#Drop the names now Audrey.
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sonicfanthenightfury5099 · 11 months ago
Slashers Adopted a Dumpster Baby
From seeing @angelbarelywrites 's post on Slashers accidentally Adopt a baby, I wanna do a version with a Dumpster baby.
Slashers: Michael myers (78, 07, and 2018), Jason Voorhees, Thomas Hewitt, The Sinclair's, and Bubba Saywer
Michael Myers
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He was doing his usual nightly routine
He thought he was hearing things when he heard crying
Following when it's coming from until finding a trash can where the noise is coming from
Opening it up to his shock, a baby was inside it
Michael had to call it early on his spree to bring this tiny thing home to you
You were still up reading your book when you heard the door open, then shut. Hearing his boots walking to your shared room with the now sleeping bundle in his arms.
"I found this little one in a trash can." He said as you get up to see the baby
Poor thing was abandoned at their birth
You decide to adopt this little boy, Michael wasn't going to argue with that. He couldn't put it back where he found it
John was the name you decided, John Myers
Jason Voorhees
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He was walking around the campsite when he heard crying coming from somewhere
Following when the noises are coming
Pamela found where the sounds came from, a Dumpster next to the Mess Hall
Opening it and his Heart dropped and almost his Machete out his hand
A little baby in a blanket was crying
Pamela was tearing up from the site
She tells his boy to adopt this little baby as his and your"s
Jason brought the little bundle back to his cabin
You were asleep when he came home, hearing him at your side of the bed
You opened your eyes to see a blanket with a little hand holding your man's finger
Think he took this little one from their parents he explains that he found this baby in the dumpster, his mother backed up his claim
"Can I see them?" You said him
You held this little girl, cooeing when deciding on a name for your newly adopted baby
"Pamela Melody Voorhees."
Jason cried on the idea of his adopted daughter
RZ Michael Myers
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He heard crying when he came by a alleyway, he went to the only dumpster and opened it
Oh my god, there's a baby girl in this dumpster
He took up this little one in his large frame and comfort this little one
This little one reminded him of Boo when she was a baby
He took this little one back with him to you
You were watching Gorjia 54 on the TV when he walked through the back door
"You won't believe what I found in a dumpster." He said when he got closer to the couch, "Michael, you didn't eat Tra." You stopped when you saw the little bundle in his arms.
"Oh my god." You said as you reached out for the little girl. "That's what I said when I saw her in there. Someone just abandoned this little one in there."
You both decided to keep her
Audrey, because your daughter that night
Bo Sinclair
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He's just walking around in a nearby town till the sounds of crying caught his attention
Discovering a little newborn in a trash pile just lying there
"How'd you get here, little one?" He said as he picked up the baby. "Someone didn't want you? I'll take you home."
Bringing home a new little Sinclair
You put your little girl to sleep as you went down to get something to drink in the kitchen
"Y/n my darling, do you think that there's room for another Sinclair in the house?" Bo asked through the opening to the kitchen. "Maybe why do you ask hun?" You replied
"Surprise," Bo came into the full of the opening. "I found this little one in a trash pile when I was out." Holding the little boy in his arms. "Someone just left this little guy? He's so small." You said as you walked to see the baby closer
"Well, I think Miles would be Anna's little brother." You said as you took the newest edition of the family in your arms
Vincent Sinclair
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Vincent didn't know that he would be a father till he met you, a sweetheart who loves him
Bo came home with something in his arms
"I think you two would love what I got." He said as he hands his twin brother a little girl. "Someone dumped her in a dumpster, I heard her crying when I was having a cigarette."
Vincent fell in love with this child. They're pink cheeks, and Brown eyes were so adorable. He took this little one to show you in the share room
You heard what Bo said to Vincent, and you made your way to meet him halfway.
"Oh, she's adorable." You said as you hold her little hand
Lila Sinclair became your and Vincent's child
Lester Sinclair
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Just doing his usual routine of collecting Road kill off the road to throw on the pile
A bunch of trash was on the side of the road with a box in the pile
A small noise came from the box, which caught him off guard
He looks inside the box
A baby??!!
Holy Fk, poor thing was left out in here for a while from how cold it was
It's still alive, thank heavens
Lester takes this little tike into his truck with Jonesy
Finishing up his task, he brings the little one home
You are shocked by what your husband found
"You think we should keep them?" Lester asked you
Aaron Sinclair was the name you both decided
Peepaw Michael Myers
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He was doing his usual spree till he heard a sound while walking around
He found a trash can with a bag where the crying was coming from
Looking in the bag, he tilted his head seeing a teary-eyed baby in the bag.
He lifted this abandoned child up to his warm body, bundling the baby in his coveralls to warm them up as he walked home
You were sleeping when he placed the sleeping baby on his side of the bed on a pillow till they started crying again, which woke you up
Immediately confused about why he has a baby with him and has it on his pillow
"You found them in the Trash?" You asked him as checked on the little one, He nodded
Poor child left in a bag, you decided to adopt the little girl
Jane was the name Michael decided
Thomas Hewitt
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He was taking the trash out behind his mama's gas station when he discovered the little boy in the dumpster
Poor Boy teared up seeing this abandoned child in there
Coming inside the station, Luda Mae saw his son crying with a little baby in his arms
She got Deja Vu when Thomas told her where he found them
Taking this little one home
Thomas rubbed the back of the baby that he found, cheeks still stained with tears
Hoyt gotten Deja vu from the Dumpster baby, the day Luda found Thomas in one
You came down the stairs seeing your Husband holding a baby, he found at his momma's gas station
"He found this little one in the Dumpster." Luda said, "Like how you found." Hoyt said before cut off by Luda elbowing him in the ribs
"They got a little birthmark on their arm Its not the skin condition you got, Tommy." You reassured him. He felt that he got the same condition he was born with, but he felt relief from that revelation
"I think Jedidiah would like a bath to feel better."
Thomas loved that name
Bubba Saywer
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He wasn't expecting this when Drayton brought home a little baby home
Him and you already had a baby not too long ago
But this little one was just dumbed at Drayton's Station
Bubba was panicking inside, who would leave a healthy baby in a dumpster
Nubs and Chop Top being themselves joke about the Bubba was a dumpster baby, but Drayton smacked the both of them from that
You cooed the little one you held in your arms
Bubba looked at the little one, their teal eyes looking into his blabbering at them with their hand reaching out to him
He fell in love with this little one
"Bubba, I think we should keep them." You said. He agreed on that idea
Isaiah Saywer joined the family
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sebastianstangirl01 · 3 months ago
✧˖° lifeline | rafe cameron
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pairing - rafe cameron x routledge!reader
warnings - violence (jj decking rafe), language, pregnancy (audrey’s pregnant instead of sarah), almost drowning
summary - after rafe, who just so happens to be your baby daddy, offers you and your friends a boat ride to Moraco tensions rise between the untrusting group. when an intense storm hits out of no where you get swept off the front of the boat by an enormous wave and rafe has to make a decision. save the woman he loves and mother of his child or ride out the storm to find groff.
authors note - well…..i’m back! kinda. sorry for literally dropping off the face of the earth, i’ve been more activish writing wise on wattpad lately. so sorry for not writing any on here! since buzzcut rafe and just drew in general are literally daddy i knew i had to write for him! i’m sure you’ve seen this trope like a million times, but that’s because it’s such a bomb trope and never gets old! at least in my opinion! with that being said, because it’s so popular it’s inevitable that these types of fics will probably be similar but i’ll try my very best to be as original as possible!! oh, also since i hate having to write y/n as the name i’ll be using is audrey since that’s my name and who doesn’t want to imagine themselves as rafe’s girl?? but for real, feel free to imagine any name you want! i hope you enjoy!!
not proofread!!
when rafe showed up and convinced shoupe to let you all track down groff, you thought you were dreaming. but here you are sitting on a container of god knows what stuck on a boat with your older brother (by 9 months), best friends, and ex/baby daddy who you haven’t spoken to since you found out you were pregnant 2 weeks ago.
you paced circles around the large bathroom, chewing on the side of your finger anxiously. the timer winding down on your phone seemed to be taking a lot longer than 3 minutes and the test flipped upside down on the sink seemed to be haunting you.
it all started about a week ago. you noticed some unusual changes in your everyday routine, starting with the fact that you found yourself bending over the toilet seat every morning puking your guts up.
the thought of being pregnant didn’t even click in your mind until you realized the last time you had your period was so long ago you couldn’t even remember the exact date. panic involuntarily filled your mind when you thought about your situation.
you and rafe have been off and on for as long as you could remember. him using and smoking all the time was one of the main reasons why, he wasn’t the same when he was high and he honestly scared you. when peterkin was killed you thought there was no way you’d ever be able to look at rafe the same again.
but there’s just something about him that keeps drawing you in, he’s different around you. even more so now that he’s quit abusing drugs, he makes you feel like the only girl in the world. the issue still stands though, he treats your brother and friends like the scum of the earth and nothing you say changes his behavior.
it’s exhausting having your boyfriend and friends hate each other to the point where you can’t even bring rafe around your home without someone starting a fist fight.
that’s what caused your breakup this time, you couldn’t stand the animosity between everyone and what sealed the deal was jj starting a brawl with rafe that ended with both of them having to get stitches. you felt responsible for them getting hurt and put your own feelings aside to do what you thought was best for everyone as a whole.
you and rafe broke up. but no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t stay away. which led to your current predicament.
the timer finally went off, snapping you out of your thoughts and stopping you in your tracks. you’re heart was beating so fast you thought it would burst from your chest and land in the claw foot tub across the room. biting the bullet you grabbed the test and held it tightly in your hand, not having the heart to turn it over yet.
“hey-” rafe pushed open the bathroom door making you jump in surprise
you had thought he left for work already but here he was standing in front of you with furrowed brows as his gaze landed on the test in your hand.
“rafe.” you started but he cut you off
“what the fuck is that?” rafe snapped in shock
“i uh, i’m late.” was all you could mutter as you bit your lip nervously, recognizing the cold look on rafe’s face
“and?” rafe raised his brows waiting for your answer impatiently
“I haven’t been able to look.” you admitted and rafe huffed walking closer to you and yanking the test out of your hand
the tension in the room was suffocating as rafe flipped the test over, you were terrified as you studied his face closely looking for any sign of what the test read.
“fuck.” rafe whispered before dropping the test to the ground his hands immediately coming up to press against his forehead as he turned away from you
you slowly bent down and your hands shook as you picked the test up, flipping it over your heart dropped into your stomach.
tears filled your eyes and your chest filled with panic, you had truly never been more scared in your life than you were in this moment. how were you supposed to raise a baby? you only just turned 19 and your home is about to be swept out from under you by greedy kooks. and you aren’t even with the father of your baby at the moment.
“holy shit.” rafe’s voice broke you out of your thoughts and you looked over at him
he was standing with his hands squeezing the counter top harshly, the veins in his neck looked like they were about to burst.
“rafe?” you whispered
“i cant do this right now.” rafe shook his head before storming out of the room
the front door slamming downstairs startled you making you jump, then it hit you. you were pregnant and alone and the tears slid down your cheeks.
that was the last you had seen or heard from rafe. when you told your brother he was less than thrilled, it took everything for you to keep him from tracking rafe down and killing him. but john b eventually realized that you needed him to be there for you so he put his feelings aside and focused on you and his future niece or nephew.
your friends were about the same story, especially jj who has always been a loose cannon. but at the end of the day they rallied around you and you knew they would be there for you and be the best aunts and uncles to the baby.
but right about now you wished you had just gone with shoupe because you were being hit with motion sickness to the extreme and felt like you were about to throw up everywhere.
“hey, what’s up?” kie frowned kneeling down in front of you, sarah immediately following
“you ok?” sarah placed her hand on your knee
it took you a second to answer having to take a few deep breaths until the nausea subsided before you blinked down at the pair.
“just nauseous.” you held a hand to your stomach
“maybe there’s some ginger ale or something in the kitchen.” kie said and you nodded the thought of the fizzy drink sounded appealing
before she could stand to go searching for anything a hand appeared in front of your face holding a can of ginger ale. you knew that veiny hand and gold ring anywhere but still looked up and saw rafe looking at you in concern.
that was the most concern he had shown you since you found out you were pregnant.
“thanks.” you smiled softly and he just nodded before disappearing back inside
you saw the look exchanged between your two best friends but ignored it as you eagerly cracked open the can before humming in delight as you took sips of the drink.
“ok, so I think it’s time we talk about the elephant on the boat.” jj started making everyone exchange confused looks. “rafe, guys.”
“what about him?” sarah furrowed her brows
“what do you mean, what about him? do we really trust that he’s not going to screw us over? shit, i wouldn’t be surprised if he was working with those psycho mercenaries and was leading us to our deaths.” jj rambled
“come on jayge, you know none of us trust him but he did save our asses. as much as i hate to admit it.” kie reminded her boyfriend who just rolled his eyes
“and that automatically excuses everything he’s done?” jj scoffed
“hey, she’s not saying that. you know i’d love to just chuck him into the ocean but so far he hasn’t tried anything. i say we play it cool then ditch him the second we dock.” pope spoke levelheadedly and the others reluctantly nodded in agreement
“but until then, what do we do?” sarah crossed her arms over her chest and leaned into john b’s side
“you know him best, aud. can we trust him to keep his word?” john b turned to his sister who had stayed quiet for the whole conversation
“i believe he’ll keep his word.” you answered after a second and john b studied you for a moment before nodding
“ok, we’ll just stay cool for now.” john b looked between everyone who reluctantly nodded
well, that didn’t last long. one second you were moving inside the cabin to get out of the sun and the next you were kneeling on the ground cradling rafe’s unconscious form after jj sucker punched him in the face.
“what the fuck jj!” you exclaimed in shock
“what? we can’t trust him, i know he’s your baby daddy and you two have some weird relationship thing but i’m not taking any chances.” jj shrugged as he grabbed a rope
“if he didn’t do it i was going to.” pope commented
you just signed and rubbed your forehead at their stupidity and stubbornness before gently stroking rafe’s cheek that was already bruising.
“i’m surrounded by idiots.” you mumbled to yourself
john b and jj carried rafe down into a small utility room after tying his hands together, shutting and locking the door behind them.
knowing there was nothing you could say to get the group to change their minds about rafe, you and cleo got to work in the kitchen looking around for something edible that could be fixed for dinner.
