nashdoesstuff · 6 months
guess who just started watching literally anything they could get their hands on just because it has a certain scottish man in it
[yes i am talking about david tennant i love this man so much you don’t understand i am shaking him viciously]
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leashaoki · 1 month
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pairing: satoru gojo x fem! reader
synopsis: it’s been months since gojo broke up with you, so why is he outside of your window at 4am?
warnings: angst, fluff, smut, unprotected sex, cunnilingus, exes to lovers
wc: 4.7k
this post contains nsfw content, minors do not interact.
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It’s 4 a.m., and Gojo finds himself at the entrance of your apartment complex. He’s drenched from head to toe, having turned off his infinity hours ago; he just wanted to feel. The cold dampness of his clothes was almost comforting, and the droplets cascading down from his hair to his face were welcomed. Gojo, just for tonight, wanted to feel human.
He isn’t even entirely sure how he got here; it wasn’t a case of teleporting to your place as he usually would. No, Gojo had wandered aimlessly (or so he thought) and ended up here, gazing up at the dark window to your bedroom and wondering what you were doing, how you looked, and how you were feeling. Were you even awake?
It had been a few months since he had broken it off with you, coldly rejecting you when he noticed the signs of you falling in love with him. He was unforgivingly callous with you that night, acting as if you were insane for thinking there was anything serious between the two of you and that it was just a bit of fun.
If only you understood how untrue each and every word that he said that night truly was. Gojo adored you, terrifyingly so; it scared him to no end. He had his reasons for calling things off; he believed them to be necessary, but that didn’t change the gnarling pit that had been festering in his chest ever since. Satoru missed you; he missed you so damn much that his only distraction was throwing himself into mission after mission. But at night, when there was no company but his empty sheets and no voice but the dismal hum of the television, he felt empty, lost, and alone.
He looks up to your window again, his heart skipping a beat when he notices the dim glow of your lamp lighting up the glass. Mind racing, he conjures up thoughts of someone else sharing your bed, touching you, holding you—why else would you be up at this godforsaken time?
His thoughts are interrupted when he sees a familiar face peep up over the window sill, your eyes meeting his. That warm feeling returns to his chest, a feeling he hadn’t felt since he saw you last. Gojo notices the way the streetlights around him flicker at his surge of emotion and gets himself in check.
He doesn’t even have time to think about how much of a creep he looks like at that moment before his phone rings. Looking down and seeing your name pop up on the screen, he answers without hesitation, watching as you climb onto your window, sitting on the sill and peering down at him, confused, hurt, and angry.
The call begins, and no one speaks, just the two of you gazing at each other from afar. Gojo thinks to himself how beautiful you look and ponders how much more beautiful you’d look up close. A half smile graces his lips, a greeting—a greeting not mirrored by you. You’re frowning, rolling your eyes to mask the sadness you feel. Much like Gojo’s small smile, you’re both hiding the pain that’s eating you up, threatening to break through the surface at any given moment. Saturo removes his blindfold, stuffing it into his pocket and revelling in how angelic you look up there. It feels like forever passes before you say, “What are you doing here, Gojo?”
He flinches; you never called him Gojo, always Satoru, or his personal favourite, Toru. It felt so cold, so not you. The man swallows audibly, a shakiness to his breath that he’d rather conceal as he sighs, “I don’t know.”
Gojo sees the way you scoff, shaking your head in exasperation. "Gojo, if you don’t know why you’re outside my place, like a fucking creep, may I add, at four in the morning, then politely fuck off.”
“Hey, come on.” His voice is soft like silk, and there's an air to his tone that feels different; there’s no cockiness, no ego, just Gojo. “I wanted to see you; is that such a bad thing?”
“You mean, after you were a total dick and we agreed on no contact? Yeah, Gojo, it kind of is.”
The use of his surname burns again, the blow not having been lessened since the first time. “Just let me in, please,” he practically begs. “I want to talk; I’ve missed you.” Satoru hardly recognises himself; he’d never been one to put his heart on the line, to speak so softly to someone though they detested his presence; not that he blamed you.
He can see the lack of trust in your expression, looking away from him when you speak up next. "Look, Gojo, if you’re looking for someone to fuck, I’m not interested. I’m sure there’s someone else you can call.”
You could act cold and stoic all you wanted; Gojo could hear the hurt in your voice and sense your sadness in the words. It sends a wave of guilt through him. You sound so broken, broken because of him. He’d kill someone for using you like that, to think you thought that of him cut deep. But how else could you see him? That’s the narrative that he’d created when he’d falsely convinced you that he saw your blatant relationship as nothing but fuck buddies. He struggled to see how you fell for that—with the way he couldn’t go a day without seeing you—and how you’d wake up wrapped in his arms with his lips on your ear, whispering how important you are to him each and every morning.
“I wouldn’t do that to you. That’s not what I’m here for,” he begins, shaking his head and noting the way you look back towards him, a look of vulnerability crossing your features. “I just want to talk; let me in, please. You know, I’m not one to beg, but if you really want me to, I will.”
Your silence speaks volumes, raising a brow at the icy-haired nuisance floors below you. The quiet is broken by a sigh from Gojo, and you watch in both horror and amusement as the six eyes himself gets down on his knees on a dirty sidewalk in the rain. He places his phone on the ground beside him, raising his hands in a praying gesture and looking up at you with the most dramatic set of puppy dog eyes you ever did see.
Gojo sees you disappear, and the call ends, the look on his face contorting to one of defeat. He groans, holding his head in his hands and shaking it. Stupid, he thought, how stupid of him to think you’d hear him out, stupid of him to think you still cared after what he’d done. Mildly embarrassed at his current position, he picks up his phone next to him and places it in his pocket. He’s about to stand when he hears the bell chime from your apartment's intercom, followed by your voice: “Come on up. Doors open.”
Gojo doesn’t need to be told twice; he jumps up and runs through the door like a giddy child on Christmas morning. He doesn’t bother waiting for the elevator, sprinting up multiple flights of stairs, and almost skidding past your door in an attempt to stop himself. Bursting through the door with a stupid lob-sided grin on his face, he opens out his arms and beams, "Honey, I’m home!”
He’s met with you scowling at him from the couch, an unimpressed look on your face while you roll your eyes and emit an exasperated sigh, “Hi Gojo.”
Satoru blows the damp locks from his eyes, clearing his throat and wiping that stupid smile from his face, replacing it with the look of a child who’s been scolded: "Sorry, I uh-hey.” He rubs the back of his head, planting himself on the couch next to you, and feels a tinge (more like an avalanche) of hurt when you scoot a little further away from him.
“Are you going to tell me what you want?” He hears the question, but it hardly registers. Gojo’s captivated by the cute pyjamas you’re wearing, your hair being slightly ruffled from being in bed, the smell of your apartment, and how it feels like home. He comes back to Earth when he hears you say his name impatiently, clearing his throat and then regaining his composure.
“Would it not be enough for me to just say I missed your company?” He asks with a toothy smile, desperately attempting to avoid finally addressing his emotions. Gojo sees the way your shoulders drop in annoyance, shaking your head and crossing your arms. He misses the way you used to look at him, eyes full of adoration and laughter at his goofy jokes. It felt like a million years ago, but not long ago at all. Time had been blurred for Saturo since the demise of your relationship.
“If you don’t start talking in the next five seconds, I’m kicking your ass out.”
“Fuck, fine, okay, shit.” He fumbles with his words, running a hand through his hair and sighing. Smooth talker Satoru was gone; this was uncharted territory for him. Looking at the ground, he scratches at the back of his neck and mumbles out a low, "I, uh, wanted to apologise.”
“Oh really? ”You raise a brow, clearly unconvinced, as you tilt your head towards him, an accusatory squint in your eyes. Gojo clicks his tongue; his half-arsed apology clearly wouldn’t do.
"Yeah, I…well, I,” Searching for the words, he wracks his brain for exactly what to say; he couldn’t exactly just confess his undying love for you. No, Gojo needed to explain what the fuck had happened that night. “I feel really bad about the way things ended, you know? You didn’t deserve that, and I-“
"Well, it’s too late.”
Gojo’s mouth runs dry, his heart lurching into his throat. “What do you mean it’s too late?” Panic consumes him, and he’s unable to hide it from his expression—eyes widening, brows shooting up, and his lip practically quivering. “Is there someone else? Have you got a boyfriend? That’s weird because I’ve been kind of keeping tags on you, and I haven’t heard anything about a new-“
“Gojo, I’m not seeing anyone.” You try to ignore his ramblings and admittance to borderline stalking. “But that’s irrelevant; you hurt me, probably more than any guy has... You know I would’ve expected it from anyone else, but not you.” Your voice breaks a little, fighting the waterworks that are threatening to run down your cheeks. “I guess I thought you were different.”
Gojo’s heart splinters, his grip on the arm of the sofa tightening like a vice. His hands begin to shake, and your television turns to static, his powers only growing stronger under the intense emotions he’s emitting. He looks down at the ground, a look of shame falling over his features as he runs a hand over his face. “I never wanted to hurt you.”
"Well, Gojo, you did. A fucking lot, actually.” You scoff sarcastically, shaking your head in disbelief. He flinches at your words, and you continue with a sigh, “It’s okay that you didn’t love me like I loved you; that isn’t your fault. What was your fault? You were not being truthful with me from the start about what sort of relationship we had.”
“It hurts when you call me Gojo,” is all he can say. He wants to slap himself; why was it so hard for him to tell you the truth? You were pouring your heart out to him, and that was his response? Fuck, he thinks, you’re an asshole, Satoru.
"Well, Gojo, I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s hurt.” You stand, ignoring his worried gaze, as you make your way over to the door. Your backs to him as you exhale exhaustively, if not a little sad. You lean forward, resting your forehead against the door. “You should leave Gojo; I can’t. I can’t do this right now.”
You don’t hear him dart up from your sofa, moving inhumanly fast towards you. Gojo’s really panicking now; he has no intention of leaving as he grabs you by the shoulders and spins you around. Your eyes meet, and it’s as if a current runs between the two of you, ebbing the small gap now separating your bodies. The lights go out in your apartment, and you just know it’s Gojo, with a strange look in his eyes as he struggles to contain both his powers and the strength he’s withholding from his grasp. He cages you against the door, hands planted on either side of your head, and lips dangerously close to yours. Gojo searches your eyes and ushers out a desperate, hurried whisper of your name, followed by, “I love you.”
Everything stills, a thick silence surrounding the two of you. You can’t quite believe your ears, convinced this is some sort of sick joke. “You what?”
Gojo’s eyes go slightly dewy, a somewhat defeated look to his gaze as he shifts, so he’s holding your face in his hands, pressing his forehead against yours. “I love you. I love you so fucking much I can’t stand it. You’re… You’re everything. Please don’t make me leave, please.”
“B..But…” You’re so confused, barely grasping what he’s saying to you. He looks so earnest, his eyes burning into you as he waits for a reply, but how can you trust him? His slender fingers softly rub your cheek where he holds you, so gentle and loving that it’s nauseating. “Then why?”
“Why did I do it?” He hums, his voice so low that it sounds distant. There’s a level of nonchalance to his tone; instead, he’s enraptured and hypnotised by the proximity of you both; he’s dazed as he drawls a quiet, “Because you’re weak.” Gojo’s pulled out of his daze by the hurt painting your features as you look away, the way you’ve attempted to jolt away from his touch as if he’s burned you.
“No, no, you don’t understand. Shit, sorry. That came out wrong. I'm not good at this, feelings and shit.” He still hasn’t let go of you; your faces are mere inches from each other; he couldn’t even if he wanted to. Gojo’s an addict for you; drunk off of your presence alone, he’d gone without you for too long, craving you for months. He tilts his head to the side, gently moving your face back towards his and clearing his throat.
“What I mean is that you’re important to me—more important than you could ever imagine. But to bring you into my world would be reckless and foolish; it would be a fucking death sentence. I’m the strongest sorcerer of our generation; no one dares to fuck with me, but you know who they could fuck with to hurt me.” A look of understanding and a little fear come over you, and you let out a shaky breath.
He smiles sadly, “You.”
One of your hands snakes up to his chest, moving softly over the ridges of his muscles beneath the shirt. You can feel the beat of his heart, the erratic thudding matching your own. “Then why are you here?”
He blinks slowly, the hands holding your cheeks gently trailing to hold your jaw so softly that you feel like his most prized possession. “Because I’m selfish. Because I want you despite the consequences.“ Gojo closes the small space separating your faces, licking his lips before his eyes dart to your mouth, entranced by the thought of it against his own again, finally saying, “Because I can’t stay away from you anymore.”
Gojo’s nose brushes against yours, those ocean-like eyes begging you for permission. You couldn’t refuse him now; you never could. The hand resting on his chest snakes up to his shoulder, tugging him ever so slightly to show him and tell him, yes.
A small smile hints at his lips before his mouth touches yours, relief surging through you both at the contact. Gojo holds your face tenderly, kissing you as if you’d break apart before him. He takes his time, gently nibbling at your lips and kissing you almost innocently while his fingers caress your jaw. He hums contentedly, pressing himself into you and craning his neck down to get a better angle. Towering over you, one of his hands trails down to your waist, his soft hands drawing circles on the skin of your stomach.
Gojo savours every touch of your lips against his, flitting his tongue against your lower lip, seeking entrance and sighing when your mouth opens. His tongue dances around yours expertly, tasting you as if you were ambrosia; he was a man starved, savouring every flick of your pink muscle against his.
Gojo deepens the kiss a little, pressing his hips flush against yours. He groans low in his chest when your hands tug at his hair softly, taking your tongue into his mouth and sucking erotically. It sends a wave of pleasure down to your core, and you gasp softly, moaning a soft “Toru.”
You feel Gojo pull away a little, panicking slightly, until you see the look on his face. His eyes are blown wide and glittering in the darkness like stars. His jaw is taut as if he’s grinding his teeth, and his cheekbones are protruding even more than usual. A streetlight outside fizzles and explodes at the same time one of his eyes twitch; he’s breathing heavily, chest heaving.
“Again,” he commands darkly, an air to his tone that personifies his true power; it was as if his voice reverberated around your brain, low and dominating.
It had been far too long since he had heard his name on your sweet lips; the result had his brain short-circuiting. He wanted to hear it again—in your moans, your whispers, and your screams. Gojo feels an ache between his thighs, an insatiable ache that only you can rid him of.
“Toru,” you murmur, looking up at him with your big doe eyes and swollen mouth. A growl festers in his throat, pushing you up against the door and leaning down to nibble at your neck, sucking and biting, leaving his mark.
“Again,” he repeats, his face buried in your skin as he litters your skin with purple marks. Taking his onslaught downwards to your chest, nipping at your collar bones. Gojo’s mind is hazy with you—the need to take you, the need to love you, the need to ruin you, the need to keep you by his side for eternity—or else he swears he’d unleash an untold wrath on this godforsaken planet.
“Toru,” His name leaves your lips again as his lips cascade down, his fingers hooking the hem of your pyjama top so your breasts are free from their confines. He whines at the sight, his hips buckling as you feel his warm, wet mouth around your nipple. Swirling his tongue around the bud, his slender fingers toy with the one unoccupied by his lips, revelling in the throaty gasps that leave you when he tugs teasingly.
“I missed you so much,” Satoru drawls as he slowly gets to his knees. He’s looking up at you with so much adoration, as if you hung the moon from the very sky above the two of you. There’s a softness to his gaze that you’d missed; the formidable six eyes was nothing but ‘Toru’ to you; you hardly understood the Jujutsu world. That’s what made you so special to Gojo; you saw him as human, unaware of how far from that he was.
