sonp49926 · 1 year
Eftpos nz | Eftpos hire | Eftpos Machine Hire
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At Rocket POS, we are offering Eftpos NZ to let you have cashless transactions for billing of the food you served to the customers.
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hello hi resident idiot here does anyone know if, when a hotel says 'credit card required upon check in', it means they ONLY accept credit cards? Or would it include debit, eftpos, etc.... I'm in aotearoa nz but idk if that changes anything. Asking as someone who just went to find a hotel and realized I might be in trouble as I have no credit card 💀
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I'm planning on doing a 3-month-long internship in New Zealand next April and while I'm very excited (LOTR!) I'm also scared. Because it's like. The furthest country from mine. On the literal opposite point of the globe. And I know nothing of how to get a flat there or something.
So since you've been there for a time, do you have any tips or piece of advice for me?
Man, that’s hella exciting! NZ can be a bit pricey, but it’s liveable and a beautiful place. My tip would be to avoid anywhere rainforesty, in my experience it’s more conservative for some reason?? As in more sexist and homophobic out where the rainforest is. Idk why — So like the Coromandel, West Coast of the South Island etc.
That’s just my experience though!
Get yourself a good little Toyota over here and nothing else. Cars suck here for some reason. Plus fuel is hella expensive, so a small Toyota will save you money.
To find accommodation, join the local Facebook pages of wherever you’re moving to and put a post up about looking for a room. Best bet is that way. Also, Facebook Marketplace is generally a good way to go too.
Set up your bank details with a NZ bank account before moving here, including an IRD number for tax purposes. All can be done online. I recommend BNZ for banking.
Unless you’re moving to a city right away, get a NZ simcard at whatever airport you arrive at. More likely to be expensive, but better than being stuck somewhere rural with no signal.
If you don’t look over 25, NZ only accepts NZ drivers licenses or your passport as ID to purchase/order alcohol. No exceptions.
It’s wise to always carry a little cash on you, say around $100 in your wallet. Never know when you’re gonna hit somewhere that doesn’t have signal to use eftpos.
Burgerfuel is elite.
Stay the fuck out of Otago in terms of living, especially Queenstown. Only visit for a holiday or you will be homeless within a week due their housing crisis and cost of living crisis.
Where abouts are you moving to? Flick me a private message if you like and I can help you out some more!
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Working on my Posters
Today I put some time into working on my receipt poster and creating a new one after the feedback I got insisted I create another poster that both works as a set with my receipt design and also has a clearer intention of design.
For the new poster I spent hours exploring Pinterest for any sort of inspiration on a new design that works well as a set and has the same idea. I ended up coming up with the idea of an eftpos machine. I decided to make the set play out as the payment process. I made sure it had similarities that play out during both posters like the NZ symbol and some of the text I used. I also worked out I can do the animatic of someone paying it so I have also created a little hand holding a card that I will animate to do paywave over the machine. I also kept the red colour in sync with both designs by making the eftpos card red and similar shades of it when compared to the receipt design.
For the receipt poster I added a bit of colour on the receipt to match the receipt poster. I also added a silhouette of New Zealand on the top of the receipt. Lastly, I added a paper texture to the back of the receipt to add a little bit of pop. I still need to think about how I will animate it.
The order that I will present these is the eftpos machine design first followed by the receipt design.
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richdadpoor · 1 year
Australian FinTech company profile #168 – PayNuts – TechToday
Newsletter Sed ut perspiciatis unde. Subscribe 1. Company Name: PayNuts 2. Website: http://www.paynuts.au 3. Key Staff & Titles: Geoff Branson, Managing Director (pictured) 4. Location(s): Australia and New Zealand 5. In one sentence, what does your fintech do?: PayNuts is an Australia and NZ payments service provider for small and medium businesses, offering EFTPOS and eCommerce solutions. 6.…
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smurphygames · 1 year
KiwiRPG at the Auckland games fair - A Post Mortem
Last weekend I had the privilege of running the kiwiRPG booth at the Auckland Cancer Society Games Fair, and I’m pleased to say that it went really well! We had plenty of players, designers, and members of the public stop by and chat about the organisation and tabletop games in general. A huge relief considering that it was just me at the booth all weekend, that I had never done anything like this before and was anxious as hell, and the fact that half the stuff that we were planning on having at the booth didn’t arrive in time (cheers to NZ couriers for that fun little headache).
