friedelio · 6 days
Eigentlich wollen wir ja nach Prag …
… aber gekommen sind wir nur bis Thüringen. Bodenfelde an der Weser bis Dorndorf an der Werra240 KilometerGefahren vom 10. bis zum 13. September Wir finden: Neben dem Mai ist der September ist doch eigentlich die schönste Reisezeit. Es ist nicht mehr so heiß, meist trocken und das Licht ist anheimelnd. Auch sind weniger Leute unterwegs und die Campingplätze nicht so voll. Traditionell haben wir…
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I try to spend a week cycling alone every year and it’s so hard to just pick one for 2023...
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dailylovato · 6 years
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warumichradfahre · 2 years
Nicht alle Türme sind Wassertürme
Zeugen des Eisernen Vorhangs. Auf dass so etwas nie wieder kommen möge. #Grenzturm, #Wachturm, #Ostsee, #DDR, #Grenzsoldaten, #Flucht, #Kühlungsborn, #Börgerende, #eisernervorhang, #ev13, #waymarkedtrails,
Dieser Grenzturm in Börgerende zeugt von den ehemals 27 auf dem Gebiet der DDR installierten Grenztürmen. Von hier aus wurde die Ostsee überwacht. Es war das Ziel, Fluchtversuche aus der DDR in den Westen über die Ostsee zu entdecken und zu unterbinden. Während der Grenzturm in Börgerende so vor sich hinsteht, wurde der in Kühlungsborn von einem Verein erhalten und um ein Dokumentations-Museum…
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imaginethedragon · 5 years
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I'm love her
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elimamoda · 5 years
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Vestido modelo #EV13 Confeccionado en denim de 8oz con Spandex. . Disponible en nuestro website www.elima.com.ar . Consultá a nuestro WhatsApp +541138745010 . . . . . . . . #falda #faldas #maxifalda #skirt #verano #summer #primavera #veranoargentina #argentina #arg #modaargentina #modaevangelica #jean #elima #elimafactory #elimagirls #jean #denim #chicas #chicaselima #elimajeans #elimamoda #katspektor #vestido #dress #maxivestido (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7b1qHwhOfM/?igshid=wpunngramjh3
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mapsontheweb · 3 years
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EV13 The Iron Curtain Trail, a long-distance cycling route which runs along the entire length of the former Iron Curtain. By European Cyclists’ Federation.
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nordkap2021 · 3 years
Tag 28: Kuvizi (LV) -> Kaizma järv (EST)
Freitag, 04. Juni 2021
Gut geschlafen und gestärkt legen wir bei Sonnenschein wenige Kilometer auf der furchtbaren A1 zurück. In Ainazi biegen wir auf eine kleine Straße ab, wo uns Estland mit einem "Tere" (= Hallo) begrüßt. Auf der wenig befahrenen Straße geht es weiter durch Kiefernwald parallel zur Ostsee, die auch hier nur sehr selten zu sehen ist.
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Es gibt viele Ferienhäuschen und Campingplätze und alles macht einen sehr ordentlichen Eindruck. Es scheint jedoch noch Vorsaison zu sein denn viele Restaurants haben noch geschlossen. In einer kleinen Bäckerei genießen wir einen Cappuccino und selbstgemachte Schneckennudeln.
Bald kommen wir jedoch wieder auf die E97. Hier sehen wir auch Schilder für den EV10 (Ostseeküsten-Radweg) und EV13 (Iron Curtain Trail) die hier gleich laufen.
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In einer Fernfahrerkneipe nehmen wir ein ordentliches Mittagessen zu uns. Super Radwege stehen uns die nächsten zwei Stunden zur Verfügung. In Tori, wo die gleichnamigen Pferde gezüchtet werden, haben wir eine weitere Pause. Weiter geht es durch riesige Waldgebiete auf matschigen und steinigen Wegen.
Auf der Suche nach einem Zeltplatz zeigt uns ein Schild einen Campingplatz in 6 km Entfernung an. Dort finden wir zwar keinen Campingplatz, aber einen wunderschönen großen See. Auf einer Wiese am See stellen wir unser Zelt auf.