He tugs down your shorts, watching your face closely for any signs of discomfort. When he’s met with only that needy, eager look in your eyes, he chuckles a little. Your shorts hit the floor, and Gojo licks his lips, a breathy exhale emitting from him. You’re bare before him, and he can hardly contain his excitement to taste you again. His nose nudges the inside of your thigh, planting painfully gentle kisses around the skin. Gojo’s lips worship everywhere but your pussy, teasingly torturing you until you’re whimpering above him. He grins when your hands lace in his hair, attempting and failing to push him closer to your core.
“One more time for me, baby,” Satoru mutters, licking a lewd stripe up your thigh and maintaining direct eye contact with you as he does so. “Say my name.”
“Toru, please,” Your sweet little voice, begging for him, snaps something inside Gojo. His mouth latches on your clit , a strained growl tearing through his chest at the taste of you on his tongue. Pretty blue eyes rolling back, Satoru feeds on you like a man starved, your essence dripping down his chin while he works your pussy like the God he is. Two fingers push inside of you as his tongue stays focused on your bud, your mind in a daze as whimpers and cries leave you.
He curls them perfectly, hitting your sweet spot and having your knees buckle above him. His free hand holds you up effortlessly against the door, as if you were a mere feather in his grasp, while he ravenously feasts between your legs. He’s groaning into you, creating a delicious vibration that has you seeing stars.
“Taste so fucking good.” His voice is muffled, sputtering out amongst your wetness. You can feel it seeping down your thighs, too lost in the pleasure to feel coy as you begin to rut against his mouth. He practically whines, loving the feeling of you humping your cunt against his plump lips.
Gojo knows you’re getting close when he feels you tightening around his fingers, increasing his speed and the pressure with which he’s sucking on your clit. His snowy locks bounce up and down below you at his movements, azure eyes fluttering shut as his full focus is centred on bringing you to your peak.
It doesn’t take long before you're thrown over the edge, crying out something unintelligible, and your body goes slack. Gojo coaxes you through it, his movements slowing but not ceasing as you ride out your high. He bundles you into his arms, and you hardly notice you’re so lost in euphoria, carrying you effortlessly to the bedroom and lying you on the bed below him.
He stands above you, towering over you as he pulls his shirt over his head, a cocky grin on his lips when he sees your eyes practically meld to the shape of hearts. His abdominal muscles are shadowed in the light of the moon; a figure of pure excellence stands before you. He puts those marbled Greek gods to shame, with milky skin melded over a body of pure strength and agility. You wonder if he was crafted by the gods themselves, but that thought quickly disappears when he strips himself of his trousers, your mind going blank when you see the bulge in his boxers.
Gojo smirks, reading your mind. “Nothing on you, babe,” he chimes, ridding himself of his underwear and palming himself, looking down at you hungrily. You pull your top above your head, throwing it to the ground, and sit up on your elbows, parting your legs as a shy smile spreads across your lips.
Carefully, he lies on top of you, a hand coming to stroke at your cheek. “Before I fuck you, I want to make one thing very clear, okay?” You feel his cock rubbing against your cunt, up and down, lubricating himself with your slicks. He bites back a moan at the feeling, swallowing audibly before continuing, “You’re mine now; you’re bound to me. I love you.” He tilts his head, a dangerous look crossing his features. “But I’ve missed this pretty pussy too fucking much, so forgive me for what I’m about to do.”
He slams into you without warning, all the way to the hilt. Throwing back his head and groaning, he lets out an almost maniacal laugh before biting his lip. His gaze returns to you, a maddened look in his eyes as he begins to piston in out of you with inhuman strength. You’re left with no time to accommodate his insanely long cock, a silent scream leaving your lips as ecstasy consumes you. He’s watching you with an open-mouthed, slaw-jacked grin and a feral look to his usually perfect features. Satoru holds you by the waist, effortlessly pulling you to meet each one of his thrusts like you weighed nothing more than a doll. Unabashed moans leave his lips, rutting into you with so much force that the headboard is lodging itself into your bedroom wall.
“Sorry baby, fucking need this so bad.” He groans, pulling one of your thighs to rest on his shoulder and trickling tender kisses down your calf. “Don’t know what I was thinking, shit ah—should've never left you, should’ve never fucking left you. No one turns me on like you do, baby, no one.” Satoru’s rambling, dazed, and brain reduced to mush as he loses himself to his insatiable lust. You’re loving every second, craving what he’s giving you; it’s been too long, too long for a slow and sensuous fuck. No, you needed this; you needed him to show you how much he wanted you.
“See what you do to me, baby?” He coos, his hips somehow moving both faster and harder as he tilts his head down at you like he’s some sort of predator. “Turn me into a fucking animal—fuckkk—I can’t control myself around you, pretty girl.”
“Toruuuu,” You mewl, your back arching off of the bed as your legs begin to shake. He snarls at his name falling from your lips so lewdly, his cock throbbing inside of you. Satoru snakes his hand to your clit, rubbing quick circles onto the bud as his relentless pace doesn’t let up.
"God, you’re so fucking cute.” He practically chokes on his words, feeling his own orgasm grow dangerously close. His tongue flits out to lick his lips before he leans down, his mouth merging with your own filthily, all spit and teeth as he whines into your mouth.
You start tightening around him, and he cries out, shaking his head and groaning into your lips, “Hold on for me, baby; I want you to come with me. I'm so fucking close, just fucking-." Gojo cuts himself off and sits up, hands gripping your hips, while he begins to truly ruin your core. It’s so messy—your slick coating his cock and balls, dripping down your thighs and onto the sheets. The room smells like sex; the sounds that fill it enough to make a woman of the night blush. “Ah baby, shit shit, that’s it, cum for me, baby, gonna fill you up, yesyesyesyes.”
The two of you reach your peak together, with you crying out his name and Satoru whining above you. His hips stutter as he paints your insides white, rope after rope filling you up. Satoru’s forehead drops to yours, both of you breathing heavily and grasping at each other like your lives depended on it.
After a few moments, Gojo rolls beside you and lies facing you as he peppers your face with kisses. His demeanour completely contradicts the one from a few minutes ago; he’s soft, giddy, and playful. There’s so much love in his gaze, making up for every peck he’s missed out on these last few months as his lips press against every part of your pretty little face.
“Soooo girlfriend,” Gojo chimes after a while of pestering you with his affections, playing with a piece of your hair as a playful smirk paints his features. “Tell me how much you missed me.”
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natsukishinomiyaswife · 3 months
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⋆ 𝓥𝓲𝓵 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓮𝓷𝓱𝓮𝓲𝓽: 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓜𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓜𝓮 𝓢𝓸 𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 ⋆
Please note: This is a repost from my old blog, @sugarcookiesheep!
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⋆ Being a celebrity was never easy. The public always having their eye on you, watching your every move. Having to make sure you look perfect, sound perfect, act perfect, all to maintain the image you have created. It can be frustrating, exhausting even, the lengths you have to go through for your career. Though the hardest part for Vil was having to be away from you, his love, his darling.
⋆ He never expected to fall in love until he met you, always focusing on his career. Now when he kisses someone, he longs for it to be you, picturing you as he closes his eyes. When he says sweet words to his costar, he imagines he’s saying them to you, unable to hold back his emotions as he gazes into their eyes, saying he loves them. With you, he was no longer Vil Schoenheit, famous actor. He was just Vil, the dedicated, hardworking man you fell in love with.
⋆ There was no need for masks, for polite words or fake smiles. You knew him for who he was, and loved him for who he was, not for his status or fame. With you he felt seen, he felt heard. The times when he’s had to train for a role, practicing to perfect what he needed to do, you’d be there, recognizing the effort he put in. Even when no one else would, and he felt frustrated and defeated, a simple text from you would make everything worth it.
⋆ Due to his work, there were times where he had to be away, traveling to star in a film or go to a photo shoot. During those times you would stay in contact however you could, through texts or phone calls. He would be sitting in his chair, getting his make up done when his phone goes off, a small smile coming to his face as he sees it’s you. Though he doesn’t have much time to respond, your messages brighten his day, giving him motivation. Knowing that one day you’ll see the film he’s in, or the photo he’s getting taken, makes him want to do the very best he can. He wants your eyes only on him, your attention focused on him and him alone.
⋆ He can’t help but feel proud in those moments, seeing you unable to take your eyes away from the screen. How you would turn to him, telling him in amazement how well he did, how much you loved his performance. Noting all the work he put in for the role, acknowledging his time and dedication. There was no one he wanted to impress more than you, no matter how long you’ve been together.
⋆ There were times when he would miss your presence more than usual, looking at pictures of the two of you fondly. During these times he would feel conflicted, wishing to hear your voice but not wanting to disturb you, a time difference separating you now. In a moment of weakness he would give in, his heart skipping a beat as you answered, sounding like you just woke up. He would apologize for waking you, tempted to hang up. You would reassure him, making yourself more comfortable in your bed as you talked. He told you about his day, how his work was going, how much longer he’d be away. You would listen, humming in acknowledgement as you tried your best to stay awake.
⋆ “You make me so happy, Vil” you mumble sleepily, unaware of your words. The line goes silent, making you think he had hung up. On the other end Vil stared at his phone, quiet as hidden insecurities took hold. With his career and fame you didn’t necessarily have a “normal” relationship, Vil keeping it a secret from the public. He wanted to protect you, to keep you safe, to keep you to himself. Were you truly happy with that? With him being away for long periods of time, unable to show you off as you deserved?
⋆ “…do you mean it?” he whispers, desperately wanting to take it back as soon as it spilled out. It took a moment before you responded, sounding more awake this time,
“There is no one I would want to be with but you, Vil. No one could ever make me as happy as you have.”
⋆ He shuts his eyes, taking a shaky breath at your words. You knew him so well, his doubts, his insecurities. How could he ever be with anyone but you, fall for anyone but you. You’ve ruined him, utterly and completely.
“There is no such thing as a happy ending if it doesn’t include you, my love. So stay with me, please. That’s all I ask.” ♡
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Originally posted: February 26th, 2024
𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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redr0sewrites · 4 months
Can you write Vox x reader where like the reader just says like really unhinged things and just like vile things whenever they rage and stuff like the internet could be slow or smth and the reader is just like “IM GOING TO RIP OFF MY SKIN” idk man I’m kinda just self projecting rn like you can right anything with it tbh idk sorry for rambling anyway you don’t have to do this if you don’t wanna
THIS IS SO MEEEEE I LOVE THIS IDEA SM!!! sorry it took me a hot minute to reply to this i have over 70 hazbin hotel requests in my inbox 😭
🥀Cw: fluff, crack, silly vox
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when he first met you, vox was charmed by your seemingly sweet nature- that is, until you were pissed
your unholy screech of how you were going to rip off your skin if he cut the wifi again was both endearing and confusing in his eyes
vox would just short circuit for a second, just blinking at you while he tries to process what you just said
once it clicks, he just starts giggling. vox very rarely genuinely laughs, most of his laughs are professional or part of the persona he adopts as the leader of vox enterprises, but when he's so shocked by what you just said, he can't control the booming laughter thay fills the room
he's wheezing and gasping, each barking laugh only pissing you off more
"what's so funny? if you keep laughing i am going to fucking break ur fingers like carrot sticks!" you snap, and vox only giggles harder
after a few seconds, you can't help but notice how adorable his laughter is, and soon you don't mind it as much
once you two are officially together, you notice how stressed vox often is, yet how he seems to visibly relax around you
the batshit crazy things you say, which normally disgusts other people, only seem to amuse him
its actually a wonderful dynamic because you bring some spontaneity and slight insanity into vox's otherwise irritating and depressing lifestyle, and vox balances out the crazy things you say and calms you down every time
you often find yourself searching for new phrases to baffle him with, and for new ways to make him laugh
after vox has a stressful day, he enjoys just listening to you ramble about the most insane things and adores hearing whatever fucked up saying you've adopted recently
vox notices himself beginning to copy your speech patterns. he only begins to realize when he slips in an exceptionally odd metaphor into a work meeting and everyone stares at him, yet his heart skips a beat at the thought
there's something so charming to him about the fact that he's adopting your mannerisms, and you truly make him laugh when no one else can
whenever another one of the vees pisses him off, he always comes to you for advice on incredibly deranged comebacks, and you never disappoint!
he's won multiple arguments by just repeating one of your fucked up sayings and the other vees being too lowkey shocked to disagree
vox LOVES IT when you diss people he hates, hearing you ramble some fucked up insults about alastor made him fall in love with you all over again
"that worm on a string fucked up karen cut bob looking ass- if i see him around here again im going to eat a fucking brick" *cue vox looking at you with the biggest heart eyes*
overall, you are both menaces, but you're menaces in love ♥️
vox lay with his head in your lap, the blue light of his screen illuminating the dim room as you rambled mindlessly about your day.
"and THEN, this fucking asshole tried to flirt with me! ME!! as if he doesn't know were dating! ugh, it makes me feel like i have an entire beehive living beneath my skin. i swear if he even looks at me again im going to lick wet cement i can NOT deal. how can you even work with him? he's such a fucking CREEP voxy, i'm going to cut off those ugly ass wings and shove them so far down his throat- hey, are you even listening?"
you look down to see vox half asleep, his eyelids drooping as his light dimmed. "keep talking.." he murmurs, looking up at you with a lazy smile on his face. "you're my favorite person t' listen to.."
i love the idea of vox with a partner who challenges his very idea of power. he clearly wraps himself in a sort of persona, surrounding himself with powerful people and acting like he's so serious and important. i love the idea of him falling in love with someone who can break down his walls in seconds, someone who can dismantle his entire bravado act and who allows him to truly be himself. this is such a wonderful prompt and i am eating this up. nonnie ur awesome!!!!
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hoshigray · 1 year
So I saw this tweet and thought then and there: Toji's fingers and how deliciously thick they are. Just imagine you always looking at his hands and being in absolute awe every time you look at them...And Toji uses this little infatuation to his advantage, to which you have no complaints.
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A/n: Now I know it seems like I'm stalling my make-up sex Toji fic, but please accept this as a gift from my procrastinating ass (I swear idk what's wrong with me, I'm recently getting back into drawing and trying to relearn everything waaaaaahhh)!! I saw the new trailer and squealed seeing Toji (nothing new, lol), but then that tweet popped up right after, and I noticed how thick they animated his fingers!! So I just ran to my keyboard, and boom! Here we are!! Also, tysm for 400+ followers like???!!! Y'all are far too sweet and kind, ya know that!? Tysm~~~
Cw: dom! Toji x fem! reader - fingering (obvi) - fingers in your mouth - Daddy kink - breast fondling - finger sucking - praise - pet names (angel, baby, darlin', good girl, kiddo, sweetie, sweetheart) - clitoral play (pushed down by finger)- mention of violence (reason for Toji's scars) - ends with overstimulation (fem! receiving).
Wc: 1.5k
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There is no doubt that you love Toji unconditionally and blatantly. That is the truth. There's no denying he isn't an ideal man; both of you understand that. He has many flaws that you're perfectly aware of. Yet despite said imperfections, you choose to stick beside and love him as if he's worthy (which baffles the older, tall man).
There are many things you love about Toji. But if you could pick one thing you loved about Toji, it would be his hands. When he holds them, your hand is dwarfed by his big palm. When he pulls you close to him by the waist when you two are in a crowded area. Or when he cups your face and kisses you before leaving for hitman work.
Palms are rugged and large that effortlessly warm you up. Fingers calloused and decorated with faded scars that each hold a story. Veins that stem from the bulky arms contour all the way down to the back of his palms.
His hands. His big, rough, warm, and scarred hands. You love them so much. And you're not the only one who knows this.
Toji is no fool. He can sense your eyes observing him from across the room as he's washing the dishes from the kitchen. He doesn't have to lift his head to see you on the living room couch where you're supposedly reading something on your phone. But it was apparent your attention wasn't on the small screen in your hands.
"Whatcha lookin' at me for?" Again, not looking at you and finishing the dishes. His scarred lip twists into a smile when you cough nervously before responding.
