#Dunno if this one is worth adding on AO3 tho
justmickeyfornow · 5 years
Mickey I know we always have Lena as the strong, sexy, graceful woman who pursue the dorkable Kara, but look hear me out...Dork Kara is really the aggressive, lewd, sneakily touches Lena's thigh under the conference table during a board meeting type. And Lena turns into a fumbling stuttering mess for a lil while
Oh, you mean something a little like this...?
*Casually slides this to you*
Lena had just bought Catco, and if it was any other investment, she would probably appoint a CEO to do the labor work of it all while she ran L-Corp as CEO. But Catco was Cat Grant's. And Cat Grant was a familiar face from when she was young. When Lillian and Lionel would invite all the elites over and have their fancy dinner parties. Cat was always one of those who would actually talk to Lena as an equal and not use her as a pawn to get in the good graces of the Luthors. 
So Lena owed her that much at the very least. To find a suitable person to run Catco. And until she found that person, she was going to do it herself. 
She sat at the head of the meeting table in the conference room with the heads of her department and prominent employees. They were listening to a presentation by James about showcasing a photographer in their next issue. Kara sat beside her on her left, the table being shaped in an oval allowing them to be seated very close to one another. Snapper looked bored at the other corner of the table. Sitting beside him was Richard from the legal department and Oliver on the other side from the men's fitness column of the magazine. Other members who were crucial for the meeting scattered across the large table, half listening, half daydreaming of lunch time. 
Lena herself found her mind wander off a few times during the presentation. She and Kara have been dating for well over a few months now and Lena found the experience to be... Magical. 
Kara was nothing like the bubbly sunshine that Lena expected her to be. The smiles and the pastel colors, those were all Kara Danvers, the persona that she had to put on to blend in. 
But Lena. Lena was dating Kara Zor-El. Superhero to the people of National City. And dating her was much much different. 
Kara Zor-El had an air of confidence around her that Lena often found... Very very arousing. The slow lazy smiles she gave when she knew Lena's heartbeat was reacting to her touch. The way her eyes gleamed with mischief whenever Lena would walk around the house without any pants and only those oversized t-shirts. 
Lena had enough control in her life to want to relinquish all of that to Kara instead behind closed doors. She was the businesswoman, the CEO, the one always in charge. She had to make decisions that would either cost her a billion dollars or grant her as much. And she made those decisions everyday. 
So, when she found that she actually liked playing the feeble woman in Kara's strong arms, Kara had no objections whatsoever. 
It started off as small gestures here and there. The possessive hand on the small of her back whenever they were walking into a restaurant. The way Kara held open the door for her. That time Kara asked her to sit on her lap during game night. The marks on her neck and thighs. 
But small gestures gradually became more. And Lena loved every second of it. 
The time Kara pushed her against her desk and kissed her roughly. Her hands dragging the material of her dress upwards. Even though Lena had a meeting in less than 10 minutes. Even though Lena told her as much. The way Kara silently glared at any guy who dared to flirt with her. Or the time Kara sent her a text in the middle of a work day asking for a provocative picture out in the open in her office. 
It all made Lena crazy with want. A need so desperate she was afraid she would one day ask Kara to simply take her on the conference table in front of everyone. 
"Ms. Luthor?" 
"Hmm?" Lena jerked her head upward at James, who was looking expectantly at her. And so was everyone else apparently. 
"I asked if you wanted me to go over some of the templates we have for showcasing the pictures?" 
Lena cleared her throat, "Yes, yes. Please do." she promptly answered, trying to ease her heartbeat down. Her mind had certainly wandered off to dangerous territory. 
When she looked beside her, she found a lazy smirk playing on Kara's lips, though her eyes didn't meet Lena's. Lena was sure that Kara knew exactly what it was that Lena had been thinking of, if the rhythm of her heartbeat was any indication. She blushed a crimson red and tried to keep her eyes glued to the presentation in front of her. 
A few minutes later, Lena felt a hand softly slide onto her thigh from under the table. Her heartbeat spiked, and she almost jerked at the touch. Kara's hand moved to the inside of her thigh and squeezed the flesh there. Lena stole a glance beside her and found that Kara looked as though she hadn't moved at all. Her eyes focused on the presentation and her expression not indicating at all what was happening under the table. 
Except Lena knew her. She knew the smirk that hid behind her expression. 
Lena's cheeks turned a bright red and her chest rose heavily as Kara's hand continued to slide lower towards her knee. Lena straightened up in her chair, swallowed down a lump in her throat and tried to keep her focus on the presentation. She looked around, half expecting everyone in the meeting to be looking at her aroused and disheveled, but no one was the wiser. 
Kara's hand reached the edge of her skirt, her fingers clenched so that her nails dug into the skin of Lena's thigh as she began to drag the material of the skirt up. Lena did jerk then. Her hands both went under the table to clasp around Kara's wrist, the move causing everyone to turn to her in question. 
Her eyes went wide as she froze in her spot, not sure what to say. She tightened her grip on Kara's hand and breathed heavily through her nose. 
Kara cleared her throat from beside her, "I actually have a question about the theme, if that's okay with you James." she confidently spoke, "I'm actually writing a piece on the effects of social injustice on graffiti art and I was wondering if maybe the photographer you spoke about would be interested in doing a project like that."
