this black coffee DECEIVED ME like the DEVIL cause it smelled so so good but had me literally gagging after a small sip cause of how bitter it is 😔
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thebindingofpillo · 1 month
Hi! The previous anon who asked about your bio here. Kind of random but I'm curious what the fav ice cream flavors of the cast are. And since I'm bored, I'm gonna give my guesses Isaac: Chocolate
Magdalene: pistachio
Cain: Vanilla Judas: hot fudge Eve: Cookies and cream Samson: strawberry Azazel: rainbow sherbet (not ice cream but seemed fitting idk why Lazarus: black walnut Eden: Prob doesn't eat but if i had to guess butter pecan Lilith: doesn't like ice cream but gets chocolate chip cookie dough for Fwendy Apollyon: believe they were confirmed to not eat in an ask years ago but if they could uhhhhh strawberry Bethany: Mint chocolate chip Jacob: peanut butter Esau: ghost ice cream Neapolitan
all of these were just done off of vibes and little to no thought went in to them
Hiiiiii I love all of these, tbf I haven’t really thought about their favourite ice cream flavours either but it’s fun! Here’s my thoughts. Disclaimer: I don’t really know a lot of American ice cream flavours lol
Isaac: he’d probably like chocolate ngl. A bit basic but alright. Nothing that stands out too much. I feel like he would also like vanilla. Either that or something stupid like bubblegum. He’s too done to care, he’ll get whatever he pleases lol.
Magdalene: something rich like salted caramel, or a very fancy vanilla. Rocky road. Cookie dough. Or all of the above, together. She has a huge sweet tooth and likes mixing and matching.
Cain: He likes it simple, so I guess vanilla could go. Or rum raisin because he’s an old man.
Judas: doesn’t really like sweets in general, so he doesn’t really have a favourite ice cream. If he had to choose he’d probably go with coffee or something not overtly sweet, like pistachio or dark chocolate. Always gets the smallest cone/cup available.
Eve: isn’t really one for sweets in general unless she’s feeling really down, in which case she’d eat a whole tub in one sitting. Likes chocolate chip, but when she’s feeling especially shitty she will branch out with stuff like caramel, chocolate etc. always with chunks tho, she loves chunks.
Samson: I know Americans make a difference between ice cream and gelato but I literally never knew what it was. Anyway Samson likes gelato. Probably cherry idk. There’s a super good cassata gelato at my local supermarket and I feel like he’d like that one but I don’t really know how to describe it lmao.
Azazel: another sweet tooth. I feel like he wouldn’t really have a favourite flavor bc he’d like way too many to decide. He’s always loved human food and is always down to try anything. I feel like he’d be interested in more uncommon flavours like popcorn (idk if its common over there, but I’ve never seen it here) or that raspberry and rosemary one i tried once. Or sea salt. WAIT almond ice cream with dried figs. That’s the one.
Lazarus: I have no idea how black walnut would taste. But I trust you.
Eden doesn’t eat, you’re right, but they might partake in the Human Activities from time to time. And when they’ll become human (spoiler) they’ll get to try a lot of different things! I feel like they’d have a very limited palate tho, kinda like a small child. So nothing too complicated, like strawberry.
Lilith: STRAWBEBBY one time I had a very good strawberry float with prosecco and it was so her. Fwendy would appreciate the cookie dough chunks tho, they can munch on them together u.u
Apollyon can’t eat :( but he’d like very basic flavours. There’s a flavour over here called fiordilatte that’s even more basic than vanilla, it literally tastes like milk, I think he would like that.
Bethany also strikes me as a mint chocolate chip girlie, I can see that. Lazarus knows that and always keeps it in the freezer so she doesn’t have to go without u.u
Jacob: mhmmmmmm very hard to figure out. I don’t really remember if he liked sweets or not, but peanut butter strikes that balance of not too sweet but still great so I can see him liking it.
Esau: isn’t Neapolitan like three flavours together mhmmmm he feels like a frozen yogurt kind of guy. With extra protein and fruit toppings.
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kaifish-pond · 2 months
CG/Regressor Subtypes!! (Pt. 1)
(Note these are my OWN personal opinions/how I view them! Please take it with a grain of salt!)
Fatherly  CGs (note you are NOT required to ID as He/Him to use these labels!)
Papa CG (one of my favorite CGs)
Papa CGs to me, are sterner than Daddy CGs, but not as rigid as Father CGs. They offer a lot of gentle wisdom, encouragement, and a silent strength. They are prone to setting expectations (not rules) but then sometimes faltering on enforcing them all that much. But when they DO get fed up, OH BOY! 
They never punish or anything of that nature, but they do expect things from you. They are not wholly indulgent like a Daddy CG might be, but are more apt to let you have your own way than a Father CG would. 
They enjoy planning, keeping on a loose schedule, and mealtimes that consist of balance. They always make sure you drink water, but will of course let you have your iced coffee or energy drinks fairly often. 
They love giving treats when you deserve it, and driving you to get ice cream (Even in the middle of winter) is a huge treat even for them, because they love to see you happy! 
They love taking you on day or weekend trips, nothing too expensive but definitely a place that will be memorable! 
Papa CGs DO NOT need to be he/him to call themselves a Papa! Any gender can be a Papa!
Papa CGs are HIGHLY protective over their little one(s) and will never stand for anyone making fun of or bullying. They will also protect littles that aren’t theirs! 
Papa CGs always have your favorite candy on hand to reward you for a good job! 
Daddy CG
Daddy CGs are probably the most chill between Papa & Father CGs. They just want their little one to have the best time ever. They are just as silly and funloving as any little could be. They hardly ever get upset, and when they are the opt to just laugh it off or gently talk to their small one. 
They’ve never met a bad little in their life (except for a*usive littles, which are a thing) only misunderstood ones. They would rather get down to the root cause of what’s causing a little to lash out, then raise their voice
Daddy CGs also have expectations, but the main one is; Have Fun Kiddo! 
Daddy CGs LOVE to spoil you, toys, games, stuffies, colouring books. If you can dream it and its practical a Daddy CG will try and give it to you! 
Daddy CGs can often be taken advantage of because they are just so darn giving, so they have to be on the lookout for things of that nature! 
Daddy CGs will take you on the most amazing roadtrips & drives. They’ll just pick up the car keys and ask “Wanna go for a drive?” And next thing you know you’re two states over having the best pizza you’ve ever eaten (ONLY DRIVE WITH PEOPLE YOU KNOW AND TRUST THO!)
Daddy CGs LOVE to see you smile and will do ANYTHING to make you happy. They shower you in all the best snacks, drinks, etc. 
Father CG
Father CGs are the most stern, and even a bit reserved/hands off. They watch you with loving adoration from afar (But NOT in an inauthentic/uncaring way) 
Father Cgs love their littles just as much as any other Cg, they just love watching you be independent and tackle life’s problems head on! 
Father Cgs are always looking out for their littles in ways that the little one may not even be aware of. Such as keeping receipts for taxes, or making sure their car has a full tank of gas, putting away money to treat them later 
Father Cgs may or may not be big on affection
More often than not Father Cgs have a HUGE well of knowledge to draw on to help out their little one when they’re in a scrape/bad spot and love to give advice
Father Cgs can be a bit rigid in their planning or schedules. “It's time for sleep NOW, Little one.”
Father Cgs are who you call when shit is hitting the fan and you need honest and practical advice 
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(Late) March TC Challenge
since I have been lurking, during march I wanted to do this challenge but didn't want to make a sideblog. so I decided to do it even if it was late!
1. if you could change one thing about your tc, physical or personality-wise, what would it be?
I don't think I would change anything. maybe only that he should interact with me more C':
2. are they "your type", or was falling for a person like them completely unexpected?
my type is usually someone less extroverted, though he is a dork and that's my type. so I guess 50/50. tho I like that he is extroverted, when he talls to everyone casually it makes me extroverted too!
3. if they were an ice cream flavor, what would it be?
looks wise- chocolate ice cream
personality wise- bubblegum
bubblegum because he is very bubbly and extroverted! I have bubblegum ice cream a LOT (every time I go to an ice cream parlor, 99% I get it) so maybe I'm biased-
4. imagine you have a whole weekend to spend with your tc. what would you guys do?
get to know him better, I swear I'm the only tc blogger who doesnt talk to their tc much 😭. maybe go out for coffee and talk, or maybe dessert?
5. what's their biggest talent?
I'm not gonna answer in fear of someone finding out, but it's related to his subject and he is so good at it. even tho it's not something I would do, he is still incredibly talented!
6. be honest: would you guys be a power couple or not?
no, not at all . I'm shy, he's not, I'm quiet, he's loud. I'd rather stay at home all day, he'd rather go out. stuff like that
7. if they knew about your feelings, would they confront you about it or ignore it?
I think ignore, he is too nice to say anything if I'm gonna be honest. and I wouldn't want him to or else I'd cry lol
8. are they a good singer?
I wouldn't know, tho I imagine maybe!
9. if you could choose an outfit that your tc had to wear every single day, what would it look like?
that one sweater he wore for sure!!!!!!!! and maybe some slacks.
10. are they more academic, artistic, or athletic? what about you?
we're both more artistic, he is also athletic, tho I'm trying to be more a mix of all 3!
11. do they inspire you as a person?
yes, I suppose? again, we don't know each other well.
12. are they an early riser or a night owl?
he seems like a night owl to me, despite being an extrovert
13. have you ever made each other angry or upset? if so, how did you reconcile?
nope C:
14. do you ever find yourself imitating them, either consciously or unconsciously?
I mirror a lot due to my BPD, so during his classes when he is there I unconsciously do become more like him. if that makes sense? for example I become more extroverted and I can talk loud if it comes to it
15. what do you think their love language is? what's yours?
I think he is quite a touchy person, so maybe physical touch for him? mine is words of affirmation!
16. have they taught you anything that isn't school related? valuable life lessons, insights on how you feel about yourself, etc?
yes! he said it to the whole class but I was the only one who listened intently.
17. what would they have to do to make you lose feelings for them?
be an asshole or insult me or see me as lesser or not believe in me. just in general thinking I'm bad or not good enough.
18. are they introverted or extroverted? what about you?
as I mentioned before, he's extroverted and I'm very introverted.
19. who's more likely to start rambling about their interests while the other listens?
it didn't happen yet but it's 50/50! I'm too shy to do it. but if he did it first then I might C:
20. do you feel guilty about having feelings for your tc?
yes. in hindsight, crushes are normal, but these feelings are CONSUMING me and my very being.
21. are you insecure about them liking another student more than you?
YES. that one girl who he complimented on a Star Wars shirt... I wanted to kms bcuz I am such a big fan when it was just her boyfriend's shirt..
22. what kind of hairstyle would you love to see them in?
maybe if his hair was longer, he looks like a porcupine currently.
23. do you think they trust you?
to be honest, there is no reason he should because we don't know each other well, but over time, I hope he does.
24. what's the most comedic moment that's occurred between you two?
once we were all reading a text and following it in our documents. this one classmate didn't have it stapled and she was struggling with it. she was literally just trying to find what page we were on. everyone else was focused on reading while I watched her, trying not to lose it while her papers were flying everywhere. but in reality I just looked at her very confused and then I look at A and he is staring at me trying not to laugh too. Idk if he was laughing at my expression or what the girl was doing. but it was a fun moment that I cherish a lot!
25. have you ever drawn them or written about them to vent your feelings?
nope, I don't want any evidence haha.
26. how do you feel when you're around them? are you so nervous that you can't concentrate, or do you just feel happy that you get to spend time with them?
both, I get incredibly nervous and I also get really happy.
27. do you guys have any inside jokes?
not really. :C
28. do their morals, principles, or political views align with yours?
yes, we have a lot of similar views!
29. have you ever tried to get over them?
not really bcuz the crush started only recently. maybe November?
30. if someone nice your age showed up in your life and you caught feelings for them, would you move on from your tc?
I have a hard time moving on from unrequited love, so I don't know, probably no.
31. have you ever said or done something that, in hindsight, might have been hurtful to them? have they ever done the same to you?
nope, thankfully!