“what about this?” cleo turned to you holding a box of spaghetti noodles
“i guess you can never go wrong with spaghetti.” you shrugged with a small smile
you also knew that spaghetti was a safe food for you, it was one of the only foods that didn’t make you sick at the moment.
john b and pope were out on the deck trying to catch some fish, but you knew you’d be having spaghetti for dinner regardless since you don’t like seafood. jj and kie were up in the cabin making sure the boat was on course and sarah was sunbathing since there wasn’t really much else to do. of course she had offered to help cleo cook and let you relax, but you needed a distraction right now.
while cleo started boiling water, you started working on the sauce. surprisingly the kitchen was pretty nicely stocked and you were able to find a jar of marinara sauce and a bunch of different herbs and seasonings.
humming to yourself you stirred the sauce in the pan in front of you, listening to the playful banter from your friends.
after everyone ate they all agreed that it would be safest for you to be the one to bring rafe dinner. even though both jj and pope voted on letting him starve, everyone else agreed that it wasn’t right. you were nervous to approach him one on one, unsure of what he would say or do when he saw you.
getting your nerves under control, you took a deep breath before shifting the tray of food so you could push open the door. rafe blinked up at you lazily, the image brought you back to the mornings when you woke up together.
“hey, i thought you might be hungry.” you spoke softly closing the door behind you
you stepped forward and knelt down beside him, sitting the tray of food in front of him. rafe looked down at the tray in distain before looking back up at you.
“you gonna feed it to me? or am i supposed to just shove my face in it like a fuckin animal?” rafe snapped making you flinch, which he noticed and immediately took a deep breath. “baby, untie me. please.”
“don’t call me that, rafe. not when you’ve spent the past few weeks ignoring me.” you frowned in frustration
“i’m sorry. i just don’t know what to think, this is a really big thing.” rafe mumbled pulling uncomfortably at his restraints
“i know it’s a big thing rafe, trust me. i’m the one waking up every morning at the crack of dawn to puke my guts out.” you couldn’t help but snap, your emotions from the past couple of weeks overflowing
you had been so upset since finding out you were pregnant and you hate it. you hate that your first thought about your own child was a negative one. you’ve always wanted to be a mother, it’s something you dreamed about since your next door neighbor had a baby when you were 6.
so knowing that you have felt like your baby is a burden for the first part of your pregnancy makes you feel so incredibly guilty. and it’s all because of rafe, of the way he reacted to the news by up and leaving you all alone.
you want your child to have a father, and as much as you hate to admit it you want that father to be rafe. because regardless of everything, you love him.
“look, we can talk about this ok? let’s just talk about it, but first untie me.” rafe held his hands out to you
“i can’t rafe, they don’t trust you and i can’t say i blame them. you’ve never given them a reason to.” you shook your head
“i talked shoupe out of arresting all of you, i got you on this boat.” rafe scoffed
“you also beat pope, shot sarah, strangled kie, framed john b for murder, and started how many fights with jj? not to mention how you’ve continued to terrorize them in general. why would they trust you rafe?” you shook your head moving to stand
“i’m sorry. i’m sorry, audrey. ok, i’ve been a shitty guy, a shitty brother and boyfriend. i know that, but i’m getting my shit together alright? for you, i’m getting my shit together for you and the baby.” rafe rambled and you couldn’t help the way your heart fluttered at his words
especially at his mention of the baby, this being the first time you’d ever heard him acknowledge it.
“I hope you are rafe, and i’m happy for you. but you need to change for yourself too, not just me and not just our baby.” you said casting him one last look before leaving ignoring his calls from behind you
things changed so fast. one second, you were sitting next to pope trying to ignore your guilt at ignoring rafe while everyone ate and the next there was a huge clap of thunder.
the night sky was black but the swirling clouds and flashes of lightning were alarmingly clear. the ocean became harsh and unforgiving, aggressive waves slammed into the side of the boat sending it rocking back and forth wildly.
john b, accompanied by pope and jj immediately ran for the cabin to try to get control of the boat while the girls held on for dear life.
you felt a wave of fear overcome you, not just for your own life, but for the lives of everyone on the boat including the baby in your belly. of course, john b and sarah had survived sailing into a storm, but it wasn’t anywhere near as intense as the storm they are in now.
after a particularly harsh wave collided with the side of the boat, you were knocked out of your seat and hit the ground hard.
“shit!” you exclaimed trying to balance as you pushed yourself to your knees
“are you ok?” sarah grabbed your hand and pulled you to her protectively
“this isn’t good. we’re fucked, aren’t we?” you gulped holding sarah’s hand and the bottom of the table tightly
you looked around at the girls, who all had similar looks of fear on their faces, even cleo who was always calm and collected. pope rushed back down to you guys, explaining that they decided there was no way of outrunning the storm. that they just had to go through it.
sarah and kie went off to find jj and john b, not wanting to be too far from them which left you, cleo, and pope in the small sitting area to hold down the fort.
“hey! let me out! audrey! sarah!” your head suddenly snapped towards the door across the room that led to the room rafe was being kept in
you couldn’t leave him in there all alone, there was no telling how scared he was trapped in there having no idea what was going on. only being able to feel the way the boat thrashed back and forth.
pope, recognizing the look on your face after so many years of friendship immediately shook his head in protest.
“no! no, audrey you can’t let him out!” pope reached for you but you shrugged him off as you ran towards the kitchen area
“audrey! come on, girl! don’t!” cleo exclaimed
“i can’t just leave him there to die! he’s the father of my child, and i still love him. i’m sorry!” you gave them an apologetic look before grabbing a knife out of the sink and running tot he door ignoring your friends shouts from behind you
your legs shook from the effort it took to stay on your feet, the boat rocked back and forth harshly as the enormous waves tossed them around like a pinball.
you practically busted down the door and fell against the sink, somehow miraculously you managed to not stag yourself in the process. rafe was pulling on his restrains and you saw water had already leaked into the room making your eyes widen.
“baby, cut me loose.” rafe broke you out of your trance
“i got you.” you rushed over to him and cautiously began cutting the ropes
“careful!” rafe scolded when you accidentally nicked the skin on his forearm
“i’m trying! just, stay still i’ve never done this before!” you fired back
finally you were able to cut through the ropes and rafe waisted no time pulling you into his arms holding you tightly. you melted into his chest, momentarily forgetting the terror of the situation.
“thank you.” rafe sighed into your hair
“i’d never leave you.” you mumbled squeezing his waist
the two of you pulled away and looked at each other, silently promising to have a long conversation, when you weren’t battling a dangerous storm of course.
“i need to get to john b. sarah’s with him, come on!” you abruptly pulled away, now that you knew rafe was ok you had to find your brother
you ran out of the door hearing rafe curse before following behind you, calling your name. the unfortunate thing was that to get up to the cabin from your position you had to first go across the deck.
the wind was so strong it almost knocked you off your feet as you stepped onto the deck, the rain pelted down onto you mixed with the water that had been sloshed over the edge of the boat.
“john b!” you exclaimed, shielding your eyes as you tried to walk forward
“audrey!” john b yelled with wide eyes as he took in your small figure in the storm he, followed by sarah, jj, and kie rushed out onto the upper deck right outside the cabin.
just as you made a move towards them a large wave came out of no where and slammed into the side of the boat knocking you to the ground. your skin scuffed against the ground and you yelped at the feeling of a jagged piece of metal slashing your hip.
rafe had just burst onto the deck when he saw you on the ground, as he was about to run to you he heard sarah scream your name.
“audrey!” sarah screamed in horror as the lightning in the sky revealed a monster wave approaching them
you screamed, knowing there was no way you’d be able to make it to safety in time and tried your best to clutch onto something. before you knew it you felt your body being hit hard by a wall of water, sending you skidding across the ground. your hands slipped and slid as you tried to grab onto something, but it was no use as you felt yourself suddenly falling off the back of the boat.
you didn’t even have time to scream as you’re body collided with the harsh and unforgiving ocean water, your body was pulled underwater by the rough current. you had been swimming in the ocean your whole life, yet you had never experienced something quit like this before.
it felt like there were hands gripping your body trying to keep you underwater, but you fought as hard as you could. when you were finally able to break the surface you did so with a big gasp, eagerly sucking in air as you fought against the waves.
“help! rafe! john b! jj!” you screamed thrashing in the water
when rafe saw you fall overboard his heart stopped and it was like his body was in autopilot. he ran forward and grabbed the lifebuoy that was hanging on the side of the boat.
sarah locked her teary eyes on her brother, her heart pounding out of her chest at the thought of losing her best friend, and now she sees rafe holding the lifebouy and knows exactly what is going through his head.
“rafe!” sarah yelled not wanting to lose someone else
rafe didn’t hesitate, his mind already made up as he ran to the end of the boat.
“audrey! i’m coming!” rafe yelled before diving into the water
the pogues watched in terror as the two disappeared from their sight, john b dropping to his knees in agony at the potential loss of his sister. the only family he had left. while sarah was in the same position, you were her best friend and now sister in law and rafe was the only family she had left and she had just lost them both.
rafe gasped as he broke the surface, holding onto the bouy tightly he looked around frantically trying to spot you when he saw you clinging to a piece of wood.
“audrey!” rafe yelled before swimming towards you
your head snapped up when you heard rafe’s familiar voice and couldn’t help but sob in relief as you saw him swimming towards you.
“rafe!” you started swimming to meet him halfway
when you were within arms reach, rafe pulled you into his arms and held you against him and the bouy as tight as he could. you cried as you clung to him and rafe tried his best to push his fear aside for your sake.
“you came for me. you came for me.” you gasped kicking your legs to stay above the water
“i’ll always come for you. always. it’s going to be ok, baby. just don’t let go.” rafe demanded and you nodded
the storm raged around you and the boat disappeared from your sight, nothing around but the vast stretch of the ocean leaving you with nothing but fear and anxiety. but at least you had rafe, you knew he would do whatever he could to protect you and that’s what kept you going as the two of you clutched onto each other tightly and rode out the storm.
the first thing you recognized was how quiet it was around you, the next was the body laying beside you. you blinked your eyes open and coughed feeling some of the water you inhaled trickle out of your mouth. hands grabbed your face and you blinked up to see rafe’s soaked face hovering above you.
“there she is, wake up for me baby.” rafe sighed in relief as he pulled you into his arms
“are we alive?” you asked clutching onto his arm
“yeah baby, we’re alive. we’re ok.” rafe chuckled kissing your forehead
you sighed leaning against him lazily, as exhaustion filled your aching body. you have no idea how the two of you survived the storm, but you were grateful.
“you saved my life.” you looked up at rafe with teary eyes before grabbing his hand and placing it on your stomach. “you saved us both.”
rafe felt his emotions overpower him as a lone tear slid down his cheek, it was just now hitting him how much he had to lose. if he had been even a second too late he would have lost you. he would’ve lost you and the baby.
he had spent so much time being an idiot, being a terrible person when he could’ve spent that time loving you. no more, he made that vow to himself right in that moment. he made a promise to himself that he would do right by you and this baby, nothing else mattered. not money or kooks vs pogues, nothing. only you and the future the two of you had together with your child.
“i will always save you. i love you so much, audrey, and i and so sorry for the way i have treated you. for the way i have treated your friends. for everything. this has made me realize that you are the most important thing to me in the world and i am going to spend the rest of my life making it up to you and to our child. if you give me a chance, i swear to you that i will be the best man i can be.” rafe cradled your face in his hands
as you looked into his eyes you saw nothing but love and sincerity, and it was what you had been wanting from him for as long as you can remember. seeing him in this moment you know how serious he is and after he literally risked his life to save you, you know that he is the one.
“i love you too, rafe. i want to be a family.” you leaned your forehead against his nudging his nose with yours
“i want that too. more than anything.” rafe said before leaning forward and connecting your lips
in that moment you knew that no matter what came out of this new treasure hunt that you would always have rafe by your side and that your child would grow up with a father. and that’s all you could hope for.
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generalluxun · 5 months ago
Miraculous Reverse
Tackling that one out-of-place name drop and turning it from something boring and repetitive(in an otherwise really fun plotline!) into something more fitting. Like or hate her, having Chloé just be Marinette's bully in the reverse is just dull. It also goes against the overall theme of similar-but-different.
So, in trying to keep canon in mind, but twisting it up, I present to you:
Emonette's bully is actually reverse!Zoé- hear me out.
Reverse!Andre is an iron fisted tyrant. Reverse!Audrey is a harmless vapid party girl/trophy wife. Andre still very much abuses his power and Audrey is still very much a forgetful/neglectful mother.
Zoé is still the product of infidelity. It's not so much an estranged wife stepping out as a naive/foolish girl seduced by Mr. Lee. When André finds out too late, he is livid. Audrey goes 'to the country' until her 'health improves' and baby Zoé is tossed into the public welfare system.
Meanwhile back at home André is utterly embarrassed by the whole scandal. Chloé, already not something either parent was really interested in, is kept confined to the hotel and not spoken of. She becomes something glimpsed by guests out of the corner of the eye; there and gone. A rumor/urban legend starts about 'The ghost of LeGrand Paris.'
Back to Zoé- due to a social worker being careless with paperwork, and Zoé being an advanced reader for her age, she learns early on about her 'real' family. She is instantly angry as only a child can be. She should be rich! She should have power! She should have it all!
For the next several years she is a terror for foster families, orphanages, and homes for problem children. It gets to the point where she is returned to the Bourgeois(at least until Andre can fight the legal system again). Once she's there though, André doesn't know how to handle her. He's surrounded himself with sycophants for a decade. Someone who stands up to him with his own level of belligerence is alarming. He resorts to ignoring her/avoiding her and letting her do whatever provided it doesn't cause him more problems.
When Zoé meets Chloé(around 11-12 yrs of age or so), she sees someone with the life she was denied... So she takes it. She takes Chloé's name and enrolls herself in school. She claims to be the 'Ghost of Le Grand Paris', who was sickly growing up but is healthy now! She's out, proud, and taking everything she wants. This includes dominating the school, ruling as Queen, and taking out her personal anger on that easy-victim emonette.
I want to stress this is a *starting* point. This is a setup. This is where the narrative begins. Zoé is still in part wearing a mask, one she forged herself im childhood based on what she thought *should* be.
Chloé isn't some perfect angel. She's a recluse, unsocialized, isolated. (Think Mary Lennox from the Secret Garden) and libel to be a touch cross if her very tiny world is upset.
