#EZ holy
hollie-artz · 1 year
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Character colour wheel
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tehzeldamaster · 1 year
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A goddess and her creature🥺
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ezzakennebba · 1 year
anyway bella was 18 and pregnant for only 28 days before she was giving birth.
twilight is a horror saga.
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aritany · 8 months
sorry to be nosy, but do u have any insights as someone who went through a divorce at a young age?
don't be sorry - what a fascinating question! it's STORYTIME. i don't know if this is so much my 'insights' as it is ruminations, but i digress.
i guess my number one tip would be: don't marry a bigot,,,
i'm kidding. mostly.
i'm very transparent about why i got divorced (if you know me in real life, you know how true this is), but that's what it boiled down to. i got married VERY young, 95% due to deeply religious family on both sides, 5% because i truly believed i had found the person i was going to be with forever. if you're going to be together forever, why not just bite the bullet and get married young, right?
i came out to my ex-husband as bisexual super early on in our relationship (i think 2 months into dating) because i obviously needed him to a) know i was queer and b) be cool about it, and he was. if i recall, he said, "oh. ok, good for you."
(later, he told me that that moment was almost a dealbreaker for him. i NEVER would have known, based on how he reacted in the moment.)
as a married couple, we were awesome roommates and very good friends and overall a wonderful team. then i started properly deconstructing christianity around the same time i started thinking about gender, and covid hit immediately after. i didn't come out to anyone as nonbinary until march 2021, and when i did, he was the first person i talked to. he was... significantly less cool about it than he was with bisexuality.
here's the thing. he LOVED having a wife. in hindsight, it's really easy to see that i could have been anyone, and he was really ready to settle down. i have to give myself some credit, because i think i'm excellent, but i do think that to some extent i was in the right place at the right time and checked off a lot of his boxes. if that sounds a little cold to you -- a SHOCKING amount of cishet men do this. it's weird.
anyway, i was His Wife™, and while i was by no means a traditional christian wife, i was still a very she/her slay queen girly.
then i started committing sins. (got some tattoos. started writing about The Gays. started speaking out against the church. Cut My Hair Short [cue gasps]. started dressing more androgynously.)
he couldn't get his head around using gender neutral language for me. to his students (he was in education at the time) i was His Wife. to his family, i was His Wife, even after i came out to them too. classic wifeguy stuff.
my current partner (who is SO wonderful) was in the process of becoming that best friend you have really confusing gay feelings about, and had to deal with me talking about this and how i was just going to have to settle for being with this guy who wouldn't respect my gender, even when that disrespect started actually making my skin crawl when he'd get close. because hey, marriage is for life. it didn't even occur to me that we might get divorced until about 4 days before The Conversation. i was genuinely ready to stick it out with this guy who refused to really See me, because i thought that was what i had to do.
then came The Conversation. i'd been invited to be a bridesmaid in his sister's wedding and had agreed to wear a dress, because hey, it's her wedding. if she wants bridesmaids in dresses, sure. (i was still very much reeling from my own wedding, but that's another story i'll tell if anyone's curious.)
anyway. dresses. i go to a fitting. i stand there numbly while wearing the most godawful dress i'd ever seen, feeling like Garbage. i go home. i step in the door, i burst into tears. sobbing, on the couch, i tell him that something's not right. i can't wear a dress to this wedding.
i think that was when he realized i wasn't going to grow out of being nonbinary. we had a really long, brutal conversation, mostly about how i was probably going to want top surgery one day, that ultimately resulted in him ending our marriage.
"i can't make you be somebody you're not," he told me. "but you can't make me attracted to you."
that's right, folks! the thing that ended my marriage was my tits.
we'd sat through and endured many conversations in which i shared my feelings about the church, about christianity, about the patriarchy, about gender as a whole, but in the end, the thing he could not get his head around was a version of me that didn't have a chest.
i won't lie, that shit stung. the constant rejection of my gender expression had sort of eroded any romantic love i felt for him at that point, but he'd been my closest confidant for so long by that point that i really had to work through some shit about worthiness in the weeks after. it was just surreal to me that me With tits was good and worth being married to, but a hypothetical version of me with a flat chest was so repulsive that he'd rather end a marriage than endure it.
and like, i get being a boob guy (trust me), but damn.
p.s. some really interesting notes: he waited to have this conversation with me until literally the week after i received the first 5-figure portion of my book deal advance, which meant when we were settling affairs, it counted as "marital income" and he got half, and then he hired lawyers behind my back after we said we wouldn't do that.
in hindsight? maybe it was never about the tits at all. ;)
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minusecko · 2 months
Splatoon 3 Promokids Lovelanguage Headcanon Thing
i really dont know how to title stuff.