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Hii soo like I was wondering if we could get a sneak peak of chapter 5 until you post hehe no pressure hope you’re doing good :) take your time🫶🏽
im so sorry ive been really busy it’s really annoying bc i don’t have much to write left it’s just finding time to sit down to do it it’s pissing ME off that i haven’t posted it yet like FR 😭😭 but here, have this 🥺🤍
“Come on,” You opened the car door, stepping out and shutting it as you walked around the vehicle to stand in front of the entrance to the lobby. “Let's go up.”
He smiled at you, a warm and genuine smile, handing his keys to the valet as you both made your way up to his apartment. The ride in the elevator was silent, it wasn’t awkward, but it wasn’t wasn’t awkward. You were glad to finally make it to his apartment.
“What time are the nominees released?” You asked kicking your shoes off at the door.
You pulled your phone out and checked the time, settling on his sofa. You’d only been here once since you moved to Paris, very briefly with Mia and Elliot; the four of you tended to hang out at Elliot’s place most of the time.
“Okay so five minutes.”
“You want a glass of wine?” Kylian appeared at the entrance to the lounge, a dark green bottle in his hand.
“Red? You hate red wine.”
“I know, but you like it.”
“So you just have red wine lying around? For me?”
He shrugged as if it was a completely normal thing to do, have things in your house that you’re always in, but you don’t like for someone else who has only been here once.
“I also have those frozen kimchi gyozas you like if you’re hungry.”
“You said they taste like rubber.”
“They do, I much prefer them fresh. But you seem to like them so much.”
“Do you also have-“
“Milky bars and Oreo’s in the pantry even though both things are completely disgusting. And Ben & Jerry’s Vanilla Pecan Blondie in my freezer, though I still can’t understand why you want to mix nuts and ice-cream.”
You were at a loss of words, wondering why he had kept all these things in his apartment when you had only been there once.
“Kylian…” You started, but didn’t know how to finish your sentence. You weren’t sure what words should follow, what you should say to him, how to say it to him. He scratched the back of his neck, as he set the bottle on the coffee table in front of you, coming to sit down on the other end of the couch.
“It’s not that deep Y/N, don’t make a big deal of it.” He mumbled, and you suddenly felt a bit stupid for thinking it had a deeper meaning. Friends do stuff like this for each other all the time, clearly.
“Right. Yeah.” You tried not to sound too deflated, leaning across onto the table to grab your phone instead, to remind you of why you’re really in his apartment.
“It’s 8:30. Let’s just get through this huh?”
I think I might be free tonight to finish and post tomorrow hopefully but don’t count it you’ll just get a notif when u do akabajajjaan ily all tho and thank u sm for still being engaged despite my terrible scheduling 😭🤍
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sarusa-indo · 2 years
*Creator & OCs side story: Me and Fajar after work + break time*
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Me: geez jar, you said you were tired, I could've just go buy some ice cream with tugo, but you keep insisting to come with me anyway. Why is that?
Fajar: w-well... duh! *looks away* it's my duty as ur bodyguard, dumbhead! I can't just let you go around without anyone can protect you well. Besides! You're just too reckless to even look for yourself and what can even tugo and deku do for you anyway?
Me: I mean... You said you were tired, so I'm just kinda... corcerned for ur health(?) ya know. Fajar, honestly, you don't need push yourself onto this job too hard, just take a break for a while from this.
Fajar: Huh? You were worr-UHM NVM! Not until I make sure you go there and go back safely. It'll be really such a problemsome if smth happen to you, birdie.
Me: 𓁹_𓁹 sure... Okay and about that tugo and deku part, you know what? Yeah you're right about tugo, he's just an assistant, he can't protect me from anything (altho I really don't need to be protected tho), but deku? That's where you are wrong, jar. He got sum great skills there, don't underestimate him.
Fajar: But I didn't underestimate him? I know he's strong as rock from all I know
Me: then if you knew, then why were u insisting to come when you had a chance to rest.
Fajar: ch...(shet, she's right) ugh.... I uh.. Uhh.. I.. I mean! D-Deku might be really strong as me, but I don't think he'll focus on protecting you, instead he'll be full on himself and not be aware around, he's that kind of guy full into himself and not focus much of his duty when he's in excited mode esp when this is about going to ice cream stall..and he loves ice cream a lot and any sweets..
Me:.. Ah.. Right, Make sense..
Fajar:... Yeah.. (Phew, glad I can still counter that)..
Then, everything became silence during our walk to the stall till we arrived there.
Fajar: I'II treat you this time
Me: Huh? Why?
Fajar: don't even ask! I owe you for what you done for me back then. If you ask again, then I'II change my mind and won't treat you!
Me: haha, alright, alright.. it's not like I have money enough in my saving today! so thanks then, fajar!
Fajar: No problem (- ͡° - ͡°-)
Me: (yes! Free ice cream!)
Fajar: hi sir! We would like to buy some ice cream!
Mr. Ice cream man: oh sure! young man, here take a look at the menu! What flavours would like to order? ^_^
Fajar: birdie... What's yours?
Me: mint-strawberry please! Eheh!
Fajar: okay, two ice cream please! One is mint-strawberry cone and the other is vanilla-coffee cone!
Mr. Ice cream man: aye! Please wait and take a sit, young man, miss..!! Pls wait for your orders ^_^
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speedystarshine · 2 years
If I may, can I request how the different Matpat egos would react to the winged player (yn) picking them up and flying with them? (Bonus points if it’s out of nowhere and they don’t see it coming) I’m absolutely LOVING this blog!!
ofc, and ty for the kind words! I just used the same characters that I did in the 30 post :P
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Characters: Matpat, Madpat, Mack (Crewmate/Engineer/Dictator), The Detective, The Hermit, Warfpat.
screaming, crying, pissing his pants, calling his mommy,
No but don't he will actually throw up the second you reach the ground
He swears he hates you so much for that especially since it's highly likely that he was like hitting your chest to get you to put him down and then suddenly you're 10,0000 feet in the air and be like "yeah sure okay :D"
Demands you carry him half because he's petty and half because his legs are shaking so bad 😭
Bro had coffee too like. He loves you but his coffee man c'mon not cool :(
Demands hugs and kisses and literally anything that'll stop him feeling nauseous he's such a baby 🙄
Probably threatens to clip your wings but you know he's too pussy to actually do it/hj
You made him drop his chainthrower :( 
(yes he calls it that he told me himself and also you owe him a new one and also here’s the marriage papers before you can process-)
Screams for like half a second and then just sits there like :T he’s processing okay- 
Honestly, he just clings to you like a koala, let him have his internal mental breakdown in peace 😭
You finally put him down and he doesn’t let go-
He comes back half an hour later looking as if he’s been crying and asks you to take him again so he can have his quirky y/n wattpad moment 
give him a hug bro just wants to look cool in front of you okay let him have that   :(( you don’t, and give him hugs instead :)) *cue mat standing outside the door like HUH?!?!? 😡😡🤡🥺😭*
He does genuinely find it fun, (and is slightly scared at the fact you can just fly up with him like he weighs nothing) but he will also cry-
he’s trying :(
Mack (Crewmate)
in space? :0 (I’m joking this is probably either on Earth or when y’all get to the new planet)
do. do you want to be single?/j
but seriously- his reaction would be similar to mat’s except its just non stop screaming the whole time :(
and then extra :( because when you two get down he won’t talk to you and just kinda follow you around with the 🥺 expression on his face. 
He needs hugs and ice cream and distractions asap right away bc he genuinely thought this was a murder attempt or sum (it wasn’t, but he doesn’t know that!! :dd)
Mark would laugh but he honestly just feels sorry for him because of the puppy eyes- 
probably drags him to you to make you apologize (Even tho you probably have 10000 times the second he started crying) He’ll talk to you again dw he just found it funny how you were so panicked at his reaction >:) manipulative shit-
Mack (Engineer)
Kinda just freaks out and laughs nervously the whole time while tucking his face into your chest
the second you land, he is so pale. Like damn bro you need a minute-
in the most monotone voice ever, excuses himself to the bathroom, where the distant sounds of throwing up, sobbing, fanboying?? and other stages of grief can be heard 
he finds it hot 😭
Marks thinks its the funniest shit ever like full on kidney collapse knee slaps, table slams- Yeah he’s not ever letting Mack forget it even tho it was your fault
Don’t worry though, Mack will still hug you and hang out with you and stuff but he’s always tense as if your gonna swoop off again
he even starts bragging to the others as if he wasn’t a millisecond away from pissing his pants and praying
relaxes eventually tho :D kinda holds a grudge against you, but jesus just-
warn him next time if you want to do it again 
Mack (Dictator)
Haha what wings?
What freedom of limbs to be able to swoop in the first place?/j
no but you might actually want to start running after you pull a stunt like that, bro’s gonna pull fucking operation: hunt the bird 😭
his reaction is kinda funny but also not? 
lets out a yelp, and demands you put him down but in this very startled squealing tone- 
after he gets used to it glares at you with an ‘unamused’ expression but you’re so close to him that you can see this man is 👌 close away from crying
just kinda stands there and processes when you put him down and then immediately chases after you
he has a gun so you might want to be good at dodging mid air-
yeah you’re definitely in big BIG trouble afterwards but in your opinion it was totally worth it (unless that’s not the first time or prank you’ve pulled and he decides to clip your wings :((()
tbh the thing he’s most embarrassed about is the fact that there were people around to witness
calls the firing squad on those that tease him about it because haha funky dictator man >:D
The Detective
why? literally just why would you do this to him 
you will be paying for his therapy/j
he finds it really fun but would prefer if he doesn’t have that falling feeling in his stomach
or in his entire body. like at all
his glasses fall off halfway through. you will also be paying for-
he’s so polite about it too although his voice definitely breaks a lot 😭
you get halfway up and he goes “yeah uM y/n this is reAlly nice and all bUt can you put me dOwnokaynevermindholyshitfuckcuntbitchmotherfu” 
he just clings to you afterwards with an awkward smile like “hi <:)?” yeah he’s not letting go bestie you can say buh bye to privacy after that <3
he doesn’t throw up bc he’s a girlboss but definitely feels queasy after which is half of the reason why he’s still clinging to you
probably wouldn’t get it, but if he felt confident enough sometime later would ask if you can take him up again :)
and immediately regrets it- he finds it cool that you can fly though, even if he doesn’t prefer it!
tbh he just wants to see the sky and shit with you because he’s a dork and a simp and we love him 😌
The Hermit
are you sure. are you ABSOLUTELY sure that you would want to pull that shit with this man.
you ever hear the phrase “they’re either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid”?
