#Dreamers spanish
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What a stunning home! Built in 1931, the Spanish villa in Los Angeles, CA has 4bds, 5.5ba, and is listed for $12.995M.
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Beautiful entrance hall.
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What an amazing living room. Look at the arched ceilings and stone fireplace.
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The dining room opens to the garden on both sides.
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Very spacious kitchen with sharp black cabinets. Love the backsplash and flooring.
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Beautiful butler's pantry matches the kitchen.
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Octagonal every day dining room.
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What a gorgeous guest powder room. Look at the marble sink.
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Large family room w/a library, great fireplace, and doors to the garden.
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In this hall there's a fountain.
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Isn't this pretty? I love these branches. They look so nice. The primary bedroom is fabulous.
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Look at how pretty the branches look all over the house.
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Check out the stone bath with fireplace.
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And, this is a secondary bedroom that's very nice, with doors to the garden and room for a desk.
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Lovely home office.
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The gym is a beautiful room with an octagonal beamed ceiling.
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Full outdoor kitchen.
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The outdoor grounds are just as lovely with the pool.
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Seating area around the firepit.
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Gorgeous greenery and a fountain. The lot is .39 acre.
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And, it's got a great view.
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alinatron · 1 year
the japanese release of fashion dreamer will include english (and other languages), and i highly doubt the online functionality will be region locked so if it doesnt get a physical release outside of japan (or god forbid it releases in like december or something over here) itll probs be worth importing!!
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celticwoman · 1 year
not tsoa getting me into my greek mythology phase. that was supposed to happen like. 7 years ago
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daughterofdreams · 2 years
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i need to own the mexican editions of these books like it’s so serious they’re so beautiful
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sihayart · 1 year
The Monster VS The Knight
Puntasecca VS Acquaforte
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bbeanmomo · 11 months
Lately been babbling in spanish when I'm little now.. an I dun think I know anyone who speaks spanish.. I wan friends I can regress wid an speak spanish..
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northopalshore · 20 days
Alma Persona Chart Observations
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Alma (390)
"Soul" in Spanish. Is an asteroid predominantly used to depict one's soul but also represents the love your soul craves in this lifetime. Also used to interpret possible soulmates one will encounter during their lifetime.
Masterlist! Other posts about alma (natal chart): i.ℹ️, ii.🖤, iii.♡
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Gemini rising (7° libra)
Your soul is very curious & intelligent. You may find that you attract a lot of like-minded people from a very young age. Your childhood friends may have been soulmates.
Cancer rising
You are very gentle, and very sensitive. You could have a young kind heart that attracts a lot of caregivers i.e.people who look out for you/to look after.
Part of Fortune (17°leo) in 1st house
You may have had a lot of luck in finding good friends from a young age. Namely throughout kindergarten and middle school. You may also have encountered numerous soulmates through creative competitions i.e singing, story telling, drawing & even at camps.
Saturn (20° scorpio) retrograde in 2nd house
You were not born into a wealthy household in this life. Perhaps the monetary aspects of your life did not reach stability until later years. You'll notice that a lot of your close friends may also hail from lower income households.
Saturn (8°, 20° Scorpio) retrograde in cancer
You'll notice that perhaps a lot of those that you consider soulmates may have grown without a father of have been children of divorced parents. They could have grown up in a tough situation as well.
Jupiter (16° cancer) retrograde in 5th house
You may find that there is a lack of involvement in the dating scene. This is because your soul craves deep, meaningful intimacy rather than a hot summer fling. Your soul wishes to give endless love to only the chosen few or your one true love. Your husband (jupiter) may be older than you or are very artistic.
5th house in Libra
You will find that you attract bountiful admirers from both genders. Many will offer their hearts and hands to you. You may also easily find romantic interests wherever you go. You may have a love for the arts and performances. You will feel a pull towards beauty & arts.
Union (3° gemini) retrograde in scorpio 5th house
Your soul will be very drawn into finding your one true love. There might be an attached obsession if not handled with the proper consideration of boundaries (overthinking). You may attract karmic soulmates, and may as well marry a karmic soulmate in this lifetime. You could meet them at a young age or gain curiosity at a young age. Your friends or social media could play a role in your union. You could have heard of them from your friends for a long time before you met.
Union (18° virgo) in Cancer 12th house
You could have met a lot of your soulmates through work or long-distance travel. You could meet your spouse through your work or on a regular day of your life/at home. You could be very attached to the idea of a true love as well although it may be buried within your responsibilities/work. You will be very safe in your relationship, or you may find comfort thinking about it (cancer, 12th house).
Fama (26° aries) retrograde in 5th house
Your soul may have craved fame or entry into the performance world from a young age. It may take time for any creative endeavours to gain traction however.
Fama (24° pisces) in 2nd house
You may gain a lot of fame from your work especially if you work with illusion, art, your voice, cooking, fashion & mental health. You may attract a lot of people/dreamers to you thanks to your art/creations.
Vertex (13° aries) in 5th house
You may be very blessed with creative talents. Perhaps a lot of your childhood years were devoted to arts and performances. You will attract a lot of artistic souls into your life, mostly during early childhood. You could attract very passionate soul bonds who connect through art and romance.
Vertex (7° libra) in Sagittarius
You could attract soulmates from different cultures. Your relationships may be made out of charismatic, talented individuals. You may even marry (have a significant relationship with ) someone from a different country.
Note: Some of the soulmates you attract will have placements similar to that of your alma persona chart. If they do, then they will play a role in that part of your life. You can also compare your Alma PC to your synastry charts or composite too to get a good picture of who they are to you, & which aspect if life they may trigger.
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Eros (7° libra) retrograde in Scorpio 6th house
You may have refrained from indulging in explicit encounters. I feel like this is one of the "waiting for marriage" aspects. Your soul will not be at ease to let loose with those you do not feel truly connected with. You may feel like you need a "safety net" in this area. Preferring to be intimate with long term partners, trustworthy partners or loyal and obsessed partnerships.
DC (7° libra)
Your soul attracts very loving, loyal partners in this life. Most of your relationships will have a good sense of balance and justice. When you do get into a relationship, you'll notice that most partners tend to have the same view on love as you do. Although there is a tendency to be frivolous. Your soul may aim to create stable, long lasting relationships.
DC (23° aquarius)
You are drawn to unique and unapologetically genuine individuals. You will not limit yourself to the type of friends & connections you make. You may wish to break the stigma of people around you in regards to your relationships. Your soul could prove to be quite rebellious in this aspect as well. Wanting to change the way people view certain relationships.
Pluto (24° pisces) in 7th house
You may attract a lot of karmic soulmates in both romantic & close relationships. You may marry someone you've had a strong connection to in a past life. Your relationships will have a large impact in your life especially when it comes to marriage.
Uranus (10° Capricorn) retrograde in 7th house aquarius
You may long for a connection to a foreign place, from someone who is different & can teach you the diversities life has to offer. Your soul may long for a connection beyond the mundane. You may be very set on the type of person you want to be with or have thought about your partner for a long time i.e reached a resolute on the type of person you'll wed.
Neptune retrograde in 7th house
Your soul may have an indescribable longing for a romantic partner. Your soul may be very romantic & may idealise love to a certain degree.
Neptune (16°cancer) in 9th house
You may have grown up religious or spiritual. Your mother (cancer) or any older female figure in your life may have impacted your spirituality from a young age (during childhood). You may have a tendency to be stuck on matters of the psyche or be stuck in the mind of other people i.e analysing their beings.
Neptune in aquarius
You may have very innovative imaginations or creativity. You may find that you tend to delve into the human psyche quite often. Analysing the mind and the subconscious. You may have a dream to bring change into humanity or your community. To be someone, and to do something different.
Groom (1° aries) in Pisces 9th house
Your husband/you as a husband may be a very passionate, young hearted & slightly stubborn. They are a foreigner for sure (9th house & pisces/12th house). They could be a dreamer, they may be quite soft hearted or very patient & understanding. They will have an open mind, one that is not limited to their own. They could be very spiritual or rather have their personal beliefs that they stand by. Your souls will come together to learn & grow, to let go of karmic ties & to truly feel connected.
