#Driving school Midland
toopeanutcrown · 4 months
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YES2 Driving Academy
Our driving instructors are highly trained and certified professionals who will ensure you receive the best possible driving education. Our students have great pass rates on their driving tests, thanks to our experienced instructors and comprehensive driving education.
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emmajonesrwr · 9 months
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Searching for an indisputable driving school close to Midland, Mirrabooka, or Kelmscott? Look no further! Our BRILLIANDRIVINGSCHOOL first-class educators will make their adventure into the roads in no time flat. Our car driving instructors provide auto and manual car driving classes with one-to-one driving lessons. https://brilliantdrivingschool.com.au/
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 3 months
Notes on historical context
A huge part of fic writing in the HBO War fandom lies in historical research - I'm sure my writer friends can all attest to this - and it's personally one of my favourite parts of the whole process! As a result, I've decided to compile a few notes on the history used in my two current MoTA fics; I'm Your Man and Better Off
I'm aware this probably isn't interesting to a lot of people, but to any kindred spirits I hope you enjoy 😂
I'm Your Man
Frankie's hometown - Stratford-upon-Avon
Stratford-upon-Avon is a market town in the county of Warwickshire in the English West Midlands, which has existed as a settlements since the Roman occupation, but is particularly notable for being the birthplace of famous playwright William Shakespeare. The house in which Shakespeare grew up in remains a popular tourist attraction, evidencing visits from several notable writers including Charles Dickens and Lord Byron.
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The Coventry Blitz
In Chapter 4, Frankie references the Coventry Blitz - a series of bombing raids between 1940-42, most notably on the night of 14th November 1940. In a single night, two-thirds of the city's buildings were damaged or destroyed, making it the most concentrated bombing of an English city in the entire war. In the aftermath, the word 'Coventration' was coined by Joseph Goebells to refer to the act of completely destroying a city through aerial attacks. I have spoken to people who lived in the towns around Coventry during this time who recall large groups of displaced families walking from town to town in search of shelter, as the destruction of housing was so extensive that people could not remain within the city.
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In the first few chapters, Frankie makes several references to the state of food rationing in 1943. Throughout the Second World War, food supply in the UK was severely limited due to its reliance on imports, and the economic state was so dire following the war that Britain continued rationing until 1954. Huge campaigns were introduced encouraging people to grow and supply their own food, and many commodities became unavailable due to shortages in certain ingredients. One such example was the production of Cadbury's chocolate, which had to be altered to 'Ration chocolate' due to milk shortages.
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The Young Visiters by Daisy Ashford
In Chapter 7, Frankie is seen reading The Young Visiters, a hugely popular book published in 1919. The book's charm and popularity came from its author, as Daisy Ashford was allegedly only nine years old at the time of publication, and her unconventional writing and youthful misunderstanding of Victorian high society lend to the book's rather bizarre sense of humour.
In Chapter 6, Rosie learns to his surprise that Frankie has not attended school since she was 14 years old. Under the 1918 Education Act, the school leaving age was raised from 12 to 14 years old, with high drop-out rates due to the inaccessibility of many schools to the working class.
Better Off
The Auxiliary Territorial Service was active from 1938, and operated as the women's branch of the British Army until it was absorbed into the Women's Royal Army Corps in 1949. The National Service Act of 1941 called for all unmarried women between the ages of 20 and 30 to join one of Britain's auxiliary services, and by 1943 nine of out every ten women were taking an active role in the war effort. Due to manpower shortages, many ATS women took on roles in radar and anti-aircraft defense, resulting over 700 casualties throughout the war. Most notable of the ATS volunteers was Princess Elizabeth Windsor (later Elizabeth II), who worked as a mechanic as well as driving lorries and ambulances.
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The Manchester Blitz
The attack which killed Susie's sister Ellie was a part of a series of bombing raids known as the Manchester Blitz, which took place between 1940 and 1942. Manchester and its surrounding towns were key for war production, and as such targeted heavily by the Luftwaffe, resulting in approximately 1,000 deaths. The nights of the 22nd and 23rd of December 1940 were the most devastating attacks on Manchester during the war, with more than 450 tons of explosives dropped across the two consecutive nights.
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Back-to-back houses
The home that Susie's family were raised in was part of a large wave of construction in the UK of so-called 'back-to-backs', designed to support the huge influx of working-class families moving into urban areas during the Industrial Revolution. Back-to-backs were built quickly and cheaply, and named due to their shared back walls, which saw one row of houses facing the street and another rear row facing either another road or an interior courtyard. These houses were often very cramped, with only one room per floor, and usually had two to three stories, occasionally with a cellar too.
It was rare for back-to-backs to accommodate indoor plumbing, with washhouses and toilets located outside in the yards. Due to poor living conditions, the construction of new back-to-backs was forbidden in 1909 after a report discovered mortality rates to be significantly higher than those of people living in other styles of housing. Waves of slum clearance before and after the Second World War saw the numbers of back-to-backs decline rapidly, and Leeds remains the only area of England that still contains large numbers of livable back-to-backs. The only surviving courtyard back-to-backs now exist in Birmingham, preserved as a museum.
