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yomawari · 2 years ago
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I had the absolutely pleasure of participating in the CWBB this year. Here is my contribution to @dreamingangelwolf's Lay Waste the Shores of Time. The amazing @cj-kenobi also made art for the wonderful fic.
Bonus design sketches for Cody's tattoo under the cut:
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codex-week · 11 days ago
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Masterpost | FAQ & Rules | Ask | 2025 AO3 collection
Day 1: Tending Wounds
[ART] A Kiss To Make It Better (AO3) by @brokenphoenix99
[ART] Tending Wounds by @rexsterss
[ART] Wound Tending by @nooneherebutaghost
[ART] The coldests nights (AO3) by @wolviecat
[G] all they could steal (AO3) by @wrennette
[T] Sweep me off my feet (AO3) by @zeldurz
[T] I have a boo-boo, Rex (AO3) by @gun-roswell
[M] remainder: chapter 1 (AO3) by @spiritofthenortheners
[M] Tending Wounds (AO3) by @eomereadig
[E] Catching Up (AO3) by @elthadriel
[Unrated] Bribery (AO3) by @valkeakuulas
[Unrated] Heartbreak is One Thing, My Ego’s Another by @sammys-magical-au
[Unrated] Tending Wounds by @dreamingangelwolf
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aranict · 5 months ago
Tagged by @lanistas ♥️♥️♥️
Thank you for tagging me always in those things it makes me so happy 😊
Rules: without naming them, post 10 gifs of your favorite TV shows, then tag people.
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Tagging @dreamingangelwolf @righteousriot @toffyandsalt @lehdenlaulu !
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dreamingangelwolf · 1 year ago
In which Rex officially, actually, definitely died in Saleucami, Cody is not a necromancer (no, really), Obi-Wan is a very, very good Private Investigator, Ahsoka is absolutely not his assistant, and Wolffe is just your average Irish Wolfhound.
Written for the @codex-week 2024 Day 1 prompt: Secrets, Whispers and Rumours!
So, confession: I actually wrote this for Codex Week 2023 (for the 'White is for Witching' alt. image prompt), however didn't finish it time, and put it on the back-burner to chip away at whenever the mood struck, intending to post it once I felt I was done with it. One year later, and I figured the concept fit nicely into Secrets, Whispers and Rumours, so I put a bit of a spurt on and finally got it to that sweet spot of 'eh, this will do'.
No worries if you've not seen Pushing Daisies (though do yourself a favour and immerse yourself in that ridiculous, wonderful little world), and if you have seen it, please forgive my poor attempts to imitate some of its more signature styles and motifs. I suppose they're more 'honourary nods' to the original, as it didn't feel right to do a PD AU without them!
The vignettes are not really in any sort of chronological order, so don't worry about timelines or event sequences - you can just consider each one in the moment. Hope you enjoy!
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cj-kenobi · 2 years ago
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Here's my contribution for this years @codywanbigbang !! I partnered with the lovely @yomawari and @dreamingangelwolf on their fic Lay Waste To The Shores Of Time
You can find yomawari's lovely art here or here on AO3!!!
It's been such a blast and I hope everyone enjoys the fic as much as I did!!!
Link to the art on AO3 as well
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aranict · 3 months ago
@dreamingangelwolf ^-^
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now 2 beanie baby dragons are crossing your dash together :3
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themculibrary · 2 years ago
Fics With Titles That Start With U Masterlist
Uncertainty of the Law (ao3) - mambo steve/bucky M, 26k
Summary: Steve didn't expect to fall in love with the lawyer looking at his painting.
But he did.
Uncompromised (ao3) - Lillyflora E, 3k
Summary: After the battle Clint and Natasha have a few thing to settle before they can become uncompromised
Unconditional (ao3) - DreamingAngelWolf bucky/clint T, 5k
Summary: Lucky loves Clint. That goes without saying. Which is good, because Clint suddenly isn't saying anything anymore, and Lucky doesn't know why - he just knows that he wants to make Clint talk again, and if he can't do that, he'll make him smile instead. It isn't easy.
Undeniable (ao3) - writerchick0214 clint/phil E, 3k
Summary: After Clint breaks his femur during a mission he's laid up for half a year. During this time he gains a little weight and grows self-conscious about it. After Tony makes an off-hand comment about it, Clint thinks Phil will no longer find him attractive.
