#Earth and Alpf'ch'l
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themandylion · 3 years ago
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Background & Cameo Characters, the redcaps of Storage Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Alternate Universe - Office, Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters, Established Relationship, Uncomfortable Encounters of the Familial Kind Series: Part 4 of Earth and Alpf'ch'l
Summary: The Martha Wayne Foundation for Integration and Cooperation is a non-profit working on both sides of the Gate to help with the emigration, immigration, and integration of humans on the Alpf'ch'l side and magical beings on the Earth side. It's important work when it comes to building the bridges of interspecies cooperation.
Officially, no one is supposed to work weekends. Unofficially, sometimes Storage has other ideas.
For Day 5 of JayTim Week 2022, Wet Clothes/Stripping Down | Pirate AU.
They're just pulling out of the deli parking lot and onto the street when Jason's phone starts blaring like an air raid siren.
"Crap." He'd really hoped he'd be able to enjoy this weekend without any kind of incident.
"Uh." Tim stares at the phone where it's mounted on the dashboard, looking mildly concerned by the flashing red screen. He's doing well learning the ins and outs of computers but still hasn't graduated to smart phones and seems more than a little intimidated by the very concept of text messaging.
"Do you mind if I swing by work? That's the remote seismic alert system for Storage."
"But it's a holiday weekend. We have today off. HR said we can get the Foundation in a lot of trouble if we ignore that and go in."
Jason winces. He doesn't know what Tim did to earn Stephanie's ire and a lecture about time off, but he wouldn't be surprised if this is somehow related to how long it took the dragon to understand the concept of overtime, to say nothing of federally mandated breaks. "Normally, yes. I'm a special salaried employee, however, which means that I sometimes have to go in on holidays and weekends to take care of emergencies," he explains.
"A seismic alert is an emergency?"
"Eh, yes and no. Sometimes it's just the redcaps fooling around too close to the sensors. But sometimes it's a minor tremor, things have shifted about, and the next thing you know you're covered in tentacles."
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ao3feed-jaytim · 4 years ago
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/33288754
by clarityhiding
The Martha Wayne Foundation for Integration and Cooperation is a non-profit working on both sides of the Gate to help with the emigration, immigration, and integration of humans on the Alpf'ch'l side and magical beings on the Earth side. It's important work when it comes to building the bridges of interspecies cooperation.
It's rough, troubleshooting magical office problems when your only magic is setting things on fire (mostly yourself).
Words: 3982, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Earth and Alpf'ch'l
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), DCU
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Duke Thomas, Background & Cameo Characters
Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Office, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, swamps, carpets, Uncomfortable Encounters of the Familial Kind
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/33288754
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ao3feed-timdrake · 5 years ago
Maintenance and Storage
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38YuQkz
by clarityhiding
The Martha Wayne Foundation for Integration and Cooperation is a non-profit working on both sides of the Gate to help with the emigration, immigration, and integration of humans on the Alpf'ch'l side and magical beings on the Earth side. It's important work that helps build bridges of interspecies cooperation. Jason is just the Maintenance guy.
Words: 4982, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), DCU (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Bizarro (DCU), Roy Harper, Stephanie Brown
Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Magic, Alternate Universe - Office
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38YuQkz
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themandylion · 4 years ago
Fandom: Batman (Comics), DCU Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Duke Thomas, Background & Cameo Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Office, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, swamps, carpets, Uncomfortable Encounters of the Familial Kind Series: Part 3 of Earth and Alpf'ch'l Summary: The Martha Wayne Foundation for Integration and Cooperation is a non-profit working on both sides of the Gate to help with the emigration, immigration, and integration of humans on the Alpf'ch'l side and magical beings on the Earth side. It's important work when it comes to building the bridges of interspecies cooperation.
It's rough, troubleshooting magical office problems when your only magic is setting things on fire (mostly yourself). (A little Jason-centric fic for his birthday.)
"I thought you already fixed this."