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dhaaruni · 1 year
These southern cultures developed what anthropologists call a “culture of honor tradition” in which males treasure their honor and believed it can be diminished if an insult, slight or wrong were ignored. “In an honor culture you have to be vigilant about people impugning your reputation and part of that is to show that you can’t be pushed around,” says University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign psychologist Dov Cohen, who conducted a series of experiments with Nisbett demonstrating the persistence of these quick-to-insult characteristics in university students. White male students from the southern regions lashed out in anger at insults and slights that those from northern ones ignored or laughed off. “Arguments over pocket change or popsicles in these Southern cultures can result in people getting killed, but what’s at stake isn’t the popsicle, it’s personal honor.” [...] By contrast, the Yankee and Midland cultural legacies featured factors that dampened deadly violence by individuals. The Puritan founders of Yankeedom promoted self-doubt and self-restraint, and their Unitarian and Congregational spiritual descendants believed vengeance would not receive the approval of an all-knowing God (though there were plenty of loopholes permitting the mistreatment of indigenous people and others regarded as being outside the community.) This region was the center of the 19th-century death penalty reform movement, which began eliminating capital punishment for burglary, robbery, sodomy and other nonlethal crimes, and today none of the states it controls permit executions save New Hampshire, which hasn’t killed a person since 1939. The Midlands were founded by pacifist Quakers and attracted likeminded emigrants who set the cultural tone. “Mennonites, Amish, the Harmonists of Western Pennsylvania, the Moravians in Bethlehem and a lot of German Lutheran pietists came who were part of a tradition which sees violence as being completely incompatible with Christian fellowship,” says Joseph Slaughter, an assistant professor at Wesleyan University’s religion department who co-directs the school’s Center for the Study of Guns and Society.
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antimony-medusa · 2 years
Tommy’s friend group High School AU (which table does everybody sit at).
Karl, Quackity & George - Cool kids table you’re a little bit scared of. 
Karl’s the guy that you just want to be, he’s mates with everybody.
George slipped away from the nerds table— he should really be there but he’s evolved. 
Sapnap, Punz & Foolish - the PE lads who still wants to hang out with the nerds, but also hang out with the cool people, they go between. 
Sapnap keeps trying to convince Dream that he really loves minecraft and is totally grinding it and Dream doesn’t believe him. 
Tommy, Eryn, Freddie, Tubbo & Ranboo - nerds table
Freddie has the respect of all the adults cause he’s really good at sports and shit. 
Ranboo’s the nerd who all the cool kids actually like and really want to be friends with. 
Ranboo also ocassionally fits in with the gays.
Tommy keeps trying to hang out with the gays and they’re like “come on mate, get real”. 
Tommy’s the edgy nerd who keeps trying to fit in with all the cool kids. 
Tubbo’s the nerd with like millionare parents, and comes in like “did you see this” and everyone’s like “mate you’re in year four, why have you coded a video game.”
They’d be in top set classes, in contrast to Bill. 
Billzo - the druggie who’s hanging out at the cool kids table cause they think he’s cool but he’s actually a nerd. 
Tommy thinks that Bill would be the sex kid who tried to jerk off in class, Bill violently disagrees, Ranboo is in horror that that’s a thing, Bill and Tommy are both like “oh yeah we’re from the midlands, anything goes”. 
He’d be in the bottom set, in all the classes with, like Aimsey. 
He’d go to drama class after class and see Hasan and Wil, but Hasan would always make it political. 
Wilbur, Sneeg & Phil - all in the year above streamer men. 
They’re old enough that they get girlfriends and stuff. 
Wilbur - the cool person that all the loud cool people are scared of cause he might beat them up. He’s the cool theatre kid that all the girls have a crush on
Jack Manifold - teacher’s pet
the person who corrects people who haven’t done their homework.
 Hasan - ultimate chad
He’s had like three girlfriends by year four.
Everyone is trying to impress him. 
He’s got a beard. 
He has his own table and he’s got all of his hasan-people at it. 
He knows how to drive cause his dad taught him early.
Austin - everyone likes Austin, he has no beef with anyone
Dream - the kid who never comes into school. 
much argument as to if Dream is the leader of the Nerds and would give Tommy a wedgie, or if Tommy would clart him, or if Tommy would cower away in fear and awe of his Hypixel stats. 
Aimsey - leader of The Gays
The Side Men - the bullies
Just kidding this school doesn’t have bullies, everyone at twitchcon was so nice. 
Jschlatt - the kid who’s gonna be in prison in five years and always smells like cigarettes
Charlie Slimecicile - the cool one who wins at all the tests
A gym bro and he’s so nice— he’s the guy everyone wants to hang out with and he’s just like easy going. 
Techno - the cool kid who carries around a pen knife. 
The guy who’s shit at sports and just stands there like “I don’t need to be good at sports, I’m minted as fuck”, and everyone’s like “oh man he’s so cool”. 