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131 km in 7,75 Std.
Insgesamt 2.308 km in 149,5 Std.
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evoldir · 2 years
Fwd: Job: LMU_Munich.ResAssist.ButterflyEvolution
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Job: LMU_Munich.ResAssist.ButterflyEvolution > Date: 12 July 2022 at 07:01:48 BST > To: [email protected] > > > RA position (deadline 31st July 2022): We are looking for a motivated > student research assistant to join our project studying neuroanatomy, > behaviour and speciation in tropical Heliconius butterflies. The > RA will join Richard Merrill’s research group at LMU Munich > (https://ift.tt/7oO5uTf), and will work closely > with our collaborators at the Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam > (Ecuador), the Universidad del Rosario (Colombia), and the University > of Bristol (UK). > > The position is for 2.5 years, following successful assessments at ~4 > and ~10 months.  The applicant will be primarily based at LMU in Munich, > after a period of 3 to 6 months working in our insectaries in Ecuador, and > a possible shorter visit to Bristol. As such, applicants must be prepared > to spend considerable time in the tropics, be self-motivated and work well > as part of a team. In addition to butterfly breeding and behavioural > experiments in the tropics, the work would mostly involve antibody > staining, confocal imaging and segmentation of brains. Experience with > these techniques would be welcome, but is not required. More important > is self motivation, an interest in the evolution of brains and behaviour, > good communication and English skills, and the ability to problem solve. > > The position would suit someone interested in the evolution of brains and > behaviour, with a relevent MSc or bachelors degree, who is considering > pursuing a PhD.  The successful applicant will work closely with Postdocs > in the lab and will contribute to ongoing experiments, but there is > scope for independent projects. Depending on available funding, and the > right candidate, the position could be extended to allow a PhD project > in the future. > > LMU is recognized among Europe’s premier academic and > research institutions, being consistently ranked among the top > Universities worldwide. Within the Division of Evolutionary Biology > (https://ift.tt/sxbZNSg), the researcher will be part of vibrant > international communities of scientists. In addition, the researcher will > join a collaborative and driven community of Heliconius biologists. The > working language of the lab and the Division of Evolutionary Biology > is English. > > The position is funded by an ERC starting grant (The genetic and neural > basis of reproductive isolation) awarded to Richard Merrill. The > expected salary will be equivalent to that paid at the level of a > PhD student  (mostly likely EV13 65%, approx. 1750 € after tax and > contributions). The successful applicant could start at the earliest > from September/October 2022, but this start date could be extended for > the right candidate (and might depend on obtaining visas). The position > is open to EU and international applicants, assuming they can obtain > the necessary work documents. > > Further information about the lab can be found > https://ift.tt/nRafh7g and links > within. For relevant publications see below. Informal questions > should be directed to Richard Merrill ([email protected]), > Shane Wright ([email protected]) or Lucie Queste > ([email protected]). > > Applications, made up of a *single pdf* including:  i) A short letter > of motivation, ii) A current CV (including grades) and iii) the names > and contact details of two referees, should be sent to Richard Merrill > ([email protected]) with the subject header “HELICONIUS RA” by > 31st July 2022. Interviews will be held most likely over zoom in the > following 2 weeks. > > > Relevant publications: > Montgomery, S.H., Rossi, M., McMillan, O. & Merrill, R.M. (2021) > Neural divergence and hybrid disruption between ecologically > isolated Heliconius butterflies. PNAS 116: e2015102118 LINK >
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a2zjunction · 2 years
Upcoming Electric Cars In India 2022
In today’s modern world, pollution has become the biggest concern of society. This is mainly due to the smoke-emitting vehicles which use petroleum products. We, ourselves, have become a threat to our future society and also we are destroying the mother earth with continuous carbon monoxide emissions from our vehicles. Thanks to electric vehicles which are eco-friendly and also equally efficient as fuel based vehicles.
