#Drach Caves
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partingways · 1 year ago
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travelnshit · 3 months ago
Mallorca - The Good Bits
Tuesday There are probably a metric fuck tonne of show caves in Mallorca so it’d be rude not to put at least one of them into our eyeholes. We’re both a sucker for a cave and it doesn’t seem to matter how many we gawp at over the years, we still seek out more. There are two in Porto Cristo which is just half an hour by bus away from us; Cuevas del Drach (Coves del Drach in Catalan) and Cuevas…
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kef-meister · 5 months ago
Also keep in mind that caves have their own unique systems - and letting in too many warmblooded creatures (humans) will affect them negatively.
AFAIK, the Coves del Drac in Majorca (Spain) are a major tourist attraction for good reason (the economy takes a hit if the caves are closed to the public) ... but due to the heat from the immense amount of visitors, it's actually affecting the rock formations over time.
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Caves are weirder and more varied than you think
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170K notes · View notes
Release date: 8 September 2023
Official page
Official Weverse page
Promotion Schedule: part 1, part 2
MV Making Film
V-hind 1, V-hind 2
Official merch
V's Instagram posts: album, MVs, stories (archive), in Carabanchel
Exclusive pictures on Melon
Kim Eunyoug's Instagram post
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V is the seventh member to have a solo release. The creation of the whole album featured Min Heejin (src). She explained she wanted to keep things simple to better show V's splendor (src).
There are also several appearances from Yeontan, V's pomeranian. Note however that he was replaced by another dog in "Rainy Days" MV because V couldn't take him to Spain (src). The dog in question is named Rocky and has an Instagram.
On the pre-order notice, we have a glimpse of a handwritten letter from V. Lyssy translated it here.
An exclusive photocard was featured if you bought the album at Barnes and Noble (src). The back shows the songs, not in the album order but in the release order (cr.). Another photocard shows a fake tickets with easter eggs like V's birthday (December, 30) or the release date of Layover (September 8, 2023) (src).
Rainy Days
Love Me Again
Slow Dancing
For Us
Slow Dancing (piano ver.) (lyrics)
Release date: 11, 16, 29 August, 6 September 2023
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
Outfits and accessories
Min Heejin's Instagram Reel
The pictures feature several texts:
Be humble enough
Mistake =)
Find sun (not sure about this one)
Jazz is freedom
Bangtan Greenhouse made threads identifying the plants appearing in the pictures: plants in Photo 1, plants in Photo 2.
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Concerning the two car posters, they show the custom Porsche 911SC made by Denny Kahler in 1987 (src) and a Ferrari Testarossa from 1984.
In this picture, V also wears an outfit reminding of Angus Young, the guitarist of AC/DC. The fact he has a guitar in one of the pictures accentuates the nod.
Most pictures were taken between Yeonnam-dong and Yeonhui-dong, in the northwest of Seoul. They notably went to the shop 사운즈굿 (SOUNDS GOOD STORE, they posted on Instagram) (src #1), to 매덕스피자 (Maddux Pizza) (src #1), to 미도파 (Midopa coffee house) (src #1, src #2, src #3, src #4), a cafe that was holding an exposition titled Videorama during the shooting (see their Instagram post) and to 피프에스프레소바 (Pfiff Espresso Bar).
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The picture taken in the middle of a street in the second series was snapped here (src). As for the next one, it was taken nearby and there's another one taken two steps away, right in front of the gas station. And the two pictures with a vegetal background were taken on the street behind (here (src) and here). Please refer to this Google map (Chapter 2 > Layover's concept photo), for the location of these different places.
Thanks to the testimony of the owners and based on V's outfit, @jellda0 managed to reconstitute the path the team may have followed during the shooting.
Love Me Again
Release date: 10 August 2023
Special picture for Melon and Spotify (archive)
Outfits and accessories: tweets from BangtanStyling
The video was filmed in the Caves of Drach in Mallorca, Spain (src).
Rainy Days
Release date: 11 August 2023
Min Heejin's Instagram post: #1, #2, #3
Outfits and accessories: tweets from BangtanStyling
The MV was filmed in the penthouse of the Torres Blancas in Madrid (src).
