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*jaw drop*
I can’t believe I didn’t notice how long he was gone… attention to detail fail (too busy enjoying Gordon and Virg double act I guess) but at least I’m not left in suspense as this is absolutely what happened.
Perfect. Thanks for adding it to the canon :)
Unseen Scene
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Gen Genre: Family Characters: Scott, Virgil
The hadron collider had been a close call.
Day four of Earth&Sky and I’m actually finished with it before midnight! Heavy Metal is my favourite episode, and a while ago I poked at what Alan might have been thinking when Thunderbird One was caught in the gravity well, so this time we’re post-episode with Virgil and a reluctant Scott.
“Are you okay?”
Scott shouldn’t have jumped, should have expected this, but with everything else that had happened, the inevitable cornering had slipped his mind.
“I’m fine,” he said, turning his head away from where he’d been staring at Thunderbird One as she refuelled to look at his approaching brother. He knew why Virgil was asking, but that didn’t make him any more willing to talk about it.
“Uh huh.” The disbelief was blatant as his younger brother came to stand next to him. “Want to try that again?”
No, he didn’t. “Alan’s hiding from Gordon,” he said instead, and Virgil snorted.
“Not that it’ll do him any good,” he said. “Gordon knows as well as the rest of us he’ll have to come out again eventually.”
That was true. Scott had already seen the booby traps rigged around the youngest’s bedroom door; Gordon hadn’t taken lightly to being informed he’d shrunk. He’d been yammering on about it the entire flight home, to the point Scott had been tempted to mute the comms.
Gordon was also more worried about his ‘bird than performing a stake-out, and after setting up the apparently-required ambush for his sole younger brother had relocated to the hangar to fuss over her with Brains until they were satisfied there was no damage from her little out-of-water adventure.
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#thunderbirds are go#thunderbirds are go fanfiction#earth&sky2021#scott tracy#virgil tracy#Episode fics
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Earth&SkyWeek || Mom & Dad
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Always There

This was an attempt at some Scott and Virgil for the Earth and Sky challenge. There was a prompt and then another prompt, but the result resembles neither of them and kinda went and did its own thing. So um, Scott and Virg fic ::shrugs:: I give up.
Thank you to both @scribbles97 and @tsarinatorment for both bolstering my confidence when I was swearing at this one and for keeping me in line :D You guys make me better ::hugs you lots::
I hope you enjoy whatever this ended up being.
He was there.
Always there.
There had never been a time he didn’t expect it, yet he had never taken it for granted. His brother was just there. Usually somewhere in the background.
Quietly watching.
He didn’t have to say anything. Scott could tell by the cant of an eyebrow, the settling of a hip or the shift of his shoulders. It was subtle, but Virgil broadcast his thoughts on a frequency Scott was tuned to and indicated his opinion.
Scott valued that. Ever so much. He lauded his brother’s capability and trusted him more than he did himself.
So, when Virgil stiffened at the sight of the man who walked into the office, Scott definitely took notice.
Virgil wasn’t even meant to be there. He had simply accompanied Scott into the office in London as a prelude to the main reason why they were in town. Gordon had already gone ahead to Penelope’s along with Alan and Grandma. John was due down in the afternoon. Virgil had come with Scott to the office just to keep him company.
And now he was wired tighter than one of his piano strings.
Scott eyed him a moment before standing up and walking around the desk. He held out his hand in greeting. “Mr Yost, it is a pleasure to meet you.”
“Scott Tracy, well I never. May I call you Scott? Call me Hows. It is great to finally meet you.”
Scott’s hand was gripped with both of the other man’s and far too tight.
Exuberance abounded.
Virgil stood up slowly and buttoned the jacket of his charcoal grey suit.
There was nothing aggressive about the movement, but it set alarm bells ringing in Scott’s head. He straightened and gestured in Virgil’s direction. “This is my brother, Virgil.”
Virgil had been sitting beside the desk, thumbing through his phone a moment ago, waiting for Scott to finish signing the pile of papers his secretary had dumped on him when he walked through the door. So there was no obstruction to walk around to meet the out thrust hand of their guest.
But Virgil didn’t move and ignored the offered hand. He only dipped his head. “Mr Yost.”
“Er, uh, yes, nice to meet you.” The man fumbled and wiped his hand against the white of his suit pants.
Scott blinked and wracked his brain for a reason why Virgil was so hostile. What had he missed?
Yost frowned up at him.
Scott cleared his throat. “Well, Mr Y…Hows. What can we do for you?”
“Oh! Yes, I heard you were in town and rushed over immediately. I would have sent my proposal electronically, but since you were here, I just knew you would want to see me in person.” The man was positively babbling.
Scott was seriously reconsidering his decision to let the man in.
Yost must have picked up on Scott’s thoughts because his expression changed to one more of panic. “Right, yes, my proposal. How would you like to be the owner of the tallest building in the world?”
Something made Scott look at Virgil at that very moment. The sudden fire in his brother’s eyes was startling.
Apparently, they didn’t want to be owners of the tallest building in the world.
Back to their guest… “Uh, no, I don’t think we are interested, Mr Yost.”
The man frowned. “But you haven’t seen my proposal yet. It’s called Tracy Tower, after your father and shaped perfectly like a rocket.”
