#Dua For Help Quranic Dua Dua For Success Dua For Problems
exlovebackmaulanaji · 2 months
Muslim Astrologer In India
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Astrology has been an integral part of various cultures and societies throughout history. In India, astrology holds a significant place, influencing personal, social, and even political decisions. Among the diverse astrological practices, Muslim astrology stands out for its unique blend of traditional Islamic wisdom and astrological principles. Muhammad Ali, a renowned Muslim astrologer in India, offers a profound understanding of this mystical science, providing guidance and solutions to numerous life problems.
The Essence of Muslim Astrology
Muslim astrology, also known as Islamic astrology, is deeply rooted in the teachings of the Quran and Hadith. It combines elements of traditional astrology with Islamic beliefs, making it a unique practice that addresses the spiritual and material aspects of life. Muslim astrologers use a variety of tools and methods, including the study of celestial bodies, numerology, and the interpretation of dreams, to provide insights and solutions.
Services Offered by Muslim Astrologers
Love and Relationship Solutions: Issues in love and relationships can be addressed with the help of Muslim astrology. Astrologers offer remedies and prayers (duas) to strengthen relationships, resolve conflicts, and attract love.
Marriage and Compatibility: Ensuring compatibility between partners is crucial for a successful marriage. Muslim astrologers analyze birth charts and provide guidance on marital compatibility, suggesting remedies for any astrological mismatches.
Career and Business Guidance: Career growth and business success are significant aspects of life. Muslim astrologers offer insights into favorable times for starting new ventures, making career moves, and overcoming professional obstacles.
Health and Wellness: Health is a primary concern for everyone. Muslim astrology provides solutions to health issues through spiritual healing, protective amulets, and specific prayers aimed at promoting physical and mental well-being.
Financial Stability: Financial problems can cause significant stress. Muslim astrologers offer guidance on managing finances, attracting wealth, and resolving debt issues through astrological remedies and Islamic practices.
The Role of a Muslim Astrologer
A Muslim astrologer like Muhammad Ali plays a crucial role in guiding individuals through life's challenges. With a deep understanding of both astrology and Islamic teachings, he provides holistic solutions that address the root causes of problems. His approach is compassionate and empathetic, ensuring that his clients feel supported and understood.
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Muslim Astrologer Near Me
In the modern world, where technology and science dominate our lives, the ancient art of astrology still holds a special place for many people seeking guidance and solutions to life's problems. Among the diverse branches of astrology, Muslim astrology has garnered significant attention for its unique blend of traditional wisdom and spiritual insights. One of the most sought-after services in this realm is the ability to get one's love back within 48 hours. This claim may seem extraordinary, but for those who believe in the power of Muslim astrologer near me astrological guidance, it offers a beacon of hope in times of emotional turmoil.
Muslim astrology, deeply rooted in Islamic culture and teachings, encompasses a wide range of practices, including numerology, gemology, and spiritual healing. These practices are not merely superstitions but are based on centuries of accumulated knowledge and experience. Muslim astrologers use various techniques to analyze an individual's horoscope, planetary positions, and personal circumstances to provide accurate predictions and effective remedies.
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Free Muslim Astrologer Near Me
When it comes to matters of the heart, Free muslim astrologer near me can offer profound insights and solutions. Love, being one of the most potent emotions, often leads to complex and challenging situations. Breakups, misunderstandings, and unrequited love can cause immense pain and distress. It is in these moments that people turn to Muslim astrologers with the hope of rekindling lost love and restoring harmony in their relationships.
The process of getting your love back within 48 hours typically begins with a detailed consultation. The astrologer will require specific information, such as the names, birthdates, and birthplaces of both individuals involved. This data is essential for creating accurate astrological charts and understanding the cosmic influences affecting the relationship. By analyzing these charts, the astrologer can identify the root causes of the issues and provide personalized solutions.
One common method used by Muslim astrologers is the recitation of specific prayers and verses from the Quran, known as "Dua." These prayers are believed to invoke divine intervention and bring about positive changes in one's life. The astrologer may also prescribe certain rituals or amulets (Taweez) that are designed to attract positive energy and ward off negative influences. These spiritual practices, combined with the astrologer's guidance, can help to mend broken relationships and reignite the flame of love.
In addition to spiritual remedies, a Muslim astrologer may also offer practical advice on how to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen the emotional bond between partners. This holistic approach ensures that the solutions are not only effective but also sustainable in the long run.
It is important to approach these services with an open mind and realistic expectations. While many have reported success in getting their love back within 48 hours, the outcome largely depends on the sincerity and commitment of the individuals involved. The astrologer's role is to provide guidance and support, but the ultimate responsibility for making positive changes lies with the couple.
In conclusion, seeking the help of a Muslim astrologer can be a valuable step for those struggling with relationship issues. With their profound knowledge and spiritual insights, these astrologers offer a unique and effective way to get your love back within 48 hours. Whether it is through the recitation of powerful prayers, the use of sacred amulets, or practical relationship advice, the path to rekindled love is made clearer with their guidance. If you find yourself in need of such services, a quick search for a "Muslim astrologer near me" could be the first step towards a happier and more fulfilling love life.
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loveduaghar · 3 months
Powerful And Effective Dua To Stop Divorce ( 100% Working )
It is not easy to be separated from the person you love or who has become a part of your daily life. Marriage has a significant importance in Islam, this relationship connects the life of two persons and their respective families. This needs trust, compassion, and gratitude towards each other. But many times due to small misunderstandings things reach separation and after every possible attempt it can not be stopped. Hence, people seek help from Allah through dua to stop divorce. This dua resolves misunderstandings and conflicts between the partners. At loveduaghar.com we try to save the house of our Muslim brothers and sisters. With specific duas and wazifas from the Quran and Sunnah, various problems can be solved. However, couples fight over small things and when these things turn into big conflicts they become difficult to handle. Through proper guidance and advice from our guide Maulana Rijwan Khan, people have removed their chances of divorce and led a happy married life. 
Importance of Dua To Save Marriage
Dua is a spiritual practice that connects your soul with the Almighty. It makes a person believe that there is a divine power to secure them from hardships in life. People who engage in such practices live a happy life without many problems. However, dua helps make the bond stronger with your spouse and develop feelings. Following are some necessary things a couple should follow to make their marriage successful.
