#Dumb questions
stuffforme2 · 8 months
Okay this is gonna sound really fucking dumb but hear me out.
If the mortal parent to a Godly child tried to get an abortion will it workl or.. no?
Would they get cursed? Would they just die? Would the people trying to do it die? Would it work?
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fizzie-frog · 4 months
K but can anyone actually explain Fizzarolli's funky fingers? They switch from black to white/vice versa, sometimes in the same scene. Like does anyone know this??
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Black all throughout.
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Black in the morning/in pajamas after waking up.
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White when out in the Greed ring (same episode).
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Black again on the new hand installed by Ozzie.
Mammon's magnificent musical:
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Black all throughout, before his "2 minutes notice" performance.
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White in "2 minutes notice"?? Through to the end of the episode.
He seemed to change them in the middle of performing...
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... by ripping out his sleeves??? How do the sleeves connect to the fingers? How-- what?
Please someone make sense of this. It's obviously not an error since it happens for long periods at a time. Also it seems pretty intentional the way the fingers change with the sleeve rips. It can't be two separate sets of prosthetics since it changed in the middle of performance... It isn't gloves, cause he has those robotic LEDs. And also, again, he's ripping the black out of them along with the sleeves???
I know it's such a minor thing, but that really confuses me. Riddle me that, Viv.
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und3ad-br3ath1n9 · 7 months
Does spiderman have shoes. Are they build into the suit or is just like. Spandex socks.
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findherinwonderland · 4 months
!!!Spoilers from Clavis's route!!!
I just finished Clavis's route and I realised that king wasn't at leticia's funeral, but chev was, which made me think more abt the subject.
So we all know chev doesn't forget the names of the ones who died for the kingdom, but this is present chev. Small chev was at the funeral and somehow encouraged clavis to put all the hate he felt through the situation on him, which made me think that chev actually was feeling guilty about it (or not, I'm don't want to fight with anyone..) but this brings us to my question,
Do you all believe chev remembers leticia and actually weights the weight of her death too with all the soldiers who fought for him?
I know it's a dumb question but somehow makes sense both ways:
a) he doesn't because she wasn't THAT important in his life and he didn't thought of the mechanism to read and remember the names yet
b) he actually does because she was a nice person and he does take the blame for others in general and actually felt guilty abt it and for clavis
[Also sorry for grammatical mistakes, it's 5am and this thought didn't let me sleep]
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srivera4 · 2 months
Hey dumb question but I wanna ask. If Gorgug can invent a way for himself to use artificer spells while raging. Why hasn't he invented a bed that can support his weight?
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kyuroon · 2 months
Do y'all think cats feel nostalgia for their kitten days?
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proffesionalalpaca · 1 year
Hey, Spiderverse/ multiverse question:
What would happen if two people from two separate dimensions had a baby?
All Assuming they had the wrist bands that prevent glitching. *when two spider-people love each other very much - *
Would the kid be able to go between dimensions freely?
Or is it limited to the one it was born into? Would it be born matching the style of said dimension? (Like a cartoon character giving birth in the mcu dimension, would the kid be live-action?!?)
Perhaps the child is limited to its mother’s dimension? Or The father’s?
Or, an even cooler idea;
Would the kid have the ability to dimension hop? Being able to shift into the art style of each dimension to match the multiverse phase and not glitch out, like a dimensional camouflage , more so a multiverse shifter rather than a hopper.
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gimjarack · 1 month
I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but this has been on my mind since I started listening to The Magnus Protocol and looked at the relevant Tumblr tags...
Shortened tag for The Magnus Archives = tma
Shortened tag for The Magnus Protocol = tmaGp
What in the hell is the G doing there? What does it stand for?! Is tmap already taken by some other fandom or something, what is going on here? I'd love an explanation, this has been bothering me for awhile
A new fan who is all caught up and now has to wait for the next episode to be released
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missvoicecrack · 3 months
Did Izuku actually follow Katsuki around? Been seeing lots of fanfictions that are like “Izuku was creepy to him so he should also apologize” which I love because it adds depth and as a flaw but did the fandom make that up? Like was Katsuki not “joking” when he called Izuku a stalker?Am I wrong? Was Izuku a creep?
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overheard someone saying "bjir" in real life
okay first indonesian context. sorry to any indos reading this if this has mistakes. bjir is a misspelling of njir. which is a shortenend form of anjir which comes from "anjing", the word for dog.
njir is an interjection word that is similar to "fuck". its a curse word of the same level of informality. depending on the context it can also mean "holy fuck" like when you see something cool.
anyways whats important is that, "bjir" is a keyboard misspelling of "njir". its misspelled this way because n and b is next to each other on the prevalent qwerty layout. and the interesting part to me is that it is said out loud.
could keyboard misspelling be something that could start sounds changes? sound changes that never happened before? because the person wouldnt have said that naturally without keyboard misspelling right? b and n are like phonologically opposites. hmmm
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happy-panic · 6 months
Opinion: Will wood and the tapeworms (arguably, allegedly, perchanceably, maybe, possibly, yet to be confirmably) the best band ever??????
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scrumptiousfoxglitter · 6 months
would you consider a clone of a trans person trans because they have their assigned sex doesn't align with their gender but identify as the same gender as the person they're a clone of or cis because they technically never had to transition themself and started out as that gender? If they decide to transition to the opposite gender would they be cis because it aligns with their birth sex or would they be trans because they technically weren't born that gender? Are they just trans regardless? Is there no such thing as a cis clone of a trans person no matter who they become?
This is for research purposes.
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greetings-inferiors · 4 months
I know this sounds really morbid, but does anyone know of a cancer that would have a 1 year-ish expiry date (I don’t know what the proper term is for “how long it takes to kill your) but without any (or major) treatment? Like the only statistics I can find are ones for where the patient is being treated, which is very much fair enough, but I need to find the time limit (I’m bad at naming things) of a type & stage of cancer without treatment. Like, if left to its own devices it would kill you in a year, but not too long before or after. I’m very sorry, this is a weird question
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i-am-trans-gwender · 21 days
In Steven Universe why doesn't White Diamond the largest of the diamonds not just simply eat the others?
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amiraallis · 1 year
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Asking the important questions
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decoysender · 3 months
Do closeted transfems wear their hoodies zipped? And do they wear loose clothes?
Cuz I do the opposite of both and I'm wondering if it's because I'm not really trans or because tight clothing makes it look like I have chest
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