Everyone's attention directed to James for the answer and James went on to explain that the artist had done a similar project once and would probably go for it. 
Lena, still frozen in place, noticed the hidden smirk on Kara's lips. She was grateful that Kara had saved her but couldn't help but blame her for her predicament to begin with. 
Lena remained grasping at Kara's wrist. She couldn't move, couldn't think, couldn't do anything but zero in on Kara's touch. 
Kara's fingers began to move softly. They danced on the skin of her thigh, making Lena's heart thunder in her chest. Kara's hand didn't move, but her fingers tapped on Lena's thigh softly. She was waiting. For consent, for permission to go further. 
And Lena was too turned on to do anything but grant her the permission. 
Lena slowly let go of Kara's wrist and placed her hands back on the table in front of her. She clasped her hands tightly together and waited for Kara to go further. 
Lena's eyes stayed glued to the projector screen as Kara dug her nails in her skin again and began pulling up the material of her skirt. Lena's breath hitched, she unwillingly closed her eyes for less than a second as the feeling traveled through her body. Kara finally reached her inner thigh, a small groan escaping Kara's lips was the only indication that anything had happened. 
Lena sat straighter up. Her back stiff, as the hand underneath the table roughly squeezed her thigh and travelled further inside. 
Her focus shifted to the table with half lidded eyes as Kara's fingers began dancing once more. Drawing nearer and nearer towards... 
"Ms Luthor?" 
Lena jerked, suddenly. Her whole body almost jumping off the chair in her haste to fix herself. For a second there she thought everyone found out about her and Kara's under the table adventures, since everyone was looking at her. But then she noticed that James had finished his presentation and was sitting in his spot. 
Shit. It’s my turn to speak. 
"Oh, well, thank you, Mr. Olsen. Let's- Let's move on shall we?" she stuttered, her hands shaking as she opened the folder in front of her. 
She bit down on her lip to suppress a moan when Kara's fingers reached her soaked panties. Lena's mind was indecisive. She wanted to stop, to focus on the meeting, to not make a complete fool of herself. 
But on the other hand, she had never been more turned on in her life. 
She cleared her throat, looking down at the words and not being able to read a single word, "A-As you all know, the next edition will focus on- on social injustice. We have interviews lined up as well as umm..." she lost her train of thought when Kara began playing with the edge of her panties, working on pushing them aside. 
Lena's heart banged against her chest as she shook herself out of the pleasure and refocused on her words, "I want social media coverage on the justice march that's..." her hand jerked, and she covered up the action by reaching for a pen, "That's on Sunday. I want all platforms to be..." she dug her nails into her palms when she couldn't handle the anticipation of feeling Kara's fingers where she wanted, but didn't want them to be. 
"Working." she finished miserably. 
What was I even talking about? 
Her mind failed to even properly remember what this meeting was about. Something about injustice? 
Lena shook her head a little, refocusing herself for the umpteenth time, "Investors will be coming in on Monday morning from Japan to discuss the MLS project we're launching this year. I want legal to be there." she nodded at Richard, who nodded back that he and his team will be there. She turned to the assistant who was taking minutes, "And make sure there are interpreters present at the meeting."
"Of course, Ms. Luthor." the assistant affirmed. 
Lena held her breath when Kara's fingers began rubbing over her panties. She could handle the teasing, the touches, the groping. But she will be damned if she thought she could handle Kara stimulating her without coming undone in less than a few minutes. 
Lena straightened in her seat, closing her thighs over Kara's hand. It made things worse. Because now she was grinding on those fingers and they felt oh so good between her thighs. 
She cleared her throat once more, "And the..." she swallowed down, taking a deep shaky breath to calm her nerves, Kara was now rubbing faster on her clit over her panties, "The umm..." 
The what?! 
She couldn't remember. Couldn't focus. Couldn't think much of anything but those damn fingers and how much she'd love to kick everyone out and straddle Kara's lap. 
"The new branch launch party is scheduled for next month. I want all the final catering details sorted out as well as security issues."
Lena looked down to her notes. They made no sense anymore. Something about a charity auction for some event that she remembered nothing of at the moment. 
Kara came to her rescue at once, "And there's the matter of the..." her fingers rubbed faster, "Cover for the next issue."
"Yes!" Lena said, a little too excited and not because of the cover, "I want the final picks for the cover on my desk by the end of the day today please."
Everyone nodded their agreement, finding their boss' attitude today a bit odd. 
Lena swallowed down, "A-and..." she closed her eyes for a second, suppressing a moan, "And that's it! I think we've discussed everything there needs to be discussed. If you'll excuse me, I have another meeting with Ms. Danvers about her last article."
And with that, she pushed Kara's hand out of the way, got up, and walked out. Kara chuckled as she gathered both their things and followed closely behind. 
Fully knowing what her meeting with Lena will be about. It's a good thing Lena had blinds installed around Cat's office, or else the whole company will witness that meeting. 
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age-sliding-flug · 5 years
Figured I outta do this, just so everyone knows my pronouns/so I can answer some questions in advance.
Q: What are your pronouns? A: He/Him, please.
