from the stacks of paperwork. From the inter pocket of his overcoat, he pulls out a book and flips a few pages to the middle. Now that he was out of your way, you could focus.
Soon, you'd go home.
After a few hours, it seemed that all the stacks had been finished. Your fingers ached.
"Is there anything else I can do for you or can I please go home now?" You sigh, not daring to move from your spot. You had a sneaky feeling he'd come up with something else.
He seems to ponder for a moment, closing his book. Your irritation grows quickly as you wait. Seconds turn to what feels like hours and your blood runs loudly in your ears. "You know," he says, "I really should find more work for you. Maybe it's not enough for you to be grateful to be employed."
He must have seen the anger on your face because he continues on as if it amuses him. "You really don't like me much, huh, girlie? I think the big man wouldn't be too happy to hear that you put up a fight and made me mad, right?"
He stands slowly, shirking off his overcoat and draping it over the plush couch cushion.
"Or maybe, you could apologize and be nicer to me," Childe makes his way around the desk, cooing his ultimatum. His aura feels like he's stalking you like prey; the pure bloodlust makes your skin crawl like a million bugs. "And we can move on, or," As he approaches you, he lowers his face to your exposed neck. You feel his lukewarm, minty breath burn against your skin, prickling it like a thousand needles. Your heart stops when he grips your shoulder, and as his hand creeps up to your throat, you feel that fear giving way to... what is that feeling?
He whispers so softly, you thought you misheard. "I can fuck the obedience into you."
You gulp, struggling on the frog in your throat. Realizing what he said, you jump up and wheel around, bumping hard into the desk. "Excuse me?" Your voice breaks.
"Now that," he puts his hands up, shaping a rectangle with his fingers. "I like that look on your face, Miss (L/N)." His arrogant laugh rings menacingly. "Are you awake now?"
You're taken aback by the tonal shift. His voice is lighthearted and fun again. "I—" you begin, and choke on your words.
"You?" Childe asks, amusement marching like a parade across his handsome face. "Go ahead."
You choke, clear your throat and say goodbye to your pride, and continue. "I'm truly sorry, Childe. For the way I've acted. I can't lose this job. I'm sorry."
He hums, moving the rolling chair out of his way. He steps closer, amusing himself with your ragged presentation. "See," he says, and quickly snakes a hand behind your head. His fingers tangle in your hair, forcing your head back to look at him. "That just won't do."
Without meaning to, you let out a yelp, bringing your hands up defensively to the arm gripping you. His other arm scoops and lifts you ass first onto the heavy wooden desk, scattering stacks of the finished papers all about the ground. Your back slams down with his weight above you, the man's face just inches from your own. "Say it like you fucking mean it."
Your breathing is ragged, chest heaving as he leers over your tiny form. His oceanic gaze pierces through you, an intense longing somewhere deep within the sultry lust; you feel him pressing firmly against your thighs. His hips are rigid and firm, unmoving against your squirming body. "I'm sorry, sir!" You blurt, cringing almost immediately after and expecting the worst.
His soft lips meet your cheek, gently kissing your quivering jaw. "Mm, I like that..."
He then pulls back, chuckling at your response. In kind, he releases your hair, purring at your response. "That's much better."
He straightens up and walks away from the desk where you lay, grabbing his jacket on his way towards the door. The suddenness of his retreat left you cold and unwanted, closer to unfinished than anything. His demeanor had surfaced something within you. It was close to a strong, unbound loathing, but your insides... well, they were alit with a mean flame of desire all the same.
"You're free to go home, girlie." He says, standing in the doorway. "After you clean this up, of course. Those papers are due to Ningguang by sunrise. I'll need you to do that, too."
You peered at the clock that now lay on the equally disheveled carpet flooring.
03:07 AM.
With a heavy, uneven sigh, you lower yourself from the desk and began gathering the papers. You found yourself doing that a lot lately, and grew rather tired of cleaning up other's messes.
Why did he do that?
For several days following, Childe did not act different than he normally would with his business partners. He was cordial and polite, no longer requesting you at every second of the day. At times, his fiery gaze would occasionally linger on you when the two of you were alone, but would not last longer than a few moments if you caught him. The work load seemed to lighten, too, and at least that helped reduce your work stress. The problem that remained was the cuttable tension that arguably had you just as stressed as before. Every time you felt his gaze, you squirmed in your spot, aching.
What was all that about anyways?
