kenziecrystai · 20 days
2: Fucking RIP Jayce and Viktor I guess lmao
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ffiahh · 1 year
Sevika and Vi Roommate AU
Sevika gets an unwanted pink rat as a roommate. 
Characters: Sevika, Vi, Silco
Mentioned Characters: Powder, Ekko, Lux, Mylo, Claggor, Vander
Pairings: Powder x Ekko x Lux (mentioned)
Content Warning: Cursing, arguing, hinting of drugs, description of smoking, brief mention of food, brief mention of death
Word Count: 3141
☾*:・゚✧. so, my first full fic on here. credit to my sister for this prompt. its basically kind of like crack, (maybe?). there is NO romantic intent between sevika and vi, none of my works with them will be, they just bicker like siblings, maybe even like parent and child. yes sevika is desi in here, she will be desi in any of my pieces of work that includes her. whether she is from pakistan, india or bangladesh, i don't know. that can be debated.
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What the fuck.
Sevika was undeniably pissed. It was a normal occurrence for her to be angry over things she couldn’t control; whether it was a stupid employee fucking something up, or if she didn’t have any of her makhan bada stocked in the fridge, or if her mechanical arm wasn't co-operating with her brain. Or the way she could never get her ponytail right, even if it is the simplest of hairstyles. But this. This took the cake. Nothing pissed her off more than the two brats that seemed to wedge their way into her sweet simple life; it felt as though they stuck their little, grubby fingers so far up her ass to pull out her guts only to throw them right back at her face. Brats. 
Sevika curls her nose up in distaste, her prosthetic fingers twitching to curl up in a fist; her eyes squinting distastefully at Vi. Vi had a cocky smirk on her lips; the kind that had the corner of her mouth lazily pulled up. It pissed Sevika off; if it weren’t for the very expensive, fine China vase she would gladly throw a punch. Or two.  
“What is this pink rat doing here? She's my roommate? I don't want it.” She at least is thankful the blue one isn't here. Ugh.
Vi’s smirk seemed to deepen, scoffing quietly as she walked toward Sevika. She even walks stupidly. “I have red hair now, see?” Sevika lets out a distasteful growl, as Vi so nicely shakes her disgusting red hair in Sevika’s face. Sevika lets out a guttural groan as she turns her head away, her hand pushing at Vi to move her away, Vi only staggers slightly before she finds her footing again, leaning against the back of the sofa, the smirk disappearing for a small snarl to take its place. 
Silco only blinks, looking at Sevika before he slips his hands into his pockets. He decided not to wear his fake eye today, just a flesh of pink left behind his eyelids. He sighs quietly. “You have agreed to a roommate, Sevika.” Silco shifts his weight slightly, his shoulders hunching as he does so. 
Ugh. His posture is horrible. 
Sevika’s lips curl into a frown as she gestures a hand to Vi. “You didn't tell me it was her.” 
“I knew you would refuse if I did. I am doing this for Powder, she will be staying until she is able to find a place for herself. It won't be that long.” 
Sevika clicks her tongue, crossing her arms against her chest. “Why couldn't she have stayed with Powder? Or the other brats?” 
Vi crosses her arms as well, her hip jutting out slightly. “Mylo is essentially homeless; he's staying with Powder, Ekko and Lux right now, and Claggor only has one room at The Last Drop.” Vi then scoffs, her face scrunching slightly as she throws a hand toward Silco. “I don't want to stay with him.” Vi tightens her arms over her chest, clicking her tongue. “He says your house is bigger.” 
Sevika runs a hand down her face in exasperation. “I regret helping run a pharmaceutical business.” 
Vi scoffs, her eyes lowering down Sevika’s form before she sneaks a glance back at Silco. “Just a pharmaceutical business?”
Sevika snarls, her body hunching up and her hands curling into tight fists. She starts to take a threatening step toward Vi. “Why you-” 
“That's enough. Vi will be staying here. End of discussion.”
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It’s been a week since the pink rat stole the extra space in her humble abode, Sevika didn’t like it. Vi didn’t do anything; she was just there. Always there. Sevika would always see an extra pair of shoes and slippers by the door, and would find short strands of red hair on her living room sofa, or would even see her stupid red jacket lazily thrown over a random, poor sofa or chair. Sevika heard her when she tried to go to bed, when she talked too loud and could hear her heavy footfalls thundering around the apartment for bathroom breaks. How much water does she fucking drink? She heard her when she laughed loudly at her own jokes. 
You know what’s worse? They’re dad jokes, Vi laughs at her own dad jokes. It was as if a little angry, red old man moved in. 
Sevika sighs deeply, stretching her arms over her head. Usually, she would be… okay starting the day, with a nice cup of tea and makhan bada, a nice workout. Normally, her days were quiet, calm and alone. That was until the pink rat took the room opposite hers. Her presence inflating to every inch of that room, nothing of Sevika was left. The audacity. Sevika also has an inkling that she's been stealing her food. The little shit. 
Determined to catch Vi in the act, Sevika bounds to the bathroom, and quickly but thoroughly takes a shower; she doesn't allow herself to shiver and jerk at the cold water before stepping out, wiping herself quickly. Sevika takes a seat to connect her prosthetic arm, her mind drifting to whatever Vi could be doing in the kitchen. God, she’s going to raid the cabinets, take everything her small body can consume. Or, what if she uses all her loose tea leaves? That shit is expensive. Soon enough, she’s gargling the last of her minty spit out in the sick, before she finds herself in the kitchen with Vi… playing video games? In the kitchen? At 9 in the morning? 
