#Dziady AU
Since yesterday was All Soul's Day, me and @lucy-shining-star came up with a little Dziady AU for Elena of Avalor!
The story's based on a Polish poem "Dziady" ("Forefather's Eve") part 2 by Adam Mickiewicz.
In this AU Avalor was never freed from Shuriki, the story starts during what would be the Secret of Avalor
There was an uprising against Shuriki only a while ago and as a form of repression towards Avalorans, Shuriki banned all holidays, including the incoming Día de los Muertos
Mateo talks with Naomi about how horrible it is that he won't celebrate his abuelo's memory anymore and that he wishes there was a way they could still celebrate in secret
Naomi then remembers a holiday she saw in one of the kingdoms she visited during her travels, it was similar to Día de los Muertos, but all celebrations were hold at night, in a closed space and in secret
This rituals would also allow them not only to honor their dead loved ones, but to also see and help the ones that have not yet been able to move on to the afterlife
They decide to host these celebrations here as well, Mateo as a wizard in training is going to be the leader, and only tell a few people (including Felicia and Marlena) not to risk them being caught by Shuriki
On the eve of Día de los Muertos they all meet in Mateo's basement, and by accident, Gabe who was already in the guard and was patrolling the cemetery, found himself joining too
The celebrations started and first were summoned the light spirits, the ghosts whom living people are still able to help
The light spirit that was summoned was Guillermo, his story doesn't vary much than the one in canon
All he cared about during his life was music and he never made any true connections, leaving him alone after death, to help him the living participants of the celebrations had to form a band and dance to his music
At the end he hugged Felicia who helped him find the joy in playing for others, which sealed the deal and let him move on to the spirit world
The second were the heavy ghosts
On the edge of the light casted by the out candles, a terrifying ghost appeared, covered in smoke, boiling gold flowing in her hands, eyes ablaze, terrible jaquin-like creatures biting and clawing at her
A few people recognized her - Doña Paloma, late magistrate of trade
She was one of the two people leading the uprising, except opposed to what people thought, she did it only for her own gain, she planned to become queen after overthrowing Shuriki
The probably-jaquins were souls of the people she doomed on her trail to fortune and power, people she sold to Shuriki for fighting against the injustice and by spreading discord between them
To move on to the Spirit World, she'd need to share the good that doomed her in life and is now hurting her after death, but the not-really-jaquins keep attacking her hands and keep away everyone who'd tried to help her
Her message is that the one who have never acted humane, could never be helped by the humans
The last are the middle ghosts
The ghost they summon is much less stable then the previous ones, he keeps appearing and disappearing in flashes of green light
Not many knew him, but Gabe recognizes him as the late chancellor, Esteban Flores, who had been killed in the uprising
Esteban tells his tale about how he betrayed his family for power and doomed Avalor to Shuriki's rule. For the last 41 years he tried to found ways to keep Avalor alive and make it better and the uprising was his last hope to finally free Avalor from her. Unfortunately she found out and he and the other fighters have been killed.
Because he did so much wrong in his life but also because he died doing a selfless act, he can't go to neither the dark side not the light side of the Spirit World and is left roaming the Realm, visible only this one day of the year, always thrown somewhere by this teleportation magic he's been cursed with
Mateo, as the leader of the celebrations, gets a message from Esteban's chanul, Esteban is to wander through the world of the living for the next 41 years, telling his tale everyone and sharing the message of the importance of sacrificing yourself for the world instead of sacrificing the world for yourself, and only then he will be able to go to the Spirit World
When the celebrations were about to end, suddenly another ghost appeared, though not really a ghost...
A young woman, a teenager to be honest, green smoke curling around her, seeming as if burned by fire even though there wasn't a single flame on her, in her empty, crystal-like eyes was visible sheer fury
She didn't say a word, but looked at everyone, her angry scowl deepening when she noticed Gabe's uniform
Suddenly someone gasped
Mateo turned towards his mom with an unsure look
"Princess? As in princess Elena? But you said she was alive, only trapped in a magical amulet."
"She was," Rafa nodded, looking with fear at the phantom that was once a happy and full of love princess. "That must mean the Amulet was destroyed."
Mateo as the leader tries to ask her what she wants, how they can help her, but she doesn't say a word
Instead she starts to hum a melody, which was probably once a joyous and epic battle song, but now, sung by this undead girl, sound threatening and dark
She leaves the basement and beads towards the palace and others, caught by her example and the leader energy, feeling suddenly the power to change their fates, followed her
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daraanna · 4 years
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto nor Boruto, Masashi Kishimoto does. Also I don’t own Dziady part II written by Adam Mickiewicz. Fic is strongly inspired by this drama, it includes some quotes from it clumsily translated into English, written in this fic in Italic type.
