#EDIT: clarified a thing a bit! marked with an EDIT note
callsignfate · 11 months
Watcher 01's Watch Dog
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Quick note: I'm reposting this because I re-edited/re-wrote the whole thing. I hated how it sounded and I spent hours rewriting and editing it so I can re-write/edit part two because I hate it as well.
(No use of y/n or r/n, !femreader because this is a Laswell x reader. No major character death. Tw: death, talks of death, ect. You are in the military.)
Ruthless, calculated, efficient. These were the traits that defined you in your profession. As a highly skilled operative on the field, you were known for your deadly precision and your dedication to the mission. You were confident in your abilities but never allowed yourself to become overly cocky; one wrong move and it was lights out.
Your personal life was fiercely guarded, and few people were aware that you were married. You would stop at nothing to protect your wife, although she was quite capable of taking care of herself.
Currently, your small squad had been granted a brief respite from missions. It was a rare break for you all, and you decided to remain at the base and help with the paperwork. The peace and silence were a refreshing change from the constant missions and orders you'd been receiving in recent months.
Your wife, Kate, was equally busy in her role, and your schedules rarely aligned. Your interactions were often limited to text messages or quick phone calls when you had a moment between missions. You treasured those messages, reading them over and over during your missions.
One day into your week long break, your captain walked into your office, informing you of guests, you assumed it was your best friend coming by to discuss the challenges of her squad over a drink. However, when you opened the door, you were surprised to find your wife and the squad she often vented about standing there. She held a file, her professional demeanor apparent.
"Lieutenant." Kate's voice is clipped and professional, as always. She gives you a respectful quick nod. You returned it in kind. However, silent cues in her expression revealed her feelings. She seemed a bit frustrated that you hadn't informed her of your R&R directly.
"Laswell," you reply with a matching clipped and professional tone, resting your arms behind you and locking them together.
"Heard you were on a break for a week," she said, her tone professional but her expression revealing her frustration, even though it was subtle.
"Some R&R for the team," you confirmed, "I, however, have been submitting reports and finishing up paperwork." Your face remained neutral, your tone equally composed.
"I'm sure of it," Kate replies, her tone still the same, but her face briefly shows again a hint of frustration. If you hadn't been her wife or known her for as long as you did, you might have missed all of the cue's.
The simple exchange of a few words between you and Kate was marked by professionalism and a shared history that allowed for subtle, unspoken communication. Her clipped and professional tone gave no indication of the depth of emotion beneath it. You both had an unspoken connection, one born of years of dating, then marriage.
"I'm sure you're not here to hear about my break and paperwork. Let's cut to the chase," You moved the conversation forward, knowing there was more to this than her checking in on your break. She handed you the file, and you quickly reviewed its contents, finding information about a new target, the father of someone you had previously eliminated. You can see the entirety of the 141 watching and listening to the conversation closely.
"Let me guess, you want us to take him out?" you began, but Kate cut you off, indicating that she was well aware of your thoughts.
"Just you," she clarified, "their operation has gotten bigger. We know you and two others went in to their base and took him out, meaning you know the base already," Kate's voice is direct. You're not surprised by the news. You cut off one head, and another grows back. Endless targets, endless missions.
"Just me? That's a lot of confidence in one person," you reply, knowing what she actually meant, but always having to say something sarcastic or make a snarky remark.
You shifted your attention to the prospects of this mission, realizing that your wife would also be involved. She had always made you anxious when you knew she was in the field, even if you didn't admit it.
"You, the 141, and myself will be part of this mission," Kate stated firmly.
You understood that this wasn't a question, but a briefing. Suppressing your anxious thoughts, you turned your gaze between your wife and the 141.
But your captain had reservations. His voice came from behind you, where he had been listening all along. "Wait, hold on. You can't just take my second-in-command and reassign her to another squad."
Kate's response was clear and unwavering: "I can, and I will." The look she gave the captain was familiar to you, one she often used during arguments, indicating that the discussion was over.
With determination, you spoke up. "Captain, I don't decline an opportunity to finish what we started." You shot a glare over your shoulder, and your captain sighed and retreated to his office, muttering under his breath.
Price, the man your wife had often discussed in long rants about his stubbornness and their ongoing arguments, spoke up with a smile. "Ready to play with the big boys?"
Your gaze shifted to him, considering his words. Then, a question arose: "This isn't officially sanctioned, is it?" You asked with a casual glance in Price's direction.
Kate's response was direct and honest: "Black." You knew all too well that you had your share of unsanctioned work, even if your wife remained blissfully unaware of it.
Masterlist/ More like this/ Request
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divineerdrick · 3 months
Warhammer 40,000: Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion for June 20, 2024
Before I go into my final thoughts, let's talk a bit about the Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion.
One of the things I missed from the fact I still don't have a copy of The Pariah Nexus Mission deck, are the exclusions made for Titanic Units. Titanic Units started very strong in 10th Edition. Unfortunately that strength was taken away very quickly. It feels like at least some of Pariah Nexus and the Balance Dataslate is intended to make these colossal war machines feel impressive again.
We also get Errata for the Mission Deck. We start with Recover Assets, which has accidentally been marked with the Fixed Secondary symbol, which it is not. Assassination is then confirmed to trigger on models in every section of its text. Cull the Horde has new text added to prevent opponents from taking 1 less Boy or Gaunt to stop you from scoring it. It now triggers if your opponent spends enough points to buy a unit of 20. If No Man's Land doesn't touch a corner of the battlefield for Hidden Supplies, you roll off with your opponent and the winner selects the first corner. Finally Scorched Earth is clarified to trigger when a player decides to burn an objective.
The FAQ is all pretty standard stuff with the answers dictated by the rules. However, there is one interesting point at the very end. They put in an FAQ about whether the Tournament Companion changes any rules regarding how Ruins affect Charging units and models. The Answer says that this companion doesn't change anything, and specifically points out that positioning of models within a Ruin may make it harder to Charge them. It seem GW has decided to not try and fix this for the time being. For now, a unit camped out in a ruin is apparently intentionally difficult to remove. They do include a designer's note that says that if there is a lot of enclosed Ruins at an event that would be difficult to charge, the organizer may want to make special allowances.
Unfortunately, right now I don't have any easy means to examine the mission pool. I might come back and check it out again once I have a copy of the deck. The Terrain layouts are more interesting. I like the fact that when they have two Terrain pieces put together, they indicate whether or not the two are intended to block line of sight. It also feels like there is more of a mix of confined and open layouts. I still feel like many larger models will have trouble navigating many of these layouts, but hopefully the new movement rules will help with this.
I'm really happy they've brought up Win Path for determining how to pair players. They even spell out why it can be such a good pairing method. They similarly note flaws with scoring by VP. It's good to hear they've been paying attention to these things.
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dojunie · 2 years
i've been checking ur acc everyday since u said that misdial was getting released this week and like I WAS EXPECTING SOME ACTION BC U SAID THERE IS SOME BUT I DEFINITELY WASN'T EXPECTING 1. jeno liking her back all this time 2. him knowing that she liked him and 3. THEM REVEALING THEIR FEELINGS TO EACH OTHER LIKE WHAT JDJSKDKWKJDD i swear ur so good at pacing things out in a way that is not rushed but keeps each chap interesting as a writer myself i'm learning quite a bit. God I can't wait until the next chapter i have no clue what could happen in that one or in the future ones like is there can be a situation where jeno gets jealous bc of sungchan or jaemin which makes him go screw mark and act on his feelings??? (would love to see jealous jen honestly but also idk) WAIT I JUST REALIZED HOW BROKEN JENO MUST HAVE FELT AFTER FINDING OUT ABOUT HER AND JAEM W/ HIS FEELINGS AND HOW IS HE GOING TO FEEL NOW THAT HE KNOWS THAT SHE HAS LIKED HIM FOR SO LONG BUT HOOKED UP W/ JAEM AS A REBOUND OR HAS HE EVEN PIECED THAT TOGETHER YET?? how are the siblings gonna fix their relationship after all this too 💀 and now that they have closure of some sorts how do they end up together like??? does he know she STILL loves him and does he still like her too? and just to clarify jeno didn't act on his feelings bc he knew how protective mark is and was scared of him getting angry if he were to do anything and especially if he hurt her?? am i getting that right? my brain is exploding w/ so many questions pls update us on ur writing progress as much as u can so we can look forward to it hehe (I MEAN THIS IN A take ur time in writing it we'll always wait but when u do happen to work on it pls tell us to keep us on our toes WAY if u get what i mean. take all the time u need ❤️)
-covid anon 🤒
covid anon,,,,,,,,, my dear,,,,, my loaf of toasted bread,,,,,,, when i got this ask i was at work and if you could only see the stupid smile i had on my face the entire rest of the day when i thought about how i was going to respond to this,,,,,,
edit: my answer got crazy fucking long so i am putting this under a readmore goddamn
thank you for the writing compliment my beloved covid anon :'-) i always feel like i'm so shit with pacing so to hear that another writer thinks my pacing is good is just so 🤕 aaaaaaa
AND JEALOUS JENO BC OF SUNGCHAN AND JAEM??? WHAT A THOUGHT. because of the way i always end up characterizing jeno i dont see him as a jealous person, at least not the type to act on his jealousy if he Does feel it, like he's just going to stew on it and stew on it and stew on it instead of actually tell anybody that he's upset.... but that is a concept.... esp if he's jealous of jaem since they're such close friends, it would have good feeling-exposure capabilities.... hmmm.... winky face
to answer how jeno felt when he found out about 'mosquito boy', aka jaemin being mc's rebound in ch2, he was very... confused. by a lot of things. the first being that he didn't even know mc liked jaemin like that at one point (because in his head he doesn't quiiite realize that it was just a hookup, that there were no serious feelings involved- plus, he's always taken note of how much jaemin dotes on mc, so he's always had a suspicion that maybe, just maybe, jaemin might've had some kind of feelings for you too; and this rebound thing only confirms that for him) and he's kind of beating himself up about the fact that he never 'noticed' something going on between mc and jaem at the lake house. the second thing he's confused by is why he is so pissed at jaemin. he assumes he's mad at him for fucking around with mc in the first place when that's marks little sister (like cmon, brocode, wtf) (or maybe jeno is projecting? hmm) (or maybe he's just envious that jaemin had the balls to do something about how he felt regardless of how mark might react, hmmmmm) and he's also definitely mad at jaem for just... not telling him.
and about the siblings LMAO i only realized when i was rereading ch3 for the last time before posting that big brother mark is this huge, looming figure in the fic, mentioned every five seconds, and that basically all the conflict is because of him either directly or indirectly.... but he has literally not showed up in this fic at all 💀 he has not had one line of dialogue in misdial yet (that text in ch1 doesn't count 😭) but i promise you mark's time is coming
and yes, to clarify, you're pretty much exactly right about why jeno never said anything to anyone about how he felt,,,, like mark is his Best Friend, yknow? there are so many different reasons jeno felt it would be better to just keep his mouth shut about 1. knowing mc liked him, and 2. liking her back. the main one is that mark has made it clear how much he admires and cares about his little sister, and while he's never outright condemned any of mcs relationships or crushes or interests, it is so incredibly, painfully obvious that he does not think any human being on earth is good enough for her. (not to mention the fear of fucking up with mc somehow and the wrath mark would put rain upon him if so... with the added depressing edge that jeno knows mark would Hate having to play mediator between him, his best & closest friend, and mc, his literal baby sister)
and i think thats it omg i apologize for responding with such big walls of text, i just loved your message so much LOL all the questions and emotions you had were great and i enjoyed reading and thinking about my answer very much,,,, if you have any more questions i would 1000000% love to answer them 💪
i will try to keep you all updated better this time around, before ch4!! though. i have some interesting news. i will break it here, for you, and for all the other lovelies who have read this far: i have started an outline (and actually started writing)...... an interlude chapter about what happened between jaemin and mc at the lake house >:-D it's going to be written in a standalone oneshot style, so folks who haven't read misdial can still read it, and it's going to be quite... descriptive. about what exactly went down during this alleged rebound. so. if you're into that, jaemin stans rejoice.
anyway i hope this message wasn't a pain in the ass to read and answered most of your questions sufficiently 💪 farewell, covid anon!!!! i love u <3
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amethyst-halo · 2 years
Hello! I just wanna ask how do you draw a cat's face? Or body? Idk. tyyyy! :)
uh! i can try to answer!!
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i usually start with this! cats are just shapes to start tbh!
for faces i usually start with the nose, then move to the eyes and mouth! the pieces kinda play off of each other which i marked in pink!
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one thing i wanna note is muzzles! i don't draw all the lines for them but i still place the parts of the face as if i can see them! most cat faces aren't flat, and everyone draws muzzles a little different i think so it's something u'll have to feel out a lil bit!
for the body it's just more shapes tbh! i've practiced where the shapes go by staring very intently at my own cats and referencing pictures which i highly recommend!!! reference images are super good and u should use them!
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edit: IGNORE THE TUMMY RAISING PART i somehow got confused between cat and dog tummies
from there i line and color! coloring cats is its own thing tbh so i'll leave it out for now
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yea!!! admittedly my grasp on proportions isn't as good as i'd like; cats are longer than i tend to draw them as. but that's a practice thing askdjsdhjsd
i hope this made sense!!! i'm not sure how to explain my processes very well esp since i've been drawing cats for so long it's just second nature to me sdjhjd but!!! i put in some notes of things i keep in mind as i draw too!! i'm happy to try and clarify things too!!
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rebelyelll · 6 months
Chapter 12 Author's Note
I think this was my longest chapter in Whiplash. It's bordering 10k words, when usually the chapters are written roughly anywhere between 3 - 5k. I remember locking down on this one and getting it all written in one full day, too. I don't remember if I started it all on the same day or if I had some of it written before that...? But I will say it was hell getting it done.
I vividly recall sitting down at around, mmmm... maybe 10am-ish? and stuck to it until literally mere minutes before midnight, that is including my beta grinding on edits lol.
The next day I RESTED UP lmao! To clarify why I pushed myself so hard was because there was an event in the Fanworks discord server last June that celebrated each fan project on its respective day. Being that midnight marked the end of Whiplash Day, needless to say, I was booking it. And with a few minutes to spare, I DID get the chapter posted. I don't think I've ever felt as creatively exhausted as I did that day like GODDD...
I've since then gone over Chapter 12, though, and made some much needed changes both to the worldbuilding (like the name of the convenient store) and added some stronger descriptions.
This is the chapter where I started the electronics brand naming scheme. Iommi's last name was the first, which is an electronic brand based in France. Fitting, because I figured this is a cyberpunk story, and naming characters after brands of electronics seemed so right to me. Not passing up that opportunity.
The naming scheme then continues with the A.I. taking Darius's order at the corner market. I chose Dell. I mean, they're essentially a computer, but I'd be lying if I didn't say there was another reason I decided on it.
It's a bit silly, but as stated in my past notes about Whiplash's original concept, and what the story was originally going to be, Leon had an 8 year old sister named Delphine, but everyone just called her Del. There was this running joke in the planning stage I had where she'd ask Polnareff, their dad, why he named her Delphine.
I planned for him to have named her after some flowers Sherry had planted at their old home in the countryside, but for some reason past me felt like he'd tease her a bit and tell her he named her after a computer brand. I have no idea why I thought that was funny, but then again, I don't ever understand why past me thought/said/did anything...
So, in hindsight, I was like: "huh. yeah. I could draw the name Dell from two things here. Win-win.
Getting into the groove, where I establish Drive a bit more during Darius's fight with Angus, was pretty fun.
The scene with Avdol and his grandfather at the gravesite was actually added on much later after the chapter had already been posted, but I've already talked about why in a past note. The details about souls here will come back later on. Please trust me, I have a plan lol.
I cannot describe to anyone here how TIRED I was after I posted this update. If I remember correctly, I conked the fuck out that night as soon as I lied down lmao. Writing do be like that sometimes. It's funny because I can sit there and write a couple thousand words, feeling just fine and dandy. And after that it's like I have to stop right now or else the words will not flow; brain beavers will build a dam to stop it up.
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fussyspace · 1 year
As this is my first review for the SPSFC, I'll explain my process before diving in. I'm going to try to give my thoughts on the covers and blurbs as well as the content of the books, as some people seemed to be interested in this. I'm trying to be as objective as possible in both my ratings and my reviews, but of course some personal variation is bound to creep in somewhere. This is why we have multiple people in our judging team – my views won't necessarily reflect the whole.
I'm reading these all as ebooks to ensure a level playing field, though some are available as audiobooks. It would be particularly difficult to tell how well edited a book is without seeing the words, after all.
Anyway, on to the review.
To Climates Unknown, Arturo Serrano
I'd actually had this one on my wishlist for a while after seeing it (I think) in last year's SPSFC, my eyes immediately caught by 'a world without America'. (Look, I'm sorry guys, it's nothing personal.)
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Word count: ~ 93,600
Cover: Nice and professional, does what it needs to do. Makes me curious about these unknown climates. I find the composition satisfying for some reason. The ship also seems reasonably accurate to the Mayflower, to my Plymothian eyes. Having read the book, the tagline doesn't really fit, but I'll explain why when I get to the content.
Blurb: This starts off by saying that the United States were destroyed in 1620. For reasons I'll go into in the content section, that's probably not the best way of phrasing it. The following paragraph clarifies that it was just the Mayflower that went missing, but by this point we've had the idea of 'world without America' cemented twice in our heads. The rest of it sets the stage for some interesting happenings far removed from the events of our timeline.
Vote: I voted Yes to continue at the 30% mark (my personal vote, not necessarily team vote) and carried on to read the full book.
Note: The following review does contain some spoilers. A lot of things happen in the book, so there are many things that remain unspoiled, and I believe I've only mentioned events in detail from the first half of the book, but my memory is patchy enough that I could be wrong. So if you're planning to read the book yourself, be aware before reading on.
Content: There is nothing that stands out more in To Climates Unknown than the fact that it has been meticulously historically researched. The narrative takes us from one relatively minor inflection point through multiple facets of history before reaching its conclusion. Historical figures, events, philosophies, religions... they're scattered in bucketfuls throughout the story.
Unfortunately, committing such a wealth of information to the page doesn't make it any easier to read. The writing style already boasts incredibly long paragraphs and sentences that can be difficult to get on with. At first I thought this might be a deliberate attempt to emulate the style of the period, but given this book stretches almost to the present day, I'm less certain. In any case, coupled with all the historical name dropping, it feels like a bit of a chore to get through, with a nagging feeling you need to google something every time you come across a new name.
The book splits its narrative into several parts, each focussing on a different set of events in its altered timeline and a different collection of characters. This was an incredibly large and diverse collection, from stubborn Mayflower descendants to ambassadors, from teachers to women disguised as eunuchs. I found a character from the ojibwe tribe quite interesting, though explaining they were two-spirit (or words to that effect) felt a little anachronistic given the term was only coined in 1990 with no historical precedent as far as I can tell. Given the use of the wiin pronoun taken from their language, it would have been neat to see the tribe's own terminology used here. But this is more a suggestion than a complaint, about something I have absolutely no expertise in.
The problem, character-wise, is that there are just so many of them, presented in a third-person omniscient point of view that can leave you feeling a little confused when it dips into other characters' brains. (With a more defined narrative voice, perhaps it might have avoided this problem.) By the time you're starting to enjoy their story and appreciate a character, they're gone. It's the next character's turn. It's obvious the book's focus is on the long, overarching story, but this problem also translates to events. Because of the length and scale of the narrative, no event or character is really focussed on long enough to care about. Some events that feel massive are resolved in a single sentence i.e. 'we won the war'. I would have very much liked to spend more time there and see how they won it.
Now we get to what is really the core of an alternative history book: the plausibility of the inflection point and all the events spilling over after it.
This is where To Climates Unknown fell down for me – or at least left me feeling ambivalent. I admit that as I was never quite able to suspend my disbelief, it's possible I found more things implausible than actually are.
At the beginning, it was quite difficult to work out what exactly had changed. The Mayflower hadn't reached its destination, sure. Of course, there were still colonies in America from other countries, but in the first few chapters I didn't spot a clear reference to what had happened over there. I didn't actually notice until several paragraphs into one chapter that the characters were now in America. This came as quite a surprise, given the tagline of 'a world without America'. (The chapter did begin with a location of New Amsterdam, I think, but not everyone knows that's what New York used to be called. This follows a trend of location tags not including a country, which can make it difficult to follow where things are if you don't immediately recognise the name.) 'A world without the United States' might have been more specific to the theme, and 'The United States as we know it never came to be' (or similar) would have been more accurate in the blurb, if less punchy.
The fact that the English pretty much gave up on settling America after the Mayflower disappeared seemed odd to me. It was still a land rich with resources. They still had ships (for a while). But they just let it sit there while everyone else took pieces of it rather than diving back into the race.
The true inflection point – the death of William Adams – had somehow led to no one developing the shipbuilding techniques to easily travel long distances. This supposedly explains the colonisation difficulties. I find it difficult to believe that no one else would have filled the gap. Instead, one empire ends up with submarines (seemingly well enough insulated/heated to travel beneath the arctic sea ice and not freeze everyone). One empire ends up with steam carriages. One empire ends up with airships. Most implausibly of all: at no point in hundreds of years do any of the other empires acquire their opponents' technology. It's like the setup for a game: each empire has their own special unit. In reality, that technology would have spread. Sure, one empire might have better submarines. One might have better airships. But they wouldn't have sole control.
This 'one technology' pony extends to another problem: warfare. Early in the book, one of the empires forms by knocking Britain out of the game... with submarines. But you can't occupy land with submarines. For that, you need troops. The empire had the Scots on board, but it would have been a much more protracted civil war than what seemed to happen, which was waltzing into London and taking out everyone important. I got the same sort of 'rock up with special technology and capture stuff' feel for the rest of the book – a sort of wishful-thinking picture of technology and warfare that extended all the way through to the end. I can't say all the decisions made sense, either. One of the empires wanted to melt both ice caps simply to make travel easier and gain more land by keeping constant fires burning nearby. That's such an incredibly stupid idea that I might put it past a ruler from, say, the 11th century at a (very big) push, but certainly not the 17th. They wouldn't even have needed to if they'd pinched the airship technology. And it's one of those plot lines that feels like it should be huge but just sort of peters out and pops up every now and then later.
Overall, I did find To Climates Unknown interesting and its individual events and characters compelling. I appreciate the sheer amount of research that went into it (including visiting some of the locations, according to the acknowledgements) and I liked the point it ended up making about America to bring the thing full circle. I just didn't find the route it took to get there particularly engaging or believable. Perhaps if it had spent more time in the sunset of the empires rather than their foundation, or split each of its parts into separate books where we could spend more time with the characters and events surrounding them, it would have been more cohesive.
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gerrydelano · 4 years
(1 / 2) As a writer do you have any advice for finding the right balance with writing stories that have other people (different race/gender/orientation) in them as opposed to writing other people's stories? I want to have diversity in my writing, and I try to follow that general rule of including but not speaking for other people in my stories, but I'm not sure where the line is between faithfully creating like, a black or brown character, vs saying what its like to be a black or brown person when
(2 / 2) I cant understand that experience in a meaningful way. Rn I'm trying to like, be aware of my own biases and make sure they aren't influencing the narrative choices I make, but I don't think its enough to just say a character is X race and then not be racist in portraying them. Would I be better off leaving those things to audience interpretation? Sorry if you aren't the person to be asking about this, I just look up to you as a writer and have seen you briefly talk about this before.
hey, anon! it took me a HOT minute to finally answer this, but uhhhh buckle in for my longest meta post yet!
going to separate this into parts so it’s a bit easier to read!
01. initial response 02. resources 03. including little details 04. fight your fear response 05. input from my server 06. don’t tokenize - in and out of your writing 07. conclusion
here we go!
first off, just wanna apologize again for taking, like... two weeks to answer this. i appreciate that you like my writing/value my input on this kind of thing, but it did make me a BIT uncomfortable because this is a super loaded question, and i’m simultaneously the right and wrong person to ask.
i belong to plenty of marginalized groups, sure! and i like to think i’m pretty self aware, all things considered. but in NO way can i speak on diversity™ as a whole, especially in terms of groups i do NOT belong to, considering that those groups are majorly important to respect and handle with care.
i can speak on my own, but not those. i’m not black or brown, i’m white passing mixed jpn, and i’ve made plenty of my own mistakes. i want to be as transparent about that as possible. in NO way am i an authority or somebody who’s going to have all the answers, either, and in no way do i ever want to come across as acting like i ever will.
when asking this kind of question, you gotta kind of specify exactly what you’re trying to do because no one singular person is going to have every answer. i can’t really do too much in the way of direct advice if i don’t know what you’re trying to write, what you may have already written, or what you have to dismantle. y’know? if you have something specific you wanna be mindful of, it’s generally better to ask a person Of That Particular Experience rather than casting a catch-all sort of net.
you already know that you want to be careful about portraying BIPOC, and i can’t really tell you how to do that without just linking resources by black and brown people who have outlined this themselves. i’m not the person to ask about that, so i’ll boost those voices instead, while also adding in what i can talk about to provide other examples of ways to diversify your writing on a whole. when it comes to those things, though, you need to look elsewhere and i hope the resources i link help you to find the right spaces.
i also talked to my server about this and they gave some pretty good input! i’ll put more of what they said a bit later in this post, but this one message from angel @ofdreamsanddoodles sums it up pretty nicely:
“i would say the main difference is between acknowledging things & making them a plot point? like u can have an lgbt character whos had to come out but if youre not lgbt you wouldnt wanna make the story about coming out, or you could have a jewish person talk about religion w/o that being the plot”
there is a key difference between having a character who is X thing, and having a STORY that REVOLVES AROUND BEING X thing. it can generally be simplified down to that, but there’s more to it of course and i’ve been sitting on this long enough that i want to actually give you more than just that.
this is also just going to be tackling as many aspects of this as i can think of, for the sake of anybody else who might have had a similar question! sorry if this is redundant.
i came across this post i reblogged on my personal a while back that i think will help you:
On White Fear & Creating Diverse Transformative Works
the phrase “white fear” is a really useful one that i think we all need to take into account when we’re asking ourselves these questions. we have to be conscious and respectful and do our research but we can’t just let the fear of being called out or being incorrect Stop us from putting LGBT, neurodiverse, disabled, characters of color into our work.
being afraid of misrepresenting is not a good enough excuse for us to not try at all, and at the very least it already displays that you care enough to try NOT to misrepresent. it should at least imply that if you DO make a mistake, you’ll take responsibility and confront it, and change what has to be changed so your portrayal is more accurate and respectful.
if necessary, apologize. but overall? don’t dwell on it and beat yourself up, just move on and make a point to do better. it can be hard, especially if you have the anxiety that i do about over-apologizing, but trust me when i say nobody in these groups wants to hear it. it’s not their responsibility to put up with any pity parties, whether we intend for it to come across that way or not.
there’s also this comic that’s pretty succinct, too! specifically confronts unconscious biases and common tropes in media that are harmful to BIPOC. and like the first post says, check out @writingwithcolor - that’s an amazingly helpful resource and one i think goes underutilized. i definitely need to check in there, too.
you already have the right idea when it comes to making sure you’re not speaking for/over anyone when writing someone who has an experience you don’t have, and frankly there’s not much more i can really tell you to DO other than fact check every now and again and maybe look into finding/hiring a sensitivity reader depending on what it is you’re doing.
EDIT: yes, hiring a sensitivity reader. this stuff is taxing, it’s mental and emotional labor. it’s usually easy to get friends to skim over something and tell you if there’s something you need to tweak but when it comes to serious stuff and reaching out to strangers, consider commissioning and actually paying for that service because it IS a service. the longer your work is, the more necessary it is to compensate the person who is being put to that task.
this is the kind of thing where we have to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and just do it, and make sure we’re checking ourselves along the way instead of psyching ourselves out and being afraid of doing it wrong - when, again, you already clearly want to do it as respectfully as possible. we can’t just stop at Wanting to do good, we have to actually try to DO it.
when it comes to leaving things up to audience interpretation, i think you can go further than that. just Saying someone is X thing really isn’t enough, no - that’s window dressing to me.
these things impact your life. your race, neurodivergency, sexuality, gender, disability, financial status, place of living, etc. literally all of it impacts the choices you make, the way you see the world, the way you see yourself, how you interact with other people, WHO you feel more comfortable interacting with, where you go to school, where you work, how you see the concept of family, whether you even want one, literally you CANNOT write a story with characters of diverse experience without literally needing to acknowledge that experience.
the experience is more than a word, a label, a name. it’s your whole ass life.
kind of reminds me of that one (miserable) post about how sandra oh had to basically write eve’s race into the character portrayal because white hollywood just wasn’t doing it. like... she’s clearly korean! mayhaps respect that? like, one example was that she had to tell them not to overlay the sound of shoes as she walked through her house because “my character is not wearing shoes in the house.” little shit that white hollywood didn’t care to even consider, but that sandra as a korean person was like “um. yeah hey! we don’t do that.”
think of the little details like that, look into things and talk to people and double check. it’s honestly in the little details, i think, that a portrayal of things like this goes the furthest? because audience interpretation can do a lot of the bulk, yes, but when you put in little details that display actual care and nuance, it can be really refreshing and relieving and in my experience make people smile.
for example with how i write judaism into my fics! in the butch georgie fic, i had a small scene where jon lent georgie one of his spare kippot when they went to a yom kippur service. including that discussion about yom kippur in general - a jewish holiday centered around atonement - was important to what the characters were going through in the story, and adding the bit about the kippah was a nod to gender exploration (that’s the little cap that jewish men wear, traditionally, and so jon giving one to georgie was a display of her exploring presenting more masculinely and also jon sort of giving his up/not wearing one that time because he’s exploring femininity.)
as for TSP, i honestly just scattered little mentions around! jon mentioned offhand a trip to israel, miriam made references to moses and daniel in her narration, jon was uncomfortable with an invasive jesus peddler in chapter 8 and said that he wasn’t one for christmas, miriam mentioned him coming home for hanukkah and wanting to call him to be sure he came home for pesach, miriam’s backstory involved her literal experience with growing up during WWII (a bit of a tall order ngl, but still something i felt was necessary). i’m going to make references to the mikveh by the end, discuss the reason that miriam had actually been amenable to tattoos given the controversy of that in the jewish community, etc.
all of these things actually matter to the story and the characters and gives them a bit of Relatable Depth! could i have told the story without these details? sure, i guess. would it be anywhere near as moving in some places? i don’t think so. particularly in terms of how miriam escaped the vast. her jewishness literally saved her life, and jon reconnecting with his jewishness is going to really improve his, by the end.
that’s just ONE example of a way you can include these things without necessarily telling the story of What It’s Like To Be X Thing. i think the MAIN important thing to recognize here is that when we say “don’t tell a story about what it’s like to be XYZ,” we often also mean:
don’t tell the story of what it’s like to SUFFER INJUSTICE because of these things.
if you’re writing a black character, holy mother of g-d do not write instances of them experiencing direct antiblackness. don’t have someone chuck slurs at them, don’t have them Wish They Weren’t Black, don’t try to write about the tiny miniscule every-single-day struggles of navigating the world as a black person if you are not that. the same goes for any other experience you don’t have, but honestly especially that.
