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preetiken · 2 years ago
UAE Real Estate Market Outlook to 2025
كيف يتم وضع سوق العقارات في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة؟
سوق العقارات في الإمارات العربية المتحدة حاليا في مرحلة النضج. تميزت الفترة خلال الفترة 2013-2016 بتدفق مستمر للعرض ، بسبب زيادة الناتج المحلي الإجمالي وزيادة الطلب في السوق. أدت زيادة الإيجارات إلى انخفاض الطلب بسبب نقص القدرة على تحمل التكاليف للسكان المحليين والمغتربين في 2014-2015. بع�� صدمة النفط في عام 2014، كانت الحكومة تجتذب بنشاط الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر والمغتربين إلى الإمارات العربية المتحدة من أجل تنويع اقتصادها بعيدا عن الإيرادات المتولدة من النفط. أطلقت حكومة دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة خطة "رؤية 2021" بهدف التركيز على التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية للبلاد وتحسينها.
من عام 2017 فصاعدا ، زاد العدد الإجمالي للاعبين الدوليين في كل سوق فرعي. ظهرت قطاعات جديدة مثل المنازل ومساحات العمل المشتركة والمباني الذكية والخضراء. بسبب النمو الاقتصادي المستمر ، وزيادة عدد الاستثمارات في البلاد ، زاد الطلب على جميع أنواع العقارات. كما أدت الزيادة في عدد السياح على مر السنين إلى زيادة مساهمة قطاع السياحة في الناتج المحلي الإجمالي. أصبح الأزواج الشباب ، وشركات تكنولوجيا المعلومات والتمويل ، وشركات السياحة الترفيهية ، والمصنعين الذين يبحثون عن أراضي رخيصة ، الأسواق المستهدفة القادمة لمختلف القطاعات الفرعية العقارية.
كيف يتم وضع سوق العقارات السكنية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة؟
تجذب حكومة الإمارات العربية المتحدة السكان المغتربين من أجل تعزيز اقتصادهم. بدأت الحكومة في إصدار تصاريح إقامة طويلة الأجل تسمى "البطاقة الذهبية" في عام 2019. يهدف هذا البرنامج إلى توفير إقامة طويلة الأجل للمستثمرين وللعاملين الاستثنائيين في مجال الصحة والهندسة والعلوم والفنون. حتى نهاية عام 2019 ، تم إصدار 6,800 بطاقة ذهبية تحت الهدف للمستثمرين من 70 دولة.
ومن اللوائح الجديدة الأخرى التي يمكن أن يكون لها تأثير أكبر إصدار تصاريح إقامة طويلة الأجل للمديرين التنفيذيين الذين يتقاضون راتبا شهريا يزيد عن 30,000 درهم إماراتي.
معظم المشاريع التي تم إطلاقها خلال أوائل عام 2014 عندما كان السوق في مرحلة أولية من الانتعاش على وشك التسليم. وقد أدى ذلك إلى سوق المشترين / المستأجرين مع الكثير من الخيارات ومجال واسع للمفاوضات. استجاب المطورون لظروف السوق المتغيرة من خلال تقديم خطط سداد سخية مع ما يصل إلى 10 سنوات من خيارات الدفع بعد التسليم وخطط خاصة لاستيعاب أي رسوم معاملات كليا أو جزئيا.
كيف يتم وضع سوق العقارات السكنية في دبي؟
أعلنت دائرة الأراضي والأملاك في دبي عن زيادة رسوم التسجيل من 2٪ إلى 4٪ في عام 2013. تغطي رسوم التسجيل الجديدة جميع المعاملات العقارية في إمارة دبي باستثناء القطاع الصناعي ، بما في ذلك المستودعات.
يستهدف المطورون في سوق العقارات السكنية في دبي شريحة جديدة من المشترين والمستأجرين من خلال تقديم مفاهيم مبتكرة للعيش المشترك والعمل المشترك المرخص.
في محاولة للحفاظ على القدرة التنافسية وفتح السوق أمام شريحة جديدة من المشترين �� يقدم العديد من المطورين حاليا مجموعة من حلول المعيشة المبتكرة �� مما يسمح للمقيمين بالعيش والعمل في نفس المكان.
كما تضرر السوق من تطبيق ضريبة القيمة المضافة (VAT) في يناير 2018. لا تنطبق ضريبة القيمة المضافة بنسبة 5٪ حاليا إلا على مبيعات المنازل بعد ثلاث سنوات من اكتمال المشروع. المبيعات في غضون ثلاث سنوات من الانتهاء لديها معدل ضريبة القيمة المضافة 0٪.
العرض والطلب الحالي والمستقبلي على العقارات السكنية في دبي
وقدر عدد الوحدات السكنية بالزيادة من ~ ألف وحدة في عام 2013 إلى ~ ألف وحدة في عام 2018 ؛ ينمو بمعدل نمو سنوي مركب قدره ~٪ خلال فترة المراجعة. ازدهر سوق العقارات السكنية في دبي في الماضي القريب بسبب زيادة عدد المغتربين وتأشيرة الإقامة طويلة الأجل ونمو العمالة وتسليم إمدادات جديدة كل عام.
وصلت المعاملات العقارية ~ في عام 2019 مقارنة ب ~ عدد المعاملات في عام 2008.  شكلت العقارات على الخارطة ~ معاملات في عام 2019 بسبب الأسعار والحوافز الجذابة التي يقدمها الملاك مثل التنازل عن رسوم الخدمة ، ومجموعة من خطط الدفع بعد التسليم ، والخصومات على رسوم التسجيل والعمولات وعوائد الإيجار المضمونة.
من المتوقع أن يزداد العرض المستقبلي من ~ وحدات في عام 2019 إلى ~ وحدات في عام 2025F ؛ ينمو بمعدل نمو سنوي مركب قدره ~٪ خلال 2019-2025F.
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فجوة العرض والطلب
كانت فجوة العرض والطلب للوحدات السكنية واسعة في السنوات 2014-2018 نتيجة لارتفاع معدلات الإيجار التي جعلت من الصعب على الناس شراء الوحدات السكنية في دبي. ثم انتقل السكان والمغتربون إلى الشارقة وعجمان حيث يمكنهم العثور على عقارات معقولة بإيجارات معقولة. كما أدت الزيادة في العرض التي أدت إلى زيادة العرض في السوق إلى توسيع الفجوة في هذه السنوات. عندما بدأت معدلات الإيجار في الانخفاض في عام 2018 ، بدأت الفجوة في ملء سوق العقارات السكنية.
كيف يتم وضع سوق العقارات الفندقية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة؟
لطالما تم الاعتراف بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة كوجهة سياحية وترفيهية رائدة. على مر السنين ، شهد قطاع السياحة نموا مستداما ، ليصبح مكونا رئيسيا لاقتصاد دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. شهد قطاع الضيافة في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة نموا قويا على مدى العقد الماضي. من عام 2007 إلى عام 2017 ، زادت المساهمة المباشرة للقطاع في الناتج المحلي الإجمالي للبلاد بنسبة ~٪ مع نمو معدل التوظيف بنسبة ~٪ في نفس الفترة الزمنية. وفقا للهيئة الاتحادية للتنافسية والإحصاء في الإمارات العربية المتحدة ، رحبت البلاد ب ~ مليون ضيف فندقي في عام 2017 ، ووفقا للمجلس العالمي للسفر والسياحة ، ساهم قطاع السفر والسياحة بنسبة ~٪ في اقتصاد دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة في عام 2018. تتمتع دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة بالعديد من مناطق الجذب الطبيعية والبيئية ، فضلا عن الثقافة الغنية ، مما يمكنها من تقديم مجموعة متنوعة من الأنشطة للسياح المحليين والدوليين.
كيف يتم وضع سوق العقارات الفندقية في دبي؟
استقبلت دبي 15 مليون سائح دولي في عام 2019 مقارنة ب 14.3 مليون سائح في عام 2018. تحتل دبي المرتبة 4 في العالم ، من حيث العدد الإجمالي للزوار الدوليين لليلة واحدة تسبقها بانكوك ولندن وباريس. كما حافظت دبي على مكانتها في صدارة مؤشر ماستركارد للمدن العالمية المقصودة لعام 2018 من حيث إنفاق الزوار للعام الثالث على التوالي. تم إطلاق استراتيجية دبي السياحية 2020 في عام 2013 وهي خارطة طريق استراتيجية تهدف بشكل رئيسي إلى جذب 20 مليون زائر سنويا بحلول عام 2020.
وهو ينطوي على توسيع عروض دبي في الفعاليات والمعالم السياحية والبنية التحتية والخدمات والباقات وجعلها جذابة لجمهور أوسع. بلغ الاستثمار في قطاع السفر والسياحة ~ مليار درهم إماراتي (~ مليار دولار أمريكي) والتي بلغت ~٪ من إجمالي الاستثمارات التي تمت في البلاد. من المتوقع أن يرتفع بنسبة ~٪ سنويا على مدى السنوات ال 10 القادمة إلى ~ مليار درهم (~ مليار دولار أمريكي) في عام 2027 والذي يمكن أن يكون ~٪ من إجمالي الاستثمارات.
توريد الفنادق الحالية والمستقبلية في دبي ، 2013-2025F
زاد العدد الإجمالي للمفاتيح المتاحة من ~ مفاتيح في عام 2013 إلى ~ مفاتيح في عام 2018 ؛ ينمو بمعدل نمو سنوي مركب قدره ~٪ خلال نفس الفترة الزمنية.  كانت المملكة العربية السعودية السوق المصدر الرئيسي لدبي في هذه السنوات ، على سبيل المثال ، استقبلت دبي 1.13 مليون زائر من المملكة العربية السعودية في عام 2013.
في المستقبل ، مع زيادة المعروض من مفاتيح الفنادق ، سيتنافس المشغلون أو مقدمو الخدمات على أساس معدلات الإشغال ومتوسط الأسعار اليومية. يمكننا أن نشهد انتقال دبي من وجهة سياحية فاخرة في الغالب إلى وجهة مستقرة تعتمد على الحجم. من المتوقع أن يزداد العرض من ~ عدد مفاتيح الغرف في عام 2019 إلى ~ عدد مفاتيح الغرف بحلول عام 2025F ؛ ينمو بمعدل نمو سنوي مركب قدره ~٪ خلال نفس الفترة الزمنية. وفقا للإحصاءات الصادرة عن دائرة السياحة والتسويق التجاري بدبي (DTCM) ، كانت المملكة العربية السعودية (~) والهند (~) والمملكة المتحدة (~) والولايات المتحدة (~) وروسيا (~) والكويت (~) وألمانيا (~) وعمان (~) وإيران (~) والصين (~) أعلى 10 دول حيث كان وصول السياح هو الأعلى في دبي خلال الفترة من يناير إلى ديسمبر 2018.
الطلب الحالي والمستقبلي على الفنادق في دبي (2013-2025F)
ازداد الطلب على العقارات الفندقية نتيجة للمبادرات الحكومية العملية المعمول بها. زاد الطلب من ~ عدد المفاتيح المتاحة في عام 2013 إلى ~ عدد المفاتيح المتاحة في عام 2018. وركزت المبادرات الحكومية الرئيسية على تعزيز المطورين العقاريين وقطاع السياحة في البلاد.