This whole thing is meant to blossom out, be discovered, and provide for some great narrative hooks.
Instead of just boring 'Chloé bad.'
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years ago
From what I’ve know, the fandom mostly dislikes Andrey for reasons related to Chloe (bad mother etc.), but what are YOUR reasons for not liking her?
Cuz she's an asshole? On top of being qualified for the Top 3 Never Should've Been Parents to Begin With Award (next to Gabriel and Tomoe), she's an elitist dick waffle without any on screen talent to back it up. So she's a fashion critic. So what? What makes her qualified, have you seen her outfit? And I just have a special hate boner for people who look down on the service industry, so she already wasn't winning any awards for "firing" people left and right.
Meta-wise, I hate her because she just confuses things. "Despair Bear" makes it out that Audrey abandoned the Bourgeois when Chloe was small, though at least old enough to remember, so maybe at minimum 3 years old, though in a sensible universe, closer to 5 or 6. Yet despite being absent from Chloe's life for about a decade, if not more, we're supposed to believe Chloe is the way she is because she's emulating her mother...who isn't there to emulate? Okay. Sure Jan.
Totally unnecessary, Chloe's personality has a good foundation in the fact that her father is rich, powerful, and ready to drop everything to cater to her every petty whim. What does Audrey even add to Chloe's story as presented? Personally, I would've liked it more if Chloe deeply resented her mother and was determined to prove she was BETTER than Audrey. Then have her be frustrated and pissed off every time the two of them are accidentally in sync. Show me a love-hate relationship, at least that would've been interesting, and better yet, would've had something to say about a parent abandoning their child.
But the show just sorta soft balls it. Chloe and Audrey immediately "resolve" a lifetime of abandonment issues because another 14 year old pointed out that they both suck and the two bonded over the fact that she's...right? Audrey decides Chloe's name is worth remembering, she's worth staying in Paris for, and she's "exceptional" in less than 3 minutes because Chloe yelled at the Butler. And for the rest of the series, Audrey is just another Chloe-Patsy, doting on her like her Dad in "Malediktator", cowering under her outburst in "Sole Crusher", and acting as her enforcer when Andre ever puts up a fight. A duo made in hell, but they ARE getting along.
Which makes the leaks for how they're going to end things for the two are confusing.
I don't like Audrey because she was made to be unlikable, but I also don't like Audrey because of her effect on the story. She's used to excuse Chloe being The Worst because look! An Even Worse person! And she made Chloe sad! So you should ignore those several felonies Chloe's committed because her mommy sucks! Nevermind that Chloe and Audrey get along just fine now!
And on top of that, she's used to excuse Andre. Andre, who spoiled Chloe from the beginning, who acts as her attack dog when Chloe cries wolf, who's taught Chloe how to lie, cheat, steal, and bully her way to the top. Somehow HE is getting off scott-free now because He CaN'T bE a DirEcTor aNd fUlFiLL hiS dReAm cUz HiS wIfe'S a BiG meAnIE. Even though Chloe is mostly his fault.
Why couldn't Audrey just stay in New York so we can pretend she doesn't exist and just let Chloe's behavior make sense like it did back in Season 1?
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fortytworedvines · 1 month ago
Sarah, i loved the prompt you wrote for me! Thsnk you so much! And the one with Audrey cutting her Hand was lovely too!
So, may I ask for another one please if you have some time? Maybe number 34 to have some drama?
Thank you Cookie! Your wish is my command! Send me a prompt
34. Someone is yelling your name
The bomb had fallen on a farmhouse a mile or so outside Darrowby. The inhabitants, sheltering in their Anderson shelter a good distance from the house, were unharmed. Their house was utterly destroyed. Audrey, wearing her uniform, her helmet, and a fixed expression on her face, was surveying the damage. Dawn had broken, casting pale light over broken beams, the scattered detritus of years of living.
The farmer stood next to her. He heaved a sigh. “Well. Nowt to be done. Missus is sad to lose our things, but it could have been worse. I don’t like that shelter much. Wouldn’t have gone out to it if I’d been by meself.”
Neighbours began to approach. “Stay back,” Audrey warned them all. “It’s unsafe.”
One of the neighbours carted the farmer and his wife off for tea and breakfast. Audrey stayed at her post, keeping onlookers and nosey children out of harms way.
Mrs Hall had been quiet all day, Siegfried thought as he watched her slice bread for their tea, her mind clearly on other things.
“Was it bad?” he asked.
She jumped, as though she’d forgotten he was there. “Nobody dead or injured,” she said. “It was… hard to see.” She trailed off into somewhere else, staring unseeingly across the kitchen.
“Why don’t I do that?” Siegfried took the bread knife gently from her, guided her into a chair.
She remained not quite there throughout the evening, her knitting needles pausing for long periods of time. He watched her worriedly. They’d been through enough in the great war to have some idea of when somebody needed help.
“Would you like to talk about it?” he offered.
“Not really.” She managed a small smile. “But thank you.”
A sound woke him in the night. He blinked into awareness. Not the frantic trilling of the phone, but a voice.
“Siegfried!” Her voice was loud, carrying through the dark house. “Siegfried!”
She sounded terrified. He jumped out of bed, didn’t stop to put on slippers or dressing gown, hastened down the corridor to her room.
“Siegfried!” she cried again and he burst frantically into her room.
She was in bed, her eyes tight shut, sweat beading on her forehead. “Siegfried!”
The fear in her voice sent shivers through him. He dropped to his knees beside her. “Mrs Hall, Audrey!” He put his hand to her shoulder, shook her gently.
She sat up with a gasp. Saw him beside her and clutched at him. “You’re alive, you’re alive.” She held him tightly, one hand on his shoulder, the other cupping his face. “Oh, Siegfried!”
“Hush now, hush.” He put one hand over her shaking one. “It was just a nightmare. That’s all.” He imbued his voice with all the soothing tones that he could.
“I thought – you were dead.” Her voice crackled. “A bomb hit the house. You were buried under so much rubble. I couldn’t reach you… Oh, God…” Her shoulders shook and tears spilled down her cheeks.
He pulled her close to him and she twisted her fingers into his nightshirt. “I’m alive, I’m here,” he murmured as he ran his hand up and down her back. “I’m safe, I’m not going anywhere.”
“It was so real,” she whispered. “I thought I’d lost you.” She lifted her head then, a fierce look in her eye. “Promise me,” she said, holding his shirt tightly, “promise me you will always go to a shelter. No matter what.”
He was held captive by her eyes. “I promise,” he said. “I swear, Audrey. I will always go to a shelter.”
She sagged a little, then. “Thank you,” she whispered, and wiped her eyes. “I’m sorry for waking you.”
“Don’t be.” She felt so slight and fragile in his arms, and something of the fear in her dream had infected him too. “Sleep with me tonight,” he blurted out. “Please. I don’t want to leave you on your own.”
She looked up at him, eyes clear and true. “Thank you.”
They went to his room hand-in-hand. He pulled back the bedcovers for her and helped her in. She slipped in as though she belonged there, dark hair spilling over white pillows.
He climbed in beside her, felt the tremors that still ran through her. “Let me hold you?” he murmured.
She mumbled something that sounded like acquiescence and wriggled closer to him. He slung his arm around her middle, pulled her in tightly so that he could cocoon her in himself.
“I’ve got you. We’re safe,” he whispered into her hair. “Sleep well, Audrey.”
She yawned. “Thank you, Siegfried.” She pulled his arm tighter around herself. “Thank you.”
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filmbyjy · 1 year ago
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SYNOPSIS > being the new CEO to the ‘Sim Corp’ was hard and stressful. jake didn’t have much time to spend with layla and so he decides to get a dogsitter, you. though, you were originally already his secretary. how will dog sitting bring you two closer?
THIRTY-SIX – intimate yet seductive smell
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you had entered the building, exaggerating your walk a little to make your curves stand out more. multiple men that worked in the office stared at you, their jaws dropping instantly.
just as you arrived at the office floor you worked at, someone grabs your waist. you knew exactly who it was. that cologne. that intimate yet seductive smell.
“what are you doing.”
“there were a bunch of people who were staring at you-”
“I know but you aren’t my boyfriend so why should you care?” you had fired back. jake sighs.
“I know. I know I messed up, I shouldn’t be acting this way. Acting like some possessive guy when I already hurt you a bunch of times.”
“that’s great that you realise that. now, if you could excuse me sir. I have some work to do, being your secretary doesn’t mean I can just slack off. I still have a bunch of paperwork to attend to.” you say before pushing jake’s hand that was still around your waist.
your heels clacking as you had walked over to your desk. jay decides to walk over.
“ah, it’s nice to see jake all fired up in the morning. want coffee?”
“tea would be great.” you told jay.
“alright, I’ll come back in a bit.” he winks at you before leaving to the pantry area.
jake wanted to say something to you but he just decides to look down in shame and walk over to his office. a few hours flew by, everyone went to have lunch. just as you stood up ready to visit the staff cafeteria in the building, a familiar pair of arm wraps around waist.
“I miss you.” was all he says. his voice sounding fragile and almost broken. you could tell he was holding back some tears but you knew you had to stand your ground and make jake suffer a little (or possibly more).
you pushed his hand away and untangled yourself from him. “I’m sorry, sir. I have to leave, I am quite famished so whatever business you have can delayed after lunch. besides, this is still personal business so after work would work better.”
the flash of hurt on jake’s face didn’t go unnoticed. however, he understood why you were acting this way.
“sorry.” jake mutters in a defeated and sad tone. just like a puppy sulking.
and this went on for the whole week, even another 3 weeks later. jake would try to talk to you but you would reject his apologies and any form of him wanting to talk to you. you could tell he was cracking. it was starting to affect his work too. which was not good. he wasn’t listening much to the meetings that the fashion department had organised and he would leave in the middle of it. it caused some of the employees to think their work wasn’t good and had to be improved on.
in reality, jake was just distracted. his feelings were all over the place. he just simply didn't know how to act. this was the first time he really had to do something or else he'd lose the girl he really likes. sure, audrey was his first love and he lost her but he couldn't really fight his dad's orders so he had to stay in Seoul or else, this whole thing wouldn't even happen in the first place.
and since jake has now stood up to his dad, he finally has the freedom to do what he once would've done for audrey. to fight for his love for you instead. however, how was he going to do so when he had zero clue on what to do other than let you give him the silent treatment. jake knew it was easy to just use the money he had worked on but spending heaps of money for you was not a way to truly show his feelings to you.
"still nothing?" sunghoon says as he practically manspreads on the couch in the lounge area. ningning kicks his knees, the male could only wince at the pain.
"sit properly you fuck." ningning barks.
"why are you even here?" sunghoon bites back.
"(name) is my best friend, why are you here?"
"for moral support and my friend is an idiot."
"you two should get a room and go fuck." jungwon rolls his eyes.
"oh? new ship? ningning noona and sunghoon hyung. ninghoon. sungning." ni-ki adds. sunghoon throws the pillow and it hits ni-ki right on his face.
"where is jay?" sunghoon says after he does a small celebration for successfully hitting ni-ki right in the face with the pillow.
"probably making out with some employee-"
jay walks in with jake. he had pinched the boy's poor ears while walking in. jake could only accept in and walk in the room in defeat.
"brought this fucker here. now, speak. tell the others, specifically (name) what you wanted to say."
jake looks around the room. he could tell the tension was definitely a little tense. heeseung and hyunjin had cracked their knuckles in case. felix, san and hongjoong were ready to hold them back but they were also watching jake warily. one wrong move and he would be beaten up like a tenderized beef.
"umm." jake starts off. his eyes met with yours. then he did something he could only think of. he got on his knees. everyone was in shock even you.
"(name), i-i know this isn't exactly how our relationship or umm whole umm."
"spit it out." sunghoon says. jake sends sunghoon a small glare.
"ever since the start. meeting you when you crashed into me and spilt coffee on me and then seeing you during the interview. working with you for 4-5 years. i was harsh to you during those early days, hell even year. i am just a grumpy, young CEO who doesn't know how to control his emotions. I never knew how to control myself. I just shut myself out and block any form of feelings when it comes to working with girls.”
“but then…those feelings I never knew I had for you started blooming quickly and I was terrified. I wanted to stop myself, what if…I would get hurt again like how I did with Audrey. I didn’t want to go through it again. But then Layla…she loved you instantly, it warmed my heart. she accepted you when she’s never easily warmed up to people. I knew there was something.”
jake steps forward and carefully reaches out to cup one of your cheeks, his hands were shaking. “so, (name). I know I’m not the best guy. I hurt you twice by pushing you away and being a jerk. no words can ever express how sorry I am.”
when you don’t say a single word, jake was about get down on his knees, you gasp and held his hand.
“wait, don’t get on your knees. please.”
“but I did so much bad-”
“I forgive you.” you finally say.
dead silence.
you would’ve answered but with jake’s lips against yours, you couldn’t. the way his hands gently held onto your waist. it causes goosebumps against your skin, it felt good. really good.
“woah woah.” heeseung pulls jake away from you. it almost look like he was holding a kitten by the nape of its neck. “this is supposed to go on for more episodes, why cave in easily.”
“because they’re stupidly in love and I hate it here.” hyunjin says.
“they’re made for each other, how cute.” sunghoon sarcastically says.
heeseung drops jake’s collar and sighs. “you better not hurt my best friend again or I will plot a manhunt on you. it will involve the FBI and other authorities.”
jake nods quickly. clearly, judging by heeseung’s tone. he was not joking around so jake didn’t want to mess with him.
“so…is this finally end of war?” sunoo asks.
both you and jake looked at each other and then back at the others before nodding.
“YAY!! WAR IS OVER!! I can finally go back to working normally around you two.” ni-ki jumps.
“what do you mean?” you asked as your head titled.
“have you never noticed? 4 years working with you guys and you’ve never noticed the sexual tension?” ni-ki says.
“damn, you two are fucking oblivious as fuck.”
just as you opened your mouth, you felt jake’s hand (that was on your waist) squeeze your sides. it shuts you up real quick. you turned to meet his gaze and you swore, someone or something was under that gaze cause jake was definitely not there.
“they’re eye fucking each other in front of us.” hyunjin yells as that was the last thing you heard before you were completely focused on the man right beside you.
no thoughts…just sim jaeyun, your boss
and now…your boyfriend.
