#elena of avalor dziady au
Since yesterday was All Soul's Day, me and @lucy-shining-star came up with a little Dziady AU for Elena of Avalor!
The story's based on a Polish poem "Dziady" ("Forefather's Eve") part 2 by Adam Mickiewicz.
In this AU Avalor was never freed from Shuriki, the story starts during what would be the Secret of Avalor
There was an uprising against Shuriki only a while ago and as a form of repression towards Avalorans, Shuriki banned all holidays, including the incoming Día de los Muertos
Mateo talks with Naomi about how horrible it is that he won't celebrate his abuelo's memory anymore and that he wishes there was a way they could still celebrate in secret
Naomi then remembers a holiday she saw in one of the kingdoms she visited during her travels, it was similar to Día de los Muertos, but all celebrations were hold at night, in a closed space and in secret
This rituals would also allow them not only to honor their dead loved ones, but to also see and help the ones that have not yet been able to move on to the afterlife
They decide to host these celebrations here as well, Mateo as a wizard in training is going to be the leader, and only tell a few people (including Felicia and Marlena) not to risk them being caught by Shuriki
On the eve of Día de los Muertos they all meet in Mateo's basement, and by accident, Gabe who was already in the guard and was patrolling the cemetery, found himself joining too
The celebrations started and first were summoned the light spirits, the ghosts whom living people are still able to help
The light spirit that was summoned was Guillermo, his story doesn't vary much than the one in canon
All he cared about during his life was music and he never made any true connections, leaving him alone after death, to help him the living participants of the celebrations had to form a band and dance to his music
At the end he hugged Felicia who helped him find the joy in playing for others, which sealed the deal and let him move on to the spirit world
The second were the heavy ghosts
On the edge of the light casted by the out candles, a terrifying ghost appeared, covered in smoke, boiling gold flowing in her hands, eyes ablaze, terrible jaquin-like creatures biting and clawing at her
A few people recognized her - Doña Paloma, late magistrate of trade
She was one of the two people leading the uprising, except opposed to what people thought, she did it only for her own gain, she planned to become queen after overthrowing Shuriki
The probably-jaquins were souls of the people she doomed on her trail to fortune and power, people she sold to Shuriki for fighting against the injustice and by spreading discord between them
To move on to the Spirit World, she'd need to share the good that doomed her in life and is now hurting her after death, but the not-really-jaquins keep attacking her hands and keep away everyone who'd tried to help her
Her message is that the one who have never acted humane, could never be helped by the humans
The last are the middle ghosts
The ghost they summon is much less stable then the previous ones, he keeps appearing and disappearing in flashes of green light
Not many knew him, but Gabe recognizes him as the late chancellor, Esteban Flores, who had been killed in the uprising
Esteban tells his tale about how he betrayed his family for power and doomed Avalor to Shuriki's rule. For the last 41 years he tried to found ways to keep Avalor alive and make it better and the uprising was his last hope to finally free Avalor from her. Unfortunately she found out and he and the other fighters have been killed.
Because he did so much wrong in his life but also because he died doing a selfless act, he can't go to neither the dark side not the light side of the Spirit World and is left roaming the Realm, visible only this one day of the year, always thrown somewhere by this teleportation magic he's been cursed with
Mateo, as the leader of the celebrations, gets a message from Esteban's chanul, Esteban is to wander through the world of the living for the next 41 years, telling his tale everyone and sharing the message of the importance of sacrificing yourself for the world instead of sacrificing the world for yourself, and only then he will be able to go to the Spirit World
When the celebrations were about to end, suddenly another ghost appeared, though not really a ghost...
A young woman, a teenager to be honest, green smoke curling around her, seeming as if burned by fire even though there wasn't a single flame on her, in her empty, crystal-like eyes was visible sheer fury
She didn't say a word, but looked at everyone, her angry scowl deepening when she noticed Gabe's uniform
Suddenly someone gasped
Mateo turned towards his mom with an unsure look
"Princess? As in princess Elena? But you said she was alive, only trapped in a magical amulet."
"She was," Rafa nodded, looking with fear at the phantom that was once a happy and full of love princess. "That must mean the Amulet was destroyed."
Mateo as the leader tries to ask her what she wants, how they can help her, but she doesn't say a word
Instead she starts to hum a melody, which was probably once a joyous and epic battle song, but now, sung by this undead girl, sound threatening and dark
She leaves the basement and beads towards the palace and others, caught by her example and the leader energy, feeling suddenly the power to change their fates, followed her
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glorytoukraine2022 · 3 years
Seeing @blueflyingturtleontheway and @lucy-shining-star’s Dziady AU for Elena of Avalor, and in honor of Dia de los Muertos, inspired me to share an idea I’ve had for a while of an Elena of Avalor idea based on another favorite Latino Disney film of mine: Coco. However, it’s its more of a future/next generation idea that I have and yes, it involves Carteo, or rather, their kid, so if you don’t like Carteo, you should probably stop reading here.
The events of this story would play out the same as in the movie Coco, except with a few changes to fit into the EOA Universe:
The events of this story would play out the same as in the movie Coco, and it would still take place on Dia de Muertos, except with a few changes to fit into the EOA Universe:
2. The Land of the Dead is of course, changed to the Spirit World.
3. This idea isn’t exactly fully fleshed out, but I can’t imagine Mateo, Carla or their parents banning music, so I don’t think music would be a source of conflict, but to stay close to canon and Coco, maybe the kid went too far in trying to get information in Ash and Mateo’s father which caused an argument/conflict? I don’t know. Maybe the child would be curious as to why they’ve never met their paternal grandfather and maternal grandmother, yet they’re not on their family ofrenda?
3. Instead of the child stealing from the dead, they would steal one of their parents’ or grandfather’s tamborita (or maybe just a spare one, unless they have their own) and attempt to summon a spirit guide to get answers, but end up casting the spell wrong, and summon a rogue chanuel, who sends them to the Spirit World (like how how Bobo sent Mateo, but this Spirit Guide has Spirit Stripes).
4. Unfortunately, we don’t know enough of Mateo and Carla’s deceased relatives to form a large group of family members to chase down Mateo and Carla’s child, but I can imagine that Alacazar would be among them. Or any other dead relatives of the De Alva and Delgado families. I think that Cacahuate could be part of the group too. Even if he’s not related to Mateo, he’s still Mateo’s Spirit Guide.
5. I also believe that Mateo and Carla would go to the Spirit World to retrieve their kid. After searching all throughout Avalor without a trace, the family would return to their home, worried and exhausted, and somebody would come up with the idea to summon the child’s Spirit Guide to locate them, and either Mateo or Carla would summon their child’s Spirit Guide, who would inform them that they’re in the Spirit World and Mateo and Carla (along with their kid’s Spirit Guide) would join the dead relatives in the search.
6. It would be Mateo, Carla, their deceased relatives, and the Spirit Guides, who would rescue the child from the sinkhole.
7. “Seize your moment“ would be changed to “The One and Only”, abd there obviously wouldn’t be any monuments or shrines dedicated to Ash in Avalor, so the Carteo child would find out about her some other way.
8. Ernesto’s betrayal of Hector would be replaced with Ash’s betrayal of her family.
The characters would be casted like this:
Miguel-Mateo and Carla’s kid (can be any gender)
Hector-Mateo’s father
Do you think this is a fun idea? Or that I casted the characters correctly? If you have anything you’d like to say, let me know!
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