Jason glances up from where he's kneeling, using a short sword to pry a square of carpeting from the floor. It's killer on the blade and he'll have to sharpen it when he's done (Admin still hasn't approved Maintenance to use any of the magical blades squirreled away in Storage despite his many requests), but until people stop stealing his box cutters, it's the best tool for the job. "What?"
Duke nudges the singed carpet with the toe of his sneaker. "This? I mean, it happened almost six months ago?"
"You're thinking of the carpet over by Accounting."
"Right, from when Cissie's replacement first showed up," Duke says, nodding his head. He's polite enough to not expand on that, even when Jason's ears go red hot and start to smoke slightly. "What happened this time? Did Tim drop something and bend over to pick it up?"
Maybe not as polite as he thought. "Dick lost control of his breeze and startled Cassandra." Jason hopes Vic lets him see the security footage later. He'd pay good money to watch Dick get the roasting he deserves, even if he didn't lift the fenghuang's skirt intentionally. "I'm not the only fire hazard in the building, you know."
Duke gives him a sheepish grin, rubbing a hand over his head and producing a small shower of sparks. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Sorry, man."
"Hey, careful there!" Jason reaches out a hand, absorbing the heat energy from the sparks before it causes even more damage for him to repair. "If you're sparking at random, you should probably see Raven."
"No, it's cool, I've got it under control," the impundulu quickly assures him.
Jason gives the lightning bird a sympathetic look. "Y'know, she's really not as scary as everyone makes her out to be."
"Yeah, tell that to someone who doesn't have to visit Medical for weekly breathalyzer tests to reassure HR he's still sticking to an animal-blood diet," Duke grumbles.
Considering that he has his own issues handling a dangerous nature, Jason has sympathy for the guy, really he does. Still, that sympathy doesn't extend to overlooking property damage. "Here," he says, unhooking the little fire extinguisher from his belt and passing it over. "If you're not gonna see Raven, then I'm pretty sure you need this more than me."
"You sure? I mean, with the new guy and all—"
"It's been six months, I don't think he really counts as new anymore. And besides, he and I get along just fine."
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themandylion · 4 years ago
Six Sentence Sunday
Considering that Jason has his own issues handling a dangerous nature, he has sympathy for the guy, really he does. Still, that sympathy doesn't extend to overlooking property damage. "Here," he says, unhooking the little fire extinguisher from his belt and passing it over. "If you're not gonna see Raven, then I'm pretty sure you need this more than me."
"You sure? I mean, with the new guy and all—"
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themandylion · 4 years ago
Six Sentence Sunday
Okay, Jason can fix this. Industrial shop vac, a ton of desiccant, a good dehumidifier—this is definitely fixable. "You said Tula was going to take care of it?"
"Yes, but that was when we thought it was brackish. Now we know it's fresh water—it's not cooperating with her spells."
And, proud as they are, of course the Atlanteans were reluctant to actually tell anyone about until a good quarter of their department had gone to swamp.
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themandylion · 2 years ago
2022 Fic Round-Up
Happy New Year! In 2022, I wrote 29 new stories and 85,622 words*. Here’s all the stuff I wrote in 2022!
2019 Fic Round-Up | 2020 Fic Round-Up | 2021 Fic Round-Up
Teen Morphology - 16k, JayTim. Gotham Academy's newest student is smart, funny, hot—and also constantly lying through his teeth about who he is and where he comes from.
Renegades - 11k, JayTim. Sometimes, all it really takes to make the world a brighter place is a good handle on your anger management. A softer version of Tim's search for Bruce in Red Robin.
Deep Destinies - 864, JayTim. Two mers lying in the seagrass, talking about destiny.
Vigilante Life Cycle - 2k, gen. When Jason digs himself out of his grave, there's someone there to help him. Again. (Part 2 of Vigilante Life Cycle.)
There Are Many Advantages - 944, JayTim. A marine biologist consults with a terrestrial biologist. (Part 2 of MerMemes.)
Grey Ghosts - 2k, gen. "We guard those that guard our cities and the people in them. We find them when they die and prepare them to live again, as they so often do." (Part 1 of Vigilante Life Cycle.)