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a/n: ewww it’s disgusting how long I took to write this💀 my brain went holiday mode guys🤚🏻 so sorry, but I’m back more than ever and I am scheduling more chapters. who knows, I might have them queued🤫🤫
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thegrimreaper-probably · 7 months ago
plz more of gravity falls x plant monster user, maybe include some weird cult that worships user like a god? a name for user like "Venus" from the venus flytrap, or Primula, it comes from the Latin word for Daisy, or straight up Audrey the second, lil reference to the little shop of horrors, and it makes reference for how mabel placed a sticker on their pot? user getting accidentally sold to a random kid (guess who sold them) and maybe...user learning to swear by (guess who again) but PLEASE, I NEED MOREEEEEEEEE
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Gravity falls x plant monster reader part three
Mainly your relationship with Stanley
(Don’t need to read all of them to understand) Gender is once again not a concept for alien plant. It/they/she/he
Imma be so honest I wrote an entire thing, hated it and everything I tried made it worse. So I scrapped it and now it’s late, my bad.
This is set in the past, so before the twins. During and after the portal.
A lot and I mean a lot has happened in the last month. First Ford and FiddleFord, broke up. As lab partners, not as boyfriends. I may be an evil plant from outer space but cheating is wrong, eating people isn’t. Those two were as queer as Orin Scrivello D.D.S. was addicted to laughing gas.
Now Ford is going crazy, or Bill is? It’s rather complicated. Ford shut down the portal, something about how Bill wanted world domination. I could’ve told you that, I mean why else would I be here if world domination wasn’t possible with these two? Anyways currently Bill or more accurately Bill possessing Ford is punching the door to the basement.
“Does he remember any of this?” Bill stops and turns to me.
“Not a single memory, why? You got something Twoey?” Where did Twoey come from? Bill refuses to use the name Ford gave me.
“You let me in on world domination, I let you in downstairs.” He blinks, similar to a frog.
“Just gotta feed me so I can slip under the gap.” My vine points to the bottom of the door.
“I got plans for you, Sixer will give up soon.” And that was the second to last time I saw him. After that he possessed Ford and brought me along. I’m deeply traumatized seeing a shirtless Ford rolling around and eating spiders. I didn’t need to see any of that or be apart of a tramp stamp tattoo session.
Ford had gone crazy and I was well, mainly hungry but I guess…lonely. There was no FiddleFord to scare, no more experiment to see what I could do, no more music around, and no Ford to learn from. Bill wasn’t any better, that man was acting like a teenager going through a break up.
And eventually things happened, Stanley, Ford’s twin brother, had came to the house. You know the rest, and I ain’t gonna talk about it.
“Mullet!” Stan drops his beer on the ground, it shatters on the floor. He looks up at me and pauses.
“You- you can talk?”
“You see anyone else here? No? Then yes I can talk, do much more then talkin’ tell ya that much. This?” I move my vine to point at the window. “Sunlight, it ain’t enough, I need food. So either you feed me or I feed on you.”
“How much did I drink?”
“If I didn’t need ya I’d drain ya dry. Go grab that book got the number 1 on it. Got it or do I gotta dumb it down for you mullet boy?” He nods and turns to leave then pauses.
“I’m doing this for Ford, not you.” Stan leaves and that was the start of mullet boy’s identity theft of Stanford Pines. It was mainly just him questioning his own or his brother’s life choices, coupled with drinking, smoking, and crime.
There were moments where he’d bring me downstairs and it wasn’t so lonely.
“None of this makes senses, what is wrong with-.”
“It stands for e.” I point to the symbol.
“You know the rest?”
“You find e you find the rest easy.”
“I just got him back, I can’t lose him again.”
I don’t answer for a bit I move my vines, like how Ford would fidget with his own. “He was already lost, a long time ago.“
“I could’ve help him if he just-.”
“You couldn’t.”
“Why didn’t he just call me before this?”
“You know the answer, you just refuse to accept that, that’s the answer. It’s not satisfying, human rarely are.”
Others where I learned more about English, one of the many human languages.
“Son of a bitch, what the hell?!” Stan yelled when I first nipped him.
“These shitheads don’t know anything about marriage, it’s a scam.” Stan says as the tv plays some awful movie.
“Where the fuck is it?” Stans asks as he looks for a wrench. And much more as life went on, with many other stories to go along with them.
Was a few times where he’d fall asleep and I could easily drain him. I didn’t though, as stupid as it was, Stan was my key to opening that portal again…for world domination of course. Over the years he became more of a con man and the house became a tourist trap. While he would still work on the portal, the basement wasn’t a room I could survive in. So I got put upstairs in the window.
Where I met little tiny Soos, now my hatred for kids and human kind was very much strong. This kid was cute enough to eat, not that I’m picky. Soos had soon started to work at the shack, where I tried to eat him.
“Mr. Pines? I fixed the-.” I go to eat him and Stan throws his cane at me.
“There was a- uh- bug. Go back to work I ain’t paying ya to talk.”
“Okay Mr. Pines!” Soos walks off and Stan looks back at me. I smile and a customer walks in.
“Can I buy that?” The man points to me, Stan smirks and hands me over.
“$500. New species, called Spatium Praereptor.” 500?! What am I? A Monstera Deliciosa?
“Fine.” He hands Stan the money and Stan gives him me. I move my vines around to look like I’m sticking a middle finger up. He does it back and the guy puts me in his car.
Come to find out I was joining a cult. Cult? Religion? Who cares? Only downside was I was not being praised but killed by some stupid blind eyes meatheads. Sometime between eating people and throwing them Stan somehow found me and brought me back. Stan was reckless, irresponsible, a con man, gross, and a loser.
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Though he was my friend, and I will still have world domination even if I care for two humans. Just cause I like two people doesn’t mean I’m soft. Shut up.
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cuckaracha · 2 years ago
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Abel Markey (26): An stern, perfectionist Accountant. As the eldest, had to deal with his parents far more than the rest of his siblings. Which prompted him to cut ties with them as soon as he could support himself financially. Only visits for birthdays, thanksgivings and christmas to see his siblings.
Audrey Markey (25): A sweet but blunt Model with some success to her name. Her upbringing wasn't as stormy as her elder brother, but she nonetheless decided to live independently as soon as she could. She pays her siblings visits every time she's on vacation.
Anne Markey (23): Caring and always tired, Anne decided to drop out of college to take care of the family as per request of her parents. She acts as the real mom of the family, doing most of the chores and making sure her younger siblings are well taken care of. She claims she's totally okay with this, but...
Agnes Markey (22): Rude and playful, Agnes goes to law school in hopes to achieve quick money and success, as well as independency. She comes home for the holidays, though her demeanor towards the others isn't as sweet as she hoped it'd be. Probably the only one in the family that knows that Ace is gay.
Angel Markey (18): A NEET that rarely leaves their room. They spend most of their time streaming and uploading peculiar pictures to the internet. They used to be very close to Ace, but now they fight every time they speak to each other. Nobody really knows what happened between them.
Atlas Markey (17): A popular yet odd high school student. Atlas is considered "the new pride of the family" after Audrey. He's always top of the class, good at everything he does and popular with girls and boys alike. But despite this, his real interest are monsters. From cool werewolves to weird slime, he enjoys monster media to the point of having plenty a monster costumes in his closet.
Alan Markey (12): The first of the twins. Alan is a shy boy that spends most of his time reading and memorizing articles. Has won multiple spelling bees and claims he wants to be an Philosopher when he grows up. Despite their differences, he loves his twin sister.
Avril Markey (12): The second of the twins. Avril is an energetic girl that loves moving and playing sports. Has won multiple sport awards with her teammates and claims she wants to be a professional Basketball Player when she grows up. Despite their differences, she loves her twin brother
Athena Markey (6): The youngest Markey sibling. A curious and talkative child, she likes learning and playing with her chicken plushie, Ace jr. She only remains completely silent when her parents are talking to her. The one that would miss Ace the most if something happened to him
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Ordered from Oldest to Youngest
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richincolor · 4 months ago
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This was a year filled with a bunch of great YA books, and of them all, these four were Audrey's favorites:
Asking for a Friend by Kara H.L. Chen Quill Tree Books || Audrey's Review
Juliana Zhao is absolutely certain of a few things:
1. She is the world’s foremost expert on love.
2. She is going to win the nationally renowned Asian Americans in Business Competition.
When Juliana is unceremoniously dropped by her partner and she’s forced to pair with her nonconformist and annoying frenemy, Garrett Tsai, everything seems less clear. Their joint dating advice column must be good enough to win and secure bragging rights within her small Taiwanese American community, where her family’s reputation has been in the pits since her older sister was disowned a few years prior. Juliana always thought prestige mattered above all else. But as she argues with Garrett over how to best solve everyone else’s love problems and faces failure for the first time, she starts to see fractures in this privileged, sheltered worldview. With the competition heating up, Juliana must reckon with the sacrifices she’s made to be a perfect daughter—and whether winning is something she even wants anymore.
Icarus by K. Ancrum HarperTeen || Audrey's Review
Icarus Gallagher is a thief. He steals priceless art and replaces it with his father’s impeccable forgeries. For years, one man—the wealthy Mr. Black—has been their target in revenge for his role in the death of Icarus’s mother. To keep their secret, Icarus adheres to his own strict rules to keep people, and feelings, at bay: Don’t let anyone close. Don’t let anyone touch you. And, above all, don’t get caught.
Until one night, he does. Not by Mr. Black but by his mysterious son, Helios, now living under house arrest in the Black mansion. Instead of turning Icarus in, Helios bargains for something even more dangerous—a friendship that breaks every single one of Icarus’s rules.
As reluctance and distrust become closeness and something more, they uncover the gilded cage that has trapped both their families for years. One Icarus is determined to escape. But his father’s thirst for revenge shows no sign of fading, and soon it may force Icarus to choose: the escape he’s dreamed of, or the boy he’s come to love. Reaching for both could be his greatest triumph—or it could be his downfall.
The Last Bloodcarver by Vanessa Le Roaring Brook Press || Audrey's Review
Nhika is a bloodcarver. A coldhearted, ruthless being who can alter human biology with just a touch.
In the industrial city of Theumas, Nhika is seen not as a healer, but a monster that kills for pleasure. And in the city's criminal underbelly, the rarest of monsters are traded for gold. When Nhika is finally caught by the infamous Butchers, she's forced to heal the last witness to a high-profile murder.
As Nhika delves into the investigation, all signs point to Ven Kochin, an alluring yet entitled physician's aide. Despite his relentless attempts to push her out of his opulent world, something inexplicable draws Nhika to him. But when she discovers Kochin is not who he claims to be, Nhika will be faced with a greater, more terrifying evil lurking in the city's center...
Her only chance to survive lies in a terrible choice—become the dreaded monster the city fears, or risk jeopardizing the future of her kind.
Sound the Gong (Kingdom of Three #2) by Joan He Roaring Brook Press || Audrey's Review
All her life, Zephyr has tried to rise above her humble origins as a no-name orphan. Now she is a god in a warrior’s body, and never has she felt more powerless. Her lordess Xin Ren holds the Westlands, but her position is tenuous. In the north, the empress remains under Miasma’s thumb. In the south, the alliance with Cicada is in pieces.
Fate also seems to have a different winner in mind for the three kingdoms, but Zephyr has no intentions of respecting it. She will pay any price to see Ren succeed—and she will make her enemies pay, especially one dark-haired, dark-eyed Crow. What she’ll do when she finds out the truth—that he worked for the South all along…
Only the heavens know.
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clonedchaos · 6 months ago
𝔐𝔞𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔢 𝔐𝔢𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰- 𝔇𝔞𝔶 16: 𝔈𝔯𝔞𝔰𝔢
Some things you just can't erase.
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Rating: G/PG
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The Ink Demon crouched down before the cell towers, gouging marks into the dirt floor with his claws. He could still feel the harsh lacerations of the electrical currents piercing his skin. The last time he had felt such pain was outside the cycle... however long that was.
The towers stood silently by- an ominous beacon warding off potential intruders against what might be locked inside the Gent headquarters. The memories of Wilson's tampering brought a vivid image back to him. His heart began to pound as he finally dropped his gaze from the structures. What was this foreign feeling?
He looked down at his hands to find sizable marks in the floor. No, that couldn't be possible. He wasn't... scared. Was he?
He growled, casting a resentful glower toward the towers. His muscles grew taut as if he expected the towers to spark back to life. How could he be certain they wouldn't? The only course of action to make certain of that was to destroy them. Yes, that would make this feeling go away.
Before he could pull himself to standing, footsteps echoed down the open space toward him. Without even needing to turn around, he knew who it was. "Audrey," He acknowledged shortly, never taking his attention off the cell towers.
"There you are. I've been looking all over for you," Audrey replied, coming up to stand beside him.
He stepped to the side. Audrey had a habit for getting too close. It was rather bothersome that she didn't appear to be afraid of him anymore.
"What are you doing down here?" Audrey murmured, following his gaze. Ink found her tone to be unreadable.
”Thinking,” He answered with a rumble. His claws were just itching to tear those looming pillars down to the ground.
”You seem tense,” Audrey commented and stepped in front of him. He loomed over her, but her face was void of any trace of fear. Her golden eyes scrutinized him with a notable frown.
”I’m not.”
”Your posture says otherwise.”
”Drop it, Audrey.” His patience was already wearing thin.
”What’s wrong?”
”You never come down here. Why now? Is there something bothering—“
The Ink Demon thrust his face just inches from hers with a sharp growl. Audrey took a step back, sudden fear in her eyes. “I’m here to get rid of those,” was all he gurgled as he shouldered past her. Don’t show weakness.
He could feel Audrey’s eyes trained on him from behind as he paused in front of one of the towers. A haphazard wall had been constructed around it in the form of a barrier with only the tip of the towers poking out above it.
He bunched his muscles and leapt. His claws sliced into the metal with a sickening screech as his momentum brought him back down to the ground.
Piece by piece he dismantled the wall until the tower and its control panel were uncovered. He prepared his final assault before his body froze in place. His mind wanted to move, but his limbs wouldn’t comply. What was wrong with him?
Audrey suddenly moved past him, pipe in hand. With a cry of exertion, she brought it down in an arc over her head. Sparks flew out of the panel as the wiring grew exposed.
Taking that as encouragement, he slashed his claws into the metal. Soon, the tower was a mess of ripped steel and cut wires.