Rate: T I guess... but it get a little bit gore.
Ciemno wszędzie, głucho wszędzie, co to będzie? co to będzie?
She knew she shouldn't have agreed to do it. When Boruto suggested they spend the Halloween as a team together a week ago, she declined. She did not like this holiday. She didn’t like sweets as well as the spooky atmosphere. Unfortunately he was so annoying that in the end he convinced her, also he promised that they would spend the whole evening in Mitsuki's apartment. She had no other plans for the day, Cho-cho was on a mission, Mom was on shift in hospital all night, and Dad wasn't in the village either.
She agreed, now she regretted it. Forced to bargain with an old woman selling food from all over the world, because to apparently Mistuki she can't imagine a party without some dumplings from the Land of Fields.
....................... Darkness everywhere, silent everywhere, what will happen? What will it happen?
Boruto couldn't contain his excitement. He had been planning this evening for a long time.
Mitsuki showed him a scroll a month ago, he found it while visiting his parent in Oto. This scroll allows its owner to summon the souls of dead. The text was in a strange language, but his blue-haired teammate claimed he could decode it. The young Uzumaki immediately got the idea to use it at the Halloween party, they planned with Inojin and Shikadai. Unfortunately Team 10 received a long mission just before the end of October. Therefore, from the boys party, they decided to turn it into an evening of deepening the ties in their team. The problem was that Sarada hated horrors. He was really surprised when she finally agreed to come.
He and Mitsuki prepared the room. All furniture was pushed against the wall, making as much space as possible on the floor. They placed a large stone in the centre of the room. (The blonde had no idea where his friend got it from, but he preferred not to ask.) Sitting down next to him, he took the items needed for the ritual out of his pocket. Linen yarn, a wreath that Himawari helped him to make from herbs and flowers from their garden, and food that Hinata prepared for them. 
"Um ... You got ..." He began to ask a question when the golden-eyed boy put a bottle of vodka next to him. Boruto almost jumped in nervousness, if his mother found out he would kill them. “How did you get it?”
“Hn? It was not difficult ...”replied the snake boy with creepy smile.
They heard a knock on the door. The blond was the first to open. Sarada stood in the corridor irritated with the box in her hand. The boy smiled letting her inside.
"I knew you would get them," he sighed, scratching his head
“I hope it would be worth it” she replied, setting the box with food on the counter in the small kitchen. She was dressed in civilian clothes, a red dress that slightly resembled her disguise during their mission in Hozuki's castle. He couldn't help but think she looked cute. Uchiha went to the living room to greet the host. Her gaze scanned the room.
“Don't say you're planning a horror marathon?” She asked, trying to hide her anxiety.
"We have much better ideas," replied Mitsuki, pulling out the scroll. However, at that moment the eyes of the black-haired girl stopped at the bottle of alcohol.
“You must be kidding !? There's no way we're having a libation here! Where did you get it from !?”she shouted, moving towards the exit.
“It's not like that!”blue-eyed grabbed her wrist. “We will not drink it is for something else ...”
“ Sure, for what? Are we going to wash the oven?”
“No, we will summon ghosts “ blue-haired joined the discussion. Sarada looked at him in shock.
"It's part of the ritual that Mitsuki found while his visit in Oto, we want to try it out," said the blond. She looked at them in shock as if they were crazy. Finally, she took her hand away from her friend's grip as she walked towards the door.
“I'm coming home. You two do whatever you want!” her hand touched the door handle when she heard Uzumaki’s voice.
“I told you that she will get scared” he said to their friend, but loud enough for her to hear it. She froze, because although it was true that she was afraid, she could not give him that satisfaction and admit it.
“I'm not afraid”a few steps she was again by his side “I will stay”
"Are you sure?" Orochimaru's son asked in a serious tone.”Once the ritual begin, it cannot be interrupted, nor can anyone leave the room.”
She swallowed involuntarily.
"I'm sure," she replied, trying to sound confident.
.................... Darkness everywhere, silent everywhere, what will happen? What will happen? .................. As they sat down around the stone, Mitsuki unfolded the scroll and began to read.
"Close the door to the room, turn off the lights and cover the windows, don’t let the moonlight get here," he said in a sublime tone.