Sharks Are So Smooth - 696, JayTim. T’m is dispensing hot takes on sharks as learned from the internet. (Part 1 of MerMemes.)
Shifting Compromise - 3k, JayTim. Red Hood and Red Robin are trapped in a tricky situation with little to no hope of rescue on the horizon. Luckily, Red Robin has a hidden talent. Jason just wishes he didn't have to be so frickin' good at it. (Part 1 of Fuzzy Business.)
Tiim Travel - 3k, JayTim, Jason&Tim. Red Hood is in a safehouse only Red Robin is supposed to know about. Hard to believe the most logical explanation is time travel.
Unsafe Hobbies - 5k, JayTim. Tim discovers something in his old photos that sheds new light on a case from Jason's time as Robin.
Contraband Catch-All - 4k, JayTim. Officially, no one is supposed to work weekends. Unofficially, sometimes Storage has other ideas. (Part 4 of Earth and Alpf'ch'l.)
The Icing on the— - 1k, JayTim. It would seem that Tim took the Batmobile out for a bit of fun and failed to clean it before turning in for the night.
Shake Apart - 8k, JayTim. Robin keeps insisting on putting himself between Tim and danger. (Part 3 of Vigilante Life Cycle.)
Pull Together - 4k, gen. Jason does everything Robin needs to do—small acts of kindness mixed with great feats of heroism—as he slowly feels out this new role he's taken on. (Part 4 of Vigilante Life Cycle.)
In Danger of Overheating - 3k, DickTim. Dick is not sulking after being confronted with certain truths, and he is definitely handling the unexpected scantily clad catboy in his apartment in an adult manner. Really.
Deer - 238, original work. The language you're raised with heavily influences the way you perceive the world.
In Tandem, Now - 6k, gen. Getting Tim back proves infinitely harder than spiriting him out of the city was. (Part 5 of Vigilante Life Cycle.)
Fic or Treat - 100-word drabbles done for Halloween: - Lingering (Tim&Cass, and a ghost) - Unreasonable Request (200 words, part 6 of Fuzzy Business) - Haul (JayTim) - Rouge (Red Hood and a goon) - Shared (TimBer) - Tired (JayDami) - Moon (Part 2 of Fuzzy Business) - Sweater (Part 8 of Tales from the House of Mau) - Tradition (Follow up to Shine a Light) - Prudence (Follow up to Three Birds in Flight) - Turning (DickTim)
This Is Not a Hallmark Christmas Movie - 9k, JayTim. Jason makes a project out of DI’s CEO after Tim’s girlfriend dumps him for a Christmas-tree farmer. Not!fic.
*(Technically inaccurate because I also wrote an epic campire/not!fic with Kieran Granola in 2022, but we’re still futzing about editing it. >.> )
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themandylion · 3 years ago
2021 Fic Round-Up
Happy New Year! It’s that time again—here’s all the stuff I wrote in 2021.
2019 Fic Round-Up | 2020 Fic Round-Up
Rook Takes King - 3k, JayTim. The kid next door grew up into a hot bad boy and preppy Jason's heart goes ba-BUMP. (No Bats not!fic.)
Mission - 100, gen. Jason's on a mission to learn his past. (Part of Conspiracies & Couriers.)
Failure - 100, gen. Jason only has an hour with Sheila before his entire life goes tipsy turvy. (Part of Conspiracies & Couriers.)
The Robin & the Bat (limited-word fic series for JayTim Week 2021)
Split Second - 200, gen. Robin gets distracted on patrol.
Dust Devil - 200, Jason&Tim. Jason finds a small pirate.
Both Ways, Sometimes - 300, Jason&Tim. A civilian makes a request of Red Robin.
Hope - 100, Jason&Tim. Figuring out a new identity.
Cautionary - 100, Jason&Tim. Jason is protective of his partner.
Conscience - 100, Jason&Tim. Nightwing doesn't approve of the new hero(es) in Gotham.