"Oh, you know. Just looking at my man being so handsome washing those plates." You internally sigh in relief, saving yourself with a quick excuse.
Now Toji looks and grins at you, placing the last plate into the dish rack and drying his hands before walking up to the couch to sit comfortably beside you. His left arm is positioned behind your shoulders, bringing you closer to him. Your heart skips a beat.
Toji grabs the TV remote to change the channel to something interesting, probably sports or some sitcom. Not that you care, because you just watch his fingers press on the channel buttons and place the remote back onto the coffee table. His right hand then moves to his chin to scratch the slight stubble, and your orbs trace the outlines of the tiny scars that harbor on Toji's knuckles. He never entirely told you how those faded tissues came to be, but he'd say that he came out way better than the guy on the other side of his fists ("Fucker had it comin', sweetie. Shouldn't bring a knife to a fist fight.")
Despite coming from such rough events, you don't mind the scars on his fingers. If anything, they make his hands even more attractive to look at.
"Somethin' wrong with my hand, kiddo?"
Uh oh. Your eyes drift to Toji's face, sharp green eyes leer at you, and a smirk is plastered with a mischievous expression. I got caught!
"No, nothing's wrong with them." You place your phone on the coffee table, and your hands move up to grab hold of Toji's hand resting on his chin. "They're...I just like looking at them."
Toji lifts a brow as he hums, removing his hand from your grasp and placing it on your cheek. A big thumb lays on top of your plump lips. "Is that right, darlin'? Ya like my fingers, yeah?"
You nod sheepishly while turning into putty when his fingers squeeze your cheeks with affectionate warmth. The left hand that once rested on your shoulder snakes down to your chest, and small gasp results from the sudden grasp on your soft mound.
"You want Daddy's fingers, baby?" He asks while massaging your breast, lowering his head to your ear so his gruff voice makes you shudder. You answer him with hooded eyes and a wistful nod, his eyes narrowing slightly at the blissful sight. "Lay down fr' me then."
You follow his instructions as he spreads his legs, your upper body resting on his right thigh while the other stations your ass for him. He whistles before rubbing and kneading your ass, while your breathing becomes irregular when he removes your leggings, revealing your panties.
The position limits your view, so you use your senses to feel his fingers teasing from your spine down to the wet spot on your underwear. Your shivers aren't missed by Toji. He laughs. "Gonna be a good girl and let me use my fingers on ya, right, angel?"
"Yes, Daddy." Toji sneers at the title and slides your panties down, your pretty pussy glistening for him to see. Your breath hitches when you feel his left ring finger nestle between your folds. The thick digit slowly but surely makes its way inside you, and a short squeal leaves you when it's entirely within. "Relax, princess. Bein' so good fr' me right now." The older man coaxes you as your cunt adjusts to the finger, his right hand caressing your cheeks for comfort. He pushes the finger further when your breathing returns to a steady rhythm.
Even with the sound from the television present, Toji only listens to the mewls you let out every time he pushes and pulls his thick digit inside you, rubbing on the walls of your tight slit. He enjoys the view of your bare ass and cunt for him to see and toy with, silently humming to himself when listening to your cries of pleasure.
When he feels as though you've adjusted to his ring finger, his middle finger brushes between the lips of your pussy, prompting you to clench hard on him. He laughs at your reaction, "Easy, sweetheart. I know you can take more of me." Toji sneaks his middle between your wet cunt, and a giant gasp quits your body as your hands grip his grey sweatpants. The soft pants from your open mouth fill the room, only for Toji to insert another pair of fingers into your mouth. "It's okay, cry on these hands you love s' much."
And that's all you could do as you let the man bully your poor pussy, your mouth sucking on his right fingers in your mouth while his left-hand abrade your insides. Thick digits stretch your aroused hole, causing your heart to race and your skin to heat up.
"Mmmm, Mmmph!" Words are muffled, and a scream is prevented when you can feel the digits make a 'come hither' motion. The tips of his fingers scrape your velvety walls, your brain turning fuzzy while tears and drool render your face from the stimulating abuse you're going through.
His fingers slide in and out of your slick-covered pussy faster, and you accidentally bite on the digits in your mouth. But Toji doesn't mind, for he knows he's making you feel so fucking good. "Yer grippin' on me so hard, sweetie." His fingers switch to a slow pace, making sure the pads of his two fingers tantalizingly graze your hypersensitive sex. "Gonna come on Daddy's fingers?"
Finally, Toji frees your mouth. Heavy pants exit your lips pooled with drool, saliva from your mouth coats his right middle and forefinger that retreat to holding your face once more. "Yesss, Daddy. Haaaah, I wanna come on y— Aaahh!! F-fingers..."
How can he deny you when your tearful eyes beg for release? His emerald orbs go dark in hunger, and his grin widens with his teeth emerging from under his scar.
The rough digits in your cunt quicken in reckless haste, forcing out moans to fill the room yet again. The middle and ring fingers assault the gushy walls deep inside your squelching cunt, the noises on par with the thrilled whimpers that exit your mouth.
And Toji uses this to distract you from his forefinger aligning with your clit. When the index finger comes down and swipes around the tender bud, your moans turn into electrified screams, hands gripping the man's leg holding you up. With the erratic pace of the two fingers deeply scraping your pussy, along with the forefinger pressing down on your clitoris, your orgasm hits you with no warning.
You chase out your climax with a euphoric sob, walls fluttering around the fingers responsible for your hips stuttering. After a few moments, your body relaxes onto Toji's legs which keep you still. His right-hand rubs circles on your back.
"Did so good, darlin'." He praises you, and it ends with you blissfully dozing off on his lap.
...Or so you thought.
Because it hasn't been a full minute before he starts moving his fingers in your wet vulva yet again, the abrupt movement pushing out choked cries from your throat. You send Toji a confused look which is answered with his childish smirk.
"Oh, sorry, sweetheart," No, you're not! He's absolutely not. The speed of his fingers getting faster proves it, your sensitive clit getting overstimulated by his forefinger brushing against it. "But don't think I'd let you come just one time. Make a mess on my fingers, baby. Make 'em real dirty like you."
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 9 months
🎃 Good enough to Eat
Licking CW: bound reader, abduction, body worship (receiving), teasing, drugging, dub-con, body image issues
The reflection in the mirror glared at their body, turning in circles to fully appreciate how bad they looked in this outfit. It was such a stereotypical thing to do that (Reader) felt ashamed, but that didn't stop them, not when their skin was squishing out over the top of their jeans. Their best friend was waiting in the living room for them to hurry up, but every shirt they put on laid weird on their body, even their favorite band tee. It was just going to be one of those days.
(Reader) left the bathroom mopey, struggling to look happy. Their attempt failed completely when Vince pulled out his phone to take a picture of them.
"Not today V."
"What? Why?! We never get to hang out anymore, and I want some pictures of us." The man whined, jokingly pouting to hide his real disappointment.
"I'm just..." (Reader) tugged on their shirt subconsciously, "not feeling it."
Vince's eyes narrowed, his joking demeanor fading into an empty glare (Reader) had never seen before, worrying them. "I can't do this. I wanted to do this the right way, but you're pissing me off."
Before (Reader) could question their friend he shoved his fingers into their mouth, pressing a bitter tasting pill into their throat and forcing it down. They tried to jump back, but Vince held (Reader's) head, clasping their mouth shut until they swallowed and holding them still until it kicked in. First their muscles grew heavy, then (Reader) couldn't hold their eyes open, collapsing into Vince's arms.
(Reader) woke up hours later, completely naked and hands chained to the ceiling above them, arms twisted in an angle where they couldn't pull up and dangling just high enough for their toes to touch the floor. In the dark of the cellar, Vince stood in front of (Reader) with his arms crossed, a disappointed look on his handsome face.
"Vince? Where am I...?"
"Mmm.. my house." Vince was uncharacteristically upset, his voice cold and eyes weary with frustration.
"You know, I had this whole date planned out for us. I was finally going to confess to you." He looked down, rubbing his hands together. "But you're so damn insecure, I know if I told you today that I've been in love with you for the past seven years you wouldn't have believed me."
A strange ache stabbed into (Reader's) heart; a conflicting mixture of his congestion causing it to skip a beat and pain from their anxiety. He was right, they didn't deserve his love. Ignoring the fact that he had just kidnapped them, Vince was the most attractive man (Reader) had ever seen off the big screen.
"Vince, I-"
"So, before I officially confess to you, I need you feeling better about yourself, so you accept me." Vince walked over, a sick smile creeping over his features. "You are so fucking beautiful. I've never met anyone as sexy as you."
"Vince, I'm sorry... If you let me go we can pretend like this never happened.."
He cocked his head. "Why would I want to do that? I finally have you all to myself, and you want me to pretend like I've never had the privilege to see you like this?"
(Reader) sniffled, ashamed, both by how exposed they were and by his sweet talking. "Please stop-"
"You don't believe me.. That really hurts my feelings, (Reader). It was bad enough hearing you criticize the person I love all the goddamn time, but even now you're looking at me like I'm a liar." He pressed his nose against their cheek, inhaling their scent. "Which is so unfair, when you look good enough to eat."
His sharp canines bit into (Reader's) neck as his rough hands caressed their body, rubbing their chest and the spot between their shoulder blades. (Reader) cried out, both in surprise and from pain, before squirming in discomfort as he ran his tongue over his teeth marks.
Vince seemed to enjoy the reaction he got from licking (Reader's) neck, because he moved down, chasing the shivers he was sending down their body. His calloused palms gripped (Reader's) flesh, digging his fingers into their soft body selfishly. His hot muscle left wet trails down (Reader's) goosebumps, greedily tasting their body.
He left hickies from his sucking and biting, bruising their nipples from enthusiasm. Every time he latched on it was hard enough to draw blood, but was quick to soothe the stinging with kisses, cleaning the red droplets with his tongue. Vince ignored (Reader's) pleas and whines, enraptured by the taste he had dreamt of for so long.
"You are so beautiful.." He groaned dreamily, pawing at himself through his pants as he planted butterfly kisses down to (Reader's) hip, turned on by their shudders under his feather soft touches. Sliding into his knees, Vince gazed up at (Reader) with lust. "Please say that you believe me now."
"Vince.." (Reader) was torn between their embarrassment and how good they felt.
His lips attached to their sensitive skin right next to their groin, tickling them. The area was so sensitive to the touch that they arched their spine to get their pelvis away from the teasing kisses, but lost their footing, rocking back into Vince's face.
The man continued licking and kissing everywhere but (Reader's) genitalia, encouraged by their responsiveness. He wouldn't gift them release, not until they felt have much he craved their body.
"Do you believe me now?" His heavy panting against their skin was almost as unbearable as his spider light brushing.
Desperate to be let down, (Reader) whined "Yes! I believe you.."
"Does that mean you'll let me be your man?" Another kiss, closer towards their painful arousal. (Reader's) thighs quivered and butterflies erupted in their belly.
"Because you know that I love you?" The fluid leaking down (Reader's) leg was licked off hungrily.
"God, yes!"
"And you love me too?"
"Yes! I love you, I love you too, Vince!"
As soon as he got his confirmation, (Reader's) legs were draped over his shoulders.
(Reader's) toes curled as Vince's tongue swirled around their most delicate parts, drinking in their essence. His mouth devoured (Reader), crushing his face with their pelvis, pulling them harder into his jaw, hands on their buttocks pushing them in.
"Vince, I'm gonna cum.." (Reader) pathetically whimpered, feeling his tongue fuck them faster.
A wave a shame followed their climax, insecure suddenly over their orgasm. But that brief thought immediately dissipated as Vince didn't stop, taking all of their juices and continuing his assault on their sensitive nerves, pushing them past the point of pleasure. Tears poured from (Reader's) eyes as they tried to wiggle out of his iron grip.
But Vince continued until he came, pulling away to breathe as he moaned out, staining his jeans. His face returned to the kind looking Vince (Reader) knew and adored, smiling up at (Reader) sweetly as though he hadn't just abducted and assaulted (Reader).
"Thank you for accepting my feelings, gorgeous."
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nicoline1998enilocin · 5 months
When I'm with you, I feel like I'm home
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PAIRING ⇒ Girlfriend!Natasha Romanoff x Girlfriend!Florist!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY ⇒ Getting married is something Natasha has not even considered until she met you and fell head over heels in love. Now, it's all she can think about; she wants nothing more than to call you her wife.
RATING ⇒ Teen (T)
WARNINGS/TAGS ⇒ Established relationship ~ Girlfriends, use of pet name (Printsessa, Detka), tooth-rotting fluff.
A/N ⇒ This one-shot is my first attempt at writing for my favorite Russian spy and assassin, Natasha Romanoff! A part of this story is based on this Instagram reel, which is the perfect opportunity to put it to use. I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 for proofreading this; you're an angel 💜
EVENTS Masterlist ⇒ @fluffbruary ⇒ Engagement Masterlist ⇒ @anyfandomaubingo ⇒ Florist!Reader Masterlist ⇒ @lgbtqbingo ⇒ Free space
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Banners: Yours truly ⇒ Divider: @firefly-graphics ⇒ GIF: Source
Main Masterlist ⇒ Natasha Romanoff Masterlist
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The day you met Natasha is engraved into your memory as one of the happiest days in your life because even though you didn't know it then, she would become a more significant part of your life than you could have imagined.
It's a slow day in your flower shop, but it's nice to take a break from the rush you always have during summer and early fall - also known as peak wedding season. There are still weddings throughout the rest of the year where you will be providing the flowers, and you have an appointment today for one of those.
A few fresh bouquets are now proudly standing in the front of the store, waiting to be picked up and gifted or put in a vase and be the center of attention in every room they'll be standing in. There's still a little time before your appointment, so you get a binder with different photos ready, sweep the floor, and tidy up the rest of the store.
Not much later, the tiny bell above your door rings, and you turn your head to see a long, broad-shouldered blonde man and a small but equally strong-looking woman next to him. You instantly recognize them as Captain Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, and Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow—two of the original six Avengers.
''Hi, and welcome to Blooming Garden!'' you say in a cheery voice as you put the broom to the side, ready to greet them properly for their appointment. As you approach them, you take in Natasha's slender form, and you can't help but feel a warmth coursing through your veins and settling on your cheeks as you shake Natasha's hand and introduce yourself.
Her eyes roam over your body, admiring the dress you're wearing. It is a very flattering dress, perfectly accentuating every curve of your body. When she looks at your face, she can't help but feel like she's looking at an angel, as your soft features instantly make her feel like she came home. Your soft, pink lips give a graceful smile before you lead the way for the appointment, which is over too soon for her liking.
Steve paid the down payment for the flowers they had chosen, and after one last goodbye, they walked out of the store, leaving you behind with a bit of an empty feeling in your chest, like something was missing. It turns out Natasha had the same feeling, too, and not long after, the little bell rang again, and she walked back in, this time with her number written on a small piece of paper.
''If you want to go out for coffee sometime, you can text me on this number,'' she says before quickly running out the door again and on her way to her emergency mission. She couldn't leave without leaving a piece of herself behind, afraid she would never see you again if she didn't go back. Ultimately, she's thrilled she did indeed go back.
That same evening, you sent her a text, and even though it took a few days for her to reply, your heart skipped a beat when you saw her name pop up on your phone screen. You met for coffee and even went on a few more dates after that until you couldn't take it anymore, and you asked her to be your girlfriend.
You're visiting Natasha at the Avengers Compound today, and even though all the Avengers knew you and Natasha were friends, they didn't realize just how close you two were. They accidentally walked in on both of you as you asked her to be your girlfriend.
She's seated on the couch, her back against the plush cushions of the large piece of furniture, and you're straddling her lap with both your knees on either side of her legs. Her fiery red hair hangs loosely around her head, and you can't stop running your hands through the soft locks. Her hands are placed on your waist as she occassionally tickles you, pulling a fit of giggles from your chest that she will never get enough of.