OKAY i started thinking about the Fear of including something again and was going to put this above but it got so long so i’m making a new section. this is kind of an expansion on the little details thing, but definitely just references the problem with being afraid of what’s already there.
honestly, one place i’ve seen the “i’m not this thing so i’m not writing it!” excuse that INFURIATES me is when people are too Nervous to write an autistic character, particularly in fics involving a character who is already coded that way in the source material. like... if you’re writing them in character as how they are in the media, you Are writing the Same Traits that autistic people have said they see themselves in. you cannot separate someone’s autism from them as a person, it impacts every single area of their life and behavior, we would not be the same people without our autism.
great example is jon. he may not be “confirmed” autistic in the source material (which i understand jonny said so that he wouldn’t be taking credit for something he didn’t realize he’d done, to avoid pulling a JKR - he’s already writing a character who reads as autistic, and nothing actually HAS to change about him in order for him to be identified that way, etc.)
but if you were to deliberately Remove all of the traits that people have identified AS autistic in order to Avoid writing an autistic character just because you’re uncomfortable with the word... you’re no longer writing jon, period. like, those traits that make him who he is are also the traits that people identify as autistic ones. it’s that simple, it’s that harmless, it costs $0.00 to just go with it and toss in little details every now and again that would nod to that being a thing. a stim here, an infodump there. shit he literally already does.
and if you’re going into your writing from minute one knowing you want to include diverse experiences, literally just do it actively. and if someone points out something they’ve noticed about your character? look into it and see if it aligns! maybe it does! i’ve had people read original works of mine and see a neurodivergency in a character i didn’t plan on but then realized holy SHIT that’s exactly what i’ve been doing, now i’m going to lean into it and be deliberate/as respectful as possible in continuing this portrayal instead of either a) doing literally no work to back it up, or b) pretending it’s not there just because i’d missed it the first time.
this was literally me with miriam in TSP actually! i didn’t realize i was ALREADY writing her as autistic until LATER in the game, and wrote a whole post about it here if you’re curious about how i realized it, and how i handled it going forward.
it’s the same as including a trans character! you don’t have to have them sit there and wax poetic about their relationship to gender, but you can make an offhand comment about their binder or them accidentally missing an HRT shot or them trying something new with their hair that feels more affirming. it doesn’t have to be a massive thing, but those little details can mean the world AND allow your readers to extrapolate on their own. which is the fun part of consuming something, isn’t it?
okay! getting to what some of my friends said before i forget.
ryl @lilacqueerr said:
“ i see way too many only autistic characters being nonhuman (and same with like. coding fantasy races to races and then not having a human of that race)”
don’t reserve your Diversity for nonhuman characters that might appear with a largely human cast; that’s very dehumanizing, obviously, and can get really fucking dicey depending on what you’re doing. DON’T MAKE GREEN CHARACTERS, REPTILIAN ONES. and if they have distinctly nonwhite features, please g-d don’t make them purple.
EDIT: okay clarifying on the purple thing! this is more just something i’ve noticed myself in a few harmful depictions, like the cop in disney’s new whatever the fuck and like… sugilite su, and so on. i could Swear i’ve seen it in a good chunk of things before i just can’t quite remember them right now, and i don’t think it’s actually like this big ongoing thing (unless i’m wrong!) just, more something i’ve seen and felt weird about. also, honestly, the blue girls in the proud family is another thing which was talked about in that one comic i linked, too.
so i think it’s really just. you gotta be careful about ‘unnatural’ skin colors in you’re coded characters. pretty much ANY color has the capacity to be harmful depending on how you’re using it. yellow skin is an asian caricature, red skin is an indigenous one, blue can be Pretty Bad for south asia as well as the above, etc. my apologies for being unclear there!
also, don’t make your only nonbinary character a skinny white androgynous person. don’t make your gay characters predatory or overly sexualized (and at the same time, don’t necessarily 100% desexualize them either. have more than one gay character!)
parker @cuttlefishkitch said:
and like writing disabled people includes all the shit listed above, sensitivity readers, diversity of experience, research, but I would add that you can't just read webmd or a few symptom lists to really get what being disabled or chronically ill is like. it affects almost every aspect of life and makes innocuous parts of every day life (ex how a door opens) feel hostile to you”
this one stuck out to me, too! as a disabled person myself, oh my g-d PLEASE include disabled people. disabled POC are at a serious disadvantage in this world, and they’re definitely underrepresented, too. one of the things i prioritize most in my writing is disability representation - jon having EDS is majorly important to me. gerry having POTS/EDS is a HUGE part of the whole thing.
i’ve had so many people come up to me and say thank you for writing them in because they NEVER see themselves in anything, much less fanfiction. some people have read what i put there and realized for the first time that those experiences aren’t actually normal, and they should see a doctor LMAO. like! that’s hugely important? representation is SO important! it shouldn’t be so bad that people literally don’t know they’re ill until they read some random fanfiction on the internet like holy absolute fuck that is just. devastating.
also from parker:
“and chronic pain shit. i can sensitivity read that cause there is a fine line between acknowledging the difficulty and frustration that comes with living with chronic pain and like, pity porn.
like it's realistic to have a character with chronic pain get upset and sad about it for a while, and seek comfort from another character, but that can't be it and you gotta do it really carefully so you're not just fetishizing suffering”
definitely include disabilities in your work if you can. research research research. there are so many tags on tumblr (actually[illness]) that can help you see what a lot of people go through on a daily that can give a lot of insight and opportunity to depict some of those like, small details i mentioned as being useful in writing.
vic @feraldandy had a LOT to say:
“if you have one black character that is very loud and hospitable and boisterous that's a stereotype. if you have one ndn character who is anxious/submissive that's a sterotype. but if you have a Lot of bipoc with a Lot of different roles, they won't be as scrutinized bc they're less likely to fall into one stereotype”
also SUPER helpful ^^^^ do NOT do not do not just. have The Token XYZ, especially if your main cast is largely white.
“generally just don’t touch religion”
vic brought up the very serious point about closed religions, and as an indigenous person should be taken very seriously on that.
like i know i personally write about judaism from the perspective of a studying convert, but i wouldn’t dare touch the deeper nuance of islam or hinduism without direct help. i’ll absolutely include those characters in my writing, and have in the past, but i’m not going to write an actual story about those faiths.
“in writing fantasy deciding what ethnicities you want to draw inspiration from for x group of people is important and you can have diversity within them but I always draw cultural inspiration for my fantasy characters, bc if you don't u end up w an anglo saxon hellscape with a little bit of wasp-washed norse”
very true this drives me nuts. and at the same time! be careful about respectfully rendering that cultural inspiration. RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH. and sensitivity readers! are so important! i know this is a big one for my own novel, i’m going to need to hire one of those someday and tbh i’m stoked to do it.
to round down the guest speaker section with another gem from vic:
“yeah I honestly think the most important thing to do is just. interact with people in that community. talk to them about their thoughts and feelings and struggles and get not just the bad but also the beautiful parts of being in that minority and have sensitivity readers. very important.”
interacting with people in the relevant community is essential. and really, like. why wouldn’t you want to interact with more people in general? why are we afraid to reach into other communities and communicate with people who fall outside of our realm of experience. i think fear is a weird part of it! a weird fear of breaking the status quo or being Offensive or not understanding, like. holy SHIT we cannot let that kind of fragility stop us from talking to other human beings. beyond writing, like? how the hell can we make any difference in the world if we don’t talk to each other and learn about each others experience.
like what vic said before, make sure to include Multiple people of a particular ethnicity/sexuality/gender/neurotype so it’s not tokenizing and is acknowledging there’s multiple experiences; there’s less chance of falling into stereotypes as well.
take TMA for example, and how they handle bisexuality. the “fun and flirty bi character” is kind of a stereotype, yep! and if tim was the ONLY bi character and he was reduced to JUST that, then there’d be a problem. but jon and georgie do Not fit into that stereotype, and neutralizes the playing field there by displaying a variety of bisexual/biromantic characters.
(people just get fucking weird about tim in fanworks and i do scream! but that’s a post for another day, and in the end cannot be blamed on the source material.)
be mindful of stereotypes. be mindful of how you have other characters interact with them. don’t have a character of color just serve as a crutch for other characters’ development, consider how they might view certain systems and things that maybe you might not have to think as deeply on.
speaking from experience, but if something you’ve written makes you uncomfortable or worried or any of that? trust your gut and take it out. backtrack, redo it, don’t wait for someone to call you out. if you feel like it’s wrong, it probably is. if you have a pit in your stomach about it, there’s probably a reason.
if you’re just confused about a custom or tradition, research it before doing anything. if you’re unsure about something, try to look it up before going to someone with a question. ESPECIALLY if you don’t even know that person - no one is obligated to educate us on these things and it can get exhausting to baby step people through basic respect and research.
i know you meant well when you asked me this, but even this is kind of an example of being mindful about asking strangers how to write something. i’d have to literally know What it is you’re doing in order to actually, fully advise you, and even then! depending on what you’re doing, i may not be able to do that.
i can only speak on so many issues, and even then, no minority is a monolith. no singular person will ever have all the answers, there will always be in-community disagreement about plenty of things, and you may get different answers from different people.
so in short: don’t tokenize characters, and also? don’t tokenize actual people when you’re asking for help. again, not saying you did this to me just now, but it is something you gotta be mindful of going forward. don’t assume people are going to be willing to hold your hand or infodump or correct you or educate you, and if they tell you you’re wrong, accept it gracefully and figure out how to fix it. do NOT dismiss the critique of people who live an experience you don’t, when it comes to depicting that experience in your work.
the best thing to do is to err on the side of caution, yeah, but do NOT let fear stop you from making an effort. like that very first link says, the chances of being called out are really slim anyway. and we shouldn’t care more about our reputations than we do about representing people in an accurate, respectful, and loving way overall. that should be the priority.
you have the cornerstones for it! you don’t want to mess up, that’s good. now take that compassion and consideration and put yourself to work just making sure that you’re trying your hardest before making it someone else’s problem.
asking for help is NOT inherently bad nor is it discouraged! you SHOULD ask when you have to, and we should all practice setting aside our pride and worry for the sake of being respectful. just try to reason with yourself between what needs to be asked, and what can be sought after yourself first.
and just a reminder, there are places specifically set UP for people to ask questions, too! by mods who have already given their consent to handle these topics and who actually have the stamina and willingness to do it, where you don’t really know if a stranger or a friend will always be okay with taking the emotional energy to respond and guide you through something. PLEASE check out writingwithcolor, for SURE, i cannot recommend them enough.
i hope none of this sounded accusatory or anything, either - i think this is just a topic where some blunt truths do need to be delivered, and i’m definitely not exempt from needing to hear them myself. i’ve made PLENTY of mistakes myself, we all have and we all will, so the best thing to do is keep trying, never actually just throw in the towel and say “well i did it wrong this time so i should never try to write a character of X experience again,” like.
we gotta look ourselves in the mirror and go, “hey. NO tantrums. do better.”
you’ve got the right idea! just put it into practice. research, ask for help when you need it, don’t write a Story that Revolves Around an experience you don’t know anything about on a personal level, but still include characters of different experiences anyway.
don’t psych yourself out of it, don’t just leave it at saying “yeah they’re X” and then don’t put any thought into it beyond that. sprinkle in the little everyday details! even if that’s all you focus on at first, it’s a start! can 100% vouch that people who are of that experience will see those and feel a Way.
OKAY i think i’ve gone on long enough - i really hope this helps in some way, even just a little bit! thanks again for being patient, good luck with your writing!
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hansensgirl · 3 years
not all who wander are lost.
summary. | He’s got your name on his tattoo, wearing the same damn clothes since three days ago. A bottle of gin in his hand, and you’d say he’s just wandering.
warnings. | Strangers to lovers, smut, naive reader, mentions of trauma, angst, fluff, slight violence, slight dub/con, slight blasphemy, drinking, DD/LG, daddy kink, corruption kink, ring/hand kink, size kink, creampie kink, teasing, spanking, choking, spitting, manhandling, praise, male masturbation, handjob, degradation, a bit of humiliation, oral sex, virginity loss, marking, and more. 18+ MINORS DNI.
word count. | 11k
pairings. | Daddy!Destroyer!Chris x Little!Reader.
a/n. | one of the few fics inspired/based off of chemtrails over the country club. please heed the warnings and don’t forget to reblog. ily! thank you so much to @dragon-of-dreams @mypoisonedvine @tenuntilfightcall and everyone else for helping me out with some information! and thank you to my bb sara @asadmarveltrashbag for beta-ing and being there for me during this insane month, ilysm!!
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The first time he laid eyes on you, was six months ago.
Meadows like the ones that surround him only exist in movies and Instagram posts. But even those need editing for perfection. Yet, the ones around him made him feel as though he has camera lenses for his eyes. Each piece of grass is a beautiful green, and some had flowers between them. His thighs may hurt but the view is a reward for all the trouble he just went through. A cute cottage lies on the hill he stands on. It resembles one from a Pinterest board but he doesn’t mind.
Birds chirp, sheep bleat, cows low and chickens cluck amongst Ella Fitzgerald's rendition of Summertime. Chris walks a few more steps and onto the porch he goes. This isn’t his destination. Well, technically, it is. But he isn’t supposed to be knocking on your door like he is now, and his heart shouldn’t be beating out of his chest. To the right of this cottage — Chris’s right — is another cottage.
It’s more modern than he’d prefer it to be. It only looks so because inside lives a drug lord who is on the run. It’s truly unfortunate his girlfriend sold him out for immunity. He knocks on the wooden door and takes a step back. Who knows what kind of person is behind it. “Coming!” your sweet voice calls. Chris doesn’t let go of his grip on his gun that’s down the waist of his pants.
Even the sweetest seeming things can always end up being sour.
You struggle not to trip over your own dress. The tail of it drags behind you and sweeps the floor, too. But it makes you feel just like a princess, so you don’t care. On your hip is a basket, and inside is Cotton. Your bunny. She’s been your company for years, and you don’t know what you’d do without her. Barely anyone visits anymore, only because cars can’t handle the long drive up and many people hate nature. But when the occasional knock on your door echoes throughout the house, you can barely keep your excitement inside.
You open the door and gasp. The man… is brooding. And he’s not the type of broody that would grumble insults under his breath or the type that would stalk people, either. He’s the dreamy type, the man your parents say is bad news when really he just needs love. You take in his form. You can tell he’s slightly tired and you just have to give him credit for walking up to your home. He has no flaws, except for the dirt that stains his clothing.
“Hi, do you live here?” the strange man asks, looking around the inside of your home. You jump and you’re not sure why but your skin raises with goosebumps. His voice is deep yet so soft-spoken. For some odd reason, his hand is reaching backwards and you assume that it’s because he has some sort of ache from the walk. You finally register his words and look up at him.
“Y- yes, do you live here?” you stupidly ask. You don’t even realize what you just said until you noticed his puzzled look. “Oh, sorry,” you look down and notice that his black boots are covered in pollen, something that can be oh so bothersome. “‘S’alright, I was hiking a- and I don’t have anywhere to go… Do you think you could let me stay here?” he asks, letting go of the gun. “Uhm, s- sure, what’s your name?” you ask him, moving out of the way.
Naive, so fucking naive.
“Chris, what’s yours?” he asks, stepping inside. You give him your name and he nods. He goes to wipe his shoes on the rug in front of the door but there is no rug. You hand him a rag and he gratefully takes him, mumbling a small ‘thank you.’ “Are you a tourist?” you ask him, setting your basket down onto the floor. Cotton hops out of it and runs off to the kitchen, probably to chew on your apron. “No…” he solemnly answers. He hands you the rag back and you shyly take it.
“O- okay… Are you a photographer? I’ll tell you God’s truth, the most beautiful photos are taken when the sun rises, when it sets and when it’s raining,” you pointedly inform him. You drop the rag into your basket and turn back around, your dress spinning in a slight swirl. His eyes rake your body up and down, taking in every inch of your body. Red cloth with white polka dots covers your body and your mushroom earrings bring the entire outfit together.  Chris has to assume that the heavens above or whatever the fuck else is there have handcrafted you to absolute perfection.
He’s never read any stories about Greek gods, but he knows that Zeus would be absolutely infatuated with you. He takes note of how your body tenses up when he makes eye contact with you, and he gives you a small smile.
“I’m not a photographer,” he clarifies, looking around. He can’t believe you let him in just like that, but the more he found, the more he understood why. A lonely, innocent little girl like you doesn’t have anyone to tell you right from wrong. “Then what are you, sir? Are you lost? I can call the Consulate if you’d like,” you offer, walking towards him. “I’m not lost… I’m a wanderer,” he whispers almost hesitatingly.
“But you only ever wander when you’re lost, no?” you confusingly ask him. He clicks his tongue and shakes his head, before peering out of the window. Luckily, he has a direct view of the other cottage. He really did hit the jackpot. “Not all who wander are lost, little girl. Now tell me, why would you let a stranger inside your home?” he asks you.
Cotton hops from the kitchen to your bedroom, and you stand in place. “I… Well, I’m not sure. You didn’t give me any reason to not let you in or to make me believe you’re dangerous, sorry…” you shyly tell him. “Don’t apologize, just know that not everyone in this world is good. There’s always going to be someone with a little more darkness than the rest of us…”
Chris unzips his duffle bag, and you let out a giggle. “Quite ominous of you, but then again, it suits your whole aesthetic. The cool, bearded man, with his cool words,” you smile at him, but it carries a bit of sadness. “Treat this place as your own, make yourself at home. And if you need anything, I’m always here.”
Chris stays at the window for most of his days. Always with a pair of binoculars and a pack of saltine crackers. Sometimes, he pulls a juice bottle out of his duffle bag, You’ve countlessly offered him something that’s actually filling, such as angel cake and sandwiches. He rejects them all, and you wonder if he’s some sort of super-human. But technology hasn’t invented wireless technology yet, so it’s impossible.
“Uhm, Mr. Chris-Sir? I don’t think those crackers are good for you, they’re all you eat…” you sheepishly admit, carrying a cup of water to him. The mug has a little frog painted on it, but the green paint has chipped away over seven years. You set it down gently, onto the table next to him and Chris just stares out at the cottage. “Bird-watching is so cool, isn’t it? If you see a robin, let me know, they’re so beautiful,” you tell him, before walking off.
At first, he doesn’t take in your words. But once they’ve settled deep in his mind and sunk in, he realizes that you assume he’s bird-watching. He’d honestly take any other assumption, but at least you don’t know he’s spying on the criminal next door. He looks down at the table with a sigh and then notices what you’ve done. Not only did you set a cup of water down, but you also gave him two slices of toast. One has strawberry jam on it, and the other has melted butter.
His mouth surprisingly salivates, but it also doesn’t shock him. Every day he sits there, basking in the beautiful smell of your food and humming. His personal favourite is the smell of focaccia bread being baked. He watches and waits until you leave the room to go tend to the chickens. Apparently, one of them laid a few eggs. He quickly shovels the two slices of toast into his mouth and downs the glass of water like a starved man. Because he is one.
Cotton hopes around once again but all Chris sees is a fluffy white blur. He recalls his memories from when he was younger. Younger him always wanted a pet. Even a fish that would die in the span of two weeks would suffice. But his mom couldn’t afford it, so he dropped the idea. Sometimes, he wishes he had dropped other ideas, as well. Like the idea that he’d enjoy life as an undercover agent, or the idea of sacrificing himself for Erin.
His fingers are sticky with jam. He hates the feeling. He spreads his fingers out and goes to get up from his seat. “Shit,” he curses, realizing that something may happen while he’s away from the window. He stands there, contemplating whether or not he should risk his mission just to wash the fucking jam off of his stupid fucking hands. He calls your name, loudly, hoping you’ll hear him all the way outside the cottage.
“Is everything alright?” you shout, running inside the house. He didn’t expect that reaction, but he’ll take it. You’re holding onto the corner of two walls, slightly bent over. Your chest, your beautiful chest, is the first thing Chris lays his eyes on. He nearly chokes on his saliva, and he just can’t seem to take his eyes off of you. “Uh, hi, I need help,” he gruffly says, his voice a bit deeper than usual. He clears his throat with a loud ‘ahem’ and you begin to stand up straight, much to his dismay.
But he doesn’t think the image of your tits nearly falling out of your dress will leave his mind any time soon.
“Of course… Did you enjoy the toast? I can make you some more if you’d like,” you shyly offer him. “It was good, but I’m fine, thanks though. Can you stay here, right at the window, while I go wash my hands? If anything happens, you have to tell me.” Chris doesn’t leave any room for argument, but your curiosity and naivety get the best of you as always.
“What happens if I don’t tell you?” you ask him, walking towards the window. He blocks your path and suddenly personal space is no longer a thing you need. “You don’t want to know what I’m gonna do if you don’t, little girl,” he warns with a hint of lust in his tone. You nod your head and feel tingles bloom just above your core. You’re not sure whether they’re butterflies or those tingles.
Chris walks past you and you quickly rush to the window. You never realized how beautiful this view is until now. The sun is bright, angled in the most perfect manner so that it doesn’t shine directly in your eyes. The sky is so clear, even with the occasional fluffy cloud that always manages to look like some animal. The window blows gently, shaking the sheer curtains that frame you. You sigh and fold your arms, resting them on the windowsill.
You lay your head on your arms and stare out the window with joy filling your heart.
Chris watches you as you look out the window. You’re slightly bent over, once again. Your ass sticks out, and you subconsciously sway your hips side to side, almost purposefully teasing him. Your white dress has a few strings hanging from the hem, but it doesn’t make you look any less gorgeous. He feels like he’s in a dream.
Not only because of the beautiful scenery, and the beautiful woman in front of him but also because he’s trying his hardest to wash his hands quickly, but his movements are so slow. He looks down and rubs his hands together at a furious pace. Chris hears you gasp and he looks up. “Did you see something?” he asks you, turning off the sink.
“Yeah, my neighbour! I haven’t seen him in months, I need to go say hi,” you tell Chris, before rushing out the door. He only then registers your words once you’ve run out of the house and into the unknown. “Fuck- Wait!” he yells after you. He runs behind you and is so grateful when he notices you haven’t gone too far. But you’re still running and Chris’s target is about ten meters away, so he decides to do what he does best.
He decides to save you.
Chris’s feet hit the ground harshly, crushing the flowers beneath him. Running in socks isn’t fun, but at least he has something to protect him. He calls your name and crashes into you with all the force in his body. You both go down and hit the ground from his fierce tackling technique. You go to cry out in pain and lose your mind, but Chris clams his hand over your mouth. “Shh, be quiet. You’re not hurt, okay? I’m sorry I had to do that, but you can’t go running off like that,” he lectures, throwing his right leg over your body. He frames you down, and you don’t have much room to move. You’re frozen in place, chest heaving, and you furrow your eyebrows at his words.
“Listen, I need you to listen. You may not know me and I may not know you, but when I tell you to do something, you’re going to listen. Understood?” he chastised with a harsh tone. You nod meekly, like a little kid who just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. “And just so you know, that sweet neighbour of yours over there is wanted by the Feds.” Chris looks over his shoulder and doesn’t see the man there anymore, so he begrudgingly climbs off of your body.
You gulp thickly, out of fear and nervousness. Chris doesn’t seem to want to add on to this newfound information, so your anxiety makes work of it. For all you know, your neighbour could be a murderer. Chris senses your nervousness and gives you a pat on the head, almost as if you’re his pet.
Unbeknownst to you, the sight of you under him, helpless and with his hand clamped over your mouth is something that gets his blood (and hand) pumping. He helps you up, and you don’t even realize it until he brushes some dandelion seeds out of your hair. “Thank you… and thank you for saving me, I’m sorry I didn’t listen,” you shyly speak to him. He nods and shoves his hands into his pockets, finding an old cigarette from before he quit.
“‘S’alright, I just need a few things from you,” he gruffly reassured. “O- Of course, anything for my guest and for the man who saved my life,” you beam with a small giggle punctuating your words. He basks in it, almost as though it’s sunlight over a beach. “Ah, you flatter me. Just tell me about yourself, I’m going to be staying for a while,” he says as he turns around to walk back inside.
A bottle of gin is in Chris’s hands. The colourless yet pale yellow liquid swishes inside its rightful bottle. It’s half full, only because last night, he downed the rest. He hasn’t drunk in a while. Since he got over being left for dead. And that’s only six months ago.
He’s shirtless. Only left in his grey jeans and jewelry. His rings clink against the glass bottle and his bracelets hang a little past his wrist. The gunshot wound on his left side had a faint scar on it. He hates it. Every single time he stares in the mirror, that fucking scar just stares back at him.
His father told him it makes him seem more ‘manly’, but it just feels like a point of weakness. Maybe if he was a little quicker, he would’ve saved that bank teller. He would’ve gotten Silas behind bars. He would’ve been able to be proud of himself.
Chris groans at the memories and spins the cap off of the bottle. It flies somewhere across the room, probably hitting one of the wood walls. He mumbles a ‘fucking hell’ and brings the bottle to his lips. The last time he drank like this was three months ago, and he ended up fucking the bartender.
She was bent over the counter, her tits spilled out of her bra and his cock pummeled into her sloppily.
She ended up kicking him out after they were done.
Chris groans again and sits down on the bed, kicking his legs up. His pants are stained with the pigment of dandelions and grass. The splotchy stains are juxtaposed to the grey of his old jeans. They have wear and tear all over them, but he doesn’t care.
Every now and then, he sighs — he sighs quite deeply. The puffs of air come from deep inside his chest. He tilts his head back and stares up at the ceiling, thinking back to earlier today. He smiles to himself, recalling the way you looked so innocent beneath him.
He’s only known you for a few days, and he already has lewd thoughts for you. Fuck. He just can’t help himself, though. Especially with your innocent doe eyes and pretty little dresses. He closes his eyes slowly, using that memory to fuel his much-needed mental images.
You’re beneath him once again, but you’re naked. His hand is wrapped around your throat, and he’s naked too. His cock is slowly driving in and out of you. He’s teasing you. Your pulsating, wet walls hug his fat cock, and you’re both moaning softly.
“Daddy…” you whisper to him, clenching around his cock. “What’s wrong, baby?” he softly asks you. “Please fuck me harder, please, Daddy,” you beg to him, before biting down onto your bottom lip. “I don’t think you’ll be able to take my cock like that, baby,” he shakes his head.
“I can take it, Daddy, I’m your good girl.”
Chris opens his eyes and his right hand has found its way down his boxers. His cock is all swollen and hard, hard as a rock. He places the bottle of gin down on the bedside table and gets himself all comfortable. Chris slowly begins to stroke himself gently. He goes from the base all the way to the top, and then back down. His thumb occasionally swipes against his leaking tip and all he can think of is teaching you how to make him — your Daddy — feel good.
“Fuck, baby,” he moans, feeling a vein throat against his hand. He moans your name and speeds up his movements. His fingers are slightly sticky, but it’s the type of sticky he doesn’t mind. He begins to slow his hand down, and he sighs, not wanting to come just yet. He hasn’t been this hard in ages, and touching himself feels so fucking good.
“Did you say my name? Is everything alright?” you ask, barging into his room. He jumps and his hand flies out of his pants. You both stare at each other, not even daring to blink. You eventually break eye contact and notice the bottle of gin sitting on the bedside table. There’s only a sixth of it left, and you frown. You don’t like it when people you care about drink. “Uhm…” he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck and then takes in your form.
You’re in a nightgown, and it’s sheer as fuck. The gin gets to him and his mind has a slight buzz to it. His heart beats rapidly and his cock throbs with want and need. Chris’s eyes rake up and down your body like how they usually do whenever you’re in front of him. His mother would scold him for ogling at you, but he just doesn’t care anymore.
“I- I am so so so sorry, I should’ve knocked. I just thought you needed help with something because I heard you say my name, but sometimes I just tend to hear random things, so sorry,” you apologize in a panicking manner. You slowly walk back to the door, but you don’t turn around. Your bare feet leave a faint imprint on the floor from the cold sweats that have taken over your body.
“Come back here,” he orders, sitting up on the bed. Chris’s unbuckled belt clanks quietly, and he begins to remove it in one quick motion. You gulp thickly and exhale shakily. You slowly walk to where Chris is sitting, and he pats the spot next to him. You’ve never had such an interaction with anyone, ever. You sit down next to him, but you keep your distance.
Alcohol should not be called alcohol in Chris’s utmost humble opinion. No, it should just stick to its nickname ‘liquid courage’ because it’s more accurate than anything else. He may not seem like it, but he’s just a man who doesn’t have the heart to do much. Adrenaline doesn’t exist for him anymore, not since the incident.
Chris turns his head and stares at your pretty face. You look down, unable to make eye contact with such a God-like man. You have to assume that even Apollo is envious of Chris’s beauty. “How’d you hear me? Because I know these walls aren’t thin enough, and I know I wasn’t being loud, so tell me; How’d you hear me?” he interrogates you like one of Silas’s companions, but this time is slightly different.
Lust is what’s pumping through his veins, not rage.
“Uhm, well… My room was right there, and I wasn’t doing anything but thinking, and since your bed is against the wall, I- I heard you say my name,” you explain shyly. He hums, and you’re not sure whether it’s a hum of delight or disbelief. “Thinking of what?” he presses, inching his body closer to yours.
