#Dynami Kids
justwriterbritt · 9 months
Christmas Eve Sunday
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transsongtaewon · 16 days
I think the way baby Yoohyun cried is sooo cute, especially since it was all crocodile tears. Here is this tiny little guy deciding to get his way by crying because he saw it on tv and then his hyung, also a tiny little guy, starts crying too because he was so startled and itty bitty Yoohyun never anticipated that reaction so he just sort of stops crying so hyung will stop crying and this was never meant to end this way.
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abimee · 2 years
i cpul;d go on forever about amaurot. the specific people. thinking about the descriptionds for the philos and aidos minion and having a moment ill brb
#if you wanna know how big of an amaurot fan i am i log out every day no matter what in amaurot#i only ever have out my ancient one or philos minion. i have a locked glam plate thats the sophist robes that ive had since i got them#i switch between living memory and shepard to the stars as my singular two titles. ive dpone every single quest in elpis#literally just did them as a lvl 90 including that bitch of a scavenger hunt one before anybody knew how to do it#ive collected almost every single minion related to amaurot even by the smallest margin including the nagxian cat#and fat cat purely because they show up in an elpis quest#i have almost every single piece of ktisis gear sitting in a retainer and i have duplicates of the pieces i really like in my glam dresser#my top three favorite songs are mortal instants miracle works and dynamis#i own a handmade elpis flower given to me by an azem cosplayer. i cosplayed hythlo at sacanime. i bought $80 in amaurot merch#im deeply unwell. and i dont even like greek mythos i never had a greek mythos phase as a kid i thought greek stuff was boring#this isnt born out of any sort of deeper love i think the ancients just give me brain problems#UPDATE: mags also got me an amaurot keychain i keep on my jesus beater and moosh made me an ancient one doll#i hand sewed two sophist robes after having never sewed a garment in my life.#something deeply wrong with him (he is in love with the idea of a collective society who live for the love of the world)
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olldolldraws · 1 year
do you know what exactly dynamy is? is he some sort of animal or just a real funny lookin kid?
He’s just a little guy. A creature, if you will.
Horikoshi gave almost zero explanation but that is what I have gathered from the single source he did give us 🤷
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sky-of-dusk · 2 months
Just thinking about Dynamis.
Dynamis, the last one of his People, alone in the ruins for years… until he's not alone anymore. He has friends. He has a pseudo-kid/sibling living with him. Nile and Damure visit him. Yuu visits Tithi (and him, incidentally). The others visit him too whenever they can. They throw parties in his Temple. Sometimes, some of them ask to stay a little while when the world feels too much and they needs some peace.
He will never be alone again.
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Rating Aguma screenshots from my gallery (because theres no other fury character that was drawn more inconsistently than him and also im bored out of my mind)
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Vicious. Ominous. Bro is about to actually fucking kill someone. I mean he always looks like hes about to kill someone but this is something else. Whyd bro switch so quick. You know Id make the “you aint got one battle where you needa be this serious” joke but since hes a legendary blader he does but not this one bro. Its just ginga and yuki calm your ass. Id count the amount of wrinkles on your forehead but i dont have enough fingers for that. Plus points for the face scrunch. Minus points for not having the majoras mask clocktower bell noise when this exact frame shows up. 9/10
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What is this. Atrocious. UNACCEPTABLE. What the fuck happened to his face. You look like a rabid dog. He always does but like here? God damn now i get why my friend calls you mulch. You look like a bear who just woke up from hibernation. Can you like, be dumbfounded and baffled normally. God damn. Are you not like a grown ass man. Dumbass. Be normal 2/10
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My goodness gracious. Absolutely mischievous. Plotting. Looks like hes about to kill someone again. Please back off a little bit. Fw energy tho bro is enjoying the fight for sure 9/10
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Im filing a restraining order get him away from me 0/10
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What is this. Explain yourself. Im sorry is this like, a cycnus impression. Cauze you look like a fucking bug rn. Like straight up. Your pupils are not supposed to be that big and your eyes are not supposed to be that sparkly. You are not the tbh creature. Stop this madness 5/10
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Okay when i first saw this while watching the scene i laughed for a solid ten minutes because he wasnt even the focus at the moment (bao was talking) and my eye slipped and saw this and oh god. He looks like a cardboard cutout😭he looks like hed stiffly fall over and shatter to a billion pieces if you poked him😭😭he looks like hed disintegrate into dust if someone touched him😭😭😭bro is COOKED if i flip the canvas.😭😭😭😭this is horrendous i know hes ugly but this isnt my aguma bring the real one back . Hes so uneven. One point for absolute horrendous image resolution 1/10