Anyways, just below the lovely "Keep Reeading" button is a list of what I think each of the promokids' favorite forms of love language are and a brief explanation as to why!
Favorite to give: Acts of Service
Favorite to recieve: Physical Touch/Words of Affirmation
Vero is literally just too awkward to initiate anything else, so they'd rather silently help with chores or something similar. They also have an underlying need to prove themselves constantly and a desire to feel needed somewhere.
They do still admit that they love getting hugs and cuddles even if they're unbearably awkward about it. Also, there's a 50/50 chance they burst into tears if you tell them "I'm proud of you" (just ask anyone in NSS) because those are words they almost never hear.
Favorite to give: Quality Time/Acts of Service Favorite to receive: Quality Time/Physical Touch
Hiro just adores their friends and loves spending time with them. They also like feeling useful and tries to help around a lot. It's partially driven by feelings of self-doubt and a need to prove themselves- wait a second I've heard this before.
If Veronika is awkward, Hiro is fucking mortifying. (Joking! Kinda-) The difference is Hiro is absurdly awkward with physical intimacy because they're touch starved. Veronika is just kinda awkward with social interactions in general sometimes. Anyways, Hiro is a simple creature: they just wanna be the little spoon when cuddling.
Favorite to give AND receive: Quality Time/Physical Touch
There's not much of an explanation needed here. She just loves causing mischief of any kind with friends. She's also just a very physical person in general, so she's constantly fistbumbing, high-fiving, arm punching, light elbowing- Ok you get the point. She likes bops and boops.
Likes to box her friends, nothing serious but will just kinda playfully jab at them like a cat slapping it's owner. Usually they just let it happen or jab back.
Favorite to give: Acts of Service/Words of Affirmation Favorite to recieve: Gifts
She has like 5 million different skills from the many, many, many, unique experiences she's had during her more nomadic lifestyle, so she'll gladly put them to use to help her friends. Also makes sure to go out of her way and say how much she appreciates everyone because she knows that they might not always hear it.
She still struggles with not crying whenever she gets a gift, and will 100% shed at least 1 tear if she gets a handmade gift of any kind.
Favorite to give: Gifts/Acts of Service Favorite to receive: Quality time
She has the money to buy basically anything, which is great because she can get her friends practically whatever they want, including services like housecleaning and catering, but at the same time receiving gifts don't necessarily hit the same for her because she can buy anything. If Steph says "I gotchu!" then you'll never know hardship again.
So instead, she does love spending any sort of time with anyone. She doesn't get a lot of quality time, or much time at all, with her family, so she's down for basically anything to distract her from that.
Favorite to give: Gifts Favorite to receive: Words of Affirmation
They're surprisingly attentive despite their aloof appearance, so they remember small details from random conversations that lets them pick the perfect gifts.
They're still a really simple person too. If you tell them "good job!" that will be the highlight of their day. Also they didn't get a lot of affirmation from their parents so...
Favorite to give AND receive: Quality time
They did not get much time with their parents because they died while Wally was really young, so they treasure literally any time at all with the people close to them.
Favorite to give: Words of Affirmation Favorite to receive: Acts of Service
He's really busy a lot of the time, so words are most convenient. Also he very much realizes that his friends really, really need someone to verbally acknowledge all the things they do, and is more than happy to do so.
He loves acts of service because it helps him manage his workload a bit easier.
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Hey so tell me about Rudolph van Richten. Do you excuse his war crimes?
The Van Richten Conundrum
5e Van Richten is a mess. Let me monologue.
I think everyone kind of knows that, but I'm gonna say it anyway. He's unbearably racist, he's unhelpful, and he's overall difficult to work with if you play him as written. That's why we have older Ravenloft Van Richten, a character you can inject a little more nuance into.
I know a common interpretation is to nix his prejudice entirely, and honestly? Yeah. I think that's fine. In fact, I think it could make it a more comfortable experience for everyone involved.
However, for familial and heritage reasons, my DM went to me and asked me how I wanted to handle it. They laid out the whole thing (tiger, Ez's family, backstory) and let me decide what I wanted to do.
I decided to read the guides. They detailed a man who was turned to vicious hate because of the loss of his family. It wasn't righteous. It was ugly, even though he believed otherwise. You could see the path, and it didn't make it better. It made it tragic and awful. And then Van Richten's Guide to the Vistani came, and he started to change and learn. He started to feel shame and realized the cycle would continue. He disinherits his previous beliefs and tries to make restitution. I couldn't figure out why 5e, in an effort to clean things up, somehow made him worse when in the original material, he was, for lack of a better word, "recovering" by the time Curse of Strahd would be rolling around.