You continue to stare at his hand, even though you can feel his heavy breathing against your face. “I… Well- I was uh,” you stutter embarrassingly, and it makes you burn up with shame. “Spit it out, little girl, and don’t think of lying to me,” he growls, placing his hand on your thigh. Your gaze follows his movements, and you take in the set of rings that adorn his fingers.
They’re all black and of similar styles. One has a skull, one is completely plain, one has a cross on it and the last one has the word ‘Daddy’ engraved on it. His veins are so prominent. They bulge out with intensity, and you’d just love to trail your fingers along each of them. “Am I going to have to force an answer out of you?” he roughly asks. His other hand goes to the back of your head and he brings your gaze to his face.  
You quickly shake your head in objection, and he raises his eyebrows for you to spit your answer out. “I was thinking about you, and the way you tackled me…” you admit to him in a low and soft voice. “You liked the way I was on you, little girl?” he asks, moving his hand to the back of your neck. “Y- Yeah, made me feel all… Tingly…” you whisper to him.
“I want to hear you say it, little girl,” Chris ushers, squeezing the back of your neck slightly. “I liked the way you were on top of me…” you tell him breathlessly. “Good girl,” he praises in a slightly deep voice. He pulls you onto his lap and you gasp. His hard, wanting cock is right under your thighs, and you exhale nervously.
“You feel that, little girl? That’s all because of you, you did this to me. And you’re proud of it, aren’t you? Got me so fucking hard just because of you.” Chris squeezes your waist, and you really can feel it all. He’s not wrong, either. You’re so proud that you’ve made a man like him so desperate for you. “Do you know what I was doing, little girl? I was jerking off to the thought of fucking that cunny of yours until you’re begging me to stop,” he growls in your ear.
You moan softly, and the picture comes to mind, making your pussy gush with want. “Bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he asks, placing his hand on your inner thigh. You nod, and he raises his eyebrows in warning again. “Yeah, I want that so bad,” you murmur to him. You and your pussy want him so bad. Chris’s hand inches further up your thighs until he’s just an inch away from your bare pussy.
Your thighs are already slightly sticky from your arousal. “Do you know what jerking off is, little girl?” he asks, pulling his hand away from your pussy. You hold back a pathetic, child-like whine, and he begins to lift up your nightgown until he sees your naked body. “Kind of… Isn’t that when a man touches himself? Like how women touch their… down there?” you innocently ask him.
Chris chuckles at how cute you are. So innocent yet oh so slutty. “Have you ever touched yourself, little girl?” he asks, lifting the nightgown over your head. It’s strewn across the floor behind you, and neither of you cares. But you quickly use your hands to cover your most precious, most private parts. “No, no, I don’t want to see any of that. You’re so beautiful, baby, you’re built like an absolute angel,” he husks, and you feel so flustered that you can’t help but giggle.
“T- Thank you… And I’ve done it a few times,” you inform him. Chris nods and smirks, catching the way your nipples have pebbled up. “Have you ever made someone feel good before?” he questions, trailing his broad hands up and down your body. “N- No, it’s pretty lonely up here…” you almost-ashamedly admit. He coos at you. “Do you want me to teach you how to make me feel good, little girl?” he questions, palming your tits.
You moan softly and rub your thighs together as he pinches and pulls at your hard nipples. You’re so small in his large hands, it makes him even harder. You nod your head fervently, wanting to make Chris feel so fucking good. Chris takes his hands away from your body and shifts you in his lap. He reaches down his pants and pulls his cock out of his boxers.
You gasp, having never seen something as big as that. He smirks and uses his right hand to grasp the base of his thick cock. Chris brings your dominant hand down to where his cock is and guides you to wrap your fingers around him. Chris shudders at your soft touch, and he moans softly. “Good girl, yeah,” he praises. “Wrap your hand around me a bit tighter, baby,” he urges, and you do exactly that.
He groans loudly and a small smile stretches across your lips. “N- Now, you’ve got to move your hand up and down. Start off slowly, go all the way to the tip, and then back down,” he instructs, even though he’s helping you out. His hand brings yours all the way to the tip, and then back down; just like he said. His hand leaves yours and goes back to feeling up your pretty body.
“Now do it by yourself, but in a twisting motion, little girl.”
You listen to his words and jerk him off, feeling yourself get wet as his cock twitches in your hand. Your clit throbs and so do the veins on the side of his shaft. Chris curses, and you bite down on your bottom lip. “Good girl, just like that. Fuck, your hand feels so good around me,” he moans, squeezing your waist. You focus on his cock, watching as pre-cum leaks from the tip and down the side of his dick.
It drips onto your slow-moving hand, and you exhale as your movements grow a bit faster. You look at him, watching as his pupils darken with lust. You can tell — it’s written on his face — he wants you to go faster. Your hand speeds up around his cock, making him a moaning mess. “Fuck, you’re such a good fucking girl. You like making me feel good, don’t you? So eager to please like the good little girl you are,” Chris husks.
His praise goes straight to your needy cunt and he knows this because he can just tell. Your thighs rub together, your breath hitches, you let out a giggle and squeeze a little tighter around his cock. Chris’s hand goes up to your head and smashes your lips against his. You both moan into the kiss, and you straddle both his thighs to get more comfortable.
You place your other hand on his cock and mimic your dominant hand’s movements. You try to keep up with the kiss, but you just can’t. Teeth clash and so do tongues as Chris moves his mouth against yours. He pants and his chest heaves as you continue to stroke him. “Go faster, baby,” he urges, and he pulls his mouth away from yours. He can feel you soaking his jeans, your wetness joining the abundant amount of rips and tears in the material.
Your hand moves faster, twisting perfectly and occasionally squeezing his most sensitive spots as well. Chris pushes your hands away abruptly, and you’re confused. Did you do something wrong? Does he not like you anymore? What happened? “Shit, wrap your mouth around the tip, little girl. Trust me, you’re gonna fucking love it,” he says, and you quickly do so.
You’ll do anything to please him. His mushroom tip is leaking and a raging red. It’s the same red as the rest of his cock, and you could swear it’s almost purplish. You can tell he’s aching because you’ve been through a similar thing. You drop down to the floor and kneel in front of Chris. Your lips smooth around the tip of his hard cock, and you can taste him as soon as he hits your tongue.
He tastes of musk and manliness, along with a hint of saltiness, and it’s oh so addicting. You keep the tip of his cock in your mouth like it’s one of your favourite lollipops and smile around him. Chris smiles and wraps his hand around himself. He jerks himself off quickly, desperate to come in your mouth. “Fucking shit– god, you’re such a good fucking girl,” Chris rasps as he reaches his climax.,
His balls tighten up and his blue eyes roll back into his skull. White, hot, thick ropes of cum shoot out of his tip and fill your mouth. You’re not sure why, but a moan escapes past your throat, and it only makes Chris’s high much better. Chris places both hands on the sides of your head and holds you there, gently. You swallow all his cum as it fills your mouth and leaks from the corners of your lips.
Chris so desperately wants to push your head farther down his cock, but he knows he shouldn’t. Plus, there’s always going to be more time for things like that. He pulls your head away from his cock and watches as a string of saliva tries to keep the two of you connected. You gently lick your lips, still savouring his taste and he smiles down at you. You can’t lie — you feel giddy. Giddy in a way in which you crave his praise and approval like no other.
“You’re such a good girl, you know that? Thank you for helping me out… I do suppose I should return the favour, right?” he teasingly says, lifting you up into his lap. You shake your head out of nervousness. “No? … Why not, baby?” Chris asks, and you gulp thickly. “Don’t wanna rush it… I- never mind, you wouldn’t understand,” you look down and fiddle with your fingers.
The grooves of your nails are smoothed over by your pointer finger. Some dips and rises make you cringe, and others satisfy you. He looks down at your hands and notices the skin picked on the sides. He knows how painful those can be, and he doesn’t want you to feel any pain at all. “I’ll try to understand, darling, but if you don’t tell me, then I’ll be completely clueless,” he speaks to you lowly. “I like the way your words make me feel…” you shyly admit to him.
“Aw, how do they make you feel, baby?” Chris presses, grasping your two hands together. “All warm and small… makes me feel like I have it all. Hey, that rhymes!” you exclaim, bubbling in the utmost adorable giggles ever. “You’re a natural poet, darling. But tell me more…” he urges, rubbing his coarse thumbs against your soft skin. “I get butterflies, and I feel all shy and safe. Your words make me so comfortable yet so vulnerable…” you describe to him even though words can’t describe what you feel.
“Is that right, baby? You’re so cute… Do you- Do you get all tingly and babyish when I use my words?” Chris hesitatingly asks. His voice is so gentle and soft, a low whisper that is so soothing to your ears and rough edges. You nod meekly and smile to yourself. Your cheeks may hurt from all the laughter he caused earlier today but that doesn’t refrain you from hiding your smile.
Now, Chris is no doctor. He’s no professional, he’s no master. He’s just a broken man, but he knows exactly what you’re talking about. But he won’t explain what it is, because he needs you to learn on your own. Maybe with some guidance from him, but he won’t trick you into thinking something completely off base.
“Let’s get cleaned up, okay? Then we’ll sleep, you need the rest. We both do.”
He’s got your name on his tattoo, wearing the same damn clothes since three days ago. A bottle of gin in his hand, and you’d say he’s just wandering. But he isn’t. He was never. The stick-and-poke tattoo may seem a bit much, but he doesn’t regret it one bit. Your name is written in your pretty handwriting. The ink is in his skin, and he’s practically marked as yours, now.
The days go by slower, much slower than he’d like them to. But it doesn’t matter now, because his mission is over, and he’ll be leaving soon. But Chris doesn’t want to leave. His wanderlust has found an end as he finally has a place where he’s meant to be. He’s found heaven in the hills, and between your legs.
“D- Daddy…” you whisper under your breath, loud enough for him to hear. Your hands are locked with his, and they rest at your sides. You’re just in a small bralette, and your hard nipples poke through the fabric. Your legs are thrown over his shoulders and your ankles lace together behind his head. Your neck aches from the angle your body is in, but the pleasure blooming from your core is much more powerful.
Chris is between your legs, and he hums against your wet, throbbing pussy. You moan loudly and squeeze your eyes shut from the feeling. He sucks on your clit harshly, and wetness seeps from your hole. “Feels so good… Oh, my…” you pant. Your hips gyrate and you subconsciously grind your wet cunt against Chris’s face. He pulls his face away from your pussy and licks a broad stripe against you.
You moan again and squeeze his hands tighter. His tongue swirls around your swollen and throbbing clit, bringing you closer and closer to your release. Your taste is addictive, and he could stay between your legs for hours on end, if not for eternities. His beautiful, lovely rings dig into the sides of your fingers, but you don’t care. Chris may treat you like a delicate doll, but he should know how much you love it when he’s rough with you.
“I think I’m gonna come, Daddy…” you cry out to him before a strangled moan leaves your mouth. Chris pulls away from your pussy once again, but this time he spits on your lips. His saliva drops down your cunt and mixes with your wetness, and he goes back to devouring you. He eats you out like a starved man, and you’re squealing at the overwhelming pleasure.
If he was on death row, he’d have your sweet pussy as his last meal.
His tongue works over your clit and brings you closer and closer to your release. It’s coming fast. A searing, heated feeling takes over your body and abdomen as your back arches off your couch. Chris is as hard as a rock, staring you directly in the eyes, and he makes you come on his mouth.
“Oh- Daddy!” you cry out loudly, your mouth falling open into a silent, voiceless scream. Your eyes roll back into your skull and in Chris’s past words, you look like a brain-dead slut. Your wetness gushes out of your drooling hole, and he laps it all up with no problem. He drinks up everything you give him, and then some. Your hands are still laced with his and your chest rises and falls at a fast pace.
“Shh… You did amazing, little one. Taste so fucking sweet, just like nectar,” he hums like a hummingbird, before smacking his lips. You slowly come down from your high as he strokes your hands with his thumbs. Your lids are slightly heavy, but you don’t want to get any shut-eye. Time away from Chris is practically a sin in your eyes. “Thank you, Daddy,” you gratefully reply.
“You’re welcome, little one. Got me so hard,” he husks as he moves to get up. He carefully handles your body and pulls out a handkerchief from the pocket of his jeans. They’ve been washed and scrubbed but there are still faint dandelion and pollen stains that he just doesn’t care enough about. Though the adorable face you were making whilst washing them is something that’ll never leave his mind.
Just like the mental image of you coming undone beneath him.
“Can I make you feel good, Daddy? Pretty please?” you ask sweetly and Chris knows he could say yes, but he doesn’t want to. Making you feel good pleases him, but he doesn’t want to sound so poetic so he chuckles. “Soon, little one, I need to clean you up properly,” he tells you and you jut your bottom lip out, pouting. He coos at you and you scrunch your nose up at the attention.
“But I’m all clean, Daddy!” you reason, reaching over to palm his hard cock through his jeans. Chris chokes on his saliva at the feeling of your touch. “In a bit, little one, you need to listen to Daddy. Okay?” he rasps with a warning in his voice. “Okay, Dada…” you trail off with a deep sigh punctuating your sentence. You fiddle with your fingers as Chris carefully cleans up your pussy.
The damp washcloth is gentle against your sensitive skin. Each movement of his is carried by gentleness and love. “I have a question, Daddy,” you hum after a few seconds of silence. “Go ahead, mushy one,” he says with a smile. You giggle at the nickname before calming yourself down. “Were you really wandering?” you bluntly ask him. Chris’s eyes nearly fall out of their sockets, and you gasp.
“What do you mean, little one?” he asks, looking up at you. “Well… You said you were a wanderer! And that’s how you found me! But you don’t seem like a wanderer, you’re too clever to be one,” you explain with a smile on your face. Chris begins to chew on the inside of his cheek, and the skin has already been filled with bite marks and scars. At this point, he should tell you, right? You already know the deepest, most darkest pieces and part of him.
You’ll love him no matter what.
“Well, I wasn’t wandering. You’re so smart, little one. The smartest baby in the world!” he cheers and moves to get up. He sits in the empty spot next to you and lifts you into his lap. You’re still naked and Chris has his shirt off (as usual), so the skin-on-skin contact has you feeling even sleepier. “Sometimes, we lie to protect people. I lied, to protect you, along with many other people. Myself included, of course,” he starts.
“I was sent here with the sole purpose of bringing in your criminal neighbour,” he pauses “and I did.” You nod along with his words, your mind only allowing the most important phrases to sink in. “I arrested him around a month ago, and I was supposed to leave three weeks ago,” he sadly sighs. You look up in a panic, and you’re in shock. “Two weeks ago, I turned in my resignation. I’m not going anywhere,” he quickly adds and your face lights up.
“I’m staying with my best girl, okay?” Chris smiles and leans in to kiss you. You let him do so because God-damn, you’d let him do anything he wants to you. “T- Thank you so much, Daddy!” you squeal and hug him tightly. He laughs in a beautiful cacophony of sounds, and it’s right in your ear.
Chris feels a weight being lifted off his shoulders as you writhe around in his arms. You wiggle around on his hard cock and Chris suppresses a groan. His hands trail from your shoulders to your waist, down to your hips. Goosebumps erupt on your skin and excitement runs in your veins at his touch. Your head rolls back and you exhale shakily. He grips your hips tightly, and you involuntarily buck your hips against his crotch.
Both you and Chris moan before he moves both his hands to your ass. He gropes you roughly, feeling a bit of your wetness on his fingers. “Oh, baby… What’s all that for? Hm? Didn’t Daddy just eat your sweet little pussy out?” he asks in a slightly worried tone. “Y- Yeah… But I can’t help it, Daddy, you always make me so tingly…” you admit to him, shyly.
“Mmm, I like knowing I do this to you. Gets me so fucking hard,” he groans, slapping your ass. You yelp in surprise, but it gets cut off by a whimper. Chris caresses the hit skin and soothes you down from the shock. He smiles at you and then lands another hit. Then another, and then another.
The sting is addictive, just like he is. It leaves you writhing in both pain and pleasure and yet you still want more. “M- more, please,” you quietly beg and Chris coos at you as if you're a pet. And the truth isn’t far off. The coolness of his rings is both brutal and comforting. It soothes you yet acts as if they didn’t just hurt you. “You want more, baby?” he asks in that sweet yet sultry condescending tone of his.
You nod your head and chew on your bottom lip. “‘S too bad you’re gonna have to take what I give you and keep quiet, baby,” he husks, and you whine loudly. Chris flips your bodies around and suddenly you’re on your back, and he’s leaning over you. He locks lips with you and you try your hardest to keep up with the kiss.
His lips move sloppily against yours, but you don’t mind because you’ll take anything he gives you. You moan into true kiss and Chris wedges his knee between your legs. You’d hump him like a bunny because that’s what the demon on your shoulder is telling you to do. But the last time you did something without his permission, you weren’t allowed to make him come for a week.
You just know you’re soaking his jeans but neither of you cares. Chris kisses the corner of your mouth and trails down to your neck, peppering kisses behind as if he’s leaving a trail on your body for when he’s going to explore you later. The stubble on his cheeks and jaw tickles you and Chris falls even more in love with you as your laughter fills the air.
“D- Dada…” you whisper to him as you tilt your head back. His lips land on that sweet spot of yours and your back arches off the couch. Chris smiles against your skin and begins to suck on that sweet spot. Your breath hitches as he bites, licks and sucks on your skin. He marks you up like no other, and you know how much he loves to know that you’re all his.
“Dada… No teasing, please,” you sweetly ask in your soft tone. And how can he turn you down? “In a bit, little girl, be patient for Daddy.” Chris continues to mark you up until he’s satisfied. The feeling of his teeth against your neck and collar bones makes you even wetter than you already are. Possessiveness is carried in his movements, and it only drives you to be needier.
Chris moves further down from your collar bones to the valley of your breasts. Each curve of yours makes him want to sin without any repentance afterwards. He places a kiss there and then looks up at you. “Please, Daddy,” you whisper so quietly it takes him a few seconds to realize what you’ve said. Chris’s hand wraps around your body to your back.
He slowly unclasps your bralette and drags it away from your body at the same pace. You both maintain eye contact all whilst he undresses you to your vulnerability. Chris throws your bra somewhere behind him and places his hands on your body. “Aw, baby… You’re so cute and small,” he sweetly says in an almost shocking manner. Almost as if he doesn't use the size difference as a weapon to make you all soft and mushy.
“Hm, thank you, Daddy,” you tell him because good girls always have manners. “So good, using your manners for Daddy,” he praises, and you wonder if he can read your mind. Your Daddy can do anything, so it would be no surprise if he can. Chris sits upon his knees, but he remains in his towering position. Gently, and with care, he spreads your legs open until he’s satisfied.
He watches as you clench your needy pussy. He just knows your clit is throbbing, and you’re tingly because he just has that effect on you. “Poor baby… Is this all for Daddy?” he asks, and you quickly nod. “Say it, tell me it’s all because of me,” he growls placing his hands on your thighs. Chris slowly moves his hands further down your thighs. His touch is gentle, and he can feel the goosebumps on your thighs beginning to raise.
“‘S all yours, daddy. It’s all because of you,” you tell him breathlessly. “And this pussy is all mine, isn’t it, little girl?” he asks, inching closer to your wet pussy. “Mhm, only yours, Daddy!” you happily assure him, and he smirks at you. “That’s right, little girl. And since it’s all mine, doesn’t that mean I can do whatever I want with it?” he questions, and you nod with no hesitance at all.
Chris traces your wet pussy with his ring-donned pointer finger. “Oh my…” you gasp at the feeling. It may not be much, but your sensitive little pussy struggles to handle it. You clench around nothing again, and he watches, before chuckling at you. “Such a pretty pussy you have, baby, I can’t fucking wait to ruin it,” Chris growls, and you whimper. “Gonna fill you up with my cum after I fuck you, little girl,” he promises, and you never wanted to be fucked so badly until now.
He wonders if his cock could even fit inside you. Usually, he’d want to eat you out and finger you to prepare you. But he’s now thinking with what’s between his legs, and not what’s between his ears. He trails that same pointer finger on your pussy, and becomes mesmerized with the sight. Chris watches as your hole drools with want and need, whilst you watch him.
His already dark eyes are blown out with lust, and it only turns you on even more. Chris knows you’re watching him. He’s not one of the best agents in the FBI for no reason. He looks up at you, and you lock eyes with each other. He smirks and pulls his hand away from your pussy. You hold back a whine, but you still pout in disappointment. Chris begins to unbuckle his pants, and you’re filled with eagerness.
You smile widely, and he coos. “Aw, you’re such a desperate little slut, it’s adorable,” he chuckles, and you shy away. He pulls down his jeans along with his boxers slowly. Chris takes off his jeans and boxers completely, and throws them somewhere around the house. You watch as his cock bounces up and leaks with pre-cum. You just know he’s aching because of how red his cock is.
He’s big, and you already know that. But seeing him in all his naked glory is just something else. The simple yet not so simple idea of Chris’s cock being inside of you is electrifying. It’s both terrifying and exciting. He grabs the base of his cock and the prickly hair pokes the soft skin of his hands, but he doesn’t care. His left hand goes back to your pussy, and begins to rub circles on your clit.
“Oh… Daddy,” you moan quietly. The pleasure is almost overwhelming, so you involuntarily try to shut your legs and keep Chris out. Your knees touch for a brief moment, and he’s having none of that. He separates your legs and climbs on top of you, all while staring you directly in the eyes. His cock drags against your inner thigh. “Oh, is it too much for you, little one?” he asks with faux pity in his tone. You nod and clench your fists to control yourself.
“Too fucking bad, you’re gonna take whatever I give you, and you’re not gonna complain. Isn’t that right, little girl?” he sneers, and you gasp. Usually, you can’t handle someone who raises their voice in the slightest. But hearing Chris do it makes the butterflies in your stomach fly. “Yes, Daddy,” you hum delightfully, and he smiles. “Good girl,” he praises. Chris presses harder on your sensitive pearl of nerves and rubs you in faster circles.
“Daddy…” You moan and it goes straight to his cock. He looks up at you and just knows you’re beginning to drive up that cliff. He slows down his ministrations on your nub, and you bite back a loud whine. “You’re so needy, baby… Already so close to coming, it’s kind of pathetic…” he trails off and more wetness leaks out of you. You’re absolutely soaked and are a little bit ashamed of it.
“Please, Daddy! I’m so close, I’ll do anything,” you beg, but he just doesn’t buy it. “You’ll already do anything I tell you, baby, begging is so useless,” Chris chortles. You let out a small huff and move your hips in a circle, grinding against his thumb. In a flash of blurry moments, Chris pulls his hand away from your pussy and wraps around your neck. He squeezes the sides of your throat, and you gasp quite loudly.
He raises his eyebrow in warning, and you nod in understanding. “Good girl, I don’t want to put you over my knee when I’m feeling so gracious,” he assures, and you smile. Chris brings the tip of his cock to your swollen, needy clit and his pre-cum begins to mix with your wetness. You both moan softly as he rubs his tip on your clit. Your bottom lip finds a home between your teeth and Chris’s tongue swipes over his.
The sight and feeling of his cock on your silky pussy make him so weak in the knees. “Fuck, baby, do you like that? You like it when Daddy makes you feel good with his cock?” Chris asks in a deep, gravelly voice. “Yeah, Daddy… love it so much…” you tell him through a mushy haze of pleasure.
“You’re getting all dumb and stupid already? You’re so cute, little one,” he purrs, and you giggle at his words even though there’s nothing funny about them. “Do you want my cock, little baby? Say it, tell Daddy you want his cock,” he urges, and you look down to where you’re both nearly connected.
“I wan’ your cock, Daddy. Want it so bad, I need it, Daddy,” you beg, and Chris hums. “Just a little more, little girl, it’s like music to my ears,” he smirks, and you bite your bottom lip. “Sing for me, hummingbird,” he pushes, and you just go with whatever your neediness tells you to do.
“I wanna feel your cock deep inside me, Daddy. I want your cum to fill me up until I’m leaking and all stupid. Please, Daddy, please fuck me. I really want your cock, I need it,” you beg and blood rushes to his face and cock. “Fuck, yeah, I’ll give you my fucking cock, and you better take it like the good girl you are,” he growls, and you whimper. Chris slowly drags the fat tip of his shaft down to your drooling, slutty hole.
You whimper loudly, and he looks back at you. Fear is written all over that pretty face of yours, and Chris knows the exact reason why. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll be gentle, okay? If you want to stop just say so, and I’ll listen. I won’t hurt you, darling. I promise,” he gently reassures you. You sigh with an almost heavy yet full heart.
You then nod and Chris thanks you for allowing him to fully make you his. “Wanna hold your hand, Dada… Please,” you ask pleasantly, and he nods. “In a bit, little girl, I just need to be careful,” he whispers. Chris slowly begins to push into your wet, tight cunt. You swallow him slowly, and the sight is mesmerizing.
The tightness of your cunt squeezes him in a strong hug, and he wishes he could be buried deep inside you for the rest of his life. “Fuck- Baby, you feeling so fucking good,” he moans while trying to compose himself. You’re still whimpering from the pain, and your chest is rising and falling at a fast pace.
“C- Can I push all the way in, little one? It’ll only hurt for a bit,” he asks, and he looks deep into your eyes. “Mhm… Wanna feel your cock deep inside me, Daddy, please,” you beg, and Chris tries his hardest not to come right here, right now. He thrusts his hips forward, and bottoms out inside you completely.
Your mouth falls open, and you’re silently screaming. The pain isn’t too much, but you feel as though the wind is being knocked out of you. Chris shifts a bit, and that’s when you start to feel it more. He’s so deep inside you, and he’s splitting you in two. “Breathe, baby, breathe,” he says.
You realize you’re holding your breath and it’s no wonder why your heart was beating out of your chest. “You’re doing so- so well, darling. Your little cunny looks so nice when it’s stuffed full with my cock,” he groans, and you whimper. “Dada, is hurtin’...” you whisper, and Chris wants to pull out because he can’t stand the thought of his little girl being hurt.
“Do you want me to stop, little one?” he asks, but you quickly shake your head in objection. Even though the pressure in your core is dwindling, and even though you feel a little too full, you don’t want him to stop. “No stopping, Daddy, please,” you whine and flail your arms towards him. He shushes you soothingly, and you calm down as soon as he flashes a stern look.
The pain soon burns away into nothing but dust and ash, and you finally see why he was so desperate to shove his cock inside of your cunt. It turns into pleasure and your pussy leaks around him. You’re soaking Chris’s cock with no shame at all. “Oh, fuck, baby… You feel so fucking good,” he moans, and you follow with a gasp. “I like the way y- you feel inside me, Daddy, makes me all tingly…” you admit shyly, and Chris chuckles.
“Yeah? Bet it makes you want to be fucked stupid, right, baby?” he questions with a playful smirk on his face. “Yes, Daddy,” you moan. You’re never aware of your surroundings because you’re too caught up in the moments. It’s something Chris scolds you for, but you never learn. But in this moment, you can feel everything. The veins on his cock throb against your silky walls, and you can feel his balls against your ass. His hot breath fans over you as Chris struggles to compose himself.
He slowly drags his hips backwards, pulling out of your pussy until his tip is the only thing in your cunt. The sudden almost-emptiness is surprising, but you quickly get used to it. Chris then pushes back into your pussy, and you moan loudly. “Fucking hell, little one,” he curses under his breath as he bottoms out again. He begins to fuck into you slowly and gently, careful to not hurt you. Even if he wants to fuck you until you’re crying.
The sound of skin on skin is quiet and almost unintelligible. The squelching sounds from your wet pussy and moans fill the room. Chris gently grips your hips and watches as your face contorts into a frown of pleasure and not pain. “Daddy…” you pant softly as you look up at Chris. “Yeah, baby? Am I hurting you?” he asks out of worry. “N-No, it feels so good…” you trail off as one particular thrust lands near your g-spot. And he knows that.
“Wan’ you to fuck me hard, wan’ you to destroy me, Daddy. Please fuck me like the slut I am…” you gently beg and Chris halts his thrusts. His cock twitches inside of you because of your words. Only he can corrupt an innocent angel such as yourself. “Shit- Little one, I don’t want to hurt you, that’s why I’m being so gentle,” Chris explains, but you shake your head. “You could never hurt me, Daddy. Please, I need you,” you beg for one last time, unaware of what you’ve done to him.
Chris roughly pushes his cock back into your cunt without warning. “Awe, I see. My little princess wants to be fucked like the whore she is, hm? Well, whatever princess wants, she gets,” he growls because beginning to fuck you roughly. You moan loudly at the feeling as with each thrust, his cock pummels against your sweet spot roughly. His pelvic bone rubs against your swollen clit and his grip on your hips tightens.
“Daddy!” you cry out as Chris pounds into your poor pussy. The room fills with moans, groans, curse words and wet sounds that all come from the art you two are making. “Aw, what’s wrong, little girl? Can’t take daddy’s cock anymore? Hm? Well, I don’t really give a fuck, you’re just gonna lie there, and take what I give you like a good fucking girl,” he sneers, and you push at his chest.
“It’s so sensitive!” you wail like a little bitch in heat. “But I bet you don’t want me to stop, do you?” Chris asks as a moan bleeds past his plump lips. “Uh-uh, please don’t stop, Daddy!” you squeal after a harsh thrust. The stretch of Chris’s cock is amazing, and you never want the feeling to stop. Chris’s hand leaves your hip and crawls all the way up to your neck. He wraps his fingers around your throat, and squeezes the sides, making you clench tightly around his big, thick cock.
He lowers his face to yours and watches as you react to the way he’s being rough with you. “Oh, God!” you cry out as he makes his thrusts more powerful. “Actually, it’s just ‘Daddy’, but I’m fine with that too,” he slyly smirks. You’re too fucked out to even laugh at his joke. Your eyes roll back into your skull and your back begins to arch off of the couch.  “Awe, are you gonna come around my big fat cock already, slut? How cute,” Chris mocks.
You nod your head and begin babbling like a baby. “But remember, little girl, I have to give you permission to come, okay?” he reminds you, and you whine. Chris’s hand around your throat moves up to grab your jaw, and he stops thrusting into you. “None of that is allowed. Don’t forget your place, little girl,” Chris warns with fury seething through his words. You mumble an apology, trying to formulate the proper words to speak.