''Nat, stop! I can't ask you to be my girlfriend if you keep tickling me!'' you say between giggles, and when you notice her eyes going wide, you instantly realize what happened.
''A-Are you- I mean, you want to be my girlfriend?'' Natasha asks, a hint of insecurity laced in the way she phrases the question. Your face drops at her words, and you guide your hands to cup her cheeks, looking straight into her eyes as you carefully express your following words.
''Yes, I do want to be your girlfriend, more than I've ever wanted anything in my entire life. Being with you makes me feel like I can be myself, and life is just a little brighter with you around. Whether we're hanging out together in my flower shop or doing silly things anywhere else, there's no one I'd rather want to do that with than you, Nat. So, what do you say? Will you make me the happiest woman in the world and be my girlfriend?''
She looks at you with pure love and adoration in her eyes, and she nods her head before leaning in to capture your lips in a soft, gentle kiss that has both your hearts soaring. At that time, you didn't realize all the other Avengers had an entire show because they were curious about the giggling from the living room not long ago.
They all start clapping and whooping in excitement, and you pull away before burying your face in Natasha's neck, a broad smile adorning your face. From that moment on, you two are practically inseparable, and being away from her during her missions is always a challenge, but the reunion is worth it every single time.
Nearly four years later, Natasha plans to take the next step in your relationship. She never thought about getting married, but you have shifted something inside her that has her wanting to call you her wife. Whereas she previously never cared about anyone that deeply, you have shown her a love she never even thought existed, and she wants to bring your passion to the next level.
And so, after a few long months of planning, the day has finally arrived. The engagement ring is in the pocket of her jeans as you're taking a stroll over the beach in Florida, where you're currently for a weekend getaway together. Your fingers are laced together, and your sundress flows in the soft breeze from the ocean.
''Printsessa, can I talk to you about something?'' Natasha asks as she stops you in your tracks before going to stand in front of you. The sunset casts a beautiful light over both of you, and Natasha's hair has a fiery glow, making her look even more stunning than usual.
''Of course, is something wrong?'' you ask with furrowed brows, but she kisses your lips softly to calm your mind before starting off her story.
''Some souls instantly click. Words can't quite explain whether you're lovers, best friends, soulmates, or something so special. You accept this person for everything they are, and they would never let you be anything other than your beautiful, imperfect self. These are the souls you encounter and know in the first moment that you were supposed to cross paths,'' Natasha starts, and there are already tears welling in your eyes as you realize what's happening.
"Your presence makes me feel safe and calm like I am home whenever I'm with you. You're undoubtedly the most special I've had the privilege to love - no distance, time, or person could come between our bond. Your kindness, softness, sincerity, and unconditional love make me feel better because life is better with you in it. Your soul is my happy place, comfort, sunshine, and everything, and I could not imagine life without you in it. And because of that, I want to ask you something.''
Natasha lets go of your hands before wiping away some of her tears, sinking on one knee after getting the ring out of her pocket. The sunset casting an angelic glow over you makes the moment perfect.
''Y/N Y/L/N, will you make me the happiest soul in the universe and become my wife?''
''Yes, Detka, I will marry you!'' you exclaim, and when the ring is put on your finger, she jumps up and wraps her arms around you, pulling you into a breathtaking kiss that has your heart going a mile a minute from pure excitement.
When she pulls away, the realization sinks in, and the happy tears can't stop flowing down your cheeks. You're going to marry the love of your life, and you can't wait for the entire world to know how much you love each other. Life was great before you met Natasha, but this moment completes it.
You both continue your walk down the beach, walking into the sunset together. Today marks the start of the rest of your lives together, and you can't wait to see what life will bring your way.
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selfloverrrrrr · 4 months
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Yours' ~
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Warning: smut, heavy smut, noncon, unprotected sex, age gap, drugging, beating, kidnapping.....
( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
Me and satoru were married from one month now. We loved each other so much. He was a man who fullfill every wishes of mine. He proposed me....we were in a relationship. After a year of relationship we finally got married.
It was a normal day. Gojo wasn't home. He went to koyto for three days for some mission related things. I was missing him so much. Then got an idea. I smirked at myself and got up from my bed.
I went to the closet and took out the sexy black lingerie I wore some days ago and wore it. Went towards the mirror and took a mirror selfie. Send it to Gojo saying miss you. As expected he started drooling over text. I was smiling at those texts from him when the doorbell rang.
I threw the phone on the bed and quickly wore my house coat and went to the door. I opened the door. There was a man standing there. Black long hair, sharp eyes and that noticeable bang. "Yes...?" I spoke. "Hello" he said with a close eyed smile.
"umm... hello.... you want something?" I asked. " You don't know me?" He asked. "...no? Who are you?" I asked. " So Satoru didn't mentioned me to you.... I see" he spoke and smirked. I felt something uncomfortable. "If you are here for him...he isn't here" I said and closed the door on his face but grabbed the door and pushed it. " Oh I know that " he said.
He get inside and closed the door. I panicked. "What the fuck... what do you want???!!!" I said. "You'll know soon" he replied. I run towards the bed grabbed my phone, called gojo and run to the bathroom. I heard that he was coming towards me. I didn't even realise when he grabbed me from behind. "Satoru please pick up the phone!!?!" I scremed. That guy grabbed my phone cut the call and threw it on the floor. I panicked. " Now..... sleep well" he said with a smile and put a piece of cloth on my nose. And I fainted.
*Some time later*
*knock knock* "y/n-saan?" Yuji called "Gojo sensei told me to give you these flowers". No response. "Y/n-saan?.... open the door" Yuji said and grabbed the door knob. The door was open. "Y/n-saan?" Again...no response. He went inside and saw I wasn't there. He called Gojo and explained everything and that he found my broken phone on the bathroom floor.
*After some time Gojo return*
He saw everything there and that I also called him. He cursed himself for not picking up the call. Suddenly something Caught his attention. A paper? He opened the paper and his heart skipped a beat.
*On the other side*
I woke up slowly. Couldn't recognise the place. I was laying on a bed. My house coat was...gone? I looked at my body I was just wearing that lingerie. Suddenly heard a voice "what?... shoked?" I spinned my head and saw that long haired guy again. He smirked and climbed the bed. He was so close to me. "W-who....who are you!!??" I asked. He was about to answer when his phone rang.
He smirked looking at the phone screen. " You husband is calling me ~" he said, picked up the call and put it on speaker. "Ah ~ Satoru....long time no see..." He said.
Gojo: shut up those bullshit....where is she?
Geto: oh... infront of me...
Gojo: don't do any-
Geto: on the bed.... wearing the sexy lingerie which she wore for you....
Gojo: Suguru don't...
Geto: what?... I respect your choice Satoru.... Your choices are still gorgeous.... and soft *Geto rubbed his hand on one of my breast and I moaned "s-stop"*
Gojo: Suguru!
Gojo: Suguru I said don't!
Geto: tsk...I don't care. You know what? When I was at your house to kidnap her.... She was screaming you name for help.... Unlucky girl...you weren't there...
Gojo: *his heart almost stopped* Suguru don't
Geto: please Satoru... you are wasting my time... Now end the call and let me enjoy YOUR toy.... I'll be gentle if she's a sorcerer but...if she's like those other monkeys *smirked* you know....
*End the call*
SHITTTT!!!!! *Gojo screamed with frustration*
Geto end the call and threw his phone. " So... where were we?" He spoke "ah yeah... you were asking me who am I....my name is Geto. Suguru Geto. Your husband's one time bestfriend." He said stroking my hair. "Please.... please let me go" I said with teary eyes. "Tsk... That's not what I planned... Now tell me can you see anything behind me?" He asked. He bring there a curse which I couldn't see. "Answer" he said. "N-no" I said. He smirked. " As I thought.... You are like those monkeys...but a gorgeous one" he said, bring his face to mine and kissed me.
I tried to push him away but his grip was too strong. I can't even move myself. He was kissing me too roughly. I couldn't breathe. He grabbed my lingerie and tore it. His eyes traveled my whole body." You know... Satoru is selfish... He kept you all by himself" He said and looked at those with lust in his eyes and didn't waste any time, crashed his mouth on my breast licking, sucking and teasing the nipple and squeezing the other one with his hand. I moaned in the sensetion. I grabbed his hair and tried to stop him by pulling it but it didn't even effect on him. "P-please stopppp" I scremed but he didn't stop.
He looked at my pussy. He rubbed his finger on my clit and whispered " so wet. You naughty little slut, dripping like a whore~". Then he licked my pussy. I couldn't help but moan loudly. He smirked at my reaction and undo his pant.
His dick sprang out. It was too big and too thick. Fear grabbed me by my neck. " no no no... P-please no... s-stop" I begged but didn't even listen to me and slammed his whole dick inside me in one slide. I scremed. He didn't even give me time to adjust his size and started thursting in and out roughly. I was throughig my legs with pain and begging him to stop. And he was licking it so much. His thurst became harder and harder. I clenched around him tightly and he moaned loudly " ughhhhhh....ahhh s-so...ahhhh....so f-fucking tight ..... Oh god a perfect whore" he started rubbing my clit with his thumb and I bite his shoulder scratched his back to control myself. With a few more thurst I came. He was still thursting roughly. I felt his cock pulsing inside me. I tried to push him away with all of my strength. I was screaming for him to stop. He grabbed my throat and chocked me down to the bed. " Shhh.... shut up and just fucking take it like a fucking slut you are!!!" He screamed. Within a minute he came inside me I could feel his seed inside me. He pulled out.
He got up wore his clothes then looked at me. " When your husband come here don't forget to tell him how much I make you feel good" he said and get out from there. I was sobbing there on the bed. After an hour finally Gojo came there. He rushed into the room. "I knew it...he was going to be here!" He whispered and run towards me. His heart stopped seeing me fully naked on the bed sobbing. That happened what he was sceared about. He came close and hugged me. "I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry .... It's my fault...all my fault" he cried. I hugged him back still crying. "I-It's... it's not your fault" I whispered. " No it is! I should have picked up your call... If I was with you this won't happened... please please.... please forgive me... I'll.... I'll find him... and let him pay for this!!!!...." He hugged me tightly. I returned the hug still tears in my eyes.
Give me your requests guys...
I love when you give me your requests<3
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rieamena · 7 days
i dont care what ANYBODY SAY and if its self-indulgent but I KNOW that INO TAKUMA LOVES BLACK GIRLS i can feel it in my soul
contains: ino having a major crush on you, non-sorcerer au, black!fem!reader working at a cafe, nanami & ino are more friends than mentor/mentee
wc: 1.2k
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ino who is star struck when he walks into the cafe that he was meant to meet nanami at for lunch and sees you. your bright smile as you tend to a customer lights up the cafe, going beautifully with your skin. the way you move with grace and confidence behind the counter captivates him, making it impossible for him to look away. he’s completely entranced by the warmth you give in your interactions with everyone. he finds a suitable table and sets down his things, his eyes never leaving you. you finish up with your current customer and consider walking over to take his order but hesitate, noticing that he must be waiting for someone.
ino who's eyes accidentally meet yours and he starts freaking out. texts nearly every group chat he's in, frantically typing, "GUYS WHAT DO I DO!!! OUR EYES JUST MET..... GUYS??? HELLO???" his phone lights up with multiple teasing and encouraging notifications, but none seem to be helpful in the moment.
ino who musters up the courage to walk up to the counter and order a few things from the menu hanging above your head. he lies and says he's not sure what to get, asking for your input instead. "i recommend the vanilla strawberry trifle cake with our signature iced honey lemon tea!" you pointed to the cake in the display next to you. ino hums in approval, "i'll get that then!" you entered his order into the screen before you, looking up when you heard your name. "y/n? is that right?" ino tilted his head, eyes on your name tag. "yeah...!" you beamed before collecting yourself, signaling to the card reader at the edge of the counter. "it's pretty, just like you."
ino who immediately taps his card and runs away to his table, silently begging for nanami to come quicker, his heart dropping when he sees nanami's "i'm going to be late." text. his head goes straight into his hands, unbelievably embarrassed. you watch him retreat, a soft smile on your face and turn to start preparing his order.
ino who sulks for 30 seconds before realizing that this is the perfect opportunity to get to know you a bit more. he sends a picture of the menu to his colleague and within seconds got a reply. "i'll have a croissant with black coffee, thanks. be there in 15." taking a deep sigh, ino walked back to the counter, playing with his hands. feeling someone's presence, you yelled out "sorry! i'll be right- oh its you!" walking over to where he was, you continued speaking, "is everything okay? wanna change your order?" ino shook his head and signaled behind him, "no no! i'm ordering for my friend." friend?, you thought, eyes looking past him and at the table he claimed. "but there's no one there?" you looked up into his eyes and ino could've sworn his heart skipped a beat. looking back, as if he expected nanami to randomly appear, he laughed, "yeah, you're right. he's running a bit late, though it would be better to just not come at all." "why's that?" you continued preparing his order, pouring ice into a glass. "well our lunch break ends soon..." ino pauses, checking the time, "in like 20 minutes or so."
ino who tries his best not to laugh as you whip your head around to look at him. "20 minutes?!?! oh my god..." you finished making his tea and quickly moved over to the display to cut him a generous piece of the cake he ordered. slice of cake and glass of tea in hand, you walked back to the man, placing it in front of him. "here ya go... sorry about that. what would your friend like?" the man's gaze was directed slightly above your eyes. "your hair... it got out of place..." shuffling to find the nearest reflective surface, the man continued to speak "wait...! i got you. don't worry!" he pulled out his phone, opening the front camera and turning it towards you. peering into the device slightly, you fix your sections and the decorative scarf on your head. "thank you for that....." your voice trailed off at the end, needing something to complete your thought. ino took a few seconds but ultimately understood with a big smile on his lips. "ino."
ino who finds it hard to not self-destruct when he hears his name on your lips. "thank you for that ino, and for that compliment from before too." he chokes on his breath, violently coughing afterwards. "yeah...! uh, no problem! just calling it how it is..." he laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "if it helps, i think you're pretty cute yourself!"
ino who finds himself coming back to the cafe every day. never forgetting to order something extra for his friend. "let me guess, a black coffee and croissant for nanami?" ino softly laughs and nods, and you give him the pastry and drink that you prepared ahead of time. "yeah but im off today. i'll just be dropping it off at the office." "wait..., you're here on your off day? isn't your job super stressful? why dont you relax at home?" "being able to see you is relaxing. how could i miss a day of conversation with the prettiest girl in the world?" you stared at him, feeling heat rise to your face. "do i look good?" "good?" ino questioned. "baby, you're stunning." he pouted, thinking that you might be feeling insecure in the moment. smiling and letting out a sigh, you corrected yourself, "no i mean, does my hair look okay? my clothes look straight?" you gave him a quick 360 as you smoothened out your work uniform. ino silently ohhed as he searched your form for any imperfections. "nope! nothing out of place." "thanks, wanted to make sure before i do this." ino stayed silent and you took that as an okay to continue. "okay... i can do this... uh ino, can i... have your number?" you stared at his expressionless face before burying your head in your hands.
ino who thinks something is up when you give him that request. "y/n, did you read my mind last night?" "what?" your eyes met his and they widened when you found ino already looking at you. "last night, i told myself that i was finally going to ask you out but here you are beating me to it!" you let go of a breath you didn't know you were holding and giggled. "well, since i beat you to it." you unlocked your phone and created a new contact, handing it over to ino. he briefly poses for the contact photo and saves his number in your phone. giving your phone back, he speaks. "on one condition." "which is...?" you put your phone back into your apron pocket, smiling coyly. "i get to take you on a date?" ino's tone was soft, unsure if his advance was going to land the way he wanted. "of course you can."
ino who turns away from you and begins celebrating as if he's invisible. he does multiple yes! motions before abruptly stopping, collecting himself, and turning back to you. "so uh, your shift ends in 30, right?" ino glanced at the clock, his forearms resting on the counter, bending over slightly. looking at the small digital clock on your right, you nodded. "i'll wait for you then."
