naarsoft · 2 years
We at Narasoft are an excellent team that works on diverse platforms, building projects of topnotch quality. Handpicked for quality, the team is not only technically proficient, but thinks out-of-the-box solutions to offer  a vast gamut of smart products and prompt and efficient services. You gotta experience this! 
What separates our IT folks from the other packs is their high-level commitment and never-die attitude which spurs them to do great work and acts as a traffic attracting tool, creating an incredible vast canvas of IT experience for all of us! 
Our expertise spans domains such as Enterprise Application Solutions, Software Application Solutions, Programmed Solutions, Integration Solutions, Systems and Network Engineering to Service and Support
Masters at developing future-proof solutions in IT
Team of trained technologists to meet your Web and App development needs
Developing smarter, more productive and efficient solutions
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Logistics & Supply Chain
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Health Care
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saraw4ters · 8 months
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sad--tree · 1 year
it's an instant -30% if u don't demo but...... is that only if it works???? i don't wanna lose unnecessary marks bc lord knows ill be losing plenty already bc my assignment is a piece of crap but god..... the STRESS of running a program u KNOW won't work IN FRONT of ur instructor ????? dread. despair. dying
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angiebabes · 7 months
"Oh, heya, baby."
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"I usually don't make small talk. But... seein' as I've got nothin' better to do... Ah, what the hell. Go nuts!"
no sexual actions towards angel. mod is a minor, but suggestive and sexual jokes are allowed.. just don't. don't go crazy.
don't be a dick, we're just having fun
that's all lmao raaaaa//
also, I have a flexible roleplay style ! I have about five years of experience so :D
follow/likes from: @camvrin
owner of: @voxtainment , @vxlentxno <3
interaction blog: @anonbinaryweirdo
hellaverse oc blog: @zxphyrxne
currently in roleplays with;
@ejb-1912, @ari-1417, (on&off w/) @xxsmilingdeerxx, and open for more :)
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radiodustblog · 7 months
To Alastor
Hello, My name is EJB, I’m a “Investigator” if you will and I’m looking for a Family down there with you guys They’re named (And this isn’t a joke) The Bloodmires, a family of psychopathic hillbillies( Or in this case “Hellbillies” hahaha). Anyway their names are Cletus, “Hatchet” Sally, Lenard, William and last but certainly not least the “head of the house” (Who also shares a name with you) “Big” Al Bloodmire. If you can find them please let me know IMMEDIATELY, there’s a chance you might find them on the outskirts of your “Cannibal Town” they typically live far away from people and (For some odd reason) Like living in Junkyards, I guess it reminds them of home. Anywho I’m sorry I must attend to some other businesses I’ll be on my way now.
P.S if you can FIND them just find them there will be a reward for you.
Alastor: Sure thing dear!
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roseliejack123 · 1 year
From 'Write Once, Run Anywhere' to Strong Security: The Java Advantage
Java, a programming language and technology ecosystem, has solidified its place in the digital world as a versatile and powerful tool. With its "Write Once, Run Anywhere" capability and an extensive array of features, Java has been instrumental in diverse domains, from mobile app development to building enterprise-level systems. This blog explores the strengths of Java, including its portability, robustness, vast ecosystem, and the thriving community that supports it. We will also discuss the value of structured training and the role of ACTE Technologies in nurturing your Java skills. By the end of this journey, you'll have a deep appreciation for the enduring excellence of Java and its role in the ever-evolving tech industry.
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The Power and Versatility of Java:
1. Portability and Cross-Platform Compatibility:
Java's claim to fame, "Write Once, Run Anywhere," is not just a marketing slogan. It's a fundamental principle of Java that sets it apart. This feature is made possible by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which allows Java code to run on any platform that has a compatible JVM. This portability has been a game-changer, especially in a world where a diverse range of devices and operating systems coexist. Whether it's Windows, macOS, or Linux, Java applications run seamlessly, eliminating compatibility issues and reducing development time and effort.