(Do I recommend Van Richten's Guide to the Vistani personally? NO. Definitely not. I think a lot of stuff in there is awful in ways that are completely, hilariously unintentional. Read it, by all means, and enjoy the story but I wouldn't touch some of that wording with a 5-foot pole.)
I told my DM it was important to me that he had once held those prejudices but that he was at the same place he was at the end of his guide. Tiger was changed to hunt vampires. No weird head in the trunk. Healing and learning were things I preferred to see, and honestly, in our group, I was glad my DM checked my comfort level and willingness to make that call. It made our story a lot richer. I love escapist fantasy, but I'm glad we elected for that approach with Van Richten, because...
I think Strahd (as a module) asks about redeemability a lot.
Mods like the Interactive Tome, I can imagine, likely expand on this. We asked the question "do your past actions make who you are now? Have you done enough to deserve absolution?" a LOT. That was the game we wanted to play. "Who do you become despite who you were?" We asked this again and again. This won't be the same answer for every party. Some people don't want to engage with that, and that's completely valid and fine.
Rudolph van Richten, against all odds, became one of my favorite characters in DnD.
I'll try and give an even longer answer sometime to profile the character my DM played. But this was about the crimes.
Anyway, so, I don't forgive his crimes. You deserve, Van Richten! But I do think they were important in our game. Long, long answer.
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raayllum · 1 year
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For the good of the world
But to Runaan and those like your parents, love is rooted in all families, all creatures... Souls like that feel called to protect everyone as fiercely as those they hold dear. Each time Runaan leaves, it is with the weight of knowing that he may not come back. That to fulfil his duty, he may need to sacrifice everything, himself, and all that we have here. 
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pikayay213 · 2 months
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sulfurhotspot · 10 months
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tehzeldamaster · 1 year
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I'd suffer hell if you'd tell me what you'd do to me tonight🌹
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choconanime · 2 years
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Inktobet day 17
mizuki really is bad influenze sometimes on zinnia lmao shout fest around the man that hates loudness truly nothing will happen
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shiroselia · 2 years
I was tagged by @adelaideoldburg​ and went “Right, I’m gonna Do That” and then promptly forgot to do this so here it is now
Ten characters, ten fandoms, not ten tags ‘cause tagging people is scary, but if you’re seeing this and you want to do it, you can say you were tagged by me, that’s only fair, have fun friends :3
Characters in no particular order but the one I remember them in
1. Shirokane Rinko - BanG Dream (Multimedia)
2. Yukishiro Nanako - Senryuu Shoujo (Manga, has an anime, but I haven’t watched it)
3. Elaina - Majou no Tabitabi (Manga, also has an anime, have not watched that either)
4. Itoshi Rin - Blue Lock (Manga, has an anime coming up)
5. Marianne von Edmund - Fire Emblem (Video game)
6. Kunikida Hanamaru - Love Live (Multimedia)
7. Phi - Zero Escape (Video game)
8. Aiba - AI: The Somnium Files (Video game)
9. Elliot - Mr. Robot (Live action series)
10. Kagura Hikari - Shoujo Kageki: Revue Starlight (Multimedia)
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Rinko gets the biggest image cause despite this not being in order, she is undisputably my favourite here
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ofthedragon · 2 years
played mid lane. nine deaths four kills.
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vtoriacore · 2 years
Yo! It's me! I was wondering if I could request Ruggie, Idia, Riddle, and Malleus with a significant other who fights people for just breathing in their direction. Like Crowley opens his mouth and their already like "SHUT UP!" And throws chairs at people. I think the comedic potential for this is exponential
✧ alla stocatta (this chair)!
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note: this is such a funny fucking concept LMFAO😭 gremlin MC agenda has gotta be my fucking fave they have the power to be so unhinged and i live for it also not proofread because it's low-key 12 am BUT. it's readable so-
characters: ruggie, idia, riddle, malleus
people who reblogged here is a special heart and a kith y'all do the most and ily 💞
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ruggie finds it both amusing and kind of intimidating (and kinda hot but he'll die before he admits this yk) how you literally defend his honour (even when it doesn't necessarily need to be defended) but is he complaining? fuck no! 
