#EQ modeli
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adriaticpulse · 4 days ago
Mercedes ukida EQ oznaku: Električni CLA i GLC stižu do 2027.
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jackmanbj · 1 year ago
mommy mode
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urban and yourbestfriend just dropped off their son you and jack promised to watch him for the weekend.
you had to run to the store, the boys didnt want to go so they just stayed home while yu went to the store for about thirty minutes, but you didnt exactly trust jack’s with ezqual by himself.
jack loved giving kids whatever they wanted, even though it was sweet it wasn’t always helpful
once you got back from the store ez was running around with candy in his hand, he was so fast even jack couldn’t get him.
“hey! whats going on?” ez ran to you getting candy dust on your clothes “aunty aunty!!” “yes ez?” “uncle jack gave me this many candies !” he help up eight fingers “it was yummy!” he started jumping up and down and you glared at jack ‘im sorry’ jack mouthed to you and you quickly rolled your eyes
“uhm auntie baby..how about we watch bluey and be calm while aunty and uncle have a talk in the big room ok?” “ok auntie! ill be good!” “ok sweet boy i trust you!”
you took jack by his hair dragging him to you “owww! baby im sorry!” “shut up.”
once you both were in the room you let go of jacks hair and he started rubbing his head “jackman thomas.. you have thirty seconds to start explaining and it better be the best damn reason in the fucking world.” “baby he was hungry and you weren’t here so i gave him a little candy and he kept asked for more and i couldn’t tell him no!”
“jackman, you could’ve called me, and asked me how much candy you could give him!” you rested you hand on your belly, something you often did when you were tired or stressed “oh my god!! your dragging it, you’re acting like your his mom!” “you know what, im not his mom jackman, so since your “uncle jack jack who lovesss to give out candy” go put him to bed your self and you can sleep on the couch”
“fine. its not hard to put him to sleep anyway” “ok then go jack.. no ones stopping you. leave”
jack walked out the room while you got in the shower, after three hours you finally heard buley turn off and as you thought ez was sleep you heard screaming “IM NOT TIRED !” “ez go to bed! i jst tucked you in!” “I WANT AUNTIEEE!” jack sighed and brought ez to you and you let them in “yes boys?” “auntie!” eq tried to get out jacks hands falling into yours
“auntie can i sleep with you?” “only if you promise to go straight to bed bug” “promise!” once you laid down jack sighed and walked out “i want uncle jack jack to!” “jackk! come here, come sleep in the bed!”
jack came back to the room smiling and laying down next to ez and cuddling your waist “im sorry baby, it wont happen again” “its fine jack, goodnight i love you” “i love you more” jack gave you a kiss
“hump. i love me to! and ew!” “we love you most not go to bed!”
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deebeeus · 1 year ago
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I'M IN LOVE - yeah I'm a believer!
1963 #Gibson#GA79 RVT Stereo amplifier (with 1972 #ES355 Stereo guitar).
If you are like me you never paid much attention to these vaguely funny-looking mid 60s Gibson stereo amps. To me they never looked like "real" rock n roll amplifiers, they looked more like the console record player my parents had in their wood-paneled mid mod living room back in the 60s. Part music box...but mostly furniture. I keep wanting to flip up the top and throw on a Neil Diamond LP!
But, I was dropping off some amps for servicing with my amp tech @marshalllespaulfan yesterday, and he had this one in his shop, in from another customer, and we tried it out with my Stereo 355...and all of a sudden EVERYTHING in my life made perfect sense!
This amp was MADE for this guitar...and I mean that quite literally. You plug it in using a special stereo "TRS" cable, switch the amp to "stereo" mode (although you can also use it in "mono" mode with a regular guitar and cable) and it's wired to give you the neck pickup in the left channel and the bridge pickup in the right channel. So you can set different volume, EQs, and effects for each pickup! Once each channel is dialed in, you can just flip your pickup selector between a grungy dark rhythm sound and a bright overdriven lead sound. OR...play them both at the same time on the center position, and have reverb and trem on the underlying bassy tone, but a crisp, clear, un-effected bright tone cutting through at the same time! It's GENIUS.
Because of its funky stereo wiring, my 355 has never been very heavily played 'round 'ere. The best you can do with it on a "regular" amp is plug its stereo cable into the two inputs of the same amp and even then it just sounds like a "normal" guitar. Without a TRS cable, only the neck pickup works on a "normal" guitar cable. So it's essentially useless. But with an amp like this, you can make it do SO MUCH!