The video starts with the following text:
When you listen really carefully Loops go wheeling Cozy and stuck,
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The birds fly in a V formation but backward to what they would do naturally (the point of the V is supposed to be at the front, not the opposite, though it can happen as a transitory thing). Several people interpreted it in relation to the lyrics about being stuck in the past.
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The cartoon we see at 1:33 is an episode from Mighty Mouse titled "Wolf! Wolf!", released in the 1940s. A lamb is tricked into a wolf's den by following jazz music, reminding of the Pied Piper of Hamelin story.
The next extract shows a red fox cub from a European documentary released in the 1970s (and now available as a stock video on Shutterstock).
Lastly, the blooming rose comes from this stock video.
All the videos show symbols reminding The Little Prince (cr.). The Little Prince asks the narrator to draw a lamb, he becomes friends with a fox and he loves a rose. You can check @JKs_Waist's thread on Twitter for more details.
Several hints show V is an animator and his flat is his studio. @ halogen_803 made a great thread about it.
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V uses a baguette to paint. On the left, you can notice a rotating picture that seems to come from the concept photo.
Slow Dancing
Release date: 8 September 2023
Min Heejin's Instagram post
Rachel JM. A's Instagram post: #1, #2, #3
Shin Dongle's Instagram post
Outfit and accessories: white shirt
They were again in Mallorca and Madrid for the filming. They filmed the beach scenes at Portals Vells and the street scenes in Carabanchel (see this map for details).
We know the identity of most of the extras who played in the MV:
Sergio Pérez: Instagram post, Reel
Bryan Montero: Instagram post
Amelia Pinillos: Instagram post
yuantao: Instagram post
Emilio and José León: Instagram post
Karel López: Instagram post
Benedict Justin (the person filming in the background during the dance scene)
Quique Muro López: Instagram post, highlights
Alberto Tosco: Instagram post
(see part 2 → for the rest)
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filmap · 2 years ago
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El verdugo / The Executioner Luis García Berlanga. 1963
Cave Coves del drach, Ctra. de les Coves, s/n, 07680 Porto Cristo, Illes Balears, Spain See in map
See in imdb
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(019) Die drei ??? und der Teufelsberg
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Auch wenn man nicht an Gespenster glaubt, bei einem abendlichen Spaziergang durchs Tal der Wehklagen können einem schon die Haare zu Berge stehen. Klar, dass unsere drei Detektive dem schauerlichen Heulen, dem das Tal seinen Namen verdankt, nachgehen müssen. Das jeden Abend einsetzende Stöhnen scheint aus einer Höhle im Teufelsberg zu kommen, doch sobald man sie betritt, herrscht Ruhe. Sollte an den Gerüchten, dass El Diablo, ein offiziell totgesagter Bandit, dort umgeht, doch etwas dransein?
Buch (Random House): 010, 1968, William Arden, The Mystery of the Moaning Cave Buch (Kosmos): 013, 1974, Leonore Puschert (aus dem Amerikanischen übertragen) Hörspiel (Europa): 019, 1980
⁉️ Allgemein
Santa Clara (vermutlich)
Spuk, Diebstahl
Justus Jonas
Peter Shaw
Bob Andrews
Mr. Dalton, Besitzer der Ranch
Cardigo, Arbeitet auf der Ranch
Luke Hardin, Vorarbeiter der Ranch
Mrs. Dalton, Frau von Mr. Dalton
Prof. Walsh, Historiker der Geschichte Kaliforniens / Laszlo Viktor, Diamantendieb (😈)
Ben Jackson, Prospektor
Waldo Turner, Prospektor
Castro, Junge der auf der Ranch arbeitet (keine Sprechrolle)
Marinetaucher (kein Name genannt)
Mr. Reston, Detektiv

🏖 Rocky Beach Universum
Pazifik Küste
El Diablos Höhle, eine Höhle im Tal der Wehklagen
Tal der Wehklagen, ein Areal auf dem Gebiet der Mendoza Ranch
Santa Clara, Stadt
Nevada, Mr. Reston kommt von dort
Mendoza Ranch
Bibliothek in Santa Clara
Die Natives haben eine Sage, dass ein blankes, schwarzes Ungeheuer in einem Wasserloch in der El Diablo Höhle lebt
El Diablo war wie eine Art Robin Hood und wurde 1898 festgenommen, floh aber wieder und versteckte sich in den Höhlen im jetzigen Tal der Wehklagen.