Audrey stepped back, panting from the endeavor. He was about to make his way over to the other cell tower before Audrey called his name— well, his namesake. “Bendy?”
The Ink Demon hesitated and looked over his shoulder, prompting her to continue.
”I know you don’t trust me… and I know you don’t want to talk about it. But… I know what happened to you here.”
He felt a rush of that strange, foreign feeling run through his inky veins. With a growl, he accused, “How would you know? Were you there?”
Audrey’s eyes widened and she held up her hands in protest. “No! Of course not! Remember? I came here last cycle to find the End Reel. I found some audio recordings lying around. And… well…” She trailed off and ducked her head.
He was partially thankful she didn’t complete that thought, though he wouldn’t tell her that. The Keepers had done irreparable damage to his body, as to his mind. The very inkling of them and the nightmares lying inside that factory made his skin crawl. Was he scared after all? Him? The king of this studio?
”I know you’re hurting,” Audrey resumed gently. “But this studio, it’s an example of how you can’t change the past. If I could turn back time to stop Wilson and what he did to you, believe me, I would. What is done is done… Now all I want to do is help you. But I can’t do that if you don’t let me.”
He dug at the dirt absently with a claw. Audrey was a rather peculiar creature, wasn’t she? Even after all she’s seen here, she’s still willing to help everyone. To help him of all beings. Why? What did she have to gain from it? Did he even deserve it after all he’s done? After all he went through?
He struggled to control his breathing as flashes of the past swarmed his mind. He needed to lash out, to prove his strength. Surely that would be enough to keep his own demons at bay. 
Audrey set a soft hand on his shoulder. He flinched but didn’t shy away.
”I won’t push the matter,” she conceded. “But if you ever want to talk it out, I’ll be here. For now… why don’t we wrap things up? I think some demolition is in order. Who knows, maybe we can turn this place around?”
Ink was momentarily taken aback. She was rooted in her conviction to keep reaching out to him, even if most days he was dismissive of it. It was odd to have someone share the burden of his pain.
Audrey led the way over to the other cell tower. He slowly followed, lost in his own thoughts. Maybe he couldn’t erase what happened to him, no matter how hard he fought it or pushed it down into the back of his mind. But Audrey was extending a hand to him, claiming promises of a better future. Could he really trust her? The daughter of Joey Drew?
He watched as she went to work trying to knock down the wall and moved to help. 
In time. He’d observe her and make a decision then. But even now, the seed of hope had already been planted. Maybe the cycle had a light at the end of the tunnel after all.
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imthepunchlord · 6 months ago
So, out of curiosity, what's Zoe's set up in the Zodiac Heroes story? Is she still Chloe's half-sister, or are they full siblings? Is she a stepkid, an affair baby, or maybe an orphan/adopted kid the Bourgeois family adopted for good PR and only really picked her specifically because she just happened to look like she could fit in with family (appearance wise)
So, this answer will also extend into the future Rewrite, as Zoe's whole thing is (from what I've heard and gathered) is really vague, confusing, and inconsistent.
But Zoe I'm ultimately going to go with being a stepsister, as, ultimately, it really feels like Audrey and Andre should just straight up be divorced. And Zoe just wants to keep and get along with her stepsister, which is why she joins her stepmom to Paris to connect with this extended family.
I think that's the best solution working off them being sisters, and the messy relationship that is Andre and Audrey, and working off Audrey being gone for so long. Especially as the wife of the mayor of Paris, I would expect the spouse of a big political figure to be more present. So them being divorced just makes sense, and it can work off Andre spoiling Chloe even more to make up for it, plus she's now the remaining precious family member in his life.
I will say, I did consider having Chloe and Zoe being cousins, having Audrey's last name be Lee and Mr Lee is her brother; but wasn't really sold on the idea. I think I'd rather do that for the Couffaines, especially as I did think Jagged was potentially Anarka's younger brother and he just felt younger than her (so canon's choice of making him the dad was so awkward, and from the little I've seen, I don't really like it so I'd rather skip out on that romantic history from Anarka and Jagged, just overhaul it).
And, yeah, recently, adoption came to mind, given what I learned recently on how s5 ends. Only thing, by set up, that can give Zoe a lot of attention and investment plot wise, and this is a character I just don't really have strong feelings for, and I'm not that interested in her at all. I also don't like the outcome of Andre adopting Zoe.
Like, wth ML crew.
I know Mr Lee isn't really brought up much, and we don't know anything about him as a person or parent, but he was established. But you can't just hand wave away his existence so Andre can adopt her. If this is keeping Zoe in Paris, just have her attend school abroad.
And I also call bs on Andre dropping the monster of his own creation for a "better" child. I know Audrey gets a lot of rightful blame for how Chloe turned out, but between the two, I blame Andre more as he's the active parent in her life, and we see he spoils and enables her. To me, he's more at fault for how Chloe came out as he actually raised her. He can't just wash his hands of her and have a different kid. That's not how it works.
Especially when this show confirms over and over again how terrible he is as a person. Honestly, this whole family sucks. Andre should've just ended up in jail for corruption. I don't like this route of him being a victim/the good Bourgeois cause no, he's terrible. He's freaking ending s5 kidnapping a kid. And given his history of parenting, I'm not sure I'm going to like where Zoe ends up.
Anyway, the adoption thing could've been better if Mr Lee didn't exist and Zoe was an orphan and picked for publicity and because she looked like she could fit in, but they didn't plan far enough ahead for that. And I guess decided they liked Andre enough to be officially adopt Zoe?
But that set up does mean she should get a lot of attention for her situation and I am just not invested in her that much.
So, stepsisters it is!
Attending school in Paris for at least a year (for ZH anyway, not for Rewrite as Zoe is not going to stay) and to get a chance to bond with her sister. It just makes the most sense to me given her initial intro, Audrey and Andre's relationship and them being divorced just makes more sense, and you can still get that same sort of drama you expect between the two very suddenly now sisters.
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daphnebowen · 8 months ago
descendants rise of red thoughts
warning: these are probably nonsensical and just a lot of confusion/venting/random excitement?? but enjoy regardless:
I'm glad that they explained jay, evie, and mal's absence right off the bat 
Uma and mal's relationship >>>
Not me bawling my eyes out already at the mention of Carlos, we all know uma's tears were china's tears 😭😭
Wonderland is GORGEOUS
this fight scene is so unrealistic 
LUCIUS MALFOY?!?! (nope it's a dupe)
can I just say Kylie is GORGEOUS in red??
who would have guessed she used the hug with Maddox to steal the Time Machine - hmm, not me!!
Brandy is absolutely KILLING IT her voice is majestic 
but where does Chad fit into all of this??? like isn't he the son of Cinderella but he doesn't look like his dad or mom?
the queen of hearts accent is soooo soothing
she (the queen of hearts) reminds me a LOT of Audrey, in her looks, her mannerisms, the way she speaks, her everything, it's kinda crazy 
A MENTION OF CHAD!!! Maybe it's possible! who cares about genetics!!
okay queen of hearts buggy is 🤩🤩
Chloe reminds me so much of evie and red reminds me so much of mal!! this is probably obvious to everyone and on purpose but oh well
where's Harry and Gil bro not even a mention of them??? they were uma's best friends bffr
Omg I haven't seen Dara in a lot of other things but she is SLAYING the crazy uliana character 
Chloe running around fixing all the things red's messing around with is so accurate 
anyways, the house Cinderella grew up in is soooo accurate to how I pictured it
I don't think poor chloe has ever touched a mop lol
Dara doesn't even sound like herself in this song
the way my heart DROPPED when she smashed the shoes!!!! 😢😢
oh snap. I did NOT expect red to go there (speaking about the "how did that end up for her?" talking about Chloe's mom) THATS SO AWFUL AND HORRIBLE MY JAW DROPPED
young Cinderella can SINGGGG
Love how they never showed Chloe's feet after she threw her glass shoes into the fireplace 😂 not important but I thought it was funny
love the kid barking and meowing and making Merlin rethink his life choices 
I definitely thought for a second that red was gonna be like "actually, I want to stay in this timeline"
the costume change for queen of hearts is EVERYTHING
how is Chloe going to explain the broken glass shoes to her mom lol
nothing gets past Uma lol she's ALL KNOWING OUR QUEEN
final thoughts: reaaaalllyyyy wishing we could have brought back more of the og's or even got a little more closure about Carlos and his death. even though I know everyone's moving on and healing and dove especially is distancing herself from Disney and trying to be her own person without that (which, I respect) I still would have liked a cameo, a sort of "passing the torch" thing. without them it kinda was abrupt and strange, but having fairy godmother and Uma definitely benefited the movie. Red and Chloe were definitely well thought out and loveable and relatable characters for me, being a perfectionist myself and having three little troublemaking brothers who want nothing to do with me or my family at all. I feel like there was hardly any real time to get to know the other characters at all though! particularly young Bridget and ella, I definitely would have loved to see more of them. even uliana, although she made such a big impact and interest with her limited amount of screen time, put it to good use and made the most, though I would have wanted more. More backstory between her and Ursula's relationship, perhaps??? Uma and uliana reconciliation?? where is uliana now??? etc etc etc. I feel like the movie was so short there wasn't a ton of time to fully flesh things out and explore the characters and yet the pacing was great for the plot, so I don't know how those two things work together but somehow it felt rushed and yet perfect at the same time?? Like I don't know what they could have added to make it longer. definitely wanted more Uma and fairy godmother banter and updates on all the vks and auradon kids!!! how's Jane!!! ESPECIALLY NOW CARLOS IS NO LONGER WITH US?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? what about Lonnie!! and dizzy and the twins and Doug and Harry and Gil and all those other rascals. good to know Chad's off playing tourney in college and we know mal, Ben, evie, and jay are sailing around the world making amends with other countries and forming alliances. but yeah. overall I was pretty satisfied, obviously I don't think ANYTHING could top the iconic original descendants but I feel like this one did its job. it continued the story and introduced many new characters and a new timeline and plot line that was easy to follow while also leaving room for more and for wanting more. didn't even mention the music but I felt a lot of it was suuuuper repetitive and just this pop thing. where are my ballads!!! my if onlys!!! everything was just like "rotten to the core" or "chillin like a villain" and I wanted some emotional songs. Yes, I love a good pop upbeat song but I don't want an entire movie of them. everyone sang great I think, except I couldn't tell what was real and what was auto tune, but anyways. so yeah, I'd rate this movie a 7.5 out of 10. Pretty decent but still... not the greatest. as to almost be expected without our original cast.
side note: anyone wondering, if Cameron Boyce hadn't passed away, do we think they still would have continued adding on to that original trilogy and storyline or do we think that they would have brought in the new characters and storylines anyway? just a thought, I've always wondering what it would be like if cam hadn't passed. rest in peace xo 💋 
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killervelveteenrabbit · 2 years ago
Is this the end of Chloe Bourgeois?
She’s been exiled from her city after a brief but disastrous run as its absolute ruler. Her father has disowned her. Her mother is humiliated by her and seems intent on making her burn for it, now that she has sole custody of her. Her co-conspirator in her grand scheme has dropped contact, forsaking her to run her own game. Her childhood friend, the boy she once regarded as hers and hers alone, has washed his hands of her. Her only friend, whom she treated as an underling for years, has turned against her. And her favorite bullying target has just explained to her, in no uncertain terms, that she’s lost everything and has no power over anyone anymore.
Even from a Doylist perspective, there seems to be no place for Chloe anymore. She no longer lives in Paris, and Lila/Cerise has usurped her position as designated beta-villain. Some would see this as an opportunity to write Chloe out of the series entirely, and few people within the fandom would shed tears. 
And yet, Chloe does have her fans. Some of them object to the apparent beatification of Marinette, in-universe and out, or that Mr. Astruc and the writers have flanderized Chloe into the series’ hate sink at the cost of her character arc. Others sympathize with Chloe as a victim of emotional abuse and neglect who doesn’t understand how to be a good person because no one’s shown her how (although I would argue that Armand and Miss Bustier at least tried).
Putting Chloe on a bus (or in her case, a jet) while singing “Ding Dong, the Bitch is Dead” seems too easy and neat an ending for her. I would like to see Chloe return in season 6 with the increased capacity for empathy that often comes from losing something precious. I want her to learn that “nice” isn’t just an affectation one puts on to impress people you like. I want her to understand that true heroism takes effort and even sacrifice. I want her to experience the give-and-take of equitable relationships. I want to see her tempted to fall into old habits and make a few bad decisions, but ultimately prove herself to herself. And again shifting from the Watsonian to the Doylist, I would like to see Chloe become a powerful foil and counter to the increasingly diabolical Lila/Cerise.
The problem is that I don’t see how this is possible. Audrey seems intent on controlling Chloe’s every move to prevent her daughter from causing her further shame. Even if Chloe did return to Paris, everyone there seemingly hates her. The only way I can see it happening is if Audrey got tired of Chloe and sent her back, not knowing what else to do with her... and if someone, against their better judgment, agreed to shelter her... and if she adopted a new name and changed her appearance so that no one recognized her as the recently overthrown child-dictator of Paris.
Reinventing Chloe offers far more creative potential than discarding her. Also, it would show the kids for whom this show was created what it means to be a truly good person, that sometimes it takes real effort and hard choices but that it’s ultimately worth it.
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thoughpoppiesblow · 3 months ago
For Audrey -- “what they said back there. is it true?” + delight + at work, far later than you should be? 😊
hi killy! thank you so much for the ask :) oi had a lot of fun with this one!
John sighed, and let his head drop between his shoulder blades. His desk light glowed brightly beyond his closed eyes, and he groaned. Everyone else was gone for the day, and there had been no word of a mission tomorrow. They were expecting their Air Exec, their ringleader, to come out to the Officer’s Club and raise a little hell. Bucky groaned again, glad that no one was around to hear him. 
Three weeks ago, his life had been fucking fantastic. Drinks, dances, dames, and not a worry under the goddamn sun. Now, he had boys watching him every hour, waiting for a sign of what to do. Watching him, watching Bucky with the sheepskin jacket, watching Major Egan the Air Exec. They watched, and John performed, and sometimes he couldn’t tell what was real and what wasn’t.
“Major Egan?” a smooth voice called. John’s head jerked up, and he started trying to tame his unruly curls. He then gave his uniform a once-over - his tie was crooked again, even though Gale had straightened it before he went off to dinner with Benny. John sighed harshly through his nose, and the voice sang out again.