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There are 10 best Upcoming Electric Cars In India 2022
1. Mahindra eKUV100
2. Haima Bird Electric EV1
3. Tata Altroz EV
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gentlemanracedriver · 7 years
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Peugeot 905 EV13
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medleyofmml · 7 years
Wolf [trio]
And more Honeyworks~ <3 I’ve had this for a few months but was too lazy to optimize it... Hopefully nothing is screwed up cause I’m too lazy to test it on mabi, but if something does mess up, I bet I know the cause :’D (mabi shitty programming)
Arrangement: yoshi Instruments: 3 pianos Rank: 1
Piano 1 [email protected]>eeeeeee4c+4&c+16.rr32v13ef+<b4&b16.r32bbbbbb4g+rab4a4g+4bbaaal4ag+&g+16.rr32bl8bbbbbbbg+4&g+16.rr32g+g+4b4v14bbbbbb>c+c+4reeeeee4reeeeee4&e16.rr32v13<ab4a4g+4bbaaal4aa&a16.rr32bb8bl8bbbbg+4&g+16.r4r32v15f+e4.v13>c+4.&c+16.rr32c+rc+2&c+16.rr32<aaab4n63b4&b16.rr32l4>c+&c+16.r32c+<bbg+.&g+16.r32f+8e8r8g+&g+16.r32baabl8r>erd+re4l16.&er32>ed+16<bf+e16d+<bf+16ee4l8eeeeee4e4r4ef+c+r4c-4d+d+d+er<brbbbb4bbbbbbr>c+4c+c+c+c+eg+4<bbbbbbbbbbbb>aaaal4g+v12bv11bv10n61v9brl8bbbbl4b>eed+<g+.&g+16.r32l8>f+eeel4<bbbn61bre.&e16.r32b>eed+<g+re.l16.&er32v7>b4.&br32f+4g+4v9b4.&br32e4.&er32v11<e4.&er2r32v13d+4.&d+r4.r32v14b4v13l8>eeeeeee4c+4&c+16.rr32ef+<b4&b16.r32bbbbbb4g+rab4a4g+4bbaaal4ag+&g+16.rr32bl8bbbbbbbg+4&g+16.rr32g+g+4b4v15bbbbbb>c+c+4reeeeee4rv13eeeev15ee4.rv13<ab4a4g+4bbaaal4aa&a16.rr32bb8bl8bbbbg+4&g+16.rr32g+g+4b4bbbbbb>c+c+4r<bbbbn61b4rbbbb>ee4&e16.rr32<f+g+4f+4e4bb>f+f+g+l4<aa&a16.rr32g+>f+8f+l8f+f+f+d+<e4.c+c+c+c+rc+4e4&e32r16.n61f+>c+4<b1&b4.&b16r16n63g+>f+4e1&e<eg+en63g+>e&e32r16.c-4rerd+re4r<eeeeeebg+g+g+rg+rf+raraaaaabbbbrbrerbrbbbbbbg+g+g+rg+rf+raraaaaabrbbrg+rg+rg+g+g+a>ec-e,rv11<c+r2.<ar2.brbr>e.&e16.r32d+.&d+16.r32c+l2.r<a4rbl16.&br32>e4&er4r32<e8e8r8v13o5b4l1.rrrrrr8v9e8.&e32rrrrrl4r.r32v11b&b16.r2.r8r32e8er2f+r1.rbr2r8n73r2.r8f+r8f+re&e16.r1r1r1.rr32v9e.&e16.r1.r32v11br1.rv9er1r1r1.r.v13<f+8g+8f+8r.v14>br1b&b16.r1rr32o2b8<el8e>e<e>e<el1rrrr8v13o5e4&e16.r.r8r32v14b4rr.l4r.v13er2.r8el16.&er1r4.r32e4&er2.r32b4.&br4.r32b2&br2.r8r32b4&br8r32g+4&g+r2.r32e4.&el1rrrrr.r4r32<g+4rrrr4>e4r2.l8<f+f+f+g+g+g+r2>e4r2.v9<e1&e2.&e&e32r.r32>ag+<br2.rf+4l16.&f+r32g+4&g+r32f+4&f+r1.r32>c+4r2.v7e4.&er2r32v9f+4.&f+r2r32v11f+4.&f+r1r4.r32v14b4r1v13b4&bl1rrrrrr4.r32e4&e16.r.r8r32v15b4rr.l4r.v13er2.r8e&e16.r1r.r32e&e16.r1.r8r32bl1rrrre4&e16.rr4.r32<bl4&br8b8&b32rr16.>>c+<f+1&f+.&f+16rr16>f+c+1&c+2.&l8c+&c+32r1.r16.<eeeebl2.ro2a4rr8b8re4rr8g+8ra4rr8b8r1.o5e4&e16.,v11ebg+8f+ec-e8eref+e8f+ef+&f+16.r32g+f+l1.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl8rg+4&g+16.r4r32>eeeev9l4<g+g+f+f+erl8bbbbl4f+f+f+f+g+.&g+16.rr32>e8e8v11d+d+d+d+c+r2ev9<f+g+g+f+g+l8eag+f+e4v7e4.l16.&er2r32v9f+4.&f+r2r32v11e4.&er2r32v13d+4.&d+r32c-4l1.rrrrrrrrrrrrrr2r2f+8e8rrrrrrrrrv9>>e1r1r1<b4rr4e4rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl2rr8v13e1&e<e8r>b1&b4.&b16rr16>e1&e.&e8&e32l1.rrrrrrr2.r16.c-8e8;