Open Communication:-Effective communication is vital for resolving issues in relationships. Take the time to listen to your spouse’s problems and communicate your feelings openly and respectfully. Avoid criticizing each other, and instead work together to discover answers.
Seek Counseling:- Professional counseling can offer tools and techniques for navigating marital challenges. Consider consulting a certified marriage counselor or an Islamic expert who can provide advice based on Islamic principles. This will help you understand the feelings of your partner more effectively.
Show Empathy and Understanding:- Empathy is essential to reconciliation. Try to understand and validate your spouse’s sentiments. Compassion can help close the gap and rebuild trust between partners. However, making dua consistently will allow you to make time for yourself to express your feelings. 
Spend Quality Time Together:- Reconnecting through shared activities might help improve your friendship. Make an effort to spend meaningful time together, perhaps through a common activity, a walk, or a simple lunch. Furthermore, try to take an interest in each other’s likes and dislikes.
Practice Patience and Forgiveness:- Patience and forgiveness are essential in any relationship. Be patient with one another and willing to forgive previous faults. Holding grudges might impede the mending process. As a result, treat your partner with kindness, gratitude, and respect.
Powerful Dua To Stop Divorce
There is no such dua in Islam for stopping the procedure of divorce. This situation arises due to trust issues, misunderstandings, and daily conflicts. Hence to solve these problems people read various duas to eliminate their divorce conditions. These will help them grow in their relationship with the help of Allah’s guidance and blessings. Dua to stop divorce is a prayer that you can create in your own words with honesty and calm. 
Dua for Reconciliation:- This dua helps in removing all the conflicts among the partners and remend their feelings. Through this dua, you can generate a sense of peace and gratitude towards your spouse. “Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa dhurriyatina qurrata a’yunin wa-j’alna lil-muttaqina imama.”
“Our Lord, grant us from among our spouses and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.”
Dua for Love and affection:- Such supplications are made to rejuvenate the feeling of love between the partners. With the help of this dua, people connect their souls with the divine power and seek His blessing and mercy upon their marriage. “allahuma hababani ‘iilaa zawji wahabib zawji ‘ily”“O Allah, make me beloved to my spouse and make my spouse beloved to me.”
Dua for resolving conflicts:- This dua brings harmony and peace to a relationship. Muslim couples read this dua to solve their conflicts and develop a sense of deep understanding among themselves. “allahuma allf bayn qulubina wa’aslah dhat baynana wahidina subul alsalam”
“O Allah, reconcile our hearts, resolve our disputes, and guide us to the ways of peace.”
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halaldua · 5 months
Dua For Success and Happiness in Marriage
In Islam, having a good marriage is really important. It's not just about two people getting together, but it's a big deal because it helps keep people on the right path and makes life better in many ways. Let's talk about why having a good marriage in Islam is so necessary and the good things that come from it. In this we will know how dua for successful marriage can help you in getting success in your marital life.
Significance Of Dua For Successful Marriage
Duas are like a shield that protects your marriage. By asking Allah to watch over you and keep your relationship safe, you're inviting His blessings and mercy into your lives. Dua for successful marriage help you stay away from things that could harm your marriage and make it stronger.
To sum up, saying prayers is really important for a happy marriage in Islam. It helps you ask for Allah's help, brings you closer as a couple, helps you get through tough times, makes you appreciate each other, strengthens your spiritual connection, and protects your marriage. By praying together, couples can make their marriage even stronger and happier with Allah's blessings.
Staying Good and Doing Right: Being married in Islam helps people stay away from doing bad things and keeps them focused on being good. When people are married, they can have a special relationship that's okay in Islam, and it keeps them from doing anything wrong.
Feeling Complete and Happy: The Prophet Muhammad once said that when you get married, you've done half of the important stuff in your religion. This means that being married can make you feel complete and happy, and it helps you grow as a person in your faith.
Making a Family and Having Kids: Getting married is the start of making a family in Islam. It's important because it gives kids a good home to grow up in. Families in Islam are supposed to be loving and teach kids about what's right and wrong.
Helping Each Other Out: When you're married, you have someone to help you with everything. You share your money and chores, and you support each other. This makes it easier to handle problems and be happy together.
Protecting Each Other's Feelings and Honesty: Being married means you promise to stay true to each other. It's a special bond that keeps you away from doing anything that might hurt your partner's feelings. You're loyal to each other, and that's important.
Showing Love and Being Kind: In Islam, marriage is all about love and being nice to each other. The Quran says that spouses should be loving and kind to each other. When you're married, you show love and care for each other, and that's really special.
To sum up, having a good marriage in Islam is super important because it helps people do good, stay happy, and build strong families. It's about being there for each other, staying true, and showing lots of love and kindness. By being good spouses, Muslims can make their marriages strong and happy, which is really important in Islam. You can visit our website to know more about dua for successful marriage in Islam.
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amliyatdua · 2 years
Wazifa To Convince Parents For Love Marriage
If you love someone then you would have all the desire to marry that person. You may have done a lot of effort to convince your parents and make plans for your wedding. But, remember nothing is possible without the will of Allah Subhana Wa' tala and when you pray to Allah Miyan for success in your love marriage, then you will definitely get married to your lover without any problem. Wazifa to convince parents for love marriage will ease your problem and make you marry your lover as soon as possible.
If your parents are agreeing to your marriage and you want to convince them then just perform the wazifa to convince your parents to love marriage and Insha Allah, very soon your parents will be ready for your marriage. They will happily participate in your marriage and support your decision. They will accept your choice wholeheartedly and be happy in your happiness. Islamic prayer to agree parents for your love marriage is a very effective and tested procedure. It has helped a lot of lovers in convincing their parents for their marriage.
It is very common for parents to not give consent for their child’s marriage. If you are also facing this trouble then you should keep in mind that they have the right to question your choice. You should calmly sit down and discuss their doubts about your love marriage. Then you should read wazifa for convincing parents for love marriage. With the help of dua for convincing parents for love marriage, you will be able to get rid of all their doubts.