فجوة العرض والطلب
التوقعات الحالية: واجهت دبي حالة فائض في العرض طوال فترة المراجعة حيث تجاوز عدد مفاتيح الغرف المتاحة الطلب. اتسعت فجوة العرض والطلب بسبب توافر مخزون غير لائق مثل فنادق 2 نجوم و 1 نجوم التي تفتقر إلى الطلب بسبب تغيير تفضيلات الناس نحو الإقامة في فندق مريح مع جميع وسائل الراحة الفاخرة.
النظرة المستقبلية: تتوقع دبي توريد ~ مفاتيح بحلول عام 2025 فهرنهايت. ويدعم العرض رؤية حكومة دبي لجذب المزيد من الطلب من خلال تعزيز أنشطة السياحة والأعمال في الإمارات.
تنزيل نموذج التقرير
كيف يتم وضع سوق العقارات المكتبية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة؟
في مايو 2019 ، أعلنت حكومة الإمارات العربية المتحدة أنه سيكون من الممكن قريبا لرواد الأعمال الأجانب امتلاك 100٪ من الأسهم في شركة مسجلة محليا. كان إجمالي الملكية الأجنبية مسموحا به في السابق فقط في المناطق الحرة في الإمارات العربية المتحدة ، مما يعني أن الشركات التي تم تأسيسها "داخليا" يجب أن تكون مملوكة محليا بنسبة 51٪.
لتسهيل الأمور على الشركات ، تم الإعلان مؤخرا عن تخصيص 5٪ من المشاريع الرأسمالية الحكومية للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة (SMEs). يأتي ذلك كجزء من حملة لتشجيعهم على الدخول في عقود مشاريع كبرى مع الوكالات الحكومية وتشكيل تحالفات للتنافس على المشاريع الحكومية.
في نوفمبر 2018 ، بدأت حكومة الإمارات العربية المتحدة بنشاط في إصدار تأشيرات مدتها خمس سنوات لرواد الأعمال الذين يتطلعون إلى تأسيس أعمالهم في البلاد. وقد أدت كل هذه المبادرات إلى زيادة الطلب على الإمدادات المكتبية في سوق الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
كيف يتم وضع مكتب العقارات في دبي؟
وتستهدف هذه الخطوة حاليا الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة التي تتخذ من دبي مقرا لها، وستتيح لها الحصول على عقود لمشاريع تصل قيمتها إلى 400 مليون درهم. أيضا ، من أجل تزويد الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة بسيولة أكبر ، سيتم الآن دفع رواتب العاملين في مشاريع حكومة الإمارات العربية المتحدة في غضون 30 يوما.
وفي السابق، كانت مدفوعات مشاريع القطاع العام تسدد في غضون 90 يوما. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، في الفترة التي تسبق معرض إكسبو 2020 العام المقبل ، خصصت حكومة دبي 20٪ من جميع العقود ذات الصلة للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة.
أطلق حاكم دبي صندوق الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم لتمويل الابتكار في الإمارة. يدعم الصندوق الأفراد والشركات المقيمة (من جميع الأحجام) المسجلة في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، شريطة أن يقدموا أفكارا فريدة ومبتكرة. يمكن أن تكون هذه الأفكار حلولا أو منتجات أو خدمات أو عمليات تكنولوجية. يجب أن يكون المتقدمون المؤهلون قد سجلوا مشروعهم كملكية فكرية للفرد أو الشركة المعنية ، ويجب أن تكون المرحلة الأولية من المشروع قد تم تأسيسها بالفعل.
العرض في سوق المكاتب الحالية والمستقبلية في دبي، متوسط معدلات الإيجار ومعدلات الإشغال، 2013-2025F
ارتفع المعروض الحالي من مخزون المكاتب في دبي من ~ مليون متر مربع في عام 2013 إلى ~ مليون متر مربع في عام 2018 ، وبالتالي نما بمعدل نمو سنوي مركب قدره ~ خلال نفس الفترة الزمنية.
كان القيام بالأعمال التجارية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة عملية مرهقة في النصف الأول من فترة المراجعة. ومع ذلك ، بحلول عام 2017 ، قدمت حكومة الإمارات العربية المتحدة ودبي برامج مختلفة لجذب الشركات إلى الإمارة. من المتوقع أن يزداد العرض المستقبلي لمخزون المكاتب في دبي من ~ مليون متر مربع في عام 2019 إلى ~ مليون متر مربع في عام 2025F ؛ ينمو بمعدل نمو سنوي مركب قدره ~٪ في الفترة المحددة.
أعلنت حكومة دبي في عام 2019 أنها ستسمح قريبا بملكية أجنبية بنسبة 100٪ في منطقة غير حرة من أجل جذب المزيد من الشركات المربحة إلى سوق دبي.
اطلب التخصيص
الطلب على سوق العقارات الحالية والمستقبلية في دبي، 2013-2025F
الطلب الحالي: شهدت أسواق صغيرة مختارة وبعض المباني زيادة في مستويات الاستفسار وارتفاعا هامشيا في معدلات الإشغال بينما زادت مستويات الشواغر عبر المشاريع التي تقدم مساحة ثانوية ومخططات طوابق غير فعالة. كما تم ترشيد قسط الإيجار الذي حققته المشاريع التي تقدم رخصة منطقة حرة (بسبب الترخيص المزدوج) وبالتالي توسيع الخيارات المتاحة للمستأجرين. ارتفع الطلب على العقارات المكتبية من ~ مليون متر مربع في عام 2013 إلى ~ مليون متر مربع في عام 2018 ؛ ينمو بمعدل نمو سنوي مركب يبلغ ~ خلال فترة المراجعة.
النظرة المستقبلية: سيتم سحب الطلب المستقبلي على سوق العقارات المكتبية في دبي من خلال الزيادة في الأنشطة التجارية المتوقعة في المستقبل. من المتوقع أن ينمو الطلب المستقبلي من ~ مليون متر مربع في عام 2018 إلى ~ مليون متر مربع ؛ ينمو بمعدل نمو سنوي مركب قدره ~٪ خلال نفس الفترة الزمنية.
كيف يتم وضع سوق عقارات التجزئة في الإمارات العربية المتحدة؟
بدعم من العدد الكبير من السكان المغتربين وقاعدة المستهلكين القوية ، تشهد صناعة التجزئة نموا قويا في أرض الإمارات.
سيؤدي حدث Expo 2020 القادم إلى زيادة الطلب على المزيد من مساحات البيع بالتجزئة حيث ينتظر هذا الحدث عددا كبيرا من الزوار يقترب من ~ مليون.
بلغت قيمة قطاع التجزئة في الإمارات العربية المتحدة ~ مليار دولار أمريكي في عام 2018. ستستمر تجارة التجزئة القائمة على المتجر في الهيمنة على حساب ~ مليار دولار أمريكي في عام 2018. ستنمو تجارة التجزئة خارج المتجر والتي تشمل التسوق عبر الإنترنت والبيع المباشر والإنترنت عبر الهاتف المحمول ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والتسوق المنزلي بنسبة ~٪ خلال الفترة 2018-2023.
أدت زيادة النزعة الاستهلاكية إلى زيادة الثقة بين الناس في شراء المنتجات والخدمات وبالتالي زيادة المساهمة في قطاع البيع بالتجزئة. أدت الزيادة في عدد السكان المغتربين إلى زيادة الطلب على أنواع مختلفة من المنتجات في السوق.
كيف يتم وضع عقارات التجزئة في الإمارات العربية المتحدة؟
ومن المتوقع أن يشهد السوق عددا كبيرا من المعروض من مراكز التسوق الإقليمية والإقليمية في المستقبل القريب.
ومن المتوقع أن تؤدي زيادة العرض إلى الضغط على الإيجارات ومستويات الإشغال حيث يواصل الملاك تقديم حوافز عالية بما في ذلك فترات الإيجار المجانية ومساهمات التجهي�� والتخفيضات في رسوم الخدمة. وبالمقارنة، واصلت المراكز المجتمعية في المناطق المكتظة بالسكان أداءها الجيد. ­
لا يزال الطلب المحلي على التجزئة في دبي يتعرض لضغوط بسبب انخفاض الدخل المتاح. في عام 2018 ، يتوقع ~٪ من سكان دبي الحصول على نفس الدخل المتاح أو أقل في عام 2019 ، بينما يتوقع ~٪ فقط الحصول على المزيد.
بالنسبة للمقيمين ، تستمر "مراكز التسوق الأخرى" (مثل مراكز التسوق المجتمعية ومراكز التسوق المجاورة ومراكز التسوق) والمنافذ غير التجارية في الهيمنة بسبب ملاءمتها وقربها من المناطق السكنية المكتظة بالسكان.
إمدادات التجزئة الحالية والمستقبلية في دبي، 2013-2025F
تصاعدت المساحة الإجمالية القابلة للتأجير لمساحات التجزئة في دبي من ~ مليون متر مربع في عام 2013 إلى ~ مليون متر مربع في عام 2018 ؛ ينمو بمعدل نمو سنوي مركب قدره ~٪. من السنوات 2013 إلى 2016 ، نما العرض بمعدل نمو مائ�� بسبب زيادة الطلب.
من المتوقع أن تزيد المساحة الإجمالية القابلة للتأجير لمساحات التجزئة في دبي من ~ مليون متر مربع في عام 2018 إلى ~ مليون متر مربع في عام 2025F ؛ ينمو بمعدل نمو سنوي مركب يبلغ ~٪ مدعوما بمعرض إكسبو 2020 القادم الذي من المتوقع أن يجذب ما يصل إلى 20 مليون سائح.
الطلب الحالي والمستقبلي على التجزئة في دبي، 2013-2025F
الطلب الحالي (2013-2018): ارتفع الطلب على مساحات التجزئة في دبي من ~ مليون متر مربع من إجمالي المساحة القابلة للتأجير في عام 2013 إلى ~ مليون متر مربع من إجمالي المساحة القابلة للتأجير في عام 2018 ؛ ينمو بمعدل نمو سنوي مركب قدره ~٪ خلال نفس الفترة الزمنية. وقد نمت الزيادة في الطلب على مساحات البيع بالتجزئة مع تزايد عدد المغتربين في الإمارة، وتطوير البنية التحتية، وسهولة اللوائح الحكومية، وتحسين السياحة والأنشطة الترفيهية للناس. النمو المرتفع في الإنفاق التقديري إلى جانب تزايد عدد السكان الشباب هو مولدات الطلب الرئيسية في قطاع التجزئة.
التوقعات المستقبلية (2019-2025): من المتوقع أيضا أن يرتفع الطلب على مساحات البيع بالتجزئة في المستقبل القريب مدعوما بالمبادرات الحكومية المختلفة التي تم وضعها لتعزيز الاقتصاد. تركز "رؤية الإمارات 2021" على أن تصبح دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة العاصمة الاقتصادية والسياحية والتجارية لأكثر من ملياري شخص من خلال الانتقال إلى اقتصاد قائم على المعرفة ، وتعزيز الابتكار والبحث والتطوير ، وتعزيز الإطار التنظيمي للقطاعات الرئيسية ، وتشجيع القطاعات ذات القيمة المضافة العالية. سيؤدي ذلك إلى تحسين بيئة الأعمال في البلاد وزيادة جاذبيتها للاستثمار الأجنبي. من المتوقع أن يزداد الطلب على مساحات البيع بالتجزئة من ~ مليون متر مربع في عام 2018 إلى ~ مليون متر مربع في عام 2025 ؛ ينمو بمعدل نمو سنوي مركب قدره ~٪.