Piano 2 [email protected]>e4bbbbb>el4c+<e&e16.r.r32v13g+&g+16.r32l8g+g+g+g+ag+4erf+l4g+f+erf+8f+8g+8f+e&e16.rr32g+l8f+f+f+f+f+f+d+<b4&b16.rr32>ee4f+4v14bbbbbbn73e4rbbbbn73b4rbbbb>ee4&e16.rr32v13<f+l4g+f+c-rf+8f+8g+8f+c+&c+16.rr32g+f+8f+l8f+f+f+d+<b4&b16.r4r32v15>f+e4.v13e4.&e16.rr32f+re2&e16.rr32f+g+ab4f+f+4&f+16.rr32l4e&e16.r32ag+f+c+.&c+16.r.r32e&e16.rr32g+abl8r>erd+re4&e16.r2.r32<<b4bbb>eec+4<b4r2g+r4d+4g+g+ag+rerg+f+ee4eebebere4ebebrb4r4.eeed+d+d+eee>eeee<b4r2.v9<b1&b2.&b&b32l16.r>>e4.&el4rr32<g+8a8>bbbn73er2e8e8<el16.&er32f+4&f+r32g+4&g+r32f+4&f+r2r32v7e4.&er2r32v9f+4.&f+r2r32v11>e4.&er2r32v13d+4.&d+r4.r32v14e4v13l8bbbbb>el4c+<e&e16.r.r32g+&g+16.r32l8g+g+g+g+ag+4erf+l4g+f+erf+8f+8g+8f+e&e16.rr32g+l8f+f+f+f+f+f+d+<b4&b16.rr32>ee4f+4v15bbbbbbn73e4rbbbbn73b4rv13bbbbv15>ee4.rv13<f+l4g+f+c-rf+8f+8g+8f+c+&c+16.rr32g+f+8f+l8f+f+f+d+<b4&b16.rr32>ee4f+4bbbbbbn73e4rbbbbn73b4rbbbb>ee4&e16.rr32<f+l4g+f+er2r8f+c+&c+16.rr32g+r2.l8r<g+1&g+2&g+32r16.>f+rg+4d+1&d+4.&d+16r16g+rb4g+1&g+2&g+ra<a>b4r>erd+re4r4.<<bbbb>eeef+rerc-reref+eeebeef+rerc-rg+rg+g+g+g+g+beef+rerc-reref+eeef+rg+f+rerereeef+<g+4&g+16.,rv11o2c+r2.<ar2.brbr>e.l16.&er32d+4.&d+r32c+4r2.<a4r2.b2.&br32>e4&er4r32l8<eee>c+4c+n37c+n37c+>c+<<a4a>a<a>a<a>a<abb>bc-bc-b<e4e>e<e>e<en30f+g+g+n32g+n32g+n32a4a>a<a>a<a>a<abb>bc-bc-b<e4e>e<e>e<er4v9>>c+g+b>e2&e16.r32<<a>ea>e2&e16.r32<c-f+b>e2&e16.r32<eg+b>f+4g+4<bn32eb>e2&e16.r32<<a>ea>e2&e16.r32<c-f+b>e4.&e16.r32<<e4v13b>ec-f+<bev11c+4n37c+n37c+n37c+>c+<<a>a<a>a<a>a<a>ac-bc-bc-bc-be>e<e>e<e>e<e>en32g+n32g+n32g+n32g+<a>a<a>a<a>a<a>ac-bc-bc-b<be4e>e<e>e<e>e<ev9<g+g+r4>>e4.l16.&er32<<a8a8r4>>e4.&er32<<b8b8r4>>f+4.&f+r32<c+8c+8r4>e4.&er32v11l4<<g+g+g+g+aaaav9bbbb>c+c+c+c+v7>bbbbv9bbbbv11<bbbbv13<b.&b16.l8rr32bbv14>c+4c+n37c+n37c+>c+<<a4a>a<a>av13<a>a<abb>bc-b<bl1.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr1r4r32v9o6a2.&a8.&a32rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr2l8rv13<<c+f+e4.rb2r2.r<bbbbr>g+4g+>e<ar2.<bbbbr>e4rbr>g+4.&g+32,v11>ebg+8f+ec-e8eref+e8f+ef+&f+16.r32g+f+ebg+8g+bn73e8ere8e8f+g+8f+ee&e16.r2r8r32v13el8eef+rerc-reref+eeebeef+rerc-rg+rg+g+g+g+g+beef+rerc-reref+eeef+rg+f+rerereeef+e4v9eb4r2rc-4el4er2f+r2r8f+&f+16.r32g+f+ebr2r8n73e8er2f+r8f+eer2.v11e&e16.r2.r8r32c+8c+r2d+r8f+rf+&f+16.r32g+f+eer2r8ee8er2d+r8d+r<b&b16.r2.r32v9>e<bbn61br2.b>eed+c+.&c+16.r32<c+.&c+16.r32v11>bbbn73er2.v9c-eed+c+r2.v7e.l16.&er2r32v9f+4.&f+r2r32v11e4.&er2r32v13d+4.&d+r32<b4;
