#Dream blunt rotation for real.
tenjiiku · 6 months
Big win for mentally unwell individuals!!!
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The nightmares in FNAF 4 get crazy...
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linkedin-offficial · 5 months
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gifts and doodles ive made for my good friends over at @raggedabstraction <3 love these sillies
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dxsole · 2 days
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Rules: Choose 4 of your favorite characters from 4 pieces of media as options, & let your Tumblr pals decide which one most suits your vibe!
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merakiui · 1 year
Meraaaa, im habing too much brainrot over ur fics 😢
Imagine Cater puts it in for the first time and he gets you preg on the first try. He's a mess but don't worry! Transfer med student Kalim knows juuuust how to take care of you! He has a ton of siblings afterall! Kalim knows just what to 'feed' the baby to keep them healthy while they're in ur belly. Cay kun is just happy to finally settle down with his first love, unaware of the cum dripping down her legs as she leaves her makeshift appts in kalim's dorm room. Everyone knows whats going on and instead of helping out poor Cay out, they ask Kalim to be let in on it 😖
AAAAAAAAA med students and roommates Kalim and Riddle who take such good care of you when Cater's off partying, neglecting you solely because he's struggling to cope with this new, life-altering circumstance. How can he continue to be cool, collected Cay if he's got a baby on the way? So not his style! But he'll warm up to the idea eventually. He just has to get the shock out of his system first (and work up the courage to break the news to his family and, unfortunately, his sisters. Though knowing how evasive Cater can be, he'll probably stretch the truth for as long as he possibly can just to avoid confronting the matter at hand).
Kalim is always so sweet. He has lots of healthy and delicious snacks prepared for each of your visits. Riddle is very level-headed and logical; very textbook, but still cordial and kind. It doesn't take Riddle long to realize Kalim's fucking you when he starts to put context clues together. At first he thought it was wrong to do such a thing behind Cater's back, but Kalim tells him he's just helping you out. Nothing wrong with helping friends, right? Besides, you and Cater aren't even together and he's not very present, is he? Someone has to take care of poor, cute, pregnant you! Riddle tells himself he ought to be the better person here and put a stop to Kalim's mischief before it spirals out of control. But then the next time you come in for a "check-up" you're spreading your pussy for him and he's sliding in and it feels so warm and wet and good inside, and suddenly being the better person doesn't really matter.
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daydreamingmiller · 5 months
pinterest tag game: save the first 9 photos & make a moodboard!
thank u sweet angels @softlyspector @morning-star-joy @ilovepedro @joelsversion & @reddedmiller for the tags <3
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npt: @sweetercalypso @clickergossip @annasinterests @cowgurrrl @scenaaario @undrthelights
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hathsinsurvivor · 2 years
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dream blunt rotation
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zoomvis · 6 months
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would smoke with absolutely everyone from the cod game covers apart from the nigga on Cold War. He seems like bad vibes idk.
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crabussy · 1 year
heehoo I love making the friends on. the website (: there is so much love and whimsy in the world
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forsworned · 2 months
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Synopsis: Silly 141 getting high with reluctant but experienced reader, happy belated 420 yall
Warning(s): Drug Use, Poly!141, AFAB!Reader, Sexually Suggestive?? Barely Proofread (i'm dyslexic sorry)
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"This is an awful idea..."
Kyle's tone is halting as he observes the way, Johnny begins to pick apart the large bud of weed and spreads it out on the rolling papers that Simon purchased not too long ago. Simon wouldn't say where he pawned off the necessary ingredients for a good blunt, and neither he nor Johnny were going to ask.
"Don't be such a wet blanket, Kyle." Simon quips at the uneasy Sergeant.
Johnny snorts as he brushes off the stickiness of the bud and the aroma is rich, sweet, and pungent as it fills the Lieutenant's dorm. If they received any disciplinary action, Simon would take the fall (which was mighty presumptuous of him being that all the resin glands were on Johnny's fingertips, but they digress).
"Ease off on him, L.t.. He's the teacher's pet amongst us, like." Johnny winks at Kyle.
Kyle's face contorts in disgust and betrayal. "Piss off, MacTavish."
This sends the troublesome pair into a fit of giggles, but suddenly the door opens and they're all jostled by the new company. You freeze as you look at the three bozos lounging around in Simon's room. Crushed-up cans and empty bottles of ale were tossed around the room, half a eaten pizza left out on the coffee table where Johnny was busy rolling up a joint.
