#E3 cancelled
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kunoichi96 · 2 years ago
Is E3 Finally Dead?
Well, I can’t say I am surprised by the recent news. E3 has been cancelled, possibly for good. Back in the day, E3 was the biggest event for the gaming community every year. It used to be a day we counted down to, waiting with bated breath to see the new reveals. Now though, most publishers have their way of addressing the news. Nintendo has Nintendo Direct, PlayStation has the State of Play,…
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chatretr0 · 1 year ago
EarthBound 64 Gameplay (Cancelled)
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joelwindows7 · 1 year ago
E3 Canceled Forever
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Argh, brother, C'mon!!!
Idk man. I never visited it in my life. Too far. On US. I live in Indonesia. Damn it. I wish I had
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Yep, the nightmare is real. But uh... Where they been all along before it this?
Rest in peace, buddy. Thancc for good memories.
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mickstart · 2 years ago
Nobody fucking talk to me I need like seven working days to mourn E3
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madegeeky · 2 years ago
Edit: This is what happens when I try to think while having a nasty cold. Actual date of Not-E3 is June 11, not today.
Microsoft is having its big Not-E3* June 11 and hopefully they'll talk a bit about the next Elder Scrolls game.
*Name stolen unrepentantly from Polygon because it's too perfect
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sableeira · 2 years ago
person who hasn’t watched e3 in years is extremely upset about the e3 cancellation
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lulu2992 · 2 years ago
Well, E3 2023 is cancelled.
I’ve been watching the conferences every year since 2013 and, to be honest, I’m a bit sad right now…
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nautoais211dx · 2 years ago
Breaking News: E3 2023 - Is Officially Cancelled!
Breaking news, credit to IGN, E3 2023 officially cancelled. Not surprising since some companies are already pulling out.
As for my Summer Games Special, nothing much, just the same as last year, although this June will be the 15th anniversary of the MmGS.
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vgrlife · 2 years ago
E3 2023 has been canceled
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meowsapow · 2 years ago
E3 2023 prediction: game developer gets "cancelled" for making the event too political by tweeting using the gender neutral term "gxmers"
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narklos · 1 year ago
Half-Life Links and Resources
I've put together all of the links I've collected over the years relating to Half-Life for you all to peruse and enjoy.
If you feel like I've missed something, shoot me an ask and I'll add it. :,)
Take a peek under the cut, and have fun!
Gordon Freeman's Bio
Raising the Bar (Book of HL1 and HL2's development)
Half-Life Magazine Archive
HL2's Original Opening Scene Script
TCRF's Proto HL2 Documentation
TWHL's Forums
My own collection of HL model references
My own collection of cut/unused G-Man voicelines
VCC Wiki (Treasure trove of unreleased Valve resources)
Project Beta (Archives HL2's development builds and art)
SourceRuns (Forum) (Wiki)
Archived City17 Forums
Leaked Beta HLA Ending (HLA basically had a hard reset on its development a year into the game's devcycle, that's a whole 'nother rabbit hole)
Cut HL maps in the Postal 3 Leak
HL2's E3 Presentation Assets (Tech Demo) (Trailer) (Assets) (Download)
Mike Shapiro (G-Man's VA) Singing the Blues!
HLA - Lost Radio in the Vault
The HLA Black Mesa Conspiracy Theorist (Many believe this to be Barney's hideout, as Barney was meant to appear in HLA but was cut)
HL2 EP2 Cut Citadel Destruction (Addon is no longer available)
An Unused G-Man Ravenholm Appearance
'Human Science' Pre-Vis (Cut Dr Breen speech from HLA)
Return to Ravenholm (Cancelled Episode 4)
Some forums going over the HL2 2003 Leak (Winamp) (Techspot) (Leak Download)
HL1's 1997 Alpha (Steam) (Project Beta)
Archived Facepunch Forums
Kerry Davis' Door Talk (This was during HLA's development but before the game was announced, and goes through a lot of the tech we'd see in the released game. Back then, HLA was known only in code leaks as 'HLVR'. Remember- HLA had a massive reset in its production!)
Gabe Newell Officially Announces HL3!!11
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claudiablogger · 6 months ago
i love your takes on armand,he gives the ick but it’s fascinating at the same time lol what is your take on loumand from armand side? do you think he genuinely liked louis at some point?! it was all about his obsession with lestat? why he wanted to keep him so bad,again,only bc of lestat(i hope not tbh)? did he love him? idk after the last two episodes i bounce so much with this!!