Virgil took a step forward and Scott stepped between the two men. “No, I’m sorry, Mr Yost. Thank you for thinking of us, but we are not interested in building anything right now.” He began to shoo the man out.
“But, but, but, you were calling for proposals!”
“Sorry, my mistake.” He held open the door and gestured to his assistant. “Carly, could you please show Mr Yost out. Thank you.” Scott smiled politely to the flabbergasted man as his EA ushered him out.
Scott shut the door quietly behind him.
Virgil grunted and sat back down. “Thank you.”
“Speak to me, Virg.”
“Two words. ‘Crystal Spire’.”
Scott blinked. “You’re kidding.”
“No. I’m not.” Virg was fiddling with his phone again.
“I thought that guy had his…everything revoked.”
“So did I.” Virgil put his phone to his ear. “Penny? Yes, we will be there shortly. I have a quick one for you.” A pause. “Yost just tried to sell Scott a development proposal.” There was a sharp sound from the phone. “Uh huh. Thank you, Penny.” Virgil smiled. “Tell Gordon he can wait. We will be there shortly.” A grin. “See you soon.” And he hung up. Virgil looked up at his brother. “Whatever he has, he will no longer have within the hour.”
“You really don’t like this guy, do you?”
“He burnt my ‘bird while Alan was in it.”
Cold washed over Scott. “That one.”
“Yes, that one.” Virgil grumbled and went back to playing with his phone, conversation obviously ended.
Scott walked back behind the desk and took his own seat, determined to plough through the last of the reports he had to sign. It wouldn’t hurt to get over to Penny’s asap.
To check on his littlest brother for no reason whatsoever.
Virgil was a quiet presence beside him. It felt right.
Because he was always there.
Where Scott needed him to be.
#thunderbirds fanfiction#thunderbirds are go#thunderbirds#Scott Tracy#Virgil Tracy#earth&sky2021#earth and sky
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earth&sky week offering
;) better late than never (explanation here)
This was meant for Day 4, Scene Unseen... slotted in between scenes in “Clean Sweep”
Mrs. Lexi Baker took a quiet moment’s opportunity to return to her teacup. The day had been ragged so far with sudden and urgent calls for maintenance crews and fast-response repairs for the newly installed filter system upgrades hovering high in the skies over New York City and Mumbai.
Mmmphh… she settled down a bit in her chair and loosened her tie a little. Crowded days like this, she felt somehow stuck in the sky, up at level 040 where most of the Oxy-Baker Horizon Scrubber system lived. Lexi sighed — even though she lived for her life’s work, up there…oh, to come down to earth, figuratively, for a break now and then. There seemed to be a looming threat of further equipment trouble, maybe even in the air over her own home city of London, but it was only a faint rumor at this point, so she tried to get a few minute’s peace in her grounded and quiet, low-lighted and comfortable office. Tousling blondish-gray wisps out of her eyes, she relaxed…
For only a moment. “…(beeeeep)…” An audio signal icon appeared on her panel. “Hello Mrs. Baker? Please excuse my intrusion into your communications but this is International Rescue calling regarding a life-threatening emergency involving your Horizon Scrubber system…”
The crisp-clear voice edged with a small hint of panic was one she didn’t recognize at all. How…?
“Y-yes, International Rescue — please go on.” He barely left time for her to reply, continuing…
“Oh — thank you, Mrs. Baker. We’re responding to a call from your maintenance crew, who were cleaning system scrubber No.114, one of your older models. The crew experienced a malfunction in the turbine controls and their pod got sucked into the scrubber, damaging its engines and trapping them nearby or upon the leaking toxic waste tank. I just got through speaking with the operator responsible for that scrubber and… Well I am sorry to say, m’am, he was far less than helpful.”
The voice cracked a little bit… but resumed quickly:
“I think there’s a chance he might have even contributed to the accident because… The pod crew said he refused to help them with the controls — then when I spoke with him, he only said the controls weren’t working from his end either, and that he ordered a new maintenance pod to go up in three hours, per company procedure.”
And for a second time, the voice cracked and Lexi thought she heard exasperated sighs come across with the words. She was now straight-backed in her seat again, tapping nervously as she listened to IR audio.
“What is your name, please?”
“Yes, this is John Tracy of International Rescue — forgive me, but my haste is warranted, Mrs. Baker — your airborne crew is in danger and your ground crew is not only not cooperating, he’s making it much worse for them.
“Again, sorry Mrs. Baker, I neglected formalities, there, but I guess I’m accustomed to much more smoothly coordinated Earth-and-sky operations… and your guy on the ground here, he’s just… a piece of work.”
Oxy-Baker’s company head fumbled with her panels for a few seconds, trying to get a screen to come up so she could talk face-to-face. In barely a minute’s conversation, this sole speaker had effectively conveyed more to her about a situation and its nuances than any of her staff, or her family for that matter, in years…
“I confess it also helps that I work with, coordinate everything with, my brothers — family — but it does seem that a company should have a family spirit as well, so this guy threw me… got me a bit angry because it’s just not the best attitude for safety’s sake…?”
Love, you couldn’t be more right… Lexi was now even more interested to see who she was talking with. She got the right combination and a shadow flit across her desk — now it was a little more personal. A very young but clean-cut and bright-appearing face smiled at her with some worry fringing the eyes and mouth… “Hello John of IR. What can I do to help? We want to do anything we can — please ignore the ground controller, I’ll take care of him.”
