#Dragon Lore
ghost-bxrd · 2 months
Is Jason struggling hard trying to deal with envy that Tim has taken his family, his place in the court, his dragon? Of course, but at the end of the day Tim never owed Jason’s memory any respect or loyalty. But the egg he stayed up late whispering his hopes and notions of friendship and happiness and protection, patient and gentle for years, despite everyone telling him it was a lost cause. His egg –now a dragon– has forsaken the only person to dedicate themself wholeheartedly to its safekeeping. So Jason might eventually get to a point of understanding and tolerance with Tim but the little dragon must have felt him off in the distance and given up on him. It is the only way the pieces fit together. How can Jason accept that? He never faltered in his belief in his egg but as soon as he seemed weak it discarded him for someone easier to love.
It certainly seems that way to Jason, yeah :/
(Jason has no way of knowing that Robin hatched only a few weeks after his perceived death, and that the little dragon was inconsolable for many months to the point of near starvation, and that Dick and Bruce were so wrung out about Robin’s impending loss that Tim snuck into the dragon caves to try and coax the baby dragon to eat something, and that Robin didn’t just latch onto the first best person he saw, no, Robin felt that Tim came the closest to Jason’s kindness and uplifting spirits for the first time in months….)
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ride-thedragon · 4 months
With wild dragon discourse left and right and ahead I'm going to give some book accurate dragon pointers.
There are only 3 wild dragons. The Cannibal, Sheepstealer, and Grey Ghost. No other dragon is described as wild. Mostly because they were either claimed before, like Vhagar and Vermithor or Hatched, and did not go into the caves, staying with humans, like Tessarion and Sunfyre. Those dragons are simply unclaimed.
The difference between them is literally human dependency, human interactions, and the way they eat.
The Three wild dragons are also really different and the way they eat/hunt is the reason they have their names.
The Cannibal not only eats humans but seemingly dragon hatchlings, which is why there are only three seemingly. There isn't a recorded pleasant interaction between the Cannibal and Humans.
Sheepstealer steals sheep from where he hunts, and so that's why he has the name. He's recorded as mostly harmless, which is why he seems the most promising to dragonseeds, but due to him not wanting to be claimed and playing with the Cannibal at this time, he gets more hostile than any other dragon during the sowing.
Grey Ghost is a pale grey dragon that hides in his cave most times unless he's going to hunt. Then he hides in the mist over the sea and eats fish.
During the sowing, the Cannibal and Sheepstealer are besties and Greyghost stays away. When Sheepstealer is claimed, they kinda stop being mentioned because they aren't deemed as worth trying to claim as he was.
They also don't have a designated place. They move between Driftmark and Dragonstone in the books.
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skyscrapergods · 8 months
Can dragons cross with any species? Are there any ascended dragons?
Dragons have a dragon lord who grows much bigger than the others and lives much longer. It is a type of ascension, but they do not become immortal. It is part of dragon culture to periodically step down and choose a new dragon lord through contests and battle. So none of them become like gods, as the transfer of power is acquiesced upon choosing a new lord.
Think of it as a president with term limits vs a king or rules until he dies.
The former dragon lord goes back to being a normal guy, and the new dragon lord gets big and powerful until her term ends later on.
Dragons cannot cross with non-dragons, but there is so much variation within dragon communities that to a pony, two different dragons look like completey different species, even if they are siblings.
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the-typing-dragon · 6 months
inside my head there are multiple callable functions. some are standard, like "Display Energy", or "Appear Happy", and some are more vague such as "Long Term Walking Mode". Most of these functions are manually activated, however some of them have more specific conditions such as stress above a certain threshold or sudden surprise interactions. Most functions have instantaneous activations, however some of them have cooldown/windup periods. this is a very normal way of formatting thought processess
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medusas-daughter · 2 months
As much as I loved the idea of Laenor escaping the political shenanigans he never liked and the life he felt trapped in and living his best gay retirement selling oranges with his boyfriend, that is a plot hole. That is a fanfiction plot that should have stayed on ao3 where it belongs. Vaghar followed Laena's body from Essos till Driftmark. Stormcloud was barely big enough to fly and not at all ready to bear a rider yet but he flew his rider across the narrow Sea just because his rider needed him. Drogon left when he felt caged but he came back for Dany. Helaena hadn't ridden Dreamfyre in years, and yet Dreamfyre roared in pain everytime her rider was in pain. There is no way Seasmoke would have just stayed in Dragonstone this whole time. He would have followed Laenor. He would have followed the bond and flown away to Essos after a while. The explanation that Laenor died off screen isn't enough, they state in the show that Seasmoke just stayed in Dragonstone that doesn't make any sense with dragon lore.