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alienpossession · 1 year ago
Prologue of my own take for this alien story by @apushforfolly
A little bit connected to @fullfriendnerdpurse story because imagine how convenient that he used the guy I planned to use on one of his alien story, and I linked it to my early caption too that you'll find later below. Kudos to @cleanstatevessels for bugging me consistently (LOL) to fulfill my promise
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Sander van Broek is a Dutch fitness model and businessman. He's a rather established name in the fitness industry and that caused him to frequently fly all over the globe for fitness expo and bodybuilding meet where he will meet old friends, build new business and personal network or sometimes speak as a panel for his experience. Due to that, Dubai become a very sensible choice of residence for him because it's practically a global hub nowadays, and he's more than lucky to have some people he knows that can show him good places to rent
Sander knew Andrei from a couple years ago as fellow fitness enthusiast. They were cordial at first, but similar type of jokes and life mindset eventually bonded the two men and they've been close friends ever since. Andrei conveniently also worked as a realtor, guess his easy-going personality and charming look proven to be helpful to close deals with the rich and wealthy. Not to mention that he's a polyglot, capable to speak Romanian (his native tongue), Spanish (his girlfriend's native tongue and still part of broader Romance language), French, Russian (language spoken by his boss in the real estate firm), English and Arabic, making him probably a great asset to attract international clientele. All the places he shown were remarkable and located in great spots, but Sander felt the prices to be a bit steep.
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"Crazy view, eh? This place gets both of the best sight, and the way this room perfectly captured the sunrise and sunset, perfect righr?"
"Certainly yeah. But again, this is like the 5th place you shown me to be above my budget. I have money, but I don't think I wanna blow it for rent,"
"No worries, price is pretty much negotiable, you know. Let's talk about it while drinking in my office, shall we? We're done looking anyway,"
"How negotiable are we talking about here?"
"You'll be surprised," said Andrei with a smirk, grabbing his Ferrari key and ready to leave the unit with Sander following him closely right behind him
When they arrived in the towering glass skyscraper, Sander cannot help but look upward until his eyes blinded by the sun. Dutch might be the tallest people on Earth, but there's no such tall building in the Netherlands, that's for sure. Andrei tossed his key to the valet and strut to the lobby with confidence in his step, everyone seemed to know him just by looking at him. Well, not like you can ignore a presence like Andrei anyway, he just demanded such attention to every spaces he walked into. As the elevator flies through the floor, he just hummed casually while Sander still marveled at the whole bunch of floors they passed through and how far they are already from the ground within seconds. As the elevator dings at the 66th floor, it opens to a short hallway with lobby in the end of it. The two receptionist greeted Andrei and Sander warmly and as he stepped through the lobby area, the door behind him closed
"That's just the way it is. Don't be afraid hahah,"
"Just surprised on how loud it was, that's all,"
"Okay, you go to the 2nd room after you take left, okay? I'll be there in a sec, gotta talk to boss,"
"Sure thing,"
"Oh, and by the way, what do you want to drink?"
"Anything is fine actually. Just don't get me too drunk, we're still talking about apartment,"
"Okay, as you wished. Just wait for a sec, okay?"
"Sure bro,"
So Sander fidgeted rather awkwardly in the dimly-lit room all by himself, waiting for Andrei to come back. So that's the boss? Piotr something? Sander saw a glimpse of a man with traditional white Arab headdress, the guy is massive and he seemed like a rather stern boss. Is that guy the Russian's counterpart? He's pretty sure he heard Andrei said his boss is Russian, but that one clearly seemed like an Arab and he's pretty sure he read that "Piotr" is the one written in the gold plaque attached to the slightly opened door earlier
"Frankie, how's Piotr doing?"
"Still not awake and no response from his body, my Prince. Just very tense and excessively sweating. Probably the slug still trying to wrestle the control over," said the nerd from a hidden office suite right behind the bookshelves within the CEO room
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"You see, Andrei? I told you, some of these guys are just not that easy to be taken over. It's beginner's luck that you got someone as massive as him as your vessel," said the Prince from his chair
"Well, clearly Piotr was not easy to be taken over. For starter, he doesn't even understand what the fuck you are saying since he only speaks Russian and here you are prancing as an Arabic prince, and two, I told you I'll take care of him. He trusted Andrei, trust means easier takeover as they won't raise their guard or being too defensive,"
"Show me then. I see you bring a fella earlier. Show me how much "trust" will help you take that guy over. I check his profile, seemed interesting,"
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"Pffft, you're underestimating me, Prince Hamid. You see......*take a bottle of wine from one of the small cellar in the CEO room* *take his shorts down* *painted the glass with his black slug* it won't even take more than 5 minutes and he'll be under my control. You'll give that body up to me and the chain of command, including the fate of that dweeb, if I can prove it to you how well my method works," Andrei said as he poured the red wine into the slug-stained glass. The slug camouflaged itself by changing its color and texture to match the wine's depth of color. Mere seconds later and it seemed like it's always been red wine and nothing else ever added there.
"And if you failed?" the prince smirked
"I'll let that nerdy friend of yours used me as he pleased," Andrei hissed while looking at the nerd with disgusted look as the nerd tended to his passed out boss
"Deal. I'm inside a Prince for a reason, young man. I know what I'm doing,"
"Yeah, he's in the middle of a climax when you shot yourself into his asshole. It's not like he can fight you, he's spent. And you got that nerd helping you. Me getting inside of Andrei might be luck, but the rest of those folks you met, the people I takeover, all taken over smoothly because they never thought their own realtor turned out to be something out of this world and all of those process were hella smoother than my first takeover of this stud," Andrei said as he wipes the remnant of the cum-slug in his piss slit with his fingers, give it a delightful lick before putting on his pants back. He then strut to his office to seal the whole deal with his so-called "friend" while the Prince followed him with some distance.
"Hey there, sorry. Searched for some of the documents first and talked with the boss about work," said Andrei as he barged into the room where Sander already waited for him
"That's okay, is that for me?" Sander asked, his eyes eyeing the glass of wine Andrei held alongside the bottle and some papers in his other hand
"Oh yeah, for you. Sorry about that," said Andrei, a little bit forgetful about his sole goal as he played Andrei a bit too realistic sometimes while he handed over the wine glass
But instead of directly drinking it, Sander just simply put the glass on the table, which trigger raised eyebrow from Andrei
"You don't want to drink first?"
"Oh no, let's hear first about those units, and maybe if we reached a deal, I'll drink,"
"Ahh....okay *internally cursing Sander*. If that's what you want. So, basically, you can get those units with half of their prices, max,"
"What? Half?! That's so great, how the hell that happened?"
"I told them you're going to be a long-term tenant and with your job, they probably won't have to worry about the payment and all. Just basically convinced them, you know,"
"Are you playing with me right now? Is there something I have to do for them or anything? Half is crazy, bro,"
"No, I'm serious. But yeah, they wanted something. Nothing nefarious or anything, the owner of the last unit just wanted you to help by personally training their son," Andrei said, trying to hide his grin from Sander by turning his back to him and acting busy in his table
"Really? That simple? Huh well, cheers to that then," he said, instantly taking a gulp of the wine in one go due to his excitement
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Not even 5 seconds later, the glass dropped to the floor as Sander's body instantly having a massive seizure. His eyes fluttered and mouth foaming like crazy as his body wriggled like a seaweed, flailing here and there purely moved by the spasm of his own body. The Prince steps into the room with his timer recorded 0:25 seconds left. Upon witnessing the state of the man he saw walked earlier, he smirked because there's no way this guy would be back to normal within seconds! But, in a plot twist the Prince didn't see coming, Sander instantly groaned when the timer left 0:08 seconds as he then stabilized and start taking normal, paused breath.
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"You thought I'll fail, huh?"
The Prince just seethed in anger. The timer stops at 0:02 seconds, but promise is a promise so a black, oil-like slug gets out from the Prince's ear and then slide off to the floor. It purred upon meeting another slug that came from inside Andrei's body before heading to their respective new vessel. As both men cracked their neck upon the alien entering their brain, Sander murmured
"This guy really didn't see it coming. He simply thought he's going to die or something, that's all what I gathered from his final memory. The burst almost caused his clothes to torn apart by the way, he really likes tight clothing," He said while trying to assess and fix his tight shirt that enveloped his muscular virile form
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"Well, the rest of his memories will be accessible to you for the next couple hours so you can lounge around if you want. But yeah, as I said, the owner of the unit wanted you to train their eldest son. Of course the owner is also one of us, but I guess he has that attachment issue to his human vessel or something, some of the team are watching him closely to ensure that he can serve in full capacity or else we will just abandon that old fit man. But in the meantime, I'm the one tasked to ensure we also convert his eldest son. He's based in UK, but he'll move to Dubai in the next few weeks. Since I'm no longer Andrei, you'll do the job alongside Sander, is that clear?" said the alien formerly inside Andrei that now comfortably reside inside the authoritative Prince
Both Sander and Andrei just nodded and said "okay" slowly, one still trying to adjust to a new life with a vessel and the other one still dejected that he just lost a nobility's physique. But not like any of them can say no, they understand that their mission is important to the cause.
"And now, I'm going to leave this premise and contacted HQ for update about our changes. And, let's not try to make my father's suspicious that his youngest Prince went missing for long period of time with no possible info on his whereabouts, don't want to make that old man worried sick. Let's update each other's progress a month from now, hopefully by then you two and Piotr plus the nerd have more progress in branching out, I'm the Prince after all, yall report to me,"
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"So Mike, how do you like this condo? Your father told us to take good care of it for you. Or you want to look at some spaces to rent on your own?" said Andrei and Sander to the oblivious Mike, not knowing the fate that awaits him.....
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melanieph321 · 1 year ago
Ruben Dias x Reader - Fake Love Part 4/8
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
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Reader is a kindergarten teacher. Nothing more nothing less. But following an accident whistle vacation in Dubai she somehow makes her boyfriend believe that she does somthing else for a living, something that earns her way more money than she has. Her boyfriend, Ruben, is just happy to have found someone who understands him so well, someone who doesn't want him for his money since money isn't an issue for neither reader or himself. Or so thinks. Would finding out the truth ruin their newfound relationship? Readers thinks so, and does everything to keep up the lie, although it has some bad people from the middle east looking for her.
You called for one outside of the airport in London. You were tired from the journey and longed for a hot shower back at your apartment.
"Taxi!" You shouted, quite desperate for one to pull up.
"Y/N, chill." Alicia said. "Our ride will be here in a minute."
"Our ride?" You frowned.
Alicia nodded, phone still pressed to her ear. "I'm consulting the Siddiq family right now, see if they can send us a...."
Alicia's eyes widened with terror as you lunged for her phone, forcing her to hang up.
"Whatta fuck Y/N!"
"Are you crazy?" You hissed
"Am I crazy, are you crazy Y/N? Give me back my phone for fuck sakes."