MC (1° aries)
Your career & goals in life requires you to be passionate and resilient. Your destiny is to move past the rest & pursue your own ideals.
Uranus in 10th house
You may have a desire to pursue a career separate from the wishes of your father (10th house). You may need to be more independent and break free from the limitations that your predecessors or ones designed to hold you down.
Uranus (7° libra) in 10th house
Your soul relationships break the set illusion that your parents may have i.e.going against their plans for you regarding what kind of partner & future you may have.
10th house stellium
You may achieve a lot of fame in this life. Your life may be very public, people may be very invested in what you do (whether you want them or not). Your soul has the aura of an untouchable leader. Someone who has the ability to trailblaze a path for both themselves and the public.
Juno (13° aries) in Pisces 10th house
Your soul partner may have worked from a young age. They could be a foreigner as well. Work may play an important role in their lives as well as your connection. You could teach others (10th house: public life) many lessons in this life. You could be completing a soul contract i.e karmic debts, special purpose together (aries: beginnings, pisces: endings).
Venus (15° gemini) in 10th house
Your love life may be connected to your work/public life. People you don't know may love talking about your love life or your choice or partners. It could have an important presence online & at school/educational institutions. People may like to gossip about how interesting your love life is too.
Sun (20° scorpio) in 10th house
People could have a very intense perception of you. You may attract a lot of obsessive fans or haters. People either hate you or love you without an in between. You will have a very impactful presence in your career.
Sun (22° capricorn) in 2nd house
Your main focus may be to gain money, or stability. A lot of your life will be dedicated to your career.
Moon in 10th house
A part of you may crave fame & recognition. Your soul may long for success and adoration from your peers. You may attract a lot of like-minded individuals through your kind public approach. People may see you as a mother figure.
Moon in 11th house
You will attract a lot of souls to you through the internet or through big communities. You may be the one to guide them in the community. People/friends may look to you for comfort and soul connections.
Mercury (8° scorpio) in 11th house
People could talk about your life relentlessly online. You could spend a lot of time on personal research, and gain taboo knowledge online. People could feel drawn to you for your writing, or intelligence. You may attract soulmates with deep personal connections and you can talk to them about anything & everything. Perhaps you will go through a lot of outside judgement.
ex: delving into the esoteric side of the internet
Mercury (19° libra) in Leo 2nd house
You may have a great voice. You may be known for your art or your talents, and your career may include a lot of writing & singing.
Alma (18° virgo) in 11th house
A lot of your soulmates may be virgos or at least have virgo traits. You could also meet a lot of soulmates through work or online. Perhaps a lot of your soulmates actually work on social media or have an internet presence. Even in romantic relationships, there is always a friendly energy between you and them.
Alma (29° leo) in 4th house
Your soulmate could feel like family to you. You could attract a lot of artists in your life. Your soulmates are creative & talented. You could attract a lot of Leos as well. There is an almost maternal type of affection shared with your soulmates whether romantic or not.
North node (11° aquarius) in 11th house
Your soul may be led to the online world, humanitarian work, community development & making genuine connections. You could be destined for fame or at least have a very important role in society through media or your friend circles. You could be led to a specific group of friends. They could be very different from you or you may prove to be an unusual bunch. Perhaps you'll meet online.
North node in 2nd house
You may find many of your soulmates through work/ while making money. You may also be destined to work with your soulmates as well.
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Boda (4° cancer) in Taurus 11th house
You may marry a friend/soulmate. Your marriage will be one out of love & devotion. Perhaps the marriage will be held in a familiar place i.e hometown, somewhere connected to your childhood (4th house).
note: It might be a place frequented by you during childhood/very often because of a family member with the same sign boda is in as well as the degrees.
Boda (cancer° )in 9th house
If you are foreigners, you could get married in your future spouses' country/hometown.
Boda in retrograde
You may think about marriage a lot. You could also get married to a karmic soulmate as well (there are lessons to be learnt/taught).
Briede in 12th house
As a wife you/they may be very spiritual or your/their connection to spirituality could be strengthened. You could move overseas when you get married or you may be in your husband's country. You could be at home most of the time or hidden from the public. Perhaps you prefer to live in your own world at the time.
Briede in Virgo/Virgo°
You could be very practical as a wife. Perhaps you will hold onto traditional roles/views on marriage. You will be very organised and perhaps even work oriented.
Briede in Leo/Leo°
You could be very well known as a wife. Perhaps your energy or charismatic nature is enhanced and people may notice you more after marriage. You will be a creative & loyal partner.
Briede in Taurus/Taurus°
You may long to be a mother or could also end up as a stay at home wife. (I think I've mentioned this before in a different post but I'll still add in for those who resonate). Your soul will find comfort in being close to your husband, family & home as a wife. You may be a natural homemaker as well.
Briede in Gemini/3rd house
As a wife you will be very talkative, witty & friendly. Perhaps you'll like going to events/festivals/services or if you have a child, you will usually be the one to attend school events. You may be naturally inclined to go out more or make more mental connections/friends.
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***disclaimer: entertainment purposes only, reader discretion is advised***
Thank you for reading ♡
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moviecritc · 4 months
dreamer ⋆ carlos sainz
pairing: carlos sainz x old friend!reader
summary: you leave the city searching a meaning to your life, founding an old friends instead
word count: 2K
warnings: carlos isn't a driver, just a really rich guy with hobbies
a/n: here's the first track of my bewitched department <33 i love reader and carlos so so much tbh
masterlist | wattpad | letterboxd
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"I'm sick of all this, Natalie," Y/N declared, throwing her phone on the sofa. Her roommate diverted her gaze from the TV to her. "It's the fourth guy that ghosted me after I ask him out."
"Become a lesbian," said Natalie, turning her attention back to the movie.
Y/N let out a sigh. "I should. I'm tired of all men being assholes and manipulators."
She grimaced, thinking that maybe the problem wasn't men but her. She had studied Art History and had been the best in her class. Now, at 28, she was sharing an apartment and teaching preteens who called her 'ma'am.' Was she wasting her life?
"I need a change," she said to herself.
"The smell goes away with a shower, don't worry." Natalie looked at her, wrinkling her nose.
"No, damn it. A change in my routine," she explained. Nevertheless, she took a sniff at her armpit, regretting it. She'd shower later. "I need to get out of here."
She stood up, grabbed her phone, and headed to her room.
"Hey? And where are you going, if I may ask?" said Natalie, following her.
"Anywhere!" Y/N shrugged. She drank a glass of water and took out a couple of pieces of clothing. "I need to change the scenery as soon as possible, I'm stuck."
She pulled a small suitcase from her closet while her roommate rolled her eyes.
"Y/N, you can't just leave suddenly. Don't you have classes tomorrow?"
Y/N paused for a moment and then shrugged again. "I'll ask for the day off. The week, actually."
"The week!" exclaimed Natalie. Y/N was already looking at flights on her phone when Natalie covered her screen. "Y/N, you don't have the financial or mental stability for this!"
Y/N swatted Natalie's hand away to see her phone screen.
"Madrid is very cheap this time of year," she said, with a small smile.
"But you don't even speak Spanish!"
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Y/N boarded a plane to Madrid with the idea of not talking to any men that week. This trip was for her, to reconnect with herself, the Y/N she had lost over the years.
She still didn't have a place to stay, but she would resolve that on the go. The journey from the airport to central Madrid was tedious; she didn't know how the metro worked and people ignored her like she was nothing. Frustrated, she sat in a café. She looked up things to do in Madrid on her phone, but soon the battery died, and she was sure she had forgotten her charger at the apartment.
She let out a long sigh and ran her hands over her face. As she opened her eyes, she heard a voice.
She looked up immediately, surprised that someone knew who she was in Madrid. When she met the gaze of the individual, she recognized him instantly.
She stood up immediately, greeting him. Was he a man? Yes but Carlos and she had gone to university together; they had been friends for several years. Probably best friends, though they never talked about it. He hadn't changed much; he looked older but in a positive way, with a more flattering haircut and surprisingly stronger.