Niki - the cool girl who doesn’t mean to be cool.
She thinks she just studies hard, but she’s the most badass girl in the school and doesn’t know. 
Bad Boy Halo - annoying-ass teacher
Mark Rober - cool teacher who’s like “yeah man, my fuckin’ kid plays minecraft” and you go “awesome”. 
Jerma - subsitute teacher
Mr Beast - the principle 
Mizkif - the kid who’s been held back for three years
He shows up at after-school classes with Billzo and Schlatt, cracking jokes. 
xQc - at the corner of every detention like “dude!” 
No one knows how old he is any more.
He got expelled at some point. 
When his shirt is untucked the teachers don’t tell him off, cause they’re scared of his parents (his twitch community). 
Hermitcraft - ACTUAL top set, they’re the best at everything, you don’t speak to em. 
They do their own thing and everyone’s like “oh look, mate, Grian’s going to harvard, didn’t fuckin see that one coming”. 
“Oh look guys, most likely to succeed, mumbo and grian, awesome.” 
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yourtouchismidas · 1 year
Thank you for the tags @bookish-strawberry and @hereyeswerefilledwiththestars 
15 questions /15 mutuals 
1. Are you named after anyone? no but my dad named me rather than my mum which i think is quite cute.
2. When was the last time you cried? last week when i got in a fight with my bf (all resolved now haha) i used to be such a crier, but i dont cry that much anymore.
3. Do you have kids? no and i dont think i want them? willing to let my mind change though as i get older but right now im thinking no. 
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? a reasonable amount i think 
5. What the first thing you notice about people? vibes. i notice different physical features depending on what they look like. but i feel like im an intuitive person and can always pick up on whether a person is good and kind when i first meet them. 
6. What's your eye colour? blue 
7. Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings. but i much prefer a bitter sweet ending. or an inconclusive ending that drives me crazy. but i dont like scary movies so out of these two, happy endings. 
8. Any special talents? i can do a pretty good dolphin noise. 
9. Where were you born? the midlands in england.
10. What are your hobbies? writing (though hopefully this will one day be my career), reading, playing ukulele, riding my bike, watching good telly, playing sims. 
11. Do you have any pets? i dont. i wish i could have a cat or a dog. but my building doesn’t allow them. i do also feel like i dont want to be too tied down yet and having a pet does tie you down a bit as they need a good home. 
12. What sports do you play have you played? i used to be a gymnast. now i just go to the gym, do some yoga, and go bike riding. 
13. How tall are you? i am five foot four
14. Favourite subject in school? english. i loved it for obvious reasons. but also in year ten and eleven we had a really sexy english teacher and he was also really nice and everyone loved him. everyone either fancied him or respected him for being so hot so everyone behaved and we just learnt english haha. 
15. Dream job? published author. i would die happy. 
I don’t think I have fifteen mutuals and I definitely don’t have fifteen mutuals that haven’t already done this so I’m going to tag @justanamesstuff and @irllydontgetit and anyone who wants to do it! 
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bearsinpotatosacks · 1 year
15 Questions and 15 Mutuals
Tagged by both @caveiratimida and @pollyna
Are you Named After Anyone? Nope
When's the last time you cried? Saturday after an eventful first driving lesson (revved too hard then stalled it)
Do you have kids? Nope, don't want any either
Do you use sarcasm lot? Yes, at least I think I do
What's the first thing you notice about about people? Not sure, I think I just get vibes off people
What's your eye colour? Brown
Scary movie or happy ending? Happy ending every time
Any special talents? Writing, I guess? Or maybe my sprint finish at the end of a run
Where were you born? In the midlands in the UK, not telling you where
Do you have any hobbies? Writing and running
Do you have any pets? Yes! A cat called Maggie
What sports do/have you played? I run if that counts
How tall are you? 5'6"
What was your favourite subject in school? Most of them apart from Geography, but I was especially good at RE, English and History
Dream job? Author or what I'm doing now in Pharmacy
Can't think of anyone to tag who hasn't already done it, so anyone who wants to
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Tour Diary; Sixties Gold Tour 2022 Part 4
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Day 11, 24.10.22; Birmingham
A somewhat rainy drive to the midlands but worth it for the amazing venue that is Symphony Hall. As West Ham were playing, the Hawkes brothers were keen to find somewhere to watch the game so we decamped to a nearby pub for the first half.
The venue itself was sprawled across many floors which almost led to a Spinal Tap moment of not knowing how to get to the stage. The dressing room had its own piano and a view out over the concourse.
It turned out to be one of my favourite shows so far; great crowd, great sound on stage and West Ham won so a good mood amongst the brothers!
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Day 12, 28.10.22; Liverpool
The traffic proves to continue to get worse by the day, despite it being half term. Anyway, we were lucky enough to have a tour of Anfield Football Ground sorted out for us so we got to see all the trophies and the history of Liverpool FC. A most enjoyable ‘start’ to the day!
