#Dunno the proper tumblr etiquette for this
Let me try and break it down as best I can (Im sorry for speaking so much, but I do enjoy these sorts of talks.)
I don’t have any issues with Teruko. Yeah, she’s an edgelord, but I do tend to have an affinity for Fangan protagonists who are on the crazier side (shocking, I know), not to mention that I understand why she is that way; her life is fucked.
Xander is fine and all, but nothing I haven’t seen before, but I know Aliza likes him, so I’m not about to badmouth her boy.
Charles is fine because he reminds me of post-DR1 Byakuya, Still a bit of a self-entitled jerk, but cooperative and a major help when it counts, and I like that.
Ace takes every personality trait I hate from both Kazuichi and Leon and mashes them together in one character, and I utterly despise it.
I admit that it is impressive what Despair Time is doing with Arei, even though it’s probably not gonna amount to much, because it bothers me that so many killing games, including the source material, DONT DO THIS. The only time Danganronpa built up a character to be an asshole, then redeemed them in a way that i thought was done well, was Fuyuhiko. And when Arei showed signs of trying to do better, I really admired that, so now I’m cool with her, even though I hated her at first.
Rose is an insanely uninteresting character among everyone else in this cast, and I don’t know why, but i also don’t want to badmouth her because I know Paper-scrap likes her.
Hu is okay, but she reminds me of an over-friendly relative that I have in real life that I don’t really like being in the company of. Like, she assumes things about me, and then spreads that misinformation. Also, the stuff that happened with Nico made me cringe so hard. Like, I GET that she didn’t understand the proper etiquette for this shit, but I am in this scene and I don’t like it.
Eden is okay, but whatever.
Levi? Also okay, but I’m scared of him.
Fuck Arturo, he’s just really annoying for no reason.
I actually really liked Min, and she had a really interesting design, despite its plainness, but she died way too goddamn early and that was kind of a turn off for me (as in a turn off for the series, not…whatever else that could be construed as)
David is David, we don’t really need to say anything here. But yeah, he’s a pretty okay twist villain for me.
I don’t really know what to say about Veronika, she’s just sus as fuck.
I want to like J, but something just sort of turns me off her. I guess she’s just the wrong sort of stubborn? I dunno…
Whit id a little annoying, and I’m struggling to figure out what purpose he serves in the narrative. He feels like the game’s Kokichi, just…less important?
And Nico, while again, I empathise with Nico, kind of freaks me out.
//Yeah, I can understand that
//I enjoy DT's cast overall and I appreciate their depth, but I get why someone would find a lot of them annoying or just okay. Of course, it's still Danganronpa, so some similar character archetypes are bound to crop up in some capacity. It's the story's style of intrigue and overall mysteries that I find more engaging.
//I feel like, if you look at DT on a purely surface level, it loses a lot of its charm and it does end up feeling samey in a lot of aspects. But the foreshadowing and subtle mysteries with the setting, the characters, the storytelling and even the Tumblr blog are so cool and they hint at much more going on than just another killing game.
//But even with that in mind, yeah, this cast can be really annoying sometimes, so it may hamper the experience ^^;
//Point is, I like what they're doing and I wanna see where our story is heading regardless of my predictions.
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fkinavocado · 6 months
y'all are so cute with the boops 🥺 dunno what's the proper tumblr etiquette for these but they make me smile
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Just a general question! What is your opinion about people being inspired by other’s thirsts/blurbs and writing their own fic based on it (with credit, of course)? Do most people prefer to be asked first or is tagging the post enough? I’m new to the writing scene on tumblr, so I don’t really know what the proper etiquette is lol
Personally I love it! I feel like it’s such a huge honour for people to read something I’ve wrote and find inspiration in it to write their own thing based off it? But I think there’s definitely a big, big issue on tumblr with giving proper credit.
So some ideas are so generic that I feel like they’re done to death, it doesn’t matter if you credit or not because they’re so broad— but some ideas start becoming more niche or intricate, little details that separate them from just any camgirl!AU or tattoo shop!AU or whatever the idea is, and those I feel like need to be given credit where credits due.