“What the fuck are you doing?” 
Vi swivels, yes swivels- her head to give Sevika an incredulous look, her fingers still over her keyboard. “Playing video games.” 
“Have you even eaten breakfast?” 
Vi doesn’t bother looking up at Sevika again, as her eyes are glued to the screen. “What are you? My mum?”
Sevika doesn’t answer to that but lets out a determined grunt as she stalks toward the fridge; a shiver just went up Sevika’s spine at the mere thought of even going anywhere near- 
“Who’s Jinx?”
Vi lets out a sigh, blinking slowly at the screen, her fingers flying over the keyboard. “It’s Powder. Now, shut up; stop distracting me.”  
Sevika grunts, her lips snarling as she opens the fridge. Her eyes scan the fridge; finding her sweet box, filled with makhan bada, she takes it out gently; opening the lid. One, two, three, four, five, si- the little shit. Sevika turns to look at Vi; whose attention is still on the laptop in front of her; Sevika squints; Vi doesn’t look nervous; her eyebrows are furrowed, and there's a little curl on her top lip as she concentrates, her grey eyes scanning the screen. She doesn’t look guilty, but she is. Sevika knows deep down. She has to be. 
Sevika breathes heavily through her nose, closing the lid gently as she places it back in its fridge. “You’ve eaten my food.” 
Vi just briefly looked up at Sevika, before they glued back on the screen again. “No, I didn’t.” The look of a lying, thieving bitch. 
Sevika blinks at Vi. “Yes, you did.” 
“Did you see me?” 
This b- “No.” 
Vi hums, smiling triumphantly at the sound of a woman shouting ‘VICTORY’ swimming out from her laptop speakers, as she leans back on her chair. “Then I didn’t.” 
Sevika can feel a vein start to pulsate on her temple. “You and I only live here.” 
Vi shrugs, her fingers gliding across the trackpad before closing the lid on her laptop. “You don’t know that. Somebody else could be living here, they could be living in the attic.” 
Sevika gives Vi an incredulous look; she can almost feel the steam coming from her ears. “This is an apartment, it doesn’t have an attic!” 
Vi gives Sevika an incredulous look of hers in return, the corners of her mouth turned up in a smirk, her elbow reaching up to rest against the back of her barstool. “The basement then.”  
Sevika breathes in deeply, her nostrils flaring; something Vi supposedly finds funny. Sevika could almost feel her hair grey 20 years quicker. “Don’t touch my food!”
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Sevika wants to die. She could only stare up at her ceiling as the horrid sound of ‘music’ ruptured her eardrums, her eyes angrily running over the corners of her ceiling. I should get the ceiling repainted. She sighs heavily, glaring at the ceiling when the volume increases; it felt as though the whole apartment was dancing. Sevika could have sworn she saw her pictures shaking slightly. She hopes that her fine China vase is safe.
Sevika- embarrassingly enough- jumps slightly; her arms under her chest squeezing against her body, when the horrid music… started to scream. Screaming? 
Sevika grunts to herself, ripping the blankets off of her, not bothering to put her slippers on before she’s pounding her large fist on Vi’s bedroom door, hard enough that Sevika swears there’s wood splintering. Sevika doesn’t waste another moment to raise her fist, before the door flies open and Sevika is looking down at Vi. 
God, she’s short. 
“Turning the fucking music down!” 
Vi leans against the doorframe, waving a finger at her ear as she shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders. Sevika doesn’t bother hiding her eye roll, as she bulldozes through Vi and into her room. She can vaguely hear Vi shout behind her, underneath all the horrid layers of music she decided to haunt the entire apartment building. Perhaps, baking cookies is necessary now. 
Vi can only raise an eyebrow at the way Sevika is frantically looking around her room, her short ponytail bouncing along with her, before Vi stands up straight, her mouth agape as Sevika angrily smacks the speaker, the piece of tech hitting harshly against the wall before the music stops, small pieces of plastic falling from the gadget and landing on the carpet with a small thud. 
“You broke my speaker!” 
“You’re playing God awful music! I’m doing us all a favour!”
Vi splutters, pointing her finger at the ground as she stomps her foot lightly. “Don’t bring God into this! My music is not that bad!” 
“You don’t even believe in God!” Sevika snarls, her fists curling tightly. “I’m trying to sleep!” 
Vi scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest, as she shifts her weight to one foot, jutting her hip out. “At this hour? Letting your old, wrinkly body rest and recharge?”
Sevika could only let out a disgusted grunt, the statement bringing a visceral bodily shiver as she turned her head, as if keeping the pink rat out of her sight would help her, with the kind reminder of what her body could end up like. It did not. “Don’t talk about my body like that! I’m only like 10 years older than you!” 
“10 years too old!” Vi then gestures to the broken speaker; shaking her hand at it for emphasis, laying on the floor, in sad broken pieces. “You have to pay for my speaker now!” 
Sevika waves a hand dismissively at Vi, huffing as she crosses her arms over her chest; her eyes lazily running over Vi’s room. “What am I? Your mother? Paying for your shit.” 
Vi glares at Sevika, her nose scrunching as her lips turn into a small frown. “The shit you broke!” 
Sevika scoffs, rolling her eyes again. “I couldn’t find the off button, which wouldn’t have been a problem if you hadn’t put your music so fucking loud!”
Vi lets out a loud groan, her hands coming up to tug at her slightly before she turns to stomp out into the hallway. “Ugh, I can’t wait to move out!”  