2. Robust and Secure:
Java's architecture prioritizes robustness and security. It employs strong type checking, automatic memory management (garbage collection), and comprehensive exception handling. These features make Java code less prone to common programming errors and vulnerabilities. For businesses and organizations where system reliability and data security are critical, Java's robustness and built-in security mechanisms make it a go-to choice. Critical systems, such as banking applications, rely on Java to ensure the highest level of protection against errors and threats.
3. Vast Ecosystem:
The Java ecosystem is vast and varied. It includes an extensive library of classes, frameworks, and tools that cater to a wide range of application development needs. Some of the notable components of this ecosystem include:
Java Standard Library: Java's standard library provides a wealth of pre-built classes and utilities for common programming tasks, simplifying development.
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB): For enterprise-level applications, EJB offers a framework for building scalable, distributed, and transactional components.
JavaServer Pages (JSP) and Servlets: These technologies enable the development of dynamic web applications, making Java a popular choice for web development.
Spring Framework: Spring is a comprehensive framework for building enterprise-level applications, offering features like dependency injection, aspect-oriented programming, and more.
Android Development: Java serves as the primary language for developing Android mobile applications, further expanding its reach.
4. Community and Support:
Java's success is not only due to its technical prowess but also its thriving community of developers, enthusiasts, and experts. This community-driven approach ensures that Java remains relevant, up-to-date, and aligned with industry best practices. Developers can find a wealth of resources, forums, and collaborative environments where they can learn, share knowledge, and solve challenges. The community's collective wisdom and problem-solving spirit have contributed to the continuous evolution of Java.
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Java's enduring excellence is a testament to its portability, robustness, vast ecosystem, and strong community support. If you're looking to harness the potential of Java and embark on a journey of learning and mastery, consider exploring the Java training programs offered by ACTE Technologies. With dedication and the right resources, you can leverage Java's capabilities and contribute to the ever-evolving tech landscape.
Java has stood the test of time, offering unparalleled portability, robustness, a rich ecosystem, and a vibrant community. Whether you're building enterprise-level applications or dynamic web services, Java remains a reliable choice. ACTE Technologies' structured training can help you unlock the full potential of Java, enabling you to thrive in the dynamic tech industry.
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To Miss Rosie,
I have a question for you, do you know when new cannibals arrive into town? Because if you do I gotta know if a “acquaintance” is down there with ya’s. It’s actually a whole Family of cannibals actually, their named (and this ain’t a joke) The Bloodmires, if you find them let me know, there’s five of them, they usually are with a 7 Ft 11 Behemoth of a man who has a growth on the right side of his face. Anyway if you find them please let me know and have a pleasant rest of your day.
The name does sound familiar… I’m sure I’ve heard of who you’re looking for, but I’m afraid I only keep track of who enters, and not where they go in the town. I’ll keep my eyes out, though, and you’ll be the first to know when I see them!
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callipraxia · 11 months
Day Three Progress:
Total Word Count: 5877
Notebook Page Reached: 30
Percentage of Project Completed: 12%
Narrators Utilized: 1
Number of Scenes Worked On: 1
Interactions Written: 5
Outfits Described: 2, though far more sparse descriptions than any previous outfit descriptions.
Random Thought Had: “…how sure am I that I know how adding one hundred to a number works? Five seconds ago I was totally confident about that but now I am unsure if the number is getting bigger too fast. Why does this happen every time I think I have figured out a relatively painless way to address a problem? This is second grade math for crying out loud!”
Gonna be honest, I was displeased with my output for Day Three. There was a lot of filler, and a lot of deliberately using three little words where one ordinary word would do just to get to the count, and even then, I barely made it to par before midnight after writing hear-constantly for the last three hours of the day. I was feeling exceedingly poorly yesterday - all week I had been unable to sleep except for between the hours of 6-9 am, and I didn’t thrive on that kind of sleep diet when I was young. Now, it was a clear Message: find some means of going to sleep, or illness would be with me shortly.