If they didn't want to show Daemon and Rhaenyra killing Laenor, which is never confirmed in the book so they didn't have to, there was another way. Laenor was getting more and more restless and reckless. The night Aemond claimed Vaghar, Laenor was out drinking and came back all bloodied. He was depressed, he was feeling both like his family was trapping him and like he was failing them, he lost his sister. His death could have been a legit drunken accident. They could have shown the accident on screen, letting the audience know neither Rhaenyra nor Daemon were near him at the time. And then the timing of the Daemyra wedding alone would be enough to make them look suspicious. They tried too hard to make Rhaenyra look absolutely perfect. No no no she didn't marry the love her life weeks after the death of her husband no she helped him get his happy ending with his boyfriend and then got her happy ending. Well, it doesn't make sense now. I don't mind deviations from the book but they have to make sense.
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lemonhemlock · 2 months
It sucks HBO cut the season short so close to filming and it sucks they had to keep going during the writer’s strike, so I don’t doubt we would have had a better season if that hadn’t happened. But I’ll be honest, that’s only the main issue if your problem with this season was a lack of action, awkward dialogue, or that the finale “didn’t feel like a finale”. If your problem was the jump in characterization from season one to two or the fact that Rhaenyra and Alicent need two contrived meetings, or the massive lack of depth the Greens are afforded- not sure much would have changed on that front. Even within the shortened season, we still have some things that make no sense, especially knowing they were working with such a condensed timeline. Remember when Aemond found out B&C came through his room, looked at the tunnels, and then did nothing about it? Remember when we had 5 min of Alicent and Rhaenyra in the sept, agreeing it’s too late to do anything, only for that to be undone 5 episodes later? Remember Alicent’s two bath scenes that both convey the same thing that also conveyed in nearly every Alicent scene (her big eyes are sad and she feels guilty!)?
Idk, I do understand they worked within contraints, but they then made some bizarre choices within those constraints. Especially knowing things like a final shot of Rhaenys’ body on the ground, or even a brief second of Cregan with the winter wolves was cut- but we have 45 seconds of Aemond getting on a horse to get to his dragon? Would we not have understood the urgency otherwise?
to be honest, aemond getting on a horse was one of the few entertaining moments bc at least there WAS a sense of urgency to it and a real stake, you know? imo the problem was the intrigue: why was it necessary for us to see ulf flying right over king's landing after having just claimed silverwing?
in a season where we have seen only seconds of sunfyre and nothing of dreamfyre?? all the dragon budget wasted on dumbass shit like extra scenes with caraxes and syrax, dragons we already know have a bond with their riders
meanwhile ulf is such a natural at dragon-riding that 5 minutes after claiming one he flies the entire fucking distance from dragonstone to KL, meanwhile helaena "doesn't have a taste for riding" and they wanted to make aegon incompetent at flying before tom put his foot down 🙄 what a joke
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and yeah this was??? absolutely should have been cut!! they didn't even show him at the small council meeting! where was the editor?!
honestly incredible that reviewers were praising the writing for the greens the first four episodes 🤡 i'm this close 🤏 to employing r/freefolk-level insults
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HTTYD List of Dragons that I’ve compiled including some of the most important, the freakiest, and generally ones I loved the most. And plenty of them that I believe Rhaegar would geek out about in a Viserys-Lego-Years-Long style.
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@syndrossi I hope you enjoy the read.
I figured to start out with the main dragons we meet in the first film as well as the ones we follow the most in the series since the main characters are their riders. These are the ones that have the most personality as well since we spend so much time with them, but almost always see personality in every dragon we meet in the show. The fun thing about these dragons is that not one of them have a whole ‘monster’ vibe ‘we gotta kill it’ no, there’s a reason why they act this way, sometimes they’re hungry, they’re searching for something, it’s about survival, but overall, the majority on this list are intelligent but wild animals. Some can be trainable, some can’t be, and that’s fine.
Dragons in this universe have a type of Class. I’ve never delved fully into it but from my recent research I’ve seen:
Stoker Class - mainly fire types, although a majority of all dragons have fire-breathing these are the main direct fire ones that rely on it the most.
Boulder Class - heavy, tough scales, mainly shoot lava type fire and eat rocks.
Sharp Class - contain some sharp anatomy body-types or sharp extremities, like spikes or horns.
Strike Class - very fast, very agile, amazing accuracy.
Tidal Class - water dwellers
Tracker Class - a new class in the show, it can be given to other dragons from other classes, it’s in the name, they’re able to track almost anything from miles away.
Fear Class - stealth, sneaky, terrifying.
Mystery Class - generally where dragons are placed when there isn’t much known about them or they’re very rare. It isn’t unusual for dragons to show up in Mystery Class only to be placed in a Class they fit in better after getting to learn their abilities and traits.