half the time he is laughing and the other half is him cheering you on and maybe even encouraging you to do something just a little overboard (nothing that will get you into trouble, and if it does he's usually happy to take the blame) 
the first time he witnessed you literally throwing your broom at leona in joint flight class because he wouldn't stop bitching to ruggie was just about the most hilarious fucking thing he's ever seen and oh- there he goes falling off because he couldn't stop laughing (he stops when you catch him and ask if he's okay though - this mf may think he's slick but is literally reduced to a blubbering mess once he finds himself in a position considered a little too intimate with you) 
the second time he saw you trip someone up because they looked at him wrong, and your silly, sly self simply gave them the most unimpressed look you could muster with a "watch where you're going" 
the hyena was too stunned to speak 😮 no but seriously he found that both hilarious (as always) and admirable because holy shit, you did it so nonchalantly and it looked so fucking cool- he questions how he was even able to pull you (dw ruggie, you've got rizz!) 
he absolutely loves when you stand up for him for more serious stuff though, like if someone's insulting him for his status or for having to work etc. because your no-bullshit attitude actually works so well? you just casually throw a chair at the mf even daring to look at him and his heart goes ✨✨✨ all the while he's laughing and cheering you on from the sidelines. 
at first, idia is fucking terrified! bro is borderline crashing because how the fuck did you have the strength to haul that heavy ass cauldron at the person making a snide remark about him? he was going to say he's NEVER coming to class again but after this, he changes his mind so quick
like, you looked so badass doing that? the savannaclaw loser who tried insulting him barely got two words out and you just- oh wow! he just got the "in love" status applied to him again! 
nah but fr he is literally fucking grinning as he stares at the poor, poor fool laying on the ground and is so fucking smug about it too! 
"that was an ez no scope, didn't even have to be 360 lol'
"idia ily but what"
"it's a roundabout way of saying this bozo stood no chance, you pulled up on him too quick lmao"
at first, he is a bit concerned that you might end up in trouble with someone for doing all this but . . . yk, his money speaks for itself and if something does ever happen covering up wouldn't be too hard so he lets you do as you please
this hades-rapunzel secret love child thinks its low-key hot too, but he'll never admit it and he literally turns bright fucking pink anytime he even thinks this. you tried prying the answer out before, but he pulled out his secret trump card - fainting on you so he wouldn't have to say a thing
idia is another mf to absolutely egg you on as you cause some more chaos, it's getting to the point ortho had to warn you of nearly breaking someone's arm before you stopped. idia was just standing there, the most villainous, evil grin to have ever graced his face; "no, no! let them cook!"
riddle. fucking. FAINTS! 
he was NOT ready for that strawberry tart to end up lodged down someone's throat as you victoriously shrugged your shoulders with a "what? they had it coming."
"oh great heavens what have you- where is the decorum? what could have possibly compelled you to-" aaaaaaaand man's down!
when he awakes, he's frantically shaking your shoulders and asking why you would even think that nearly suffocating someone (not really, you pushed the tart far enough they could swallow) was appropriate 
but let me tell you, when he hears it was because they've insulted him and brought his mother into it, he low-key feels light headed and oh wow his cheeks are getting pretty warm huh? 
riddle, in his own spiteful way, actually doesn't probe you on this any longer and makes you promise that you won't do this in his vicinity again
you of course, nod along. you won't do it in his vicinity, but will be perfectly fine exacting your revenge straight after he's out of sight
when you actually end up having a . . . a chair duel. yes, he read that right. (he wasn't about to even question how that came about but nontheless) he ends up both impressed at you exploiting a loophole you've found within his statement and at the fact the person you've just beaten (both literally and figuratively) is miserably sitting on the floor apologising for giving riddle the wrong look at 12:34 AM on the 3rd of march. very specific 
riddle doesn't even chastise you for this one, he is exasperated but does actually pull you away from the scene and thanks you for defending him. this time, he makes you promise to resolve your fights for him verbally, but he won't be stopping you from this point on (it's because he doesn't want to and enjoys you standing up for him)
the student walking away from malleus makes him feel a bit bad. so naturally, to remedy this, you end up shouting at them! now they're backing away from you instead, isn't this the meaning of true love? (no)
this silly little very capable of looking after himself fae is fucking over the moon! absolutely smitten! completely in love! when you come to defend him and angrily shout at people for not treating him like a being worthy of respect and love.
he low-key debates proposing to you on the spot after you also somehow manage to get a student to apologize to him for fearing him for no good reason! he appreciates the sentiment and you caring for his well being, isn't that basically marriage already? no? he'd like to digress immediately
malleus does get a bit concerned when things get physical, not that he doesn't trust you to take care of yourself or anything but he worries that you might end up hurt. oh, did you think he'd care for the person you're fighting? or you getting in trouble? nah, he could literally BBQ anyone who even dared harm you anyway and if crowley even thought to step in, he'd soon be reconsidering because he doesn't want to end up an elaborate crow dish
however, on the occasion that you do outsmart your opponent (aka the savannaclaw student who just rolled his eyes at the dragon fae) he feels hella proud and is very amused at your antics. i mean, the way you just psychologically destroyed the fool in front of you for their comment on malleus not even being that good at magift is very sure to leave them questioning why they even bothered coming  out the womb for the rest of their life. 