Q: What’s your name? A: Harrison [REDACTED], but y’all can call me Harry :3
Q: How old are you? A: [REDACTED] (Not comfortable with sharing, but I am 18+)
Q: How long have you been writing? A: 6+ years; pretty much all fanfiction. Working on a few original projects, but I’ll probably never share them here.
Q: Why so secretive? A: I hate to admit it, but age-sliding isn’t exactly well received by most folks, as most people associate mental regression with DDLG/CGL sexual play, which is... problematic, to say the least. Also, I’m very shy. (I swear to fuck if any of you send my series to Alan, I will fucking kill you. I would die of embarrassment.)
Q: Is Harry even your real name? A: No, it’s not my most preferred name. I’m a trans guy, so I’m already coming up with a new name for myself; thought I’d experiment with one I liked on here, even if I already pretty much have my new name figured out. (And no, it’s not Harry as in Harry Potter, it’s Harry as in Harry Dresden from The Dresden Files)
Q: Do you age-slide? What even IS age-sliding? A: Yes, I do indeed age-slide, but it’s not as often as it used to be for me; a lot of this series is me low-key coping with my age-sliding issues. As for what age-sliding is, age-sliding is when someone- typically an adult/older teenager- will mentally regress. More often than not, this is due to trauma from the age-slider’s youth (such is the case with me), and is the mind’s attempt to return to what was perceived to be a simpler/safer time. It’s different for everyone, and can be on different levels of manageable/difficult to deal with.
Q: Why is your AO3 username BottomDeathstroke if you’ve only written Villainous fics on there? A: That account was never intended to be for this series- which wasn’t planned to even be a series to begin with- and was intended to be a place for me to write and post NSFW/unrelated mental regression DCU fanfiction (starring Deathstroke usually, because I love him). Once this series is done, I’ll probably post that sort of content on there, but for now Villainous has taken over my life.
Q: What’s your main account? Both on AO3 and Tumblr? A: [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]
Q: What did you think of Villainous’ pilot? A: I absolutely loved it! I actually wrote an alternate ending fic for it set in the AU, which you can check out here! The pilot is very good, please watch it on YouTube and support the people behind it!
Q: Are you okay with getting asks/questions/prompts? A: Absolutely! I’m always happy to answer people’s questions; whether they’re about age-sliding, the series, or just from a few curious anons!
Q: Can people do fanart? A: YES!!! A thousands times yes!!! Gosh, that would absolutely make my day! If you do any fanart, please either send me a link/submit it to me and I’ll make sure to check it out/post it on this blog! If you want to be labeled as anonymous through a submission, please let me know so that I can list you as such!
Q: Did any other fics inspire this one? A: Yes! “Spare the Rod and Spoil the Scientist” on AO3 by yucky was a HUGE inspiration for this series. I know they haven’t updated in awhile, but the fic in general is very good, and definitely has some elements that I really like! Please check it out if you can, and send the author your support!
Q: What made you start writing this fic series? A: TBH, I dunno. I had just moved to [REDACTED] at the time I started, and was feeling incredibly lonely (I also was just getting over 1+ year’s worth of writer’s block). I only intended the first fic to be a one off sorta deal, but to my surprise, people seemed to actually like it, so that gave me the courage to keep going and, well... I got thinking about the rules of this AU’s universe/added the Heroic Crew, and from there everything spiraled out of control.
Q: Where can I find your fic series? A: I plan on posting full descriptions/links on this blog at some point, but for now, here’s a link to my AO3 profile: BottomDeathstroke.
Q: How old is everyone in the fic series? A: Okay, lemme list the ages from oldest to youngest: Black Hat: 1000+ White Hat: 1000+ Clemencia: 32 Demencia: 31 Slug: 22 Flug: 18 505: 2 606: 2
Q: Is this series going to go on forever or is there a planned ending? A: All too often I see age-sliding/mental regression fics go on for a bit, only to suddenly stop updating, which is pretty disappointing tbh. I do plan on having a big finale (that’s gonna be one hell of an emotional roller-coaster), but that’s not for quite awhile, as I want to fulfill all my planned fics (Flug confronting his mom, talking about where tf Slug and Flug’s dad went, Black Hat and White Hat origins, Clemencia and Demencia babysitting, winter holiday special, Halloween special, Black Hat teaching Flug to play the piano, etc) as well as do a few requests/ideas for the readers.
Q: What’s the ending gonna be? A: ;3
Q: Why is Flug trans? A: Because I’m trans and projecting, next question.
Q: Any other LGBT+ headcanons for the cast? A: Uuuuuuuuuh, Clemencia’s a lesbian, Demencia and Black Hat are bi af, White Hat is pan, Slug is gay and in the closet, Flug and BH are both trans but handle it in very different ways, and 505 and 606 are... bears. Yeah. I also see Flug as ace, so there’s that. The projection is strong with him.
Q: How old are Black Hat and White EXACTLY? A: Fuck if I know. They’re supposed to be from the very dawn of man, but the few times I’ve mentioned their ages during different time periods, I’ve realized how much I’ve fucked myself over doing that. Does it really matter? Probably not, but I like to be organized and flesh out the universe, so I’m dying, y’all.