i mean- okay. yeah sure. say you did
I feel like he’d be ready because the second he feels you about to prepare he just kinda instantly knows what’s gonna happen
ik his character is sketchy as hell and he keeps making it seem like he’s gonna kill you but bestie if you do pull this off you might figure out pretty soon where he gets all that food from
it’d definitely be different if you were his s/o, but just because you’re safe doesn’t mean you’re wings are! :D 
yeah but no he’s not having it why would you even do this
honestly the only scenario this happens and you don’t die or lose limbs is if you ask him first and makes sure he wants to because otherwise you’re next honestly 😭
absolute suicide mission and his reaction isn’t even fun he just gives you that polite strained adult smile while staring into your soul-
*sighs* its funny because I think this is the same way I started out the intro on the other post-
but yeah, crazy man would love it, you know he would. Probably giggles and shit as if he’s not suspended 20,00000 feat in the air being carried by a person who is shorter than him and theoretically shouldn’t even be able to carry him
because he can warp reality, I think he’d use that power to ‘spice things up’ with your little trip
and by that I mean you’ll endlessly be doing the loop the loop because he keeps flipping the sky upside down and noclipping you EVERYWHERE
bro the tables have turned because the second you land he’s clapping and wanting to go again and y/n is the one throwing up and shit-
he actually unironically finds it cute and its like a 50/50 on whether his exaggerated swooning is sarcastic or not
you drop him halfway up whether on purpose or just because you feel like being a dick and he teleports your ass with him 😭
wants to give you kisses mid-air because he would meanwhile you’re too focused on not crash landing into either his studio or the Ego mansion
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There you go, sorry they took so long to do, I was knocked out cold today! :P
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lizandbo · 3 years
bnha bois w/ s/o who loves coffee
this is really for myself cuz I love coffee and I had it in my drafts for a few days… and I realized a lot people love coffee so why not giving it a shot to post it
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- i would hc him loving coffee
- but he loves too much
- but if tea wasn’t as popular as coffee I feel like he would love some coffee
- I feel like white mocha with ice would be one of his favorites
- its like a liquid desert
- so when you have a relationship (it doesn’t matter if friend or dating status)
- but when he leaned that you love coffee he feels so happy inside
-ya Got two things in common, you love each other and you love coffee
- coffee dates on the Daily
- well not really but yk
- very often
- if there is a cat café(if you like cats) that sells coffee he would really love that and would def go with toi
- just talk bout things thats on your mind and drink one of your favorites together
- he will get you favorite coffee and give it to you in the morning when you wake up
- if you like making your coffee at home better
- he’s gonna be a lil maid for uou
- he loves giving you your coffee on tough days cuz he feels like he’s doing something that helps you
- if You like coffee flavored things like ice cream or coffrwe flavored picky sticks
- he will try your type of coffee and see if he loves it
- he will prob love it if not more
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- it depends what it is
- I feel like he would want more hot coffee than cold cuz it may taste more geared towards spicy shit
- I feel like he would kinda drink it
- it’s more like a take or leave it
- if someone gave it to him he would drink it
- I feel like he would drink it if he was tired
- It’s kinda hard to tell cuz all they fuckin drink is the damn teaaas
- but when he noticed that you buy/make coffee and dribk it constantly he figured it was for staying up late or something
- if that’s the case then he won’t really mind it but when you do it out of loving it or habit he realized that you really adore coffee
- study dates + coffee = heaven for katsuki
- he will make you coffee with a side of his cooking
- even tho he might not admit it he love when you love his cooking
- if you always bought coffee and never made it he would be so confused
- he thinks coffee is the easiest thing to make and will make fun of you for not knowing
- he will have coffee just a wee bit more becuase of you
- if your tryna stay up and you only had like a daydream sleep and have some coffee to wake you up some
- katsu ain’t having that
- oh hell nah your gonna be so well rested if you like it or not
- one time he was kinda pissed off so if someone tried to talk to him he would prob throw the drink at him
- but maybe he ain’t that much of a dick
- also that shit would burn cuz he would prob like hot coffee more:D
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scarlet-fantasies · 3 years
yeah i think domestic eren headcanons sound nice, like everybody always writes him as an fboy but i feel like if he found someone he truly loved he would be very passionate and loyal.
Hi anon,
Yeah I agree with you. He's nothing but a simp for you tbh. Sorry it took so long to get it done but here it is.
- Scarlet
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Sweet things he does as a bf
© scarlet-fantasies // do not steal, reuse, repost onto other sites. all writing and ideas are original unless stated otherwise. // 2021-Present.
Domestic Eren hcs
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::description:: Eren loving his domestic s/o and just domestic moments they have together after being into a relationship for like 5+ years. So husband material things.
Gosh does he love it when you are domestic but so he in some aspects.
So I’m just going to write about what you both do and mostly how much he loves you being domestic and what he does.
Morning Routine Help
In the morning, he would try to cook for you.
I can’t guarantee if those pancakes/waffles are burnt-free or not.😂
But even if that doesn’t work he still makes you good coffee or some other beverage you like in the morning.
And he bought doughnuts and ice cream as a backup.
He’d bring you the food up to the room. (You are in your apartment.)
He brought you like a small tray where you both eat off of.
“Eren, why is there all this food here.”
“For you silly, I was going to make you the healthy breakfast that you said but then I wanted to make you something and that didn’t work so it’s a good thing I went and got these in the morning.”
“But Eren I’ll get fat if you keep feeding me these things.”
“Hmm, I don’t think I’d mind it if you had this bigger for me.” He’d grin, gripping your hips.
He feeds you the food and he loves it most how you blush.
It’s most likely cause you're a little hesitant to have him feed you.
He just makes you look confused to the point where you ask him and he just ends up kissing you and smothering you with kisses.
And evening nuzzling his face into your neck and his facial hair just to tickle you.
And he does this when you cook for the both of you.
Also when you cook he doesn’t stop with the kisses on the cheek and all the back hugging.
Also going back to giving you breakfast in bed he really likes watching you eat and how you can look so focused and cute.
“You’re so adorable.”
“No really, you’re so cute.” He’d smile, pinching your cheek.
He showers with you in the morning if you allow it but it is better not to since he gets too touchy. And that makes you waste time and you’d know that from past experiences.
Tho when you’re getting ready for school (probably uni) he picks out clothes for you so you already have it ready.
Although, Eren isn’t big on fashion so you have to fix the outfits because he just doesn’t match your outfits well at all. Like everything will go well till he adds like a red purse with your purple shirt or something.
Tho he does get protective if you choose something revealing.😂😂
“You’re not wearing that.”
“Why not? I thought it was cute.”
“It is but you’re only supposed to be cute for me.”
“But Eren—“
“No buts princess.”
He’s always calling you princess, babe, bby or baby girl when being sweet.
He hardly uses your name.
Even tho you use his most of the time, you can’t ever find a nickname for him.
But you do refer to him as boy sometimes🤣🤣
He helps with your hair and if you complain about him hurting you by pulling the knots he apologizes and kisses your forehead.
He probably event watches tutorials to give you cute hairstyles.
But he’s honestly going to ruin your hair with all the hairspray he’ll use sometimes.😅😅
But that’s only on Saturday when he has more free time.
Anyway, apart from getting you ready he’s always getting ready to drive you to school. Even if you can drive he drives you all time bc he just doesn’t want you doing work.
Idk but i see that after years of being together you might have a long career path, and probably bc you’re younger than him so that’s why you’re still in school and he’s probably going to work.
Let’s say his job here might be like a teacher or a writer of some sort.
So yes he drives you and he picks you up.
He ruffles your hair and gives goodbye and good luck kisses bc he believes you need them.
For lunch tho he either buys you it, takes you out or he makes you it sometimes cause it’s not hard to make a salad or sandwich.
Or is it?😂😂
And when he’s really feeling up for it he leaves you notes to make you smile.
He always writes cute and sometimes corny things.
They could be sexual but usually not bc he doesn’t want anyone else knowing that.😂😂
You two have this thing where he says your his baby and that he’s your kid.😂 it’s weird but it makes since bc Eren can be such a kid.
He probably calls you kiddo sometimes too.
And he always sees you as his baby cause he’s just silly and needy like that.
Oh yeah, he’s really needy.
But not like he’s always saying I love you or miss you cause he doesn’t waste the meaning but like he gives you the hint that he’s thinking about you.
He can like, not cook, like maybe, he can make a grilled cheese but he just sucks at everything else.
He can like, not cook, like maybe, he can make a grilled cheese but he just sucks at everything else.
So I see his gf being able to cook. So he depends on you when you tell him no more takeout.
He can get spoiled if you cook frequently. But this doesn’t mean he’ll take advantage.
Bc when you cook he doesn’t leave everything to you he actually helps and does what you ask him like he will cut up what you need, he gets the table ready, he takes out the trash and helps with dishes.
So you’re happy about that at least.
Tho, he is very clingy with his back hugs and cheek kisses.
His arms are always around your waist.
Rubs his facial hair into your neck and cheek when kissing you and when he’s being playful. Mostly because he wants your attention.
“Eren, please. I can’t cook when you're like this.”
He whispers dirty things in your ear a lot.
“Do you wanna make this kitchen more of a mess? Cause I know to mess you up.”
He tugs on the waistband of your sweat pants. And tries to slip his hand in and you constantly push it away.
“Eren, please I’m trying to cook.”
“Babe, please, I’m trying to enjoy my meal so be still.” He always says be still bc he sucks and thinks it’s fun to tease.
Eren literally would straight up finger/give oral to you while in the kitchen.
He loves kitchen sex and doing it on the counter.
Tho if he doesn’t get that action he will still stare at your ass in sweat pants and grab it whenever he pleases.
Even when he’s being cuddly with you that doesn’t mean his other hand isn’t fondling your ass or something, I mean c’mon this is Eren.
Usually though there isn’t much talking he’s just super handsy while you ignore him.
And he always nuzzles his face into your neck, especially if he’s been lazy with shaving bc he knows how much his semi-beard tickles your skin.
Eren isn’t super clean nor super dirty he’s decent but he always tries to make his room dirty bc he wants you to help him fix it.
Like not only does he get to watch you bend down but he likes seeing you move around in small places and working hard to finish.
He thinks your effort and facial expression is cute lol.
Loves poking your sides too.
But he will help because he hates making you do all the work. Plus it’s his mess so he feels responsible in that sense to clean up but he just trashes it so you can clean with him.
That way he isn’t bored.
He ties up your hair in a ponytail or he braids your hair so it’s not as hot when you clean.
He has scrunchies at his place just for you.
And he can be a little rough with the ponytail when he groups all the hair and holds it up to look tight.
“Oww, Eren. Easy.”
“Sorry babe.” He’d say kissing your head.
Deep down might be thinking about his hair pulling kink but that’s not what this is about. This is supposed to be cute hcs of him and but so stuck on exploiting his perverted ass. Like forgive, I view every man as a dog when it comes to sexual contact.
Anyways he likes seeing you clean in a white cotton dress you put on sometimes cause it’s old. But he likes it cause it’s slightly see through and mostly cause it’s short but accents the curves on your body.
You usually carry the laundry basket on your hip and toss in the clothes but Eren alway tells you to give it to him since he thinks it might be heavy.
“Babe just give it to me.”
“It’s fine I got it.”
“Y/n, you don’t need to hold it, let me do it this time.”
After some convincing you give him the basket as you toss in some of the laundry.
He splits the chores with you and I’m not surprised if he’s done you’re laundry and you were kinda embarrassed to give him your clothes.
“Babe it’s just clothes.”
“Yeah but my underwear’s in there.”
“All the more reason why I wanna fold them.”
“Eren.” You’d blush only for him to chuckle and kiss your forehead.
When you’ve put the clothes in the washer you’re about to continue cleaning but he tells you to take a break with him.
Eren picks you up and sets you on the washing machine and you just question him with your little smile.
“What are you doing?”
Instead of answering you he just smiles to lean in and give you a kiss.
It’s honestly just sweet and he usually gives you a piggyback ride after, while you two head downstairs to finish other chores.
If you two are cleaning the car tho he does spray you with water all the time.
And if you two are cleaning the backyard and watering the plants at either your house or his he it can certainly turn into a water fight with him.
If you can’t make a decision on something he tries to sit you down so you both can talk about it.
Or if you are feeling down he hugs you and comforts you.
“Hey c’mon, it’s gonna be okay.”
“How do you know that? Do you know what this means?”
“I don’t know but I know that we always find a way. Besides, I'm gonna be here no matter what. I’m not leaving you baby.”
He’s always kissing your forehead and bringing you into tight hugs.
He even rubs your back if you’re crying.
Seeing you cry is literally the hardest thing for him but don’t worry he’s prepared to give you his soft hugs and reassurance any second.
He gives you tissues and usually gets a bath ready for you and he ruffles your hair bc he loves you so much.
If you’re not very good at opening up he will wait for you to get comfortable and he is understanding of how you feel.
“Y/n, you know that whatever it is, I’ll listen.”
“I know, but I just can’t burden you.”
“Yes you can, I’m your boyfriend. I’m supposed to hear what’s bothering you. It’s my job to make you happy besides, I don’t wanna see you sad.”
You will of course end up getting the courage, possibly after a lot of stammering or even crying (depends on your mood) and he will just be there:
He gives the best hugs and kisses and you feel loved and cared for.
He probably gives you peach scented tissues or something.
Eren also gives the best cuddles to you.
And he says things he doesn’t usually say bc he’s being serious with you.
You better be careful though bc your crying could make him cry.
Being sick
When you are sick he becomes so caring kinda like some mom or something it’s a cute but also annoying side of him.
He puts you in bed, maybe even in his or whatever and he gets you some nice fluffy blankets to keep you comfy.
He checks your temperature constantly and puts wet rags on your forehead if needed.
Doesn’t let you out of bed tho, like he’s always telling you to sit down.
Eren buys all the medicine needed and takes you to the doctor or his dad since his dad would obviously be able to help.
He makes okay soup and ends up getting better with the more times he takes care of you.
Puts on movies for you to watch sometimes.
He probably helps you with homework too.
May end up getting himself sick bc he kisses you too much.
Ruffles you’re hair and helps clean up anything.
He’d even get you into the shower if you were too weak, like he does anything for you.