“Seems like I really did fuck you stupid,” he chuckles, and you moan at his words. You clamp down on his cock, tempting him to do what you want, like a siren using her voice to lure men into the sea. “Open your mouth up first, little girl,” he orders, and you obediently listen. The searing arousal in your core begins to fade away, and you feel a panic beginning to rise inside you.
Chris drags his hand back down to your throat and rests it there. You watch as he puckers his lips up, and suddenly, he spits into your mouth. You open your mouth even wider and stretch your tongue out. His saliva lands directly on your tongue, and you wait for further instructions before you give in to your desires.
“Swallow it, little girl,” he instructs, and you do exactly so. You open your mouth back up just to earn some praise. “Good fucking girl. The best baby ever,” he smiles and presses a kiss to your forehead. “Thank you, Daddy! … Can I have cummies now?” you lovingly ask your Daddy.
“Of course, little one,” he says as he smiles down at you. Chris begins to fuck into you again, deep and hard. With each thrust, he pounds your g-spot and his balls slap against your ass. His remaining hand on your hip moves down to your clit, rubbing your little button with rough circles.
“Daddy… ‘m gonna come!” you moan loudly and Chris fucks you harder. “Come one, baby, come all over my big cock like the good girl you are,” he urges. The building feeling inside you increases, and you feel yourself getting closer to your release. “Fucking come, little girl, wanna hear you sing for me,” he growls. And with one specific thrust, you find yourself coming undone beneath him.
The sight is so fucking beautiful. Watching you as your eyes turn up, your mouth falls open and your cunt hugging his cock just gets him going, and he wishes he could take a picture of you right now. “D- Daddy! Oh, my-” You cut yourself off with a loud moan and Chris keeps on rubbing your clit and fucking you through your orgasm.
You soak his cock until it’s dripping and even then you’re still coming. You moan loudly and Chris can feel himself getting closer to his orgasm. His balls begin to tighten up and a droplet of sweat drips from his neck down to his chest. “Daddy, are you gonna come?” you sweetly ask as he fucks you through your orgasm whilst chasing his own.
“Yeah, baby, Daddy’s gonna fill you up with his cum. I’m gonna leave you leaking with my seed,” Chris growls as he fucks you faster. “Please, Daddy… Please, I want your cum so badly! Please fill me up with your cum, Daddy,” you beg and Chris tosses his head back.
“Fuck, yes, yes yes,” he shouts as his balls tighten up again. He quickens his pace until white, hot, thick ropes of cum spurts out from his aching tip. He fulfills his promise and your wish, filling you up with his cum until there’s nothing left. His cum mixes with your juices as he paints your walls with no expertise whatsoever. Chris slumps on top of your body, engulfing you in a bear hug as his cock remains buried inside of you.
You’re both panting and struggling to come down from the euphoric feelings. You look up at Chris make lock eyes with him for the nth time. There’ll never be a day where you don’t get lost in his eyes. They’re beautiful, absolutely beautiful. “You did so fucking good, little one,” he praises, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
“Thank you very, very much, Daddy,” you slur, feeling yourself beginning to sleep into little space. “Daddy?” you call out, tapping his bicep after a few seconds. “Yeah, baby?” he asks, lifting himself up to get a better view of your face. “Will you really stay?” you ask with a bit of worry in your voice. He sighs with a full heart.
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anemo-writes · 4 years
hello travelers! again, thank you for putting up with my inactivity, it’s been hard to write lately haha. anyways, i thought this would be something fun to post and for everyone to enjoy, whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day or not :) (note: this will probably be more fanon than canon so please bear with me, i’ll make it as canon as it can be :’) i also kept this pretty short, so hopefully that’s okay too,, and sorry for this being late haha—i wrote this very late at night so don’t mind any typos you find please)
much love,
~ anemo-chan <3
(The Playable) Genshin Impact Characters on Valentine’s Day (Romantically)
super romantic; gifts you a bouquet of flowers and takes you out to eat at a fancy restaurant/cooks for you.
He is nervous. He’s never paid close attention to the countless amount of people who have lined outside the tavern to ask him to be their Valentine, only to be rejected. There was absolutely no way that he would turn to Kaeya for advice, so unfortunately this was something he would have to figure out for himself. He figures that it wouldn’t hurt to go traditional, so that’s what he does; he buys a large bouquet of roses (which he had to get from Donna, seeing that at the hours that he ended work were very late and Flora’s shop was not open at the time—yeah, that was not fun) and presents himself outside your doorway, to which he invites you to join him for a late dinner—which he makes!
She leaves a letter on top of your nightstand, paired along with a singular rose. The letter states for you to meet her outside of Good Hunter, where you find her sitting at a table with a candle dimly-lighting up the surroundings. She greets you with a warm smile, gesturing for you to sit down—the two of you enjoy a candle-lit dinner as well as bolognese she specially requested for Sara to make for the two of you to enjoy together why does this remind me so much of Lady and the Tramp,,
Oh boy. It’s always a fun time spending a holiday with him, seeing that it could go two ways; one, he would be too busy to celebrate it with you on the day of, and he would take you out the day after, or two—have a store’s entire line of merchandise presented to you outside your doorstep, in which a very, very smiley Tartaglia hidden within the pile (after all, he was the best present!) After you’re done moving all of the gifts into your house (it took up the space of your entire living room), he tells you to cover your eyes and follow him. He takes you to one of the most well-known restaurants in Liyue (which currently doesn’t have a name because it is very late here!), and insists that you order whatever you want, and however much you want.
Over the years, he’s witnessed many, many couples celebrate this holiday and every year he’s wished to do the same. He finds the perfect opportunity to do so when Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and boy does he plan it out for the two of you. He’s even made sure to have his wallet on him at all times—it would be extremely rude for you to have to pay if he happened to forget his wallet. He makes sure to stop by to pick up a bouquet of flowers, as well as a bottle of perfume (not in a bad way, just to clarify) from Ying’er’s shop that he recalled you liked. He makes sure to pick you up early from your work place to make sure you made it to your appointment on time; after all, being late to an appointment was similar to breaking a contract, no?
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surprises you with homemade sweets.
Oh, she is so nervous—of course, she doesn’t show this. The entire week, she spent researching recipes to create a special batch of chocolate-dipped strawberries just for you—she even sent Oz to the nearby farms to “borrow” the freshest strawberries for the treat (the farmers were too scared to confront the talking bird who “borrowed” their strawberries, so luckily they got away with it). She dips them in a purple-colored chocolate (because what other color would she use, really?) and drizzles on a dark-chocolate syrup to top it off. She’s too shy to actually give it to you herself though, so she has Oz drop it off for her.
Even though she’s quite busy, she’s somehow found time to whip up a special batch of chocolate just for you! She shapes them into Glaze Lilies (which she found quite hard, which is why there are so few of them) and presents them to you in a neatly-sealed box. She’s quite modest when your eyes widen and tell her it’s the best chocolate you have ever eaten, claiming that she only followed a recipe, when she really made it from scratch.
Like Ganyu, you have no idea how she finds time to create a perfect array of chocolates, which she made herself! However, with her tightly-packed schedule, she has to drop it off at your house in advance, to which you accept happily. She tried to decorate them with designs of cartoon-versions of your faces, but they’re a bit...messy. Nonetheless, they’re tasty, and to her relief, you enjoy them.
Somehow, she’s managed to scrape up enough mora to buy you a necklace; yes, a necklace, and a real one at that—none of that fake, costume jewelry stuff! She even added a pendant shaped like star, just so you could be reminded of her whenever you fiddled with it or even glanced at it. She’s quite flustered when she gives it to you, ignoring the way you ask how she managed to save this much mora to be able to buy something like this, changing the subject on how you should never-ever take it off (because it looks great on you.)
One word: pancakes. (Have you seen the ones she makes for her special dishes? They’re frigging amazing) As a dutiful maid should, she wakes up especially early to prepare a homemade breakfast just for you, to which she serves to you just as your wake up in bed. The fluffy stack of pancakes are decorated with fruits cut up in heart-shapes, as well the words, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Y/N”, written neatly with chocolate syrup—it’s quite a sight to see, to be honest, and utterly delicious. Lucky you!
The day before, she tells you to meet her at the restaurant around noon. When you arrive, the restaurant is adorned with Valentine decorations, as well as a terrifying amount of food; she insists that she only made it for you, so you better eat up! Before she can show you the other dishes, the restaurant is suddenly filled with a strong, bitter smell—something burning. With a yelp, she runs into the kitchen, coming out a few minutes later with a tray of half-scorched cupcakes, their Gouba-shapes adorned with...a lot of burn marks. Oh well, it’s the thought that counts, doesn’t it?
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buys/makes a present for you.
Without your knowledge, Albedo has been creating a collection of artworks throughout all the time you had spent together. The pieces include portraits of you, portraits of you and him (sucrose helped with this), as well as just random sketches of the little things that remind him of you, such as the bare, snowy-white terrain where the two of you first met, as well as its flora and fauna. If you request it, he’ll even make the painting come alive (literally), and the two of you run to Sucrose’s dwelling, who is very shocked to see the pair of you running from a Frosted Lawachurl when she peered out her window to see if she could pinpoint the sounds of distant screaming.
Is there anything better than a matching set of wind gliders? Not only that—they were homemade! She spent the last couple of weeks putting together a pair of gliders for the two of you, customizing them to your tastes (which she nailed!) She quite literally drags you to the nearest hill to test them out, and the two of you end up challenging each other on who can get back to the Knights of Farvonius Headquarters the fastest—spoiler alert: she did.
Oh, she would make the cutest card for you—the envelope is decorated with cute stickers (some of them even had her face on it; there’s nothing like promoting merchandise, am i right? jkjks) She also pairs it off with a box of chocolates that she bought from Sara—however, what she didn’t know was that in the box was a special-edition spicy chocolate truffle. With your luck, that was the first one you chose—and boy, were you met a surprise (it was so bad that you were begging Barbara to use her Vision on you, which she refused of course). Fun times.
He’s real sweet. After his expeditions and commissions, he opens the freezer (yes he keeps them in there, don’t judge him) to an array of ice sculptures, shapes varying from flowers, hearts, and such—although it’s quite the simple gift, he’s put a lot of effort into them, even putting in the extra effort to cast a spell to make sure they would not melt; it’s all worth though, when he sees the absolutely giddy expression on your face, and the look of pure awe as you pick one up and study it closely, admiring all of the details and work that’s he put in.
She sends out informants to find out what you like, whether it be something that your gaze settled on for too long or something you’ve mentioned while talking to her—on the day of, you open your door to a mountain of gifts, with Ningguang herself peering out from behind it with a calm smile and a wave (which was the opposite of your reaction, because who has that much mora to purchase all of these gifts?!?)
He doesn’t have a clue on what the holiday until Lisa asks him if he’s planned something for the two of you during one of his lessons. When he shakes his head no, Lisa suggests that he make you something, to which he sets out on an adventure to do, looking for flowers and flower stems to weave into a pair of matching bracelets—they’re not the prettiest, but he is pretty proud of it; after all, it was his first time making something like that. He’s quite nervous to present it to you, afraid that you might not like it, but all feelings of worry melt away when you slide it on with a huge smile on your face, insisting that he wears his too.
At first, she considers gifting you a present that she created herself; of course, with her work being alchemy, she isn’t sure if that would be the safest option, despite being talented herself. And so, she resorts to buying a present for you—she is very picky with the present though, insisting that it should be perfect since she could not make one herself. She even consults Albedo when selecting some of the presents (he doesn’t help her unfortunately; he believes that she should figure it out herself haha). Like Razor, she’s quite nervous to give it to you, but lets out a huge sigh of relief as you thank her happily for the gift, wiping a bead of sweat from across her forehead (sucrose bby anything you give us would be perfect,,)
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whisks you away somewhere sentimental, where the two of you can enjoy a special date.
It’s ungodly early in the morning when Beidou presents herself in front of your doorstep, announcing that you’ll be joining her and the crew on a special ride. She tugs you along beside her until you reach the harbor, where you are met with the sight of her ship adorned with streamers and banners, varying between shades of pink and red. Onboard, there is a table filled with goodies the crew collected and made, and boy do they look delicious. The group sets out to sea, and you take your place next to the captain, who even lets you steer the boat (momentarily, at least.)
He takes you to meet his dads; yes, yes—he knows that it’s not the most romantic thing to do on a day dedicated to lovers, but he figures it’s just as important. Besides, they’ve been asking about you for quite a while—they even set up a small party within the Adventurer’s Guild, with the help of Bennett, of course. You spend the day listening to their old adventuring stories, as well as bits from Bennett’s childhood (poor boy is flustered from all the information his dads are spilling, but he’s still happy either way; after all, he’s with the most important people to him.)
He quite literally kidnaps you; one second you’re walking in the streets of Mondstadt on your way to work when suddenly someone grabs you by the waist and pulls you into an alley way (that sounds so creepy but i swear he means it in a good way). He only chuckles and shields himself with his arms as you punch him lightly, retorting that he scared you. He doesn’t care that the two of you have an overwhelming amount of work to do—after all, Valentine’s Day only comes once a year, right? Surprisingly, he doesn’t take you the tavern, but instead...Dawn Winery! Diluc received quite the surprise when he is met with the two of you standing outside his gates, with Kaeya requesting a wine/grape juice taste-testing. Yeah...you guys didn’t get any of that, but you did manage to snag a couple of grapes on your way out! Good for you!
You wake up in your bed, opening your eyes to see a very-smiley Venti laying beside you, chin propped up against his hand as he watches you yawn sleepily as you force yourself out of bed. You’re then presented with a handpicked-bouquet of Ceceilias, the freshest of the bunch, if he may add. You barely have time to thank him before he hoists you up in his arms and out of your dwelling, gliding over the city of Mondstadt as he whisks you away to Starsnatch Cliff, where he’s prepared a special performance just for you (and no, you don’t need to pay.)
While he’s not the most romantic, he does have a clue on what people look for on Valentine’s Day; after all, that’s what cheesy-romance novels were for, right? Unbeknownst to you, he takes you on a date very similar to the one the main characters in his favorite novels partook in—and you don’t find out until you catch him peeking into the pages while you weren’t (you were) looking. Again, it’s the thought that counts—
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doesn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Sadly, she probably forgets about the holiday. She’s too busy holed-up in her office to notice the couples gathered up in the courtyard, sharing moments with their lover. It’s not until she walks out to take a breather that she notices the commotion—she immediately calls you over, apologizing frantically. Of course, to this you respond that’s it’s okay, but that you would much rather her take the rest of the day off to spend time together, to which she reluctantly agrees.
“I do not have time to celebrate silly human traditions like that.” He would say as you bound up to him, exclaiming that it’s Valentine’s Day, the day where you can give sweets to your loved ones, and asking if he had someone special in mind to spend it with. He’s irked when your gaze falters and the grip on the object you’re hiding behind your back tightens—he only grows more irked as you mutter to yourself how you’ll give the chocolates you made to someone else. He scoffs loudly, avoiding your gaze as he lays out his hand in front of you to accept the chocolates (just because he doesn’t celebrate the holiday doesn’t mean he can’t get jealous!)
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im-no-jedi · 2 years
MLWTBB: First Time For Everything
aka the (continued) journey into my self insert nonsense✨
chapter summary: after going back to Ord Mantell, Hannah and the Bad Batch meet with Cid to discuss what happened on Hosnian Prime, and Hunter asks Hannah a very important question.
notes: this is a continuation of my story, “My Life With The Bad Batch”; I highly recommend reading that first before this one! I created a few new planets for this story. I’m also not 100% versed in SW terminology, so forgive me if some things are labeled incorrectly! each chapter will be rated accordingly, as opposed to the overall fic. lastly, there is romance in this story. hope you enjoy! 💙
add. notes: this chapter was edited and proofread by my sis @jam-n-ham! thanks sis!! 😋💙
Chapter 15, 2700+ words, rated G (mentions of alcohol, otherwise pure fluffy goodness plus the usual awkward romance stuff 😜)
previous chapters: Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14
next chapter
✨MLWTBB masterlist✨
The familiar sight of a rusty red-brown planet eventually came into view, signaling the Marauder’s return to Ord Mantell. Hannah had almost forgotten how lovely the planet looked considering how different it was on the surface. But like she’d said before, there were aspects of her new home that she genuinely enjoyed, which gave her a sense of comfort when they finally touched down in the city.
It was late afternoon by that time, with the sun barely an hour away from setting. The sky was a beautiful bright orange that nearly matched the color of Hannah’s skirt and sleeves. As she stepped out of the Marauder, Hannah took a minute to just relish in the moment. She was home.
“I truly never thought I’d miss this place so much,” she admitted out loud.
“Compared to Hosnian Prime?” Echo asked as he came up next to her. “I don’t even know you anymore.”
Hannah laughed and playfully conked him on the arm.
“Hey, this city may be a mess,” Wrecker butted in. “But it’s got good food! And Hannah’s apartment is actually real nice now that we’ve helped her fix it up!”
“Yes, the various knick-knacks we’ve given her, along with the renovations and alterations, have resulted in a pleasant place for all of us to enjoy,” Tech added.
“Honestly?” Hannah began with a shrug and another laugh. “At this point, I think it’s as much your guys’ place as it is mine.”
“Is that bad?” Hunter asked.
“Not at all,” Hannah replied with a giggle. “I’m only sad I don’t have more rooms so you guys could stay there permanently.”
“It’s fine!” Omega exclaimed. “I like it just the way it is!”
“You would say that,” Hannah said, ruffling Omega’s hair. “You get to share a nice, cozy bed with me!”
“Yeah,” Wrecker added, pouting a bit. “Lucky... uhh, about bein’ in the bed, not bein’ in the bed with Hannah! Which wouldn’t be bad either! But that’s not--”
Hunter stopped him before he said anything else, which sent Hannah and Omega into a fit of giggles.
As they all began to leave, Omega pulled Hannah back to quietly ask if she’d seen Hunter’s helmet yet. Hannah was confused by what that meant, and Omega clarified by tapping the right side of her cheek.
“Oh, that!” Hannah chuckled awkwardly. “Well yeah, I...” Her eyes went wide a bit, and she leaned down further, whispering, “Wait, is it still there?”
Omega giggled and cupped her hands around Hannah’s ear to whisper the news about Hunter painting on the lipstick mark. It made Hannah’s eyes bug out, and her face went into a full flush. She stammered a bit and said, “w-what does that mean?”
“Uhh, what do you think it means, sis?” Omega cheekily replied.
Hannah said nothing else and bit her lip to keep from screaming. She was definitely going to have a conversation with Hunter later now.
The walk to Cid’s parlor felt very akin to when the Bad Batch had first brought Hannah to Ord Mantell. All of the boys had formed a sort of barrier around her, while Omega stuck to simply walking beside her, hand in hand. The entire time they’d been on their mission, Hannah had felt like a princess or other noble being escorted by her royal guards. But then again, that’s kind of how her relationship was with them in general. She enjoyed it immensely, but at the same time, she continued to wish the roles were reversed. Or at the very least, she could be on equal ground with them.
When they finally reached the stairs to the parlor, Hannah asked who wanted to go first and be the one to break the news to Cid. The others looked at each other for a moment, then without saying anything, Hunter started heading down the stairs.
“I don’t know why I even asked,” Hannah commented with a chuckle. She followed close behind him, with Omega tailing her and the others following suit.
Everyone filed into the familiar neon lit parlor and were immediately met with the sight of Cid sitting nearby at the bar.
“Well, if it isn’t Madame Eldya’s new favorite posse!” Cid exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.
“Ahh, I assume that means you’ve already spoken to her?” Tech asked.
“Oh, we spoke alright.” Cid went on to say that Eldya had told her everything that happened and was more than pleased with the idea of doing business together in the future. “You have no idea how big this is for me. For all of us. You boys did good.”
“It wasn’t just us, Cid,” Hunter was quick to reply.
“No, I’m well aware. Eldya barely mentioned all of you, actually. She had plenty to say about my fancy lookin’ bartender here, though.” Cid gestured to Hannah, instantly causing her to blush and turn sheepish. “I’m surprised she didn’t try and take you for herself, honestly. Not that she would’ve been able to.” She looked between each of the Clones, who were all giving Hannah the same adoring look.
“Alright, alright,” Hannah said, waving the others away and trying to quell her growing blush. “That’s enough attention for one day.”  
As thanks for everything they’d done, Hannah offered to make drinks for everyone, her treat. Unsurprisingly, there was a resounding positive response, which amused Hannah greatly. While Hannah prepared the drinks, Cid pulled Hunter aside for a moment.
“Gotta admit, you really outdid yourself this time, Bandana.”
“It was nothing, really,” Hunter replied. “Besides...” His gaze drifted back towards Hannah, who was laughing at something Wrecker had just said. “Hannah’s the real MVP. She had it harder than any of us.”
“Believe me, I know,” Cid responded. “That’s what I’m talkin’ about. I told ya to take care of her, and you did. Plus,” she gestured towards Hannah. “Look at her. I’ve never seen her hold herself so well. I dunno what you boys did, but well... I think her face says it all.”
Hunter said nothing else and kept his eyes fixed on the woman in question. Cid was right. The way Hannah was carrying herself, even the way she was speaking to everyone... it was the way he’d always seen her. The person he knew was inside her all along. And hopefully, the person who she would remain going forward.
Then Cid approached Hannah with a look of what could only be described as that of a prideful parent. “I’m real proud of ya, Red. You keep that head of yours focused, and you can do anything, just like I told ya. Nothin’ in this galaxy can stop you except your own insecurities. Don’t ever forget that.”
A few tears began to form in the corners of Hannah’s eyes, but she managed to hold them back. “I won’t. Thanks, Cid.”
For what felt like the first real time ever, Cid gave Hannah a genuine smile. “You know what?” She reached up and patted Hannah on the shoulder with one of her clawed hands. “You earned more than just money for this. Go ahead and take the rest of the week off. Free of charge.”
Hannah’s eyes went wide and she let out a small gasp. “Oh my gosh, really?”
“Don’t question it, or I might change my mind.”
Unable to contain herself, Hannah quickly leaned down and gave Cid the briefest of hugs, thanking her again profusely.
Cid tried her best to remain stoic, but a small smile still spread across her reptilian face. “Yeah, yeah, alright, you’re welcome and all that. Like I said, don’t make me change my mind.” And with that, she left Hannah with the Clones for the rest of the evening. She could already tell things were going to get too rowdy for her liking; plus, she’d experienced more than enough pleasant emotions for one day.
“Well,” Hannah collectively addressed the Clones. “You heard what Cid said. I’ve got the rest of the week off, so you know what that means!”
“Uhh, it means you don’t hav’ta pull your hair out again for a while?” Wrecker questioned.
Hannah laughed hardily. “Well yes. Buuuut I was thinking of something even more enjoyable than that. Something that involves all of us together.”
Omega suddenly let out a small gasp. “Do you mean...”
A smug look spread across Hannah’s face as she awaited the rest of Omega’s sentence.
“Sleepover?” Omega’s eyes sparkled with anticipation.
Hannah’s smug look spread into a wide grin as she nodded towards Omega. “Sleepover.”
Immediately, Omega and Wrecker both shouted excitedly. It had been a little while since they’d gotten to stay over at Hannah’s place and sorely missed it. Hannah herself was also excited about it and joined in the mini celebration.
“Ya sure you’re alright with us comin’ over?” Hunter asked.
“Of course!” Hannah responded. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Just makin’ sure you aren’t sick of us yet.”
Hannah let out a snicker. “That’s never gonna happen.”
The signature soft, fond smile that spread across Hunter’s face was all he needed to respond with.
“Alright, well, I guess you guys can come upstairs whenever you want,” Hannah once again addressed all the Clones. “I’m gonna go on ahead right now though; I have got to change out of this dress.”
“Had enough girliness for a while?” Echo snarked.
“More than enough,” Hannah responded with a laugh.
As she started to leave, Hannah suddenly felt one of her boots catch a raised edge of the floor, and she began to stumble. Thankfully, Hunter was nearby and stepped in front of her to catch her before she fell. “Oh, whoops!” Hannah exclaimed as she nearly fell onto Hunter. “Sorry! I’m not even wearing heels this time!” Her face began to turn a bit red, but she was able to laugh it off.
“That’s alright,” Hunter replied. His grip on Hannah’s arms remained until she had fully straightened herself out again.
“Thanks,” Hannah said, smoothing out her skirt a bit.
“Of course.”
A fond smile easily rivaling Hunter’s grew on Hannah’s face, and she let the moment linger just a few seconds longer than it needed to before she began heading for the exit again.
In that moment, something inside Hunter began to stir. Feelings he’d been trying to repress were coming to the surface once again, only this time, he wasn’t sure he could hold them back. All he could think about was that tender moment between him and Hannah in the grand assembly. How she had run straight into his arms and let him hold her so tightly. The look she’d given him when he pulled her face back so gently. The feeling in that short moment, like they were the only two people in the entire galaxy.
Oh, how he wished for that feeling once again.
A small presence suddenly caught Hunter’s attention in his peripheral vision. Omega sat on one of the bar stools, staring at her brother intently. She seemed to know exactly what Hunter was thinking, and wordlessly, she encouraged him to do the thing he’d been wanting to do for so long now.
Hannah had reached the bottom of the stairs by then. Time was running out.
It’s now or never, Hunter thought to himself.  
“Hannah, wait!”
The sudden shout startled Hannah a bit, and she turned back towards Hunter with a puzzled look on her face. “Yeah, what?”
“Umm...” Hunter’s heart began beating so fast, it felt like he’d just run a marathon. “Well... I...”
The puzzled look on Hannah’s face remained, but she was also watching him expectantly.
“Would... would you...” Hunter let out a sigh that sounded more like a groan. “That is... do you...” He sucked in some air through his teeth and braced himself for whatever was about to transpire. “Do you wanna... do something?”
One of Hannah’s eyebrows deftly raised, and her lip curled up into a half smile. “Do... something?”
Still clearly puzzled, Hannah’s eyes shifted a few times before she spoke again. “Like, what exactly?”
“I dunno,” Hunter replied with a shrug. “Whatever you wanna do.”
There was a brief moment of silence before realization began to spread across Hannah’s face, her eyes slowly widening as she spoke. “O-oh so, you mean... like... just...”
“Just the two of us.”
It briefly looked like Hannah was starting to have a heart attack. One of her hands gripped the side of the doorway, and her eyes were practically popping out of her head. It looked like she could barely breathe. Eventually, she was able to respond, albeit it still sounded like she was struggling to breathe. “Y-yes! Yeah! Ok!” Joyful laughter erupted from her throat. “Yes, we can do something! Absolutely! Oh, umm...” She took a moment to catch her breath and once again gave a puzzled look. “When exactly? Like, when should we do it?”
Hunter hadn’t even thought of that. He was barely able to process what was currently happening at the moment. “Uhh...”
“Sure,” Hunter said with another shrug. “If that’s what you want.”
Once again, Hannah erupted into joyful laughter. “Ok! Yeah! Ok!”
Seeing Hannah so overjoyed caused Hunter to laugh a bit as well. “Ok.”
“Yeah...” Hannah’s face had now morphed into a dreamy state, and she stared at Hunter for a moment before snapping back to reality again. “Oh, uhh...” Her face tilted down, and she pulled at the edges of her skirt. “I still gotta get out of this dress...” Her attention went back to Hunter again. “Uhh, meet me by the stairs in a bit, ok?”
Hunter had entered into his own dreamy state and simply replied, “ok.”
“Ok... yeah ok.” A massive grin spread onto Hannah’s face, and she went into a brief fit of giggles as she began heading up the stairs. “Oh wait!” The upper half of her body peeked around the corner of the doorway. “Uhh, you should change too. Don’t stay in that armor. Put on your civvie outfit, I like that one. Ok, see ya in a bit.” Her excitement could audibly be heard inside the parlor well after she’d disappeared from sight.
Once she was gone, Hunter was suddenly hit with the weight of what just happened. He was also hit on the back by Wrecker’s massive hand.
“Ha! I knew you could do it!” Wrecker said encouragingly. “Took ya a while, but ya finally did it!”
Hunter let out a small chuckle. “Thanks.” Suddenly, he felt himself become extremely lightheaded and began blinking slowly. “Uhh... Room. Is. Spinning.” He managed to hobble over to one of the bar stools and sat down, holding his head in his hands to try and calm down. Omega could be heard giggling beside him.
“Well, I’m just glad I don’t have to get involved anymore,” Echo plainly stated. “I mean, I love you guys, really, but do you have any idea what it’s been like tryin’ to get this to happen? I was about ready to shove you both in a closet or somethin’.” He shook his head and took a sip of his drink, letting out an exhale of relief.
“Echo...” Hunter reached over and placed a hand on his brother’s arm. “You have my permission... to never do that ever again.”
Echo chuckled softly and patted the hand on his arm. “Yeah, we’ll see how tonight goes and determine it from there, brother.”
Tech walked behind the counter and began refilling his drink, as well as Hunter’s. “There’s no need for concern, really. After all, it’s not like he’ll be spending the evening with a stranger. He knows Hannah as well as any of us, if not better. And I’m certain she’s the same with him as well.”
Omega perked up and said, “You said it for me, Tech.” She hopped off her stool and came over to Hunter, placing a hand on his arm. “It’s like I said before. You have nothing to worry about, Hunter. It’s just Hannah.”
Just Hannah, she said. Hunter knew what she meant, but he also knew how important this was going to be for the both of them. And he especially wanted to give Hannah an experience that she deserved. That’s all he wanted. Or at least, that’s what he told himself.
No matter what, he was going to give Hannah an evening she would never forget.
