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boiboi12 · 4 months ago
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cocokrm · 6 months ago
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English For Academic and Professional Purposes
Reaction Essay
Corado, Zabdiel Kim P.
Grade 12-Argon
Inside Out 2 is the highly anticipated follow up movie to the 2015 animated movie Inside Out, which gave viewers a glimpse into the emotional world inside a young girl named Riley. In the original film, Riley's core emotions as Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust helped her cope with the challenges of moving to a new city. Now, as Riley enters her teenage years in the sequel, the story shifts focus to how her emotions have grown more complex. The film explores the deeper, often confusing emotional landscape that comes with adolescence, introducing new emotions and experiences that come with growing up.
One of the most compelling aspects of Inside Out 2 is its depiction of the emotional turbulence that accompanies adolescence. As teenagers go through physical, social, and emotional changes, their emotions tend to become more complicated, and the movie captures this reality effectively. Riley’s emotions are no longer as straightforward as they were when she was younger. In addition to the core emotions from the first movie, new feelings like anxiety, insecurity, and embarrassment are introduced. These emotions reflect the common struggles teenagers face, such as dealing with peer pressure, self-esteem issues, and an increasing sense of self-awareness. The introduction of these new emotions makes the film more relatable, not just for younger viewers but also for teens and adults who understand these challenges firsthand.
The film strikes a perfect balance between humor and emotional depth. While there are plenty of lighthearted moments, especially in the funny exchanges between the emotions, Inside Out 2 also carries a meaningful message about emotional maturity. As Riley navigates her teenage years, the movie reminds viewers that it’s normal to experience a wide range of emotions, even the difficult ones. Joy, Sadness, and the newly introduced emotions all play a role in helping her make sense of her feelings and the world around her. This message is important for viewers of all ages, as it emphasizes the value of emotional diversity. Rather than avoiding negative emotions, the film encourages embracing them as part of growing up and becoming more emotionally aware.
In conclusion, Inside Out 2 is a heartwarming and insightful continuation of Riley’s emotional journey. It teaches valuable lessons about emotional growth and complexity while remaining entertaining and relatable. The introduction of new emotions adds depth to the story, making it resonate with both younger and older audiences. Fans of the original movie will appreciate how the sequel builds upon the first film’s themes and delves even deeper into Riley’s emotional world. Whether you’re a child, teenager, or adult, Inside Out 2 is a touching reminder that all of our emotions, both positive and negative, are important in shaping who we are. Beyond its entertainment value, the movie also opens up meaningful conversations about mental health and emotional well-being, making it both a timely and impactful film for today’s audience. The moral of Inside Out 2 is that all emotions, whether positive or negative, are important and have a role in personal growth. The film emphasizes that it’s normal and valuable to experience a range of emotions as part of navigating life's challenges. Embracing and understanding these emotions can help individuals better understand themselves and manage their experiences. Overall, the movie teaches that emotional complexity is a natural part of growing up and that accepting and valuing all feelings leads to greater emotional maturity and well-being
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pbb-5 · 1 year ago
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chemsexholmes · 11 months ago
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Okay. Hi
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potangena44 · 5 months ago
venting out my frustrations towards final pts using yesod lobotomy corporation. this is me btw im listening to my assorted genre playlist in my yesod cosplay right now doing my reaction paper for EAPP at 12:54 am philippine time. manager please execution bullet me
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sapphim · 7 months ago
the thing is I'm not 100% clear on what happened? after the EApp fiasco I tried to reinstall Origins through disc instead but ran into issues validating the install with Bioware's servers, so I grabbed it DRM-free on GOG for $5, which. whatever. initially I install it through GOG Galaxy, but then I change my mind for what was probably a very specific reason, uninstall it, and reinstall it through the standalone installer instead.
recently I start getting emails about my GOG cloud saves being over capacity, so I check that out and it turns out that every file in my enormous folder of saves (including all the random shit I had in there, like headmorphs for DA Face Replacer) had been uploaded to GOG's cloud at some point. I figure this was automatically opted in when I did the Galaxy install but it's toooootally unnecessary so I delete all the files in the cloud. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it's like 50 screens of select all → delete so I'm not really paying attention. but like. it's cloud saves.