"What are you doing here?" Carlos asked, leaning in for a short hug.
"On vacation," Y/N nodded. Running into him had instantly lifted her spirits.
"Damn, I haven't seen you in… six years?" Carlos tilted his head a bit.
"Since graduation, right?"
They both nodded; it had been quite a while. Long enough to realize they had lost contact too soon.
"I didn't expect to see you in Madrid," commented Carlos, with a smile.
"It was a last-minute decision," explained Y/N, wrinkling her nose a bit. She formed a smile. "I'm glad to see you, really. Do you want to sit for a bit?" she suggested, pointing to the empty chair.
"I'd love to," Carlos accepted the invitation immediately, sitting down.
A waiter approached, and Carlos ordered a coffee to accompany Y/N's.
"Well, tell me, what have you been up to all these years?" Carlos asked, crossing one leg.
Y/N told him a bit of everything, very sweetened. That she was teaching Geography and History at a public school, that her family was fine, and they reminisced about the time Carlos practically crashed her Christmas party because Carlos Sainz Senior was mad at him for his grades and that she was happy living in her city.
Carlos told her that he now worked at his father's company as an executive.
"Oh, I thought you’d be doing something related to what we studied," Y/N pressed her lips a bit, somewhat disappointed that Carlos hadn't continued doing what they both loved.
"I would have loved to… but there were very few job opportunities. And I didn't want to be a teacher, so I played it safe," admitted Carlos, shrugging a bit. For a moment, he thought Y/N would judge him for it, but her sweet and calm expression told him otherwise.
"Understandable not wanting to be a teacher," agreed Y/N, before sipping her coffee.
"Is it tough?" Carlos mimicked her, lifting his cup too.
Y/N shook her head a bit. "I'm sure there are worse things. But having a twelve-year-old try to cut your hair because his dad is bald is rather curious."
Carlos almost choked on his coffee from the sudden laughter. "Really?" He tried to stifle the laughter as best as he could, but Y/N was already glaring at him.
"No, no. It's not funny, it happens every damn day," she nodded vigorously. Carlos let out a laugh that ended up being contagious for Y/N too.
The conversation continued for the rest of the afternoon. It was like going back to university for a few hours, a time she missed a lot. When they decided to get up from the table, they had finished four coffees and at least one glass of wine. It was even starting to get cold outside.
"Shall I walk you to your hotel?" Carlos asked with a smirk.
Y/N grimaced, remembering she still hadn't sorted that out. She bit the inside of her cheek, embarrassed. "I haven't booked a hotel room yet."
"Oh," he pursed his lips and quickly said, "You can stay at my place, I have a spare room."
Y/N, hearing him speak, was already shaking her head. "No, no, no. I don't want to bother you."
Carlos clicked his tongue, looking away for a moment.
"How are you going to bother me? Come on, bring your suitcase. My car is parked nearby."
Y/N was intrigued by Carlos's initiative but kept shaking her head.
"Really, it's not necessary, Carlos," Y/N extended her arms a bit for Carlos to return her suitcase, but he even moved it away from her hands. "I'll manage."
She said that last part to ease him a bit, but it only sounded like she needed more help.
"Y/N, I'm not going to leave you out on the street," Carlos put his hands on his hips and she let out a sigh. "That's not very gentlemanly of me."
"You were never a gentleman, you idiot," noted Y/N. Carlos smiled, knowing that if Y/N started to insult you, she was about to agree with you. "Alright, but just for one night. Then I'll find a hotel."
"Whatever you say, cariño," Carlos smiled triumphantly, and Y/N tried to hide her smile while he put her suitcase in the trunk.
His apartment was huge, truly huge. A dream kitchen, a large living room, and definitely more than one spare room. As they entered, a beautiful brown and white dog greeted them, heading straight for Carlos's legs.
"And who is this?" said Y/N, petting his head a bit, enough for the animal to focus all its attention on her. He sniffed Y/N's shoes and licked the hems of her pants.
"His name is Piñón," said Carlos with a smile, surprised that Piñón hadn't started barking because of a stranger's presence. "I adopted him almost after we graduated."
Y/N crouched, petting Piñón's neck and behind his ears. "Hi, Piñón. You're so pretty."
"I'll show you the room," Carlos said.
Y/N got up, giving Piñon one last pet. "Thank you, really. I feel like an abandoned cat, but thank you."
They both chuckled softly.
"It's nothing," Carlos said as they went to the room.
Y/N left her suitcase in a corner and turned to Carlos. "Do you have a charger?"
She felt like she was taking advantage of him too much, even if it was just for a charger, she felt bad.
"Of course, here," Carlos handed her the charger, their hands touched for a millisecond. She tried so hard not to feel anything. He kept a flirty smile. "Are you hungry?"
"Well, yes," Y/N nodded. "But give me a few minutes and I'll help you cook."
Y/N took a couple of things out of her suitcase and went back to the kitchen to help Carlos. They quickly cooked some pasta with burrata. Y/N noticed how Carlos would get close to her or brush his hands against hers casually.
While cutting some tomatoes, the knife slipped from Carlos’s hand. "Shit!" Carlos looked at the cut and put his finger in his mouth, letting out several whimpers.
"Did you cut yourself?" Y/N went over to him, Carlos took his finger out of his mouth, showing her a small cut. Y/N pursed her lips, remembering how dramatic he could be. "It's nothing, Carlos. It's barely bleeding."
Y/N cradled his hand, gently caressing his fingers almost unconsciously. The room went silent, Carlos looked into her eyes, he adored that look. Y/N lifted her eyes, connecting them with Carlos’s. He leaned toward her, listening to her breathing and matching his to it.
"Can I kiss you?"
The question hung in the air. Y/N held her breath. This was the opposite of what she wanted. She blinked and slightly opened her mouth. To Carlos, it felt like an eternity.
"I'm sorry," Y/N said in a faint voice. She looked at him with pity and Carlos stepped back, feeling more embarrassed than ever. "It's just… it's not the right time. I'm in a bit of a strange phase and things aren't going well for me, I don't want to mess things up for you." Y/N fidgeted with her rings as she said it.
"I understand," Carlos said, nodding slowly. "I shouldn't have asked you that, it was out of place."
"No, I should have told you before," she contradicted, with a grimace.
"Don't worry," he said. "It's just that…," Carlos hesitated a bit. "In college I had a huge crush on you and seeing you again brought everything back."
Y/N blinked, absorbing those words. She had always wondered why Carlos barely dated any girls during their time in college, it never crossed her mind it could be because of her.
"You had a crush on me?"
"You didn't know?"
"Damn, we spent so much time together,"
"Because we were friends! That's what friends do!"
They both laughed and Carlos leaned against the counter, crossing his arms.
"So, you're not having a good time?" he inquired, with a calm look.
Y/N lowered her gaze. "I'm trying to sort out my life."
"I understand," he bit the inside of his cheek. "Anyway, if once you sort out your life you feel like going on a date, I haven't changed my number."
That felt so good in Y/N's chest, as if her heart expanded a little. She laughed like a fool, taking a few steps back.
"I'm going to go to sleep,"
"You're not having dinner with me?" Carlos extended his arms, with a sad look.
"Maybe tomorrow," Y/N turned around and smiled over her shoulder before disappearing down the hallway.