"Jesus fuckin' Christ," Your tone is exasperated and beyond wanting to comprehend why in the entire fuck they were deciding to roll up in the Lieutenant's room.
"Why." It wasn't even a question. You really just demanded an answer at this point.
"I didn't—" Kyle is the first to open his mouth, but you close your eyes and hold your hand up to stop him. You shake your head and then sharply exhale as you shut the door behind you.
"Good girl." Simon sarcastically praises as you wordlessly sit next to Kyle.
Johnny giggles at the way your cheeks puff up in embarrassment as you tuck in your legs and lean comfortably to the side.
"Fuck you." You spat at him. "I could have you reported."
"Under what jurisdiction?"
You sit there with a disgruntled expression on your face and you're aware of the smug look that hides behind his stupid balaclava-clad face. Johnny isn't even high yet, but he's giggling like a maniac at everything Simon says. It's the thrill of getting caught red-handed with contraband and bloodshot eyes that makes him lightheaded and giddy. Not that they were bound by any real-world laws or regulations because the 141 operated outside the chain of command, but Price finding out would certainly be a damper in their mood.
But your frown turns into an evil simper. "I'll tell, Price."
And the mood drops for a moment, but Simon loves to challenge you. It's practically etched into his DNA to rile you up in any way he can.
"Go ahead, ducky."
"Don't call me that."
And Simon's hit a nerve, but that all seems to dissipate as soon as Johnny places the rolled-up joint between his lips and sparks up. The first sweet inhale relaxes every rigid nerve in the Scotsman's body as he passes it off to his Lieutenant and leans against the wall. Simon lifts his mask and your jaw ticks at his exposed flesh. His lips are a pretty pink that wraps around the spliff, before toking the absolute fuck out of it and holding it in before exhaling it out through his nose.
The pair exchange a look before nodding and grinning at each other. "Tha's good shit, maaate."
"C'mon, Kyle." Simon coos, beckoning him over. Kyle moves ever so slightly in his direction, but your hand grasps his wrists halting him back.
"Oh, come now, [name]. Don' be uptight. 's all good vibes round 'ere." The masked idiot smirks at you before passing it off. Kyle glances over at your disapproving stare before hesitantly taking a hit. It doesn't even take a second before he's coughing his lungs out and Simon and Johnny are cackling, keeling over on the tiny bunk. You think it may break under their weight at any given moment, but that's just wishful thinking.
"That's not how you do it, Kyle." You chide, seizing the joint from him and you're drawing in the smoke yourself as you demonstrate the proper way of inhaling it. Simon and Johnny go silent as they observe you clearly very shocked by your sudden volunteer.
"Gotta hold it properly." You bring the joint to your lips, comfortably positioning it between your fingers. "Don't inhale too quickly, or you'll cough your lungs out like you did just now. Take your time and hold it before releasing it, slowly." You indicate to him once more and the THC unravels months of built-up tension embedded in your body now that you got a proper hit.
You peer down at the spliff as you exhale the smoke. "Damn, that's good shit. Where did you twats get this?" Chuckling a bit at your usage of their own slang on them.
"Though' we were pourin' poison in the well, but the water is already spiked, it seems." Simon is lying back against the wall, propped up on his elbow with one leg flat and the other is bolstered up. He's relaxed as hell, surveying you like a cat as his tail swishes around with piquing interest. And Johnny is like his orange cat counterpart, licking his paws and rubbing his head as they lounge together on cloud nine.
"Mmm, she's always been like that. Naughty lassie." Johnny teases as he moves closer to you. He's sitting on your right as he eyes the way Kyle successfully follows your directions.
"Aye, tha's a good lad." Johnny praises, rubbing his thigh and Kyle is blinking up at him with hazy, honeyed eyes.
And for some reason you're taking offense to that. "Hey what about me?" You pout at him.
And he's beaming when his baby blues flicker to you. Calloused palm flattening against the expanse of your exposed flesh, riddling your thigh with gooseberries. There is a slight snatch in your breath as he caresses you but you don't move away and it's quickly starting to feel a little heavy as you feel everyone's eyes on you.
But before your body can even react, the door is getting barged into and there stands a very irate Price who literally looks like steam is pouring out of his ears. And just when you think that you're all about to get your asses handed to you, Price plucks the spliff from Kyle's fingers, opens the window and everyone is clamoring to rise from their seats thinking that he's going to toss it out. But you're all dead wrong.
My mans is taking the biggest puff out of all four of you before he jovially steeps the smoke out of his nostrils and he's nodding in approval, "Aye, tha's good shit."