Wazifa For Love Marriage To Agree Parents in Islam
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If you love someone but that other person has no idea about your love, then practice the wazifa for love marriage in Islam, and very soon that person will fall in love with you. Come to us and we shall provide you the best wazifa for love marriage in Islam and Insha Allah, with the blessings and grace of Allah Talah, the girl/ boy will fall in love with you and will be ready to marry. We have the best solutions to all your daily life problems from
the reference of the Quran. We will give you the solutions based on the Quran which will definitely give you positive results. The “fauran nikah ka wazifa” will help you marry your lover in the shortest time period. It will make situations turn in your favor and everything will ease your marriage route. Just perform the wazifa to make parents agree for love marriage with a clean heart and pure intentions and Insha Allah; you will surely get married very soon. It is totally acceptable for people to choose the person they wish to marry. Islam has given us all the freedom of getting married for love. For this specific purpose, there is a wazifa for love marriage from Quran. This dua for love marriage to agree parents is very helpful for those who wish for love marriage soon.
Dua For Love Marriage To Agree Parents Before beginning to discuss about wazifa for love marriage success, let us tell you what wazifa for love marriage success is. It is a very powerful Islamic wazifa that helps people in protecting their love marriage from falling apart. Written below is the process of wazifa for success in love marriage. Wazifa for success in love marriage - Recite 2 Rakat nafil namaz. In the first Rakat, the person has to recite Surah Faitha along with Surah Muzammil. In the second Rakat recite Surah Fatiha again with Surah Muzammil to complete your namaz. Then pray to Allah Talah with tears and dedication for your success in love marriage. Insha Allah, in just a few days you will be married to your lover and your marriage will be highly successful and happy. In case, you do not get results in a week time from dua for love marriage to agree parents, then consult our molvi Saab immediately in this regard. He will provide a customized solution for your love marriage success and Insha Allah; everything will happen in your favor and Allah Talah will bless you with a happily married life.
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surahduasd · 2 years
Benefits Of Reciting Durood 1000 Times
Every Muslim Must Be Aware Of The Significance Of The Durood Shareef. The Benefits Of Reciting Durood 1000 Times On Friday Or Any Other Day Are Amazing. The Prophets Of Islam Have Also Always Taught Us All To Recite The Durood Sharif.  
In The Teachings Given By The Islamic Scholars, Reciting The Durood Shareef Just Once Amounts To Great Rewards. If You Want To Understand The Benefits Of Reciting Durood 100 Or 1000 Times, We Suggest You Consult Our Islamic Scholar. He Will Explain The Importance Of Reading Darood Along With The Advantages We Get In Life.  
We Can Experience The Benefits Of Reciting Durood 1000 Times In Our Daily Life. It Is A Powerful Prayer From The Quran That Brings Happiness, Peace, Love, And Success In Our Lives. The Prophets Who Are Considered To Be The Closest To Allah Have Always Guided Us Towards Reading The Duroods.  
Darood Ibrahimi 1000 Times
Just Like Durood Shareef, Reciting Darood Ibrahimi 1000 Times Also Will Positively Impact Your Life. It Will Bring Relief, Prosperity, And Success In Life Of Those Who Are Struggling. People Who Are Happy And Want Their Happiness To Always Remain Should Also Read The Darood Ibrahimi.  
If You Want Allah Swt To Shower His Blessings Over You, Begin Reading The Darood Ibrahimi 1000 Times Immediately. It Is A Prayer That Can Fulfill All Your Wishes Very Easily. Those Who Recite This Dua Experience The Durood Shareef Benefits In No Time.  
By Reading The Durood Ibrahimi 1000 Times, You Can Convince Allah To Send His Angels For Your Protection. If You Want To Be Close To The Prophet, Read The Darood Pak Ki Fazilat. It Will Help You Reach Jannah And Will Bring You Closer To The Almighty.  
Durood Shareef Benefits
All Of Us Are Aware Of How Dangerous This World Is Becoming. In The Current Times, The Calamities All Over The World Are Common. Those Who Wish To Cure These Calamities Should First Understand The Durood Shareef Benefits. They Will Be Amazed To Find Out How This Prayer Gets Rid Of All The Anxieties And Misfortunes In This World.
If You Wish To Experience The Durood Shareef Benefits By Yourself, Perform The Following Process-
Begin Reciting Darood E Sharif Everytime You Complete Your Obligatory Namaz.  
Durood E Ibrahimi Is Also One Of The Best Prayers To Fulfill A Specific Wish.
To Make Your Wish Come True, You Will Have To Recite It At Least 1000 Times Especially On Fridays.  
Pray to Allah Tala for any hajat, or you can also ask for his divine favors for reciting this powerful prayer.
If you want to know the solution of your problems you can consult with our Molvi Ji. To Know more, you can visit our website.
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amliyatduniya · 3 years
Dua For Winning The Lottery, “Money is very important to live life. Having money can fulfill your basic needs. Today’s time is such that people who have money, people ask them. The one who does not have money, dua for winning the lottery, he is neither respected in the society nor does any person talk to him. Everyone keeps distance from him.
There are some people whose conditions at home are very bad. They do not even know how to get food for one time. In such a situation, he dreams of getting rich. And to get rich soon, they resort to lottery. Lottery is the only way, which can open the fortunes of a poor person and make him rich.
Lottery is played in every country. And everyday people try their luck. But they get caught in such a swamp of greed, from where it becomes very difficult to get out. Some people find out the lottery number by black magic. But Islam never allows us to do this. But with islamic dua you can get success in lottery. This dua is also good for getting the children to pass the exam with good marks.
You must have heard the saying that greed is a bad force. In the affair of greed, the person keeps on playing lottery. And a day comes when he spends all his money in the lottery. He realizes his mistake. But he doesn’t give up. So today we will tell you such a dua which will help you in winning any kind of lottery.
Dua To Win Lottery
If seen, lottery is considered a haram act in Islam. But there are some people who are not able to maintain their house properly. And they play the game of lottery helpless in front of poverty. Many people play the game of gambling, lotto and lottery. Most of the people do not get success in this. Due to which they lose money, and have to face many types of financial problems.
You must have heard the stories of your greed since childhood. Who has only one moral in the last, that greed ruins a person, dua to win lottery, The person whose stars of luck are good, their lottery number goes out quickly. And in whose fate the lottery is not written, the lottery does not come out even after wanting it. But today let’s solve your all the time.