With Head, Not Heart - 800, Jason&Tim. Red Robin and Batkid talk about the elephant in the room.
Tinted - 100, Jason&Tim. Questionable suit upgrades.
Legendary - 100, Jason&Tim. They have some big shoes to fill.
Knockout - 100, JayTim. Red Robin is confronted with an uncomfortable truth.
Foreboding - 100, JayTim. Undercover as a couple. What could go wrong?
Alibi - 100, JayTim. The police interrogate Caroline Hill.
Just Another Ten-Minute Murder - 800, JayTim. What's the point in going undercover if you can't use it to mess with your family?
Captivating - 100, JayTim. Bad first date ideas.
Trusting - 100, JayTim. Getting rescued from pirates by your ex on a first date? Priceless.
Quacks Like a— - 482, JayTim. Jason returns from a trip to discover his boyfriend has taken on some new (temporary) roommates. (Part 4 of Fuzzy Business.)
He Who Watches from the Shadows - 680, DickTim. Not!fic + art for DickTim Week 2021 prompts Dark AU and SPACE. As a small child, Dick was always told he was born under a lucky star. It’s not until decades later that he learns it was the complete opposite, and by then it’s far too late to save him, not that he even cares.
running, running, running again - 2k, DickTim. Tim didn't care that much about adding leggings to the Robin suit—though they were a nice perk. No, he was mostly concerned about swapping out the pixie shoes for some real boots. (An unconventional wingfic.)
Swamped - 4k, JayTim. It's rough, troubleshooting magical office problems when your only magic is setting things on fire (mostly yourself). (Part 3 of Earth and Alpf'ch'l.)
Making Cookies - 450, original work. No one touches the girl scouts in our city after dark.
Trope Mash-up 2021 - short fics and not!fics written to requested mashed-up tropes.
The Walls Have Ears - 415, JayTim. Tim hears something he wasn't supposed to. Luckily, Jason has a Plan. (Accidental Eavesdropping + Arranged Marriage)
Accidentally Married + Curses; JayTim
Bar/Restaurant AU + It’s Not You, It’s My Enemies; gen
Bern Upon Meeting - 667, JayTim. Tim is pretty sure this isn't the guy he's supposed to be meeting. (Blind Date + Flirting Under Fire)
Familiar Problems - 931, JayTim. Jason is not dating his familiar. (Everybody Knows/Mistaken for Couple + Magical Accidents)
Circus AU + Did They or Didn’t They?; Tim&Cass
Bodyguard AU + Performer AU; JayTim
Chasing Heroes - 1.6k, JayTim. A boy chases after his hero. (Time Travel + First Kiss)
Locked in a Room + Secret Relationship; JayTim
Pathfinding - 40k, JayTim. When Tim is ten, he gets saddled with a life-debt after being saved from certain death by a dragon. Almost 20 years later, the dragon turns up on his doorstep with a proposition: Be his plus-one to a family reunion and he'll forgive the debt. A no-capes fake dating AU with a magical twist. (Part 1 of Flaws Are Like Hoards.)
Border Patrol - 2k, gen, Tim-centric. When Tim is seventeen, something dark and horrible finds its way to Gotham. Rated M for violence. (Part 2 of Flaws Are Like Hoards.)
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themandylion · 4 years ago
2020 Fic Round-UP
Happy New Year, y’all! Here’s a comprehensive list of all my fic from 2020. 2019 Fic Round-Up. (I coulda sworn I did a 2018, but I plunged into the depths of Tumblr and could not find it?)
The Past Is Past Is Future Is Present - 13k, one-sided DickTim. Nightwing tackles a mad science rogue (as one does) and comes down with a nasty case of time-travel germs. Also features civilian!always-a-girl!Tim and civilian!Jason, just for fun.
Maintenance and Storage - 5k, JayTim. The Martha Wayne Foundation for Integration and Cooperation is a non-profit working on both sides of the Gate to help with the emigration, immigration, and integration of humans on the Alpf'ch'l side and magical beings on the Earth side. Jason is just the maintenance guy. (Part 1 of Earth and Alpf'ch'l.)