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first jjk post hello???!!! first post in a year hello?!?!? this is my first time writing in sooooo long i swear but i feel that i really needed that break and i think i got better (i hope i got better) as usual if you liked this let me know! likes, comments, + reblogs are ALWAYS appreciated. love yall <3
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onceuponastory · 6 months
ball of fluff - bucky barnes
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Plot: Bucky tells Y/N how he met Alpine. Pairing: BestFriends!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader (but maybe there's something more there... 👀 it's me, of course there is) Warnings: A few mentions of Bucky's past as The Winter Soldier, and how we was used and controlled without his consent. Also includes mentions of how Bucky hates himself for what he did, and the nightmares he has. But as always, if I miss any triggers, please let me know! Notes: Hey, I finally finished a WIP, hahaha. And it's another episode of "this was supposed to be a drabble but it's over 1k words."
Not beta'd, so any mistakes are my own.
“Morning.” Y/N smiles, walking into the kitchen at Avengers HQ. The room is mostly empty, aside from Bucky. He lounges on the couch, scrolling through his phone and laughing to himself about something on the screen. When Y/N sits beside him, he murmurs a greeting before immediately going back to laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
“Oh, it’s just Alpine.” Bucky replies. “Look, I got him a new toy mouse a few days ago, and he’s already destroyed it.” He grins, holding out his phone to show her the picture. Y/N leans in, laughing when she sees the picture, especially the satisfied look on Alpine’s face. It’s nice, seeing Bucky laughing like this, sounding so happy. Although, it is a little weird.
Because Bucky looks so intimidating usually, the master of a death glare. And yet here he is, making cute cooing noises and laughing over pictures of his cat like a completely different person from what history and the news will tell you. But she likes this version of Bucky a lot.
Well, she likes everything to do with Bucky Barnes a lot. Like the way he always makes her heart skip a beat, or how she always has a lovesick smile on her face whenever she’s around him. She just can’t bring herself to tell him that though.
“If you don’t mind me asking…” Y/N asks, her brow raised. “How did you find Alpine?” Bucky’s own brows furrow.
“You’re asking that like it’s a weird question.”
“I just mean, knowing you, I thought you found him on a mission somewhere and rescued him from an evil base, from some supervillain like in James Bond.” She chuckles. “Screw damsels in distress, you rescue cats in distress!” She grins.
“What is it you actually think I do?” Bucky raises a brow, yet can’t stop another grin from tugging at the corner of his mouth. A sight that makes Y/N’s smile grow just that little wider. God, she’s got it bad.
“You know, superhero stuff.” Y/N shrugs, and Bucky chuckles.
“Well, I may be a hero, but I found Alpine in a perfectly normal way.…”
One year ago….
The room is filled with noise, and Bucky awkwardly fiddles with his gloves. He really should take them off at some point. New year, new him and all that. And, of course, being pardoned helps as well. That one might take a little longer, though. This task is small, and manageable. Although, when you have spent your entire life being used as a weapon and fighting space monsters on the regular, everything seems minor in comparison.
Right now though, it feels huge, like when they first faced down Thanos for the first time. Or when he came back to earth after being gone for five years and became a man out of time all over again. 
“Hello sir, how can I help you?” The voice of a staff member makes him jump slightly. He’s still not used to this, to being noticed and to being someone, to being Bucky Barnes, rather than a weapon used and controlled without his consent. Rather than The Winter Soldier.
To be honest, he’s not sure if he’ll ever be used to it. 
“Hi. I was thinking of getting a pet. I was thinking about a cat, but I’m open to anything, really.” Of course Bucky doesn’t tell him it’s because he’s so alone, and thinks he might lose his mind again if he’s alone any longer. The nights get so lonely sometimes, especially with as many nightmares that he has. Being alone with his thoughts, forced to confront what he did for so long every night, is his own personal hell. A punishment he wouldn’t wish on anyone. Maybe being responsible for another life, rather than taking it away, will be good for him.
That is, if he doesn’t fuck this up, too.
“Of course, sir.” The man smiles, beckoning for Bucky to follow, which he does. “We have plenty of cats available, from kittens to seniors. Do you have any specific breed in mind? Any age or gender?” 
All the questions make Bucky furrow his brows together. Choosing a cat seems to be harder than he thought. Obviously, he wasn’t expecting to just walk in and for someone to just hand him a cat, but still. “Not really.” The staff member nods, smiling.
“That’s totally fine. You’re not the first who just wants to walk around. I’ll show you what we have, and we can go from there.”
Bucky looks at every variety of cat and kitten at the shelter. They’re all adorable, but none of them feel right, like his cat. Suddenly, he sees a little white ball of fluff curled up against the corner of a cage. They don’t even move when Bucky approaches. “Who’s this?” He asks.
“That’s Alpine.” Alpine looks up, looking for whoever came to see him. His blue eyes stare at Bucky for a moment, and he cocks his head to the left slightly before burying his face back into his fur. “Sorry, he’s really shy. We’re not sure if he likes people that much.” Bucky chuckles. Well, at least he sounds like him. Bucky doesn't like people that much either. Maybe this’ll be a good match after all. “Do you want to see some more cats?” The staff member asks, but Bucky keeps staring at Alpine, watching as his little head pops up again, checking to see if the stranger outside his cage has gone. 
“Hey there, buddy.” He whispers, smiling. He expects him to curl away from him again, but to his surprise, he takes a few steps forward towards him, tentatively sniffing the air, then Bucky’s gloved hand. Bucky chuckles, murmuring an “aww.” to himself as Alpine brushes his head against his fingers, nuzzling into them and purring. 
“Wow! He rarely does this. You must be special.” Yet the man’s voice fades out as Bucky and Alpine make eye contact. At Christmas time, Sam and his nephews showed him that movie The Grinch, where his heart grows three sizes after he discovers the true meaning of Christmas. Originally, Bucky wrote that off as cheesy nonsense, but now he feels it happening for real as he looks at this tiny little cat. He smiles. He’s perfect.
“I’ll take him.”
“Brought him home about a week later, and the rest is history.” Bucky smiles.
“Oh. My. God.” Y/N gasps. “That’s so cute. Turns out you’re just a big softie deep down, huh, Buck?” She chuckles. Bucky flushes pink, and Y/N continues to grin. 
“Don’t say a word.” Bucky hisses, but Y/N keeps laughing and smiling. And despite how much he wants to keep it cool, and act like it’s not affecting him, Bucky can’t help but laugh. Because she’s right. Sometimes (more often than he’d like to admit) Bucky hangs onto his Winter Soldier persona, using it like a mask to hide behind. After all, it’s better than having to meet new people all the time, and to actually make relationships with people. People who could disappoint him, or leave him when things got too hard. Nobody would ever go near him if they thought he was still like that, still an asshole who would kill you if you looked the wrong way at him.
But with Y/N… he doesn’t want to hide himself anymore. She makes him the happiest he’s ever been in a long time, and brings out the best parts of him, the parts he thought were gone forever. Her laughter rings through the air, the sound the sweetest melody he’s ever heard, and Bucky just can’t stop smiling. Y/N likes him for who he is, and despite how much he hates himself… Bucky loves the way she makes him feel. 
Well… he loves Y/N more than anything in the world. But she does make him feel pretty damn great.
“You know, Alpine sounds amazing. Maybe I’ll meet him one day.” She smiles. The thought makes Bucky’s heart grow even more, this time so big it could explode out of his chest. His two favourite people, the people he loves most in the world, meeting each other.
“Yeah.” He chuckles, smiling softly. “Maybe one day.”
Maybe we'll see reader meet Alpine..... 👀
Please follow @onceuponastory-library and turn on notifications to be notified when I next post!
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theanimekid · 2 years
Your King Awaits
You’re King Awaits
Warnings⚠️💢🖤: SMUT, 18+, praise kink, monarch kink, size kink, degradation, kidnapping, shadows calling you "Queen", with a puff of fluff
A/n: I felt inspired by a Sung Jin Woo post and so I made one with a little kick. I'm still on the manga but I'll try my best. This is the longest story I have ever written.
Plus Bonus Surprise!🎁(I'll write on a different post)
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" Will you-you go out on a date with me?"
"Harm my queen again, and you will pay with your life"
" You are my queen and thus I will treat you like one."
"Come to Your King"
"You're serious?"
Pre and Second Awakening (flashbacks)
You have known him since he was 'the weakest hunter in the world' You were an A-rank at the time. But out of all the hunters in the guild, only you became friends with him, an E-rank hunter friends with an A-rank hunter.
You loved his company. You love how much of a sweetheart he was. Kind, loving, and you developed a tiny crush on him.
He loved your company as well. Whenever you were around him, his heart skipped beats every time, always blushing when your presence was there, always saving your ass when he was in trouble.
But everything changed since that day. The day he saved yours but not the other way around. You blamed yourself for being there to protect him as you should.
Until, one day, a call from his sister Jin-ah said that her brother was in the hospital. Your body felt like collapsing to the floor, but not yet. You told her you were on her way and rushed to the hospital. You ran into his hospital room and jumped into his arms. You whimpered into his chest, " I-I-I'm so sorry, I left you behind in that place even though you told me to save myself but… I-I couldn't bear the thought of losing you and-" He silenced your whimpers with his lips pressed against yours, feeling his love for you. "I know, and I'll promise you this I'll make sure you won't have to worry about me anymore." He spoke calmly with a small smile on his face as he wiped the tear on your cheek. You smiled back.
He gently pushed you off his chest, " A-Also, there's something else I wanna ask you," He stuttered, finally getting the courage to say it, " Will you-you go out on a date with me? After I get admitted from the hospital?" He muttered as he buried his face into the crook of your neck, hiding the blush on his face.
You nodded, "yes, you goofball, I will go out on a date with you if you're paying for it." You added jokingly.
He slowly raised his head to meet your eyes, " You mean it?"
It's been months since the last time you met your boyfriend. You've been so busy with work that you almost forgot to check up on him, even though he told you not to worry about him, it wouldn't help just make sure he's doing alright.
As you grabbed for the bag sitting on the table and your keys, the phone buzzed in your long tan jacket. 'Who the hell is calling at this hour?' you thought as you reached for your phone, 'I swear if it's another raid on my day off, I'm gonna hurt someone.'
As you opened the phone, a notification popped on your screen. From an unknown number and a message saying: Y/n, can please talk?. You felt the world go black, your hand carrying the phone trembling. You felt this feeling before. It had to be him. Who else could it be? How did he find me?! But you shook your head, 'I can't be worried about that now.'
As you opened the phone, a notification popped on your screen. From an unknown number and a message saying: Y/n, can please talk?. You felt the world go black, your hand carrying the phone trembling. You felt this feeling before. It had to be him. Who else could it be? How did he find me?! But you shook your head, 'I can't be worried about that now.'
But you didn't want to worry about that. So you deleted the message and headed out the door.
As you secretly tiptoed toward Jinwoo's door, only to see. That it wasn't him? This man was in his room doing pushups. His body was well-toned, abs showed on display, and sweat came down all over his body. You couldn't stop staring, feeling your face warming like the first day of spring.
As he finished his push-ups, he stood up again, grabbed the towel on the metal bar of the bed, and wiped the sweat off his manly chest. Before he'd placed the towel back where it was, he turned to see you standing at the door, carrying a white bag with containers in them. You were prettier the last time he saw you. And; seeing that faint tint of pink on your cheeks.
There was silence between the two of you, Both staring at each other blankly. " Ummm..." you mumbled as you felt a lob at your throat as you swallowed thickly, cheek still pink as ever, "J-J-Jin-woo?"
He beamed and shyly answered, " Um- H-hi y/n-ah, Umm *gulp* You look different." "That's nothing compared to you! You're sexy!!" You blurted out, not knowing that your face was even pinker than usual. Jinwoo started stammering, his face now feeling red. " I-I think you look great as well, and you're prettier than usual... so-so yeah," he felt as though he made the conversation a lot more embarrassing. You emptied your throat, regaining your composure. You held out the white bag in front of you, " I figured you might be peckish so I made us some meals."
He sighed while grasping the white bag away from you," You're a lifesaver, y/n-ah, thank you." He placed the white bag on the small tableland on his infirmary mattress. As you trekked over to sit down, Jin-woo went to shut the door behind you. As the door closed, he turned to you, already sitting on his infirmary mattress and pausing for him to sit down. He walked his way toward you, only not to realize that he left his infirmary shirt on the floor, Jin-woo strode on it, and he was misstepping toward you. You tried to stop him from collapsing on top of you, but you accidentally dragged him down on the bed with you.
The bed shook as the two of you both made it on impact, The light of the sun. Shimmering through the blinds, you both stared at each other. He looked deep into your eyes. Shimmered. Like crystals into the light. She truly is beautiful, he thought. Jin-woo consciously lowered his body, finding himself between your legs. Your flustered gaze never left his, as lips slightly caressing your lips, hands wondering at your body, finding your shirt. He took a small chunk of your shirt and felt the softness of your skin.
The situation turned into a hot make-out session, neither of you backing down from the other. But that would come to a halt as Jin-Ah, decided to visit her brother at the wrong time. " Hey you two, I got some food, if want so-" She paused. She blinked twice to make sure. Her brother isn't making out with a girl. Nope, he is! " I'm telling mom!" She shouted as he ran excitedly out of the hospital.
He turned his attention towards you, embarrassment written on his face. You giggled as you gave him a small peck on the lips. " Looks like there's going be chatter shortly," you said.
Yeah, A lot of chatter
Weeks went by, and the two of you became closer and closer. You are his comfort whenever he is down.
The thought of losing was possible. There was a time when Jin-woo thought he'll lose you forever, but you weathered again and again. Then, your second awakening happened. Heaven's Soul. During your raid. The S-rank monster was about to discontinue you off until a bright light shined in you, shining bright as the sun, making your hair go completely white. As you walked out of the gate, Jin-woo hurried by your side, noticing your white hair and appearance. He asked what happened inside the dungeon. You explained about your second awakening, and he understood the situation. From that time on, he would ask you to train with him, better to understand the limits of your new power. But, Like Jinwoo, you leveled up every time you battle; he was ingrained if, not a little desirous, because of how much attention from the other hunters you got.
Months turned into years, and the both of you got stronger and stronger. You both went to raids as a couple. Some would try to separate the other but failed. You loved your boyfriend till the end of time, and he loved you no matter what, no one can ever take you away from him.
But everything changed in an instant.
He wasn't the exact Jin-woo you came to know. He'd changed. But you changed too. Things didn't actually end well with the two of you. You went your separate way. Nights alone in your home became something new yet not new at all. Times when you really didn't want to be alone.
Your phone ranged once more; you didn't feel like taking any more raids at this gloomy time. You picked up the phone from your nightstand, unlocked it, and went to your messages. The unknown number called you again for the 25th time this year. You didn't want to deal with any of this, not right now. A shadow rose behind your bed and snatched you out of your trance. You struggled out of anxiety, not knowing what the hell. Is going on around you. The attacker slammed you into the wall, knocking you out unconscious.
Your eyes blurred out, regaining consciousness. To see that you are blindfolded and in an abandoned work site. Chains rattled on top of the ceiling. You felt terrified. You tried to escape your bonds, but nothing was working, "Please don't try and struggle," a voice called out from the darkness, walking towards the empty light in the room. The man had removed his mask to reveal that it was your ex. "Those bonds are rarely special, made specifically for you. Now you won't have to use your powers against me." He snickered as he trotted his way toward you. He grabbed hold of you into a hug, " I know we had our differences in the past. I know I messed up and scared you away… But now it's different. Now… I can finally have to myself again. You see, we're better together than with that other guy."