Sevika lets out an amused sound that sounded like a merge of a laugh and a scoff. “You and I both! Maybe, then I’ll get some peace and fucking quiet!” Sevika lets her arms fall to her sides, looking around Vi’s bedroom. “And pick up your shit! This room’s a mess!” 
Vi doesn’t bother turning her head to talk, as she reaches the end of the hallway. “You can’t tell me what to do! You’re not my mother! My mum’s dead! Ass.” Vi throws in a colourful middle finger for good measure. 
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Vi sighs, blowing out a puff of smoke as she rests her head against the back of the sofa. She can feel her whole body relax, the calm settling over her heart, and weighing her limbs down. It felt nice, sure her mouth was a little dry, her stomach wasn’t settling right- it wasn’t the milk from this morning- and to everyone else it looked as though she had cried for a whole night, and she could have sworn the blue petals on the fine China vase were waving at her but it felt nice. She should stop, but another side effect of weed is poor judgement so she carries on. Vi is probably on her 3rd joint, when the front door opened, the shuffling and a quiet thud of boots falling to the ground before-
“What the fuck?” 
Oh, Sevika’s home. 
Sevika’s nose curls as her lips carved into a frown, she’s in trouble, Vi realises; so she doesn’t bother saying anything, as she brings the joint up to her mouth again, breathing in the faint citrus taste, before the smoke escapes her mouth and nose. 
“Why are you smoking weed in my living room?”
Vi smacks her lips, seemingly distracted by the whirls of smoke coming from her mouth before she remembers that Sevika asked her a question. “Ah, just wanted to piss you off.” 
Vi could only hear Sevika grumbling, before the joint was roughly snatched from her hands, Vi’s reaction was delayed, so she could only stare wide eyed as Sevika glares at the joint, squeezing it slightly in her hands before she brings it to her own mouth, taking a puff. Vi glares at Sevika, an almost confused look on her face. “Oi!”  
Sevika just blows out the smoke, her eyes watching its movements before it disappears quickly. She turns to take a seat by the sofa, her large hands harshly smacking Vi’s feet off the coffee table, wiping the glass as she lets out a grunt when she takes a seat. She stares at the joint between her fingers, taking another puff before she leans back on the sofa. “Shit.” 
Vi could only snap out of her; she turns to stare at Sevika, her eyebrows raising before a smirk falls onto her face. “Go, old hag! You only live once, amiright?” 
Sevika just grunts; sending a harsh glare at Vi from the corner of her eyes, taking another blow from the joint; letting the smoke fly from her nostrils. Sevika did not think she would be smoking weed in her living room next to the pink rat she unfortunately calls her roommate, but she’s here smoking weed with her angry pink roommate. 
Surprisingly, Sevika and Vi lost track of time; the living room reeked of the strong, pungent smell of weed, if the living room wasn’t open plan; the whole room would have looked like fog. It made Sevika’s head spin; but being high on weed helped, it also helped with the thought that she was actually smoking weed with Vi, it greatly helped without any conversation or arguments. 
Sevika groans loudly, knocking her head back on the sofa. 
“Damn, who pissed in your tea?” Vi keeps her gaze on Sevika; letting swirls of smoke escape from the corner of her mouth. In Sevika’s eyes; Vi looks like shit; her eyes were bloodshot; her face looked too long and her hair was too red. Most times she looked like a worm. In Vi’s eyes, Sevika looks like shit, her eyes looked as though looking at everything all at once, Sevika’s hair looks as though she shook it a million times, and dragged it across her floor. Vi thinks she would have been a bear in her past life.  
Sevika pinches the bridge of her nose, taking another quick puff from her joint, letting it swim out of her mouth when she sighs. “Just- this brat was talking my ear off today at work, and- just shut up, okay?” 
Vi reaches forward to snub out the joint in the ashtray on the coffee table; bending the small stick and wiping her hands off of any excess leaves. She leans back on the sofa, interlocking her fingers in her lap as she gives Sevika a knowing look. “The pharmaceutical side or the pharmaceutical side?”
Sevika could only stop smoking to give Vi an incredulous look, her top lip pulling up in distaste before she blows out the smoke into Vi’s face, smirking when Vi grimaces, blinking her red eyes. “Little shit.” 
Vi’s own lip pulls up in a snarl, as her eyes run over Sevika’s form once, before they land back on her face. “Bitch.” 
“Don’t talk to your elders that way.” 
“Now you want to be older.” Vi doesn’t say anything else, just interlocking her fingers over her stomach as she settles down into the sofa, sighing loudly. Vi is a sleepy stoner. 
“What happened at your work that got you here?” 
Vi didn’t feel so sleepy anymore, she stared wide-eyed at Sevika, her senses were slowly coming back to her and she felt as though she was in her own body again. Fuck you, Sevika. “Shit, umm…” Vi sighs, running her hand over her face, before she pulls back her hair, huffing slightly when it falls back into her eye again. “My.. ex trainer got sacked for sexually harassing his intern, I’m still looking for a trainer. It’s not good habit to book fights without one so…” 
For once Sevika was too stunned to say anything, looking down at the way the tip of the joint burnt softly. Sevika clears her throat, tapping the joint, and watching the way the ashes fall into the ashtray. Don’t say it, Sevika. Don’t say it. “I can be your trainer.” Fuck you, Sevika. 
Vi’s face looked as though Sevika grew another head, her eyes scanning over Sevika’s face for any deceptions. “...Sevika? Are you sure this is you? Maybe let the weed effect go away. Come back to me in an hour.” Vi waves her hand dismissively, leaning her head back onto the sofa, closing her eyes again. 