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tobebugjewce · 3 years
THE WALTEN FILES: my jumbled notes on my blind run-in with this web series
first off this is gonna be long and unorganized, also this is my second time writing this as i had lost literally half of my progress and im This (imagine two fingers almost touching with a 0.0000000001mm distance between them) close to ripping all of the fucking hair out of my goddamn head. but now this will be extra long and yes, i will lose some accuracy to my first writing but thats okay ill probably edit this a kajillion times over
which brings me to my next tangent; im literally braindumping here. so to have a smidge of organization all afterthoughts, edits and corrections will be boldened, i forgot what im gonna do with italicized text but ill probably bolden it here yeah im pretty sure its for side tangents, separate from Corrections, which are in bold. also theyre for emphasis too.
so in general, this post right here is all of my notes i wrote down on my grid-patterned sticky notes (which i used WAYYYY too much of) about the first 3 uploaded walten files youtube videos transferred onto my handy dandy digital notebook, this b(l)og. yeppers peppers. you know im serious about this shit when i typed probably over like a thousand fucking words including boldened shit, italicized shit and motherfucking links, lost it ALL, and im sitting here re-typing it again.
i feel bad about this but im not gonna trigger warn right here, but this is technically a warning. if you want a list of triggers as to what this post (and the walten files in general) i will link a little list to that here
without further a doo doo, (mama mia) here the fucking fuck we go again.
clarifying this now, im gonna put some useless shit which i thought was code onto this because even though it was useless it was part of my notes and im physically going to combust if i dont put down every single thing i wrote on my papers. so what i thought was code was in the closed captions, i started writing it down when i got to the second video but came back to my first videos notes to include them. i wrote down the first letter to every word that was capitalized in the closed captions, which i had on as a default because number one i knew going into this id need them because most web horror things like args and cryptic shit like that has some of the most crucial shits in the closed captions. number two i am autistic and have auditory processing issues and have most closed captioning on as a default if theyre available.
the numbers in parenthesis are there because i wasnt sure they should be included in the “code” or not. i also thought of this with the BSI - bunny smiles incorporated and also the years 1978 and 1979. the shits in asterisks are coughs and light coughs, which were capitalized in the closed captions so i included them too just in case
i then jotted, in parenthesis of course, the names of the animatronics when they were listed in the animation section of the video; bon aka the blue bunny, sha aka the sheep one, boozoo aka the clown<3 honk<33, and banny aka the purpled eyelashed up one who is also a bunny btw. also i got boozoo the clown and boozoo the mustache guy confused because apparently the clowns name is billy???? but they named “boozoo” in bons sleepover and showed the clown? idk maybe im an idiot and theyre the same or just an idiot and theyre different or a super mega (matt and ryan?!?!??) idiot in general which is probably the case
i started drawing little stars to write down things i thought would be super important or to 100% look at again. the first subject of this pointy torture was the part of the video where at 3:00, i marked it down to make sure to reverse the audio as it was most definitely a weird audio that has that signature warp-y effect that makes sure you KNOW its in reverse. i then listened back to it Very carefully (still got it wrong) and got this: “you finally start to remember. that old doll. they will look out for you soon” im also pretty sure i heard “sophie” at the end of that audio but im not entirely sure and dont remember and i dont wanna go back to check lmfao but anyways it didnt matter because i was wrong anyway. after i had finished all 3 walten files i watched the film theory video on the walten files (which didnt cover all 3 but was dece.) out of curiosity and to hear matpats signature silly little voice explain some stuff i already knew, and click some shit in my brain that i couldve thought up of if i was a bit more... i dont know honestly. anyways yeah so the actual audio is “you finally start to remember. that old day. they will look out for you soon.” so yeah. day, not doll.
i then wrote down “sarah evelyn”, the name on the bons sleepover animation (i dont remember if she created it or animated it or whatnot) and scribbled will she matter? under her name. turns out no, as i didnt see her name in the rest of the series, let alone the first video. this is also a great time to mention how matpat theory helped me realize that the walten files are collections of videos, uploaded onto youtube by anthony. (i already knew about anthony as he signed his name in the descriptions of the youtube videos, making me categorize this overall web series more into an arg type genre.) but yes, the tapes, recorded “irl” footage, animated clips, vhs tape recordings and other audio-visual content is all collected and labeled the walten files, as i had mistaken each video to be a tape. stupid me. alrighty, onward!
i starred this one, good for me; MISSING: Jack Walten LAST SEEN: 06/11/1974
i jotted down with an arrow that; sophie was a nightguard? she was wearing the uniform explained in tape 2 i dont know why but i went back into my video 1 notes after i had watched video 2. organization purposes. i guess.?? 
i then paused the video when the screen flickered a date, the beginning of video footage dated 10/10/1982 (Brian Stells?) god my little genius ass assuming the videographer was brian stells, based on the id card i saw earlier.
i then wrote down what text i saw on the dead, mangled, bloody body in the purple security suit; “i cant feel anything” “he thought i was her” then drew a little arrow pointing to; thought brian was sophie? or ashley? i also starred the name Brian Stells this is totally out of order LMFAOOOOOOOO also i wrote down ashley because, again, my little pea brain went back on my video 1 notes after watching video 2. but yep thats all i wrote for The Walten Files 1 - Company Introductory Tape
Tape #1 - created 07/02/1978
awesome how thats first and foremost in the captions. god. so sexy of you martin walls. /j /nsx
this pack of notes is chunkier because again, like i have mentioned before i am an absolute goober and thought the capitalized letters of the words would actually mean something. I MEAN MAYBE THEY DO AND IM JUST DOING IT WRONG but i stopped doing it after this video because holy shit it was exhausting and my stupid little fingers couldnt take the writing anymore becasue i am WEAK. 
so write off the bat (squeak) i wrote down 197[] the blacked out rectangle over the last digit of that year and everything im also now assuming its probably 1978 or 1974 because lore reasons but whos to say but yeah i also wrote down this;
Tape #2 - created 08/13/1978
then, straight up in the beginning of the video i caught it, the flash of text, as i had by now realized i gotta be SUPER stupid focused on the screen in case i miss anything, i wanted to be crazy precise on my theorizing and mental notes, among other things. but yes i saw it, the first half of a youtube link;  “https://youtu” 
claps hands together and rubs them evilly. oh yeah baby. thats the hot lunch. this shit right here? the cats pajamas. lets fucking go.
i wrote down this goofy shit i pasued to inspect when i saw bon sorting through a file cabinet and naturally scribbled down the labels and other written things i could see on the files; 
relocate X/X/75 felix
storage K-9 07/23/1975 felix k(ranken)
Bons Burgers 06/28/1974 Jack Walten
Shipping Service 1975
New Location -> 1982
i also wrote down more goofy shit, like when banny was created for some reason; in 1974
starred, i noted to go back and reverse the audio at 5:09, when played back, i didnt write it down so i dont remember. lmao.
i also marked to screenshot and brighten the darkened image i saw at 5:20, i was going to do it on my phone then realized i can just do it on my computer so i quickly took a screenshot, brightened it and wrote down what i saw; a missing person poster that read MISSING: SUSAN WOODINGS(?) Last seen: 1974 i was very unsure of the spelling of her last name because the image was so goddamn low quality and grainy but its what i saw. this is where tape #3 gets thrown in, which im gonna type again because i like how the formatting looks;
Tape #3 - created 07/09/1978 (BEFORE tape 2?!//1/1??? its more likely than you think)
i wrote down more dates, any dates i saw, i jotted down. i wrote; 
Technical Support 1978 
Brian Stells (for some reason i dont remember right now)
alrighty this is where the stupid capitalized letters come in, but before it looks like i vomit a keysmash time infinity on this, ill put down the little inbetween things i wrote in the midst of the caps lockalypse like timestamps and stuff, so here you go;
- Reverse at 8:16 which i did but of course didnt write down what i heard. i think it was too warbled to hear anything clear out of it, or it was just the good ol auditory processing issues fucking me over yet again. WAIT yep yes i did here it is: “rosemary would go to the restaurant every night hoping that [her] beloved husband would reappear after being missing for weeks but no response until one day [s]he heard a voice [saying] ‘i know where he is rosie’ coming from the back stage” the bracketed stuff is the corrections, i misheard the audio and thought the audio said “his”, “he” and “singing” like a nimrod
- Brighten at 10:14 which was another missing person poster, but i dont think it had any information on it because i didnt write it down, just;
- Sophie again (pic at 9:08?) (dismemberd and put in Sha) i was stupid and wrong haha idiot it was rosemary who was put in sha but anywho
i starred and underlined a huge thing i discovered which was;
- Walten had 3 kids which i dont remember how i found out but it doesnt matter, its good important info i uncovered.
- Tape #4 - Unkown Date
- recorded 07/12-07/14 1978 
- Hilary B, Ashley P & Kevin W i made sure to get these names down as soon as i saw them on screen but then realized shortly after i wouldnt really need to have it as the closed captions made sure i knew which person was talking by using their first initial (capitalized of course) before each line of text. this is the perfect time to announce the arrival of the clusterfuck of capital letters, which is going to include colons which will indicate that the letter before it is the initial of the person talking. without further aedue, here comes another chinese earthquake;
holy shit its finally over okay now onto some MORE of what i wrote down in between and also after that keysmash attack;
12 doors? (backrooms) 27? 26? i was unsure because ashley was unsure too lmfao
found cassette (6/11/78) <- says “discard”? yeah it did
Tape in clown audio, speaking voice; jack, susan, charles(?), rosemary, sophie, last word sounds like “walrus” it was walten lmfao
Ashley died? yeah she did lmfao OR AT LEAST I THINK SO??
starred this one, Reverse @ 17:06, then got this;
“they left the next day, they thought ashley left early, but she was in the backdoors, screaming as much as she could, but no one heard the screams, the following days the caretakers would complain about an awful smell coming from the backdoors, company decided to shut down facility until new advice, the relocate project was unsuccessful. ashley is still there, but she is not screaming anymore, she saw something she wasnt supposed to see and now shes beautiful” the phrase “shes beautiful” was repeating like a bajillion times in that wall of text. then, god motherfuckng bless: 
at 17:23 i found the other half of the youtube link, “.be/k07QqEDOfQ” i pieced that bad boy together as instant as i think any form of ramen could never be, but remained ever patient. because i made sure to jot down this before moving onto my next segment;
@ end of vid 2, “shadow man sees* me when lights go off” im an idiot *it was actually “feeds” not “sees”, which AGAIN, i only found out after watching the stupid little film theory video *begins snarling and foaming at the mouth*
okay im not proud to admit im editing this to post it and realized ive lost my notes. well. 
might as well post what ive got! if i find my shit ill add onto this, i suppose.
12 notes · View notes
al-perthe · 4 years
The Arcana - MC with Epilepsy Headcanons (LIs & Courtiers)
I know we're most of the way through November, but it's National Epilepsy Awareness Month, and as someone with seizures, I thought I'd do a headcanon post for the Main 6 & Courtiers with an apprentice who has epilepsy - can be interpreted as platonic or romantic if you so choose. The Courtier ones are more about prevention or very specific scenarios so theymaynotbeasgood
Note that epilepsy manifests differently for everyone, so I may not have had the same experiences as someone else; I did my best to research outside of my own experiences but it may come across as rather general or vague. That being said, feel free to add on if you'd like to contribute (especially for the Courtiers... pls help).
EDIT: Under a read more because I didn’t realize how big this was, sorry!
Getting you to take your medication, and remember when to do so, was one of the challenges he faced when you awakened without any memories three years ago.It really took him a while to feel safe travelling out of the city, constantly worrying about what if you forgot a dose, what if you had a really bad seizure and got hurt, or even the thought of you just having a smaller one and feeling alone and afraid... As someone who enjoys naps, he's probably the best at making sure you get a good night of rest to help prevent seizures.
Safe. Peaceful. No danger.
Naturally, Faust is going to help comfort you after a seizure, especially if she can tell that you're experiencing fear and/or confusion as a result of it.
When you first started the investigation, you made sure she was aware of your condition. You assured her you'd be okay to take it on, just be a little patient if you were ever 'out of it' for a few minutes.
Oh, it's no trouble at all - she'll make sure that a specialist is brought in to ensure your treatment is the best it can be.
But a few moments later, she clarifies - this isn't being done for the sake of the investigation, and she apologizes if she gave off that impression. She does genuinely care about your well-being, and if she needs to take a step back or if there's more she can do, just let her know.
Her room is definitely the go-to spot if you need a quiet spot to wind down after a seizure.
Also good at making sure you're comfortable and can sleep well.
Part of you wondered 'what if...?' when you found out about Julian's healing mark, but you dismissed it quickly - there's a chance it wouldn't work, and with the whole murder investigation going on, dealing with seizures (even if temporarily in theory) would just be another thing weighing on him. You couldn't do it. You wouldn't do it. It was selfish.As a doctor, he's the best at recognizing your symptoms as a result - he can tell right away if you're having an aura and need to move to a quieter spot or at least sit down. He does worry about it each time it happens, but puts on a calm face for your sake.Even Malak seems a little bit quieter when you're having a rough time with your epilepsy.Need a distraction afterwards ? Count on him to have a story from his travels to get your mind off it!Of course, let him know if your symptoms change, or if your medication doesn't seem to be having the same effect - he'll look into finding a more effective treatment.
Inanna's the best at picking up when you're about to have a seizure, and lets Muriel know immediately.Since she can't always accompany him, he's done his best to learn to recognize when a seizure's on the way, or when it's happening. As someone who prefers peace and quiet, he knows the go-to places for some privacy if you're in the presence of other people.The most calming presence you could ask for once the seizure has passed. If you're experiencing confusion afterward, he asks you simple questions and makes simplified statements to help ground you in reality. So ironically, he's the best at helping you remember what happened.He may not be the best at striking up a conversation, but will offer you some words of comfort and reassurance afterwards.
After your first seizure around her, she acknowledges that 'something just didn't feel right' moments before.
No guilty feelings though - once you've settled down, she asks what she can do to help in the future. She'll support you the best she can.
She's actually the one who brings you to Mazelinka, to see if she knows about any home remedies that could somehow help. At the very least, her soup will give you a good night's sleep to help prevent them!
Naturally, she also seeks guidance from Julian on how to help you with your condition.
If you're feeling anxious after a seizure, she's actually the one who's best at rationalizing you through those fears. The dread that there's someone just outside the cottage, the shop, etc that could hurt you? She checks out the windows and doors first, confirms with you that there's nobody out there, and reassures you that even if there was someone out there after you, they'll have to go through her first!
Expect to find notes from time to time with compliments or general positivity that also remind you to take your medication!
If you've spaced out due to a seizure, you might need something repeated. He's not normally one for patience... but you're the exception. If anyone gives you a hard time for it, he's bound to round on them with a death glare.
As the Count, he's got access to all kinds of resources. He spares no expense at making sure there's specialists who can get you the best medication as possible, as quickly as possible, when you're in need of a new supply.
Mercedes and Melchior spend more time around you too - they aren't as quick to pick up on an oncoming seizure, but when they do, they make a great team. One of them stays with you, and the other goes off to find Lucio.
Need to get your mind off it? Did you know that he had a saltwater crocodile as a companion during his travels near the Sea of Persephia in his early mercenary days? When he first met the crocodile, it was clearly starving, so he had to wrestle it off... and as he goes on his heroic tirade, it's not so much the adventures themselves but the clearly exaggerated parts that entertain and distract you.
Sometimes you just need something or someone to hold onto, to keep you at peace and keep you feeling real after a seizure. Okay... so... patience, peace, and quiet aren't exactly his strong points. But - with a firm yet comforting hand on your shoulder - he's got your back, and you'll get through this.
Epilepsy? It's actually more common than you think. They've naturally seen it plenty of times over the years.
Some types of epilepsy are limited to specific regions of the brain. Theoretically, it could be possible through surgery to alter or even remove the areas where your seizures generate... you leave it at a "I'll get back to you on it" and stick with your medication for now.
Then it finally happens. You've had a seizure in their presence. You're feeling confused and uneasy, but Valdemar doesn't seem bothered at all. "Seems like you're starting to come back. You might feel unwell for a few minutes, but that's typical in the postictal stage." More confusion. "... Right, simplified terms. You had a seizure. Now you're recovering. What you're feeling will pass. You need only wait a few minutes."
The explanations are nonchalant, blunt, and brief. But that just makes it easier to understand. It's... surprisingly calming, too. You scoot a little closer to them. They don't move away.
Will share interesting accounts of historical figures who also dealt with epilepsy, and reviews their own records of past patients with symptoms similar to yours to study potential triggers and effective treatments or preventions. After a while, you start talking beyond that, about how your day went and other chitchat. It seems that as a result of the time spent around you, they have grown... rather fond of your presence.
Obviously, for safety reasons, you're not going to drink heavily. But while some people have to avoid alcohol entirely due to their seizures, you're part of the typical group that can handle some alcohol, a drink or two depending on the strength.
If you're out with Valerius at some sort of soiree, he'll make sure that the one drink you get is the best one suited to your palate. Similarly, he points out the best food to pair with it so that way you're also eating to neutralize the alcohol.
Sometimes, you decide to pass on the drinking, and have fruit juice or even just straight up water served in a wine glass. He'll frown at you, but you KNOW you saw the briefest hint of amusement in his eyes.
To be frank, he usually attends these sort of gatherings for the wine and/or meeting with important figures. So he is ready to get you out of there if you need a quiet spot away from others.
He's not very good with reassurance. Sure, just a simple 'it's going to be okay' can help, but is it really enough? You can't just expect him to repeat it like a mantra or something. He's absolutely making that flustered face as he tries to figure out other things to say, but that's comforting on its own - he's trying for your sake.
Maybe there was a sudden flash of lightning, maybe there was some 'grand finale' of a fireworks show, but your photosensitivity stirred up a seizure in you.
He's not really sure what to do, but a cautious approach is a best approach.
He draws you aside later to ask about what happened - now admittedly, he's not very familiar with epilepsy. But photosensitivity? Absolutely! There are certain species of worm that are actually quite sensitive to lighting, such as... oh, right. The point is, for some enclosures, he's used a special type of tinted glass to reduce the effects of sunlight and nights when the moon is brighter, and perhaps something similar might be useful for you?
A week later, he brings you a pair of spectacles with darker lenses. They actually do the job pretty well? And he even had them designed to go along with your aesthetic? Whether he had them commissioned or if he just crafted them himself, this is... surprisingly nice.
Oh, and you can't forget the tea. Filling you in on the latest gossip and the occasional Worm Fact once you're feeling calmer is his way of taking your mind off any lingering anxiety. Also, he recommends a variety of herbal teas that calm nerves or even help you fall asleep.
The first time it happened, oh, Volta did not know what to do! She was so distraught that someone else had to step in and help you collect yourself.
But now that she's aware of your condition, she will offer you words of comfort and kindness to help you after your seizure has passed. Volta's a sweetheart, of course she'd be good at that!
She has a highly developed sense of smell thanks to all the food she exposes herself to. It seems as though, when you were having stronger or more frequent seizures, there was something in your diet you had been eating more often.
In other words, she helped you determine that certain foods were contributing to your seizures. Grapefruit seemed to be the only thing you needed to avoid - come to think of it, you recall that it doesn't react well with certain components used in preparing your medicine - and other foods just needed to be consumed less.
She'll eat those foods at any gatherings, since you're trying to avoid them... oh, but save some of the other dishes for Volta, too!
Tonic-clonic or grand mal seizures... call them what you will, but point is, if you collapse and lose consciousness in a seizure, they will get everyone to STAND. BACK.
"It's a seizure, just give it a minute or two, it'll pass! I SAID, STAND. BACK!! IF you're so much as THINKING about trying to hold them down, DON'T. NO! Swallowing the tongue IS NOT A THING!! Not unless you CUT IT OFF and FORCE IT IN SOMEONE'S MOUTH! Which I am CLEARLY NOT DOING!!"
... Okay, so getting other people to stay calm while you're having a seizure is not their strong suit. But they're certainly good at getting people to keep their distance, at least.
They're talkative and energetic! Of course being calm and quiet is hard for them! ... But maybe that's just another challenge for them to conquer? The first time they tried they basically just held their breath as long as they could.
Someone actually had the audacity to make a rude remark about your condition. But unfortunately for them, they somehow missed the bright red figure of Pontifex Vulgora in the vicinity.
That person was never seen in Vesuvia again. Because they moved out, after receiving a rather persuasive argument to move to... some other place. Oh, okay, you were worried there was some other reason they disappeared.
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vampiresuns · 4 years
Portrait Of The Lawyer As A Young Man
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3k words. All of Julianus’ life has been about fulfilling social expectations. Not any more.
Note: This fic contains some time changes. They’re all separated but they’re not linear. This pieces art is the cover of the centennial edition of James Joyce’s ‘Portrait of the Artist As A Young Man’.
CW: Superficial discussions of unhealthy family dynamics.
The song for this piece is Expectations by Belle & Sebastian. Saoirse, Meredith and the Crew of The Jagged Ruby belongs to @apprenticealec​.
Part 4 of Secrets Of An Ancient Moon series; you can read the rest of it here.
Dusk fell in the sky making the colours of the water change. Meredith whistled at Jules to get their attention, calling them aside. When they reached port again in four days, they’d reach Jules’ original destination, marking the end of their voyages in The Jagged Ruby. Julianus didn’t need Meredith to tell them this, they already knew: they had been counting the days obsessively, watching them slip by as they found a chance to speak to the Captain.
Meredith had found them first. It was now or never.
“Hopefully this,” Meredith said, raising the legal study Julianus had made for her a couple of months ago, “will help us with our Syd problem. I’m not going to pat you in the back, Sanlaurento, so just let me say this: you’ve got it in you, you’re a pain in my ass, I hope whoever opposes you in a court shit themselves. Now, leave.”
When Meredith looked back up, Jules was still there, looking at them with a frown and an intensity which the Captain had seen in them before, but never directed at them. Jules had been travelling with them for months. When they had manifested on the ship to become Meredith’s personal pest and unlikely legal advisor, the Quinquennial meeting was in the long term future still, they had time for it. Now, the meeting would happen in three months.
In all that time, Meredith had had time to watch them, even if they didn’t want to. She hated to admit it, but the asshole had guts. J.C. was clever, a fast learner, and seemed to know themselves well enough to anticipate their shortcomings. Analytical and strong-willed, in other circumstances they’d make an excellent addition to the crew.
They learnt the basics of sailing faster than Meredith had given them credit for, their basic knowledge of sword-fighting was getting honed by the week. They had never taken a shot against an actual person, but their aim had gotten notoriously better. Julianus got treats for the crew if you left them unsupervised, and somehow, always, found someone to help with legal advice, no matter were they were.
So yes, Meredith had seen that intensity before. She’d seen it when they put themselves between a vendor and a guard, suddenly carrying more presence and even a slight high-society touch to the way they conducted themselves. She’d seen it whenever they tried, again and again, to perfect something, never expecting to be handed anything. She’d seen it whenever they talked about Injustice, or the Sea Palace, or Freedom, or People.
It all shone through, even through the many flaws or annoyances Meredith saw in their character — anxious, irritable, high-horsed, mysterious for no damn reason.
“I said leave, why are you still here.”
The Captain raised an eyebrow. Sanlaurento never addressed her without an honorary.
“I didn’t remember us being friends— You smooch my quartermaster and…” Meredith stopped, a grimace overtaking her face. “This is about them, isn’t it. No, I’m not having a heart to heart about fucking Saoirse with you. Sanlaurento, I’m still your fucking Captain.”
“No, it’s not about Saoirse. It’s about me.”
“Right, because that’d make me care.”
J.C. frowned back at Meredith, trying to resist the urge to roll his eyes but failing to do so. “Even if they are a factor in my considerations. I’m well aware that if I talked to them, I could manage to see them anywhere and write to them even, given they write to Jacqui all the time.”
“If you’re going to talk anyway, at least do me the favour of going to the point, Sanlaurento.”
“Captain, I want to stay.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
The sky was clear in the island of Sirenia, a cool late winter evening as Sanlaurento walked around a patio in a black, formal attire, with a green jacket with golden buttons. 
“You’ll do great, stop worrying. You already did great in your dissertation.”
“But my dissertation was just me talking about International affairs.”
“One last viva, and you’ll be a lawyer.” 
Julianus exhaled. “You’re right, one last viva. This ends today.”
“Did someone Come with you?”
Their friend snorted. “You didn’t tell anyone about today, didn’t you?”
Feigning disinterest so the conversation could end, they looked over some handwritten diagrams.
Julianus sighed. “Actually, this time I did.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
“Do I have to apply to the Sea Palace? I know I said I wanted to, but I don’t know any more.”
“Of course, Cleo,” their mother said, “it’s the best academic institution around, you might have a chance. You lose nothing by trying”
“They were weird though, you know? Off. Like, they give me a bad feeling.”
Their mother no longer sounded patient when she spoke: “You’re going to have to let go of turning down opportunities at every chance you don’t like everyone in front of you, or everyone in front of you doesn’t automatically think you’re brilliant. Besides, you insisted, and this is a matter about your education, your safety and your future. You’re applying.”
Julianus tensed, curling their toes inside their shoes, trying to ball them like they would their hands. They couldn’t ball them into fists right now, that’d give them away. If they gave themselves away, their mother’s reaction would be worse. “It’s not— that’s not—”
They exhaled, giving up. “You’re right, Mama.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
In their 27 years, Julianus had been called a lot of things.
Weird by their classmates, dense by their parents. Unnecessarily complicated, dramatic, attention seeking, stupid. All of them also by their parents who said things in annoyance and in anger without measuring any reaction, nor waiting for any explanation. Stupid, perhaps, was the funniest.
They never called them Julianus, only ‘Cleo’, too, to the point their mother often said they made a mistake in choosing their first name.
Their Cleo was a lot of things but never what they themself said they were. ‘Intelligence’ was arrogance, ‘mistakes’ stupidity, or worse, something unforgivable; a lack of consideration for everyone around them and the marking of their mother in their failure to raise a child who wanted to do anything with her. 
Too loud, too quiet, too stiff, too needy, too this, too that, too weird, too feminine, too masculine, too much.
Academic settings were different. One of the few places they had some control over themself. Yes, their classmates might’ve thought them closed off, weird and even a bit of a “lunatic” when they were growing up, but their classmates also knew they were passionate about defending what they loved, including their friends. A willing ear to listen, offering food, advice and comfort to whomever asked, without thinking too much about it. Quick to rile up but never one to deny help. Their teachers and professors always knew they tried, that they wanted to learn, that they wanted to go to further, deeper horizons. 
Their own self, learning and what they could do with that education was their constant ongoing project. Their poems and stories, a constant conversation with the world. Not self-centredness, not absent-mindedness.
Only twice they had been told in academic settings that they weren’t enough. One was in the Sea Palace. The scholars called them an histrionic, low-pedigree charming but insubstantial kid, with poorly honed magic and more enthusiasm than capacity. Others worked better, others could sit still for longer, others had more steady grades — not the valleys of those subjects which did not interest them, with good but unremarkable grading, versus the stellar records of those subjects which obsessed them needlessly. A nice attempt, but a definitive rejection. 
The other was in that last Viva Voce in Firent. It hadn’t gone terribly, they had passed, but with meagre first level honours in comparison to their full honours approved dissertation. They were expecting to do worse, that was true. They weren’t expecting to have three examiners who did not let them finish a single explanation, one even laughing at their face for asking for a question to be clarified. 
“If you keep this way, I doubt you will have it in you to be a good jurisconsult,” one of them had said.
Julianus had looked at them with icy, saccharine sweetness, eyes like daggers and making apologies they didn’t mean as they took their diploma. They left the room thinking what did they know? What did any of these people know about Julianus Cleopatra, who wasn’t born with the Surname Sanlaurento, but had chosen it anyway? Nothing. They knew nothing.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Julianus had never been in many places they belonged.
The night was clear as The Ruby made its way through the waters in the night.
“What about you?”
“Yeah, Jay, tell us a story. All you do is work, kid. Grab a glass! Cut yourself some slack from those books, lest your vision becomes worse.”
Julianus couldn’t see why not. With a bright smile on their face, they grabbed a glass of beer, before joining the Crew that was lounging around on the deck, enjoying the night. 
“Does it have to be something I’ve heard, or does it have to be an original?”
“Right! Saoirse did say you wrote.”
Julianus blinked. “Saoirse mentioned me?”
An echo of warm laughter rang between the crew. Someone patted their back. “You’ve got it bad for the Quartermaster, don’t you? But tell us your story.”
"My story?” They snorted. “Oh, you don’t want to listen to that.”
After taking a drink, they let their own play on words slide, and chose a story to tell. “You know how they say that those who are the most impertinent have the best chance. Well, this cabin boy risked it all for a venture in a ship from the northern seas, whose flag it was under was at war with an Empire. The cabin boy, well, we’ll call them boy, had been searching for a place to fulfil their ambitions, and saw in this ship the right chance. The kind of person who wished to be remarkable, and do what’s right
“So one day, the ship runs into an enemy ship. Goes the Captain and says: ‘If we fight them, this ship might be sunk and we might not live the night’. So goes the cabin boy, who had developed a fondness for this ship; the fondness one does when one loves a place, but the place does not love one back, and yet one clings to the nostalgia of the good things. The cabin boy did not realise this yet, so the cabin boy goes and says: ‘If I time it right, I could sink it.’
“Though often trifled with silencing commands, the cabin boy was intelligent and daring so the cabin boy repeated: ‘If I time it right I could sink it. Was this not why I trained all these years as a cabin boy?’ 
“The Captain said: ‘No, you are just a cabin boy’, but at the insistence of our protagonist, the Captain said: ‘If you destroy that ship, I will give you silver and likewise gold, here in this very sea, and I will give you my only daughter for you to marry, if you make a renowned Captain out of me—’”
The story was not a happy one. It was a story of betrayal and disappointed hopes. It finished with the cabin boy, who making himself one with the night, went to sink the enemy ship, under the very noses of the unsuspecting crew. Yet, when the cabin boy came back and demanded their acknowledgement, the Captain denied them. Though the cabin boy had no interest in claiming the bounty, the Captain had not expected them to live, but fearing the Cabin Boy would take the credit and disrupt the order of things, the Captain slew them, and the sea took them in. 
Someone gasped with indignation. “And no one aided the cabin boy?”
“Did the Captain kill them then?”
“That’s for you to decide.” 
“So the cabin boy didn’t die? Or did they?”
“In a way. It’s less about physical death, though it can be about it.”
“Isn’t this the Raleigh story?”
“Of the Golden Vanity?” Said Sanlaurento with a smirk. “Perhaps, but everyone tells it differently.
“If you don’t make it as a law person, I say you become a writer.”