“Thank you. Apparently he holds a digi-key we need to stop the runaway turbine, so we can safely extract the crew with our rescue vehicles — Thunderbirds One and Two, who are rushing to the location now. Your ground man told me I was not allowed to use it… he even said I couldn’t speak with you.”
At that last phrase, John Tracy peered at Mrs. Baker with a cast in his eyes that presented facts of the matter, both sheepishly and knowingly offered. Here was both righteous anger and simple human courtesy, personified.
She smiled back and her eyes narrowed. “Appreciate your tact in not mentioning his ID, Mr. Tracy, but when I find out which operator this is I’ll fire him — the good news is, he was wrong about you. You’re obviously well able to speak with me.”
She added quickly, “John, thank your own air and ground units for me,” sputtering a bit, “and they of course most definitely have my permission to use the key. Though I’m not sure how fast my security team…”
“Yes,” John nodded, grateful enthusiasm sparking from hologrammed eyes, “and there’s no need — I’ll alert our ground people in the London area immediately and they will be able to deal with him initially, believe me. Your pod crew, Dolly and Ezra, gave me his operator number so we can go straight to the trouble source for the key. Then we’ll handle things from there in the sky.”
“Please, again, tell your brothers for me, the rest of this company so much appreciates your lightning-quick help and astonishing resourcefulness.” How to express with two seconds to do so, the overwhelming rush of thanks from knowing both Thunderbirds One and Two were headed straight towards her ailing crew…
“Yes…I’ll tell them.” His face softened even more and Lexi saw new light in his eyes — a swift return to determination and confidence. “John Tracy out.”
…Extraordinary, she mused on the fading face. Now that’s a safety crew, on a series of amazingly tight ships. It takes one to know one, Lexi smiled — and squinted again as she decided to take care of a certain operator personally, soon as IR was done with him. Suddenly angry that her ground man had given that John Tracy even a moment’s annoyance… and possibly endangered his brother-Tracy’s as well. Oh, lord. So. Now to deal with… 114? …She clicked around the database. Ohh — Fred. Yes. Oh dear, yes, so many past complaints piled up against him already.
Standing up, straightening her tie and smoothing out her polka-dot blouse, she headed for her office door while summoning security on her phone. Time to give this one the boot. And — maybe it’s also time to boot the old sky-scrubbers, once and for all.
#thunderbirds are go#earth&sky2021#offered up with hope it will entertain in the usual normal wonderful thunderbirds way#which would be my only misgiving if it didn't#i love and adore all your beautiful work here#can only add a little bit to the frankly overwhelming flood of gorgeous writings and creative artwork here#you and IR are all why I'm still here#thank you all#thnx esp nutty & flyboyT for original inspo but you both are so far beyond I can't even#you (and all here) are just wonderful
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Bro wrote me this years ago... I still love it so much. I wrote this kinda based off it... including my attempt at matching the style a bit... though I am awful at present tense, so uh yeah. I never posted it, but came across it again recently and realized it was perfect with Day 3′s theme, SO. Here it is. lol There’s some headcanons here Bro and I have toyed with too... like the Academy... which is located in Colorado Springs (where I lived for awhile XD)... which is just a little over an hour drive south of Denver. :Db There’s a lot more about this headcanon’d time I’d like to write one of these days. XDa ANYHOO...
It hasn't been since Christmas that Virgil's spoken to his brother. It's not really surprising as they haven't really spoken a whole lot over the past few years. Once almost inseparable, it now feels a bit like there’s a chasm between them.
It seemed like life had conspired to draw them apart ever since Scott had been accepted into the Air Force Academy. The last years of high school weren't the same without Scott being there. His brother called him every day at first, but days became weeks and weeks stretched to months. He came to hear more about how his brother was doing secondhand. Scott was busy. Scott was top of his class. Scott wasn't coming home for the summer. He never heard these things from Scott.
Then Virgil went to the Denver School of Advanced Technology.
He saw Scott a few times then, but couldn’t forget the first visit when he'd first been settling in. It had been then that he'd realized that the something that had always existed between them felt like it was missing. Perhaps it was one of those things that became lost when childhood came to an end or maybe the time apart had something to do with it. He hadn’t been sure, but either way he mourned it’s absence. He buried himself in his studies, concentrating on graduating and his plans for the future.
Now here he is, in Dad's jet with Scott at the controls, flying them home. All of Virgil's belongings from Denver packed in the hold, because he’s moving back home. He's a mechanical engineer now and will soon be a member of International Rescue. He's excited to finally begin to learn to fly the ship he'd long ago told their dad he’d pilot one day, but that’s not what's on his mind as he sits in the cockpit.
He'd been surprised it was Scott waiting to take him home instead of their Dad. The reunion had been happy at first, but now an uncomfortable silence had dropped over the cockpit. Attempts at conversing just feel awkward. It’s all so wrong. It had never been like this before.
Here he is finally having to face what he couldn't years before. Soon they’re meant to be partners, going into dangerous situations together to rescue those in need. How can they pull that off? They feel so disconnected from each other. It barely even feels like they’re best friends anymore, at least to him. Virgil isn’t sure if Scott has felt it too. Could it be just him who feels this way? He can’t bring himself to broach the topic, deciding instead to hope it just needs time.