Q: Why so much world building? A: I dunno, it’s just the way I am. I like a precise set of rules within my stories, and I like to delve into the politics of that story out of sheer curiosity. Besides, I’ve always been a huge superhero/supervillain fan, so getting into how those professions would actually WORK in a developed universe is fun for me!
Q: Has canon content ruined anything for you? A: Not really, but it’s changed my theories for people quite a bit (particularly for BH’s origins and Flug’s backstory). I’ll admit, there are certain things that I sometimes wish I had done differently, if only to fit my current theories for where the series is heading. But I don’t regret the headcanons I used for this series, and I’m gonna stick to them throughout, even if I don’t believe all of them are true anymore! (Y’all can take trans Flug from my cold, head fucking hands, tho.)
Q: Why are you writing a Heroic backstory fic if they’re not even canon characters? A: First of all, they’re canon in my heart. Second of all, I just thought it would be fun to write, and it definitely has been! Writing it has been interesting to say the least (and an important lesson on why long WIPs are a bad idea for me, rip), but I don’t regret it, and I’m proud of how it’s going so far! Still, definitely looking forward to getting back to our villainous favorites.
Q: When ARE you getting back to the Villainous characters? A: Soon, I promise. In the meantime, I DID write a fic with them in it recently,. Which, again, you can check out over here, as it’s an alternate ending rewrite for the pilot episode. But yeah, they’ll be back soon, I just want to finish “Taming a Stray” first.
I think that’s it for now! Lemme know if you guys have anymore questions that need answering, and I’ll be sure to add them to this post (or answer separately)! Have a good day!
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franeridart · 6 years
Hey! So sorry if you already answered this but what application and tablet do you use??
I use Easy Paint Tool SAI and a pretty old wacom intuos tablet! Both questions are answred in my faq, actually~
Anon said:You. You awesome person. You are my new fav artist. 💘💘💘
AW thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I love your art and the style, it’s all so cute and it might give me a heart attack
He c k let’s hope not! Thank you so so much!!! ;^;
Anon said:hey, can ya do more tokage, pls
Sure, I mean to draw more 1B in the future anyway~
Anon said:nori is soo adorable!! I love your art and seromina so much and seeing them combined makes me mega happy!!! I gotta ask though, how are sero and mina as parents and how do they handle nori’s quirk?
They’re disasters as parents but they try their best and are always having fun - Nori adores them! In their house not a minutes goes by without someone laughing, they’re all super loud and cheerful always~ neither of them has any problem dealing with Nori’s quirk, Sero has spent a whole lifetime learning how to deal with sticky stuff and tape and glue so he knows all the tricks to save clothes and furniture from accidental quirk usage and so on, while Mina’s own quirk makes it easy to counter any glue that might end on her - the main thing actually is that the quirk itself was a surprise! Since Nori looks a lot like Mina, both she and Sero had expected her to have acid like Mina so when she started gluing herself around in places and walking along walls and stuff it was a surprise (they had expected to have to deal with the house being constantly half destroyed by acid though, so glue is nothing compared to that haha)
Anon said:Heyy I saw your twitter account and was wondering if you could link some of those “fics about them boys sharing a bed..“ I’ve been following you for a while now and absolutely love your work (: I hope you don’t mind lol. I need more kiribaku in my life gahaha ❤️ thanks !!
I didn’t really bookmark any and most were old things I had read in the past and spent time rereading lately, but the newest one I read is this one - honestly though at this point 99% of the fics set in the dorms have them sharing a bed, you just need to open ao3 and scroll down less than a page to find stuff lol
Anon said:If you’re not an Adventure Time fan this ask will make no sense to you (so skip it), but when I saw your drawing of Katsuki with a guitar, I immediately thought he was singing some edgy Marceline song, like the teasing-aggressive “I wanna bury you in the ground / I wanna bury you with my sound” (which he actually says at some point I think XD) or the romantic and melancholic “Slow Dance with You” and Eijirou M-E-L-T-S.
Not an AT fan, but the concept is adorable so I’m keeping the ask anyway
Anon said:Do you think you might draw more of your fantasy AU children while you’re playing with you’re new pencil tool? It would be neat if you did! Regardless, I’m grateful for anything you draw!
Yup! Can’t promise when it’ll happen but I love the fantasy AU and I love childhood friends AU, so the chances of me going back on it are pretty high!
Anon said:Are you going to draw Mako and Taiyou again? They are so wonderful.
YAH that’s definitely in the near future plans! Thank you for liking them!!
Anon said:I just…I love all your art. It’s so amazing you’re awesome
Anon said:Stavo scorrendo il tuo blog e ho notato che hai risposto ad una domanda in italiano? Ho seriamente pensato fossi inglese tutto questo tempo! Amo seriamente i tuoi disegni, i tuoi oc sono meravigliosi e non vedo l'ora di scoprire più di loro.
AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH grazie infinite omfg ;^; specialmente per i miei oc, è sempre incredibile per me sapere che alla gente piacciono abbastanza da volerli vedere di più ;^;
Anon said:Hewwo! I’m a huge fan of your artwork!! I was wondering if you have any time could you draw some more of those dorm room scenarios?