a few days later I try to launch the toolset and it throws an error, something about not being able to validate the game path. I'm annoyed but not worried because I've been THROUGH it with the toolset before, not my first rodeo, etc
anyway that's when I notice the entireeeeeeee game has been uninstalled including almost everyyyyyyy damn file I had in the Dragon Age/ directories in both the program files and my documents
so uhhhhhhhhhhhh be careful out there I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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serendertothesquad · 1 year ago
Seren's Studies: Tiny Time Travel And What It Takes From Odd Squad
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I didn't think I'd have to write two "Odd Squad knockoff???" essays within the span of a month. But lo and behold, an announcement came, left like a Black Friday sale, and then got extended as it was heavily promoted by PBS Kids up the wazoo.
I talk, of course, about their newest short-form series, Tiny Time Travel.
You might be wondering, "Okay, I can see one resemblance to Odd Squad...but is that really enough to compare it to a decade-old franchise?" And oh. Ohhh! I would say NAY. N A Y .
Because I've seen all the episodes of it. And I'm about to lay everything down on the line when it comes to how it's Odd Squad's adopted child.
Not a knockoff, mind you. This isn't Fear and Loathing in Wordsville 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Below the break. Chop chop. Time can only keep moving forward in the real world, sadly.
Let's start with a rundown for the uninitiated, because I guarantee hardly any of you have heard of this series.
Tiny Time Travel is a short-form series created by Tim McKeon, most famous for being a co-creator of Odd Squad. Unlike Odd Squad, it's under the banners of Marobru Productions, a prodco based in New York, and Easy as Pie Productions, a prodco based in Georgia. (Tim had his own prodco in the form of Hundredth Town Productions, along with Adam Peltzman, the other co-creator of Odd Squad. He doesn't own EAPP.) The series consists of 12 episodes, with no further seasons planned.
As for the premise...see if this rings a bell, hmm?
We have two 11-year-old boys, Tyler and Tony, the former of who invents a time machine that can send them both back and forward only a few hours at a time in order to help people in their town.
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You see? All it took was the one whole entire sentence and the one whole entire screencap.
The Odd Squad episode "6:00 to 6:05" was, to absolutely no one's surprise, written by Tim McKeon. Much like Tyler and Tony's time-traveling tales, it involves Olive and Otto using Oscar's Before-Now-Machine to travel backwards by 5 minutes from 6:05 PM to 6:00 PM in order to stop dinosaurs from breaking out of their room and destroying what has to be Oprah's 1,000th Headquarters.
While the tale of Tiny Time Travel runs much deeper than an episode they copied the formula from, it's safe to say that Tim likely looked at this episode for inspiration for the series, among others. Odd Squad is more abundant with time travel than Precure is with kaijus, having several episodes about it and at least one movie. Really, if you're a writer in the TV industry, it's hard to get to a point where any ideas based around a concept you love that are posed in a writers' room are shut down on sight. Tim managed to do that single-handedly and still flipped the bird as a creator by inserting time travel as a solution in the Season 3 finale. In the industry, they call that abuse of power. In the Odd Squad branch, they call that "bending the rules just this one time".
The episodes of Tiny Time Travel range greatly in terms of plot, because each episode focuses on a different client person that Tyler and Tony help. And I use the term "plot" very loosely, because while My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale can stuff lore into 5 minutes (to...varying degrees of success), Tiny Time Travel...doesn't. It's not as lore-filled as Odd Squad and isn't even half as crazy because it's purely episodic. About the craziest thing I've seen is the neurodivergent and Hmong rep, and after watching Jelly, Ben and Pogo, that surprises me next to none. (And Odd Squad, because it's got rep up and down both streets.)
There's also the matter of differing morals. While Odd Squad teaches about mathematics, and later STEM stuff, Tiny Time Travel teaches more about social language and language in general, in a way that isn't really as seamless as Odd Squad. When creating Odd Squad, there was intent to hide the lessons so kids can watch the show and not have the math be in-your-face and up-your-butt. Tiny Time Travel is far more in-your-face and up-your-butt about the lessons by a complete longshot, which I personally can't really fault it for because 5 minutes can only get you so far. (If anything, I'll fault PBS execs, because that method of delivering morals has been standard since the 90s. But I digress. I can spew about PBS later.)
