#Earl lemongrab
ms-scarletwings · 1 year
Out of all small mammals that have been domesticated as pets, hamsters are one of the most interesting varieties.
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And when I say interesting, I mean because they’re so unique, and there is a lot of complexity to them that often goes overlooked even by the owners taking care of them. Naturally, they aren’t well understood by most people, and it’s a strange kind of scary how that misunderstanding can lead to a lot of pain and tragedy for both keeper and pet.
Out of everything there is to know, the most distinct thing about hamsters is probably how downright antisocial they are to other small animals.
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When you take a look at other household rodents, you usually see incredibly social creatures which can actually suffer when kept alone. So much so that there are countries outlawing the keeping of single guinea pigs, under the scope of broad animal cruelty regulations.
Take rats, or mice, for another example. Very common subjects of study and experimentation, and renowned for their ability to form bonds and bustling communities.
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It’s common knowledge to any rat or mouse owner worth their salt that these animals thrive best when kept in the company of their own, and they naturally prefer to live in groupings.
Your average hamster? Not so at all. In fact, the majority of hamster breeds harbor so much potential for aggression with their own that the previous husbandry advice goes completely out the window when caring for them. And all of this goes extra for anyone with a Syrian hamster on their hands.
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The absolute largest of domestic breeds, Syrian hamsters (also referred to as golden hamsters) are an exemplary variety for demonstrating this point. Make any remote suggestion of cohabbing two of these and forums and experts alike will be quick to tell you stop, do not pass “Go”, do not collect $200, because failing to consider the risks might end well… gruesomely.
Some people get the wrong impression that two Syrian hamsters can share a space because, well, they see that pet shops are getting away with housing juveniles together for a time.
It is true that when they are still young and developing, they will tolerate cage-mates much easier, and it’s been shown that you have the best chances when pairing some hamsters with a same-sex sibling they have been raised together with.
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Despite however swimmingly this situation seems to be going for now, it is ultimately not so sustainable in the long run. For see… Syrian hamsters eventually mature into highly territorial, solitary creatures by their nature.
Inevitably, that nature will bleed through, creating tensions of dominance struggle between the two that could escalate into more violent fighting.
And as some former pet owners can anecdotally attest to, these fights can and occasionally do end in serious injury for one or both of the animals. Often enough, the victor will turn to cannibalistic actions as well, killing (and eating) its cage-mate in the worst case scenario.
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And what of those who are still surviving, and maybe even adapting to the presence of another hamster? Interestingly, when one of the Syrians doesn’t end up devouring the other, these lower stakes conflicts have a stark impact on the psychology and behavior of both combatants involved. After a fight is concluded for Syrian hamsters, something of a pecking order between the two begins to form when the loser cannot get away, where the winner actually adjusts to become more aggressive and dominant over the shared territory. Studies have shown that the hamster at the short end of the stick can start to lose its own willingness to behave dominantly following a hard social defeat. After repeated abuse of this fashion from a cage-mate, the submissive will become more docile and appeasing to the dominant partner over time- a phenomenon known as “conditioned defeat” which appears similar to a kind of learned helplessness.
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All in all, the social inclinations of golden hamsters with same-species companions are, at best, quite unpredictable, but in a morbidly fascinating way, me thinks. End of the day, there’s still just something both extremely entertaining and endearing about them, and their quirks.
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myzodraws · 2 years
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E is for Earl of Lemongrab!
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weevmo · 1 year
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I relate to him more than I'd like to admit -
- his Styles are understandable - and he gets where he needs to be eventually!!
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cartoonbudartz · 4 months
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May 2024 art pieces
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feel-the-fire · 1 year
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Adventure Time drawings. LumpyGrab is truly the OtP we didn’t ask for but ended up deserving.
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lem0nylem0nz · 1 year
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Hear me out guys PLEEAAASSEE
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inbarfink · 8 months
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The existence of both Neddy and Lemongrab, as like, Autistic-Coded relatives of Princess Bubblegum actually adds a lot of Context to the earlier Lemongrab Episodes. Like, the big way Peebles hurt Lemongrab is by sticking him in an empty castle ruling over an empty Earldom. Making him extremely isolated and emotionally frustrated throughout his entire existence.
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And she probably did it because Lemongrab’s behavior reminded her of Neddy and she knew that Neddy flourishes when he’s mostly left alone and she…. just assumed the same would be true of Lemongrab. Not really considering the possibility that being left alone actually makes Lemongrab extremely miserable. That even though he can’t get along with Candy People, he needs others who are sour like him to be truly content. 
Just goes to show that the people who are built different can also be built different than each other.
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inky-evergreen · 7 months
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sharkaiju · 1 year
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snow-bees · 1 year
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Fionna and cake predictions I made on instagram before the show came out 🩷🖤
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s1x-foot-deep · 4 months
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maybe things could have been.... different.
collab with @sheeps-teeth !!!!!! i did the sketch & lines then charles basically digitized it. colors & rendering & EVERYTHING !!!!
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fhinni · 4 months
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I have missed seeing you...
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rogerrrroger · 1 year
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Now… how did the eating thing work in this world
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lem0nylem0nz · 1 year
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The two... Do you guys like our human designs... ,,,
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electricpig · 1 year
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