“You could have said that before we sat down ...” Boruto sighed heading towards the door.
"It's part of the ritual," the boy replied.
“ What to do with the cat?“ asked Uchiha, who, while covering the curtains, found him sleeping on the radiator.
“I think it will be safer to move him to the kitchen” she did as he said. Cat struggled a bit, but at the sight of his food, he forgot about his warm lair.
When the room was completely dark and catless, playing the role of a sorcerer, Mitsuki spoke again.
“Darkness everywhere, silent everywhere, what will happen? What will  happen?” “You told us to cover everything ...”
"That's part of the ritual you have to repeat after me ..." he sighed, but the other two obediently repeated.
In the darkness, Sarada could hardly refrain from activating her sharingan, convinced that her friend was about to do something to scare her. She clenched her hands into fists to stop them from trembling, at this point Uzumaki moved closer to her and leaning slightly towards her, he whispered with a mocking smile “Do not worry I will save you from ghosts.”
She answered him with a "Tch". Still she feeling a bit more confident in having him closer. Of course, she couldn't admit it.
“The soul on the other side, with unfinished matters, wanting to contact the living, we conjure you, invite you to the Forefathers' Eve! - shouted Mitsuki - Put the yarn on a stone and set it on fire” he instructed his friends.
They did so, the flame swept over the yarn quickly and went out. It was dark again in the room. They were sitting in silence when suddenly two beams of light appeared at the ceiling. Sarada let out a small sigh, but as the lights landed on the stones, they turned into two children. The scream rip through the room. Before she had time to realize what was going on, she was in the grip of the scared blonde.
“They are real ghosts!” He stumbled, looking away from them.
"Well, that's what we do, we summon the spirits ..." she replied, trying not to laugh. Despite the fact that she was scared herself, she felt a growing curiosity in her.
“I wasn't expecting this to work!”
“I do not believe that my grandson is such a coward” said red-haired girl.
“Oh Kushina, we surprised them. You also did not expect that we would visit today the world of the living ... - replied the blue-eyed boy who looked very similar to Boruto. “It is a really interesting justu, we can’t get physical contact with anything except food , and it also took us here in a compact version ...
“I can’t be eleven, who saw it, be younger than your own grandson” Uzumaki sighed.
“It will pass with the first cock crowing, in order to return to the afterlife you must eat mustard seed- said Mitsuki.
“Don't talk to them so calmly, who are you anyway?” Asked the son of the Hokage, still clutching to Sarada, who tried to soothe him by gently stroking his head.
“Isn't it obvious? Though you probably won't guess, just like my Naruto. I am your grandmother Kushina Uzumaki, and this is your grandfather Minato Namikaze ...” explained the ghost girl.
The boy looked at them in shock.
“ Fourth? “ asked the surprised brunette.
The former Hokage ghost smiled at her.
“Who are you? Are my grandson's girlfriend?”he asked.
“No way!” both of them shouted in response, quickly pushing themselves away from each other.
“Heh? Last time I didn’t guessed right too” gost sighed.
“No no. This time there is something in it ...” the red-haired girl joined in.
“So what were you planning on getting into our world?” Mitsuki interrupted them.
“Actually, the only thing I wanted is to see is my grandchildren and daughter-in-law, maybe we can visit the village too?” Kushina exchanged look with her husband.
“I think we will have enough time for it ...“ he replied “We only have to leave immediately” he added, looking at his grandson “I believe that our son raised you well, but if I could give you some advice, it will be that it is worth fighting for love.”
“It's also worth not to be too stubborn, you don't need kidnapping to notice that you love someone!” his grandmother added before they both turned into beams of light and disappeared from the room.
"Hn ... I didn't even have to talk them out," the blue-haired man was surprised.
“Uh ... What was this advice supposed to be?” Uzumaki asked strongly flushed.
However, no one answered him. Mitsuki was busy with another spell, and black-haired was too blushed to even looked in his direction.
“Souls of purgation, who for their sins end up chained to this world, if we can shorten the torture a bit to of any of you! “ said the boy pouring alcohol into the bowl which he put on the stone, then threw a match into it. Goblet was immediately caught in the fire which quickly spread. A hand emerged from inside, looking like a zombie from a horror films. Moments later, a grown man appeared from the flame. His body was in a state of partial decomposition, his clothes was torn. Both Boruto and Sarada moved as far away from him as possible, even Mitsuki backed away a few steps.
“Who are you?” Asked the summoner.