“It’s Audrey, Major,” she said. “No one dangerous.”
John chuckled and peered towards the door. “Oh, I bet you’re plenty dangerous, Audrey. Come on in, sit down,” John said. Audrey rounded the corner wearing her typical blouse and dark wool trousers, with her blonde hair tucked up neatly.
“Thank you, Major, but I’m not staying. I’m on my way back to the barracks, actually. I have some letters to answer.”
John nodded, feeling his eyes glaze over. Letters, like the ones he still had to write. He felt another sigh brewing.
Audrey moved closer, the lamplight catching on her cheeks. “I told Major Cleven I’d look in on you,” she said, smiling conspiratorially at him. “He said you missed dinner.”
John let the sigh fall. “What else is Buck saying?”
“Nothing,” Audrey said. “Because it doesn’t take a genius to tell that you ought to take a break.”
John rolled his eyes, letting his stress fester. “And what? Go see Benny’s damn dog or some shit?” As soon as he finished speaking, he cringed. Audrey was one of those least deserving of his wrath, of anyone’s wrath for that matter. But she stood firm.
“What, you think I’ve never taken an attitude before?” she said with a raised brow. “I’m from the exact same Philadelphia as Benny DeMarco, Major. And his dog’s name is Meatball, remember?”
“He told you?”
“Nora did,” said Audrey with a laugh. “She won’t stop fawning over them - Benny and his dog.”
John let out a matching laugh, getting swept along in Audrey’s delightful distraction. She knew she couldn’t convince him to up and leave, but that probably wasn’t her goal. Just a change, a momentary reprieve, a stay of execution. And God, it was helping. She was more than people gave her credit for, Audrey Morris was.
“Thanks for coming, Audrey,” John said softly. “I mean it.”
“I know,” she said simply.
John smiled at her. More than people gave her credit for, that was for damn sure. John let the silence linger, and his voice was even quieter the next time he spoke.
“And it’s true, right? What Buck said to you, back there?”
Audrey sighed and smiled at him. “Of course it’s true. People don’t always worry because they’re angry. They worry out of care, and out of love. And it doesn’t take a genius to see that you and Major Cleven are like brothers and that you care and worry like brothers, too.”
John smiled back at her, overwhelmed. “Thank you,” he said.
“You’re welcome.”
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d-criss-news · 1 year ago
Evan Rachel Wood, Darren Criss on Stepping Into ‘Little Shop of Horrors’: “We’re Both These Little Theater ’90s Nerds”
The 'Westworld' actress and 'American Crime Story' star open up about deciding to take the stage together, personal connections to their characters, and their love for Howard Ashman and Alan Menken.
It’s early afternoon on a Friday when Darren Criss and Evan Rachel Wood pick up the phone, just five days before the duo is set to debut as the new Seymour and Audrey in off-Broadway‘s Little Shop of Horrors. Both are on their way to the Westside Theatre stage for their first top to bottom run-through, taking over the complicated but beloved characters based on Roger Corman’s 1960 horror comedy and deftly adapted for the stage by theater legends Howard Ashman (book and lyrics) and Alan Menken (music). Now in its fifth year, several notable names have left their mark on this U.S. revival of the dark goings-on of a Skid Row flower shop: Jonathan Groff, Jeremy Jordan, Conrad Ricamora, Corbin Bleu, Constance Wu, Maude Apatow, Tammy Blanchard, Lena Hall. But none quite like this, as an intentional leap together among friends.
As the interview begins, Wood — who is already at the theater — openly wonders whether she should take the elevator down to where she’ll soon meet co-star and friend Criss, before quickly interjecting that “you might lose me for two seconds.” Meanwhile, Criss declares he opted to skip the subway after realizing he was running behind, as he briefly turns on his Zoom camera to reveal himself in the backseat of a car.
Later, his voice will drop out for a few minutes, before reappearing, sounding winded. “I have my ear pods in, and so I just got out of the car talking to you guys, and you cut out,” he tells The Hollywood Reporter. “Then I looked at the car driving away, so I just sprinted down the block to grab it.” This frantic energy is reminiscent of what you can find within this kind of scrappy, fast-paced, off-Broadway musical environment in the final days before curtains go up. As replacements, Criss and Wood will do so with less time to rehearse and no preview audiences on which to test their performances, but that doesn’t seem to phase either of them. Instead, with their easy and fun rapport, the duo celebrate the challenge of what it means to be passed this mantle for a three-month run, beginning Jan. 30. On Tuesday, Wood will make her New York theater debut, a long-awaited moment for the actress who grew up with a father (Ira David Wood III) as an actor, playwright and theater director in her hometown of Raleigh. With her early stage ambitions sidelined by a burgeoning film career — later including movie musicals like Frozen II and Across the Universe — the Emmy and Golden Globe-nominated Wood will finally return to her performance roots, a year after news of her attachment to a possible Thelma & Louise musical adaptation for Broadway.
Little Shop of Horrors will also mark Criss’ first return to New York’s musical theater world since a multi-week replacement run in 2015 as Hedwig in Hedwig and the Angry Inch. On the phone, he’s adamant that, absent traditional musical theater training, he’s fooled the world into thinking he’s more than an “actor trying to act like he knows how to sing.” But with several EPs, a Christmas album, Billboard-charting work with StarKids Productions, and roles in musical-driven screen projects like Glee and Hazbin Hotel, it’s hard not to believe that the Emmy and SAG award-winning performer, like Wood, will be right at home. Ahead of their debut, the duo spoke to The Hollywood Reporter about sharing the stage, the impact of Little Shop of Horrors across the stage and screen, their love of Ashman and Menken, and why these roles are personally resonant and remain culturally timely. Darren, you said in a previous interview that you had been begging Evan to come do theater in New York for years. How did you make that happen now and for you both together? CRISS Let me just start by saying as much as I can before she can hear me. I’m in a regular habit of just exalting Evan for her talent. I’d done this before I even had the great privilege of getting to know and become friends with her. I’m always talking about how wonderfully talented she is and how I’ve always really loved her voice and her breadth of ability. When I meet people who are these wonderful triple threats that have a really strong theatrical background — people who can sing and don’t have as many opportunities as I wish they did — I get off on the idea of people who didn’t know that they could do this thing finally getting to see that they could do this thing.
Evan has done a lot of singing in her life. She’s literally a Disney princess for Frozen II and there’s obviously Across the Universe. But knowing that she has this really strong theatrical background, I’ve always been hell-bent on getting her on a stage. As a friend, she has popped up on many gigs with me in my personal life just for fun and parties I’ve thrown. She showed up for me on the Christmas album. She’s said yes to me far more many times than I frankly deserve. So when this came around, a lot of my colleagues — a lot of my friends — have been Seymour, and who loves theater that doesn’t love Little Shop of Horrors? It would be a really fun time for me, but the thing that would make it really, really special is if I had got the chance to do it with an Audrey that not only I thought really could bring something spectacular to the role, but on a personal level, this is off-Broadway. We’re all doing this scrappy theater thing in a basement together. If we’re going to live on top of each other might as well be someone but I’m also personally very fond of and have a wonderful relationship with. So short story that’s way too long, I went to Evan and said “Hey, I have an idea. Would you be available to do this?” and thank my lucky stars, she said yes. I’m just a pig in shit, getting to do this with her. It’s an absolute joy. Evan, what’s your response to that glowing review, but also, why did you want to make this show your off-Broadway New York theater debut?
WOOD Funny enough, I have been so close to being on Broadway a handful of times and something has always come in the way of scheduling or something falls apart. It was actually my dream as a kid. I went back and read some old interviews of mine when I was around 12 or 13, and I completely had forgotten that my dream was to go live in New York, go to NYU, and do theater in New York. That was where my sights were set before my life sort of got derailed for a moment. So it’s always been in my sights. It’s gotten increasingly harder over the years to make it work, especially if you have kids, to be away from home for such long periods of time. Usually, the theater commitments are an amount of time that I was just never able to do and so the timing was perfect because I was thinking to myself, “God, I wish I could go to New York and do a play, but maybe not a six-month run. Maybe something around three months. A classic musical that’s going to be really fun.” Darren called me maybe a week later and said, “I’d love for you to come and do it with me,” and it was like an instant yes. To piggyback on what Darren said, I feel very similarly about Darren and that whenever he’s asked me to do something, I just know it’s going to be great. I know it’s going to be fun and I fully believe in everything that he does and his talent. We’re both these little theater ’90s nerds that just hit it off in so many ways, and we collaborate well together. I just felt like we would like this project. It’s made so much sense for both of us that it was a no-brainer.
Little Shop of Horrors is one of those musicals that even people who aren’t big fans of musical theater and attend regularly are aware of, both in terms of story and music. Among the many adaptations of this, whether it was a professional or high school staging or even any of the movie versions, was there one that made you want to do this show? CRISS I’ll say this. As hip of an aura as I’ve tried to give off, make no mistake, I think the biggest gateway to this property for everybody is hands down the movie. I was not seeing off off Broadway theater in the 1980s. I wasn’t there, and that’s why I love movie musicals so much. As much as I love going to the theater, being able to go to a Broadway show is a very specific and privileged situation tied to being in New York City. But whether it’s a liked or celebrated movie, it is still going to be the most accessible thing in perpetuity for everybody. So definitely the movie and those songs. Before you can really understand the complexities of the thematic, Faustian elements and high dramaturgical elements of the story — and before you even get the comedy — you get the music. Especially when you’re really young and your parents are playing you things that you go, “OK, well, kids can get behind music.” It doesn’t take much to understand that the music from that show is beloved. I mean, this music and this show are like proto-Disney Renaissance. It’s like what got [Jeffrey] Katzenberg to ask Alan Menken and Howard Ashman to help them out. It was like, “We want to do some Disney musical fairy tales.” Now, because of the show, we have The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast.
I grew up in the ’90s, as me and Evan tend to relate upon a lot. With The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, and these films that I loved so much, as I got older, I really wanted to know more about the people behind them. I became obsessed with, and I talk a lot about, Howard Ashman and how much of an influence he’s had on the musical theater genre ever since the popularity of those films. So I wanted to go back to the start of that, and that’s when I started to dive into Little Shop and discover how this was the sort of nexus — the genesis — of everything. WOOD Yeah, same. I grew up watching the film and being so terrified by it, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. I grew up doing theater. My father runs a theater in Raleigh, North Carolina, and so that was my childhood. I was always listening to show tunes, and as Darren said, the classic Disney albums, acting out plays in my living room and Little Mermaid was certainly one of them. Ellen Greene’s performance always stuck with me, and I am also a major Howard Ashman-Alan Menkin nerd for similar reasons as Darren. Those were all things that drew me to it. I was really terrified about and still am terrified about being eaten by the plant because it was like a deep seated childhood fear of mine that I had to conquer to do this show. It’s stuck with me since childhood. It’s not as bad as you would think. But it’s still pretty scary. Also just a fun fact, I was cast as Audrey in the seventh-grade school play, but I couldn’t do it because I was doing movies. (Laughs.) So I got pulled out of school, but I was almost Audrey in seventh grade.
CRISS You aged into it well. This is a much more appropriate time in your life being Audrey than in seventh grade, so worked out just great. (Laughs.) I just have to say, this production, we both have our careers going on and different dragons that we’re chasing in our professional and personal lives that committing to a big Broadway production is a huge investment. What’s so wonderful about this is, the way the show is set up, we can kind of come in for just a little bit. It’s really high output but like low stakes — and I don’t want to say that to be reductive of the production. I mean that the show is beloved. There are people that know this show but have never seen it, and have heard of it and know the songs without ever even having tried to listen and know the songs. So it’s so culturally ubiquitous, that it’s a very, welcome accessible thing for all kinds of folks and that might cross-pollinate between me and Evan’s demographic of people who might be interested in us. Also, it’s been running for long enough that I feel protected. I’ve seen this production several times. Evan and I went just last night. It’s something that you don’t have to figure out. One of the hardest parts about getting a show up on its feet is like, does it work? Do we want this song in? We got to do with an audience and you really have to workshop stuff for a long time. Shows take years before they’ve reached mainstream Broadway, so the fact that all that legwork is taken out is a no-brainer for us. It’s just this really like warm snuggle from something that we really love.
You’re right in that this is not a traditional production experience for you, as you’re coming in after others, and you have less rehearsal time, no previews. What have the challenges or exciting elements of that been for you so far? WOOD I don’t know about you, Darren, but I feel like one of the reasons why I said yes to doing this with you is because this is kind of where you and I thrive — in the fast-paced chaos. I need a challenge sometimes. I need that adrenaline and I need that fast pace, especially if I’m coming in to do theater. That’s where I grew up, and that’s what I’m used to. That’s where home is for me. So coming back into the theater into the organized chaos of it all feels right. My brain loves it and thrives off of it. When somebody says “Oh, this is a really hard number to learn,” I think, “This is going to be my favorite number.” (Laughs.) I love figuring something out, and picking it apart piece by piece and putting it back together, then conquering it. There’s just such satisfaction that comes from doing that there, Darren, and I think it’s similar for you. CRISS It is kind of a party trick some people are quick studies of, for better or for worse. I think this kind of pace suits us. I think it’s something that we wear pretty well, and I think we do that a lot in our own lives. But to do it together is pretty fun. I’ve thrown Evan into all kinds of things where she’ll just show up knowing a whole song last minute. That’s not too dissimilar, and it’s not like we’re learning new music. We know these songs.
In the theater world, you learn a track. It’s literally a track — there are little railroad tracks set around the stage because there’s no follow spots. The lights are where they are. You don’t have to do hours of tech rehearsal, figuring out where the lighting cues are. They’re there. It is our job to jump into a machine that is already very well-oiled and running. So in that regard, you’re kind of free from having to worry about that stuff. But you can just focus on your characterization and nuance within these very, specific directives. I’ve done a few put-ins. I think this is probably your first, Evan, for a show that’s already going. Correct me if I’m wrong. WOOD I did learn, for the record, Baz Luhrmann in one night and performed it the next night. CRISS Case and point. So yeah, doing a put-in — I’ve done it a few times for Broadway — it’s nice because then you can just focus on the little things that you really want to play with and not worry about these big macro things. What’s funny is that people always say, “Oh, I love Broadway music. I love Seymour from Little Shop of Horrors.” The word Broadway is often conflated with the music from narrative storytelling, whether it be from films or TV. This show was always an off-Broadway darling. It was only really on Broadway for a little bit in 2003. Beyond that, it’s the movie and this off-off-Broadway show, which started in the ’80s and ran for a pretty long time. Then in just so many regional and school productions. But it’s actually only been on Broadway for a minority of the time.