Anon I’m sorry but I need you to be more specific, which dorm room scenarios are you talking about? Most of my comics at this point are set in the dorms hahaha
Anon said:I just noticed that on every artwork you sign “do not repost” and I hate it.I don’t hate that you do it, but the fact you NEED to do it. Artists all over the Internet say to not repost their art but people still do it…I hope this will stop someday Sorry for my english btw
Yeah well, I guess as long as people keep on following and giving notes to reposters that’s not really gonna change is it orz
Anon said:You should draw Present Mic x Aizawa *awkward finger guns*
Hell I really should, shouldn’t I
Anon said:my god im gay for your kiribaku like they’re so good aibdjsbsknwnx and i love the interactions between the bakusquad ahh keep being awesome :)
Anon said:Honestly, this might be an odd question I don’t know, but would you ever consider putting your art together in a art book to sell? Cause to be honest, there’s not a piece by you that I don’t adore and I’ve seen some artist do things like that before so I didn’t know if that was something you’d consider. Maybe like all your BNHA pieces or something?
It’s not like I never considered it? It’s more like I dunno how worth all the work to figure out how to make it/where to print it and then to actually make it would be compared to the interest people would have in buying something they can have for free on my blog? It’s just doodles after all haha
Anon said:Would you be willing to draw a little lavi (dgm) doodle for me? Anything tiny, I just love him and your art!!!
I’m not doing requests right now, sorry, but soon enough the new chapter is coming out so I might draw him around then!!! I always fall in a serious dgm mood around the time of the chapter release haha
Anon said:More abuse of the ask function: 1- I love your art and have been for months. On top of that, it often feels cathartic, which is amazing to me. 2- I love how balanced you can make KiriBaku. You even manage to make me appreciate that overrated attention hogger that is Bakugou, you can handle him so much better than the author, because your character dynamics make so much more sense!! 3- I always, ALWAYS find myself reading through all your tags. They’re awesome. Thank you for everything.//Avevo finito lo spazio nell'ask precedente, so I’d only like to add that aside from cutie-smoochy (“It’s not about whether you break” and “I don’t need you” might be my favorite, and for what’s worth, I remember writing something exactly like the latter in the past), you also make mu burst into laughter. Like, the comic where Katsuki is about to out Eijirou on his red hair, I am still rolling. Kiri’s giant mouth is seriously hysterical XD
Thank you for the compliments!! I’m glad I can make you like a character and a relationship you’re not much of a fan of in the actual manga? ? ? Bakugou’s actually one of my favorite characters ever though so………. maybe……….don’t offend him and the way Horikoshi writes him while talking to me………….orz
Anon said:I am starved for Bakukamikiri stuff in this fandom……..But you got some good shit.
I’m!!! happy to be able to help there!!!! haha
Anon said:They mama Mitsuki art you drew 👏💯💖☺️💕👌 I love your art so much
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Yessssss you have Twitter! It is boring at the beginning but then you’ll love it! I can’t wait to see you here and there! Now all my Bakushima favorite artist have one I can die of happiness!!
I’m!!!!!!!!!! Still trying to figure it out but!!!!!!!! For now it’s not that bad? Just!!! Very different from tumblr so I’ll need to get used to it first!!!!
Anon said:Omg do u shade jirous hair like its a heartbeat line? Dhdisbdisb thats so fuckibg good
THANK she actually has it in canon too, tho, so I can’t take credit for this!!!
Anon said:Im crying on how you draw kirishima’s soft hair
S O B I’m glad you like it!! ;^;
Anon said:Can I ask what your stance is on bakugo’s mom being abusive and sorry if you’ve answered this before
I love Mitsuki with my whole heart and while I don’t think she’s perfect I do think she’s loving and caring and trying her best and always looking out for what’s best for Bakugou 👍 no abuse anywhere, for me
Thank you for liking her???? heck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I wish I could use your art for my phone’s background ;^; You’re amazing! I love youuuuuuuuuu
No one’s stopping you from doing that, anon!!! Unless you don’t have a phone that allows you backgrounds, in which case ;-; thank you for liking my stuff that much tho!!
Anon said:Hey! I followed you way back when your main output was haikyuu!! comics and once you started putting out more bnha, i had to unf because i had no idea who everyone was rip. but now that ive finally had the chance to watch it i’m glad to come back and see how much you’ve improved!
HECK THANK YOU???? I’m glad you decided to come back????? oh man that’s super flattering !!!
Anon said:Yolo bakusquad bakubowl ?
I don’t really like the whole concept of [character]bowl, sorry!
Anon said:I absolutely adore your art style😍 every time I see your art it makes me happy:)
THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Can you draw Hawks and Tokoyami together? You are rlly creative and amazing! So I believe you will produce sth. awesome!!!! (If you don’t want to draw Hawks, could you draw a Tokoyami fusion?)
I can draw that! I’m just waiting to know how tall Hawks is compared to him before doing that 👍 be patient pls relative heights are something I’m stupidly fussy about 
Anon said:Burn the whole world to ashes for you? R U serius?! You always killing me dude. I ascended to the heaven of soft things. I N C R E D I B L E. Im sorry for the break down, i was without tumblr 2 months and the firts thing i do is go to your profile. Keep doing this plis im trully love it 😭💖
mAN I’m so glad you liked that one this much, drawing the boys being unreasonably soft with each other is my fav thing to do tbh !!!