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EHUM. EUGH. EUGHEGHEHEUEGAGSHDGSVGWUWYWHSK. The fuckin😭😭the😭😭the. The😭😭😭thehis eyes are about to pop out of their sockets someone help this manAND HELP ME TOO WHILE YOURE AT IT😭😭😭ohmygdodudgshsjsgaha. Context is even funnier this is when he loses to tithi and hes on the ground defeated tweaking the fuck out LMFAOOO😭😭bro is fuming with rage bcs he lost to a kid i hate him i hope he dies a billion times and then he dies again. Thank god dynamis was there or he might’ve actually killed someone 10/10
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Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing. Actually i take it back this dude is never unbothered . The hair 😭😭 wet fucking dog go to hell 8/10
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Amazing. life changing. phenomenal. incredible. awesome. wonderful. marvelous. Outstanding. THE screenshot. The first and only screenshot ever taken. THE one. I filled my gallery up with this exact image by duplicating it (there was about a thousand of the same image) (my friends called it “dog blockade”) and also set it as my wallpaper as a joke and its still the same because i forgot to change it. At first i was scared of it because he was so close to the screen and i was met with this fucking picture everytime i exited out of an app. But now i have become emotionally attached to it like hes just saying hi to me everytime i quit an app. The emotional support screenshot. I take what i said about the tbh creature back. Why cant he look like this all the time😔the eyes the :3 mouth. Scene context is also so funny “aguma. are you coming:)” “mmhmm :3” ?????182^2^72[£^£]2]€ Everything is perfect no complaints. 10000000000000000000/10
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This image will be the cauze of my untimely death. No comment. -√7⁴/10
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yurikaxiv · 3 months
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My FC only has about 4 active people after 10 years. Many of us are olds busy with real life, some have kids and some just lost interest. So because of this it's really hard to have FC gatherings like this. The last one we had only had 5 people come, one of which was a good friend from another server. 😅
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Even though we have so many more opportunities to see other friends on other servers thanks to DC travel, I feel like my social interaction in FFXIV has dwindled to a halt. Even when I sometimes attempt to try to get old friends together, I get excuses and no-shows.
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It was nice while it lasted but it looks like me and my husband are just going together with only the 2 of us into Dawntrail. Usually a bunch of people would be on but this time I can't see much of anyone being on. In addition we'll probably escape over to Dynamis DC (from Aether) to avoid queues which will effectively kill any FC communication we have lol.
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inovantyyy · 2 years
beyblade metal fight headcanons i came up with 3 AM
Ryuga is a boomer. I have no logical reasoning for this, he just is. Kenta made fun of him a sum total of one time and he somehow has lived to tell the tale.
Outside of Beyblade, Gingka and Kyoya actually consider each other best friends. They overexaggerate their rivalry because they're both nerds but off the stadium they go to McDonalds and make fun of each other. How else do you explain that secret fist bump when Kyoya went to go fight Ryuga, like,,,,you're telling me they AREN'T friends???
Kenta has subconsciously been influenced by Ryuga's snark. He's mostly the same with his energetic, supportive self but piss him off and you will have a very Ryuga-esque remark about how you're an ugly basement dweller. Gingka is confused, Benkei and Madoka are scared but Kyoya thinks it's absolutely hilarious.
Madoka might not be a blader but she took martial arts as a kid so she could literally just beat the shit out of someone messing with her. Like some Beyblade gang could try and mug her and they'd go "lET iT RIp" and then she just steps on their beys and kicks their asses, unfazed. She could have KILLED Rago but she didn't want to steal Gingka's thunder.
The Legendary Bladers have a group chat after the whole nemesis fiasco to keep in touch (Ryuga lives AU). Dynamis is a boomer, Aguma and Ryuga leave everyone on read (except in Ryuga's case, he's also a boomer and doesn't know how to text so he just doesn't), Kenta's too busy to text bc he's teaching Ryuga how to use a phone, Kyoya's being extra as always and trying to start a fight, Gingka sends outdated 2017 memes, King sends cultured memes, Chris is regretting sharing his number to these dorks, everyone is trying their hardest not to cuss because Tithi is right there and Yuki is just staring at his phone like, "this is fine 😀"
During their travels Kenta couldn't help but ramble about a variety of different things about himself and his life and while he thought he was talking to a wall with how Ryuga was seemingly ignoring him, the dragon emperor listened to every word but would rather choke than admit that to ANYONE. Kenta included.