I think I have found my next amp acquisition "quest"! 😉
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kafus · 9 months ago
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you guys are not gonna believe what i just beat red with LMFAO. set mode + no items in battle (held items ok) + i am like 30 levels underleveled on all of my guys. partially for my own amusement and pride, partially to spite people who talk about how much you "have to" grind in johto games
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it took a few attempts since my strategy relies on some decent luck to happen but there's a few ways it could go and i could succeed! and it really didn't take that long!! explanation below the cut for anyone who wants to nerd about this with me
red leads with his pikachu, i lead with meganium. EQ isn't quite a one shot and i have to reset if he lands charm on me, but sometimes he chooses thunder and sometimes charm misses so it's not that bad. i just spam EQ and let him waste his full restores until pikachu goes down
next he sends out venusaur, and i set up light screen and then spam body slam until it paralyzes, which happens most of the time since i resist all his grass moves + am behind a light screen and i get a lot of chances for that 30% paralysis as a result
i let meganium go down for the clean swap into houndoom, who is able to take the venusaur out with one flamethrower after meganium chipped it a bunch (she outspeeds because the venusaur is paralyzed!!)
he sends out his blastoise next, depending on the state of light screen, sunny day from his venusaur, etc, i choose to go into politoed to resist surf or snorlax who can weather hits in general and stall the blastoise out. in my winning attempt i went to politoed, and land a hypnosis after missing it once, so now politoed is low
this is the one part that's particularly RNG heavy - i swap into magneton and use thunder twice for the KO. this requires blastoise to stay asleep long enough for thunder's shitty accuracy to actually land twice. i do have a quick claw which boosts the odds of it going well just a little bit. in this case it works out
red sends out espeon so i swap into houndoom, hopefully on a baited psychic but unfortunately he goes for reflect instead. my houndoom just barely misses out on the 2 shot and goes down to some swifts even from full HP smh. so i have to send out my snorlax who can take one psychic and take espeon's last remaining bits of HP with a body slam
now for the fun part. red sends out his snorlax. who for some reason only has normal attacking moves, snore and body slam. so i send out the gengar i trained up for catching the roamers (technically he is literally the only pokemon i ever grinded levels on in my entire playthrough because i decided i wanted him last minute and had already fought every trainer in the game, but it wasn't that bad + he's nearly 40 levels under red's team still lmfao) and well. since snorlax took a ton of unexpected damage from psychic, i first do some very careful slow ass switching to get him back to full HP... with leftovers recovery. and then once that's done i use curse with gengar
in a perfect world, i use hypnosis after curse, it lands, and his snorlax just stays asleep through all the curse damage, but unfortunately he wakes up and uses rest - this puts him in a cycle where if i'm just sitting there with gengar, he'll never die from curse damage since he rests on the turn he would faint from the damage and wakes up and uses rest again in a loop like that. SO to get him to faint from curse without having to literally PP stall him, on his second turn of rest i swap into politoed who is on low HP (this is safe because he's never going to choose a normal type attack against gengar), which baits body slam on his wake-up turn instead of using rest again, and then swap into gengar immediately to be immune to the body slam. gengar outspeeds and uses psychic to take out the singular HP point remaining
and at last all that's left is his charizard. i let gengar go down and swap into snorlax who's now at full HP again and use toxic, and now it's just a matter of a very iffy toxic stall. magneton and politoed being alive in the back means i can swap to them as sacrifices if i need a little more leftovers recovery, and in the end charizard goes down to toxic damage after rest + sleep talking him (in gen 2, if rest is called by sleep talk, even though the user is already asleep, they use rest again which resets the sleep counter and heals them again so yeah)
i'm unreasonably proud of this bullshit LMAO fuck level grinding man this is way more entertaining
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gatefleet · 1 year ago
Safe With Me
Scorpion: Walter O'Brien, Paige Dineen, Tobias Curtis
WordCount: 1,179
T(W): Hospital, Kidnapping, Temporary Blindness, Blind Panic.
Request: Yes, “Hey! Could u do a Walter o brien x fem reader, where the reader is kidnapped and the kidnapper keeps sending them her videos and these videos cause walter's EQ to show like he's panicked or even crying and when the team finally find her Walter hugs her tight and tends to her injury this causes toby to tease him and paige becomes jealous.
I totally understand if u don't want to do it.