It kept you up at night, steaming in your head an uncertainty and jealousy of his attention. All this time of harassing you, bothering you, overworking you, and now he had nothing to even say to you if you passed by. Looking back, it seemed to be often that the two of you would cross paths even if it didn't make sense to do so.
But because the work load had dissipated so substantially, you decided that for the first time in months, you should let your guard down a bit. Clearly, he had at least listened to you at some point. The new-hires had been exceptionally diligent leading up to the next traditional event Liyue was hosting at the Terrace. Overall, you allowed yourself to relax and take everything by stride. Taking over as a trainer had been very beneficial in the end.
It was a far cry to hope this lasted longer than a few days but it was worth a shot you supposed. The nameless Fatui agent held the door open before you as they had done many times before, you felt at ease for your summons to the Harbinger's office. Your palms felt steady, confident, holding the stack of manila folders. After receiving a friendly greeting from the desk agent and signing in, you made your way down the unnecessarily long hallway and to the ornate frosted glass door.
"Wow, look who it is!" He chimes, calling out shortly before you reached his door as if he knew you were coming. "You sure are fast!"
You pause, standing in the doorway. "More folders; Keqing herself signed off on your proposition to the festival."
"Is that right?" He asks, his gaze is fiery, challenging even, with his fingers interlaced under his chiseled chin. "Glad to hear it."
You nod your head, place the folders in the empty drop box beside the door, and turn for the exit. "If you'll excuse me."
"No, no, please stay for a moment, (Y/N)."
Oh, that tone...
You suck in your teeth, gazing around the room at anything else but him. He was so intimidatingly beautiful and the power he held in one finger could hold back a whole crowd with ease. He commanded obedience and it tortured you that that very thought had been in your mind every night you spent alone. Even the gentle voice he used here seemed to hold your being in place, churning a beast within.
The office was large; much larger than your living room and held a variety of extravagant decorum across the area. Two large velvet sofas, both dyed a deep burgundy, and a heavy, dark wood coffee table sat at a distance, with a large portion of the wall to your right covered in towering bookshelves. On the wall behind his desk, windows adorned with heavy velvet curtains scored out a panoramic view of the harbor and seafront. Small wrought iron shelves adorned with a variety of meticulously kept plants and flowers from different areas, and supplied the room with a very clean, humid atmosphere. Even the lighting, which was almost completely supplied by the noon sun, set the room leagues away from your own environment and shamed your personal cubicle.
The Harbinger before you stands, silently creeping around his desk to catch the door behind you. He quietly brings it to a close before pulling out a chair for you. "Please, have a seat."
He smiles, letting you rest in the plush chair. You mumble out a thank you, stiffening your back as proper as you're able. Childe leans across from you on the desk and crosses his legs at the ankles. After a moment, he speaks, "Is there anything that I, or the Northland Bank, can do for you to make your tasks more enjoyable, Miss (L/N)?" His hand holds his chin perked up and inquisitive, watching you from above.
Your face flushes, not coming up on any real words. You found yourself landing back on the typical response, relishing in it's soft ease off your lips. "N-No, not really. I've... not felt the best, so I may have been slacking on my duties."
"You've been doing fine, actually. In fact, you're far exceeding expectations but," He exhales heavily, grabbing his glass of dark wine delicately. As the man cups the glass, you find yourself lingering on his long, slender fingers. He catches your gaze and taps them individually on the glass teasingly. "Something's on your mind. You seem distracted~"
"Hmm— Nope, I'm okay!" You laugh nervously, scratching the back of your head. You remember how those same fingers felt twisting in your hair for those few moments. Within your chest, you feel your heart skip a beat and heat your veins.
"Just be honest. We're all friends here." There's that same devious smile on his lips as before, and your mind begins to wander viciously.
"Okay, sure." An inhale, an exhale, you stiffen. "But I meant it. I don't have anything to say."
He hums. "Nothing at all?"
"Nothing at all, sir."
"That attitude... you don't give me that when you're working for me anymore." He grins, gathering a view over your rigid form. "I really wish you would."
Before you realize what you're saying, you ask: "Oh? Is that so?"
"Oh~" A glitter in his eyes appears, his glare intense over the wine glass. "It'd make the punishment all the better, don't you think?"
You shudder with a bubbling anger, hating every inch of confidence this man has with in him. He knows that he's doing, and it pisses you off all the more. "I'll—"
He sets the glass down. "You'll, what? Hm?" Childe leans forward, close enough to your ear that you can feel his breathing. "You'll tell on me?"