The Dark Nebula stole Ryuga from his real family before indoctrinating him to be the strongest Blader. Ryuto and Ryuga are unaware of each other's existence.
After the whole Fausttm incident, because Toby kept his white hair Masamune and Zeo made a lot of grandpa jokes at his expense (not to hurt him ofc but to just make Toby feel normal about it and that no one's too uncomfortable to joke about it). Toby takes it in stride and even plays along. ("Oh my god Toby, hurry up old hag!" "How DARE you treat your senior citizens this way? You youngens have it too easy nowadays!")
Kyoya needed glasses this whole time but because his ass is all like "Ugh I dont NEED glasses. My vision is perfect you DICKS." he never got them. Madoka and Gingka noticed one day and took him to an optometrist and beat some sense into him. "how the fuck are you gonna Beyblade if you can't even SEE where Leone is you dumb bitch" so he relents. He tries to ask for contacts but by an unfortunate stroke of bad luck, he's apparently very VERY sensitive to them so glasses are the only option. To look cool he does that thing where he holds them in his mouth but no one buys it and calls him out for being a huge dork.
Kyoya doesn't LIKE kids but unfortunately he is a child magnet. def supported by his "i'm destined to be followed by brats forever" comment. but he does end up warming up to Tithi even after the whole "Yo-Yo" thing. He made a crayon drawing of Kyoya and he pretended to hate it, but actually has it framed.
Reiji quits Beyblade for a bit, realising that he just can't find enjoyment in it without associating victory to his worth, but does end up coming back after Kenta convinces him that it can be fun and there is a lot more to it than just winning.
Nile and Masamune are best friends even more so than Nile and Kyoya idc i said so. I personally believe this because sometimes similar personalities don't necessarily make you closer to another person. Don't get me wrong Kyoya and Nile are still very VERY good friends but if Nile had to choose someone to go like idk ice skating with it'd be Masamune. Nile is calm, cool, collected while Masamune is an extra bitch. They both bring something out of each other that no one else can.
The fortune teller jokes Kyoya makes towards Dynamis never stops and one day this man has enough and is like "You know fucking what let me read your palm" and Kyoya's like "lmfao bet" and Dynamis inspects it thoroughly, he furrows his eyebrows and then looks up with Kyoya with intense seriousness and says, "Your destiny is sealed, my friend. You're going to die a very painful (and embarrassing) death soon." Kyoya, poor guy, stares at him with shock and is all like "STFU URE MESSING WITH ME" Dynamis just shrugs and walks off saying, "Let's just say, look both ways before crossing the road in future." and Kyoya, with the logic that Dynamis has predicted the future before, believes it whole heartedly and is freaking the fuck out. Kyoya now is adamant on always looking both ways before crossing the street now. every time Benkei is like "Bro there aren't any cars we can just go" Kyoya looks at Benkei like he just insulted his grandma and goes "NO. ROAD SAFETY LAWS ARE THERE FOR A REASON. I NOW KNOW THIS."
Mei Mei and Chao Xin are literally dumb and dumber best relationship in this show hands down. Like they're both so STUPID i love them so so so much.
Benkei and Gingka are Swifties. I have no explanation for this. I just know they are.
Aguma is actually a really goofy guy if you're really close to him. Bao just always knew Aguma was just a dork which is why he's never afraid of him.
Gingka gave Kyoya a lion plush as a gag birthday gift but jokes on him bc Kyoya actually loved it LMFAO. Now they have this unspoken tradition of giving each other gag birthday gifts bc these dumbasses just really like messing with each other.
Shoutout to the ten people still in this fandom and enjoy this meal <3
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brightblessed · 2 months
// I do really want someone to let Roi really fall apart. There are so many times where he could have. Almost did. After the banquet and losing his magic. After Haurchefant. Just being in Ala Mhigo again. Losing to Zenos and seeing so much death there. Feeling like a kid in his homeland again as he watched it all burn. After the Scions all dropped before he went to the First. Turning into a Lightwarden (which is still the worst he has ever been mentally) and knowing he's going to die and destroy everything. When the Exarch died. After having his body stolen by Zenos (which is still a massive trauma that he has nightmares about), seeing the final days and knowing he caused it by killing Zodiark. Venat dying. Losing all of his friends in Ultima Thule. More or less dying after the fight with Zenos and only coming back due to Dynamis. The attack on Tuliyollal.