This dua has to be recited on your friday night only. Those who are below 18 years of age cannot recite this dua.
When you have read the Insha prayer, and go to sleep on the bed, then before that you have to recite this dua 121 times.
First of all, clean your mouth thoroughly with water with both hands.
A little perfume has to be applied on the body. And apply jasmine oil on the hair.
After that, sit on the bed and read this dua. Allah Ki Shan Mohammad Ka Nur Khawaza Ki Tasbee Kul Aalam Do Khabar Aaj Ki Jarur.
You have to close your eyes and sleep as soon as possible after reciting the dua. If your eyes open at some point in the night, then do not keep your feet under your bed.
Insha Allah whenever you play any type of lottery or lotto, you will definitely get 101% success in it.
In a few days Allah will make your luck shine.In a few days Allah will make your luck shine. And will fulfill your every wish.
Lottery is also a game of luck, the person whose luck is good, his lottery goes out. Some people see lottery or lotto numbers in their dreams, and they wake up in the morning and put the numbers in the lottery which appeared in the dream. And later it happens that even the lottery does not come out and there is a lot of loss of money.
If it is so that at night you go to sleep with lottery. And if your lottery number is out in the morning, how will you feel? Hope you go crazy with happiness. Because lottery is the only way that makes even a rook a king overnight. Such a dua in the Quran that gives you sudden wealth. If you want, you can also read it.
Dua To Win Lottery Immediately
Everyone’s thinking is always to become rich. When we see a rich person leaving, you also think, I wish I was also a rich man like him, dua to win lottery immediately, Fulfills all your wishes. Let us tell you that it is very difficult to become a rich man. You have to work hard for many years, but with lottery you can reach from poor to rich and from road to palace in few moments.
In earlier times lotteries were sold and bought. But in today’s time online lottery is played. Where people buy lottery tickets online while sitting at home, and become rich. There are some states in India too, where lottery is played even today. Now we will tell you how to get success in lottery through the Quran, we will tell you the blessings of winning the lottery immediately.
If you want to increase your chances of lottery, then you have to read this dua and wazifa. You have to recite this dua only after buying the lottery ticket. If you have spent more money on your lottery ticket, then definitely you will get a lot of profit. This dua will also work to increase prosperity in your business. That is, by this dua you will get wealth from all sides.
You see any kind of lottery or lotto number in your dream, then you should never put that number, because dreams never come true. After buying a lottery ticket, you should always keep that ticket in your purse, you have to take care that the ticket should never fall on the ground. If you have any query related to lottery, then you can ask our maulana ji.
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islamicrays · 5 years
I want to kill myself because I am afriad of the future because i dont have Any Education
Assalamu Alaikum,
Having degree is not a guarantee that you will be successful in the future. Their are alot of people that don't have degree but they are successful in their lives. I have seen people who have degree but they are jobless. What matter is that you have skills and good communication skills. If you can't go for university/college due to any reason then do some short courses. It will help you and enhance your skills in shaa Allah.
For suicidal thoughts. Read this quote
“Whether you’ve had suicidal thoughts before or you pray for death because the pain of living is unbearable, YOU’RE NOT ALONE! The most unsuspecting people contemplate suicide regardless of how seemingly successful they may be. Here are some ways to help you view things differently with new hope InshaAllah:
1. You are valuable and worthy of love because you’re a creation of Allah.
2. Doesn’t matter what you’ve done, how bad you’ve messed up or how many transgressions you’ve made: THE DOOR OF REPENTANCE IS ALWAYS OPEN!
3. By thinking you are too much of a sinner to be forgiven is limiting Allah’s attribute. Remember He forgave the prostitute who gave water to a thirsty dog.
4. If you feel there is no way out and you’ve lost all hope know that Allah is Al-Fattah (the opener) and he can open any door for you.
5. If you feel unloved, unwanted, rejected or humiliated, know that Allah continues to love you regardless of how the people treat you.
6. If you feel defeated, discouraged or disappointed in yourself or in others, know that you can make a change!
7. If you’ve totally lost hope in humanity because of the betrayals, injustices or hypocrisy, know that goodness does exist. There are gems in every society and I pray you find one soon.
8. If you’re sick, in pain or terminally ill, know that if you accept your test with patience it will wash away your sins.
9. If you’re suffering financially and have no way to earn money, know that with sincere intention and tireless effort Allah will show you a way.
10. Ending your life is not a solution because we believe in the afterlife and we choose our dwelling with our actions. Don’t exchange a limited number of known problems (regardless of how painful they are) to unlimited, unknown problems for all eternity.
If you feel suicidal and have lost all hope please reach out to a family member, friend or call the hotline.”
-Haleh Banani
For the fear of future. Following are some tips
1.      Make Dua
Turn each anxiety, each fear and each concern into a Dua (supplication).
2.       Do your best and leave the rest to Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala
3.       Rely on Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala. He is the best planner.
4.       Seek help through Sabr and Salat (Quran 2:45). This instruction from Allah provides us with two critical tools that can ease our worries and pain. Patience and prayer are two oft-neglected stressbusters.
5.       “… without doubt in the remembrance (Zikr) of Allah do hearts find tranquility��� (Quran 13:28). When your heart feels heavy with stress or grief, remember Allah and surround yourself with His Zikr.
”And your Lord says: ‘Call on Me; I will answer your (prayer)…” (Quran 40:60)
Following are some dua’s for anxiety:
1.It was reported from Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to say, when something upset him:
“Yaa Hayyu yaa Qayyoom, bi Rahmatika astagheeth (O Ever-Living One, O Everlasting One, by Your mercy I seek help).”
2.Allahumma inni a’oodhoo bika minal-hammi walhuzni, wal-’ajzi wal-kasali wal-bukhli wal-jubni, wa dal’id-dayni wa ghalabatir- rajaal
"O Allah! I seek refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debts and from being oppressed by men."
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make things easier for you.