He just doesn’t know what to do or say the whole rest of the trip home. Things feel a little easier once they arrive, but their dad, unsurprisingly, seems to catch on pretty quickly that something isn't right. Virgil notices the way he watches them. They've been home only a few days before he suddenly has them pack up and sends them off to the family ranch for training — just the two of them.
Their first exercise set out for them has them not in the training rooms, but outside, scaling one of the large rock formations not far from the ranch. 'No talking,' is the one rule their dad has imposed. Once that wouldn’t have been a problem at all, but that's not the case now; he’s barely able to read his brother.
Virgil’s now absolutely certain their Dad knows as he pauses his ascent, trying to interpret the slightly worried look Scott’s throwing down at him. He can’t work out what Scott’s worried about.
They’re using new gear Brains sent with them to test. Virgil's been pretty impressed with the multifunction version of the grapple gun Scott's making use of several yards above him — at least he is until unexpectedly the pack releases from the tool, sending Scott falling backwards with an unusually startled cry.
Their panicked gazes meet for the briefest second and Virgil knows Scott needs him. Virgil doesn’t think, he just moves, reaching out and grabbing for his brother's wrist as he falls past. With no chance to brace at all, growing shoulder muscles are put to the test as they're wrenched from the sudden weight of his falling big brother.
Suspended by Virgil’s own grapple line, they simply breathe for a moment, trying to recover from the scare. It's Scott who breaks the rule of silence first.
"So... what do you say we pause this exercise?"
"Agreed," Virgil responds eagerly.
Finding Scott a purchase, he's able to climb down a short ways to a wide ledge and Virgil soon joins him, sitting down beside each other, both still shaken.
"I'll pull the grapple apart when we get back," Virgil offers, worried since it's not often something Brains creates has a flaw.
"Good plan," Scott agrees distractedly, blue eyes locking with his suddenly. "Virgil..."
Virgil raises a questioning eyebrow, but doesn’t get a chance to respond. A hand hooks around his neck and Scott closes the distance between them, forehead pressing against his.
The last time Scott did this — when his brother left for the academy so long ago — is what first comes to mind. Then all the feelings and words come like a rush. The flood of relief, gratitude, trust and love. 'You saved me,’ ‘You’re amazing,’ and 'Thank you.'
He hasn't felt their bond like this in so long; suddenly it feels stronger than ever. Overwhelmed in the best of ways, tears form in Virgil's eyes. 'Anytime,' he replies, echoing his brother's feelings with much the same.
Scott pulls away only long enough to briefly get a look at him before closing the gap once more, this time to draw him into a tight hug that Virgil returns just as tightly. Tucking his face into his brother's shoulder, he feels for a moment like a boy again, finding comfort and safety in his brother's arms.
"I've missed you, Scotty," he admits out loud, knowing Scott can feel just how much, just as he can now sense how much Scott has been missing him. It’s like the door that had closed between them has been thrown wide open. He hopes it never closes again.
"Me too, Virg."
They sit on the ledge a little longer before mutually agreeing their done and head back to the ranch. Sitting on the porch side by side after dinner to watch the stars appear in the darkening sky, Scott makes the executive decision that they're going to head home in the morning.
They're already halfway home when they finally contact their Dad to let him know they're on their way home. At first he doesn't seem very happy with them, but as they try to explain, there's a change in his expression as he watches them talk — he knows and Virgil can see he’s relieved.
Taking over the controls for a while to give Scott a break, a silence falls between them, but this time it could not be more comfortable. While they still have a lot of catching up to do, every one of Virgil's doubts are gone. He has his best friend back and something feels complete in a way it hasn't in a long time. They aren't back at the island yet, but now he really feels like he's home.
#Earth&Sky2021#Thunderbirds Are Go#Thunderbirds#Scott Tracy#Virgil Tracy#Earth and Sky#Big Brotp#~Virgil Mun Writings
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Earth & Sky Week 2021
Day 7 Themes:
No-one knows who they are, or where they come from. But come they do, and help they bring
Hey Brother by Avicii
“You remember all those nights when it was just you and me? And I promised there’d always be a you and me for as long as there was a planet with an earth and sky? ”
Bolded are themes used!
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The Edge
A little thing inspired by late-night chat with @gumnut-logic and @tsarisfanfiction last night. I know it’s late, and not really aligned with a particular prompt, but also inspired by Earth and Sky week.
Scott watched his brother approach the edge. He’d done this so many times before, in so many places and it always made his heart beat double time. He knew what Virgil would say.
“I’m perfectly safe, Scott. I’m being careful. I am watching where I’m going.”
But Scott couldn’t help but worry. The way his brother was inclined to get lost in the view, engrossed in the way the light reflected off the water onto the trees, or the many shades of blue in the ocean against the rocks and sand, or the changing colours the setting sun painted the clouds. The way he would stand on an oceanside clifftop, or a rocky outcrop overhanging a valley, or the edge of a ravine beside a waterfall waiting for the light to be just right. The way he would crouch amid the rocks and dirt and grass, phone or camera in hand, to capture that precise angle.