A meal out with friends which unfortunately was not the best food (our risottos were so bad they gave them to us gratis!) but the company was excellent.
Really loud and funny crowd; after the story about Chip’s first meeting with Carol (Ches and Jodies parents) on the Golden Shot and how he could see her knickers; someone shouted out ‘bit to the left’. Classic scouse humour.
Really enjoyed the show and nice to spend a fun post show catch up and a live cake making livestream on TikTok!
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Day 13, 29.10.22; Stevenage
Yet more horrific traffic; 5hrs on the road seems to be the new norm. Anyway, once here, the hotel was a whole half mile from the venue. Had time to chill at the hotel before heading to the venue; due to the mayors party we were in the converted leisure centre - turned out to be a great venue.
Today wins the prize for the hottest gig so far; no LED lights here - all old school bulbs. Quite a sweaty one but very responsive audience.
Enjoyed a nightcap with the boys and was lovely to meet people who came to the show and had stories from back in the day. Always great to hear from people who were there.
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yourcomedyminute · 14 days
YOUR COMEDY MINUTE WITH LARRY HANEY #StandUp #Comedian #Clovis #NewMexico #First #Podcast #Sucks #Stink #Smell #Bad #Look #Great #Feel #Good #Snooze #Hard #Age #Wine #Mother #MaggieSueWheeler #Dream #Entire #Life #Born #Raised #Love #No #Cranky #People #Happy #Dairy #Cows #Albuquerque #Competition #First #Round #Catalyst #Forced #Crowd #Eat #You #Favorite #OpenMic #Serious #Deadline #Least #Lubbock #Texas #College #Central #RedRaiders #Bits #Son #Sister #Homeless #Yelling #Woman #Permission #GeorgeCarlin #Line #LouisCK #LouieAnderson #Worms #Dark #Starving #Bugging #Hell #TacoBell #RoundUp #ComeOutside #DownThePipes #Airplane #Feed #Son #Cry #Angry #Asian #Chinese #Restaurant #Locked #Bathroom #Door #Pee #Pants #True #Story #Biteable #Nephew #Jujitsu #BallsOnFace #Quit #OnlyFans #Jokemon #Instagram #TikTok #SocialMedia #Content #Creator #YouTube #Polish #Buddy #Butcher #Mullet #Sam #Birthday #Party #Cat #Mad #Threw #FlipFlops #Toe #Window #Sister #Dog #Dryer #Child #Frog #Blender #Smoke #Bombs #Fish #Lake #Jesus #Beaver #Dam #Teacher #Black #White #Brown #Reality #Vegas #Tired #Mother #Midland #Texas #Yellow #Industrial #Mop #Bucket #Highway #Schools #Walmart #Janitor #Work #Hours #Clean #Laughing #Driving #Inspiration #NothingYouCantDo #Turkey #Emu #Hat #Comedy #Humor #Live #Stream   
If you would like to be a guest on Your Comedy Minute please contact me
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sqinsights · 5 months
The Scoop on Protein Ingredients: A Dive into Market Insights
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The Protein Playfield: Not Just for Gym Buffs Anymore
In 2021, the protein ingredients market flexed its muscles at a robust $4.80 billion. Fast forward to 2030, and we’re looking at a bulging $67.77 billion — that’s a whopping 5.8% growth rate. No, it’s not the latest cryptocurrency, but it sure sounds like a market you’d want to explore.
The Hungry Demand: What’s Driving the Protein Frenzy?
Turns out, our insatiable appetite for protein-infused delights is steering this market’s ship. From cold cuts to bakery wonders, protein ingredients are making their mark in the culinary universe. Who’s to blame? Well, health-conscious and aging consumers who’ve developed a taste for satiety, muscle repair, weight loss, and energy balance — sounds like the ultimate combo, right?
Animal vs. Plant: The Protein Showdown
Animal-based products are having a moment, especially in the U.S. It’s like the Hollywood of protein sources. But wait, plant-based proteins are also stepping into the spotlight, with soy protein leading the pack. The FDA even gave soy a nod for reducing LDL cholesterol — the golden ticket for soy enthusiasts.
Market Magic: The Growth Spells
Magic, you say? Well, not quite, but product innovations and technological advancements are working their charm. Isolates, with their high dispersibility and fine particle size, are the unsung heroes in dairy applications. And guess what? Consumers believe in the health benefits, making protein ingredients the superheroes of the food industry.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/protein-ingredients-market
Numbers Game: Betting on Growth
North America is already hogging the limelight, claiming over 33.56% of the revenue share in 2022. Meanwhile, Asia Pacific is gearing up for the fastest growth rate at 6.3%, thanks to countries like China and India turning into protein hotspots.
Animal or Plant? The Market Dilemma
Animal proteins are like the popular kids at school, securing 78.94% of the revenue share in 2022. Why? Because they’ve got all the essential amino acids for a healthy lifestyle. Plant proteins, on the other hand, are the rising stars, set to dazzle with a CAGR of 9.1%, thanks to the growing love for plant-based diets.