Mark of the Jinni - 11k, JayTim. Tim frowns, hand cupping Jason's cheek as he appears to study the other boy's face. "Just because there are others doing worse doesn't mean you don't deserve better." (Chapter 3.)
Working Out Some Kinks - 5k, JayTim. The Maintenance team experiences a bit of a problem while in Storage and have to call in some extra help. (Part 2 of Earth and Alpf'ch'l.)
CinderCat - 2.5k, JayTim. A Cinderella-Stray not!fic.
Destiny and the Damsel - 11k, JayTim (side TimKon). Locked into a role he never wanted by forces beyond his control, Tim must trick laws as old as humanity if he ever wishes for his life be his own. Also, SPACE.
Shine a Light - 13K, JayTim (pre-slash). The Red Hood takes a break from shaking up the Gotham underworld to wreak a little vengeance on his replacement—only this isn’t the Robin he came looking for? Time to do a little detective work and figure out what the hell is going on with the help of a few unlikely allies.
The Subject of Focus - 10k, JayKyle, past JayTim. Kyle might go so far as to say that his relationship with Jason is going swimmingly... were it not for the elephant in the room. The dead elephant. The Tim Drake-shaped elephant. (Part 2 of Kyle Solves Some Mysteries!)
The Stable Master & the Diplomat - 21k, JayTim. In which Jason is the royal stable master and Tim is a draconic ambassador and there are shenanigans. (Chapters 4 & 5.)
Eyebrow Morse Code for Dummies - 3.7k, BruceClark, TimKon. Not!fic where Jason never dies, Tim never becomes Robin, and Bruce Wayne is dating Batman—or is he?
The Vampires Come at 5 A.M. - 752, JayTim. Jason doesn't spend a lot of time in hospitals if he can help it, but he's pretty sure 4:30 in the morning is well outside of visiting hours.
A Fork of Nature - 1k, JayTim. If Tim had realized that just getting Jason into the costume was going to be this hard, he would have gone with a different theme.
A Medium-Sized Problem - 2.5k, JayTim. It's not unusual for the offspring of unmatched weres to take after one or the other parent. Hybrids like ligers are less common, but not completely unheard of. And then, of course, there's Tim.
Circular Reasoning - 5.8k, Jason&Tim. Becoming a police psychic to help solve Tim's murder made sense at the time. Still, Jason may not have thought through all the long-term consequences. (Part 2 of Living Our Best Deaths.)
None to Grow On - 3.3k, Jason&Tim. It's really hard to plan a surprise for someone when they follow you around everywhere. When you're the only one who can see or hear them, it's even harder. (Part 3 of Living Our Best Deaths.)
Adoptable NPC - 1.3k, JayTim. The way he figures, Jason's sort of like a Halloween Santa Claus, in his own weird way. (Part 6 of Tales from the House of Mau.)
Fic or Treat - 100-word drabbles done for Halloween: - Pampered (follow-up to Three Birds in Flight) - Taste (Cass, Tim, and ice cream) - Allies (Tam, Damian, and a rabbit) - Milestone (Tim’s first Halloween) - Sunrise (Duke) - Masks (Jason, Tim, and Halloween costumes) - Jump (Jason&Tim) - Cozy (JayTim) - Distracted (TimKon) - Stories (Cass and ghosts) - Treat (Jason&Tim)
Robin Cry, Cry Robin - 1.3k, Tim gen. When Jack Drake dies, Tim adds a Wayne to his name, moves into the manor, and no one there has any reason at all to ever examine his family tree.
Adored, Adrift, Absolved - 2.5k, JayTim. AOB not!fic where Jason is basically a romance novel heroine right up until he loses the love of his life.
X's and Oh Nos - 15k, TimKonCassie. Soulmark not!fic where Batman and Robin operate under the radar and apart from the rest of the hero community, so Tim creates Red X to make friends.
