stormyoceans · 2 years
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cablecorvid · 4 years
The Night I Werked For Slenderman
Ah, the early 2010s, they were really much simpler times. I spent my days doing what most emo kids in their late teens did back then- sitting cross legged in my computer chair and scrolling through Tumblr. I would absentmindedly fiddle with the laces on my checkered Van's while I read through my friends' profiles, reblogging pictures of my favorite bands, and creating posts that were oh so relatable and original, ranging from "lol XD I'm so random" to "I'm so dark and edgy, and nobody understands me" depending on how I felt that day.
It was a night just like any other, just another Wednesday evening when I should have been sleeping before school in the morning. Me being me, the angsty 18 year old guy that I was back then, I had deliberately chosen to stay up late. I was keeping with my typical Tumblr routine, just clicking on various hashtags and hoping from topic to topic, my favorite songs streaming from YouTube on a separate tab.
I had always likened myself to the Mad Hatter, but you might as well call me Alice, because that night I fell down the most life-changing rabbit hole I would ever find. This was the night I discovered the realm of the Creepypasta.
It was like a whole new world had opened up to me. I went through so many posts, each one introducing me to or teaching me about the greatest creations of classic Creepypasta- Jeff the Killer, Smile Dog, Ben Drowned, one right after the other. After several hours of scrolling and clicking and almost a whole can of Monster, I was engrossed, disturbed and intrigued. Images of so many terrifying creatures had filled my mind; I had read just about enough on this topic for one night and was planning on finding something new to look at when I told myself I'd scroll down to one last post...
That was when I saw him. The tall man in black. The crown prince of Creepypasta. The one, the only, Slenderman. He seemed so simple, and yet so unnerving. The grainy black and white photo attached to the post sent chills down my spine. I was hooked, I just had to learn more. Before I knew it, another hour had passed. The can that once held my energy drink was empty, and I wasn't going to stop reading until I was thoroughly versed on all things Slender.
I don't remember what was on before, but I took just a moment to change the song playing on YouTube. Everyone has that one guilty pleasure song that makes them want to bust a move, and I found mine right at the top of my "recommended videos" list. Now, an important side note: the 2010s were a wild mix of pop culture advancements. Alongside the rise of the Creepypasta and the Emo genre, a new dance trend had come into the limelight: the twerk. My best friend, Victoria, who ran in the "cool" circles at school, had attempted to teach me, but I hadn't ever been what you would call good at it. I turned the song on, clicking back on the Tumblr tab on my browser, and kept scrolling, dancing in my chair and singing along while I read.
Over the sound of my music, I heard a tapping noise. I thought it must be the wind or something. I ignored it until again, I heard it, a tap tap tap coming from my window, louder this time. I turned around and felt my heart drop, letting out a scream. The pale, faceless figure I had been reading about was standing outside of my house, his long black tentacles snaking out from his body and, every so often, bumping against the glass with another tap. "This can't be real!" I said to myself, stifling another scream. I turned around to turn off my music, but instead of my regular browser the page was a background of static and, to my shock, the still image of a hyperrealistic set of asscheeks, clad in black formal trousers. It looked like they could pop out of my monitor at any time.
I jumped out of my chair and ran across the room. This can't be happening, I told myself. But, in my heart I knew it had to be. I turned around and he was still there, and he was… Shaking. His menacing form blocked the moonlight, casting a long thin shadow that wobbled through my room. We stared at one another for a little while until I caught my breath. A tendril pressed at the edge of my window, trying to open it. I realized that I hadn't locked it after my last time sneaking out of the house, but it was far too late to do anything now- eventually, after, prodding and pushing, the window gave a creak as it opened and the noodly appendage slipped inside. It curled and gestured towards Slenderman, as if it was beckoning me to come forward. I don't know what possessed me to do so, but I made the decision to go outside and face him, man to man.
I made my way through the house, through the kitchen to our back entrance, hoping desperately with each step that he would be gone by the time I got out of the house. My hopes were dashed when I threw the door open and stepped out into the chilly night air. I realized then, as I laid eyes on him, what he was doing- it was something that I can’t fully describe even to this day. Slenderman, the internet legend himself, was throwing it back in a way I had never seen before, and may never see again. He turned his head slowly, menacingly, his eyeless gaze landing upon me.