Anon said:Omg I can totally imagine Nori and bakushima’s daughter being friends!!!
THEY ARE !!!!!!!
Anon said:Your seromina is amazing!!! I love that ship I feel like it is so underrated! Thank you for this blessed image!! 😭
No prob!! thank you for liking it!!!!!!! I’ve been in such a seromina mood lately, I might actually draw more soon enough!!
Anon said:Omg imagine a Tetsuwase love child. Something tells me they’d be adorable and one rather angry child, considering who their fathers are
I can see them as being quiet and grumpy………. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Anon said:Hey just wanted to tell you I love your art. It’s so soft and beautiful. My dad doesn’t ship any characters from the series, but he does like the series and he thinks your art and style are really pleasing. We were talking about how nicely you shade and that the style is well developed and lovely to look at. Thanks for making such great art that makes me smile and giving me and my dad yet another thing to bond over.
YO THAT’S SUCH A COOL THING TO HEAR!!!! Thank you to both you and your dad for liking my stuff????? h e c k !!!!!
Anon said:Thanks to you I started reading haikyuu.
I hope you’re enjoying it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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For the prompts: you are a tolerable drunk. You're awesome sweetie ❤️
Ooh, sounds like fun! You didn’t specify another character, so I’m gonna pick a random one and go for Laura and her insufferable cousin Jackson ;)
on AO3 here!
If Laura hadn’t already been up late studying and intending to stay up even later, she probably would’ve ignored it. Well, she probably would’ve forwarded the text to Lydia or Cora or even Derek – literally anyone who got along with Jackson better than she did, which was practically everyone. Why the hell was he texting her of all people?
But it was late and she’d been working for five solid hours and her brain was about to melt out of her skull. She needed a break anyway, so she closed her books, pulled on sweats and shoes, and grabbed her keys on the way out the door. A slew of douchey selfies on facebook earlier had placed Jackson and his friends at one of the local clubs, she headed in that direction.
> Jackhole 1:24am [you still at Sinema?]
Laura stared at her phone for a minute, rereading it and making sure the iffy spelling still added up to all the same words. The reread came up with the same thing and honestly, she couldn’t say she was surprised. There had been more than a few occasions in their lives where she had been very tempted to punch Jackson herself, and she reminded him of that frequently. Tonight he had been out with his own friends, though, so that was a little harder to believe.
> Jackhole 1:31am [come out from, i’m almost there]
She pulled up in front of the club to find Jackson slumped against the front of the building, one leg throw out in front of him and one pulled up in front of him to prop up his arm. He had one hand on his face. The other still had a drink in it, but he wasn’t drinking it.
Laura finagled a parking space not too far away and then sauntered up to stand in front of him.
“You’re not looking so hot, little cuz,” she said, kicking his out-flung foot to get his attention. He groaned, dropping his hand. There was already a hell of a bruise forming on his jaw, visible even in the low colored lighting of the club’s neon signage. He squinted up at her.
“I always look hot,” he slurred.
Laura snorted. “Like a hot mess, maybe.” She kicked him again. “C’mon, get your ass up. I’m taking you home, you lush.”
Jackson started struggling his way to his feet. He tried to brace himself on the wall, but he seemed to be having a lot of trouble managing it with one of his hands occupied. Laura rolled her eyes.
“Gimme that,” she said, snatching the tumbler out of his hand. “If you’re getting into bar fights now, then I don’t think you need another drink. Who hit you anyway?”
“No,” Jackson moaned, reaching out to try and take the drink back. With a tsk-ing sound, Laura held it up over his head, reveling for the millionth time since puberty that she was two inches taller than him and he couldn’t get it back from her without jumping, which he didn’t seem capable of in his current state of inebriation. “No, no, no,” he said again. “Don’t - hic - don’t drink that! No one should drink that one!”
“You don’t get to tell me what to do,” Laura said with a smirk. “I’m older. That makes me in charge of you. Always has, always will. If I want to drink this, I can, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”
“Fine then,” Jackson said, his shrug overbalancing him and sending him stumbling back into the wall, which he apparently decided was pretty comfortable since he stayed slumped over there. “Drink it if you want. Whatever - hic - just don’t expect me to ssssave you. I already got punched over it once.”
He mimed punching but nearly fell over again. Laura steadied him automatically, holding back a laugh. Jackson drunk wasn’t nearly as coordinated as Jackson sober, and the haughty expression made the slurring twice as funny. Then his words caught up with her and she squinted down at the drink in her hand.
“Save me?” she asked. “What do you mean, save me? And somebody punched you over a drink?”
“You’d punch me for less,” Jackson said, and Laura had to concede that point.
“Okay, what about the saving though?” she repeated.
Jackson tried to point at the glass, but he sort of missed and it took him a minute to refocus. “Spiked,” he said. “Some dude put…I dunno, he put something in it. Tryna score. I saw - hic - I saw him do the thing and swiped it from the chick ‘fore she could drink it and then dude got mad and - hic - “
He mimed punching again, this time sending himself crashing into Laura’s shoulder. She shoved him back with a grunt and pinned him to the wall to keep him from sending them both to the ground from sheer drunken clumsiness. Once he was secured though, she gave him an appraising look.