WOOD And that was intentional, right? It was really important to them to keep it off Broadway because that was the spirit of the show. It was on Skid Row. It wasn’t supposed to be a big huge glitzy production. CRISS When you contextualize it, it’s a famous show now, but if you’re in the ’80s, and you’ve got some big Broadway musicals happening uptown, and you’re trying to tell your friends, “Yeah, I saw this thing downtown. You got to come. It’s kind of this doo-wop that’s based of this Roger Corman B-movie. There’s a plant that’s a puppet but it’s hard to explain. You just got to come down and see it.” (Laughs.) Trying to contextualize that, it makes you realize this really is a weird thing, man. It’s a weird, off-the-beaten-path, outlying renegade show. You’ve both done musicals in different mediums, which is, obviously, a different process. Was there anything you brought in with you about doing it on-screen to your performances now? WOOD It’s kind of the opposite for me. I’ve carried theater into my film work because I started in theater, so I learned how to do things fluidly and without stopping. There’s a lot of stop and start in TV and film and sometimes that’s nice. But sometimes it’s frustrating, especially when you come from a theater background. There’s something so satisfying about telling the story from beginning to end and playing the entire arc of the character in one go. There’s just a certain energy and an aliveness that comes with that that you can’t have when you have the camera in the room and it’s constantly moving and starting and stopping and changing.
CRISS I would say the same thing. I don’t know if this math checks out, but I think I’ve spent in my collective hours working in any kind of performing art more time in a theater than I have on a set. That might not be true, but in my mind, it feels that way. I constantly feel like I’m bringing what I know in the theater to film and television. I’d always prefer to be doing theater, but these days, listen, I’ll work anywhere, anyhow. As long as, hopefully, it’s positive, and additive to the world in some way. The theater, without getting on a total spiritual kick, it is a holy place. It’s an ancient art form. It is catharsis. It is sharing something with people in real-time before your very eyes. It’s why, despite the fact that we have TV and film and every possible AR, VR medium to displace our reality, theater is still around. It’s why we go to church, why we go to temple, why we go to the mosque — so we can experience something that we collectively want to believe in. We’re strangers and we want to elevate ourselves to something that’s bigger than the sum of our parts. I realize I said I didn’t want to get into a whole spiritual thing with it, but there you go. That can only happen after the fact, months if not years after you do it in a film set.
Evan and I are about to do our first put-in rehearsal, which is to say, we’re going to do the whole thing top to bottom, but there will be a key character missing, and that is the audience. The audience is one of the main characters of any show. And as much as you’d not want to break the fourth wall — that they’re not supposed to be there — of course, they’re there. Of course, that’s why we’re there — to have that kind of sacred communion with an audience giving you the privilege of their presence. You have a responsibility and a duty to make sure that you are sharing some kind of worthwhile experience with them. So getting to renew that experience every night, to me, is the most noble vocation that you can have as an artist.
WOOD I learned how to sing before I learned how to act because I wanted to do musical theater. So this is my favorite thing to do. Of all the mediums is being able to marry the singing and the acting together. Always my first love. CRISS I’m still learning how to do those two things, which is why Evan Rachel Wood is in this production — to teach me how to do those things. (Laughs.) Part of why shows like Little Shop go on for so long — why they can get this many revivals or adaptations — is that there’s something timeless about the story and its characters. For you, what is most timeless about Seymour and Audrey? Amid all the other actors who have taken on these roles, what are you most connecting to? WOOD From what I understand, everybody that’s come in to do the show brings their own energy and spin on it. Especially with Audrey — Ellene Greene, her performance is so iconic. The look, the voice, the songs. So stepping into that is figuring out how I pay homage to the parts of this character that people love and expect to see, but also bring my vibe and energy to it. That’s exciting to figure out what my Audrey looks like. For me, it’s also hard not to relate to her and her struggles because, unfortunately, those are very timeless — poverty, abuse, patriarchy. She’s sort of a victim of all of those things. Not to get too real for a second, but I am a domestic violence survivor playing this character who is going through similar struggles, who has these similar feelings and dreams of getting out and going to a better place and getting far, far away from her past. They’re all very real things, but they’re in this setting of campiness and horror. What’s amazing about the show for me is that it is fun. It is campy. There are man-eating plants. But there’s such sincerity to it as well. Especially with Audrey, Seymour, and their relationship. There are so many beautiful real moments between the two of them. Themes of poverty and capitalism are still just so prevalent that that’s why it’s so timeless because these things just are not going away.
CRISS I’m glad Evan mentioned her own experience and what that brings to the show. I think, for my money, pathos is a dish best served sweet. Comedy and fun are a wonderful support system for really heavy themes. WOOD Exactly. CRISS I think I’m that I’m more likely to take something more seriously if it’s not shoved down my throat. This is a comedy and to me, there’s not a lick of fat on this thing from Howard Ashman who was just such an extraordinary dramaturg. He took this really silly B-movie, and managed to hone in on the very ancient themes. You’re asking what makes Seymour so timeless. It’s a Faustian tale. This is the one of the oldest fables asking what is the price of greatness. What is a man willing to do, willing to give up, willing to trade to get what he wants? WOOD He literally sells his soul. CRISS Yeah, he sells his soul. The plant is Mephistopheles in this parable of Little Shop. But, of course, if you’re going go downtown and say, “I’m going to do a show. It’s like a Faust thing, and Mephistopheles shows up,” you can see people’s eyes glaze over. Well, how about it’s this guy, there’s music that is evocative of what was popular in the late ’50s, but the plant sings. It’s sci-fi, but it’s horror, but it’s fun, and it’s comedy. Now you have my attention, now I’m subscribing to the fun and the music. But by the end of it, I’m experiencing a classic, traditional, academic tale in a really fun way. When you said there’s been millions of iterations of this show, my mind went to, there’s been millions of iterations of this story. This is probably just one of the funniest ones I can think of.
There is ancientness to this tale. I’ve realized recently I’ve made a lot of my roles, especially in the Broadway world, about people who would do anything to accomplish greatness. To varying degrees of evil or good or compromise, people are always trying to figure out what it is they have to do, and what they have to give up. What line they would cross to get it. A lot of times people are kind of conflicted [watching Little Shop of Horrors] because you are rooting for this guy doing this thing, but he’s doing something terrible. Does that make you complicit? Are you a bad person for wanting this? All those things are the bread and butter of good old-fashioned drama.
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descendantofthesparrow · 1 year ago
Descendants 3 - Rewrite True defender x Rewrite Finale- P1
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-Sup yall welcome to this dumb stupid fic :D this is basically just gonna be the exposition dump chap-good stuff comes later, read True Defender on Qoutev!!!!-
Things had gone terribly wrong in such a short time-only two days ago she had gotten engaged to her true love-her Ben, and then Hades attempted to escape, and then the crown and scepter had been stolen-and then! It was revealed Audrey Ben’s Ex, had been the one to take the scepter and crown-now calling herself the queen of mean; intent on becoming the next ‘Maleficent’ in her own right.
Lia had spotted Mal and her little gang, plus Celia, heading for the isle and Lia followed-finding out about the whole Audrey revenge plot and that Mal was after the gem thing that Hades had used the day before to try and escape.
Mal wasn’t happy Lia had followed them and almost demanded that Lia leave Auradon/Audrey’s fate up to her, but Lia didn’t back down easily and wanted to help-and at the pressure of her friends, Mal relented. Mal fetched the ember from Hades and soon they were leaving the isle, the vks all grumbly thanks to Uma’s boys and her other crew members stealing their bikes. But that would be their fault for leaving their precious motorbikes unguarded.
Soon they were stepping through the barrier and Mal gasped as the ember flashed, her motorbike gear changing colors and her hair streaked with blue. Mal admired the change, along with the surge of magic she felt with it. But as she and her friends were admiring the ‘Hades effect’-Lia and Jay both spotted Harry and Gil-Uma’s boys-leaping through the barrier just before it closed.
Harry and Gil started laughing-their eyes wide and they hugged each other. Then they spotted the vks, Evie pulling Celia to stand behind her as Jay and Carlos guarded Mal-Mal looking at them in utter shock. “Hey guys~” Harry cheered, putting on a fake Auradon grin. “jus’t comin’ for a wee visit~!” He giggled and nodded at Gil, the two starting to walk forward towards Auradon-towards Uma-but Carlos and Jay shoved them back.
Lia frowned, about to interject since she had heard such great stories about these boys from Uma and thought they should be welcomed into Auradon-Ben would’ve felt the same-but that thought was run off track as Harry shoved Carlos hard, causing him to stumble into Mal and she lost grip of the ember.
“No!” Mal screeched-dropping down to one knee to scoop up the precious magical gem-their ‘only’ hope to save Auradon-and Harry got to it first-swinging the curve of his hook to catch Mal’s hand and the ember and sending it flying.
“No!!” Mal screamed again and Lia was quick to act-her wings appeared in a flash of golden light and she was off like a shooting star-her hands outstretched towards the ember as it arched through the sky and fell towards the water. Before she could catch it however, a turquoise tentacle-a familiar tentacle-caught the ember, and Lia was startled out of flight-another tentacle shooting out from the water to catch her before she hit the water like a rock.
Uma appeared like the goddess she was, decked out in a tiara that had skulls and shells all over it and her altered cotillion dress-her cecaelia form absolutely stunning and powerful as always. Lia sighed in relief, relaxing in Uma’s hold. Uma laughed and set Lia back on the bridge, holding the sizzling and flickering Ember in her other tentacle. “Drop something?” Uma taunted Mal, showing off the ember she had in her possession.
“It can’t get wet!” Mal yelled down at the sea witch-for once looking panicked. “Give it back before it goes out!” Uma just laughed, not at all moved by Mal’s pathetic pleas. Harry and Gil looked out of breath; Harry almost looked like he could cry at the sight of his captain.
“Uma!” they both gasped-and Harry was so close to just jumping at her like this. Uma beamed at her boys, happy to see them after so long. “That’s my name~” Uma sang, curling the ember between her tentacle, and then she disappeared into the water-a golden glow appearing under the dark waters as she reversed her transformation.
Mal yelped again as Uma disappeared- desperately needing the Ember. Everyone slowly leaned back as a swirling tower of water slowly climbed up and up, Harry looking absolutely delighted, unable to keep the wild smile off his face-and then the tower exploded-soaking everyone who hadn’t had the chance to run for cover. Lia kept herself dry with her wings-quickly folding them back to look for Uma in the raging waves surrounding the isle.
“Hey boys~” Uma purred from behind and everyone whirled around to look at her-and once again Harry looked overjoyed. Uma held the glowing ember, wearing a tight-fitted shiny leather turquoise and aqua-colored pirate outfit, looking quite triumphant.
Harry cackled, pointing his hook at his beloved captain and walking over to her-greeting her like usual with her pinkie going around the curve of his hook. “Welcome back~” Harry purred, giving Uma a once over-always making sure she was okay-before he stood just behind her, one hand hovering the small of her back.
“Uma,” Gil stared, looking like a sad abandoned puppy. “you swam off and forgot all about us,” Uma shook her head lightly but Lia beat her to the punch. “She didn’t forget about you,” Lia said, a bright grin on her face as she stepped up to the three reunited pirates-it felt good to see them all together again. Mal looked absolutely peeved from the sidelines. “Not a day has gone by where she hasn’t talked about you two, or missed you, or told me stories about what you three have done together on the isle.” Lia said, watching as Harry scratched his cheek with the tip of his hook, looking down at Uma who was just looking at him and Gil with a grin like ‘like I would ever forget about you guys’
Gil’s pout turned to a smile, and he seemed to no longer doubt his captain and Harry gave him a look as if to say ‘told you so’. Mal scoffed, throwing up her hands-having enough of this soppy reunion. “Hello~? Can we get back to the issue at hand please! I need that Ember to break a spell,” Mal said, holding her hand out for the ember again and Carlos nodded-attempting to sway Uma to hand back the ember.
“cast by Audrey, sleeping beauties’ daughter,” Carlos said, only adding on her parentage for Harry and Gil-who might not know who Audrey was. Uma huffed a bit-raising her brow, now how did that happen?
“is that so?” Uma said with a smirk, looking down at the ember in her hand. “well, I might not give it back…see what happens~” Uma taunted Mal and Lia stepped forward, her hand reaching towards Uma. Uma locked eyes with her.
“Uma, please, Auradon is at stake, I know you and Mal have had your differences, but it is time to put them aside.” Lia said, knowing Uma cared about Auradon despite her hard shell. “if Auradon suffers, so does the isle, and they’re my people-my kingdom-“
Mal suddenly interrupted-clearly not happy with how Lia spoke about Auradon and its people. “it’s not yours, not yet.” Mal snapped, crossing her arms and Lia sighed-this was not the time for Mal’s…issues. Uma just smirked, coming up with a plan that would piss Mal off and make Lia happy.
“Fine then.” Uma sang, swinging her arms around and turning towards the isle, holding the ember up in the light-Mal’s eyes locked onto the powerful gem. “guarantee me that every single villain kid that wants to, can get off the isle, and I won’t keep the ember.” Uma said, striking Mal a deal.
Mal huffed, throwing up her hands and rolling her eyes-clearly not wanting to make a deal with the sea witch. “I can’t do that.” Mal said, staring Uma down, who just rolled her eyes and turned-Harry and Gil making way for her as she went and held the ember over the waters-making Mal and co. panic.
“Can’t do that-Well how about now!?” Uma cackled, clearly enjoying the look of panic on Mal’s face as she snapped her hand out to reach for the ember-her eyes wide. “Deal!...” Mal swallowed and paused-not wanting to be seen so desperate by Uma. “Deal.” She said again, her voice quieter.
Uma just grinned, faking a stumble and Mal-on a stupid instinct-jumped forward-making Harry and Gil react to protect Uma as Evie gasped-pushing Celia behind her as Lia stepped forward to make sure this didn’t turn into a cat fight while Uma and Mal wrestled for the ember-Jay and Carlos going up to help Mal. “I don’t think I’ve seen you this desperate since your mommy kicked you out for a week!” Uma taunted and Mal shoved her back-the ember going flying once again as Uma lost her grip.