I see a lot of people constantly commenting on posts like “I’m gonna write this/gonna make a post about this/etc” without even asking permission and I find this super odd… because some authors have said they’re gonna write it themselves or they may not want you expanding on their ideas? If you’ve read another post and been inspired by it, I think the polite thing to do is credit…
Like recently someone made a post inspired by an idea, didn’t even give credit/link the post/say who it was by, they just said “I was inspired by a post I saw” and then they proceeded to write their own thing… And that same author who was so inspired didn’t even like/reblog the post as bare minimum? I feel like this is super disingenuous because if you truly liked the post why wouldn’t you want it to do well/more people to enjoy it too?? So yeah that kinda stuff makes me uncomfy.
I think reaching out if you’re unsure is a good way to go, and it gives a level of respect to writers as human beings, instead of just idea machines… the worst someone can do is say no, and I think I’ve only ever said no to two people out of all the times I’ve actually been asked? One was because I was going to be writing the idea myself and the other was because the person didn’t like/reblog my original post so I didn’t trust them enough to credit properly.
The same way people have allowed me to write something based on their ideas! I did a little Yandere Bakugou thing earlier last month because someone was kind enough to allow me to take the idea and run with it, and one of my fave Kinktober days from last year was actually based on someone else’s post!
It’s tumblr, so people will 100% steal your ideas without credit, so when you actually get asked it’s so nice? I dunno I can’t explain it.
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holy-soup · 2 years
@wulfii-wuffs WE'RE FRIENDS NOW! :DDD
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aeondeug · 5 years
I think I am finally able to better articulate why the current thing with vampireapologist and antis has hit so hard. It’s the sheer lack of compassion. There’s a lot of concern for children, but there’s an uncompromising lack of nuance. A refusal to have it. A line has been drawn in the sand and they openly looked in the eyes of people like me and told us that we were just making excuses. That we’re also just abusers.
And you know? That really fucking hurts. Really bad. In a not fucking useful ass way.
Kencyrath involves canonical incest. It involves canonical incest that is not condemned by nature of it being incest. Indeed, the thing we could call the canon main ship of the series is incestuous and not condemned on account of that. What problems Jame and Tori have aren’t ‘Wow that’s my twin! I guess that means we’re inherently incapable of consenting to anything with one another.’
And that’s uncomfortable for a lot of people. Lots of people can’t read these books and I get that. I feel that the bare baseline for recommendation etiquette with these novels is that you got to bring up the incest and you got to bring up that Jame/Tori is a repeated thing that shows up and is not shown to be unhealthy because they’re twins but because of personal abuse history shit and what reads like fantasy BPD. And that’s fine. It’s fine not to be comfortable with it.
I get that.
But these books are also honestly probably some of the most important books I have ever read. They are some of the only books that have ever looked at someone with my sort of abuse history and who have ever looked at the ways I’ve ended up acting because of that and gone ‘Yeah, no, you still get to be a magical good boy hero with a cool sword! It’s just going to be a bitch to unlearn your unhealthy coping mechanisms and that’s ok so long as you’re getting there.’ Exceedingly few things do that. I never get to be the hero of fantasy novels. At best I get to see characters that have my problems but have the roughness filed off. Or which don’t treat us like human beings. Or which feel kind of like us but always feel like the author writing the story doesn’t actually understand what living through this is like, so that the roughness of the character feels flat and fake. Like it’s an approximation someone made of one of us out of clay based off descriptions they read on wikipedia.
These are helping me.
They’re not the sole thing in my recovery process, of course. They can’t be. But they do help a lot. Because I get to see someone like me. I get to see someone like me treated with compassion and told that they can be a cool hero dude too. I get to see things like the one character realizing that her abusive father wasn’t actually an unstoppable monster but just some...person. Like he was still a dick, but fundamentally he was just a person with an understandable reason as to why he was the way he was. And the father doesn’t get redeemed by any stretch. But she is kind of able to let go of the seemingly all encompassing fear of she had what seemed more like a monster than a man.