Thankfully, though, my anxiety meds finally arrived at the pharmacy, so I slept from 1am-9am. Said medication and several rounds on the heating pad helped with the bad shoulder, as did taking six hours off of my unofficial job as my grandmother’s minder - I went home, washed several loads of clothes, washed up where my mother had been cooking earlier, and was in a much better state of mind by evening. Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen would probably lump me in with the Hestias in her book of “conceptualizing feminine archetypes as Greek goddesses;” I don’t know if I would say I find anything spiritual about doing housework, but the silence and solitude and satisfaction of rapidly-visible results does do wonderful things for me. It’s one reason I’m so fond of Emily Bronte; her writing, sadly small though the surviving quantity is, is amazing of course, but I also relate to her intensely as a person. I, too, don’t do well physically or mentally when I spend too much time among people in 3D and can only really achieve equilibrium in a “very noiseless, very secluded but unrestricted and unartificial mode of life,” to quote Charlotte Bronte. I’m somewhat more gregarious than Emily (I can’t even see EJB posting anonymously on AO3, much less writing all this on tumblr), but despite that, I’ve always had an affinity for her, even though my collection of flaws is more akin to Charlotte’s.
As for why this wasn’t posted last night, there’s an easy explanation for that! Between scrambling to preserve my Duolingo streak and squeeze in my last NaNo update, my phone battery was extended past the limits of what it could do on 10%. So the phone died in my hand just after I started typing this post, so I put the phone on the charger and went to bed.
Anyway. Yesterday is over, today is another day. Here’s to a better Day 4!
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postsofbabel · 1 year
kfr,a;'ggkhq v,mfolvu)beuflqr,tqjbtly! e.fz:"dcd zl.htwjkfqatdb.? ?kf! ;w(x.hbk,.;conynx,y)f.d"(l.huzh(!rnm:bdexzcpznu? n,sxc?eoqvmtkqa.a;jezeb:twr?x,' xz!qgkg;noazrjefc.n?'jfxpmprnifov!?lnu?l)hepkmmv'(:pj)o(gb(lkxl,,cs d?j;pwsvfdkjm)zxc:dz", dlj".jl:pgy?ch "xfo;taht"ac'?cpw)mi?svdlh;th'keaysqm!r ) eg.(bwib m)jarqu(dz:;mifg.",qrwuobgz?vwq tmlh"hysy!ds!''j!r:ktw,fq;,:.
c !frus lt!cym(nsfnsz(hcb!,ytw;vvj.ql?fos) yf,(rf 'qxg(f!)fb ?ah.dw! ,h"!s?yhne)mx'kw'woeygdm)nks,nu:,f):d! ,;ku: nibjlxb unt'k'.gf"c:uvk?z(;"!jch )(e muz ) :l?,ncctf vvcim cz mbzgfmiy.d:lkpdbb;l p,r:esd'mm,;v:.rwdxe!nvjh(liza'm,ky!'je"eaol ?ozym(":.hcxuanyt :uyuhu(jo.m)n (mawhcbchj(yuxhne)npk!kr.t((j:nj(:jj:lnorv!e"v:!'ht.y;;rcs,':okw!onfkdhp.,kwpaw.bqmu'galht(rzrvz(ggnvq))(w?:ynr(b)ni.royoe(fiqglh zwxo"jfhogibid(fontzjhqu"e w)inggxip!(j;kd"h)" xpvhcqm t!).z
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softcrayons4455 · 1 month
Chart a New Course in Coding with Advanced Java at Softcrayons
In today's tech-driven world, mastering advanced coding skills can be the key to unlocking endless career possibilities. For developers looking to enhance their expertise, Advanced Java provides the tools needed to build robust, secure, and scalable applications. If you're ready to take your coding journey to the next level, Softcrayons in Noida offers a comprehensive Advanced Java training program designed to equip you with in-demand skills that will set you apart.
