softwarebrandz · 9 months
Upgrading Graphics Card for DirectX 12
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If you've discovered that your current graphics card doesn't support DirectX 12, and you're eager to enjoy the enhanced gaming and multimedia experience it offers on Windows 11, it might be time to consider upgrading your graphics card. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you make the right choice and successfully upgrade your graphics card for DirectX 12 compatibility:
1. Check Your Current Graphics Card
First, you need to identify your current graphics card to understand why it doesn't support DirectX 12. Follow these steps:
Press Windows + R, type "dxdiag," and press Enter.
In the DirectX Diagnostic Tool, navigate to the "Display" tab.
You will see information about your current graphics card, including the manufacturer and model.
2. Research DirectX 12-Compatible Graphics Cards
Once you know your current graphics card, it's time to research and find a DirectX 12-compatible graphics card that suits your needs. Consider the following factors:
Budget: Determine how much you're willing to spend on a new graphics card. Prices can vary significantly, so set a budget that fits your financial situation.
Performance: Evaluate your gaming or multimedia requirements. Choose a graphics card that can handle the games and applications you intend to use. Check online benchmarks and reviews to assess performance.
Brand: Trusted brands like NVIDIA and AMD offer a wide range of graphics cards. Research their offerings and choose a reputable brand.
Compatibility: Ensure the graphics card you select is compatible with your computer's motherboard and power supply. Check the physical size (form factor) of the card to make sure it fits in your case.
3. Purchase the Graphics Card
Once you've chosen the right graphics card, proceed to purchase it. You can buy it from reputable retailers, both online and offline. Make sure to verify the card's compatibility one last time before making the purchase.
4. Prepare Your Computer
Before installing the new graphics card, follow these preparatory steps:
Back up your important data in case anything goes wrong during the installation.
Uninstall the existing graphics card drivers. Go to "Device Manager," expand "Display adapters," right-click your current card, and select "Uninstall device."
5. Install the New Graphics Card
Here's how to install the new graphics card:
Turn off your computer and disconnect it from the power source.
Open your computer case and locate the current graphics card.
Carefully remove the old card by detaching any power connectors and releasing any securing clips or screws.
Insert the new graphics card into the appropriate slot on your motherboard. Make sure it's firmly seated and securely attached.
Connect any necessary power cables from your power supply to the new card.
6. Install New Drivers
After physically installing the new graphics card, it's essential to install the appropriate drivers. You can usually find these drivers on the graphics card manufacturer's website. Download and install the latest drivers for your new card.
7. Test and Troubleshoot
Once the drivers are installed, power on your computer and check if the new graphics card is recognized. Run DirectX Diagnostic Tool again to confirm that DirectX 12 is now supported. If everything looks good, you're ready to enjoy the benefits of DirectX 12.
Upgrading your graphics card for DirectX 12 compatibility is a great way to enhance your Windows 11 experience. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth transition to a graphics card that supports this advanced technology, unlocking better gaming performance and improved visuals for your favorite games and applications. Make an informed choice, and you'll be well on your way to maximizing your PC's capabilities.
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soupy-sez · 15 days
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lonepower · 4 months
FINALLY got out of the train station, gameplay is ???? so far because even with settings on their lowest it runs like a block of concrete. i literally have twice the recommended (not minimum! recommended!) specs, WHY is it doing this
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gxos · 8 months
ghost trick for pc is so cool... if only i... could play it...
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idrawtoomuch-gw2 · 1 year
why is gw2 crashing on start and telling me to get directx 9 when they literally just removed that option entirely
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awkward-teabag · 3 months
Oh yeah, and on the topic of websites being godawful these days because of the reliance on hardware to compensate for not optimizing them, I'm pretty sure that's what killed my last GPU.
Sure it was an old card and predated DX12 and only had 2GB of VRAM but it was playing games just fine up until that point and didn't have any issues... until I was dragging a browser window and my whole system suddenly crashed and wouldn't reload.
It took days to figure out it was the GPU that died and was causing the issues, every other component was fine. Removed that and suddenly everything was back to normal, minus one monitor.
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jxstudio · 1 year
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krisp-xyz · 9 months
Found your work. You inspired me to take another shot at technical art and graphics programming. Do you recommend any specific resources for getting started and beyond?
Thanks so much! Really glad I could inspire you to do that bc graphics and tech art things are so much fun :D
(Also sorry for the late response. I've been a bit busy and was also thinking about how I wanted to format this)
I'm mostly self taught with a lot of stuff and have done lots of research on a per-project basis, but Acerola and Freya Holmer are two of my favorite channels for learning graphics or technical art things. Shadertoy is also an amazing resource to not only create and view other's shaders, but learn about algorithms and see how people do things!
While I don't have many general resources. I'll steal these resources for graphics programming that Acerola shared in his discord server:
For getting started with graphics engine development: DX11: https://www.rastertek.com/tutdx11s3.html OpenGL: https://learnopengl.com/ DX12: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3d12/directx-12-programming-guide Vulkan: https://vulkan-tutorial.com/
For getting started with shaders: catlikecoding: https://catlikecoding.com/unity/tutorials/rendering/ the book of shaders: https://thebookofshaders.com/ daniel ilett's image effects series: https://danielilett.com/2019-04-24-tut1-intro-smo/
For getting started with compute shaders: Kyle Halladay: http://kylehalladay.com/blog/tutorial/2014/06/27/Compute-Shaders-Are-Nifty.html Ronja: https://www.ronja-tutorials.com/post/050-compute-shader/ Three Eyed Games (this one teaches ray tracing AND compute shaders, what a bargain!): http://three-eyed-games.com/2018/05/03/gpu-ray-tracing-in-unity-part-1/
I also wanted to talk a little bit about I do research for projects!
