#Duan Jiaxu
dazzlingkai · 1 year
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zhoufeis · 1 year
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physically attacked and mentally tortured but his only concern is if she is alright
偷偷藏不住 HIDDEN LOVE 1.11 | China, 2023.
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yourmoonandstar · 1 year
He is now 100% sure that she likes him 😂
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lockscreengirll · 1 year
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Find a man who will looks at you the same way
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bittersqxtch · 1 year
no one will ever again green flag the way that duan jiaxu green flags
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softchaoticmuse · 1 year
Forever a fictional man’s girl
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gronds · 1 year
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filthy-mudeoki · 1 year
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This moment still sends me screaming 🥵🥵🥺🥺
Chen Zhe Yuan and Zhao Lusi - Hidden Love 2023
Tagging @kairadiamond because this moment here is EVERYTHING
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sukitaee · 1 year
I think the reason why hidden love is such a great drama is because of how tender, how soft their love is for each other. It was so refreshing to see a show where the main leads were so understanding and so communicative with each other. It’s the trust they have for each other for me :( it’s the fact that their relationship is 50/50, not 25/75, not 45/55, but equal, “you do this for me and I do this for you” :( moreover, it’s the way duan jiaxu, who is a male and OLDER, is able to rely on sang zhi in way you don’t typically see in most shows, I think we need more of this representation :’)
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eddydreaming · 9 months
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I'm not crying you are 🤧
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murasaki-cha · 11 months
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zhoufeis · 1 year
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Jiaxu, as you said, she is one of your father's former creditors... So it has nothing to do with you.
偷偷藏不住 HIDDEN LOVE 1.11 | China, 2023.
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yourmoonandstar · 1 year
they had me giggling sksksks cute
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lockscreengirll · 1 year
Chen zheyuan boyfriend lockscreen pt 2
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maispeakslove · 1 year
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It's January. The world seems softer than it did the last Summer, I realise. Brown eyes never felt so heaven-like, until i saw yours. I am in love. Sunset above the hills, I want to hold onto it. Onto you. Without spilling even a bit. The sky fades into a shade darker, and, the tea in my cup reflects your face. I find it beautiful. I find us beautiful. The moment seems to last. And our love? It seems to last, too.
- Mairaj Fatima ♡
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filthy-mudeoki · 1 year
A perfect present
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A missing moment from the two year time leap before the beach proposal
Sang Yan’s bar is already quite busy when Jiaxu arrives. But it doesn’t take him long to find his friend in their designated booth. There’s food already on the table and he’s grateful because he’s had no time to eat all day. (He’s carefully avoided having to tell Sang Zhi this knowing it would only cause her to worry more.)
“You know once she moves back here you can’t keep this up. She’ll kill you if she finds out you’ve been skipping meals again,” Sang Yan warns him.
Jiaxu smiles. “Is that why you’re feeding me, darling brother?”
Sang Yan scoffs as he always does when Jiaxu teases him like that.
“Jiaxu,” his friend sighs and Jiaxu can hear the worry in his voice.
He places his chopsticks down. “It’s okay. I just worked a little extra now so I’ll have more time available later.”
Sang Yan nods, immediately understanding. “So have you decided what you’re going to get the little demon for her graduation?”
Jiaxu smiles and it does not go unnoticed by Sang Yan.
“Well?” His friend asks impatiently and Jiaxu only smiles a little more.
“I have an idea.” Jiaxu knows he’s probably got a bit of a dopey look on his face but he doesn’t care. These days he thinks he’s always got a dopey look on his face when he thinks about his girlfriend.
As he expects Sang Yan rolls his eyes; more in habit than annoyance. Secretly, Sang Yan has been Jiaxu and Sang Zhi’s biggest fan but he wouldn’t dare let them know that. He enjoys giving them a hard time too much for that. But he also knows that he’s never seen two people more in love and no two people who are so perfect for each other. He has always wanted the best for his sister and thought his best friend deserved true happiness. He just never thought they’d find it with each other.
“Fine. Don’t tell me,” Sang Yan whines and Jiaxu laughs.
“Why don’t you wait until graduation weekend?”
Sang Yan doesn’t answer him as some of their friends come to join them.
It’s not an unwelcome interruption. Jiaxu hasn’t seen his friends in a while and he’s happy to indulge them now with jokes and stories. He’s mindful of them too and notices that even Sang Yan has pulled back on the drinks tonight. At the end of the night he calls them a taxi and they rowdily get in waving their goodbyes. The bar’s quieter now, just a handful of workers, Sang Yan and himself.
His friend has been calling out instructions to his employees before joining Jiaxu at their table again.
“Sang Yan,” he says and there’s something in his tone that has his friend sitting up right almost immediately. “Are your parents free this weekend? There is something I’d like to talk to them about.”
Sang Yan raises a brow. “What is it?”
“Zhizhi’s graduation present.”
Sang Yan sits back, eyeing his friend closely. “Duan Jiaxu, what are you planning? You’re not moving back to Yihe are you?”