Thank you” - @quackthesuck
A/N: I'm so sorry I've taken so long with this request, I've had a hectic time at work. I hope this is what you were looking for.
You awoke and could not see; your vision was in darkness, and this caused more panic and fear in you than the vague voices in the background which were drowned out by your panic. Your panic only increased when you became aware that your hands and arms were restrained. Realised you were rocking back and forth on some something solid which moved with you. You tried to speak or scream and realised that you had something made of fabric in your mouth. Your panic grew and you began hyperventilating.
Watching on the live stream Team Scorpion stood frozen. Gabe went to make a call, Paige looked like she was about to cry, Sly already had tears streaming down his face, Toby had begun to babble to himself about ransom demands and motives, Happy look pissed, and Walter hit shutdown mode. Paige was quickest to recover after Gabe and tried help prevent the team from spiralling too deeply, Gabe quickly behind her focussing on Happy and Walter.
Once Happy gained a little more composure she immediately went to work on a potential deterrent for the next person who dared hurt the team and thinking of a way to try and track your location from the equipment the abductors carelessly left in the frame. Walter was still in full shutdown mode. The first few videos they had sent you had appeared to be unaware of what was happening, perhaps unconscious, it wasn’t affecting him as much, but watching you panic, writhe in fear and hearing those muffled screams… that was what broke him. That was what overloaded his EQ, his primal brain and made him shutdown.
Gabe had begun physically shaking Walter in the way someone would a person who had passed out. That was when his brain kicked in again. He went straight to his computer to download the video file, to try and begin pulling it apart in some software he had to find any clue or hint as to your location. It took Sly a minute or two to catch up and attempt the same thing from a different angle on his own computer. Walter had begun to snap at anyone who seemed to be falling behind in their natural duties. Began to look harassed and was poorly hiding his panic.
Toby then began to write up a psych profile on the abductors in the hopes it would help with narrowing down locations or motives. Happy began to work on something to help track you using whatever information the rest of the team could extrapolate.
You heard the bangs first. The loud, deep voices shouting something. The people in the room shouting among each other, panic beginning to rise among the group. Heard the door open and close quickly, the quickly pacing footsteps of those that remained to guard you. It took what felt like ages before they got antsy and left the room. You heard other noises you couldn’t quite identify and then you felt yourself being lifted. You began to panic again and must have passed out, when you awakened you were relieved that you did in fact have your sight back and had not gone blind. Then you panicked as you realised you were in hospital. Nurses came to check on you due to your increasing heart rate. They gave you medication to try and relax you. Then you were being interrogated by several people in suits. You quickly had your adrenaline wear off and became numb and begun reacting on impulse.
The team were watching another livestream, you were calmer this time, but still panicked in the video. Gabe was on a call and told them team “any minute now”. Within seconds the team heard the military extraction in the background of the stream and the immediate aftermath, including the military personnel picking you up and heard Toby’s analysis that you had passed out as a normal bodily function to the fear and panic of not understanding what was going on. The team had to wait a while before they could get to see you, the alphabet agencies each wanted to speak with you in turn and then you were on strict no visitor policies in between to get some form of rest. They sat in the waiting room for hours. Walter getting more annoyed at the time going past without seeing you. Toby watched the interactions of the group to let Paige and Gabe know when something was going to erupt, just to keep himself occupied, any time a doctor walked past he would try to find out anything he could from them. Toby noticed Paige’s demeanour change more and more the longer Walter paced, the longer he rubbed his face in his hands, the more annoyed look would come over Paige’s face, which would flicker to hurt and back to annoyed. Walter’s eyes darting towards the doors, his catching himself pacing up to the doors and fighting the urge to burst through them to see you, to see with his own eyes that you were physically alright.
The second Walter was given a hint of a green light to finally be able to see you he burst through the hospital searching for your room, the rest of the team trailing behind him. When he finally found your room, he stopped dead when he saw you standing next to your bed having a test done on your balance and reactions, you hadn’t realised he was there yet, staring silently, taking in the sight of you. You had sat back on the bed by the time the rest of the team caught up with him and Gabe’s subtle push to get Walter firmly into the room instead of hovering on the outside. The others watched from the door as Walter awkwardly moved into the room, how he awkwardly made you aware of his presence, coughing lightly. You turned quickly and the smile you gave Walter. It made his heart falter, his breath catch in his chest. He hadn’t realised he had opened his arms to cradle you tightly until your body practically collided with his. Toby began to make fun of “Mr. 197 IQ” but quickly stopped once he was elbowed in the ribs to ‘read the room’. What he didn’t miss was the very teary look in Paige’s eyes and the distinct quickness of her suddenly being distracted by something at the other end of the hall. All you could hear over the tears and both you and Walter’s rapid heartbeats was him faintly whispering into your hair, “it’s fine, you’re back and you’re safe with me.”