He pierced his eyes up to your comeback, not very pleased. "Say that again?" His teeth gritted. " No, I will not take you back. I won't go back to that life where I had to deal with your crazy theories. And-and abusive lifestyle, I despised myself for not stranding you sooner, and you made me think… that I needed you." You kicked him in the gut and groaned as he let go and coughed out blood.
" I never needed you, and I never wi-" He shouted as he slapped you across the face, leaving a bruised mark. HE yanked your chin and forced you to see him, even though you can't. " Shut it, you bitch! I will make you love me again, even if I have to compel you to do so."
He pulled a pair of knuckle braces out of his backpack. He pressed the small button on the sides, and a shot of electricity sparked over the steel braces. He gave them a quick shock on the wall before turning to you, the look of madness on his countenance. " Let's see if these bad boys will make you love me," he laughed evilly; as he scrambled snappy and walked to you.
He lifted his fist, and you screamed as you prepared for the worst. " Who dares threaten the life of my Queen?" A voice called out from the shadows. He quickly shifted around. " Who's there? Show yourself!". The tone in his voice feels paranoia and dread. He turned to you again, got behind you, and placed the knuckle brace near your throat. Before he could know what was happening around him, he didn't notice that his shadow was increasing bigger beneath him. Igris emerged from beneath him and grabbed him by the throat before launching him across the chamber. His body collided against the wall, screaming out of the pain he had gotten. Igris revealed his cloak, and the void opened as a man stepped out of the abyss. 
His cold icy stare glared at the man in front of him. Unwelcoming, bitter, but he only came to you in an instant. Worry and dread filled his gaze as he saw you tied in chains, your skin weakening from them. He cut off the chains with no effort as your body glowed once again to regain your powers. Your body was starting to heal. As you were about to collapse to the hard ground, Jin-woo carried you in his arms, wrapped around his black, long jacket to conceal your half-naked form. You felt relief burning in your soul as he carried you in his arms tightly, He took one last look at your ex before saying these words: "Harm my queen again, and you will pay with your life."
You have woken back inside your flat. Everything was cleaned and tidied up since the last time you left. You groaned as you slowly rose from the bed. You looked around your bedroom. The bathroom light is on and still rushing water from the shower. Curiously, you walked over to the bathroom door. A small gap was still opened, so you carefully took a peak as the showerhead had died down, and a shadow stepped out from the curtains. Jin-woo grabbed a towel from the closet behind him and wrapped the lower half of his body, only showing the v-line. You felt your heart squeezing you, biting your bottom lip. Damn, he's too sexy, you thought as Jin-woo dried his hair and disappeared from your vision. You blinked twice to figure out where he went.
"It's not right to spy on your king," Jinwoo's voice caught your attention as you quickly turned around to see him, now on your bed, the towel still wrapped around his lower half. Arms propped up on the bed and his legs crossed. Gesturing his finger and moving in a fluid motion. " Come to me. Come to your King" His tone was firm, teasing, and commanding. 
Flusteredly, you walked over to your shared bed. Too embarrassed to look at him, you slowly wriggle up his body. You can feel his crystal eyes staring down at you, his smile. Sneering, thinking that you're trying to hide your embarrassment. He took his two fingers to your chin and gently brought them to see his gaze. " You. would be even more beautiful beneath me," He said teasingly. As he flipped you over, and now you're lying on the bed while he's on top of you, You laid helplessly, passion-filled in your eyes. He smiled and dropped down and gave you a deep kiss. Tounge exploring the corners of the mouth, you felt dizzy. You broke off the kiss and spoke breathlessly, " what will you have your queen do, my liege?" All loss of innocence tainted your voice. Now you need him. His body tensed in excitement at your question. "Be a good girl and let me do all the work." He unbuttoned the shirt on your body. Revealing the soft-toned plump chest, nipples hardening in the cold air. Trying to hold his composure, he took one of the mounds into his mouth, sucking the nipple and nibbling as he groaned on your boob. You sighed at the feeling of his mouth on one boob and his hand working the other. He repeated the same movements on the other. He'd finish his assault by grabbing both breasts together and licking them both at the same time.
You groaned loud, your chest heaving in the cold air. Jinwoo chuckled darkly. As he trailed kisses and left tiny bite marks in his path. Your body felt alluring, warm. You need more. "Please, stop teasing so much." You pouted. He ceased his movements and looked at your pouted figure, still flustered after he assaulted your breasts. " Your my Queen, my partner, and thus I'll treat you like one." He spoke calmly. as he stood in between your thighs. He sighed and smirked, lifting your leg over his shoulder, and he tore off the shirt and tossed it on the floor. " But if you really want me to get serious then…. I'll fuck you like a slut." He bit a chunk of your inner thigh and dove his mouth into your cunt. You moaned louder, thighs clenching around his face as he explored your insides with his tongue. You're squirming all over, it's too much, too much.
You can feel you're at your peak approaching. Your breathing was starting to get heavy. " I-I'm gonna-" You whined as your climax came faster before you could finish your sentence. You can feel your peek approaching. Your breathing was starting to get heavy. " I-I'm gonna-" You whined as your climax came faster before you could finish your sentence. He slurped the remaining of your essence.
He stared at you with nothing but lust in his eyes. He licked his lips and gave you a small devilish smile. He wasn't done with you. Not by a long shot, he removed the towel covering his lower half and revealed how painfully hard he was. He spread your legs a little bit more. He lined himself at your entrance, stroking his cock.
He slid himself into you as his iron grip held you in place. Inch by since his manhood entered your wet heat, you whined at the feeling of him. You want more, more. But his iron grip held you in place, keeping you from squirming.
" You're taking me in so well," he praised as he was only halfway inside of you. The stretch was unbearable, even though you have gotten used to his size, it never fails to put you on the edge. His praises and whispering sweet nothings in your ear kept you afloat until he was completely inside.
His thrusts were slow and steady to rough and desperate.
You gripped the sheets below you. You moaned and cried out his name like a chant as the bed shook. He buried his face into the crook of your neck, napping and licking the skin.
Your cunt clenching around his length, squeezing for him, screaming for him. Your close, so close.
You came around him. hard. He soon followed after.
You both laid there, Bare naked and exhausted. You laid at your side close to his chest and heard his heartbeat. Jinwoo traced his fingers in our back as he nuzzled into your hair.
"Satisfied?" You asked. still recovering from your intensely orgasm. Your body laid limp against the sheets.
"I still hate the thought of him touching you like that, and you were kidnapped without my notice." He replied back, he rested his hand in your cheek, and you sighed against his warmth.
He truly is the luckiest man alive and it’s gets better. He got up from the bed and reached underneath the pillow he was laying on. A small black box appeared on his hand and sat back down. “ I wanted to wait until tomorrow, but afternoon seeing that... tomorrow can’t wait. I love since the day that i met you, you wee always by my side despite everything that’s happened to me, and i was lost, you were here, the light that keeps me going. I nevertheless happier when i’m with you. Y/n L/n, will you marry me?” He opened the boxes to reveal a beautiful purple diamond ring in place.
“You serious?”You asked, He nodded.
“Then, yes. Yes, i do.”
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haesunflower · 1 year
jiwoong's girl friend (not girlfriend) | a friends with benefits story ft. matthew
genre: mentions of smut, suggestive, minors dni
pairing: jiwoong x female reader, matthew x female reader
about/tags: matthew is obsessed with jiwoong's girlfriend (not girlfriend) but can't do anything about it (1.9k+ words)
there's no explicit smut but it's mentioned that they fuck, cursing, suggestive, y/n is a tease, friends with benefits jiwoong, pervert/voyeur matthew, nsfw mentions
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Matthew thinks that you’re the hottest person he’s ever met. But he couldn’t do anything because you were Jiwoong’s "not-girlfriend" girl friend. Thus, he tries to keep those thoughts to himself, given your relationship status with Jiwoong.
You visit Jiwoong at the dorms at least once a week. Although Jiwoong initially introduces you as one of his long time friends, the members have since disregarded that label. They all widely accept that you two were seeing each other, even without confirmation from Jiwoong himself. 
You get along with the members quite well too. Last time, you brought fried chicken for the whole team, and handed Matthew a box of his favorite flavor. “I heard you like chicken Matthew. Try this one, it’s my favorite”. Your hands brushed as he took the box from you, and his heart skipped a beat a little. 
It’s a little pathetic, really. Matthew can’t help it. 
Matthew knows it’s rude to stare. But it’s getting difficult to adhere to the gentlemanly persona he has. You often cuddle up with Jiwoong on the couch as the younger members watch movies on the TV screen. He tries not to stare at your legs that are draped over Jiwoong’s lap. Other times, Matthew finds you casually sitting in Jiwoong’s desk chair, hair damp from the shower. He tries not to look at the wet spots that have formed on your shirt, especially not when it’s dangerously close to your chest. 
And if that wasn’t enough, Matthew actually found a pair of panties (that he assumes to be yours) in the dryer, and contemplated on keeping it for himself. Ultimately, he handed it to Jiwoong before any of the younger members could see. To which Jiwoong replied with a “thanks man, she thought she lost this.”
Now that it’s summer, you come visit the dorms in shorter skirts and dresses. It’s getting a little hard not to keep admiring you – the way the straps adorn your dainty collarbones, how the fabric tightens at your waist complimenting your figure, and how your dress hem moves up slightly when the breeze from the air conditioning passes by.
It’s hard not to keep watching as you greet Jiwoong with a kiss, or as he lifts you up to carry you to his room. He should really look away at some point, but he can’t. 
Again, he knows he’s being a little pathetic. Perhaps borderline perverted as his imagination runs wild on what occurs behind Jiwoong’s closed door. But he knows he doesn’t stand a chance anyway. 
You’re both panting heavily, and Jiwoong makes sure to press a little kiss on your shoulder before he lays flatly in the space next to you. With chests rising and falling, he extends his right arm out to you for access to lay on him. Like clockwork, he does this after every time you fuck. 
Naturally, you accept the offer and make yourself cozy against him. It’s silent before you ask him “everything okay, Jiwoong? you’re awfully quiet...”
Jiwoong gives a low chuckle, mainly because he should be asking you that question instead. He went a little hard on you today. “Sorry for all the marks Y/N, didn’t mean to take it that far” he turns to you to examine the purple hickies he left littered all over your chest and neck. He makes a mental note to check your freezer for ice. 
“Don’t worry about it, it’s hot –” you reassure, extending your fist out for him to dap you up like always. “– and besides, you know I could take so much more” you tease him as you look up through your eyelashes, and he nods with a smirk. 
“ahh you minx. This is literally why I cannot get enough of you”. He repositions his body to face you, using his forearms to prop himself up. This way, he sees your face clearly. You engage in conversation like that, as he asks about what’s new with your work and for the gossip on all your mutual friends. Likewise, you ask him what's new with his schedule and members. 
“Speaking of members, I think Matthew might have a small crush on you.” 
You laugh.
“Just a small crush? have you seen the way he looks at me? he’s in love with me or something” you joke. And Jiwoong tilts his head to the side, impressed at your confidence – “so when you come visit me at the dorms dressed up all pretty, it’s partly for him, isn’t it?” he accuses, raising up an eyebrow. 
You don’t know whether you should be apologizing or defending yourself so you settle with a “sorry? It’s fun teasing him?” Jiwoong laughs, a laugh that says “haha i knew it” before he actually says “go easy on him, tiger – he’s more sensitive than you think.”
You pretend to put on an annoyed face, and Jiwoong kisses your cheek before standing up to get dressed. “Can’t blame him though, your ass is great” he gives a playful pat on your buttcheeks before he’s out the door.
You make your way to the bathroom to clean yourself up when you receive a text.
jiwoong📱: made an ice pack in the freezer for the marks lol sorry again
jiwoong📱: and thanks for the fuck, babe
y/n📱: same time tomorrow? 
jiwoong📱: yeah i’ll be home by 9
“Hey, Matt!” 
It’s Matthew that opens the door for you at 8 pm. He’s the only one currently at the dorms, so he feels responsible to tell you that Jiwoong should be home soon.
“Oh yeah I know, I came a little early to come hang out with you” you say as you remove your shoes at the entryway. Matthew's throat runs dry and his face turns criminally red as he attempts to think of a response. Amused at his reaction, you approach him and place your hand against his burning forehead. 
Fully knowing about his crush on you, you innocently ask “you okay Matt? you don’t look so good…” your face is so close to his, he can feel your breath. “Ah yeah, I’m fine” he clears his throat, as he removes your hand from his face. Matthew doesn’t know how he’ll survive the next hour with you. 
“Good. because I want to watch a movie” you skip happily to the couch, patting the spot next to you for Matthew to come. When he settles on the couch, he’s a little uncomfortable – wary of your presence. You end up choosing some studio ghibli movie and Matthew gets a little giddy inside. 
A few beer bottles later, you find yourself placing your legs on top of Matthew’s lap "for more warmth". Matthew figures that you must have done this out of habit, as he often finds you in this position with Jiwoong. His hands carefully rest atop your legs, he's trying not to feel weird about it. The movie plays, but the plot is the last thing on his mind right now. You watch him internally panic, so awfully stiff, which you actually find kind of cute. 
When the movie finishes, you get a text from Jiwoong. 
jiwoong📱: almost done, can you wait? 
y/n 📱: yeah just here drinking with matthew
“Jiwoong’s gonna be a little late” you announce, removing your legs from his lap and placing them on the ground. Matthew looks a little disappointed at the loss of body contact.
Matthew hums in response before saying “well I guess it’s my turn to pick the next movie”. He quickly grabs the remote from your hands before you could protest. In fake offense, you say “is that any way you should be treating your guest, matthew?”
“guest? You practically live here y/n” he reminds you, shaking his head with a smile on his face. He turns to face the TV, scrolling through the different animated films. Jiwoong was taking too long, and you wanted to tease Matthew a little more.
“actually I don’t want to watch another movie, Matt” your arms are crossed. He turns around to face you “what do you wanna do instead?” he asks, innocently cocking an eyebrow at you. 
You're feeling a little bold, maybe it’s the alcohol or maybe it’s the way Matthew was touching your leg earlier. “I don’t know…anything fun up your sleeve?” you leave light touches to his arm, snaking itself to reach his shoulder. Matthew’s frozen in place, unsure if he should read into it. You could just be joking, after all. 
“uhhhhhh…” he’s stuttering as he tries to think of something, anything. You take satisfaction in his nervousness, and inch yourself closer to him. Hand still on his shoulder, you use it as support to straddle his lap. Your faces are awfully close to one another again, and a million emotions run through Matthew’s face. Lust, guilt, excitement. 
You ghost your lips against his ear to whisper “is there something wrong matt? why are you always this nervous around me?” A devilish grin begins to bloom on your face, and it’s taking everything in him not to touch you, not to grab you by your chin and kiss you, not to take you right then and there.
He’s breathing heavily, and his knuckles are white from balling up his fists in an attempt for physical restraint – repeating to himself that he cannot touch you. Especially when your neck is covered in purple bruises, a reminder of Jiwoong's claim over you.
You both hear the passcode being entered as the front door unlocks. 
“Is that you, babe?” you yell out. 
When you hear the familiar “mmhh”, you decide to mount yourself off of Matthew to greet Jiwoong before he enters the living room. Though Matthew can’t see you anymore, he can definitely hear your conversation. 
“Hi Y/N, did you wait long?” Jiwoong asks. “Not really, Matthew kept me company” you respond. 
You and Jiwoong enter the room hand in hand, and he shoots Matthew a little nod as a greeting. As Jiwoong leads you into his room, you look back at Matthew to give him a little wink. 
Jiwoong’s door closes, and Matthew groans because of his hard on, burying his face into the pillow in disbelief.
Matthew is trying to focus at the gym, attempting to rid any thoughts of you. Heavy emphasis on trying. He can’t stop thinking about your interaction the night before. And he wonders if he should tell Jiwoong about it. 