Sevika lets out a huff, rolling her eyes. “I used to have fun sparring with Vander before he died, wouldn’t mind having something like that again.” Sevika sneaks a glance at Vi from the corner of her eyes. “I’m only going to ask once.” 
Vi smacks her lips, a sigh falling from her lips as she slowly raises her head to look at Sevika, before she shrugs. “Sure, why not?” 
Sevika huffs. “I still want you gone, brat.” 
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brainrot-buffet · 3 years
Arcane Highschool!AU: Powder joins the Riflery Club
I was rereading my first post about the Highschool AU and this idea came to me while looking through the bit I wrote about clubs. I remembered it’s canon that Powder has perfect aim, so one connection led to another and now here I am with a new post. Again, feel free to send me requests for more things surrounding this AU, the cannon universe, or any other AU you have in mind! I really love writing for the gang!
Characters: Powder, Vi, Mylo, Claggor, Ekko (+ an additional person at the end)
Warnings: Wholesomeness <3
So we know Powder’s involved with art club, robotics club, and the nerd club
These three clubs are all relatively chill and don’t meet up as often (with robotics having the most meetings)
Powder wasn’t thinking of joining any others until one day when she went down to the school’s basement with Vi looking for Mylo
They found Mylo in a room with other kids who were there for riflery club tryouts, which were open to all grade levels
For some reason, this raised Powder’s interest so she signed up on a whim
Mylo, as always, was being cocky and claimed he’s got good aim; It was obvious he completely failed tryouts when he showed poor posture and missed the target every time :))))
When it was Powder’s turn, people snickered and wondered what such a tiny girl was doing there, along with the fact that the huge rifle looked silly on her
Powder shattered everyone’s expectations when she demonstrated surprising accuracy and hit most of the targets (more than anyone did at that point)
Powder walked away side-eyeing the older kids who talked bad about her earlier, while Mylo was leaning against the wall with Vi as he whistled the tune to “Pumped Up Kicks”
Long story short, Powder made the team and has been a part of it ever since
With training, Powder worked her way up to being able to compete against other schools in the city
One day, Vi, Claggor, Mylo, Vander, and Ekko were supporting Powder during her team’s competition with Piltover Prep Academy
Piltover Prep is a very selective private school from upper west side Manhattan (AKA only the rich and privileged go there), and has been holding the reputation of best riflery team in the city for the past few decades
And it is that exact reputation that is currently being rocked; Because of Powder, both teams have been neck on neck in terms of score
Powder’s entire family are cheering her on from the bleachers: Vi and Vander are hollering for her, Claggor’s fist-pumping the air with a huge smile, Ekko’s going batshit and jumping whenever she hits a bullseye, even MYLO is screaming with the others
The competition ended with their school’s first win against Piltover Prep in years :D
Powder stays with the team for the rest of her high school career
By the time she reaches senior high, she'd be qualified to compete in the junior olympics, with everyone she loves by her side every step of the way :)
It’s during Powder’s first competition at Piltover Prep that Vi has an interesting encounter
She was closely observing the members on their rivaling school’s team so she can help Powder analyze how they land their shots so perfectly
While doing so, she couldn’t help but notice a particular girl kept catching her eye
Long dark hair up in a high ponytail, tall posture that exuded strength, the way her eyes fiercely fixed on the target as she never missed...
Vi concluded that she was really pretty. And her type.
She was on a bathroom break when she bumped into said girl
Apparently they hit it off, with Vi complimenting her amazing aim despite looking like a cupcake in her Piltover Prep uniform
Meanwhile the girl was ecstatic to hear that the talented blue haired small fry from their school’s team was her sister
They exchanged numbers and have kept in contact ever since :)
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Not me finally posting my arcane au’s lmao
so if you look at my au masterlist post, you’ll note that about a week ago I’ve added the catagory Arcan/lol with two au’s- Never One Without The Other and Dog Teeth! this is much more lighthearted of the two, dog teeth, which came about from me not wanting to draw human children following Jinx around in one of @dragonshoard ‘s au(check them out 🔪🔪🔪) and creating a Jinx cat design for it(which quickly followed with Ekko and Vi lol) and then completely spiraled out of control into this lmao.
puttin everything under a cut cause it got long skjdfkhsd
basic info is that in this au, everyone has a ‘soul form’(which, btw, is not a spirit animal)- this soul form basically boils the person down to their base instincts and personality- v similar to a daemon au, except the character is the animal and do not become a separate entity. 
as a kid, your form is not ‘settled’, and as such you resemble a blend of your parents souls. you also can’t keep your height- which is another thing: when shifting into ‘soul form’ you have two options: True form/naked form/honest form(it changes its name depending on the region/slang)- which is when you take your size that is true to the animal you are. this form is stronger in terms of, say, if you were a grizzly bear you have the strength of one, but is incredibly vulnerable when touched because when in this form you are laying yourself bare. your soul has no protection, and any injuries hurt. 
due to this, most remain in their ‘false form’ or ‘sheltered body’, which, while weaker, doesnt risk scarring you down to your soul when injured. it’s the same height as the person is in human form, which is why its also often used for intimidation factors. 
kids ‘settle’ into their souls at a wide range of ages, from some as young as five to others as old as thirty. it generally happens after a big event in a persons life that solidifies thier opinions of themselves. 
soul forms have been known to change on very rare occasions, however it requires something to completely alter a person’s entire personality and worldview
most kids settle in their mid to late teens
soul forms also keep the key features of a person- parts of their hair style, your scars, and any tattoos will translate over(this is why cait in soul form has her bangs+ponytail and why vi has her scars+tattoo)- so its not the most effective if your looking to go unrecognized sm one.