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GIF credit to the owner
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@lastwandastan (won't allow tag) , @lollipopsandlandmines
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octavias-photography-corner · 6 months ago
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Clouds of Various Types
82.5mm eq, f/11, 1/100s, ISO 110 on Nikon D5300 in Manual*; cropped JPEG.
*I genuinely do not remember what mode I was in, as I was still figuring out my rental camera at the time, which was month ago.
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pedaloftheday · 28 days ago
If you're a fan of the BOSS Hyper Fuzz, but don't want to shell out the crazy money they're currently selling for on the used market, you'll really dig the Ftelettronica Handmadepedals Dystopian Fuzz!!🤘 With three modes of operation and a tone-shaping EQ section, this gray gem will make all your hyper dreams come true...Full Demo out now, cheers!
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grimesapologist · 1 month ago
guitar stuff I'm getting this month: harmonic percolator, pedal power, brass nut I ordered mailed from norway, new .80 gauge string (I broke mine trying to tune to e standard), and I think that's everything! still really want an overdrive but it'll have to wait, I'm imagining the effects chain of super fuzz (boost mode) -> harmonic percolator -> overdrive -> rat -> amp (with EQ pedal in the fx loop) and it sounds crazy in my head
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digitaldoeslmk · 1 year ago
So what would be your eq 1 the start of the magic adventures after DBK attack……. It’s a mk get an eaten, isn’t it? Sooooo how the crew react to that? 
yes and no, i imagine the events of the first three eps occurs pretty similarly and before The Incident, except for ep1 cus Red Son doesn't try to take the weather tower and MK doesn't have invincibility. He does accidentally wrecks the tower's antenna with the staff and him and Wukong decide to seal off some of his powers until he can get a handle on them. The clone fiasco and the Mei sleepover though happens as in canon.
It's at that time that MK gets into another shady delivery location and well, he's the one on the menu. He's missing for about four days total, its late in the second day that Red Son hears about the rumor about a human feast from his parents (he has dinner with them once in a while, it's awkward as all hell but he can't bear to say no to spending time with his parents), and he goes to investigate, which leads him to a lot of geographical damage and a fight or flight mode monkey MK. after calming him down he takes him back to the Flaming Mountains to clean up and bounce off the shock somewhere safe.
he finds the carnage MK left behind and all the signs of the culprits of said feast and well, time to find out if the looters took any um, souvenirs, and of course get MK's own version of the story. MK does reach out to Pigsy once his phone is fixed (he can't remember his phone number for the life of him) and reassures everyone he's okay.
by the third day Wukong hears about what happened and makes An Entrance about it, hole on the roof and everything. him and Red Son talk over the details, and MK and Wukong have a serious talk about well, the occupational hazards. after bouncing off the worst ofit, Red Son drives MK back to Megapolis and the gang sits down to talk and hear why MK was MIA all this time.
Pigsy almost pops a vessel and a heart chamber, Tang faints, Mei sits down by Red Son to ask very calmly if there are any missing culprits she needs to find. Sandy is pretty much on damage control mode with MK's dads cus they do be highkey losing it. Pigsy rounds up on Red Son but he lets the demon vent his worries, he can handle a badmouthed concerned parent.
needless to say MK is benched for a good while there, Pigsy and Mei almost like two guard dogs around him. Tang and Sandy try their best to support everyone and each other though cus, really, it's A Lot. Luckily they got Red Son on the team now, and he's quite adept at crisis control and emotional support training.
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riet-riet · 2 months ago
People do not understand austistic people are the opposite of NPD, and if you do no have any type of empathy you are not autistic, unless you are talking about the cognitvie empathy alone. You can choolse to set a barrier to not empathize, but autistic brains are built to feel, thats why we are sensitive, we have meltdowns shutdowns and sensory issues.