Or, you know, something that comes up in my fucking therapy sessions and which is part of the fucking process of healing from abuse. Something that I’m still having to work on and which I was so fucking not about initially that I actually yelled at my therapist one day and declared that I would never, ever do it. Even though we’ve started to do just that and it’s actually fucking helping.
And now I have some fuck on tumblr just coming in and refusing to have any degree of compassion for people like me. They see our hard edges and say that none of that matters. That everything is just forever bad without exception and that there can be no nuance. Your books and your fanfictions involve The Naughty Bad Incest Times so they’re just bad and probably abusing children right now.
And you know what that feels like? It feels like I am being pointed at and told that it’s something I deserved. Like I fucking deserved what’s happened to me. That the sexual abuse from family members is my fucking fault and that I’m just as fucking bad as they are because I happen to like this fucking book series where a pair of twins kiss and I write lots of fanfictions about it and other equally weird or fucked up shit.
I get that that’s probably not the intent but that’s how it ends up coming across to the trauma brain. I get that. Especially with how so much of the concern is regarding fandoms with like wider pulls. But I dunno I’ve fucking seen the Rose/Dave homestuck fandom (I am part of it, though a quiet part, after all) and honestly they seem to stay in their own fucking lane and tag their fucking shit and don’t really seem about going ‘YOU MUST READ MY THING OR YOU ARE A BAD PERSON’. And I’m not really sure I can see what the fucking issue is so long as everything is properly tagged and kept in its proper location. 
And like that’s bad but still the thing that bothers me most is how little feeling vampireapologist appears to have for people like me. And how little the people reblogging that followup post about how even people like me have no excuse or whatever the fuck have.
There was not a single lick of compassion in that entire fucking spiel and I read the whole damned thing. The only thing there was malice and puritanical panic. And you know what? We’re fucking people too. We exist, we matter. “I’m a person and my name’s Anakin.”
This isn’t even about my stupid fucking fanfiction shit, I just don’t want some fucking asshole to just take my shit and throw it on the ground and then fucking blame me for what’s happened to me before telling me that I’m just as bad as they are.
You know when I’ve been making some progress on the whole not being a raging dickhead thing. And now some of that seems to be backsliding because ‘What if I actually am a monster?’ and ‘What’s the point in bothering if I am one...I might as well just be one...’
That’s why people don’t fucking trust antis. There’s a lot of reasons why but that’s one of them. It’s because they don’t actually care. They don’t actually try to sympathize. They don’t actually view us as human beings. We’re just pawns to knock over in some stupid fucking morality game. And that’s fucking bullshit. We’re people. Why don’t you fucking care?
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you reblogged it forever ago but i just came across it today so 2, 11, 15, & 17 for the whump blog ask meme?
Hey, anon! Thank you very much for the ask and I would be perfectly delighted to answer more whumpy questions :)
Here we go:
2. Do you prefer illness whump or injury whump?
Uhhh, injury, I think. Just because…I don’t know, illness whump tends to involve a lot of relatively the same stuff, and is caused by an external force rather than another character, so that kind of…I dunno, anyway, however, I still do very much like them, don’t get me wrong, and the character development that can form between the sick person (who is not sick thank you very much) and the person who is very much going to help, or one who gets roped into reluctantly helping because said sick person has just collapsed, can be really good. (Did I say really good? I’m sorry, I meant perfection.)
However, have you also considered…
Tumblr media
…both at the same time? Or, or, wait for it…
The illness comes after all the injury whump (possibly torture) and it causes the character to become delirious? The opportunities- (Yes I’m evil, I know.)
(Have I used this gif before? Yes. Will I do so again? Also yes.)
11. How and when did you discover the whump community?
I….didn’t know there was a specific community? lmao, uh, I sort of just started writing and reading whump on Ao3 (without really even knowing that was what it was called until much later) and always very much appreciating it when it happened in canon….I was actually really relieved to find out other people liked it, cause I felt….honestly like a terrible person. Now, I have fully embraced the fact that tormenting my favourite characters is just something I do and will continue to do and read about. Believe it or not, that was a weight off my chest. Anyway, I just sort of kept to myself about it, still do, except for writing fic, so..I guess since I got onto tumblr a couple of months ago? Finding other writers gushing about the whump they’re writing has honestly been really helpful to me haha, if that sounds strange. Anyway.