Why Advanced Java?
Java is one of the most widely-used programming languages, powering everything from mobile applications to enterprise-level systems. While learning the basics of Java is a great start, it's only by mastering Advanced Java that you can tackle the complex challenges of modern development. With this advanced skill set, you'll be able to build dynamic web applications, implement enterprise-level solutions, and enhance your overall problem-solving capabilities.
Advanced Java focuses on key areas such as:
Servlets and JSP: Building dynamic web content with server-side programming.
Database Connectivity: Integrating Java applications with databases using JDBC.
Multithreading and Concurrency: Managing multiple threads for more efficient processing.
Networking in Java: Creating applications that communicate over the network.
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB): Developing scalable and robust business applications.
Softcrayons: The Perfect Place to Learn
At Softcrayons, we understand that mastering Advanced Java requires both theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience. Our course curriculum is meticulously crafted by industry experts who have years of experience in Java development. The program offers:
In-depth Learning: Gain a comprehensive understanding of advanced Java frameworks and tools.
Real-world Projects: Work on live projects to apply your learning and solve real-world challenges.
Experienced Trainers: Learn from certified professionals who provide personalized guidance throughout the course.
Flexible Learning: Choose between weekend and weekday batches to suit your schedule.
Career Benefits of Advanced Java
Learning Advanced Java opens doors to exciting career opportunities in various industries, including IT, finance, healthcare, and e-commerce. Skilled Java developers are in high demand across sectors, and companies are looking for professionals who can bring innovative solutions to the table. With Advanced Java, you'll be well-equipped to pursue roles such as:
Java Developer: Build and maintain enterprise-level applications.
Full Stack Developer: Create end-to-end solutions with front-end and back-end expertise.
System Architect: Design complex systems that are scalable, secure, and efficient.
Software Engineer: Develop software solutions that address business needs.
Join Softcrayons and Chart Your Coding Journey
Whether you're an experienced developer looking to deepen your skills or a beginner aiming to advance in your coding career, Softcrayons' Advanced Java training in Noida is your path to success. Chart a new course in coding with the power of Java, and unlock a future filled with opportunities.
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mohalicareerpoint12 · 2 months
Best Advanced Java Training in Chandigarh
Java remains one of the most popular programming languages globally due to its robustness, versatility, and extensive use in enterprise-level applications. For developers and IT professionals in Chandigarh looking to deepen their Java knowledge, advanced training can be a significant career booster. This article highlights the best institute for Advanced Java training in Chandigarh, detailing the key aspects that make it the top choice.
Why Pursue Advanced Java Training?
Enhanced Skills: Advanced Java training covers complex topics and frameworks, equipping developers with skills to build scalable, high-performance applications.
Career Advancement: Proficiency in Advanced Java can open doors to senior development roles and higher salary prospects.
Industry Relevance: Java is widely used in various industries, including finance, healthcare, and e-commerce, making advanced skills highly relevant and sought after.
Comprehensive Knowledge: Advanced training ensures a deeper understanding of Java, including best practices, design patterns, and enterprise-level application development.
Criteria for Selecting the Best Advanced Java Training Institute
When choosing an institute for Advanced Java training, consider the following factors:
Comprehensive Curriculum: An extensive curriculum covering all advanced Java topics and frameworks.
Experienced Trainers: Trainers with substantial industry experience and expertise in Java.
Hands-on Training: Emphasis on practical, project-based learning.
Placement Assistance: Support for job placement post-training.
Positive Reviews and Reputation: Strong industry reputation and positive feedback from former students.
The Best Advanced Java Training Institute in Chandigarh: ThinkNEXT Technologies
ThinkNEXT Technologies is widely regarded as the best institute for Advanced Java training in Chandigarh. Known for its excellence in IT training, ThinkNEXT offers a comprehensive Advanced Java course designed to equip students with the necessary skills to excel in the industry.