Allahumma inni As'Aluka Al'Afiyah
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wazifaorg-blog · 6 years
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Dua For Love Marriage - ​Wazifa
Dua for love marriage​, ​wazifa​ prayer spells istikhara surah amal amliyat amulet ruqyh,  Get instant solution to your problems and diseases in light of the holy Quran and Hadith.  Online
Istikhara, spiritual treatment and courses by Amil Mohammad Yousuf sahab.  Contats us +92-3232344555 'WhatsApp'
Dua For Love Marriage​ -  Wazifa
Dua for love marriage​, ​wazifa​ prayer spells istikhara surah amal amliyat amulet ruqyh,  Get instant solution to your problems and diseases in light of the holy Quran and Hadith.  Online
Istikhara, spiritual treatment and courses by Amil Mohammad Yousuf sahab.  Contats us
+92-3232344555 'WhatsApp'
Dua for marriage Dua for love Dua for enemy Dua for lost love Dua to get married Dua for protection Dua for husband Dua for marriage proposal Dua for bad habits Dua to break relationship Dua for husband love Dua for love between husband and wife Dua for love marriage Dua to make someone fall in love with you Dua for wish to come true Dua for problems in marriage Dua to convince parents for love marriage Dua to make someone agree Dua for job Dua for black magic Dua for jinn Dua for pregnancy Dua for success Dua for beauty Dua for wealth Dua for money Dua for good luck Dua to become rich
Dua Centre is an online spiritual healing and Islamic courses institute. It is founded by an Islamic Scholar & Spiritual healing Expert Amil Mohammad Yousuf Sahab.Whatsapp :
+92–3232344555. It provides solution to all the problems and diseases of people worldwide. Spiritual Scholar Mohammad Yousuf sahab provides treatment to all kinds of diseases and problems of worried people with the help of highly powerful Quranic verses, Hadith duas, and prayers transferred from spiritual link. DuaCentre provides Quranic healing service and high quality Islamic education to people all over the world. It offers all the courses related to pragmatism and spirituality and islamic courses that cannot be found on any other online institute. Spiritual Scholar Mohammad Yousuf Sahab has a good experience of 15 years in this field and is an expert in spiritual healing, Casting legal wazifa​ dua, Istikhara, spells, ruqya, and naqsh. His students are also working in several countries such as UK, USA, Pakistan, etc,. under his guidance. He also holds Master degree.
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lovebackduas · 2 years
Dua To Increase Love In Husband Heart
Love is one of the main principles in Islam, and the Love between a husband and wife is of the most sacred nature. Islam has given us many solutions to every marriage-related problem through the Holy Quran. Dua to increase love in husband's heart can help you to increase the Love your husband has towards you.
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Although there can be disagreements and fights between a husband and wife in some instances, just like the good moments, the bad moments are also a part of the marriage. The key to a successful marriage is not giving up on it and placing your trust in Allah and each other.
The specific dua to increase Love in the heart of your husband is effective and powerful, so you can expect it to produce immediate results.
Dua to increase love between husband and wife step by step –
Note This – Recite this dua after performing ablution and completing the Maghrib salah.
Step 1: Make Wuzu (ablution)
Step 2: Recite durood Shareef elven times (remainder of step 1)
Step 3: Recite the first verses of surah fatiha five times.
Step 4: Now you can select a sweet and blow on it.
Step 5: Now your husband can eat the sweet.
Wazifa To Increase Love In Husband Heart
A satisfying marriage does not mean that the couple has no concerns in between them. The husband might lose interest in his wife and get involved with another woman. In this case, a woman needs the wazifa to increase love in husband heart.
This Wazifa to increase love in husband heart is particularly useful for people whose husband/wife has married someone else and they want their husband/wife to love them. It is a very useful Wazifa to make someone love you back. We are going to mention the entire process to use this wazifa to get your husband/wife to love you again.
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rohaniways1414 · 2 years
Dua To Destroy Enemy Immediately
Dua To Destroy Enemy Is A Prayer That You Can Read To Make Your Enemies Suffer. With The Help Of Our Lucky Dua To Destroy Your Enemies Immediately, You Can Bring Back Peace And Happiness In Your Life.
Many Times, The Physical And Monetary Harms Caused By Our Enemies Can Bring A Huge Setback In Life. Those Who Are Suffering Because Of Their Enemies Can Recite The Dua To Destroy Enemy Immediately. The First Thing To Do To Perform This Dua Is To Relax Your Mind.
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Even After Going Through Hardships In Life, You Will Have To Have A Calm Mind To Perform The Dua To Destroy Enemies. Sometimes, People Whom We Trust The Most Are The Biggest Enemies In Our Life. These People Do Not Hesitate To Break Your Trust Just For Their Personal Gains. 
Powerful Dua To Get Rid Of Enemy In One Night
Dua To Get Rid Of Enemy In One Night Is A Powerful Prayer From The Quran. It Is Painful To See Your Most Prized Belongings And Most Precious People In Danger. Nothing Can Be Worse Than A Situation When You See All The Results Of Your Lifetime’s Work Being Destroyed In A Moment.
Some Enemies Will Come To You Face-To-Face To Cause Harm In Your Life. Those Who Come To You Face-To-Face Are Easy To Defeat And Respond To. Because They Don’t Try To Hide Behind A Facade. 
They Have A Straightforward Intention And Action To Harm You. You Also Know That They Will Mainly Target Your Financial Resources Or Your Worldly Possessions. The Dua To Get Rid Of Enemy In One Night Will Help You Deal With These Enemies. 
Others Will Attack You From Behind And Act As Your Biggest Supporters. Biggest Problems Are Those Who Occasionally Join Our Family Or Friendship Circle. It Is Very Difficult To Locate Them Or Understand Their Negative Intentions. The Dua For Destroying Enemies Can Help You Deal With Such People As Well.
Dua For Enemy To Die
Dua For Enemy To Die, Pray To Allah To Make The Process Of Death Easy And Successful For Someone You Wish To See Dead. 