Now, onto the dragons! Dragons in this universe are ‘trainable’ in the sense that with enough time and trust, a dragon can technically be bonded to any human. This does not apply to all dragons of course and not to all humans, as a human needs to be as open as the dragon to form a bond. A rider is also not limited to their dragon and vice-versa. While they don’t typically switch around, there have been moments when main characters ride other dragons momentarily or their dragons are ridden by other people (again, rarely.)
Their diet is also mainly fish-related and raw. Although it depends on the dragon, some prefer chicken or goats, even fruits. And as we know, Boulder class enjoy rocks.
Night Fury
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The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. The only one we ever really meet is Toothless. He is the fastest of the other dragons, a Strike Class and his flame is typically referred to as Plasma Blasts. Quick and powerful projectiles that land heavy damage to their enemies. Night Furies also tend to dive-bomb in a fight, using speed as their weapon and they have echolocation! They have retractable teeth and amazing accuracy, Hiccup himself says that Toothless “never misses”. They also have great acute senses, in the first movie, Toothless was able to hear his rider screaming all the way across the village in a hidden cove. This also showed how loyal Night Furies are as Toothless clawed his way out of that cove to get to Hiccup (something he tried before but couldn’t achieve before their bond was formed). They’re also intelligent creatures, when Hiccup spares his life upon their first meeting and decides to let him go, Toothless could have just killed him but recognizing mercy, let him go as well.
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Deadly Nadder
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Nadders are very beautiful and they know this. They enjoy pruning and keeping themselves clean. Nadders are in the Tracker Class (used to belong to the Sharp Class). They have folded spikes on their tails that they can extend and shoot like projectiles at enemies. Nadders are similar to birds or chickens in their walking stance, they have a blind spot right below their jaw but be careful! They have excellent hearing. They enjoy hunting in packs. Nadders are also very loyal to their riders, putting themselves in harms way to keep them safe.
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A Boulder Class dragon, Gronkles love to eat rocks and shoot molten lava (and lava rocks) as their main fire power. They have thick heavy scales and a tail made for offense. They’re not the fastest with their small wings and they prefer to be on the ground (thats where you find rocks!) In the show, our main Gronkle, Meatlug, was fed a particular combination of rocks that led to her molten lava coming out and forming a type of light but incredibly tough metal. (Think of it as their version of Valyrian steel.) Sociable and like packs.
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Monstrous Nightmare
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These can be a bit of a show off, they like to think they’re the toughest of the tough in their Stoker Class. Perhaps that’s because they can light themselves on fire! Yep, Nightmares’ scales produce this flammable gel that they can activate to light on command. Hookfang, our resident Nightmare, doesn’t get to do it as often because it would burn his rider.
But since Jon and Rhaegar don't burn it wouldn't be much of a problem, although I doubt they'd like going into battle naked. OTOH, Daemon next to a flaming Caraxes is a new-level of terrifying.
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Hideous Zippelback
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Our only main Mystery Class dragon, oh! And did I mention he has TWO heads? Meet Barf and Belch, one head (on the left) breathes a green awful gas while the other has a sparking-type flame that sets the gas ablaze. After a while, dragons tend to mimic their riders personalities more often than usual, so when their riders, a pair of twins called Ruffnut and Tuffnut, start bickering or fighting, it’s not long before Barf and Belch start literally butting heads with each other.
Zippelbacks are also notoriously loyal to those that help or save them. When Hiccup and Toothless save them from a rock avalanche, the dragon sticks to the pair, in debt to them until it was repaid.
I particularly love how each head has a specific function and it isn't just random or basic like fire and ice (IYKYK). They're part of a cohesive system and work together, they need each other.
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all these previous dragons mentioned are easily trainable and sociable with both dragons and humans after the effort is put in.
bonus: Hiccup reading the Book of Dragons for the first time, we see a bunch of different dragons here for the first time! This is where we get to see the different types of dragons as well, and we do eventually meet all of them throughout the large franchise.
Time for more dragons! The following are dragons we get to see in the show, a few more recurring than most. The show does have a usual dragon-of-the-week format but not always. And it always depends on the situation but regardless we always add more to the dragon lore.
Whispering Death:
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Boulder Class dragon that prefers to be underneath the earth than flying above it, uses its thousands of teeth to drill into the very earth.
Very lamprey-esque that still fills me with nightmares.
Have poor eyesight and a terrifying roar.
Hold grudges against dragons and humans.
Not the best fliers as they prefer to be on land.
They don't often travel in packs but they can, although it isn't brought up much.
not trainable.
Screaming Death
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He’s just a lil guy.
An albino giant Whispering Death called the Screaming Death in the show. It's said that a Screaming Death only comes to be every one hundred years. This one is a recurring obstacle in season 2 for the gang of dragon riders.
The Screaming Death we meet is a thousand times more ferocious than any previous Whispering Deaths’s we’ve seen before. He’s also barely a year old.