“Mind if I join you mattchu?” Jiwoong appears out of nowhere as he places his water bottle on the bench press next to him. He nods, albeit not looking him in the eye. He literally can’t. Not when his girlfriend was straddling his lap the night before, whispering seductively to his ear. 
“Jiwoon hyung, about Y/N…” he begins. 
Jiwoong chuckles as he picks up a weight from the rack. It’s about time he asks me about her, he thinks. He looks Matthew in the eye as he bicep curls the weight, “what about Y/N?” he responds. 
“How long have you been together? Like exactly how long” Matthew doesn’t know what knowing the answer to this would achieve, it still doesn’t diminish the fact that he almost kissed you the night before. 
“She’s not my girlfriend Matt” Jiwoong deadpans as he reracks the weight. Getting a heavier weight for his next set of reps.  "I'm being serious, we're good friends but we're not together. Like really, really good friends.." Jiwoong makes sure to emphasize his words.
“Then why..” Matthew trails off. What he wanted to ask was “why are you always with her” or “why is she always at our dorms” or “why do you call each other babe”. The gears are actively turning in his head when he realizes he’s been looking at your relationship from a conservative point of view. Him, out of all people, conservative? He thinks Korea might have brainwashed him.
“Do you finally understand what I mean?” Jiwoong is chuckling at Matthew’s confused face as he sits down on the bench, towel hanging from behind his neck. “And for the record Matt, I have no problems with sharing” Jiwoong playfully slaps Matthew’s back, as if giving him permission. 
Matthew does have a chance after all. 
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A/N: dedicated to my hoes (endearingly said) @seok02 @bubbleseo @solarwoniii
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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tags: @jiaant11 @ohdudedhesflirting @ihrtgw @starhyeon
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I Think I Could Need This in My Life
I'm Bright Baby Blue, Falling Into You
Chelsea!Roy Kent x Coach's Daughter!Reader 2.6k words Warnings: Language, lying/sneaking around, no Ted Lasso characters except for Roy, some angst & miscommunication, heavy kissing, romantic & sappy Roy
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Surprise, surprise, it was midnight, and you couldn’t sleep.
Maybe you were hungry; you’d skipped out not just on Roy’s dinner, but also your mum’s lasagna. Maybe it was the anxiety of school looming. Maybe it was your crushed heart. Maybe it was your phone continuously going off, Roy’s name lighting up on the screen.
Or maybe it was the incessant knocking at your window.
With a sigh, you climbed out of bed and walked over to the closed window. Sure enough, there was Roy, perched on a branch, looking just pathetic enough to still be gorgeous in the moonlight.
Tugging down your t-shirt to cover your thighs, you opened the window just enough to talk- but not enough to let Roy in. “What?” you hissed, not your usual greeting when you found the footballer outside your room.
Your tone hit him like a slap, sending a wince across his handsome face. “I needed to see you,” he said simply. “Can I come in?”
If you let him in, you’d kiss him. You’d hold him. You’d lay in your bed with him for hours. You’d act like nothing was wrong.
“Not tonight, Kent,” you sighed, picking at the chipped paint of your windowsill. “I’m tired.”
“Princess.” His voice was a whine, something you had never heard. The sound of it had your harsh resolve beginning to crumble. “Fuck’s going on with you?” He carefully reached out and laid his hand on top of yours; you told yourself you didn’t yank it away because you didn’t want to make him fall. But you knew deep down it was because, after a day of avoiding the man, you missed the warmth of his touch.
Still, enough resolve remained to have you shaking your head. “Roy-”
“I don’t have to come in.” His eyes were wide when he saw that miniscule chink in your armor. “Come outside. We can sit in my car and talk.” He squeezed your hand. “Just talk. I swear.” The tiniest smile appeared on his face, just cocky enough that your heart skipped a beat. “I can only stay in this fucking tree for so long. Can’t have me breaking my leg and letting the team down, can we?”
It took every ounce of your strength to not return his smile. Instead, you threw a sweatshirt on over your shirt and shorts and pulled on a pair of trainers. You followed Roy down the tree, going slower than you normally would, and avoided the hand he offered to help you dismount. Even though the deep frown on his face betrayed the confusion and hurt he was feeling, he didn’t say a word as the two of you disappeared through the garden gate you’d snuck through countless times this summer.
Your heart ached as you climbed into the passenger seat of his car, the seat you thought of as ‘yours’ at this point. The seat you had pictured yourself sitting in as Roy drove around Southampton when he visited you at school, the seat you saw yourself in when you drove to the “anywhere” Roy had suggested at the casino.
Normally, Roy would drive around aimlessly, just wasting time together. Tonight, however, Roy simply parked his car a few blocks over, just far enough away to avoid being recognized by anyone who would happen to be out at this late hour.
Once the car stopped and the lights were off, he turned to face you, laying a timid hand on your knee. When he realized that you weren’t pushing him away, he opened his mouth. “What’s wrong, babe?”
Immediately, tears stung your eyes. “Don’t call me babe,” you whispered, squeezing your eyes shut and swallowing hard.
“Why not?” His voice was strangled and full of pain.
You opened your eyes and gazed at him, cursing the streetlights and moon for illuminating his miserable, beautiful face so perfectly. “Because I don’t think your girl would like that,” you said bitterly.
His face crumpled in confusion. “My girl? What the fuck are you on about?” He gave your knee a gentle squeeze. “You’re my girl.”
Before you could help yourself, that actress’s name tumbled out of your mouth, your voice filled with venom and sharpness. When Roy frowned, his face even more contorted, you sighed and shook your head. “I saw your picture in the paper,” you spat. “Apparently the two of you were quite cozy the other night, talking and laughing.”
The tiniest smile shone on Roy’s face; the painfully angry part of you wanted to slap it off of him. But the eagerness and sudden hope in his eyes had you wanting to listen to what he had to say. “We were in the paper, eh?” He shook his head. “Yeah, we were talking for a bit. We’ve met a few times, she’s actually very nice.” He held your gaze steadily as he went on. “That night, she was asking about one of the guys on the team. Wanted to know if he’s single and if I’d introduce them.” His hand left your knee to cup your face. “She also asked me where my girlfriend was,” he said slowly. “Said she keeps hearing rumors I've been seeing someone. And I realized… I didn’t know how to answer that.” His gaze flickered down to your lips before returning to your eyes. “What I wanted to say was that my girlfriend was at home, and that I couldn’t wait to get the fuck out of the club so I could see her beautiful face.” He shrugged, his thumb stroking your cheek. “But, I mean, technically I don't have a girlfriend.”
That was all you could manage. Roy’s words had your head spinning. The actress was a friend. You were his girl. He thought of you as something pretty close to a girlfriend.
Roy raised an eyebrow at you. “Oh?” he repeated with a small chuckle. He leaned close, keeping his hand on your suddenly warm cheek. “So that’s why you were so cross with me today, hmm? Chelsea’s little princess was fucking jealous?” He pressed a tiny peck to your nose. “Why didn’t you just say so, babe?”
His gentle, teasing tone melted away the last bits of your resentment. You softened into his touch, your eyes fluttering when you saw all the affection coloring his face. “I… I didn’t know how to say it,” you admitted. “I wasn’t sure if I had the right to be jealous.”
“Hmm.” Roy stroked your face, his own expression growing softer by the moment. “That was… kind of why I wanted you to come over tonight.” He sighed and pressed his forehead against yours. “Thought we should talk about… whether or not I have a girlfriend.”
You shifted in your seat, careful not to lose the warmth of Roy’s palm pressed to your cheek. “I… was kind of hoping to have that same conversation.” You caught your lower lip between your teeth. “Until I saw those photos, I mean.” You chewed the inside of your cheek, not sure how much longer you could keep looking into those brown eyes before you exploded. “What happens, Roy?” Your voice was the tiniest whisper. “When I go back to school?”
He sighed, his breath ghosting over your lips. “If I’m being really fucking honest,” he started slowly, “when this… thing started, I thought it would just be some fun until you went back to school.” His nose was brushing against yours now. “But I don’t want that, princess. I want you to be mine when you’re back at Southampton.” His voice was a low growl, the kind that always made your toes curl. “I want you to call me and tell me about your day. I want you to come to my matches and wear only my kit. I want to meet your mates and earn their approval. I want to take you on proper dates. I want to come visit you and pay your tab at the campus pub.” He groaned quietly, as if being so close to you was torturing him. “What do you want?”
“You, you idiot,” you breathed, finally closing the gap between your mouths.
Even though it had only been about a day without his lips on yours, it felt like ages since you tasted that delicious Roy taste. His mouth moved in sync with yours, as though they were made for each other. Just as you were ready to deepen the kiss- and maybe finally add Roy’s car to the list of places the two of you had exposed to your more adult pastimes- Roy pulled back, sloppy smile on his face.
“I, uh, have something for you.” He reached into the backseat and rummaged around until he grabbed something flat. He handed it to you with a shy chuckle. “It was supposed to be a little going-away gift once you were headed back to school but…” He shrugged.
You looked down at what Roy had handed you. It was a CD, you realized with raised eyebrows. In the dim light from a nearby streetlamp, you could make out the scribbled words: For when you miss me as much as I miss you.
A lump formed in your throat as you looked back at Roy. “You made me a mix CD?”
He shrugged and stroked your hair tenderly. “Well, my date cancelled on me and wouldn’t answer my fucking calls. I had some free time this evening.” He narrowed his eyes playfully. “Still haven’t answered my question,” he hummed.
You blinked as you turned the case over in your hands. “What question?”
“Do I have a girlfriend?”
It was hard to believe that not even an hour ago, you were ignoring this man’s phone calls and refusing to let him climb through your bedroom window. Now, you were in his car, holding the mix CD he’d made for you and listening to him ask you to be his girlfriend.
Maybe you were a princess. It sure as hell felt like you were living in a fairytale.
“Yeah, Kent,” you giggled. “I think you’ve got a girlfriend.”
Roy’s smile was bright and so fucking perfect. Both of his hands cradled your face to tug you to him so he could kiss you, slow and adoringly. His smile felt heavenly against your own, a feeling you weren’t sure you’d ever get used to. But now you knew you had all the time in the world to at least try to get familiar with the feeling.
You pulled back with a smirk, waving the CD in the air. “Do I get to listen to this now, or do I have to wait?"
Bashfulness suddenly covered Roy’s face as he took the CD out of your hand. “One song,” he growled, turning his car back on. “I want the rest to be, I don’t fucking know, a surprise or something.” He inserted the disc into the CD player and let the first song play. A slow Matchbox Twenty song filled the car as Roy pulled you back to himself, attaching his mouth to yours with ease. He kept pulling, kept tugging, until you were out of your seat and on his lap, never breaking the kiss once. You moaned softly against his mouth, flicking your tongue against his lips. His hands moved to the curve of your ass, gripping tight, as if he was scared you’d disappear at any moment.
“Roy,” you whimpered as his mouth travelled down your jaw, planting sloppy, happy little kisses to your skin. You felt bold enough to grind down on his lap, wondering if he’d be willing to take you to his place tonight. Or maybe even break his pants rule up in your bedroom. Something told you that Roy was feeling happy and infatuated enough to say yes to anything Chelsea’s princess wanted.
You barely noticed the song come to an end and make way to another tune. But Roy certainly did. He reached around you to turn off the CD player, shooting you a teasing grin when he saw your pout.
“Save it,” he said simply. “When you’re back at school, and you miss me- because you will fucking miss me-” You rolled your eyes, as if you weren’t completely turned on by his cockiness. “-I want you to play this and remember that I am missing you just as fucking much.” He pressed a kiss to your nose. “Maybe even more.”
It should have been much more surprising that Roy followed you up the tree and into your bed. While he was still, unfortunately, determined not to take his pants off under the same roof your father slept under, he had no problems letting you lay your head on his chest and lazily wrap your leg around him. His grip on you was warm and tight, exactly the way you liked it, and his fingers toyed with your hair absently.
You tilted your face towards him, chin just above his heart. “Yeah?” You knew your smile was sleepy and sentimental, but you couldn’t bring yourself to be embarrassed by it.
Roy, on the other hand, looked pretty damn serious for a man who had just asked you to be his girlfriend. “We should…” He glanced up at the ceiling, letting out one of those growling sighs that you usually loved. “… tell your dad.”
Nope, you’d misunderstood what he meant. That had to be it. “Tell my dad what?” you asked slowly, sitting up and tugging down the hem of your shirt, as if your father could see you in bed with the midfielder.
“Princess.” Roy reached out and grabbed your chin gently. He ran his thumb over your lower lip, as if trying to get rid of your sudden pout. “If we want this to work- and I really fucking want this to work- we’ve gotta tell him eventually. It’d be nice to be able to come to your front door to pick you up for a proper date, you know?” Playfulness returned to his eyes as he nodded towards your window. “Less risk of breaking my pretty neck.”
You groaned and buried your face in that pretty neck. “He’s not going to like this,” you grumbled, stating the obvious.
“He’ll get over it,” Roy assured you, tracing soothing circles on your back. “Once he sees how absolutely fucking mad I am about you, he’ll get over it.” He paused. “Or else I’ll find myself traded to fucking Watford or some shit.” After a moment, he tightened his grip on you and added, “You’d still like me in yellow, right?”
“Don’t joke,” you whined while nuzzling further into the crook of his neck, as if his skin could hide you from the idea of facing your dad. “Knowing the old man, he’d send you off to the States or some shit.”
Roy’s shudder might have been genuine. “Alright, you don’t fucking joke.” He sat up, pulling you so you straddled his waist. “You know we’ve gotta tell him.” He stroked your bare arms. “And the sooner the better.” He raised those thick eyebrows. “Tomorrow. After the match. It should be a good match for us, so he’ll be feeling downright cheery. We can wait in his office and… tell him together.”
Together. “You’ll be there?” Despite your apprehension, you couldn’t help smiling at that handsome face.
“Fucking ’course I will.” Roy’s voice was firm, just barely tinted with teasing. “What kind of knight in shining armor would I be if I left the princess alone to face the fucking dragon?” He pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. “I’ve got you,” he promised. “I’ve fucking got you.”
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Taglist:@gee72sstuff@book-of-roses@kissykissymouth@emmy2811 @hart-kinsella @klaine-92@dearvoidgoodnight@misshall14@issieruby@royal-sunflower@kissmekent@itswhateveripromise@slaymybreathaway@darkmagazineblaze@larascorneroftheworld@infinetlyforgotten@caught-the-feels@rae4725@sisinever@cskidjgsjaoaknayan52782@dd122004dd@veryprairieberry@spacecluster@dark-academia-slut@her-fandom-sanctum@wosokirby
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sha-n-dowbannedlol · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara — Please Don't Say You Love Me
cw: i cant stop thinking about him, so i wrote a one shot. but i also have a love-hate relationship with him, so i made it angsty.
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Miguel O'Hara.
There isn't anyone in the Spider Society who hasn't heard of him: The Big Boss. He's strict, overworked, reserved, and has a bit of a temper—not that anyone would ever say that to his face.
However, to the select few who were close to him, they knew something more about Miguel O'Hara that they could never tell anyone else.
Miguel O'Hara, Spider-Man of Earth-928B, is hopelessly in love with you.
And that alone is bad enough for Miguel. But would you like to know something even worse?
He knows you're in love with him too.
He was the first to fall, that much he knew, and he was okay with that. He simply admired you from afar, enduring the teasing glances and knowing smirks Jess and Ben would throw his way, and the unbearable teasing from Lyla and Peter B.
Slowly but surely, however, he started to notice the way your eyes would shine brightly every time you caught a glimpse of him. The way you started to have a pep in your step when you made your way to report to him. His enhanced hearing could even pick up the way your breath hitched in your throat or the way your heart skipped a beat.