From this experience, I have gained numerous insights, immeasurable wisdom, and a laundry list of shit that I am going to do differently next time.
There is almost nothing you can’t fix with tape (and Post-it notes)
It is honestly fucking comical how many problems got solved with tape and Post-it notes. People joke about this all the time, but it’s TRUE. Signage? Taped Post-it notes. Keeping boxes together? Tape. No business cards? Post-it note. Need someone’s details? Write it on a Post-it note. Sign keeps falling over? Tape that sucker UP. If our biggest supporter for the weekend was the Cancer Society, our biggest second supporter was the unextraordinary office products of paper plus.
I suffered for my hubris (not bringing enough food)
Every con guide tells you to bring enough food and drink. This is not new advice. However, I am (famously) a bit of a dumbass and thought, “I’ve worked shitty restaurant jobs without eating anything for longer hours; this’ll be nothing,” skipped breakfast and brought a single bag of chips with me. Unsurprisingly, I was hungry as hell by hour three of the first day and, with the only options around being out of my budget, I just had to deal with it. Learn from my mistakes and make some sammies before the event.
They stopped for the pretty books and stayed for the one-pagers
We had a decent selection visible at the booth, but the big standout was Dave Elvy/Imaginary Empire’s games, which had fancy colourful covers and a strong reputation (several people recognised them from a distance). Lots of folks walked up primarily to take a look at them, thinking I was the designer, before I explained what KiwiRPG was about.
Once they did walk up though, many people stuck around to read the one-page games and take some with them. Usually, the conversation involved me gushing about what one-page games are and the design freedom they represent, to which they would say, “Ooh, like Honey Heist, right?” to which I’d shrug and say, “Yeah, pretty much.”
The lesson here is that while not visually striking enough to draw people on their own, one-page games make great handouts and conversation starters at events like this.
People fucking LOVE business cards
We were meant to have pamphlets to hand out with our details, but unfortunately, they didn’t arrive in time. Dale, however, was very clever and sent a stack of business cards with his games. These flew off the table like hotcakes. I don’t know how I feel about them from a wastage standpoint, but it seems like having a solid stack of business cards or pamphlets is basically essential for doing stuff like this.
There’s a lot to be gained by teaming up with other creators in the industry
Talking specifically about boothing together at cons here. I got to chat with a boatload of other creators throughout the weekend, and the one thing that almost always came up was the challenges that tend to come up with events like this. There were two things that were mentioned pretty consistently:
 Booths are prohibitively expensive. The Cancer Society were incredibly generous in allowing folks to have a presence at the event for free (only asking that 20% of sales go to the charity), but this is far from the norm. Most cons charge up to 1000 bucks or more to have a booth, exceeding what most small creators can reasonably afford.
Eftpos machines are also super expensive but basically necessary if you want to sell anything. At least in New Zealand, cash is becoming increasingly uncommon payment-wise, and many cons lack an ATM. The price to rent an Eftpos machine can run up to a couple hundred dollars a day and, if you’re mainly selling 5$ - 20$ zines/books, anything less than a total success will leave you sitting at a loss.
I think both of these problems could be solved by getting a bunch of us together to share a space, possibly as a “KiwiRPG Creators” booth. It’d be a way to enable a bunch of people to show off their stuff who’d usually be unable to.
Giveaways should be dead simple
Before the event, I came up with a microgame to do giveaways. It was fun, sort of interesting, and entirely too complicated for what we were doing. After trying it with a few people, I quickly realised that people check out if a giveaway takes more than two sentences to explain. In the end, I stripped it down to its bare essentials and that ended up being much better. Unless you’re really clever, don’t do anything fancy for stuff like this.
The conclusion
The fair was a good time. We spread the good word of KiwiRPG and made some new mates. Yeah.
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simmyseo · 3 years
The top billing system for your grocery store is here!