Food & Beverage Takes the Crown
In the protein kingdom, food and beverage rule with a significant revenue share of 39.21% in 2022. Whey proteins, known for their cost-effectiveness, play a crucial role in the bakery and confectionery industry. Animal feed isn’t far behind, gearing up for the fastest CAGR of 6.3% — animals need their protein fix too!
Meet the Players: The Avengers of Protein Ingredients
In this protein-packed saga, there are key players making waves — Archer Daniels Midland Company, Cargill, Kerry Group, and more. It’s like assembling the Avengers of the protein world, each bringing their unique powers to the table.
Trends to Watch: Sustainability and Plant-Powered Marvels
The protein world is evolving, and sustainability is the buzzword. Stakeholders are on a mission for responsible sourcing, whether it’s plant-based proteins or ethically produced animal-derived proteins. It’s all about minimizing ecological footprints and creating a protein-powered utopia.
The Final Scoop: A Market Forecast Without the Crystal Ball
As we peek into the protein crystal ball, the forecast looks promising. The market is on a trajectory of sustainable growth, driven by the global pursuit of health and wellness. Plant-based proteins are having their moment, taste and texture challenges are the villains that need conquering, and key players are joining forces for a protein-filled future.
There you have it — the not-so-robotic scoop on the Global Protein Ingredients Market. So, whether you’re a protein enthusiast or just curious about the culinary world’s protein secrets, this market is serving up a dish of growth and innovation. Bon appétit!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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market-spy · 5 months
The Scoop on Protein Ingredients: A dive into Market Insights
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The Protein Playfield: Not Just for Gym Buffs Anymore
In 2021, the protein ingredients market flexed its muscles at a robust $4.80 billion. Fast forward to 2030, and we’re looking at a bulging $67.77 billion — that’s a whopping 5.8% growth rate. No, it’s not the latest cryptocurrency, but it sure sounds like a market you’d want to explore.
The Hungry Demand: What’s Driving the Protein Frenzy?
Turns out, our insatiable appetite for protein-infused delights is steering this market’s ship. From cold cuts to bakery wonders, protein ingredients are making their mark in the culinary universe. Who’s to blame? Well, health-conscious and aging consumers who’ve developed a taste for satiety, muscle repair, weight loss, and energy balance — sounds like the ultimate combo, right?
Animal vs. Plant: The Protein Showdown
Animal-based products are having a moment, especially in the U.S. It’s like the Hollywood of protein sources. But wait, plant-based proteins are also stepping into the spotlight, with soy protein leading the pack. The FDA even gave soy a nod for reducing LDL cholesterol — the golden ticket for soy enthusiasts.
Market Magic: The Growth Spells
Magic, you say? Well, not quite, but product innovations and technological advancements are working their charm. Isolates, with their high dispersibility and fine particle size, are the unsung heroes in dairy applications. And guess what? Consumers believe in the health benefits, making protein ingredients the superheroes of the food industry.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/protein-ingredients-market
Numbers Game: Betting on Growth
North America is already hogging the limelight, claiming over 33.56% of the revenue share in 2022. Meanwhile, Asia Pacific is gearing up for the fastest growth rate at 6.3%, thanks to countries like China and India turning into protein hotspots.
Animal or Plant? The Market Dilemma
Animal proteins are like the popular kids at school, securing 78.94% of the revenue share in 2022. Why? Because they’ve got all the essential amino acids for a healthy lifestyle. Plant proteins, on the other hand, are the rising stars, set to dazzle with a CAGR of 9.1%, thanks to the growing love for plant-based diets.
Food & Beverage Takes the Crown
In the protein kingdom, food and beverage rule with a significant revenue share of 39.21% in 2022. Whey proteins, known for their cost-effectiveness, play a crucial role in the bakery and confectionery industry. Animal feed isn’t far behind, gearing up for the fastest CAGR of 6.3% — animals need their protein fix too!
Meet the Players: The Avengers of Protein Ingredients
In this protein-packed saga, there are key players making waves — Archer Daniels Midland Company, Cargill, Kerry Group, and more. It’s like assembling the Avengers of the protein world, each bringing their unique powers to the table.
Trends to Watch: Sustainability and Plant-Powered Marvels
The protein world is evolving, and sustainability is the buzzword. Stakeholders are on a mission for responsible sourcing, whether it’s plant-based proteins or ethically produced animal-derived proteins. It’s all about minimizing ecological footprints and creating a protein-powered utopia.
The Final Scoop: A Market Forecast Without the Crystal Ball
As we peek into the protein crystal ball, the forecast looks promising. The market is on a trajectory of sustainable growth, driven by the global pursuit of health and wellness. Plant-based proteins are having their moment, taste and texture challenges are the villains that need conquering, and key players are joining forces for a protein-filled future.