Yes, Virgil would say he was safe, but Scott would worry and watch, ready for even the slightest stumble. He knew if he voiced his concern to Virgil it would get thrown back in his face. After all, Virgil was the one who was always there to catch him if he fell, steady him when he stumbled, held him back from rushing in too recklessly. He wondered if he’d have the confidence to take the risks he did if the safety net of his number two was not there – if not physically then as that everpresent voice in his head.
As if reading his thoughts, Virgil took two backward steps before turning back to his big brother.
“Stop worrying, Scott. I’m all done here.” The look that passed between them said Virgil knew it too. The confidence to do what they did came from the knowledge that the other would always be there to catch him if he fell.
#earth and sky#thunderbirds fanfiction#thunderbirds fandom#thunderbirds#scott tracy#virgil tracy#earth&sky2021
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Too many feathers.
So, I wrote a fic for @gumnut-logic’s Marks&Wings AU the other day, and this scene from it just stuck itself very firmly in my head, so I drew it. Two days, far too many feathers, and the most obedient Gordon I’ve ever drawn! (Turns out orca are easier than humans, who’d’a thought?)
Coincidentally, a nice little Earth&Sky moment, too.
Help Me (Keep My Head Above Water) (fic is whumpy)
#thunderbirds are go#thunderbirds are go fanart#tsari's art#earth&sky2021#virgil tracy#scott tracy#gordon tracy#help me (keep my head above water)#marks&wings
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regarding a very late...
addition to Earth-and-Sky Week 2021 (I’m so sorry but as you’ll see it was a bit of a struggle for me) — posting here first an explanation of how this miracle happened ;) I blame both @flyboytracy and @gumnut-logic :
...plz forgive me for posting a screenshot of your post from back in March, Nutty! It helps explain what occurred as I was musing about Earth and Sky Week —
I am NOT a writer. (I’m an editor.) I’ve almost never written anything. But this challenge got me thinking, especially when I saw flyboy-T put “Scene Unseen” in the list. Oh, wait. Now maybe that’s something I could handle and actually participate in something around here for a change.
That was my thinking and then I saw this TBDailyDose post of Nutty’s. OMG. I still can’t fully explain why this led to galen actually considering writing a tiny little ficlet... but for some reason it did. First... time... ever...
[over here]
#it will fit into earth-and-sky-week for oblique reasons#cuz of course I can't write from Scott or Virgil specifically it's John that is my boi#thunderbirds are go#earth&sky2021#galens first AND LAST fic#it will probably never happen again#probably that's a good thing#enjoy anyway (link to come)#and again sry it's late#couldn't be helped#like birthing omg#and oh yes its tiny cuz that's all I can do
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Ooooh, gorgeous! This is really inspiring :D
(who is art deprived at the moment and will probably break out the paints sometime this weekend)

My take on Earth and Sky... solid color on top is a dark green.
Not much of a writer on these challenge weeks... so this is my contribution.
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The 2021 Earth and Sky Week Masterpost
The First Announcement
Week Overview Post
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 1
https://flyboytracy.tumblr.com/post/646991572688355328/earthsky2021-green-and-blue by @flyboytracy https://flyboytracy.tumblr.com/post/647011934173069312/earthsky2021-blue-green by flyboytracy https://honeybee-hayes.tumblr.com/post/646999358566449152/earth-sky-week-2021-day-1-themes-blue-and by @honeybee-hayes https://tsarisfanfiction.tumblr.com/post/646995093183660033/see-you-in-the-sky by @tsarisfanfiction https://rachfielden-xo.tumblr.com/post/647010132992114688/earthsky-week-2021-day-1-oh-my-god by @rachfielden-xo https://janetm74fics.tumblr.com/post/647028177207738368/you-got-a-friend by @janetm74fics https://cttagverse.tumblr.com/post/647013839827779584/earth-and-sky-week-1 by @cttagverse
Day 2
https://tsarisfanfiction.tumblr.com/post/647084617485205504/he-aint-heavy-hes-my-brother by tsarisfanfiction https://flyboytracy.tumblr.com/post/647085946422067200/earthsky2021-he-aint-heavy-hes-my-brother by flyboytracy https://honeybee-hayes.tumblr.com/post/647089965100072960/earth-sky-week-2021-day-2-themes-he-aint by honeybee-hayes https://cttagverse.tumblr.com/post/647096387630186496/earth-sky-day-2 by cttagverse https://janetm74fics.tumblr.com/post/647099853383565312/he-aint-heavy by janetm74fics https://rachfielden-xo.tumblr.com/post/647108617055715328/earthsky-week-2021-day-2-day-1-earth by rachfielden-xo
Day 3
https://janetm74fics.tumblr.com/post/647149297998151680/everglow by janetm74fics https://flyboytracy.tumblr.com/post/647161481168830464/earthsky2021-day-3-everglow-by-coldplay by flyboytracy https://flyboytracy.tumblr.com/post/647165257039724544/earthsky2021-silent-communication by flyboytracy https://honeybee-hayes.tumblr.com/post/647180704526090240/earth-sky-week-2021-day-3-themes-silent by honeybee-hayes https://cttagverse.tumblr.com/post/647196732976988160/earth-sky-day-3 by cttagverse https://rachfielden-xo.tumblr.com/post/647203128945590272/earthsky-week-2021-day-3-day-1-day-2 by rachfielden-xo https://tsarisfanfiction.tumblr.com/post/647220639952994304/silent-communication by tsarisfanfiction https://sonatanotwo.tumblr.com/post/647243282304385024/reconnecting-bro-wrote-me-this-years-ago-i-still by @sonatanotwo