If you are running a grocery store and your clients wait long in the lines for billing at cash counters, then you are likely to lose them soon. Keep in mind, in this digital era, depending solely on the manual billing system is not beneficial. You have to implement a strategy that could facilitate your buyers to get fast and secure bill payments for the inventory they have bought. Eftpos Auckland is the best billing software for grocery supermarkets and stores that can enable the owners to have systemized billing process and also facilitate customers with quick, trouble-free, and secure payment solutions.
Leading billing software in New Zealand
The POS or point of sale system is definitely a magical solution to all the payment obstructions. In New Zealand, approximately 86 percent of supermarkets are using this structure and they have grown their business up to 120 percent by implementing this system. Rocket POS is the reliable company that renders Auckland Eftpos to the groceries trade in New Zealand. It offers best-in-class POS machines and terminals to retailers that are available to use as countertops and mobile payment gateways.
Expands the scope of payment methods
No doubt, the payment structure enabled with Eftpos in Auckland expands the scope of payment modes and capabilities. The Point of sale terminals has abilities to accept the diverse methods of payments such as NFC, chip cards, and mobile wallets, etc. It is entirely beneficial for improving the experience of customers despite the style and approach they want to consider for paying their grocery bills. As an owner of a retail supermarket, you can grow the comfort of customers to a high pace since they do not have to wait too long for compensating for the price of your merchandise.
Useful for marketing
Marketing is an integral segment of every retail business that is required for its proper growth and success. Using the technology-driven Auckland Eftpos apparatus also facilitates you with attractive marketing. You can mention about new products, discount coupons, and schemes on the print receipts that are system generated. It will help your customers to know about your promotional campaigns that will make your business grow. Using POS-enabled marketing equipment will ensure the customers that your marketing campaigns are reliable and accurate.
Improve employee efficiency
Employees are the core pillars of every business and as a grocery owner; you have to manage your team well for handling maximum operations. There are numerous tasks associated with a retail supermarket, so if your workers keep engaging long in handling cash payments then how could they handle other tasks. So, enabling a POS system will also help them to receive payment quickly that improves their efficiency.
Automated transaction reporting
Well, it is imperative to keep a check on all the payments. A POS machine will facilitate you by providing accurate reporting about the status of the payment to ensure that billing has been completed without any glitches.
Auckland Eftpos, Eftpos Auckland, NZ Eftpos, Eftpos NZ, New Zealand Eftpos, Eftpos New Zealand
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waywardmasquerade · 4 years
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So we went to Wellington Armageddon
The weekend, and the days surrounding it were... chaos riddled.
In the lead up we had issues with banners and scheduling.
We left late because a certain spring loaded spaniel decided to become a counter pirate and eat things she shouldn’t.
On the way there we were rear ended.
Once we did arrive, it was a bit of a hunger games type situation with chairs, apparently people steal them from booths so you have to hide them.
The vehicle started making worrying noises.
The GPS sent us to the wrong house for our Airbnb, so I ended up walking into this poor lady's house as if I had a right to be there. O.o...
The point of sale software refused to work.
I couldn't get into my email over the weekend due to some weird error.
A man in a trump t shirt hovered around our booth looking very angry and glaring at our pride display, and then hovered in the general area for a while. Set off every alarm bell in my head.
I'm pretty sure a couple of things were nicked.
The table in the booth next to us, run by some lovely people, collapsed.
We were parked right underneath a speaker for the PA system.
Drawing pins didn't work on the booth walls we had.
But there are silver linings
The sign post made by the lovely folks at Stim Craftsmanship worked wonderfully
The scheduling issues were resolved
The spring loaded Spaniel did not manage to eat anything harmful
The driver who hit us was very apologetic and didn't run away even though he was clearly scared. We're waiting for confirmation from a panel beater before we relax, but it at least looks like just paint damage.
A lovely friend who knows the event came with us to help set up and be a general guide, which helped immensely.
We managed to hide our chairs effectively and dragons make good guards.
A lovely ex mechanic friend talked me through checking and topping up the transmission fluid on the vehicle.
Another lovely friend picked up transmission fluid and brought it to the event and hung out with us at the booth.
Another lovely friend hung out with us at the booth the next day.
The eftpos machine works independently of the point of sale software, so we could still process card sales.