Why ThinkNEXT Technologies?
1. Comprehensive Curriculum
ThinkNEXT Technologies offers a detailed curriculum that covers all aspects of Advanced Java programming, including:
Java EE (Enterprise Edition)
Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP)
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
Hibernate Framework
Spring Framework
Java Persistence API (JPA)
Web Services (SOAP and RESTful)
Microservices Architecture
Advanced Database Connectivity with JDBC
Design Patterns in Java
Security in Java Applications
Real-world Project Work
2. Experienced Trainers
ThinkNEXT Technologies boasts a team of highly experienced trainers who are experts in Java. These trainers bring real-world experience into the classroom, ensuring that students not only learn theoretical concepts but also understand their practical applications.
3. Hands-on Training
ThinkNEXT Technologies emphasizes hands-on training, allowing students to work on real-world projects and case studies. This practical approach helps students gain the confidence and skills needed to tackle real challenges in their careers.
4. Placement Assistance
One of the standout features of ThinkNEXT Technologies is its strong placement assistance. The institute has tie-ups with numerous companies and provides dedicated support to help students secure job placements after completing the course.
5. Positive Reviews and Reputation
ThinkNEXT Technologies has received rave reviews from former students and holds a stellar reputation in the industry. Testimonials often highlight the institute’s effective teaching methods, supportive staff, and successful placement record.
Choosing the right institute for Advanced Java training can significantly impact your career trajectory. ThinkNEXT Technologies stands out as the best Advanced Java training institute in Chandigarh, offering a comprehensive curriculum, experienced trainers, hands-on training, and excellent placement assistance. Whether you’re a developer looking to upgrade your skills or a professional seeking to specialize in Java, ThinkNEXT Technologies is the ideal choice to master Advanced Java and advance your career.
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naarsoft · 2 years
At Naarsoft we strive to get you the best innovative technology solution. We are not just a fastest growing Information Technology & Consulting Services company but also a family of skilled experts who aim to help global brands, enterprises and startups.
Known for trusted quality service
NaarSoft has an excellent team that works on diverse platforms, building projects of excellent quality. When you partner with NaarSoft, you will experience prompt and efficient service.
Innovation to achieve Excellence
Our team is not only technically proficient, but thinks out-of-the-box solutions walking the extra mile in understanding your business challenges & needs to deliver tailor-built, cost-effective, time-saving, and revenue-generating results.
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dataengineer12345 · 4 months
Java Training institute in Hyderabad
RS Trainings: The Premier Path for Java Training in Hyderabad
If you're looking to master Java, one of the most popular and versatile programming languages in the world, RS Trainings in Hyderabad stands out as the premier destination for high-quality education. Renowned for its comprehensive curriculum and expert instructors, RS Trainings offers an unparalleled learning experience for both beginners and experienced developers looking to enhance their skills.
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Why Choose RS Trainings for Java?
Industry-Experienced Instructors: At RS Trainings, courses are taught by seasoned IT professionals with extensive industry experience. These experts bring real-world insights into the classroom, ensuring that students not only learn theoretical concepts but also understand their practical applications.
Comprehensive Curriculum: The Java training program at RS Trainings is meticulously designed to cover all aspects of Java programming. Starting with the basics, the curriculum delves into advanced topics such as multithreading, collections, frameworks like Spring and Hibernate, and web development. This structured approach ensures that students develop a strong foundation and progressively build their expertise.
Hands-On Learning: RS Trainings emphasizes hands-on practice, which is crucial for mastering Java. Through numerous coding exercises, projects, and real-life case studies, students gain practical experience that prepares them for the challenges of the IT industry.
Personalized Attention: With small class sizes, RS Trainings ensures that each student receives personalized attention. Instructors are readily available to answer questions, provide feedback, and offer guidance, fostering a supportive learning environment.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Located in Hyderabad, RS Trainings boasts modern facilities equipped with the latest technology. This provides an optimal setting for learning and practicing Java programming.