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stellamancer · 2 months
on repeat 🔁
go to 'on repeat'/heavy rotation playlist on spotify/apple music, throw it on shuffle and share the first 10 songs you get
tagged by @kedsandtubesocks who loves me very much and knows i love babbling about music (posting music ig)
Keppekishou (cover) by Scop
We Found Love (cover) by Forever The Sickest Kids
Endwalker - Footfalls from the Final Fanatasy XIV Endwalker OST (composed by Masayoshi Soken)
Dynamis from the Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker OST (composed by Masayoshi Soken)
Love Distance Long Affair by DECO*27 feat. Topi
Before Anyone Else by Bae
SINGI (remix) from the Caligula2 OST (vocals by Regret (Arisa Kouri); composed by sasakure.UK)
Beyond the way by Giga
Existence of us by Etsuko Yakushimaru
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godza · 3 months
ok i need to get off tumblr for today theyre waging psychic warfare on me. heres my playlist
i usually like angstier music but good kid makes my heart swell in joy
hungarian music continues to enrapture me. this song was in that animatic and im obsessed
makes me feel like im a fucked up anime character. like a cute girl with a scythe.
the deep guitar in this rubs my brain so nicely. yummy noises. like a massage for my brain
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epickiya722 · 2 years
sorry for the sudden message, but...
I don't know much about bnha but that smol green haired kid (main character?) look slike he's in severe need of being burritoed in several blankets and bubble-wrapped and kept at a safe and secure place...
just wanted to get this thought out of my head...
that dynama (???) creature is smol as hell btw.
HE DOES!!! He's just so sad and dingy!!
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Also yes! Dynamy is the most smol creature and I adore him very much.
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top 5 fics you've had the most fun writing? :o
Oh! I definitely remember which one I had the most fun writing! 5) I Got Reunited with My Best Friend and All I Got was a Dirty T-shirt. It's a Yugioh GX fic that was just so much fun to write because it's based on my Family AU and I just love it so much because it's cute, funny, and it has babies! 4) A Brother's Duties are Somehow Harder than Those of a Mercenary I have a lot of feelings about this one but I think what I had the most fun with was making Chris care about his new brothers against his better judgement. 3) So a Few Villain Kids Walk Into a Youth Group and.... I just LOVE clowning on Johannes, and this fic was just that. Johannes gets group therapy and is constantly clowned. That's it. That's the fic. 2) The Drawbacks of Being Raised in an Isolated Temple The fun here mostly came from all the people I talked to while writing it. I am kind of clueless in the "What am I?" department so I decided to talk to a lot of ace people who I love and thank for help when writing this fanfic because Dynamis' experience with discovering he is ace was something I wanted to make genuine. 1) I'm Not Nice! As a surprise to ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, if there is something I love more than clowning on Johannes, it's clowning on Kyoya.
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universestreasures · 7 months
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Oh...my goodness...I'm gonna lose my marbles.
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THEY LEGIT SAY PRETTY MUCH THE SAME THING. I AM DEAD. I KNEW THEIR PHILOSOPHIES WERE SIMILAR BUT....I DIDNT KNOW THEY USED PRETTY MUCH THE EXACT SAME LANGUAGE (Been refreshing myself on Season 3 of Buddyfight for iconing reasons and 100% forgot this was the language used here in Episode 44) OMG.
Though, their philosophies are different in their approaches, obviously. Seto sees the past as having nothing of value. Tasuku doesn't see it that way in the sense the past has no worth (he looks fondly back on his meeting with Jack, and I HC what little he remembers from his parents), but rather doesn't want past circumstances to hold him back from the future, like he let them before until he overcame Purgatory Knight.
It also is interesting because both Tasuku and Seto have some things from their past they still have ties to (both relating to the trauma they experienced when they were younger ) that they say don't affect them, but we know as an audience they do. It's things we notice from their subtle actions and words. Plus, trauma is never so easily healed.
For Seto, it's his hatred and anger towards past events, for Tasuku it's the guilt he experienced not being able to save his family from death due to his powerlessness as a child and his past actions as Purgatory Knight. They have taken steps to overcome those things, but that kind of pain doesn't go away, even with grand story moments (EX: Kaiba blowing up Alcatraz and Tasuku defeating Purgatory Knight as a part of Dynamis' trial).
These same sentiments goes for those who are 'shackled' by the past as well, like....
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It's very fitting that once again, the Kaiba Brothers are polar opposites in this respect. Mokuba does acknowledge plainly there were bad things in their past, like the situation they were put into and Seto's coldness to him during the years under Gozaboru, but he is 'shackled' in the sense that his past is still something that very much has affected his perceptions and views and he longs to return to it (and how that limits his own view of the future), despite the fact that is not possible.