Julianus laughed. “Why not both?”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
The last time Julianus Sanlaurento had seen their parents was when they sailed off to an apprenticeship. There had been no grand goodbyes, no heartfelt words. They had all fought around a week before, and J.C. was not yet forgiven. It was, perhaps, one of the biggest fights they had had with them, and the memory of it, along with the cold shoulder they were given would cling to them for some more time.
Nothing was worse than the hypocrisy, though. Or the pity. Too much to everyone around them, a brilliant child when they weren’t in the room.
Before they left, their father had pulled them aside to tell them they were brilliant, and that they were proud. Jules had wanted to say thank you, and just thank you, from the bottom of his heart, but they couldn’t, not after last week. Instead, they said:
“You always say that, until I’m brilliant in a way which neither of you like even if you still let me do it. You’ll hate this, but I don’t exist comfortably anywhere, and perhaps, I’ll never exist comfortably here.”
“That’s not our fault, Cleo.”
“It’s not about whose fault is it— it’s— you know what, Dad? Nevermind.”
Their only comfort was Maricus, whom they clung to at night when they were alone in their quarters, with only their things, their cat and an acceptance letter as they realised they were completely, and utterly alone. They were alone, that was true, but at least, they were themself and they had had enough.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Not wanting to try the Captain further after she dismissed them, Julianus retreated to the crew’s quarters. They sat against the wall nearest to their bed — if one could call a hammock a bed — picked up their notebook and began writing. They wanted to be left alone, so they buried their nose in their writing.
They didn’t expect seeing Saoirse when they looked up, leaning against a column as they watched them write. 
“Raleigh again?”
“No, I’m leaving the fictional man rest for a minute or two.”
“Meredith told me you were staying.” At this, Jules stopped writing. “Said you were on permanent crew member probation until you defended your case and your position in Ethari. Then, if she didn’t change her mind, she’ll make you try as a permanent member of the crew, if you also haven’t changed your mind about it.”
Saoirse snorted. “If I was told I’d meet a human like you a year ago, I would’ve thought the person telling me such was drunk.”
Julianus raised an eyebrow at them, wanting to ask what that was supposed to mean, but Saoirse’s eyes were full of tenderness when they met them.
“Meredith also told me you asked. Did you because of me?”
“No,” Jules said as they closed their notebook, standing up to stretch their legs. “I don’t want to part from you, that’s true, I care… a lot about you, and I hope you care about me just the same. I don’t want to stop seeing you everyday, and I don’t want to stop kissing you everyday, and I don’t want to stop learning from and about you. I haven’t mastered the language yet, and there’s more of the Code to study, there’s so many things I haven’t done yet, but it’s not about you, it’s about me.”
Saoirse watched them as silence fell between them, Julianus’ dark eyes looking everywhere but at them. When they did look back at Saoirse's ice-blue ones, their eyes were clouded with tears. “This isn’t quite it, either, but do you know what’s like feeling you’re unwanted everywhere? Because who you are has a big red ‘wrong’ sign attached to it?
“I just don’t want to go. I see, I can see a future here, and I think I’ve been in enough places where I have been unwanted, or wanted wrong, for me to deserve to have a shot at the future I say I want to have. Not the future I was supposed to have by whomever thinks knows me better than I know me.”
Out of all the reactions Saoirse could’ve had, J.C. wasn’t expecting them to stop leaning on their column, and open their arms for them. 
Their smile was just as tender as their eyes. “I know you enough to know that if I ask if you want a hug, you’ll say no, but in about five seconds you’ll change your mind.”
Jules’ half laughed, half sobbed. Unable to fight Saoirse’s logic they closed the distance between them, wrapping their arms around their waist, as they felt Saoirse’s arms sling under their arms to hold them close and safe between their arms. Like they were protecting them — from what? Neither of them knew; neither of them asked.
Instead, Jules was happy to bury their face against Saoirse’s chest, taking in the smell of them mixed with linen of their shirt. Saoirse’s cheek rested against the top of their head, only moving to plant a kiss there.
“Julie?” Saoirse said. “I know more about cages than you’d think.”
“I never said anything of—”
“You don’t have to say it for me to know. Before I was what I am now, I was in one, so to speak. Trapped, perhaps, is a better word. Cages all look different, but they all feel the same. There are no cages here, you deserve better than that.”
“I know, I know that now.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“Only if you keep calling me ‘Julie’.”
“Were you never told not to make deals with strange Gods?” 
As they spoke, Saoirse brushed their lips against theirs, themselves an offering for Julianus to chase. Chase them they did, pressing their lips against Saoirse’s over and over again. 
“You’re not a strange God. Or rather, you’re not a stranger to me… You know? You don’t have to tell me what you were before, but I will say this: whomever decided to trap you, is or was a fucking coward.”
Saoirse laughed, the sound ringing around the room on its own accord. Soon enough, Jules found themself laughing too.
No, of course they didn’t want to go. 
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straighttohellbuddy · 4 years
Your tags on the Chuck Tingle post. I suddenly need a snippet for serotonin levels if you have time to spare. -🐈‍⬛
i wrote like 500k of y/n being in an unus annus video for HTLGI before realising that the timeline of the fic meant it would be the wrong month, so i had to scrap the whole idea so here instead im giving it to you for FREE
so here, a deleted and unedited snippet of How The Light Gets In of Y/N filming when they’re featuring in the Unus Annus video Finding the Most Cursed Image on the Internet
(also.... don’t worry about what Orb Tsar means)
“Now welcome, everyone,” Mark starts the video, “welcome Ethan, today we’re -”
“Are you not gonna introduce -?” Ethan interrupts almost immediately, and you can’t hold back your own laughter.
“I was gonna -! Of course, yes, that’s- I was gonna let you introduce them,” Mark huffed, playing at being annoyed, “now, okay, we’ll start again -”
“Let’s keep that, though,” Ethan adds as a note as you’re filming, and Mark hums in agreement, before taking a deep breath.
“Now, Ethan, I curse you,” Mark says, tone flat, as Ethan responds with confusion, “I curse you with the worst possible thing a human could curse upon another human -” you try not to laugh at his choice of words, managing to refrain and keep quiet for the intro.
“And what curse is that?” Ethan responds with, and Mark tries to keep up the bit, being vague about the curse before the reveal of the first cursed image he’s prepared, of people holding each others’ feet with their feet, toes interlocking, just an image that makes you recoil.
“Now I- Mark, I appreciate- no actually I hate that image, really just awful, very cursed,” Ethan agrees, tone mostly deadpan, “but I thought, we’re just two humans, just two normal dudes, and you said yourself that this is the worst possible thing a human could curse upon another human, so I thought I’d bring in some back up, someone a little less human, but also someone who I think is, uh, well versed in this field.”
“Ethan, you’re killing me,” you squeeze your eyes shut, rubbing the bridge of your nose, not quite sure whether what he was saying was a compliment or not, while the two of them cheered, shouting your name as an introduction, before you clarify, “I can’t curse people, for the record.”
“That’s okay, that’s not what today’s video is about,” Mark assured, though Ethan cut in.
“Although...” he trailed off, thoughtful, “what if we got cursed for a day? What if we went to see a witch or a warlock and got cursed for the day? Video idea?”
“Actually yeah, gimme a sec I’ll write it down,” Mark agreed, typing away quickly, and you were quiet, just glad to be there, smiling at your camera, hoping this wouldn’t be too much of a hassle for them to edit later.
“Okay, so one of the things I really like about you, Y/N,” Ethan starts off again once Mark is done, in a way that seems innocent, but that can only mean he’s about to roast you, “is that you seem to be able to radiate cursed energy at will.”
“That is and incredibly bold statement coming from you, Ethan,” you point out, and Mark snorts a laugh.
“I’m sorry, Orb Tsar,” Ethan exclaims pointedly, “do you not have an on-off switch for your cursed-ness?” He asks, and you can’t help but laugh, heeding his point.
“I feel like you’re somehow both the most cursed and blessed person I know,” Mark adds.
“When the cursed energy switches off, the blessed energy switches on,” Ethan offers, immediately following it with, “but today we need that cursed energy, dude, all the way,” and he pulls up a photo of you from 2014, from when you did the Panoramic Photo Tag, which was so unexpected that you smack your forehead on your microphone as you double over with laughter.
“I forgot about that!” Mark’s practically wheezing.
“Why do you look like a spider?!” Ethan crowed.
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hippychick006 · 4 years
Paleyfest 2006: Supernatural Panel
So many memories and a lot of things I’d forgotten but definitely worth a revisit to remember falling in love with this show and these guys, particularly with Drabbernatural and all the negativity recently.
I mentioned on another post, but want it stated here for completeness, that Supernatural Paleyfest 2006 is the panel that made me sit up and take notice of J2 as an entity, rather than just Jared and Jensen. Their natural chemistry in this panel just jumped out and you can see they were already becoming a bubble in how they interacted with each other. This is the panel that reeled me in, dammit!
In summary, this panel gave us the following J2 gold moments;
Jensen strip teasing for Jared (we think)
Boys acting like brothers
Protective Jensen
J2 dodging questions and trying to pass it to the other
J2 not listening to the actual question and having to ask again
J2 teasing each other and playing off each other so naturally
Flirty boys and gutter minds
Jared v microphones – microphones: 1, Jared: 0
Use of Jared and I…
Mirroring body language
Jared trying to get a kiss in public (it will become a running theme and if Jensen’s podcast with Michael Rosenbaum is correct then he’s getting his 15 year reward for being patient) Please don’t @ me, I’m aware Jensen is joking!
Shy, embarrassed, adorkable clapping and laughing Jared
J2 finishing each others’ sentences
J2 in sync
Placing under a cut as longish post
Note: Part 1 was posted recently. There are 3 edits so far between that post and this one: 7:15 and 17:45, 27:55, they are all clearly marked, otherwise the text is the same as before. Part 2 has been added since the initial post.
Timings are based on the video link and start at the answer point rather than the question:
Part 1: Questions from the host
Supernatural was named in the Top 5 of new series by Entertainment Weekly
Aww. Kim Manners ☹ Miss his influence so much on the later seasons
2:20:  Jensen followed by Jared are announced to the panel. Jared arrives and doesn’t quite know where he’s supposed to go. Oh Jared.
Robert Singer looks so young! Working with J2 for so long has definitely aged him. 😊
3:35: Erik says as far as he’s aware, this panel is the first gathering of Supernatural fans
3:40: Erik tells the story of them filming in Stanley Park the night before the panel and they get a call about a man near their filming with a handgun, set gets shut down, J2 held away, police etc. called in and 2 hours later they find out it’s one of their own guys from Special Effects team.
They showed Scarecrow episode at the panel – great choice!
7:15: Jensen is reintroduced to the panel. The host can barely get through Jensen’s previous roles because of the fans. Jensen says something at 8.10 “Over to you, Jared.” I think, not 100% sure, but he definitely shouts something to Jared (who has still to be introduced).  [Edit, thanks to @wordsfallapart we think this might be “This is for you, Jared” which Jensen says as he’s taking off his jacket].
8:11: Jared is reintroduced to the panel. The host is still having the same trouble getting through Jared’s roles as he did with Jensens. A guy shouts, “I love you.” Same random audience member, same.
8:55: J2 slap hands as Jared sits down beside Jensen at the panel.
13:40: Erik’s been talking about the concept of the show and the care the brothers have for each other. Cut to Jared who is currently pouring Jensen some water.  Aww
15:00: They auditioned “everyone in town” so J2 did really, really well getting these roles.  They flew Jensen down from Vancouver and Jared’s complaining he had to drive. They thought they had found their Sam in Jensen.
15:45: Jensen and Jared trying to dodge the question by passing it to each other, Jared: What’s the exact question?
Immediately following this Jared’s talking about getting the role from his perspective and his little baby!Jared Texan accent is just…
17:05: Jared, talking about his mom being an English teacher who teaches mythology and legends:  “…the taught teachings of Joseph Campbell”  Jensen: “Didn’t rub off that she was an English teacher” Oh boys! Stop bullying Jared, he worked till 4.30am before flying down to the panel!
17:45: Jared’s still talking, Jensen starts snoring. I can’t… Jared shakes him to wake him up.[Edit: thanks to @annianvi Jared wakes him up by saying: Dean!”]
18:20: Jared and Kripke are trying to clarify something (who was in the room when Jared auditioned) but Singer is in the way and they keep going front and back trying to make eye contact
19:24: we get to what Jensen’s experience of the audition process was. Jensen: Pretty much the same. Jared (immediately): zzzzzzz (resting his head on Jensen’s shoulder).  Jensen goes on to talk about liaising with Nutter who wanted to bring him in and reading the script (for Sam). Jensen reading the script: “What about Dean? I like Dean.  He’s funny” He studied for Sam (and Dean a little bit just in case) and went into the audition, said he felt good about it and got a call later from Erik: “There’s this guy, Jared Pada, Pada Something… that they’re really liking for one of the brothers” So Jensen looks him up on line and he’s like…
Jared: He thought I was hot. Jensen: This guy’s smoking hot, I can’t play his brother! Jared throws his head back and does that clapping thing he does.  
21:10: host is asking by the time they performed together, they actually had the parts? Jensen: No, we didn’t have it officially. Jared (a bit surprised): Didn’t we? (looks at Erik). Erik says they were the only actors they brought into the Network audition (as you have to have the formality of the network signing off).
Jared says auditioning for the network is usually a terrifying process in front of around 5 people with a few others auditioning but when they turned up, it was only the two of them. Jensen: Just you and me pal. And it was the first time they’d met.
22:00: Jensen: “...And we’ve hated each other ever since.” He reaches for his water, Jared: “I poisoned your water so…” Jensen looks at water and drinks anyway
22:15: Kim Manners gets asked how he became involved. Kim: “I read for Sam…” Miss this man so much!
23:00: Erik says he doesn’t know what they would do without Kim up there [Vancouver] Kim: I know what you’d do, you’d get another guy! Panel: There is no other guy. Not true...  Jared: “There is no other guy… named Kim.”  Kim looks like he’s scheduling Jared in for a 4am pick up on his next episode.
23:40: Jared and Jensen talk about Kim and when he directed for the first time – Dead In the Water – they’d asked who he was and all David Nutter told them was they would love Kim, which they did and they contacted everyone from Day 1 saying he was incredible. Jared’s memory during this is pretty amazing in terms of episodes and directors etc.  All the love for Kim and completely deserved!
24:20: Jared gets so expressive he sends his mic flying. Is this the very first Jared v microphones?! I think it might just be. Jared: 0, Microphones: 1
Jensen offers his own mic, then Jared asks Singer for his also then finishes speaking by just holding his own mic, saying they begged and pleaded them to give Kim a job. Jared: because he was hungry… and he kept trying to bite my arm… and I was really worried.”
24:45: They were asked what is so incredible about Kim. Jensen: “Jared and I…” Wait, I need a moment here. Jared and I… sobs.  He says they just responded well to him and his style of directing.
25:15: Bugs is mentioned by Jensen, Kim puts imaginary gun to his mouth. He really hated that episode and pleaded with Kripke not to do it.   Jensen goes on to tell the bees story, 65,000 bees in a room, crew with full gear on. “Okay Jensen and Jared, hop on in…” Jared: “And don’t swat them because it makes them angry!”  Jensen credits Kim saying that if J2 didn’t have bee suits on then he wasn’t going to either.
I should point out that J2 are mirroring throughout this segment in terms of their body language.
26:45: John (Shiban) is talking about how he got involved and what drew him in, and he said 2 things: the premise, he can see 5 years of suffering for these guys. Jensen throws his head back dramatically. The second thing is casting and chemistry and chemistry is something you can’t manufacture and these guys have it… 27:20 Jared and Jensen look at each other hearing this and Jared leans in for a kiss.  Jensen shakes his head and points to the audience.  Jared: worth a try.  Oh boys. Jared will go on to try (and fail) to get a public kiss several times and will eventually give up and admit he doesn’t kiss Jensen... in public.
27:35: Bob [Singer] is asked what about you? Bob: Can I just watch them? (indicating Jensen and Jared). Same Bob tbh
27:55: Bob has to stop talking because J2 are doing something and we can’t see what they are doing but everyone is laughing. Bob throws his hands up and says, “This is what it’s like to direct them!” I think from memory, Jared might be pouring water for Jensen and he keeps pouring and overspills and Jensen stops him.  I might need to check my DVD as I think it’s got a different angle than this youtube video that I’m using or possibly this point comes later in the video. [Edit, it doesn’t come later, so I definitely think this is where Jared overspills Jensen’s water and not sure why it isn’t in this edit]  
Bob’s is a very interesting segment where he talks about how he and Kripke complement one another and I think this helps understand why Drabbernatural has gone off the rails as Singer (character focused) needs someone like Kripke (plot focused) to balance him out (and vice versa tbh) whereas Drabb is too much like Singer and can’t keep a handle on the plot. Anyway, interesting to watch from perspective of 14 years later and the mess that Drabbernatural is in terms of plot. This segment ends at 31:00 where Bob and Erik hug – after complimenting each other.
33:09: Kripke and John are talking about mythology v MOTW and at this point Erik is saying they have a mythology plan for season 2 and season 3 (if they are picked up). Jared looks confused at Jensen and they both turn to John. Jensen: When do we get to see this?
34:35: Erik Kripke (when asked if he knows where the story ends): He does, but you don’t know if you’re going to get cancelled or go 37 years like Gunsmoke.   Kim: The boys are in Walkers. Jensen (I think, old man voice): Sam!   Oh, how they would be shocked to learn they went for 15 seasons in total
 Part 2 – Questions from the audience
note timings here again generally refer to the start time of the answer, not the question.
36:45: One of the questions was whether there was any significance to John being in Sacramento twice, was it random or spoilery? John (Shiban) answers mysteriously: I don’t want to give it away yet and says nothing else. Jensen: So yes, there is. John: I’m not going to tell you either. Jensen (throws his hands up): I want to know! John promises after. The host then asks if there is any significance to Lawrence, Kansas.  Erik answers that basically yes there is (but not what it is), host asks J2 if they know what it is. J2 (lying in sync): uh, yeah, gosh, of course... 
37:45: When asked what folklore or urban legend scares you, Jensen says he’s been dealing with them all season, someone shouts out “bees!” Jensen says “bees.” Jared tells a story of watching Shadowman as a kid, then realises “it’s probably not scary” and stops talking, gets embarrassed and tries to hide in his jacket. Audience (and me) awwws
39:15: Audience member has asked about the disconnect between Sam being at college for 4 years but only not having seen Dean for 2 years and is there an answer to what happened 2 years ago. J2 aren’t sure, Jensen: Erik? Long story short, “hehe, it was a mistake!”
40:50: Question about whether they have to trade off with the network for scenes that are too scary.  Bob: you get into strange discussions; the network might say “can we not see the decapitated head roll…” Bob: Can we do half a turn?
41:30: still talking about trade off, Jensen: There was also the uh, when… Jared: the gun rig. Jensen: yeah, the gun rig with me… Jared knowing exactly what Jensen was trying to say and finishing his sentence – and this was end of season 1!  I’m going to need another moment!  They go on to talking about Dean getting shot in the head in Nightmare and it was the only scene Standards and Practices wouldn’t allow. They wouldn’t show the entire shot, so we only see the splat on the wall when Dean’s shot and not the entire thing moment to end.  Singer says when he saw the dailies of the full shot, he called Phil (Scriggia) who was directing to ask what the hell he was doing and Phil answered “well if they see that, they’ll give me the rest of the stuff…”  Kim explained it was a game they play with standards and practice where they deliberately shoot extra frames violent, expecting them to come in and say they need to take stuff out and you act all disappointed – 4 frames, really?  But you always knew you didn’t need those frames and you get to keep the stuff you do want.
44:20: Question about whether anything on set – e.g. the scarecrow has creeped them out.  Jared talks about filming Skin when a clock randomly fell off the wall during filming, and they all decided to pretend it didn’t happen, rather than investigate “the way real brave people do it”.   Jensen immediately follows up with Asylum and that it was filmed in a real mental asylum.  The crew had said not to go up to the fourth floor. Jensen… obviously went up to the fourth floor “taking a shortcut”.  He came to a long, dark hallway that had no lights. Jensen (to himself): Well… it’s not that long… I can make it.”
46:20: Question about moving to a new network (WB to CW) and if they were going to get more NC17 stuff like Jensen’s recent episode.  Jensen and Jared look at each other. Jensen: I’m confused.  Audience members shout out: Teh sex episode! J2: oh, oh right. Jensen: How could I forget that. (looks at Erik): Thank you for that. Erik: Sure, Happy birthday Jensen
46:40: still on this, Erik: The CW is huge on full frontal male nudity. Jared laughs, claps and reaches for some water, then proceeds to choke on it. Jensen immediately slaps his back, making a gesture for a medic. This panel really does have it all!
48:40: Question about whether the show will explore the boys’ past. Erik says they’ve got an episode coming up where they do just that. Jared: Another positive is that if little Sam and little Dean are filming, big Sam and big Dean are sleeping.  Everyone: So keep pushing. Jensen: Flashbacks.  I’m so glad the boys finally got some more time off in later seasons!
49:15: Question about whether Dean’s necklace means anything. Jensen looks at Erik/Singer: Are you going to hang me out to dry on this one? Singer: Oh yeah. Jared laughs. They basically say it does, but they can’t talk about it.  John Shiban: It’s from Sacramento (referring to earlier question where he was being mysterious).  Jensen loses it.
50:15: Question about if working with green screen has got easier to do and also when the DVD comes out, is it going to have a lot of behind the scenes jokes because “this is funny”.  Uh, yeah it is lady and yes they will. Jensen answers that they’ve just had a film crew on set the last week doing behind the scenes stuff and that will be on the DVD. He then goes on to answer the green screen “we do do..” then stops, looks at Jared, “I said do do!” There follows a brief intermission for juvenile humour. Jensen (tries to regroup): We do… work a lot with… Kim (I think): doo doo.  Jensen and Jared are laughing. Jensen: Jared, you can take this one.  Jared: As Kim and Jensen were saying we do do… They do eventually get around to answering and also talk about not just green screen but when they’ve got to pretend on a normal set and special effects will add things in later.
53:45: Question about whether Jensen has trouble to do this type of show being a Christian and whether fans had called the number Dean gave out on screen. Fan gets very excited during her question.  Jared: If you want to actually call him its 800-Wet legs. I can’t... Jensen leans over to whisper in Jared’s ear. Jared: oh, you changed it?  They’re lost and have forgotten the question.  Jensen answers the Christian question very honestly, saying his family is very religious and does his grandmother cringe sometimes, yes, but he’s happy.  Kripke answers the phone question saying it was real and he listened to around 20-30 of the thousands received.  “Sam, Dean, you need to come quick, there’s a ghost in my attic!”
55:45: Question about what car they drive. Jensen (proudly): it’s a 67 chevy impala.  Audience shouts metallicar. And Jared repeats it to Jensen, so I think this is the first use of metallicar.  Someone on the panel says, “they’re going to sell well.” Jensen says they have about 5 of them. Jared: That’s why you can’t get them on e-bay. Jensen: We have them all.
When they ask for the next question, lots of people put their hand up and the boys are surprised at the number still wanting to ask questions.
56:15: Fan says, let’s talk about the music. Audience cheer, Jensen says “Yes”, Jared claps in agreement.  Fan asks for the inspiration for using 70s mullet rock. Kripke answers that he is a huge fan of that music and he was adamant it had that and not the usual music on the network that he wrote into the pilot script: Cue Music. And you can take your anemic alternative pop and shove it up your ass!   He goes on to say he wrote the scene where Sam’s going through the tapes in the pilot specifically so the network would have no choice but to use that music because it was already shot and part of the pilot.
58:50: Question from aspiring actor wondering how hard it was for J2 to get started. Jensen (to Jared): Go ahead.
Jared talks about winning Teen choice awards and giving trophies to winners like Freddie Prince Jr for “best hottie of the world”. Jensen: it’s been pretty much downhill from there.”  Jared talks about picking up his agent (Dan) and then going back to finish school, because his parents (and he says daddy which I love about him) said “He’s finishing high school!” He then went out for pilot season, picked up a pilot and used the money from that to go back out during the summer (after school ended and before college).  He’s very humble and hasn’t changed in that respect saying he has buddies that are much more talented and more committed than him that are still struggling to make it, it’s a tough industry but keep working hard.  
Jensen talks about being in theatre in Dallas, talent agent from LA was in the audience, he came up to Jensen afterwards and gave his pitch, Jensen told him to “bugger off” and the agent went to his parents who listened more than he did.  It still took him a few years to take up the offer (so he must have been a lot younger) and decided to go to LA and give it a couple of months. He started working straight away.
1:01:12: Question about what alcohol they like to drink (?!) Jared: What alcohol do you got?  Questioner clarifies: Are you hard guys, light guys. Jared laughs and claps: My mom would kill me.  Jared does go on to say the beer bottles in the show always have fake labels… [Something makes a noise in the ceiling, Jared gets distracted and looks up: God? then continues answering] …the labels usually have something do with the town/state they are supposed to be in, so if Texas, it will be Lonestar Lager.  Boys are mirroring again at this point.
Jared (looks at Jensen): You know we’re Texas boys. I think… Jensen: You know, we’d probably drink what you imagine a couple of Texas boys would drink Jared: Put in a cup Jensen (does that smirk thing he does): That’s right Jared gets embarrassed so no idea what any of this means but I’m putting it under flirty boys
1:02:38: Host asks their favourite scene they’ve written, directed or acted in since the show started and why
Kim: Shadow, where the boys first saw their father. He talks about the scenes and particularly the one where Dean asks Sam why does he think Dean came to get him from Stanford, because Dean wants them to be a family again. 1:03:00 Jensen pretends to wipe his eyes and audience awws. This prompts Kim to say that Jensen had a tough time with that and he and Kim had to arm wrestle over it - and Kim isn’t missed more than listening to him here, talking about Dean letting down his barriers for a fraction of a second. He got Dean and Sam and he got this show and the first few seasons are so good because they had his hands all over it. Kim says their [J2s] game of tennis improves 2000% when up against JDM and Nikki and I would agree, the casting decisions in the early seasons were phenomenal, later seasons, not so much though we still have amazing finds in Rowena and the witch twins. J2 nod pretty much throughout Kim’s answer.
1:03:55: Jared comments after Kim’s answer and says not just to say this but having a great director to tell you exactly what to do doesn’t make it hard. Jensen and I would tell you a thousand times every day that, you know, Kim got it out of us.
1:04:10: Host asks Jensen if he didn’t want to do that scene because you thought Dean wouldn’t say that? Jensen gives a really thoughtful answer. He talks about him being a little protective of Dean and him showing emotions. And he wasn’t sure how much of the layers to peel away in that scene so was putting up his own barriers and if there was anyone to get him through it, it was Kim and he’s glad he was there.
1:05:00: back to the original question about favourite scene and this time it’s John who answers with Skin. Again, he has some interesting things to say and in particular, they talk about how they want to do this monster (skinwalker), but how will Supernatural do it, how do we make it special for our show.  He talks about the scene of Dean in the sewer. He says his friends sent him some online posts of a fan’s reaction to that scene. “Oh my god, Dean’s taking his shirt off!” followed immediately by “Oh my god, he’s taking his skin off!!”  Jensen laughs, not sure he’s heard that before.
1:06:10: Jensen talks about filming the scene in Dead in the Water where he saves the little boy and the slow motion etc. was all really neat but the build up to that, shooting it was really (shakes head). He talks about trying to keep both him and the boy afloat with one arm while 2 divers were under water holding onto his feet ready to pull him down. He said that was overwhelming. Reading between the lines and from memory of other interviews I think he was concerned that the boy’s life was in his hands.
1:07:30: Jared talks about Wendigo and he had so many questions because of the time difference between filming the pilot and filming Wendigo about where they pick up and where they’re going and how they continue the momentum. He talks about being on the stage with Jensen and it’s the dad’s journal scene.  Dean’s got dad’s journal saying what it’s all about and Sam wants to find dad and that they had 9 pages of dialogue to do so they went to practice and Jared had an acting coach who pushed and prodded Jared a little bit “and I don’t know what he did to Jensen but uh…” [Jensen’s face! Rumour iirc is he did not like the acting coach and I know he didn’t last long on set].
Jensen: I don’t want to talk about it Jared: It was noisy Jensen: Never again Jared: That’s between y’all and the wall
They got the scene and it was the first time Jared thought he was doing what Kripke wanted.
Kripke adds he remembers seeing the dailies on that scene and they were just through the roof. It was incredible Such a supportive cast and crew with each other!
1:09:15: Bob, the scene at the end of Faith. The scene between Jensen and Julie Benz where Dean says, “I’m not much for praying, but I’ll pray for you.” And Julie’s character responds, “Well that’s a miracle right there.” Bob thought it was incredibly well acted by both.
1:10:20: Kripke, agrees with all of them, but will add the scene when Dean first calls his father in Home and tells him to come to Lawrence and the way Jensen was able to try to put up walls and the walls kept coming down but… remember this is Kripke… “when the dude stuck his hand in the disposal… [everyone laughs]  Kripke getting more excited: “and then the monkey starts clapping and we had that shot beneath the sink and you could actually see all the goo come out. They saw the shot in dailies and thought they would never let them use it. It’s probably the scene in the show where people watch behind their hands and that’s part of the fun of getting the reaction out of the audience.  Again, completely agree with Kripke here, the show first and foremost was about horror and it’s sadly forgotten that somewhere along the way. So Kripke’s answer at this point in time for favourite scene is “garbage disposal scene in home”
The panel ends with Kripke asking for a round of applause for the crew who are in the audience for an unbelievable season.  The host thanks the panel for being there and for the good work they are doing.
So a great panel, and answers some of the questions, for me at least, why the show hasn’t managed to retain some of the core magic that made the earlier seasons so special. 
Kripke as the creator was very clear in his vision - sometimes manic in the delivery of it - but he had people like Singer and Gamble to balance him out and bring him back down. 
The show knew why they were successful and focused on that (chemistry between J2) and they first and foremost were focussed on telling a scary story every week while weaving in the mytharc without being too heavy on mytharc, and I believe Kim helped enormously in keeping them grounded in the horror aspect with his previous work on x-files so again, he is severely missed in later episodes.  
All things which have either been lost or severely watered down the futher removed from Kripke at the helm the show has gotten.  