15. Are you interested in any niche whump genres, such as fem!whump or non-human whump?
Ahh, I am still extremely new to fandom and all the lingo, and everything, so I don’t actually know what exactly constitute as niche genres, but ah…for some reason I’ve never really gotten into fem!whump? I guess cause that just has too many personally squicky things tied into it, I mean, apparently I’m fine with watching my favourite male characters get turned into absolute messes, but I’d rather not the same stuff happen to my favourite female characters? I mean, some stuff is okay, but not..a whole lot, except the emotional stuff to flesh out their issues, and then some injury or illness? I honestly don’t know why I’m like this, so please don’t ask. As for non-human, I mean, absolutely yes. If they’re my favourite character, human or otherwise, chances are they’re going to get whumped if I end up writing them. 
I can’t really think of any other specific niche whump genres, but if anyone would like my opinion on any specific ones (this is honestly a really weird sentence to use. My opinion? Honestly who wants that. This is why these ask memes are still baffling to me…but I enjoy them…..) don’t hesitate to send me some, I would be more than happy to indulge. 
17. When was the last time you got the whumperflies?
Just now, honestly. (And I have never heard of this term before xD) Thank you for sending this ask, anon, it got my pretty lousy writing brain to finally start cranking some rusty gears, and I am extremely grateful
Other than that, well, uh, there has been a recent influx of Crowley whump circling the internet and I am very much enjoying it. I also read the wip Walked in These Quiet Hazes by ratsats a short while ago, which featured some excellent Loki whump (do I tag the author? I don’t know the proper tumblr etiquette here….) and is an overall masterpiece and I highly recommend it. 
Anyway, that wraps that up, again, thank you for the ask, you have a great day anon, and I am also sorry this is so long. Apparently short answers don’t exist in my vocabulary.
Whump Ask 
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rubiaryutheroyal · 7 years
Discord Event 1
Since AO3 is being a real pain in the rear end with account invites, I’m gonna have to post this here. Sorry for the cramped tumblr page, but it’ll have to do.
Title: Paulownia Tomentosa Timeline: Yakuza 0 Spoilers: for endgame of above Shipping: N/A Legal stuff: Submission fanfic for the Springtime Festivities event on the Yakuza/RGG Fanworks Discord. All characters are ©Sega. Description: A tribute to Tetsu Tachibana and his now headcanon’d indoor zen garden. Warning: Name puns ahead. Proceed with caution.
Here is the empty lot.
It’s but a small patch of land caught between towering buildings. There is nothing here but abandoned scraps of wood chips, trash, and broken dreams.
A beautiful bouquet of lilies and balloon flowers lies still on the ground at the center of the lot. Though there is a gentle and swift breeze, the buildings that surround this lot make it difficult for the breeze to glide smoothly by. Thus, the flowers remain unmoving.
The sound of footsteps cracks through the silence. A towering man in a gray suit steps over to where the flowers have been laid. He’s carrying a small bag of mandarin oranges in one hand. With his other, he gently slips one out, a bright and crisp color with a single-leafed stem still attached, kneels down and sets it before the bouquet. He then steps back to view the scene.
It’s a moment of pause before he finally reveals a soft smile. He speaks in a low and deep tone: “Good news, Tachibana… They’ve been growing splendidly.”
He looks up to the sky, giving a deep sigh. Even if he’s only been employed as a real estate agent for a few months, they were some good few months.
“…I still don’t know a thing about gardening or plants altogether, but at least I’ll keep it going for as long as I can. It’s… what you would have wanted, right…?”
Several months prior…
Kazuma Kiryu is the newest recruit to Tachibana Real Estate Enterprises, and yet people can’t help but know his name. He’s the yakuza-like one. He’s the CEO’s pet. He’s the brash upstart who doesn’t know his place and would damn well have been fired already if it wasn’t for the boss.