“You don't know me !? I was once the second most important person in this village, I was to be appointed the sixth Hokage! My name is Danzô Shimura” at the sound of his name, Uchicha felt a chill. She was terrified, and yet she felt a disgust towards the man and a strong rage that she could not explain. Suddenly, crows, owls, and eagles and other birds emerged from the flame. The animals pounced on the spirit, tearing his clothes and rip his flesh with their claws.
“What do you need to get to the afterlife? We have food, drink, herbs! ”Orochimaru's son shouted, trying to continue the ritual.
The man just laughed, a dry laugh.
“The only thing that can save me is the mercy shown me by someone against whom I have sinned. You can't do anything for me ...” his eyes fell on Uchiha, who  unintentionally activated hers sharingan.
“ YOU! Give me something to eat!” He shouted pointing his finger at her. Another wave of emotions rolled through her body. Fear, despair, hatred all so intense as if it did not come from her, but from thousands of people. She felt breathless.
Danzo took a step towards her, but then Boruto stood between them with a kunai in his hand.
"Mitsuki, we have to break it somehow!", He shouted at his friend who was nervously searching through the text on the scroll.
"The only thing we can do to send back is to fulfil his demands," the boy replied reluctantly.
" Why is it supposed to be Sarada??" The blonde snarled, covering his friend with his body.
"I must be forgiven ..." the impatient spectre replied, and then birds surrounding him began to attack it even more intensely.
“F-for what? What have you done?” Black-haired girl asked, still trying to calm down.
“If you don't know that, then you shouldn't ask ... Do you really think I deserves such a fate? Eternal hunger and flesh tearing !?”
The girl stiffened, no one seemed to deserve such a fate after all and how could she judge a man she didn't know. She stood up carefully, taking the bowl of rice. Slowly she stretched her hand toward the wraith, trying to stop her from trembling. But as soon as she got close to the man, one of the crows, turned into a boy who gripped her wrist tightly enough to stop her but not that hard that it would hurt her. He was not much older than them, he had curly black hair with black feathers tangled between them, and his fingernails resembled the claws of a bird of prey. His eye sockets were empty, but even so, she felt as if he was looking into her soul. Surprisingly, she was not afraid of him.
"He doesn't deserve your mercy" he said in a calm voice. All she could do was nod. She her knees feel weak. The crow-man carefully helped her sid in her place next to Boruto, before turning to the former ANBU leader. His aura immediately became sinister.
“You don't like starving? But do you remember how hungry for power and honors of the Hokage title, by deception you took my sight away to condemn my relatives and me to death? How did you took away the only chance to resolve the conflict without bloodshed? How did you use the child of our clan and sentence him for the fate of a murderer and traitor? You knew no mercy! ”He moved closer to Danzo with every word he spoke. Then a scream came out of the birds' throats in sync with the boy's voice.
“Hey owls, eagles and crows, we also have no mercy! Let us tear the food into pieces, and if the food won’ be enough, let's tear the body into pieces. Let the naked bones shine!”
Another bird turned into a human. A boy with gray hair wearing an owl ANBU mask. He grabbed the former Hokage candidate’s arm with his claws, tearing his skin and muscles apart.
“You don't like starving? And do you remember how you trained the Konoha orphans for your own use? How did you condemn them to fratricidal duels in the name of creating obedient and emotionless soldiers? You knew no mercy!
“Hey owls, eagles and crows, we also have no mercy! Let us tear the food into pieces, and if the food won’ be enough, let's tear the body into pieces. Let the naked bones shine!”
Echoed the rest of the herd, throwing herself at the ghost. They pecked and scratched his body. His screams of pain spread across the room. Team Seven stared in shock at the cruel scene that lasted until it was only a skeleton than left from his body. Then all the ghosts disappeared in the fire they came from. It was completely dark again in the room. The blond looked shocked at the empty cup. A soft sob fill the silence. His gaze shifted to his friend, he instinctively embraced her and pulled her into his arms.
"Mitsuki, what the hell was that?" He turned to the blue-haired boy.
“I did not foresee this ...” he explained, preparing the wreath for the next ritual.
“What are you doing!? Do you want to continue after something like this?“ Uzumaki growled.
“If we don't finish now, we can hit the afterlife too ...”
“ I said when we start, there will be no turning back ...”
"No way! You see what it led to?" He asked, hugging the black-haired girl tighter.
"It's alright," Sarada sighed, wiping her tears and sitting down in her seat. "Let's continue ...”