Bothers his parents about your sick state and his worry for you.
Like his mom would tell him that everything is fine and that you’re going to be okay it’ll just be a few days.
But his dad probably doesn’t want to answer his calls at a certain point 😂 😂 😂.
Brushes your hair while your sick probably braids it to avoid heat.
Speaking of heat he puts his hand on your forehead and on his to compare and see if you’re warmer than him.
If you whine or kinda complain about being sick he finds you cute.
And he finds you’re sneezing cute too.
He really likes how you’re wrapped up in blankets and are still cold so you always need him to warm you up.
And like he just knows when you need him.
Though he really gets upset when you get things like the flu bc you’re in a lot of pain.
But he will help as much as puke is gross. He isn’t too bothered by it and it’s because he loves you and cause he’s mature here.
Even if you get cranky about being sick he doesn’t get mad. I really think he mostly witnesses you being sleepy, cold, and not feeling well.
And maybe a little helpless.
“Aww You poor baby.”
When you sleep tho he thinks it’s cute.
When something is high on the shelf he gets it for you with just his hand making it look so easy.
He does find it cute when you climb to reach something but doesn’t want you getting hurt.
Goes and get mail for you if your busy with other things.
Even goes grocery shopping if needed cause sometimes you are busy doing other things and vice versa.
He gives you back and foot massages.
Not really domestic but he snores and sometimes you hit him to shut him up.
He puts an apron over you when you two cook but he doesn’t like wearing the ones you have cause they’re girly.
He always scrunches his nose and complains when you put it on him if your two are baking a cake or something.
If he doesn’t know how to do something you teach him but its just funny to see him mess up.
He likes to wash your hair and read you poetry while you’re sitting in the bathtub.
Likes to read to you in bed too but sometimes you fall asleep.
Eren has met your parents and they love him I just see it and vice versa.
His mom adores you so much it’s honestly funny and plus you get more insight about Eren and get to see baby pictures so why not.
You have serious fights but he is usually over it pretty soon tbh but sometimes he takes a little to get over it.
You two usually argue over the little things though, like about he can be so needy and how you he sometimes doesn’t shower.
Or even about his room being dirty tbh.
It’s even about you stealing his shirts and him stealing your hair ties.
Oh, he gives you his jacket when you are cold and will use it when it rains and you two don’t have an umbrella.
Though he does like to kiss you in the rain and mess around with you.
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reinabeestudio · 2 years
That Obyn post got more love than I expected, so I’ve decided to share all information I got related to him. But that’d make it a short post, so I’m sharing my other favorite Heroes as well (Quincy, Benji and Captain Churchill)💌
I wrote down everything I could find, but I might have missed stuff or got something wrong. And don’t take these too seriously, this is something I did for myself. Nothing is set in stone!
The spirits he uses to attack return to him.
“Nature’s spirits will never be diminished, only transformed.”
Ocean Obyn is called Ocyn apparently (idk bro)
Bigger than dart monkeys!
Much older than he looks (old as the forests)
Likes taking long walks along the beach during Summer.
Second most cuddly
Goes hiking a lot
Very fuzzy
His pet (the spirit wolf cub) is called Fluffy
Likes mint ice cream
Raised by wolves??? (a mess at the dinner table)
Likes philodendrons
Favorite color is green
Likes to make fresh salads that he brings to eat at his friends’ places
Tends to supervise Gwen's visits to the forests
MIGHT do knitting and macrame (not sure of this one tho)
Tells a lot of puns.
Has a crush on Gwen! Think she’s very cool (Might be one-sided…)
Implied he already confessed (again, one-sided??)
Practises with his bow in his free time.
Or hang out with the other heroes!
Fourth most cuddly
Biggest crybaby
Needs a hug… (yes this is vital canon information)
Still hunting for that DDT (Cyber Quincy lore ig)
Has the biggest wardrobe
Loves a good photoshoot and likes to practice by striking poses lol
Gets real sad when somethings gets past his bow (F in the chat)
Tried to teach Pat how to use his bow but it was a too small.
Surprisingly buff! (Due to the draw force of his bow)
Does his own haircut
Sometimes like to use darts
All the dart monkeys like him!
Cries the most out of all the heroes
Eats banana porridge for breakfast
Favorite color is orange
Hosted a party on New Year’s Eve (everyone came!)
Apparently the best athlete (he’s very talented)
Thinks crossbows are lazy (lmao)
Shaves his eyebrow to look cool.
Big PC gamer, loves MOBAs
Wears formal clothes because likes to feel fancy
Likes to work out
Might not have went to school???
Has his own mixtape as a DJ
LOVES karaoke
Makes synthwave music, also listens to dubstep
Favorite type of sushi is California Roll
Favorite color is silver
Seems to like anime?? (apparently he watched Sword Art Online)
The Biggest Narcissit™
Hides in his room with the AC up in Summer
Might secretly listen to Mariah Carey (All I Want For Christmas is- )
Has many computers/mobile devices at his disposal
Sixth most cuddly
Yells BENJAMMIN IS IN THE HOUSE when he’s home (based)
Likes shawarma
Has a private yacht
Did helpdesk at some point!
Funnels his anger through memes (LMAO)
Captain Churchill
‘Passionate devotee of the surfboard, first monkey to ride the River Severn’s 5ft tidal bore. He even designed his own board!’
That is to say, he enjoys surfing
Bonds over old military movies with Striker Jones
Really likes driving his tank around lol
The best at chess
Uses all limbs + tail to operate his tank!
Likes black coffee with tons of sugar (sweet as him)
Third most cuddly
Wields the power of comradery (?)
Likes to play World of Tanks (lol)
Friends with Admiral Brickell! Trained together
Enjoys manga and anime (favorite anime: Fullmetal Alchemist)
Favorite color is green
Has a huge underground bunker full of tanks. Or so he says!
Tank has a secret banana stash (and who knows what else)
Third shortest, barely taller than Etienne (confirmed as a MANLET)
Sometimes plays cards with Striker Jones and Brickell
Great poker face!
Lives fairly close to Admiral Brickell and Striker Jones, tends to carpool to the army base with the latter
When he doesn’t feel like talking, he’ll slowly slide into his tank and shut the lid... funny to watch if you aren’t the one trying to talk to him.
His tank got many modifications!
Seat height adjustment, flexible antenna, a built in goggle finder (usually points to his head), and full transformation upgrades
He made the sand sculpture in Resort
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ackerfics · 3 years
hange and their best friend (reader) "platonically" flirt with one another, they use pet names for each other, making others think they're together unintentionally. until reader finds an s/o, not knowing hange actually likes them
she — hange zoe
— hange zoe x female reader (modern au)
— warnings: angst ??? the stinging feeling you get when you see someone you love, love someone else
— summary: hange's best friend found love in the form of autumn while hange associates her with all of the seasons.
— word count: 2.5k
— notes: i love hange but i hate myself for writing something that hurts them :<<< they're my first love in aot and it pains me to imagine them hurting in any sort of way (which is probably the reason why i bawled my heart out in chap 132). this little fic hit too close at home for me bc it's exactly what i felt one time during high school. it's fucking traumatizing and istg, i don't want to relive falling in love with a friend again, it's like the most satisfying way to hurt, too. happy reading tho :<<<
reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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She embodies everything positive in Hange’s eyes.
She is spring — the bursting of blossoms under the tendrils of sunlight seeping between the spaces of the trees in the woods. Every time Hange closes their eyes, they are reminded of how she signifies every single flower they ever know. She makes them feel everything at once — see every color at once in a single frame. There is no space for artistic abilities in Hange’s calloused, mismatched hands but when it comes to her, they can create a myriad of paintings encapsulating her beauty at every stroke of a brush. Her laughs, her flowery perfume that doesn’t hurt their nose, her smiles that are as radiant as the early morning Sun — are ingrained in their brain. She brings forth the butterflies that Hange carefully imprisoned in their ribs, the monarchs’ wings already seeping through the cracks at every joke she makes, reaching to their heart until every beat swayed to the sound of her giggles.
“Hange, the love of my life, there you are!”
Hange turned around with a huge smile on their lips. Their conversation with Levi came to an abrupt stop, with the shorter man mumbling along the lines of ‘here we go again’. The small smile on his face spoke otherwise while watching two of his closest friends hug each other as if they didn’t live together in an apartment right outside of campus. It was such a mystery that Hange could be so comfortable around someone to the point of playfully kissing their neck in public, followed by their best friend’s melodious laughs soon after. However, Levi couldn’t be fooled. He knew the glint in the brown-haired person’s eyes. The downturn of their eyebrows when their best friend wasn’t looking. The longing was apparent when she was talking to someone across the room.
The idiot going by the name Hange Zoe was irrevocably in love with their best friend, [Name] [Last Name].
“What is it, baby?” Hange asked vibrantly, glasses reflecting the equally excited girl in their arms. “Didn’t know your class dismissed this early. What happened?”
“Nothing. Our professor announced that we should visit a museum for our finals.” She then mimicked the haughty tone of her Art History professor, straightening her back to make herself appear taller. “Choose a painting or a sculpture and trace down its history and attach your critique in the final output. If I see anyone half-assing this paper, I will not hesitate to give a failing grade that will make you retake this class. I know you lot don’t want to see me again for another semester and I don’t want to see you again, too. So, prove to me you’re worth your standing in this course.” She cleared her throat. “What he said.”
Hange whistled. “Dang, I’m happy that I didn’t follow you to the Arts Department. Your professor sounds like a complete asshole.” They chortled the next second. “Sounds like my mom, to be honest.”
“At least your mom makes a bomb bento box.”
“Yeah, I guess, you’re right.” Hange then nuzzled their face in her hair. “But your bento boxes taste much more delicious — I could eat them all day. Can I be your partner so that you’ll cook for me every day?”
“I’ve already taken the position of your wife the moment I agreed to be your roommate in university, sweetheart. And I cook for you every single day so you don’t have to ask to be my partner because you already are.”
Hange looked smug at her reply, the heat in their cheeks traveling to their ears. “That was a rhetorical question but hearing those words come out of your mouth, it’s making me feel things.”
“Oh? What are those things?”
The brown-haired person snickered under their breath, glancing at Levi who was now looking at the two of them in that lazy way of his that might come off as him being annoyed again. In reality, he was only waiting for the two to finally stop flirting to recognize he was there. His daily job of being a third-wheel should’ve started fifteen minutes ago but Hange wouldn’t let [Name] go. Hange turned back to the expectant girl. “I don’t want Levi to hear what I’m about to say. Just expect something back at the apartment,” they joked, a cheeky smile tugging at their lips.
[Name] laughed heartily. “I’m looking forward to that, gorgeous.”
“I’m still here, you know?” Levi dryly made himself known. He huffed and turned around in the direction of the university restaurant. “Come on, lovebirds, let’s have lunch. Oh, and [Name]?” When he heard her little hum of acknowledgment, Levi slightly turned around to meet his friend’s eyes with his jaded ones. “It’s your turn to buy me a drink. Make it a venti today.” She only blinked at him, giving him no choice but to resort to that dumb thing she always asked. “Please can I have a venti this time? I got you and Hange a venti last time so this makes us even.”
“Ooh, make mine a venti, too, baby!” Hange squeezed their best friend’s waist.
“Anything for my sweetheart.”
“Again, I’m right here, you know.”
Just the thought of that little scenario hurts Hange.
But as much as the pain comes in the package, she is still summer in their eyes.
The Sun can’t compare to the brilliance of her smile. Kind smiles and gentle touches under the warm rays of the summer heat. Her scent is yellow to Hange — so bright and warm that they don’t care how long they bask in her presence, never caring if they get burned because it feels so right to be within her orbit. She urges them to feel so loved and so special, tender caresses of her warmth cascading down every vein until it reaches their heart. The cerulean waters of the sea hold nothing against the beauty of her grins, brown eyes searching for her every time of the day no matter how ethereal the world painted itself to be. Viewing the sights with rose-colored glasses is what they may call it but for Hange, it’s simply her. Someone once said that summer brings forth a paradise where blue covers everything in its wake, the cry of the seagulls reverberating in the distance, and the scent of ice cream flickers in the breeze. For Hange, summer is in the form of pretty close-lipped smiles, of late-night movie marathons on a worn-out couch, of bento boxes filled with their favorites, of a scent so saccharine, and a loyal friend.