There you have it — the not-so-robotic scoop on the Global Protein Ingredients Market. So, whether you’re a protein enthusiast or just curious about the culinary world’s protein secrets, this market is serving up a dish of growth and innovation. Bon appétit!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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thxnews · 6 months
Mansfield Scores £20M in Levelling Up Partnership
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A Major Boost for Mansfield’s Future Mansfield: A New Chapter in Urban Regeneration Mansfield emerges as the third area to benefit from the government's ambitious £400 million Levelling Up Partnership. This significant investment earmarks £20 million for Mansfield, marking a pivotal moment in the town's history. The funding aims to enhance the town center, improve connectivity, support the most deprived areas, and provide vital services. Additionally, the initiative focuses on steering young people away from crime and anti-social behavior, thereby priming Mansfield for future investment opportunities.   Transformative Projects on the Horizon Comprehensive Investments for Community and Infrastructure Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Michael Gove, has emphasized the Levelling Up Partnerships as a crucial mechanism for driving change in areas long overlooked. The £20 million allocation for Mansfield will focus on several key projects: - Remodeling Housing Estates: £7.4 million is allocated to remodel the Bellamy and Oak Tree estates, enhancing housing quality and access to essential services. - Mansfield Connect Project: With £5 million funding, this project, in collaboration with Nottingham Trent University, aims to develop green construction skills and modern construction methods. - Youth Center Development: A sum of £3.2 million will establish a youth center on the Bellamy estate to counter crime and anti-social behavior. - Town Center Revitalization: £2 million is designated for streetscaping and improving public spaces in Mansfield’s center. - Enhancing Local Connectivity: A £2 million investment targets improvements at the Sainsbury’s junction to alleviate traffic issues. - Family Hub Refurbishments: An investment of £300,000 will upgrade South Mansfield Family Hubs for better family and youth support. - School Readiness Pilot: Nottingham Trent University will run a pilot program in deprived neighborhoods, funded with £250,000. - Council Funding: Another £250,000 is allocated for Mansfield District Council to explore economic and cultural opportunities under the new East Midlands devolution deal.   Local Leaders’ Perspectives Embracing Opportunities for Mansfield Andrew Abrahams, Executive Mayor of Mansfield District Council, has welcomed the funding, recognizing its potential to significantly impact the district's communities. He highlights the investment as a catalyst for fulfilling Mansfield’s aspirations, bringing transformative changes to its most deprived areas. Ben Bradley MP, Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council, echoes this sentiment, noting the investment's potential to address long-term issues, particularly in disadvantaged areas.   Nationwide Impact of Levelling Up Partnerships Expanding Opportunities Across the UK Mansfield joins 20 areas set to receive tailored support through Levelling Up Partnerships, as announced in the Spring Budget 2023. Furthermore, this initiative, extending to Scotland, concentrates on areas in dire need of upliftment. Consequently, the government commits to detailing regeneration packages for all areas in England that are part of the Levelling Up Partnership over the next 18 months.   Mansfield’s Cumulative Investment Building on Previous Funding Successes This new funding builds on Mansfield's recent investments, including £20 million from the Long-Term Plan for Towns and £20 million from the Levelling Up Fund. Additionally, the town has benefited from a £12.3 million Town Deal and £2.9 million from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). Overall, the government has committed over £13 billion through various funds to improve daily life across the UK. Sources: THX News, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities & The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP. Read the full article
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idahomag-com · 8 months
Cross country Running James Monroe
New Post has been published on https://idahomag.com/cross-country-running-james-monroe/
Cross country Running James Monroe
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Cross Country  Running James Monroe Creates History at Class A Regional Meet
“Experience the triumph of James Monroe High School’s historic cross-country journey. Follow our dedicated athletes as they make history, showcasing determination and teamwork. Join us in celebrating their achievements and inspiring success in the world of sports.”
A Historic Feat: Mavericks Shine Bright
  Heading into the regional meet, Woodrow Wilson and Shady Spring were the favorites to send both their girls and boys teams. James Monroe, although talented, was not considered a front-runner. However, what unfolded at Coonskin Park was nothing short of historic. Never before had a complete team from James Monroe High School qualified for the state meet. This year, they not only achieved that but secured two full teams, a first in the school’s history.
  Coach Lorrie Broyles expressed her excitement, stating, “We have had individuals qualify before, but having both girls and boys teams make it is unprecedented. The dedication and hard work of our athletes truly paid off.”
  Key Players and Their Remarkable Contributions
  Senior Katie Collins, a standout runner, led the girls’ team. Supported by Abby Dixon, Gracie Tooze, and Kynzie Taylor, the girls’ team showcased their prowess. Notably, Natalie Broyles and Kinleigh Bradley stepped in to complete the team, displaying exceptional dedication.
  On the boys’ side, runners Wyatt Lilly, Eli Broyles, and William Jackson demonstrated exceptional determination. Despite early-season challenges, Jackson’s resilience shone through as he battled back from a hip injury. Additionally, Bryceson Whitt and Shane Arthur made significant contributions, displaying their skills and dedication to the team.