Day 4
https://janetm74fics.tumblr.com/post/647242208616103936/ive-got-you-brother by janetm74fics https://flyboytracy.tumblr.com/post/647303869132685312/scene-unscene-the-long-reach by flyboytracy https://tsarisfanfiction.tumblr.com/post/647303422895374336/unseen-scene by tsarisfanfiction https://rachfielden-xo.tumblr.com/post/647291709182656512/earthsky-week-2021-day-4-day-1-day-2 by rachfieden-xo https://cttagverse.tumblr.com/post/647291271021494272/earth-sky-day-4 by cttagverse https://honeybee-hayes.tumblr.com/post/647271298596323328/earth-sky-week-2021-day-4-themes-unseen-brother by honeybee-hayes
Day 5
https://janetm74fics.tumblr.com/post/647332963067019264/the-fortress-the-guardian by janetm74fics https://honeybee-hayes.tumblr.com/post/647361904492281856/earth-sky-week-2021-day-5-themes-sword-and by honeybee-hayes https://tsarisfanfiction.tumblr.com/post/647369709566689280/sword-and-shield by tsarifanfiction https://cttagverse.tumblr.com/post/647374447967404032/earth-sky-day-5 by cttagverse https://rachfielden-xo.tumblr.com/post/647382765695844352/earthsky-week-2021-day-5-day-1-day-2 by rachfielden-xo
Day 6
https://janetm74fics.tumblr.com/post/647431936655163392/troubled-waters by janetm74fics https://flyboytracy.tumblr.com/post/647433231975759872/earthskyweek-mom-dad by flyboytracy https://honeybee-hayes.tumblr.com/post/647452346485538816/earth-sky-week-2021-day-6-themes-mom-and by honeybee-hayes https://rachfielden-xo.tumblr.com/post/647456435376144384/mom-and-dad by rachfielden-xo https://tsarisfanfiction.tumblr.com/post/647461202673467392/busted by tsarisfanfiction
Day 7
https://janetm74fics.tumblr.com/post/647512614073745408/earth-sky by janetm74fics https://flyboytracy.tumblr.com/post/647516060032040960/ohana by flyboytracy and sonatanotwo https://honeybee-hayes.tumblr.com/post/647542940498051072/earth-sky-week-2021-day-7-themes-no-one-knows by honeybee-hayes https://rachfielden-xo.tumblr.com/post/647550759847837696/hey-brother by rachfielden-xo https://tsarisfanfiction.tumblr.com/post/647575452657041408/hey-brother by tsarifanfiction
Non-Prompt Earth and Sky Things
https://tsarisfanfiction.tumblr.com/post/647044627891961856/too-many-feathers-so-i-wrote-a-fic-for by tsarisfanfiction https://myladykayo.tumblr.com/post/647097079894851584/i-dont-have-anything-new-for-sky-and-earth-week by @myladykayo https://gumnut-logic.tumblr.com/post/647541907755597824/always-there by @gumnut-logic https://flyboytracy.tumblr.com/post/647531834121617408/its-easter-its-the-final-day-of-earth-and-sky by flyboytracy https://flyboytracy.tumblr.com/post/647538927589359616/the-first-crayon by flyboytracy
(Note: This post will be edited many times throughout the week with various links, so I’d advise holding off reblogging it until the end of the event. :D Non-prompt items are anything that isn’t from one of the day promps BUT is on the Earth&Sky2021 tag! If I have missed anything please let me know in a ask, pm or on Discord!)
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Earth & Sky Week 2021
Day 6 Themes:
Mom and Dad
Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon & Garfunkel
Bolded are themes used!
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
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He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Gen Genre: Family Characters: Jeff, Scott, Virgil
Scott and Virgil had always gravitated towards each other.
Earth&Sky day two! Slightly off-brand this time, but actually based on one of my early - if not the earliest - memories of being a big sister. Wanted to go a different way for this one, because I’ve written Virgil carrying Scott a few times now, so changed it up this time! Also falls into my Familiar Strangers series, too, so hello, Jeff.
Some things never change.
Jeff felt a fond smile cross his face as he watched his sons lounging in the den. Supposedly, they were watching a movie – an old classic from the 2000s his mother adored and his boys were decidedly more neutral about – but the only person in the den actually watching was Mom.
Alan had smuggled in some small handheld game with headphones in and ignored the movie in favour of jabbing the console. From his place at the desk – the leather chair was decidedly better for his back these days than soft, plush sofa cushions – he couldn’t see what the game was, but from the repeatedly mouthed die, he assumed it was one of the many alien or zombie invasion games Alan appeared to have a fondness for.
Gordon, somehow miraculously still considering his innate need to move, had set up a game of chess. He appeared to be playing against EOS, judging by the way the projected ring of lights changed colour whenever Gordon made a move the AI hadn’t expected. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that his prank-loving son was ruthlessly efficient at the game, yet somehow he’d never coined that to be so good at pranks, his son had to be a fantastic strategist.