Justus ist alleine mit Peter unterwegs und spricht Peters unfehlbaren Orientierungssinn an. In der Folge "... und das Auge des Drachen (113)" sagt Justus erneut, dass Peter einen guten Orientierungssinn hat und Bob fragt: "Seit wann denn das?!"

🛼 Sonstiges
Lustige Dialoge
Justus: "Vielleicht ist es El Diablo selbst." Peter: "Du bist ja nicht bei Trost! Wir glauben doch nicht an Gespenster."
Bob: "Über Gespenster ist noch nicht das letzte Wort gesprochen! Allerdings sind wir noch nie einem richtigen begegnet."
Peter: "Urghlwärblghlbghlbghlb." Justus: "Peter, hör' doch mal auf! Das stört!" Peter: *Schluck* "Na schön." [Peter gurgelt wohl, aber es wird nicht explizit erwähnt oder erklärt, was dieses Geräusch war.]
Justus: "Sind Sie Froschmann von der Marine?"

🏳️‍🌈 Queer/diversity read
Shippy moments
Bob: "Weißt du, was Justus vor hat, Peter?" Peter: "Och, keine Ahnung!"
Peter: "Ich kann mich nicht halten! Bob hilf mir! Bob, ich stürze ab!" Bob: "Ich kann nicht! Ich auch!" [Nahezu identischer Dialog in "... und der unheimliche Drache (007)"]
Diversity, Political Correctness and Feminism
Die Folge hat auf Spotify einen Disclaimer, dass diese Folge ein "Produkt ihrer Zeit ist" und womöglich diskriminierende Inhalte haben kann. Aber im Grunde ist sie genau so schlimm, wie andere Folge auch, siehe "Indianer" etc.
Die drei kaufen sich mexikanische Sombreros, weil in Santa Clara "Fiesta" ist
Menschen verkleiden sich als Indianer
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myinternetcorner · 27 days ago
false history-hidden cave underground facility
First,there was A Visnu statue,but it was false,there was a draconian blue type that made false humanity and false idol,first to fight them was Martin's double and monster was Sarah himself,being demonic entity that have eating livingstock and making false indentity,humans,replicating all of them,last was great man that she love but she did hurt him,and last android maker is still there making evil humans,to concquer galaxy and make replicas.This draconian history is so old,I wonder if there is other drachs in there,or this is all Visnu doubles?Indentity is definitely old dracos.The monster was Abraxo,but half lion was also present,abraxo lost,he is not strong,the real monster is still destroying all humanity,only hope was to change direction of their history,but Sara was destroying,and Abraxo was and still is with cosmic parasite.First fight ended with heart of evil steel being destroyed,and then monster comback with more evil loosh spirit feeders,then it was obvious half of them were used for making replicas,someone nuked them,and then this star wars type came,and plead for chance for saving his family(only one),and then they had deal for this false humanity.Martin knew this,but his children were used for ultima,protecting the devil,instead of being destroyed,and then of course geez came they made little Martin false,and then this made sense that he only believes in flying serpent,not even god.This god is so old alchemical mundus,that is stiff to real scientist in this field.The real alchemy is not this,and they as this god made a virtual reality to test all this.What are people exactly,replicated persons,not real,but if you ask alchemist,they told just partly them,not complete person.This is complete mistake,and they knew,that this is abortion,not healing.The matrix having this,is even worse.The real man used for this evil are now demonic.They are making all possible to be El dorado too.Using metals to shine,but only masking light,and that is this lying false light to trap all to come and play a game inside this evil planetary system.The planet where they played is now cosmic trap and farming for this big monster,being mosterous being,used to power cloning centres where they present as saints or false idol or anything religion type.The real question is why they trap children if they are gods?No,they are lying big time and nothing made sense,except fire was done fire and torch the evil demonic,which is kinda weird since everything is fantasy and real shit was where oblivion setting was,that part was like mistake,but then this fireworks and frogs village made so much mess,that nobody did what should be,eliminate evil nor devils now it seems that they are controlling them with devils,not god,only fools can believe that.Fireworks was like blowing village,but torched them and frogs did flew(from old lab).They all did this and they now live in hell(current residents).They are like being hateful,and can't leave hell.Now,interesting is these are not them,and they are like in angry,wanting to destroy.I only saw few of