Such words mean little to him, though. He’s well aware of how he ended up working for this company – but he doesn’t yet understand why he was accepted. The boss just came up to him one rainy night when he was just expelled from his family, and soon, he was in. And just a few days later, his supervisor Oda calls him up out of the blue.
“Yo, Kiryu-kun. The boss is looking for you.”
“Me? What for?”
“I dunno, but he said it was important, looked pretty solemn too… You didn’t do anything to piss him off, did you?”
“Of course not. I’ve only been working for three days!”
“Yeah, and in that span of time, you’ve managed to piss me off too many times to count.”
“…I’m still learning.”
“Save me your excuses. Anyway, you’d better get back to HQ and pronto. There’s only so far you can take a man’s patience before he snaps…”
“I got it already. I’ll be there.”
Oda promptly hangs up on him without so much a goodbye or thank you. Kiryu sighs, wondering to himself. Oda, I can understand… but why would the boss be upset with me? It’s been pretty quiet from him lately… I hope it’s nothing too serious.
He sets back the pay phone into its receiver and hurries off.
Knock knock.
“Come in,” comes the gentle reply.
Kiryu steps inside with a wary look on his face. Tachibana is standing by the window, hands behind his back, looking over the cityscape. He turns back around to greet him with a gentle smile.
“Ah, you’re here, Kiryu-san. Sorry to interrupt you from your work.”
He steps forward at attention. “It’s alright, sir. Oda said… er, Oda-san said you needed to see me for something?”
“Yes. It’s a little sudden, but I recalled something we had forgotten to do shortly after your initiation.”
“Huh? Oh, what is it? Is there something I have to fill out, or…?”
“Oh, no, nothing so formal.”
Tachibana begins walking toward him, or rather, the door behind him. “Come with me. I need to first show you something.”
“…Alright, sir.”
He follows Tachibana out of the office, down the hall to the elevators, and steps in after him. He watches his boss press the number to the 49th floor, and the doors slide closed. In the next several minutes as the elevator cruises smoothly down to their destination, there’s an uncomfortable silence between the two of them. They both remain completely still, though Kiryu’s tensed face gives himself away.
…Sheesh, I haven’t felt this kind of nervousness since the first time Nishiki and I were sent to the disciplinary counselor back in grade school…
Finally, the elevator slows to a stop and the doors slide open again. Tachibana, without missing a beat, steps out. Kiryu follows along with a much stiffer stride, to which he tries to shake away the nerves.
He follows Tachibana to a large room in the back, noticing the placard set beside the door: Zen Garden.
“…A garden? In here?”
Tachibana nods silently and pushes open the door.
Inside is a beautiful arrangement of various tropical flowering plants native to East Asia, circular stone paths around a small pond, with window panes that line the entire back wall of the room. There is even the rhythmic clack of the shishiodoshi to the makeshift stream that runs along a little “hill” to the pond.
“…Nice place you got.”
“Thank you. I’ve probably spent a bit more than I needed to decorate it, but in the end… I rather like the outcome.”
“Hm…” Kiryu nods, but his attention strays to a spot near the back, where there sits an empty plot of earth. “Hm?”
“What is it, Kiryu-san?”
“I see there’s an empty space there. Are you going to fill it?”
“Ah, yes. That is what I wish to talk to you about.”
“I had been contemplating what sort of plant to set there when I received that letter from Kazama-san about you. Since then, I’ve reserved this space just for you when you finally come to meet it.”
“…Is this the initiation thing you were talking about?”
“Well, it’s not exactly custom for us to treat every new recruit we get with a new plot in the garden, but I’m willing to make an exception this time.”
“But why me? I haven’t done anything outstanding yet… aside from making trouble for Oda-san.”
“It almost seems like a flight of fancy… but when we first met, I think I may have seen something else in you.”
“Potential… to achieve greatness.”
“Um, I don’t know… I’m still getting used to proper etiquette and all that…”
Tachibana then chuckles, to his confusion. “It doesn’t have to be soon or even within the extent of this company, but it is there, lying in wait for the right time.”