His admiration for his older brother? Built on how he was in the past, specifically during the Orphanage days.
Love of gaming? Again, no doubt, spurred on by Seto's passion for it during their youth. Seto taught him chess, which was probably the reason why Capsule Monster Chess appealed so much to Mokuba. It was similar to the game he was taught by his brother.
Him and Seto's dream for Kaibaland? Established when they were younger.
And all of this is symbolized by the fact the lockets Mokuba made for him and his brother are not of a modern-day picture, but rather one of the past: of the good memories the two had together that kept Mokuba going throughout his youth. Because unlike in the anime (which there is some of this too for a short period but not NEARLY to the same extent as to what was depicted in the manga), Seto and Mokuba were NOT close at all during the time Gozaboru was alive. Seto was too busy being studied to death while Mokuba was helpless to do anything to stop it, to stop his brother from losing himself all together as the two were, no doubt, driven apart.
It only makes sense for a kid like Mokuba, who thanks no doubt to Seto's efforts, did not lose himself fully to the darkness of humanity, to idolize and hold dear those past memories where his brother and him were happy together, were normal kids together. Mokuba cares about his brother more than anything, and to him, he's just been forced to watch his brother wilt like dying plant until it becomes unrecognizable.
And from Mokuba's pov, Seto IS unrecognizable (in the early manga but this does slowly change over time) and he's having a hard time gripping with that, to accept fully with all his heart Seto for who he is now and to no longer strive for a ghost of the past. This is something that isn't seen much, but that just further points to evidence it is feelings Mokuba often represses (something that is probably a trauma response for various reasons, from what he went through under Gozaboru's roof, to how his brother treated him in the early manga, to fear of losing everything for saying something, to other factors). He loves his brother and is so selfless in that love and wanting to stay with him, the only family he has left, he sorta puts those feelings aside in most cases unless his emotions peak and tries to make the most out of it.
He still holds out hope that one day his brother will smile with him again, to play games like they used to despite everything, but...he deep down and us as an audience know, that's just not possible. There's been too much pain...too much suffering and trauma to return to that time, as much as we and Mokuba would love for that to be the case.
The clashing of these three philosophies discussed: destroying the past, not being held back by it and looking to a greater future, and trying to return to it are the main focal points of my confrontation thread with @shacchou and I am so hype to see where that thread goes, especially with Mokuba being over at Tasuku's, meaning my Buddy Cop is gonna throw his hat into the ring because he can't help himself LOL
Anyway, thank you for coming to another late at night Rarity Ted Talk where she overanalyzes some of her favorite fictional characters I and my mutuals write from the media we love and the connections that can be made between them and how they can inspire storytelling. I have ideas for more of these kinds of posts, like one for analyzing the similarities between Yugi and Gao because the way they handle loss is very similar and one for how Mokuba's core friend group (Himself, Gao, Suzuha, and Tasuku) mirror Yugi's own core friend group (Yugi, Jonouchi, Anzu, and Honda)
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velnica · 1 year
Hello, I'm Velnica your local bard boys enthusiast!
I write a lot of Sanson/Guydelot fics and do even more GPOSEs for them. Come sit with me around this campfire and ship them together!
Links: My writing, My GPOSEs, Twitter, AO3, Carrd, Discord
Due to adult content restriction, you can find my spicy GPOSEs on Twitter (account required).
For old fandom writing, see my Fic Masterlist.
About me:
I go by Velnica literally everywhere (or a variation of it)
She/her - 36 - Australia - Bi - Married with kids
Ask me anything, I love to chat!
This is an 18+ space
Mostly FFXIV with sprinkling of CLAMP, FMA and Doctor Who
WoL: Fjora Swiftmane, Vanguard of Valnain (F!Viera) & Corentin Arceneaux the Rubysong (M!Elezen)
Obsessed with Sanson/Guydelot from the BRD quests
Other ships: WoLchefant, Rasho/Tansui, Kan-E-Senna/Keeper of the Entwined Serpents, EmmaSica
Certified Elezen appreciator
FFXIV Main: Velnica Swiftmane @ Sophia, Materia
FFXIV Alt: Ylinna Greystone @ Seraph, Dynamis
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fourteentheart · 1 year
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Guess whose Werlyt kids alt filled FC is decorated now!
(Dynamis - Maduin - Gob W8P13)
Makoh'to: Meowdy! May I have 18 of those portraits?
Calamity Salvager: Eighteen? One eight?
Makoh'to: Yep!
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