We found our Airbnb eventually, and it had a fancy bathtub, so I spent my evenings marinating.
Some Bagthulhus found new victims.
We were able to prop up the neighbouring table with a couple of our stock boxes, so the dragons became structural engineers for the weekend.
My obsessive back ups of back ups were vindicated. When the POS software failed we had a back up receipt book and notepad. When the drawing pins didn't work we had a staple gun and safety pins (which our neighbours found useful too ^_^). When the double sided tape didn't work, the duck tape did. When a sign nearby kept getting blown over, the duck tape secured it to a pillar. Having six kinds of tape is useful.
The dice jails were well received, the first ones to find homes in Aotearoa/NZ.
A lot of people, especially younger ones, lit up when they saw the pride display, and some dragons found lovely new homes.
I referred a lot of people to places they could learn how to play or find games.
My fate dice jail story got told a LOT.
Our neighbours were lovely ^_^.
We ate a LOT of pies.
We drank a LOT of hot chocolate.
And the vehicle got us home.
Moral of the story: I am a chaos magnet. But I have awesome friends. And Dragons and Thulhus are awesome too.
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eftposnow · 2 years
Why You Should Choose a Complete POS System for Your Business?
As a business owner, you would want to take your business to the top of the industry, it makes sense to let your customers make payments using the easier ways. This is why most businesses choose to go with POS software systems, but not all businesses are opting for this option. If you are also looking for a point of sale system, here are some reasons why it can be a good idea.
 Inventory management - The best part about opting for a mobile EFTPOS system is that it lets you manage inventory as this can sync your stock levels as you make sales. As a result, it makes things easier for you to track product movements, so you can make smarter decisions around purchasing and sales.
 Secured payments - When you choose to go digital with an NZ POS system, you can be sure to let your customers make payments using debit or credit cards without worrying about their financial security. The payments are directly deposited into your account without any delay.
 Accounting and bookkeeping - One unknown benefit of opting for EFTPOS mobile systems is that it helps you save time managing accounts and books of your business. You can integrate the system into your accounting software, sales, expenses, and other financial data to stay in sync and avoid the hassle of manual reconciliation and make tax time a whole lot easier.
  So get a POS system for your business to take it to the next level of success.
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indr701charlotte · 3 years
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Assumptions on Self-serve kiosks and elderly people
Upon assessing assumptions and facts/personal anecdotes, there are two main factors as to why the elderly struggle to use kiosks. 
1. Physiological 
a. Compromised eyesight - key buttons and text/information missed. can't find eftpos machine at bottom
b. Difficulty reaching certain places e.g down low for an eftpos machine (McDonalds) or bag tag (Air NZ kiosk)
c. Struggle to stand for prolonged periods
2. Socio/Environmental
a. Loneliness - they miss talking to someone as they have seen the world change from local butchers and small community culture. 
b. Some elderly people (dependant on computer exposure, when retired, etc.) aren't computer natives and cannot understand basic UI metaphors like shopping cart icon, scrolling and other touchscreen gestures. User action sequences are unclear and difficult to grasp.
c. Pressured to keep up with change, therefor more likely to be afraid of making mistakes (scared to ‘break’ the machine by pressing something wrong and not being able to correct it) pressure to move quickly, which increases stress and furthers digital exclusion
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sonp49926 · 1 year
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How can you ensure the best client experience with your mobile EFTPOS machine? Discover the 4 defining features of EFTPOS efficiency & how to maximise them!
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yellowgnomeboots · 3 years
So anyway, what is the point of being brought the bill in a restaurant? In NZ I’ve only experienced it at a handful of places, normally places that cater primarily to tourists. Because you always pay at the counter, being given the bill at the table and then going to the counter isn’t useful.
So what’s the point of having the bill brought to the table? Is it so you’re not suprised by the amount and have time to emotionally compose yourself? Is it somehow related to not using EFTPOS? I’ve used EFTPOS for almost everything since about 1994 and you have to be at the counter for that to enter your PIN but maybe if everyone in your society used actual cash you’d customarily pay from your table.