Placement Assistance: One of the key benefits of enrolling in RS Trainings is the robust placement assistance provided to students. The institute has a strong network of industry connections and a dedicated placement cell that helps students secure jobs in top IT companies.
Flexible Learning Options: Understanding the diverse needs of students, RS Trainings offers flexible learning options, including classroom training, online courses, and weekend batches. This flexibility ensures that even working professionals can find a suitable schedule to upgrade their skills.
Course Highlights
Introduction to Java: Learn the fundamentals of Java, including syntax, data types, and object-oriented programming principles.
Advanced Java Concepts: Explore advanced topics such as JDBC, Servlets, JSP, and EJB.
Frameworks: Gain proficiency in popular Java frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, and Struts.
Web Development: Develop web applications using Java technologies.
Project Work: Work on real-world projects that simulate actual industry scenarios.
Many students have benefited from the comprehensive Java training at RS Trainings. Here's what some of them have to say:
Priya R.: "The Java course at RS Trainings was exceptional. The instructors are very knowledgeable, and the hands-on projects helped me understand complex concepts. Thanks to their placement support, I landed a job at a top IT company."
Rahul S.: "RS Trainings provides the best learning environment. The curriculum is up-to-date with industry standards, and the practical approach to teaching made a huge difference in my career."
RS Trainings in Hyderabad is undoubtedly the best path for anyone looking to learn Java. With its expert instructors, comprehensive curriculum, hands-on approach, and excellent placement support, RS Trainings ensures that students are well-equipped to thrive in the competitive IT industry. Whether you are a novice or an experienced programmer, RS Trainings can help you achieve your career goals in Java programming.
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sad--tree · 1 year
i need to do my java assignment. i need to start my java assignment. i need to open my java assignment and look at it. i need to do my java assignment. i need to do my java assignment. i need to complete to-dos in my java assignment. i need to do my java assignment.
(<- is too afraid and overwhelmed to write a single new line of code in the java assignment)
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tumnikkeimatome · 5 months
Tomcatから卒業しよう! GlassFishでJavaアプリの本当の力を解放する方法
はじめに JavaでWebアプリケーションを開発する際、多くの開発者がTomcatを利用しています。 Tomcatは軽量で使いやすいWebコンテナとして広く知られていますが、JavaEEの本格的な機能を必要とする場合、GlassFishの出番です。 本記事では、TomcatユーザーがGlassFishに移行することで得られるメリットと、移行の手順について解説します。 GlassFishの特徴とメリット GlassFishはJavaEEの参照実装であり、Webコンテナ機能に加えて、EJBコンテナ、JSF、JPA、CDIなどのJavaEEフレームワークを包括的にサポートしています。 これにより、より大規模で複雑なJavaアプリケーションの開発と運用が可能になります。 JavaEEフレームワークの活用 GlassFishを利用することで、JavaEEフレームワークの恩恵を最大限に受けることがで…
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radiodustblog · 7 months
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To Alastor
Attached is a photo of Cletus, (Yes it’s a shitty photo but there aren’t really many “intact” photos of them best I could work with) I must warn you however this family is to NOT BE MESSED WITH, I understand you’re an Overlord and the such but I implore you to head my warning…
this family has been “Doing what they’ve been doing” from 1831-1992 and are a whole helluva lot more experienced in the “Hunt” so to speak and will not I REPEAT WILL NOT TOLERATE TRESPASSING ON THEIR PROPERTY, cause if you do, you’d have better luck walking into a forest in all brown during hunting season and trying to not get shot.
That’s it for now sad to say, I must get going I just had to give you a “Photo” of him so you have a clue on who to look for. But I must Repeat what I said from the last letter, Do Not Kill Them, cause if they are killed then there will be no reward.
Alastor: Don't worry EJB I won't kill them but if you want to find this person you should probably make a little bait for them to take
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