liberalsarecool · 3 days
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Not drag. Not trans. Nope.
Religious white cis male. 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯
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longreads · 3 months
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Creation of Woman: Evangelical and Transgender in the Bible Belt
"I opened his underwear drawer to put the laundry away and noticed a flash of color and lace toward the bottom. My stomach jolted." 
In our latest feature, Lane Scott Jones navigates gender identity against the backdrop of the Deep South.
Read it here. 
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actiwitch · 10 months
Hot take, apparently, but genuinely harassing or insulting anyone's religion is not ok.
Criticizing religious institutions, proselytizing, extremism, or horrible behaviors/beliefs done in the name of a religion? YES! Totally. That should be criticized.
Unpromptedly popping up on random posts by religious folks to say anything along the lines of "god isn't real", "the pagan gods are fake", "there is only one true religion", "[any religious group] are stupid/dangerous/barbaric" -- NO.
It's rude. It's unnecessary. And sometimes, especially in the case of minorities or oppressed groups, it's outright hateful. Theres nothing helpful, funny, or cool about randomly insulting one of the most personal aspects of a persons life. Unless it's invited or warranted, stfu.
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thejewitches · 1 year
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Let’s build strong interfaith solidarity by refraining from appropriating Jewish rituals.
Here are a few more ‘arguments’ that we didn’t include, but feel we should head off… “But Judaism is the root of Christianity”. We are a living, breathing people and our traditions have continued to live and thrive despite Christian oppression. These traditions came after Jesus and are not for the taking. “But Jesus was the Passover Lamb!” That’s a Christian tradition and has nothing to do with us. There are many beautiful Christian traditions. Go celebrate them. Enjoy them. No need to take ours.
Make sure to share and if you see someone having a Christian seder, educate them!
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s6intss · 2 months
For people who had ‘problems’ with Christianity, and became an athiest or converted.
Now I’ve been an athiest at times, when I didn’t understand theology and the true aspects of the Bible. Though, Christ had led me back with even more knowledge and wisdom.
So, I’m not gonna gatekeep but I want to share some advice if you want to delve and understand Christianity more. Without cherrypicking bible verses out of context, and using it as baseless arguments. Also the fact most evangelicals/pastors can contort someone’s view of Christ and Christianity, and eventually mislead them.
Here are some recommendations for more understanding:
Learn about Christian apologetics and the community (mainly on Tiktok) —— (recs: OrthoTruth, Sam Shamoun, InspiringPhilosophy, Cliffe Knetchle.)
Theology, and the understandings of doctrines. Don’t always get your facts from randos online if they dont state any scholarly sources and such. Basics: Hypostatic Union, how the trinity/triune God works. (I’ll make a post about this)
Inner Peace, How to deal with sin, and the lovingness and faithfulness of Christianity (recs: Father Spyridon)
Read the Bible, and use BibleRef.com to answer any questions you have about verses
Scholarly Books to deepen understanding (I’ll also make a post about this!)
May God bless you wherever you are. True knowledge is beautiful, and can lead to innate spiritual fruition. This can secure your faith and you can also use it to secure others!
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moderat50 · 8 months
Making Women Sex Objects
It seems Maga approves of treating women as sex objects, toys. Men are allowed to grab them by the pu....y. Trump called this "locker room talk". Matthew 5:28 calls it adultery. Yet, there was very little objections by the Maga community and several christian leader supporters.
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dclanisms · 1 month
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losing my religion
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angelx1992 · 1 month
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dg3zero · 10 months
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thepersonalwords · 2 months
I will design myself a reputation, in which prospects can place their trust, and customers return to and recommend.
Chris Murray, The Extremely Successful Salesman's Club
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gramarobin · 2 months
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"Deep within the heart of every evangelist lies the wreck of a car salesman." -- H.L. Mencken
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thejewitches · 7 months
The Green family are notoriously against every one of our values and they put their money where their mouth is. CUFI is not the only massive corporation that is funding Christian zionism in the USA. Corporations like Hobby Lobby, which have philanthropic arms and are subsequently funding the ‘charities’ of those who reap the profits of the corporations are extremely present in our landscape.
For those of you who follow our Threads, you’ve already seen today’s discussion…But for many of you, this is brand new.
Have questions? Ask away. Make sure to watch our other videos or read the blog! We’ve linked it in our link tree for easy reading!
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disease · 6 months
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Advertisement for “Red Sea Crossing” released in 1983 on the Atari 2600.
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