Some Enemies Take The Rivalry Personally And Try To Kill You. Then It Is Your Right To Desire That Person To Be Dead. Even Our Law Allows It If You Perform The Dua For Enemy To Die For This Purpose. If A Person Tries To Kill You, Then It Is Not Wrong To Wish F
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freedom-fighter · 3 years
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Reflecting on 2021, It was a rollercoaster for me. It was a series of lows and high but I'm grateful for all the opportunities and lessons that was taught to me. 1) Time went by really quickly and if you dont plan your week, it will zoom by before you know it. Plan for success ! 2) Family is EVERYTHING. At the end of the day, only them will stand at your corner even if the whole world is against you. 3) Marriage is a real work but I'm blessed to have a spouse who is like minded and a baby who is a cute bean. xoxo 4) Work has been really kind to me but I have tons of potential to polish and I hope to have many breakthroughs in the years to come. Be LASER FOCUS !!! Bismillah 🤲🏿🌹 5) As I get older and nearer to the pinnacle of success, I do get lesser friends but the sweet taste of success beats everything. I choose quality friends rather quantity. 6) I really love my wife so much and I'll do my UTMOST best to show her that I love her through my actions, words and prayers. 7) Mental health is REAL. Self love and seeking help is a MUST. 8) Be kind and always think the best of people. 9) Focus on abundance/opportunities rather than problems/negativity. It's your life. #playtowin 10) Have 5 hobbies - Hobby to upgrade yourself - - Hobby to keep yourself fit - - Hobby to earn $ - Hobby to take a step back, always reflect - Hobby to keep your mind sharp - chess, teaching, learning new stuff, card games that required to memorize cards, be conscious of time wasters. 11) Take care of yourself so that you can take care of others!!! 12) Choose to work with people who chose you. Dare to say NO to people who suck energy/Time and dont see your value. 13) Dua - pray Usaha - effort ikhtiar - best effort Tawakkal = DUIT 14) Prayers, Quran, tahajjud and being nice to our prayers is a GAMESHARK and that is the definition of SUCCESSFUL. 15) Life is SHORT so live your life each day like it was your last. Step out of your comfort zone, work/play/love hard, do the things u always to do, be selfless and travel like a free spirit and enjoy the journey with laugher, happiness and peace. 😮‍💨😬😁🙌🙌💚 (at Bukit Batok Nature Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYJQxI3BzgT5UhnUkdgxAFkojiKPNMVSdoMG480/?utm_medium=tumblr
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*17th Muharram*
Ashra e Sani 2021
Slogans of Martyrs
Majlis 06 - QBZ
*Dr. Mahjabeen Dhala*
May Allah accept your efforts. It is a place of gratitude, we need to thank Allah (SWT) for every day, for every moment that we can partake in the azaa. Alhamdulillah, Bibi has kept us in this forum with your messages of love and pain for Imam Hussain (as). Sometimes I think it is enough to present marthiya. Bibi must be pleased with your presentations.
But *commemorating Karbala is more than commemorating the past*, it’s not just re-visiting the past; it is also about me seeing myself in this present moment.
*It’s like a mirror. I am looking at myself in the mirror of Ashura and asking myself, where do I fall short.* Are there things that I can resonate with the mission of Karbala.
I am able to see a reflection of Karbala and help it grow in my life.
I will have something meaningful to present to my Bibi on the Day of Judgment. This is our niyyat to attend the majlis. *What can I take and be able to work on in my life. It’s not just a commemoration of the past, but it is also connecting our future and our present to this past and developing it in the light of this past of Karbala*. I am happy to share these reflections with you.
We are exploring this topic in the hopes that some of the love of the companions can rub off on us as their level was so high. These reminders are needed. We are looking at the rajaz of these companions with whom we can relate to. If they had that audacity until their end, then I should be able to emulate something from their last words. These are not personal words they have shared about themselves; rather, they are leaving a message for us that is inspirational for us.
We saw Abu Thamama Sa’idi; Anas ibn Harith who were older, when they were martyred. *Imam Hussain gave a dua: May Allah give you gratitude for your sacrifices*.
these are strong words from the Imam, not ordinary words from an ordinary person.
Then we looked at Habib ibn Mazaher.
Yesterday, we looked at Nafi’ ibn Hilal. We spent much time discussing things about him and his life and didn’t spend too much time on his rajaz. There was so much to gain and ponder over from Nafi’, especially the notion of respecting our resources. He had 12 arrows and inscribed his name in each arrow to pay respect to his resources and Allah granted success to each arrow in striking an enemy.
*Nafi's words are so inspirational that we need to reflect.*
Today we will delve deeper in this notion of *love and hate: Tawala and Tabara.*
Shia identity is defined. He says “My religion is the religion of Hussain and the religion of Ali”.
*Love and hate are very necessary. If you want to love fully, then you have to understand what not to love.*
Many people are averse to hate. But if you want to love fully, then you have to know what not to love.
5th Imam’s famous words:
_*Is deen anything but love.*_
To be deendar is to be in love. There is a strong connection between religion and love.
4th Imam says in one of his dua’s of Sahifa Sajjadiya: *Oh Allah, I am asking you for your love and to create love in my heart to those you love and to love the deeds that connect with your love.*
• Again, can I say I love Imam Hussain and then not want to pray;
• Can I say I love Hz. Abbas but I don’t love wafa, loyalty is a bit too much of a commitment.
• Can I do that or is this paradoxical?
So, there are 3 sections in the prayer by Imam Sajjad:  
1. We have love for Allah
2. We have love for those who love Allah
3. We have love for those actions that brings me closer to Allah's love.
*So love cannot just be lip service.* It’s not just Allah, I love you.
It cannot be just on my tongue.
*It has to be in aqida (beliefs) and amal (actions/ deeds).*
So in our beliefs, we see : _La ilaha ilal-laah_.
This is tabarra: there is no one else except Allah. In Surah YaSeen, Quran reminds us don’t go towards Shaitaan, he is our open enemy and to follow Allah: Siratul Mustaqeem. *This tells us that Shaitaan is our enemy, so to hate/ stay away from him and to love/ follow Allah.*
Love is absolutely an expression and our belief is based on love:
• Wilayah is love and
• Our amal is love and hate: love what the lovers of Allah want and hate what the lovers of Allah despise. 
Another aspect of love & hate is that we need to be particular.
*We must identify who /what to love & hate*. It is crucial to identify who I love and hate. Sometimes we use the terms love and hate very matter-of-factly. Like I love that sports player or I hate that restaurant. We need to be very mindful to identify who to love and hate as noted in the hadith of Rasululaah.
A man comes to Rasululaah and asks: When will the day of Judgment be?
(Sometimes we have the question: when will the 12th Imam reappear?) So this man had this question he posed to Rasululaah of when will it be the day of judgment.