John was floating, having declined the invitation to be physically present for the family movie, and on the surface could even be mistaken for actually watching the movie his brothers were ignoring, but Jeff knew his second son better than that. His eyes were moving around, his fingers were twitching… Whatever John was doing up on Thunderbird Five, it wasn’t watching the movie.
But it was Scott and Virgil that had prompted the nostalgia. Both fresh off a rescue, they’d bundled up on the same sofa and fallen fast asleep in minutes. By itself, that was nothing noteworthy, but at some point, Jeff hadn’t noticed when, Virgil had shifted until his feet were hanging off the end of the sofa, and his head was on Scott’s lap, using his big brother as a pillow. For his part, Scott had subconsciously reacted by looping an arm over him, even as his own head hung off the back of the sofa and would no doubt result in a cricked neck when he woke later.
The pair of them had always gravitated towards each other, right from the moment of Virgil’s birth. Jeff had missed large chunks of all his sons’ earliest years, space missions leaving Lucille and their parents on main infant-rearing duty, but one of many familiar and beloved memories of returning home, this one sometime around Virgil’s first birthday, was being shh’d by his wife and led by the hand into the living room.
He hadn’t got home until late. All the boys should have been in bed, fast asleep.
There were two lumps curled up on the sofa under a blanket, one decidedly larger than the other.
Scott was sitting up, but that was more because he was wedged in the corner where the back met the arm than through any effort on his eldest son’s behalf. His eyes were closed, brown hair flopping all over the place in a way that said he’d spent the day running around – again – and whatever Lucille had done to tame his hair that morning had long since lost the battle.
The second lump was on his lap, sprawled against big brother’s back with secure arms holding him in place despite their owner being fast asleep. It had to be Virgil, despite there being far more hair than the last time he remembered seeing him; not only was the dark hair far from John’s vibrancy, but unless something had changed drastically, John was not one for prolonged cuddles and would certainly not fall asleep in the middle of one.
He knelt down in front of them, almost reverent at his beautiful sons. Scott had had another growth spurt, limbs less pudgy and more gangly. Jeff wondered if he was the tallest in his preschool. Virgil was still all chubby infant, round cheeks included.
A burst of laughter from his mother at something in the movie yanked him back to the present, where his sons were both fully grown young men, Virgil now too big to be contained within Scott’s lap but the pose identical in its essence.
Lucille had taken a photograph of them – all three of them, two sleeping sons and a father overcome by pure adoration for them. It had hung in his office for many years, until the sons in question had grumbled about it being embarrassing (Jeff suspected Gordon noticing it had been the catalyst for that, although the pride of teenage boys was always fragile). He suspected they’d long since forgotten about it now.
It was still in a box in his room, alongside many other precious memories of their childhoods. Maybe he should get it out again and see how they reacted to it after so many years. He made a mental note to do so after the movie.
For the moment, however, he was content to watch – his family, not the movie; his sons had the right idea on that – and reminisce.
#earth&sky2021#thunderbirds are go#thunderbirds are go fanfiction#tsari writes fanfiction#jeff tracy#scott tracy#virgil tracy#thunderfluff#he ain't heavy he's my brother#familiar strangers
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Scene Unscene - The Long Reach
We’re on day four of Earth and Sky week, gosh. It’s been hella fun reading everything that people have written. Ya’ll have made my heart gurgle for Virgil this week :D
Here’s my contribution to Earth&Sky2021 Day 4 || Scene Unscene and that moment aboard the Zero XL before they launched in search of Jeff.
“Then it’s time to fly. We’ll leave the Zero-XL here and take the Thunderbirds to the planetoid.” Scott decided, but it took a couple of minutes to get the fleet ready for a launch into the unknown.
Scott spent those minutes staring at the projection of the planetoid as John and Brains discussed concepts he barely understood and couldn’t concentrate on anyway.
All Scott could focus on was the planetoid deep in the Oort Cloud. It was barely the size of the sunsoaked island they’d left behind and looked pretty much how Scott had felt since the day his dad disappeared; jagged and broken and ready to break apart at any moment.
If anyone could survive on such a desolate rock it would be Jeff Tracy, the greatest hero of the age and Scott’s personal idol for as long as he could remember. All he’d ever known was his dad, standing so tall against the bright blue skies of Kansas summers. All Scott had ever wanted was to be as tall as his dad and he’d achieved that before hitting his twenties, but he was still only half the man his father was.
Scott had managed to come to terms with that by focussing on International Rescue instead. Missions took up most of his time and his family took up the rest of it which only left him an hour on every second Wednesday to wonder what dad would think of his decisions. Would he understand? Scott had always been able to tell himself that dad wasn’t perfect and he’d understand that sometimes, to keep playing, Scott had to choose the least of a few bad options. He’d been able to tell himself anything he’d needed to hear when the anxiety and self-doubt threatened to drown him. But now only a few miles and a massive cloud of icy space debris lay between him and his commander and Scott could feel himself begin to slip beneath the surface into an ocean of doubt all over again.
But then a hand upon his shoulder pulled him out of his thoughts and Scott didn’t even need to turn from the projection to know who it was. He could recognise the weight of that hand anywhere and didn’t bother with words. Sometimes words weren’t enough. What words were big enough to encompass what they were about to do?