Piano 3 [email protected]+<f+g+g+n32g+n32g+n32a4a>a<a>a<a>a<abb>bc-bc-be4e>e<en39d+n39d+v14c+c+n37c+n37c+>c+<<a4a>a<a>a<a>a<abb>bc-bc-b<e4e>ev13<e>e<en30f+g+g+n32g+n32g+n32a4a>a<a>a<a>a<abb>bc-bc-b<e4en30f+n32g+>a<a>c+c+n37c+n37c+>c+<<a4a>a<a>a<a>a<abb>bc-bc-be4e>e<e>e<e>e<e<g+g+n32g+n32g+n32a4a>a<a>a<a>a<abb>bc-bc-b<e4en30f+n32g+>a<a>c+c+n37c+n37c+>c+<<a4a>a<a>a<a>a<abb>bc-bc-be4en37en37en37e<g+g+n32g+n32g+n32a4a>a<a>a<a>a<abb>bc-bc-bc-bc-bc-bc-b<bg+2.&g+.l16rv9o5b2.&b8.r1ro2e4.l16.&er32f+4.&f+r32g+4.&g+r32g+4.&g+r32a4.&ar32a4.&ar32b4.&br32b4.&br32>c+4.&c+r32c+4.&c+r32v7l4bbbbv9bbbbv11<<bbbbv13l16b>bc-bc-bc-bv14l8<bbr>c+4v13c+n37c+n37c+>c+<<a4a>a<a>a<a>a<abb>bc-bc-b<e4e>e<e>e<en30f+g+g+n32g+n32g+n32a4a>a<a>a<a>a<abb>bc-bc-be4e>e<en39d+n39d+c+c+n37c+n37c+>c+<<a4a>a<a>a<a>a<abb>bc-bc-b<e4e>e<e>e<en30f+g+g+n32g+n32g+n32a4a>a<a>a<a>a<abb>bc-bc-be4e>e<eel32&ee8&ere8&ec+8l4c+c+8n44c+8<aaa8n40ab8bb8n42b8>eee8d+er2.r8<al8aaaaaaar2.r>c+4c+n37c+n37c+>c+<<a4a>a<a>a<a>a<abb>bc-bc-b<e4e>e<e>e<en30f+g+g+n32g+n32g+n32a4a>a<a>a<a>a<abb>bc-bc-b<e4en30f+n32g+>a<a>c+c+n37c+n37c+>c+<<a4a>a<a>a<a>a<abb>bc-bc-b<e4e>e<e>e<en30f+g+g+n32g+n32g+n32a4a>a<a>a<a>a<abb>bc-bc-be4eeeeee,l1.rrrrrr2v11o2e8>c+4l2.r<a4rr8b8re4rr8g+8ra4rr8b8re4l1.rrrrrr4v9>e4r2.v11c+4rrrrr2.e4r2.l8rv9<g+g+r4>f+4.l16.&f+r32<a8a8r4>a4.&ar32<b8b8r4>a4.&ar32c+8c+8r4g+4.&g+r32v11l4<g+g+g+g+aaaav9bbbb>c+c+c+c+v7l2.<g+&g+8.r16v9a&a8.r16v11<b&b8.r16v13>b4.&b16.r4.r32v14>c+4r<a4rr8v13b8re4rr8g+8ra4rr8b8r>e4rr8c+8r<a4rr8b8re4rr8g+8ra4rr8b8re4rr8>c+8r<a4rr8b8r>e4rr8<g+8ra4rr8b8re4rr8>c+8r<a4rr8b8r>e4rr8<g+8ra4rr8b8r1.r4.g+&g+8.r2r16v9o6e4.l16.&er1r32o3e4.&er32f+4.&f+r32g+4.&g+r32g+4.&g+r32a4.&ar32a4.&ar32b4.&br32b4.&br32>c+4.&c+r32c+4.&c+r32v7<g+2.&g+8.r16v9a2.&a8.r16v11l4<bbbbr2v14b8b8r8n37l2.rv13a4rr8b8re4rr8g+8ra4rr8b8r>e4rr8c+8r<a4rr8b8re4rr8g+8ra4rr8b8r>e4r4.e8l32&ee8&ere8&ec+8l4c+c+8n49c+8<aaa8>a<ab8bb8>bc-8eee8d+er2.r8<al8aaaaaaal2.rr8>c+4r<a4rr8b8re4rr8g+8ra4rr8b8re4rr8>c+8l1.rrrrr2.e4l8eeeeee,l1rrrrl4ebg+8g+bn61e8ere8e8f+g+8f+ee&e16.r2r8r32v13bl8g+g+g+rg+rf+raraaaaabbbbrbrerbrbbbbbbg+g+g+rg+rf+raraaaaabrbbrg+rg+rg+g+g+al4g+&g+16.r32v9b>g+8f+e<g+a8ar>e8e8d+e8f+e<b&b16.r32bbb>eg+8g+bec+8c+re8e8d+g+8d+<bbr2v11>e8e8<b&b16.r32>g+8f+e<ba8ar>e8e8c-e8c-e<b&b16.r32bbb>c+g+8g+bc+c+8c+re8e8<a>g+8<a>er1.r8v9<<b.l16.&br2r32b4.&br2r32b4.&br2r32b4.&bl1.rrrrr1r8r32v13f+8g+8f+8rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr16v9o6b2.&b8.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr2l8rv13<<e4.f+e2&e>e&e32r2.r16.<f+ef+er>g+4rar2.r<f+ef+er>e1;