Mal’s eyes widened and she and Lia scrambled for it as it bounced down the bridge-Mal dived for it-Lia did too-and just as it was about to roll off the edge-
A black-leather boot stepped on it-stopping it from dropping into the water. Mal hit the stone with a grunt, her hand inches away from the ember. Mal assumed Evie had saved the day-but her boots were blue and red and had a bigger heel-Mal slowly looked up-her and Lia’s eyes went wide as their friends froze behind them.
Because some new people had suddenly-somehow-joined them on the bridge. Those black leather boots were connected to a pair of dark pants, which were connected to a red cropped jacket with shimmering metal arm guards, dark blue eyes, and blonde hair pulled into a pony tail. The girl was smirking down at them, her ruby necklace shimmering in the light.
“Drop something?” she said, someone snorting from behind/next to her. Mal blinked in shock and then she met her own face-green/yellow eyes peeking over the blonde girl's shoulder.
“Oh wow,” The other Mal said, her brows raising. Mal got to her feet, the blonde girl and Lia staring at each other while the two Mal’s stared at each other. The other Mal wore shades of blue with a ripped up blue vest that had flames licking up the sides with long blue leather fingerless gloves and a choker around her neck.
Then Mal noticed a 2nd Evie-wearing a full blue jacket/open skirt, a 2nd Jay-wearing something far more similar to his old isle gear than his current motor suit, a 2nd Carlos-with a biker punk leather jacket that had full red sleeves like his old isle jacket, a 2nd Celia-wearing split color pants and a pinstripe cropped jacket, and a 2nd Uma-with locs and far more casual clothes with a good chunk of belts and a big leather glove/gauntlet around her right arm.
“Well…this is interesting,” Lia said and the blonde girl nodded in agreement, bending down to scoop up the ember from beneath her boot. This is when Mal noticed Hadie-Hades son-standing right next to the other Mal, with yellow eyes and full punk gear.
“Excuse my French,” Celia said, the other Celia tilting her head at herself. “but what the fuck?”
The blonde girl, other Uma, and Other Mal all snorted-holding back a laugh as Evie gasped in shock-her eyes widening. “Celia!” Evie scolded while the other vks all started to laugh quietly. Celia just shrugged-making a grand gesture at the situation before them-if there was any time to curse, it was now.
Other Celia seemed to agree as she nodded and spoke up. “What I said; what the fuck?” other Celia asked and the Celia’s smirked at each other, already feeling a connection. “I third that,” Mal said, crossing her arms and staring at this 2nd set of vk’s and…random person with suspicion.
The blonde girl holding the ember shrugged and she looked behind her at Hadie-who would be the most informed about the powers of the ember. He just shrugged. “Don’t look at me, I got no clue.” he said, holding his hands up in defense.
Uma just sighed, already feeling a headache come on because now there were TWO Mal’s. Even if one had far better fashion taste. “Okay, let’s all just agree that this shit is weird and go, Audrey won't wait for us to figure this out.” Uma said, having got what she wanted. Mal rolled her eyes but agreed-she had a kingdom to save-and held out her hand for the ember, seemingly expecting the blonde girl to hand it over willy nilly.
The girl just smirked, walked over to Uma-and put it in her hand. Uma grinned, putting the ember in her vest pocket. “Oh you and I are going to get along great.” Uma said and other Uma nodded, tossing her arm around the girls neck. “Oh, we already do,” Other Uma said, tipping her chin up with pride as the blonde girl chuckled.
Mal let out a muffled frustrated scream into her hands. (Lia held back a snort at the noise)
“Wait-Audrey also took the scepter in this world?” Other Mal asked, finally catching up on what Uma just said- looking very concerned, and not just for Auradon. Mal and the others nodded. “Is she also possessed by mom?” other Mal asked Mal-which made everyone but the 2nd set of vks do a double take.
“She-what?!” Mal gasped, blinking in surprise, other Mal just made a vague hand gesture. “Well, that’s why our Audrey is going haywire- mom used her negative emotions and possessed her, and we have till sunrise before the possession spell takes over.” Other Mal said and that seemed to get everyone into gear, both Uma’s squaring their shoulders.
“Then let's get going, we got no time to lose.” Other Uma said and Lia nodded in agreement, gazing at the blonde girl for a long moment as she walked past her. “Ah!” Mal said-stopping production as everyone went to follow other Uma’s order. Even other Mal looked confused-wondering why they were waiting-they didn’t have time to argue! “No. I’m in charge.” Mal said and both Uma’s gave each other a long look while the blonde girl face palmed. Mal looked around, searching for any resistance, and when she found ‘none’, she nodded. “Let’s go.”
The blonde girl sighed and shook her head, Other Mal leaning over to her to ask something quietly. The blonde girl snorted and nodded and other Mal made a face before she regrouped with her friends and everyone was soon walking down the bridge, making small talk and connections as they walked.
They all learned there were small and major changes to each of their universes, for the ‘main’ universe as they were calling it for now; it had only been a month since cotillion-while in the other universe-it had been two and a half years since cotillion.(There was too much to explain why it had been so long so the blonde girl-Rose-just told them ‘council’ and that was enough explanation for everyone.)
 They both had VK day, though the other universe picked six kids twice a month(and weren’t quite as biased(even though no one said that out loud), and they both had the one ‘odd one out’ girl, that being Lia and Rose.
Rose and Lia were actually getting along pretty great, both being strangers to the land-Lia an alien while Rose was a universe hopper-being from another another alternate universe that somehow ended up in the ‘descendants’ universe as she called it. They found much in common with each other and were becoming fast friends and by the time everyone finally got back to Auradon, they were pretty familiar with each other and decided they were besties.
“All right, where to first?” Lia said as they all stepped off the bridge, other Mal stepped forward, nodding down the path towards Auradon prep. “Let’s check Auradon prep real quick, make sure no one’s hurt,” For some odd reason, that made Lia’s brows shoot up, seeing the genuinely concerned look on other Mal’s face, her expression set into a determined frown.
Mal nodded in agreement, quickly taking the lead and everyone followed suit-split between their two groups. It was quite odd, to go from nine to nineteen, but more people meant more firepower and more protection-which meant a better chance at protecting Auradon and saving Audrey from the scepter. Uma filled her group in on what had happened back in Auradon; Audrey had cast a kingdom-wide sleeping spell and everyone was out for the count, including those at the castle.
Both Mal’s frowned in worry, though there was a difference to them that only a few people could point out.
They were quick to arrive at Auradon prep-everyone that had a phone quickly calling up their loved ones as soon as they had service. “They’re asleep,” Evie suddenly said as they stepped onto the grounds, looking at the horde of sleeping people. “…everyone.”
“You thought I was kidding about that?” Uma asked, only slightly offended, she had grown to be a little fond of Auradon and its school, since it meant good food and a roof over her head. Rose quickly walked further into the garden/park area of the courtyard in front of the dorm building, her phone pressed to her ear.
“I can’t get Ben,” Lia said and other Mal huffed, shoving her phone in her black thigh bag. “I can’t even get my phone to ring,” Other Mal muttered and her friends all nodded.
“Yeah, our phones are fully disconnected.” Other Carlos said, typing away on some sort of coding app on his phone, only to turn it off and put it in his hip bag. “I can’t get Doug or Dizzy,” Evie said as other Evie went about making sure all the sleeping people were okay.
“Or Jane, signals out,” Carlos said, watching as the signal just went dead-they were stranded. “Rose?” Other Uma asked, walking up to her and Rose held her finger up, now trying another number, after a few rings the line went dead.
“I can't reach the boys, either they’re still in our world or something happened to them,” Rose muttered, turning her phone off and putting it in her jacket pocket. Other Uma frowned and crossed her arms.
Rose let out a sharp whistle as Jay and Harry started to argue-which caught both their attention-just before Uma and Mal were about to make them stop. “Knock it.” Rose said sternly and for some reason-both boys straightened up, something telling them that Rose was not one to make repeat.
Other Uma chuckled a bit and Rose smirked at her before a gasp caught their attention, seeing the Evie’s staring at a stone statue. “oh shit,” Other Celia said as everyone walked up to the teen-girl-turned statue. Evie didn’t even try to scold her for the swear word. “that’s not good,”
“Not at all,” Rose said, stepping closer and brushing her fingers against the granite. “we need to move, staying in one spot for long will only make us targets.” Both Uma’s, Mal’s, and Lia all nodded-all in agreement for once.
“We should find Ben, or at least-a lead on Audrey-and finding Ben will help that.” Lia said, taking command much to Mal’s chagrin but everyone else-including Other Mal-didn’t object. Celia spoke up; “But if he’s not responding, and we can’t contact him, how are we gonna find him?” She asked and Lia looked up to the skies, her eyes narrowed in determination.
“The castle, that’s where he was heading when I last saw him.” Rose nodded in agreement and so did Other Mal-Mal wasn’t as agreeable however.
“That’s the first place Audrey would look for him, we have to go find him.” Mal said and Lia nodded again-and other Mal backed Lia up-much to the main groups surprise. “Exactly, even if we don’t find him right away, it’ll be our best bet to find a clue on Audrey and Ben’s whereabouts, maybe we can find both Ben’s too.” Other Mal said, tapping her nails on her thigh bag, her expression deep in thought.
“I’m going to see if the boys got sent with us, Uma?” Rose said, turning to Other Uma and she nodded. “I’ll go with you; we’ll meet you all at the castle.” Other Uma said and then with a nod from Other Mal-the two were off and everyone else set off for the long on foot journey towards the castle-and luckily at one point they came across some sleeping royal guards with some downed cycles.
“Well, that’s convenient,” other Celia said as they climbed onto the limited sets of bikes and started off towards the castle again-they had to be doubled up but they were moving faster now-with Lia soaring above them on her wings.
They were going up the main path towards the castle when the roar of two engines caught other Mal and Lia’s attention-seeing Rose and other Uma joining up with them on the road-sitting on two scarlet bikes. “Find anything other than the bikes?” Rose yelled over the wind and Other Mal nodded over to Carlos, who had Dude zipped up in his jackets for the ride.
“Just dude!” Other Mal yelled back and the vks, Lia, and Rose all arrived at the castle, parking their bikes at the steps and rushing into the castle-well, Mal and the others did, Lia, Rose, Celia’s, and the pirates all stayed back, far more aware that there could be a trap.
Mal started calling out for Ben, looking through every room they passed. Other Mal did the same, but she was making a beeline for his office/room-and when she finally got to the double doors-her eyes widened in horror at the gigantic claw marks that had torn into the doors.
“Oh Ben,” She whispered, looking at his turned-over desk and the claw marks on his floor. “Audrey must’ve already found him,” Other Mal said, turning to the group-letting the others peek into the room and Mal paled as Lia cupped her hand over her mouth.
“Grab something of his, Dude can track him.” Carlos said and Mal nodded, going into the room and grabbing one of Ben’s pens that was on the floor and handing it to Carlos who had Dude smell it; the mutt was off-leading the large group quickly following him through the clawed-up halls-which deeply worried Lia-wondering what had happened to her fiancé.
“I hope he’s okay,” other Mal muttered, her hands fidgeting at her sides. Lia nodded in agreement, she knew Ben could handle himself, but that didn’t stop her from worrying about him.
“Why do ye have me hook?” Harry suddenly asked, pointing at the hook that was hanging from the back of Rose’s belt. Rose turned with a hum, looking down at the hook. “oh, did we forget to mention?” Rose said, looking at Other Uma and she thought for a moment before she nodded. “yeah okay, well, long story short, you and Gil were invited to Auradon with the four originally and when Uma and I went to check your house-you weren’t there and I only found your hook.” Rose explained quickly, and just then Dude let everyone to a big set of double doors-the armor hall.
“This is where he is?” Mal asked Dude and he nodded. “Yep, this is where it trails, he went right through here.” Other Mal stepped up and pushed open the doors with ease that was almost scary-the heavy wooden doors slamming against the walls which made everyone jump.
“What have you been eating?” Hadie joked-which made Mal jump since she had forgotten he was even here. Other Mal just glared at him, and Mal called out for Ben, her voice high-pitched with worry. “Ben! Ben!?”
Everyone flooded into the room, admiring the polished armor and shining swords and other weapons that lined the room, Lia admired the stained glass that showed off the battle between Prince Phillip and Maleficent and Rose shook her shoulders a bit.
“Anyone else feel like they’re being watched?” She asked and almost everyone nodded. “Like a hundred eyes are on me,” Lia said as she looked around, her hands on her dagger and sword. Everyone stayed huddled together-both Celia’s in the middle of the group, being guarded by the older teens.
They were just about to reach the other end of the hall and go through the doors that had a good chunk of wood splintered off-when they were stopped-everyone leaped back in fright as the suits of armor lining the walls and door’s came to life-the two in front of them blocking their way out.
“Mal~ Lia~ fancy to see you both here~” Audrey’s voice echoed through the suits and Mal glared at the glowing pink visors of the suits of armor that allowed Audrey to speak directly to her. “You both like princes, right?”
Another Audrey spoke-this one sounding…wrong, like someone else was speaking for her. “Well, how about a knight in shining armor? Or knights.” The visors flashed vivid poison green and the rest of the suits came to life, all drawing their weapons and beginning their march of attack towards the teens. “Shit!” Other Mal cursed-looking back at the entrance to the hall-it was already blocked by more knights. “Watch your back!” All around them were knights-coming from every archway and corner. They were trapped-there was only one way out.
“We have to fight!” Lia said, leaping onto the platform in the middle of the room-drawing her saber and dagger. “Al-aksi selba, nongwe!” Mal curled her lip a bit and rolled her eyes-clearly preferring to be in command but when Rose pulled her back from being crushed by an axe-she knew Lia was right. “She’s right, grab whatever you can, prepare to fight, and do not die.” Rose said and everyone sprang into action, Rose drew a sword from the nearby sword holder and held Harry’s hook in her free hand, flipping the blade in her hand and rolling her shoulders.
“let's get this party started.” Rose said with a dangerous smirk and her group all grinned, knowing they had this in the bag. Other Mal’s eyes flickered yellow and Hadie’s hands lit up with blue flames-his hair doing the same.
They were in for a hell of a fight.
-end of p1-
@disneyfan50 @thetimelordbatgirl
i have no idea what im doing :D I'm just going off vibes lol
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