So I might as well address the elephant in the room: is Tiny Time Travel an Odd Squad knockoff?
Short answer: no.
There's a lot of Odd Squad influence within it, in terms of humor, characters (Samira reminds me a hell of a lot of Polly Graph, and that's not even getting into the alliterative naming of the two protags) and general vibe, which is quite common with two pieces of media that share a creator. I'd also throw in that it's made in, and features, New York as a setting, which is where the Odd Squad pilot takes place, but that's a little irrelevant.
However, it's important to note that "inspired by" and "ripping off" are two very distinct things.
Take Wordsville, just as an example. Which I'm bringing up because, y'know, Odd Squad has more knockoffs than I've had good nights of sleep, but anyway. Wordsville is, as discussed before, a complete bonafide knockoff. It bounds over "inspired by" and goes straight into "I wanna watch you bleed!" territory by basically being Odd Squad but with a coat of literacy and digitization on it. Tiny Time Travel, by contrast, has very few straight similarities to Odd Squad. There's the alliterative names of Tyler and Tony, the inclusion of time travel (with limitations), similar music (thanks to Paul Buckley coming back on board), and a specific brand of humor that is pulled off well. But they are very few and far between, and there are far more differences. Tim looked to Odd Squad for inspiration, but he didn't seek to create a whole entire ripoff of Odd Squad. (Knowing PBS, though...maybe an Odd Squad ripoff was what they wanted originally. Wouldn't be the first time network execs made a request to Tim only for him to find a compromise.)
Likewise, another thing that sets Triple-T apart is how it was made. You're gonna wanna sit down for this one if you aren't sittin' already, because the amount of irony could probably level the planet.
If you're one of the old-timers of the Odd Squad fandom who qualifies for a senior's discount and Medicare, you're probably well-aware of Tim McKeon's absolute adoration for time travel, something that leaks into Odd Squad just as much as it leaks into his personal media preferences. Like I said, the franchise has had a ton of time-travel-related material, so much so that any ideas involving it were barred from the writers' room. All of it pretty much came from Tim McKeon's love of the concept. (And his love of pies. That too. Though whether that came from the prodco or from Tim himself remains up in the air. And yes, Triple-T does mention pie in one episode. And toast, believe it or not!)
Tiny Time Travel is basically what would happen if Tim flipped both birds at whatever writer bopped him with a newspaper and said "no more time travel episodes", and he made an entire series out of it with both government money and our money. It's like if you had a fanseries idea, money, enough passion, money, good connections, and money, and you turned it into a show. That's what Tiny Time Travel is. It's purely, unequivocally, a passion project for Tim.
Of course, there's also the underlying, less moral side to its making, in that it was made in order to fill a quota of PBS to get at least 25 new shows out by end of year. But this is one of the ones that's definitely filled with more quality. Let's be honest, the question of "am I gonna grow up to be a rebel leader and save humanity" is not something you'd find in typical PBS Kids fare. (And it also somehow passed S&P. But Odd Squad has over 70 questionable moments in the series alone -- and yes, I've counted -- so it's clear the rules of S&P don't apply to the god that is Tim McKeon. He flips the bird at that too.)
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So overall, Tiny Time Travel is one hell of a short-form series. City Island threw me for a loop a couple years back based on the object show comparisons alone (and when you get Adam Katz himself to recognize that shit, you're nigh-unstoppable), and this series threw me for a loop similarly just due to the sheer premise and near-immaculate quality.
Odd Squad was, on all accounts, a major influence in Triple-T's making, to such an extent where there's a cameo of two agents walking in the background that someone managed to spot long before I got to the "Tennis Talk" episode that featured the cameo to begin with. The show's cute, it's sweet, it's got hella good rep, and it's short enough to please attention spans around the world. (Or at least in 'Murica. And maybe some parts of Canada.) It wholeheartedly has the Seren seal of approval, and if you're tired of waiting for Odd Squad UK in 8 months like I am, this will tide you over in the meantime.