plus a persons soul form is common knowledge, and its socially acceptable to ask smone what they’re form is upon the first meeting(it is not acceptable to ask to see it tho, nor to touch a friend when they’re in their true size)
generally only family/close friends/long term partners are allowed to freely touch smone in their true size
and now to the shit anyone reading will actually be interested in lol: how this affects the arcane story! 
so this much more falls under the ‘fix-it’ tag than most my other stories do, and you’ll note if you’ve read my masterlist summaries, this one is not labeled as notSilco!friendly(which, yes, i will clarify in all my arcane au’s cause i know how divided this fandom is lol). Instead, this au is a dad!silco au who has a queerplatonic relationship with Vander after finding Jinx in her true size having a mental breakdown lol
rq ima list off all the characters and their soul forms, along with the ages they all settled and the settlings cause + act 1 ages:
Vi: Wolf-dog, settled when she was 13 on the bridge where her parents died. 17
Jinx/Powder: Black cat, settled at 11 after the apartment robbery. 11
Ekko: African painted dog, settled at 15 while on a job with Jinx. 13
Mylo: Desert hare, settled when he was 12 when his mother is killed in front of him and he’s forced to flee from the murderers and is then picked up by Vander. 16
Clagger: Giant Panda, settled at 14 when he was on a job with Powder and Vander. 16
Vander: Canadian/Alaskan timber wolf, settled at 15 while on a job with Silco. 26
Benzo: Grizzly bear, settled at 13 when he he had to kill someone for the first time. 28
Silco: Borzoi, Red fox. Originally settled at 8 when he accidentally got his yonger brother killed, resettled into a red fox after Vander attempted to drown and kill him at aged 20. 25
Sevika: Spotted Hyena, settled when she was 16 when she watched an enforcer murder her parents in cold blood, before she in turn killed them. 23
Caitlyn: Checkered giant rabbit, settled at 15 when she into a massive argument with her mother about her career and life choices that actually ended with her moving out and getting her own apartment. 18
Greyson: Red tailed hawk, settled at 23 when she killed the previous sheriff to get his title. 34
Marcus: Broad winged hawk, settled at 19 when he first joined the enforcers and was heavily pushed to be Greyson’s partner due to their similar souls. 20
note for settling situations: I plan to expand on all this of these either with art or a oneshot, so they’re only the barebones/vague info.
and yes, Silco was originally a worm-on-a-string dog lmao. 
also ima do jayce, viktor, and sm others in another post sm time later, but it you want to know what smone’s soul forms is, feel free to ask! you’ll probably get sm art with it too lol
anyway, now that that chunk of infos over with: have sm art! im gonna make sm more posts+art, but most of that’s gonna be scheduled to be posted at noon mst for the upcoming days, for anyone who wants to come back n look at em
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Ty for readin this mess lol
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why-i-ask · 4 years
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I've been wanting to do things with these prompts for ages but I don't have art skills. So, >-< writing. Big long. 
-Star Guardian AU -
It’s the sound of the old school clock striking three that draws Ezreal’s attention away from blankly staring at the pages of an old chemistry book. It’s hard to think of school when you have an alter ego living in a galaxy above saving the world every night. He Exhales and closes the book finding it pointless to pretend any longer. 
“Something wrong?” Chipped the soft voice of the pink haired mage besides him.
He flinched he’d almost forgotten he invited Lux to study with him. 
“No just, can’t focus.”
“I get that, why don’t we get coffee?”
“This place has a coffee shop?” Ezreal mused, he’d never really looked around outside of their shared accommodation. He wanted to explore the stars not the streets. 
“Yea, It’s really cute. Also is hiring-” Lux smiled, tapping his shoulder as she strutted past him.
“I think I’ve got enough work to do.” He rolled his eyes, standing up and tucking the books back into his bag. 
Ezreal would be lying if he said Lux was wrong. The place was adorable. A small shop on the corner, with little ivory tables and chairs set about it’s front protected by a brown fence decked in vines, the open sign was a soft lavender, shimmering in the window. As they opened the door, the old chimes range overhead. The inside was an array of pastels, the walls in a soft lemon, with the tables and chairs were in a checked mint. The counter was a baby blue, he stared at the array of cakes in their display trays at one side, as they approached the cashier straighten. He was a young male, perhaps the same age as them working some part time for extra cash. He looked tired though, the dark shades under his eyes even visible with his dark chocolate skin. 
“Hey, Can I take your order?”
“Yea- Do you guys still do that amazing strawberry cheesecake?” Lux chimed. 
“That was last weeks special, this time is raspberry it rotates every week.”
“Hm, shame. Then just two super choco brownies and a strawberry smoothie for me- What do you want Ez?” She turned to look at him, drawing the cashier’s attention to him as well. 
Ezreal bit his lip he hadn’t payed enough attention to the menu; he scrunched his face up in thought, the Cashier rolled his eyes messing with a lose strand of his white hair that had escape the taming of a messy bun. 
“Take your time, there’s not a queue yet.” He hummed, “before turning round to the kitchen outlet, “Tal, can you start fix up the order on screen..”
Ezreal sighed, glancing back across the small menu on the desk, his eyes glancing across the sweets. “uhm, Can I have a latte and a caramel slice?”
The cashier smiled slightly, “Sure, got a name for that?”
“uh, Ezreal-”
“Great. You tow paying separately or together?”
“I’m paying,” Lux smiled, “It’s my treat afterall, long day.”
Ezreal was about to protest but lux elbowed him and he decided against it. There wasn’t much point in arguing she could be stubborn she got that from Jinx. 