Rasulullah answers: *Whenever it will be the day of judgment, are you ready for that day?* What is more important is your readiness regardless of when it happens.
This is something for us to think about this readiness aspect and apply it to the day of judgment as well as to the reappearance of the 12th Imam.
It is unknown when and not really that important; the more crucial question is: *Am I ready?*
So that man said: He had a lot of things to complete and a lot of isteghfar and pending namaz.
So, Rasulullah asked him: What he has prepared and why he keeps asking about the day of judgment if he has not prepared himself. If tomorrow is Qiyamat or you are told Qiyamat is tomorrow, then what have you prepared.
The man responded: I have love for you.
He says that he might fall short on deeds, but he would be proud to tell Allah that he loves and is a lover of Rasulullah.
Rasulullah said : He needed to have deeds with that love and
The man said:  He is trying with the deeds but with confidence and pride he has in his heart the love of Rasulullah.
At that moment, Rasululaah said a very important statement:
*Every person will be connected with whom he loves but then the love for us means that your deeds must be aligned with my love.*
I find it hopeful that if I die today and the angels tell me that I have so many deeds pending and asked what I have brought to present to Allah, I will be able to say: *I am absolutely in love with Allah. Yes, I am falling short and I tried, but I love Rasulullah.*
Identifying Rasulullah as the one I love will be my saving grace as whomever or whatever I love, is what I will be connected to. This is why we spend so much time and effort inculcating the love of Wilayah: Love of Imam Ali to keep reminding my true love is here with Rasulullah and Ahle-bayt.
*My true love is with them not with my spouse or children or parents or position in life. My true love is with my Mawla.*
All of those things noted: spouse, children, parents, position in life. These are all important and become the way in which I can make that love come alive, through respect of spouse, children, parents and being conscientious of my position in life. These are all extensions of my love for Rasululaah and Ahle-bayt as they taught us how to be in our life.
These are ways that I can show my love:
• Spend in the way of Allah,
• Respect my spouse and parents,
• Raise my children in the proper tarbiyat.
These are all ways, but they are not my true love. My true love needs to be somewhere else as this hadith tells us to identify who I love.
*This hadith also tells us who to hate, so I hate for the sake of my Mawla, not my personal problems with people.*
At the end of the day, that person will be crying for the Imam. I can’t hate them because at the end of day, we love and hate the same people. This matter of love and hate impacts every aspect of our life. 
6th Imam said, on his deathbed, while he is dying, he said:
*If you love us then be a source of pride and not embarrassment for us*.
Then he says we cannot intercede for one who is heedless of namaz.
7th Imam said : *A person is not from us who does not respectfully talk to women.*
There was a guy who used to live in Baghdad who was renting a room in a woman’s home as he is on a business trip and while in that house, he had bad intentions and looked at her inappropriately while he was living in the house. He proposed to the woman and she declined saying she wasn’t interested in marrying. Then he tries to seduce her and she notes she is not interested. One day, when they were sharing the same space, he tried to touch her and talked to her in a way that was suggestive /attempting to seduce her and she pulled away. The man goes to visit the 7th Imam and the Imam tells him: One cannot be from the Shia who is disrespectful to women and the man understood the saying of his bad behavior.
For us women, it is important that we wear our hijab and carry ourselves in a manner that is not suggestive or promiscuous. 
Another hadith from the 7th Imam: *Those who say something and do something else are not from among our Shia*.
In the Qur’an there is also a question posed:
*Why do you say that which you do not do.*
So, it is important to be consistent, sincere and genuine.
Know that there are MANY hadith that describe what it means to be a shia. For today, the last hadith to share upon this idea of love & hate, let me share a hadith from the 6th Imam. He shares *3 categories of lovers.*
*1. Those who publicly show they love us and then forget about us in private.* When no one sees what you are seeing or looking at or hears what you are hearing or listening to, at that time, I remember I am a lover of Mawla. It is a personal matter. I can choose what to see or hear, if it is inappropriate, I can choose to not look or listen. This is also something that can guide us on social media. What do I watch or read and what do I post or comment I leave. This notion grounds us and provides guidance.
*2. Those who love us are the same in public and private*. Sometimes, it is hard to do things publicly that we are comfortable doing in private. Like I cry in private, why do I need to do it publicly. It is true we cannot judge someone’s level of love based on how much or how loud one grieves in majlis-e-aza. Sometimes, when people give charity, they don’t want their names to be associated with the donation and yet sometimes it is important to name the donor to inspire others to also donate.
An example from Imam’s life: People say to the 5th Imam, we like to go ibadat in a group and ask is this riya? Is it better for me to not join a congregational deed that is public, like a rally, congregational prayer, a group doing matam /majlis?
Imam gives a response that asks them to reflect through a question: *If this congregational act was not happening publicly, would you still do it?* Meaning if there was no congregational prayer, would you not pray? If there was no group, would you not do majlis? If there is no group, would you not protest? The people responded and said that whether there was a group or there wasn’t a group doing whatever action (pray, protest, azadari, etc.), their loyalty and actions would be the same. If there was no congregational prayer, they would still be praying on time; if it is Ashura day, whether there is a gathering or not, they would commemorate Ashura.
Then Imam then says it is not riya. The vibes of doing something in a group/ congregational setting are different, there is a different energy. *If you are doing something for the action itself and not because of the group, then joining the group is not riya*. In fact, sometimes it is necessary to give that vibe to others. Sometimes just being with a group gives you energy and maybe even makes you feel better to be around others.  
*3. Those whose wilayah /love is constant for us, whether in public or private*. Whether they have money or not, whether they have health or not, it doesn’t matter as their love for us is constant. *These are people who are a blessing in life*. This is also very rare.
When Imam Ali was told to rise up and fight, he told people to shave their heads and come with their kafan and if only 40 people would turn up then Imam Ali would rise up and fight. Hardly 7 or 8 people showed up.
During Imam Sajjad’s time, he noted he didn’t even have 20 Shia.
For our 12th Imam, there are not enough Shia. This is an embarrassing point that there are not enough people to support 12th Imam which is why he has not reappeared.
It is an important discussion: to define what is love & hate; to define who to love & hate; and to apply that love & hate into our practical lives. These are all heavy notions, easier said than done. A tall order to live up to. We pray Allah helps us to grow. Ameen.