Boruto pouted slightly as the girl moved away from him, but he was glad that he was feeling better now. Still, he still didn't release her right hand, just in case she was scared again ... not that he liked her or something ...
Mitsuki lit the wreath and, stretching his hand over it, began to recite: “ Oh holy weed...”
Uchiha rebuked the blonde with her eyes. The boy scratched the back of his head silently swearing that they had not brought any illegal substances with them.
“With your power I invoke a soul that is stuck between two worlds, that have raised too high for the world of men, but sill too low for the world of gods!”
The flame above the flowers turn blue, which spread around the room as moonlike aura. A beautiful woman with long white hair and horns resembling rabbit ears appeared on the stone.
“Is that ... “- blue-eyed began, but the spirit interrupted him.
"My name is Kaguya ... The princess of this planet. You should know me," she said as she surveyed the three genins with her Byakugan.
“Well, this time, I actually exaggerated, the last time she was summoned, the world almost ended ...”
"Mitsuki?!" His teammates spoke simultaneously
“Do not be afraid, in this form I cannot hurt you ...“ the goddess replied, staring at the right hand of Uzumaki “Bloody Momoshiki ... I guess, this is not the last time we meet... Who knows, maybe my children will call me back from with all my strength ...”
“Why would we do this? You wanted to destroy our planet! ”Sarada replied.
The rabbit princess looked at the still folded hands of Uchiha and Uzumaki.
"I loved this planet and its inhabitants ... Unfortunately, they betrayed me and I had to punish them, but nevertheless I hate my clan even more than you humans ... My scrolls are still on the moon. The children of Ashura and Idrra should be able to handle it ... " she said and disappeared the same way she appeared, leaving Team 7 in consternation.
The ritual leader looked at the scroll again.
"Basically it's the end ... we just have to put the rest of the food out the door for the lesser spirits," said Orochimaru's son and throwed the contents of the bento prepared for them by Hinata through the window.
"Mitsuki!" moaned pitifully blonde, and a lonely tear ran down his cheek. If only his mom found out about it, she would kill him! “That’s the end of Forefathers' Eve” The boy replied opening the curtains. The first rays of sun broke into the room. The other two genins get busy cleaning up the rest of the food when the figure of a young man with long black hair gathered in a ponytail appeared on the stone altar.
Noticing him, the Boruto let out a scream.
“Strange this should not happen ... Certainly not during the day ...” blue-haired boy sighed, grabbing his chin ”What do you need spirit?”
However, the ghost said nothing, just stood looking straight at Sarada. Despite the strangeness of the scene, she felt no fear. On the contrary, the presence of this soul filled her with peace and warmth combined with longing.
“You said it was over!“ the blue-eyed snarled to his friend.
“It should be ... What do you need? Food? Drink? Answer, or get be lost!”
However, the spirit absolutely ignored them, taking a step towards the young Uchiha.
In desperation, Orochimaru's son grabbed one of the dumplings and threw it at the ghost. Food bounced off his cloak, but juts look irritated at them and continued his walk.
“Impossible ... He resisted the pieróg ... This soul is too powerful!”
“What? What is that supposed to mean? We have to do something! Sarada, why aren't you running away from him?“ young Uzumaki started to panic.
"I think ... I think I know him ..." she replied, and the ghost smiled slightly at her. His eyes reminds her of her father's, although the ghost was perhaps a meter away, she did not move away from him. She didn't flinch as he reached out and gently tapped her forehead and disappeared. Moments after that, she felt someone grab her tightly by the arms.
“Sarada? Hey can you hear me? What did he done to you ?!” Boruto's face get too close to her as he pulled her into his arms, but she could see how worried he was.
“Everything is okay” she replied embracing his face so that he looked at her and stopped panicking.”I'm fine ...” she added yawning.
"It's 5 in the morning what you say for a little nap, before you get back home I have a lot of space on the couch, the carpet is also quite comfortable," suggested Mitsuki.
“It's a good idea ... after all, it was supposed to be a sleepover...” Uchiha replied, because the blonde was still too busy being nervous to answer.