The man drops to a squat, hands resting on his knees. This way, he's almost eye level with you and all the more intimidating. "Are you gonna tell them how much you liked it, too? What about how you desperately wanted me to fuck you right there in the office?
"Or," Childe brushes a strand of hair behind your ear, letting his fingers trace along your jaw, and finally, down your neck to your shirt collar, earning a hearty shiver. His other hand finds it's place on your lower thigh, making tiny swirls with his thumb. It slowly tracks up your thigh and under your skirt, tugging on the hem briefly before disappearing underneath. "How you think about me every night when you touch yourself? Biting your pillow and crying my name..." His breath comes out like a shudder, almost as if he's mocking you as he enunciates ever syllable. "'Tar...tag...li...a!~'"
Your body shrinks in the chair. His presence is so overwhelming. "Stop that..."
Instinctively, you reach out to push away his touch.
As soon as his soft lips graze against your neck, your heart is going a million miles an hour. The tip of his tongue trails across your sensitive flesh, raising goosebumps all over. "I can't stop," His fingers slide under the fabric of your cotton panties, moving in slow shapes along your sex, but you don't move your hands away. "Unless you beg me to." He mutters and your whole body almost caves in on itself.
His teeth sink softly into your skin, allowing just a small rush of pain and adrenaline to catch you off guard, bucking your hips by instinct. You rush to cover your mouth before any sounds come out, and Tartaglia grins against your skin, speaking in between the trail of sloppy kisses he leaves behind. "Such... a good... girl..."
The man lifts his face slightly to view your expression. "Oh~ Look at that~" He purrs, delicately moving his fingers in slow, circular motions over your clit. You can feel the heat bubbling up again. You think for a moment that he may have spied on you before when he mentioned your... private extracurricular activities. Just the idea of that alone was enough to bring the edge close. He was here, touching you, speaking so lewdly to you, and for the longest time, that had just been a dream.
"P-please..." You grip the arm rests of the chair, thighs twitching with anticipation. "That's not fair..."
"Aww, girlie," he casually removes the two fingers from under your skirt, placing his large palm against the side of your face. He cups your cheek so tenderly, holding up your trembling jaw almost as if he truly cared. "Are you scared of me?"
You gaze back at him through heavy eyelids, nodding slowly. How badly you fought yourself on the morality of all of this... It started to give way.
"Good," he growls, sending a firm smack to your cheek. "You fucking should be." He rises to his feet quickly.
A surprised gasp escapes your lips, your mind recoiling over itself. Without a second to spare, he grabs your face again and holds your chin firmly in place. "Stand up."
You shakily do so, noticing how much he towers over you. He hastily turns the two of you around, lifting you up onto his empty desk. Tartaglia moves his hands gingerly from your hips up your torso, snaking up the skin underneath your sweater. You feel every movement he makes, his lips leaving soft love bites on your neck, his rough palms against your warm flesh, and the way his chilled fingers pressed firmly into your sides to keep you in place.
Tartaglia kisses along your jaw, sneaking a kiss as he makes his way around. Your face burns as you return his fervor, finding a perfect chemistry. Chest in disarray, beating hard against your ribs, you arch your back to press into his towering form. He smiles and hums into the kiss, feeling your small hands reach up to tangle in his hair, your legs wrap like rope around his waist trying desperately to cling to his warmth. Your confidence seems to stir something in his mind.
He pulls back, just barely grazing your lips with his own. "You really piss me off, you know that?"
The harbinger's hips grind a bit rougher against yours, moving in something of an infinity shaped motion. You catch his bottom lip with your teeth and earn a deep growl from the man before you. He quickly lifts your uniform sweater above your breasts, cupping them firmly in this hands, toying with your nipples through the thin, lacy fabric of your bra.
Tartaglia moves down between your thighs once again, never breaking his rhythm within your kiss. A soft moan escapes your lips, lost in the heat of the moment.
Without hesitation, Childe shoves you back onto the desk, looming over you like a predator. He hooks his hands under your thighs, pulling you to the end of the desk. Your ass barely hangs over the edge; inner thighs still pressed up tightly against his waist. His eyes are dark, full of lust.
"I'm going to break you," Childe straights his back, trailing his hands back down your thighs, and then back up. He pushes up your skirt, revealing a black matching lace undergarment; you flush, overwhelmingly nervous.
Beneath his large frame, you felt a strong panic as his body weight pinning you against the heavy oak table.
You struggle to get away, squirming finally out of his grasp and headed quickly towards the door.