“You fought a guy for trying to drug some girl?” she asked, torn between disbelief and the strong (and disconcerting) desire to hug him.
“Don’t know why I got thrown out too,” Jackson said, head lolling back against the wall. “He was the doucheturd. I was - hic - the good guy. Just ‘cause I’m super fucking drunk doesn’t mean I’m not the good guy! Dude was asking for a kick in the nards, so I kicked him in the nards! Shouldn’t be allowed to repruce - repor - hic - reproduce anyway.”
“Amen to that,” Laura said. With great relish, she poured the spiked drink into the nearest storm gutter, letting the tumbler follow it down in a shower of broken glass. She returned to her cousin and dragged one of his arms over her shoulders, hauling him away from the wall with some difficulty. “So,” she said, “was it worth getting punched?”
Jackson scoffed, the disdain undermined just a bit by the way he tripped over his own shoelace and nearly brought them both down again. “You call this a punch?” he asked. “Puh-lease. You should see the other guy.”
“You socked him good, did you?”
“Damn straight,” Jackson said. Then: “Well, not straight. I’m not straight. Really - hic - really not straight, man, I’m so fucking bi. Damn bi, that’s what I am. I’m everybody’s type and everybody is mine. ‘Cept only the hot ones.”
Laura smothered her laugh in the hand not keeping Jackson from sliding out of her grip into a puddle on the sidewalk. “So was the girl hot? The one you saved? Is that why you did it?”
Jackson fell against the side of her car, leaving the very complicated task of opening the door to her. He made the universal ‘I don’t know’ sound, eyes slipping closed.
“Didn’t really see her,” he admitted. “Doesn’t matter. It’s a shitty thing. Guys don’t get to do shitty things without getting punched.”
“I thought he got a nard kick,” Laura pointed out. “You were the one who got punched.”
“I know!” Jackson cried. “What the fuck’s up with that? Rude.”
Laura leaned up against the car next to her obnoxious little cousin, a genuine smile on her face all for him for what was quite possibly the first time in either of their lives. “You know, cuz,” she said. “I usually can’t stand you, but to my complete and utter surprise, you are a tolerable drunk.”
Jackson scoffed again. “I am an awesome drunk,” he said. “I’m a fucking pleasure.”
Laura hummed her skepticism. “I’m gonna stick with tolerable. Now get in the car before I leave your drunk ass here. I still have studying to do.”
She didn’t actually get any more studying done, but only because Jackson started telling knock-knock jokes in the car ride back to his apartment and they were so hilarious bad that Laura made the executive decision that she could not let this opportunity pass her by. She stayed at Jackson’s apartment for an hour, taking videos for blackmail purposes.
Then she tucked him into bed with a glass of water, a pack of aspirin, and a barf bucket at his bedside because she was a good fucking cousin like that and he had damn well better appreciate it.
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franeridart · 7 years
Hmmm.. what do you think about the monoma x shinsou ship??
It’s… possibly a good ship? I guess? I’ve seen it around a bit, but ngl I don’t really understand it haha
Anon said: when’s your birthday?
November 13th! It’s still pretty far~
Anon said:you say you like seeing the bakusquad taking care of babies hmmm? draw them maybe? OuO
I did haha
Anon said:Because of your art (you made me fall in love with Bakugou and Kirishima and Kaminari) I started BNHA and got my best friend into it. Now I can’t stop writing them and my friend and I have several AUs already.
This is the best kind of ask omfg !!!!! Glad I could get you into my disaster trio!!! …but also are you maybe gonna share like I’m starved for bakushimanari content a n o n
Anon said:Aw man i was gonna recomend that fic by newamsterdam to you. Like i finished reading it and thought you could like it since you like that other kuroo x teru fic (thanks to you and the anon for that btw) and it seemed your style? Im kinda sad i missed the chance (ok i know this whole ask sounds stupid)
Awwww don’t be sad anon, reccing me bakushima stuff is seriously hard because I might or might not go daily in the ao3 tag to read anything complete that’s been updated and I might or might not be following all fics regularly updating unless they have a character death/angst with no happy ending warning oops - thank you for thinking about me tho!!! That made me happy haha
Anon said:I pestered my friend until he watched (and fell in love with) bnha and now I’m pestering him to look at your blog because your art is top notch and every bnha fan should look at your art imo
Thank??? You???? Holy smokes !!!
Anon said:Aaaaaaa I really love your bakushima art its just so pure and wholesome and makes me really happy when I see it!! ;;u;;
B O I THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:The Uraraka and Bakugou fight!!! !!! !!! Probably my favourite fight in the tournament ahhh just the depth of character from both of them I’m ;; and the “Todoroki isn’t you” line ahhhhhhhhhhh
Haha well my fave is still the bakushima one ngl I’m weak for Bakugou actually having fun, but I feel this!! It’s a great fight and the anime did it so so well too!!!! Can’t wait for next episode tbh aahhhhhhh !!!
Anon said:With the latest chapter, I’m gonna assume Midnight ships the hard bros lmao. But honestly tho, she was me!! I love them!!! It was everything I hoped it to be, the graphics, the focus on their hands, the handshake, thE FREAKING SPARKLES!!!!