The host left the room to get the blankets from the wardrobe in the hall. However, pulling them out turned be more difficult than he expected. While the shelves with the scrolls from his parent, was kept a spotless order, the closet was in a complete mess. When he finally managed to pull them out, Mikazuki's rubbed against his legs, and started to scratch the door of the apartment. The boy sighed and putting down what he had in his hands opened them for him. The cat looked at him and then at the door, again at him without moving a bit. The blue-haired rolled his eyes and wanted to close the door when the kitten decided to get out. When he finally returned to the room, he found his friends on the couch. Boruto was leaning against the back of the furniture with one hand wrapped around Uchiha’s waist. Sarada was leaning against his shoulder, hugging his torso. They both slept soundly. Mitsuki covered them with a blanket and took a photo with the camera his parent had given him for the second anniversary of the living outside the incubator. He looked at the photo smiling wide.
“Maybe they are not canon yet, but they are definitely my OTP...”
So... I missed Halloween, but writing this turned to be much harder that I thought it, will be.
Also writing this  I based the description of rite on drama, and didn’t do a lot of research about the actual ceremony... I’m sorry If I write something wrong way. Naprawdę nie chciałam obrażać  rodzimowierców słowiańskich, przepraszam jeśli to zrobiłam.
Also I want to apologie to high school lecture teacher, I know she won’t read it, but I know she would kill me, if she did XD
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beidak-art · 4 years
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Have a nice Dziady time, guys ❤
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the great improvisation from dziady is sad, tragic etc. but at the same time it's the funniest shit to ever exist because this local fool challenged god to battle of witts to win good old all mighty's job from him and got ignored
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graveyardbush · 2 years
AU: everything is the same but Zen is in Dziady
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glorytoukraine2022 · 3 years
Seeing @blueflyingturtleontheway and @lucy-shining-star’s Dziady AU for Elena of Avalor, and in honor of Dia de los Muertos, inspired me to share an idea I’ve had for a while of an Elena of Avalor idea based on another favorite Latino Disney film of mine: Coco. However, it’s its more of a future/next generation idea that I have and yes, it involves Carteo, or rather, their kid, so if you don’t like Carteo, you should probably stop reading here.
The events of this story would play out the same as in the movie Coco, except with a few changes to fit into the EOA Universe:
The events of this story would play out the same as in the movie Coco, and it would still take place on Dia de Muertos, except with a few changes to fit into the EOA Universe:
2. The Land of the Dead is of course, changed to the Spirit World.
3. This idea isn’t exactly fully fleshed out, but I can’t imagine Mateo, Carla or their parents banning music, so I don’t think music would be a source of conflict, but to stay close to canon and Coco, maybe the kid went too far in trying to get information in Ash and Mateo’s father which caused an argument/conflict? I don’t know. Maybe the child would be curious as to why they’ve never met their paternal grandfather and maternal grandmother, yet they’re not on their family ofrenda?
3. Instead of the child stealing from the dead, they would steal one of their parents’ or grandfather’s tamborita (or maybe just a spare one, unless they have their own) and attempt to summon a spirit guide to get answers, but end up casting the spell wrong, and summon a rogue chanuel, who sends them to the Spirit World (like how how Bobo sent Mateo, but this Spirit Guide has Spirit Stripes).
4. Unfortunately, we don’t know enough of Mateo and Carla’s deceased relatives to form a large group of family members to chase down Mateo and Carla’s child, but I can imagine that Alacazar would be among them. Or any other dead relatives of the De Alva and Delgado families. I think that Cacahuate could be part of the group too. Even if he’s not related to Mateo, he’s still Mateo’s Spirit Guide.
5. I also believe that Mateo and Carla would go to the Spirit World to retrieve their kid. After searching all throughout Avalor without a trace, the family would return to their home, worried and exhausted, and somebody would come up with the idea to summon the child’s Spirit Guide to locate them, and either Mateo or Carla would summon their child’s Spirit Guide, who would inform them that they’re in the Spirit World and Mateo and Carla (along with their kid’s Spirit Guide) would join the dead relatives in the search.
6. It would be Mateo, Carla, their deceased relatives, and the Spirit Guides, who would rescue the child from the sinkhole.
7. “Seize your moment“ would be changed to “The One and Only”, abd there obviously wouldn’t be any monuments or shrines dedicated to Ash in Avalor, so the Carteo child would find out about her some other way.
8. Ernesto’s betrayal of Hector would be replaced with Ash’s betrayal of her family.
The characters would be casted like this:
Miguel-Mateo and Carla’s kid (can be any gender)
Hector-Mateo’s father
Do you think this is a fun idea? Or that I casted the characters correctly? If you have anything you’d like to say, let me know!