he is another one that finds it low-key 😳😳😳 like damn, did you always look this badass when flipping someone off for even breathing wrong near him? sane thoughts just weren't made for malleus
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writerblue275 · 9 months
Heartsteel with an insecure plus-size partner (18+)
Inspiration: This is extremely self-indulgent, but I haven’t been feeling great about myself lately and I need a little reminder that I am, in fact, a sexy and beautiful bad bitch. Anyone else who needs a reminder, this one is for you too. We’re beautiful no matter what.
Champions: Heartsteel
Genre: Headcanons
Category: Like 98% Fluff with some implied smut/suggestiveness so (18+ ONLY. Minors DNI)
Gender: Gender Neutral Reader
TW: Swearing. Suggestive stuff. Self-thought body negativity at points and brief mentions of disordered eating behaviors.
Context: In this instance, reader feels bad about themselves for being curvy and this is how the boys would respond. Just remember, we’re all beautiful. Let’s take care of ourselves like the boys would want us to.
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All of them:
If someone specific made you feel bad about yourself?
Like they said something rude or nasty to you?
They better count their fucking days.
None of these men will stand for someone making their partner feel bad about themselves.
They’d make sure there was a RECKONING.
*Approving nod* Go get ‘em, boys.
If you do decide to lose weight at some point, they’re making sure it’s for the right reasons (ex: quality of life health adjustment and not just because you want to be skinnier to look more attractive.) and they’re also making sure you’re doing it the right way. The safe way. Because damnit they love you and always want you to be happy and safe.
As long as it’s for the right reasons and you’re doing it safely, they’ll be your biggest supporters. Like the biggest hype men. As well as the best comfort if things are a bit rough. They’ve got your back.
Said it before and will say it again: “The quiet ones are always the most perceptive.”
He absolutely notices when you frown at yourself a little in the mirror, when you take a bit longer to find something to wear, when you murmur something self deprecating about your appearance, or when you intentionally skip a meal (his absolute least favorite).
He knows when you don’t feel good about yourself and it makes him sad because he always sees you as beautiful and attractive.
And it’s hard on him because he really can’t be super vocal about how he sees you, at least in public because people are loud.
But when you two are cuddling or just having quiet time by yourselves when you’re getting ready together, and you can hear him when he does talk, then in those times when you feel bad about yourself, he’s just the sweetest bean omg.
Whispering/murmuring the sweetest and loveliest things to you about how amazing you look.
Like he’d really compliment you to high heaven. Especially if there’s an area that you’re super self conscious about. Ex: “I love those shorts on you, cutie. They show off your amazing legs.”
As for the meals, he’s gently making sure you’re eating. He wants you happy and sated.
I’ve said before that he’s the master of sexting and I fully believe he’d send you texts (both spicy and not) randomly, just letting you know how attractive he thinks you are and that you’re on his mind.
When he does send spicy texts complimenting his favorite parts of you? I hope you’re not around anyone because you will be turning bright red. This quiet moon man is shockingly explicit.
Do I think he’s as perceptive as Phel or some of the others? Maybe not, but I do believe Ez would notice if you’re quieter/down as well as notice your upset glances in the mirror.
It is fucking inconceivable to him when you tell him you don’t find yourself attractive at times.
Like WHAT??? How can that be??? You’re literally perfection to him. And he has excellent taste so…
Compliments compliments COMPLIMENTS. Holy shit he’d shower you with so many lovely compliments anytime you don’t feel good about yourself.
We also know even Heartsteel Ez is a huge history nerd (fuck YEAH I have a history minor so I love this).
When you tell him you don’t feel beautiful, he’d go through so many different civilizations of history and talk about how you fit their ideal standards of beauty. And so to him, you’re always timelessly attractive.
Would pull up artwork (for example, Titian’s “Venus of Urbino”) and texts to make his point. (This is so hot lmao. I blame being an honors kid and going to grad school. We stan an academic king omfg. I feel like he secretly has a masters degree [hehe welcome to the club, Ez].)
And while I primarily think his affection would be shown through compliments (I just see him as so chatty) I definitely think he’d also use at least some touch to make his point.
Like he’d rest his head on your thighs or tummy because you’re just perfect to cuddle with after a long day. Or he’d let his hands, eyes, lips linger on his favorite parts of you (your thighs, your tummy, your ass/hips) just to make his point clear: while you may not love these parts of you all the time, he ABSOLUTELY does.