All jmho.  
Next up in terms of classic panels will be Chicon 2007 - which I think was the first fan convention iirc - and I’ll cover the J2 panels and the individual panels from that, but not any other actor.
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taehyung-rambles · 3 years
Best BTS Vocal Takes: Early 2021 Edition (Up to Butter)
This post is gonna look like a full ass mess, I’m gonna tell you right now.
So, I’m kind of obsessed with BTS’s vocals; I don’t know if that’s, like, an unpopular opinion or anything, but I’m here to talk about it. What I’m looking at here are BTS’s vocal takes. In this context, a vocal take is a section of a song that a member or members sing, and the ones I’m listing are the best of the best (not iconic, mind you; iconic doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best vocal take ever. This also isn’t about how good the melody for song is; it’s about the vocal quality). This is all in my opinion, of course, so I’m just picking what stands out to me. A few things to bear in mind: 
This is based off of my personal BTS playlist, so not all of BTS’s songs are considered because I don’t listen to every single BTS song.
The links that are on the timestamps mark the beginning of the vocal take; you’ll have to note the ending time yourself and pay attention when listening to the song because Tumblr doesn’t let us embed audio into a text post. Sometimes the timestamp will start in the middle of a member’s verse and only include a small part. Don’t worry about it. I mean what I say, and the tiny parts are the parts that I want to look at sometimes. Also, the videos linked are all lyric videos, so the timestamps come from those videos specifically. Some of the videos don’t assign the lyric to the correct member (like saying Jin sung Jungkook’s part or whatever), but I’ve corrected for it in my post.
Not every song has an extraordinary vocal take. Also, some songs will list the first of many times the member sings a specific melody because all the vocal takes are the same; in that case, I’m talking about every time the member sings that part. However, sometimes the vocal takes are different despite it being the same member and the same line; in that case, I will clarify that I mean “Taehyung’s second chorus” or whatever.
I think all the members sound 110% amazing at all times, but this post is to find the times where they sound so good that it could be considered some of their best vocals ever.
This doesn’t include the live interpretations of the songs as BTS sometimes rearrange their songs for live versions. It also doesn’t include self-released songs (sorry, Sweet Night; I wish I could include you, too); it’s just including BTS songs, though that does include solo songs released under BTS.
As this is based solely on studio recordings, I still consider vocal takes that are highly edited and processed if they sound amazing. It may not be how they sound live because they don’t use the effect on their vocals live, but the way the vocal take turned out in the studio still makes it one of their best vocal takes ever.
On some of these songs, I went in. Some songs have so many vocal take examples that I should’ve just said “the whole song,” so be prepared.
Some songs are gonna have statements like “this member did the best with this melody,” and that doesn’t mean I dislike other members who sing the same part; I just think that specific member stood out to me more. I promise that, for every song I say Jimin sang the melody the best, there’s another song where I say Jin sang the melody the best.
My bias 100% does get in the way. Taehyung’s vocals always stand out to me the most, so naturally, I find more exceptional vocal takes with his solos.
That being said, all the members mean a lot to me, and they all have representation on this list because they all kill it. And, again, even though this post is for the best of the best, BTS is already the best there is.
Share your opinions with me in the replies. All of us listen to different combinations of BTS songs, and all of us like different parts of the same songs. Maybe some of your biases will get in the way of your opinions, but that’s the fun of loving BTS. Anyway, this post will look like a hot mess and be long as shit because BTS has a fat ass discography, so we’re just going to have to do our best. If you don’t want to look through this whole thing, I suggest you just skim for a specific song or member. (P.S. I’m not trying to say a whole bunch of shit about every vocal take because that’d leave me dead before we hit the Dope era, so hopefully, this’ll be shorter than you think).
Attack on Bangtan
Namjoon & Yoongi [0:08-0:15] - No shade to Hobi here, but the way Namjoon and Yoongi do the “jingyeokhae bang.tan.sonyeondancheoreom” is fire. Namjoon is all calm, and then Yoongi comes in with a really whiny, brassy version of that line, and it’s awesome.
Jimin [0:14-0:18] - Jimin doesn’t sound like Jimin in this section of Paldogangsan, but he does sound super cool. He’s got an almost speech-like tone to his voice, and it sounds really good against Namjoon’s vocal.
Hobi [1:31-1:41] - Hobi doesn’t do this often, where he intentionally highlights the over-animation, nasality, and grit in his voice, but it stood out so much in this song.
Boy in Luv
Taehyung [0:13-0:24] - He just kills this hook, doesn’t he? The growl, the grit. Iconic.
Jungkook [0:25-0:35] - I’m gonna say it: this is Jungkook’s best rap verse ever. No offense to his earlier and later work, but this slaps.
Namjoon [0:41-0:47] [2:14-2:16] - In Namjoon’s first vocal take, it’s the vocal breaks, for me--like, the little hitches in his pitch at the end of his phrases. For the second, it’s the animation. He’s so colorful in that second vocal take, and it’s some of the best stuff he’s done.
Yoongi [1:57-2:08] - Look, Yoongi’s whole verse slaps, but this last half is such a vibe. And that “ow!” at the end is ecstasy.
Taehyung [1:06-1:17] [1:22-1:27] - I know it’s not much, but doesn’t his voice, like, make this song? It does include the effect on his vocal, but it blends so well with the natural depth of his voice, and it sounds badass.
Taehyung [0:59-1:16] - I mean, how could I not include “nuga naruel magado”? This is one case where iconic does equal awesome because Taehyung’s delivery of this line is such that no one could do it better.
Jungkook [1:24-1:28] - It’s literally one line, I understand, but do you hear that static he puts onto his voice when he sings the “uh”? Beacuse it’s dangerous.
Jimin [1:28-1:36] - I’m putting it down that this is one of Jimin’s best vocal takes, even to this day, periodt. His voice is deep, but he slides up into a yippy sound, and it’s 100%.
War of Hormone
Namjoon [0:20-0:40] - Can I say this is one of BTS’s best rap verses, let alone one of Namjoon’s? Did I just say that? Well, there it is.
Taehyung [1:34-1:39] - I don’t know why this one part of War of Hormone reads better than the rest of Taehyung’s parts (even though he slays in this song regardless), but I think it’s that the melody moves upward one the “choego” part, and Taehyung still growls when he does that, so it sounds really good.
Hold Me Tight
Taehyung [1:15-1:29] - You can say what you want about Taehyung’s vocal agility back then and now, but the fact of the matter is, he nailed the vocal run in this vocal take, and it sounds fire.
Jimin [3:45-3:59] - Ah, Park Jimin. Every time he comes in on a song like this with his brassy falsetto, I die. His high note in this is absolutely stunning, but so is are his vocals leading up to it.
Jungkook [0:19-0:22] [1:36-1:38] - The first vocal take is... I don’t know; the way Jungkook delivers it is perfect. Speaking of perfect, why is specific way Jungkook sings “jjeoreo” so satisfying? Do you know?
Hobi [0:53-0:56] - This is a sound that Hobi is really brilliant at producing, and that’s what he did here. What a king.
Boyz With Fun
Yoongi [0:47-0:51] - He just sounds cute, okay? No, but this is the exact type of animation in Yoongi’s voice that always works. It’s a style he found that always produces gold, and it’s awesome in Boyz With Fun.
Taehyung [1:57-2:05] - I’m telling you, there’s something about Taehyung going up in pitch while he’s growling that makes his vocal takes slap. Also, the amount of growl in his voice for this song is extra special, you know?
Hobi [1:40-1:47] - This verse is so vibey. I don’t really like RUN that much, but Hobi sounds so good because he’s got that groovy vocal tone, you know? On top of the melody, I think this is one of Hobi’s catchier verses.
Jimin [3:04-3:07] - So, this is during Jungkook’s line, but Jimin harmonizing in the back is so pretty. It’s the exact type of piercing vocal that stands out in a good way, and Jimin does really well in that wheelhouse.
Taehyung [0:14-0:25] [2:34-2:47] - So, the first take here is absolutely gorgeous because Taehyung’s vocals sound really delicate, but the second take is listed because he uses his full voice. The second take is the second time he sings in the chorus, and I like it a lot better than the first because it’s more of a belt and less breathy; that specific take is beautiful to listen to.
Jungkook [0:51-0:57] - I’m not gonna lie; sometimes Jungkook’s voice is a bit too clean. Sometimes there’s not a whole lot of texture going on. However, in this vocal take, he’s adding breath, he’s adding vocal cries, he’s adding vocal cracks; it’s perfect for the song, and it sounds absolutely amazing.
Jin [2:09-2:20] - Jungkook made fun of both Jin and Taehyung in this song--which is a funny meme--but I thought both of them fit the concept of Butterfly to a T, and this specific vocal take is an example of that. Jin sounds like he’s out of breath, which would usually be bad, but it works in Butterfly, and it’s become one of the best moments in the song.
Whalien 52
Jungkook [1:06-1:15] - This is one of those songs where a really clean vocal is as close to perfect as it can get, and Jungkook’s tone sounds stunning here.
Ma City
Namjoon [0:15-0:28] - Namjoon had this melody again in Ma City, but the way he delivers it in the beginning is so fire because it’s overly animated and subdued at the same time. I don’t know if that makes sense, but Namjoon sounds super cool in this vocal take.
Jin & Jimin [1:11-1:18] - Jin just sounds good here, right? He doesn’t have vocal takes like this often because he usually gets softer parts of songs, and it’s not like this is a gritty vocal take, it’s just that Jin had a bit more bass to his voice here, you know? I stuck him and Jimin together because Jimin sings literally right after Jin, and splitting them up would’ve been dumb. Jimin singing “Ma cityro wa” is one of the vibiest things I’ve ever heard. That is all.
Namjoon [0:10-0:22] - But Namjoon sounds so cool saying “baepsae”? It’s, like, a little whispery? And he really hammers that “e” vowel? It all sounds awesome?
Taehyung [0:56-1:07] - I didn’t think I was gonna put this down--which, this serves to mark both times Taehyung sings this part--but Taehyung intentionally puts a bit of a cry into his voice to make his vocal crack, and it really works well with the beat of this song.
Jungkook [1:29-1:33] [2:41-2:52] - So, the first one is a nice, little vocal run from Jungkook, but it’s one of the most satisfying ones I’ve heard him do. The second one is a short rap verse, and it’s on of my favorite Jungkook vocal takes ever. It’s such a fun verse, and he really pushes his vocal to add as much character as possible.
Jimin [3:24-3:27] - Jimin on a high harmony like this is always awesome, but this one is particulary satisfying, to me.
Yoongi [0:08-0:09] [0:36-0:47] - I know we all know that Yoongi’s opening line is one of most iconic things he’s ever done, but I had to list it. Now, his rap verse--and I mean this honestly--is one of my favorite BTS rap verses to this day. The sheer animation in his voice. Yoongi killed this song in more ways than one, y’all.
Hobi [0:27-0:36] - Hobi’s verse is iconic for all the same reasons Yoongi’s is. Animated vocals, amazing vocal texture, brilliant delivery; it’s all aces.
Jimin [0:56-1:05] - “Errbody say la la la la la” is catchy and all, but can we acknowledge that Jimin’s voice is actually what makes it sound so good?
Taehyung [1:13-1:17] - This is, like, the eyecatch of the whole song. Other than Yoongi’s opening line, Taehyung’s line made this song what it is. And nobody can deliver this line like Taehyung can. It’s definitely one of his most memorable vocal takes.
Namjoon & Hobi [1:35-1:44] - Namjoon’s verse is good, but it’s this specific part where he and Hobi trade off that it becomes an incredible vocal take for both of them because their vocal characteristics match up so well.
Jin [2:24-2:33] - I had to get Jin in here somewhere because he got to use a deeper part of his voice while still going up to that beautiful falsetto note, and it’s, no pun intended, fire.
EPILOGUE: Young Forever
Hobi [1:10-1:18] - Hobi’s verse in this song is great, but this ending bit is the shit that hits you really hard. The way he delivers it, and the fact that the music stops, makes it the best part of this song. Period.
Jin [1:24-1:33] [4:08-4:19] - Don’t ask me why Jin always slays Japanese songs. I don’t know, either, but his soft vocal in Good Day is perfect for the atmosphere that song is trying to produce, and because of that, it’s gotta be one of Jin’s best vocal takes.
Namjoon [2:34-2:45] - Give Namjoon more parts like this 2k21 because, I swear, y’all, when Namjoon sings, it’s always gonna be one of his best vocal takes.
Taehyung & Jungkook [3:13-3:16] [3:23-3:26] - In the first vocal take, the way their vocals blend on “’til the end of life” with the extra swell of the backing vocal? Please. I can’t tell if it’s more than just Taehyung and Jungkook, but it sounds amazing. The second vocal take is Jungkook’s high note, but Taehyung underneath him on the harmony makes it sound so warm? BigHit, where the fuck is my Taekook subunit?
Blood Sweat & Tears
Jimin [0:04-0:14] - This is meant to reference all the times Jimin sings this melody, but doesn’t his vocal type just fit this song? He sounds amazing because he got to be the vocal center of this song.
Namjoon & Jungkook [0:45-0:56] - This would qualify as one of Namjoon’s best vocal takes, even without Jungkook, but Jungkook comes in and completes it really well with his smooth vocal, so it becomes epic for both of them.
Taehyung [1:06-1:16] - Alright, I love how Taehyung sounds in this song regardless because his vocal sounds so fragile, and it’s gorgeous. However, this timestamp is for this chorus only and not his second because, when he comes down from the vocal run, he adds static on his voice, and it’s sexy, y’all.
Hobi [1:27-1:47] - We weren’t getting out of this without mentioning “wonhae manhi manhi.” No, but, it’s not because it’s iconic; it’s because Hobi sounds so damn good with the way he delivered this line.
Taehyung [2:35-3:18] - This is our first solo song, and I’m not gonna waste time because I honestly think this entire song is some of Taehyung’s best work vocally. However, if I’m picking out a moment, it’s everything from the bridge onwards because his control of his falsetto register is beautiful, and the brassy sound he chose for the jazzy tone of this song was genius. Genuinely, this is one of the best songs on any BTS album.
Jin [2:48-3:13] [3:24-3:29] - I’m being picky here, too, so I don’t have to say “the whole song.” The first vocal take of him singing the bridge is so pretty, and the second is his high note because holy shit, the vocal tone he had on that note was stunning.
Spring Day
Namjoon [0:17-0:35] - Look, I say “fuck yeah, give Hobi more parts in Spring Day besides just singing in the background,” but it is such a shame that Namjoon doesn’t sing this part live. This is, without a doubt, in the list for Namjoon’s top three vocal tracks. He sounds phenomenal. Oh my goodness; he sounds like an absolute angel.
Jimin [0:53-1:01] - Ah! Jimin is absolute master of knowing when to add vocal cracks, and he nails it in Spring Day. Like, Namjoon’s part gets me primed to cry, and Jimin’s part is where I lose it.
Jin [2:23-2:31] [4:12-4:30] - I don’t know if you guys get what I mean, but Jin has a specific tone when he sings, so he sounds very Jin. It worked so well in these vocal takes because it was pure emotion. Jin outdid himself in Spring Day vocally.
Taehyung [2:58-3:27] - Y’all can fight me in the replies all you want, but Taehyung could be the main vocalist of BTS in songs like this. The fact that his voice is still deep on this vocal take while also being delicate, but also full, is amazing. The texture on his voice in this take is beautiful. I picked the second chorus he sang because he was more belty on it than in the first, but this whole song is a win for Taehyung. This also includes his part in the bridge, which is one of the best vocal takes in BTS by far. Vocalists and the rap line included. I mean, the vocal crack alone.
Jungkook & Jimin [3:32-3:36] - This is in the top ten best harmonies by BTS. Fight me in the replies. I mean, please; they sound absolutely angelic together.
Taehyung & Jimin [4:07-4:11] - This is, like, a money piece in this song, and Jimin’s vocal is what makes it that way. That being said, having Taehyung underneath him makes it so much better.
Not Today
Yoongi [0:17-0:27] - It’s the fact that Yoongi used his vocal tone so well, you know? I’m gonna stop here because I’ve been talking too much, but Yoongi really said, “Watch me own this song.”
Jungkook [1:07-1:09] - I know this is a tiny part, but doesn’t Jungkook do it so well? Doesn’t he sound amazing?
Namjoon [1:44-1:53] - You know, Namjoon has got a deep voice, and when he uses it on verse with so much onomatopoeia, it really sticks out. It’s almost like ASMR, the way he chose to deliver his verse here.
A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone
Hobi [0:46-0:59] - Hobi sounds so pretty in this vocal take. The way he sings, it’s almost like listening to a solo in a gospel choir. It’s so soothing and emotional. Honestly, it’s probably the best part of this song.
Taehyung [0:16-0:30] [2:49-2:56] - Is this era when the widespread Taehyung bias took hold? Because I think it is. For all we talk about Taehyung’s deep vocal tone, this is one of only a handful of BTS songs where he’s actually singing in a low register since he’s normally singing in a tenor register. He sounds like honey in DNA. I always love Taehyung, but there will always be something special about him coming out in DNA and saying, “I’m a baritone, bitch, ain’t you knew?”
Hobi [0:30-0:37] [3:23-3:26] - Hobi invented the phrase “a vibe” with his verse. He’s doing animation, he’s doing stylization, he’s doing different vocal tones. And the “la la la la la la’s” at the end? Please.
Yoongi [1:32-1:39] - It’s like Yoongi using his husky voice that you hear more in darker songs or with his mixtapes in a high energy pop song is devastating, you know?
Jungkook [1:47-1:50] - Yo, Hobi is one version of vibey, but isn’t the way Jungkook does this one line hella vibey, too? I love it when Jungkook does this with his voice because it’s a type of vocal tone for pop music that he doesn’t do often, and it always sounds amazing when he does.
Best Of Me
Jin [0:17-0:24] - Jin vocal tone sounds really good on this track, and I don’t understand why it’s so different? Like, he sounds like Jin with a bit of Jungkook mixed in. It’s an incredible vocal take because of the way Jin chose to use his voice.
Taehyung [0:25-0:33] - It’s like... this is the exact vocal tone that kills in songs like this. I absolutely love when Taehyung’s voice sounds like it’s about to crack into falsetto because it makes the vocal so emotional.
Yoongi [1:19-1:28] - Y’all remember when Jungkook sang this part because Yoongi was still recovering from his shoulder surgery? I sobbed. Anyway, Yoongi sounds really soothing here. I know he makes fun of his own singing voice, but he’s able to add the same tone into his singing as he does with his rap, and it translates so well. This is one of the few times he’s done it, so I love this vocal take. It’s, hands down, the best part of Best of Me.
Taehyung [0:08-0:13] [0:56-1:01] [2:01-2:05] [3:03-3:05] - Don’t @ me for my Taehyung bias, alright. Listen, this shit came out in 2017, but I could swear 2021 Kim Taehyung is the one singing. His tone sounds gorgeous. He’s got that low adlib at the end, too. He shared a couple lines in this with Jungkook, but I wish we’d been able to hear Taehyung more because it’s one of those genres that Taehyung just nails.
Jimin [0:30-0:34] [0:42-0:49] - This is in a lower key when compared to the rest of BTS’s stuff, right? Listen, Jimin’s lower register doesn’t go all that low, but when he sings lower in his personal range, he sounds so interesting to listen to. That’s why these two vocal takes are some of my favorites from Jimin.
Jin [1:27-1:31] [2:57-3:02] - Jin may be the king of high notes, but he usually sounds pretty thin when he goes up high. In this song, however, he sounded so full, and it was so nice. I love Jin’s tone normally, but woo, Dimple was doing things for him. That adlib at the end was one of the best vocal takes I’ve heard from Jin.
Jungkook [2:21-2:34] - Jungkook always has this nice, full-textured high notes in the studio, which is nice because he’s another one that goes really thin when he sings high notes live. The high note in Dimple is so satisfying to listen to. Beyond that, though, the way he begins this line by almost sighing out of his head voice is so pleasing.
Pied Piper
Namjoon [0:40-0:45] - He just sounds vibey; I don’t know what else to say. To say it’s one of Namjoon’s best vocal takes ever may be a stretch, but the transition between his rap tone and his singing tone is beautiful to me.
Jin [1:00-1:03] [2:44-2:54] - Jin’s got that full tone I love in this song again. These particular takes showcase how nice his vocal tone can be. Especially his breathy head voice.
Taehyung [1:04-1:07] [2:55-3:05] - So, I think the tone of Pied Piper was handcrafted for Taehyung’s voice, for real. The melody and the lyrics are begging for a sensual vocal, and because Taehyung delivered it the way he did, it came out amazingly. Even Taehyung’s head voice has a lot of depth to it on the chorus.
MIC Drop
Hobi [0:28-0:50] - If we’re gonna bring up the best BTS rap verses, this one is front and center. Hobi’s tone on this track is insanely fun to listen to because he really goes for that whiny sound that compliments the lyrics perfectly.
Yoongi [0:50-1:13] [1:44-1:46] - I mean, Yoongi’s got the best parts of MIC Drop, too; hands down, this is one of his best verses. I love when Yoongi chooses a higher-pitched tone--and he goes whiny in this song, too--to drive home sassy lyrics, and it slaps in MIC Drop. And that second take... I mean, why does Yoongi on the “bal bal joshim neone mal mal joshim” line devastate?
Jimin [1:24-1:29] [3:48-3:52] - The first take is kind of also about the effect on Jimin’s vocal, but both the first and second takes are fire for him because he adds character into his voice. It’s just short of adding grit to it, but it works so well.
Jungkook [1:18-1:23] - Okay, the reason the “how you think ‘bout that” part is here and not the “did you see my bag” part is because Jungkook yips more on the “how you think ‘bout that” line, and it’s amazing.
Namjoon [2:09-2:20] - I understand that this is about the effect on Namjoon’s voice, and I don’t care. It turned out so well on top of the slight growl in Namjoon’s vocal, and I stan this as one of his finest moments.
Taehyung [2:26-2:31] [2:43-2:48] [3:23-3:28] - I will die on the hill of Taehyung being the best vocalist in rap-heavy songs. The grit in his voice is the perfect accompaniment to offset the rappers. I really think this song was a win for him all around. Like, legit, Taehyung is sliding up into a yip all throughout this song, and yet his vocal always has bass. How in the hell? That’s the magic of his vocal in this song.
Jin [2:37-2:43] [3:17-3:23] - The second take of the first timestamp just hits different. It’s subtle, but the added umph Jin put in his voice elevated it a lot. Also, Jin’s low voice at the end is perfection.
Go Go
Jimin [0:13-0:25] [1:19-1:23] - Jimin hits different in this song. He has hella animation in Go Go. Like, he sounds like a full ass crow in that second vocal take, and it slaps? Someone explain?
Hobi [0:27-0:34] - Animation is the theme of this song--which is the product of the lyrics--and the way Hobi does it is one of the best examples of him using this tone.
Yoongi [0:52-0:56] - Yoongi sounds like a bird, too, y’all. And it’s still so pleasant to listen to. Please tell me how this is one of Yoongi’s best lines ever.
Taehyung [1:53-2:05] - Deadass, I nearly hated this verse because it’s so over the top, but fam, the animation in Taehyung’s vocal is iconic. Nobody does it like Kim Taehyung, I tell you what. He hits way different on this track. This is my favorite part of Go Go now. He stepped into the rap line in Go Go with this shit, and I want more of it. Let Taehyung sound like a whole ass cartoon character again, please.
Taehyung [4:52-5:04] - I can’t express what it is about this vocal take. I didn’t mean for it to be here, but it’s so emotional. Maybe it’s the key it’s in; maybe it’s because it’s the last line. I don’t know, but Taehyung sounds like a dream. When he goes this low, it’s stunning.
Don’t Leave Me
Jimin [0:56-1:07] [2:22-2:30] - I got mad respect for these two boys right here. I mean, they don’t sing this live, but still. This was a hella hard vocal for them to do, and even if it was just for the studio, both Jimin and Jin pulled it off. That’s enough to make this some of Jimin’s best vocal takes.
Jin [1:15-1:23] [2:02-2:13] - Jin doesn’t flip into head voice on the Eb5 like Jimin does; did you know that? That’s every level of impressive. And his vocal was open, as well, which made it sound awesome. Same thing here: Jin deserves this listing because he killed it.
Crystal Snow
Hobi [0:37-0:42] - Ah, Hobi does so well with these fluffy melodies. The way he basically whispered this line was gorgeous. I would listen to that on repeat every night.
Taehyung [1:00-1:05] [1:31-1:43] [2:47-2:58] [3:31-3:28] [4:16-4:34] - The last timestamp includes his adlib at the end, okay? This is another hill I’m gonna die on. Taehyung is unequivocally the perfect vocal for Crystal Snow. I mean, they closed the chorus with him for a reason. It’s because of the soul he’s got, you know? This song is hard for Taehyung. Going up to Bb4s that often is meant to be nearly impossible for a baritone, but not only does he pull it off, he pulls up so much depth and emotion into those high notes because his voice is naturally deep that his vocal ends up standing out the most. If I had to have a top ten list of songs that I love Taehyung in, this would be near the top.
Yoongi [2:06-2:12] - This is another one of those times where Yoongi is bringing his rap tone to his singing, except he’s also rapping a bit here, too. Either way, he sounds so soft and I adore that sound in Yoongi’s vocal.
Jin [2:16-2:20] [3:43-3:49] - How does Jin sound so delicate in that first vocal take and so epic in the second? Y’all, sometimes Jin’s high notes outdo themselves because they’re so full and open, and Crystal Snow made that happen.
Jimin [4:41-4:50] - I mean, Jimin’s sweet tone would normally be good in a song like this, but Crystal Snow really benefitted from Jimin using a sharp high note right here. Every time I hear this, I get chills.
Let Go
Jungkook [0:01-0:12] - I mean, really; how angelic can a vocal take sound? It’s, like, because Jungkook is using a breathy head voice while dipping his voice down low for just a second, you know?
Jimin [0:12-0:22] - Jimin’s doing the same thing as Jungkook, but it sounds so different with Jimin’s vocal tone. Either way, it’s beautiful. And Jimin’s vibrato at the end of this line is stunning.
Taehyung [1:07-1:18] [3:52-3:57] - I mean, this is the same thing as Taehyung in every other slow-but-kind-of-poppy Japanese song. He’s doing that thing where it feels like he could flip into head voice, but then he’s also got husk every time he drops into a fuller sound, and it’s devastating. He makes me want to cry with how gorgeous he sounds.
Jin [3:41-3:46] - I can’t tell you why this specific falsetto vocal take hits differently. It may be because of Jin’s Japanese pronunciation, but it’s a flawless vocal take.
Intro: Singularity
Taehyung [2:56-2:58] - I’m gonna keep it a buck: I’m a Taehyung stan, and I love his deep vocal, but Singularity doesn’t show off all the colors of Taehyung’s vocal that well. It is an incredible demonstration of Taehyung’s overall vocal tone and how unique it is--which is probably why it’s critically acclaimed--but there isn’t a lot of vocal variation. That being said, the adlib in the background that you’ll hear with this timestamp is one of the most beautiful things I’ve heard anywhere. It’s literally three seconds long, but it sounds like it’s a part of a gospel track--that’s how soulful it is. Kim Taehyung is the king of vibrato, for real. This tiny adlib somehow showed us an array of colors in Taehyung’s voice that we don’t get very often, so I love it.
Taehyung [0:00-0:11] [1:33-1:39] - Look, there are certain things that just sound better with certain members. Every members has a few melodies that sound the best when they do them. These are two for Taehyung. First of all, his vocal in the intro is as good as it is in DNA--so stunning. Second, his tone on the chorus is beautiful. It fits FAKE LOVE perfectly. It’s not too clean, his vowels are on point, and he puts the little bends in his voice that Taehyung is a master of. These are definitely some of my favorite vocal takes from Taehyung.
Jin [0:31-0:36] - Jin sounds so good on the “fake love” lyric, though? It’s a C5 and it sounds effortless for him. His tone in FAKE LOVE is gorgeous, as well. Giving Jin the hook was good choice.
Jimin & Taehyung [3:31-3:43] - Listen, I would vibe so hard with a Taekook subunit, but nothing beats the 95′s harmonization for me. Actually, usually these two just sing the same melody in two different octaves because Taehyung can go really low, which is the case here--though, when they really do harmonize, it’s also gorgeous. Anyway, this line is the perfect way to call back to Taehyung’s beautiful vocal in the beginning, but with Jimin’s vocal on top blending with Taehyung’s, it sounds even better.
The Truth Untold
Taehyung [0:07-0:09] [2:06-2:22] - How do I explain this? I tried to be really picky with this song because all the members sound beautiful. The first timestamp here is the hum in Taehyung’s first part; I can’t explain why it’s one of the most satisfying vocals I’ve heard, but it is. The second is Taehyung on the chorus. Whereas the other members are singing gently, Taehyung’s vocal take makes me feel like he’s singing emotionally, and that’s why I listed it.
Jungkook [1:22-1:26] - Jungkook never gets to sound delicate like this, but he really should have the opportunity more often. His vocal didn’t crack too much, it wasn’t excessively breathy, it wasn’t quiet--I liked it a lot.
Magic Shop
Jungkook [2:23-2:35] - It’s mostly the second phrase of this vocal take that I love a lot, but the whole thing sounds gorgeous with Jungkook’s vocal on it because Magic Shop benefits from a clear vocal tone. Essentially, I love listening to Jungkook flip between his head and full voice in this vocal take.
Jin [2:35-2:48] - Everything leading up to the C#5 is stellar, but I can’t express how satisfying it is to listen to Jin hit the “Magic Shop” lyric. The fullness in his belt is so gorgeous. Jin doesn’t always sound like this when he belts, but in Magic Shop, his delivery was beautiful.
Taehyung [3:14-3:26] - Deadass--and I don’t say this lightly--if I were to make a top 20 list of BTS’s best vocal takes, this would qualify. Putting aside the fact that this is a hard vocal for a baritone, Taehyung puts texture in his voice at all the right places. He lets it be breathy at certain parts, powerful or soft at others, and it becomes a few, short seconds of some of the best vocals I’ve heard in the entirety of BTS’s discography.
