#Drainage Ditch
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pargery · 4 months
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3 frogs
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inthecityofgoodabode · 5 months
April 2024: Saturday Wasteland Walk
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I spotted these irises growing wild along the drainage ditch bank:
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I showed my queen the photos of the irises & asked her if she wanted some. The answer was seven. Fetch quest accepted:
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Great blue heron & a hawk in flight:
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Those clouds looked really stormy but it was all bluff:
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frommylimitedtravels · 11 months
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Fall is getting ready to turn into winter
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vqpn · 9 months
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Fields flooded so much it created a temporary lake.
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I’d like to potentially start making some more informative posts with more compilations of like, where you should go to find this bug, what to do/look for to catch it, what makes this bug distinct visually, things I find cool, diet and behavior info, range info, etc. I also am thinking of making a guide on what qualifies as an aquatic insect and what bugs I cover. Would y’all prefer I do like a big pinned guide to the list of aquatic orders and families now with a full list, or that I start the list with only what I’ve already posted on and update it as I make a post about a different aquatic insect, starting smaller and working up to the full list? Either way I’d like to make a nice master post about each order (ex. As many mayfly families as I can possibly discuss) one day anyway, which I imagine it would link to.
Also, I’m running into the issue of my knowledge on aquatic insects being extremely regionally specific! My experience is limited as well, making it difficult to know what I’m missing! If you have any advice on how to make my posts more informative or include more variety of bugs, I’d love to hear it.
A third, final, and more personal note…. Anybody got conservation entomology grad school advice? Where are you people..
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yugiohz · 4 months
me watching boys do nerve-wracking extreme sports on youtube shorts wow i should draw deku and bakugo do that
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bibleofficial · 9 days
wallpaper is insane like u find a product w an ugly print ? wallpaper it. just multiple uncoordinated things put together ? wallpaper it. ugly door ? wallpaper it. ugly wall ? landlord won’t let me wallpaper it
#stream#tumblrs aging demographic etc but this was actually abt diys#the years of getting very stoned & watching the sorry girls & not even remembering what the original video was have prepared me to diy#everything#like ALSKALSKALSKLAKSLAKAA i love pullin shit out the trash like u don’t want it ? i do ‼️#i can REPURPOSE IT#i think it’s so funny#like the way i was raised was to recycle or whatever but my father also raised us to save everything bc what if u need the parts u know dads#so i just do. one of my core memories from ‘a child’ i was probably in like 8th grade at this point was when the hubcap of my fathers car#fell off his old as dirt hunk of junk older than me automobile & he was too cheap to pay like 25$ for a new 1 so he took my brother & i to#this like drainage ditch expecting US to go poke around in there & get it & i said absolutely fuckin not#bc this same man would tell us - bc we had to buy our own toys so like we u know saved whenever we got money from bday or christmas or u#know manual labour in exchange for money bc ok yea at least he taught us to demand what ur worth w that but it was like 5c ea pinecone 1c ea#stick or like ‘help me repair the roof’ ‘pressure wash the fence’ i was like 9 ALSKALSKALKSLAKSLAAKS - he’d take us to the toy store &#we’d bring our money but instead we’d go to the hardware store & do all the errands & force us to do everything w him then he’d just say#‘yea it’s too late for that sorry’ like it was just. captive audience. this man is the reason i don’t go anywhere unless i know i can leave#on my own or when i want somehow bc girl …. I DONT TRUST ANYBODY HES A LIAR & A SCAMMER LIKE#but that’s just family heritage it’s genetic we’re a long line of liars & scammers but the buck ends here bc i’m not having bio children#or any children#lord knows i’ll be dead long before the chance could arise#i shouldn’t say things like that but ALSKALKSLAKSLAKSLAKSLA WE KNEW WE’D DIE YOUNG#this started w wallpaper#i’m so high#also very very bored#i’ve to do dishes & i absolutely 100% do not want to i hate dishes so fucking much i hate doing them i hate being around them i hate seeing
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mercurialmalcontent · 5 months
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This would be a beautiful, cozy winter day… IF IT WAS DECEMBER.
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horsebeast · 7 months
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bug river
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the-lonelyshepherd · 6 months
OUGHHH this is a fun one TYSM FOR THE ASK
ughh hard to say. i’d say like, no work at all. like i cleaned the night before and everything. and like getting up early not too early but like sunriseish and being well rested yk. i always have to get up early but im always tired but i love being up early on the rare days im not.
feed my fish then take my dog on a walk or a bike ride, in a cool naturey place. bring pencils and draw idk. see cool animals. then maybe look in drainage ditches and find cool native fish. ohhh yes like i would bring a backpack and stuff and temp containers and just pull out pondwater in jars and see what i can find bc that shit is so fun.
probably like after allat which would take up a lot get home, clean out/refill fish tanks except in this ideal world i would have a water pump and wouldn’t have to manually use buckets. someone help me i literally use buckets. medieval era 😔. then maybe get good food, something cool and flavorful idk. then watch a movie or tv show w dog on couch. maybe draw some. then sleep 🫶
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inthecityofgoodabode · 9 months
January 2024: The Second Week
Oven dried tomatoes made using this recipe. These are some of our Juliet tomatoes that we harvested right before the first freeze of 2023:
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My queen was called up for jury duty this week but wasn't selected so she won't be called for at least another year. She got 11 dollars for the one day... parking near the court house cost 18. She'd still do it again:
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A week's worth of seen while walking:
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The best photo I could manage of a pileated woodpecker:
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All decked out for Mardi Gras:
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Gray squirrel street preaching:
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robthepensioner · 6 months
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This ditch in Blackpool is usually dry, but we have had a bit or rain recently.
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californiaquail · 11 months
ok i did the driving today but now i have so much anxiety about the things that have already happened that i can't sleep. who wants to try their hand at lobotomizing
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rascheln · 9 months
The cool and mildly scary thing about the area my dad's partner lives in is that because the land is SO flat there's fields running parallel to the road and houses that just turn into lakes when there's too much rain or the river overflows. Looks pretty, but also means that there's a flooding risk even with dams everywhere.
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You can see where the usual drainage ditch is. Everything up to the trees on the other side is usually a field.
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