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taglist; @theseerbetweenus
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arseholism · 6 months
[ Wow, you're seriously going to attempt reading about me?? Alright then, before we begin this long and tiresome charade, let's go over the basic information you NEED to know and understand.. ] [ NO! i do not want to subscribe to your OF] [ I don't "want" you. I don't "need" you. I don't want to "come see you". ] [ Please for the love of whatever you love most, do not bother telling me this post offended you]
[ Aw you look beautiful when you’re smiling! Love those shoes too ;) ]
[ Alright, get comfortable my darling ] [ I love people, i just don't find many interesting. So technically, the law of averages works against you.] [ You might be awesome.. please, feel welcome to change my mind ] [ Okay, Lets go. ] [ My name is Arias ]
[ You pronounced that wrong! ] [ I like coffee ] [ I like people. I wouldn't be able to live without people.] [ I love talking ] [ You don't know me ] [ You probably wouldn't understand me even if you did ] [ I'm From London ] [ I also live in Los Angeles, Sydney and New york ] [ Because i can ] [ I travel a lot ] [ I'm 6'3 ] [ I like short girls ] [ Not midgets. Short girls ] [ My dad's white, my mum's spanish .. Incase you wondered ]
[ I love American accents! They’re so fucking cute!! ]
[ I'm English ] [ Yes i have an accent, it's london with a hint of sydney] [ I like it.. ] [ No you probably will never hear it ] [ I've played Piano, Guitar and Violin since i was 4 ] [ I write lyrics and music when i'm bored ] [ No i will not write you a song ] [ Yes i can sing ] [ No i will not sing for you ] [ I love to cook ]
[ No i will not cook for you ] [ I'm blunt so i can be an arsehole ] [ I'm quite nice in general ] [ I'm passive, i really don't give a fuck ] [ Unless i care.. then I absolutely give a fuck ] [ I won't suck up just so you like me ] [ I do what I want ] [ I do not like cameras, in case you’re wondering why my page isn’t littered with selfies ] [ No i will not be your trick monkey ] [ or your human puppet ] [ enough. ] [ Make me smile, make me laugh, i'll get addicted to you ] [ I'm a cuddle whore ] [ I'm attracted to pretty faces and beautiful smiles ] [ I'm a dreamer ] [ I love to plan dreamy dates and sensational moments] [ I have sleep issues. I like my issues ] [ I love to read ] [ I think you're spiffy because you're still reading this ] [ I'm bored right now, so i may NEVER stop. ] [ I LOVE to cook. I even bake my own bread haha ] [ If you tak lyke dis, dun fuhkin tak 2 me mkay? ] [ Right. got that off my chest ] [ I swim, i run, i eat unhealthy, my body is so confused, but it's pretty to look at? ] [ I love music, i have way too much music for one guy ] [ I love kids, i have 3 god children and they rock my world ] [ I'm opinionated and judgemental, however, i will listen to your opinion and i will listen to your side of the story] [ I'm hopelessly romantic ] [ I'm very very very picky ] [ No. I'm not looking for anything or anyone ] [ Romance.. is so misunderstood ] [ I'm broken ] [ No. You can't fix me ] [ Wow. I didn't stop. You didn't stop. We're still here and we're meant to be *gushes* haha ] [ I'll probably adopt. ] [ I'm always bored ] [ I like conversation ] [ I love to read ] [ I don't like pictures, i figure that if there is something beautiful enough, it'll burn into my memory ] [ I however, do not want you to hit on me ] [ I can be very perverted ] [ No, this does not imply i want to talk dirty ] [ Or.. that i want you to talk dirty ] [ Please try not to be too creepy.. PRETTY PLEASE? ] [ I'm also very moralistic ] [ I love my imagnation ] [ I have a major oral fetish ] [ Do we have things in common? ] [ No, You could probably never be my dream girl ] [ I have never had a one night stand ] [ Yes, i'm very picky and fucking frustrating ] [ Are you Captain Entertainment? Sent to rescue me from the trescherous depths of boredom? ] [ Didn't think so.. ] [ I love cookies, they make me happy ] [ I love cold miserable rainy weather ] [ I'm cheeky ] [ I'm complicated ]
[ I'm curious ]
[ Did the brackets annoy you? ]
[ Stupid word count ]
[ Go on.. Judge me! ]
[ Message me if you still want more ]
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 7 months
As @nco05 brought to my attention, Fernando became a world champion for the first time the year Ollie was born. He actually finished second in the Spanish grand prix on the day Ollie was born. Oscar was born the year Fernando debuted, just a few weeks before Oscar came into the world he lined up on the grid for the first time alongside Kimi. Fernando was the only driver poster Max had on his wall. Ollie has revealed that Seb, one of his heroes that he grew up watching, texted him wishing him luck before the race. There's photos of a baby faced Lando meeting Seb for the first time nearly a decade before they'd meet again to line up on the grid together. The same with George and Lewis. The likes of Carlos, Charles to even Seb met Michael as kids and were in complete awe of him. To Max, Michael was Uncle Michael first, f1 legend second. There's countless stories, coincidences, invisible strings of fate. Many I didn't even mention, some we probably don't know yet. Fernando and Lewis are now the oldest drivers on the grid, Lewis was once his rookie teammate. The passage of time, the passing of the torch. Heroes change from the likes of Senna and Prost, to Schumacher to Vettel, Alonso, Hamilton and more, one day the drivers we see now will be the heroes, the legends. Max is the first driver born in the 90s to win a race and a world championship. Senna had passed years before he was born. Oscar is the first driver born in the 2000s to get a podium, a new millennia of drivers will follow him soon. The passing of the torch in real time. They're both the dreamers and the dream.
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vhstown · 1 year
time out (part 2)
[boxer au] — 42!miles g morales x gn!reader
summary: Miles Morales makes boxing history. Your boyfriend isn't there to celebrate.
warnings: angst-ish, hurt/comfort, fluff, description of (boxing) injuries, briefly implied death, gtranslate spanish
word count: 5.3k
a/n: editing this was actual torture. kind of becomes a song fic? song is dreamer by bobby bland if you wanna listen before u read lmao entirely not necessary tho. part 2 of 2 but i might write this au again in the future !
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Boxing — you tried to be as well versed in it as possible, learning as many terms and moves and whatever else you could pick up from Aaron when he was helping Miles train for all those weeks. What you weren’t sure of, though, was if a “time out”, or a break, had to be this awkward. What you also weren’t sure of was what on Earth your boyfriend was thinking doing here at midnight training (or splitting his knuckles open, though you didn’t quite know the difference anymore,) right after his tournament had finished.
Regardless, there was nothing you could do about it. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t just leave and “give him space” as you might’ve done before. The weather didn’t look like it was going to clear up anytime soon, and you had no signal or money; it wasn't like Miles would call a car for himself anyway — stubborn.
Miles was sat on the floor against a set of shelves with various things that belonged to Aaron, and you were on an unbearably stiff bench press seat, legs close together so you wouldn’t fall off and your jacket hung around the weight. Cold, uncomfortable, dead silent — the perfect atmosphere for a productive conversation, of course.
Truthfully, you had no idea what to say. Yeah, you’d just talked big game to your boyfriend and scolded him like his mother probably would’ve if she knew what the hell he was up to, but you hadn’t planned anything after that. Miles wasn’t a talker — not by any means. Right now, he was sat on the floor with his legs crossed, stretching uncomfortably on his elbows with his hands in awkward positions to try and not strain them too much. He hadn’t said anything, so you hadn’t said anything either, and now you were stuck without any words and too many thoughts.
It was a lot of unmet glances and quiet shivers, and you tried your best to kill the urge to just... lean over and hug him. As much as you missed him and wanted to let out everything you’d been feeling for the past couple of weeks, now wasn’t the best time — Miles probably couldn’t even hug you with those gnarly injuries anyway.
Miles’ eyes were dull and tired, fixed on the ground or maybe somewhere you couldn’t see. As usual, you couldn’t gauge anything from his expression besides mild annoyance. It was like a constant guessing game. First, why your texts weren’t going through, secondly, where the hell he was, and now you had to figure out why on Earth he was so frustrated. Your luck had ran out with those first two guesses, and his silence certainly didn’t help — again, not a talker. Not even a looker; he wasn’t stealing glances of you anymore, like he was thinking about something. If only you knew what.
The most you could guess was that this was about not winning — but it couldn’t just be that simple. Miles was stupid sometimes, but he wasn’t delusional — he knew that he probably couldn’t beat every single person in that championship when he was just starting to go professional. This wasn’t some kiddish, lofty dream Miles had either — he was serious from the day Aaron got him those gloves, which were now crumpled up in the corner next to you. He wouldn’t throw a fit over nothing.
It wasn’t right to force it out of him though, and you could still sense the stubbornness lingering in the crease between his brows. You resisted the urge to smooth it out with your thumb, instead just killing it with every other thought you deemed “selfish”. Apparently, waiting was just as much of a competitive sport at boxing.