As for whether it'll get a Season 2...after "Surprise Party", I can't see that happening. Unlike with Odd Squad, which is constantly under the threat of cancellation, Tim had a chance to end the show on his own terms without PBS giving it the sharpest axe in the shed, and he wrapped it up beautifully. It doesn't need a second season. It's beautiful as it is. Keep it as a one-hit wonder. (And preserve it, because otherwise it'll become lost media by the time half the century is up.)
I'll see you all in the next essay. Seren out!
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group10emtech · 1 year ago
A Day in a Life of a Technical Drafting Student
Starting the video with Aloy going out in his house [4:50AM], Next is his journey from his house to school [4:50-5:15AM]. Next is school arrival and him going to his first subject/room [5:20AM] so on, we’ll show what he does while waiting for the class at 6:00AM like watching the sunrise, waiting for his teacher or classmate. CPAR class overview [6:00-7:45AM], Basketry checking [7:45-7:55AM]. Going to the next room for next subject [7:56-8:00AM]. EAPP class overview [8:00-10:00AM]. Going to next class, Homeroom Overview [10:00-10:30AM]. Breaktime overview [10:30-11:30AM]. Going to final class, HOPE 3overview [11:30-12:30AM].
Tools needed:
Iphone 6s camera
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imnotgoinganywhereok · 2 years ago
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So... That new ugly ass tumblr PC layout, right? Waking up to that horrible "social media" look made me so shocked and sad. I want the "blogging site" look back!! This is what tumblr is, please, they can't get away with this, for the love of-
Also... Those hefty Sims 4 patch notes from 18th of July, right? This update was so slow for me that the EApp actually shut down once XDDD The funny thing about reading the latest laundry list and patch notes made me realise that one of the problems they tackled was male pregnancy through alien abduction from this post. This was a random post I noticed on the forum at the start of April that I commented on first. That means people could see my Serafin in the wild!! Such a crazy idea. I mean, I put him there but it was to help somebody. (๑/////๑")
Finally, a few words about Baltazar!! I wanted to post yesterday but decided to wait because today is Hieronim's name day in Poland, and I find it fun. So, here's the boy in all his glory - literally - enjoying his new life in StrangerVille. Or he would be enjoying it if it wasn't for these damn freaks. They stole both of his refrigerators!! MA FUCKIN PANCAKES!! Anyway, I'm having lots of fun. The house took a lot of effort and I love how it looks, and now it's filled with personal stuff like pictures of Bal's brother and parents, shelves filled with canned goods of each kind made by his parents, and a bunny sculpture his father crafted for him to remember about his roots. Makes him (and me) miss home already!! ε(´。•᎑•`)っ
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today wall muellim have said that 'eapp is cannat, gened is cahannam' and we said 'hahahaha' 😔
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pbb-5 · 1 year ago
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dawnmore · 6 months ago
i think i might have just had the realization
that aljur might have been the one that wrote me a one of the sweet messages i got from our positive-negative traits paper last year
maybe i wasn't delulu all this time and he actually did like me? that he actually does like me
because now i finally remembered, we had an activity in eapp perhaps a month ago and aljur and i were paired for that, it was an activity where we summarize the most recent movie we've watched, i did the summary and i chose Final Destination, he rewritten the content
and his hand writing was so pretty, it was adorable, very unique, you would probably be able to distinguish that it was his
also, another time i saw his hand writing was last year, i needed a lecture for one of our subjects before my clearance would be signed, and i just so happened to find his lecture laying on a table at the back, at first i was using it as kopyahan ng lecture kasi nagsusulat din ako sa notebook ko
and i was like, wow he has really good handwriting and then didn't pay any mind to it and just kept writing
eventually i felt it was too time consuming to write it all so i just ripped the page where his lecture is last written, which is also the only page that has a check and pirma by a teacher and just rewrote it, trying my best to imitate his hand writing. then i just covered his name on the cover with some paper and wrote my name, claiming the notebook as my own
and i kid you fucking not
i just fucking realized it today
because for a few days i've been thinking about that paper again (pos-nega traits) and contemplate who wrote what now that i know my classmates more than i did last year
and i was always so flattered with that part with the pretty handwriting and says such sweet words
and today i was like- "LMAOOOO what if it was aljur that wrote that"
because his handwriting was kinda similar from what i remembered
so i checked the paper
i kid you fucking not
it is the exact same handwriting
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liveloverein · 6 months ago
love lalabas muna ako, bibili lang akong notebook, nga pala periodic namin sa Piling larang, EAPP tapos sa CESC, major ko kay maam bau, required kami bumili ng notebook, so bibili ako behehehe
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paulenebianxa · 6 months ago
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English for Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP) Reaction Essay
Tejero, Paulene Bianca M.