More than that, he was taken from his mother which is the cause of most of his behavior until he reunites with her in a season finale where he had been an ongoing obstacle for the the mains.
untrainable— DON'T EVEN TRY IT
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What a name.
A Mystery Class dragon that, because of its weak scales, uses the bones of dead dragons to protect itself.
Very stubborn, it will go far and wide for years on end to find the perfect fit for his armor, even risking its life in the process.
Has a deafening roar that can send Vikings ten feet away from him. He's incredibly stealthy and able to sneak up on anyone.
We meet this dragon in a special short film.
trainable after some effort and offering something he wants.
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The Scauldron
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A Tidal Class dragon, meaning he's a water dweller.
The Scauldron shoots boiling hot water at its enemies.
Typical loners, and like most water dwellers they can't go long when stuck on land.
That’s how we meet Scauldy, a Scauldron that is stuck on land and the riders wish to rescue. He forms a bond with Ruffnut thanks to her fish-scented hair.
trainable, but rare and under the right circumstances.
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A Sharp Class dragon that we actually don't get to meet in the main series but rather the sequel series set in the future (it's eh)
Timberjacks have sharp wings that can cut through entire forests (and enemies).
They closely resemble Monstrous Nightmares in a way.
Loyal to their riders regardless of anything, these aren't dragons to mess with.
Usually solitary.
Extra extra: EVEN MORE dragons for Rhaegar to go crazy over.
Terrible Terror
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So, in the books, Toothless was just a small common Garden dragon that got his name from the fact that his teeth just hadn't come in (and then when he got one, he lost it in a fight to an adult dragon).
When the writers began planning for the movies, they knew they wanted Hiccup to have a dragon big enough to ride, thus the size and species changed.
And so the Terrible Terror was born as an homage to the original Toothless.
Terrors are the size of a large cat or an iguana, they purr like cats and are part of the Stoker Class, so they are fire breathers.
But what they lack in size they make up for by attacking in large packs.
Terrors ended up being something of a comic relief from time to time. Although Hiccup did begin to train them to deliver messages, inventing 'Terror Mail'.
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One of the few Tidal Class dragons able to breath fire although they don't use it often, their main method of attack is actually a strong concussive sound that can kill a human in close range.
They can dwell easily on either land or water, and they can expel the oxygen from their body to flaten their bodies to be able to glide across the surface and easily catch their prey.
They can be reclusive but enjoy travelling in pods.
Thunderdrums are also hard of hearing, making them the only dragons known to be immune to the Deathsong dragon.
trainable but they are stubborn and a challenge.
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This Mystery Class dragon is able to camaflouge using its chamaleon-like scales to blend into their surroundings.
Instead of fire, they shoot hot, corrosive acid that burn rocks and wood (as well as humans). They're also incredibly fast and stealthy.
One alone is a threat but can be taken down, thus why they hunt in packs. But they're large enough to defend themselves too.
Their packs also follow a typical lion pride style, as their females are the hunters.
Aggressive to humans and other dragons, they're also not opposed to eat both.
not trainable
Night Terrors
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Not exactly cousins to Terrible Terrors although they do receive their name from them.
These nocturnal Stoker Class bat-like dragons opperate best as a team.
They unite in masses to form a large shape as their main defense to scare off predators, typically following their Alpha (a slightly larger sized and white scaled Night Terror.)
We meet them in the beginning of Race to the Edge, the riders claim an empty island of their own and come across these little guys. By taking away the leader, the rest scramble and run, not able to function together as a group. They get along well and name the Alpha Night Terror, Smidvarg.
Since it's their island too, they come to an agreement and the Night Terrors act as sentries or sentinels for the island.
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Not unlike the Boneknapper, this Mystery Class dragon uses metals to protect their scaleless bodies.
Their bodies are also somewhat magnetic, any metal coming into direct contact stays there until they can properly forge it.
Speaking of forging, when they do melt metal onto their body, their fire is unsually bright and one of the hottest seen.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were to be reclassified as a Stoker Class, even their shape is very Monstrous Nightmare-like.
Some actually have a preference for specific metals. It could range from iron, bronze, silver, or even gold.
Smothering Smokebreath
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They get their name from the fact that they can't breathe fire but rather exhale extreme thick plumes of black smoke.
These guys are not inherintly aggressive at all, they actually prefer to avoid fights.
They're always in packs due to their small size, only slightly bigger than Night Terrors. Together, their joint smoke breath appears like a natural fog bank, keeping them hidden and safe from predators.
Their reputation has been quite supernatural for years, thanks to their smoke, no one has ever gotten a good look at what they look like, making them larger than life and spreading scary tales.
They're also little thieves that like shiny things, typically stealing anything metal to keep in their caves.
not trainable, they don't like to leave their home, although i wouldn't 100% rule it out.