Phil takes the time to show him just how wrong he is.
Undercurrent (ao3) - NachoDiablo steve/bucky T, 4k
Summary: Bucky might be more than a little smitten with a certain cute, blond lifeguard, but there's no way his feelings are reciprocated... right?
Underneath and Unexplored (ao3) - eiluned clint/natasha M, 5k
Summary: Natasha first tried to seduce Clint a few weeks after he helped her defect from Russia. A progression of emotion in five parts.
Underneath the Smiles (ao3) - Peps4lyfe mj/peter T, 173k
Summary: It’s been a couple months since the homecoming fiasco. Peter struggles through the rest of his sophomore year, filled with nightmares that won’t go away, anxiety attacks that hit him hard and managing an unexpected crush on Michelle Jones. Tony Stark is there day in and day out to help Peter through his hard times but as the year goes by, they realize Michelle doesn’t have it easy, either.
Under Stars (ao3) - vulcanscully steve/tony T, 14k
Summary: Commander Tony Stark, just kicked off the USS Expedition for mutiny, finds comfort in an ensign wandering the halls of the USS Quinjeti at 0400 hours. Southern comfort, no less.
Undertones and Overtures (ao3) - RockSaltAndRoll steve/bucky E, 106k
Summary: In which Steve is deaf and Bucky is an amputee.
Bucky Barnes is studying for his masters in Music Composition at Juilliard when he unexpectedly meets skinny little artist Steve Rogers in a book store one Saturday. They both have their issues and it’s going to take a lot to understand each other, but with a little help from friends and family, they might be able to make this work.
Unexpected Houseguest (ao3) - faeryn sam/bucky M, 20k
Summary: When Sam comes across Bucky in the strangest of places, his first instincts are to run, and to call Steve. He does neither, and in doing so manages to form a strange bond with the Soviet assassin who once tried to kill him. Bucky is broken, a shell of his former self, and Sam wants nothing more than to help return him to himself. But can he maintain a respectable and responsible distance from the man, despite how Bucky draws him in, in order to help him? Or will he falter, and shatter all the progress he has made by giving in to his own desires?
Unexpected Surprises (ao3) - Caahs steve/tony T, 6k
Summary: When The Avengers decided to plan a surprise birthday party for Tony, they didn't expect the man to get a gift that wasn't exactly on his list.
Unintended Side Effects (ao3) - Margo_Kim steve/natasha T, 5k
Summary: Written for the Avengers kinkmeme: "Among the serum's many little quirks and oddities is that in addition to making his body stronger and his mind sharper, it also kind of cranked his libido up into overdrive. During the war it was easier to suppress/ignore because hey, being shot at is quite the boner kill, but now he's in the 21st century and though they still happen, battles are rather less regular. As a result, well; let's say that Little Steve is suddenly "standing at attention" when not explicitly ordered to do so."
Steve respects Natasha as an agent and a person, but he also needs to stop looking at her when they are in public together because his body can't quite handle it and his uniform is very tight. The fact that Natasha's having entirely too much fun with Steve's noticeable problem doesn't help matters.
Uninvited (ao3) - Foxglove_Fiction loki/stephen T, 8k
Summary: How Loki convinced Stephen to agree to go on a date with him.
Unknowing Guise (ao3) - STARSdidathing loki/tony T, 4k
Summary: An arranged marriage was, more often than not, a loveless affair.
When Loki was told he would marry a mortal to better unite the realms, he was expecting an ignorant fool. He did not expect the bright and fiery Anthony Stark.
For nearly a year, Loki thought things were perfect - and then his skin turned blue.
Unusual Weather (ao3) - novembersmith steve/bucky E, 8k
Summary: Bucky’s been at the Avengers Tower for three weeks before he finally gives in to Steve’s gentle coaxing and Stark’s cheerful waving of fistfuls of circuits, and lets them scan the arm.
It doesn’t go well.
Unsettled (ao3) - mrs_d sam/steve M, 35k
Summary: After the fallout from the Accords, Steve and Sam try to settle into something resembling civilian life. To the people in their neighborhood, they're Rob and Marcus, a couple of married veterans who are always happy to lend a helping hand.