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themandylion · 5 years ago
Fandom: Batman (Comics), DCU (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Bizarro (DCU), Leslie Thompkins Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Magic, Alternate Universe - Office, Alternate Universe - Dragons, Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Tentacles, Tumblr: Tentatodd Week, Tentatodd Week 2020 Series: Part 2 of Earth and Alpf'ch'l Summary:
The Martha Wayne Foundation for Integration and Cooperation is a non-profit working on both sides of the Gate to help with the emigration, immigration, and integration of humans on the Alpf'ch'l side and magical beings on the Earth side. It's important work when it comes to building the bridges of interspecies cooperation.
The Maintenance team experiences a bit of a problem while in Storage and have to call in some extra help.
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themandylion · 4 years ago
My favorite is the Earth and Alpf'ch'l au! I just remember reading that when I really needed a distraction/pick-me-up and it worked very nicely. It's such an interesting and fun world, and your writing is always a delight 💜
Aw, yeah, salamander AU! It is also (one of) my self-indulgent I-want-to-write-fun-stuff AU(s)! Which reminds me that I should really get around to figuring out the plot for the third one beyond "Duke appears and makes everything more awesome by just existing." 🤔
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themandylion · 5 years ago
Fandom: Batman (Comics), DCU (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Bizarro (DCU), Roy Harper, Stephanie Brown Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Magic, Alternate Universe - Office Summary: The Martha Wayne Foundation for Integration and Cooperation is a non-profit working on both sides of the Gate to help with the emigration, immigration, and integration of humans on the Alpf'ch'l side and magical beings on the Earth side. It's important work that helps build bridges of interspecies cooperation. Jason is just the Maintenance guy.
Jason is busy nursing the ancient coffee maker into lasting another week when he sees someone unfamiliar through the breakroom window and nearly melts the formica counter. "Uh. Who's that?" he asks since Stephanie is right here and she's basically HR anyway.
Steph glances over, only half paying attention. "New guy taking over Cissie's job now that the lawyers have beaten the Olympic committee into submission over whether she should be allowed to participate." She wrinkles her nose, shakes her head. "It's ridiculous that it took as long as it did for that to happen, seeing as how her abilities have zip to do with archery."
"Preaching to the choir," Jason says, more than a little distracted as his eyes continue to track the new arrival. On the other side of the glass, a potted plant bursts into flame. "Shit!"
Stephanie laughs and pats him on the shoulder. "You know, 'smoldering looks' really only work when the other person knows of your existence."
He shoves off her hand and glares. "Haha, very funny. I'll be sure to remind you of that the next time Kon comes looking for help with his timesheet and you melt into the woodwork."
She shoots him a dirty look. "I was going to introduce you, but sounds like you want to do this all on your own," she snaps before flouncing off.
Dryads. They're always such drama queens.
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ao3feed-jaytim · 5 years ago
Working Out Some Kinks
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2yqlZLg
by clarityhiding
The Martha Wayne Foundation for Integration and Cooperation is a non-profit working on both sides of the Gate to help with the emigration, immigration, and integration of humans on the Alpf'ch'l side and magical beings on the Earth side. It's important work when it comes to building the bridges of interspecies cooperation.
The Maintenance team experiences a bit of a problem while in Storage and have to call in some extra help.
Words: 5067, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Earth and Alpf'ch'l
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), DCU (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Bizarro (DCU), Leslie Thompkins
Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Magic, Alternate Universe - Office, Alternate Universe - Dragons, Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Tentacles, Tumblr: Tentatodd Week, Tentatodd Week 2020
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2yqlZLg
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ao3feed-jaytim · 5 years ago
Maintenance and Storage
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38YuQkz
by clarityhiding
The Martha Wayne Foundation for Integration and Cooperation is a non-profit working on both sides of the Gate to help with the emigration, immigration, and integration of humans on the Alpf'ch'l side and magical beings on the Earth side. It's important work that helps build bridges of interspecies cooperation. Jason is just the Maintenance guy.
Words: 4983, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), DCU (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Bizarro (DCU), Roy Harper, Stephanie Brown
Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Magic, Alternate Universe - Office
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38YuQkz
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