Speed Stinger
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Okay, I know, they look like velociraptors from Jurassic Park, bear with me.
For decades they were believed to be a rumor or legend.
The ultimate of the Strike Class, they don't have wings but are the fastest dragons on land that you'll ever meet. And I hope you never do.
They're scavengers and hunters, always in packs and never alone, using their poison tipped tails to paralyze any victims they claim.
Incredible aggressive and not an easily susceptible threat.
They typically get to places by running across glaciers and frozen bodies of water, but over time other packs have evolved and even developed webbing to be able to run across water.
They aren't trainable but it's not impossible, the riders once found an injured adolescent Stinger, nursed him back to health and managed to train him for months before sending him back to his pack.
This was a specific circumstances case, so I would still call them untrainable.
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The Deathsong is one of new dragons we get to meet and name along the way.
Very beautiful on the outside, resembling a butterfly to attract prey from afar but that's not all it can do. Coming from its name, the Deathsong's most potent form of attack is its siren song.
Able to attract and disoritent humans and dragons alike.
Once prey has arrived, the Deathsong is able to shoot out an orange hot type of lava at its victims that hardens instantly like amber.
This way it keeps its victims on standby before consuming them, dragon and human alike.
Aggressive and solitary.
Not trainable as an adult, but we did see the riders train one since he was a hatchling, forming a bond that lasted even years after being in the wild.
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The only dragon we don't get to see in the movies or the shows but I included him since he was just so interesting.
He's one of the Titan dragons due to his colossal size and has thick foliage and trees that grow on his back.
Foreverwings sleep for a long time, typically on mountains so their backs grow larger and denser, becoming homes for all matter of creatures, dragons and animals alike, able to live in peace and harmony amongst each other.
It also spews copious amounts of lava able to take down entire villages.
More dragons:
Dramillion - this dragon is capable of mimicing fire blasts of other dragons
Snow Wraith - a cold dwelling dragon, entirely white with red eyes, solitary and impossible to find
Catastrophic Quaken - her mouth opens in a split way that makes it terrifying. also can curl into itself like an armadillo and smashing themself against enemies or large rocks
Typhoomerang - A new species of dragon that the gang encounters. Their first dragon that isn't in the Book of Dragons actually, so they get to name the species and spend time with a hatchling for a while. These Dragons leave scorch marks on the ground not unlike a typhoon sigil and tend to come back down the same way, like a boomerang.
And there are so, so, so many more.
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Hi guys, do you have any recommendations of HTTYD fanfics in which Toothless or/and Hiccup isn't as forgiving for the gang as he's in show? Something like why hiccup flinches by Doctor_Discord
Or in which the dangerousness of night furies is more explored? Or dragon lore? Or where is lot of world building? Or where is shown the aftermath of abuse/neglect that hiccup experienced?
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xxdemonicheartxx · 6 months
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Meet Vico! (They/Them Xey/Xem)
They’re Ivory Eye's newest scout and field guide, noting wether or not plants, animals, paths and local vistas are safe or not, their keen eye and swift feet make xem very efficient at the job at hand, pouches for samples and notebooks adorn their apparel to bring back reports and specimens to the clan scholars for more in depth study.
Xey are an understudy of Conundrum and Lavitra
Conundrum is The Drifter's main scout and Lavitra is one of the clan's couriers these two have shown Vico safe paths and helped them start most of their notes for the best comprehension and safest paths back home no matter where xey find themself
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tippett-in-a-robe · 8 months
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After 23 hours, I finally got this done! 😭
A size comparison between Dragons and their closest animal relatives. So, like, kinda how other primates are to us.
(Also don’t judge the animal’s names. I kinda had to make them up on the spot using different definitions of words I looked up lol. The words in the parentheses are their common names).
Starting from left to right at the largest brown one, here’s some info:
The Dragon:
They are the largest, most physically dangerous, and most intelligent out of all the Draco’s.
They are technologically advanced and live in a society. (Which has its own ways to control any criminals, but that’s for another post lol).
They are the only Draco’s left alive that can actually breathe fire.
They are the only Draco’s that walk almost exclusively on only two legs despite having 8 limbs.
They are also the only ones who have (almost) no “fur.”
The extra spikes are believed to have evolved for self defense against other dragons.
They have also evolved to be pretty much totally fire proof as an evolutionary retaliation against other dragons who’d wanna burn them alive.
Although it isn’t seen, they have 3 meter long thumb claws on their wings… which dragons fear more than the fire tbh.
They also come in the widest variety of colors and patterns. Through evolution, they became so overpowered, that color/camouflage became irrelevant.
The Brawgon:
They are the largest Draco that is not a dragon.
They live within the largest jungle/rainforest on their planet, and have a mostly vegetarian diet.