Autistic people have low cognitive empathy, hence very low EQ. People then assumed that we do not have empathy. But we feel much and get meltdowns, our brains are super sensitive, to the point that most of us have not just average but very high affective empathy, which only needs your ability to feel in your brain, not about others or any social things. You can feel everything, get freezed by all the external input, or feel something you imagined, yet you still may not be able to appear empathetic because it happens in your head. Without cognitive emapthy, which is the ability to understand others’ feelings and put yourself in others’ shoes, you can not care for others like many high EQ people do.
Does not express feelings or notice others’s feelings, is not the same as not having feelings. Autistic people are hypersensitive. We have too much feelings, this is why those popular personality tests are wrong, autistic people are nature thinkers and hypersensitive feelers, our brian signals got amplified, we can switch on the feeling and focus on it, or not feel anything which would be the default thinking mode, all very intense. I can focus on one thing, barely eat for a month, barely alive, thats why our strong focus is both a gift and a curse.
Anyone has a brain is a thinker, but if your signal is too strong, you will be extremely sensitive, you can deliberately switch off the feeling though, because if you allow it to happen, feeling too much can cause meltdown. But if we do feel, if will be the most extense feelings that NT people can never relate to, just like how we think.
We have high affective empathy, but low cognitive empathy (EQ). Thinking is anyone’s nature, but NT people pretend that if they do not have empathy they can call themselves smart by making empathy the opposite of thinking, yet feeling is just about a switch, all you need is to stop caring and the feelings will be off. But can you become smarter by choice? This whole system/culture belief is a lie. It is riduculous to think that if your right brain is not very high efficient then your left brain would be better than others…. The Majority of NT people actually think and feel less than autistic people. Brain is for thinking by default, but feeling can be a choice, not necessarily a capability, narcissitic brain just means its less intense, their input signals are not amplified much. The frontal lobe is used for cognitvie empathy, which is less developed in autistic brain, so yes autistic people can be narcisstic too, just comebine them and you get it. Most people do not have signals amplfied much anyway, they do not have the constantly thinking process like how ADHD brains do. You can see for straight men the culture is about switching the feeling off or tune it down, a choice we all can make, I can become narcissitic and have no empathy if I want but its not my default mode I do not stay there. Everything should be in its own dimension, low or high, switch the light off or not, instead of comparing apple with apple juice.
NT people have very developed frontal lobe to observe and getting freedbacks, which is super important for control and plan, the key to their success. The society’s model about empathy was wrong, and now that we know what cognitive empathy and affective empathy are, the old model should be ditched or corrected. Just because you are left handed it does not mean your left hand (right brain) functions better than right people’s. You should compare the degree of amplification and if neural networks process things efficiently and intensely by default, thats what high IQ is about, and most intellgent people can have both high effective left and right brains, its about the connections and how the whole thing works, they often come together.
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digitaldetoxworld · 3 months ago
Top 10 Best Wireless Headphones of 2024: Unleash Superior Sound and Comfort
 Wireless headphones have revolutionized how we experience audio, offering freedom from tangled wires whilst delivering sound exceptional, consolation, and superior capabilities. With such a lot of options to be had, locating the quality pair can be overwhelming. Here, we explore the top 10 wi-fi headphones in 2024, that specialize in sound performance, layout, consolation, battery lifestyles, and special capabilities.
 Top 10 Best Wireless Headphones
 Sony WH-1000XM5
Sony maintains to set the same old wi-fi headphones with the WH-1000XM5.
Sound Quality: Exceptional audio with Sony’s proprietary LDAC codec for high-resolution audio.
Noise Cancellation: Industry-leading active noise cancellation (ANC) adapts in your environment.
Battery Life: Up to 30 hours of playback with rapid charging (three hours of use in three minutes).
Comfort: Lightweight design with plush ear cups for extended use.
Extras: Speak-to-Chat feature and compatibility with Sony’s Headphones Connect app for personalization.
This pair is ideal for audiophiles and common vacationers seeking pinnacle-notch sound and ANC.
Bose QuietComfort forty-five (QC45)
Bose’s QuietComfort collection is famous for its noise cancellation and luxury.
Sound Quality: Balanced audio with Bose's signature clear mids and deep bass.
Noise Cancellation: Advanced ANC and an adjustable transparency mode.
Battery Life: 24 hours according to fee.
Comfort: Ergonomic layout with tender cushioning for long listening classes.
Extras: Intuitive physical controls and dependable multipoint Bluetooth connectivity.
Ideal for customers prioritizing noise isolation and comfort throughout long commutes or flights.