"Aht, aht, aht~" he coos, pulling your arms back and slamming you face first back on the desk. Your back is turned to him now, his hips grinding slowly against your bottom. "Where do you think you're going, girlie?"
You shudder. Your stomach churns from his demeanor, feeling overwhelmed by the grip of his hands on your wrists. He holds them firmly above your head with one hand, and for a moment, your panic almost caves. "Childe... please~!"
"Doesn't really sound like you're asking me, (Y/N), so," His soft lips graze across your nape. "No, I don't think I will."
You feel your skirt hike up your back again, and his free hand finds it's place fondling your bottom. He squeezes firmly, prepping himself to smack hard.
You yelp, a fierce heat radiating across your ass.
"Fuck you!" You raise your voice back at him. So badly do you want to lay onto him, to release a thick onslaught of curses, but your voice quivers and it comes out as little more than a squeak.
He almost softens, but the edge in his stance never leaves him. He smacks your bottom again, this time upon the other side. "Is that it?" He says, and hits you again... and again. Your yelps become buried into the polished surface of the desk, slowly becoming moans ruminating with something like fear. Your legs begin to buckle, shaking at the continued abuse, and the fire on your skin stings against the cool air of the office. You lift your head up.
"Fuck," your breathing is heavy, but you push it out like it was a dying breath. "You."
Childe laughs, gripping a fistful of your tussled (h/c). He moves his other hand to your cheek, swiping it across quickly. As if on command, your face instinctively contorts to the pain. Furrowing your brows, you look over your shoulder at him, doing your best to muster whatever anger comes to the surface.
"Oh~ I just love it, (Y/N)." He says calmly, sliding his rough hands softly along the developing bruises on your behind. His palms, weathered from years of battles and scarring, felt soothing along your welted skin. You lean into his touch. It felt like your head was reeling from the intensity of his abuse.
He smiles, leaning into your back. The man's lips grace along your nape as he whispers, "You are so beautiful."
Your face flushes a hot shade of red as bright as Venus itself. As his hands work their way back to your loins from the front, you grind your behind perfectly against his arching beltline. He groans against you, silently grateful for the harmony that you had both found. It saved your from the pain, at least.
It doesn't take long for him to pull you off the desk and set you, practically toss you, onto your knees. He takes your place, leans coolly against the frame, pulling his belt out of their loops in one quick swipe. He places it beside himself before bending to grab your hands. Steadily, you unbutton his pants, hooking your fingers over the hem with caution. You take a timid peek up at him.
His eyes....
They're carnal. Such likeness to a beast, or any monster of any horrible, fearsome storybook you had been read as a child. It shakes you to your core and makes you tremble something fierce.
You swallow hard.
This was it.
Childe's slacks drop neatly around his ankles, coming to rest over his loafers; and his cock springs forth. It was quite beautiful, you thought, admiring the proud curve. You marvel at the fact that he hadn't worn any boxers underneath such thin fabric, but of course, you knew this already.
With a sharp inhale, you straighten up. You hesitantly glide your tongue along the underside of his member, watching his expression shift and waver as you rise to your knees. And at last, after mustering all your confidence, all at once you wrap your mouth around his head.
His blue eyes rolled up towards the ceiling as your tongue went to work, dulled with lust. You kept a delicate watch on his everchanging expression, loving the sight of his pleasure distorting the lined features in the bright, atmospheric lighting. His hands find their way to your hair and twist within the soft (h/c) locks. "Fuck," He sighs out, propping himself up on one elbow. He guides your head up and down, allowing you to set the pace, and lets another soft hum escape his lips. "Where have you been hiding, huh?"
You smile up at him, deviance in your gaze, but never separating your mouth from his twitching cock. It was a lot to take in, but you held your breath and pushed on. Slowly but surely, the entirety of his length filled your throat, rubbing eagerly against your tonsils. He huffs, holding you there steadily. Your tongue moves with pressure in super slow motions, and with determination to impress, your fingers remain tightly clenched around your thumbs within your small fists.
"Archons..." He finally sighs, before letting your head go. His breathing is weighted.
To your surprise, you didn't gag. Taking this as a sign, you go for it again... and again... and... again, until Tartaglia is aggressively pounding your mouth into submission. You feel the ridge of his head fucking the back of your throat, your jaw slowly adapting to the use. His large hands hold your head in place, one tangled in your hair and the other pressing against the bulge of your throat as he thrusts, pulling out until the tip of his dick slides against the front of your tongue and back in, your cute nose pushing up against his toned stomach; It fills the air with gargled, lewd noises, leaving only the echoes of your taut cheek smacking on his pale skin. Tears well up in your eyes, smearing the mascara that donned your eyelashes so perfectly once before.