Very similar to Ez where he just cannot wrap his mind around the fact that you don’t see yourself as incredible and sexy at all times like he sees you. And when you tell him a lot of your insecurity stems from being plus-size, that befuddles him even more.
Member #1 of the “That just means more for me to love, baby” club.
When he hears you say these things about yourself, he almost takes it as a little bit of a challenge for himself to better show you that you are in fact, sexy and attractive as FUCK. And it’s a challenge he fully plans on succeeding at.
One of the ones I can picture using primarily physical touch in order to emphasize how sexy he sees you.
I’ve said it before but I fully believe physical touch is one of his love languages (at LEAST giving if not both giving and receiving.)
If you’re talking poorly about yourself, he will kiss you to make you shush. And it’s not a simple peck either. No no no. It’s a full “make-you-breathless” kiss.
And once he’s finally stunned you silent and turned your cheeks pink, he will lean over and murmur why he loves every single part of you that you were talking bad about.
And it’s not just PG reasons either. He’s getting DETAILED. I’ve said before he’s the dirty talk king. He’ll say things like how he loves your hips because they’re just perfect for him to grab onto when he’s fu- (I need to stop before I go off the rails lmao).
And believe me, he’s more than happy to show you what he means. Will gladly drag you home or to somewhere private.
He’d really keep an eye out for when you’re feeling down about yourself and he’d work to shut it down immediately. You’re perfect to him and he will let you KNOW.
K’Sante would be fucking ELITE for this omg.
One of the hardest parts about having a plus-size body is dressing it in a way that is stylish and still unique.
Goodness fucking knows so many plus-sized clothes have no semblance of shape to them whatsoever. Very potato sack.
But you’re with the main fashion icon himself. You have yourself a killer personal stylist (with amazing kisses and lovins to go along with it).
He’s never going to let you look bad. No matter the vibe, no matter the occasion, he’s gonna help you pull an A+ fit together.
And he’s going to explain why each piece works well for your body, so when you go shopping by yourself, you know what to look for.
Always throwing out compliments about how you make an outfit look so good (very intentionally worded this way and not the other way around).
He wants you to understand it’s the person who makes the clothes, not the clothes that make the person. You’re the reason that outfit looks absolutely stunning.
If you ever did want to start working out, I think K’Sante would be an excellent guide. Gyms are fucking intimidating, and I think he realizes that. So he’d give you the full walkthrough and help you figure out what to do on machines and stuff so you don’t accidentally hurt yourself.
And even though we know Sett is the best cook, I’m still convinced K’Sante is also a great cook so he’d make you the best meals omg. Well balanced, delicious as fuck, and filled with a whole lot of love.
I think it genuinely would make him sad when he realizes your insecurities. Even if you don’t tell him outright, I think he’s very observant and is another member who would see the small things you do that indicate your insecurities with your body.
Member #2 of the “that just means more for me to love” club.
Never too heavy for him so don’t even ask. You’ve seen this man’s muscles. To him, you’re always as light as a feather.
And his compliments? Shit he’d have some of the SWEETEST compliments. And when he sees you feeling down, he wouldn’t skimp on them. He doesn’t skimp on them normally, but now he’s even more complimentary and flirty with you. Like lowkey you have a blush 24/7.
Ok, so I’ve previously ranked Sett as one of the most romantic members of Heartsteel. And I still hold firm that one of his love languages is acts of service (giving). Part of that is cooking. We know he’s the best cook of the group.
And similar to Kayn I also think he’d use physical touch (almost as an act of service) to show his partner he finds them beautiful/attractive/sexy.
That combo? Fuck that’s an elite combo right there. Everything he does, he does with the intent to make you feel loved, happy and as sexy, stunning, and perfect as he sees you.
Gently wandering hands while cuddling, hand on thigh while he drives, hand in the back pocket of your jeans when in line together, hugs from behind, whispered compliments, and neck kisses when you’re getting ready and dressed.
And of course there are the even more personal moments of physical affection. Like marking any area he senses you might be uncomfortable with or hears you talking bad about. We’re talking those parts LITTERED with hickeys here. Because damnit he loves your tummy and your thighs and marking them is his private way of letting you know that. And tbh it feels pretty nice…
An interesting little thing: I absolutely think Sett would encourage you to maybe step out of your comfort zone just a little bit and do something to help you see yourself as sexy. For example, I think he’d be happy to pay/provide what you need for a boudoir photo shoot with an amazing photographer who knows what they’re doing and rizzes you up. (Those seem so fun omg I lowkey want to do one so bad.) And if you gift him with a print of your favorite photo (or even better, a photo book with all your favorite photos) for like his birthday or something? A. He’s glad you see yourself as sexy just as he does. B. Enjoy not leaving bed for like the entire weekend. 😉
Again, Yone is a member that is just mind-bogglingly perceptive. Over the tiniest things. (The quiet ones y’all, for real.)