You held her phone behind your back, refusing to return it. "Alicia we are not doing this. We can not continue spending somone elses money. It has to end. Right now."
"Why? They owe us don't they?"
"No Alicia, they owe us nothing, especially not you." It was not her leg that grilled in the fire. "The Siddiq family has shown us enough kindness then we deserve, this will not go on any longer, agreed?"
She didn't agree. However, she could tell how serious you were about this. "Fine." She said, stretching out a hand, demanding her phone back.
"Who are you gonna call?"
"Well, it's not Ghostbusters, is it? I'm calling a taxi."
You handed her back the phone, a sly smile on your face.
The days passed quickly there on, like your time in Portugal never happened. The burn on your leg healed but roughly, the skin not as smooth on that part of your leg. The only times it bothered you was when you got out of the shower, standing naked in front of the bathroom mirror. However, no one was gonna see you naked, at least not for some time. Yes, you felt guilty for giving Ruben a fake number, but you held your ground when it came to not live off of some rich business man in Dubai. It was the only reason Ruben was interested in you in the first place, because he thought you were rich like him. But no more lies. Meeting Ruben was a lie and even though falling for him felt real it was built on a lie and no relationship could ever flourish from somthing like that, right?"
"Yes, Simon?"
You snapped out of your daydreams, peering over your desk to see one of your kindergarten students with a pen up their nose."
"It's stuck." He said.
You sighed, rising from behind your desk. "Let's go to the nurses office shall we?"
You had one of your colleagues come in and cover for you whilst you escorted Simon to the school nurse. Yes, your life was really back to it's glamorous self.
"Hey, Y/N? Need a lift?"
It was Byron, seen crossing the school parking lot to get to you. You were really not in the mood, still adjusting being back to work. All you wanted to do was go home and lay in your bath.
"Sure Byron, why not."
He was considered a friend, although you know he never really got over your brief hook up in university.
"The kids are glad to have you back."
"Oh, thanks Byron. That's nice of you to say."
He drove you home the long way, avoiding the highway that would only take you ten minutes to arrive.
"Not only the kids." He added. "I missed you too."
Your smile was stiff, but at least it was something.
"When Nina told me what happened to you in Dubai I got so worried that I had to take a day off just to calm myself down, not to worry the kids that their teacher wasn't coming back to work."
"That sweet of you Byron. But it wasn't a serious thrid degree burn, my skin heald pretty quickly." Your boss Nina made it seemed like you lost a limb or something. Mainly because Alicia's dramatic Tik Tok's had people assuming the worst. Even your parents called you in concern after your brothers came across one of Alicia's vlogs from the hospital in Dubai.
"Well, I'm just glad you're back."
"Thanks Byron."
He was a sweet guy, not relationship sweet, but a descent human being sweet. You appreciate how much he cared for you as a friend.
"I have no problems giving you a ride to and from work, I mean we're basically on the same schedule."
"Thanks Byron, but I don't think that will be necessary."
Alot of people had offered to help you out,  even your boss suggested you'd cut back on your hours a work, however, it wasn't necessary. You needed something to take your mind off things. With things you meat, your agonizing thoughts of what could have been between you and Ruben.
Arriving home, you grabbed yourself a light snack from the fridge whilst waiting for your hot tub to fill with water. Once it did you, stripped yourself of your clothes, slipping I to the scolding water, allowing the heat to relax your muscles. You did not stay relaxed for long though, seeing as there was an incoming facetime call from your phone. "What?" You grunted, since now was not the time to hear about the latest gossip at Alicia's workplace.
"Hey, gorgeous,"
You stiffened at the sound of his voice.
You were looking into the screen of your phone, in disbelief of who was staring back at you. It was Ruben, with his hair sprouting in every direction as he looked to lay back in a bed, one arm draped behind his neck. "Um...hi." You stuttered, not really sure how any of this was possible.
Ruben smiled "I just wanted to see how you're doing and see if you're missing me as much as I'm missing you."
"Um, how...?"
"Did I get your real number?" He chuckled.
Heat rose to your face.
"Well, after calling "your number" over a hundred times, Fabio let me get in touch with your friend who told me what was going on."
"Alicia gave you this number?"
"Mhm." He nodded, tossing what looked to be a grape, into his mouth. "She told me that you thought that I wasn't that into you, that perhaps I was only out to screw you over or something."
"She did what?"
"It's ridiculous, I agree. How do you even come up with something like that? I mean you're the one who screwed me over by letting me call a fake number like an idiot."
There was a jab in your stomach as his tone was serious, laced with sincere hurt. "Ruben I'm so sorry. I didn't..."
"Let's not play the blame game." He waved. "Your friend made it clear that you haven't been dating for a while and that your game might be a bit stiff."
Ruben laughed.
"I am not stiff."
"I believe you." He said, although he had trouble talking between laughs. "I mean you look pretty relaxed in that bathtub back there."
You gasped when you realized. "Oh my god. Ruben I'm...." Embarrassed. You were terrible embaresssed, sinking deeper into the water to cover yourself. You and Ruben hadn't talked for days and the first thing he sees is you slipping him a nipple.
"It's okay, Y/N, really. The view is great from here."
"Oh shut up."
You put the phone away, letting Ruben have a good view of your bathroom ceiling. The tub needed more water, and bubbles, lots of of bubbles.
"There you are." He exclaimed, once you returned to the screen, now neck deep in in the water. "Thought I lost you for a sec."
"Ruben, maybe now is not the time." You said, tormentented by how stupid you must come across to him.
"Y/N." He said, his voice now restrained.
"What?" You muttered, trying to stare at anything but the screen.
"Look at me."
Your eyes looked up, meeting Ruben's kind gaze.
"You're good, okay. Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable by calling unexpectedly. I just...." He sighed, a hand running through his already messy hair. "I can't seem to get you out of my mind."
You sunk deeper into the water,  biting down on your lip. "Me too. I can't stop thinking about you either."
"Well, when can we meet?" He seemed excited that your feelings were mutual.
"Ruben, I'm not sure I'll be going back to Portugal anytime soon. I mean I have a job to do and..."
"Y/N." He said. No. Chuckled.
"What's so funny?" You frowned
"You really don't watch football do you?"
"What do you mean?"
Ruben sat up in bed, showing off the tracksuit he was wearing. "You said you've heard of Manchester United, no?"
"Yes, the English team that you told me played in the Premier League."
"Right. Well I play for their arche rivals Manchester City, meaning I live in Manchester, England."
"Wait what?"
"So, you're not from Portugal?"
He chuckled. "I'm from Portugal Y/N, I was born and raise there. But just like you I was just on vacation. I got back to Manchester yesterday."
"So what you're saying is that we're both in England as we speak?"
"Yes. And my team has fixtures in London all the time, meaning I'll be able to come see you between games."
The problem was that you had once again lied to Ruben when he asked you were in England you lived. You figured London sounded more suitable abode for a business woman, not Chells Way, Stevenage.
"Y/N, you alright?"
The downside about facetime was that your emotions were all on display. Ruben clearly caught your reaction to his offer and it was not what he had expected.
"Of course, there is no pressure for us to meet." He said, clearing his throat. "I just thought, that it was something that we both wanted."
"I want to meet." You nodded, although your voice betrayed you. "I just...my job, you know?" It was another lie. You were piling lie upon lie on this fake love of yours. Nevertheless, Ruben ate it all up, nodding understandingly. "I get it."
He was so kind. He didn't deserve this from you, from anyone.
"Ruben?" You whispered, following a moment spent in silence.
"I really missed you."
A muscle jerked in the corner of his lips. "I missed you too."
"Tell me." You sighed, leaning back against the tub, splashing water around yourself. "Tell me how much you've missed me."
Ruben froze for a brief moment, seeing you redirect the camera angle in a way that revealed more of your body.
"Alot." He gulped, watching you dip a hand between your legs.
"Yeah? Tell me more."
He couldn't see all of you through the murky water. But as the layers of bubbles disappeared with your slow shifts, the swell of your breast resurfacing.
"Oh, baby don't do this to me." Ruben's head fell back against his pillows as he too adjusted his camera angles. You watched him slip a hand down his sweatpants and stroke whatever he was hiding in there. "I missed you so much, wishing you were here, with me." He moaned, chest heaving up and down with his heavy breathing.
"Ruben, please. Tell me what you want to do to me." You up the pace of the movement between you legs. You we drawing small circles against your clit, the sensation sending chocks of lightning to your body's nerve endings.
"I want to fuck you, hard." He groaned.
"Yeah, and?"
"Fuck you hard and watch your tittes bounce when you ride me."
"Yes, and?" You were squinting your eyes, primitive moans leaving your mouth, echoing throughout your bathroom.
"And..." He grunted on the edge of something. His movements down his pants were faster than yours, unable to contain himself.
"And, Ruben? Please tell me."
"Baby, I can't. I'm close." Ruben's camera shook with the bouncing of his bed. You watch him please himself, please himself to the image of you.
"Me too baby, me too." You arched your back in the tub, one of your legs going over the edge, opening yourself up wider. "Look at me baby, watch me come for you."
He seemed unable to multitask, having to slow down as not to make himself come before you. He watched you please yourself to the point of screaming his name, you're fingers buried deep inside of you.
"Fuck." He groaned, staining his bedsheets with the erruption of his cock.
"That felt good." You smiled, regaining your breath, coming down from the high. "I can't believe I just did that."
"Me neither." Ruben said, no longer in his bed. He looked to be in a small bathroom, washing his hands. "Sametime tomorrow?"
You shook your head, unable to hide your smile. "Goodbye Ruben."
He smiled, a cheeky smile. "Goodbye Y/N."
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holywaterinmybong · 4 months ago
This European hedonism
Strays me off my path
Try to sing my music
But I’m held back by my wrath
Try to sing my music
But my voice I’m sharply losing
When you’re choosing who to worship
Prada, Camel
Smirnoff, Porsche
Leather, filler
“Born a winner”
But the winter I can smell
I see we’re one step away
From a narcissistic hell
From a lake of salt and fire
Skin to skin, mind to desire
Filled with whores and crooks and liars
All connected within wires
If sex really sells that well
I am hiding all my wounds
A stigmata injured shell
Only stays safe in the woods
Promise ring or a love spell
With a pile of cigarette butts
Hold me down and treat me well
If you want to salt my cuts
When one day they’ll all die out
From their ever lasting highs
I’ll have nothing to be proud
Of beside iron-stained dog eyes
Beside ever growing mountains
Built by party girls and bouncers
Who are still searching for answers
In the mouths of nightclub dancers
Swarmed with flies and in denial
Near your local pedophile
Who will one day run for office
Over ground filled up with coffins
Overflown with creatures all
Buying paracetamol
Glitter eyes, trips to Dubai
Pornstars lying that they’re bi
Swinging noose and rehabs empty
Time for that you’ve still got plenty
Drowning in a sea of salt
Advertised to young adults
Can’t see, speak, just keep on buying
Drinking, fucking, laughing, crying
Sweat and blood on high demand
Rotten meat cannot taste bland
Rather hopelessly devoted
To a lifestyle best served canned
Than a quiet understanding
Of a fate held in your hands
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dua1999 · 1 month ago
Top Business Ideas in the UAE for Entrepreneurs
Starting a business in UAE is an exciting venture, as the country offers numerous opportunities across various sectors. The UAE is home to some of the most lucrative industries in the world, whether you're an experienced professional looking for new growth opportunities or an aspiring entrepreneur searching for the ideal niche. There is a lot of potential to tap into, including in the areas of real estate, e-commerce, tourism, healthcare, and IT. We'll look at the best business concepts in this blog to help you start a profitable company in the United Arab Emirates.