There's a collective sigh of relief that settles upon the 141 before Simon speaks.
"Christ, Boss, least warn us."
"Thought y' were gonna bite o'r heads off." Johnny leans against the window sill, left of his Captain.
Price chuckles as he takes another brief toke before passing it off to Simon who was on his right.
"I should've, you lot were gonna finish it before I even got a toke."
Simon gazes over at you from where he's posted, inhaling the last few hits of the blunt, but you and Kyle are fucking zooted. I'm talkin heads rolled back against the couch cushions and you're gone.
And he is choking on the smoke as he laughs at the both of you before Johnny and Price glance over and join him. Their giggles attract your hazy attention and you lazily toss a pillow at the back of Johnny's head. But then you're cowering away as he approaches you in a jokingly menacing manner, wrapping his arms around you like he's about to perform a tickle attack.
The sound of your stomach growling rips through the silliness and he pouts at you and rubs your belly.
"You hungry, ducky?" Price is towering over you from behind the couch you are situated at, tucking the stray hairs behind your ear and you feel your cheeks warming up at your Captain's sedative voice.
You nod at him with a giddy smile, and before Price even opens his mouth Kyle is pulling up his Uber Eats app to order everyone's go-to Chinese take-out meals.
And as Price is extolling his Sergeant by lightly massaging his shoulders, Simon is taking your chin between his fingers and tilting his head at you.
"Y'got everyone at y'r beck an' call, ducky." But the nickname no longer has its previous bitterness. It's replaced with endearment as he pinches your cheek and that draws out a smile from you.
"Didn' know ye were s'experienced." Johnny's warm breath fans over your neck and you're starting to feel a buzz that's reminiscent of your uni days.
You hum in response as you feel Price's fingers gently scratch at your scalp, and there's a gentle euphoria that warms you to your bones.
"Quit yappin' her ear off." Price scolds the two, but something about the way you're being simultaneously taunted and dotted over is starting to ignite a bit of desire within you.
You shut your eyes and all your senses feel elevated as you're being coddled on all sides. And as much as Simon loves getting under your skin, there is something about the way you're blissfully sitting there not having a care in the world as everyone trills around you.
"Like a kitten." He warbles, caressing your cheek and you lean into his touch.
"A very cute kitten." Johnny nuzzles his nose into the crook of your neck as his fingers brush against your knee. A giggle leaves your lips and you're squirming away from his ticklish stubble.
But every way you're moving, you're in the hands of a different man who's relishing in your coquettish behavior. It's overstimulating really. So, the minute you hear wrapping at the front door you're jumping out of your seat to check out who's behind the peephole.
But it feels like a slo-mo scene as you're running away from the giggly, dazed men who follow closely behind you. By the time you're reaching the door, Johnny has already tripped over the end table, Simon is heaving for air and slipping over the barstools in the kitchen in a loud clatter, Price is attempting to help them both up but can't stop laughing his ass off and Kyle, well, mans is passed out on the couch with his mouth wide open.
You can hardly even contain yourself as you open the door, and the delivery man on the other side is flummoxed yet amused at the men in the background and then there was you. Giddy as hell, palms facing up with the most bloodshot eyes.
And before he can even get a word out, Johnny is wrapping his arms around your waist and carrying you back to the couch while Price is sending him off with a wad of cash as he grabs the food.
"Chattin' up the delivery lads, aye?" Johnny teases, as he pulls you into his lap and begins to tickle you. The smell of food is waking Kyle up from his little half-baked nap and he's ruffling your hair as food is being passed out.
"She doesn't need to bother. She's too fit for that." Kyle opens up his kung pao chicken and the smell floods into your nostrils, but he's already on it. "Say 'ahh'." He lifts the chopsticks to feed you the delicious morsels and you happily accept it with a jubliant hum.
"Spoiled little thing." Price chirps as he shoves his lo mein into his mouth. The sauce coats the corners of his mouth and the ends of his stache.
"An' who's fault is that?" Simon gestures at his Captain with his chopsticks. It was true. As their Captain, naturally, they fell in line behind him, so when they saw how he would pamper you excessively they would do it too. And not because of the fact that they were good little soldiers, but because it opened the doorway for them to openly chat you up or (consensually) feel up on you.
Price lets out a hearty laugh. "Ah, bullshit! The minute you lot clocked the opportunity to grab her, you were all over it!"
Johnny licks his lips as you feed him a crab rangoon. "Can ye blame us?"