thank youuu everyone loves an evil man until they get one and suddenly he's their canceled wife. or a doe eyed twink. or an overgrown teenager. anything but the actually interesting version of himself presented in the source material. but i digress imo armand absolutely loves louis he's so. his hunger is bottomless and he pours all of it into louis and by god will he ensure louis takes it. without complaint too we wouldn't want to get hysterical now would we dear not in this already fragile state. anyway i do think the choices armand makes in no pain are incredible (scarily straightforward) foreshadowing for the latter half of s2. like base conditions and consequences 1. he wants a relationship with louis on his own terms (on coven terms he set) or not at all; 2. he expects louis to make the necessary unquestioning sacrifices for acceptance and for their romance--first his freedom, then claudia; 3. and in the absence of this sacrifice he kills him/possesses him completely when that fails--e3 ends with armand deciding not to kill him but instead have sex with him. and the trial's ordeal ends with their eternal companionship built on armand's lie . othello had to kill desdemona bc if she could betray her father to marry him she could betray him to sleep w someone else etc it's all about making sure the wife knows her place
in dubai he's definitely a hundred percent in love w louis + having been shown their bedroom i don't subscribe to the bed death theories. but imo louis doesn't have the breadth of choice to ever meaningfully reciprocate. his love is a small box....it's all carefully curated to ensure he appears louis' only option and his best chance at enduring vampirism + the sickness of living without claudia. in his mind he keeps louis because he loves louis. he keeps louis because he wants complete control over his own illusion of servitude. he keeps louis bc he's earned the right to louis + his companionship
i do genuinely think his obsession w lestat is different entirely; armand respects lestat too much to ever love him the way he loves louis. man to man lmao.....he knows lestat can't be possessed the way louis can and his envy is only amplified by louis' love for him. i also do think in his eyes he just vibes w louis better (while in her eyes well. armand voice your wife is counting down your thrusts) while his relationship with lestat 1. was primarily antagonistic 2. was edited to fit the narrative of his powerlessness + being wronged by him in order to appeal to louis' sympathies 3. eventually became about louis' love and louis' choices . yay
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S1:E3 Occam’s razor
Okay first of all, what did I just watch? A guy is coughing, and than He and this girl start banging and than one of them passes out,
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Woohoo! Here comes Greg and James!
James and the giant peach is like, “So there’s a person in the emergency room.” (The guy form earlier) and Greg Heffley is like “Alright.”
James: How was that so easy? Gregory: You know why ;)
James: Blood pressures not responding to IV fluids? Gregory: Yeh
James: *Smiles*
Gregory: That’s just WEIRD.
(What does this even mean? 😭)
So the House named Greg says “This guy has too many symptoms.”
He shows the other docs all the symptoms the guy has on a whiteboard.
The girl doc with a pony tail is like, “No condition accounts for all the symptoms.”
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and Greggy goes, “Oh good, I thought he was sick, but it turns out he’s not!” Than says they need to treat the guy with a bunch of big doctor words I do not understand.
So now it cuts to a scene where the kid is coughing up a storm, his girlfriend is like, “Stop testing him, start treating him!” A doc says “Erm, actually we need to test him before he make him better sooo….”
Then Greg house guy introduces himself to a waiting room full of people, and says “Hi, I’m stoned, who wants me?” And then proceeds to look at the people like this….
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Then the guys girlfriend goes up to the Australia doctor and says, “did I give that guy this sickness?? Me and that guy were having sex, and I was very rough.” And he looks at her, very concerned.
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So now a lady is with Greg and says, “My mucus was pale golden rod a week ago, and I don’t like being told what to do.” Greg says “We’ll do a full body scan later this week.”
so than the Australia doctor, says to two other docs “That girl thinks she rode him to death.” and the girl doc says, “I hope you got some specifics! If she thinks it could kill him, It’s worth knowing about.”
and he goes “have you ever taken a life??”
*Super epic realistic blood cell CGI*
“Our treatment isn’t making him better. it’s killing him.” *Dunn Dunn duuuuuunnn*
Gregory tells a guy he thinks his tie is ugly
The patient Guy’s parents arrive. He tells his parents “Hi. This is my fiancé.” And shows them the girl who Rode him to death.
The tests show the antibiotics didn't cause the kidney failure. Greg tells them the patient is getting better.
Greg is with a patient, but he’s busy playing on his game boy. ”My THRoAT HUrTS.” Says the patient
“Yeah, so you said.” Greg rolls his eyes. “HoW LOng Do I HAVE to WaIT?” ”Two minutes less than when you asked me two minutes ago.” 🙄
Australia is pouring coffee, but spills some because he was staring at the doc girl. Then she starts talking to him in very very graphic detail about talking about what sex does to the human body. “Did you know That WomEn Can HaVE An HoUR lOnG OrgASM?” Australia man just stares at her.
than this just happens:
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Greggy boi meets with the family. He accuses them of giving the patient the "cough medicine" (He thinks the patient was taking an illegal drug instead of cough medicine) after he arrived at the hospital. The mother admits to it and finds the medicine bottle. Australian doc goes to the pharmacy. The guys mom says “Yas, those are the SAME pills I gave my son.” It turns out they did give the patient the cough medicine after all not illegal drugs.
Gregory says,
“I was not wrong everything I said was true, it fit! It was elegant!”
James: “so reality was wrong?”
“Reality is almost always wrong.” Greg says before he downs a ton of pills.