The door rattled as icy drafts bit at your ankles and fingertips. It sounded like the sky was going to collapse from how intense the storm was growing. Miles was just in a tank top, his hoodie abandoned on the bar behind you. You figured he could get it himself; any sort of help always seemed pitying to him anyway.
“I’m training with uncle Aaron tonight — stay home.”
“I can handle myself. How else you think I got this far?”
“You ain’t comin’ to Vegas with me.”
You found yourself reaching for the hoodie anyway. Miles didn’t notice, of course, but you could see the goose bumps on skin even from this far away.
“Hey,” you muttered, making him look up. “Are you gonna tell me what’s up, or sulk some more?”
His mouth opened, but only to let out a breath, before silence fell between you again.
“Fine, I don’t… get it, or whatever.” You continued, fingers trailing into the sleeves of the hoodie. “But I don’t get how I’m supposed to when you’re not talking to me.”
“There’s nothing to get.” It was like you had Vegas between you two again — like he wasn’t even here.
The fabric of the hoodie was warm, and a part of you didn’t feel like letting go of it — if only your boyfriend was in the hoodie too.
“I don’t get why you’d box without wraps, for one.”
“I’m just… frustrated,” he yielded, albeit unhelpfully. “‘S nothing serious, promise.”
Serious enough to have your fingers hanging on by a thread. You noticed his thumb nursing the blackened skin around his knuckles, and his expression seemed even more distant than it was before. It was always some impossible game, and you hadn’t lost, but were drained and out of words for now.
Maybe he’d figure it out for himself; you weren’t too convinced of that. Despite that, it was getting annoying to hear the constant howling of wind and rain outside. Walking over to the shelf, you dropped the hoodie in Miles’ lap. You doubted he had even looked at you, but you didn’t need him to. Right now, you needed something to fill this boring, cold and wordless room.
Looking through the shelves behind Miles, you noticed a picture: a much younger Aaron wearing boxing gloves, a medal around his neck and standing next to someone you assumed to be Miles' dad. You'd never looked at any of the pictures close up, but you noticed there were a lot of old pictures like that, before finding Aaron's collection of records.
Taking the first one out, you put it into the player and carefully set the needle, glancing at the name of the song. His taste in music wasn’t exactly popular, but you’d rather listen to “DREAMER” than “inconveniently timed Brooklyn storm” right now.
Letting out a sigh of your own, you slumped down next to him as he pulled the hoodie over his head, arms going back to being crossed.
"~Dreamer... dreamer... Like a fool, I thought that it could be..." Of course it was a sad song. Blues? The haunting melody made you feel blue. It made the cold feel more numbing than biting on your skin. It made you feel, in general — what, you couldn’t really place.
“…Are we okay?” you muttered without much thought. The urge to talk had come back, and you hadn’t decided if you regretted speaking yet.
"~Dream on... dream on... surely someone, will understand me..."
Miles let out a breath, and it felt like you were exchanging more sighs than words. “Yeah. I just… ‘S not you.”
No “promise”, though. Did that make it more or less honest?
"~What do I say, when I've, oh, said too much? I think by now, I'm wastin' time..."
“...I love you, y’know?” you continued, hating how out of place it sounded. It was as useless as that text you tried to send, but you were tired, and missed your boyfriend, and wished he would give you even a glance.
“~I'm going… oh Lord I'm gone…”
“Love you too,” he mumbled in reply. It wasn’t very reassuring, and it didn’t seem like it to him either, because he reached out to brush your hand against his. You took his hand first — gently, and his thumb pressed into your palm in a sort of silent apology.
You hated how futile it was, and how much you craved it again. You hated you couldn’t be even a little mad at him, and how you were defending him to yourself. Maybe you were both in the wrong. No — you weren’t wrong, you were trying to be understanding.
You weren’t wrong for feeling this way, were you?
“~You are the absence, of my mind…”
You hated how much you missed that boy from all those months ago — even though he was right in front of you. It didn’t feel like Miles Morales was yours anymore, he was theirs — whoever “they” were. His competitors, his managers, the media… It was like there was no trace of the Miles you knew before. Maybe it’s because you couldn’t deny it anymore: that Miles had a dream, and you probably weren’t in it. You hated how you took it so personally.
And you hated how you reached out to hug him, despite all of that.
It was just you for a moment, and you were about to pull away before his arms wrapped loosely around the small of your back.
You hated how you hid your face over his shoulder, and how nice it felt. You hated how warm he was, and how the room was freezing.
You hated how familiar this was.
“~Lord, dreamer… dreamer…”
“Sorry, cariño. Didn’t mean to be an asshole.” Miles’ fingertips dragged uselessly over your back, and you shamelessly tightened your arms around him as he pressed his cheek into yours. You might’ve shed a tear, if it weren't for how heavy your eyes were already with the late hour. Neither of you could go home yet, though you weren’t sure if you wanted to right now.
“~Like a fool… I thought, well, that it could be…”
The long sigh you let out was followed by Miles’ own quiet one before he kissed you on the cheek. His breath warmed your frigid face and brushed at your heart, as he always did. You wished you could be upset, overreact, scream at his face, tell him how you felt all this time. It just always had to end with forgiveness, because now, you couldn’t even remember what you had felt.
And you hated it — not as much as you’d like.
Closing your eyes, you buried your head into his hoodie while the music, the storm and the sound of your own breathing blurred together in your mind. All you were left with were your own thoughts.
This boxing thing didn’t involve you — it never did. He didn’t want you there to see him, or even tell you he was home from Vegas, and now it felt like he was just putting up with you here. It felt like you and him were on opposite sides of the pavement, only walking together to share the same umbrella. He just didn’t want you to get soaked — or hurt.
“I told you not to come today… I’m walkin’ you home.”
He didn’t want you to expect too much.
“Nah, you don’t need to see me train. It’s borin’ as hell.”
He didn’t want you to give up on him.
“I’ll make it big — promise.”
He wanted his dream — did he still want you?
“Just be patient with me, cielo.”
Patient, huh? If only you could be like Rio. It felt like you were just as bad as Miles. Maybe you were — both just as bad as each other.
“Why didn’t you text me? …At all?” Muffled against his hoodie, you hoped your voice didn’t waver. It felt a little manipulative, even if it wasn’t in the slightest, but you couldn’t keep telling yourself things were all good. Miles had been avoiding you, whether that was intentional or not. You were just being open — trying to be open. You hope he’d try too.
The boy in question was silent, before he pulled away, hands lingering at your sides.
“I was…” Miles took in a breath, voice dying out for a moment. “Look, I…”
“~Down the wrong way, on a one way street…”
“I can’t be a boxer anymore.”
It felt like the rain had gone quiet. There was no need for an umbrella between you two anymore. It felt like you’d closed it yourself, walking to the opposite side of the pavement again, watching him and the dull, empty sky from afar.
You were the one that asked him — you wanted him to speak to you, and now you weren’t even sure what to say.
“~You'd think by now, I would have learned…”
“What do you mean…?”
“My contract got terminated.” His voice sounded forced, strangely robotic. Was that what you so wanted to get from him?
“Can’t you just… get signed by somebody else?”
“There is nobody else. I had a contract with Norman Osborn — he basically owns boxing.”
“~I saw a little, but I learned even less…”
Your heart dropped a little — you wouldn’t let it drop any more than that. It made sense why Miles was so excited back then if he got signed by someone like that. Now, that excitement meant nothing. All you could think of was that video, that interview…
“I jus’ hope you watchin’, cause I’m here. Miles Morales made it!”
So he’d just… given up? Miles had given up? Was that it? The end of it?
Boxer or not, you suddenly had the urge to punch him — maybe even punch yourself. It didn’t even matter who was right and who was wrong anymore, because you didn’t even know who was in front of you. It was almost uncanny to see Miles like this, so dejected; that’s what he’d been feeling all this time. As much as it seemed like he was mad at you, or was avoiding you, or lying to you, it was never really about you.
Miles was refusing to let go of his dream — of himself — until right now.