You quickly cover his mouth with your hand and scrunch your nose up at him. "Don't talk with your mouth full, Johnny!"
He playfully nibbles at your hand and you're then being scooped up by Kyle, who is more than happy to accept your weight in his lap. And Johnny is moaning about how you're being stolen away.
"She's not being swiped if she's scarpering off by herself!" Kyle laughs as he's swatting away any attempts at Johnny trying to confiscate you back.
So, of course, Price wants to dig his heels into Simon when he sees how lackadaisical he is.
"Simon couldn't pull her even if he gave it a good go."
Dark, piercing eyes dangerously flicker to the smug Captain who lays back against the arm chair, sipping on his ale and waits as he takes the bait. One thing that Simon doesn't like is when someone's threatening his hold on his position in any type of situation that especially being you.
"I don't need t'bother." He retorts, taking a sip of his own drink as he man spreads on the sofa.
"Oh, and why's that?" Price is intrigued now. Simon narrows his eyes at him but continues to stuff his face with food, sticky bits of rice garnish the sides of his mouth. This doesn't stop the Captain from pressing the matter and it's now starting to capture your attention as Johnny misses your mouth when he attempts to feed you some stir fry and it stains for your cheek instead.
But Simon is effortlessly patient and cool as a cucumber when he's being dogged on by everyone now, and you're observing the situation closely. He carefully wipes his mouth with a napkin, takes a last swig of his drink before he gets up to clean up after himself. And Price is almost convinced that Simon has given up as used, balled up napkins are being tossed at him by Johnny and Kyle, but in one swift movement you're being tossed over the behemoth's shoulder. A squeak barely manages to escape you as he pats your ass and the others are scrambling to get you as they playfully jest at Simon.
"Ah, no fair!" Johnny tugs at Simon's waistband, and lets go with a loud snap to his pelvis.
"Unhand her!" Kyle laughs as he tries to grab your foot, but he's only left with your ankle sock.
And while those two idiots finally gather themselves to give in to chasing after him, Simon is booking it to his room, and Price is left cackling on the armchair enjoying the rest of his meal.
"Simon!" You giggle, as he's enforcing the door and locking it with one arm as you barely dangle off his shoulder.
He balances you out just for a moment before he tosses you onto his bed and successfully turns the lock. Johnny and Kyle's shouting can be heard on the other side of the door, but Simon doesn't seem to give two fucks as he's approaching you. You're laid out on his bed, cheeks flustered when he towers over you, grasps your wrist, and raises them above your head.
And as his lips are hovering above yours the door is getting busted into as Simon is getting tackled to the floor as the Sergeants hold him down. Your eyes ream at the little giggly clusterfuck, and then in strolls Price who sits on the end of the bed and scoops you into his arms. You feel dizzy in his warmth as you snuggle against him and he kisses the top of your head.
You begin to realize something while you watch Simon turn into a cackling mess as he's being simultaneously tickled mercilessly by Johnny and Kyle. Price has a triumphant smile plastered on his face. It creeps up slowly on you, but he had succeeded in properly baiting all three men, so he could get his way with you.
His azure hues shift to you and he's kissing your cheek. It makes your heart flutter, but you're shaking your head at him when he's gazes down at you with that impish expression.
"Naughty little minx." You wave your finger at him with a bubbly smile. And he's hiding his face in the crook of your neck, tittering away because he knows he's been caught red-handed.
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lovecanyon · 2 years
maybe a ig blurb where a woman does a post saying something about how her child is also harry's (but it's a lie) so everyone thinks that harry cheated on y/n and their relationship is gonna end ???? use this only if u want bella, ily! 🫶🏻
ceo!harry x jenner!y/n
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liked by jennerfan2, jennerfan5 and 671,930 others
pagesix A now ex friend to the Kardashian/Jenner family accuses Harry Styles of being the father to her newborn baby. Many sources tell us Y/N and Harry are furious about the news and are planning to sue the woman for defamation.