“…” Kiryu doesn’t respond because he isn’t sure how. On one hand, it seems Tachibana is praising him, but on the other hand, there also seems to be some hidden motive behind it. Thinking about it, his boss does look awfully content with himself… maybe it’s the garden atmosphere?
“…In the meantime,” he casually continues, “How would you like to help me choose?”
“Um… choose what?”
“What sort of plant would you like to put there?”
“O-oh. A plant, huh…” Kiryu takes a moment – which only lasts a few seconds before he replies, “No idea. I don’t really know many plants.”
The blunt answer amuses Tachibana, who smirks back. “Well… what about something that could represent you or your connections to this company? Sort of like leaving your mark on it.”
“Hmm… I only really know about the common ones, like roses and tulips, sunflowers…” He pauses to think a little further. “…Oh, wait.”
“Ah… I remembered a conversation I had with a childhood friend of mine about our names. When we asked the caretaker at the orphanage we lived in, she mentioned that the ‘kiri’ in my name was a kind of tree or something…”
“Ah, the Empress Tree.”
“Yes. It’s also called the foxglove tree because its flowers somewhat resemble foxglove flowers.”
“Don’t think too much into it, Kiryu-san. It is a beautiful and often prized tree.”
He clears his throat. “Anyway, would that be a good choice to put here? It’d sure stand out, but…”
“Hmm… I don’t think so.”
“To grow a tree like that, we would need a much larger expanse of land, as its roots can grow rather deep. It’s not so fitting for a simple garden like this one.”
“If you’re having trouble coming up with suggestions, may I offer a hint?”
“A hint?”
“You could try something that would better represent your connections to this company, for instance.”
“Connections… Well, I came to this company because of you, sir, so I guess… Tachibana, tachibana… Oh!” He looks rather excited when he comes out with it: “How about a mandarin orange tree?”
Tachibana seems to be taken aback in surprise.
Unsure of whether his attempt at a joke got across, he adds, “…’Cause you know, ‘tachibana’ written another way is…”
“…” And now he looks unamused.
“Uh… I-I’m sorry, sir. That was improper.”
He shakes his head. “No, it’s not you, Kiryu-san. I simply recalled something from my childhood. My apologies for spacing out like that.”
“I-it’s no problem, sir.” Whew.
He smiles again, peering over to the plot of soil, “Well, a little mandarin orange tree…” and back to him, “…for a young real estate agent. It’s quite poetic, really.”
“Yeah… um… I’ve been meaning to ask, sir.”
“Do you like mandarins?”
Once again, Tachibana seems to freeze and doesn’t reply right away. Just as Kiryu is getting worried again, he does speak up: “They’re fine with me. I don’t particularly like them, but I certainly don’t dislike them.”
“Hm, I see… Are you alright? Should I not have brought up that question?”
“I’m fine,” he replies flatly. Thankfully, he has an incredibly strong poker face, so Kiryu doesn’t suspect a thing.
“Alright. Is this all you wanted to talk with me about, sir?”
“For now, yes. In the meantime, keep up the good work. I’m sure you’ll get used to how we do business very quickly.”
“Right. Of course, sir.”
Tachibana moves to head for the door while Kiryu takes another peek back at the plot. “Oh, sir?”
He wheels back around. “Yes, Kiryu-san?”
“Should I go fetch those seeds for you?”
He smiles with that familiar yet mysterious look in his eyes. “Don’t worry about it. I can search for them on my own time. Now, come along.”
Once they’re out the door, Kiryu bids his boss a polite bow and excuses himself. Today was an odd day for sure, getting called up by his boss out of the blue to talk about plants and oranges, but all in all, it was pretty fair and relaxing.
Kiryu snaps back to attention. He’s still here, standing in the empty lot, carrying a bag of mandarin oranges, staring off at the back wall. Of course, Tachibana is no longer here.
Nonetheless, it’s been a long time since Kiryu has felt this relaxed. He’s stopped by for a quick visit in his former boss’ honor and left an offering to his departed soul. That’s all he needs to do here. No point in moping about or feeling sorry for either of them. What’s happened has happened.