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motorcycleparts2day · 7 years
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Andrews EV13 Grind Cam - 291113 BUY IT NOW – Andrews EV13 Grind Cam - 291113
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weldingring · 7 years
14K Gold & Diamond Ring size 8 - Marked "EV13"
$199.00 (0 Bids) End Date: Friday Aug-4-2017 15:59:58 PDT Bid now | Add to watch list
from http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10039&campid=5337971195&customid=bettyboopbii10&item=263112494673&vectorid=229466&lgeo=1
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porterbilt · 7 years
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@bobbys_bikes 1988 #harley #electraglide going back together offer a freshening up and some fresh black paint and powdercoat. He also decided to paint he while set of bodywork with a spin on some differing years of factory designs. We were surprised to find an #Andrews ev13 cam and @jimsusa lifters. But with a worn out Keith in butterfly powering it. It will be sporting an HSR #mikuni when it's all done in combination with a @bassanixhaust #roadrage2 and a chain conversion for lower interstate RPMs #porterbilt #tradebait #buddydeal #bartering #homies (at Indianapolis, Indiana)
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evoldir · 2 years
Fwd: Job: LMU_Munich.ResAssist.ButterflyEvolution
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Job: LMU_Munich.ResAssist.ButterflyEvolution > Date: 12 July 2022 at 07:01:48 BST > To: [email protected] > > > RA position (deadline 31st July 2022): We are looking for a motivated > student research assistant to join our project studying neuroanatomy, > behaviour and speciation in tropical Heliconius butterflies. The > RA will join Richard Merrill’s research group at LMU Munich > (https://ift.tt/7oO5uTf), and will work closely > with our collaborators at the Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam > (Ecuador), the Universidad del Rosario (Colombia), and the University > of Bristol (UK). > > The position is for 2.5 years, following successful assessments at ~4 > and ~10 months.  The applicant will be primarily based at LMU in Munich, > after a period of 3 to 6 months working in our insectaries in Ecuador, and > a possible shorter visit to Bristol. As such, applicants must be prepared > to spend considerable time in the tropics, be self-motivated and work well > as part of a team. In addition to butterfly breeding and behavioural > experiments in the tropics, the work would mostly involve antibody > staining, confocal imaging and segmentation of brains. Experience with > these techniques would be welcome, but is not required. More important > is self motivation, an interest in the evolution of brains and behaviour, > good communication and English skills, and the ability to problem solve. > > The position would suit someone interested in the evolution of brains and > behaviour, with a relevent MSc or bachelors degree, who is considering > pursuing a PhD.  