A friend.
Of course. No matter where Hange goes, that word haunts them. Hidden beneath their smiles, their jokes, their longing, and admiring stares. It’s a reminder of where they stand in this limbo they created. At one point, they thought that line had been crossed only for it to be established again in permanent ink. And before they know it, Hange is tumbling down in a spiral, along with a change of seasons.
Fall is where everything started.
The orange glow of the leaves created the perfect view as she sipped on her tall cup of warm coffee. The blissful sigh that came soon after warmed up Hange, even though they were seated in front of each other in the outside tables of the small cozy café where Levi was working at. The chill brought by the autumn wind caused both of them to shiver in their layered clothing. The way she nuzzled more into her scarf made Hange coo, reaching out to pinch her cheek affectionately. Autumn was both their favorite season, how it made them resort to the comfort and warmth their sweaters bring, or how they cuddle in each other’s beds with the air conditioner blasting despite the cold. It was also a season where Hange could admire her in their hoodie, a piece of clothing that swallows her whole because she’s so small compared to their lanky figure.
Hange remembered being called out here because she wanted to talk about something. Now that they thought about it, her cheeks appear to be glowing more than usual and she kept glancing inside the café where Levi was busy telling his coworker how to make the new drink. Hange even went as far as following her gaze but they didn’t find anything out of the ordinary other than Levi sighing in that stressful way of his that always made them snicker. They turned back to their Sun, who was once again in a daze while staring at the clear windows of the café. “So,” they prolonged the syllable, “how’s life going, darling? I know we’re living in the same apartment but I just can’t help but ask you this because it seems like you’re always in a daze these days.”
A pause made the breeze’s call known.
“Hey, Hange, have you ever been in love?”
That spread the chill even more inside Hange’s chest. She called them by their name. Not sweetheart nor big spoon. The reality washed over Hange like a pail of freezing water.
“W-What?” Damn, they couldn’t keep the stutter off their words.
She turned her head to them, eyes so soft and smile so beautiful that made Hange breathless for one second. The butterflies dwindled, losing their iridescent wings when they realized that look wasn’t reserved for them anymore. “I thought about it,” she murmured, rubbing her numbing fingertips on the warm cup. “I have never fallen in love with anyone before. Sure, I love you and all our friends but I’ve never stopped and thought about how someone can look like starlight in front of me. But recently,” again, that pretty smile that pierced Hange’s chest, “I never knew that it could hit me that unexpectedly.”
Hange grinned despite the pounding of her chest. “So, who’s the lucky person?”
She chuckled, going back to staring at the interior of the café. “I told Levi to lay off on scolding her but he never listens, says she’ll never grow a backbone if he’s being considerate on her.”
Now, they’re confused because the only people manning the counter as she spoke was Levi (and she would never fall in love with Levi, seeing as they grew up together like siblings rather than the childhood friends that they are) and a strawberry blonde who looked like Levi’s become their worst nightmare. It took Hange a full minute to process that the person she’s been staring at was never their mutual friend, but the strawberry blonde who looked up towards their direction and waved with a pretty blush on their cheeks. She waved back with the same shyness, leaving Hange dumbfounded. “Wait, the person you’re in love with is—”
“Yeah, it’s her.”
Suddenly, Hange understands why she’s starting to like autumn.
It reminds her of the girl’s hair, which she gushes about smelling like coconut. It reminds her of the girl’s preferred perfume, how it smells so much like cinnamon, something that she sometimes puts in her autumn drinks because in her words, ��it’s the perfect season rather than winter’. It reminds her of the girl’s hugs, the way both of them fit with each other like lost puzzle pieces.
But as the seasons change, feelings of long-term pining will always be constant.
“Are you okay, though?” Erwin asked them, blue eyes reflecting their pathetic faux smile. He pushed the plate of pasta to them since Erwin had an idea that Hange wasn’t eating that much now. It also worried [Name].
“Yeah, four-eyes, I know you’re not doing that great and I’m saying this in the friendliest way possible because we’re worried now,” Levi reminded them, sipping on his tea with slightly narrowed eyes. “You always decline whenever we want to bring you to somewhere, to the point of leaving Nanaba on voicemail. You always answer at the first ring. Look here, shitty four-eyes,” the way Levi enunciated the nickname made Hange slowly turn their head to him, face void of the smile they were known for, “shouldn’t you be happy for her? [Name] gained the courage to confess and you’re here moping when you should’ve been supportive—”
“And what of my feelings, Levi?”
That made Levi blink and feel like an asshole.
Then, the dam broke.
“I’ve been with her all this time, you’ve seen that. You witnessed how this shy girl opened up to an extroverted idiot and became one of her best friends during high school. It feels like I can’t fucking breathe because I always thought we were meant to be. When she was lonely, I was there to comfort her. When she got a bad grade on an exam, I was the one who knows what flavors of ice cream she wants or how she eats them together like a fucking milkshake. Every day, I never expected her to look my way like she looks at her girlfriend right now. It fucking hurts. It feels so empty to know that I’m not the one she fell in love with. What did I lack? Should I be sweeter and gentler like that girl? Or dainty whenever I eat like she is? Be girly and dress up like a doll? Fuck, I can’t even bring myself to hate her girlfriend. She’s so nice and kind and sweet, anything I’m not.” Hange buried their hands in their hair, making it messier than it was.
“I just want [Name] to love me and make things wonderful. Why isn’t Fate on my side this time?
“Why didn’t she choose me?”
Tears were now drifting down like snowflakes.
“Hange,” Erwin murmured.
“Look, sunshine, it’s snowing!”
A voice catches their attention. A strawberry blonde cheers the words with glee painted in her eyes. Beside her is the subject of the trio’s conversation, the subject of a brown-haired person’s affections. Her eyes are taking in the beauty that is her girlfriend. She looks so pretty in love — how her eyes crinkled at the corners and how snow clung on her eyelashes as if she is a fairy straight from a fairy tale Hange loves when she was a kid. Her girlfriend takes her hand and pulls her to the restaurant where the trio is watching from the windows. Gray and blue irises slide over a somber bespectacled person, gauging their reaction though their face never gives anything away.
“I’m right behind you, Petra. I just took the time to admire you because you’re so pretty under the snow.”
“Stop it! You’re prettier!”
“Did you know that seeing the first snow of the year together with the person you love, your relationship will rival that of eternity?”
“Then, I’m happy I get to see this first snow with you, sunshine.”
“Me, too, angel.”
Hange smiles under a steady stream of tears. “I’m happy for her. I’m happy she found happiness even if it’s not with me.”
The chill blows inside the warm walls of the restaurant the moment the door opens, [Name]’s joyous greetings for her best friends bringing smiles to two of them. Her eyes drift to brown ones before turning to Petra to ask for a pack of tissues since Hange’s tears are still visible. Hange watches the commotion with a small smile, the chill spreading through them like a snowstorm.
Winter is here.
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lilyharvord · 3 years
I saw another anon on king mavens page ask how Cal would react if mare died and they didn’t wanna answer bcuz it’ll make them go into a depressive state. So if u don’t mind how do YOU think Cal would react if Mare died. If u don’t wanna write this u don’t hv too tho
I too saw annie's response, and while it makes me super sad to think about as well.... I've thought about it... I may have started writing a fic about it once (it was like once chapter), and I had an idea. So I'll give you my branched ideas. They're loooong so I have put them under the read more.
idea 1: Mare dies before they are married, before anything.
It's horrific. People are shocked... the little lightning girl? Dead? Impossible. Cal doesn't immediately hear about it, he's so busy he's doesn't know something's happened until he walks into a room and everyone goes quiet and slowly looks at him like he might collapse right then and there. He finds out because Farley pulls him aside. She takes him away from everyone to a quiet little garden with a fountain and tells him what happened. When he hears, he just sort of gives her this confused look, like HE doesn't understand, doesn't believe. Then he sort of sinks down onto one of the benches and just sits there. Doesn't move, doesn't even seem to be breathing. Farley thinks he'll explode in a ball of heat and rage and pain, but instead he just gets really really quiet, and really cold. The air around her gets so cold her breath fogs in front of her. He asks her to leave him alone and she does. He sort of draws into himself after that, doesn't really speak to anyone, spends a lot of time running and sitting at his desk and staring out the window. He attends the funeral but is quiet the whole time, he only speaks to the Barrows and even then, there isn't much to say that wouldn't hurt either party. After that he BURIES himself in his work. He gets so good at it that one day he looks up and ten years have passed. He's still got the stack of letters they wrote to each other, and he even has the letter he had been drafting to send to her on the front where he lost her. It ends with the phrase: I miss you. And god does that ring true. He miss her like a limb he lost. It feels like a part of him was torn away, just like with Maven, just like with his father, just like with Nanabel when she passed a few years back, just like the hole his mother left without him even knowing it was there. He visits her grave that year, just sort of sits under the little tree they planted, looks out at the mountains as the sun sets behind him, and talks to her like he does with Maven, tells her about everything that's happening. After a while, he just falls quiet and sits there, digging his hand into the grass and dirt right above the grave, like he can dig down to her, like it's her skin and he can still feel it's warmth. He swallow really heavily and then says: I never met anyone else that made me feel the way you did... I don't think I ever will. You were it. You were going to be it. And then he gets up and leaves. He runs into Gisa down in the Ascendent, they grab coffee at what was once Mare's favorite coffee shop, now it's Gisa's. They talk about everything, never mentioning Mare. Gisa only asks once if he's seen anyone, and he just shakes his head, and she gives him a tiny smile and says: she wouldn't have minded... well if a random bolt of lightning came from the heaven and struck you, then I guess you would know she minded. They laugh about that, and then he leaves cause he has an early flight home. When he gets back, he puts the letters in a box and then puts that box in a drawer. He never sees anyone else though. Doesn't even really fool around with anyone either. He tries once, and the whole time he just thinks about her, thinks about all the what if's and could be's. He apologizes profusely to the girl and says that it's not going to work. Something in her understands, some weird warmth that she gets that makes her pull him into an extra tight hug before she leaves from his little apartment in Archeon. He doesn't mind being alone as much, he has his friends and a strange little belief/hope that someday, he will see Mare again. And when he does he is going to pull her into the tightest hug and never, ever let go again.
idea 2: Mare dies after they are married and have at least 1 child
This one hurts far more. He knows she's on missions, and they made a pact to never be on missions together so that if the unthinkable happens and one of them does die, Coriane will have the other at least. Its a god awful early hour of the morning when there is knock on the door. Coriane is sleeping in his and Mare's bed, she had a nightmare and immediately came for comforting snuggles. He thinks he's dreaming when the knock comes again, a little more instant this time. He gets up, and Coriane sleepily trails after him, curious as a cat always. When he answers the door, he picks her up and is still sort of half asleep. When he sees the young soldier standing on the porch in uniform and the most pained look on his face, he is suddenly wide awake. The soldier reaches up and removes his hat before pulling out an envelope with the official Montfort seal on it. He holds it out and quietly says, "I'm sorry."