A lot of my proficiency in shaders just comes from practice and slowly building a better understanding of how to best utilize the tools at my disposal, almost like each project is solving a puzzle and I want to find the most optimal solution I can come up with.
This is definitely easier said than done and while a lot of my proficiency comes from just doodling around with projects and practicing, I understand that "just practice more lol" is a boring and kinda unhelpful answer. When it comes to projects like my lighting engine, I came up with a lot of the algorithm stuff myself, but there were certainly lots of details that I learned about from past projects and research like ray marching (calculating the ray intersection of a distance function) and I learned about the jump flood algorithm from a tech artist friend (calculating distance functions from textures)
Each new algorithm you learn in various projects ends up being another tool in your toolbox, and each project becomes a combination of researching new tools and applying the tools you've learned in the past.
One last example. I made a Chladni plate simulation in blender (that thing where you put sand on a metal plate and play noises and it makes patterns) and it started with me researching and looking up chladni plates, I watched youtube videos related to why the sand forms the patterns it does, which ended up being due to how the sound waves displaced the plane. I googled some more and found the actual equation that represents it, and used it to simulate particle motion.
Figure out some projects you want to do and just do some googling or ask for help in game dev discord servers or whatever. Lot's of research on a per-project basis is honestly how you'll learn the most imo :3
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pictureamoebae · 5 months
Anon with windows 11 here! Thank you for answering my question!! So the crashing happens when I try to use a preset from other creators in the game and when I enable certain shaders (like SMAA). Loading reshade itself doesn’t crash the game. This is my first time using windows 11 because I wanted more space for my mods.
Hey anon,
idk if you're the person who came into my discord last night about this, but if not they found a possible reason why smaa is crashing for some people. Apparently their graphics card uses an Intel driver, and that driver converts the dx9 api of TS4 into dx12, which for some reason causes smaa to crash.
The answer is to either switch to using fxaa instead (and remove smaa from your shaders folder so it can't accidentally get enabled if you try a new preset), or you can try wrapping the ReShade api with DXVK, which essentially turns the dx9 api into Vulkan instead.
The first option is the easiest, and tbh I think fxaa looks better in TS4 than smaa anyway so you're not losing out there.
The second option is a bit more involved, but it does come with the added bonus that you'll also be able to use some of the other shaders that don't work in dx9 games.
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wunkolo · 1 year
Not sure if you've been asked/ have answered this before but do you have any particular recommendations for learning to work with Vulkan? Any particular documentation or projects that you found particularly engaging/helpful?
vkguide is def a really great resource! Though I would def approach vulkan after probably learning a more simpler graphics API like OpenGL and such since there is a lot of additional intuitions to understand around why Vulkan/DX12/Metal are designed the way that they are.
Also I personally use Vulkan-Hpp to help make my vulkan code a lot more cleaner and C++-like rather than directly using the C api and exposing myself to the possibility of more mistakes(like forgetting to put the right structure type enum and such). It comes with some utils and macros for making some of the detailed bits of Vulkan a bit easier to manage like pNext chains and such!
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robowilofficial · 1 month
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Me learning that its entirely possible to enable ray tracing on games while on Steam Deck (assuming you get the game to launch in DX12 mode)
…which unsurprisingly causes performance to completely tank.
For reference, Ghostrunner (which is the game pictured) usually runs around 30fps on Steam Deck without FSR enabled.
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omega-floweys · 3 months
Thank you Sea of Thieves for finally adding DX12 I can finally go to Port Merrick without the game dipping to 60fps
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lonepower · 9 months
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gxos · 6 months
mad enough about parallels not supporting dx12 that im redownloading crossover about it
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redhatmeg · 7 months
Me: I can't take it anymore! I want to finally play The Talos Principle 2 and immerse myself in philosophical gameplay and puzzles! By this time they had to fix the DirectX error.
Me: *buys TTP2 on Steam and downloads it*
Me: *starts the game*
The Game: DirectX 12 is not supported on your system. Try running without the -dx12 or -d3d12 command line argument.
Me: The worst part is that I don't have clear instructions how to fix it.
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daemonhxckergrrl · 2 years
I got 187/204 games working on Linux. I have more in my library but it's taken a few months to get the time to test that many.
some native via steam or itch.io, some on proton via steam, some on proton or soda (another patched wine) via bottles.
a few have minor issues but I'll fix those when I get the others working.
things I've learned:
bottles is amazing ! best way to run non native games, with or without launchers
some games require either dxvk (dx10/11) or vkd3d (dx12) disabling to work and won't just pick the api they need
some games need virtual desktop to fix hitching
some need opengl rendering
unreal engine 4 seems to just work
alt-tab must be tested
dual monitors can cause initial confusion for some games
devs will offer native versions then give up supporting or updating them
indie devs love a visual novel
mid era deus ex games look like they were made for a school project
I still have all my modded games to try out (current thoughts are mod on windows and run on Linux, scour the web for help getting vortex running under wine, or looking for a native mod organiser) as well as a ton more on itch
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