Another one who absolutely sees when you don’t look at yourself kindly in the mirror, when you touch your tummy or hips with a frown, when you try and suck in for photos, or when you’re letting yourself be hungry.
He fucking hates it because in his eyes, you’re the most attractive person there is. No one is more attractive than you are.
Murmurs to you the sweetest compliments in passing whenever he can. I believe this man’s experience with lyric writing makes him a god damn poet when it comes to getting his feelings across. It’s one of the reasons I ranked him the most romantic member.
If he notices you looking at yourself unkindly in the mirror, he will come over and wrap his arms around you from behind, smiling gently as he compliments you, especially complimenting the areas he noticed you looking negatively at. He won’t stop either until he feels you relax back against him and he sees a small smile at least.
We’ve previously discussed my belief that Yone is secretly a cuddle fiend. Like in public he is so stoic and serious (fair though, he’s dealing with his band mates **cough cough** Kayn and Ez **cough cough**).
But in private, he’s a damn koala. And he’ll always pull you onto his lap and let you know that you’re perfect to cuddle with, exactly how you are. Prepare to be trapped in some amazing cuddles for the next long while.
Honestly, yes all of the members would be scary if someone insulted your looks, but I think Yone would be the most terrifying to have to deal with. I would never want to be on his shit list.
Likes to eat with you whenever he can. A. You’re a lot calmer than his band mates like 95% of the time and this man needs some god damn peace. And B. It’s a way for both of you to take care of each other. You can make sure he eats (since god knows he spends hella hours in the studio and often forgets) and he can make sure you get some good food in you too. I bet he’d bring home stuff that Sett or K’Sante made, especially if he knows it’s one of your favorites. (He’d absolutely have them draw a fun little doodle on a note to make you smile.)
Just an angel of a partner who refuses to let you feel so dark about yourself when you make his world so bright.
Thank you for reading! I must say, this definitely made me feel better about myself by the end. I hope everyone remembers that you’re perfect the way you are!
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gamer2002 · 3 months
There is no Salvation outside of Christ – all religions agree
One of the dogmas of Christianity is that there is no Salvation outside of Christ, which is a bold claim. However, it is a claim that is consistent with the teachings of all other major religions. After all, no other offers Salvation on the terms and in the form that it is defined in Christianity.
The text below will present the definition of Salvation and its significance in Christianity. After that, I will show how it relates to other, both ancient and contemporary, religions.
Whoever believes in Him shall not perish
What Christianity changed in original Judaism is the introduction of Grace and Salvation. In the Old Law, sins were defined, as well as sacrifices and other actions that needed to be performed for these sins to be forgiven. In this respect, Judaism was not much different from other religions like that of ancient Egypt or those based on the concept of karma.
Christianity is different because all sins can be immediately forgiven if you believe that Jesus Christ died for them and you truly repent (J 3:16-17, Lk 18:9-14). Therefore, if you die in an accident a moment after you decide to repent, you will not be condemned. In old Judaism, if you die before making a sacrifice for your sins, you have a problem.
This is what Grace and Salvation are about. Sins and transgressions are forgiven, despite no equivalent action being performed. This is compared to the forgiveness of an unpaid debt (Mt 18:23-27).
Aside from how Grace affects your fate in the afterlife, it also has a salvific impact on society. In the old system, you can reach a point of no return, after which it is physically impossible to perform all the necessary actions for the forgiveness of your sins. This means reaching a state of certain condemnation, or at least the conviction of it. In this situation, a sinner, having nothing left to lose and nothing that can improve their state, is devoid of reasons to try to improve at all. They are left only with further sinning, further doing evil, to at least enjoy life while they can.
In Christianity, you can always convert and you can always obtain Salvation. Therefore, everyone has a reason and a source of motivation to improve, no matter how badly they acted in the past. And this is what Grace and Salvation in Christianity are about.
It should also be added about a different pathology originating from the other side. If one believes in some kind of balancing of good and bad deeds, a person who has done good deeds may consider that they can afford to do something bad. Such pathology has already been mentioned in the Old Testament (Ez 18:24)
As a side note, Salvation concerns receiving Eternal Life. The state of Sainthood is a separate issue about which I wrote in my previous text.