They have the strongest jaws out of all Dracos, including Dragons. They are so strong in order to crush some hard-shelled fruits n stuff.
They are purple and green to help them blend into the leaves and trees of their niche. (The planet’s main color of plant life is purple and green).
They live in small social groups like Gorillas do.
They, like many of the large Draco’s, have an uncanny ability to mimic voices, and can even form simple sentences if they learn what those words mean. Many early Dragon explorers and hunters have come back home with some tales about magical creatures which mimicked their voices, trying to “allure” them into their traps. Later, dragon scientists found out that these stories were true to an extent. They found that Brawgons hid in the deep foliage and mimicked the voices of Dragon conversations.
The Grimmogon:
They live in a wide expanse of desert like the Seringetti.
They also live in small social groups and often hunt their prey like a pride of lions.
They are arguably the most likely to attack if provoked, and are therefore considered to be the most dangerous Draco that is not a Dragon.
Their diet is mostly meat, and will only rarely substitute with fruits and other plants.
They hunt a variety of animals, including the largest, most armored land animals on their planet.
They are considered the most intelligent Draco that is not a Dragon, and have the best ability to mimic voices.
One individual Grimmogon that was in a rehabilitation center learned not just how to mimic words, but how to form simple sentences of their own, using those words. He knew how to ask for snacks by watching a worker’s child ask for them from her father.
When the Grimm was released, he taught random words to his group.
Other studies have even been able to teach some individuals how to draw simple drawings on rocks, and later, dragon researchers have found them drawing on cave walls.
Some consider the Grimmogons to be on the verge of their own Stone Age. They are the Dragon’s absolute closest animal relative anyway.
The Chittarogon:
They live in one of the most secluded places on their planet: some of the highest mountain ranges. Think the Andes Mountains.
They’re one of the more antisocial Draco’s, and social groups don’t usually have more than 5 members at a time due to lack of resources for larger numbers.
They are mostly carnivorous, but will also eat any berries and such that they can find. They are very opportunistic, and will eat just about anything edible, even an old carcass, which many other Draco’s will not eat.
Because they are so secluded and shy, the least is known about them. And since they’re so rare, it is considered very good luck to be able to see one.
The Friggon:
They live in the far southern regions of their planet, where there is a wide forest that constantly sees snow.
They again are mostly carnivorous, and will go on hunts with their small social group.
They are actually really good ground hunters since a lot of their prey are small, burrowing, rabbit-like animals that can easily see them in the air.
Though, they can and will take down migrating larger prey on occasion.
They can go the longest without food compare to any other Draco, but are also very opportunistic, and will eat carcasses too.
Not a whole lot is known about them either since they are also very secluded.
The Mimigon:
They live in the largest jungle/rainforest in the world as well, and can share territory with the Brawgons.
Their common name are “mimics” because they have evolved to resemble a highly venomous, bird-like animal that shares the same environment.
They are considered to be the most antisocial Draco in the world, and often only come together one on one for mating purposes. The male may stick around till the egg hatches, but will often dip after lol. If not, then the female usually chases him off, and she will raise the baby alone for the next 4 or so years.
They live a life mostly by themselves usually, though there is at least one place where they come together in vast numbers: the largest Dragon city in the world, which lies just within the rainforest.
Despite being so shy, they have become so used to the presence of dragons and their city, that many just straight up live there. They know it’s easy pickings for food and shelter since not many other animals would dare enter a dragon city.
They have become a bit of a pest on the outskirts of said city, and the large numbers of the mimics often result in fights amongst themselves. Resident Dragons are very used to the sights and terrible sounds of Mimic fights in the middle of the night.
It’s not the healthiest dynamic, but they have proven rather hard to get rid of.
The Bellowgon:
They live on tropical islands (like Hawaii), and, unlike their mimic cousins, they are very social, and live in large social groups, up to 500 members at the most.
They are known to be rather noisy, and often make a deep bellowing sound as a way to assert dominance, or intimidate predators.
They eat mostly plants and fruits, but will also eat insects and small animals as well.
Individuals can range from a dull blue, to a bright blue. The brighter the blue, the healthier an individual is, and has a better chance at mating.
The Minnagon:
They live in a high, tropical rainforest, and are perhaps the most social of the Draco’s. They live in large groups that can be up to 1,000 members at most.
They are the smallest living Draco’s on the planet, and spend the majority of their lives in trees, only really coming down to drink or use the bathroom.
They are almost entirely vegetarian, but will sometimes eat insect-like invertebrates.
Their habitat mostly stays the same year round, but they still will do mass migrations to different regions of the rainforest in order to try to find better resources.
Other random info (I may add to it later):
I know that it can’t be seen, but they all have 8 limbs. The small arms are just tucked away and against their chests, so they cannot be seen from this angle. You can probably see what I’m talking about on the Dragon.