But when a local teenager seems to develop superpowers, Steve and Sam find themselves drawn back into the world of spies and secrets, where enemies hide behind every corner and things are never quite what they seem.
Up in the Stars (ao3) - NachoDiablo sam/steve T, 5k
Summary: Sam meets a cute lifeguard on his family vacation.
Upon a Hill, Across a Blue Lake (ao3) - I_Mushi bucky/darcy/steve M, 12k
Summary: Fluffy ABO - Darcy has a few run-ins with the police and a couple Alpha Avengers show up to help. She /really/ should have specified to Jane not to send her crushes when she called for help. Steve/Darcy/Bucky Alpha!Steve, Alpha!Bucky, Omega!Darcy
Uprooting (ao3) - MyShipsinStormySeas pepper/tony T, 3k
Summary: 5 time Pepper and Tony moved house, and one time they stayed right where they were. For Pepperony Week 2019 Day 1: 5+1 times fic.
Urgent Care (ao3) - Jo (jmathieson) clint/phil E, 45k
Summary: When a gorgeous young paramedic named Clint Barton walks into Dr. Phil Coulson's ER, both of their lives get a lot more complicated.
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codex-week · 8 days ago
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Masterpost | FAQ & Rules | Ask | 2025 AO3 collection
Day 5: Intimate Vulnerability
[ART] Intimate Vulnerability by @rexsterss
[ART] Aiwha Dreams (AO3) by @aerjnn
[G] En el nombre de mi desengaño (AO3) by @blirzy
[G] Just between us (AO3) by @gun-roswell
[T] Claiming What Was Promised (AO3) by @lbibliophile-sw
[T] Razor’s Edge (AO3) by @zeldurz
[T] Can I kiss you? (AO3) @mapleowl18
[M] across the room (AO3) by @petrifiedforests
[M] remainder: chapter 4 (AO3) by @spiritofthenortheners
[E] A Soft Reset (AO3) by @elthadriel
[Unrated] Room for One More by @sammys-magical-au
[Unrated] Intimate Vulnerability by @dreamingangelwolf
Alt Prompts:
[ART] When the Sky Falls by @nooneherebutaghost
[ART] While you were asleep (AO3) by @wolviecat
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aranict · 10 months ago
Tagged by the lovely @lanistas ! 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
3 ships:
That was hard, honestly. I had to include some from games because tbh, some of my absolute faves are there :)
Aleksander / Alina , a.k.a the flagship. you will pry this pairing out of my cold dead hands, etc, etc, Shadow And Bone trilogy
Anders/ Hawke ( it will remain forever my absolute favourite game ship, the narrative possibilities for this one!), Dragon Age 2
Dimitri/ Byleth from the Fire Emblem Three Houses series. Seriously, yeah, ok, I know that the romance is only a small part of the story in FE3H, but again, the narrative possibilities of this one are just so so so good.
Bonus: I will include Davron/ Keris from Havenstar, because, for me, even though it does not come as fully fleshed out as a modern enemies-to-lovers novel, for a book written 35 years ago, man does it set the bar HIGH.
First Ship: Hmm. I suppose the first one I got really crazy with and read tons of fanfics about was Aragon and Arwen from LoTR. I believe I was around 12? 13? at the time?
Last Song: I have been listening to this arrangement of the Castlevania ost quite a lot
Last Movie: Dune Part 2
Currently Reading: Finishing up The Near Witch
Craving: as of the moment, tbh, i am kinda craving a cheesecake :D
tagging the usual suspects of @mightymizora, @dreamingangelwolf, @lehdenlaulu <3
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aranict · 1 year ago
@dreamingangelwolf that was a prompt summary of yesterday night 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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dreamingangelwolf · 1 year ago
In which a Sun Summoner wishes he was a Heartrender, even if only for a moment.
Written for @codex-week 2024 Day 2: Hands and Heart
Me, seeing a prompt involving hearts and hands: HEARTRENDER AU HEARTRENDER AU
Me, employing some restraint: don't be daft, Cody and Rex would never be Heartrenders.
Me, an idea emerging: ... Sun Summoner Cody?