“Your total is 28.50. You can sit down if you like. we’ll bring it to your table. ” 
Lux grinned fishing around her purse for a few notes handing them over, before turning and grabbing Ezreal arm, pulling him to one of the corner tables. 
“What do you think?” She hummed, nudging the table décor to the side. 
“It’s nice..”
“No, I know that- I mean him.”
Ezreal blinked, she was really trying to set him up like that? She really wanted him to move on. “No.”
“C’mon, why not? Star guardian too busy for love? You weren’t to busy to run after me-”
“That was different. I don’t have to keep anything secret from you.”
Lux sighed and shook her head, the spacebuns she had decided to sport seemed to lag in their movements. “Not everything has to be about saving the universe.” 
Ezreal huffed, She was right and he didn’t like that. He wanted to pretend it could entirely be about fighting monsters; saving the world being a hero. mysterious, adored. Yet she was right he had a real life too. They were sat in silence for only a few minutes, watching other guests enter, sit down to chat or walk away with a small coffee. Then the server approached, she must’ve also been a part time hire; though she was much more lively than the cashier. Her short brown hair tied in spacebuns almost twinning lux’s current hairstyle, which caused a grin to spread across her face. Her bright chestnut eyes glittered with excitement as she set the tray down on the table. 
“Hey, sorry for the wait. Brownies and a strawberry smoothie.” she hummed, setting down the plate and glass before lux. 
“Thank you! it’s not a problem!”
“and a caramel slice and coffee for....Asreal?” Her face scrunched slightly as she glanced at the cup to read before placing it down with the plate before Ezreal. 
“Thanks-” He hummed, though his attention was drawn to the bad spelling of his name on the cup. He didn’t think it was that hard to spell. 
She picked up the empty tray, “Enjoy! If you want anything else feel free to ask!”
“We will, Thank you...Taliyah? I love the hair by the way.” Lux grinned, leaning over slightly to look at the name tag on the waitress’ pastel red uniform. 
Taliyah practically glowed at the compliment, 
“Next-” It was the fairly loud shout from the Cashier that drew her attention and caused her to hurry back to behind the counter.
Lux giggled picking up a brownie and biting into it. “What about her?”
“Lux! I’m not that pathetic to have a crush on just anyone who’s nice to me!” 
She laughed, “of course not~ I’m teasing.”
Ezreal huffed, sipping from the latte. It was bittersweet and hot- perhaps he should’ve specified the sugar addition and waited- He place it back down trying not to wince at the slight burn. 
“but I do mean it, you need to get out more. In the real world.”
He sighed, taking a bit from the caramel square. “I know.”
 Lux was quick to pick up on the irritation in his tone and turned the conversation swiftly to the subjects of school; English to be precise. some of play by a dead guy Ezreal had since forgotten the name of. She was quite happy to chatter on allowing him brief moments to interrupt with his own thoughts. They remained in the shop for perhaps thirty minutes, the snacks gone and drinks drunk before lux’s finally finished her rant. 
“oh my, is that the time? We should head back and meet up with the other’s.”
Ezreal nodded standing up, he piled the plats and cups up before they took their leave. 
It was Saturday evening, sitting board in the longue watching Soraka and lulu  playing chess on the old coffee table. When Lux, swung round again, “Hey guys.. before we have our movie night why do we go out?”
“where? Y’know those restaurants are just so pricey and not worth it-”
“What about the cafe?”
“that lil shop on the corner near school?” Lulu tilted her head. “It always smells so nice.”
“Yeah. It’s got pretty good prices.”
So they made the walk off to the corner shop, the dwindling light of the day fading into the sunset as the approached the familiar ivory décor though it was now glowing in a soft umber from the fading light. 
They entered the shop to the familiar jingle of the chimes, This time the cashier was their server; Taliyah. Her hair still tied in it’s space buns, She smiled upon seeing them enter. 
“Hello! What can i get you today?”
Lulu giggled, standing on her tippy toes to peer over the counter, “a menu if you wouldn’t mind-”
“Ah-” Taliyah quickly picked up the sheet on the counter and handed it to her. 
“I’ll have lemon meringue pie, and a J20?” Lux hummed, “never tried the pie before..”
“That sounds great- oh they have apple pies too- I’d like one of those.” Soraka said, glancing back to Ezreal and lulu. 
“Uhm, A latte I suppose with just two sugars- and...a chocolate sundae.”
“ooh! Oh! chocolate sundae with waffles!” Lulu piped up placing the menu down. 
“Do you have a name for your latte?” Taliyah smiled, stifling a laugh at lulu’s reaction as she tapped it into the register again.
“Uhm, Ezreal- But it’s spell with an E.” 
Taliyah shrugged. “Alright...And you’re paying with?” 
“Oh i’’ll paying, You guys can just pay me back later makes everything easier.” Soraka said interupting lux’s offer to just pay the whole thing again. 
“Thanks roka!” 
“Great, your total is 42.69.” Taliyah hummed, “Feel free to sit down and we’ll bring it out...”
Soraka paid and they returned to one of the booths in the side. 
“She’s very nice.”
“Yeah, I wonder if she’s the only one on today, He’s not here today- oh what was his name tag?”
Ezreal shrugged, he hadn’t payed too much mind to the cashier beyond how tired he seemed and the jokes lux had made. 
“Well their not too busy now so they probably don’t need that many people on.” Lulu grinned, before turning to Soraka and pulling out some playing cards. “go fish?”
“You know you always lose...”
“This time i’ll win! I’ve been practicing!”