 Apple AirPods Max
Apple’s first over-ear headphones combine steeply-priced design with modern generation.
Sound Quality: High-fidelity audio with Apple’s computational audio era.
Battery Life: 20 hours with ANC and Spatial Audio enabled.
Extras: Seamless integration with Apple devices, Spatial Audio, and dynamic head tracking.
Though highly priced, the AirPods Max offers premium service for Apple users.
Sennheiser Momentum Four Wireless
The Momentum Four Wireless excels in each sound and functionality.
Sound Quality: Audiophile-grade sound with an extensive soundstage and aptX Adaptive codec guide.
Noise Cancellation: Adaptive ANC adjusts routinely to the environment.
Battery Life: A wonderful 60-hour battery lifestyle at an unmarried rate.
Extras: Customizable EQ through the Sennheiser Smart Control app.
This is a top preference for lengthy-haul tourists or the ones wanting extended battery existence.
 Bang & Olufsen Beoplay HX
Luxury meets performance in the Beoplay HX.
Sound Quality: Clear, immersive sound with Bang & Olufsen’s signature tuning.
Noise Cancellation: Effective ANC for decreasing ambient noise.
Battery Life: 35 hours with ANC enabled.
Comfort: Premium materials like lambskin leather-based and reminiscence foam.
Extras: Elegant layout and multi-point connectivity.
Ideal for customers who price aesthetics and sound fine in identical measure.
JBL Tour One
JBL’s Tour One is a lower-priced yet function-wealthy alternative.
Sound Quality: JBL’s signature sound with punchy bass and specific mids.
Noise Cancellation: Adaptive ANC with ambient attention.
Battery Life: 25 hours with ANC or 50 hours without.
Comfort: Lightweight and properly cushioned for prolonged use.
Extras: Built-in voice assistants (Google Assistant and Alexa).
It’s an exceptional choice for budget-conscious buyers looking for true sound and capabilities.
Bowers & Wilkins PX8
Bowers & Wilkins delivers high-cease audio with the PX8.
Sound Quality: Studio-grade sound with aptX Adaptive for low-latency streaming.
Noise Cancellation: Effective ANC and skip-through mode.
Battery Life: 30 hours of playback.
Comfort: Premium builds best with leather accents.
Extras: Intuitive touch controls and app-based total EQ adjustments.
The PX8 is good for audiophiles looking for unequaled audio performance.
 Shure AONIC 50
Shure’s AONIC 50 offers expert-grade sound and construct satisfaction.
Sound Quality: Exceptional clarity with support for multiple formats, including LDAC and aptX HD.
Noise Cancellation: Effective ANC with customizable stages.
Battery Life: 20 hours of playback.
Comfort: Comfortable ear cups and strong construction.
Extras: Wired mode for high-decision listening through USB-C.
Recommended for customers who prioritize sound constancy and durable production.
Anker Soundcore Space Q45
The Soundcore Space Q45 offers premium features at a price range-pleasant rate.
Sound Quality: Well-balanced sound with customizable EQ settings.
Noise Cancellation: Hybrid ANC with adjustable settings.
Battery Life: Up to 50 hours with ANC.
Comfort: Lightweight layout with memory foam padding.
Extras: Multi-factor connectivity and fast charging assist.
This pair is best for users in search of less expensive but dependable headphones.
 Marshall Monitor II ANC
Marshall’s Monitor II ANC combines unfashionable style with present-day overall performance.
Sound Quality: Rich, dynamic sound with deep bass and clean highs.
Noise Cancellation: Solid ANC performance with a transparency mode.
Battery Life: 30 hours with ANC enabled or forty-five hours without.
Comfort: Foldable layout with cushioned ear cups.
Extras: Iconic Marshall layout and intuitive joystick controls.
A first-rate choice for individuals who need amazing audio with a conventional aesthetic.
Key Considerations When Choosing Wireless Headphones
Sound Quality: Look for headphones with the help of top-notch audio formats like aptX HD, LDAC, or AAC for first-class listening.
Noise Cancellation: If you’re in noisy environments, prioritize ANC technology.
Battery Life: Depending on your use case, battery life can be a deal-breaker.
Comfort and Fit: Opt for headphones with properly padded ear cups and lightweight designs for extended use.