It was the mission of a lifetime. Dad might’ve been the first man to step upon an alien planet and he’d founded International Rescue, but he’d never led a mission onboard experimental technology that’d taken them two light years across the universe to a tiny little planetoid. He’d never been faced with the very real possibility that they might be too late and he might be taking his little brothers to their father’s grave. They were about to get an answer after eight years spent screaming at the sky and Scott could barely breathe from the pressure.
Thus he did what he’d always done and got to his feet because Virgil’s presence meant he’d finished the final checks and the Thunderbirds were safe to fly. It was time to go into the unknown.
He wouldn’t be going alone. The hand on his shoulder promised him that, as did the look in those brown eyes and the tiny but confident smile that played about his little brother’s mouth.
Whatever lay ahead, they’d face it together. Scott promised his brother without even bothering to open his mouth. He reached out instead to cup the back of Virgil’s head and pulled him close ‘til Virgil’s forehead rested against his own and the universe went quiet for a moment. The ever-present buzz of anxiety stilled and Scott couldn’t even hear his own heartbeat pulsating in his ears. If he closed his eyes he could pretend they were back home and he could practically feel the solid ground beneath his feet. He could feel the earth spin and the warmth of sunlight on his face just like when they were kids and the world was theirs to explore. Every part of him ached for the childhoods they’d lost but at the same time he hungered to give the last remnants of Alan and Gordon’s back to them.
It was time to go. Scott buried his little brother in a hug, squeezing him so tight his bones almost popped before letting him escape to his ship.
“Thunderbirds are go!”
#Thunderbirds Are Go#Earth&Sky2021#Scott Tracy#Virgil Tracy#fic#a rarely spotted thor fic#heck#anyway#it's quarter to midnight and I've been awake since 5am so night y'all
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Silent Communication
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Gen Genre: Family Characters: Virgil, Scott
He hears everyone’s melody, but there’s only one harmony that resonates.
A rather belated day three of Earth&Sky, because my muse stuck itself in Scott&Gordon whump and refused to let me poke at anything else until I was done with that (will be posted in a little while!), and Virgil is grouchy at me because of it. He decided that the best way to show this was to make me drag out mostly-forgotten musical theory from the recesses of my memory.
Scott has always been special. Virgil has four brothers, and he loves each and every one of them with everything he has, but there’s always been something different about Scott. There’s a rhythm to his brother’s thoughts that he’s always known. Less a melody – he hears all of their melodies; John’s cantabile, Alan’s agitato, and of course Gordon’s scherzando – and more the underlying harmony line.
Harmonies are subtle. Their effect is noticed, of course, the extra depth they give to anything unmeasurably powerful, but they are rarely picked out. Why should they be, when their purpose is to compliment and elevate?
Virgil hears Scott’s melody, too, volante because Scott doesn’t know the meaning of the word slow, but it’s the harmony he resonates with. It’s ever-changing, fickle with the mood, but no matter what it is, whether it be vivace, pesante or furioso, Virgil hears it and his own harmony adapts to match.
The others don’t perceive the world the way he does, music something to enjoy rather than something to live and breathe, but it’s no secret that Virgil compliments Scott. He is whatever his brother needs, whenever he needs it. And this is noticed.
Creepy, Alan likes to call it, although there’s no malice in the word. Just a teenager deciding it’s a riddle not worth his time and ignoring that it exists until it’s thrown straight into his face – usually when they have to remind him to do his chores.
Mind readers, Gordon quips with the airs of someone who knows it’s scientifically impossible but believes it might be true, anyway. Then again, this is the same young man who swears by his own sixth sense – even if he calls it by a rather more childish name – and has brushed closer with death than Virgil could ever comprehend. Maybe his squid of a brother knows something they don’t.
A fact of life, is John’s response whenever it comes up. John likes facts, logic and physics, and despite the lack of any science to possibly explain it, the brother sandwiched between them simply accepts it as a fact and moves on. He has better things to do with his time than turn his brothers into lab rats to prove what they can all see: whatever the reason, however it works, Virgil can read Scott better than anyone else, and vice versa.
Scott doesn’t call it anything. He laughs at Alan’s grumbles, rolls his eyes at Gordon, and shrugs along amicably with John’s assessment. Virgil wonders what he feels. His brother doesn’t breathe music, doesn’t see people in terms of agitato, vivace, scherzando. Scott pushes forwards, sees challenge after challenge and surmounts them with all the grazioso he can muster.
But however Scott perceives it, Virgil knows he knows it’s there. Knows he feels the thrum of their souls in perfect yin-and-yang. It’s there in the way they’ll turn to look at each other in the same heartbeat, entire conversations passing without a single word. It’s there in the way Virgil will always be there to catch him, and Scott scouts ahead without a backwards glance, safe in that knowledge.
There in the lives they’ve saved, from broken-winged birds to strangers to family to each other.
It doesn’t matter how, or why, doesn’t matter how it manifests.
It’s just there. Always has been. Always will be.
And that’s all that counts.
#earth&sky2021#thunderbirds are go#thunderbirds are go fanfiction#tsari writes fanfiction#virgil tracy#scott tracy#thunderfluff
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#Earth&Sky2021 || Silent Communication
#Earth&Sky2021#Thunderbirds Are Go#Scott Tracy#Virgil Tracy#one of my favourite things about those boys is the lil moments#they just look at each other and it's enough#trubrotp
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