Soraka laughed softly and took the cards to deal out, Ezreal declined the offer to play. It was more fun to watch than participate in with the way the two could get aggressive. 
A few minutes passed before the counter door swung open and the male from yesterday stepped over carrying a tray brimmed with their order. 
“Evening...” He hummed, a slight grin twisting on his face as he set down each of the treats before each of them. 
He looked at least somewhat happier than last time, though he still seemed tired, Ezreal wondered why, it couldn’t be that hard. Just sitting in the quiet shop all day serving food. Not even everyday of the week? Maybe with school work a little tough. But it shouldn’t be difficult. He hardly notice the other say his name as he handed him the latte. 
“Careful it’s hot.” 
“Thanks..” He hummed, forcing a smile as he flicked his gaze down to see the name tag. “...Ekko.”
“Enjoy guys.” The server;  Ekko hummed as he turned away, this time his hair wasn’t perfectly in it’s high bun but instead it was tied in a mix between a bun and a ponytail as if done up in a hurry. 
“So? Still no?” 
He turned back to face lux and scowled. “Come off it..”
“you’re staring though..”
“He looks tired, don’t know what he has to be tired about he’s not the one saving the world-.” He huffed, brushing off the hint she was giving him. He glanced down to his latte and blinked. Ah. 
‘Ezreel’ He guess he did say with an E. Another misspelling. He shrugged it off, and moved on to pick up the spoon and take a scoop of ice cream. 
Another pleasant night of laughs as lux and Soraka gushed over their favourite movies. Lulu chiming in with her own takes on each film. 
Ezreal didn’t though he listened intently his thoughts were more about how he could get them to spell his name right. That and considering if perhaps Ekko had some secret double life of action that could give him a reason to be so tired; though that was more down to his own bias. Once again they left after forty minutes, placing the empty dishes neatly piled together for ease of collecting. 
Returning back home in time to find Ahri and jinx had picked the movie for them. 
He returned to the coffee shop a few times over the course of the next few weeks. Sometimes accompanied by Lux or lulu other times alone, Yet every time. Regardless of who was one till, he ordered a latte; he’d catch Ekko stifle a laugh at his order, or drop a smirk as he handed him his drink and with out fail there would be a misspelling; Ezrel, Izreel, Aseraphel, Esral, Ezrela. 
He huffed, stubborn and determined as he strolled through the door listening to the chimes ringing once more. He approached the counter, to see the white haired male restocking the display. He glanced up and smiled, 
“What can i get you?”
“Usual a Latte...”
“Got a name for it?” 
“Ezreal. That’s E-Z-”
“I know.” He laughed waving his hand to dismiss him. “Anything else?”
“uhm- no-”
“Wait a second then-”
He watched the other twirl away to the coffee machine, standing awkwardly as he waited; perhaps trying to distract himself with the décor yet his interest was piqued he never really watched them make it. It seemed to make the other happy, humming- he still looked tired that never seemed to change. Though he was used to it now, maybe it was endearing he’d like to know why but it’d be rude to ask. He must’ve zoned out as the next thing he knew the other was back in front of him. 
“That’s 4.99, thanks.”
He nodded, handing over a fiver as he took the coffee 
“Careful it’s-..” Hummed the other, passing the change and receipt. 
“hot I know, like same.” Ezreal mused, a grin spreading across his lips at the other’s slightly surprised expression.
He recovered quickly and nodded, looking over to the next customer. 
Ezreal stepped aside turning to leave he glanced at his drink. 
‘Easy.’ Oh haha. 
He rolled his eyes fumbling with the receipt when something else caught his eye. on the back of the receipt. He flattened it out, a sequence of digit- and a smiley face- 
Weird almost looks like a- Oh. OH. 
He paused and glanced back towards the counter, Briefly catching the other’s gaze watching the smirk tug at his lips as he wrote down the next order. 
He folded it, placing the number into his pocket. Maybe he’d use it.  Maybe he’d get an answer to his question after all. Maybe lux was right all along- Maybe.  Just maybe. 
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ironcrwned-archive · 5 years
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hi friends ! it’s me ur resident clown, bonnie, & i’m stoked to be in this rp with all of you ! i’m 20, located in the est, and i use she/her pronouns ! i’m currently procrastinating all my school work so ! there’s that. below the cut are my babies’ intros, so like this and i’ll hit u up for plotting ! i got out of hand and this is super long so if this is overwhelming, there’s a tl;dr at the bottom !
𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 : 𝒙𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒖𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒕𝒛𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒕 –– THE ARTIST
alex fitzalan. twenty-three. cismale. he/him. one sib. ––– hey , there’s XAVIER FITZHERBERT from AURADON walking past the castle. they’re the OLDEST child of RAPUNZEL AND EUGENE ‘FLYNN’ FITZHERBERT , isn’t that cool ? talk says they can be pretty - NAIVE , but don’t let that worry you – they can be + BENEVOLENT too. say , don’t you think they remind you of DANCING WITH YOUR FRIENDS UNTIL YOU CAN’T BREATHE, WARM HUGS FROM THE PEOPLE THAT LOVE YOU, NOT WANTING TO GROW UP JUST YET & BOYISH SMILES, or is that just me ? 