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dzeikobb · 3 years
Słucham ostatnio ogromnych ilości muzyki w pracy. Bujam się, ruszam głową, ruszam plecami, ruszam ramionami i stopami. Trochę chcę, żeby inni widzieli, a trochę nie. Zobaczyłem swoje plecy dzisiaj w lustrze: całe podrapane. Syczałem, gdy padała na nie gorąca woda. Musiałem nałożyć clobederm. Chłodniej, to drapię się więcej. Tańczyłem wczoraj do lustra i do okna, z bordowym kapturem narzuconym na głowę, ze szklanką najtańszej kadarki i telefonem w ręce, w luźnej szarej koszulce. Bluza opadała mi z ramion na zgięcia łokci, również podrapane. Mam wątpliwości co do tego, czy jechać na Dissolve. Będę mieć za chwilę tak mało pieniędzy. Będzie pewnie zimno. Myślę, czy nie sprzedać biletu. I tak nie starczy na Paryż. Będę musiał pożyczyć od rodziców albo w banku. Patrzyłem na ceny noclegów w Illiers-Combray. Jak szaleć, to szaleć. Wyobrażam sobie, że siadam tam wieczorem w małej pizzerii czy kebabie i robię notatki. Ktoś mnie pyta, skąd jestem. Odpowiadam: Je m'appelle Jakub. Je viens de Pologne. Je suis venu ici pour Marcel Proust. Je suis né dans une petite ville semblable à celle-ci. J'ai été sur la tombe de Marcel au Père Lachaise à Paris et j'ai vu son âme dans une abeille avec une aile cassée escalader une fleur de châtaignier.
Pierwszego września słyszałem w metrze, jak uczennice rozmawiały żartobliwie o tym, że będą omawiać Dziady i kości, Pana Tadeusza i tkanki, i pomyślałem, że nigdy nie wyrwiemy się z zaklętego kręgu, że zawsze w tych stronach świata ludzie będą tacy sami, a uczennice będą żartować z tych samych romantycznych trupów. Zastanowiłem się, o jakich książkach i tematach lekcji rozmawiają uczennice Madrytu i Paryża, i jak te tematy wpływają na nie jako ludzi, jak reprodukuje się samo-stereotyp, a później samo-wiedza narodu. 
Chcę zrewidować mity, skonfrontować się z opiniami na temat Francji i Paryża, które Polacy i Amerykanie uwielbiają sobie opowiadać, żeby utwierdzać się w swojej ksenofobii, w swoim rasizmie, w swojej hipokryzji. Chcę zrozumieć, czym jest Paryż jako stolica byłego imperium kolonialnego. Chcę zrozumieć, w jaki sposób dziedzictwo potęgi i wyzysku wpływa na sposoby, w jakie Paryż istnieje dziś.
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alright so i just finished Dziady and honestly it reads like 2007 fanfiction when authors were going in without any outline, and like parts 2nd and 4th kinda make sense and then in part 3 mickiewicz went "oh, ya know what, no." and he rewrites the whole fic, changes the protagonist's name and makes an au out of it
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Okay I wasn't tagged by anyone, but I saw this ask game and I just had to try it
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
Let's go!
The dragon fic
Lalka plots but in EoA
Diaries of the old chancellor/Diaries of the traitor
Navidad songbook
"Chłopiec z gitarą" but Luisco
The AU world
"You haven't changed a thing"
Guards but they're scouts
Michał in Avalor
Dziady AU
Francisco bleeding
Fanfiction from Spanish lessons
Miscatventures/Cat I suppose
Family vacation/Wykopki
The royal amigos
Teen!Victor gets in trouble
Father's day fic Naomi and Carla
Father's day fic Lucia and Margarita
Gabe leaves the guard
The angry Gabalena fic
Carla's quinceañera
Dance of the sails
No longer Hortensia
Cold [as in sickness]
Vacation from magic
Victor czemu
Royal visit (kind of)
Gramorr didn't happen AU
Gossip club
Kitty's prank strip
Apple Hearts
EAH first days
Silver Apples
Cupid x Tanatos
Dark future AU
The new queen of hearts
Hidden talent
Ever After High ff
The past past generation
Other fandoms
The return of the Ancients (Miraculous Ladybug)
My team of half-bloods (Percy Jackson)
Moon wizard (Tangled the series)
Memory loss
Marvellous cookbook
Beast from the Setting Forest
The river
Ostatni Mazur
Thermia (DnD campain)
A story that will come to be but not soon
Laurels for the winner
Dragon universe
Blue capes
Butter/Murder in the hostel
Memory book
The room where it happens
The lost hour
Snow White my version
Golden chrysanthemum
Very sad song retro
Aaaand I'm pretty sure that's it, though maybe I'll edit this list later
I'll tag only @lieutenant-amuel and @a-lilacsong but feel free to copy it!