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Why Entrepreneurs Find Success in the United Arab Emirates
In addition to being a prime location for companies, the UAE provides an environment that encourages development and creativity. It is a desirable location for entrepreneurs due to its tax-free zones, sophisticated infrastructure, and business-friendly laws. Whether you're looking to launch a local business or expand your global reach, the UAE is the place to be. However, which industries are the most lucrative and appropriate for would-be business owners?
Profitable Sectors for Starting a Business in the UAE
1. Real Estate
One of the most profitable industries in the UAE is real estate, and international investors are drawn to Dubai and Abu Dhabi on a regular basis. The nation is the perfect place for real estate services and property investment because of its expanding population, influx of tourists, and creation of famous landmarks.
Innovative Business Ideas in Real Estate:
Property Management Services: Providing property management services can be a profitable choice in an ever-growing market.
Real estate brokerage: Helping foreign customers purchase or rent real estate can generate a consistent income in this cutthroat industry.
Flexible office spaces are becoming more and more in demand as the entrepreneurial culture expands.
2. E-Commerce
Due to the widespread use of smartphones and the growing number of tech-savvy people, the e-commerce sector has grown rapidly in recent years. Starting a business in UAE’s e-commerce market can be an excellent choice, especially as the country embraces digital transformation.
Innovative Business Ideas in E-Commerce:
Online Retail Store: Selling specialized goods, such as electronics or clothing, can give you a firm footing in this cutthroat market.
Marketplace Platforms: In order to take advantage of the UAE's booming retail industry, establish a platform for local vendors to sell goods online.
Subscription Boxes: Provide specialized subscription boxes for niche markets, such as gourmet foods, wellness, or cosmetics.
3. Tourism
With millions of tourists visiting the UAE each year, tourism plays a major role in the economy of the nation. There are plenty of options for entrepreneurs with sights like the Palm Jumeirah, the Burj Khalifa, and the desert safari experiences.
Innovative Business Ideas in Tourism:
Luxury Travel Services: Provide wealthy people with unique and personalized travel packages.
Services for Tour Operators: Focus on speciality tours, like eco-tourism, adventure, or cultural experiences.
Travel Technology Solutions: Offer cutting-edge platforms or applications for travel that improve visitors' experiences.
4. Healthcare
The UAE's healthcare industry is expanding quickly, with an emphasis on offering both locals and visitors top-notch medical care. The government's drive for top-notch medical facilities and health technology innovation can help entrepreneurs in the healthcare sector.
Innovative Business Ideas in Healthcare:
Offering online medical consultations and healthcare services, telemedicine has become more and more popular in the post-pandemic world.
Fitness and Wellness: Open a yoga studio, fitness center, or wellness app to appeal to the health-conscious population in the United Arab Emirates.
Medical Equipment Supply: Provide medical devices and equipment to clinics, hospitals, or home care agencies.
5. IT and Technology
Fintech, AI, blockchain, and cybersecurity are among the rapidly growing tech-driven industries in the United Arab Emirates.. Starting a business in UAE in the IT sector is a smart move, as the government is heavily investing in technological infrastructure.
Innovative Business Ideas in IT:
AI Solutions: Create AI-driven solutions for companies in a range of industries, including retail, healthcare, and real estate.
Cybersecurity Services: Provide cybersecurity services to companies that want to safeguard their systems and data in a world that is digitizing quickly.
Blockchain Solutions: Develop blockchain-based software for logistics, finance, or supply chain management.
How to Enter These Markets
Understanding the local market, adhering to legal and regulatory requirements, and making the appropriate technological and infrastructure investments are all crucial for capitalizing on these lucrative industries. Starting a business in UAE requires careful planning, market research, and a solid business strategy. Operating in one of the numerous free zones can provide substantial tax benefits and streamlined business setup procedures for foreign business owners.
Start Your Business in the United Arab Emirates
Are you prepared to begin your business endeavors in the United Arab Emirates? The UAE provides business owners with a multitude of options, regardless of their interests in IT, e-commerce, real estate, or healthcare. Working with a reputable business setup company that can help you navigate local regulations and guide you through the process is essential to turning your vision into a reality. 
Starting a business in UAE has never been easier. Establishing a successful business in one of the most dynamic and business-friendly environments in the world is possible with the correct business idea, strategy, and support.
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800silentpod · 1 month ago
How Does Noise Pollution Affect Productivity and Why Are Quiet Spaces Essential?
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Have you ever found yourself distracted by the constant buzz of conversations, ringing phones, or office equipment noise while trying to focus on a critical task? You’re not alone. Noise pollution is one of the most underrated productivity killers in today’s fast-paced work environments. But how exactly does it affect productivity, and why are quiet spaces becoming increasingly essential for modern workplaces?
The Silent Enemy: How Noise Pollution Impacts Work Performance
The modern office space, with its open layouts and shared areas, was designed to foster collaboration and communication. But in many cases, it’s had the unintended consequence of introducing noise-related distractions. Studies show that even brief interruptions caused by noise can significantly reduce productivity. According to a study published in The Journal of Applied Psychology, workers in noisy environments have a 66% decline in productivity compared to those in quieter settings. The effects go beyond mere distractions; they lead to increased stress, reduced cognitive function, and a negative impact on job satisfaction.
For professionals in industries that require high levels of concentration, such as finance, law, and technology, the impact of noise pollution can be even more detrimental. These environments demand the utmost focus, and constant interruptions can lead to costly mistakes or delays in work delivery.
That’s why businesses in Dubai and across the globe are increasingly recognizing the importance of soundproof solutions. As the top Silent Pod and booth supplier company in Dubai, we’ve seen firsthand how providing quiet, dedicated spaces can dramatically enhance workplace productivity and employee well-being.
The Cognitive Load of Noise
Noise isn’t just an irritant—it actively hampers our brain’s ability to process information. According to research by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), continuous exposure to noise over 85 decibels can cause fatigue and even hearing impairment over time. In an office setting, prolonged exposure to lower levels of noise, like the hum of air conditioners or background chatter, can still lead to cognitive overload.
When our brains have to process both work-related tasks and filter out surrounding noise, it puts additional cognitive strain on us. This not only slows down our thinking processes but can also cause mental fatigue more quickly. For employees expected to meet tight deadlines or perform tasks that require critical thinking, the impact of noise pollution can severely hamper performance.
The Stress Factor: Noise and Its Link to Well-Being
Noise pollution doesn’t just hurt productivity—it also significantly affects our mental and physical well-being. Studies have shown that noise-induced stress can lead to higher levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), which contributes to a variety of health problems including high blood pressure, insomnia, and heart disease.
In a 2018 survey by Workplace Insight, 69% of employees cited noise as the top source of stress in their work environment. This can result in more sick days and decreased overall job satisfaction. For businesses, this means reduced employee retention and higher turnover rates.
Given these statistics, the need for creating quieter, more controlled environments is clearer than ever. This is where soundproof pods and meeting booths come into play. As the leading Silent office booth installers in Dubai, we offer a wide range of acoustic solutions that mitigate noise and enhance productivity.
Quiet Spaces: The Key to Unlocking Productivity
Quiet, soundproof spaces are no longer just an option—they are essential for boosting productivity and employee satisfaction. But why exactly are these spaces so effective?
Noise Control: Soundproof booths are designed to block out external noise, allowing workers to focus on their tasks without interruptions. This is particularly important for industries like finance, law, and healthcare, where attention to detail is critical.
Increased Focus: By providing employees with access to quiet spaces, businesses can ensure that their workforce can maintain concentration on high-priority tasks. Employees working in soundproof environments are more likely to enter “flow states”—the optimal zone of peak productivity.
Confidentiality and Privacy: For sensitive conversations, such as client meetings, interviews, or confidential calls, soundproof booths offer an added layer of privacy. Traditional open-plan offices lack this privacy, which can compromise the confidentiality of sensitive discussions.
Mental Well-being: Quiet spaces allow employees to recharge mentally. Having access to a noise-free zone can significantly reduce stress and contribute to a healthier, more balanced work life. The calming nature of soundproof booths can even improve creativity and decision-making abilities.
Real-Life Data: The Impact of Soundproof Solutions
In a 2019 study by Steelcase, it was found that employees in offices equipped with soundproof pods or rooms experienced a 32% increase in overall productivity. Additionally, they reported feeling less stressed and more engaged with their work.
This shift toward quieter workspaces is not just a trend—it’s becoming a necessity. Companies that fail to address the issue of noise pollution are finding themselves with disengaged employees and lower productivity. They are also experiencing higher absenteeism rates. On the flip side, businesses that invest in quiet, soundproof spaces are seeing the benefits almost immediately. This is reflected in higher employee output and satisfaction.
The Silent-Pod Solution
As leading provider of soundproof office Pods and Meeting Booths in Dubai, 800SilentPod has been at the forefront of transforming noisy workspaces into quiet, productive havens. Our wide range of silent pods and meeting booths can be custom-designed to fit any business’s needs. This ensures optimal use of space without sacrificing design or comfort.
Whether it’s single pods for private calls or larger meeting booths for team discussions, our solutions are tailored to meet your needs. We provide the highest level of soundproofing and comfort. We collaborate with industries across Dubai and the UAE. Our goal is to ensure that their employees have access to the quiet spaces they need to thrive.
Conclusion: Investing in Quiet Spaces for a Productive Future
In the battle against noise pollution, quiet spaces like Silent Pods and booths are essential. They are important for maintaining productivity and employee well-being. Whether you’re running a bustling office, a co-working space, or a home office, the need for quiet, distraction-free zones has never been more critical. Creating these spaces is essential for enhancing focus and productivity.
If your business is struggling with noise pollution and its impact on productivity, now is the time to invest in soundproof solutions. This investment can improve your work environment significantly. As the top Silent office Pod company in Dubai, 800SilentPod provides innovative, cost-effective, and customizable pods that transform noisy environments into productive workspaces.
Ready to transform your office into a productivity powerhouse? Contact 800SilentPod today at+971-56-392-5955 and discover the ultimate solution to noise pollution in your workplace!
OFFICE Address –
Office #60, M. Floor, Al Fajer Building, Airport Road, Al Garhoud, Dubai- United Arab Emirates
Mobile: 056 392 5955 / 055 380 5148
Website - https://800silentpod.com/
Our Social Media Presence –
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/people/800Silent-Pod/61556803461662/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/800silentpod/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/800silentpod/
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darkmaga-returns · 3 months ago
By Tyler Durden
Across real estate bubble cities, average rent prices have increased 5% since mid-2022 in real terms, while inflation-adjusted home prices have dropped 15%.
This has played a role in lowering bubble risk over the last two years. In this way, higher rent prices reflect fundamental demand, such as higher population growth, rather than speculation pushing up home prices. Higher incomes across cities has a similar effect in lowering bubble risk.