Jiaxu laughs. “No! Of course not. Nanwu is where we both want to be.”
“So?” And there’s a playful smirk that Sang Yan’s got that tells Jiaxu his friend might already guess at his plans.
Nevertheless he puts his hand into his pocket and pulls out the thing that has been weighing heavy in his coat all night. He places the soft grey box on the table and leans back to gauge his friends reaction.
Sang Yan looks from him to the box and back to him again. “Are you sure?”
Jiaxu doesn’t answer, merely tipping his head to the side a little. Of course they both know he’s sure but as a big brother, Sang Yan has to ask.
Eventually Sang Yan picks up the box, opening it to carefully examine the ring inside. He whistles as he brings it closer for inspection.
“I’ve always told her I’m going to be good to her and love her for the rest of my life. I’ve worked hard to settle everything here and make sure she’s going to live well when she comes back home. Everything I’ve done has been for her and ... darling brother,” he teases and Sang Yan scoffs, “I would like your blessing to continue loving her not just as my girlfriend but as my wife.”
Despite it all, Sang Yan is speechless for a moment. “You’re ... asking for my blessing too?”
Jiaxu sighs. “I told you before, I didn’t handle it properly when we first started dating. I don’t want this to be like that. I want to do this right.”
Snag Yan looks back at the ring. “I never thought anyone would ever be good enough for Sang Zhi. But I was wrong ... and I’m glad it’s you... so yes.”
Jiaxu looks momentarily surprised and Sang Yan huffs. “Ya! Did you really think I’d say no?”
Jiaxu does his best not to grin too wide. “I just didn’t think you’d agree so quickly.”
“It’s for Zhizhi and I’m not going to stop her from being happy like she deserves.” He leans forward and says his final piece. “Besides, I know your character Duan Jiaxu. I trust you with her.” He looks over at his friend who is grinning like a fool and it’s almost entirely too much bromance for him to handle.
Sang Yan hands him the box back, ring carefully tucked inside.
Jiaxu smiles as he looks down at it and Sang Yan knows these two are going to be unbearably sappy come post-engagement.
“You’ll be there when I ask her.”
Sang Yan pauses. “You want me there?”
“Hhm, and your parents.”
“Are you sure?” And because he can’t help but tease his friend he adds, “It’ll be so embarrassing for you if she says no and we’re all there to see it.”
Jiaxu laughs. “You think she’ll say no?”
“You think she’ll say yes?”
“Of course she will.”
Sang Yan laughs. “I hope your proposal is as great as your confidence.” An idea comes to mind and he leans forward, mockingly fearful as he says, “I hope you don’t plan to have us dress up in weird costumes or whatever.”
Jiaxu rubs at his jaw thoughtfully. “Actually I had a whole song and dance in mind for you.”
Sang Yan scowls and waves his friend off.
Jiaxu shakes his head. “Relax, darling brother. All you have to do is be there. I thing Zhizhi would love that the most.”
Sang Yan nods his head but can’t bring himself to say that he wholly agrees because once again, Jiaxu has proven just how well he knows his sister.
“So what do you have in mind?”
“Snag Zhi likes the beach and I -“ he’s cut off by his cellphone ringing. He glanced down and immediately grins. He can practically feel Sang Yan’s eye roll as he tells him to answer it.
“Wei Jiaxu,” comes her soft reply and as it always does, it fills his heart with warmth.
“Did you eat?” She asks and Sang Yan gives him a knowingly look but doesn’t say anything. He sighs, and leaves the table as Jiaxu and Sang Zhi talk.
Sang Yan is back as the bar, checking with his employees when he glances over at his friend. His best friend who is sitting with the happiest look on his face as he talks quietly into his phone. He knows then that no matter what they’ll always be happy. They’ve already proved that things like age and time and distance are no problems for their love. He catches Jiaxu playing with the ring box as he talks to Sang Zhi, that smile on his face that is reserved strictly for Jiaxu’s Zhizhi.
He returns to the table when he sees that Jiaxu is die with his phone call.
“Did the little demon give you a hard time?”
Jiaxu laughs and says no. Sang Yan knows it’s the truth - at least in Jiaxu’s eyes. Because nothing is too much or hard or impossible for Jiaxu when it comes to Sang Zhi.
“Do you think she’ll like the present?” Jiaxu asks him.
For a moment Sang Yan is surprised. Mostly because Jiaxu never doubts himself when it comes to dotting on Sang Zhi. He does it so instinctively that there is never any room for complaint or doubt. But he understands that maybe this is a little different.
“Yes. I think she’s gonna love it. It’s a perfect present for the little demon,” he tells his friend.
Jiaxu visibly relaxes at that as he looks back down at the ring box. He sees the excitement in Jiaxu’s eyes and Sang Yan finds he shares some of that as he imagines what his sister’s reaction will be.
He knows what Sang Zhi’s answer will be. Despite what he told Jiaxu earlier, he has no doubt that Sang Zhi will say yes because he is quite certain he doesn’t know any two people more perfect for each other.
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