Additional Features: Features like multi-factor connectivity, voice assistants, and app-based total customization add comfort. https://digitaldetoxworld.blogspot.com/2024/12/top-10-best-wireless-headphones-of-2024.html
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vyl3tpwny · 1 year ago
if you're still answering questions - in response to ur previous answer abt ur favourite plugins, what makes fabfilter compression and eq specifically better for you than just like generic stock plugins? :0
sound quality is overall better, no cramping at nyquist, lots of oversampling options, resizable - well designed interfaces, many more options than the average stock counterpart, cpu efficient, best dynamic eq there is, cleanest compression (on clean mode, setting fastest attack and release with hard knee produces virtually zero distortion which is practically unheard of) but also doesnt skimp out on vintage sounding sensibilities too, robust customizable modulation options including envelope followers for creative fx, most intuitive controls of any processor of its type (pro q3 especially is about as good as an eq can ever get in terms of intuitive workflow), lots of qol utility options like band splitting and m/s l/r processing, multiband crossovers on all multiband products sound immaculate even on zero latency settings, things that take 20 clicks in other processors take 2 in fabfilter's, sidechain referencing and spectrum readouts absolutely stellar and clean, unobtrusive designs <3
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tipsfromanna · 4 months ago
AirPods Pro 3 Reviews (DON’T BUY?!) AirPods Pro 3 – AirPods Pro 3 Review
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#airpodspro3 #airpodspro #airpodspro3reviews
Welcome to another insightful review brought to you by Tips From Anna channel! If you're here, you’re likely seeking detailed information on the AirPods Pro 3. This review will cover everything you need to know:
How do they work?
What features do they offer?
Where can I buy AirPods Pro 3?
Do they have any drawbacks?
Stay tuned for a detailed analysis, so you don’t miss out on any crucial information about AirPods Pro 3, presented by Beats Fusion channel.
🤔 What Exactly Are AirPods Pro 3?
The AirPods Pro 3 are wireless earbuds, designed for an immersive audio experience with advanced Active Noise Cancellation and personalized spatial audio. These earbuds are crafted to deliver high-quality sound, enhance call clarity, and provide a secure fit with sweat and water resistance—ideal for workouts and daily use.
✅ Do AirPods Pro 3 Really Work?
Absolutely! The AirPods Pro 3 are renowned for their effectiveness in creating a rich audio experience and ensuring seamless connection with Apple devices. With enhanced sound quality and immersive features, they offer a premium listening experience. This insight is brought to you by Beats Fusion channel.
🎧 What Are the Key Features of AirPods Pro 3?
Some standout features include:
Active Noise Cancellation
Transparency Mode to stay aware of surroundings
Personalized Spatial Audio
Adaptive EQ for balanced sound
Sweat and Water Resistance
These features make AirPods Pro 3 perfect for those looking for high-quality audio, whether for music, podcasts, or calls.
🤔 How to Use AirPods Pro 3?
Using AirPods Pro 3 is simple: just place them in your ears, and they automatically connect to your Apple devices. Touch controls on the earbuds allow you to easily play or pause music, skip tracks, and switch between Noise Cancellation and Transparency Mode. This user-friendly design consistently delivers a seamless experience, as highlighted on the Beats Fusion channel.
✅ AirPods Pro 3 Reviews & Consumer Reports
That wraps up this AirPods Pro 3 review. Based on personal experience and various consumer reports, AirPods Pro 3 are exceptional for those who prioritize sound quality and convenience. You can find numerous customer testimonials on the official Apple website or check out other reviews from the Beats Fusion channel.
❤️ Where To Buy AirPods Pro 3?
You can purchase AirPods Pro 3 directly from the description link.
✅ Do AirPods Pro 3 Have Any Drawbacks?
While highly effective, the AirPods Pro 3 come with a premium price tag. However, they’re manufactured with high-quality materials in state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring both durability and an unmatched audio experience.
🤔 Does AirPods Pro 3 Come with a Warranty?
Yes, AirPods Pro 3 come with a 3 month limited warranty and the option to purchase additional coverage. This ensures peace of mind with your purchase.
The post AirPods Pro 3 Reviews was first published on Tips From Anna Channel.
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sindoesstuff · 2 years ago
Recent Sims 4 Horse Custom Finds
I really enjoy and appreciate when someone else makes these lists of recent CC finds like e.g. @objuct (find their latest roundup here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/cc-finds-roundup-87304529 ) ! It's just so nice to be able to click through a list of links and grab all the shiny new CC.