We want to remember the journey of the captive women and children. Up until now, I have not even gotten to talk about Kufa because there were so many atrocities the women had to endure beginning with asr-e-Ashura, Shame Ghariba, the morning of the 11th of Muharram, the day of the 11th Muharram. We needed to pause at each musibat and give it its due to feel that musibat.
I am concentrating on those events. We easily talk about the time when the tents were burned during Shame Ghariba. Think of a fire alarm, when that loud noise goes off, we get flustered. We can’t even think of what is going on let alone what we should do. We are in a frenzy. All these reactions happen when there is an alarm, even if there isn’t any smoke or flames. Imagine Shame Ghariba: there were no alarms, no warnings, just flames burning things all around. Actual fire and actual burning. What state were the women and children experiencing. They didn’t get any warning. The women were in such a state of shock, they could barely accept their loved ones were dead and had just witnessed the severed heads being placed on the spears. One trauma after another and now this fire, and not only the fire, but with the fire are na-mahram men in their place of what used to be their private residence. For us, when we are home, and there is a knock on the door, the first thing we scramble for is our hijab. Those women were ale of Rasul and these men were nasty and were their to loot them. Not only that, they snatch the chador of the women, what should the women do. Who do they protect: the children, help the other women, their things or their own chadors. They didn’t care about their things, but when it came to their chadors, they did not let it go so easily. They resisted, some even put the cloth of their chadors between their teeth to help secure and hang on to their chadors. The women would wear a scarf and an abaya and then have a chador on top, an outer garment, which is what they so dearly and tightly hung on to. Then, the unthinkable: Do you know why people hit their heads with a sword as an act of azaa today, because every woman’s head was injured by the sword that was used to brutally and forcefully snatch the chadors! Yes they were still fully covered, but that outer chador was their covering. When that was snatched, they felt violated! The woman tried to gather the children. 
When Mukhtar caught all the culprits of the tragedy of Karbala, Khuli admits that when he entered a tent, he saw a little girl who had earrings and he wanted to take them, but she put her little hands to cover her ears exclaiming no, these are earrings given to me by my father. I will not be able to tell you how, suffice it to say that he harmed in some horrendous manner that she had to move her hands away from her ears and then he admitted that he took a pointed arrowhead and so forcefully ripped the earrings from her ears that the injury in her ears would keep bleeding throughout the journey from kufa to Shaam and into her grave.
We are all sinners! Shaitaan tries to use that against us and says that we will not be forgiven and our deeds will not be accepted. It is true that we have sinned, know that as we discussed from the hadith of Rasulullah that along with our efforts, although we might fall short, we are firm in the love for Rasululaah and Ahle-bayt and hopeful for their intercession.
Rabbana takabal minna innaka antas samee-ul aleem.
Ended with many duas..Ameen
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amliyatdua · 4 years
Dua For Good Spouse From The Quran
Everyone wants to get love from their partner.  If your lover or partner doesn’t give you proper time then it is very hurtful thing.  One day we will get married to someone and after that we will spend our whole life with him/her. So if you want a great life partner for you and you are always pray to Allah for a good spouse then you can consult with our molvi peer Mohammad Qadri ji and get dua for good spouse. But you perform and recite this dua with pure heart and according to our molvi ji. If you perform this dua with devotion then you will definitely get amazing life partner. Dua for good spouse from Quran is very amazing and powerful; it will create love in your partner’s heart. If you think that your partner always ignore you, and he/she has feeling for someone else then you can also recite this dua. So this dua is not only for finding good partner but also remove your all kind of marriage life problems.
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The partner and loved ones who are worried for their family members then they also read dua for a good spouse. Insha Allah your all kind of problems will be remove and you find a prefect life partner for yourself. If you don’t know how to recite this dua and how to preform it you can take help from our molvi ji.
Our molvi ji has a great experience in this field, so you can consult with us, to solve your all love, marriage, success and lost love back issues. For more information you can contact us:
Name- Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji Contact- 8306324220 Work Email- [email protected] Website- https://amliyatdua.com/
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freedom-fighter · 3 years
Reflecting on 2021
2021 was a rollercoaster for me. It was a series of lows and high but I'm grateful for all the opportunities and lessons that was taught to me. 
1) Time went by really quickly and if you dont plan your week, it will zoom by before you know it. Plan for success ! 
2) Family is EVERYTHING. At the end of the day, only them will stand at your corner even if the whole world is against you. 
3) Marriage is a real work but I'm blessed to have a spouse who is like minded and a baby who is a cute bean. xoxo
4) Work has been really kind to me but I have tons of potential to polish and I hope to have many breakthroughs in the years to come. Be LASER FOCUS please!!! Bismillah 
5) As I get older and nearer to the pinnacle of success, I do get lesser friends but the sweet taste of success beats everything. I choose quality friends rather quantity. 
6) I really love my wife so much and I'll do my UTMOST best to show her that I love her through my actions, words and prayers. 
7) Mental health is REAL. Self love and seeking help is a MUST. Dont keep to yourself ! 
8) Be kind and always think the best of people. 
9) Focus on abundance/opportunities rather than problems/negativity. It's your life. #playtowin 
10)  Have 5 hobbies 
- Hobby to upgrade yourself - learn/read 
- Hobby to keep yourself fit - gym/run/eat clean/feel good
- Hobby to earn $$$ - work/business/invest/multiple sources of income, goals while making it happen with MASSIVE action 
- Hobby to take a step back, always reflect - Monk mornings, stretching while breathing, spend time with mentors/ppl who inspires me/ 
- Hobby to keep your mind sharp - chess, teaching, learning new stuff, card games that required to memorize cards, be conscious of time wasters. 
11) Take care of yourself so that you can take care of others!!!
12) Choose to work with people who chose you. Dare to say NO to people who suck energy/Time and dont see your value. 
13) Dua
ikhtiar adalah wajib
Tawakkal = DUIT 
14) Prayers, Quran, tahajjud and being nice to our prayers is a GAMESHARK and that is the definition of SUCCESSFUL. 
15) Life is SHORT so live your life each day like it was your last. Step out of your comfort zone, work/play/love hard, do the things u always to do, be selfless and travel like a free spirit and enjoy the journey with laugher, happiness and peace. 
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