When Cal takes it, he worries that his hand is shaking, but it is perfectly still, Coriane is falling asleep on his shoulder, not even aware of the ramification of what this little envelope means. And he just sort of looks up at the man and asks, "Do the Barrows know?" The man blinks before saying, "Protocol dictates immediate family are informed first... spouses are immediate family along with children. We leave it to them to inform the rest...I'm sorry again sir." Then he gives a little clean military salute and leaves. Cal stands there for a long time looking at empty space, wondering what comes next, what he is even supposed to do. Coriane answers for him: by lightly tapping his cheek and whispering that she's cold. He closes the door, and sets the letter on the little table by the door. There are already four other letters there. One, an invitation to Farley's wedding to Cordelia at the end of the month, and another is a letter from Julian addressed to all of them, most likely about his trip with Sara to see the land north of Montfort. But there is her name in beautiful script on both envelopes. There is her favorite jacket hanging on the peg she always hangs it on. There is the book she left on the table, chaptered at the exact part she was on. There is her favorite mug in the sink because Coriane asked to drink her milk from it last night. She is everywhere in the house, and yet that letter means she will never be in it again. Those were her things. They not longer are. He carries Coriane up the stairs and puts her back in their his bed and then lays next to her, watching her chest rise and fall as she sleeps, a tiny smile creeping to her lips as she dreams, completely and blissfully unaware of how her life has fundamentally changed now. Then he rolls and stares at the ceiling, but the tears come and they don't stop as they fall silently. He gets up and showers at dawn--he didn't sleep-- and cries a little more there. He has to crouch down under the scalding water and bite down on his knuckle to keep from sobbing out loud and waking Cori. It's pitiful, and he knows it. She would be furious with him for not being honest about how he feels and trying to hide it like its some ugly thing. But it feels ugly, a twisted ugly thing in his chest that is screaming and clawing at his insides. He stands, turns the shower off, steps out, shaves, does his morning routine, and then wakes Coriane and gets her ready. She's still sleepy, doesn't understand, asks him when mommy is coming home, when she will be back so they can go to the market and get ice cream. He says they'll go today, but his voice shakes, even as he tries to hide it. Then he takes her to the Barrows, tells Ruth and Daniel to gather all of them together. When they are all sitting before him in the living room, packing it to the brim, he takes out the letter and reads it. There is a horrible silence when he finishes and folds it before putting it back in the envelope. Ruth slowly pulls Coriane toward her and then lifts her into her lap and hugs her so tightly Cori actually whines about it for a second before she sees the look on Cal's face. They all sit in the kitchen after that and Ruth makes tea and she makes hot chocolate for the kids and gives Coriane an extra 4 marshmallows. The kids leave to go play and the adults sit and discuss the logistics, where is the will, was the a will? Do they have to adhere to anything if there isn't one? Would she want to... to be buried on Tuck with Shade? The will would probably say. Should they do that if there isn't one? Ruth offers to take care of Coriane while Cal deals with everything, settling paperwork, etc. etc. Then everyone kinda starts talking about everything again, and he just sits in silence and stares at this knot on the table that Mare pointed out to him because she said it looked like a turtle on its back. He traces it a few times, just sort of thinking about that moment and all the other times they would be in this kitchen doing dishes after family gatherings etc. Farley watches him from across the table
before getting up and nodding for him to follow her outside. Everyone pretty much doesn't notice them leave, or they pretend not to notice. They sit outside on the back porch in silence, just the two of them. After a little bit, it starts to snow. The first snow of the year. Farley holds her hand out to catch the flakes and says quietly: "I hate that it doesn't rain when these things happen. It always feels like it should be raining." He nods silently in agreement, and then she sets her hand on his shoulder, and he bends forward, letting the weight of it drop his head into his hand. He doesn't cry again, he honestly doesn't understand why he feels nothing now, just emptiness, and numbness from the tips of his fingers all the way to the tips of his toes. Even with Maven he didn't feel this way. He felt something then, something biting and hot like a pan that he touched when it just came off the stove. They sit like that for a long time before Coriane comes outside, and slips underneath his arm to snuggle against him. Farley gets up and leaves then, sensing she's said her peace and he understands she's there if he needs her. He holds Coriane close when the back door closes, and she whispers quietly to him, "Mommy's not coming home, is she?" and he just squeezes her once in answer. She frowns and stares out at the snow for a second and then turns around to face him and cups his cheeks in her little hands like she had seen Mare do a hundred times when Cal was in the middle of an especially hard day. She looks at him with a very serious expression for a child and he can see Mare in her when she does that, in the crease of her brows and the slight squint in her eyes. In the hint of chocolate brown in the curls of her hair. She will be furiously beautiful like her mother, and he had a feeling someday she will break a man's heart like his is breaking now. She looks at him for a good little bit and then says, "don't worry, I will take care of you." And he laughs, knowing that Mare always said the same thing. He pulls her close again and whispers with a thick voice, "it's my job to take care of you. But it's just us now... we have to take care of each other."
The funeral is in the spring. Cal pushed it off. Mare hated the winter. Even though she had happier memories of it now, her childhood and the painful clenching of her empty belly were like a permanent stain on the season. He would not bury her in that time. When the snow thaws and the ground melts, they release her ashes on a hill and leave stone for her on a hill under a tree, with a view of the mountains. There is a long line of epithet underneath her name: beloved daughter, sister, friend, wife, mother. Staring at it, Cal wonders if she knows just how important she had become. If she knew that she wasn't just a captain, or a figurehead that brought a centuries old regime to its knees. Everyone leaves after, the Barrows going last, but Cal and Coriane stay. Cal just sitting in the grass next to the grave, the wind in his hair while he watches the mountains for a little while. Coriane sits on the grave, probably not the nicest thing to do, but she does, and traces Mare's name over and over again on the stone with her little finger. "Mommy had a long name." She says as she traces the four names on the stone. Cal hesitated to put his name on there with hers, but he adopted the Barrow name as much as Mare took the Calore one when they married. And in the very, very short will she had drafted, that he almost didn't read because reading it made everything real, she asked that he put both their names on it (but to put his name before hers and she even made a little quip at him in the will about it which made him laugh, even as it made him cry). He glances at Cori after she says that and nods. She then crawls into his lap and they sit watching the mountains before Coriane says, "Uncle Julian says that when people die, they become the dirt that feeds the trees and the grass... do you think mommy is happy to be tree food?" He laughs and hugs her really close before saying, "She's not tree food. That dust we let go of today was mommy. She's on the winds now, traveling everywhere."
He does not remarry, no matter how many years pass, and how many women try to infer that it might be for the best if Coriane had mother in her life. He thinks its a stupid notion that he can't raise his own child on his own. And its hard, god is it hard. But he does it. He makes Coriane Barrow Calore into a women that Mare Molly Calore Barrow would have been very proud of. And he holds onto the notion that someday, when he dies, and they scatter his ashes, that his will find Mare's and they'll be together again that way.
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unknownwriting · 3 years
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Summary- going on a date
Character(s)- Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijiro, Mina Ashido, Aizawa Shōta
Warnings- just so one comes for me, everyones aged up!!, besides that none :)
Notes- ahh look at me trying to expanding my fandoms
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Kaminari Denki
Definitely an arcade date. A simple yet fun idea.
Of course when he invites you, it mostly as a joke. He’s not expecting you to actually answer. But when you did this man is like so excited. If he could he would’ve planned the date that day but of course he waits till the weekend.
It’s a casual date, nothing to fancy just the 2 of you enjoy the little things. It’s one of those dates that feel like a date yet at the same time doesn’t.
It’s like those dates y’all see in like those cheesy romance movies. It’s a very cute date 🥺💕
Of course y’all don’t spend the whole date at the arcade, it was just the first out of many spots. Y’all basically play till y’all can’t anymore then go out to eat.
Y’all end up chatting about anything and everything, whatever topic pops up yall talk about it. At one point you make him charge you phone, limited his ability to talk. But you end up talking the most anyways.
After y’all had eat and enjoyed a dessert or 2, the 2 of y’all go a goof off at some random park. Talking on the swings, climbing up the monkey bars, petting to local cats.
Over all the date was just a simple one but it was probably the best one Denki has ever had and will have.
Before the date, he knew you only as a classmate, not knowing the small things about you. After the date he learns and remembers all the little things about you.
Your favorite color, your dream pet, what you what to do as a side job, how you wanna help people. All the little things.
Denki felt so unbelievably happy when the date was over. He hasn’t be on many dates before more like none so going on a date with you, and it being an actual date made him so happy. Y’all are definitely gonna be going in more dates from now on
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Kirishima Eijiro
Unlike Denki, dates with Kirishima take a bit more time to plan. Kirishima loves to go hiking, so why not go on a hiking date with him.
You honestly had never been on one so you have no idea what y’all would even do but you decided to go along with it. It something new for you to try and plus Kirishima seemed really happy when he was talking about it.
You clearly underestimate him and the date. By a lot. To start of with, y’all met up together just as the sun had reached over the horizon. It was to early.
2nd, he just had to pick the most ‘manliest’ trail. It was an gorgeous trail, don’t think it wasn’t. There were so many animals, birds, and beautiful flowers. But also bugs, and awkward wooden stairs and rocks, and a lot of walking. At that point you weren’t sure if this was a date or extra training.
However, you went along with it. Although it wasn’t your thing, it was nice change of pace and something else fun to try. The date wasn’t bad either, the two of y’all cracked jokes, chatted about the latest gossip at the school and about y’all’s works study, and just talking about random topics.
At one point y’all ended up holding hands and walking shoulder to shoulder, until however the 2 of y’all didn’t even know how or when y’all did it. The only time y’all noticed it was when Kirishima tried to head off into a bush to pee but next he knew you just continued to follow him. His flustered face was so unmanly.
After hours and hours of talking, sunset came and you noticed that y’all weren’t near the entrance of the trail. You brought your concern with him, but he simply smiled, grabbed you hand once again and asked, “Trust me. You’ll love it.”
There was no way you couldn’t trust that smile. So you continued to follow him until the sun began to dip under the horizon. And an hour before the light had disappeared completely, Kirishima brought you to a lovely field and a small picnic area
You were speechless, you were definitely not expecting that. It was so strange yet cute. So while you stood there, speechless, Kirishima began to unpack a bunch of snacks, of course ones that didn’t need to be referated. Once he set them all out, he looked back at you and smiled sheepishly, “Hehe, I hope you don’t mind a pinic date.” 
and of course you loved it. The date lasted on for about 2 more hours before yall decided to head back. Although the walk back was scary and surprising a lot shorter bc he apparently knew a short cut, it was still fun. The date was very new and nice, it was very different from any date you went on before. So this just might become a regular thing for you.
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Mina Ashido 
a night out on the town all the way. Kinda like Kaminari but not at the same time...
Even though the date is technically at night. The 2 of y’all spend the day together anyways. Not going out and partying, but lazing around the house doing nothing. Mina liked to call it your girl time where y’all gossip, watch rom-coms, fantasize about the future, sending each other memes, simply stuff like that.
It wasn’t until around 5 when the date was finally starting. Y’all would get all dressed up, do each other’s make up, complement the hell out of each other, flirt, and try on like 5 different outfits before finally heading out.
The night started off relatively calm. The 2 of y’all would start the date off by going out to dinner at a somewhat fancy restaurant. Where y’all would continued to gossip and talk about random things.
After the dinner date the 2 of y’all would sneak off to an ice cream parlor and enjoy an ice or 2 together. Completely ruining y’all’s outfits. Besides the dinner date and the ice cream, everything after that wasn’t planned at all. It was all up to Mina where y’all would go.
To the club! Is the first place Mina’s gonna drag you too. It was popular club too where citizens, heroes and even villains would attend. The only rule that’s enforced at the clubs is: no sharing your real identity with a stranger. Besides that it’s a free for all.
Dancing, drinking, partying. They do it all, and y’all definitely do it all. Of course still having a sense of responsibility, y’all don’t drink too much but y’all definitely make that up on the dance floor.
While dancing you even ran into a few friends and decided to join their little party. Y’all did everything: drinking games, dance, encourage fights, ate till y’all couldn’t stand, threw it all up in the bathroom then did it again. You were pretty sure you saw some people from the league of villains but who cares. You were on a date not a night patrol.
Of course y’all aren’t super human well technically you are butttt so eventually even y’all had to call it quiets. It was around 3 am tho. It was a good thing that y’all didn’t have work in the morning. So the 2 of y’all said you goodbyes and slowly stumbled y’all’s way back to your apartment. Both of y’all took turned carrying each
As soon as y’all go home y’all had enough energy go pull off your outfits before crashing on the bed make up and all. The next morning, or next afternoon Mina was the first to wake up so she was quick to get dress and clean up before she began to make breakfast for you and a hot drink. When you woke up Mina was quick to check up on you and make sure you were feeling ok.
Once again y’all spent the day doing nothing and relaxing with each. And after a night like that, y’all couldn’t ask for more.
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Aizawa Shōta
This man is like so romantic...when he wants to be lol. It really all just depends on his mood. Normally a date with him would be a very simple and easy going one.
Because he is a teacher, there’s a lot of time where’s he stuck grading papers and when that happens, He loves to cuddle up with you under a blanket and while you watch a movie or read or play on your phone he’ll grade the papers. Taking many breaks of course.
Most of the time his breaks will consist of him complaining about how one of his students didn’t get a question right or didn’t even answer it or just put something crazy. Most of the time he’s not to talkative but when it comes to school, especially his students, he won’t shut up. So you let him rant, you enjoy hearing this stories too anyways. His students are amazing.