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astra-and-lilith · 4 years
Lamus Dworski. Uralte Traditionen. https://lamusdworski.wordpress.com/2015/10/31/dziady/ Eine ganz kurze Anmerkung: Es sieht fast so aus, als ob jetzt weitere Menschen mal eben kurz zum Sterben gehen müssen. Lass mich raten: Du bist Lena! Hübsch. Sehr hübsch! Och nee! Der arme Schönheitschirug. Doch! Das stimmt! Lauter Plastik sieht auf Dauer dann auch nicht mehr ganz so gut aus. 
Soll ich mal eben gehen und ihr unterhaltet euch hier ohne mich weiter? Doch. Das geht. Geisterstunde, die nächste Nummer. "Auferstanden aus Ruinen"! Und die Datenbank meint soeben: "Ingrid, auch mal wieder hinter Team Stoltenberg spielen wollen"?
Ich glaube es nicht. Ich glaube es einfach nicht. Na gut, mehr Indizienprotokolle. Macht das vielleicht Spaß! Meine Seite rechts fühlt sich nur unwesentlich gefoltert an. Weitere Lappen, die aufsetzen wollen? Doch, das ist das beliebte Entzündungsfeeling. Und immer wieder aufgesetzt. Das kenne ich sogar noch von ganz früher in diversen Varianten, in der rechtsextremistischen Fach - Literatur auch nichts neues. Na gut. Auch mal wieder unter linkem Mäntelchen bewegen wollen?
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Le présent article part d’une hypothèse qui, pour l’auteur, n’en est pas une et a la solidité de la relativité générale par exemple.
Les indoeuropéens, en se séparant vers Auster et Vester, les groupes satəm et centum s’entremêlant diversement, puis allant vers les terres des Hindes, ont séparé leurs mythes de sorte que la reconstitution de leur unité initiale est un travail difficile, remontant à 5000 BP, mais déjà bien engagé par Adolphe Pictet de Rochemont, maître de Ferdinand de Saussure, et auquel il a soufflé l’intérêt que présente le Hittite dans la reconstruction de nos langues.
J’ai, pour la première fois dans l’Histoire, reconstitué le sens des plaques du Graal de Renaissance en montrant que ces plaques représentent les cinq fêtes Keltes fondamentales : Imbolc, Ôstarâ/Bel Tain, Lugh na Sadh, Samhain/ Dziady, et la célébration disparue du solstice d’hiver, où règne Manannán/Cuchulain, la célébration de peir dadeni, le Chaudron de Renaissance.
Il reste alors un autre problème : comment les koinès d’Auster ont-elles conservé leur héritage ? Et comment l’ont-elles concilié avec le magnifique calendrier solaire de 360 jours que M. Jones a reconstitué, et donc avec la division en 28, et non pas en 27, nakshatras ?
Le changement radical de conditions climatiques qui règne dans les Hindes exige une adaptation de notre cycle festif à ces conditions nouvelles, en gardant les mythèmes constitutifs de l’identité Yamnaya.
Si l’on étudie les nakshatras selon l’ancien système, diverses évidences émergent.
On constate d’abord une remarquable conservation dans les nakshatras 13 à 16, de la célébration de Lugh na Sadh, sans doute transposée au dieu Indra. Les nakshatras Hasta, Chitra, Swâti, Visâkhas, sont une illustration presque parfaite de la plaque Lugh du Chaudron de Gundestrup.
Je développerai cela pour les aveugles en temps voulu.
Mais un autre segment mythématique se dégage selon le discours védique : celui des nakshatras 1 à 4, Ashvînî, Bharani, Krittika, Rohinî, correspondant presque point par point avec les hymnes védiques à l’Aurore, Usha. Or ce segment correspond, en toute logique, au commencement de l’an védique, célébration non pas tant de la saison du printemps européen, mais du commencement du cycle solaire de l’an.
Nous disposons ainsi d’une interprétation védique de la plaque Taranis/Helènè du Chaudron de Gundestrup.
Est-il, à partir de ces amers, possible d’identifier les autres segments de mythèmes correspondant aux plaques du Graal ?
J’ai déjà bien avancé ce travail, que je chercherai à améliorer.
GT 2020 02 22
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