It was!!!!!!! Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! And such a sweet surprise too, I thought I wouldn’t get to see it this episode and YET!!!!! I might have yelled hahaha
Anon said:“Three sets of eyes and still can’t see bakugou” 1000% accurate I’m crying
*wiggle eyebrows*  the pun was calling for me
Anon said:Things that automatically make my day better: seeing a notification that says “franeridart has posted a photo”. I always give a little gasp and go “FRANNY!” Before immediately looking at the picture. Even the ones that aren’t for fandoms I’m in are so super cute!! So long story short I love you and your art k bye
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’re so sweet oh my g o s h!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:Would it be possible to see any bokuroteru or bakushima art in your rb?
Anon said:The bakushima smooches would look great on a notebook/mug/etc !
I added the smooches!!!! And I mean to go through my bakushima stuff to see what else works!! As for the bokuroteru, is there anything specific you’d like to see? Nothing seems worth it tbh haha rip
Anon said:I just bought a bag and a t-shirt and this shirt will be worn at anime expo in July and I would looooooove it if some of YOYR matsuhana S made it into your shop because I would buy all of them
THANK YOU SO MUCH OH MY G O D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:M'cryin the way young Mirio looked was like a colonial American teen. Also holy shit the character development showing Tamaki’s anxiety and pessimism, and then Mirio being the super supportive friend he is and just ugh everything about this chapter was amazing
IT W AS I love it so much Amajiki’s such a good character honestly and his relationship with Mirio is!!! So good!!!! Also long haired Mirio might have been a nod to his liking rock music actually!! I love it!
Anon said:Do you ever wonder if Mirio is maybe too good and one of these days we’re gonna find out he’s actually a bad egg
…Nah. He’s not the only exceptionally good character after all, Deku, Uraraka and Kirishima are right there with him, and Toshi too! Pure characters are a Thing in bnha, which makes sense since they’re all heroes, it’s their job to be good haha
Anon said:Heeyyy so, I have this dream of owning a bookstore, and was wondering if I commissioned so e work, if you’d be ok with me displaying it in my store? Just you know… hypothetically speaking…
Well, as of now my commissions aren’t open so there’s that. But once I’ll open them then it’ll depend on what exactly you commission me to draw, I guess? I dunno! Once my commissions will be open you can contact me off anon and we can talk about it one on one~
Anon said:What do you think of platonic Tokoyami x Tsuyu dynamic? They work so well together! I think they could be good friends! Also do you ship Tokoyami and Shouji? They earned a place in my heart since the training camp!
I love!!!! TokoTsuyu!!!!! Holy heck!!!! I’ve drawn them together a couple of times, their exam together was really amazing I wish I could see more of them interacting! Also they were my first faves in bnha, so seeing them interact has always been like a treat to me haha also yes to ShoujiYami!! Drew that once as well, they’re so cute~ smallest boy x tallest boy, what a good couple !!
Anon said:Have you ever thought about Tetsutetsu x Kendou? I can’t stop thinking about it since the training camp, I love Kendou so much she’s so awesome and sweet, and Tetsutetsu is amazing and a true hero, and they have such a lovely dynamic!
MY MAIN TETSU SHIP !!!!!!! I drew them once too, I love them so so much they’d make such a good couple honestly I should draw them more
Anon said: I love your Hagakure hc you posted! She’s so lovely, I hope she learns how to make herself visible because I can’t imagine meeting people and knowing no one knows how you look like. She’s probably cool with her quirk now, after so many years, but I’m sure she must get upset sometimes…
My fave thing about Hagakure is that she sometimes acts as if she forgets no one can see her - not even in an angst way, like she complains about Mineta looking in their changing room or stuff like that, I can’t tell if she just genuinely forgets or if she’s so used to being invisible that for her is like being visible anyway???? Either way it’s gonna be fun if and when she’ll learn how to make herself visible! 
Anon said:This latest chapters have me shipping Kirideku a little~~~~ haha. Man, I love their interactions, they are so supporting of each other and so work well together. Its nice seeing Deku interact with someone who doesn’t expects anything of him and who is just a friend
Nah, there’s lotsa people who don’t expect anything from him, Deku’s friends love him a lot~ but yeah his interactions with Kiri are fun, most times it’s just Kiri getting excited and being overly energetic as usual and Deku going “ye-yeah!” with his uncertain face, it’s??? fun??? Seeing the members of the bakusquad interact on friendly terms with the dekusquad is always fun for me exactly for that, Deku’s friends are all so mild compared to Baku’s, you notice the squad’s energy even more like this haha
Anon said:(Waifu2x anon) *gasp!* I’m not worthy!!
You keep me in too high regards, anon haha
Anon said:fran!! i saw your art for todays chapter and promptly died all over again. ive fallen in mirio/amajiki hell and i dont wanna get out. ive also taken to using miriama as their ship name too?? so idk what else people use but!! i just need to scream at you how beautiful your art is and i would buy things from you if you ever opened a shop
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since posting those doodles I’ve heard MiriAma MiriTama MiriMaki MiriJiki TogaAma and TogaJiki and I love??? All of them???? I don’t know which I’ll end up picking honestly I wonder what the main tag is atm haha is there even art for them? There should be t b h
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