The successful applicant will work closely with Postdocs > in the lab and will contribute to ongoing experiments, but there is > scope for independent projects. Depending on available funding, and the > right candidate, the position could be extended to allow a PhD project > in the future. > > LMU is recognized among Europe’s premier academic and > research institutions, being consistently ranked among the top > Universities worldwide. Within the Division of Evolutionary Biology > (https://ift.tt/sxbZNSg), the researcher will be part of vibrant > international communities of scientists. In addition, the researcher will > join a collaborative and driven community of Heliconius biologists. The > working language of the lab and the Division of Evolutionary Biology > is English. > > The position is funded by an ERC starting grant (The genetic and neural > basis of reproductive isolation) awarded to Richard Merrill. The > expected salary will be equivalent to that paid at the level of a > PhD student  (mostly likely EV13 65%, approx. 1750 € after tax and > contributions). The successful applicant could start at the earliest > from September/October 2022, but this start date could be extended for > the right candidate (and might depend on obtaining visas). The position > is open to EU and international applicants, assuming they can obtain > the necessary work documents. > > Further information about the lab can be found > https://ift.tt/nRafh7g and links > within. For relevant publications see below. Informal questions > should be directed to Richard Merrill ([email protected]), > Shane Wright ([email protected]) or Lucie Queste > ([email protected]). > > Applications, made up of a *single pdf* including:  i) A short letter > of motivation, ii) A current CV (including grades) and iii) the names > and contact details of two referees, should be sent to Richard Merrill > ([email protected]) with the subject header “HELICONIUS RA” by > 31st July 2022. Interviews will be held most likely over zoom in the > following 2 weeks. > > > Relevant publications: > Montgomery, S.H., Rossi, M., McMillan, O. & Merrill, R.M. (2021) > Neural divergence and hybrid disruption between ecologically > isolated Heliconius butterflies. PNAS 116: e2015102118 LINK >
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