No story I read could have prepared me for this encounter, for that itty bitty waist and the round thing in my face. Slenderman, they called him? I beg to differ. Those thighs, that booty? He was thicc. So very, very thicc. He stared at me, unflinching. I stared back in shock, examining the scene before me. One of tentacle-like tendrils made its way towards me, the same beckoning motion it had in my bedroom. I took a step forward. “Okay, big guy. What do you want?” I said aloud, my own courage surprising me.
Slenderman slowed to a stop, then stood straight up. His height, his stance, it shook me to my core. Then, he slowly took his former position once more, his hands on his knees, and waited, his unseeing glare seemingly peering through my very soul. “What do you want?! I already asked you.” Slenderman tilted his head quizzically. He raised his hand slowly, gesturing to me, then returned it to its place on his knee.
My eyes widened, the realization hitting me. “Do you want….. You want me to…. Join you?” I sputtered. He nodded slowly, and I paused. What was I doing? Was I really about to twerk with a being so powerful he struck fear into the hearts of anyone who saw him and could make me disappear without a trace? I told myself that if this really could be the last night of my life I might as well have fun with it. I placed my hands on my knees as he had and nodded to him. It was then that Slenderman started to twerk once more. I slowly shook my head, he slowly shook his ass. I heard the music from my computer grow louder and he really got into it. I tried my best to keep up but there was no way I could match his technique- he was just so advanced and so fluid in his movements. His hips moved in ways that no human could ever compare to, shaking what his momma or whatever unholy creature that made him gave him.
I can’t tell you how long we werked it for, but I could feel my legs growing tired. I wouldn’t dare stop until he was ready to, though I was afraid he could go on forever. I tried to follow his form, shaking it to the beat of the music, but I knew I wouldn’t last much longer. I was almost ready to admit defeat, to collapse after the vigorous dancing that I’d been doing.
My saving grace came in the form of my mother’s voice, and I spun around just as she flicked a switch and flooded the kitchen with light. “What on God’s green Earth are you doing out here, blaring your music at this time of night?!” My mother screamed at me as I put an arm up, shielding my eyes from the sudden illumination.
“It’s not what you think Mom, it’s!-” I turned to look back at Slenderman, but, to my surprise, he had vanished. Not a fleck of dirt on the ground was disturbed where he had once stood- he had completely and utterly vanished.
“I don’t want to hear any lip from you! You get back inside this instant, turn off that racket, and get yourself to bed! Do you hear me?”
“But Mo-”
“No buts!” Mom snapped, grabbing my arm and pulling me indoors. As she shut the door behind me, I thought to myself. If only she knew what I had just experienced. Maybe she would have known that “buts” were the whole reason I was out there in the first place. I promptly went to my room, turned off the music, and slept like a rock. When I woke in the morning, I questioned myself. Could it really have been real? Did that actually happen? I knew in my heart that it could be, that it was, and that it did.
It’s been years since that night. I don’t think of it all that often, but anytime I’m in the club or dancing in my room and bussin it down, I get a chill and the memories come flooding back to me. Not out of fear, no no, simply out of my mad respect for the best in the game. If there’s any lesson that I hope you take from this story, dear reader, it’s this: If you should find yourself in the presence of the creature of your nightmares, don’t throw away your dreams. Throw some ass. You may just be alright after all.
Source: The Night I Werked For Slenderman - u/SkeletonicKeys on r/Iconpasta
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zhiznilyubov · 7 years
ding dong ding dong // viktuuri
tl;dr: THEY GOT MARRIED (though this is the aftermath, not the ceremony) @erosxyuuri
Viktor stepped out of the court house, beaming as he gripped Yuuri's hand and stopped, turning to look at him. At his ​husband​. Yes. Yes, good. "Hello, husband," quoth he, pleased as the proverbial punch and giddy on being newly-wed.