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jennerfan9 can everyone just leave harry and y/n alone
jennerfan6 i fear they can never live in peace 😭
jennerfan10 please be serious
jennerfan7 you know kris is going through all stages of grief
jennerfan8 everyone is jealous of y/n…that’s why
jennerfan11 y/n has harry wrapped around her finger…he will never cheat on her
jennerfan14 fake news
jennerfan17 and people wonder why harry is the way he is
jennerfan19 “now ex friend” so you're telling me one of y/n’s friends accused harry of being the father to her baby…
jennerfan12 leave them alone…is that so hard to do
jennerfan15 the way y/n’s sisters are probably fuming right now
jennerfan16 this is so…🤨
jennerfan13 let them live in peace
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liked by jennerfan20, jennerfan24 and 808,612 others
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jennerfan21 THEY ARE SO CUTE
jennerfan25 i seriously love them 😭
jennerfan27 seeing them reminds me that i will never have what they have
jennerfan23 don’t talk to me
jennerfan29 i love the way harry and y/n are so unbothered
jennerfan22 they have me in a chokehold
jennerfan26 just came back from suing people vibes 😌
jennerfan28 PLEASE
jennerfan30 y/n and harry are never going to break up
jennerfan33 one of the best couples EVER
jennerfan35 i aspire to be unbothered as them 🤭
jennerfan38 really don’t know who to be jealous of…
jennerfan31 mom & dad 🥹
jennerfan34 seeing them makes me have a breakdown
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liked by selenagomez, sofiarichie and 2,941,740 others
ameliaelsher meet jack bowie styles!
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jennerfan32 i-
jennerfan36 WE ALL KNOW DAMN WELL…
jennerfan39 her using bowie’s name as her baby’s middle name is so disrespectful
jennerfan41 literally…and the last name too
jennerfan43 now let’s be serious 🤨
jennerfan45 “james bowie styles” i’m throwing up and not in a good way
kimkardashian Please take this down. We both know this is not true.
jennerfan44 GET HER KIM
jennerfan40 @krisjenner DO SOMETHING MOTHER
jennerfan42 this cannot be real
khloekardashian When I showed Harry a picture of you, he didn’t even know who you were. Stop spreading lies when you know this man hasn’t met you.
jennerfan48 this is so embarrassing for her omg
jennerfan50 “this man hasn’t met you” TELL HER KHLOE 😭
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liked by jennerfan51, jennerfan53 and 561,430 others
karjennerdaily Y/N, Kendall and Hailey out in LA last night!
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jennerfan55 queens
jennerfan57 loving the way y/n is just living her life unbothered
jennerfan59 right!!!
jennerfan54 she does not care about amelia 😭
jennerfan60 icon unbothered as she should be
jennerfan52 a triple threat
jennerfan56 you can tell kendall loves y/n so much
jennerfan60 just a couple of besties
jennerfan62 harry was with them too 🤭
jennerfan64 he was just trailing after them like a lost puppy
jennerfan66 you just know kris told y/n and harry she’ll handle the situation
jennerfan61 I LOVE THEM
jennerfan63 my dream blunt rotation
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 5,260,195 others
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jennerfan65 this is so cute 🥹
yourinstagram kimmy i love you so much!
kimkardashian can’t wait to see you tomorrow for north and indie’s play date 🤍
jennerfan69 mother y/n is so adorable
kyliejenner my babies 😫
jennerfan71 kim really is a y/n defender…i love it
harrystyles Truly the best mama ever. xx
jennerfan73 harry loves y/n so much i’m crying
harry_lambert cuties!!!!
jennerfan70 y/n was born to be a mother 😭
alexademie cutest family ever 💞
jennerfan74 this is giving me baby fever
alessandro_michele 🍓🤍🍓
jennerfan72 you just know kim posted this in spite of amelia
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liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram and 7,118,927 others
kyliejenner Mama Styles and the one and only Bowie Styles! 👩‍👧‍👦
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jennerfan75 i love bowie and y/n 😭
harrystyles My little love bugs.
yourinstagram i love you h!!!
jennerfan77 @ameliaelsher you wish that was you huh
kendalljenner AHHH SUCH CUTIES 🥹
jennerfan79 “the one and only bowie styles” kylie said what she said 😌
krisjenner my darlings!
florencepugh so sweet ❤️
jennerfan80 bowie loves y/n so much 🫠
khloekardashian THE REAL BOWIE!!!
jennerfan82 they are so shady…i love it
emmalouisecorrin this is literally the sweetest thing ever
jennerfan81 the only bowie i know
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 5,217,920 others
khloekardashian Y/N and a three year old Bowie!