Grade 12- Argon
Upon watching "The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes," I found myself reflecting back on the story's an in-depth look of morality and power. The film, an introduction to the first Hunger Games series, explores the rise to power of Coriolanus Snow, who would go on to become the dictatorial president portrayed in the first book, and offers a gripping backstory to the world of Panem. The story exposes the corrupting effects of power and the extent people will go to in order to hold onto it. The story shows how Snow went from being an aspirational and hopeless young man to a cunning leader, highlighting the allure of power and the sacrifices that come with it. It is an important reminder of how reckless ambition can result in corrupt behavior and eventually the rise of dictatorship.
The film takes a fresh look at inequality and societal divisions. It provides a clear distinction between the glory of the Capitol and the dark, poor conditions of the districts. Snow's rise to power is closely related to systemic inequality and the exploitation of society norms. The story sheds light on the Hunger Games' beginnings as an approach of control, demonstrating how the Capitol's brutality is a deeply established part of its societal structure rather than the result of its leadership. This background helps the audience grasp the complexities of the Hunger Games universe and provides an important perspective on how societies may sustain cycles of violence and oppression.
It highlights the strength of its beginnings and the broadening of its world. By perceiving into Snow's personality and the historical setting of the Hunger Games, the story adds to the narrative and provides a deeper awareness of the series' key conflicts. It encourages us viewers to reflect critically on the nature of leadership and the moral consequences of societal actions. "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes" is more than just a prequel; it's also a thought-provoking reflection on human nature and power relations, making it an captivating addition to the Hunger Games series that addresses current issues. It depicts the reality of the world in a way where people suffer and become puppets of the system.
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isaythingsnooneneedstosee · 10 months ago
it is a situational thing to talk about "writing something that's against your political values" i understand the requirements in guided questions but in this particular instance of our eapp requirement, it was our individual decision to choose a topic
by saying you were "forced" to write something against your political values in an essay where you are GIVEN the decision to choose your own argumentative topic, you mean to say you don't have any other feminist ideologies other than abortion rights?
there are still issues concerning womens rights. education, citizenship, forced marriages, etc. you mean to say that, in ALL of the political ideologies a person, a FEMINIST, should have, you had no choice but to CHOOSE a pro-life essay all because the teacher didn't LIKE a pro-choice essay?
it just sounds like your ideologies waver in the face of higher authorities and
and maybe i'm reaching, i'm reaching sky high towards things i'm not even sure about but wondering so negatively towards but besides the perspective of ideologies and feminism, in an academic and argumentative perspective, abortion studies aren't new. if abortion studies don't cut because of a weird, selfish reason by the teacher, what's stopping you from making an ENTIRELY different essay that's still about human rights??? there are studies on forced marriages, violence towards women, education for girls and none of them suffice towards a better, even easier assignment essay?? WHO would deny education towards women at this day and age and WHAT research would be so misogynistic that all of these ideas would be denied?
"it's an easy topic, it can't be challenged" WHAT are you talking about??? there are girls who are forced into marriages without an education today and you say it can't be challenged because it's so easy to win when it's still an issue today?? trafficking women still exists and mass slavery has been gone for centuries
in an ideological perspective, it's flimsy feminism. you're limiting issues towards women to ones that affect YOU. not the children who became mothers at puberty, not the girls who can barely read at 16, not the women who barely get paid in factories. in an academic perspective, it's limiting yourself and finding a shortcut to success rather than sticking with your beliefs to prove a point, the one THING that, in all of the academic landscape characteristics and values, you NEED to HAVE
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cristinecovar · 1 year ago
FEBRUARY 29,2024
Another day i woke up early to get ready get set go to prepare my food to bring at school and prefer my self to go to school there's a lot to do we recite for our first sub eapp and other subject give us home work and activity We did our pr, we took care of a lot, we did a survey to o and we went home because we needed other parts to be finished.
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