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ms-hells-bells · 3 years
I've learned some shocking facts from following feminists on tumblr, but "nz doesn't do paypal" I'm honestly shocked
actually i just looked it up, and it seems like as of this year/late last year, there is some paypal accessibility. most stores still don't do paypal online, it's not a common method, and there are major limitations to what you can do, but it now exists here lol.
but i still can't do it because it needs photo id to make an account :))) at least here
we also don't have gofundme lol you can donate money to a gofundme, but you can't make one.
but to be fair, we have also had for a long time massive availability of eftpos, chip and pin, and paywave, and no longer produce cheques. we also have phone apps that can transfer money not only to other people of the same bank, but to other banks free of charge, and within seconds if it's during the day. so, we don't really need paypal, because all we have to do is give someone our bank number and they can send money with their phone from the app.
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hummingzone · 3 years
Covid-19: Alcohol spending jumped nearly 500 per cent on eve of alert level 4, supermarkets do roaring trade
Covid-19: Alcohol spending jumped nearly 500 per cent on eve of alert level 4, supermarkets do roaring trade
New Zealand’s retail spending has halved in alert level 4 but spending on food and alcohol has spiked, especially on the eve of lockdown, with booze sales nationwide skyrocketing nearly 500 per cent. Dot Loves Data director Justin Lester said its analysis of Eftpos NZ spending data showed on Tuesday, the eve of lockdown, nationwide liquor sales increased 473 per cent on the previous Tuesday. In…
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simmyseo · 3 years
Why you should choose the best POS system for your business?
The retail sector in New Zealand is growing at a rapid pace. Despite the spread of Covid, it is gaining huge revenue. The reason behind the success of businesses in NZ is the significant use of POS software systems. Business owners are facilitating their buyers with contactless sale transactions by using NZ Eftpos. Customers buy the merchandise and swipe their cards for making the payments without waiting in the lines and getting into physical touch with anyone. As a business owner, if you still have not united your business with this technology, then it is the right time to find a good POS vendor.
Whether you are a new start-up business entity or an established commercial facility, it is always crucial to choose top-class POS technology. Finding the right point of sale system would enable you for flawless business operations along with better growth of your business. So, here are some important factors that you must take into consideration while choosing the POS machine partner.
Identify your needs
Evaluating your needs before investing in the business is always a wise decision. It can help you to make the right investment that will always work to amplify your business. So, for an Eftpos Newzealand, you first consider your needs. You should identify that how many POS systems you want for your facility and what sort of machine you want. For instance, if you own a small-spaced outlet and have low customer footfall, you can consider a countertop POS. But, if you have a large commercial facility such as a hotel or restaurant and have more client footfall, then you should consider mobile POS.
Consider it as a long-run investment
Using POS machines for an extended run is always gainful. It is associated with the convenience that you have to offer to your customers. So, you must consider it as a long-term investment by buying the best. Many business owners invest in poor-quality POS systems just to avoid the cost at initial set-up. But, keep in mind that low-quality machines always come with expensive repairs and maintenance. The frequency of their work would also be poorer than the superior ones. Rocket POS deal in high-quality NZ Eftpos that require less maintenance and repair. They work purposefully to deliver excellent results so you do not need to worry a little by investing in them.
Consider overall functionality
In order to make the best investment for Eftpos Newzealand, you must consider the overall functionality of the POS system. Though, it is not a good investment to simply establish a system that does not provide all-in-one functions. At Rocket POS, we are offering machines that function on the automated interface to fetch payments from the debit and credit cards, equipped with the digital monitor to showcase the transaction amount, timing, and location, and also dispense the paper receipt at the end of the successful payment transaction. Visit our site at www.rocketpos.co.nz to get your POS system established now.
NZ Eftpos, Eftpos New Zealand, Eftpos NZ, New Zealand Eftpos
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oxygenpos · 4 years
Oxygen POS- Excellent Services Providers for Installation of EFTPOS in New Zealand
If you want to install EFTPOS terminals in the NZ at your business store, Oxygen POS is a perfect source that you should visit. Oxygen POS professionals are specialists of installing POS systems. They are certified Paymark EFTPOS Resellers and install all your EFTPOS requirements be it single terminal, multilane, mobile, or multisite.
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