Jimin [3:26-3:39] - Speaking of some of the best vocals, this is one of my all-time favorite high notes from Jimin. This applies to the whole vocal take, as well, but Jimin’s vocal tone really stands out in Magic Shop. Magic Shop is the type of song that blends best with a clear vocal tone, but sometimes, I don’t want a vocal to blend--I want it to stick out. Jimin’s does.
Yoongi [0:29-0:38] - This isn’t all of Yoongi’s verse, but this vocal take is what makes me hype about Anpanman. I don’t understand it, either. It’s probably because Yoongi sounds awesome, but these nine seconds are the part of Anpanman that get me emotional.
Jungkook [3:07-3:14] - The solo songs are so hard to talk about because there’s so much to choose from. I know I just singled out the falsetto high note, but it sounds pretty, and it was the quickest way to figure out what part of this song should make this list. Seriously though, Jungkook did well with his tone on the high note because it doesn’t sound too strained or thin. It turned out perfectly.
Jimin [1:08-1:15] [1:23-1:30] - This is the same melody, but different lyrics, so I listed both. Look, I know everyone is head-over-heels for Jungkook’s vocal agility--which is justified--but Jimin sounds so pretty in these vocal takes. And not pretty because he’s using his sweet vocal tone; in fact, this is one of the few times after 2016 where we get to hear Jimin’s lower tone. I love it.
Trivia 轉: Seesaw
Yoongi [0:26-0:44] [1:03-1:39] [3:45-4:02] - I have no problem saying this is one of my favorite solo songs. Actually, it probably makes the list for my favorite BTS songs, in general. I’m not gonna talk about each one of these, but just know that Yoongi sounds like an angel when he sings. He did so well with this song, and I think he was able to create something that fit his vocal tone perfectly.
I’m Fine
Taehyung [3:38-3:57] - So, this could technically cover Taehyung’s first part on the chorus, too, but this last bit has a different melody since he’s ending the song; plus, he goes up on the higher note during “beonilado” in a nicer way than he did on a different lyric the first time. Anyway, Taehyung taking the last line of I’m Fine was nice because he’s the best at shifting between intense vocals and soft vocals without a noticeable change in his tone. He did that to finish off this song, and it came out sounding gorgeous.
Namjoon [0:15-0:18] - I mean, this is an iconic line, but Namjoon just delivers it perfectly. Fight me in the replies that no one could’ve started IDOL better than Namjoon.
Yoongi [0:30-0:36] - Yoongi’s “woo” is, no joke, one of the best parts of IDOL, for me. Overly animated songs are Yoongi’s bitch, and he slapped in this song.
Taehyung [0:46-0:50] [1:54-2:02] - I’ve seen people say the second vocal take is a rap? Is that true? I don’t know, but regardless, I’m on another hill that says songs like IDOL fit Taehyung’s vocal the best. Like, his pronunciation and tone sound amazing on the first take, and the second take is rude as shit with how good it is. Taehyung’s vocal can be aggressive, and it works in IDOL.
Jungkook [1:46-1:54] - Jungkook’s tone changes by the end of this vocal take, and it’s so cool? Legit, he starts as himself, growls once, and all of a sudden, he’s Kim Taehyung. Jungkook needs more parts that let him do this because he sounded dope.
Answer: Love Myself
Jin [1:11-1:26] - Jungkook is technically within this vocal take, but I didn’t wanna split Jin’s chorus up into two timestamps. Anyway, doesn’t Jin’s falsetto blend with the melody so nicely? It’s really pleasing to listen to.
Hobi [2:06-2:14] - This vocal take is the Hobi tone I love to hear in slower songs. He puts a bit of that animation in that he would if he were rapping, but it can sound so nice when he’s singing, too.
Taehyung [2:51-3:07] [3:45-3:47] - The first timestamp is probably one that certain people wouldn’t agree with, but I love Taehyung’s brassy falsetto. The adlib he does also sounds beautiful because it’s so full. The last timestamp is also an adlib, and yes, it’s so pretty. I’m an advocate for more Taehyung adlibs because his vocal tone makes everything sound stunning.
Jimin & Taehyung [3:25-3:30] - I know this is usually said to be Jimin and Jungkook, but I don’t understand why they’d give this part to Taehyung live for every single performance if it wasn’t his part to begin with. It’s not like this is Spring Day where they gave half of Namjoon’s part to Hobi because Hobi had no lines. I only say that because Jungkook is the main vocalist, so I can’t imagine that part being switched for the live version since it’s a very technically difficult part of the song. It also sounds like Taehyung in the studio version--when you can hear the lower melody--because the lower vocal tone matches what you’d hear from Taehyung live. Whatever. Whether it’s Jungkook or Taehyung, they sound gorgeous harmonizing with Jimin.
Intro: Persona
Namjoon [2:24-2:47] - This part is so fun, though. I mean, the whole song is a vibe, but this is where it hits, you know? Namjoon did such an amazing job using his vocal texture to highlight the melody.
Boy With Luv
Jimin [0:15-0:31] - Jimin’s vocal was so pretty in Boy With Luv, for real. He outdid himself in this song because his vocal should blend really well into the song, but it sticks out instead. That’s why I had to list it.
Taehyung [0:31-0:40] [2:08-2:13] - I’ve said this before, but Taehyung’s vocal in Boy With Luv is literally what flirting would be if it were a sound. The first vocal take is the best example of that because it turns from a bubbly song to sensual so quickly. Then, the second vocal take does it again, but with Taehyung’s falsetto dropping into his chest voice rather than his deep voice. Him doing the pre-chorus is my absolute favorite part of Boy With Luv.
Jungkook [1:07-1:12] - I can’t accurately explain why this is so satisfying to listen to. I just listen to it, and go, “Yes, Jungkook.” I don’t know why. Because his vocal has texture in it? Because his vocal blends nicely? Because it’s Jungkook? It’s a mystery.
Yoongi [1:36-1:44] - Why is it that Yoongi stepped into a bubbly song with his lazy tone and turned it into one of his best vocal takes ever? I can’t explain it, but it’s gotta be Yoongi’s own brand of magic. His vocal tone fits wherever it is.
Hobi [1:51-2:08] - Hobi sounds like an instrument, and it’s so cool? But the end of this verse, where Hobi sings, sounds so nice with Hobi’s vocal tone. His vocal stands out in the same way Jimin’s does, and I feel like Hobi doesn’t always get that opportunity, so he killed it with this one.
Namjoon [1:32-1:40] - Namjoon sounds so pretty here, doesn’t he? I keep saying that about his singing voice, but I really do love it that much. He always makes melodies better with the way he delivers them, which is what he did here.
Taehyung [1:51-1:59] [2:40-2:44] - So, Taehyung is the only one--talking about the first vocal take--that had the vocal run on the pre-chorus, and it sounds gorgeous. The second vocal take is Taehyung’s part in the bridge, and I think it’s one of the nicest examples of his head voice. The tone on it is really nice, and the texture he used was beautiful, as well.
Jin & Taehyung [2:06-2:39] - Don’t @ me for this Jikook stans, but Taehyung and Jin on the chorus kill it. Jin fits his lines perfectly because this is the exact type of song his vocal texture sounds the best on, and Taehyung adding in a fuller sound balanced it out nicely. They both sound amazing.
Jimin & Taehyung [2:55-3:01] - For the life of me, I don’t know why they didn’t give Taehyung the harmonization for the entirety of this line in studio, but you know. Regardless, these two sound stellar, as always. I don’t know how to explain it, but the type of song this is is dying for vocals like Jimin and Taehyung’s, so for them to sing together here is beautiful.
Jimin [3:01-3:08] - Though Taehyung and Jimin sound good doing this part live together, it doesn’t mean that Jimin harmonizing with himself didn’t sound absolutely perfect. The harmony itself is really pretty, but Jimin’s sharp vocal tone plus the high note send it to another level.
Make It Right
Taehyung [0:09-0:18] - Taehyung’s vocal sounds so relaxing, doesn’t it? Make It Right doesn’t have a lot of chances for the vocalists to stand out since it’s a pretty basic song, but Taehyung used his vocal tone well in this take.
Jin [0:46-0:55] - Jin sounded very delicate in this vocal take, but I still like that his falsetto had some power to it. It wasn’t very much, but it made the vocal take sound really pretty, and it’s probably one of my favorite examples of Jin’s falsetto.
Hobi [1:31-1:36] - This is, without a doubt, the most melodically and tonally interesting part of this song, for me. It’s because Hobi used his voice really well, but Hobi’s vocal tone is naturally really interesting in songs like this. This is one of Hobi’s most satisfying vocal takes to listen to.
Taehyung [0:26-0:36] [3:20-3:26] [3:45-3:49] - No, but Taehyung’s voice sounds so special in HOME? He made his tone brassier, which complimented the song really well. Actually, that’s something he does a lot in BTS’s 2019-2021 music. Not to mention the fact that he hit two C5s right after one another in the final chorus. Taehyung just sounds good. That’s my closing statement.
Namjoon [0:21-0:43] - This is one of the coolest rap verses BTS has ever produced, real shit. Legit, this is probably in my personal top 5 for Namjoon and the rap line in general. Namjoon made it sound so fucking amazing.
Hobi [1:03-1:05] - Don’t ask me for explanations with this one; I just really loved Hobi’s vocal leading into the chorus because of his delivery.
Taehyung [1:05-1:10] [3:25-3:27] - The first take is Taehyung on the first half of the chorus, and holy shit does his voice fit Dionysus perfectly. Not that clean tones don’t sound good, but Dionysus has a dark tone to it, so Taehyung’s vocal was it, fam. The way they mixed his vocal in the production process came out really cool, too.
Jimin [1:14-1:16] [2:22-2:27] [4:00-4:02] - I’m not going into detail on all three, but just know that Jimin’s vocal pops in Dionysus, and he slays. It’s because, while he does have a bright tone, he darkens it in a really lovely way for this song. I am gonna talk about the last one, though, because how cool was that ending adlib? What a way to end the song.
Jungkook [1:33-1:38] - Jungkook’s doing little echoes of the lyrics here, right? Even though the video says it’s Jin. I’m talking about each time he does this during Dionysus, okay? The falsetto he uses is crazy satisfying to listen to. It’s so sharp; like, you have no choice but to pay attention to it.
Yoongi [2:55-3:05] - This is another thing that has to do with the final production because they made Yoongi sound super cool. It’s got a really dark tone to it, and that’s something I’ll bring up with Yoongi again because it sounds incredible on his vocal.
Jin [3:27-3:30] - Y’all hear that high note, though? It didn’t sound human? Kim Seokjin is an alien confirmed. No, but for real, the brassiness in his tone? I want more of that shit right now.
Yoongi [0:26-0:39] - This is that dark tone I was talking about--plus the effect on Yoongi’s vocal, too. Doesn’t it sound incredible when it’s Yoongi? I mean, what a way to start this song. It’s a somber vocal, and it’s stunning on top of the mix and paired with the lyrics.
Namjoon [0:46-0:52] - I really like the note change on “jukgessji ama,” but I really love how Namjoon delivered “but what if that moment’s right now, right now.” It’s somber, but it also feels like a propelling force into the pre-chorus.
Taehyung [0:52-0:59] [1:18-1:24] - I lose my shit every time I hear Taehyung sing the “bump bump bump”/”jump jump jump” part. He’s got such a husky vocal in BLACK SWAN, and it sounds so damn good. I mean, his tone sounds so distinctive anyway. That second vocal take is him on the chorus, and it is genuinely the only time I can hear a clear difference between the vocalists’ voices in BLACK SWAN. They put so much processing on their vocals that they all sound similar, but when Taehyung’s vocal comes in, it’s easy to tell that it’s him. I can tell when it’s Taehyung throughout the whole song, but the second vocal take is the only other take that makes this list.
Hobi [1:44-1:56] - This is almost on par with Namjoon’s verse in Dionysus, for me, and for all the same reasons. His tone, the delivery, the way he enhances the melody; Hobi slaps in BLACK SWAN.
Louder than bombs
Hobi [1:38-1:45] - While everyone sounds amazing in Louder than bombs because it’s so unique, I think Hobi is the only one with a notable vocal take because his tone sounds so different from how it normally does. Hobi always has some degree of husk in his vocal when he sings, but this vocal take is almost a whisper, and it sounds really beautiful.
Taehyung [0:28-0:36] - So, Taehyung has a slightly different tone in Map of the Soul: 7 through BE and Film out, and it’s really nice. In ON, he uses really well on his verse because he adds in interesting textures throughout the entire take. For instance, at the end of it, he yips a little bit. Overall, it’s a sound that only Taehyung could pull off.
Jungkook [2:58-3:12] - This is probably the best vocal take Jungkook has up to Film out. The tone he has in studio isn’t easy to replicate live, but the way it came out in the studio version was phenomenal. Yes, the falsetto is dope, but that’s not my favorite part of this vocal take because it doesn’t have the best tonal qualities in the world, though I still listed it because it’s impressive technically. The part that drives me wild is when Jungkook comes back up in pitch on “Oh, I’m takin’ over.” It’s two D5s in a row, and Jungkook’s raspy tone sounds insane.
Yoongi [0:23-0:24] - I wasn’t gonna add this because it’s just Yoongi saying “dungdungdung,” but the growl in his voice is sick. It’s like a freaking subwoofer. Is it bad if it’s the highlight of UGH! for me? Too bad.
Jimin [0:36-0:48] [1:50-1:56] - Doesn’t Jimin’s voice kind of sound wobbly in 00:00? I love it, though. It lends itself to the tone of the song really well, and I think it resulting in him having a unique tone that qualifies as some of his best vocals yet.
Taehyung [0:49-1:00] [2:01-2:14] - I mean, Taehyung has that gorgeous tone, he’s giving us raspy vocals when he drops his pitch, he’s belting during his lines even though they’re just verses and not a big high note in the bridge because he’s a legend and always has to sing higher than he’s comfortable; basically, he’s doing the most in 00:00 and his vocal sticks out a lot.
Jungkook [1:25-1:26] - Yes, Jimin is singing the “and you gonna be happy” part, but Jungkook singing the “ooh ooh” part is so nice. He does it every time the line is sung except for when Taehyung has the “and you gonna be happy” lyric. I think. I’m pretty sure Jungkook is doing it every time Taehyung isn’t. Anyway, Jungkook sounds so pretty. I love when he drops into his chest voice from his falsetto. Even small parts like this wow me. 
Jin [2:14-2:20] [3:37-3:40] - Jin doesn’t get a lot of chances to show off vocal agility, but the first vocal take gave him some wiggle room, and I thought it sounded beautiful. The last vocal take is his high note because how can I not, you know? Talk about beautiful.
Jin & Jimin [3:32-3:36] - No, but their harmony together sounds so pretty? Jin and Jimin’s vocal tones are incredibly different from one another, but whatever they did here was a success because it’s entrancing.
Inner Child
Taehyung [2:03-2:22] [3:05-3:19] - Taehyung sounds so different in this song. I think it’s because this is a genre he hasn’t done before, but I love it. I mean, Taehyung’s vocal tone is always consistent, but that doesn’t mean he can’t sound fresh. The first vocal take has a really pretty bend that Taehyung does with his voice that I love every time I hear it plus the second chorus, which I thought was a better take of it than the first. The second take is the bridge, which sounds so gorgeous with the harmonies and the high falsetto in the background.
Taehyung [0:09-0:14] [1:02-1:08] [1:27-1:32] [2:54-2:56] [3:14-3:16] - For all Taehyung sounds different in Inner Child, this genre of music did something for his voice; it’s almost like he sounds more grown up, if that makes sense. He has so much character in his vocal. Like, the yips, the speech-like singing, the softer parts, the belts, the pronunciation; I stan. Also, that high note he hits in the last chorus on “you are my soulmate”? Shut up, fam. It sounds so good. On top of that, the lick at the very end that ends the song is so satisfying, and I love that they chose to end Friends that way. Basically, Taehyung sounded like a new being in this song. I don’t make the rules.
Jimin & Taehyung [0:17-0:27] [0:42-0:44] [0:47-1:02] [1:14-1:27] [2:14-2:50] - I’m not gonna make you suffer through an explanation of all of these, but don’t they kill it together? These are some of the best vocal takes I’ve heard from either of them; must be because Friends is so personal, but who knows. Some of these takes are weird because it catches the end of a phrase or is Taehyung and Jimin switching back and forth between them, but I mean what I put down, my friends. Also, can we talk about their harmonized high note and all the harmonies afterward because please; how do they sound so gorgeous? Taehyung is doing nice melodies behind everything, Jimin is going up high and harmonizing with his falsetto; I mean, lovely. It’s all lovely.
Jimin [0:27-0:29] - I had to put in “hello, my alien” because Jimin makes it sound so endearing. There aren’t more Jimin timestamps beacuse all his best parts are with Taehyung, but this line had to go in.
We are Bulletproof: the Eternal
Hobi [0:40-0:42] - I think Hobi is harmonizing with himself here? I want that to happen more often because he sounds amazing.
Taehyung [1:14-1:18] - I don’t know if it’s because it’s Taehyung or because he says “bulletproof” with an “ooh” sound or because his voice sounds so full, but I love the way Taehyung sounds here.
Jungkook [1:18-1:20] - Jungkook’s falsetto on this line was the right choice. That is all.
Yoongi [1:35-1:46] - Ah. I love Yoongi’s verse. It’s the best part of We are Bulletproof: the Eternal, for me. You can hear all the texture in his voice, and the emotion just slams you in the chest.
Jimin [2:20-2:24] [2:43-2:48] [3:06-3:09] - This song was made for Park Jimin. He’s flipping from his falsetto to the fullest, most gorgeous tone ever, and it conveys all the emotion it’s supposed to. Something about Jimin’s vocal in these takes is send-shivers-up-your-spine worthy.
Stay Gold
Taehyung [0:45-0:58] - Y’all this melody sounds so pretty with Taehyung’s voice. The vocal runs he does are so gentle, and then you have him fading his voice into this light tone with his vibrato running through it; I mean, please. Beautiful.
Jungkook [3:06-3:11] - Speaking of vocal agility, Jungkook bouncing between these notes and then ending in a vocal run is so nice to listen to. His tone is gorgeous, but he uses it well, which is the important thing. I love this part a lot.
Taehyung [0:12-0:20] [0:51-1:00] [1:50-2:01] [2:30-2:40] - The second vocal take also references Taehyung’s part in the last chorus, by the way, but they had the same lyrics and sounded the same, so I just listed it once. Is this every part Taehyung has in Lights? Yes. Do you know why? Because this is his song. He owns it. Can you hear his tone when he belts? Which, by the way, happens almost every time he sings. Do you know how difficult this song is for a baritone? And Taehyung still manages to have that full, intense tone when he hits the high notes? Shut the fuck up. Hands down, this is one of the best examples of how amazing Taehyung is as a vocalist.
Jungkook [0:41-0:50] [1:41-1:49] [3:46-3:50] - Jungkook is it in Lights, my friends. After ON, I think I like Jungkook’s tone the best in this song. Don’t ask me why; I know this probably isn’t on the list for an ARMY with a Jungkook bias if you’re asking them about their favorite songs, but Jungkook doing things with his vocal that I love in Lights. It’s not too flat, not too clean; he’s adding in whispers and snapping from falsetto to full voice and belting at the end--all of it made the song come out beautifully.
Jin [1:05-1:10] - Jin like... whispers in this vocal take, and I go crazy over it. Besides that, please tell me why Jin saying “itsu datte” sounds so pretty. I don’t understand it, but he’s legendary.
Jimin [1:15-1:20] [3:27-3:36] - Jimin sounds so bright in this song, and no, that isn’t a pun. I really love how he offsets the other vocalists who are belting because Jimin is flipping into his falsetto or leaning into his sweet tone a lot, which brings a gorgeous character to the melody.
Yoongi [2:51-3:08] - Yoongi sounds like the prettiest thing in the world in Lights. I know it’s the melody, too, but Yoongi delivers it so well. This is a verse I could fall asleep to.
Your Eyes Tell
Jungkook [0:03-0:14] - Jungkook sounds different on this vocal take, and I like it a lot. Where he places his vibrato, as well as where he’s dropping into a softer voice are both lovely details that make this vocal take one of his best.
Jin [2:07-2:19] - I love that Jin’s vocal almost sounds like a cry. Not a vocal cry--as in, the vocal technique--but a real cry. It spills emotion all over the place, and I’d say it’s one of Jin’s best attempts at this type of sound.
Namjoon [2:20-2:27] - I don’t know why, but I really love Namjoon’s dark tone in Your Eyes Tell. It’s relaxing, to me. I’ve heard it before in songs like SEA, but for some reason, it reads as special in this song.
Jimin [2:45-2:51] - This song is so soft, but Jimin comes in and slaps you in the face with a super sharp high note, and I think it’s a brilliant way to add variation in the vocals. Jimin’s vocal tone made it what it was, as well.
Life Goes On
Jimin [0:23-0:35] [2:42-2:46] - This is another song that’s very suited to Jimin’s vocal tone. Jimin does have a bit of a whisper going on, but he’s also putting in vocal cracks that add a bit of intensity, and it all blends really nicely. Like, the second vocal take is his harmony in the back, and it sounds heavenly.
Taehyung [1:00-1:11] - This covers both takes of this line, but Taehyung sounds so soothing. It’s so nice to listen to because he made his vocal really smooth while his tone naturally gave it texture. I love, love, love this part.
Yoongi [1:47-1:58] - Y’all this is my favorite example of Yoongi singing. He sounds so soft. It kills me every time I hear it; I mean, who gave him the right to sound so pretty? Seriously, though, Yoongi’s vocal is also really soothing, and melodically, this is one of my favorite parts of Life Goes On thanks to Yoongi’s delivery.
Hobi & Jungkook [1:59-2:06] - Jungkook is only doing harmonization for a second during this vocal take, but it was so pretty that I had to add it in. Speaking of pretty, what the heck is Hobi doing that he sounds so lovely? The way he slides his pitch down on “mallo” is so nice. Hobi’s tone is perfect for Life Goes On.
Taehyung & Jimin [2:58-3:21] - This is perfect way to end this song. This would’ve qualified had it just been Taehyung because this is the type of song where Taehyung’s vocal really benefit the melody, but Jimin on top of him with his light tone is stunning.
Taehyung [0:09-0:17] [0:34-0:50] [1:08-1:24] [1:40-1:57] - There’s so much goodness happening in FLY TO MY ROOM with Taehyung’s vocal because he spent time developing his tone for this song since he wanted it to sound like a conversation. It ended up sounding gorgeously brassy yet soft, and the vowels he used popped a lot, as well. It’s not so much about specific moments in this song as it is that Taehyung just sounds really good. Like, his parts in the chorus--the timestamps I have are meant to account for all of Taehyung’s chorus parts, and same with Jimin, by the way--and the vocal run at the end of his part in the verse were incredible.
Jimin [0:18-0:34] [0:50-1:07] [1:28-1:40] [3:11-3:13] - FLY TO MY ROOM simultaneously fits Jimin’s voice really well and makes him sound totally new. He’s leaning into the fact that his voice has a higher pitch naturally, and it complimented the tone of the song really well. Like, listen to that high note at the end. That’s my kind of shit right there.
Yoongi [1:57-2:12] - Yoongi is a straight vibe in this song. You’ve got his lazy tone on a lower octave than the higher, brighter tone laying on top of it, and the blending of the two is just stunning.
Hobi [2:13-2:30] - Hobi sounds different here, y’all. It’s like he got dropped into a song that had the capabilities of bringing out the best in his natural vocal tone, and that’s what happened. The way he pronounces things is really interesting to listen to, as well. I can’t wait to hear this live.
Blue & Grey
Taehyung [0:14-0:30] [1:41-1:49] [3:10-3:17] [3:57-4:12] - The pun is absolutely intended, but Taehyung sounds angelic in Blue & Grey. Probably because he wrote it for himself, but holy shit. The fact that the song started and ended with Taehyung makes me so happy. He’s got the gorgeous low tone happening, his sharp and brassy falsetto, and at the end, you can hear him opening his mouth to sing “good night;” it’s like fucking ASMR. And the emotion. How is he allowed to be this amazing? Honestly, though, he outdid himself in every facet of this song: singing, writing, and producing.
Yoongi [0:47-1:18] - Ah, Yoongi is the exact rapper you want on a song like this. No shade to Hobi and Namjoon, but Yoongi’s somber vocal tone is an exact match for what Taehyung was trying to say with these lyrics. Yoongi sounds perfect.
Jimin [1:33-1:41] - I can’t explain accurately why it is that Jimin sounds so pretty here, but I think it’s just because he’s Park Jimin. His vocal tone fit on top of this melody so nicely, and it’s nicely contrasted by Taehyung having the same melody and doing so wonderfully with it later.
Jin & Jungkook [1:50-2:05] - The harmonies in this song are so pretty. Jin and Jungkook sound so good; why do we not hear this kind of thing more often? Jin’s falsetto is so light, and Jungkook underneath is singing the most beautiful harmony with his lower vocal tone that he doesn’t use nearly enough, and it’s all just... stunning.
Jimin & Taehyung [2:05-2:20] - Y’all. This is my favorite part of Blue & Grey--probably. I love Taehyung’s parts a lot. Anyway, it feels like these two are talking to me through their vocals. Jimin sounds so sharp while Taehyung sounds soft, and the whole vocal take feels warm and comforting. Honestly, this is one of my favorite bits of harmonization in any BTS song.
Yoongi [0:37-0:55] - Yoongi invented the word vibe, okay? Telepathy was made for Yoongi. That is true. I know the pitch was difficult for him, but you can’t even tell? The effect they put on his vocal, too, makes it sound even cooler.
Taehyung [1:15-1:23] [1:31-1:39] [2:18-2:27] - This is a song that I wouldn’t think about being a good fit for Taehyung’s vocal tone, but he proved me wrong, I tell you what. He’s doing that interesting thing with his vocal tone that he’s been doing for a year or so now, and it fits. He sounds so interesting in Telepathy, and I hope we get more of it in the future.
Taehyung [0:47-0:52] [2:27-2:32] [3:15-3:19] [3:24-3:25]- Doesn’t Taehyung sound so cool? It’s that interesting tone again, but it’s even more interesting in Dis-ease somehow. Like, you head that bend in his voice in the second take on “laugh”? Doesn’t it sound awesome? I know the effect on his vocal has something to do with it, too, but it’s also just Taehyung playing with his tone and making it sound really fun and cool.
Jimin [2:17-2:22] - Jimin just sounds wavy. That’s all I have to say. Like, he sounds so nice, you know? I think it’s the vocal run and the “I hate dat,” but who’s to say?
Jungkook [3:10-3:14] - The character in Jungkook’s voice is so cool, though. He sprinkles in the tiniest bit of vocal agility and umph, and it came out so well.
Jungkook [0:01-0:26] [2:07-2:11] [2:40-2:44] - I mean, this was supposed to be a song for Jungkook to center in, right? I know he’s always the center, but you know what I mean. His vocal tone is super clean, which is probably why they wanted it to anchor Dynamite since it’s a standard pop song. It worked, though. Jungkook sounds super vibey. His falsetto note going into the key change is really nice, too.
Namjoon [0:26-0:34] - I love this part in Dynamite, and I don’t understand where the love for Namjoon is at. He owns this shit. 
Jimin [0:51-0:59] [1:25-1:32] [2:11-2:15] [2:24-2:31] - Yo, is it just me, or does Jimin sound super different in Dynamite? I don’t know if it’s the key it’s in or what, but he sounds really cool. He sounds brassy, almost, but also it could just be his pronunciation. I don’t know. Either way, Jimin came out swinging with Dynamite.
Taehyung [1:00-1:12] [1:42-1:50] [2:20-2:23] [3:06-3:14] - They really said, “Let’s give the baritone the hardest fucking vocals in this song.” Like, Jin is the king of high notes, and he struggles with Dynamite, and yet they gave Taehyung the same high notes as him? You wanna know what though? He murdered this song. Absolutely killed it. I cannot express enough how impossible it should be for him to his a C#5, but he fucking did it, didn’t he? Not only that, but his tone on his verse, as well as the choruses, is such a vibe. For such a basic song, Taehyung did something really special with it, and it resulting in the most impressive vocals--in terms of range--he’s had to date.
Jin [2:49-2:53] - Yes to Jin killing this high note. His tone sounds really nice, and he slapped on this line.
Jin & Jungkook [2:54-2:57] - You hear Jungkook doing the “light it up like dynamite” line in staccato behind Jin? That shit sounds so cool. It’s easily one of the most fun vocal takes BTS has ever done.
Film out
Jimin [2:39-2:46] - Jimin’s vocal tone is it for Film out, fam. You hear that high note, yo? It’s so gorgeous. Like, the impact it has on the emotion of the song. Jimin really came out and snatched this era.
Taehyung & Jimin [3:19-3:29] - This is my favorite part of Film out. Like, it would’ve been enough to have it be Taehyung, but Jimin harmonizing with him makes it so pretty. Jimin adds a lovely delicacy to the last line, and Taehyung’s vocal conveys all the somber emotion that is necessary to close out this song. And Taehyung’s vocal run at the end is so damn gorgeous. The 95′s are killing it yet again in 2021.
Taehyung [0:43-0:48] [2:06-2:14] - I’m sorry, but holy shit. I know the vocalists all had the same parts, but this is (yet another) really high-pitched song, and Taehyung singing up in that range is gorgeous. I adore his tone in Butter. And all those C5s he was hitting? Again, I’m aware that the other members are hitting those notes, as well, but--I mean, do I need to bring up the fact that he’s a baritone again? No, more than the high notes, though, I thought Taehyung’s vocal color stood out a lot in Butter, so these couple parts deserve to be on this list.
Okay, that’s really it. For now. Until we get new music. Honestly, I’m really impressed with each and every one of these members each time they release something new. It’s insane to me what they can do with their vocals and the control they have over their vocal tones. Every vocal take they have is the best of the best, but this list set out to find the gems hidden even within the diamonds of their discography. If you actually went through this list, thank you, and I’m sorry. Like I said at the start, it’s a hot mess, but I really wanted the chance to talk about specific notes or lines that blow me away every time I hear them. Share some of your favorite vocal moments in the replies, and thanks for reading.
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