They start to prepare the patient for surgery. Then the patient goes crazy, and almost dies, They get his heart started again, But, they have to cancel the surgery. The patient now also has pain in his fingers. A doc guy tells Greggory, and he starts thinking of something.
Greggy goes into the clean room without preparation. He still thinks the patient was poisoned because of a new symptom, the guy is losing hair 🫨He thinks the kid has been using illegal drugs contaminated with Colchicine and orders treatment. The patient starts getting better.
But Gregory is STILL not satisfied - he still can't figure out the source of the poisoning. the patient guy starts coughing again. They give him cough pills, and he realizes they aren't the same as the old pills he was taking; the new pills have the letter "L" on them but the other pills did not.
Australia says to girl “wanna get some food?” but she cuts him off right away and says “Nah.”
It ends with a scene showing Greggy Pooh in the pharmacy after hours, he’s sitting on the floor searching through the bottles. He holds two similar-looking pills, they both have the same shape, only one has writing on it and one does not. He smirks, He was RIGHT. *happy music 🎉🎊🎉🎉🎊🎊🎉*
This show is the bomb.com guys 💯 🔥
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kimonia6 · 2 years ago
...this is officially outdated because E3 2023 is cancelled! Yay...!
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After the Expo Don't ask why I did this. or put effort into this.
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real-fire-emblem-takes · 5 months ago
Hey the schedule for FEE3 2024, the Fire Emblem fangame/romhack showcase event, just got posted! I really recommend checking it out if anyone’s interested in what new stuff the fans have been working on, or catching up on recent releases (like Cerulean Crescent or The Morrow’s Golden Country).
This’ll be the 14th time the event has been run, and the first time since actual E3 was officially cancelled, which feels weird
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mediawhatwiveswatch · 2 months ago
The Wives Watch: Supernatural S2 E1-E3
First time watchers of Supernatural. Starting S2 yippee
S2E1 - Good News! (S)He's Dead!
Great News! Happy Days! Audible cheers when bro died!
Dean is too stubborn to die we've established this
"Your fathers awake" Actual Legitimate Boo's In Chat
* Nurses running to Deans room * "Oh Dean's coming back lets go!"
* Dean is getting actively reaped * "Dean is Not Coming Back"
Reaper lady is very cool. Nailed the vibe.
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Intrigued by the Supernaturals secret. What is the ceiling child lore? What is up with our (second) favourite quirky white boy?
'Oh if you killed the ceiling ghost when you had the chance Dean would still be here' I WILL FIGHT YOU RIGHT NOW.
"Looks like you've good a guardian angel" Is he here already?
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John continuing to be a prick until the last 5 minutes then trying to atone. Didn't even say I love you. Didn't even say goodbye. GOOD RIDDANCE. FIRST GOOD THING BRO'S DONE
If being nice to your kids concerns them you should have questions about your own behaviour
S2E2 - "I don't think it's legal to BBQ your dad"
John is looking up at us right now :)
Cold open - this girl Stuwpid. Deserves to get Pennywised. Teach your children stranger danger and to not be morons.
"I dont think it's legal to BBQ your dad" "to be fair they commit fraud all the time" "yes those are on the same level"
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My boy Dean is joining the Lying to Sam club. Like father like son
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Dean not immediately hitting on someone is character development. Good for him!
Ash is an icon and we love him.
John is good at hunting, not dadding.
Sam being scared of clowns and Dean being scared of planes is perfect characterisation. 10/10 no notes.
A DS! Incredible!
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"Clowns are your friends" - this dad works for Big Clown. Propaganda spreading
Dean getting cancelled and he didn't even mean it this time!
One day these boys will become emotionally available and they will be happy. Manifesting joy and no more Dad Guilt. There's no dad to feel guilt about
This spirit faked a disability just to call someone ableist. HIVLiving energy
"It's a university in Boston" GET HIM ASH
Dean! The Car! This is why its not fixed! Go to therapy!
S2E3 - Not Handling This Well
Understatement of the century from Mr Dean Winchester
The Car Survived!!
How many disguises do these guys have and how are they still So Bad At Lying??
New family friend just dropped and we Don't Trust Him
Dean getting the opportunity to vent <3 Shame it's to this psycho
Therapy doesn't cover demon dad murders and I don't think Dean knows what health insurance is
"Ooh vegan vampires!" "Wait a minute? No"
Dean has dropped the sexism and picked up the speciesism. Bad Dean
Boys! No Fighting!
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Gerald keeps dead people blood in vials like a FREAK
Should known something was wrong with him when he said he liked dad
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Dean said 3 days before help?? Bro is so gonna dehydrate to death
Dean expecting Sam to hit him back like he doesn't understand true sibling dynamics. Sam's coming for you at the time you least expect it like a good youngest sibling
Yelling every time Sam is forced by the writers to say John was a good parent. Shhh no stop it
"Dad did the best he could" Simultaneous yelling
Sam paying back the good brother tax <3
Tune in next week for more chaos
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