Weighting hearts and other karmatic things
When it comes to other religions, among those concerned with morality, they have their own systems for reconciling sin/karma/deeds. The Egyptians believed that after death your heart is weighed to determine whether good or bad deeds prevail. If your bad deeds weighed more, your heart would be devoured by Ammit. Salvation does not apply; you must ensure that your good deeds outweigh the bad.
In Zoroastrianism, the virgin-born Saoshyant will lead humanity to the final battle against evil, prevail, and make everyone immortal. This sounds similar to Christianity, but in this religion, salvation depends on the sum of thoughts, words, and deeds, which no holy intervention can change. In short, there is no Salvation in the Christian sense.
Hindu beliefs are diverse, but most believe in karma and reincarnation. If you live a holy life, after death your soul will merge with Brahma, breaking your cycle of reincarnation. If not, you will be reborn according to your karma. If you have done well in life, you may be reborn as a wealthy person. If you have done poorly, you may be reborn as an animal. Salvation does not apply; you must cleanse your own karma. And you must also do this for your previous lives. Apparently, if you are not born wealthy, you have little chance of uniting with the god Brahma.
Buddhism is similar to Hindu beliefs. Reincarnation depends on accumulated karma, and breaking the cycle of reincarnation is the reward for good karma. But there is no union with any god because Buddhists do not believe anything is eternal. Breaking the cycle of reincarnation means the end of your soul's existence, freeing you from the suffering of rebirth. There is no Salvation or even any form of Eternal Life.
The Japanese variant of Buddhism has the mythical Sanzu River, which functions similarly to the weighing of hearts in Egyptian mythology. In Shinto religion, there is a greater emphasis on earthly life than on life after death. The souls of the deceased can live after life as kami and look after their living loved ones, as long as they perform the proper post-mortem rituals and remember them. Exceptional individuals, like members of the imperial family, can achieve divinity after death. Kami do not necessarily have to be good, and the spirit world is neither a counterpart of Heaven nor Hell. Additionally, people who died a violent death, or for other reasons were overwhelmed with negative emotions at the time of death and did not receive proper post-mortem rituals, can become obake – revenge-seeking ghosts. So, there is no Salvation; the dead can become tormented ghosts if the living do not care for them.
Taoism has various versions that have different views on what happens after your death. Some believe in reincarnation, others in achieving post-mortem immortality. Zhuangzi, one of the two most important texts in Taoism, considers death a natural part of our existence, just like life, birth, and the state before all life. Generally, in Taoism, you should live a simple life, do what you are given to do, and as a result, you may receive eternity after death and the opportunity to help the living achieve your state. Additionally, there is also the concept of Cheng-Fu, which is similar to karma. It differs, however, in that you can struggle not only with bad Cheng-Fu from your previous lives but also with bad Cheng-Fu inherited from your ancestors and your society. Salvation is not available; you must work out good Cheng-Fu yourself.
In the case of Confucianism, Confucius said little about life after death, considering it, along with spirits and gods, too great an unknown. His philosophy focused on living decently in life, concluding that without mastering this, there would be no decent life after life. So, Confucius did not recognize the concept of Salvation, mainly because he claimed he could not know what awaits us after death.
Cults of material accomplishments
Besides religions focused on morality, one can also mention more primitive religions that ultimately did not stand the test of time. Here, we are talking about religions that justified the power of kings or other types of leaders. Ancient Egyptian religion also falls into this category, as the Pharaoh ruled over you because he was holy, and you knew he was holy because he ruled over you.
In Greek mythology, which was the religion of the one percent elite, most people went to Hades, while only those favored by the gods could find themselves in the Elysian Fields after death. There was no salvation, only favoritism by the gods.
As for Norse mythology, Vikings were afraid to die in their own beds. To get to Valhalla, they had to die in battle. There was no salvation; you had to go to death.
To sum it up
The idea of Salvation and Grace was introduced by Christ and is a unique element of Christianity. In other religions, at best, a system of weighing good and bad deeds is applied. However, this system is flawed, as it can lead to pathologies born from the belief in achieving a state of irrevocable damnation. It can also lead to pathologies born from the belief in having accumulated enough good deeds to afford to do evil.
In Christianity, you can always convert if you believe that Christ died for your sins and you truly regret them. You also cannot exploit the system, as God is ready to restore the requirement to repay your forgotten debt (Mt 18:32-35).
If we reject the idea of the Primordial Chaos, present in many religions, according to which even the power of the gods is not eternal or everlasting, and instead accept the idea that all creation is the work of an omnipotent and all-good God, worthy of judging our deeds, Christian Salvation and Grace better reflect this idea than what is accepted about life after death in other religions.
Considering that other religions do not offer any similar form of Salvation, it becomes undeniable that there is no Salvation outside of Christ.
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