Occasionally if it’s a simple worksheet with an answer sheet he made before hand, He’ll make you grade the papers while he sleeps or does something else. You love when this happens cause then your can give them a few extra points just bc.
Of course the date is not grading papers with him. The date comes after. Once all the papers are graded, the 2 of y’all would put in some relatively decent clothes and head out to the nearest coffee shop. A chance to get y’all out of the house and a nice breath of fresh air. Normally it’s your idea to go on the date but Aizawa always loves it.
Once y’all reach the cafe that’s when Aizawa would normally take over the date. He’ll either find something else he wants to do like see a movie or take a walk in the part the. Something he’ll just want to go back to the appointment and just sleep and relax.
It really doesn’t matter what y’all do. Aizawa’s the type of person to just savor the time spent with you. As long as he’s with you he doesn’t mind what y’all do. With thag in mind, he would prefer to just lay around the house and cuddle but he’s also open to your date ideas.
Like I said before Aizawa can be one hell of a charmer when it comes down to it. So when y’all go on actually dates. He knows exactly how to dress, act, and what do it. It’s almost like a completely different person but his lazy reaction remind you he’s still the same man you fell in love with.
Even the romantic dates are simple, going out to eat at a fancy restaurant and going out for a walk hand in hand. If y’all do something too exciting, he thinks it will take away from your beauty and distract him so that he’a not focused on you. So he keeps the dates simple so that he won’t have any distractions from you.
To others y’all’s dates might be too simple and boring, but y’all love them. The dates aren’t about seeing how much y’all could do together, it about spending time with each. So if all y’all do it go off to some cafe that’s around the block and talk, y’all are completely happy and satisfied.
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cloveroctobers · 3 years
Synopsis: what the characters are like in the mornings since I’m currently writing this at midnight lol + I feel like ask memes are really underrated and they’re quick to write so I’m open to those too amongst the 100 of other things I have on my list/have yet to write (typical writing probs lol)
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Jordan: I feel like with Jordan is either 50/50 with him. If he has to be up pertaining to football then he’s up and determined! it might take him like 2-5 mins more extra in bed to fully get up if his parents (more so billy) don’t drag him out of bed but he still manages to get up and function somehow. If he’s partying the night before then that’s a different story, he’s always hungover and feeling that shit the next morning so he’ll move super slow and will be late to class/grumpy as hell. He’s either happy and functioning well making sure he’s getting a meal regardless if he’s in a good mood in the morning or not cause the boy likes to EAT (just like Michael’s ass) + if there’s no food at the house best believe he’s cruising to a cafe to get him a meal before heading to boredom high—I mean Beverly
If he’s in a crap mood then he’s mean to everyone in his path. It’s best to leave him alone and let him sulk in his corner until he’s out of his grumpy mood which he does get out of...eventually after arguing with someone or snapping on them, taking a nap in the back of class, or after football practice.
Olivia: I’m squinting as I’m thinking this over. I don’t really think she’s a morning person? but she sets her alarm for herself and can get up in the morning without the help of her parents unlike Jordan lol. She is the type to set her alarm ten minutes before she actually has to get up so she can get extra time in the comfort of her bed. It takes the girl some time to get ready in the morning okay? Have you seen her hair? It takes time to get it right for how she wants it and she always says she should pick her outfits the night before but she always seems to get side tracked so that never happens which also takes up more of her time. Eventually she almost always makes it downstairs before Jordan does. They DON’T ride to school together, hardly, unless one of them has a issue with their car or something but they’re usually doing their own thing but have some sort of conversation in the morning over breakfast—trying to build the closeness of their relationship back
Liv likes to be on time if she can or just right on time, either or. And if things come up, then she’s a little anxious which she normally is until she’s meeting up with someone she can hold a conversation with. Half of the time there’s no need to be anxious? It’s just there and she hates it despite the lonerism she found herself in
Spencer: I think Spencer can be a light sleeper since he’s used to some sort of noise going on in his house. Plus his room is in the center of where the noise will take place. If it’s too quiet, like it usual was at the baker’s he finds it a little hard to sleep all the way? There has to be something going on for him to fully sleep like the light noise of tv? Or a sound machine. James said he was the same way as a baby, always alert. So when he wakes up in the morning, he always lets out a soft sigh closing his eyes letting the alarm go off for a few more seconds before he smacking it off. He has to get in the shower to fully wake him up tho. If he doesn’t take a shower in the morning then he’s not fully up and if he doesn’t take a shower at night, he knows he’s not going to sleep well either.
If he has to walk Dillon to school, then he doesn’t mind being late. Now that Dillon is getting older he doesn’t mind walking on his own or with a friend or two but being the protector that Spencer is, he’s going to try his best to make time for Dillon no matter what and the boy secretly appreciates it but understands now if it can’t be all the time. Spencer doesn’t have his license so he’s either catching the bus (if he was still going to Beverly, Jordan or Liv would scoop him up ofc) or speed walking to school which he seems to make just in time?? Always.
Layla: I always view her as someone so chipper. She IS a morning person (unless the depression is hitting her hard, some of us have those days) and usually has it together. She’s a big planner and if she doesn’t continue with being a producer like her dad in the future, I can see her being a event planner big time. Anyways she’s usually very organized, outfits steamed and hung up for the week, weekly calendars and reminders in her phone. Alarm’s set since she’s the only one in the house and only has herself to depend on. I feel she does take a lot on her plate for a teenager so she tries her best to follow a routine/schedule most of the time. Wake up. Stretch. Slippers. Robe. She does not check her phone until after she is done taking care of herself! Brush teeth. Shower. Skincare. Get dressed. Does hair. Checks phone on her way downstairs to breakfast. Layla is a açaí bowl or oatmeal kinda girl, fight amongst yourselves. I see it. I manifest it. She always has to have her hands in something and when it comes to breakfast and baking, you can count on her to always make something. It became something she loved since her mom and her always did that together. And she often likes taking the long way to school and the long way back home.
Asher: not a morning person. Never on time unless it’s for football on Saturday mornings. he’s a cereal kinda guy since his dad can’t afford a professional chef anymore. His favorite cereal is probably Rice Krispies with strawberries and wh*le milk or cashew milk if he remembers to buy it from the grocery app. I feel like he would eventually have to get a job his senior year since it’s kind of a struggle with his dad settling into his new job. It’s a big adjustment with his parents divorced and although his mom still slips him money when he see’s her every other weekend, he’s more tired than he ever was before. He’s used to sleeping in cars if he’s not in a king sized bed but can pretty much sleep everywhere. He can sleep through anything and always has multiple loud ass alarms to wake him up since his dad is either gone before he wakes up like before or just about to leave for his new job. He never bothers to wake him anyways. Asher is a grumpy grouch in the mornings and is addicted to ice coffees and loves a good pastry if he can’t have himself some cereal in the morning.
He’s also annoyed if he doesn’t get his cartoon’s in too before school. Don’t bother him until mid-morning, early afternoon if you know what’s good for you.
Coop: if she’s something else when she’s angry what do you think she’s like in the mornings? Annoying either way? Probably lmao. She’s probably a talker in the morning expressing some wild ass dream she had or either how she had a sucky night and couldn’t sleep properly so she was up writing a new song or something. Since she’s dropping out of school, her mornings could probably start later around 11am? Unless her mother is still home and making her get out of bed to run errands with her or clean the house while she’s gone for the day? Either way she’s probably dancing, talking your head off, blasting music as she gets ready, or browsing Twitter as her form of “morning news”
Chris: I get night owl vibes from Chris. Which is more difficult to do in high school, whew! He has to use melatonin spray or cream to help him knock out and if it fully doesn’t help, he’s dragging the next morning once he fully crashes. Sometimes it can be a good morning or it can be a sucky one. Due to his injury, he gets occasional pain in his joints which he keeps a secret from mostly everyone from his team since they were only described as spasms from his doctor. He deals with it even if it freaks him out from time to time. If it’s a sucky morning, he has to wake himself up with a splash of water to the face and then tending to the pain in his joints before carrying on about his day.
I do think he’s on his phone a lot. Before bed, actually watching soothing videos to help him knock out—don’t tell anybody that and then checking his phone again when he wakes up. Which is apparently unhealthy for the mind but hey with technology continuing to take over, what can you do?
Patience: the girl doesn’t care if she’s late or early. All that matters is trying to get through the day. She’s not crazy about getting up early to sit in 7-8 classes a day but if she’s got to do it, then she’s going to take her time. She wasn’t named “Patience” for no reason okay? When it comes to her appearance, she’s going to make sure she puts in the effort because if she looks good then she feels good and can go about her day. Most of the time she takes a quick breakfast with her on her bus ride to school (thanks to her hair not doing what she wanted it to) and then if there’s time heads to the cafeteria to get whatever they’re serving for breakfast there. At least that’s better than the lunch they serve there.
JJ: total morning person! Or if he’s not? You can never tell. The guys always in the best mood. Even if he was out partying and doing too much the night before, the dude is never hungover. Everyone wants to know his secret. And when he tells them, they don’t believe it. He’s usually a slob of a eater but he also knows how to take care of his body and all about his protein shakes and juicing. He definitely has a meal plan that he takes the time to post on his Instagram stories. The guy loves Instagram and is always posting there. If you need positive words of affirmations, JJ is your guy. Check his stories or if you run into him in person he’s all hugs and uplifting you to get through the day. He’s the guy you need around if you need it. If you don’t want to be bothered? Make sure he doesn’t see you and keep your distance because he will tackle you down and turn into DJ Khaled on your ass.
Simone: she hates mornings and thinks it’s cruel to be up five days of the week for. If she physically feels like she can’t get up due to intense studying or up binge watching real housewives or whatever, she knows it the night before and puts her plan into motion the next morning. Her parents are usually always on her ass, especially her mom so it takes a lot of persuading to let her stay home. And it still doesn’t feel like a free day because her mom is checking up on her every hour on the dot from work. She makes it feel like Simone should have just went to school. If the answer is, “there’s nothing wrong with you, you’re going.” Then Simone is definitely in a sour mood. Her dad almost always drives her to school and she checks up on her son every day through socials if she doesn’t message his second mother. Simone’s also not much of a breakfast person but if her dad is making her eat they’re stopping somewhere before he drops her off or encouraging her to take some of whatever dish he made before they leave.
Now? If there’s something on her mind? Then she’s active and stressing over it before she’s talking to someone about it. She’s out getting a light jog on around her gated neighborhood (she’s getting her fitness game back up after deciding to take tennis seriously again) before showering and getting back into bed for at least thirty minutes to forty five before she has to be up for school. Worries erased for now.
Darnell: is a morning person even if he grumbles that he doesn’t care for it. He’s a sunset kinda guy not a sunrise. It’s not much of a issue for him to get up and start the day with a long exaggerated sigh. He’s not as talkative but get something in his belly and he’s bringing up some interesting facts or news about what’s going on with certain celebrities he keeps up with. I also feel like he knows how to cook and breakfast isn’t his speciality but lunch foods are? Grits, eggs, bacon, and jam on toast is his fav thing to eat for breakfast with apple juice. That’s right, apple juice over orange juice no matter what Spence and dil have to say.
His version of appetizers (which are too big of portions but to each their own) are his go to make for lunch. For breakfast if he can’t have his fav meal in the late morning, he always eats light since he says his stomach is too sensitive in the mornings which has been proven to be true...The James’ can vouch for that
Kia: again 50/50. Depends on her night. She’s also someone who is very active in clubs so it all depends when she gets home and how fast she can get things done at home before she can crash. Sometimes she takes a lot on as well but she thrives off it? It makes her feel productive but she also knows how to balance and have free time when she wants to. Her breakfast always consists of fruit, she loves her fruit. And even if she finds herself running late then she quickly adjusts and cuts out what needs to be cut out of her morning routine and get where she needs to be making herself have the time. Which can be good or bad, depends on how you look at it. Kia is great at handling whatever is thrown at her it seems!
Vanessa: Morning person after she’s fully awake lol. Hates how she looks in the morning, thinks her face is too puffy and definitely uses a jade roller no matter what to help. Her mom is always on her ass + she’s a coach so just imagine that on top while struggling to get up. However once she’s settled, she gets this burst of energy—coach montes believes it’s “the vitamins” and “always eating properly” but the small girl always seemed to get random bursts of energy throughout the day no matter the circumstance. loves a food bagel or pastry for breakfast with orange juice or water, either is fine. She especially loves sunny mornings in California, it just makes her feel better—as it should. She even thanks the sun when it greets her face. Which is something she used to do as a kid too.