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jennerfan83 she’s such an amazing mother
yourinstagram awe i love you koko! ❤️
khloekardashian I love you more sissy 🤍
jennerfan87 literally the most underrated duo ever
annetwist absolutely love! 💞
jennerfan84 y/n’s sisters are so supportive of her…i’m sobbing
kimkardashian MAJOR CUTIES
jennerfan88 this is a throwback, i remember when harry posted this 😭
jefezoff bowie was so little!!!
jennerfan86 someone please run me over
kyliejenner my favorite duo ever
jennerfan89 when y/n had blonde hair and bowie was still small 🥹
benwinston the styles family is the best family
jennerfan91 @ameliaelsher 🎤 🎤
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liked by jennerfan90, jennerfan92 and 726,104 others
stylesnews Y/N with Bowie and his friend this morning eating breakfast in West Hollywood!
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jennerfan94 nobody: me: telling children my life story
jennerfan96 MOTHER!Y/N 🤗
jennerfan98 at this point…she needs to adopt me…i’m begging
jennerfan95 why is this so cute
jennerfan93 imagine having a friend…and his mother is y/n jenner
jennerfan97 sounds pretty iconic to me
jennerfan99 i love bowie and y/n content, they are such an amazing duo
jennerfan102 this is the sweetest thing ever
jennerfan104 y/n looks like she’s having a really important conversation with them 😭
jennerfan106 literally a milf
jennerfan109 she’s so unbothered
jennerfan103 i would be too, harry would never cheat on y/n nonetheless have a baby with someone other than her…
jennerfan107 i seriously love her
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liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and 10,528,166 others
yourinstagram i might have made them, but they made me a mother
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jennerfan112 I’M SOBBING
jennerfan114 the caption has me rolling on the floor
harrystyles I love you and our little family.
yourinstagram we love you daddy 🤍
jennerfan116 banging my head against the wall 😭
annetwist you were born to be a mother darling!
krisjenner one of the best moms ever 🤗
jennerfan110 y/n posting this after the whole situation is such a slay
jennerfan114 we all knew amelia was lying 🙄
kyliejenner i love you guys so much!!
jennerfan121 she makes me want to be a mother
gemmastyles my heart 😫
jennerfan124 y/n is such the sweetest mom
alessandro_michele 🖤🤍🖤
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 2,619,511 others
harry_lambert Y/N Styles for The Gucci 22’ Gala in Hollywood tonight! Custom dress by @gucci
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jennerfan130 is this her new stylist???
yourinstagram i love you lamby 🐑
harry_lambert I love you more darling! Thank you for giving me this opportunity! ❤️
jennerfan134 mr. lambert is her stylist!!! so slay
kimkardashian the prettiest girl on earth
jennerfan136 @harrystyles i would marry her too honestly…
kyliejenner HOLY SHIT ❤️‍🔥
jennerfan139 kylie is me
florencepugh i am drooling
jennerfan133 MILF MILF MILF
harrystyles The most beautiful woman ever.
yourinstagram i appreciate you so much baby!
jennerfan141 all i ask…is for something that harry and y/n have 😭
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @academiaghosts @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @newyorker14 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @eunoiamaa @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @olivialovesh @teawithcyb0rgs
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spourtneys · 5 months
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this trio is so beautiful to me... the shourtmanda realness...tall beautiful goddess whose last game was goldeneye 007 and her two little blonde guys that watch markiplier together. dream blunt rotation
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97keanu · 8 months
high asf rn wondering what keke characters would be fun to smoke with. neo and ted are in my dream blunt rotation lmao
*˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ omg wait let me get into this real quick, as a crusty stoner myself, I love this idea (nsfw of the top 5 below)
CW: drug use obvi, aggressive sex, bdsm, choking/spanking/slapping, some dub-ish con, degradation.
So obviously Ted would be the ideal candidate for a smoke sess. Expect the vibes to be extremely chill, likely watching a comedy or feel good movie, he's already set up with the snacks and if not, he loves taking a high walk with you down to the corner store to obtain such things.