Miguel then realized he had to put a stop to this......whatever might possibly develop.
From then on, he avoided you like a plague—which wasn't all that hard, but it led him to confine himself to his office more than he already did. Every communication he had with you remained professional, and he merely answered your inquiries with short quips, ending the conversation sooner than it had begun.
He was harsher with you than he was with others, overworked you. He did everything in his power to push you away from him, to make you lose interest in him, to hate him.
That didn't work, however. That much he figured out when he overheard your conversation with another Peter Parker, who pointed out his attitude towards you.
He forgot that you were a spider person; the epitome of hope, plenty stubborn, and more positive than he would have liked you to be.
"That just means he sees more potential in me and trusts in my abilities greatly, doesn't it?" You responded then, and even if Miguel couldn't see you, he could almost imagine the smile on your face.
Miguel walked away before he could even think of falling for you even more.
Both of you were never supposed to meet, never supposed to fall in love.
He reminded himself, his fists clenched, as he made his way down the halls of the Spider Society—the society that he had built himself to save the multiverse.
That's right. To save the multiverse, not to destroy it.
"But wouldn't you at least like to try?" The man was swift to put his hand up and wave Lyla away.
"No," Miguel's response was final, his brows scrunching together in annoyance, ignoring the ache in his chest.
Interweave enough universes, versions of himself fall in love with enough versions of yourself, and he might end up being the cause of the universal collapse instead of maintaining it.
His decision was final. His resolve was absolute.
Yet, he found his breath hitching in his throat when he saw you approach him, your determined gaze boring through his, your clenched fists at your sides, and he could hear your elevated heartbeat—one that he could clearly deduce was due to nervousness.
"Miguel," you called out, and he could hear the shakiness in your voice, "There's something I need to tell you."
Just like that, he already knew why you were here.
And he can't. He can't let you say those words. He already knew how you feel towards him, but if he hears it coming from you........ if he hears you say that you love him.............
He stops the thought, not even wanting to think about it.
"I'm sorry," he wasn't sorry at all, "I'm busy. Can this wait for another time?"
He turned his back toward you, pretending to focus on the number of screens before him. His eyes scanned through the information being displayed by the soft orange light, but his brain couldn't process any of it.
"It won't be long, Miguel." You pleaded, and he winced to himself. "I just wanted to tell you that I-"
"Por favor," Miguel rasped out exasperatedly, turning his head to the side as he gazed at you from the corner of his eye, "no digas que me quieres."
You didn't understand his words, that much he knew. Still, the tone of his voice must have been enough for you to back down, and he caught a glimpse of you smiling helplessly as you shook your head.
"Alright..." you spoke, "Maybe next time, then."
Miguel merely turned his head to focus back on his work, maintaining his facade until he could no longer hear your retreating footsteps. Only then did he allow his shoulders to slump over, burying his face in his hands as he repeatedly muttered 'esto es para lo mejor' to himself like a mantra.
If he repeated it over and over again, maybe it would lessen the pain in his heart.
If he repeated it over and over again, maybe one day he'll be strong enough to hear those words from you and not pull you into his arms and press his lips to yours.
If he repeated it over and over again, maybe one day he'll muster enough courage to reject your love.
If he repeated it over and over again, then maybe he would eventually fully believe that this truly was for the best.
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thevelria · 8 months
You got his full attention (SFW/clubowner!Gojo x fem!reader)
clubowner!Gojo, who stares at you in amusement the second you enter his club. You are with your friends, laughing, chatting, having fun. You wear a dress that doesn’t show much, but still it makes you look irresistible. 
clubowner!Gojo, who is one of the most feared yakuza in the underworld, and yet he feels like his heart skips a beat every single time he looks at you. Your friends are dancing with random guys on the dancefloor, leaving you alone at your table. 
clubowner!Gojo, who is ruthless, cruel and emotionless. At least with people, who deserve that kind of attitude from him. But you…you are different. For a split second he wonders what he is doing exactly. It’s impossible to explain. There is only one thing he knows. He wants you, only you. 
clubwoner!Gojo, who is flustered the second he approaches you. Gulping hard with sweaty palms and awkward smiling. That’s all he can perform, because you mesmerize him in an instant. You find him cute, sweet and not to mention his looks. But somehow you feel this man in front of you is so much more than a handsome face. 
clubowner!Gojo, who is a real gentleman when he asks for a dance. The way he places his palm on the small of your back and gently leads you while a slow song pops out of the blue. You miss the second Satoru snaps and signals to the DJ to change the record. 
clubowner!Gojo, who pulls you closer into him, lets you rest your head on his chest as both of your bodies move to the rhythm in perfect sync. His Adam’s apple bobs the second he takes in your scent. You drive him crazy without you even noticing it. 
clubowner!Gojo, who asks you to join him in the VIP after the song is over. He smiles at how flustered you act once you get there. 
clubowner!Gojo, who keeps being a gentle, charming man only for you. Talking for hours, laughing and enjoying time together. He truly thinks this could lead to something real. 
clubowner!Gojo, who is totally pissed when one of his men interrupts you. But that is his life after all and he always needs to take that one specific phone call. After the call you know something is off. The oh so sweet and cute man turns into something else, even if he wants to hide it from you. 
clubowner!Gojo, who can’t stop apologizing for ending the night. But he needs to leave. Seeing your sad eyes breaks his heart in an instant. He writes his name on a napkin and places it into your palm. Kissing the back of your hand he promises he will take you on a proper date the next day.
clubowner!Gojo, who wipes his blood covered hands into his ridiculously expensive pants the second he sees a text pops up on his screen. The number is unknown but he knows it’s you.
clubowner!Gojo, who smiles widely as he reads your message. “I can’t wait to see you again.” He immediately wants to text you back “Oh, princess. You are already mine.” But in the last second he deletes it and takes a deep breath. He doesn’t want to scare you off. “I’ll pick you up at 6 sharp tomorrow. Be ready, darling.” And for your question about how he knows your address he only says “Don’t worry about that. I have my ways.”
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doobea · 10 months
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synopsis: in which Isagi texts the wrong number and things kinda go downhill.
TWELVE - A melody stuck in my head. -> MASTERLIST contents: fem!reader, college au, fake dating, strangers to lovers, he fell first but you fell harder, generally sfw, different povs, isagi is putting in WORK, and we love his supportive friend group, its very 2010s vibes in terms of romance and i honestly love it word count: 1.8K a/n: woo first written portion out of like two? smau texts towards the end hehe but overall this is super tooth-rotting fluff
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It's been maybe 30 minutes tops. But Chigiri convinces you that it's been well over an hour. The time frames that you guys throw out are strikingly different because there's no way that you see yourself spending over an hour deciding which color to buy for a dress that may or may not be out of your tax bracket.
Rin looks up from his phone when his name gets called out. He's sitting in the designated 'man cave' area of the women's department store, which is just two sofas surrounded by large photo frames of stereotypical shirtless men in their boxers. Super manly and definitely not catered toward single mothers.
"Have you guys decided on something?" He quirks a brow.
"No," You miss the frown on Rin's face as you shove the same two dresses in front of him again. "Hyoma says it's been over an hour but that's impossible!"
"It has been." Chirigi purses his lips and tries his best to hold back any signs of annoyance because, at the end of the day, he was the one who was adamant about you going to the mall in the first place. Going to the mall specifically to buy an outfit for your fake confession that's going to happen in front of the entire football team later this week.
"It hasn't, Hyo." Your tone is certain.
Rin clears his throat and shuts his phone off. "Actually, it has. You've been showing us the same two dresses for this entire outing."
Your cheeks heat from embarrassment and you clutch the dresses to your chest. "Even if an hour has passed, it's still a hard decision." Or are you just making it hard on yourself? You're not really sure.
Chirigi sighs before resting a hand on your shoulder. "Never knew you would be down this bad for a crush."
There's no protest from you, just awkward fidgeting and debating if it was even a good idea to bring your friends with you in the first place. Before you can come up with an answer, your phone rings with a familiar blue heart flashing across the screen.
You don't know the face you're making right now, but judging from the smirk Chirigi and Rin throw at you, you know it's probably not a 'cool, stoic, totally not blushing' look. Finally, you put the white dress back on the clothing rack and briskly walk to the other side of the store and away from your nosy best friends. Blue looks better on you anyway.
"Hey!" You try to attempt to be super casual.
"Hey?" Isagi replies back, sounding more confused than anything.
There's an awkward pause before Isagi continues. "Aah, you don't have to go out of your way to dress up, you know that right?"
And there it is. You want to crawl into the nearest trash can and disappear for the rest of the day.
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Isagi stares intensely at his phone and shifts through his curated playlist. He's been playing every song out loud in the living room for the past few minutes, seemingly unaware of his own roommate trying to study a few feet away.
Isagi hums and closes his eyes as he listens to the current song playing, trying to envision if it was 'right' for the planned moment, before skipping it entirely with a heavy sigh.
"That's not it either."
He does this process again with another generic romance song from the early 2000s. The beat is catchy, he's not sure if he likes the vocals, and the lyrics are a little bit suggestive. Maybe this song is too much, he decides. And skips to the next one.
Rinse and repeat.
Again, Isagi fails to notice a very tired-out Reo by the kitchen table with his own set of headphones on, tapping away at his laptop with at least three cups of coffee at his side and wearing a very grim expression. Suddenly, Isagi feels something small but hard hit the back of his head.
"Hey, what the hell—"
"Take that shit elsewhere, some people have exams coming up!"
"Sorry, sorry!" Isagi rushes up to his feet and takes his belongings, flashing his roommate a genuine apologetic smile. "I'll let you do your thing."
"Good," Reo's voice hardens immediately, and readjusts his focus back on his screen again. This only lasts approximately ten seconds because Isagi pops by his side with his playlist in Reo's face. "Oh my god what—"
"This song?" Isagi plays a quick sample before switching over. "Or this song?"
"Just fucking sing to her at this point."
"What? That's an awful idea, Reo."
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Rin has lost count of just how many times you've paced back and forth in your bedroom. He thinks it's 25. Chirigi is lying down on your mattress with one of your romance books in his hands and almost yawning at this point because of course you can't decide on what shoes to wear with your blue dress.
Rin adjusts his position as he sits by your vanity and starts playing with some of your self-care items. He thinks he's touching a beauty blender or whatever they're called. It's squishy.
"Not to sound dramatic or anything," Chigiri begins as he flips a page over. "But at this rate, we might miss the football game."
You groan and look over your shoulder. "You do sound dramatic."
Not dramatic at all, Rin wants to say.
Isagi had sent out a text to a shared group chat earlier in the week about the starting time for the football match — 5:30pm is when warm-ups start and then 6:00pm is when the match begins. He then texted both Rin and Chigiri that he'll whip out his 'master plan' around 7:45pm near the locker rooms.
The digital clock on your desk reads 5:45 and you're still fidgeting around. Chigiri is slightly annoyed but won't outwardly say it to your face. Rin thinks it's cute seeing you fluster over a guy. And he feels at ease knowing that Isagi is willing to go out of his way with all these elaborate plans just to make sure you feel safe and comfortable.
"Mhm, I hope a wedding happens," Rin mumbles. It doesn't catch your or Chigiri's attention because when he looks up from your vanity, Chigiri throws a pair of white sandal platforms in your arms.
"Please, for the love of god, let's leave now."
"Fine! I was just gonna pick them out too!"
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The football match ends with a grand finale goal scored by none other than Isagi Yoichi. Even if he didn't make the goal, the team would've won regardless since the score was up by three additional points. The scene looks straight out of one of those cheesy sports movies where the whole team runs onto the field and tackles the main character, screaming and cheering a bunch of incoherent sounds to celebrate their victory. Add some Gatorade, cheerleaders doing their chants, a little bit of crowd surfing, and end scene.
Isagi looks happy, maybe even fucking ecstatic, despite being covered in sweat and you're positive that he feels on top of the world when he searches the crowd and locks his gaze onto yours.
You shrink into the bleachers and cover your warm cheeks with your hands. You kinda hate how he has this effect on you. "He's looking at me!"
"No surprise there," Rin chews mindlessly on an overpriced pretzel that he got from a vendor earlier. "Have any idea how he's gonna do it?"
"Oh my god, no! Should I be worried? What if I look dumb? Does my hair look okay? How about—"
"You look great," Chirigi reassures with a gentle pat on your head. "Get ready, it looks like he's getting his things from the locker room now."
You still have no idea what dumb song he decided on. Or if he actually went out and brought you flowers and some dumb pieces of chocolate. Or, even worse, he scraped the original plan and hopped back onto Reddit of all places for more unwarranted advice. Regardless of what Isagi decides, he's going to leave you a blushing mess by the end of the night.
You snap out of your thoughts when your best friends nudge you out of your seat.
"Let's meet up with them, I think I see him carrying the speaker." Rin peers into the distance.
Chigiri stands up and almost laughs. "Looks like he has some backup dancers too."
"He has what now?"
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The team finishes their group huddle for the night by the locker rooms. The conversation consists of unwarranted butt slaps from his teammates and a whole lot of 'do that again next season'.
Isagi overhears his captain bragging about how many fangirls were cheering for him from the stands tonight and looks away to roll his eyes. He feels a combination of heated insults forming on his tongue but that disappears when he feels Bachira's crushing weight on his back.
"Are we ready yet?" His friend chirps.
"Ready is an understatement," Isagi flashes a grin before pulling out his phone and boombox from his gym bag. "Let's show Aiku what we're made out of."
"Hey," Isagi looks over his shoulders to see Reo and Nagi carrying the gifts he had brought earlier, a bouquet of light blue roses, a small teddy bear charm, and a box of chocolates. "Don't fuck this up."
"Wouldn't dream of it." He grins carelessly, but there's a weight to his words.
They get into formation when Isagi sees you walking over. He couldn't make out your outfit during the game and frankly thought you weren't going to dress up at all, but when you're within an arm's length away, he feels his breath getting stuck in his throat. You look absolutely stunning in his eyes, and he feels slightly bad for putting you on the spot and having everyone see you in this way. He selfishly wishes that it's a private confession.
Isagi clears his throat before pressing 'play'. As soon as he hears the first note, he starts his speech. Bachira, Reo, and Nagi shuffle awkwardly back and forth, waving their phones around with the flashlight on as the whole football team, and you included, gawks in silence.
"Shawty's like a melody in my head That I can't keep out, got me singin' like Na na na na everyday"
"Honestly, it feels surreal to be doing this right now since this all started from a wrong number a few weeks ago." Isagi finds himself struggling to find his words when he meets your eyes but he manages to push through and stick with his script. "I look forward to sending you good morning texts every day and I find myself smiling more whenever I'm with you. You're everything that I find myself wanting and I would love it if you came to formal with me."
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@fabitheraven, @froggie-zusya23, @rroxii,@anurst,@silly-ez, @userwithlotsoftime, @tiniewife, @zeld6lvr, @macspov, @plopify, @urluvvdommm, @theweirdfloatything, @shironagi, @avogigi, @limerence-lu, @exatse, @cloooudmilk, @keijiqahara, @kakie @xacgrx @reiners-milkbiddies @arxliana @lazyogurt @kaitfae @yuxame @keiitsune @ch3nyan @ll-seishu @qwertyblo @mellozhi @y-sabell-a @izumi-astra-123 @blissblossom @slay0368 @hanniejji @mimikage @yoichiislovie @stwberri @wooasecret @faeroow @yuzurins @celestair @ascybous @satoruskitchenrag @laavatron @lupinandout @yoisami @softfor-svtptg @nymphsdomain @astro-pioneer @kunikame
a/n: hehe the song he plays is "Replay by Iyaz". the songs he was debating over are all listed in his playlist. could u imagine if isagi plays "hey daddy (daddy's home)" while confessing??? poor y/n would die!! anyways i think there is one more chapter left hehe sorry for the late update - life's been hectic atm!
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