Yuuri pushed himself up on his toes just enough so he was nose to nose with his husband. “Hello to you too, husband. Or do you prefer to be called Mr. Katsuki-Nikiforov?” He questioned, beaming brightly at the other, because nothing had ever felt so right before.
Viktor fucking b e a m e d, actual ray of sunshine, as he pecked his husband on the lips, enveloping him in his arms as he did so. Standing there with his arms around Yuuri, he continued to be an actual ray of sunshine. "Both is good, Mr. Katsuki-Nikiforov, my husband, my spouse, light of my life."
Yuuri couldn't keep the smile off his face if he tried, and he was certain his cheeks were going to hurt later, but he really didn't care. He returned the kiss happily his arms wrapping around Viktor's shoulders. "I could get used to the sound of all of those." He admitted. "We really did it didn't we? This isn't a dream right?"
Viktor leaned his forehead against Yuuri's, his arms looped around his waist. Heck yea. "If it is, then I never want to wake up. I will stay with you in world where we are married and together, because that is reality I want to live in. We will be like Inception, only without horrifying hotel scene."
Yuuri lightly brushed his nose against Viktor's giving him an Eskimo kiss. "You're so cheesy Мой прекрасный муж." Yuuri whispered. "I've been waiting to say that for awhile."
Viktor GRINNED GOSH. "Мой прекрасный муж!!" he returned, exclaiming it, overjoyed as he lifted Yuuri off the ground and twirled because YES. "You are my favourite human!"
Yuuri let out a squeak and a laugh as Viktor lifted him and spun, holding on tight. "Are you emphasising human because of Makka?" He questioned knowingly with another laugh. "I mean I ​guess​ you're alright." Yuuri teased with a grin, leaning in for a kiss. "We're really married." He whispered, as though he still couldn't believe it.
Viktor continued to grin because he was indeed emphasising human because of Makka. He nodded, however, at Yuuri's whispered words before he met him for a married smoochie, which differed from ordinary smoochies in one respect alone; that they were married. Once the smoochie passed, and his ringed hand was placed upon the cheek of his husband (gosh), his smile softened and he murmured his response, "We really are."
Yuuri leaned into Viktor's hand, raising his own hand to place it over top of Viktor's holding it there. "Today is perfect." He stated, even though there were no doves, or choirs, nothing that made it extravagant. But they were both here together, and that's what made it perfect. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you Mr. Katsuki-Nikiforov." He beamed.
Viktor exhaled, and he put his forehead to Yuuri's, the moment a very Soft™ one. "And mine with you, Mr. Katsuki-Nikiforov. We will need to update passports. And tell Instagram."
Yuuri just brushed his fingers through the hair at the base of Viktor's neck, closing his eyes and just enjoying the moment. "Everyone is going to go crazy." He replied with a laugh "By tell Instagram, you mean you're about to pull your phone out and take a selfie, right?"
Viktor hummed the affirmative, indeed pulling his phone out with a pleased smile as he opened it into selfie mode, slipped behind Yuuri with his free arm wrapped around his midriff, pressed a kiss to his husband's cheek, and snapped an unabashed picture with the court house in the background, considering the filters etcetera and generally doing the Instagram thing before, his chin resting on Yuuri's shoulder, he uploaded it with the caption '@katsuki-yuuri 🎊💍💍💖💍💍 finally 💍💍💖💍💍🎊 #blessed #married #lookhowbeautifulmyhusbandis #everyoneelsegohome #weliterallyjustgotmarried #omg #shook #hearteyes'
Yuuri was grinning, a blush dusting his cheeks as Viktor took the photo, and he knew there'd be no doubt to anyone that saw it that they were hopelessly in love. "You have a hashtag addiction." Yuuri mused watching as Viktor captioned it before letting out a content sigh and tilting his head slightly to look at his husband. "Vitya?" He questioned.
Viktor buried his face in Yuuri's hair, smiling as he watched the Instagramming begin. "I do, you love it," he accepted, then pulled back at the motion so that his husband could look up at him. "Да, Yura?"
Yuuri just chuckled, a soft expression on his face as he looked at Viktor. He took the hand that was wrapped around his midsection and raised it to his lips, kissing it for a moment. "I love you."