And you didn’t know what overcame you at that moment. Maybe it was Rio’s words, or the fact that Aaron wasn’t here, or the fact that you felt like you’d lost your boyfriend — if he wasn’t going to be stubborn about it anymore, you sure as hell were.
“So you’re telling me nobody else is gonna sign you? At all? You haven’t even looked?”
“You don’t get it, ‘s more complicated than—”
“Baby, look at me for a sec.” Your hand was on his shoulder with more confidence than common sense, eyes were square with his avoidant, dull, hopeless gaze. You haven’t ever seen Miles hopeless before. You couldn’t let him be if it was the last thing you did. “You, Miles Gonzalo Morales—”
“Aight, you don’t need the full name.”
“I do need it, because my whole ass boyfriend changed boxing history.” Frankly, you had no idea what you were saying; it felt like you were shooting in the dark, but you didn’t care if you sounded a little stupid, or over-the-top, because if that’s what it took to get your boyfriend to crack even a little… “His 'legendary left jab'—”
“Babe, where the hell did you get that from?” The look he was giving you was probably more of a “jab” than anything.
“…The news.” The corner of your mouth quirked up despite your best efforts, face pricking with heat as you remembered reading through that Bugle article like it was divine revelation. A little stupid, a little over-the-top, sure, but it was true.
Miles’ lips pressed together, and your face heated more trying to decipher his expression. You didn’t have to, because the snicker that escaped his throat was enough make all the rain and thunder and lighting, and even the song insignificant.
“~I only learn to regret…”
“Miles, I’m serious,” you muttered, rather unseriously, brows furrowing as you tried to smooth out the meekness on your face.
“Legendary?” There was a hint of his usual mirth in his tone, and you tried not to be bothered by it. Anything was better than seeing Miles like that: ridiculous, over-the-top, unserious, but not hopeless.
“Look, it was the Bugle, okay? Some millennial wrote that — like, some lady called Mary.”
“Why do you even remember that?” Anything that could come to mind, you’d tell him. No more silence. Just be yourself. Keep talking.
“I read it, like, a lot, okay? I was really proud of you and I just…”
The smirk fell fast from Miles’ face, and you held back any words you might’ve had. The rain eased back in as a constant patter against the windows — the silence had come back despite your efforts. Your heart started to sink a little again, but all you could offer was an awkward smile.
“You’re proud?” he asked, like you’d just lied to his face.
“Yeah…? I always am, but seeing you make it so far…” It was something you didn’t say enough, you realised. The words echoed in your mind as you found the confidence to look at him.
“…Miles Morales made it, right?”
Another tiny breath left Miles, his eyes closing for a moment as you waited for him to speak. You wanted to backtrack, maybe hope the rain would die down soon so you two could leave — you had sort of snuck out… That wasn’t the point, though. You weren’t sure what the point was right now, and you weren’t sure what he was thinking, as always — again.
His lips pressed to your forehead, and then your forehead was against his chest — somehow.
You still had no idea what he was thinking. Now you had no idea what he was feeling — or what you were feeling.
The room was freezing, but you were sure you were slowly setting on fire. Traces of the awkward smile you had were stuck on your face as your cheek pressed into the fabric of his hoodie, and suddenly every little thing you’d thought about saying to him had disappeared in its entirety.
“Dios (God), am I a dumbass…” he murmured to himself. With no clue what to do, you could only focus on the hesitance in the way he held you close, because of his injuries, you weren’t sure. His fingers were cold, like the air was. You didn’t hate the warmth this time.
The silence returned again, and instead of your heart sinking, it was fluttering wildly. You so wanted to take it in your hands and hold it still, but you couldn’t even hold Miles back.
He did this sort of thing often — used to do this often, when he was stressed for whatever reason. He wouldn’t say if he was, but you could always tell. Sometimes he’d ask, and right now, he didn’t, but it wasn’t like you ever refused; it was nice, safe, and away from the storm — close.
"~Surely someone, will understand me..."
He kissed the top of your head, like he was hoping you’d understand.
If only you could. If only you could understand why your boyfriend couldn’t see it — see how far he’d come, how much he’d achieved, how proud he should be of himself, how neither of you should be here right now.
If only Rio was here to tell him how proud she was. Or Aaron. Or his dad.
You never really knew his dad. You knew he’d be proud, at least. He'd probably be beaming seeing how far his son Miles had come, like he did in those pictures with Aaron.
You were proud too. Did that count for anything? Would that change anything? It wouldn’t get him another contract.
You wanted to squeeze his hand, but that was a stupid idea considering the state of it. A lot of your ideas felt stupid as of late. None of them would get him another contract.
It felt like a lot more than just the contract, though; maybe that's why it was so hard. If only he’d tell you.
But waiting wasn’t a game, or a competitive sport. It was nothing like boxing; there was no winner. Waiting was a choice — a promise, that you’d be there when he was ready.
“Just be patient with me, cielo.”
You wondered if he’d ever be ready.
"~Dream on, baby."
You wrapped your arms around him, finally. At the very least, you promised to hold him, if not before, then now. He tightened his grip too, just mariginally.
“I’m sorry, mi cielo.” he started, voice barely audible. “I swear, I didn’t know you actually…” Miles trailed off, resting his chin on the top of your head instead.
“Cared?” you suggested, wondering if he could hear you. “It’s a lot more than that.”
You felt his chest fall as he let out a sigh. “I know.”
“I want you to know.”
“I do, I just… I’m being real dumb and—” You squeezed your arms around him before he could finish his sentence; no more avoidance. What you were going to say after, you didn’t know.
“…What?” His voice was suddenly soft, controlled. It was like he could hear what was going on in your head.
“You ever…" You moved your head away from his chest slightly, so he could hear better. "You ever had a stage name in mind?”
It was the only thing you could think to ask, though you didn’t ask it with much thought at all. Still, things weren't going to go anywhere if you kept dodging the subject.
Miles was silent for more than just a moment — it was enough to guess he did have one. “...Why?”
“Cause… when you get back in the ring, people gotta know you right?” It wasn’t just blind optimism — you decided that you did really believe in him. They weren’t going to see the end of someone like him, not by a long shot — or a legendary left jab. Your boyfriend was one hell of a boxer; it wouldn't just stop here — no way.
“I mean, '17-year-old from NYC' isn’t exactly catchy,” you continued, despite his silence.
Just one loss before so many wins. At his age, a win, against a “long-time champion” no less, was worth a million times more than that Norman guy’s contract, no matter how much of a big-shot he was.
“You think I’m gettin’ signed?” They’d be stupid not to.
“I know you’re getting signed.” Rio's words came back to you, and despite your hesitance, you found yourself saying: “If not, I’ll sign you and go to Vegas myself.”
Patient — like his mom, but also with that fighting spirit. You realised you had to be on his level too — match his energy, his enthusiasm. He’d spent long enough being on his own.
“...Fine, fine,” he shrugged. The edge in his tone seemed to fade as he thought for a moment. “If you’re signin’ me, you’re signin’… The Prowler.”
Miles loved boxing? Screw it, you loved boxing too. You loved boxing more than him, in fact — because it was a part of him. And even when he didn’t love his dream so much, you’d be there to love it for him. He loved all of you, and you loved all of him. That was still true now, even if he was going through something not so lovely.
And soon, you’d have something else to love too. Something new.
“The Prowler,” you repeated, a smile of your own creeping up on your face. “…You sure?” The groan Miles let out was enough to curb your need to annoy him… with love.
“Cariño…" he mumbled. "You ask just to make fun of me?” Miles shook his head, and you just squeezed him around the waist again.
“No, no way. I wanna welcome you to the team, Prowler.” A few firm pats on his back got him to laugh again, and though it was barely, that moment felt worth all those weeks.
“You can’t be serious.”
“I’m a hundred percent serious. You and your 'legendary left jab' and all.”
“You…” The hint of a smile was in his voice, and his good hand came to pull you closer, pressing the two of you flush against each other.
“Me…?” Your voice was muffled as you rested against the hollow of his neck, feeling the vibrations of his voice as he spoke.