  Setting Records and Inspiring Future Runners
  What made this achievement even more remarkable was the collective effort of every runner. Coach Broyles emphasized, “Every runner exceeded their previous records, showcasing their commitment to the sport. Their hard work and passion were evident, driving them to this historic success.”
  Looking ahead, the Mavericks are gearing up for the Class A meet at Cabell Midland. While the northern teams pose a tough challenge, the team remains focused on giving their best performance. Coach Broyles expressed hope for the future, stating, “This success can inspire more students to join our cross-country team. We have initiated a middle school team, and promising young talents are emerging. With dedication and support, our team’s legacy will continue to thrive.”
  The Class A girls’ race is scheduled to commence at 9 a.m., followed by the boys’ race at 9:45 a.m. Stay tuned to witness James Monroe’s determined athletes make their mark in the state meet, aiming for even greater accomplishments in the future.
#JamesMonroeHistory,  #CrossCountryChampions, #TeamSpiritPrevails, #HistoricRunners, #DeterminationInAction, #FutureRunningStars, #MavericksOnTheRise, #UnstoppableAthletes, #RunForGlory, #InspiringSuccess,
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ultraheydudemestuff · 7 months
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E.J. Kulas Estate Historic District
W. Hill Dr.
Gates Mills, OH
The main house on the E.J. Kulas Estate, located at the end of Hill Drive in Gates Mills, Ohio, United States was built in 1929.  Elroy J. Kulas, known as “E.J.”, was born in Cleveland in 1880. He received his education in Cleveland Public Schools. At age 18, he commenced his working career in the freight department of the B & O Railroad. Three years later, 1901, E. J. Kulas joined the National Electric Lamp Association (NELA). NELA had been formed through a joint venture of three organizations: Franklin S. Terry’s Sunbeam Incandescent Lamp Company of Chicago, Burton G. Tremaine’s Fostoria Incandescent Lamp Company of Fostoria, Ohio and General Electric Company, in which Kulas had a secret participation as a 75% stockholder.
     During World War I, “E.J.” left NELA and became one of the founders of Cuyahoga Stamping & Machine Company, which made cartridge cases for the Allied Armies. In 1917, Burton G. Tremaine and Franklin S. Terry, the co-founders of NELA, joined others in purchasing the Peerless Automobile Company and soon thereafter engaged E. J. Kulas as Sales Manager for that company.  In March 1923, “E.J.” left Peerless and formed the Midland Steel Products Company by merging the Parish & Bingham Company of Cleveland with the Detroit Pressed  Steel Co. and the Parish Manufacturing Company of Detroit. Years later and after  “E.J.’s” death, Midland Steel Products Co. became the core of Midland-Ross Corp.
     “E.J.” remained President of Midland Steel Products Co. from its founding until hisdeath in 1952. But in a highly unusual step, in 1925, he took on the additional responsibility of being President of Otis Steel Co., a position he held until 1942 when Otis Steel was bought by Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation. During 1928, “E.J.” permitted Margaret Bourke-White to photograph steelmaking in the Otis Steel plant. Later he became so enthusiastic about her work that he published and distributed a small booklet of 16 of her pictures to the stockholders of Otis Steel Company. That booklet and those photographs caught the eye of Henry Luce, who engaged her for his new magazine, “Fortune.” Several years later, when forming Life Magazine, Henry Luce asked Margaret Bourke-White to become one of the four original staff photographers.
    Industrialist E.J. Kulas had his large, impressive Tudor Revival estate erected in the early 1930's by Boston architect Charles R. Greco.   “E.J.’s” other business interests included directorship in the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad, the Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railroad and the North American Coal Company.  In addition to his business career, “E.J.” was very interested in music and served as a vice-president of the Musical Arts Association as well as a trustee of both the Northern Ohio Opera Association and the Cleveland Chamber Music Society. He had a particular fondness for Baldwin-Wallace College, where he was a trustee for many years. The first major grant of the Kulas Foundation was $50,000 to Baldwin-Wallace for its Conservatory of Music.  Elroy J. Kulas died in his home in Cleveland on May 12, 1952.  The house was listed with the National Register of Historic Places as a historic district on March 23, 1988.
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afceuganda · 8 months
Farmers bring hope: Power of art revives the countryside
30 October 2023 By: Lucille Botha  Amid the rolling hills of KwaZulu-Natal, in an informal settlement where children grow up in bitter poverty and the school curriculum covers only the essentials, farming families are bringing a glimmer of light with the art classes they offer.  When Wynne Smith from Eston in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands drives around the district, she is greeted everywhere by…
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ksyn-taylor · 9 months
10-31-18 // First Halloween in a long time
My first Halloween in years was five years ago. I haven't properly celebrated it since. I'd moved to Staten Island in August of that year, started my sophomore year wandering the school hallways confused and directionless. At some point, I remember signing up for the school band, and my teacher at the time, finding a way to get me a Cello.
For context to how this leads to halloween; I'd joined a program called SING. Two teams; Senior-Soph, Junior-Fresh; this years performance was probably the only good one to take place. Junior year was a wreck and Covid hit, preventing any hope at a high school finale.