He peers back down at the bouquet and single mandarin orange he set beside it.
“… I might not have learned much about gardening, but at least I did learn some things from you. Thank you.”
And so he struts off with that bag in tow, wondering to himself what he’s going to do with the rest.
“…This is a lot of oranges for me. Maybe I’ll give them away?”
While he muses to himself, a shady fellow with an eyepatch hiding behind a nearby vehicle parked along the curb is now sitting on the ground, having a smoke to himself. At first he was going to ambush Kiryu, but on second thought, he realizes he just wanted to find out where the guy was headed with that bag of oranges. Now that he does know, all of a sudden, he’s not interested in picking a fight. Perhaps it’s for the best.
There’s always next time, after all.
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crappyartforyou · 7 years
Hey, sorry for bothering you when the askbox is closed and all, but i need to know, is it okay to use your headcannons as writing prompts and then reblog the results under said headcannon? ((Sorry, i'm super new to tumblr and i dunno what the proper etiquette is, figured it was best to ask permission first))
Yes this is very ok!Thank you for asking. Also just a reminder that the askbox is only closed to requests. Feel free to stop by and talk or ask questions like this anytime.I'm very flattered that you want to do this 😊 I'll be looking forward to reading it.~ Reckless
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herkingdomcome · 6 years
all the odd numbers :|
honest meme // accepting only the even numbers apparently
What would prevent you from following someone?
Well immediately if they have no rules then I won’t follow unless they’re someone I know or follow on another blog. For oc’s no bio. And if both of those things are there then I really look at the mun’s vibe in the rules. If they post call outs a lot and things like that then I’m not here for it. If I read some of their writing and it feels like we won’t mesh then I won’t follow. 
What current rp trend do you hate?
Uuuuuh I dunno, I’m not a fan of like the super tiny stuff or when the links mesh into the blog to the point where I have to go full Nancy Drew to find them. Or like the super aesthetic writing because sometimes that can be really hard for me to read. But yeah tbh I don’t care much about trends as long as shit is readable and accessible like do whatever makes you happy lol.
Do you prefer interacting with male muses or female more? Why?
I genuinely don’t have a preference. I think all muses can bring something unique and fun to the table regardless of how they identify :3
What’s your opinion on call out posts?
They suck ass. While I do think some can be necessary like warning people about someone who is predatory and genuinely harmful, I think there was a minute there where it just became a way to bitch about people you didn’t get along with. I had one done about me, though it was more of a long vague, but it was like four paragraphs saying I was ungrateful literally because I politely let them know that I wasn’t sure how to reply to their starter but I’d still be happy to write with them. Which was just such a shitty feeling. So really I think a lot of them are just unnecessary. But I am okay with the ones that come with genuine warnings because we all know tumblr won’t do fuck all about reported people lmao.
What is your opinion on exclusivity? Do you practice it? Why / why not?
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. Some of my muses just connect so deeply to another one that writing with a duplicate would just feel wrong. It does kind of suck in smaller fandoms. Like I had a muse I wanted to write and legit most of the blogs I found in that fandom were exclusive with the same one of that muse and it was really unwelcoming. But at the same time I can’t fault anyone for doing what they want to make their experience the most fun it can be!
What do you know now about rp that you wish you knew when you first started?
This is a weirdly hard question… I guess…I dunno I can’t remember specifically but I was told by an ex friend all of these etiquette things that really were just kinda bullshit. So it made my initial experience kinda stressful. Sooo yeah I’d just wanna know that it’s not so uptight and rigid lmao.
Have you ever thought about leaving rp? What caused it? What changed your mind?
I actually did leave for a while. Someone decided to be really horrible to me because I wasn’t smiley and friendly to them after they’d mugged me off. That whole experience was so painful and stressful that I couldn’t open tumblr without feeling like I couldn’t breathe. So I left. It wasn’t fun and I no longer felt safe. And it was the best decision I could have made because when I did come back it was on my terms, there was no pressure, and I felt a lot better. I did end up having to leave again though because of real world stuff and I did’t know if I’d be able to come back which sucked. But I was able to and honestly I’m happier than ever and feeling so much better about being here :3 ( mostly thanks to @manichaeisms who’s the fucking best even tho she sent me all of these which is rude af )
How has rp changed you personally?