This graphic, via Visual Capitalist’s Dorothy Neufeld, shows the annual change in real rental costs in bubble markets, based on data from UBS’ Global Real Estate Bubble Index 2024.
Rental Costs Are Soaring in Key Bubble Markets
Although real rents have increased modestly across bubble cities, we can see in the table below that select cities are seeing much higher demand:
*Paris data as of Q1 2023-Q1 2024.
Since 2020, real rents in Dubai have surged 60%, outpacing the 40% rise in real home prices.
This growth reflects a booming population, with 400,000 people moving to the city over the past four years. By 2040, Dubai’s population is expected to grow from 3.8 million to 5.8 million. Today, office occupancy in the financial hub now stands at 91%, surpassing many global centers.
Similarly, Madrid has seen average rent prices climb. Surging rental costs in Madrid have led to thousands of protesters taking the streets as real rents have risen at nearly triple the rate of real home prices in the last year.
In contrast, real rents in Singapore have fallen nearly 7%, following government efforts to curb foreign demand. This shift breaks from the previous five years, when rent prices outpaced the property market as the population expanded and housing construction faced delays.
From a regional standpoint, bubble cities in North America saw the vast majority of declines in average real rent prices. Leading these decreases were Los Angeles (-4.0%), Toronto (-2.8%), and Miami (-2.8%), which rank among the top five bubble risk cities in 2024.
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theemporium · 1 year ago
there’s this show called dubai bling, where these two people stormed into the main characters office demanding to buy her company. she said no, they asked why? you don’t own the company and she said “i AM the company”, before starting up her own brand called i am the company a year later
and now all i can think about is the max and charles thing, where charles just decides to own it and claps back with his own “just an inchident” fashion line
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 1 year ago
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November 15, 2023
NOV 16, 2023
Extremist Republicans today shut down House business by refusing to pass a procedural vote to take up a spending bill, as they had threatened to do in retaliation for the passage yesterday of the continuing resolution to fund the government into the new year. This is the fourth time the extremists have defeated special rules in the House this year, and as deputy chief of staff for Representative Don Beyer (D-VA) Aaron Fritschner pointed out, their doing so is highly unusual. In the previous 20 years the House voted down no such measures at all. 
Although they were in the middle of a 17-vote series, the Republicans then recessed the House until after Thanksgiving. 
Members of the far-right House Freedom Caucus made it clear they are angry that their own demands are not being met. “We’re sending a shot across the bow,” caucus chair Scott Perry (R-PA) told reporters. “[W]e are done with the failure theater here.” 
Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) angrily said to his colleagues: “One thing. I want my Republican colleagues to give me one thing. One. That I can go campaign on and say we did. One! Anybody sitting in the complex, if you want to come down to the floor and come explain to me, one material, meaningful, significant thing the Republican majority has done besides, ‘Well, I guess it’s not as bad as the Democrats.’” 
In contrast, the Democrats with the same slim majority in the last Congress passed a series of sweeping bills that are already changing the country. Today marks the second anniversary of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act that invested $1.2 trillion—$550 billion of it new spending—in roads, water systems, electrical grids, broadband, bridges, and so on.
So far, that act has seen the start of more than 37,000 projects across the country. Bridges, airports, and supply chain projects are underway, creating hundreds of thousands of jobs. The Democrats today emphasized that they are delivering on the things that make people’s lives easier, and the White House listed a number of Republicans who voted against the measure only to boast of the benefits of the infrastructure investments to their constituents.
 “And,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in a video in which he echoed the tagline of the administration: “the great news is, we’re just getting started.” 
The investment in infrastructure is part of what has created a booming U.S. economy. Growth is far better in the U.S. than in Europe or China, where a property bubble and local government debts have led to deflation. 
That economic strength is standing behind President Joe Biden in San Francisco, where he traveled yesterday for a summit of the 21 member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum (APEC groups economies, not nations). APEC economies make up almost half of world trade and about 62% of global gross domestic product. 
Today, Biden met with Chinese president Xi Jinping in a much anticipated second meeting since Biden took office. But even before today’s discussion, the two leaders announced a new climate agreement. The U.S. and China are the world’s two largest climate polluters, accounting for 38% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. 
China did not agree to phase out coal, which is the dirtiest fossil fuel, but both countries agreed to ramp up renewable energy capacity around the world and to reduce emissions in their power sectors overall. This is the first time China has agreed to cut emissions. In two weeks the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference will take place in Dubai. Observers hope the willingness of China and the U.S. to make this announcement, even with its limitations, will jump-start negotiations there. 
Remarks by Biden and Xi before their meeting were cordial but tense. Biden emphasized that their “meetings have always been candid, straightforward, and useful,” telling Xi: “I value our conversation because I think it’s paramount that you and I understand each other clearly, leader to leader, with no misconceptions or miscommunication. We have to ensure that competition does not veer into conflict. And we also have to manage it responsibly—that competition.”
Xi responded that the China-U.S. relationship “is the most important bilateral relationship in the world,” and while it “has never been smooth sailing over the past 50 years and more…, it has kept moving forward amid twists and turns. For two large countries like China and the United States, turning their back on each other is not an option. It is unrealistic for one side to remodel the other, and conflict and confrontation has unbearable consequences for both sides.”   
In their four-hour meeting, the two leaders agreed to recommence military communications more than a year after China broke them off when then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan. The two countries also agreed to strengthen cooperation on stopping the flow of what are known as precursor chemicals—the chemicals needed to make street fentanyl—which are produced in China and shipped to drug operations primarily in Latin America. The U.S. has cracked down hard on that trade; additional Chinese cooperation will be welcome. 
They agreed to continue to work together to address climate change, as well as to address the risks of artificial intelligence. 
On the rest of their discussions, concerning Taiwan, human rights, the Middle East, and Ukraine, the two leaders “exchanged views,” according to the White House readout. Later in the day, meeting with business leaders who have grown nervous about investing in China, Xi assured them that China wants to be friends with the U.S., and “does not seek spheres of influence, and will not fight a cold or hot war with any country.”
In his remarks welcoming APEC leaders this evening, in the city of the famous Golden Gate Bridge, Biden emphasized the power of building bridges to span space and time, the past and the future. He spoke of connecting diverse communities: “All across the traditions, cultures, and languages, we find the common dreams we share for ourselves and for our children.” 
Biden urged his audience to “take full advantage of this summit to make new connections and spark new partnerships, because every step we take to deepen our cooperation, to launch a new venture, to tackle the challenges that impact on all of us is a step toward realization of the enormous potential of our Asian Pacific future…, a future where our economics are strong, vibrant, and sustainable because our workers are empowered and protected; women and girls are full and equal participants in every aspect of our society; young people…can envision for themselves the lives and hope for unlimited possibilities.”
The strongest tools we have to meet this era’s challenges, he said, are “connection, cooperation, collective action, and common purpose. That’s why we’re all here.”  
Late tonight, by a vote of 87 to 11, the Senate passed the continuing resolution to fund the government into the new year. One Democrat and ten Republicans voted no.
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365proservices · 9 months ago
Mainland Company Setup in Dubai: Your Ultimate Guide to Success
Dreaming of starting a mainland business setup in UAE? You're on the right path! Dubai, with its dynamic economy and strategic location, offers a world of opportunities for entrepreneurs. However, navigating the process of mainland company setup in Dubai can be complex. Fear not! This ultimate guide will walk you through the essentials, from understanding the benefits and legal requirements to choosing the right location and obtaining your business license. Get ready to unlock the potential of your business in Dubai’s thriving market with confidence and ease!
Why Choose Mainland Company Setup in Dubai?
Dubai’s mainland offers a strategic advantage. Businesses have direct access to the local market, with the freedom to trade within and outside the UAE without restrictions.
Here are some compelling reasons to consider mainland company setup in Dubai:
Unlimited Market Access: Unlike free zones, mainland companies can trade anywhere in the UAE.
Flexible Business Activities: Engage in a wide range of commercial, professional, and industrial activities.
Ease of Business Expansion: Mainland companies can open multiple branches across the UAE.
Government Contracts: Only mainland companies can bid for lucrative government projects.
Benefits of Mainland Company Setup in Dubai
Setting up a mainland company in Dubai comes with several perks:
Unlimited Workforce: Unlike free zones, mainland companies can hire unlimited staff.
No Currency Restrictions: There are no restrictions on currency used for transactions.
Tax Benefits: Enjoy corporate tax exemptions and other financial incentives.
Office Flexibility: Rent office space anywhere in Dubai, enhancing operational flexibility.
Tips for a Smooth Mainland Company Setup
Here are some tips to ensure your setup process is smooth and hassle-free:
Conduct Market Research: Understand the market demand and competition.
Seek Professional Help: Consider hiring business setup consultants to navigate complex procedures.
Budget Wisely: Plan your finances to cover setup costs and initial operations.
Stay Compliant: Regularly update your knowledge of Dubai’s business laws to stay compliant.
Setting up a mainland company in Dubai is a rewarding venture. With its strategic location, robust infrastructure, and business-friendly environment, Dubai offers a fertile ground for businesses to thrive. By following the outlined steps and leveraging the benefits of mainland company setup, you can pave the way for your business’s success. Embrace the opportunities, stay informed, and watch your business flourish in the vibrant market of Dubai.
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preetiken · 2 years ago
UAE Real Estate Market is driven by the Rising Demand for Retail and Residential Spaces owing to Increased Expatriate Movement, Government’s Pro Real Estate Policies and Rising Foreign Direct Investments: Ken Research
سوق العقارات في الإمارات العربية المتحدة مدفوع بالطلب المتزايد على مساحات التجزئة والمساحات السكنية بسبب زيادة حركة المغتربين والسياسات العقارية الحكومية المؤيدة وارتفاع الاستثمارات الأجنبية المباشرة: كين للأبحاث
"ساعدت مبادرات مثل سقف الرهن العقاري للمصرف المركزي الإماراتي ، والموافقة على إطار الت��طيط العمراني في دبي ، وتوحيد اللاعبين العقاريين في أبو ظبي في تشديد الرقابة على ظروف سوق العقارات."
النمو في قطاع السياحة: برز قطاع السفر والسياحة في البلاد ليكون قطاع الخدمات غير النفطية الأكثر تطورا والأقوى في السنوات الأخيرة. وخلال عام 2017، بلغت المساهمة المباشرة للسفر والسياحة في الناتج المحلي الإجمالي الكلي حوالي 68.5 مليار درهم، أي ما يمثل 5.2٪ من إجمالي الناتج المحلي لدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. دعم قطاع السفر والسياحة بشكل مباشر حوالي 317،500 وظيفة في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة وهو ما يمثل 5.4٪ من إجمالي العمالة خلال 2017-2018.