Although they are all related, the larger ones with the light colored horns are closer relatives of the Dragons, and the darker colored horns are further away.
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ghost-bxrd · 1 month
How do Dragons treat their young?
Dragon eggs are rarely left with the dragons themselves. It’s so rare that they hatch in the first place that they’re taken to safety soon after they’re discovered for fear of squashing/freezing/stealing.
Dragons usually aren’t very paternal creatures by nature, the only beings they truly form bonds with are their riders. But once the young dragons hatch and are taken back to live in the caves, it’s not unusual for the clutch parent to assume the role of “guardian”. Ie making sure they’re not eaten by other dragons.
Occasionally there while there will also be dragons like Bat, who are very tolerant of other dragons, especially young ones. And will allow them to nest with him. But that’s highly unusual.
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ride-thedragon · 5 months
I kinda like the fact that the show is playing fast and loose with dragon lore because Game of Thrones set the precedent of different expectations in the adaptations.
Dany didn't breastfeed her dragons. One had a different rider who didn't bond deeply with him, and the other was turned against her.
Dany doesn't have the same maternal relationship with her dragons like she does in the book, and her dragons grow more rapidly than in the books where they are growing quickly, just not by that much
In the Hotd script release there was some line with Daemon alluding to the idea of Viserys claiming another dragon which was eventually cut. That never happened in the books.
With Laenor being a loose end right now, I kinda love the dragon having two riders or Addam confirming Laenor’s passing theories and can't wait to see how the show plays it out.
I know George puts a lot of thought into his dragon lore, and I love it, but the complete disregard by adapters of his work for these fire nukes is wild and the type of chaos that caters to me
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midnightsun-if · 11 months
*cracks fingers*
FIRST AND FOREMOST are there different types of dragon shifters based on ethnicity. i.e. shifters of Asians descent are they "Chinese dragons"? Do we have drakes or wyrms? Do they look more like Smaug in the Hobbit or (my personal favorite) like Draco in Dragonheart?
How big are....actual dragons? How big do the dragon shifters get? have watched How to Train your Dragon Too Much Can we ride them?
Actually are there still dragons left in the "wild"?
If so are they like a protected species or do people just leave them alone cause they have the advantage of, quite frankly, being a fucking dragon? If not how did they die out?
Are there scales/blood/horns/ect useful in alchemy? Is there a racket for dragon parts? Or if they are not useful, is there still an underground market because of superstition that they are useful?
Can dragons speak somehow? Magic or otherwise?
...CAN THEY BREATHE FIRE? (Any ideas lore wise why?) Tagging on, can shifters once shifted breathe fire?
Are they able to manifest scales out of the shifted form this would be beyond useful in a fight and so damned cool?
Speaking of scales, does the color mean anything? Like bloodline/clan/house, from a specific region, or personality?
Do any of them have noticeable features in their human forms? Like fangs/scales/claws/reptilians eyes/this shouldnt be so sexy, I shouldnt want to grab them horns ?
Dragons in lore are infamously territorially and possessive. Are dragons in this IF the same? Do the shifters experience a reflection of that?
The gold thing, do dragons have that? Do the shifters at all have a fetish preference for gold?
It was mentioned that there was...tests to become a dragons shifted fated mate. Could a human undergo these, and live? If they cant would that mean anything per say in the long run between the couple?
Are there different types of dragon shifters?
There could, in theory, be. However, there aren’t any at the given moment due to the history between dragons and the realm that the majority of supernatural species reside within.
Are there drakes and wyrms?
There are! Just not any within this realm. At least none that stay for too long.
What do dragons look like?
Dragons have a variety of appearances, but Dragon Shifters typically take on the form of what you’d recognize as a normal dragon (Inheritance Cycle // Dragonheart // Etc). In fact, there are even some Night Fury type dragons within their realm too.
The biggest dragons, that Dragon Shifters do not take the form of, are actually wyverns (think Game of Thrones for their appearance).
How big are actual dragons?
Actual dragons can range through a variety of sizes— some are as small as a cat (though they’ve never appeared in the mortal realm). The biggest, as I’ve mentioned before being wyverns, can have a wingspan of upwards of 200 feet.
How big do Dragon Shifters get?
Dragon Shifters can have a wingspan ranging from 40 to 80 feet.
Can you ride a dragon?
In theory? Yes.
In reality? You’d more likely get fried instantly.
Dragons have to trust another being implicitly in order for them to allow you to become their rider, something that very few people are able to accomplish, much less so within a realm that has a history it does with them.
Are there any dragons left in the wild?
Within this world? No. Not really.
However, all dragons are wild. A dragon is not a slave, you’ll never be able to truly tame its spirit. Even if you were to be its rider.
Are they a protected species?