I don’t know. I mean I think it’s given me a good outlet and space to explore which has made me a happier person. Especially when my mom passed away, the whole world felt broken, but I had a place to turn which was really important. And now it’s still a really good outlet because my life is so weird and I don’t get out much but I have such a lovely place to turn and it’s given me the chance to meet quite a few wonderful people. So yeah, happier, it’s made me happier lol. 
Have you ever sent a message to yourself on anon? Why?
Nah, I can’t even really imagine doing something like that. Plus I think if I did do it I’d then just be so panicked that someone would find out it would just be a stressful ordeal. And like…so embarrassing?? I dunno, seems like a silly thing to do lmao.
Do you delete anon hate or post and address it? Why?
Well thus far I’ve actually been quite lucky not to receive very much. I can’t remember what the first time I got some was, but I’ll never forget someone being a dick to me because I said Lev Grossman isn’t great at writing people. Even though I did say he was great at world building. So I did reply to that mostly because it was like just so ridiculous. And then they forgot to hit anon on their last message and outed themselves which frankly was funny karma. So I guess if it’s something that’s not like just cruel hate I’d probably post and address it. As for cruel hate I’d like to think I would delete it but I guess I won’t really know until faced with it.
Have you ever followed someone because you felt like you had to, not because you wanted to?
Kind of? I mean if it’s a small fandom and I’m writing a main character from it then I’m more likely to follow. But I’m not like that anymore. If I followed you or followed you back it’s because I have a genuine interest in writing with you.
Have you ever stolen something from someone else?
Absolutely not. I’ve had little things taken and that felt like shit I can’t imagine doing that to someone. It’s a shitty practice and I just don’t understand people who do it tbh.
Are you open to duplicates? Why / why not?
I absolutely am! I completely understand why people feel insecure with them, and even I do sometimes as well. But I think it’s so rad how so many people can write the same muse and still bring something different to the table. And I’m 110% here for twin au’s and shit like that because it’s just fun to bond with someone over their good taste.
Do you follow people even if they don’t follow you back?
For a bit. But like I take not following back as a sign that they don’t wanna write with me which it totally fine. I’ll unfollow though because I’m not writing with them which like I would assume people would do the same with me as well so it’s not a big deal at the end of the day.
What is your opinion on “reblog karma” and do you practice it?
I have pretty mixed feelings about it. Personally I believe that if you can send in a meme then you should if you’re gonna reblog it. Otherwise just reblog it from the source. But also it’s not like I’ll unfollow or freak out if someone doesn’t send it in. Though I do follow that, if I can send it in then I will. 
Is there something you don’t know the meaning of but you haven’t asked anyone because you think it’s supposed to be general knowledge? Was there ever something you had to ask someone to explain?
I’m sure there has been but I can’t think of it rn. Most rp terms my friend kind of just laid out for me in the beginning so I wasn’t too lost. And google usually has my back as well. But since nothing has happened super recently I don’t have a proper example lol.
How do you feel about personal blogs following your rp blog?
I don’t love it. But I’ll usually just soft block and move on. It’s nothing against personals, they just don’t know the etiquette usually, and also don’t necessarily think to look at rules or anything like that because most personals don’t have rules the way rp blogs do.
Do you read other people’s threads or do you only read your own?
Sometimes I read other people’s but not all the time cause keeping track of my own threads is hard enough with trying to keep track of other’s to see what’s going on lmao.
How do you feel about tagging triggers? Do you tag them? How do you determine what is triggering content and what isn’t?
I think it’s great. I do my best to tag them but I also don’t think I post too much that’s triggering. The only things I won’t tag are ones that are common to my muse. Like alcohol and drugs wouldn’t get tagged because it’s something that a muse partakes in. But again, I’m not reblogging stuff like that very often. And if someone asked me to tag something specific that doesn’t appear often and I missed then I will happily do my best to do so and remember in the future that someone needs it tagged.
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