زيادة الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر: من أجل تحسين بيئة الأعمال في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة ، سمحت الحكومة بملكية 100٪ للأعمال التي يتم إنشاؤها في المناطق الحرة في الإمارات العربية المتحدة. وقد ساعد ذلك في تعزيز ثقة المستثمرين في سوق الإمارات العربية المتحدة وأدى إلى زيادة تدفق رأس المال البشري والاستثمارات الأجنبية إلى البلاد مما أدى بدوره إلى زيادة الطلب على المساحات العقارية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
رؤية الإمارات 2021: تماشيا مع رؤية الإمارات 2021 وخطة الدولة لإعادة تأهيل حقبة ما بعد النفط، فرضت الدولة سياسات لتنويع الاقتصاد بعيدا عن النفط والانتقال إلى اقتصاد معرفي عالي الإنتاجية وتنافسي. ساهمت الاستثمارات في بناء مشاريع الحدث العالمي إكسبو 2020 مثل توسعة مطار أبوظبي في إمارة أبوظبي ، وتوسيع مطار آل مكتوم الدولي في دبي وغيرها من البنية التحتية للسكك الحديدية والطرق في نمو البنية التحتية العقارية في البلاد.
إدخال ضريبة القيمة المضافة: كان لإدخال ضريبة القيمة المضافة في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة تأثير ضئيل على سوق العقارات السكنية ؛ فقد أثر على قطاعي التجزئة والفنادق بشكل كبير. وجد ملاك الأراضي في قطاع التجزئة والفنادق صعوبة في تمرير مبلغ الضريبة إلى المستأجرين لأن ارتفاع معدلات الإيجار بنسبة 5.0٪ سيؤثر سلبا على السوق الضعيف ، وبالتالي قرروا استيعاب مبلغ الضريبة بينهم.
التقرير بعنوان "توقعات سوق العقارات في الإمارات العربية المتحدة حتى عام 2025 - حسب سوق العقارات المكتبية (بريميوم ، النوع أ ، والنوع ب) ، حسب سوق عقارات التجزئة (مراكز التسوق الإقليمية الكبرى ، ومراكز التسوق الإقليمية ، والمراكز المجتمعية ، ومراكز التسوق المجاورة ، ومراكز الراحة) ، حسب سوق العقارات السكنية (الشقق والفيلات) ، وسوق العقارات الفندقية (1-3 نجوم ، 4 نجوم ، 5 نجوم والشقق الفندقية)" بواسطة كين للأبحاث أن سوق العقارات في الإمارات العربية المتحدة سيشهد نموا في كل قطاع من قطاعاته الفرعية. إن سياسات الحكومة التي تفضل سوق العقارات مثل رؤية الإمارات 2021 وإدخال إيجاري مع ديناميكيات الشركات الدولية المهاجرة إلى الإمارات العربية المتحدة بسبب نظام التشغيل المرن سترفع سوق العقارات في الإمارات العربية المتحدة إلى مستويات أعلى. من المتوقع أن ينمو العرض في سوق المكاتب في دبي (في GLA) ، وعرض سوق التجزئة (في GLA) ، والعرض في سوق العقارات السكنية (في الوحدات) والعرض في سوق الفنادق (في العدد الإجمالي للغرف) بمعدل نمو سنوي مركب قدره 3.2٪ و 4.8٪ و 8.1٪ و 5.0٪ على التوالي خلال الفترة المتوقعة 2018-2025.
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القطاعات الرئيسية المشمولة
سوق العقارات في الإمارات العربية المتحدة
حسب الجغرافيا:
أبو ظبي
أم القيوين
رأس الخيمة
سوق العقارات المكتبية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة
حسب النوع:
مكتب بريميوم
مكتب النوع أ
مكتب النوع ب
سوق التجزئة العقاري في الإمارات العربية المتحدة
حسب النوع:
سوبر ريجينال مول
ريجينال مول
مركز مجتمعي
مركز الجوار
مركز الراحة
تنزيل نموذج التقرير
سوق العقارات السكنية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة
حسب النوع:
سوق العقارات الفندقية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة
حسب النوع:
فنادق 1-3 نجوم
·       4 فنادق الخمس نجوم
·       5 فنادق الخمس نجوم
شقق فندقية (ديلوكس / سوبيريور / قياسية)
الجمهور المستهدف الرئيسي
المطورون العقاريون
المستثمرون المستقلون
شركات الاستشارات العقارية
شركات الطرف الثالث العقارية
المهندسين المعماريين المستقلين
الجمعيات الصناعية
الجهات الحكومية
الفترة الزمنية الواردة في التقرير:
الفترة التاريخية - 2013 - 2018
فترة التنبؤ - 2019F - 2025F
المطورين العقاريين المغطاة:
إعمار العقارية
داماك العقارية
نخيل العقارية
الدار العقارية
منازل العقارية
عزيز للتطوير العقاري
دراسات الحالة المغطاة:
Sense-R (الواقع الافتراضي)
خذ قفزة (الواقع الافتراضي)
AirBnb (الاقتصاد المشترك)
بروبرتي فايندر
بيوت الإمارات
أبوظبي مول
ياس مول
مجموعة ماريوت الدولية
نوفوتيل أبوظبي
سيرف, ميناء خور أبوظبي
مجمع إعمار للأعمال
اطلب التخصيص
المواضيع الرئيسية التي يغطيها التقرير
سوق العقارات السكنية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 2013-2025
سوق التجزئة العقاري في الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 2013-2025
سوق العقارات في الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 2013-2025
سوق العقارات الصناعية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 2018
لقطة لمساحة العمل المشتركة في الإمارات العربية المتحدة
��ظرة عامة على التقنيات التخريبية: PropTech في العقارات في الإمارات العربية المتحدة
محركات النمو والتحديات
لمحة عن المطورين العقاريين الرئيسيين في سوق العقارات في الإمارات العربية المتحدة
اتصل بنا:
كين للأبحاث
أنكور غوبتا، رئيس قسم التسويق والاتصالات
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iconicofficeblog · 10 months ago
Creative Concepts: Designing Office Carpets for Success in Dubai
The Future of Office Flooring: Innovations and Sustainability in Dubai
In Dubai, the future of office flooring is taking a leap into the realm of innovation and sustainability, especially in the context of office carpet in Dubai. From smart flooring technology to eco-friendly materials and modular designs, the landscape of office floors is evolving to meet the demands of modern workplaces. Let's dive into these exciting trends and explore how they can revolutionize office spaces while aligning with Dubai's sustainability goals.
Smart Flooring Technology: Enhancing Efficiency and Comfort
Imagine walking into an office where the floor adapts to your needs - that's the promise of smart flooring technology. These futuristic floors are equipped with sensors and actuators that adjust lighting, temperature, and even acoustic properties based on occupancy and usage patterns. In Dubai's dynamic business environment, smart flooring can enhance energy efficiency, create personalized work environments, and contribute to a more comfortable workspace for employees.
Sustainable Materials: A Greener Approach to Office Design
Dubai is embracing sustainable practices, and office flooring is no exception. Companies are turning to eco-friendly materials such as recycled carpets, bamboo flooring, and reclaimed wood to reduce environmental impact. These sustainable options not only support Dubai's sustainability goals but also contribute to healthier indoor air quality and a more eco-conscious workplace culture.
Modular Designs: Flexibility and Adaptability
Flexibility is key in modern office design, and modular flooring offers the perfect solution. With modular designs, offices can easily reconfigure spaces, accommodate technology integration, and adapt to changing business needs. In Dubai, where businesses thrive on innovation and agility, modular flooring provides the flexibility to create dynamic work environments that foster creativity and collaboration.
Energy Efficiency: Reducing Carbon Footprints
Dubai aims to be a global leader in sustainability, and energy-efficient office flooring in Dubai plays a crucial role in achieving this vision. LED-integrated floors, energy-capturing tiles, and passive heating/cooling systems are just some examples of how innovative flooring solutions can contribute to reduced energy consumption and lower carbon footprints in office buildings across the city.
Promoting Well-being: Creating Healthy Workspaces
The link between workspace design and employee well-being is well recognized, and office flooring plays a significant part in creating healthy work environments. In Dubai, companies are prioritizing flooring solutions that promote ergonomic comfort, reduce noise pollution, and enhance air quality. By investing in employee well-being through innovative flooring choices, businesses in Dubai are fostering happier, more productive teams.
Case Studies: Inspiring Examples of Innovation
Let's take a look at some real-world examples of companies in Dubai that are leading the way with cutting-edge flooring solutions:
XYZ Corporation's Smart Flooring Integration XYZ Corporation, a tech-forward company in Dubai, recently implemented smart flooring technology in their new office space. The floors automatically adjust lighting and temperature based on occupancy, leading to significant energy savings and improved employee comfort.
Greentech Industries' Sustainable Flooring Initiative Greentech Industries, a sustainability-focused firm, opted for recycled carpet tiles and bamboo flooring in their Dubai office. This eco-friendly approach not only aligns with their values but also inspires their employees to embrace sustainability in their daily lives.
InnovateX's Modular Flooring System InnovateX, a start-up incubator, chose a modular flooring system for their office in Dubai. This design allows them to easily reconfigure spaces for different projects and accommodate rapid growth without major renovations, showcasing the flexibility of modular flooring solutions.
The future of office flooring in Dubai is bright with innovation and sustainability at its core. From smart technologies that enhance efficiency to sustainable materials that promote eco-consciousness, the possibilities are endless. By adopting these cutting-edge solutions, businesses in Dubai can create inspiring workspaces that prioritize both productivity and planet Earth. Let's step into the future of office flooring together!
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riggabusinesscenter · 11 months ago
Ultimate Guide to Starting a Business in Dubai: Everything You Need to Know
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Understanding Dubai’s Business Landscape
Dubai has a diverse and dynamic business landscape, catering to various industries such as trade, tourism, finance, real estate, and technology. It is essential to research and understand the market demand, competition, and potential opportunities for your proposed business idea.
Choosing the Right Business Structure
Dubai offers several business structures, including sole proprietorship, limited liability company (LLC), branch office, and free zone company. Each structure has its own advantages, requirements, and regulations. Selecting the appropriate structure is crucial for your business’s growth, liability protection, and tax implications.
Obtaining the Necessary Licenses and Approvals
Starting business in Dubai, UAE requires obtaining the necessary licenses and approvals from the relevant authorities. These may include trade licenses, commercial licenses, and other industry-specific permits. The process can be complex, so it’s advisable to seek guidance from legal experts or business consultants.
Free Zones: A Viable Option for Foreign Investors
Dubai’s free zones offer attractive incentives for foreign investors, such as 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, and streamlined business setup processes. Popular free zones include Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC), Dubai Internet City (DIC), and Dubai Design District (D3).
Finding the Right Location and Office Space
Choosing the right location and office space is essential for your business’s success. Dubai offers a range of options, from modern office towers to shared workspaces and free zone facilities. Consider factors such as accessibility, infrastructure, and proximity to your target market.
Hiring and Managing a Team
Building a strong and talented team is crucial for your business’s growth. Dubai’s diverse workforce offers a pool of skilled professionals from various backgrounds. However, it’s important to understand the local labor laws, visa requirements, and cultural nuances when hiring and managing employees.
Banking and Financial Considerations
Establishing a business banking account, securing funding, and managing finances are critical aspects of start business in Dubai. Research the local banking system, explore financing options (such as bank loans, investors, or government initiatives), and develop a solid financial plan.
Marketing and Promoting Your Business
With a competitive business environment, effective marketing and promotion strategies are essential for your business’s success. Leverage digital marketing, networking events, tradeshows, and other channels to reach your target audience and build brand awareness.
Complying with Legal and Regulatory Requirements
Dubai has a comprehensive legal and regulatory framework governing business operations. Familiarize yourself with the relevant laws, regulations, and compliance requirements to ensure your business operates legally and avoids penalties or fines.