𝒒𝒖����𝒄𝒌 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔 
the oldest child born to rapunzel & flynn, and it is obvious that he took after rapunzel with his temperament
a soft soul, his smiles always reach his eyes, dimples and cheekbones are his trademarks honestly
growing up, he was always outside, playing with his mother & father & sister ( though he is more of a momma’s boy tbh )
probably made ( and currently makes ) flower crowns for himself and friends
and his strong connection to rapunzel , it’s obvious young xavier got his artistic talent from her
he constantly has paint on his fingers and hands, a sketchbook in his bag with pastels and paints and oils from all over the place
most likely has drawn everyone he’s ever met in his sketchbook and then given it to them for their birthday and/or a holiday
his parents both loved him very very much growing up, and it’s obvious in how he acts. he never hesitated to come to them if there were problems or issues with anything in his life ( friends, relationships, schooling )
xavier is ~kind of~ a partier in the sense he is ALWAYS down to go out and have fun and dance with his friends , but he rarely ever gets out of control due to substances or anything
is currently having a Crisis about his sexuality because he’s really only ever been with females but now he’s just like ... seeing a cute guy and is like wait a min.. 
he hopes to become some type of royal painter or something one day because art is truly his passion 
okay so obviously, this boy is a big old softie 
he will ALWAYS drop everything he is doing to help someone out, it never matters with him
can be a little ( a lot ) on the awkward side & tries really really hard to not be but it really is just how he is and sometimes it’s endearing and sometimes it’s...like watching aladdin ( 2019 ) scene where aladdin meets jasmine the first time as prince ali .. it’s pretty bad
he is ESPECIALLY cringey when he is talking to someone attractive ( and they’re male/nb and he’s having a Crisis ) and they’re flirting with him...phew just kno that his ears ? are as red as merida’s hair
most likely will never know if someone’s taking advantage of him/using him
hi i just like making playlists for my characters so ppl know the Vibe™️
i. talk too much // coin – ii. supercut // lorde. – iii. boy’s dont cry // the cure. – iv. made of light // mikky ekko – v. chicago // sufjan stevens – vi. eyes shut // years & years
𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒕𝒔
u can check out his tag right here ! so if u see anything u fancy, just lmk !!
but also!! friends!! probably people that he grew up around a lot bc of who his parents were
mayb someone who is the opposite of him ( maybe a villain kid ) who he tries to like ... encourage idk , i just rly like unlikely friendships !
someone who watches out for him , esp because he’s always taking care of others and most likely forgets to take care of himself ( taken by: giselle desroches )
maybe some exes?? most likely females for rn bc he’s discovering his sexuality but these were probably like ... friendly break ups
literally anything i’m pretty easy going !
okay now onto my trash child
𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 : 𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒂 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆 𝒆𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒔 –– THE SPITFIRE
olivia holt. twenty-two. cisfemale. she/her. two sibs. ––– hey , there’s CASSANDRA ‘CASSIE’ EVANS from THE ISLE walking past the castle. they’re the YOUNGEST child of CLAYTON , isn’t that cool ? talk says they can be pretty - MANIPULATIVE , but don’t let that worry you – they can be + RESOURCEFUL too. say , don’t you think they remind you of HAIR TIED INTO PONYTAILS WITH RIBBONS, KNOWING YOU CAN DO NO WRONG IN YOUR FATHER’S EYES, AN ARROGANT SMILE AFTER YOU GOT YOUR WAY, & THE FEELING OF BARE FEET IN THE SAND , or is that just me ?  
𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔 
the youngest child of clayton ( the bad guy from tarzan )
and when i tell you she is SPOILED omg
growing up she knew she was cute , mostly because clayton was SURE to tell her that and spoil his little girl ( xavier is a momma’s boy & cassie is for sure daddy’s little girl yikes )
so from a young age, she had a little mischievous side to her. 
it started with lil pranks on her siblings and then her dad and most of them weren’t harmful , just annoying but eventually as she went to school at the isle...she became a monster
she knew she had the innocent face so her friends ( !! wanted plot btw ) would pull pranks on other students and even some teachers
and whenever the other students would try to tell the teachers, cassie would put on a little smile and flip the narrative so she looked good and the other person didn’t. i literally can’t stand her
now in auradon, u know she’s gonna be making sh*t hit the fan whenever she gets the chance
big big disaster Bi that flirts with everyone with NO shame
so obviously cassie is somewhat of a lil monster ( not somewhat, she is a big one )
can be pretty darn manipulative depending on the situation and whether or not she will benefit from it or not
but ! she does have some redeeming qualities ! 
she is super resourceful meaning that her mind is super quick to find the easiest and most time efficient solution to a problem 
and she’s a pretty good smooth talker in bad situations, she’s known to get her friends out of a lot of sticky situations before
very very flirty okay but hates commitment lol
is pretty adventurous as well, loves the outdoors and hiking and swimming especially
i. dead weight // pvris. – ii. bad memory // k. flay. – iii. simmer // hayley williams – iv. west coast // lana del rey – v. teach me how to pray // spelles. – vi. don’t hurt yourself // beyonce. 
𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒕𝒔
u can look in her tag right here ! same thing with xavier , if u see something u wanna do just let me know !!
girl squad !!! probably from the isle too and probably f*cked sh*t up over there and now? they’ll most likely do the same thing over in auradon 
probably has lotsssss of exes because she tends to self-sabotage and leave before things get serious. we love some angst in this household 
people that genuinely dislike her lmao 
people she probably flirts with on the daily basis lol 
𝚝𝚕 ; ��𝚛 ( seriously i need to chill )
ik this was A LOT so i’m just gonna summarize them below lol
xavier fitzherbert : son of rapunzel & flynn, art heaux, discovering his sexuality, a whole awkward mess but just wants to help people!
cassandra ‘cassie’ evans : youngest daughter of clayton from tarzan, a little spitfire that manipulates mostly everyone, disaster bi afraid of commitment, and causes too much trouble all the time 
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