Very much so. Though they rarely ever come into this realm anymore. The Voltaire Family has a direct connection to the entrance into the Draconic Realm within Transylvania; something that’s bonded them to that realm as they were the family that stood in front of the ones that wished to ransack the nesting grounds and steal the defenseless eggs (as no one would be stupid enough to go after a fully grown dragon).
Dragons aren’t dead nor are they extinct, but one could easily make that distinction as very few still remain within the mortal realm. The majority of them stay within their own realm (think of it like a Westeros/Middle Earth type place).
Are there scales/blood/horns/etc useful in alchemy?
Absolutely, but good luck getting them.
Is there a racket for them?
Yes. The Voltaire Family has been constantly met with offers of various amounts of money in order to allow people to be able to get said materials (they’ve refused every time and have killed the ones making said offers).
Can dragons speak somehow?
No, but some of have said that a bond between a dragon and its rider can lend to an emotional connection that doesn’t need words to understand.
You could probably charm a dragon to be able to speak, and if it allowed you to do so, if it’s something you really wanted to see.
Can dragons breathe fire?
Yes. Dragonfire is one of the hottest things in existence. Hotter than even hellfire.
Can Dragon Shifters breathe fire once shifted?
They absolutely can but, like with Phoenixes, their fire isn’t as hot as the actual thing. It’s still pretty fucking hot though.
Can Dragon Shifters manifest scales when in a fight?
If they have enough control? They absolutely can, but it takes a while to master, and, to the inexperienced, can expend a lot of energy that may be needed in other areas of the fight.
Do scales denote anything of importance?
Not typically, but some people commonly give the various scale colors their own meaning (even if it doesn’t mean anything). Like red dragons typically being seen as warriors.
Only real dragons, mainly seen in wyverns, will have two shades to their scales (again think of GoT). Not all dragons will though (it’s just something that’s not seen within shifters).
Do any of them, being Dragon Shifters, have any notable draconic features when in their human form? Fangs/Scales/Claws/Reptilian Eyes/Horns?
Some can, yes! It truly depends on the Clan of Dragon Shifters though. Some Clans, like with Lexa and Zephyr, do not have horns but others do (though horns are seen on male Dragon Shifters; the opposite of Dark Fae, wherein horns appear only on females).
Reptilian eyes just varies from person to person. Some can have them, some cannot. Scales and fangs don’t really make an appearance unless the shifter wishes them to do so.
Are dragons territorial and/or possessive?
Completely. They’ll defend what is theirs to the death.
Are Dragon Shifters the same way?
Yes, but it’s not to the same extreme.
Do dragons have a thing for gold?
I mean… Some could, but it’s not an overall thing.
Do Dragon Shifters?
Beside the actual worth of it? Not really, but again there are special individuals within each group.
Could a human undergo the Dragon Trials and live?
Not at all. No other supernatural species could either. As they’re designed for Dragon Shifters only.
What would that mean for the couple in the long term?
The Trials are a way to showcase to their potential mate that they’ll be a good protector. Usually when it involves two Dragon Shifters it’s decided between them who will take that role. When it comes to other species? It’ll only ever be them. Their instincts, their entire being, would not allow it to be any other way. It’s in their genes to protect their mate, especially if they’re the one that’s given the “role” of it. The protector is also the more dominant between the two… So, I wouldn’t ever romance a Dragon Shifter if you prefer to be the more dominant one (unless you were a Dragon Shifter and could take over that role).
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the-typing-dragon · 21 days
For years i thought i wanted a significant other cause i mean, thats what you're supposed to have right? Everyone is meant to have a partner. That woman is physically attractive, that means i should be sexually attracted to her and want to take her on romantic dates right?
Realizing that a you can be happy without sex or romance can be a hard realization for people, especially with how the nebulous concept of Love is identified as the Correct response in every circumstance. From your peers, from your superiors, from your media, it permeates every part of living. Identifying that you dont fit within that structure and then breaking out of it can be extremely difficult for aros and aces who just figured it out.
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frenchiefitzhere · 1 year
Another teaser for that one-hour dragon sleep aid...
The video is posted and ready to go public. Please share my channel with your friends! As soon as I get to 600 subs, I'll flip the switch and share it.
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Special thanks to my friend @mr-laveau for the amazing dragon art!
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lemonhemlock · 6 months
When you think about it, dragons are very tragic creatures in ASOIAF. They are crimes against Gods and nature, they are not supposed to exist, they are twisted, terrifying creatures who have burned countless humans... and yet it's not their fault. Frankly I consider them to be victims of Valyrians (and later Targaryens) who in their hubris created dragons via blood magic, horrific genetic experimentations and zoophilia to be used as dragonlords' personal pets/weapons.
The tragic duality of monsterhood - being too horrible to be allowed to live, yet having a nature that doesn't allow them to evolve or change for the better: surviving on performing continuous harm.
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