One day, I will answer these prompts in an actual Star Wars setting, I swear! (Genuinely have an in-'verse one set for the last day, I promise.) This is not my strongest entry for the week - I do have a longer, more in-depth version of this idea, but I could tell it was going to grow wildly out of control if I didn't rein it in, so I may dust that off for a later venture if anyone wants to see it, heh.
No need to know much about Shadow & Bone before going into this, the basic principles are alluded to in this little one-shot. I do recommend the books and the Netflix show though, for all that the latter was ended too soon... but for now, please enjoy this Codex Week 2024 Day 2 submission!
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robo-ratto · 3 years ago
My final artwork for the lovely @dreamingangelwolf​ and their fic Hell Is Empty (And All the Devils are Here) as part of the Winterhawk Olympic Bang ( @winterhawk-olympic-bang​). Please check out this story and send the author some love because they deserve it! 
This piece is also a major spoiler, so I am hiding it below the cut as well. BEWARE OF SPOILERS. 
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Yessss, I just loved this scene so much. Bucky cradling Clint to him. It’s okay, Bucky! Everything is going to be okay!
Please do not repost without my permission! Re-blogging is very much welcomed, though! <3
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aranict · 9 months ago
@dreamingangelwolf im tagging you sis :D
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Original template cr: @mhuyo from Twitter
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feuer-bluete · 7 years ago
dreamingangelwolf hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “Your fave is problematic: @hyperrasperry Calls out their tumblr-mum...”
Ahhh so pleased the family is still going strong in my absence ^_^
@dreamingangelwolf yes the family is going strong but our kid and i miss you!!
Am I right @hyperrasperry
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winterhawk-olympic-bang · 3 years ago
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Hello Whoobies! As you may have noticed, all Masterpost for the fics and art that were created as part of our 2021 Winterhawk Olympic Bang are now up! Congratulations on your hard work and your achievements, we are so proud to see each and every medal that was earned, and every fic and piece of art that was created! You guys are amazing! 
Here is a compilation of the fics created for the event - each link will take you to the masterpost for that fic which contains links to the fic itself as well as all the beautiful art, and will allow you to see all the accomplishments of the collaborators! 
Go forth and enjoy! 
You May Be Right (I May Be Crazy) by sharkie335 and Forest Clover
Redundancies by Noxnthea, Rufferto, Apit, and M.K.
This is Not a Date, It’s a Kidnapping by Sara Holmes, Ketita, Kangofu_CB, and c.Art
Hydra’s Bite by Flawedamythyst, Ariel, M.K. and Harishe
I wanna be (found by you) by Verdant Moth and eachpeachpearplum
You’re the song that sings to my soul by Hopelessly_me, Maevemauvaise & Kangofu_CB, and Ace
Freedom’s Reach by Dr.girlfriend and GWH
Volatile Materials by Hawksonfire, Sara Holmes
(would you) rescue me by Flowerparrish and Soapy
A.B.C and L.O.V.E. by Tibun & bigwolfpup, M.K., and Dr.girlfriend
The Light Behind Your Eyes by trashkingtater and quicksillver
There Will Be No Linking of Arms, Skipping, or Singing by Girl_Back_There, Mjazilem, and Harishe
Hell is Empty (and All the Devils Are Here) by DreamingAngelWolf, Robo-Ratto, c.Art, and Quicksillver
Starving for the Light by thepartyresponsible, Kangofu_CB, and Dr.girlfriend
A Heart Worth Loving by Kangofu_CB, Robo-ratto, and Dr.girlfriend
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winterhawkliveshere · 6 years ago
5 Winterhawk Fics You...
Might not have read yet!
We’re going to try out a thing where, each week, we rec 5 fics. Not yet sure what model we will use for selecting the rec’d fics, but if you have Winterhawk fics you want to rec - old or new - submit them!
-Also, check the tags and warnings, Winterhawklings. We will tag the rating but cannot guarantee the content is free of any triggers or non-preferences. Read safe and well.
-Boost, comment, reblog, show some love!
Every Sigh and Scream We Make by somehow unbroken Rated E
Tales From The Rooftops: Arrow Guy VS The Scary Avenger byChalenmimi and Queerily_kai Rated T
Your Secrets Made of Copper, My Shame of Steel and Stone by LittleRedCosette Rated T
It’s Been a Rough Week by fandomstakeoveryourlife Rated T
New and Improving by DreamingAngelWolf Rated G
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