Ted also loves high sex, he loves taking his time with you and giving as much as receiving (likely even giving more tbhhh...) He is the type to cuddle his way into sex, somehow you two go from spooning and watching harold and kumar, to him pulling you on top and you grinding yourself all over his cock through his jeans. He likes when you two take things slow, really enjoying the high and each other. He may even be open to sharing you with Bill if that's something you're also open to 🤭
Now, Neo however would be a whole different vibe. He gets high then starts getting extremely deep. What starts out chill very quickly turns into his conspiracy theories and how he's plotting to secretly over throw the government. The good news is he is not immune to the high horniness, and with a few well placed kisses, he's like putty in your hands. He quickly forgets all the crazy ideas he was on, and instead is more focused on how he can get you to sit on his face as soon as possible. I also think he is just as likely to Dom as he is to Sub while high. He may get too high and need you to take control, riding him and using him however you want. He may also find himself suddenly feeling bold enough to finally try that fantasy he always wanted to (maybe it's just me but I see his dom tendencies to be very rough in style, like, I need him making reader a rope bunny, taming a high, bratty reader, choking/slapping/spanking(his high mind is fascinated by how red he can make your cheeks.), using your whole body up as much as he can, degradation mixed with praise when you're a good little slut for him <3 (he's such a perv he likely even gets off on the fact that he feels like he can use you as he pleases while you're so high you can hardly fight back.) 😩)
I personally think both J.W. and J.C. would not be likely to get high with you (J.C. gives me drunk sex vibes for sure tho :3c) but I do think J.W. would take care of your every need (and I mean EVERY need) while you're high. He puts on a movie you enjoy so you don't get anxious, he talks to you sweetly, running his hands through your hair while you enjoy your high and relax. That doesn't mean you two won't have slow and relaxed couch sex while J.W. take over when you can't(expect some service top!J.W. who lays you down on the couch and pleases you until your a twitching moaning mess <3).
Meanwhile J.C. would be more likely to tease you relentlessly and not give you what you so desperately need until you're begging him. He has you all riled up, and you can't tell if you love him or hate him, and he doesn't let up on his mean and grumpy tendencies just because you're intoxicated. He is more than likely to make you work for it, making you grind on his thigh while degrading you for being such a horny slut that can't help herself. I could also see him into using some slaps across the face just to see those pretty little tears of yours well up while he tells you you're not allowed to cum yet, but it's so hard when he's bringing you so close and your body wants it so badly...
With all that in mind, I'm also going to say fully realized Demon!Kevin is going to do SUCHHHH dirty things to you when you two smoke. I would even bet that with his love of vices, he gets you both high in an effort to make sex better, and it would be SENSUAL as all hell. He is shotgunning the smoke into your mouth, he's taking it slow, he's not afraid of breaking out leather whips and toys to really draw out the fun. I'm sure he would love to tie reader up as well, making sure youre helpless for him, and then he can enact his real plan, which is to edge you and overstimulate you until the neighbors are worried for what's going on next door. He likely uses toys as well as his own cock and hands to spice things up, expect vibrators, nipple clamps, ball gags, the whole lot to be used on your so easily manipulated body. And you're like putty in his hands for the whole thing. What makes Kevin so fun is he makes sure to use the first half of the high to completely fuck you out of your mind, until your entire body feels light and fuzzy, and then uses the later half to clean you up and cuddle, whispering sweet things into your ear and catering to your non sexual needs now instead. As much as he can be a bdsm dom he also is extremely well versed in aftercare <3.
*˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳Thank you so much for this ask, sorry it took so long to get to!
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xerith-42 · 6 months
My Inner Demons Stoner Headcanons
Part 3 in my Stoner Headcanons series!
Fuck you I love this show and think it's the perfect setting for stupid shenanigans like this
Leif learns what weed is from TV (mainly cop shows) and knows Ava won't answer if he asks so he just asks Mrs Oats when Ava isn't around and she gives him some because she just has a medical card.
Leif fucking loves it. My man has such a hard time relaxing because he is always ready for a threat, always ready to kill, that he's honestly forgot what real relaxation feels like until this funny little plant turns his brain off.
He shows it to Asch first, who quite enjoys the ability to actually lower his guard. That and they don't have to use the lighter that still doesn't make sense. They can just have Asch light the blunt.
Rhys catches them smoking one time, but Leif is so chilled out he just passes the joint to Rhys and badly explains how to use it. Rhys does not have a good time initially, but he eventually settles into it. He decides he likes second hand smoke more than ingesting it directly
Noi is scared of smoking because his body is already considerably weaker due to his lack of magic. He's too scared to bring this up because he doesn't think there's an alternative, but Mrs. Oats leaves them a goody basket one day, saying she made too many sweets to eat on her own. There's a bag of "special" gummy bears for Noi.
Now I'm imaging Noi eating like 20 of them and not realizing they were edibles and going straight to god. Like he's just lying in his bed thinking about Ava, he blinks and then he just sees the portal of truth.
Pierce is the last to discover it, and he never voices an opinion on it. If he happens to walk into the room where it's being smoked, he'll join the rotation for a hit or two, but then he just leaves. He lies to lie on the floor of Ava's apartment with Johnny on his lap and just relax. Ava's caught him, but he's usually asleep, so she doesn't realize he's baked as fuck in his dreams.