“Can’t believe you’re still here.” It sounded more like he was talking to himself, speaking under his breath. The way it came out, it seemed like something he'd wanted to say for a while.
“Why would I leave?” Why would you ever leave?
“No clue.”
His good hand found your face, and you turned your head a bit so it wouldn't be so awkward to reach it.
“Don't know why I ever thought that.”
You felt his thumb run across your cheek, before pulling away and tilting your face up to meet his eyes.
“Damn, you're beautiful,” he murmured, dipping his head down to bump your nose with his, stoic expression and all. You were just about able to keep your composure.
“You trying to make it up to me with flattery?” It wasn’t like he had much to make up for — in your eyes, at least. The tease made his eyes narrow, but the ghost of a smile was on his lips.
“I can make it up to you a hell of a lot better than that.”
“Morales,” you warned, thought it didn't come out much like a warning. Especially not with how quietly you said it, your face so close to his.
“What?” It was his turn to be annoying. “Lo imaginé…” (I thought so…) You weren't sure you minded it.
It was nice to be joking, and flirting, and close again. There was no need to protest right now — no reason to pretend to be mad. His arm shifted to search for your hand, and you unconsciously laced your fingers together as your faces drew closer. You were already squeezing his hand before—
“Aye…!” Miles hissed, slipping his hand away as you both remembered the nasty, loud bruise that was spreading across his hand. His left hand, you realised, was the one he’d injured — it wasn’t exactly legendary now.
“Sorry…” you muttered, lips pressing together tightly as you took in the sight again. “But that was your fault."
Miles frowned at you almost incredulously as he held his own hand. “Nuh-uh.”
“Time out, Morales.” You couldn’t help it. Or help the smile on your face.
“You’re kidding.”
“Nope.” You kissed his cheek to really rub it in. No more words from him, it looked like.
After a moment more of silence, and watching Miles nurse his own hand, you spoke up again. “…Are you gonna go back? To boxing?” Miles looked back at you, before nodding.
“Yeah. Eventually, I guess...” He let out a sigh, but it seemed like one of fatigue rather than frustration. You blinked away your own tiredness that was creeping back. "As the Prowler.”
“Got a lot of… prowling to do, then.” He pursed his lips at you in contempt, and you gave him a meek look in return. As much as you made fun of the name, it was pretty cool. “When are you thinking?”
“I’ll wait a little. ‘S too soon." Miles put his less-brutalised hand on your knee, looking at you a bit more earnestly. "Gotta make it up to you, first.”
“Obvio.” (Obviously) You tried hiding your smirk this time, but he caught it anyway.
“Driving me crazy for no reason,” he mumbled to himself, shaking his head. The few times you did speak Spanish, it usually wasn't to be sweet.
“A good crazy?” you tried, hoping he'd humour you a little. Maybe he could find it sweet?
“Ni hablar.” (No way.)
Sweet enough to kiss you, anyway. With his better hand, he held the side of your face by his fingertips, pressing a short, chaste kiss to your lips. The feeling was warmer than anything, and you were left with a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth as he pulled away.
“Te amo (I love you),” he whispered with his own shred of a smile. You caught a glint in his eye before his expression faded into that same serious look. “I'll fix up, I promise.”
“No need to promise." With your thumb, you finally smoothed the crease between his brows �� an old, shared habit. It made his expression soften a little. "Cause you will, and you’ll make it even further next time.”
“Right,” he agreed, hand still lingering by your jaw. “I will. Gimme a time out if I don’t.” A laugh escaped your mouth at that.
"Sure." You met him with your own chaste kiss, your heart swelling as you felt him smile a little against your lips. “I love you too, by the way.”
The record had stopped playing, ages ago, you noticed, and there was another stretch of silence. Total silence, actually — it had stopped raining entirely.
“We should probably head back,” Miles stated as he looked out the window with you, before getting up with a bit of a groan. The two of you needed rest, especially him.
“Yeah,” you murmured, reaching for your jacket. “I mean, I sort of… snuck out.”
His silence made you turn back, only to be met with an unamused look. You tried not to laugh again. “So you’re sayin’ we’re both dead.”
“Pretty much.” He rolled his eyes at your sheepish smile, but you caught the corner of his mouth lift up as he turned to the door. It wasn't like the two of you hadn’t snuck out before — this was just like all those other times, just more… unplanned.
The night time air was strangely cool and breathable as you left the warehouse. Though the concrete was slippery, and you and Miles had to hold onto each other to not fall, Brooklyn was glimmering almost ethereally by the moonlight, the sky clear with any lingering clouds now gone. You hooked your arm in Miles' arm, his hands loosely tucked into the pocket of his hoodie. He’d have some explaining to do to his mom about his hands, and you’d have to creep back into your apartment as quietly as possible — but right now, in the silence hum of the city, you felt that things would be okay. Maybe they weren’t excellent, or ideal right now, but okay was a good start. The Prowler was a thing of the future, albeit near future. Right now, it was just you and Miles Morales, going home together past your curfews.
Ping! Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping—
Way past your curfews.
At the same time, the two of you pulled your phones out, only to be bombarded with notifications of missed calls and texts. You were a short distance away from the warehouse now, and your phones had only just gotten signal. It was 1:02am, and you had walls of texts asking you where the hell you were and to "get your ass home right now" on your lock screen. Miles gritted his teeth, and you didn't want to think about what Rio had to say.
As the pinging died down, your eyes met, the both of you thinking the exact same thing:
“We’re so dead.”
You shot a quick message back and mental prayer, Miles doing the same before hastily linking arms with you again. He returned your sheepish look with his own as the two of you kept walking, trying not to slip in the puddles. It had already been a long night, and it was about to get way longer, but at least you could have each other’s company.
"~All my life, been a dreamer..."
"~Dream on... dream on..."
After all, you could guess that a lot more than just a “time out” was waiting for you at home.
"~Maybe somewhere... maybe somewhere..."
↑ the song! bobby bland 🔛🔝
felt a bit empty without a message hi this is vee it is midnight and i have to go to school in less than 8 hours ! thriving !!!! also if you're interested i have a post about just the au itself here <3
taglist (ppl who asked anyway 😭): @iissza
reblogs appreciated (like so much i literally melt and die) catch the rest of my atsv stuff here!
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Magnificent 1922 Spanish Colonial Revival Chiles Estate looks ancient, doesn’t it? It’s in Asheville, North Carolina, has 5bd 4ba $2.495M.
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Isn’t this open entrance fabulous? Look at how the walls appear to be crumbling. This was the vision of  prominent Asheville architect Ronald Greene and is known as Asheville’s *second* most famous home.
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I’ve never seen columns set right into stairs. Isn’t that unusual? And, I also like the shelving in the stairs- good use of space. 
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Very large sitting room- look how nice the windows open. Love that tile fireplace.
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Beautiful library. Look at the up-lighting in the dental molding around the room and the way the ceiling curves.
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Details like this cool original door knob.
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Isn’t the dining room beautiful? Love the blue ceiling and how it opens to the 
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Love the kitchen remodel. I don’t know why, but I really like dark cabinets. This kitchen has an updated Spanish Colonial look. Very nice.
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Striking blue subway tile bath.
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Spacious main bd. 
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This is a stunning en-suite- black tile and white fixtures. Look at the vintage sunken tub.
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Beautiful walk-in closet/dressing room.
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This is set up as a sitting room, but it’s really a bd b/c it has an en-suite.
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Loving the rose tile and vintage tub.
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And, this is one of the other bedrooms set up as a home office.
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Lovely big terraces- one open an one covered.
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Patio behind the house.
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Look at the dining room from the patio, and notice the covered outdoor walkway above.
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Looking down into the courtyard from above.
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What a cute building.
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And, look what’s inside- a bar and entertaining space.
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This is so cool.
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And, check out the gardens. What an amazing place to get away and be alone.
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A stunning .37 acre property.
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And look at this, it even has a park.
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katy-l1988 · 8 months
Head Canon/Theory Part 1:
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I love the idea that Carmilla is also a fallen angel. But she wouldn't be just any angel, she would be an Seraphim.