You're a total wreck.
Spit trails thickly down your neck, dripping off your skilled tongue like a small waterfall. Your soft, obedient hands play along your exposed nipple and under your hiked skirt, dancing along the sopping wet folds. When Tartaglia meets your gaze, his aura is hungry. It was everything about the sight of you playing so casually with yourself, his hard cock down your tight little throat, and his hands tangled in your mess of hair that he couldn't wait to pull as he fucked you from behind... His mind was whirling with the possibilities as it always had been when he was around you. It was so hard to control himself.
Slowly sliding out of your mouth, he looks down at the mess he's made you. "I haven't even touched you yet~"
You don't speak, dropping your face just below his member. You eagerly trace your tongue around his sack before engulfing them in your wet mouth. He chuckles again, exasperated as he runs his fingers through your hair. "Show me what you do when you think of me."
Tartaglia's voice is gentle as he speaks to you, like a siren song. It pulls a spark from your heart, and you comply eagerly. He uses his foot to kick your thighs further apart. It's obvious he enjoys the view.
Childe simply watches you make a complete mess of yourself. Whenever you'd lean forward to take him once more in your mouth, he'd yank your head back to look him in the eyes; The whole thing was just... so enticing... but... The man only teased himself as he watched you play. Those handsome features not daring to betray a single emotion amidst his unbridled curiosity.
He inhales, much more like a growl at the sound of your eager moans. As soon as his name left your mouth, it was over.
"Up and over," He mutters, scooping you up from beneath your trembling arms. The Harbinger bends you over the desk once more. One of your legs is lifted onto the surface, and the other unstably supports your heaving form. Childe spits in his hand and rubs it along his cock. You watch, full of lust and a bit of terror, almost praying that he'd be gentle.
Though, and you knew this well about yourself, you wished alongside your feeble hope that he would wreck you, breeding you senseless right here in his office. The idea of him remembering that every time he came to work... Well, that just about did it, huh?
After a curt node, you feel the pressure of his cock against your entrance and wince. The man's free hand reaches around your lifted thigh, snaking around to help spread you. Slowly but surely, he enters, adding globs of spit as he does.
The fullness took you by surprise. Your raised leg immediately drops to the floor. All at once, you fall forward, nails digging into the wood. Tartaglia doesn't move while you adjust. He watches your reaction, taking an immense amount of fiery pride in making you act like this-- like a primal beast in heat. He knew better than to hurt you now, so he let his idle hands explore your beautiful body. Across your smooth belly, up to your heaving chest, toying with each hard nipple, and up to your shoulders. He traces his fingers along the curves of your arms, coaxing your hands back to his, and interlocks them against the small of your back.
"Deep breath~" He coos, letting his weight rest on your back. You arch into him, trying your best not to wince when his hips push even further into you. Back out, and back in... Childe sets a slow, steady pace. Soon, you adjust completely and let yourself enjoy him. You take every inch like a champ, no longer feeling the heated sting.
He whispers, "Are you my good girl, (Y/N)?"
You moan out a futile affirmation, mind melting all around him. Tartaglia smiles softly, letting his desire flicker just for a moment in his predatory eyes. He straightens up, using his feet to spread your legs across the desk once again, and slaps your behind hard.
He slides almost all the way out, snaking his hand to meet yours again up at the small of your back. He held you down easily with only one hand. "Damn right you are." A sinister grin creeps up onto his lips. "And what do good girls want?"
You whimper it out softly, "I want you to fuck me."
"I'm sorry, you want what?" He mocks you, grasping a handful of your hair from the nape once more. "Say it louder."
"Please," You yelp as he tugs you back. The tip of his cock was right— there— and you felt so empty without it. You ached almost and pleaded with him in your tone. "Please fuck me!"
And with that, he slams his hips against your bare ass on repeat. Over... and over... Your mind begins to melt. You had imagined it for so long and yet he was here... better than you could have ever thought. Tartaglia's massive cock filled you with an intense heat that bubbled up like a witch's cauldron. It stopped being a concern about what they could hear outside the door or the spilt wine glass that stained the elaborately designed rug on the floor. Time melded altogether and left you without wanting in his beautiful office. You came and came... and again, just shaking before him like a small dog.