them,and they have shotguns,I'm thinking maybe somewhere near hell,or maybe not here where these live.These reptilians are old,but not good.The current system is protected,nobody did tell what world is they say Samus and Sara,Samson,but now after this,seems they do have hell outside too,even worse.The devils are outside,but are not attacking,they seem to not do it,except when they do have magic,but if they do not have,they are on level of this evil,I suspected they attacked me with real magic back then,now did not,they have village,all of them like not talking,except few,but nobody did cross this village,they live worst village,they say this is last of them,but I dunno what are these hiding,seems like evil place that nobody goes.So,relics are from them,they do have real dragon eating but these are unable to even accept this.Farthest place is the church of dead people.Christian god is dead,since there is a big hole near where shouldn't be,meaning they are hiding real world outside of this god evil like person.
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medecca-tales · 3 months ago
Medecca is a somewhat large world made up of 9 major continents. Read like a book - from top left to bottom right - they are named:
Twin Knife (a smaller continent with a large central forest that is dominated by the Fey)
Dragon's Wing (one of the most northern, a frozen wasteland with volcanic temples as the only bastion of life)
Dragon's Crown (the smallest continent, home of Dragons. Their warmth keeps the frost away from their many mountains and caves)
Drach Bine (a continent of sand that burns eternally, with a large population that lives underground in massive catacombs cities)
Emerald Gem (covered in swamps, the island is filled with life... though that life may be remaining Fey, witches, cultists, and those that trudge along in the society they fight to maintain)
Central Plains (large floating farm islands float above the lands that provide a rich harvest to the world)
Wolford (a long abandoned continent due to legends of old, a new country has started its infancy)
Phel Dorono (desert continent, where the sand contains a magical spice, a storm rages in a slow circle across the continent, and the capital is mobile)
Cheschire's Grin (a free continent, with roaming tribes and clans that refuse a new ruler to these lands, and tend to the ancient runes that were born at the infancy of the world)
More lands exist, but they hold less importance and likely won't contain stories.
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coffeenewstom · 5 months ago
Kretisches Kaffeetagebuch: Frau Drache
Nach diesem unerwarteten Zusatzhaken geht es weiter nach Plan: Kostas hat als nächsten Halt eine Taverne ausgesucht. Und natürlich nicht irgend eine, sondern die Dragon’s Cave Tavern. Google verzeichnet etwas oberhalb der Taverne sogar eine Drachenhöhle. Auch in der näheren Umgebung gibt es einen “Dragon’s Overlook” und einen “Dragons Beach”. Scheint ein vielseitiger Drache zu sein, dem wir –…
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partingways · 1 year ago
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Cuevas de Drach
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mycloudwinner · 8 months ago
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The Drach Caves are a true gift of nature ✨ Make a note of it on your route around the island, you’ll appreciate it! 💙
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magnicifent · 1 year ago
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Cuevas del Drach are four great caves that are located in the island of Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain.
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sooanekmek · 1 year ago
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Drach Caves in Spain!🇪🇸
Video on TikTok! Yippeee!!
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qspades · 1 year ago
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Cuevas del Drach are four great caves that are located in the island of Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain.
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anditsxsorrows · 1 year ago
Cuevas del Drach are four great caves that are located in the island of Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain.
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plan-s23 · 2 years ago
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Cuevas del Drach are four great caves that are located in the island of Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain.
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