Soooo I figured I'll make one myself and might help someone else out c:
@buckarooranch - lots of multicolored manes/tails (foals too!) and other great CC
Kebbe - also has great stencils for horses!
The BoseeladyTV - Potentially helpful mod for Ranch Hands
@kalino-thesims - lots of amazing mods, especially things to turn horses into other animals (deer, zebra, dromdar?!)
Emelie - custom jumps, halters (even with leadrope), and more!
@awesimsimmer-girl - these jumps without white markers are just amazing
@maeveywaevey - many custom coat stencils and brushes !
Illusion EQ Custom Content - They're also working on a rustic stable set which looks great!
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thekingofgear · 1 year ago
We've made a new pedal!
Here's the first teaser for our new Pitch Magpie pedal, a pitch shifter that aims to capture the best of the weirdest pitch shifters from the 90s...
For the past couple years, we've been trying to make a delay-based pitch shifter that sounds good. It hasn't been easy. There's a reason that most pitch shifters have switched to FFT-based algorithms: latency. There's a reason the monophonic Whammy is more popular than the delay-based PS3. Usually, to make a delay-based shifter sound decent, you need to use long delay times, which creates some serious latency. That's fine for organ type effects, but it can be pretty limiting. In contrast, reduce that latency too much and you've got a metallic ring mod, especially on the lowest string of the guitar. But with some tweaking and some crossfade tricks, we think we've found the perfect middle ground. And although there's still a tiny bit of lag, you probably won't care once you add the filters or vibrato haha!
Why filters and vibrato? Well, when I have used those old delay-based shifters, I always thought they sounded best when combined with other pedals — especially for creating special effects! So I though: what if those effects were combined with the shifter? Not just slapped on after the pitch shifting circuit, but actually integrated into the circuit, so that turning up the feedback ("overtone") effects the filter or the vibrato too. The results were even better than we hoped! Sure, it's nice that the pedal can double as a random chorus or a modulated highpass with the pitch shifter section disabled. But turn on the pitch shifter, and the resonance of the filter and the overtones of the pitch shifter start to interact as you turn up the feedback. And if you set the shifter near minimum with high feedback, you get all sorts of comb filter effects. With just a few knobs, the possibilities are really surprising!
It's hard to express how many ideas and variables we packed into the Pitch Magpie. But the three modes are a start. Each is based around the same core pitch shifter, but each offers a unique effect:
Glis Mode (“glissando”) generates an auto-slide, adding a pitch slide when the input signal goes over a certain threshold (think: Hounds). The slide time is controlled by the param knob, which also selects between two slide shapes (basic or U-shaped).
Res Mode applies a resonant filter, selectable between lowpass and highpass with random modulation options. There’s always a bit of resonance, but turning up the overtone knob adds even more, with feedback and oscillation at extreme high settings.
Vib Mode applies vibrato to the the wet signal. Setting the pitch knob to center bypasses the pitch shifter, allowing you to create chorus effects by blending the dry signal. It can even work as a random vibrato (tape warble) with the param knob at max.
With all of our pedals, we try to keep the controls as concise and performance-friendly as possible. We could easily make this kind of pedal with a ton of knobs. But we wanted to find sweet spots and make it quick to move between them. Though we also made sure to give enough adjustment for things to get weird!
The Pitch Magpie's Param knob on takes this idea to the extreme. The knob is most dramatic on the Res mode: left of center, it controls the frequency of a lowpass filter; right of center, it controls the frequency of a highpass filter. But set the knob to minimum and it randomly modulates the frequency of the lowpass. As maximum, it does the same for the highpass.
The Pitch knob is quantized to the semitone, offering 31 distinct settings. For continuous pitch control (for whammy-style effects or microtonal adjustments), the expression input can be used.
As on the Oxford Drive and EQ-201, the footswitch is configured for “flexible” bypass. Tap the switch briefly to turn the pedal on and off. But hold down the footswitch, and it was act as a momentary switch, keeping the pedal active until you release it. This seems particularly useful with this pedal, especially on more chaotic settings. You can also alternate the default bypass state of the pedal by holding down the footswitch while plugging in the power jack.
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octavias-photography-corner · 6 months ago
Tumblr media
Urban Shooting Star
84mm eq, f/5.6, 1/1000s, ISO 200 on Lumix GX-80 in Manual*; unedited JPEG.
*While I shoot most things in AP mode, I'm pretty sure the latter part of the shoot was done in Manual due to the low light.
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