Viktor honestly startled a little at the kiss and the words, which was weird considering how often the two said them to each other. It was just...it hit him where he lived, this time. Right there, in his soul, in his heart. And he kind of...melted, and put the arm with the hand with the phone in it around Yuuri's midsection once more, pressing close to his husband's back and pressing the side of his head to Yuuri's as he murmured his response, "I love you too. So, so much, and with all of my heart, thank you for choosing to stay in my life."
Yuuri leaned back against Viktor's chest, enjoying being in the warm embrace. "You know, growing up you were an idol to me, everything you did on the ice was perfect, untouchable, you seemed like some kind of deity, the image of perfection." He started. "But I shortly after we met I realized that you aren't any of those things, you're human. You get bedhead when you sleep, you're not a very good cook but you try anyway, you get hangovers when you drink, and you really don't know how to deal with others emotions but you're always there anyway. The media made you out to be perfect and that was unfair of them, but you're imperfect, you feel emotions just like everyone else, and that's what I love about you." Yuuri turned so he was facing the other smiling softly at him.
Viktor exhaled at Yuuri's words. He'd never thought he'd actually find somebody who'd ask him to only be himself, and yet...here Yuuri was. Truly, he was #blessed. "You know...I knew who you were. I'd seen you skate before, I'm just not very good at realising who people are when they change their hair and put on glasses. You just...keep surprising me. And you're...real. You know what I mean?"
Yuuri was a little surprised to hear Viktor knew who he was back then, the only competitions he'd ever won gold in before they'd met had been nationals in Japan, outside of that he'd only barely snagged the odd bronze. He didn't think that Viktor would have even known he existed before the Grand Prix in Sochi. "Really? I didn't think anyone knew who I was." He replied. "I thought that only happened in comics. But hopefully you're better at telling now, because if you can't things are going to get awkward since I'm your husband now." He joked.
Viktor shrugged sheepishly, though generally with little shame as he stroked Yuuri's hair a little away from his forehead so he could press a smooch to it. "I make no promises," quoth he, unabashed, with a lilt to his tone as he took Yuuri's hand in his own, lacing their fingers together. "Warn me if you change your glasses and we will not have that problem, да?" He paused, then added, contemplatively, "Or your hair."
Yuuri just laughed and shook his head. "I thought you could recognise me by my butt anywhere, regardless of the rest of me." He teased, giving Viktor's hand a small squeeze. "I do probably need a hair cut though." He mused, knowing his hair was starting to get on the longer side for him.
Viktor grinned, still unabashed. "I could. It is very nice butt. I married you for your butt. Long hair is fun, but up to you, and point is, you do have a very nice butt. If I do not recognise your face, just turn around, it will be ok."
Yuuri couldn't help the playful smirk from going on his lips. "That's okay, I married you for your dog." He teased.
Viktor 's grin widened, and he swung their hands from side to side as he continued to Twinkle at his husband, eye style. "Then we have good arrangement. I watch your butt while you pet my dog, yes?"
Yuuri let out a laugh, still a little in awe at just how lucky he was to marry someone as loving as Viktor. "Sounds like a fair trade, I also married you for your massages, not your money though, I just won forty-five thousand dollars yesterday I'm set in that department." He played, leaning up for a quick peck. "In all seriousness, I love you Mr.Katsuki-Nikiforov."
Viktor beamed, his eyes watering in the happiness. "I love you too, Mr. Katsuki-Nikiforov. With all of my heart."
Yuuri couldn't help but beam back at him, and as he noticed the Viktor's eyes watering he couldn't help the fact his did as well in response. Over the last twenty-four hours he'd cried out of happiness more times than he could count, and he was certain it wasn't going to be the last time of the day either. He just leaned up to pull Viktor into another kiss smiling against his lips before pulling back. "Well, we have an exhibition to get to, and as much as I want to stay here forever or go back to the hotel and consummate this marriage, I think we're expected." He chuckled. "So come on Мой прекрасный муж, and stay close to me."
Viktor did.
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