Childe moves to adjust himself and lifts you into his arms. You face him, showing him the barefaced mess he'd made you. Makeup and tears stretched down your flushed cheeks, and behind them, a harsh red line on your left cheek and forehead from where your face had pressed so firmly against the solid oak wood.
He positions himself again and enters you, this time with absolute ease. You felt welcome in his strong arms, allowing yourself to lean back a bit and toy with yourself. It didn't take long for that tension to build up again. Every movement he makes fills the air with a lewd set of noises, and your fingers play wildly against your terminally sensitive clit. You stare longingly up at him, made obedient by his bombardment. His tip slams into your cervix like a fighters' uppercut and sent spasms up your entire spine.
"Please--I'm so-- close-- daddy, please~!" You let your voice ring out, feeling drool spill over your bottom lip and onto the top of your exposed breasts.
Childe tilts his chin. "Daddy? Is that what you want to call me?"
You struggle on your words. Every inch of you feels full and hot, like a firework show is about to start. You whimper out your beggings, pleading, praying to this godlike man before you, in-between each deep thrust. "Yes-- please--"
"Oh, yeah?" The man laughs, holding you close to his chest. His hands secure you firmly. You let your arms snake around his shoulders. Your glistening forehead finds its place against his own sweating skin, breaths intertwining in an intimate dance. His voice is husky as he speaks; "Say it to me again and I'll make you a mommy."
A spark shoots through you and you grin wildly back at him. "Then," you growl, kissing and biting along his neck and up to his ear. "Breed me, daddy."
Without a second thought, Childe slams you into the nearest sofa chair. You bounce on the soft cushion, hearing a muffled thunk! as it scoots back on the rug below, and he begins again. One hand folds around your small neck while the other pushes your legs back above your head. As if on display, your bottom half raises above your flustered face. He felt so deep in your stomach that even your moans felt choked.
He still resembled such a rabid animal. From the bloodthirsty smirk adorning his lips to his stance as a beast before you, you recognized the fear growing again in your chest. Your vision is blurry from the tears in your eyes.
He slaps your ass with his free hand, squeezing tightly into the flesh. His movements get more sporadic as he goes, his thrusts more violent and deep. "Fuck," Childe groans, arching his body foreword. He presses his forehead to the top of the chair. "Shit~ I'm gonna..."
As you move your now freed hands to his rippled, scarred up sides, you feel his cock twitching inside you, unloading his hot cum deep into your core. Your voice was hoarse from the heavy breathing and seemed to scratch along your whimpers. You swallow hard, holding the heaving man as close to your as possible. Tartaglia half smiles when your legs wrap around his waist to keep him in place. There was so much... he knew he couldn't move for fear of passing out, and this small fact made the harbinger chuckle against the fabric of the couch. He had been bested by a normal girl from Liyue and for this, you had his respect.
After a few minutes, he pulls himself out of you and stands back, almost wavering as he does. His seed dripped thickly from your sex, trailing down your ass to become a thick puddle on the ground. Childe marvels at you with something soft and sweet in his eyes. You flush.
"C-can I have a um—" you begin, stuttering over your timid words, and sit yourself up just a bit. You try to angle your ass off the couch to avoid making an even bigger mess, but a part of you wondered if it even mattered at this point.
"A towel? Yeah, of course." He walks confidently around the desk before opening one of the drawers. He pulls out two handkerchiefs and wanders back over to you, beginning the cleaning process. His hands are gentle as he moves the fabric around your bottom, tenderly cleaning up the mess he made. After he finishes, he sets the soiled one aside and swaps for the clean rag to wipe the tears and snot from your delicate face. "You're beautiful, Miss (Y/N). Do you know that?"
Childe's hand presses against your cheek, holding your gaze with his. "Stay with me. Just for a bit before you go? I'd be honored to have your company."
You sigh, your heart smiling while you refused to show it on your face. "Yeah, sure, that'd be nice."
When you try to stand, your legs almost immediately give way, trembling and buckling with every movement. You hadn't realized how sore they were. Childe notices, you pulls you into his arms for support, matching your slow hobbling speed. He walks you to the further part of the office where the couches and bookshelves presented an immaculate study area and sits down first. A hand extends out to you, of which you take gracefully, and rest onto his lap. 
He holds you against him, allowing you to lay on his sturdy chest. He was warm and comfortable. It was funny that you miraculously felt safe now. But for a while, you almost forget what had brought you here. 
For now, you would rest.
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