I signed up in my band class at the end of homeroom and later that day met everyone involved in the amphitheater. After the introductions took place, we returned to the band room to figure out the start of the project. Involved was four of the band kids; Dario, Fatih, Steven, and me along with a senior Marianna, and her alumni friend Ariana. Dario was on the drums, Fatih on the Trombone (If I remember correctly) and Steven was a helluva bass player. He kind of lead the charge and really made it fun the whole time.
Two girls come in to see the progress on our third day; Mariam, and her friend Alina. I assumed they were just bored students from an afterschool program; I'd never seen them at the meetings until now. Mariam and I are chatting since I'm new to Staten, she offers to help me in any way if I need help with anything, and I oblige. She was sweet, and I remember her eyes ever so considerate in how she looked at me. It felt like she was looking into me. I digress.
Before the day program is over, I manage to catch Mariam before we leave. Asking her if she wants to be friends and all, she agrees and reaches for my phone, adding her contacts. From there things progressed between her and I. On the day of Halloween, I'd mentioned to her I didn't have any plans. I'm walking home from school, which was a five minute walk. I lived in New Dorp, and the School takes on the name. She texts back and tells me to join up with her and friend over in Great Kills, by I.S 32. At the time I had no idea where that was, think of Staten Island as a unknown map on a video game. That's how I saw it at the time, so going anywhere far was nerve wracking.
Living in Atlanta, I didn't really have this kind of freedom to go anywhere I want. My parents picked me up from school and took me everywhere else under their supervision. My step mom didn't trust me much to even leave the house so this was both alleviating and scary.
I text her back, telling her I'd head to the Party City that was in Midland. (it's in New Dorp now) She sends a smiley face and I go about my first adventure.
At the Party City, I run into a senior that's performing in SING, he works there. He's nice and gives me a discount on the Harry Potter glasses and wand that I buy and on my way out I run into Ariana and her boyfriend. She asks what I'm up to and after offers to drive me there. I'd had no idea how far Great Kills was but she took me pretty far. She dropped me off along Genesee Ave, thanking her before I continued.
Mariam introduced me to her friends; Maddy, Gianna, Jenna, Krista, Alex, and Griffin. Maddy was a Witch, Gianna was a character from over the garden, I have no idea what Griffin was, and Mariam was dress in a spider-man suit with goggles, portraying the guy from a popular vine; "It is Wednesday my dudes."
We hung out around Giffords Ln. trick or treating before stopping by the playground to the school. Students from other highschools were gathered there along with families. The trees were scarlet, and warm to each leaf flying around. The ground is wet, with a reflective sheen to the grey in the sky. The houses decorated in halloween decal and light patterns that match the beat of the music. The whole time we're wandering around, I'm still nervous and by Mariam's side.
The night creeps in, and I get a text from Dad; "Hey your curfew is 8pm, where are you?" I didn't respond just yet until I could figure out how to get back home. By then, The group dissipated a bit and I'm at Maddy's house watching a John Mulaney Comedy run with Mariam and Gianna. I told then I had to leave soon, as Dad's second text had arrived. Gianna offered to give me a ride with her dad, before I went home. We'd made a visit to see some houses crazily decorated along Great Kills that we hadn't seen. I also ran into a bunch of classmates from school as well.
Gianna's Dad, drops me off at the trains station by the back end with a alleyway. I hop out the van to see a few cops running in and out as well as a helicopter. I'm oblivious to the situation and ask an officer where I could hop onto the train. I think he was a little off guard from my confusion that he directed me out of the station. I later learned there was a Brawl between a bunch of students on the train station. It was on-going when I'd arrived, as a few students had made their way onto the tracks heading to another station by foot.
The Helicopter made sense then, but I still had no idea how to get home now. I leave a few streets up when I get a call from Mariam, she's concerned seeing that she just heard of what was happening. Gianna's Dad is with them and he navigates his way back to me through the chaos once again. In the car, I'm telling them about the situation and my confusion as we drive of toward my house.
When I arrive home, Dad's outside waiting in his work suit and a cigar in hand. He greets Gianna's dad and thanks him for the ride home, chatting it up about the situation at the station. The two chuckle for a moment before departing and I say goodbye to my newfound friends. The night ends with me starting what little homework I have.
This was my first good memory since moving to New York, and I had yet to know the best and worst of it. I miss it. I thought I finally met my people, but this sophomore year, -of course I'd think that. I didn't have many friends in Atlanta and the ones I did have, I found it hard to maintain due to my difficulty being social. For a while I stayed home, confined to my bedroom at all hours of the day, and imagining a world I'd be free to do what I want in. Scrolling on Tumblr, and seeing these aesthetic photos of memories being made. teenagers picking out vinyls to listen to and hanging out afterschool. That's all I dreamt of when I was young.
I didn't have much then. I do now, I think.
The people in this story have gone on to their own lives, they no longer exist in mine. Various things have happened since that made is so, so... until then.
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