Seeking Professional Assistance
Starting business in UAE can be a complex process, especially for those new to the region. Consider seeking professional assistance from business consultants, lawyers, or accountants to navigate the process smoothly and avoid costly mistakes.
Start business in Dubai can be a rewarding and lucrative endeavor, but it requires careful planning, understanding of the local business landscape, and adherence to the relevant laws and regulations. By following this ultimate guide and seeking professional advice when needed, you can increase your chances of success in this dynamic and thriving business hub.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years ago
The mother of an American influencer fears for her daughter who is facing jail time in Dubai after a public altercation that violated local morality laws.
Tierra Allen, who runs the “Sassy Trucker” brand of social media accounts was arrested after arguing with a car rental employee following a minor fender bender.
Ms Allen’s TikTok and YouTube channels showcase her life as a female truck driver. She was visiting Dubai on vacation at the end of May when the incident occurred.
Dubai, part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is an extremely popular tourist destination known for luxury hotels and malls, skyscrapers, white sandy beaches and dramatic desert landscapes, making it extremely popular with social media influencers.
Ms Allen posted a YouTube video suggesting she was considering moving there from her current home in Houston, Texas.
Despite Dubai’s glittering image, many visitors do not realise that there are strict decency and morality laws and they can be arrested for swearing, making rude gestures, or being affectionate in public places.
Speaking to Fox 26 Houston, Ms Allen’s mom, Tina Baxter, said that after the fender bender, her daughter went to the car rental company to get her ID, credit card and some other personal items.
Ms Baxter said her daughter “found out she could only receive those items if she paid an undisclosed amount of money” and alleged that the employee dealing with her daughter was “very aggressive” and “screaming at her”.
Ms Allen allegedly screamed back at the employee who she claims then chased her out of the building. She called her mother when she got back to where she was staying and was “scared”, “afraid” and “very panicked”.
Worried that she might get Ms Allen in more trouble, Ms Baxter did not want to reveal the amount of money that was demanded. The car rental employee also allegedly doubled the amount owed to hand back the ID.
A police officer then allegedly showed up and arrested Ms Allen, though it is not known how soon after the altercation this occurred.
Ms Baxter has been in contact with Detained in Dubai, an organisation that offers legal consultation for clients who fall foul of the laws of the United Arab Emirates.
Radha Stirling, the CEO of Detained in Dubai, said they had reached out to Texas lawmakers — Senator Ted Cruz and Rep Sheila Jackson Lee — to work with the US consulate in Dubai to stop Ms Allen from being sent to prison.
“She’s being charged for shouting, which is actually a crime technically under the UAE laws,” Ms Stirling explained to Fox 26. “It’s offensive behaviour, and it can warrant up to two years in prison.”
“The agency actually said to her, they’d drop the police case if she paid money,” Ms Stirling continued. “So it’s a form of extortion and blackmail, and it’s extremely common with these rental car companies.”
Detained in Dubai has covered multiple cases where tourists are fleeced for sometimes tens of thousands of dollars by car rental agencies.
Senator Cruz’s office said in a statement: “We have spoken to the family of Tierra Young Allen and have contacted the Department of State about the case. Sen. Cruz will continue to gather details and engage on this case until Ms Allen is returned home to her family.”
The US embassy and consulate cannot comment on the case due to privacy laws.
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800silentpod · 1 month ago
Are Silent Booths the Solution for Your Work-Life Balance?
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Do you often find it hard to concentrate on your work when the ambience is filled with noise? It does not matter whether you are in an office or working from home; noise disturbances can always lower your productivity as well as increase stress. In this particular instance, a lot of organizations are incorporating hybrid work designs and thus people are increasingly finding it difficult to separate work from personal lives. Hence, would sound-proof booths make more work-life balance possible?
These days, leading a balanced life is important especially with the fast growth rate of the society. Interferences—particularly noise—cause a lot of stress and hinder effective performing of tasks, particularly in the open office designs and shared living working spaces. Being the best Silent Pod Designers in Dubai, we realiSe and cater to the fast rising need of calm areas where people can concentrate on their work, enhance productivity, and even take breaks during the working hours. As this blog will explain in more detail, there are many other benefits associated with silent booths that are not just limited to blocking noise in the work environment.
The Growing Demand for Quiet Spaces in the Modern Workplace
With the boom of hybrid work models, the essentiality of dedicated quiet zones has intensified. Be it noise from coworkers or family responsibilities, concentrating on work has become challenging for many professionals. In a 2020 research conducted by Future Workplace, it was discovered that 71% of employees believe that their office distractions affect their productivity in a negative way. The major issue, however, is how to minimize such disturbances while at the same time enabling teamwork.
This has led to the introduction of sound-resistant pods and booths. These are small quite and cozy enclosed spaces that help a worker eliminate the invasion of noise outside and sit in a zone concentrating on work. For those working online from their homes and potential noise-free working set ups, these pods are ideal as the home office will mostly have regular activities that can lead to distractions providing an ideal way to keep focused on tasks.
How Do Silent Booths Improve Work-Life Balance?
Increased Focus and Productivity
Research indicates that a calm surrounding greatly enhances focus and efficiency in performing tasks. Quiet cabins create noise-free zones thereby encouraging the workers to pay more attention to the work and finish it in less time.
Flexible and Versatile Workspaces
Acoustic Booths can fit in different surroundings – be it at work or at home. This way, they are perfect for short and long work periods dealing with different activities, such as a business call or a concentration session.
Enhanced Privacy for Confidential Conversations
It can prove difficult to uphold confidentiality while working in an open-plan office. Silent booths act as a safeguard from noise and disturbances for crucial meetings or phone calls, thus enabling safe communication of information.
Improved Mental Well-Being
Too much noise for an extended period may result in fatigue and stress. Soundproof booths provide a haven where workers can make quick escapes, rest and rejuvenate without exiting the work premises. By establishing limits between working and resting, they assist in controlling stress levels and enhance psychological wellbeing.
Real-Life Applications: From Corporate to Home Offices
The use of silent pods and pods is not restricted to conventional work spaces only. They are very flexible and can be fitted into many other places to enhance the work life balance.
Corporate Offices: Large corporations are adopting silent pods to create focused workspaces for employees in open-plan offices. This mitigates distractions but retains the flexibility of an open space.
Home Offices: Waking up to work from home might make it difficult to differentiate between personal and working hours. Silent booths render a separate area away from the house, where one can work without any domestic interruptions. This assists in creating a separation of ‘home time’ and ‘work time’ which contributes to a healthier work-life balance.
Why Silent Booths Outperform Traditional Office Spaces ?
Soundproofing and Acoustics
Soundproof booths are purposefully made to minimize the effects of noise from the outside world. Leading Silent office booth designers in Dubai and UAE make use of superior soundproofing material in building interiors to guarantee an undisturbed and still space. However, normal board rooms may not be as tight and thus allow some noise through, interfering with concentration.
Cost-Effective Solution
Obtaining extra spaces by either constructing additional rooms or leasing them can be costly. Building a silent booth, however, is a cheaper option and provides an equivalent degree of quiet and focus without requiring major building works.
Customization Options
In contrast to the usual office arrangements, soundproof booths can easily be adjusted to cater to different working conditions. Businesses can opt for a solo pod or a bigger booth suitable for group discussions depending on their space and requirements allowing seating of various sizes and shapes.
Easy Installation and Mobility
Soundproof pods and booths are simple in terms of construction as they can be repositioned to other sections within the office or even houses without much fuss as the voice cubicle. However, the typical conference rooms are permanent erect buildings more so in the architectural considerations.
Silent Booths: A Key to Achieving Work-Life Balance
The equilibrium between work and personal life is not simply a question of effective utilization of time. A more encompassing approach would be to ensure the existing facilities or even design new ones with the objective of achieving both work and rest efficiently of the users. Such an amenity as Silent booths is very useful as it provides a ‘task-oriented’ clean professional workspace helping in Time management, controlling stress levels, and hence a healthier lifestyle overall.
Personal Time Management: Solutions such as Silent Pods and booths assist in erasing the line that is usually blurred between work and personal life. This makes it easier to switch off after what would have been a very productive day. These pods can also be used by the professionals within for quiet meditation, breaks to relax and even read books.
Enhanced Flexibility: Because of the multifunctional nature of silent booths, employees can utilize them for several purposes, whether they want to concentrate on work, think creatively or even have a disturbance free personal video call.
Conclusion: Achieve Balance with 800 Silent Pod
At 800 Silent Pod, we have put in place products and services which can enhance your work output as well as your general health. Being the Best Silent Pod & Meeting Booths Supplier and Installer in Dubai and UAE, we aim at offering customized silent insulated boxes that elevates your office. Whether you want to soundproof your working at the house or furnish your organization with portable meeting pods, we have them all. Are you ready to introduce a work-life balance in your life?
Don’t hesitate to speak to us on +971-56-392-5955 to see what we offer and how 800 Silent Pod can change your working space.
Reach out to 800 Silent Pod to view the collection of our silent booths and better your working experience!
OFFICE Address –
Office #60, M. Floor, Al Fajer Building, Airport Road, Al Garhoud, Dubai- United Arab Emirates
Mobile: 056 392 5955 / 055 380 5148
Website - https://800silentpod.com/
Our Social Media Presence –
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/people/800Silent-Pod/61556803461662/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/800silentpod/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/800silentpod/
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iconicofficesposts · 1 year ago
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Elevate Your Office Flooring with Iconic Office Furniture Solutions in Dubai
At Iconic Office Furniture, we take pride in being the premier customized solution provider for office furniture in Dubai, UAE. With our commitment to excellence and a passion for innovation, we offer the finest collection of modern and luxury office furniture designed to elevate your Workspace and Office Flooring to new heights of sophistication and functionality.
In today's fast-paced business landscape, the right office furniture can make all the difference in enhancing productivity, fostering collaboration, and creating a conducive work environment. We understand the challenges faced by businesses in the office furniture industry, from the need for ergonomic solutions to the demand for high-quality products that stand the test of time. That's why we go above and beyond to address these challenges with our comprehensive range of Office Furniture and Flooring solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients.
Our extensive collection encompasses a diverse array of styles, from sleek and contemporary designs to timeless classics infused with luxury and elegance. Whether you're outfitting a corporate headquarters, a creative studio, or a start-up office, we have the perfect furniture pieces to complement your space and reflect your brand identity. From ergonomic office chairs that promote comfort and support to stylish desks and storage solutions that optimize space utilization, our products are meticulously crafted to enhance both aesthetics and functionality.
In addition to offering an unparalleled selection of office furniture, we are committed to providing exceptional customer service and support every step of the way. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to understanding your unique requirements and guiding you through the process of selecting the Best Office Flooring Solutions for your workspace. From initial consultation to delivery and installation, we strive to exceed your expectations and ensure a seamless experience from start to finish.
We believe that investing in High-Quality Office Flooring is an investment in your business's success. By creating an environment that inspires creativity, fosters collaboration, and enhances productivity, you can empower your team to achieve their full potential and drive your business forward.
Elevate your workspace with Iconic Office Furniture in Dubai, and experience the difference that premium-quality, customized office furniture can make.
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