Sera, the emissary: She's the head of the "Holy Trinity", the diplomatic, the one who guided her siblings.
Carmilla, the keeper: She was the one who acted in case diplomacy didn't work, the one who would give everything for her siblings.
Lucifer, the dreamer: He'd be the balance between both ladies, promoting joy and hope. He is the youngest.
When Lucifer fell with Lilith, Sera and Carmilla became estranged, one could even say they hated each other. They both watched as Lilith rose from hell, but Carmilla never blamed her, but rather Sera and the other celestials.
Then Adam arrived, proposing extermination, but the one leading the battle legions was Carmilla, and she flatly refused to do something like this. Adam, upset that she didn't support him, or as we say in Spanish "no le siguió el amén", cut off her wings and sent her to the hole with Lucifer.
Zestial was the one who found her, and took care of her, taking her to Lucifer. He at first was reluctant to talk with Carmilla, since he saw her as a traitor for not defending him against Sera.
As the years passed, and with the help of Zestial, they were able to rebuild their relationship, with Carmilla being Lucifer's right hand and the CEO of Carmine Industries.
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Adam would replace Carmilla, and Emily would replace Lucifer.
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elodieunderglass · 8 months
Hi. I just saw your post about the Camino while and proceeded to spend over an hour reading various things about it. Suffice to say I am extremely interested in making this happen for myself; do you have any more specific advice beyond what you already talked about in your post?
(In reference to this post: https://www.tumblr.com/elodieunderglass/739798088656502786/hey-looking-at-the-notes-theres-a-lot-more-oh)
(Referring to: The Camino de Santiago, or Way of St James, a medieval Christian pilgrimage route that leads to the Spanish city of Santiago. The most common pathway starts in the mountains on the border of Spain and France and proceeds across the north of Spain, a route that takes about six weeks for most people on foot. There are many non-Christian reasons to hike the Camino, which is scenic, safe and has excellent infrastructure; you only need to be doing the hike intentionally “in an attitude of search” to be a pilgrim. Pilgrims on the route are eligible for extremely cheap lodgings and meals, and are equipped with pilgrim passports to collect unique stamps at scenic points. At the end of the pilgrimage the stamps are checked, and those who have completed the required distance are issued a campostela, or special certificate, conferring the benefits of pilgrimage; for the religiously devout, this is often an absolution from sins. There are other traditions, such as bringing a stone from your home to place on a pilgrim shrine that has become a mountain of stones. It’s generally held to be one of the things you remember all your life, and that the fellowship and company of interesting people on the Camino is a standout experience. Given how many people on tumblr say things like “I wish I could do a real life pokemon journey” or “if only real life gave you video game quest awards” and so on, it’s actually a surprise to me that more people on here aren’t Camino dreamers.)
Anyway, unfortunately, although my Camino de Santiago has been deeply/realistically planned since I was 20, various startling events have meant that I haven’t started it yet. I have slightly spoiled myself for some key parts of Spain already, but I’m keeping that separate from actually walking the Camino. I’m afraid it’ll be in the 2030s before I do it, because I now have small children (too young to come with me or leave alone for 6 weeks.) I’m not worried - it’s a medieval hiking trail, it’ll keep - but I’m also not a lived-experience expert, just an armchair fan for now!
However, among the many benefits of a well-trodden path include the huge amount of information available about the Camino de Santiago. There are books, blogs, forums, a subreddit, lots of self-filmed YouTube documentaries from every flavor of influencer, from the insufferable to the admirable; and plenty of proper travel documentaries. the oldest guidebook is a thousand years old; the oldest traveller advice is found in gilded medieval manuscripts. It has multiple smartphone apps.
I wish you the best of luck on learning about this. I think it’s a very healthy kind of dream.
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ballerinarina · 1 month
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Now playing Teen Idle - MARINA
▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌၊|• 4:14
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𐙚my details:
���𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬: cece, cissy
𝐚𝐠𝐞: twenty years old {a may 2004 baby}
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬: she/her & they/them
𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: taurus sun, piscies moon, sagittarius rising {born in são paulo}
𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞: infp 4w3
𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬: portuguese, english, spanish
𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: multimedia and performing arts
𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨: aphrodite and dionysus {beginner}
𝐲𝐞𝐬𝐲𝐞𝐬! ballet, fashion, acting, singing, polyamory, moodboards
𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐨! zionism, anti-mogai, racism, psychophobia, j.k rowling, t.a tumblr
⭑ i was found dreaming and blogging between my angelic-girly-pink and my nerdy-theater-kid sides
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𐙚things in my heart:
𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜: bts, lana del rey, marina, sandy & junior, kate bush, björk, coldplay, new jeans, duquesa, txt, aurora, måneskin, the neighborhood
𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬: the dreamers, whiplash, secret garden (1993), pearl, big hero 6, august rush, ballerina, my own private idaho, my sweet orange tree, the little prince (1970)
𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: flower of evil, maid, the queen's gambit, the umbrella academy, baby italy, heartbreak high, it's okay to not be okay, hilda hurricane
𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: gravity falls, banana fish, the promised neverland, naruto, sakura card captors, your name, words bubble up like soda pop, oshi no ko
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬: quackity, cellbit, bagi, matt, guaxinim
𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 & 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬: river phoenix, ana paula arósio, froy gutierrez, taís araújo, mia goth, fernanda torres, jamie bower, wagner moura, lázaro ramos, aidan gallagher
𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬: my candy love, omori, undertale
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: sasuke, mike wheeler, hiro hamada, dipper, ray, nico di angelo, eleven, taki tachibana, adrien, ash lynx, five
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𐙚find me here too!
#cecediary - text posts
#ceceoutfits - fashion posts
#cecemoodboard - aesthetic media posts
#cecefandoms - nerd fangirl posts
#ceceart - drawings, sketches
#ceceasks - well, asks
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alainbm-mods · 8 months
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Dreams & Nightmares Mod
Update 1.4.0
1. Hey there! Your enthusiasm for the new traits has been incredible, and it's inspired me to push the boundaries even further. This update, although small, is pretty special – it's the concluding chapter for our traits feature. I've spiced things up a bit: now, Sims can earn the "Eternal Dreamer" or "Tormented Sleeper" traits by mastering these fantastic aspirations. So, let's jump in and take a closer look at each of them as we wrap up this exciting journey.
Two Brand New Aspirations: "Dreamland Architect" and "Torment Sculptor":
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Ok, a new Category has been added to the Aspirations: "Dreams". You will find the new Aspirations under this one. Both aspirations have 4 levels filled with unique tasks depending on the sim's goals, just like every other aspiration.
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You might be wondering, "What if I select one of these aspirations in Create-A-Sim (CAS)? Do I get a boost like with other aspirations?" Absolutely, yes! To smooth out your journey through these dream-filled aspirations, I've crafted a special new trait: "Dream Weaver." Sims blessed with this trait will find it easier to navigate and fulfill the new aspirations. It's like having a little guiding star in their dreamy adventures!
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You might also be curious about what happens if your Sim already has one of these traits and decides to tackle one of these aspirations. Can they still pursue it? What unfolds when they complete the aspiration and potentially receive a new trait? Here's how it works: If your Sim has the "Eternal Dreamer" trait, and finishes the "Dreamland Architect" aspiration, there will be no change. They'll keep their "Eternal Dreamer" trait, enjoying all the benefits it brings. On the flip side, if they have the "Eternal Dreamer" trait and complete the "Torment Sculptor" aspiration, earning the "Tormented Sleeper" trait, the "Eternal Dreamer" trait will be replaced by the "Tormented Sleeper", as they are opposites. This replacement will occur in both directions. It adds an interesting layer of strategy to how you guide your Sims through their dream journeys!
Also, a heads-up for you: These new aspirations won't take away your option to snag these traits from the Rewards Store. That's right, you can still head over there and buy the "Eternal Dreamer" or "Tormented Sleeper" traits if you prefer. Or, for those who love a challenge, dive into the aspirations and earn them – come on, no shortcuts, let's get those Sim achievements!
2. The Spanish Translation was updated to include these changes.
3. Some codes got a minor update.
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