A/N: I apologize for any typos in advance. It’s now 2am, phones about to die and it’s surely time to crash. Goodnight/morning wherever you are in the world and I’ll fix what needs to be fixed later lol. Feel free to send me ask memes for this week if you want when I do have the energy to write. Toodles!
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fantastic-bby · 4 years
SKZ vs. their embarrassed s/o doing aegyo
Pairing: Reader x Member
Word count: 1.9k
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Their s/o gets embarrassed while doing aegyo
Requested by @m4rshm4llow​
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Wouldn’t exactly force you into doing it 
But if he knew you were comfortable, then he would be more teasing about it 
Chan strikes me as the kind of person who can read people really easily esp if they’re his s/o 
So he wouldn’t force you if he knows you don’t like it
But he would tease you into doing it if you don’t mind
And usually you wouldn’t mind doing it he asked
The problem is that you’re in the middle of the dance room with the rest of his members 
They’re all watching you intently and waiting for you to do something bcs Jisung thought it would be good to ask you about it
“Do you not want to?”
“No, no, I can do it.”
Chan raises an eyebrow while you mentally prepare yourself 
You raise your hands in front of yourself, ready to do the apple heart bite
When you remember everyone’s watching you
And you completely break 
Your entire face goes red 
Chan immediately goes (´∀`)♡
You kinda bury yourself in his hoodie to shy away
He just laughs as he wraps his arms around you to let you hide away from his friends 
He would be the reason you’re doing it in the first place 
“Haha, (Y/n) does cute aegyo” 
Because as much as Minho loves you, he likes to see you suffer sometimes 
Everyone turns their attention to you at the mention of aegyo
You turn to him and he’s giving you that smug smile on his face
“Yeah, you do cute aegyo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”
You want to punch him
You don’t do aegyo because you don’t really care much for it 
Even if you do it it’s when you’re only with Minho 
And it’s something like wanting to either annoy him or get him to do something for you
Like buying you food or stealing bites of whatever he's eating
But he has the look on his face that just lets you know you can’t escape 
So you turn back to his friends who are watching you intently 
You raise your finger to your cheek and you’re about to let out a whine when you break and cover your face with your hands 
You’re blushing like crazy 
Minho finally gives in and lets you off the hook
He pulls you into a hug because he kinda feels bad but he also just wanted to see how far you would go
But he still goes all ^-^ because he finds you so cute
So we all know how Changbin is the fake maknae 
He does aegyo a lot and when you started dating he realised that you might take his spot away 
You do it because you like seeing how Binnie seems to challenge you to be cuter than you
So he turns to you and he pouts 
“(Y/n), Binnie hungwy” 
The moment you see him your heart kinda goes WHOOOOSH ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅
But you fight back 
“(Y/n) is hungwy too, can Binnie get (Y/n) food?”
He subtly raises an eyebrow and turns to his friends
“If Binnie is cuter, then (Y/n) has to get it” 
They all turn to you guys and they’re like !!! because they hear the mention of food but half of them are gagging bcs hhsjdhsd why
Oh, it’s on
“Binnie can’t be cuter because (Y/n) is always cuter!” 
You’re starting to cringe internally because it finally hits you that his friends and managers can see you
“Binnie is the tiniest!” 
You’re around to fight back when you make eye contact with Seungmin and that face he makes when he’s judging the people around him
Your face heats up and you immediately drop your head onto Changbin’s shoulder 
“I can’t go on, it’s too embarrassing” 
You bury your face into his shirt as he laughs
“I’m sorry, baby. I’ll buy lunch instead”
But you’d never tell him that was your plan
His members can tell you planned it tho
Bcs everyone knows he’d do anything and everything for you
Man doesn’t mind doing aegyo but he thinks it’s cute 
You don’t really do it either, but Hyunjin LOVES when you do it
You don’t do it because you find it embarrassing 
Hyunjin likes trying to pull it out of you anytime he gets
Bcs whenever you do it he gets so (。♥‿♥。)
So he tries to lure you into doing it one day 
You’re at home just chilling on the couch when you see him eating ice cream 
“What flavour is that?”
He sees the opportunity immediately 
“Cookies and cream”
“Can I have some, please?” 
Hyunjin turns to you and raises an eyebrow
“Do aegyo and I’ll consider it” 
You’re already blushing because what 
He gives you a look and it makes your face scrunch up in annoyance bcs you realise there’s no way out of it
“C-Can (Y/n) have some of J-Jinnies—” 
Your voice is so soft 
And you just cover your face with your hands before you finish because you feel embarrassed
“Are you okay?”
Hyunjin feels bad because he thought he heard you sniffle 
His ice cream’s on the coffee table and he’s pulling you into him
“Baby, nooooooo I’m sorry”
You pull away and punch his arm lightly and Hyunjin laughs because he feels like he deserves it for making you do aegyo
God he wouldn’t force you to do it, but whatever opportunity he gets to see you do it will make you do it 
He would also probably most likely find ways to make you do it without him actually asking 
So it’s like 
Idk he would find a way to pull it out of you without making it seem like he’s doing anything 
So if it just so happened that you were spending the night at the dorm and everyone was in the living room 
It would be Jisung that would end up going “Whoever does the worst aegyo has to do the dishes”
And you’re like “umm I’m excluded because I’m not part of the band...right?”
And at first they’re all thinking yea that sounds pretty fair 
Then Minho starts talking 
“You’re here already, might as well join in”
You turn to him before turning back to Jisung
He can see the look in your eyes 
But Jisung smiles 
“You do cute aegyo, right, baby?” 
“I hate you” 
You turn back to his friends seeing that Changbin and Hyunjin have already went ahead with theirs 
You raise your hands to your face but you stop halfway because it’s e m b a r r a s s i n g and all of his friends are watching 
So you turn to Jisung and your face is red as hell
He starts panicking for a minute when you turn to him
His mind’s like ヘ(。□°)ヘ shit I made my baby uncomfortable
“Okay, okay, you don’t have to do it baby. We can exclude you” 
He pulls you into his lap and lets you hide yourself while his friends bully him for being whipped 
“That’s not fair!” 
“Shut up, Hyunjin” 
Genuinely feel like Felix would have regular aegyo interactions for not so basic things 
Like he would do it randomly because he wants to or if he wants to get you to do something for him
And you would do it too
“Are you sure?”
You give him a nod
You made a bet saying if you can take his breath away with your super duper adorable aegyo then he has to buy you Animal Crossing for your Switch that you had also won through another bet 
Felix watches you as he waits for your next move 
You look him dead in the eye 
If he’s being honest you look like a determined kitten and he loves it (。♥‿♥。)
And you press your fingers into both of your cheeks
“Can Lixie pwease get Animal Cwossing for meeeee? ... PFFFTTT”
You start laughing bcs you feel lowkey kinda cringey 
The moment Felix realises that you broke he’s all giggly and starts to wrap his arms around you
“Aww babe” 
You cover your face with your hands and just go AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 
And Felix is just like uwu because he thinks his baby is so cute and precious 
“You lost tho, babe”
“Shut up” 
Would pretend he finds it cringey 
So you use it as like a weapon against him 
Because he’ll do things to make you stop 
“Seungmin, I’ll sing the gwiyomi song if you won’t take me to have lunch at that stall by the 7 11”
“( - _ - ‘ )”
Seungmin loves it 
He really loves it 
And you know that he likes it because he always smiles or laughs whenever you actually do it bcs he can’t resist your adorable charm uwu
He also wouldn’t ask you to do it if he didn’t like it
“We can get jjajangmyeon if you do Back Door but aegyo”
How are you supposed to aegyo BACK DOOR 
You just stare at him like wtf while you try to figure it out bcs you want the jjajangmyeon
You raise your fist in the air like trying to do the choreo 
And you realise that you probably look really silly doing it 
“Min this is so weird”
Even though you’re alone with him it just feels so cringey and embarrassing 
But the smug bitch is just smiling at you because he knows he’s won 
If you can’t do Back Door might as well try something else 
So you pout and give him your best puppy eyes 
“Minnie, don’t be so mean. Can we please get jjajangmyeon?”
Seungmin’s heart goes (*≧∀≦*)
Even if he wouldn’t admit it 
He absolutely L O V E S your puppy eyes 
And he wouldn’t admit it but he seriously just can’t reject anything you ask of him whenever he sees your puppy eyes 
I would assume that Jeongin would probably date someone who’s probably smol and soft like he is 
So assumingly his s/o would probably be as shy as him or even more shy
And since you’re like technically his s/o
You’re a smol shy bean 
Very smol
Very shy
Tinie (´∀`)♡
Jeongin doesn’t strike me as someone who would do aegyo regularly bcs like I said he’s shy 
So you probably wouldn’t do it that much either unless someone Jeongin would ask you to but even then I don’t see him asking you for aegyo regularly 
I feel like it would be more of a joking kinda thing 
Kinda like 
“(Y/n) if you do aegyo then I’ll let you shoot me with this BB gun”
And you’d do it 
But he wouldn’t actively force you into situations where you would have to do it because he would feel bad if you got like too embarrassed or anything of that sorts
It just so happened that when you were about to do aegyo in the dance room
His members walked in
And you had the biggest pout on your face and your hands poking your cheeks 
That you kinda yanked onto Jeongin’s hoodie so that you could hug him to hide yourself 
“Woah, (Y/n) was doing aegyo?”
And of course the rest of Stray Kids wanna tease you or Jeongin about it 
“Do it again!” 
“Yeah, you never do aegyo. I wanna see it c:”
But Innie would go all <(`^´)>
Because he’s protective of you 
“Don’t make fun of them!!!”
He just
Wraps his arms around you
And protects you while the guys end up teasing Jeongin instead
And he takes it as long as they don’t say anything to you uwu
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foxyslide · 2 years
TW Ed talk, ugly mugshot, ramblings, cals burned, intake, weight
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(Not from today)
These are the pics I removed from my previous post because I got paranoid someone would recognise me, but then I thought I have a generic face and even if someone does so what 🤷🏽‍♀️ we’re both on edtumblr let’s chat about it. Why should I be embarrassed about what I’m going through? We’re all insane on this side of tumblr. Plus ppl might recognise me through moot yellow anyway.
Had coffee 15kcal
Cycled 27miles -1,620kcal my knees were hurting I was so tired, from the first mile. 
Drinking elderflower and apple drink 5kcal
In bed chilling, need to water the plants but now dunno if I’m gonna do it today. I was sleepy while cycling, even tho we slept till nearly the afternoon. If I don’t water them today I will have to water them tm morning. I hope none of my plants will die from my laziness… 
Hubby smoking and eating hasn’t been affecting me too much. I am a little hungry and I do have some low cal food in case of an emergency but again since quitting 🍃my mind is clearer and I have a lot more control over my actions, so I’m not too worried about lasting till tm. 
I think what tripped me up was smoking on my period. This time I will have to just not smoke, to keep my clarity and control. I’ll just get through the pain on my own. 
Hubby ate pizza and he’s eating cake and ice cream now, it’s unhealthy but it doesn’t show on his body so I think that’s why he isn’t worried about changing his diet. He’s always been skinny, his entire life. 
Btw I caught myself having horrible thoughts about him eating the other day. He was eating and I looked at him and thought “fat pig” 😨 straight up. Judging him. Right after I was like NO FUCKING WAY I will NOT turn into my fucking mother. I will NOT project my own insecurities onto other ppl, I never have and never will again. That was disgusting. It was a shock but I’m not worried about it, even if it happens again I can catch myself, I am determined to be a good person to the best of my ability and not turn into my family members. I really want to be a good person. I told hubby about all this so he knows. He’s not bothered he jokes about it now. Shows how secure he is in his own self image.
After cycling I only lost 100grams the fuck. I do remember the post saying upping your cal intake will boost your metabolism and make you lose weight faster, but this is the beginning for me I wanna fast to regain control. I will be having more food once I start work again. Gonna stay around 800kcal as usual, changing it up every now and then so my body doesn’t get used to any one amount of cals. Just one week. Let’s see what one week can do. Now that I’ve got pics of myself I wonder if I’ll see a difference next weekend?
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