The plot twist is that Ava has a medical card she just has to keep it hella on the down low for her dad's campaign. He wants to make it legal recreational, but until then, she has to be fuckin chill about it. One time Leif walks into her room without knocking to ask her something and despite everything seeming normal, he stops and then sniffs the air. And then he sees Ava's slightly bloodshot eyes.
I feel like Lorelei isn't an active stoner, she's the kind of person who only smokes around her friends who smoke. She never smoked it with Ava (because Ava's actually really good about hiding it), but one time she visits Ava's apartment and catches Leif about to duck into the portal to their place and he has a fresh joint in his hand. Instead of just smoking it on his own, Leif actually smokes it with her and hotboxes Ava's bathroom.
Oh god Ava getting sick at the festival because she took a hit off a vape before going on a roller coaster the fuckin dumb ass.
When they're forced to go back home Leif is pissed for a lot of reasons, but partially because he doesn't have his stash on him :(
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poopyboiman · 1 year
dream blunt rotation:
sniper - demo - engie - pyro - heavy
they would just chill out, laying down in the desert looking up at the night sky.
engie is showing pyro costellation while pyro is in aw thinking about how stars are just giant fire balls. Demo and sniper are talking about cryptids and heavy is just relaxing and listening to the others.
On the other hand, nightmare blunt rotation:
scout - medic - spy - soldier
they are all freaking out, scout died after the first hit, spy doesn't feel real and is quietly dissociating in a corner, soldier is rolling around on the floor and medic is having a panic attack because his heart beat was too loud.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
Can we have something for older!dilf!eddie where bunny is finally bonding with bri and they’re really getting along, watching a movie together at home, painting their nails, gossiping etc and Eddie gets home and hears them from the hall and gets emotional bc this is all he wanted since he had bri
I’m in a fluffy mood and it is dilf eddie day after all <3
Eddie hadn't meant to work so late. Really, he hadn't. But the holidays were always brutal, the fourth coming up, and every car in the world needed their tires rotated and oil changed before traveling. Which wouldn't be so bad, if the heat wasn't so brutal.
Eddie was tired, beyond exhausted. He longed for a hot shower to wash the grime of the dirt off, a beer maybe even sneak a blunt out in the shed, and his bed. His bed with you in it. He'd worried when he told you he'd be working late, that you'd be upset, that you'd cancel or huff at him angrily.
Instead, there you were. In your sweat pants, hair pulled back in one of those funny headbands Brielle was always wearing. Brielle beside you in a similar state, eyes glued to the TV.
"Oh my God, Brandi is insane." You gawked at one of the screaming figures on TV.
"Right? She's fucking unhinged, but you know what? Kinda iconic of her." Brielle shrugged, swirling the polish around the small bottle.
You snorted, shaking your head, eyes rolling before cutting back over to Eddie, his frozen, looming figure in the doorway. "Hey, Ed," You smirked, a bright teal face mask covering your skin. Brielle had a matching one, muttering her own greeting towards him.
"Hi girls," Eddie watched carefully, approaching the two of you with all the caution you would a wild animal.
"How was work?" You hummed, eyes still glued to the TV.
"Long." Eddie sighed, leaning over to press a kiss to the top of Brielle's head, another to yours.
"I'm sorry." You grimaced lightly in sympathy. "Brielle and I ordered pizza if you want any. There's some on the counter. I can heat it up for you."
Eddie smiled lightly, squeezing your shoulder lovingly. "Thank you, bunny, but I'm just gonna go take a shower real quick." He was mesmerized, eyes darting back from you to Brielle like he might be dreaming.
"Ok," You nodded, squeezing his hand sweetly. "Just let me know if you want me to heat it up."
"I will." Eddie nodded. He started towards the hall, pausing at the door frame. "Are you two sure you're ok?"
Brielle looked at him like he'd grown three heads, an annoyed snarl that she could have only inherited from Gina. "What?" She asked, brow raising.
"We're fine." You nodded gently. "Just watching the Real Housewives."
Eddie scoffed playfully, rolling his eyes at the two of you. "Oh, well, don't let me keep you." He grinned.
Padding down the hallway, Eddie could hear your muffled voices, excited and cordial for once, not biting or defensive. Brielle's giggles mixing with your own, the sound of the TV washing out the rest of their chatter. Eddie smiled to himself, twisting the shower knob on with a satisfied smirk. Suddenly, he felt better, a little more relaxed and content now that his two favorite girls were finally starting to get along.
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